Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Wednenday Morning , Jan. 17
Weather Report.
( The following observation. " are t ken nt
Ihf same momeut of tlmo at nil the station *
Ornahs , QIoo C.nb rehearsal last night
The coroner's ollico hm become ft sin-
It Ii predicted that several small busi
ness houiiis will soon "butt , "
HOD. Geo. W. Frost lectured before
St. George's Society last rjght at Knlghtn
of Honor hall.
Her. W. J. Ifarshn Monday united
In marriage Mr. John A , Worthcn , of Ht ,
Louts , nnd MIrs K.iza Huntlngtou , of tbin
city , Tbo ccreir.ony took pluceat tbe rcrl-
dcnce of the bride's mother.
Mr. William L wls , tl e cinrfsHinon
Is confine I to his housu by illnesa , niul 1
will probably ho some time before ho IH
able to IMJ out ngain.
A magnificent turnout , a fonr.horro
sleigh , driven by Mr. NeU I'atrick , nml
occupltil ly a party cf his lady frlenr's ,
a'tractcil ' a good deal of attention on tlio
streets yesterday morning ,
A lttlfl'trlrl ! ; nnmo 1 Knight was hurt
Monday wlillo coaxtlnK on J2d street ,
North Omalm , by n collision with a ptH > -
injslulgb. She was hi. n led homo by a
couple of her coinpanlonr ,
Mrr. Aph. Cox returns thanks to nil
those whj ftfslatod her by tnltiiiR part in
in the rafllo for lier watch. The nuinbir
winning the watch was held by her father ,
wao presented her with It nRnln.
A homo tied in front of Hclilnnk &
1'rlnce'j st-jro Monday , dl nppoarcd
suddenly with tbo biifjiy tovhlrh he wan
attached. Whether It wns theft , runaway
or a practical juke la not known.
Three men were ruu iu us vagrants
Mnndjy , nnd two were discharged , nud
the cnso c.f tbo third continued for onu
week , giving $100 ball for his nppcArance.
Two plain druukH weroiont up to ] < II ,
A fall of 1'ght ' , dry snow b gan early
yotoadiy and continued most of tha
day , forming a splendid covering for the
lay ro.vJn and improving the deigning
greatly. The weather reports did not in-
dioate tb > t the snow would continue voty
long or tbe fall bo heavy.
Owlu , ' *
o tinnvoldable clrcumstanres
thn banquet of tbe Uurns club on tbo " .r .h
inst will be held la Control hall Instead of
Masonic hall as Announced in Invitations.
Those receiving invitations will please
uoto the chauge.
The nledge hammer , brace nnd cbliel
nxedln tbe attempt to burgUma lia dwln
& CJ.'H safe Suailoy morning bave been
Ident.tled by Mr. Put Himmond , tbo
blacksmith , nnd have been returned to
him. Tboy were stolen from lih hhon
Baturda/ night l.y parties wbo tntored
through n side-window and went through
both storlai of tbo shop. A laigor tledgo
was currloJ otf , but dropped In a neighbor-
In ; yard ,
An accident occurred nfnt Wnrner
station , en tbo Ht. 1'atil rncd. The f r (
ward truck of the onglno on tbo incoming
train jninpuj tl.o track , ucd in thin way
tbe engine O'intiuuui ' to run fur t < > n iodi > ,
the wlieela cutting the ties nt every turn.
The triin wns stnpped ns HOOH an potsltil
mnd tbo oagino wai then got upon tbo track
again ,
Fred Davln , tbe aati oeo of K. PCX-
nner , the 13th Hti'Jt grocer , U n croJItor
of tbo houao In the BUUI of $1,000. Tbe
stock was nttachut bcfoio the nsilgumeul
was filed , by IVxton it GnlUuher for $331) ,
by Stcele & Jobnnm for ? 1IO , and by
Meyer &Htapke for ? 21 ; nnd riftor the at.
ignmout attachments were sued out by IT.
0. Clark for 8185 , nd by MilUrd & 1'eck
( or ( julto a Urge Hum. Aa appraisement
shows tbe nt < > ck to be worth $003 as aguluut
an Indebtedness of $2,000.
A couple of big ca os of goodf , too
Uige to be put In thecellar [ windown , wore
opened up on the sidewalk by Crulcktlmuk
& Co.'a store yVstprdiy as a BKK reporter
passed by , and was attracted by tbe for-
eiga mirks , odd nalli , eto , Tbe contents
were a fftlu blo lot of lace curtains im
ported by the firm direct from Glasgow.
ii The duties paid on them nt tbe Omaha
custom house amounted to S'-M.7.J *
TbocUiceM yesterday morning arreated
John Foster , who Ihrx nn Sc\cnth nnd
Jackson , for cruelly Ixuttug hi * wife over
tbe head and billeting tcrloui injuries on
her , Tbe prisoner claims that LU wife
threw a plate at him , nnd that he dodged
It and It went though a window , IIo
tben in order , he says , to save his own life
bad to turn iunnd thresh hid ulfe. He In
abaut fifty years of * ge nnd Ms wife about
forty , uud thlu connubial felicity is ( h
fiult cf .twcuty yearn matrimony.
HUB PUNCH Is superior to the nveraso
puocb hrewed nn fttlUo aoclbl occasion
lu it the uiell weil did liquors are blen'ted '
with choloo ftuit juices. Trade aupplled
t inanufacturerH1 prices by M , A Me.
Niuiara. l''Htiilei ' ! supplied by A. II.
tiladntune , Omaha , Is'eb.
Made frorr tbo wild flowers of the
H is the most freprart ci ptiforr.o.
Manufactured by II. B. Slaven , Sun
Francisco , For 8nlo iu Omnha by W.
J , Whitchouso und Kcunno Bior.
& Oo.
They Are as Safe as the Average -
ago fr/ffl Fire ,
A Dsecription of the Diflercnt
The recant hotel fire in Milwaukee
accompanied with auch a great losi i f
, ( haa created a foiling cf fear in the
minds of the greater portion of the
traveling public. Whatever has been
aaid about the Nowliall houao being u
fire and d eath trap might probably bo
as truthfully said concerning hundreds
of other hotel s ruclurcs in the conn-
try , particularly in the west. Some
houses certainly are contracted with
the greatest care in order to in-
sure them against a calam
ity by firo. But a desire
to have a largo houio with a big ca
pacity for gueata i f ten loads the buildlin
or , with comparatively limited capital
to cat on the substantiality of the
building , and erect with a view of
making the hotel look imposing and
grand , when in reality it Is nothing
moro than a tender box , which when
the torch is applied Trill vanieh Into
the air iu the shortest poasiblo timo.
After the building has boon burned ,
and the fire has been attended with a
loss cf lif J , the wiseacres are around
saying , "I told you BO. " This docs
not help the matter. A Gh.'cigo
drummer was interviewed by a re
porter in that city a few days ago
and in answer to an inquiry r.aid that
ho could natno at least twenty-five
hotels in the weat which were equally
as unnafo no the ftuwhall had bocn
before its destruction.
A BKB reporter yesterday undo a
tour of the Omaha hotels to learn
from portoiul observation and inquiry
whether the drummer's assertion had
any application to them. Mention
made in yesterday's BKK that the
management ( f the P&xton had com
menced to adopt additional procnn-
tions against firo. A door has already
been out from the third floor of the
western wall to the roof the ad
joining building. It la contemplated
to cut another on the fifth floor und
to have n , stairway lending down onto
the runt of the building on the west ,
In addition to thoun hatchways wiil be
cut into thu Ibnra of the porticoi ( in
the Fourteenth und F-trnam rtreots
froutu. Permanent stairways will luuu
from each ll > nr to tbo other ? , ao that
eaoipo may bu made on the exterior
of the building. The exterior walls
i f the Paiton ro very good and thu
interior division fair , The hallways
are wide enough for all practical pur
poHou The otalrways of each fbor
are roomy and have n nc.tliciont width
The trouble with the Paxton , aa wiih
all other hotels which aru
not absolutely fire prod , Is
that the partitions and the interior
divisions are In A great part rondo of
wood , which , when on fire burn rap
idly. The egress by way of the stairs
in casu of a fire would bo difficult if
the flames originated in the lower
stories , and this is generally the case.
It haa been demonstrated many times
that about the only moans of oacapo
is ftciii the exterior walls , and on this
account probably the management of
the PttXiou have deemed it proper to
have the occ pen made by tneann of
the poitkos
The interior of the Paxton is about
like that of the generality of hotel
buildings. It is built with the inside
wullu facing on the area or open apacu
so aa to give llcjht nud air to the in
terior rooms.
The hulls running through < : ach
story are about 10 feoc wide end , if in
case of liru it wore puaslblo to uccapa
by moiins of the Htuira the hotel is am
ply provided. An is well kuo-rnthu
elevator bceomuD useless nil n tne a tin of
Fcapafor the ihmcs quickly Oittch
in the elevator ahifc and the
opening forms us good a
drr.ft for the fire as the
most elegantly constructed chimury
uould. In sotnit H'.UCH statutes uiriku
it compulsory with hotel proprictorn
to have iron doom on each Ibor ol
the olovutor way which nre closed at
night so that no draft can be created
in thn shaft in caui of fire. None ( .f
the Omaha hotels aio thus furnished.
Till ! JIILL.MU ) .
The Millard IB rather peculiarly
constructed and the manager , Mr
Shtmia , claims that this peculiarity
a ids to the safety of the building.
The dining room portion ironU g nn
Thirteenth street is two sturiuo lug'i
and the roof might bo utilized
in oiso of lira ns n place to jump upon
troni the main liuildlpg , The kilchmi
and icrvant'a department is a detached
od building , on the northuatt portion
of the hotel property , and is con-
tioctod with the principal structure by
bridges on the diiferont tloors. The
hallways are ton feet wide on each
floor , nud in themselves arc all right ,
If the fire so starlnd that Ihoy could
bo uiado use of. Tba lura r rotund *
of thu Millard is a b.iro expsnao of
walls with no b.Vocnlos or other moans
of ( xil on thu interior aide of the
l u Idnig la n conversation wiih Mr.
Siuirs , thu joutleraan Uifornu'd the
iopjtter thai the walls of the build-
ingo wore for the first and second
Ibors twenty-one inches in thickness ,
while the third , fourth und fifth were
eighteen Inchei.
It is said that the two partition walla
running north and south and the two
running east and west put the build
ing virtually into four compartments.
Thoropoiteratkedanarchitcct whcthT
these were so ouns'ructod anr ? utilized
that they afforded any real protection
against firo. Ho did not trunk , with
out donra dividing the diOoreut parts ,
that they would. This has not been (
done. Aside from the moans cf jump
ing from the main * structure to the
rcofa of the dining room and the scr-
vanta' apartments there are no exter
nal fire cscaper on the Millard
There haa bon no drilling !
( if the .orvanta iu the
Millard as a fir a brigade , and only n
partial ono iu the Paxtou , although
the latter houao Beams to have had
this moro in mind than the Millard.
It haa been eald that the interior \ d.r -
rangcment of the Millard ii largely
made op of wood , and of course thia
la neccBaarlly trnc ,
The olho ? hotels , thn Oreighton ,
Metropolitan , Cnnfield , Planters and
ntherr , nro nil built of wood , and
rhould they take fire it would bo dif
ficult to chock the bltza. The
Cri'ightnn haa hallwnjH on the
throe ( loora and two stairways.
The Metropolitan and the Can-
Held have the Bamo. Thu
Planter's uotr addition has ft
eoparato staitway , bosidea the ono in
the old portion , Any of thuso latter
named houses could bo got out of by
means ( f Udders placed on the cxti -
rior walla , their height being auch that
it would bo an easy task for the Ore-
men to lend their aid. So ftr as ap
uliancos of new and approved con
structions not a hotel in the city haa
thmi. It WM the intention of the
Millard to have fire escapes placed on
the Douglas and Thirteenth ntreot
front , but it has not boon done , as
the management thought It unneces
sary.As It j , with ono exception , the
hotels ( i t ) ma ha cannot bo classed a
oven practically safe or fire pro < f with
regard to tire , But the recent hotel
fires tlionld indaco the managern < f
each to ueo renewed efforts to guard
against thn destroying clement and to
Adopt methods for thu safety of their
guoatn in case of fire ,
A Pleasant Gathering nt the Ro I-
dunce of Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Mount.
Mr. and Mr . W. J. Mount cole
bratod their crystal wedding anniver
sary last evening by entertaining a
largo number of friends at their com
fortable residence on Capitol Hill.
Their hoapita'lty ' is well known lo
thoEO who have on various occasions
participated in its enjoyment. This
occasion was unusually pleasant and
an abundance of all that was good to
eat and drink wai on hand , The pres
ents were numerous , unltablo and elo-
t ; 11 nt , and the evening was passed in
Buch pleasures as always makn social
p-irlicj where ail are friends dalight-
tul , Mr and MM. Mount are both
well known ia the city where they have
resided BO long "and have the warmest
friendship of all and the beat wiahrs
for many returns of thuir wtidding an.
mvoraary , In whbh THE BKK aako per
mission to j nn heartily.
Among xno guuats present were the
following : Mr. and Mrs. A D. R
Crawford , Mr. mid Mrs 0. E Strph
ono and ehi'ghter , Mr. and MM Jno.
G. V/lllis , Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Simp
son , Mr. audMrH Edwin Davis , Mr.
and Mr . C Storrickor , Mr. und Mrs.
E G. Konla'on , Mr. and Mrs. L D
Harris , Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Bjutfhton
and daughter , Mr , and Mrs. J. D.
Shropshire , "Mr. and Mrs J D Dan-
ison , Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Morflo and
d lughter , Mr. and Mrs , W. H Scott ,
Mr. and Mr * L T. Wilbur , Mr. and
Mrs. L. P. Wheiploy , Mr. and Mrs
W. B. Kowmao , Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Atklceonr Mr. and Mrs. 0. Jt. Turney
and con , Mr. and Mrs. Goprpo Wilcox.
Mr. and Mra. W. J Kictstend and
aon , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butler , Mra.
M. J. Green , Mrs. J. A. Tag-
gart , Mrs. Wm. Stephens ant ]
Hon , Mrs. H. M. OJayton ,
Mr. and Mra. 0. H. Ogbuni ,
Mrs. 0. Morso. Mra. H , B. Kennedy ,
Mrs. Jno T. Bell , Mra. D. E. Kweff.
Mra. E. E. P. Dovrlos , Mra. Ohas.
Morao , Mra. J. B. S.nlth , Mra. L M.
Koloratrnsj , Miss JS'jinnio Claxtoti ,
MIBJ Florence Claxton , Miss Edith
VanArman ; Miaa Anna Dunham ,
Mi > s Tina MoOhoano , Miss Sarah
McChoano , Miss Klttio McOheauo ,
I\l'Es \ Mnggio MoOhoano , MisaMcOis
line , Miaa Flora Atkinson , Mian
Sophie Roberta , Miss Id * K-il-
erstrass , Miss Evn M. Ingram , Mina
Mollie Wilbur , Miaa Julia Smith ,
Messrs. Revel France , Bon Foil , K. Oralle , Luolon Stephana ,
John H. Wolst , J. A. Tuttle , Gao. T
Grntf , A. A. Jones , Albert Jones , Jas.
Forayth , 0 S. Huffman , Mack Wil-
ou , Hyde Footer , John N. Morton ,
L L Uurnott , Wlloox Stephens , Cima.
Ntifdham , Geo. P. Nattingcr , Fred.
J. Borthwick , J. H. Daniels , R. Ste
vens , Win. Somons , Jacob and George
Guh , Mr. and MTB. Isaac Tom&ott ,
Mrs. Di- . Wilcox , Mr. and Mra. Geo.
Fitchotl , Mr. nud Mrs. Wilkins , Mr.
Taeo. Lyon.
Tablea supplied with the boat the
market aUords. The trovnling public
claim they got bettor ficcommoditlona
ind MOM gotiercl satisfaction here
than nt M\y other honao In Oninha ,
Until , t- \or \ day. Hui > 21tfm
PoatotUob UUaD eo
n Nobnuku nnd Iowa during the
irepk ending January 13 , 1883. Furnished -
nishod by Wm. Vtm Vlcck , o ! the
poatodico department , for the TKE ! :
Kstabliahcd JriFerBon , Ouster cttun-
ty , Sloman D. Butcher , poatm tir.
Diaoontlnucd Norwich , PJatto
PoBtmaBtoro appointed Big Spring ,
Oaoyonno county , John J. Pholau
C oar Crock , Siundcrn county , Jamci
U Cooper ; Like , Phelps coun'y '
Mrs. Lizzie M. Bradley.
Established Ayrehlre , l'.ilo Alto
Oo , Jamoa Hall , P. I.
Natna Oaangcd-Oranvillo , Ma
Iwrko Co , , to Talntor. IIt
Postmonlora Appointed Abbott
Hardln Co , , Irwin M. Lelser ; Djiblo
ncga , Wapollo Co. , William Danny
DonpMlaon , LBO Co. , Qoor o Willat
torn ; Edgowood , Olnyton Co. , Kranl
D nsraore ; Kasnz , Page Oo. , J. 0
Prcnton ; lokn , Knokuk Co , , Wm. 0
Cithey : La iugtou , Washington Co.
Win. Kilpnttlck ; Minbnrn , Dalla
Co. , Chas. V. Brown ; Now Boston
Leo Oo. , John P. Iterant ; Newburqh !
Jasper Co. , F. J , Edeblulo ; Oa k
Orove , Poworbrok Co. , Undocrau" .
* * t IVXII T IT * ' '
Plain , Jefferson Co , , Mie
Mira McOonnoll.
That Huabana of Mlno.
la three times the man ho w < w before >
fore ho began uaing "Wells' Iloalt
Roncncr , § 1. Druggitts.
To strengthen and build up thn ay
torn , n trial will convince yon tha
Brown's Iron Bitters is tha best rnec
iclno made.
The Mysterious Disappearance cf
Their President ,
The Way to Got n Qrlot Ground
Out Quick.
Jb'or several doyn pant a call for a
regular meeting cf the Old S.'ttlfis'
aS3ciatinn lias boon published in the
various pupare , to be hull at the board
of trade rooinc , laat tvening.
At the appointed time about twenty
or twonto-fifo had aaaotnbled , includ
ing Dr. Ilutvey Link , the patnarchal
member from Millard , who braved
iko ttorm to meet the old comrades
who braved the dangera ( f the fron
tier with him a quarter tf a century
ago.Tho hour net anatt f Jr the meeting
wan 7 ; 0 , and as H o'clock came and
wont and the preiidout , Mr. Alf. D
Jonoa , came not , the inntnbers were
nonplu'oed. IIo wau the ono who
hsd called the meeting and he wrn
known to have been particular ! )
urgent In regard to having a fair at
tendance , In the afternoon ho had
canopied another engagement on par-
poeo to attend , and was known to bo
punctual in kuopirg every engage-
mint ho made.
At length the mealing wan called to
order by choosing Mr. John Evans
as chairman and J.V. . Oatrom secre
tary pro tern.
The chairman expressed his fearo
that aomo accident had befallen
brother Jones and Mr. Gibson was
appointed u committee ) of ono to re
pair to hid recidunco , just atound the
cosntr , and leurn the caueo of his
In the meantime Icquiriea as to the
object of the mooting elicited no re-
sponao except ffom Mr. Geo. "W.
Horn MI , who thought it was to fix the
date far an annual meeting , sapper
and K'ood tlmo gonerally.
Pending the return of the committee
sent for Brother Jones , Dr. Harvey
Lent , of Millard , being cillod upon ,
told a good story abrut his experi
ence in getting a grlot of Hour ground
in the earlier dayc , when ho used to
bribe the miller with a halt pint of
good French brandy to grind hta grist ,
and not keep him fifteen days in watt-
inc ; and causing two trips between his
homo arid tha mill , which was at Cal-
During the speech Mr. Glbaan re
turned and reported that Mr. Jones
le-fc the houao between 0.30 and 7 p.
in. , ml had said that ho wau going to
attend the old eettloi-a' ' meeting. The
announcement of this news filled thu
audience with crmterniuloii , and all
wore sure that aomo untoward
accident had occurred to prevent
vent Mr. Jcius from being
present It was moved tint
the association adjourn , and it
was the determination of all to resolve
thomaclveu into a committee to search
for the lost tilhial. Upon adjourn
racnt thoae present gathered in little
knots on the street corner and dis-
cursed the myatnrious event , for
which they conld find no explanation.
Ono cf the number went so ftr as to
vioit the police headquarters and
leave word that Mr. Jones was miss
ing. The association then sdjournec
to moot at the call of the secretary.
Lito in the evening it was oscer
ainod that Brother Jonea had
eon been at the hall. and opened
op , The search finally re
ultcd in finding the lost man
who it appears got out of humor on
ccount of a late appearance of hits
rionda and had gone to the Odd Fol-
ows'hall to enjoy his meeting there
[ o wai alive and well land , as in many
thor instances , the sensation drop-
od witii his ro-nppearance.
J. T. Wertzhaa returned from Ohio ,
D , E. Thompson , ot Lincoln , la ia town.
C , F. Gardner , of Stanbcrry , ia at tbe
'aiton ,
Harry Boltjn , of Schujler , Ia at the
Dr. M. W. Stono. of Wahoo , h at the
L , D. Hopkins , of St. Joe , la at the
Fred L , Goeneg , of Sioux City , ia at
be Paxton ,
Mra. D. H. Prenler , of Hiawatha , Is at
e Millard.
Georijo M. Holwrt , cf Philadelphia , ia
t tba 1'axton.
Mra. and Miss Clark , of Bellevue , are
ni the Pfcxton.
W. U. Stunner ami wife , of Sshnyler , are
at the Millard.
MUees Snow and Trlpp. , of Lincoln , are
nttbe Millard.
Seth Mobley , of Or.ind Island , waa In
own yesterday.
H. A. Holies , of Council Blulfa , waa In
.ho city yesterday.
L. II. Kent , of Orleans , registered at
the 1'axton last evening.
J , N. Reynolds ami wife , of Nance
county , are at the Paxton.
Henry Buckley , of Bioglnubsm , Kug
and , was nE , 6 < t of the Pxton yesterday
Mr. .T. V. Berry , repreientinjj Fal'ey &
Hoes , of Lafayette , 1ml. , la In the city , a
guest of the P. xtou.
Tostodby Tlmo :
For Throat Disease ; , Colds and Coughs
BIIOWN'H UiiONCHiALTuociiE'ihave provei
their elllcaoy by n test of many years
Price 25 cents.
Oulna ana Africa at War Over a
There waa a speck of war on th
horizon about Hsrnoy street Monday
the storm being averted finally by th
Interference of the nrmod police ,
At the aoeno cf the trouble n Celoa
tial laundry is conducted by some o
the parchment hued children of ho
Orient , and it was on this occasioi
Invadid by n oouplo of obon-huod do
econdanta of the Qacen of Shoba.
The colored gentlemen , whoa
names are respectfully Ohas. Finla ,
nnd W. 11. Blown , went to the laun -
dry and demanded nome clean clothe
which they claimed to have loft there
The Chinaman refused to give them
up anything wlthou : the proocr ticket
and ' proceeded to eject thorn from the
promises upon which ono of the boys
turned in and iiuihod In a window ,
for which they were bnth arrested by
Officers Slgirart anWalker. .
The prisoners claim that the China
man wanted to murder them , and
that ono f mud it necesary to jump
through the window , taking aaali uud
all to nave his lifo.
HIa Team and Outfit Utwappoar With
Marshal Augcll lias received notice ,
dntod January loth , of the mysterious
disappearance tf Sylvester W , Bird , of
Mopc ! Landing , Monoua county , Iowa ,
with a request to look out for him
and if any trace u found commnnica'o '
with his criof ntrio'ion family.
Mr. ' Bitd had boon selling honey at
LoMira , and Itft forhomu in the evening -
ning , driving a team of dttk brown
loraos with silvcr-nnutitod Inrnoas ,
und a now Moline wasjon , marked M
L Jonef , Southland. Elo ( B nuppoeod
: o have had several hundred dollars
on his poison , which would have
proved a rich haul for road ngonts
lie la about 45 yeara cf ago , 5 foot ( I
laches in height , dark complextoned
nd ha'-l a roman ncso Uo wor a
browu overcoat nud dark clothos. Information -
formation may bo sent to A. G Bird ,
Mnplo Landing , and a liberal reward
trill bo paid.
Bnclilin's Arnica dalvo ,
The BEST lu thn world for OnU ,
JniiaiH , Sores , Ulcer * , i/alt Bhooin , Fe
ver Hora , Tetter , Cliapjied Hnndii , Chil
Wains , Goran , and all rxlu eruptions , and
pcnltlvoly euros pllba , It'a ' guaranteed to
Erivc Baliu'aetfon i lit asy refunded.
Price , 23 c nta ; na ex. fm ! br O ,
Free of ( JoBt.
All persona wishing to test the merits of
ft gi'oat remedy ono that will positively
cure Consumption , Coughs , Colds , Asth
ma , Bronchitis , or any ntfoction of throat
nuii lung * ro roquustml to cr.ll at
C. F. Goodman's Drut ; Store and got a
trial bottle of lr. King's Now Discovery
for Consumption , i KEE OF OOHT , which will
uhow you what a reimlnr dullar-aize bottle
will do
A Qreat ( Jrowd of hlolHQs Above Coa-
trul Fu.rH A Glance tit the
Ncncrk Tillmne.
Thonaando of sleighs were out on
"Tho iload" yesterday. When "Tho
Road" in spokoii of by hornomon that
part of Sovenih avenue ia meant which
begins just above Central Park , atOne
Ono hundr d-and-tonth street , and
stretches for exactly two miles north
until Macomb's dam bridge ia reached.
This is where the rich men of Now
York vho love fast driving nppeir
every pleasant day. Amonf thu
many persons who watched the f incy
teamu go by jocterday afternoon there
was ono veteran who is well known to
nil old horsemen This wes "Pop"
Sherwood. Aa he sat on Cawood'a
porch , chatting with a Tribune re
porter , ho looked vigorously enouch
to las into the twentieth century. Ho
haa owned many fast hoisjs , the moat
famous being Flora Temple. "I sold
half of her , " ho said , "in 1850 , to n
man named Wells Volie for just what
ahocostmo. Ho nuld her to Ooorgo
Forrlu for § 500 , but I never Rot imy
moro. I also owned Gray Ohiof , Lady
Relief , EUa Sborwood ( which I Bold
to Mr. Turnbull for a deal cf
monoj ) , L dy Sherwood , Dutch Boy ,
Hero , a picnrand many other ? . Ono
of them was the mother of Huttiu
Woodward , a mare no-v owned by
'Billy' Franco. She hasarcordof
2lu.\ : \ , and can bo sold to-day for
$20,000. "
[ ) j you know nnny of thoco where
ro driving to-day ? " inquired the ro-
"I know every prominent man and
very valoahlo horeo that passes up
ho road. Most of them mil be out
hia bright , beautiful afternoon BO
hat it will do no harm lo apeak of all
ho prominent , ones Now huro gouo
Yllliam 11. Vaudeibllt with Lyean-
li-r. lie ia t fion hitched with Loan ,
lor. The pair are worth § 15 000
Vkiino has gotten better of the quar-
or-crack t hich troubled her , nnd is
Irivsn by her owner alongside cf
Early RSDO. The y nro worth SSO.OCO
Fhcro goea Capt. 'Jako1 Vtuidor-
nit with the f st bay horse
3oaton , with n record f
22 to the polo. IIo h worth ? 5 000
Frederick Vanderbilt , one of the sous
of Willifttn H. , is driving Jewess this
afternoon ; she and the bay horsu
Dickens uro worth SH OCO Then
, here la 'Tom1 Eastman , the great cat-
; lo exporter , with Glendale nnd Cap-
lain Jack. IIo drives his now pur
very ofton. Trieto ho b-iught in the
West , and calls them Johnny 10y 10y
and Bob Acres. lie also hid i\ gray
mare , the lot being worth $35C03. "
"Who owns the most valuable team
which goes up the road ? "
"Frank Work , by nil odda. They
are the most valuable becanau they uro
the fastest pair tf bowcs in the world.
Mr. Work haa boon offered § 00,000
for the pair. Mr. Gilswold , of the
Fifth av jnuo hotel , has n very fast one
in Palnui. Colonel Klpp haa n fast
bay stallion nnd n gray maro. They >
nro worth perhaps $5 000. Foster
Dewey will bo out vri.h Iliohard , a
horse with a rcc'rd o' ' :21 : , und vnhied
velued $10C03. Ho alao
at , owns
llattio Mathers , and ho giivo ? 3 000 (
for her when aho tvii four ycnra old.
Ho bought a new ono the other day ,
which is very fast. William Dawoy ,
his brother , who is n Hour merchant ,
nold his horsu , Lyman , to Ed Stokes ,
the man the shot Ftsk. The price
was $3.COO Lyman has n record tf
:25. : S.okcs , by the Tray , owns two
other horses , the three being valued
at $20 000 Harry McCoon , the f inner
secretary of the track at FJcotwood ,
said hia horau , Picknrd , thu other day ,
to Robert Bonner for $ GOCO , IIo
drirsD a oheahiut mare now. Then
there is \ \ llllam Tuwibull. Hla Mai
com is worth perhaps § 5,000. Mr.
Humfrovillo , who is also a broker ' ,
drives a gray and a brown , which are
very fast. Their record ia better than
:25. : I understand that ho rofusid
$10 000 for them. Mr. Loach , another
broker , has a fast pair ot brown man IB
which would Boll easily for § 5OCO
Mr. Shcldon'B chestnut and brown
are worth ? ti 000 , na the have
turned the track In :30. : William
Mar beck , and hia two sons , John and
Marry , own the f real warehouses i >
Brooklyn , and alao several pairs of
very ffaf horses. The lot are worth
about § 10,0 0 Mr. Miller , a broker ,
bus several Kuox norsea , which ho got
in Milno. Tnoy show pretty well , h taro
are not valued ut moro than $4 000
apitco. Another Mr. Miller , of tne
hnu uf Atken & Miller , the ribbon
inun , drives a handeotno pair ( f
hlnc'-n ' which are oaidto have c nt him
$ lfj ( 0 Mr. Berdou , who ii naid to
bj very rich , drives s i > o''d chestnut
mare worth $1,600 Mr. Wodcmeyur ,
the Mlk imporcor , owns a cooil
pair i f bay * worth $3 OUO. Jackson
Smith , who wso formerly in the dry
io < ids buninetp , v.tlubo tils chestnut
mare at 50,000. Charles Kitie , who
owr.s a livery stable , drives a biy
vvorlil $5,000 and a chestnut horse
worth $3000. Mr. Hlrciler , the
broker , lia u hay mare north § 15,000
Shepherd F. K mpp haa tire pairs i f
horits worth § 15 000 "
"Dies General Grant drive out
'ton ? "
"Vory frequently behind a cheat
nut and a bay , both good and valua
ble. They ntiotr speed and ho doou
not often take any dust. Tom Fitz
Patrick , the builder , owns the ohost
nut stallion Sir Walter and lot f
cells , the whole worth § 100:0
George Dickerson , the broker , drives
thH brown horao Rjcket , worth $3 ,
"Whit dots Rjbert Bonnor drivt ? '
'Tlieroisuo telline. Ha and hlB
/ions own morn than 100 horses , rrmnv
< f them worth from $5 COD to $50 COO I
each. It would take too lorg tu
name them. Ho never drives Dexter
now , as the famous horse ia too old ted
d iyo on the road Too Rockifjller
brothersof the Standard oil cimpiny ,
dnvo S80.0CO worth of hnraiil sh ,
while Mr Fmpor , of the semo com
pany ' , hue § 30.000 Invested in trottcrc.
J.w . 030 Miirnhulf , the stage mun , who is
worth < a million , has 3oOCO in a b'n'ck '
and brown. Simttone , the lot cry
man , haa twenty or thirty Wi kts I
cello , which cannot be worth'
lea ! than § 100COO for the lot.
W Wilkins Mr Marjhall'opait.
in , was tirjrod $17OCO for Fr.'eman ,
the hors which ho drives. John
O-i.vood's JBSO and Lidy Jaoo nio
w irth $5 000 These are aorae of tl o
moro prominent onos. There aio
many others worth § 5 0"0 each. In
the thirty years during vrhioh I have
wi the horaca in 'The Road'
th haa been a great improvement in
speed and style , and a greater demand
for the moro valuable mmimle , bo
CBU30 men have become richer nnd
had an opportunity to gratify their
tastes moro laviahiy. "
Woman's Trno Prlond.
A friend in need N a friend indeed. This
none can deny , especially when af-sistnuco is
rendered when one Is norelv alllicted with-
dlnea.te , moro particularly those coin-
plaints nnd ucnknes ea sa cotumon to our
female popuLitioa. Kvery woman should
know that Electric Bittera aw woman's
true friend , and will positivtly restore her
to health , even when ull other remedies
fail. A uingla trial nlwayw proves our us-
Bertlon. They are pleasant to th taste ,
nud onlv cost fifty ccnta n bottle. Sold by
C. F. ( .onHltmn
Browcr.s Fail-
Special Dispatch to Tux Bus.
ST LOWIB , January 1(5 0 Conrad
& 0o. , manufaoturora of Budvrciser
beer , bavo f lilod , The liabilities are
slightly over half a million. The
prli cipal creditor is the Anheninr-
BiiBch brov/ing company , with $94
000 'It is believed that the assets
vriil b'o nearly half n million. A
mooting of creditors v/ill bo held noit
Hcr.sf rd's Acid Fhospbato.
Greenfield , 0. , fays ; ' 'In caeca ( it
general debility , and torpor of mind
and body , it doen exceedingly well. "
A Booik Failure.
HpCCealtOTHK llKK.
WASIIISCTJN' , January 10 James
J. Cliapnian , a book eollor and ata
ttonor ha * tAiled. The liabilitiei are
h nvv. The naiiitn r rn pmr.11.
n IOANM < - 1 Y
MONEY TO L AN Call at F > .VA- office cf D ,
The ta room SCri'Itliton Bloc * .
KVT LOAN On chattel mortyago 'c-
MO curltj. A. U. Tntton , No. 1510 loir'hw
utreo trout room up tairs. -I33-U
MO ETO 1,0 AN At 8 pi r tent .Shr'icr'i
Krul Katttt ) nJ Loan Aifcucy , cppoiltu
poutolllco. 707-t. '
t ° 1 OAN At 8 IM.T cent In-
, tere-t n Bums ot feOOO and up
wards , for 8to B jrart , on first class city nnd farm
property. liKMIS llKAb KhlAIK klld LOAN AOE.SCl ,
A\Tii : ) Mrn 'o work Ii tlmbir. Appli
Iru u 0 to b ttiU i-\tiling
OK , ' H. MANNffFFF.K * .
A Klrliu a famll.of . two , ' . ' | ir >
\tnport urcet 778 lo
WANTED A trlrl tot ( 'Uitrul hon-i w rk ,
Ajiil | > to Mr * . 1'hll Mcshanc , Comint H
near St , Murj'8 acnu' . 775 1C
ANTED Oirl for j'tnoral houscwor't to so
to Courcll llu ( f < bmallfamllijooil wasci
Arply 1110 Douglas street. 78 : 17J
W ANTED A p strj took and dlnlrtf room
girl at thoCrclghtoa Home. 779-17
WAvTED A tfirl for genunl housework ,
small fami > , 101 S utti lOtli bt. con er
Aplrl about 11 ! to 15 jcira ol ii'e wanted to
laVecarj ol lltllo criulrcu InqturHa 315
oo tb IStli Slrcei. 701.10
OLKIIK NTKD \ ) onn/ nun of ( ; oo4 ml-
ilrcij * , ho U a fair pi nm n.
760tl 'I HE It.VDSTIiKirrrO.
\\7"ANirI > FOU C.\SH-Cliuip ruMcnculot
VV wlthlu three b'ocks of sircit car. . No fan
O price paid. H.vo loeitlon and price. AiMres
ytcM enc ' _ LiV' Ilco olllcu. 7l ; "iiL ( >
" '
VVTANTElj SJlt of furnUhcd"rojin * with
YV boardfor self and wife in strictly private
fa-LlU , 11 rst da 8 location , feat of reft rencctfU
en. AdJreod M , A. Armstrong MilUrd 11' ttl
Oniialu. 7iO-17 _ 4
Every ono to leave orders for help
WANTED . ICth stree. . up-aUlrn. B 2 tffl
! ' . " * TJ lease for long time , fO to 40
WANT nd tout tnltn : to , hv. Wm. L.
Mourot'0'.i Mid UoUKUi , 771-221
< UulurDiBhcil too i fcr runt in Irici houtn
Hid Oh cngo 8 ro t. JO
finTANl KI > - . \ IOH a ota ititprctkMo Agor ts
Y > t > * . will ! } ' rxieileiccd men (
toi - a J > > am ntw r.ien ( i . . inll,7Sto . . . $ ? 3 ) , . > ' ,
AJdresVIIKI ; experience , WctUrn AgoutH Sup.
plv Co. KtimuCuy Mo. "W 181 {
ANTKP-Ore or two lioar.'cri au4 icomtr
W at 1U10 lineup rt nt cc , .
Mii : > Lri-ruaVln ; ; kiid plain hcnlnnt
W 1 Hi ! Karimai bt. Price * moUtrato. 7J7 ls {
DHAUHTSU.\N wflounJcr.Ucih thorough
ly ta Jr * uitns , p'ott , etc , w cU employ.
ment. Atftlie " ! ) ; auB"it ) m n , " o91c of thu
J S 17 1
WASTED-tiltu&tlon by an M-l-laot book
\ c per can give tne b it city reference. Ad
dress H Beeoincc. 72.1-2t
1710K KENTI'leaunt front roomi with boird ,
L S107 Farnam itreot. Al < o desk r rm in mj
otticc , AMltlEW BEVI
2.20J ojd'sOp
EOR It-NT ODC [ orran , JJ.OO per month , at
A. llo-pj'n Music Hall 777-lui
FOU H 4ST Three ro m rooTis are now
coz I ) fiirnhhed , but parly ( r I , g out w 11 sell
furnl ure , capo f , sto c , crotker , lc.erj
< hop-only * 12 .00 no rly n w. " ( Judder , "
thl it tike. 7K1-161
FOH HFNT K .ur room hoiwe comer nth nn.l
Jiw.1.8 n. Apply at H. K. IlirtmannPOSJauL
eon. 7W181
F UH-ISIIio : K'inMS AND HDAUU-Moitcrii
? C9 tcnle cut 1SIU i.oige ) St. " 3-lni
FOKHKNT Titounfuriilthcil rcomi oprtln *
IntDcach u h r > il up.u a h 11. II tmr'a
block , cjr. iti Bid It w J , 7M"t !
FOU ilEN Nl o front roiii with aio vi and
cli'ct for K-n Icuiiii.lif ccrnir jS'h and
COM St. 705 20
"IjlOIt KtNT t o nlci'yfur ' ilshoilfion'rni'mj
JJ 1 iloor uorilicf Do'Ue oa 18ih. 'J-10
[ 7UW III1 NT Ftirnlined room , hea'ol by n > < -
1. I t r. lie Idcticu I8tn rent , \ \st fide 11 9t
IIOUH north at Cliluaj. ' . 7 7-17t
FOIl UF.Nr 2i housti . I ! tl 1 rooms , at 3,1 to
$ ! > far m nth ; U tint 2 Acre garden , wltd
housu , Imrn , etc , o. $1 anil ? i p-r
month. Shret'n Rent tureaii. . . DOlit-
olllo - . 7C8 tl
OHHENfToniulh board also dw table
b urdcri
u Oll KENT l'ivj iinlurnishpd upper roim ,
r front and lack entrants. It finncea S. K.
corner 17th and Chlratjo St. 72l-17t
FiOKIl NT Tuonccly furn h. < l room ? S. E.
cornerliuthaad lUunpoit wither ulthout
A KARK CIIA CK KOU ftE.ST TlioSnd slory
mid basement of bu Idlng No 1111 K ni m
t IniU | re luxtooor lofct. J.nj-17
Il KENT Hetiral smi 1 house" , fi rooms
Ull. C. II. 1'AU , ,
3U lin
of Imllilliitf o. Hit Karuam street. Inquire
noxtr'oor cat. 7J17
FOU 11ENT A good ( urnMicil r m. Ate
roomsMiiUib'c f r housei ! ] > lnp , fur Uhoi
or unfurn shwl , 20 North 1 > th Direct. 73I-.CJ
' H OU IU xT Four comfortalil i lugcmpnt
reom ; rultablc for housoiLpinff oljj tiocnl
barn. Inquire liuuiwlUtcly of F 1) , ( oorx'r
north weit corner of 2.1rd and Hurt St 730 Ira
7710R H NT OaoUrre rl'o'y fun fl et room
X1 I'h b i rd for t o at It08 Calllorr.U St.
707-lai ( > .
FOR 11KNT 139 Convent tntt St liar ) 's jv-
cnue. none Ktor ) house elroomxaid two
lursjs alii , Inquire JiarkI Lro . Gass ollli c
FOil K\\ O..o douulo fro sfirob.ldlrg
nuiU'i ' of > r uro cry , a > lo..n , butchm tliop.
or any ether Im-lncx" . Lccit d soih.t jriou
fAnner'd trAln can bu'ocuiftd. Knqiilreof Mrs.
M Ian T , c rntr Jacksju ni'l 13lh ptrcit.
f33-illfl irn
BKMIS'Now Jlnp of Omaha , lust complctwlend
ro uly for delh cry at * 5 each. Is 4 f .t Ido
by 7 feet Ioii ( ; . Lnr cat and most coruplctii
of Omnha oicr puLHshitl. Ollicul map of the
city. See column. _
ITIOK "KM i housss oMTroomi n oh. In-
JL quire 1019 F.riili.iin ttro t. Si-ln ; )
FO'l ' SAEE-Spm o mnt ( null swiih igon
niul lnr" * c"icu ) s en at 1 < \er ) s able on
13th between HowarJ anil , lil > son S r.eti
FOU "AI.K-r r et IIUJM of No rnsUa Too
racli. I'or l > < rira < n < i in > nhaCitj lniiroicil |
and un inpr M-d propert } , ca 1 on \\iii > , Shn
vi r , c i Knt.ite A'ent | , oppos to no tollictt.
; co n
J Otf SAIjv Chcip for e tn cmgofd fnrr.ily
t to ee s u I'li'o for p "ao'op , lajy or oil I cm
dilvn or r.du abe ono \\Kg \ t'P paetcnuith )
ilelsh runn r , and new imrnfsi a so one pre-
n.luin Jery co .1eura old frt 'i this fall , also
wcu it noli n y lo-rleaco ot a retiaiubla
corner 19 h a > rlttil ) Af | > lr I uirodlitoly on
Ihi ijreral.tH , rceor for H'MIn ? ( olnir itoulh
frthonlnter n. N. VtithaMI. 7 101
FOH SAI.r.Small housu on leased lot S. K.
cornet ! > th und Jackson. Uijulro on prcm.
I cu. 717-23J
HOTEF. KO AF.K CIIEAP-C2 mil H i t of
Omaha , on ihu I'nlon I'ltclllc rnllrorwl.
Ilrlck barn , two itvy hote1 and furniture , three
lo's Cr\iyL' Kooit Htnnd , go.d bu&lnnu. Oo il
r o ) B Jor sclllr > ( , ' . luqulrtiof milncrlbt r.
713-lin-mo Noith L'cncl , Neb ,
BUSFWS8 C"ASCP Divines * for Sale-A
Ctmcrtl stock of merchardlie , In a vvd
tons , on tvn 1 ! . & M , load ; iloln ? a ? noJ Lu I-
carrvK vttli Hilectnl stork. Ciusc for
rvl lug , 6 uhtir3 | vus ne 8 F r f'rth'r Infer-
illation ad'lr H "M.hc. ' 11 Otln B. J > ne-9t
FOU HA ! K Sfx room cottnjo with barn n.l
ImU lot on Chicago street , near Illffh School'
Only tt , McCAGUK ,
Opp. 1'os.olllco.
fJIUH rjALK- ir.t ci w iecou.1 tumil pijr tou-
J ? Call at 13imrarnt ) St. 897-tf
lib maud , V"rJ ICtli street , two b o.H )
touth rf 1) ) ) Utnernjil
dec gt- : tint r.oitKyzo FiiunLK. _
BKMI3 New M pof Omaha , just completed anu
ready for tl. Ill try at $3 each. In 4 feet wide
by 7 tint loiif. Lir e t and mowt complete map
of Omahn o\cr publlshod. map of the
cit } ' . Soj u.liiinn ,
. 1 ( TION SAM : -in "Tliiiftla ) oM-uin ) . ' , Jan"
' \ un } lUi , at i umhipu1 auotlon loom , 1
coiumt'iict ! t > ill u lift } thoUMind dul nr ock of
fine , Kill i pold i.n.1 H lid ellver uat Lti , full line
of Hno Jowtlj , elocki ) , trlpla mil iiudtiiile | |
1'latid liu-rtcia f , uter ( , et > , castor , berry
illshe- kbdaiiil- ' , till Ihi ef Mhcnvaru , alluf
the \eryliett lir.inU. Uoj r IlroV triple plated
hnl\c , 1CI7 | ntUrn : aNi B | > OOIM aid forks.
K\er > artttliurrantnl at represent d or mo iy
lefumleil. T , E. DAVSfaON ,
1 I'l Audi nicer.
STRA\ ) Oil STOLEN - A ba > hoirt a'tached '
to 11 Im i.v Ind n quilt under feat nnd two
ip.inUUtmt o Inr'e , llnde M bo Ilierali re
u rdoh > luitln ? mini nt Kiblank ami 1'rfni w
c ot lii ) . ' t.oinf , I'am nn St- J8i-17
rilflY The Hefner Starllod Spring manufactur-
1 rdandarcntid \ iV. . T. Eenbow 710 South
8th St. Omalm. B1SS dec lWwt ! |
TI'iNAI.l&T , 49S Ttnth street , hctwecn Farnarn
and lla-ncj. Will , with < heald of euardlan
KDlriLs , obtain for any one a gUnce of tV" ) past
and present , and on certain conditions ID tKv-te
ture , Uoota anil Sheen made to order. I'll feel
B.itl foctlon
Absolutely Pure.
TliU txjwilcr ne\cr larlo * . A ir.arul of purity ,
itrenjrth and wlioleaomtnosd. Moro ucono' < J I
than the orplnarj k'nd , ami i-annot be sorV. .
i-ompetlllon with the multitude of low twt , nhor.
weUht , alum or ph-nphite powrler. Sold onli In
cans. ItovAi , U\KINU TOUBER Co. , Wall-lit , 901
New York ,