TT HE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWELFTH YEAR. * * " /OMAHA NEB THUESDAY MORNING JANUARY 18 1883 8) ) \ HERCULES' ' HURRAH. Bill Stout's Break for Millard Blighted Before Birth. Futile Attempt to Secure a Caucus Through the State Committee. A D ° BperatoEflorbto Bo Made to Stampede the Legis lature To-Day. The Second Ballot Tno Candi- dateo and Their Supporters. Wind m Stack DrproaintluK in tu Mnrbeti cf Mlnnonala. Progress of the Battle In Colorado , Massachusetts and Other State ? . 1 HE SECOND BALLOT. l Dispatch to TUB UKI. LINCOLN , January 17 The two houcca of the legislature nut this morning shortly baforo noon In joint convention for thu purpose of balloting for United States Senator. The first vote in joint convention stood substantially the same aa the vote of yeatorday. It occupied ono hour in taking and announcing the ballot. The following la the result : Saundora 14 , Millard 13 , Conner C , Mandorson G , Oowin 10 , Thayer 11 , Sliklo 9 , Vifquatn 6 , Kennedy 1 , Savage 5 , Boyd 5 , Morton 1C , Dye 1 , Hall 2 , Liird 2 , Clark 2 , Gas lin 3 , Brown 7 , Weaver 1 , Ellis 1 , Butler 1 , Doraoy 2 , Crounaa 2 , Lake 2 , Ewing 1 , Tomliu 1 , Munger 1 , Aahby 1 , Humphrey 1 , Whoodon 1. The convention aujournod till 12 noon to-morrow. THE VOTE IN DETAIL. SpccUl Correspondence ol TUB Dia. LINOJLN , January 17. At noon the two houeea met in joint convention and after a few preliminaries proceeded - od to caat the first joint ballot. It varied very little from the vote of yes terday and was aa fallows : Vifquatr Barker , Lnthy , Palmer cf Saline , Kainev , Sidelok (5) ( ) . Kennedy- Brown of Lancaster , Heltt , Walker , bierbower , Cvilpelzsr , Draper cf Kt'ox , CJonr , Giimrs , Ilumar , JOUIIPOD , Miller , I'almer of Dixou , lloacb , Wes- cott ( U ) . Tiinyut--Brown of Way , Harrison , Cole , Cook of NcukohV , Grliratean , Howard , Nett eton , Kannoy , Spanogle , Bteever , Bwearicgcn (11) ( ) . Savage brown of Colfox , Conklbg , Thatch , Clark of Colfax. Clark of Doiu- la , Thfttoh ( G ) . M ndowon Botnzardnar , Vlllay , Sw- err , Cox , Jen-en , R.nb ! > erta ( ti ) . iStickel Butler , Uoynolrt , llieh , Berk- lev , Cook of Jc If eraon , Town , Worbam , Wbitlel , Ycung (9) ( ) . Boyd CanfieUl , McSlune , Harrington , North , Watts , ( ) . Morton Case , Dunpby. 1'fttternon , KodRer ? , Barton , fnrna y , Draper of Cm * , France , Graver , llelmrich , ITonbrl , L-iIrd , Isevllle , Payne , Schrocder , Tower (10) ( ) . Dye Connor ( t ) . Hall-Decb , Jones (2) ( ) Lilrd DUn , B t)0.ick(2) . ( ) . Connor Dye , Tisher , Armitige , Charleston Ha\cifi ( ) Loran Clark HitrrH , Thompson (2) ( ) . Gaalin Hpwell , Martin. llu < nell ( ) . Co iv -Kincaid , Korris , Christopher. non , Colliap , Dnwcon , Gordon , Hall , L e , Steadwell. Wisfcnl'ers , Wolph ( U ) . C. H. Brown IJIDR , Ashby , Daen - port , Donman , Hullinnn , ISUG-ivock , Turtle (7) ( ) . Millard Schoenhelt , Abell , U'lttou , Krown , Ca th. FablinRer , Field , Gr y , Morriton , Savngo , Sessions , Stephtnson , Sucwenbach (13) ( ) . Weaver-Chapla (1) ( ) . Kills Dodd ( ' ) . Butler Freeburn (1) ( ) . Dorsey-G.rut , Wo 1(2) ( ) . Crounso Hatch , Kmny ( t ) . riike-McCalliater , Whedon (1) ( ) . ] : winR Hat cliff * (1) ( ) . Tcuiblin Taylor ( t ) . Munger Thou s (1) ( ) . Ashby Turner (1) ( ) . Humphrey Walker (1) ( ) . Whedon- . Speaker (1) ( ) . No choice , and the ji int conventiot : adjourned to meet to-morrow at noon , THE DAT1LE AT LINCOLN. SpeclU Dispatch tolui III ! f HILL STOUT 'H FUJI.E. K January 17. Bill Stout Kl chief engineer of Millard'a boom l ; made an effort to capture the snllc republican vote through the republic an state central committee. Half i dozen members , headed by Churcl LI owe , naked Chairman Dorsoy t < convene the commlttoo thia ifternooi for the purposoof paeaing a rosolutlot in f.tvor of a caucus , An appeal wai alao to bo published to the ropnbllcat members to consolldato in some man The scheme filled , however , bccansi the loading republican candidates , ex cept Millard , would not rial a caucus. To-morrow Millard' forces will endeavor to stamped' ' the legislature by a sudden dash afte the third or fourth b tllot. Indication are that Millard'a highest vote will fal below forty. D.'aporato flTorta ar still being made to enliit now rAcrulti forMlllard | , and the bounty otTorodiai coed deal higher tlir.n was paid to sub atltntea during the trur. All are ii vain , horrovor , bccauno only thi moat reckless are wnling ti go on record with tin reputation of supporting a candidati whoso aolo reliance for ucco < ia roati In his ability to buy hia way into thi Hoimto. Tnero Is danger of a pnnii to morrow. Whatever course Mil lard's forces may purauo the opposi tion to him are determined to sUm firm Tno situation IB still onoonrag ing to nil in the field. The democrat have determined to hold out solid fo doinor.itio ciudldates. The anti inouopolu > .d will alao stand by thel utru candidates , It now looks as i no decision would bo reached bcfcio Saturday. ELECTIONS ELSEWHERE. BpecUl Dispatches to Tin Dn. MINNK30TA. Sr , PAUL , Jamnry 17. Two Inef fectual ballots were lakon for United States senator to-day. Windom , it is thought , is losing ground. Two billets were taken in the joint convention tday. . Windon got 05on the Tint and 01 on the cocotui b.illot , a dovt loss from yesterday. It (3 ( believed liovod hia chances have much deprect atcd. A caucus ot his friends was called for this evening. There being sixteen candid-ttca , it is impossible to name the coming man. ILLINOIS. Sriu.vciFiELi ) , January 17. Gover nors M , Oullom wan elected United Butes senator. The legislature in joint scaainn to day elected Governor S M. Cullom United States senator by 107 votes to DO caat for Ex-Governor Palmer Every vote being cist by Senator Adama for the republicans , and llupro- Botitativo Crefts for thu democrats. Cullom ucoaptod In a handsome speech. COL IUUO. DENVEK J\nuary 17. Thi repub lican caiiua to night to nominate a ecnator sgiin adj mrnod without mak ing any ohoico. The following is the l at ballot : Pitkln , 21 ; Tabor , 1C ; Hamill , 11 ; BoTot ) , 4 ; Judge Hal- lett , 1. KAMHAS. KANSAS CITY , January 17. The Journal's Topcka tpacial a ay a : In the republican caucus to-night Mr. Plumb was nominated unanimously for ro- iloctlon to the United SiHtes senate. Thia indicates his diction on firat ballott. The Mtusnohnsatta Sonatormlilp. pooul UlBpatcb to Till lit * . BOSTON , January 17 The first joint ballot in the legislature- for [ Jnitod States senator was as follow * : Hoar 128 , Long CO , Bowerman ! )0 ) , Crape 11. All the others 3. The number for a necessary choice is 138. SECOND IIALLOT. BOSTON , January 17 On the second end ballot , Hoar hid 131 , Long 40 , Bowerman 01 , Crape 12 , ecatteriig 3. There wan no choice. Adjourned un- : il to-morrow. Adjournment waa a defeat for Long The democratic combiua'.ion deahod another ballot. A Matter of Firm. Spc-Ur.l Dlcpr-tch to Tun UKK EALK.IOII , January 17. The legis lature in joint session completed the election of Katiaom aa United States Au Important Dcolilon- Upccltl Luiatcn | 10 llll U . Nr.w YOUK , Jancary 17 Judge Wallace , in the United States circuit court , hasdrc'.Hod agttluattho plaintitfa In the suit nf Bartram & Co. against Collector Robertson , which W B brought to recover the duties collected on sugar imported from the Danish island of St. Orolx. The cround taken in this suit was that the United States had a treaty with , the kin of Den mark which stipulates that no higher duty should bo imposed upon its productions than on any other foreign country , but that treaty had since been mtdo with the king ot the Hawaiian isltuid by which sugar should bo admitted free of duty. The plaintiffs claimed therefore that the sugar produced on D.uiish terri tory should bo admitted free alao. Judge Wallaca declares the position of plaintifta untenable. Thla was a tset case , and the decision is exceed ingly important. A Ticket War. Special Di'patch to Tim linn. Cmcuoo , January 17. The refusal of Tbotnas Goodman , the general pan- ongcr agent of the Oantiat Pacific , to iaauo limited tickets through to Now York is injuring the Chicago roads severely , aa under the present arrange ment n person ctn buy a ticket via St. Louia at about $3 leas than via Chi cago. The roads leading via Chicago are anxious to have this thing stopped arid are making utrenuuua efforts to tudnco Mr , Goodman to hano limited tickets from Sau Franciaoo to New Yoik via Chicago at the aamo rate aa via St. Louia. At a meeting of the pasBonqor agents nf the various roads intoreatod in bu'inoua , held yoaterday , at which the general pas senger and tick jt nconts ot the At- chlaon , Topeka & Santa Fo and the Union PitciOo roada wuro present. Commissioner W. H. Dxra waa in- atructod to inform Goodman that II waa the unanimous desire of the Chicago cage connec'lonx ' of thn Pacific roads , well na of the Union Pacific and At- chiaon , Topeka & Santa Fo that thi ditcriminntioii DgilnRt Chicago , cauaec by his refiml to lasuo tickets to the east at the tame rate via Chicago ai via St. Loan ahonld bo atopped , and tint they expect him to rotify thu matter by iasuing limited througli tickets at uniform rates. Stanmbont Explonton- iiprcial Dls ( tch toTim 11 KB. SAN FKANCIHJO , January 17. A Seattle ( W. T ) dispatch says thi steamer Josephine , which lefc this ch ; this morning for Skoglt river , havlnj on board full freight cargo and twont ] passengers , blew up thia afternoon it Port Sasan Bay , CO miles north o this point. The acting master , pur Bar , steward , firemen and several paa aongerd are reported loat. There i yet no definite information aa to thi causa of the disaster. pononr thi Lost. Spcual Uitpttch to tut lUr. KINOSTON , Ont. , January 17. Ex Senator Spencer , the much wantot witness in the star route trial , lofl hero hat night for Halifax , en rente t < England. During hia stay hero h < has been closely watched by the dotuc lives. A Hfvr Railroad Scheme. Special Dispatch to Tin Ilix. WASHINOTON , January 17.In thi house Mr. Belford presented a memo rial for the entablishmonl of railwaj commnuioation whhGantral and Soutl Americi. It waa referred. THE STATE CAPITAL Brief Outline of the Work of the Legislature , The Proposed lucrenso of Ju dicial Districts and the Counties in Each. Thurston nud Hull Ezplnlii Cer tain Fonturai of Ilailrond Tbo Fluctuations In Freight Homilutcd by tbe Murkot. THE LEGISLATURE- HENATK AVTEIINOON SBsHION. Fy' l Correspondence o ( Tha Uce. LINCOLN , January 17. The corn- mittoo on counties and county boun daries reported back the bill to annul ho law lu regard to o-itabllahlng coun- les. Majority and minority reports wore mndo. CI\BO , of Webster , moved the ap- ) ointment of a committco of two to aot with a similar committee on the tart of the house to BCD that proper attention Is shown to citlzetiH visiting ho capitol during the election of Jolted States senator. It fcwas con- Uored by unanltnona consent adopted. The committee on claims reported 3. W. Sohrlmer as clerk of that com mittee. BODJ. Patrick was appointed clurk of committee on aconuuts and expenditures , and Robert Holllngs- worth was appointed cloik of the committee on unrolled and engraved bills. bills.Tho The report of committee on arrang- monta for joint convention was rood and adopted. It provides for the printing of COO tickets of admission , which are to bo given to state cUlcers , ex members cf the legislature , and representatives < f the press. The gal- 'cries will bo open to the public. 8KNATE , MOUNIKO HKSSION. LINCOLN , January 17 The cum- mittcu on privilegia and elections re- oirtho in regard to the contest in the Twenty-ninth district , that it beoanui szeaiKy tlut the billets and poll Dooks should bo examined. Senator Brown , cf DoUrIaa ; , moved that the president of the senate open ; no ballo to and poll bouka , and deliv er the aarao to the committee for in- spootion. The motion waa agreed 'o andtho preaidunt , in the prcsoncocf the tienatci , opened the packages. Among the bi'la ' road for the first lime was one to provldo for Ijio pio- ; ootion ( f thu ineaue. It gives inmates cf asylums Ml hbjrfcy of correspondence - once , f cou from conaorahlp. The memorial to congress on behalf of the Slonx Oity & Pacific railroad , inp It the right of way acrosa the Fort Niobrara reservation , was road a second time and referred to the com mittee on federal relations. 'Iho bill for rediatrioting the fitate f jr judicial purposes was referred to a ipecial committeo. The bill provider f jr the following districts : First Gxge , Johnson , Nemaha , Pawnee and HIcliardHon. 8 ci ni-CitH. Lancaster nnd Otoo , Third l ) u.lie nud Sarpy. Kourth Bu'IorColfax ' , Dodge , Seward , Sounder- ] and York. rifth Aantiif , Clay , Flllmore , .Tetter , on , Silluo. NuckollB nnd Thajer , Sixth Hamilton , Hall , Howard , Mer- riolr , Nance , 1'latte nnd IVlk. Seventh Burt , Codtr , Cumins ; , Da- Ifntn , D'xon , Mndfaon , Pierce , Slnnton , WunhioRton , anilVnyne _ , nnd tha Omaha an'1 ' Wlnuebago reservation , rihlh | Antelope , Boone , Buffalo , Gns- tor , rfLeriiuin , Valley and Wheeler act ! the unorginl/.ed territory north of Ouster , Holt aurt Kuox. Ninth Franklin , Kearrey , Ilnrlau , Chase , Duudv , Kurnas. Frontier , Gar Held. HajtM , Hitdicoclc Keith , Cheyenne , Lincoln , I'hulpa , lied \Villuw , Sioux nut Webster , and tlui unorganized ttrritorj north of Keith nnd Lincoln , The Donate on retnrning from the joint convention adjourned till to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. 7HE RAILROAD INQUIRY. Spccttl ixurwpomlouco or Tun UK. LINCOLN , January 1C The specia ! railroad commlttoo mot thloaflornoor at half pint 3 o'clock , in parauanoo tc adjournment yesterday , The interest of the public in evidently increasing day by day as the investigation proceeds coeds , und the attendance was mud larger to-day than yesterday. Fo i or five members of the prut a vroro alsi present. J udgo Mason appeared 01 behalf of the railroads. Mr. 0. II Gero , editor of The State Journal and Mr.V. . A. Paxton wore the fira witnesses ozainlued , but nothing ma terlul was olloited. Mr , P. 12. Hull , the general maua gar of the Sioux Oity & Pacific rail road then underwent the examlna tion. In answtr to a question put bj Mr. Qaley ho gave a iull oxplanatioi cf thobaeis adopted by the Sioux CH ] & Pacific railroad company ia fixln ; tat ill' rates for freight over that road lie also stated that the lower prleec commodities on all railroads r.n carried at rates that of thomaelvo would not pay fjr haulinglumber ; am coal , ho said , are generally hauled or western roads at such low rates tha if all the business was done at thna rates the companies could not livo. LI admitted that the rate charge was of tei baaed to some extent upon the fluctu utions of the market. Ho gave as i reason for sometimes hauling corn at i lesi rata than paid that It was boeauai rival lines were taking business fron them. Ho also oxplamed that undc the head of opsratlng oxpouaos wa Included all duburaomonta to officer paying taxes , keeping stock In repair ito. ito.Mr. Mr. J , M. Thurston in the course ol examination , was asked whether h was authorized to Iseuo or hand eve paeaos for the U. P. railway company and replied that ho had bouiotimuc when ho was away from homo , takci a few blank passed which ho was oskci to fill up. Asked as to whether ho took an as tlvo part in the politics of this state , ho replied that ho had done to , but the moment ho expressed his political judgment It was charged up ttf > the railroads , and ho look very uiudh" Ijts Interest in politics now. flto alfo na- Btrtcd that no had never discriminated in haudlni ? out pisses to state oflloors and to delegates to politic * ! convon- tlons. Ho 1ml handed them to repub licans and democrats aliko. lie did not know whether any nntl-monopo- lists had over applied for passes or not. not.'Iho witness waa then naked estate whnt salary the Union Pacific company paid him onnnally or otherwise. A dlecusaion then aroB3 as to the admin- slbllity of the question , nnd Senators Reynolds mid butler moved tlijtt the gentleman bo respeotf ully ankod to an swer the question. The ivynH and lays worn then taken , with the follou ng result : Ayoe Reynolds und ) esh. Nay * Brown ofl,0lay , G.ny , iritton and Grant. The motion w . hjroforo lost. After the examination of another witness , Mr. Barton , cf Omaha , the ntiotiiiff adjourned to 3:30 : Wednesday nftnrnoon , when further testimony ia o bo taken. THE NBWHa.J-iLi FIRE. SptciiU UI | iati.h to Tils ! ! . MILWAUKEE , January 17. The loss of life ns far as known foots up 03 , with 20 still missing. Sohellor , the barkeeper who is under arrest , was a warm personal friend of Aotiadol , the proprietor. The head porter of the Nowhull mikes a statement to-day that an at- empt WAS made to blow up the house ly n gas explosion two weeks ago. lo diacovorod all the burners of the ) ig chandelier in the bar room had ho gcs turned on full force at 6 a. m. , and since learned that Sshollor left , ho barroom at 3 a. in. the lame moruincr. . TlieSanrcb in the Rules- * jicclil Dinpatch toTllK UKK , MiLWAUKtE , January 17. The number of workmen at the ruins was educed and the work Is to-day , ox- looted to bo completed by Saturday light. Five bodies were recovered .o-day . , waking the total forty three , all beyond recognition. There are .wonly three idontlfiod dead , and it ia supposed that there are from fifteen o twenty still misting. The chief of nlloo states to night ho learned ono f the clerks ran out cf the feuruing lotol with the register , but stumbled down the etnlrs and lost tbo book. Pho transfer book hr.n not boon hoard 'rom ' yot. CAHVEft AND BOQARDCS A CballonHo for a Ohamplon Bliooc Special Dispatch to Tim lien. SAN 17.Chl FIUNCIBCO. January 17.- - cage's American Field will pub' n a reply from Oaptnin Bogardus t * Dr , 3irvcr'a challenge for a pigeon c oh , acsopting and offering to nhoot > " ' 100 pigeons oioh , at LouUvillo , Keri'Tiaky. aotwoon February lit and 10thJj.ud to decide the wing sl-ot oh rif.i 1'iip of the world , ' three olaor inatoiei ( , , . u > - wit : 100 double blrdo , 100 aluglo birds , round traps , 21 yards and 100 birds , Ilurllrgham rules , 50 ynrdx , $250 to $500 a aide oaoh , with $1COO to $2,000 on the general result. Uogardua also oilers to shoot 5CO sin gle clay pigeons and fiOO half single and half double , Carver to name the amonnt to bo shot for. In the name paper F. II. Bites pro- [ > OBUD to match hb Irish snttor , "Joe Oampbull , " against either ( f the "Bluo Blood" wjnnoro , all aged ntak ? , nt thu national field trhla at Grand .Func tion , Tonn. , for throa drtya' hunt on quail , in order to toit the question of euporiority botwoun the Iho Floods ) n Germany Special Diipatch to Tim UKK. BOHION , January lf > The follow ing cable dispatch from/ the imperial Uormcn foreign olliee , Berlin , was ro- calvcd by S. B , Sohlealngor , German consul hero : 'Thronch the innndaMons of Jast autumn 20,000 houeco , 130,000 per sona and ( ! 0,000 hectare n of land and property hnvo Huflurcd d maso ; in Prneala alone , nnd the damogo by December - comber 11 jods has boon ncarly.ii great. In Bayrischo Rheinplabn 1,000 houses were owopt away und 12,000 persona rendered hnmcleea. Lloifion and other districts along the rlvora anderod the anne calamity. ( Signed ) GRA ? tltn Hn.itUou. S ) > clal DUpatiii to Tun lilK , BOSTON , January 17. The fifteenth annual mooting of the Wonun'o Board cf Mitaions wan held to-dav Rscoiptn for the year $124 K4" . The board has in this country 21 branch societies and 3 conference. ussochtioiiB , each comprising a nnmttbr of amall organ izations of women and children , mik- Inu the number of auxiliaries between SOD and 000 and children's cirolos be tween GOO and CCO In foreign Holds the board has under its cnro ! > 1 mia < filonarles , 81 blbln women , 30 board ing schools and 123 village and da ; achools. Th Polnt dPrny r of a. Pre ch r SpocW Dlnpatcb to Tin llm. TRENTON , N. J. , January 17. Rav. John Dowitt Miller , In opening the proceedings of the house to-day prayed that no member might b < forced to explain to an Inquisitive constituency when ho returned homo , how , having como to Trenton poor ho went Inek rich , en a salary of $50 ( for the legislative aoision. Pnttin < m'N Plnuo. Special DigiuUli to Tim Uxii. PniLMELi'liiA , January 17. Thi select and common councils electee William M. Teggart city controller in pluco of Governor Pdttiaon. The gov crnor has already uont to the sunati numu of S , D wis Page fur thit oflico A legal contest is oxpeotud. Too Bad. BpocUl Diupatch to Till 11 B. lUciiMONO , V . , January 17. / sleet storm kept the vice regal part ] in-doora to-day. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL The Loeson of Novoiubor Lost on the Present Oongross , The Protectionists of the Son nto Vote Solidly Acuinat Tnx Reduction. Futile Ellorta of the Minority to Cut the Taritt Bill. Katlonnl Bonril of Trndo pouU far Onnurnt Relief 'roceedlUKB of CouRroHs and Other Matters. CAPITAL NOTES. iHpatcli to Tun IKK. Tli NATIONAL I10AHI ) OV THADK , WA.IINOTON , January 17. The na- ional oourd of trade adopted rcaolu- lone 'uvorlng the paiuago of the jowoll bankruptcy bill as It now stands u senate ; lu favor of u national rail- end commission to auperviaoall inter- tate r ilroad trallio and allowing niaa- ors of ships to bring their vessels nto port without incurring any charge or pilotage , upon their passing the uaual uxamluatlon , Committees were ppolniod to consider the question of tostal telegraph nnd a department of ommorco aa a branch of the national dminiatratlou. Frederick Farley waa hosou proaident. THE HKfOHM BILL , The president will probably send a neasage to congress suggesting olerio- il amendments in the civil service ro orm b'Jl in reference to employment f chlbf examiner. TUB TARIFF BILL eportod from the ways and moans ounu'ttoo ' yeatorday Includes among enoral legislative provisions , aubstan- tally all those- framed by the taritf ommiaaton and adopted by the son- to finance cominltton in regard to the titles of easterns dlijera und the ad- ninlatratlon of ouatoms laws. The ways and moarin committee also in corporated in the bill without mate- ial alteration the moaaaro adopted by ho aouato fiuanco committee provid rg for rig'it of appeal from the docia- oua of cuatoma tlBjora either to ho occrotary of the treasury or the court cf claims. NOMNATIONH. The nroaidont to day nominated i'jgor S Green , of Washington Tor- Itoiy , lie chief jnatioo of Wushington Territory ; Joseph Wnsson , California , ) Q United States consul to San Bias , ilexloo. CONanESBIONAl. Special DUpatch to Tin UKI. SENATE I'UOCKEDINdH. iHNoroN , January 17. In the wbato Edmunda introduced by requcal ) Ula to provldo for the appointment o : a cotmnujaion to investigate the aubjoc oErL.Hroi.Til traipc.ta'.lon , ( nd ho ex pressed the opinion that the matte : ivas worthy tf consideration , believing ; hat same oort of regulation wan ro quired. The conference report on the agri cultural appropriation bill , whicl agreed to the postiUico approprlatior bill , was then considered. Senator DAVUI , n fdrring to tin tern for necoesary and special fieili tier , n debate enaued. Senator Maxoy thoaglit the people west of the Mississippi wcro aa well ntitled 93 nr.y others to thoao mai Facilities , and unlesa the benefit ) could bo fairly distributed they ou h1 to 1) . ) discontinued at once. After further debate nnd the adop tion of un amendment attiklng out tin liouau provision rolattn/ ) compenaa tion to bo paid Pacific railways foi mail oeivloo , the morning hour ox pirud nnd the bill went over. A motion to poatpouo coneldoratlor of the laritr bill was loat by the fol lowing vote uyes 27 , nays 31. Senate roaumod consideration of tin taritf bill. Senator Book said if hi should determine to oflor amondmonti to the amendments ottered ycatordaj by Merrill to the paragraphs covorlnj alcoholic preparations , ho would reserve servo them until the bill should havi been reported to the senate from thi committee of the whole. rieimtor Uock moved to reduce tin rate on china , porcelain pariau am biteine ware irom CO tD 50 per coni advalorom. Senator Cook said the whole schedule of earthenware and glaaa ware waa from 14 to 20 per cent high er than the present tariff , and this in croaao was presented in a bill pur porting to reduoo taxation and upot a clash of goods unjil in every hoaso The debate becoming protracted Senator Edmunds inquired whotho ; it would be In order to move to lay i tax of 00 per cent advalorom on tin debate. [ Liughter ] Senator Plumb thought a apoclfi duty would yield moro revenue [ Laughter ] Senator Book's amendment waa ro. jectod-oyes 20 , nays 21 Senator Beck moved to make tin duty on plain white chlnawaro 45 in stead of 05 per cent. Lost oyoa 21 nays 'J' ) In the debate on the latter amend monta , Sjnator Plumb said ho was un willing to accept the Interests or re quircmonts of manufacturers or ira porters ua to tro banifl for kglahtloi on this subject , and ho ventured t prophecy that any tariff bill whlel rented exclusively upon that bati would never become a law , but woul beget a moat unhappy feeling amen the people In regard to the whole aul ject. Ho thought it would bo wla < therefore , to pay nomowhat lea * attoi tion to the demands of manufacture ) and moro to the vlowa of the puopl who have to pay the taxes. Ae jonrnod. IICUHK rUOCKEDINOH. In the houeo the public building and grounda committee to-day authoi izsd the expenditure of $12,000 fc the purohaan of the house in which Lincoln died , Mr. Poltibono ( Tonn ) submitted the unanimous report of the election committee in favor of the claim of J T Calno to bo admitted aa delegate from Utah , and Oalno waa anrorn in. The resolution regarding the Ha waiian treaty wan tnken up Mr. Wilson ( W. Va. ) made a con- ntitntloiml argument against the power of congress to legislate upon thla quest Inn. The joint rcaolution waa u manlfoat encroachment on the king power , and ho protested - tested asjalnat its pttsans-o. The joint reanltition then piwaed. Adjourned Iinportnut Court Cniei. iiiK , .lununry 17. The In- junotion granted restrnlnlnt ; the Con tra ) Trunt company Irom parting wi h Sfi.OOO.OCO bonds hold by them ti truateu for the bondholctern of the Boston , Iloonio Tunnel it Wiatoin railway compiuy againat the C * nt nental Construction and Improiomot.t company , from taking postosulon of or demanding bonds and it mndo per emptory pending litigation. Arguments were heard to-day in the superior court as to thn nottlume nt of orders In the Wcsttirn Union ca r > n in volving tram fur of the $15,000,000 stock alleged to bn illegal. The judgn took the papers and will give a decis ion to-morrow. Kan nan and 1 h n Rnilrondt. Special lUwtch to Till linn. TOTEKA , January 17. A concurrent resolution wni introduced in the house to-day , instructing the attorney general to inatitutejproocoditigaln quowarrauta against the Union Pacific and Kansas Pacific railroad compinlos to compel tlum to show by whst authority they have consolidated and tin5ruby with drawn from thojjurisdiction of the courts of Kinaas. ACol"rnil Rillronil Uumpnny Hfix-lul I ) ipaUh to Tnr UFX. WILMINHTON , N 0 , , January 17. A very largo mooting of colored men was hold to-day to inaugurate the first railroad enterprise ovur started by men ot thatjrane. Several thuuannd dollars lars was subscribed. The projected road will run from thin city into tbo custom , counties of North Carolina , 'hero ' ia ntrong probability tlui road ill bo built. The movement creates nuch intercut. Rt Lnuln I ( cm * mini Dlnriatili to'lllK UKN Sr LODH , January 17.- arriaon lias been taken cast by hoi uncle , O. L Garrison , by advice o ho family physician , to bo placed it n asylum for treatment of norvoui IHOHBO. The Ohio & Mississippi pass en o rain was derailed near hare. Oni man was killed and aoveral injured. Fmnll Pox in Manitoba. peclal Dispatch to THE Dm. WINNIPEG , January 17. The emal > ox has broken out in the lurabe tamps neat Ritherlage. Several fa talitioa are reported and about twolvi cisen are known. In the valley o the St. Herbert , nine miles ( rot bore , and the surrounding country , th lieoaoo ia spreading. The govornmon iaa sent out aid in the thapa uf nunc and medical men , Boittly Uatlor- puclal Dlnpivtcli lo Tim UKI. PirrHKiULD , Maes. , January 10 - Joseph Un'lor , of North Adams , mat riod and 27 years old , pleads guilty the ho charge of raping hit niece , nio 11 and intent to commit rape on twi others , aged 7 and 8. Ho was son onced to state ) prison for lifo wltl on day i ! solitary confinement. P/INNOR in Panmylvnma. HpncUl D patch lolim UKK. llAitHi.siiuiui. January 17. A bil was introduced In the legislature to day making it a misdemeanor for thi ovornor , llontonant governor am mombora of the legislature to acoop ) WBCS from railroad A u Embtcalor SH'clal | Dliputch to Till ! ) . NEV YOJIK , January 17. John H Moore , forrytnaator in the employ o the Now York Furry company , wa arrested on the charge of embezzling about 610,000 fr-iu 1 ho company. DAVID OITV ITEMS. Corroepoiidcnce of Onuha Hoe , Slncj the female anlTrngo craze halest lost its last boom In Nebraska th agitators of that cause have sudden ! discovered ono of two things ( > in probably bothlz ) : that either th moral demand for national prohlbitlo i'l urgent or that in this cause th pecuniary pickings nro good and th honor of the work aatlsfactory. Fa the past fflw ( Kys Mrs. Bigolowha been r > v.uHing the town to recoiv rovlnbutions 10 carry on the work buo wants eiich Indlvldiml to aubtcrib live dollars worth of stock to form * general fund , ton nor cent cash an the balance In a few years. Whe prohibition does prohibit to auythin llko a aatiafactory degree in loci places it will be time to took for na tional prohibition. In the mountlm let ns have high license and a deoec respect for law. The soasijn of the coroner's jur in the inquest over the throe victim of the Thompson family poisono January 8h la atlll pending the re suit of the examination cf the atom achs. Rumor now ia diverting BUI picion from the older girl and attaol ing It to her deceased husband. N one ia in custody. Several cases ( now oiMivaleacinp of trichinosis , or triohlna polaoninc have recently occurred In the fatnil of John KlcHtorman of this place one of pnr woalthhst and beat ro pooled citizens. The ciaea had bee treated for typliold fever until D Peebles , of the Omaha medical ca Ipge , wivft called , and his diagnosis < trichina poisoning wis amply 001 firmed byla microscopical cxaminatlc of the suipotod pork , The pnbl shoold oit'ior ' discard pork from the diet or ac"3 that It is subjected to high degru of hoatbcforoboingoatoi JUMUB. PREPARING FOR Mooting of the Republican Na tional Oommittoo at Washington , Th PJan of Keproaontutton in the COLvention Practi cally Unchanged. The Cnmpaign to bo Fought on Prat oti 11 n nil the Right * nf Litbor The Rcpubllrnst Nntir nnl Com- nitttoo- Special Dlnulch to Till UKI. WASHINGTON , Jnmury 17. The ro- ) ublic , n tmtioiul coniiiiittO ( > mii at > ho Arlington this nioininp. All thu Htntus , turritorios nnd thiDntrist of Columbia were ropri'routod. Murohall .lowell presided. Ho submitted the rod gna\ion \ ( f Dorruy as secntUry and t was uccuptud. John A Mxrtiti of ! Cvnaaa was unanimously olio ed ecc- raUry , Senator Logan moved as a substl- tito for all now propositions thut. the ) aala of roproaentatiou shall rinuin as t has heretofore been , but cubao- luontly modified his motion , making t "That the basis cf reproeou'a'lon shall bs two delegates for etch pa- or , two dult'gates for oaoh reprostiita- ) ion In congress , two delegates for oaoh territory and two delegates for ho Diitrloi of Columbia. After eng debate and the rejection of nu- nuroua resolution * , substitntos and Htnendmonls , Logan's subatitu'.o was agreed upon. The original motion was tuioptod yeas 23 , nays 15. The matter - tor now titundc , that the basU of rep- rcsantativo bo two delegates for etch senator and two for oaoh member cf cuugroes , and two delegates for each .orntory und for the District of Co- umbla. Tno oommittoo then took a roceis till half-past tovtn. At the ovonlng sosilon Lndgo [ Vlitss ) mnvod to rooonaidor the vote doptlng L igan'a subatltuto. An head ad not voted with the majority his ight to move to reconsider was not eccgnlzed. The first six propositions laving boon disposal of by the adop- inn ot the aubatltute , the aovouth was akon up as follows : "Shall atato dolucatos bo elected at the popular doligito atato convention' ) " It was decided in the affirmative without debate - bate , and win also made to apply to errltorles und the districts of 0 lum- ix The remaining propcriiioua wcro then amended. Valentino ( Neb ) moycd to rt coin- nit all proposition * ttiauub-committco with itistruotions to f > rmulatoi\ method and rulo. Agreed to. Chandler then ofT.-rod the following resolution which was adopted without discussion : UNSOLVED , That the call of the next republican national convention shall be BO broad and hboral aa to invite co-operation ( without imposing any other teat of fjaltj ) of all cifswiis who are in favor of elevating and dignilyirjg the American laborer , pro- touting and extending homo indus tries , giving free popular education to the maaaeaof the people ; scouring free nullYago and honentcountlng of ballots , and tfhjotually protecting all human rights in every suction of our'oommon country , und who are willing to sup port the nominees of the convention. A short rocros was taken to give the sub-cominittoo tlmo to formnbto proposition and rulo. On roHssembllug this uvenlng , Chandler ( N II ) , from the subcommittee mittee , reported the following The republican national convention of 1884 ahall coasiat of four delegates t Inr o from each state and two clulo- gatca from the congreasional diatricta. The delegates at largo shall bo chosen by popular delegate atato convention , called on not leas than twenty days' published notice , and hold not less than thirty nor inoro than sixty days buforo the the time for the meeting of the national convention. Republicans of tbe various congressional dlatricta shall have the option of electing their delegated at separate popular delegate conventions , called ou similar notioo , and hold in districts at any time within ( if coon days next prior to the meeting of state conventions , or by sub divis ions of state conventions into district conventions. Such delegates shall bo chosen by the latter method , if not elected previous to the mooting tf atato conventions. All diatriot delegates - gates shall bo accredited by the i Ulcers uf auoh district conventions. Two delegates ahall bo allowed from each rritory and from the D.strtct of Columbia , similarly cliojon. Noticon uf contests may bo given to the na tional committee , accompanied by full printed statements cf the grounds ot contest , which shall also bu mudo public ; and prufcrouco in order of hearing and determining con ! eats ihall bo given by the conven tion , according to thu dates of recep tion of such notices and statements by the national oommittoo. The re port won adopted without further dis cussion. On motion of Mr. Martin ( Kan } it w ia ordered that the meeting of the oominittoi ) , at which the time and for holdirg the next republican national comoudon are to bj fixed , bo sot for on the 28 , h cf Djoinuber next at Washington. The Rabbar Industry. Special I ) ! | > aUi ) to Tint lirn. NEW YOJIK , January 17 The rub ber manufacturers met again to-day. . Uepreaon atlvos of twonty-nino of the largoat manufacturing companies were present. The rubber boot and shoo manufacturers reported their places entirely - , tiroly closed for from ono to fourwookn , and that four of the largest manufac tories had not yet resumed work and , „ would not for some weeks to so mo ; , Thoao chat have resnmed rp using bufcitj one-half their usml caqautnpUmi off ( rubber. It Is stated .thn1 msnuf acturuui ors of other rubbttrdoodfl will ojntlnuo * it a reduoUon'ptpopBr coat. L lit V i * - . m iT ln & < s.f dm U f It