THE DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17 VAN BRUNT , THOMPSON & COMPANY , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ALL LINDS OF . , en LAV. \ fcsv * - - B2 u & * - * I TatVXT III/ * if VQ Y , PUMPS , ETC. , * i &s f = . "iS m" * Nebraska and Western Iowa. w iti1 OF&s N , C. Thompson Hay Rake. N , G. Thompson Stalk Cutter. WEMAKE A SPECIALTY OF N. C. Thompson's Full Line of Implements and Machinery. Will do well by Corresponding with Us. OTJIR For receiving and transferring goods for Manufacturers are of the best. The Ketchuui Wag' N. C , Thompson's Walking Cultivator , < Sc CO. , Whoop lal Get along ! Go ! CLEAR THE TRACK. 2,13 , and you may know We're ' en route for the Boston [ tore , Notning like it since old "Hoar , " Heaved Ms anchor and left the Shore,5 BOSTON TEA CO. , IGIMairtfStreet. WATER WAVES That never require crimpln ? , at iUIB. J. J. Quod's < XIPII Store , "V prices never befere tonchtd b uy ; oy other hair dealer. Also a full line of switches , etc. at it really reduced prices. Also gold , Uver and colored nets. Wavca made from l&dlea' own h Ir. Do not ( all to call before purchasing I suwbere. All goods warranted aa represented. MRS. J. J. UOOD , SI Muln r i. Ounrll niilffa. loan. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F jr. TOT. za < a tr DC z * . 3a Aa 3 eLands - Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC A2D CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS ( OV/A , ( Successors to J. W. Ro defer ) WHOLESALE A1ND RETAIL DEALERS IN LAOKiWANHA , LEHIfiH , BLOSSBUEB AND ALL IOWAAND CEMENT LIME PLASTER ETC CONHELLSYILLE COKE , , , , Office No , 34 Pearl Street , Yardn Oor , BiRhth Street md Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluffa. D. A. BENEDICT , : LEADING DKALEIl IN If * 'flV Sk /t * 9 rS / V1 aV JL JSrE * * JWix byr' 337 Broadly , Oounoil Bluffg , Iowa , ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Something NEW FOR OMAHA , Drf raw- ford , of Clcvo- luiU , U , the old. popular and skillful manufacturer OP Artificial Limbs. Of the latest Improved pi ail , hvi opened a branch mechanical surgpry Ina.ltuto at 222 N. ICth itrcct , Omaha , where he la pr . arod to fur- nlsh llmba ol e\ctf clmcrlptioo , 8 octonn ! and aupportern ( or paralized and detormcil limbs , trusses and Bhouldor bra"ea and tupporton ( or ( cmalc woakneet ) , etc Thu Doctor han had 23 years experience In weiring and adjustlrg. J. S. CRAWKOHD , -l-dood-w-lm 222 North ICth S root Nebraska Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , NEB. Capital Stook , - - $100,000- JAS.H. HEAHTWELU Prcsldeit. A. I , , ( fLAUKK , Vice-1'rcslJent. K. C. Wt-USTElt , Treasurer DIHFX3TOIIS. Samuel Aloxaiidcr. Oswald Ollvrr , A. L. Clarke , K. C. Webster , Goo. H. 1'ratt , Jan. n. rUartwell , D. M. McEl lllnncy. First Mortgage Loans a Specialty TliU Company ( urnlnhen a permanent , home Institution uhcro School lloticls anil other legally Issued Munlchml eccnritks of Ncbrauka CAII be tw nccothtul on thu most ( a > arable terms. Loans madu on lmproe'l ( arms I all u cl < eettlod cotiiulesof thuuta'u , through rwjionslblo , local corrcwiioiiuenU. Sioni Oiw & Pafli THE SIOUX OIT ifT ROUTE Ilnni Solid Train Ibionxh ( rotr Oonncil Blaiia to St , Pan ! Without Ohcnco Time , Only 17 Houro fl. D t3) HII.EII TUB 8UORTEI KODIJ racu OOUNOJI. BLUPF3 tO 1 1. TAUIMrNNJAPOLIB DUI.UTfl Oil DIDMAKCa toi ) ( .11 pulnit to AorUicrD Icw , lllnnexta ted DnhoU. TtU Una la cqulppol vrllh the Uupro it Wcetloghouta AoVcmitlo Ar-br ) Ve tad Ullli PUttcrm Oonr.loi tnd Utaflsr : and lor UPXKC , BAFETir AMD 0051 FOUT li nnrorrwuf-J I'clliLir.n TaUco Olteplat 0 i rae th/onKh WlTIlOtT CIIAHC1K between Kim j City and St. r cl , U Oauncl. UlnCi and Jloux City. TitlDa leivf tnlcn Pacific Trinifcr at Coua ell Dlofl , ) , at 7SO : p. u. dally on irrivnl Kunui nisy fit ItHifh and Ooaacll RluKt Irnln (133 ( the berth AirtriDjf t filoci ( H > / 11:10 : p. rn knl M 11. i New Ualcn DijKit l hi. l'it.1 . 11U : naco TO * UOCJE8 IH AD7AMCE OS JHfT.OTUnA avvir. jCSTlltciiruhtirln IbkiBf tlio Elouz City lisa ynueolaYtirrxtgh Train. The Sno titt thuCJUItVt rTlrae .nc ) a O3mar b Diranzh Cara lutvitn cou CII. BLurfB Aim HT. AB'Sw toi.t yonIcVeti nd T ! ita "Glatli 01)7 ) an J I1 tclAe KblUotd t B. V7ArTr.K8 , J. D. JiUOHA. H aifer.riUnd-rl Got' 1'it.r. As u MlnojflVi-'iM It. W. K DATIuthw ) iUm 1'nmontn Blufli A tml } ; u knge of "BLACK-DRAUGHT * THE SHORT LINE OK THE Milwaukee & St , Paul RAILWAY la now running Its FAST KXI'UKSS TRAINS from OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS -WITII- Pullman's Mapiflcent Sleepers -AND TIIB- Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO" MILWAUKEE. Or to any point lw > end ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Take the ItEST UUUTG , the Chicago , Milwaukee&St.PaulR'y Ticket odlco located at corner Farnam and Fourteenth blrotto and at U. I' . Depot and at Milla-d HoU'l , Omaha. tSTSoo ThnoTablo In another column. V. A. NASH , General Ai-ent. 0. II , FOOTK , Tlclttt Agent , Omaha. S. . MiUlllU : , . A. V. II. UAKl'KNTER , ( ! cnoral.Mana'cr. ( Otniral I'ani. Audit. J. T. CIAIIK. Oi:0 : II IIIHFFOUI ) , ( icneralSup't. Ahstd'tn. 1'anj. J'riiilcldH. VIcol'IBi't tt il. Utua < t rw * Dl7if&j. NEBRASKA BK } 00 Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Oorn Pluntern HrtTowo.Fnrm IloIIerv Hulty Hay Kakon. Bucnet EIovotln WlndnUllH , &o Vie are prepared to do job work and maunUe tiring ( or other pirtlea. AddredK nl or ten NKhiiABKA UANUPAOTDVJHa 00 t Incnln W < $500 REWARD. The above reword will lx > paid to any person who will produce a I'alnt that will wjual the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , ( or preserving Shingle * , Tin and Gravel Hoofs Warranted to bo Fire and Water I'roof. All order * promptly attended to. Cheaper and h | . tor than any other paint now In utn > STEWART & BTKHIENSON. Sole Vroprlctore , Omaha IIou eOmaht , Neb Officer & Puncy , Dr.HIco , Dr.I'lnney , Kulle Council IllutTi , Iowa. Urn olllco , Omaha Koo an , | DwTiit'rBrv nv ins WIFJJOSSO JaiH8R ho only lifo tvitliorUcd l > ) her and hi h will not bo a * Illnodund Ihiinilur" tcr > , such an tax bcui and will lie publUhtd , hut a tnio llfo by thu only pomon hu U In poftoMlonrf thu ( acta a faiin'ul ' and devoted ulfo. Truth In more Inter catlngthan fiction. AfrintABhou dappy 'or ' Ur- ntoryatoncc 8end 70 cts f r Sample book , , J M. ChnmherH & Oo- . mo cod iVw-o gt liooii Mo FOH CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETROIT/NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all Poluta Eaat and < 8outh.Eaat. Nearly 4,000 mllea , bolld Hmooth Rteel Track II connectlonn ore made In UNION DtPOTS has a National Kopntatlon w bolng tht ro t Through Car Line , and la uulvoreull } o needed to bo the FIHEBT EQUIPPED Hall o ad In the world lor all rlanaoa of travel. Try It and you will find traveling a Iniuij Inatead of a dlwomfort. Tbroueh Tickets via rhia Celebrated Line ( Ol eale at all odlcm In thu Wcat. All Information about lUtoa o Fare , Hleorlng Car AcocuiuioJatloriu , Tlmo Tublou , 4c. , will bi cheerfully xlvcn by aptilylnlnv In T. J. POTTER , Sd Vlco-l'reii't & Qen. ManaxorChlcago PEROIVAL LOV/FLL , Oru I'aesoru'f . r Agt. Chlcagu W. ) . DAVnNrORT , ( Jon. Aont ( , Connctl Uluffa. II. H. DUKIJj , ticket Agt. mnio-cd ly Benins ficwardud , oa , Iho Story of UIG Sowing Xaohlno , A. binitorce lll'.lc pamphlet , blnijauj gel ova wilhnamercui o { ; lngi * rlllba GIVEK AWAY lo ny aualt penon ctlllng ( or II , at any brancfc 01 anb-oQce of The Slc''or Uanufacturlng Ooin. piny , or will bo cent bj mall , poit paid , It nvpanon llvltig at dlilancc from our offlcei Pilnotp l Tflleu , 31 Uulon IhW. J1PB HPJUNO ATTAOUUiiHt 1'ATKNI A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING CASRTAG13 ! FACTORY 1109 and 1411 Dodi-e Htreat , ang 7-mo Gin OMAHA , NEB , DR. WHITTIER , ST. X.OUIH IMO A KEQUbAK QUADUATE ol two rnedlci ooll-KC . .hpji boon longer enpurod la the treat mcnt ol CIIHUNIO , NERVOUS. SKIN AND DL001) Dlw ic9 than ny other phQlcl n In SI Louis iuj city ptpera show ud all old rceldccli know. Comtulutlcm free nd Invited. When II Is Incomentent tel > t the city ( or treatment nicdlcliufl can be sent by mall or expiu * : ivory nhcro. Curr.blc iMea guar ntood | whcro doaul exist' It In ( Hiiily ttated. C'all or write. Nervous proistrotlnn , Debility , Mentul , md 1' Woaltuoaa , Mercurial ml ithcr nffectliins nf Tliroat. HUln nnci Untie * Blood linpuntlija nnil Ijloud dliJn AIToctlons , Old Sores and Ulcar * linpeillinontu to Alumnae , UhemimtUin. L'lloa Speclnl nttontlun to canon trort ovor.workod brain riUUUIOAL OASEB rcccKu Kpcciul uttuntlnu. UiMmeei nrlalnf Iroin linpurlouco , Kiceanea , lniluli < onoe > _ . . . , ? e the wholi lAREIAGE" well told. Man ) receipt * ; who may mar ry , who may not , why , causes , conacquencel and cure. Scaled ( or 2fio pottage or atamjia. DOCTOR STEINHART-8 ESSENCE OF LIFE. KOR OLD AND YOUNO , MALK AND KHVALH. It U a mire , prompt and cfT ctml reined * ( or In dlKiwtlon. Ijnpcp > la , Intermittent Kovcn , Want ofAiipetlto , Ncnoiu Debility In all ItaStAites , \V < ak Momor ) , Loss of Drain t'nuer , Prostration , Wuiknim and general Loiw o ( l'o er. It repair , iicrioiis wa ti ! , reju\enatcn thn faded Intellect , fttruixhthcim the enfeebled brain and restore ! uriirln UK t iio and Uk'or lo the txhaustcdor < aiiH. Tliu cxperlenco of thoiiHirida proMuiltto o an Invaluable rcined > 1'rlco , Sl.oOalwttle. or nix for $5. 1'or Kiduhy all dru l < ta , or gent ncciiru from obscrvatlnn on receipt of prlcu hj Er. Stciiiliurt , P. O. Box UK10 , Bt dull MIL ' SI ilk i M n p i ijjrJIuorf .T"'j. MS rrTr'.c' ; , . , . . , . . ' - . , . , - . , , . & * . K. , , . , . . . , IKlUlll' I'M ftXy.1 . "f ) ' . llculkr > H it i It mny HOIorrrnv < u v L your , lfe. It hna Tt > III. , nun- U- * \ T.icol. . Osi. OOL. L. T. FOSTBB , | 7ouDKitown , Ohio , UaylO. 1880. D > . II. ) , hrhDiLL i Co. I had a.-rery vain * bla ntoibletonUn colt thttlprltud rary hlghlj , bo had larjo bone apavln cu one Jcict and i jmill ono on the other which made him Yelj l nieI ; had him under the charge ol two reter lu ry turKMDi which ( Ailed to care him. I wai oitKJ reading the dreitUemant ol Kendall'i Bpav\n Cure In thu Chloagn Kipma , ! determine ! ito.ic , lo try It a .d sot our Crueglsti b r t < tend lirlt , and tliey oiderod threa bottlti ; I tool ill atid I thought I would give It A thorougk trial , I lued It according to dlroctlou and tbi ourtu day the colt ceiced to bo lame and Ihi mm 11 have dlupnoMPd , I ueod but one boltli and tno colt's II itia tie aa Irou o ( luutu and at omooth M any hf o In the eutu llo li entlia ly cniud , Th oira wut o rciiurkil'l" tha harcUIUool mj nolghbon have tb itmalo Ing iwo l.ct'loi wh i are uotr U lnilt rc6iKu Vena lei IlluetriU ; , circular p.lTln ; I oiltlri proof. Mcejl. All , ; ) rugdit h II or cat oilKor rot. i > ( . C. J. Ktu > Ull A Col , Fro- prttitsru , lluoohniarh Fc.ll * . Vt. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS REMARKABLE ! KAMHH firv , Mo. , Sept. r,0 , 1882 I think It a duty I ewe la humanity to lay what jour remedy hex done ( r mu. 0' u year ago I contracted a bad taso of Illood Dl cue , aiil < not knowing I he riHiilt of midi -roubles , I allow- ol It to run to Komi t me , tint finally api lied to thu tint phjHclan In t It elU , WK > 'runted mo for six. montliH. ISIIIAT TIVK I TOOK ovim 600 IIU.H OF I KUTOIOIHDK OK HIUU'RT ' 1 K'RIP facll , and hod run down In wtlnht from 210 to 1ST IKiif tin , and W.H confined to mj lied with Mer curial Hhcvinatlam , Bcaruly hl to turn myself oter. llclnif a traullni ; man. pomo ol the frfc- tirnlt ) fount mo in ilils iiiylo u-ile crtiiiltlon , Kpce lie iuJ ' " ia.s that hud In en cured liy It * two I romtnniclrii the ww Itwltiiutty Ihtlii faith ntm In \tti \ that three Wd'liH W H nblu to tnku mv plot eon the roail The Koruiand copper tollorid xpotM gradually dlnap. pcaiid , nnil to day 1 ha\unota HO cor Hpot on my pirHoii , and im wi'lgHNai'poundM lulu more tliiui IttM'r wan. I do not * lih ton to pulA'ah. ) in ) naini1 , but joti may show tmilittir to any who iloiilittho merit of S , S. H. ( or I uo It IB a HUructiri' . YourH Trul t , J II. B. Hoi v thirty jrarnago tlu-ru Uml In Montjo- tmrj , AH. , u > oumr man who win tcrriblj atltlc- t l cfu riming truited for u lone tlni.i l.y th med cil pro'i Hlcn of this town | ih no benefit , lit conimincid faUnir < N S A'lir pi rcUttutlj- tuklii It t n nntl s lit ns nun IlihiL'ac * iUulutul | nlth hi > fur tMi nl , w nun r u ado it return. J. W. li-ih ! > r , J. , ni . - , > m t ftrk. If } OU doubt , contain HHJIIS uinl m will CURE VOU , or i' aru no'liingl ' \\riu for | urtlcnl.-uH arid u cop ) of thullttlM luxik , ' * Alii si t * to the Unfort in U Suffering " i hit nnj l > niiNl * t to our Maudlin- iOft ff-vrnrH u III liu pul I to uny CliiinUt Mil ) H II find , on ana ) dn of i > oo liotUos of H. H H , ono ptrltho of M.icurj , led dn of I'oNVMlum , or anj Mineral subxtiniv. 8W1KT Hl'KUl r 10 CO. , I'roprlitorH , Atlanta Go. I'rlio ol flinull Hlzr . 71,00 LarL'u Sin' . . 1.75 _ .SOLDItyAI. ! . lIRUUilHTS. _ DOCTOR STEIN HARTS SUPPOSITORIES Thu Orcat Popular Ilemtuy ( or Pilcn. And all forma of Tumors. Thciio HurroHiToittcH act directly uK > n the cf nlH of thu Illood VcHsiN.and lij their tutrinirvnt UTicUgcntl ) forte thu Mood from the swollen tumors , and by making the coats of the mint ttront ; , | > rttiit thu r riJllIliiK. a" J henie a radi cal euro la euro to foljiw their Una. Price , 76 ccNtx a hex Kor tale by nlldrUKKtatx , or Kent bj mall on receipt o ( price , Lj Eu lish Moilicnl' imtltnto , 718 Olive St , St IVIii NERVOUS DEBILITY , Ol , K. 0. WeaPfSerrMi &raTnTnMmiiil- A apeclflo ( or Hyaterla , Dlzzlneea , Oonmlilcip. Nervoun Headache , Mental Depretalon , Lou 1 Uomory.Operuntorrhcfu.ImpQtency.InroluaUij Kmlsslont , Premature Old Age , catuecl by ovti- exertion , i lf-abu o , 01 over-lndolgonoe. nhta leada to mlaery , decay and death. One boxwl cure recent caaea. Kahbox cantalnjOBamtnUi treatment. One dollar a box , or elx boxet Dye dollarij aont by mall prepaid on receipted prlco. We guarantee elx boiea to cnre any.caie , With each order received by aa lor li boxct , 4. companled with ( He dollamjcll ) tend tb paj. cbaeer our written nusraJTeo to retnrn Ibf moaej II thn ticttmcni dcif nnt effect cur . 0. r , Ooo'iinin , irn > rlit , Solr. Wholenlaka jvt ccO"idh , Jti , Orif'il b MANUFACTUHKll OF Silver Plated WINDOW.SASH' . ' Dour PJntoi Eniravctl to Order- Ni 1.0 IN' 7lhRt. _ St. Louis. Mo GULD ROPE. Iholntrlnvlomeilt and anperlor quality ot cor. Sold Hope tobacco hag induced other manrrfM- tu put upon tbe market poodi almllaf lo < ur brand In ri m < i and utylo which are odeieil ndrCilJ ( ir Ic nioioy than the genuine Odd loK' | . Wo cautloa the t itde and conanmrr to BO * that our tiamu and trade mark are upou t cb lump. The only genuine and original Qoldj Hop * Tnb < xog | n.annficturtdby TIJLK WIL80N * MoNALLY TO BAOOO OOM1 > ANY , .