THE DAILY BEE-IHU11SDA Y.JAN CTAEY 1 8 "VsTI N Ii RN PRICES lUPLICATED , 32 Mm STREET AND 33 PEARL ST. ( New McMahon Block , next door to Postoffice. ) COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - w KESPEOTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT HE IS NOW EECEIVING A VERY LARGE STOCK OF WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES , CAEE ULLY SELECTED from the full line of the LEADING MANUFACTORIES. Citizens of Council Bluffs and surrounding towns are respectfvlly invited to examine THE MEW STYLES FOR 1883 , whether you wish to buy or not , PRICES guaranteed as LOW as anywhere in the United States. TO W _ A _ . PROPRIETOR OF TALL ! Headquarters for the justly Celebrated WEBER PIANOS , now approved and used by a'l ' first class Artists. WESTERN _ _ .rACE ASM BURDETTE ORGANS. Importer and dealer in MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , such as Violins , Guitars , Accordeons , Music Boxes , Italian Strings , Etc. , , Etc. Also a full line of IMITJSXG IBOOIKISIMITJSIO BXZKTIDIEIRS ID SIBIIEIET IMITJSIO , Fancy Goods , Childrens' Carriages , Velocipedes , Bycicles , Carts and Wagons. To make room for new stock I will sell at E Good Organs at $50 and upward. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Monthly Payments. Orders solicited. Address , J. MUELLER , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WATER WAVES a That never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. Quod's Hair Store , at prices never before touched by 07 other hair dealer. Also a full line of switches , etc. at greatly reduced prices. Also gold , Urer and colored note. Wave , ) made fiom lodlee' own halt. Do not ( all to call before purchasing .Bowhcre , AH goods warranted aa represented. MRS. J. J. OOOD , 11 Main tre i. Ounoll Tllnf" . Inw ITLE ABSTRACT 0 F FCE. ! 3r. " V. i a T j" 3C JS'Sf yj C 4d 4tu& < Lauds and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. KOTAEIE3 PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. BLUFFS IOWA. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AIiD RETAIL DEALERS IN LACKAIAfflA , LEHIGH , BLOSSBUB6 A.ND ALL GOHNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Office No , 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor , Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluffa. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING DEALER IN 3C 2E& 3O > 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa , JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Oonnaollor at Law , COUNCIL I.LUFFS , IOWA , Office Droidway , betwiwn Mi In and Tea traoti. 'VU1 practice In State and IVdo I. D IDKUKDSO.X , n. L. snCOAET. A. W.KR8IT , Provident. Vlco-1'rcet. Canhler , CITIZENS BANK OI Council Blnf7 . Orzanlcod under the laws of the SUto of Iowa Pdd up catilUl f 75,0 0 Authorised capital SO.OC Interest paid on time deposit ? . Drafts l-wnoj on the principal cltln of the United Sutea aud Europe , bpoclil tttcntlcn clven to collection and correspondence with prompt uturra DIRMCTOSJ ) . J. D. Edmnndwn , E. I. . Ehuart , 3. T Htri , co , J. W. Uodfor , I. A. UMei A. W. atrcet , l > 7dtl IUM. orricsu. w. u. M , rc t. OFFICER & PUSSY , 3EE.TSJ33C3O PtS , Goecil Bluffs , la , Established , 1868 D alen In Fortlyn | ind | DomwUcJ Eichange MBS , E , J , HAEDINB , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNEGOLOGHST. Oradcatt of nrctropathlc Isgtltutlcn , Phlli. delphla , I'tcni. OlflCQ Cor , Broadway & Olenn Ave. COTOCII. BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment ol all dltcagel and r lnlcl dlt ttcultles peculiar to rrmalea a polaltr. Oi iCi J& . 2K. O El X "OP 3E1 CJ T. Office over taring bank. OOUNOIL BLUFFS , low * IOWA ITEMS. Another creamery la to bo built near Mason Olty. The largest barrel factory in the elate is to be built at Atlantic. Des Molnes has decided to experiment with the electric light. A bogm policeman Ins been engaged in the blackmailing business in Dea Moluee. Went TiTnion nnd Dubuque nro having fraternal time which ii truly delightful. IJlho Odebolt Methodist church , which coat $2,700. waa dedicated on Sunday , the 7th. 7th.Four Four hogs were recently sold in Farley , Dubcque county , which weighoi 2,000 pouudu. Arrangements are being made fnr the erection of u cannon factory at Webster City. City.Tho The Storm Lake Tribune complains that the telephoned maCe buslncn dull on the The Sumner rioter ? , to the number of tix , have been arrested and held to ยง , r > CO ) &il each. The people ot Britt , Hancock county , re moving to get the county coat away ram Concord. A Io4o of the Knight * of Pythias 1ms ) een initiated inTlptou with tweuty-floven charter inemborH. Duluquo has been investigating ita ho- elf , and finds that none of them hare lire escapes. The Ida County Detectiva society for .he recovery of stolen horfio.i and mules is teeplog up a vigorous existence. The City hank of Boone ban started out with $10,000 additional caoital this year , and cuw adrertieos 3100,000 capital. A plan of organization has been adopted for connecting Davenport , Hock Island and Moline with continuous line of street \n \ , The DSJ Mou ! Masons appeal to their bretluen throughout the state for help. They lost over 86,000 north of property by the leient fire. Three more deaths from Htnall pox arc reported from Friswold. Nn new canes exist , however , and the disease is thought to Le checked. The postmaster at KmersDn , MilU county - ty , ban been removed and a young mnn , who is n stranger in the place , has been ap pointed in hi * place. The citizens nro re potted oo indignant , A gang of six thiavcs and burglars U heading from Chicngo for Do * Molned over the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy road. The nmall towns are belli ; ; worked by them. A mother , daughter and tbu latter' * three-months-old illegitimate ) > Vbo , were cnli ooaod lit Dabuqne on Wednesday night , both women being beistly iutoxj- cated , Ifo rrr ? , which was laid low by a cyclone in July last , i < recovering fr m tlio blow , id : the 1'rmbyterUn chuich , which WAS denvjlirhed at that time , will bo rebuilt in the gpriog. Two trampt were found in ft corn c r n' ' Dunlap nearly dead from cold and expcs ute \Vednfnday , They had cjmo fron Is'nbraaka. One of them his nlnco paa-ci in liii cbeckv. Tw i prnanrctnra for coil at Chesterfield near DCS Molne , havoborfd intua vein o mi'ky ' fluid which they believe to bo n val liable mineral or ungneala. The vein wa struck 171 foot down , and boiled up twelv fcot high. StmWn , therx-poHlmaitcrof thoAudu bon ollice , has nklppod thn country , and I is clearly denionbtntu-1 that he 1) a defaul ter. Ho huH not reported to Waihlugtoi for nix months , Des Molnes will now have a chance t appreciate the telephone , the exchang having been destroyed In the fire whlc burned the ' lapp block , Nearly a mont will be required before another exchant ; can he established. The trouble between ths Des Moine water works company and the city has bee by the recent fire. It ti M terted by the News that the fireman were nablo to throw a stream more than ten eet high for a half an hour after the fire tarted. \ A can filled with live coal a and covered rith ashes was found near a now brick milding In Des Molnes on Wednesday tght. Tracks leading from ita location to lu building roveilod preparations to rob IB building and then tot it on fire. HorsforiTs Acid Phosphate. AH A UltAIN FOOD , DiS. . F. NEWCOMER , M. D. , jrecnfibld , 0. , Days : ' 'In o.incs of jonoral debility , nnd torpor of mind md body , it docs exceedingly well. " TWICE BUTCHERED. A Bklpper'a Hough Experience with GUInoso Plratoa. an Francisco Call. On her Inot vogago from China ithcr Itho steamihip Olty of Tokio rouf ht ntnoui ; her iinssonKora a man who carries with him evidences of nn rdoal , to have passed through which and uurvlvo aooins but little abort of a miracle , unleaa to bo spitted on a oarding-pike and afterward dlaem- owolcd is to bd conaldorcd a thing not particularly hazirdoua to onu'a ifo. Francla Oliver , the peraon re- erred to , waa born in Detroit , Mioti , , the 8th of November , 1838. lie ommoncod life aa a pallor boy on the akoa , and In 1855 wont to oca before ho mast. In 1860 ho sailed from jondon in the British ship Lauderdale - dale for Hong Kong. At thu latter port ho loft the Liudordalo and on- od In the Ohlnoso coast trade , firat an master of a small vessel , and after ward an master and owner of a trad- ng echooncr or lorclm. Ilia trade was mainly between Hong Konc and Shanghai. Ho waa vary eucceasful , and aa the cimom houao oi&sora at .lioso ports were only human , lui irofita were largo. Oapt. Oliver mul tiplied hia Vfcsolu until at ono time ho owned fourteen , all coasters. The Ohlncso Boas at that tlmo awarmod with pirates , nnd it was necessary to bo Veil armed for protection ogiinat thoao maraudcra of the hi.qh aeaa. Sr\rc3ly a voyage wai accomplished without encountering ono or more of them until , aa O.tpt. Oliver raid to u OU1 reporter yesterday , it got to bd a sort of pastime with him , Said the captain : ' I was no BO well armed th&t I knorr the piratoi could ntand no aho.v wilh mo , and wlienovcr I naw a pinticnl junk 1 ulwayu went for it , nad made cloiiti work.1 1 XtVEH LEIT ANY ALIVK or n junk alloit that I attacked. In the latter part of November , 1863 , I Bailed in my lorclia H JCQ from .Shuij- ) | hat In ballast , ( { ivii.g out tlmt I wau gcing to Kui K'ung , hut wlien 1 Rot away frrm nort I dirootod my courno for * lho Nirt'.ern Inhride. When nbonl 0 mlloa from Shanghai I aaw a jank which I know at once from ccr tain Indications M bu a pirate , bhu bore d'Jim upon aa until I could b'-o at her fore and main-mast headi the arrangements alwsy.i carried by these predatory vi l tns for throwing barn Ing 'atit k-pots' down on the docka of thtlr onomloa. The junk wan foot times ai largo ai the Itoao , my lorchu , and BWarraud with the plratea , Tht Iloao wan headed right for thorn. 1 aupposu they thougnt they had a euro thing of mo. I had olght cannons on board , besides rides , boarding plket and oatlaarea snlliclent for all pur- poeoa , My mate wai an Eugllshman. I had also two quartermasters and a crow of fifteen Ohinamon. The China men liked mo , and would have given their llvoa for roo. Aa wo drew near to the junk I observed ono of her men go up to the atlntc pota at the main- maat head , and another to thoao on the foremast. I gave my nmto ono rlllu and I took another. I oaid to the mate , 'Now , as soon aa you coo that follow light a fuse , lire , and don't ' inies him. ' The mate , for aomo eoaaon , manifested a diapoaltion not to fijht. I told him ho could take his choica , cither do as I told him or go below in Irons. Ha promised to obey ordora. I told him to take the man on the mainmoat , and If ho missed him that I' would blow hla brainn out. A VARUO Du.iplcion had crept into my mind that ho meant treachery ; but ho kept hla promiqo. I looked out for the man on the pirato'a foremast. The epnco between - tweon the two vi'Bseo gradu lly ion- toned. At length I obuurvod.hnt I had boon watching for a little fl ish of fire , and u thin line of blue umoko curl away from the follow at the mast- head. 1 know that in another moment a burning atink-pot would bo on oar Icck unions wo made euro nail and [ uick work. I give the word , and wo ired almoat nlmultaneously. Both of .ho pirates foil to the dock of the junk , and the stlnk-pota they had ignited with them. The Koto was to the windward of the junk. I put my lohn hard down , got cloeo alongside , and fastened to her with grappling looks. AT CLOHIi CJUAUTK11H. The pirates made a raah to board my lorcha. They were armed with peers or apikco. About lilty of crowded upon mo nnd a opeor .vas drlvon through my body , ontor- ng my left side below the ribs , and coming out on the right aido. It was Irawn out , but I immediately bocnmo slble. My imn : thought 1 waa , but kept tip the light , for it was mitttor of lifn and death with them alao. The junk hnd caught fire from , ho burning ntink-pots that foil from iloft. The Hone ca f. elf the grappling lookn and got away from the junk , standing elf a nufliciont distance to eco her burn and io down. Every mo of the infernal cro r wau killed or drowned. When it was found that I till had hfo in mo I wan carried bo low. The mate took the HOBO back lo Shanghai , where I received medical uul , I wai unconscious or dulirous fur thri.o inonthu , but at last eulli- cicntly n.covtrod to lu ubout , thonyh 1 could never do any aativit bneincas 1 BUfl'orod intensely ut timer , nnd thu functions of nature were rnapcuded Kr wools at a tinuMy nulFurlnna intrrtasod and 1 begged the physicians to cat mo open and BOO if they could not gat ut nnd romndy the diflhully. They told ma that it would bu lUmojt HUM death. I wnu'd r.utur < lie iliMi aulfor saoh toriuro , nnd uf or tnren ycata' pleading wi'h thorn , thby s'nd I would die anyhow , co there would l > o really no risk in perf-jrinlng the opcr ation. They did it , cuttink ? open my abdmieu nnd aldo loi' ' st hall way or. . und my body , They took out my intcnlfno and vrailiod them and aldu washed tha Iniorlor walls of my body. They aaw my kldneya ; in fact , I wan cotnplctoly dlsombowled. After washing the Intestines they were re placed and the Incision waa Bowed up , leaving only u aperture In my left aide , just whore the pirate's spoor en tered. Through this operation nature has over performed her functions. I Buffer much from it , and It is n great inconvenience , but I cannot help it. The doctors looked upon my recovery as marvellous. It has boon now olovcn yearn elnco the operation waa performed. " To all oztornal appearance ho in per fectly healthy. Ho ia a compactly built man , five foot olght nnd three- quarter inches in height. At the tlmo of the encounter In which ho was npearod ho weighed 17-1 ponnua ; iio now weighs between 135 and 140 pounds. Ho has exhausted his moans and Is unablu to ougigc in any occu pation that would require physical ex ertion or much walking. Ho nnys n , night watchman or BO mo pooition of that sort would nuit him. Ho is now Htopplng at No. 7i Mission street. Hcmoit and Liberal. When the Hopp In each bottle of Hop Bitters ( at the present price , $1 25 per U > . ) cost rnoro than a bottle la aold for , besides the other costly medicines , and the quality and price are kept the Bamo , wa think it ia honest and liberal in the proprietors , and'no ono should complain , or buyer or use worthless stuil , or chontlug bogus imitations because the price ia ICBB. - FOR - CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , "MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , mam FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all Polut * E t itjr0 | > outh > Eait. tldaily 4,0(0 miles. KolUl Smooth Heed Track II contuctloru nru maJo In UNION DtPOTS hM Nitlonal llipntttlon 3 btlni ; tin rent Through Oar Line , aud la uulvuriull nce-loj to b thu FINEiJT EQUIPPED l\\\- \ \ 'l In the world lor nil cUwMi ul travel. Try It and von will llnii trhvcllcg Initcad ol a uliioomlort. ThiouKU lltketd via rhu OulcLirnted Line ( Ol tile kt nil oUlcua In the Woo. All Inlormntlon oliout ItttKa o Pure , ( ilcvplny C'r Acocmuio.iitlom , llnio Tsbles , 4c. , will be .hoorlully vlvun I > y ai > plylnlnz lo T. J. POTTED. 2d Vlco-l'rca't & Qeu , M nncrChlta O PEROIVAL LOWELU Oou. Paueruei Alt. OhlckgO W , J. DAVtNl'OKT , U n. Agent , Conncll Dloffi. II. V. OUKLL , Ticket | igt. THE SHORT LINE OK TUB OIBCXO.A.a-0 , Milwaukee & St Paul KAJLWAY It now running It * FAST EXPRESS TRAINS from OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS WITH Pullman's Mapiflcent Sleepers AND THE Finest Dining Cars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO1 MILWAUKEE. Or to HIT point buyoml : or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS' Take the BEST HOUTB , the Chicago , Milwaukee&St.PaulE'y Ticket office located at corner Farnam and FourUnnth street * and at U. 1 * . Depot and ak lllllnd Hotel , Omaha. tJTSoe Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Arent. 0. II. FOOTK , Ticket Agent , Omaha. 8. B. MEHIULL , A. V. II. CAIU-FJiTEK , UuneriU Manager , OuiKTairojiH. Ar n t. J. T. CI.AUK. OEO. II. HEAFFOUD , OengralSup't. Asa't Qeu. 1'aa * . Afflttt. Sioux Git ; & Pacific THH BIOUX CITY ROUTB Bang a Solid Train Ihrongh ham Oonncil Blufls to St. Paul Without Ch nc Tlm , Only 17 Hour * S.CJC3 UILKJ xiu'anoBTH novta MOM OOUNOIL BLUFFS TO OT. PADL , MQJHSAPOLIiJ DULUTH OR BIBMAHOK rind alt points la Northern lews , UIane , U and DtioU. This Hue ll orjulpjifd wlvh the Improved WMlloghoces Autntcatlo Ar-btakj nj UUU Morm Cncor ! and IluCn .sd fur BVKKP. SAFETY AND COMFORT It Qnicrciuaod. 1'ullman PalMe Blotplnz Cat lun thiou < h WITHOUT GUANOS boUoon Hani n Oltracd St. faol , vti Conncl. DJnfli and Qlaux City. TrMniltnvelclon P il3o Tii.nir at Coon ell bluau , U 7.30 p. m. dally ou irrlral Kinui My. lit Joseph aod Council 111 iVi ( tain iiom thui'nutl' . AirivlD * t Hlcm CUv 11:10 : p. m. , and aMtis Sew Union BvtmtatS : P ol a , 11:15 : nnoQ . ICfl HOPEB IH ADVANCE CV AST OTUEB HOUTl. flrlUaitmbor la tivkiuf ; ibe Blot\ City lion yMK li\Thioau Tml.i. The tts.ttoel the QuIckthtTluie aud a CcmjUjla lild * la Ih XbrouzhC j b t < icn COUNCIL DLUrffl AHU fff. PAUL. / fflTfljlh t jour'rteieSa lud rla Ibo "Elotu Olty and 1'nciBc lUUo ! J 1. 0. WATTtKS , J.P. DC01AJAH 8lp lnUnd ! ot C.u1 Fan. Aim UI'C"il Volley l W. K , DAVI'j ' cthire.lom ra Coaccll MRS , fi. J. HILTON , M , D , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , I SKX Broadw * * . CouaolllBtefe ,