Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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New Life
is given by using BROWN'S
Winter it strengthens and
warms the system ; in the
Spring it enriches the blood
and conquers disease ; in the
Summer it gives tone to the
nerves and digestive organs ;
in the Fall it enables the
system to stand the shock
of sudden changes.
In no way can disease be
so surely prevented as by
keeping the system in per
fect condition. BROWN'S
IRON BITTERS ensures per
fect health through the
changing seasons , it disarms
the danger from impure
water and miasmatic air ,
and it prevents Consump
tion , Kidney and Liver Dis
ease , &c.
/ / 5. Berlin , Esq. , of the
well-known firm of H. S.
Berlin & Co. , Attorneys , Le
Droit Building , Washing
ton , D. C , writes , Dec. 5th ,
1881 :
Cattlemen ; I take pleas
ure in Mating that I have used
llrown's Iron Kilters for malaria -
laria and nervous troubles ,
caused by overwork , with
excellent results.
Beware of imitations.
* RS , and insist on having
it. Don't be imposed on
with something recom
mended as "just as good"
The genuine is made only
by the Brown Chemical Co.
Baltimore , Md.
Every Corant Is Wftrrantod satis
factory to Its wearer lu ovwry way ,
or ttio money will bo rotundod by
the person from whom It was bought.
Th onlyCorrot | > ronoiinw l by our le dlnff phylrln
I Injurious tn the wearer , ami emlomil by Ixllri i
the "inoit comfortable ana perfect nttlnir Conwt n
Ud * ' '
' * ' I'lUCES , by 1UIU Poitaao I'old I
B allh PmrrrlnK , 1.0O. Holf.AdJuilInc , 1.0
AkdomlnM ( extra heavy ) 3.00. Nurtlnff , tt.B
Bballh 1'rncrvlmr ( One routll ) * B.OO. 1'arnx
HLIrt-Hupliurtln , (1.5U.
V r tale by U Jln lltlnll Dritlcrii eircrywher
CUICAUU COlliJli'A1 CO , , Chicago , UL
Worthily point to the
Ai an article of mich rare and exceeding merit i
doaene a place on o > cry ildoboard ,
ASolnl , Ol M tt J'ti > i Pi nh U
most welcome accessory ol ( rlondly Inturcoun
p cull rly acceptable at parties. Uncork , ai
tU ready. Punched brewtxl at rouu-ot are I
behind It In flat or.
0 If ted orator * ne\or dli lose
The real sour o whence their eloqu nee flows
believe me , It coition , alter dinner or lunch , )
From a Bowing bowl ol 0HAVES' 11U111'UJiC
The name and tltle-"llUU PtlNOH" Is ndi mmk. All unauthorized uie
IhU mark will be promptly proso.utod.
O , II. GK.VVl.Si 80X8 , BOSTON , 11A8H.
The " 1IUC PUNCH" 1s soM hr all loading ( a
Triwle mipplioi at Manufacturer's pri
by M , A. MoNamwa ; ( uuiiliea Buppllcd
A. II , ( iladitomi. Omaha Neb
i t
t A'U.'Sf T 1 l Tff Ilium ail | i |
tTm. .iTuryiT a ai
I.nuf ray & Lanman's
Besi fir TOILET , BAT
an' ' , .r AHMERCHIET
' Ue Vte Tit
Trttjor (
i Jesse Jam
be Oily life aphorized liylcr and which
not be a ' lllood mil Thunder" ntcry , uch M
bcei and will bo publlihftl , but a tiui life by
only pemon who li In | x e 4lon cl the f c
fal h'ul and ilevst d wife. Truth li wore In
Mtlng than fiction . A irenti thould a ) > p < \ ( or
( itory a ) once. Send 76 cti. for Sample be
, J H Chamber * & Or- .
moo < iie Ht IxmU Mel
Gallant Behavior of the Lati
Oapt , Orighton.
An Old Tale of Nautical Bravery
ry Rohoarfled by an
Eye-WitnoB" .
L'etrol' Viet I'teit
E ly last month Oapt. llobt
Orighton died mid was buriud at Ant
warp with Impooltig ceremonies , hi
hiving boon for a long tlrao maritu
Rupcrlntondcnt of the Rod Star llm
rf steamships plying between Nov
York , Philadelphia and Antwerp
f'ur pall-hoarora ho had the quarter
masters of the stoamjhipi Belgonlanc
nnd Switzland , and ilia ooftiu wtv
draped with Bolivian , British ant
American flags. Brief notloea cf hi
death , coupled with allusions to hi
heroism in standing by the Unltot
Htates ftttumshtp Baa Francisco whoi
ho ha'd command of the British salliuj
ship Tbroo Bells , when both were in i
terrible storm , and of hla rescuing up
ward of GOO souls , most of then
United Suites soldiers , have boei
quito t thoroughly circulated of lati
through the United Statoa.
While thceo reports have nndoubt
odly revived momorloa of the hero !
deed among the older people , the details
tails of the event nro almost wholl ;
If not entirely unknown to the younger
or members of the community. Thuru
fore a detailed narrative of the of
fair from an cyo-wltness , particular ! ;
in vlow of the fact that that witnet
Is now and han long boon a roeidon
of Detroit , will provo Interesting.
Ills name is Amos Bnrgoaa , and hi
lives nt ii29i Macomb street. Ho i
a colored man about 60 years of ago
and is respected by nil who know him
Ho Is comfortably provided with till
world's goodn , and as ho expressed i
when called upon by a reporter of tin
Free Press , hois "a man without od
uaittion , who has won sudioleht ti
l < ivo my children a good education , ' .
have a son who is a graduate cf thi
Michigan university , and Is now prao
thing hla profession at St. Louis , Mo '
When informed aa to the object o
the reporter's visit , the old man wh <
is somewhat shattered and disGgured
us the rcaalt of a steamboat boilo
explosion several yoara ninco said
"Yes , air ; I WJB aboard the San Fran
Cisco when the Throe Bolls stood b
and saved us , but I'm afeard I caunc
toll you of it in good enough ahap
to have it go Into a nownpapor. "
The visitor assured Mr. Burgoi
that the story from hin lips would b
tntonaely inturosticg In vlow cf Dip
Orlghtou'i recent death , and the ol
man thereupon related the tale sul
Htantially as follows :
tvronty-eight or twonty-nlno voara og (
that the atoamahip San Fraiicisci
Oitpt. Wutklna commanding , eaile
from Now York with twtmty-two day
fuel aboard , bound for Sin Francisc
by way of Oapo Horn. Wo intend e
t makoonr first lauding at Rio Jann'r
Wo had about 860 paiseugora over al
about GOO being United States so
dies. 1 was chlet cook on the boa
On the third day out , when off Cap
Ilutturaa , a gale struck us , and It wi
a tcarer. Wo lost both masts , 01
pipes wont by the board , eight of oc
auiull boats were washed overboard , i
were nil of our upper works. Oar u
gini's broke down , and lying in tl
trough of the sea wo throw over ]
thing , except men , overboard to ligh
or up snd prevent swamping. I ts
you , sir , it was
Our docks were cleared of everything
nnd one hugu sen swept ISO person
overboard at ono clip. Wo ware t
thu pumps , working for life. I ha
charge of all the colored men on th
boat , forty in numbur , nnd was give
the forward pumps to work. Th
pumps were the old-fashiound brake
nnd I worked my men in gangs c
tim 'just as tight us they could lick
and dealing out thimbles full of liquc
to the men at the end of each turn o
the brakeo. Oapt. Watkins ha
saved six barrels of whisky out of ou
stock , and placed n guard ever il
while all the rest had bcon throw
overboard. Ou the next day we wer
hailed by the llttlo topinil sohoouc
Niipolpon , bound for Halifax , n
aikod if wo were going to desert ou
ship. She couldn't help us In th
storm , nnd us wo afterwards lenrnei
she reported our situation upon ai
riving nt Halifax. Two days later tl
brig Maria , of Liverpool , spoke t
and wont on , unnblo to render an
service. The next day the bark Koll
loaded with cotton from Now Orient
to Boston , hailed us , and as the a <
had gene down somewhat , got 01
her small boats nnd took nil the lac
passengers wo had aboard. But tl
n'.nrm ' again increasing , she had '
takjcnraof herself before she cou
takn oil any in ore patsongora , Men
while wo were hanging oudosporatol
just ready to drop with despair , b
never getting there. I can't toll yo
sir , anything about how it was at
nobody can , You'vo got to (
through it yourself before you can u
"Wo lay nil night after the Kolby k
us , tiring guns tvtid sending up rockel
and with the break of day wo saw
ship bowing down upon us. V
thought It n British frigate ; she look
so nice and trim nnd cleon-llko , ai
aho was handled no well. Whou wit
in hailing distnnco she told us she w
the Biitiah clipper ship The Thr
Bollf , nnd asked if wo were going
abandon our ship. Wo replied ui
I rtmumbor the tlgnnls woll-'V
< -annot hold out much longer. Hi
lost 130 already. ' Then came Oft ]
Orlehton's uusvtcr : 'Bo if good che
nnd keep a bright light aloft. I'll
b > yon till the aoa runs down. ' Afl
The Three Bolls , which hid stood
us faithfully -vithout'.ueing ublu to hi
us , again signalled : 'Our shin li mi
ing water nnd our drinking wafer
getting low. C.m't stuud by mu
longor. '
1 Ojl. Wlio and Maj. Gatoa were
command of thu soldiers on t
'Frisco'and Ool. Wise signaled
ill Oapt. Orighton , 'Will you char
10 your ship to the United State * cove ;
tuontl" mid our captain aigtulled :
I csu board your ship , 1 hive n
enough to keep her afloat and wo hi
plenty of drinking water for yi
For Hod's sake don't leave na now
for wo can't B nnd i > , much | pi.y r
15 , fore we got thu ugh cur HKtu ,
The Three Bi'liu w p hr nwy mid wi
bi'gtm to think aho wns g 11113 nwuy
By nnd by she changed hurcourse am
aoou fiho came down toward us.
toll you , sir , slio was n beauty , i
pretty thing to look at ; but wo wer
still in doubt. You should have sooi
us clinging on with ono hand , nui
ready to wave our hats with the othe
if the comiog signal warranted it
Then I naked 0 pt. Wntkins In nn undertone
dortono es I pafsod him : 'Do yoi
think the Bella will leave us , sirl
Andhoropliod : "No , Burgess , I don'
thl. k sbo will leave us node
the circumstances , but wo can't ) toll.
Just then the Bolls began to algnn
her reply , nnd soon wo spoiled ont
'Keep up your apirltsj I'll ctnnd bi
yon. '
A terrible gain. Oapt. Orighton Iron
died hin ship magnificently , hot i
would have been sheer folly tnattemp
to lower away a email boat. I toll yet
it was all the bust sailor on the soai
wanted to do to keep his own oraf
afloat , lot alonp helping anybody elao ,
After giving his last and inspiring slz
nal , while wo were cheering lustily ,
the Bells wont scudding away befon
the gale and wo lost night of her
Thou night came on and wo were agait
despairing. In the morning , however
wo sighted two sails , ono the Threi
Bella nnd the other nn American nhi |
called the Antarctic. They were botl
coming down on us , but the Belli
suemocl to bo keeping in the back
ground with a view to letting tin
Antarctic reach ns firat. The Araerl
can ship was largo , clumsy and didn *
handle well , paening us with Inrgi
leeway in an effort to pot nenr na. Shi
ronnd to nnd came nstern of na , whor
aho lowered away her six small boats ,
all of which except two proved unsea
meanwhile , Balling llko a peacock
minding every move of her master
came up alongside quito nenr to us
and soon her three umnll bents , nil il
good ahapo nnd good hands , wor
busy transporting the peoplu from th
'Frisco , while the two good boats o
the Antarctic were doing the earn
thing ; but becauuo aho was no mucl
further away from ui she could do bu
litllo in the ncavy Hon. I toll you i
was oplondid to DUO Thu Bolls heave t
nbroaat of OB , nosp way nbsvo UB am
thun almost hidden hand. They tool
ill off that day except twonty-.hreo o
is At night Cupt. Watkins tignallci
o Oaut. Ocighton to ktop til unti
uorning , and the next Morning , witl
hu 'Fusco water-logged and rolling
Oapt. Watklno and the twonty-tw
lompanions myself among the num
> cr wnro taken off and wo sot tail fo
Sow York. Wo had boon ton o
ilovcn days hard nt work , expeo'in '
death nt any minute , fighting th
moat terrible storm 1 ever experience
> ud for four or five days looking a
ad ndmirlng the moot heroic nn
omploto exhibition of good nearuat
hip I have over seen. "
On the way to Now York Mr. Bui
gnss was called upon to cook for Oap1
Orighton , his own cook having bee
put in confinement for intemporanci
and of the captain Mr. Burgess sayi
"Ho was a tine-lookinc ; Scotchmat
about 37 or 38 years old , and th
most gentle , dignified nnd courteoi
man I oror mot aboard ship. I nevi
have aoon , before or nlnce , a sulk
who hnndlod his men nnd hla shl
with such perfect discipline and co
octiKBS. "
In obtaining the above narratlvi
ho reporter was repeatedly obliged I
press Mr. Burgess as to his pursoni
ibairvntloiip , the old man every no
, nd then saying , "Now , look hen
Mr. lloportcr , I'm tolling yon th
'not as it happened , but I would r ;
her you would luavo mo out of 1
'or ' four thnt pcoplo may think I ai
xaggerating nnd trying to bio
bout mjsslf. "
"Not nt nil , Mr. Burgees ; thoi
ivho know you will never think <
uch a thing. "
"How did yon hnppen to como I
not How did you know I waa on tl
an Francisco ? "
"An old friend of mine who kuov
ou , and your experience , suggeuh
iho Interview. "
"In what I have told you goo
noti"h to io in the paper ? "
"I should cay BO. "
The late Oapt. Orighton , for h
nngnlficont bravery , was awarded
oto of thanks and a considerable su
f money by the American congree
nd besides receiving several go !
medals , was feted in several of tl
arger cities ef this country.
If yon are sick Hop Bitten wi
surely nid Nature { making yon wt
when nil olao fails.
If you nro costive or dyspeptic , <
are suffering from any of the numc
ons diseases of the stomach or bowel
i is your own fault if you remain i
for Hop Bittord are a sovoroij
remedy in nil such complaints.
If you nro wasting nwnyl with ni
form of Kidney disease , stop tomptii
Death this moment , nnd turn f 01
uro to Hop Bitters.
If you are sick with that torriV.
sickness Norvousnoas , you will find
"Balm in Giload" in the uao of H
If you arc n frequenter or n re
dent of n iniasuiatio district , barrica
your uyatem n aiubt the scourge of
couutrioa malaria , epidemic , bilk
ami intonnittout fovora by the i
of lion Bitters.
If you have rough , pjtnplo or B
low akin , bad breath , paina nnd noh
and fool niisornblo generally , H
Bitters will gho you fair skin , ri
blood , nnd sweetest breath , health n
In short they euro nil diseases
the atontch , Bowels , Blood , Livi
NervoB , Kidneys , Bright's Disea
S 50o will bo paid for a case they v
not euro or help.
That poor , bedridden , invalid wl
ftiatov mother , or daughter , can
made the pioturo of health , by n f
botfies of Hop Bitters , cosMnp bu
tnfla. Will you let thorn Buffer ?
Free of LJoat.
AH jiersons wieblug to teat the inerlU
preat remedy uno that will noaitiv
euro Consumption , Couru , Colds , Ai
ma , llronchittf , or any nirectlon of tlir
aim lunga are requeatnd to call
0. F. Goodman's Urutr Store and go
trial bottle of Dr. Klng'a New Dluco ?
( or Conauinptlon , ruEE or OOST , which \
how yon what regular dollar-alie bo' '
will do
New York Jounnl.
biuco thb society play hns como int
vogue the coat of costuming for th
thuatro hns increased five-fold. I
the days of melodrama nnd trngody I
WHS enough for n loading lady to har
"ft crown for queens , n wrenth fo
brides , and n black an in dreia. " Th
rust she could always find In th
wardrobe of the thenUo. But noi
this is all changed. The costume o
a modern piny often coats n lary
sum. " Sijno actresses aapir
to sot the fashion , such o
P.UU in the "fraviatn. " Ii
"OamilliBarnhatdt were n dree
that c at $2,000 , nnd in tha
play there nro four or five changes o
areas. Women , llko B.rnhardr , ca
do this , for they make latga aume
but it ia often embarrassing to ac
IreBioa on n salary. Mits S.urah Jo
wott , on a salary ot $150 , can hardl
bo expected to farnlsl costumes for
play costing (300 or $100. As n rul
the manager pijs hnlf the expense o
such costumes , but ho then pretend
to have somtnhlng to say about th
manner and material ol the drea ;
For thu Unio. Square the dress nr
invariaby : made by costumes and dt
Btgnu sent from Paris , so that the 01
i Tnil may be strictly adhtred to.
At Wallack'a , too , the costume
used by some ot the actresses nr
mndo by professional costomore
Alias Ooghlan ia supposed to farm's !
her own dresses on a salary of $17
a week. In "The Qicon's Shilling
for instance , she were about $50
worth of material. But that is th
only play this season which has COG
her anything. Character dresses ar
always furnished by the management
It is noted that when English ac
treascs first como hero they dree
poorly "alouohily , " so to sponli
When Rose Coiihlan firat was lend
ing aotreas nt Wnllack'a aho had poc
taato in her apparel. Lone residonc
has taught her what "stylo" IB.
At the comic opera theatres , sue
as the Standard , CUsino nnd Bijot
the management , c f course , anpplie
the costumes , because these oporno a
ways demand character dreanes whic
are of noBervioe to the nctor or nctrei
when the run of the work is over , A
the Standnrd they have been in th
habit cf importing all their costumt
in bulk , and that is what they nre i
trouble about just now. Mr. McOau
hna hia costumes made here , and the
nro usually \ory pretty. Thoao <
tho' Lace Unndkorct ijl" could hardl
bo nurpast d in beauty. They wei
mndo by a firm of French coaluu
makers , who have located hero.
The atarc of the s'ngo , of conriv
furnish their own dreuaea. There is
number of nctressea who depend ft
aucccsi te a great extent on the ricl
ness of their costume ; . They ia
care to ulv'crtino them in advance BO i
to excite tha curiosity cf lady nud
nces. Modjesbn never descends 1
his , yet aho wears the most artist
oatumoa I have ever noon. She d
ighs them all herself nnd atatsta i
heir making , She send * no ataj
Iresaea ont to be mado. Her dree
maker travels with her at the nan
imo Is her maid. What ia particular
Admirable about * Loin. is the rlchno
f the4prial used and its qnantlt ;
' ' turners will try and save 1
in on material and by fur
Comparatively cheap good
10 of Madame Modjotkt
'can ' hardly bo computed , f
> , n : that it is only the stn
Jic'r anything , and they a
road. But she probably h
$10 000 worth of dresses with her.
Lotta'u costuming coats very littl
most of her dresses nre short , chei
things , Buch ns the parts aho plays d
mand. In ono or two "of her pie :
ho wears modern fine drosoes , b
hey are cf the ordinary typo aa
Mra. W. J. Florence haa made
point of late yoara of drawing atte
: ion to her costumes. _ The actrc
las in her possession cbatnmon th
have coat $15COO to $20,000 , b
some of them are much worn , nu
not being fit for much use agnin , :
particular value cnu bo sot on thei
Where a play like the "Mighty D <
'at" la produced continuously nbo
wo aota of costumes have to bo pi
haod each year , oostins niy for o
ot for large cities , § 1,500 , and f
imall , $ GCO.
Miss Hury Anderson hns a fi
warorobo of ancient and modern ct
nmcB , But eho haa not n good fign
or their display , as she is too ti
nnd angular. Some were made
Paris , but moat cf them have ba
purchased hero. Mrs. Lingard ( All
Dauulng ) also has some very expe
sive nnd rich dresses , and her beau
displays them well.
The smaller actresses generally ha
their costumes f jrulshod by the ma
agcmsnt. Mr. Daly generally ft
niahea the costumes hia ladies ah
wear nnd Delects them himself , ov
to color , shnde , and class of gooc
Misa Ada llehm la n good dresser , n
she looks best when the costume
most simple.
Fanny Davenport , nt present
England , la ono cf the moat extra1
innt of actresses in the matter of cc
turan. She heraelf estimates thatsii
she has been on the atngo her c
turncs have cost her ever $60,01
She h feud of odd things.
Aibanl'd Loat Jewels.
Through the courtesy of Oolot
Mapleson nnd Signer Ardlti inforn
tion comprising the details of n vi
daring thuft was obtninod yoatordi
It appears thnt Gomiuauder Gyo 1
the St. OjorKd'a Hotel S vturdny uic
shortly i f , er nine o'clock and tool
train ( or New York nt the Penns
vtujia depot nt Broad nnd Jfnrl
streets. Ho was unaccompanied , ai
on takli-g his Boat , pi wed nlon a ;
him on the cushion n black lent !
traveling bag bearing his Initials ,
F. O , in oH English chnractors , n
his crest stamped in gold thereon. 1
following is a list cf the Btolen pr
or y :
Ono hundred dollars in bills , <
pearly in ono diamond pin , ono co
nnd gold enr.ko ring , ono Roman g
ring , three sola of gold ntud , <
ivory nnd gold stud , ono silver clp
o tj cn ? , one meerschaum pipe , <
check-book of Messrs. Oouttn & C
London ; ono chock for $1,400 to
order of and endorsed by G. Irani
and alfned by J. H. Moploson i
Herbert P. Gyo ; ono check for ?
to the order of nnd endorsed by
Livino , nnd signed by J. H. Ma ]
nnd mlacollano
son ; aomo letters
articles. . . .
In addition to the valuable jewel
oath , checkr , nnd prlvato papers n
uivon In the nbivo list , fornlohcd b ,
thu police , the bag contained n vor
valuable pnir of Rolitnlro diamond car
ringi , presented to Mndatno Albani
the wife of Erncet Gyo , the im
pressano , by the late otnputor o
RuasU. The atonoa are almoot pho
LOrnoKnl in slzy , perfectly matched
nnd rotrarkablo for their brill/anc / ;
and purity. Possibly of ovfln.grente
value WI.B the duly eigmul nnd wit
ncsac-d contract between Ernest Gyi
and Midaino Nilason , Btipulntirg fo ;
the lady's performance uudor Mr
Gyo'o nianigemetit during the preeoni
soaon , in vi"w of the fact that lega
proceedings founded upon the validitj
of this contract are at present pond
ini ; to prevent Madame Nilsson con1
tinning her ninco ratified engagement
wl > h Honrj E Abbey.
In the car nhond of Commando ;
Gyo wns Madame Rotsinl , and whet
tie train approached Thirty-sixtl
treet there waa a delay of some min
u es. Natnrally anxious to reassun
Mtdamo Risslni , who ho though
might bo alarmed by the protraotoc
halt , the commander loft the car nn :
passed forward to toll the lady thi
cause of the delay. On returning it
a oonplo of minutes or so to the aoa
ho had jus" vacated ho wes hnrrlfie (
to find that the big had vanished. I
hurried search satisfied Mr. Gyo tha
the bag had been stolen nnd was ni
longer on the cars.
Colonel Mapleson said last night n
the Lafayette Hotel that ho ahonlc
roughly ontimato the value cf the jew
elry nt $50,000 The cheek for 84,401
hnd been paid ever to Madame Pjttt'
representative , M , Franchi , on Satur
day nfternoon for the dlvn's performance
anco of Lucia at the Academy o
Mualo. If the check wns naver recovered
orod , the Colonel remarked with i
omile , nn odd point of law might b
raised as to whether or 'not Madam
Pattt's claim had boon legally sit
i fied. Oommnnder Gyo had beei
nnxious , ho added , that the fict o
Madame Albani's historic cm
drops bninir among the stole'
property should not bo too widely die
geminated , ns the fraternal care witl
which ho had secretly berne theti
across the billows of the broad At
lantio and carried them safely aahor
unobserved by the proverbially lynx
eyed custom house i fficors , might no
ba rog&rdod with eomplacnncy by th
collector of the port o ! New York
Unfortunately , however , Colom
Mupleson had "told the story" bofor
ho rrceivcd n visit early yestorda
m ruitiK from the unfortunate gontli
man. It is understood that the nffii
nis alao b'Uii placed in the hands c
Pinkerton'ii dotootivrs.
Woman's Trno Priond.
A friend in need i * n friend indeed. Th
nouocnn deny , e-jiecially when ajsibtnncts
rendered when one ia xorely alllicted witl
diseane , more particularly those con
plfiinls and weaknesses no common to ni
feinalo pnpulatioa. Kvery woman ahoul
knuw that Electric Bittera are woman
true friend , nud will positively restore In
to health , even when all other remedli
fail. A eingle trial always proves our ai
aertion. They are pleasant to the taati
nuil only cost fifty centx a bottle. Sold b
0. if.
Money for the Unmarried.
Ono of the moat solid and subatai
tial institutions in this country is th
Marriage Fund Mutnal Truat aaaocl ;
tion of Oedar Rtplda , la. Durlt
their firat year , ending January la
1883 , they paid over $30,000.00 i
benefits to their members , and tt
greatest satitfaction prevails amor
their certificate holders. They ai
organized uudor the laws of Iowa , nt
their officers nnd directors are amor
the leading nnd moat prominent bus
ness men ot Oodar Rapids. Every ui
mnrrled person ohould have n cortil
onto in this association.
It is n splendid investment , as aaf
secure nnd euro SB n govcrnmet
bond. Yon can just aa well have
good sum of money tn commence ma
ried lifo on as not. Over 200 men
bora have been paid off , receivh
ever 300 per cent on their invea
mcntSend n postal card for tn
circulars fully detailing the plai
which Is the finest known. Goc
( igenta can got territory if npplied fi
soon. Write to-day. Do not pea
pone it. Mention where yon an
this notice. .I4-lra
lord , ol Clo1
hiul , O , t
old , popul
and skill
Artifloi ?
01 the lateal Improved pUn , Im opened
branch mcclnnlral surgrry Insiltuto at ? J2
ICth ttrett , Umaha , where ho Is pracarol to d
nU.i Imbio' ocrr d scrlptlos , akolctans a
supporter * lor parol zed and ilelormid llm !
truces and sbouldar bra'fs aid eupporteri
Icmatc oakne s , e'.c Th Doctor lia-i had
years experience In weiring and adjusting.
j 4-deod-w.lm 222 North ICth Hircet
1109 > nd 1111 IXxU-e Street ,
aas 7-iiiH Cm OUAIIA , NEB
Tholntilaalcmerit ind enpcrlor atulltyof i
QoW Rope Tobacco haa Induced other mannl
turcr to put ujKin the market ooJi ilmllar
iur brand In caine and stjle which are ode
snd told tor lee * mocey than the genuine 0
Hopo. We caution the t fcde * nd contnmor to
that our name and trade mark ere upon ei
lujp. The only genuine and original Quid K
Tnbacco 1 * mannfactorcd by
A romWnooi ( of 1'ro-
toxltla of iron , Ji'i-ritelan
Jlarli ' .
n jxitaiitljla form. J'or
Jl > WtVxxit ' . . . . _ .l. . of . _ Ar - . * .
Ute , 1'roslratlon of vital
1'owcrs it it indltnensn-
. . Writes ! miPIC'ICiO '
After a thorough trial of the iwUr\lr It-O /
ON TONIO , I take pleasure THC ' 'I consider it
in BtattaiT that I have boon
KIOOV. , .onofltod by Ito a most excellent remedy for
uso. Ministers and Pub- the debilitated vital forces.
lie Speakers will find It
of the trrnateat value
where a Tonic la nocen.
enry. I recommend it
as a rollablo romodlal
iipont , possessing un
doubted nutritive and
restorative .
, Ky properties. , , Oct. 2 , 1SJ2.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Sfea ? Union Pacific BoDot
O. IF1.
Window and Plate Q'ass. '
CSTAnyone contemplating bulldln ? , or any other flne will find It to their ad
intage to coires end with us before purchasing their Plato Glues.
TWC ? ? A
: ! our , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies ,
A Full Line of the Beat Brands of
IE1. O.
' 213 Farnam St. . Orirmha.
Is only attained by nalng
Stoves and Eanges.'J
. "For sale by
Sinplo Breech Loading Shot Gnns , from S5 to $18 ,
Double Breeoli Loading Shot Guns , from $18 to $ > 75 ,
Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , From SB to S25 ,
Fishing Tackei , Base Balls and all kinds of Fancy Goods ,
Full Stock of Show Cases Always on hand-
Imported and Key "West Cigars a large line of
Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re
quired in a first class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion
Store , Cigars from $15 per 1COD upwards. Send
for Price List and Samples.
-a.wrjE : Eazssrsanuxs
Tlf T IWP3
< vMta feftaat Bii i ? iillre
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.