THE DAlLVf BE..V-OMAHA THURSDAY JANUAEY 18 Nebraska National Bank Of Omaha , Nob. up Capital , - - - - $350.000 DIRECTORS z n. JOIIK30K , Frceldent , ol Stoo.0 , Johnson & Co. A. R. TOUZAUN , Vlc TmlJont , ol a , n. & Q. II. U. , Uo ton. r7. V. MOUSE , ol W. V. Mor o& Co. OIIN S. COLLINS , ol 0 , It. & J. S. Collins. M. WOOLWOHTU , CoctwcUor ft Attorncy-at- Uw. 8. UKED.ol Uyron Uced & Co. W. YATES , Cashier , tat Canhler ol th rin > l National Bank ol Omaha , and connected with the active management ol that Dank since Ui organization In 1 C3. UruiD lor business April 27 , 16S2 , with thf rjje t capllil ol any bank In NobrnaU. Oou.tcno.N3 receive tpoclal attention and char' ( en lonmt obtMu&blo htra or elsewhere. ItTxnuT allowed on time deposits upon f vor able torirj and upon accounts ol bunluanu lick- KACIIANOB , Government Sard : , and Ccuity nd Cl y securltled bought and uold. It In prepared tj do a suuerat banking liu lucn in all I to details , .mj In tha treatment of custom- oru Kill pimuo the meet liberal policy cowUtcr I FIHAKCE AIIP COMMEBGE. FINAWCIAJL. Hptclal Dlrpatchto TUB Unx. NKW Yonx , Jnminry 17. Money- Closed at 3 ( 4 per cent. Prime Mercantile raper-Ol < g < 5J per cent. Sterling Exchange-Strong ; bankers' bills at 31.82i ; demand. G4 80i Uovernmenta Irregular , but in the mala weak. To-day's builnetn on the stock exchange Indicated a complete change in the temper o ! the market as compared with a week ngo. This has been tbe largest day's buel- ness this year , and on this increasing vol ume of business prices have tteadily ad * vanced for every stock on the lUt , the active or average advance being from i@2 par cent. The moat active stocki lu the las ) hour were cool shares , Northern Pa * clfio , Texas & Pacific , Wabash , Western Union , St. Paul and Loniovlllo & Nash ville. In final dealings the market wan strong at the highest prices ef the day and at higher figuiex than at any time since the tnlddU of December. It wax currently reported this morning that negotiations were pending fur an agreement by which Chicago , Burlington & Quiucy and the Wabaeh shall have joint use of the Han nibal & St. Joseph. COVKBNiLENTS. Yesterday. To-day. S's 103J 103 $ 6'g 10'Ji 102 4Va Cuupona 113J 113 Paclfi : S's of 1805 1'JO ' BONDS. Central Pacific firsts 113& & Eric seconds 07 Lehigh & Wllkcbbarre lO.'J Louisiana consols. . 'I' i Missouri ( > 'a 1IU 8t. Joecph lU'J Bt , Paul k Sioux City lirats. II3 Tennessee G'u 41 do now 41 Tcias & Pacific laud grants. . r > 8J do H. G. div. . . . hfl Union Pacific let mortgage. .1136 do laud frants. ; . .11' ' ) do ( inking fund. .119 Virginia B'a 85 do coiiiolrt ( i's 55 do deferred V.'J Adaina Expreaa 133 Allegheny 112 Alton & Tcrro Hnute Jili do pfd. . . . J3 American Express 91 Uurl. , Cedar itapids & North. S2 Canada Southern 07 Col. , Cta. &Ind. Central. . . . 104 Central Pacific 8 Chesapeake & Ohio 22 do 1st pfd. . . m do 2d pfd. . . 245 Chicago & Alton 13tU do pfd 140 Chi. , Burl. & Quincy liilg Ohl. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 70 Cin. , Sand. & Cleveland 49 Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . 79 Delaware & Iludeon canal. . . 10S I Del. , Lack. & VVebtern 127 } ] Denver & Kio Grande 14G ; } Erie 4i4 do pfd 821 Baal Tennessee Of , * N. do preferred. 174 v\Fort Wuyno & Chicago lEli Uannibal& at. Joseph 4.- ) do pfd. . . 78 Harlem l't ) > Houston fe Texas Central. . . . 7C Illinois Central 1 lu'i Ind. , Bloom. & Weatcrn 31 Kansas & Toxaa 34 Lake Erie 4 Western S i i Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 1134 Louisville & Nashville f > i\ ; \ Louiav. , New Alb. & Chicago 6 Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 10 do do 2dpM BJ Memiihlat Charloaton 48 } Michigan Central U8J MiuDeapolis ft St. Louii. . . . 'M do pfd. fill Missouri Pacific 10a Mobile & Ohio 110 Manhattan Beach ll''J Morris & Essex ( ill Nev/ Jersey Central 73J Nnshvillo * : Chnttanoo'a [ 481/ / Northern Ptwltic 4 ! ) do pfd 853 Northwestern IDl'j do pfd 148J New York Central Iv75 Ohio Control 13j ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' do 'pfd' . . . . . . 'M Ontario & Western 1 'JiJ ( Oregon Transcontinental 85JJ Pacific Mail 42 Panama 117 Peoria , Dccntur 4 ; hvnnuv. . . Wf PitUburgft Clovnland 140 Pullmun Palace Car 121 Reading fO Keck Island 125J , Bt. Louis & San Frsn 8.S do pfd. . . . 51 do 1st pfd ! )2A ) Bt. Paul & Milwaukbo 1071 do pfd.12l3 St. Paul , Minn , ft Manitoba 1I3/ / St. Paul & Omaha f > L'j dj pfd 111 Texas & Pacific 41 | ) Union Pacific 104J United States Express 03 Wabwh , St. L. & Pacific. . . . ar > S do pfd. 65 Wells , Fargo & Co. Express. 12.1 Western Union Telegraph. . . 831 Caribou lj Central Arizona cj Excehior 1 Homostake 18 } Uttle Pittsburg 1 Ontario 34J Qulcknllver 8 do pfd ? 0 ' ' ' " " " " " SUver Glilf' . . . ! ! ! ! ' / South Pacific 10 Standard < > | Hutro i Offereil , tEx. Interest. JAekcd. | | Kx. Dividend. FOREIGN FINANCE. Special Dliatchto | Tllit linn. LONDON. I/JNDON , January 17. 5 p. in. I'nited talcs Uondi New Q'a extended , 10" > J ; 4JX 1 0) ) . United Statco Railroad Securities II llnols Central , 1COJ ; New York Central , Jl JjErie , Ujfj Heading , 29 , PRODUOliJ & P- { ' . llm. CIIIPAOO. CHICAGO , Jauuuy 17. Fliur- De mand gnud nnd tending up crd ; comtumt LJ choke KjtrmK wheats , 3 6t4 ) 7i ; common to fancy Mmiiiwla. nfO&)4 ) ! 2.i ; linlier.1 2&CJ5 Mj pH ntH , ft W7 ) 'J'-s winter whentr , 1 l)0@b ) CD ; low yrmle- uu S f.O. Wne t A'llve , firm ami liljjliTj rrgu nr , 1 00 furj.iutmrj ; I OH for IVt'tu uy ; 10U@10' lor March ; 1 Ultf for Aiul'j ' 107ftreUC,73 for M > ; No. 2 red wln-cr , LOljNo 2 OhloflBO sprlitfi HOJOlWji N'o. It Culcjgo rprlug , htija Corn Strung mul higher ; 05c for c.uli and January ; f GJtffiSOjc for Ko riinrj ; f > " ) j ( grOSc for Miir. ; fi'Jo fur Ma > J n j ctd , 45jp. 45jp.0t 0t Demand Mr und priojs nlglm ; i"Je for o h : S'Ji for January ; mi-1 February ) 37j3So [ for AUrcti ; 'or Mar. Uyo-Firrajrj Gin. lUrley .St aiij ; rtJo. Hatter KUailyj cto.un ry , lfy , tfno.l to fun-y , 23a.'Ma ( K gg Sumlv : ! ! CS27a. ( ! ' nr Used Firm ; 1 i74 lu Jlrcvcd HcKl''ftlr uniiMid , but nt It er rulelljht. ; . 7 10@7 lOj h JAy , 7 i ! J@ V5 , t'.irk 1'iltly acli.-e anil n fhndt ) hiher ; 17 ar.17 . 40 for o 'h ; 17 r.'Jffll7rM f.r 177211775fjr Mi.ic.1J80.'ii ; ( § IS 03 ( jr May. hunt Active end n sbad * hiuhcr ; 10 70 roa3h:077iail ; fO for Fe'nur > ; 10S7J fe.KI I'O ' for Mrtich ; 11 10 J511 1'JJ for MHJ. Bulk Meat * lu fair tifnianclrhonldiiM. ; i 10 ; phort rlbj , 'J 0 , " ; short clear , 3 S3. Whisky- Steady i 1 16. GALL UOAIID. Wheat K nitr , but not quotably lower , except for March which ctccliuul Jc. Uoru t' 1 , ln\f. nt lower rates ; fiofor.T ( nu ry : itJ fiUjJc for February ; jjif rM rch67jo ; tor AUy. OiU Fiimar. Lutnot quotilily higher ; except 38o fur Fabriuiy and March. 1'ork Dull , IcndiuL' downward ; declined 2jc.Lard Lard K&iler , but not quotably lower , NBW YOHK. NEW Yonn. January 17. Flour Firm ; tupertino Btata and weMein. 3 45@3 80 ; cyinmou t < ) Rood extra , 3 7fi@4 40 ; good to choice , -10(5(7 ( ( 00 ; vrblte wheat , extra , 0 2j@7 ifi ; extra Ohio , 3 bXKgjG 60 ; St. Louis , 3 S0@i ( 75 ; Miruoa ta ( latent pro- ff. 5 t > 0@7 CO. Wheat Opened n rbada Inwer , but af terwards recovered from th .Iccline and advanced i@lo , cloning tiriu ; No. 2 spring , nominal ; nngraHfd red , Si@l ( 21 : nteampr No. 3 led , 1 03 ; No. 3 red , 1 10 @ 1 10i ; xteamer No. 2 red , 1 101 ; No. 3 rod , 1 13J@1 1GJ ; No. 1 rod , 1 l i@l 19J ungradei white , 93@117 ; eteatuer No. 2 white , OlS ; N.2 white , 1 02@1 03 ; No. 1 white , 3.COO buuheLi oold at 1 12 ; No. 2 red for . ) ttmiiy , lil.2,100 buaheU Bdld at 1 13J@l 14 , elosini ? at 1 14 ; do for Vcbrtmy , 77 ( > ,000 butholn told at 1 14J @l 15 , closng at 1 Hi ; do. for Much , 1 781,100 buxriu.'H ' told at 1 10il 171 , C ! < H lag at 1 37 ; do. for April , ul2,000 buuhelH aol'l at 1 l.Sj ® ! 1'Jg , cloMog at 1 10 ; do. far May , 7iHCOO buihem soli ! at 1 1SJ@1 ISg , doting at 1 19 } Coru Opened weak , but attirwards be came stronger nnd advanced J@lc ; clop. iiiK firm ; ungrarlprl , Gl@71c ; No , 3. Or } @tili ; steamer , GCJ@ 7e : No 2 , G7Jo in elevator ; old No. 2 , 7oJ@"lc in tO 7 o itclivered ; nuiaaaeii white , ( " No. 2 for Junniry , (17' ( ( , cloning at E8ic ; do. for Kc-bruirv , GiJitG77cloalng ( ( at I5i 1c ; do. for March , t O nt 07 i ; do. for April , CGlKGO/j / , cloeinjf at Go e ; do. for May , GjQ&UUc , cloiluj ; at < ' > nic. Oata i@ls higher ; mixed woatorn , It @ 4Sjc ; white \vestoiu , 47@COic. linyQuiet , but u'rni ; GJS. Hops Dili , and ii' inmil. KUK * Krenli wt-ateru , ( | uiet ; 25 L'ork Nominally uucuuuitd ; : ; IS 5J@ 1875. lieef-Qu ! t , but steady ; 18 ro@18 25. Cut M ta Dull and weak ; long clear middles , U 37J. Lard NVeaner ; prlmo steam , 10 'J0@ 11 00. Butter Dull ; lG@40o. Cheese Quiet , but farm ; wthtcrn flat , 8T. LOUIS ST. Lonm , January 17. Flour Dull ; family , 4 1004 95 ; choice , 4 C0@4 70 fancy , 4 8' © 5 10. WhtHt Higher ; No. 2 red fall , 1 0i @l 03,3 for -inn ; 1 03J@1 03 § for January ; 1 02g'ol 032 for Fi-bruary ; 1 01J1 05J for March ; 1 Oj@l CJ for April ; I 07J@1 08 ; for Muy ; Ho. 3 full. 94r. Corn-Higher ; 48JfSilfijB for casb ; 48Jo for Jarunry ; 483(3,49 ( ! c for February ; 49jja ( S-505c tor March ; 4ljjgfOic ) for April ; _ 51 jc for May. Oats-Higher ; > 9J@39jh for cash ; 3fljc 'or ' January ; S'J@ J\o for February ; 3Sjj(2 ( } 3Uc for May. llyo Fiimer ; fi7Jo. B-irley Stead } ; ( i ( § 85 ? . Butter Steady : cn > ainery,3G@40c ; dairy , E Steady ; 21@'J2.i. WhMy-Steady ; 1 14. P.irkJljntet null ; 17 25 for 17 dO bid fur Jauunrv ; 17 40 bid for MurcK Bu'li ' iMeato Mnrle : * . eaeier ; ling rluar an'l sbi < rt ribs , 8 81 ; blnrt clear , it 10. liacinMfirUo : uull ; long clear , 1000 ; sbnit clnar , 1J5 ( ) . Lire ! Nominal. AFTKHNOO.V BOARD Wheat Active lint lower ; 1 03J for .Taouaiy ; „ 1 03Ji for February : 1 OSl'i ? " 1 039 for March ; MliJ for April ; 1(74 for"May. ( 'orn E sier ; 4j ! ) for January ; 492@ 49Ja for i'ebrunrv ; 4U8 19Jo for March ; " Mc for Apri | ; Til fo for May. Otta ICisier ; 5)03a ) f ° r January ; 3'Ja [ or February ; JHto for May. KANSAS CITT. KANSAS Cur , January 17 Wheat ; roug and higher ; No. 'i. rod , S7c for cnh and February ; 90o for ftfay. Corn Higher and firm ; 1 S ° bid for sh and Febnmij ; 42$3 for Murcb ; bid for May. O.Us Nominil ; 333 fur cash. . ButterO.uUt . ; is- for peed roll ; 20@24c for dniry. LIVE BTOOK Dpoclal r.'upatchoH to Till DHI , OHIOAQO. Jcutiary 17 Thu Droven Journal rep Tin a followe : llosii Market strong nnd active ; ( jual- ity good : all nold ; coirnnoii to ijooi ! mixed. fiUDuC , 40 ; hewy. 0 15@GEO ; light , 0 COJCd 35 ; akipi. , 410 510 ; cloied firm. Cattle Actuo end firm ; prices nci nunt > bly didforent ; no extras here ; er- ers , 300@4 40 ; flowed Bteady ; fair clear nnce made Sheep'-Fiirlv active and tteady ; com mon > ii fair. 3 00@4 25 ; medium to zoud , 4 40gH DO ; choice to extra , 5 10@C CO. rS sjygJ NKW YOIIK. NRW YOIIK , January 17. The Droven Journal litirovu report < : beeves Opened ste dy , hut clon-jd weak , with a downward tendency ; a num berof carloadx muit be carried over ; rainstorm which began about noon , was hurtful to trade ; f xtreme , 5 00g7 12i , Including fair to ntrictiy prime at ( i g 084 ; exooiteraustd } eaterdBy 60 earlcad of fair to choice ftecrH , Shi"o | ) Fairly firm ; all told ; common to prime nhcop , 5 00iii ( ri.'j ; lamba , I ) 00(5 ( ( itho ; bent ( beep were tukcn for expor tatlon at ' ! 75. Swine Steady and firm for live hogs al 75. BT. LODIH , HT. I < ouis , January 17. Cattle Active and firm , with orue ale' a shade higher peed demand for all grade" ; export * , fi ( < 000 ; good to choice ehlpnlng , & 0 5 10 ; light chlpi.Ing , 4 2 fel 75 ; comment t > fair butcher' , 2 75@3 f 0 ; good to choice 3 75@4 50 ; atockern aii'l feeder * , 3 . ' .0 ' ? 1 25. Sheep Steady , with good dernind common to m dluni , 3 2"'l 75 ; fair to good , 4 (10@4 ( 50 ; prime to fancy heavy Hogs Light and heavy grade firmer ; tii1 Mum easif rs Yorlicw , < * > Ol l'i 10j imek. if . 0 OO&G ! " > ; I utchers' to ixtm , C 20fi. KAN8AH C1TT. KANHAB Girt , .Tamtny 17. The Live itnclt Indicator ropoits : Cittlo Aatlva amUirmuattvn ; Rtron > nf ,100 to lf.OJ pounds > o d nt 4 M ( ' < 'JOi toi-ker * and fecdert , 3iOg4 15 ; cow * , 2 7. ' > @ 3 75. H.iKH-Wcok , ra gimrivt 5 EO@G 40 , with the bulk of xMes at G 000 25. Sheep Quiet ; muttons , .averaging 00 pouad * toM at 3 30. TRAFFIC. pedal DlJpatcltM to Tun Ilii. FLOHll AND QIULVS , CIIICAOO , January 17. Receipts and hhiincnta of flour and grain for the pat J4 huura have been ns follows ; KccclntR. Bhlp'ts. Flonr bbls 25000 14 ( CO Wheat bunhcls in 000 2200 Corn " 219103 108 COO Date " 71)000 ) 07.0(0 ( lye " ( ! , ' . (0 ( 3.0 K ) Uarley- " 49.000 9,000 NEW YOHK , January 17. Receipts and ilinncnta of tlour hiul grain for llio puat 21 hours have been iia follows : Receipts Bhp'ta. mr bbU 27,000 1,400 Wheat bushels 4'5,000 Com- " M'.liSO 52CCO Oats " 40,0fl ( MO ST. Looi8 , Januiry 17. Reoolpta i\ml hipu-enta of tlour nml [ : tuin for the pant ! 4 hours have bien na tollowe : Itoeeipt" . Shiti'ta. Flour liUi 5,000 5,000 Whoat-bushbU 31.000 3.000 Jorn " 48000 40000 Data- " 18.000 1(03 ( { yo- " Borloy- " 3 , ' 00 KANSAS CITT , January 17. Keoeipts ind shipmcnta of grain for the past 21 loura ha\o been M folloun : Kec'lfl. Shlp't . Wheat , bushels 18,000 14 003 ! orn " 30,000 20K.O UVK UTOOK. CHICAGO , January 17. Kccolpta nnd ihlpmeuU of live stock for tha past 24 lours have been aa followr ; Keo'tR. Bhlpm't * . Hoga 45000 4 t 0 Cattle H.OOO 2.400 Sheep 5.0CO 2,000 NEW YOIIK , January 17. Ilecelpta and ihipmentfl of live stock for the past 48 icurs have been as follows : llco'ta. Bhip'ta [ ona 11.2CO Jattle 6,200 * 314 Sheep 7,650 MOO * To.dav. ST. Lotna , January 17. Receipts and shipments of live stock foi the past 21 lours have been M follows : Roo'tn. Shlpm't' ' Hogs 10,000 KO Cattle 2.200 50 Sheep l.CCO ICAVBAa CITT , January 17. Receipts md shipmeuta of live stock for the pait 24 loun have boon as follows : Roo'ts. Shlpm'ta. Hogs 15.3(0 Battle 1,030 Sheep . _ . . 700 MEEO HAN DISH. fapce'.al Dlipatchea to Tux ( Jan. NKW YOIIK. NEW YOHK , January 17. ColTne - Qulflt but thin ; Rio cargoes quoted at Sugar Dull nnd nominal ; fair to good refining quoted at Gir,7o. ( Molassec Dull ; iNew Orleano , 40(5 ( Glc ; I'orto Rico , 40@53c ; KogllBh Ulands , 40 ® Rico Demand f ir and market lirm domestic , J@7' ' ! ; Ringoon , 2Jo iu bond. FotrolRiim Merket dull ; l-mted , 91 | : crude , GJ@7iJc ; refined. 7i@7S < 5. Tallow-Finn and fairly active ; 8 5-10 @ 8 7-lGe. Roaln-FIrm ; 1 G0@l G7i. Turpentine Market dull and weak ; 52S ( 52Jc. JLeather Firm and fairly active ; Bueno Ayres and Rio Grande light , iid-idlo am heavy , 21J@25ic. Wool Steady with a good demand : do rnotitio fleece , S2@47c ; pulled , 18@(0o ; un washed , 12@31c ; Texas , 14(428 ; . Land Quirt but Heady ; common , 4 C5 ( 1 70 ; rchned , 4 75@489. OMAHA. MAJKK.J3rB. "Wholcralo Pi-Icon. OFFIOB ov TUB OIIAHA I3Kf , I Wednetdiy Evening , January 18. J The only changes reported in the mar kct to-day me as follows : Wheat-No. 2 advanced 2Jo ; No. 3 , ad vanced IJcjrcjscted , advanced 4Jio. Rarley Declined Ic. Rye Advanced IJc. Corn Advanced 3c. Liocnl drain Dealings. WHKAT.- Cash No. 2 , 8'Jc ; cash No 3 , G9c ; rejected , 48JO. UARLEY. Casti No. 2 , CKj ; No. 3 383. 383.RYKC.vm RYK-C.vm , 47ln. NliW CO UN48 j. OATS 35c. SKKDS Flax seed OGo per Int. croduco and Provlnont. POTATOES 50@55o per bushel. ONIONS-SO@S5o per bushol. BUTTEKJholoo country , 20@25o. KGGS 25@2Gc. HONEY Califoralo. perlb , 21. APPLES Per barrel , J2 75@3 25. OYSrERS-Uooth' * andPlatt'a i > lec oyatorf , 40c > Standard , 30 ; rnndiums , 25. FLORIDA ORANGES-e5 50. LEMONS-1 25@4 50 per box. BEANe Nnvy per bushel , 2 75@3 00 CHICKENS-123 perlb. TURKK YS-1315o per pound. Urocoru' LlBt CANNED GOODS Oyrten , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , i > cr case , S4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) per case , 2 75 ; uo 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per ease 210 ; strawberriun , 2 Ib , per awe , 2 40 raspberries , 2 Ib , per oajie , 3 30. Dam SOUP , 2 Ib , per caoe , 2 45. Bartlet IICIIH per oa-w , 24) . Whortlobarrioa per case , 275. 15ig plums , 2 tti porcine , " IK ) Gre u gRgte , " Ib per case , 2 00 ; do cholco , fti per CMO i 50. 1'inu Apples , 2 Ib , per cas , 4 005 75 , Poacher , 2 Ib per O.MO , 8 00 do 3 Ib , owe , 4 00 ® J 60 ; do , ( pie ) . 3 0) , poi ca e.230 : do pie. 6 Ib , per dozen. 2 SO. FLOUR Jobbing price * , Jack Fros St. Louis winter ) 83.90 per 100 Ibs. ; To neka Patent Kansa * , 83.85 ; Mlnnehaha Patent. ? 3.70 ; Sbnwnoe Fancv winter , 83.10 ; Kagle , XXXX winter $3.00 ; Triumph upring , best , 82.80 ; Chris tlan's Huparlative , 3.50 ; bran , per ton Rll.OO ; cbopiHtd feed. 828.00 ; Queen Bee ( lour , per sack , 3 25 ; Nellie lilye , per eark * . Jo JoMOGARSPowdflred , lOic ; Cnt loaf lOJc ; Granulated , DjJsjEContoctloners' A 9c ; Standard Kxtra ( J , 8 0 ; Extra O 8.1 ; medium yellow , 7ic ; dark ysllow 7ic. MKATS-IInmn per Ib. , 12lc ; lyJaco pur Ib. , 13s ; clear nlilo bacon prr Ib , , IU dry salt > ! dei perlb. , 95c ; dry a lt fhoul ders perlb. , fij ; bcm ahouldera per Ib. 'c ; tierce lard per II ) . , lie. SPIOKH.-Peppor , 21i Allppioe , Ib.- 88l 8Jl'61 81 ° ° ; V ' ' * * 0 M 8l no L \RD Omaha Refinlnin-'Co. : Tierces llij ; 40 and 53-lh cans , llf20lb ; cans 12 Jo ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 12o ; 5-lb do 11 fie ; 3 lu do , 1'JJc. lUOK Lonlmi > a % prime to choice.54 ? ) 7o ; f.Ur , G7c ; Patnm , Gjc , FISH No. 1 mwkerel. half brio , G 73 No. 1 mackerel , kits. 1 ( fl ; fumlly mack erel , half brU , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits 85c ; No. 1 while full , half brla , (1 ( 00 : No. SYRUP-aUndard Com. , 33c , lbU. Standard do , gallon Itexs , ? 1 70 ; SUn durd do , 4 gallon kcg > , $1 o5. COKi'H K. Rio , ii lr. .OJji R0. | good lie ; to choice , 11 J to 12c : Old gov' JavDj 2CiaUlc(2 Media , 281cj Arbuokle's CUKJ.1" ! U CreAm , 14e | I'srt . , . LYi' . Alt L'rlcfcn , 8 3S ; Qroonwltb , B 40 : Vostotti , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 J Low In yo. 4 C-0 ; Jewell lye , 2 76. FKKD Jobbing prices , Chop feed 1.50 per 100 Ibo. ; chop corn , 51.40 ; brim , 0 , | ' T 100 11)0. HOMINY Now , 81 2' . per bbl. SODA In Ib papero , C3 | > r caco ; keg oda , 21c. NK\V PICKLKS Medium , in barrele 700 ; do in half bhls , 4 Oil ; smalls , In bbl * 03 do , In half bbls , 6 00 ; gherkiui , In SK 11 00 : do , In half bbls , G 00. STARCH. 1'cftrl , 44c ; Silver Olot * } c : Corn J > tarcb , flSo ; KxcelBioriJlosfl , o ! Com , 7Jc. . . . . . TEAS .Gunpowder , K ° " > I 4. > @f > 6 ; Choice , 60ilfl75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45c ; -IM , WXtf7Bc ; YOUUR llysou , prod , oOC41 Oo ; choice , C5c ( 8t 00 ; Japan Nat I ' f , 5o : Japan , choice , C0@75c ; Oolong , pond , 5@10 ; Oolong , cho.te , 40W6f | Souchong , oed , : CS10c ( } ; cliolcc , H,1fdJ5o. ROPE Slurtl , t Inch nd Iwfcr , lOJc ; inch , Hi ; 1 inch , 111 ° . WOODENWAKK Two honp patl , 75 ; three hoop palli , 2 03. Tub * . No. , 8 fO ; Pioneer W4 hbo.min , 1 W > Douhl ; . } nv.t2 90 ; WoHtiueisctn , 8 50. , 81 05. 5VINEOAU J'tuo fpplo extra , \ti iuio iipplo , ISc ; PruMiae unro mmlo , IGo. dALT. l'rav load * , per bbl , 1 C5 ; A hon - on , In Mac kc , 8 60 ; bbla dairy CO , Ba , 3 50 SOAPt' KlrVsltavern Imperial , 845 ; Kirt ! a atit. < > t , 3 GO ; Ktrk'u ntnndimi. 3 75 ; Kurk'i white Russian. 625 : Kirk' * Cutoo , Z IB Klvk'a Prairie Quern , 100 ri.l r ) , 10 ; Kirk's POTAiSH Pcnoaylvauln OHM , i oaco , n raae , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doc. In eaio , POj Anchor Bell 2 doz lu case 1 60. PEANUTS Roiutud , choice , red Ten- LCBSCC , lOoper Ib ; fansy whlto , lOJo polb ; av whlto Virginia raw , 10o ; nvwtcd , 2o. ? CANDLES BOTOS , 40 lbslf , Ifijc ; Rn , ojc ; IKXKB 10 Ibf. , 10 oz. , Ga , ICJfl. MATCHED 1'or caudle , P6o ; round , tvt > , 88 10 ; otjuaro , cases , 5 40. Dry Qoodi. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A. 8Jc ; \ppleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Boott FF , 80 ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W , "c ; Chittonanijo A , Gic ; Ureat Falls K , jo ; Hooaler , GJo ; Honest Width , 8io. In- tfau Head A , 8Jcj Indian Standard A , "o ; Indian Orchard d. w , , 8Jc ; Lawrence _ L , 7c ; Mystic River , 7io : Poquot A , 8Jo ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utlca 0. Cjo : Wnchus- tt B , 7Jc ; do A , 8ioj do K 48 , ISioj Wai- ott BB. 8Jo. FINE BROWN COTTONS AUendalo -4 : 74o ; Alligator 8-4 , 805 Argyle 4-4 , 7Ic ; Atlantic LU Gic ; Badger SUte X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington C 4-4 , Gjc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , Gjoc Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8&oj Laoonin O 39 , 8Jc ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , Ojo ; Lonadalo 4-4. lOc ; PepporoU N SO , 7c ; do O S3 , 71c ; do R 30. 7Jcj do E 39. 8Jo ; Pocasoot O 4-4 , 7 c ; Wamsutta4-4 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Androsoog gin L4-4.94cBlnckBtonoAA ; Imperial 8 Jc ; io do half blenched 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8J ; Fidelity4-4 , 94cVniIt ; of thoLoom.9J ; do ,121cjdoWnterTwlBt,10JoUreat ; TallsQ , OJc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c ; L/onsdale. lOc ; do cambric 37. 12Jo ; New York Mills , ISJo ; Penuot A.lOo ; Pepporel N Q Twills , I2io : Pooahontaii 4-4 , fljcj Pocaasot 4-4 , 8io ; Utioa , llo | Wamsutta O X X. 121c. IWOKS Colored ) Albany K brown. 8c ; do O , drab , U.OS do Xn. BtrlpOH and plaids , 124c ; do XXX brown and drab , itrip a and plnldii , ISjc ; Arlington fancy , 9c ; Bnmawick bro\/n , 8Jc ; Chariot fnncy .2)0 ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fnll River jrown , extra heavy , HJc ; Indiana A. jrowo 13 < " Xotionsot A brown. IBo TlOJUiMUB unoskeag A O A 83 LOc ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowancr. , ) &c ; Clnromont B B. 15jc ; ; Conestoga ex , rr174c ; Hamilton D , llio Lewlston A JO , 15o ; Miunohahft 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super extra 4-4 , 2So ; Pearl River 32 , 16jo ; Put nam XX blue btripy , 12c ; Shctuckct S lOJc ; do SS I2e ; Yoomnn'o blue 29 , 9c DENIMS. Amoakeak , blue and bronu IRJe ; Andover DD blue , 15Jo ; ArllugX blue Scotch , 18joj Concord OOO , blue aw brown , 12&c ; do AAA , do do 13 $ ; doXXto do do 14Jo Haymaker'a blue and brown , " 1c ; Mystic River DD stripe , IMo ; Pearl iver , blue and brown , IGc ) UncnayWo , blue and brown , 14ic. 4 CAMBRICS Barnard , 5to ; Eddynmo lining , 9A inch double faoo , 8Jc ; Garnn ) A glazed , Fie ; Manhattan glove finlah , , ' 65c Newixirt do Go ; do glazed , 6 o | Pcqusdo Be : Lockwood kid finish Go. 'f'J CORSET JEANS Amor ? , BcjAnVron coggin Ratteen 8o ; Clarondc n , Gjc ; Coneu o a aattcens , 71c ; llallowel. , So ; Injdl Orchard ? } o ; Narrjkganaottimproveiia Pnpperill cattoen UJn ; Rockport , 7Jo , PRINTS-Aliens , GJc ; American , Gic ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4So ; Cocheco , 7o ; Coneetoga. GJcj Dunkirk , ; Dunnell , 6J@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ; Gloucester , Go ; Ilnrninny , 5o ; Knickerbocker , Gjc ; Mor rl to D , 7c ; Myatic , 6Jc ; Sprnruoa , fie ; Southbridgo , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marlboro bore , BSc ; Oriental 1NGIIAMS- koHg , 12Jc ; AUIOH- koaq dress UJ | Arpylo , lO c ; Atlnutfr , Oc ; Cuniborland , 7ic ; Jlighirnn , 7jc ; Konil7/ortb , 8Jc ; Plun kett , lOJo ; Bus 8KX. lit COTTONADE3 Ahborvillo 13Jo Agate , "Oc ; American , He ; Arlisinn , .MIc ; Cairo D and T , l.'ljc ; Olnrion D and T , 17Jc ; Dnccan Co. stripes D and T.lGo ; Key stone , 13Jc ; Nbntuckot , 19c ; Nonpatcil , IGc ; Ooenn D and T , 13Jo ; Royal , 10J Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , 12jc ; Wnchuaott nhlrt- In ? j'jpckB. ' 12Jo ; do , Nankin , 12fc , ; Yurie. pUih JNaiikiu. 12c ; do , checks , slripoa and fancy. 12 * c ; do , 8 oz 20c. SHEETINGS Androsco lnlO-1i7iio : ! do 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C 42 , lie , Frult.of the Loom 10-4 , 27J ; Now York mllla98 , S5o ; do 78 , 30o ; do 58. 22Jc , PcmbrltelO-l ; , , 25c ; Poquot 10-4 , 28U' , do 74 , lOo do 49 , IGc ; Peppcrell , % , 2Dc ; do 67 , 21cdo ; B7 , 18c ; UWca 9G , 3 ks ; do 53,22io ; do 48.17c. Palnti Oil * nd Varnlihea OILS 110 * carbon , l > or gallon , 12Jo ; 150 * headlight , per gallon , 11 Jo ; 17fi' headlight , per gallon. 19s ; 15U' Water White , 18c ; linseed , raw , per pnllon , 51 ; llneeed , boiled , per gallon , 5lu ; Urd , winter etr'd , portal , Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor , XXX. ppr gallon , 1 25 ; No. 3,1 2J ; oweot , par gallon. 85c : aperni , W. B. , per gallon- 1 75 ; flub , W. B , , per gallon , GOc ; neatafoot , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , F ric ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; r.uir.mor , ICc , golden mochlnp , No , 1 , per gallon , 3"c ; No , 2 , SO : Hpoim , signal , per gallon , 80o ; tur pentine , per gallon , GBo ; nnptha , 71' , per gallon. 18o ; 6r. 17c J'AINTS IN OH Whlte lead , Umshn P. P. . OJc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , C ij Maraelllo3 green , 1 to 5 Hi cann , 20o French zlno , giaen seal. 12c ; French fine , red seal , He ; French r.lnc , In vr.rni.ih SMI , 20ci French ztnce , In oil r.fwl 15c ; Raw and burnt nmber , 1 Iti cans 12a ; raw and burnt Sienna , 13c : v&ndyke blown , * \ refined lampblack. 12c ; coach black and l ory black , IGc ; drop blai k , IGc ; PrunuUn blue , 30c ; ultramarine blic , IBo : obrvvie jfroen , L. M. & D , , 14cbllnd ; and shutter green , Jj. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. ISo ; Indian red , IBo : Venetian red. He ; Tntoao drt , 22c ; American Vermiliod , LAP. , 18oj chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0. , 18c ; yellow ochre , Ocj goldou ochre , 15j patent dryer , 8c ; Draining color o : light oak , dark oaz. walnut , chestnut nnd th 16c. Dry ° lnti White leatl , 74o ; French zinc. lOcl Pnri whitoing 2Jc ; whiting ijildon , IJc ; \tbiting com'l , lie ; lampblcck GermKn- town. 14o ; liinphlack , onlijit.ry , lOo ; Pnu- Man blue , 55o ; ultrnmnrino , 18cj vandyke brown , 8cj umber , burnt , 4s ; utnbor , raw tejnit'iin/v , burn t , Jc ; iiionna , raw , 4o Paris green genuine , 25cj Paris green com1 20o ; chromo K'f'on ' , N. Y,1 20c ; chrorn green 1C. , 12c ; versidlllon , Eng. , 70c ; 7or million , America , 18c ; ludlnu red , lOo roue pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Coka oio 23c ; vrnetinn rod Am , , 19c ; rol Inatl , 7ic ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20o brome yel. lorK. . , 12c ; ochre , rocholje 3c ; ochre Kren-jh - , 2jcj [ ochre American , 2t ; Wiator1 ! ! mineral. i'Jaj Ichlgb brown. 2ioi apanisb brown. 2k ; Princo'B minotal ' , VAUNI8HES Barrola per ralloc , Funilturo , extra , 51 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 91 ; coach , extra , (140 ; oaob , No. 1 , 31 20 ; Damnr , extra , 91 76) ) apan , 70c ; as. pbnltum , extra , 65o ; thella j3 COt htrd nil finUh. 81 30. Moavy Hardware Lilt. Iron , rates , 9310 ; plow steel , ipoolal tAct , 7cj cruciblefc ; special urlJerm nGCi cA t tool do. 16p , ' 0 w gun spokes , p\l , 2 2f@3 < V- hubs , per wt , 1 25 ; folloM , sawed dry , 1 0 ; tongnen , e ; cb , 70 ( ( > BTC ! niloo , each , 7 c ; nnuaro nut ? , ] > cr Ib , 7@llo ; wiwhers. per Ib. 8@18c ; rlvetn , per Ib , He ; cell chain , per Ib , 6i2c ; malleable , Fo ; Iron wedircd , Go ; cniwl-ars , Go ; harrow teeth , 4c ; honc'hoos , per kcr < 6 00 } sprli'i ; itcol. 7C 48o : Burdens horoo-hooo , 6 W ; Burden's mulwhccs , 6 60 SHOT.-Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , $2.1P , Oriental Powder , kegn , efl.10 : .lo. . hal kegs. 83.48 ; do. , quwtorkr gi , 81.88 ; HInit In ? , kccs , 83.35 : Fuse , tier 100 feet COo. BAKBED WIRE In car lots , 8 Wfd 9 25 per 100 ; In low than car lots. 871 © 9 75 ucr 100. NAILS Rates. 10 to COfe' , 425. hide * r-un. Etc. HIDKS Oreon butcher' * hide , GC27J cured 78c ; hlden , gnxiu salt , part cured 7tcild ; ! ( . ,7lc5 dry tllnt , sound , 13@14c ; dry wlf and kip , U llo ; dry salt h.donsound . , 10@llc ; croon cnlf , wt 8 to 16 Ibs. . ll@12c : grocn calf , wt , uudor 8 IDS , l > cr kin , 50o | itceu ; | > clt , 50S81 25 ; grocn lamb sklnn , 81 2o@160 : damaged hldss , two-third rntc , 'it scored Mid ono grub , olnuoil two ( LI U rate , ) bramlod hides 10 per rent , ) fi iVoa tkiu % No. 1 , 45c ; No , 2 , ! U1o ; No. 1 0. ; No 4 , ICo. Mink , No. 1 , 33c ; No. V 1XNo. ; . 8 , lOc ; No. H , 6e. 1'ox , No.lV , Sir ; No. ? , VBo. Skunk , No. 1 , b .t'C | 'V < f Abort it/ifo , 40oi mriow otrlpcc ttiind stripe. lOc. 'I allow 7o. Lentnor Oak Polo , 38o to 41'c ; hemlock sole , 28c to 3-"c ; hemlock kip. bOu to 1 DO : runner , B5c to 80o ; hemlock cnlf , 860 to i 20 ; hem loci upper , 2ho to 2iu ( ; eaU upper , .Me. aWija , 4 00 lo 6 i0 ; calf kid , 32C S5Wc : Groin tld , 2 CO to 2 7B ; oak kip , 80o to 1 00 ; ; c.ilf , 1 20 to 1 80 : French UIp , 110 I , 65 ; French cnlf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; mi- Mtts. .0 . to 7 60 ; llninirs , G 00 to 10 BO ; toppli i , 9 IX ) to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o to ; Cic , lebblo O. D. Morocco , 25c ; siiuou ; aroti too. lIAt.NKSS Nol star oak , 42o ; No 2 do , SI" , N. 1 Ohio oak , USc : No. 2 do , 8Sc ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 7c : No. 2do S4c. Her ei nnd Mulct. The market Is brink and all ( era lea aru soiling well at tlight ndvanco In piicor. Ttitt dcraimd for good bones exceeds the supply considerably. Priced range na fol lows : Flan tlngb driven , $160. to 800 , J Kxtrn draft borues , ? 17b. to 225. ; Common drnit horron , JIOO. to 160. ; Extra fann hones , 8110 , to 125. ; Common io goad farm horsoa 890. to 8100. ; Extra plugn , 8bU to 76. ) Common olugs , 820. to 810. MULM8. 15 to 1BJ handn ( ox era ) , V125. to 160. ; 14J to 16 bonds , 8100. to 149. : 14 to 144 hands , 875. to 100. | 18 | to 14 hand * , ( GO. to 75. Lumber. WnOLCSALB. We quote lumber , lain and ihlngles on < cars at Omaha at the following prices- JOIST AND SOANTLINO-10 ft. nd under , 822 (10 ; 18 ft. , 823 60. TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , 822 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 50 ; 2C ft , 828 M22 ft. , 82(5 ( 50 ; 24 ft. 820 60. FKNOING No. 1 , 4 and 0 in. , 824 00 ; No. 2. 822 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) . 820 00 ; No. 2. 818 00. LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per fun 40c ; Cement , bbl , 82 2b Iowa planter , bbl , 82 60. Hair per bu. 4Uc. Tarred felt 100 Ibs. 83 60. Straw board , 83 50. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Run Blossburg , 812 ; Whltebronat limp , 86 50 ; Whltobruant nut , $ 60 ; Iowa , ump , 85 BO ; Iowa nut 85 50 ; Rook Hprini ? fW : Anthracite , 810 60@11 00 ; Colorado , 800. Drupi DRI7 a AND OUEMIOA \ , Jarbolio , BCc ; Acid , Tartarlo , GOc ; Balsam Jopabia , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , Sn nafrnn , per b , HI ; Calomel. | > or Ib , 75c ; Cinchorddtn , wr oz , 81 IB ; Chloroform , per Ib , 100 ; lover's powders , per Ib , 81 ' 10 ; Idpson 3r.ltc , per Ib , 3Jo ; Glycotlno , pure , po bl , 31c ; Lend , Acetate , per Ib , 22u Oil , Oftntor , No. 1 , per M 1 20 ; Oil , Cantor , No. 3 , per gal , 9110 , Oil , Olive , per pal. 81 50 ; OH , Origanum , TO ; Opium , ? 4 75 ; Quinine P. & W. 4 R. 4 S. , per oz , $2 05 ; Potaaaiurn , Iodide , per 11 9175 ; Balaam , per oz , 40o : Sulphate o M'jrphino , pot 07 , 83 85 ; Bulpnur Uonr per Ib , 4o ; iilrvchnlno. uor oz , # 1 d5. Liquor * . ALCOHOL 187 proof. 225 per wine gallon ; extra California spirits. 187 proof , 1 per proof gallon ; triple ronucd tiplrlta 187 proof , 128 per proof gallon ; ro-distllled wfcinkicrt , 1 OOfel 60 ; fine bleudod , 1 50@ 2 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kcu- tuoky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 U0@7 00 BRANDIKS-Importod , $0 00@1G 00 ; domestic 1 404 00. GINS Imported , 4 60 8 00 ; dornofltlo , 1 40(33 ( 00. &RUMS Imported , 4 6C(38 ( 00 ; Nn- England. 2 C4 ( ) 00 ; domogtio. 1 A0u)3 ( ) (10 ( PEACH AND APPLK IsRANDY- 176 ® 100. CHAMPAGNES Imported per ease , ? 800@3I 0)Autrllta ) , oass , 12 OOff. 1C 00 , CLARETS or case , 4 60@15 00 WINES Rh no wino , per cane , G 00 © 2 00 ; Oatavr-a , per 00.10 , 4 007 00. Qi ara and IODHOOOO. FINE OUT In pallH. ilonl to Bent ! 75c ; Golden Thread , 7Co ; Fountain , flOe , I'avorito , G5o ; Rocky Mountain , 60o : Fancy , Hyc ; Dnisy , BOc. In tin foil Cfttliiu O. S. , 6 Ib boxes , per Ib G3c ; Lori- Illard'fl Tigor. ( Xc ) ; Diamond Crown , 6do. SMOKING All grades Common , 2C to 83c. Granulatud Jilackwella Durham , Ifi oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 16 or , 4Gc ; Seal of North Caioliim , 1(1 ( oz. 4G ; Sosl of Ncbrae- kn , 1(1 ( o ; , Sfio ; Lone Jack. 4 or , linen higa porlb , ? 1.35 ; Marburps'Puck 2 or , tin oil , 65c ; Do * Ttii ) Gfic. Wool. Merino unufcH od , light , 14@16c ; heivr.o , @lolfjo ; medium unwashed , light , ISft'.liO washed , cholco , S2c ; fair , SOo ; tub-dlnp ; and w. , 28c ; burry , blackand oottoJrool 2@0o ten' _ * Lydla E. Pinklmm'u Vegetable Coraponnd ranks firet aa a curative agent in all cotnplalnta pucullar io women. i . . i * # * "Koop to your pl oo and year pluoo will keep yon , " Liut you can not oxpsct- keep your plnoo without hualth , the foundation of nil eucccia. F > r Inatunco , a railroad onqinuur in the employ of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul railroad had boon griev ously u fine ted with diabotca for lix years. Ho took four bpxoo of Kid ney Wort nnd now writoa that ho la tmtiroly cured and working regu larly. INCREASE yean CAPITAL. $10 Those desiring to rcake money Cfin r" H and medium Invoitmenitl OZU drain , provlslouii and stock ipecula lions , can do io by onoratlnpon oui plan. From Uay 1. laai , to t he pie WHEAT < 0" ' date , on Invoitmitnia of f 10,00 to 1.000 , crJh j > roflUi hava beer reillujd and paid to In vest on tfttrn aiuoun'InKtoievertl tlinwi theorlg mull Inal Investment. I'roHti paid lit o oiory month , ( till l avlng the original Investment ruaklni ; raonej 8TOCJK8 orptyablnon demauil Kiplanalo ry clrculart and utatomenta of fur.d WBcntfroo Wo want reijionulbli agent ) , who wllriport on crops ant SIGO Introduce the plan. Liberal com. mlwiloria mid. Aildrotid FI.KMMINO ft VaiUAM , Cnn- i.ercll nU , Utjor Clock , III. < CrX3O .l MANUKACTUIIEU OK Silver Plated WINDOW SASH DoorPlnt Euiravcil to Ordor- Nn. BOOK. 7th St. St. LoulH. Mo . . . . EUROPEAN HOTEL , The mo t centrally locatnl hotel In thu city , RoomiTCc 11,00 , )1 ( X ) and tftl.OO per day. Fir I C'lM Ucntiuiraut conuoited wit Ike beta r HURST. - - Prop. . Fourth nd t'ff Blreeti. xuco. ihiverick 1206.1208 AND 1210 FARNAM ST. Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers , AND EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE FURNITURE&UPHOL8TERYTRADE OMAHA , NEB. WILLIAM SNYDER , MANUl'ACTBKKN OP iM-Olass Jtainiug ( and Trimming , Impairing Promptly Dona Hnrucv , Cor. 14th , OmiUm DIRECTORY OF LEADING Vt'ESTitf S HfiTfcl UOTXlt. 7'"HV ARLINQTON. J. C. WctNTIHE. Llnte'n , Net. WEATHERLY HOUSE , A. a. WEATHERLY , Munrlng , Iowa. / REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. O. REYNOLDS , Coon Hapldt , ow . SARATOQA HOTEL , j. B. arELLiNiue Mllford , rl l > . MARSH HOUSE. E. MANS , UROWN8VILU H COMMERCIAL HOTEL. JOHN HANNAN HALL HOU3F , A. W.JHALL Loulivlllt . CITY HOTEL , CHENEY &COLARK. Ulnlr , Na . , COMMERCIAL HOTE _ J. Q. MEAD.3 Ncllffh , N b GRAND CENTRAL C..OEYMOUR , N br lk OUr , ' MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. U THORP , Weeping W t r. COMMERCIAL HOUSE' A. O. OAARPCR. kU.-dy , Hf GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELO , Clroenwootl , Hm- COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olnrlnda , IUMJ ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eromont , \ > n * EXOHANQE HOTEL , 0. D. HAOKNEY , Ajhl.tnd , Ml' METROPOLITAN HOTEl , FRANK LOV2LL , MVInion , N .L MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. OH U 1)0 , Guldit Recd , > SUMMIT HOUSE , QWAN 1 DECK E It Craiton , IB. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. OALPH , Cxlra , I * . REYNOLDS HOU8F , O , M. RCYHOLOO , Atlantic , ! . WALKER HOUSE. D. H. WALKEP. Audubon , U COMMERCIAL HOTHL. 0. OURQE80 , Naola. I * , CITY HOTEL , Dl A. LLIAMO , Harlnn Ix PARK HOUSE. VR3. M. 5. OUMMIN3C , Oornlne , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.'L. AVEKY , 3t nton , MERCHANTS HOTEL C. W , DURK. COMMERCIAL HOTEU Dl nch rd , U. PARKS HOTEL , r. M. PARK , dhancndoah It OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HCNRY WILLS , D yld City , NOD DAQNELl. HOUSE , OHAS. DAQNELL , OolleuoSpi Ingi , If. COMMERCIAL HOU3 . tVM. LUTTON , Vllllica. U. JUDKINSHOU8E , TRANK WILKINGON , Malvern , Ii , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERKY , Ida Qrovc , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE D , F. 8TEARN8 , Odebolt. In WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Oicoola , Neb. onunLAn HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , OUrha. Nrb. BtDFORD HOUSE J. T. QDECN. Bodfnrrt la AKLINOTON HOUEE , J. M. BLACK tk dON , MarjivllleMo NORFOLK JUNOTIONHOU8E A. T. POTTEII , Norfolk JunctlotI WINCLOW HOUSE Q McOAflTY , Bewnrcl NoO. AURORA HOUSE M , U. JONCH. Auronr No > . OROZIER HOUSE O. n. ORO'Eli , Sidney. Nab AVOOA EATINd HOUOR D. W POCKHOLD Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOU & 8HATTUOK. Rod Oak FOSTER HOUSE Onpt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewis , la. VHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER , Orltwold , la. DEPOT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN , Dunlnn , In LU8K HOUSE. J A. LUSK , toean , In. DOW CITY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , Dow Olta.114 AQQER HOUSE. JAQQRR& SON , Denlton , I * . HA.HMON HOUHK. TAMA CITY. IA. . Harmon ft Knnlflt. . l ri-i . KAVHIM f rrr , Jlo. , Bcpt. r,0 , IMi I think It a duty I o\vo ti luiinanl > > to lay what jour remedy lirw ilono f r mo. 0 o yinr I cnntracUxl a Inul cnxa at Illooil 01 iusc. a il not KnonliiK the rcHiilt of niicli ronlilcn , I nllow- nilttoruulo noun t in , lint finally njn lied to the boat | IIJH elan In t' I * city , ulto licututl ino for nix months. IN TIMT TIMK i TOOK nvr.u (100 ( IIU.H DV rpniulUDIIlK OK MKMIIIY \ ( Jtttlll ( tU'll. niulhail run dnun In wclKht from 'JIO to 1'J | IOHMI , nmlM conlliiml lo my lied lth.Mcr- turlal Klii'mutism , Ncamly ulilu to turn inynult OUT. llclni ; ii trmclinif nuin , noiiio o. ' tlui ( ra- tornlly foil n I me In UiU dipln-u' Ic rondltkn , nml they inrndud nu1 k n v \ < i o ( to tr.f jour in \ i > ruI ! pCC that neil lui'ii c'lirrl I' ) IN nw I commnnle'l tlui UKU lt\tltiti > y H tin fultli iiin 1 1 IUM Hint tliTti \\s nlilu to Uki1 inv ) ilafu on tliu rixul The iid ( | ipui collnriil xpoU Kradimliy tl'stp. luuri.l , and tuilw I liatt'notnHOiuor pnt on my ju'rMin , and inv \u-l ( , " I la .M'pnmiil * livlnr morn th.iu Itrur win. I ( In lint Alnli toil to pulillali iii name , lint oil limy show thH letter to any iiino iionh' the merit of H. H. H , for I know It H n ro Mini Yourt Tilth , J. H. B. NII r thirty j curt uxo iln > r hiillti Motttio. mcrtAla. . , ajoini limn wltowu * tirrllil > allllc- toil / ( Inr liu'lii ; truilul fur it lone time M U . neil'ml Jiri/Kilcill orihlntoun ulllt no heiiiflt , no ciimniencol taking 8 H S. Alter pur Ulently. LiVln It two month * ln > vui curut. lliincao Hialntiil with hi 'n ' for tliu illauuso nintr niwluUn luluru. .1. W. lliHiioi' , J. 1' , , lint hprliiKH ArU. If joiulonlit , como lo o in , unil wn will CUKE YOl ' , nr f nrii rolli Hit' SVrl'u for | > i.rtlailarn an il ii cop ) of llio little hook , " Metniie ( to the nfort mute SntltrlntHk aiij HruilKt to ir htnndiii ; . _ ti.SlOI ( > " 'ward will lie palil to uiiv [ 'lumlst vhj w II Had , on iota > ! of 'JOO tiott en : if H. H K , , one par 'ho ' of M.i eurj , lud ilo of 1'os.uisliini , or unj Minimi Niiliitunv. MWIFT Kl'KC'IflC ( M , Proprietor * , Atlunta Ga. 1'rlioof SniullHIze $ 1,00 LarL'u Size 1 75 hOI.I ) 11V AI.I , mi UCilHTH. ' .n it 1-lT'l' HI ' " . ' tl ! . ' Bitter * . IIVIIKDI * i. liat j r u I uj ' . . ' " " " dl tkaii > li.K. n tunl .1HKI > .n\f \ nr liliiiulo < . o U a. I Mini tt.d tt t > bio M r i (0 tiuail Ut r c Y a will fie H red If Hop Blttor il , we K f al\il I , { . .HIM' , il.trj It < tl lY KOI t u /our I ft" , C > > iMl.ll. * > X 10019 NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Onr'i Uuar nt Oi. C. \YuH1jNoneiv.iJ llriln Trntjnuot- A B-ir.clflo for Hysteria , JMit'uco ? , Oonnilclcni llradncho , Ueutal Dcrrcialoo , Lon I "iir1i'.i/'i Kmlulnns , 1'renituro Old Ape , oiei'.lon , ojll'r.r i , or oxr-lnilu wbli ItuJi tomlicry , d'j' y fnJ dentil. curu in' .J * cmoc K.t < < h Lox cc > uulrtoi9u.cnt > > tro&tmnrt , One < "clltr bor , 07 fix boiMfoi flvu Ool'trti ' eont l > y nj.ll priptMon recolflo prl'-o. Wo K'nirrnt-jo ilxboioe to euro snycics With c oh ciiltr ivctlvod by n for eli Itcite , conii milcil with ftrn dolUrf , will "rl the put chwici our wrltUr gtinrnntoj to rvturu thi icoucv II the UoMnmil Joe. nnt effect a cm * . C. / . fioJm B , iU'.eot ' ! , Sol * , Wbolcf lc n i'J , 0/4 > by o WV 111 B 0 fl & .H1I I7 BtOhnrlo. . nt. ST LOUIS 'Mo , \ UEOUI.Alt UKADUATK nt two pmilcAl C"ll'W'.hA.ilwcn ( lonpor enc * ; , t ID the tool- munt of UIIUOMIU , NCUVOUS. SKI'J AND DLU01) Dlooaacs than any ether phynlolmi In SI. [ xjulu < m city p pcru dhow and all old rcal.lontl know , Cnniultatlon free anil Invited.Vhou II U Inconvenient to Nln't the city for treUincnt , ricdlclncd can lie ncut liy mall or oiprcs-i every. Hliora. Curable ia cs umratiteodihern ! Joabl oilKt" It In Irr.bkly itittcd. Call or writo. jjeryotui prottrnUnn , Debility j > ml 1'byHlcnl VVoaUnoM , Mercurial And ether nffoctloua of fliniut. Hkln itnd lioncxi , UjooilIiininrU/cs / jmd Ulood I'lil-oninif , OM 8'u-rH"md ( Ulcuraj linpodlincritH to M.-urrtniio , llunuriuii"in ! , rilon tjpcrii.l uttontlon to cnnoa from ovci-wnrkod hrnln rtUlUnUAL OASES roeoivo pprcinl nttontlon. Difcanus rtrblng from Imiiru-leneo , KICCMHOH , Indulgence ! pOK H the wholi lAREHGE Btory cll told , ilanj receipts ; who mny mat- ' "ot' * * ! , anil euro. Healed for 2fio posta 'ii or stnnirm. t DOCTOR STEINHART-S ESSENCE OF LIFE. Foil OLD AND Yoi'Mi , MAI.KAND TRIIAI. ! ! . It II n turo , prompt nnil effectual remols for In * illKOHtlon , DjswpMu , Intermittent Kovcrn , Want of Ai.pi'tlte , Nervous Debility In all lUStAuos , Weak Jlemory , I/no of llralit rouur , I'rootratlon , V'taklleH4 nnil gunoral I.OHD of PoMur. It rt'tvUn nervoua uanto , rojuvcimtm the faded Intellect , ftrcnijhOiutri the onfwblod brain nnd roBtorca tmrrirln rig lane and \Unr to the exhausted or- rani. Tito oxperlclico of thousniulu proveiltto bu an Invaluable remedy. 1'rlco , $1.00 a bottle , or nix for $3. 1'or naloby all dniKirUt * , or sent ni-curo from ob er\atlon on n-celpt of prleo by Er. Stcluhort , F. O. Box 2460 , St. ouii MO- DOCTOR STEIWHARTS SUPPOSITORIES ! The Great Popular Ilcniuiy for 1'llca. Sum cure fnrUllud , lilecding&I chingPlloi And all forms of IlemorrholiUl Tuinora. ThoHii SnTOBmiuiES act directly ux | > n the or.ntHof the IllooUVeHHelu.nnd bytholr Ohtrlncenl rflecU gently force the ulooil front the swollen tumoro , andhy inukliiK the coaU of the vein * ttrorifc' , prevent the < r rofllllng , and heuoo a radi cal cure U euro to folbw their use. Price , 75 coNtx a box. For sale by alldruKtrl t > i , or eent by tnnll on receipt of price , by ultfi \ Mndloal Tmtituto , 718 Ollvo St , St I * < tnU OOL. L. T. FOSTBE. .Oh'.O , May 10 , IKiC. ' Ol. B. i. KINDALL * Co.1 hid it rerjr rain * . „ ulo HarclilotonUQ colt tha I prim I very tilyhly , fV bo had a large boriarp\ cu ono joint mil ; email ono un the . thor which undo him very , limo ; I had him utulor the charge ol two Tetci * Inaty Buricconu whlcli ( illeJ to cure him. 1 wai one day rending the dvcrtisomont ol Koudall'l Bnavln Cure iu thu Chicago Eiiri < , I rietorralool aicncntntry It and k'ot our crucplsts nare 13 > : ad Inrlt , and thry ordered three bottles ; I took all and I ttiouvht I would gtvo It a thorcDeh trillI used It according to dlroclloog ao-J lh ( ourtn day the colt cvi d to be latuo and tbi turn Imvo dl'.ipre. rcd. I uooj but ona hottlf and the colt's UmVi are as free ol luia nd at mooth is auy horse In the utato lie 1 entlu. ly cured. Tito euro a * 83 remarkable tLa havolottwool civ aclghbon hu\e the looialn. inc two bottloi who are now ualniflt Very rwpectlullr , L , T. KOSTEH Sand for Illuetraw I circular yMox pcsltlfi J.W-lT "niACK-DRAUGHT" - cures dj >