Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1883, Image 5

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The Hawaiian Sugar Monopoly
Successfully Coping with
\ Dtcided Advau'nRes
Secured by Sprtctels a1 d
His Lobby.
Ditunuiaed Efforts of tbo Op-
p eitiou to Abrouato
ihe Treaty.
is fully
S' by thiStaloii
cf Oulrt.
Au Out'mooftheTurltl'.Bll
by'tlio UOUBO CornmlUoo
WASUINOION , January ] ( i Uour
A'liuiial Liughoa , comnianding thu
Pacific otatlon , roportu a losa cf $50 ,
000 atnppuu to Panama to pay Inupec
torP ik' , and appr vc < I'.uk'a aug-
gotitiou that auotntr $ uU OOJ bo ship
ped , aa the oxclia < igo on Panama 11
two par coot. The navy dopattmont
ropyrta the govomment Icao no > hin ,
aa it ia fully inburod by tbo ixpretx >
The houoo committee on f ) reign af-
f Airs to day inaiructod Mr. Kuaaoti to
report a resolution abrogating th
Hawaiian troa'y ' In part , thua carrying
out the plan t f Frelinphuyfleu , CD tel
egraphed several dnya siuou. The resolution
elution w va afterward reported in the
hocs3. It doon not RO far enough to
moot thu wlohea o the augar growers
of L miaana , or tno au nr rollnora of
Now York , who irill insist on complete
abrogation. Whou the resolution
cornea up In the houan for diacuanjn
it will likely bu added ai an amend-
mono 10 the Unif bill. Iri no other
rray can it bo got through
congress this session , as while
'the Hawaiten lobby ia not nlrong
eiituah to defeat abrogation , if the
question oTtuts up on ita merits it ii
strong enoug i to place all kind of
Impediments in the way and thua pre
vent consideration.
S matoc Kellogg aaid to-night there
waa no doubt but that the sonata
would abrogate the autrur olauto f the
treaty entirely when Worrel'a reajlu-
tion ia reported b.ick from the com-
mittoo. Should it do so h ia the
intention of thoao who favor abroga |
tion to ptaco the ceuato resolution rr.i
the tiuif bill as an emondmpnt. Bel-
mout'd aud Blonnt'u minority report
on the reHolution adopted by the for
eign aUYira oommittoo will t > o a min
eral kick at the trea 'iry ' department -
mont for ita loouoticss in
making ruiings in matters of traatioi.
Bilraotit holda tha ; the treaiury de
partment ia the c U30 of moat of the
violation cf troatita and that augira
and grades cf angar not contemplated
at all by those who mdo the treaty
have been by the rulings of the treas
ury department admitted free of duty ,
In this mattor'Balcnont claims that ho
speaks the views of the busiae.i3 inter
ests of Now > York , especially the
sugar refining intercuts. It ia stated
by the o who hare fjllowed the mat
ter of Sproakola bringing in ougar in
larger qiittltios than is produced in
the Sandwich lalande , tftit ho and i
hia associates got moat oc his pointa aa
to how to violate provisions cf the
treaty by careless treasury decisions.
Folgor sent a letter to the chairman
of the house foreign committuo-on th- )
subject of the Hawaiian treaty , in
which hs takes the ground agaiast the
abrogation of the treaty , Ha aaya in
( fl'ict , that its coaimoroial advantages
nra greater than any diaadvantug a
which have been deacribed. Ho does
not aeo that the Biiccosif al rivalry of
a western dealer ia In any great meas
ure the effect df the treaty , or that it
would bo abated by ita abrogation.
Senator Farley preaented to the
senate to-day the memorial of Trlni-
dcd and San Jose mining corn jany
asking f ir an amendmout to the pending
ing treaty with Mexico. The momor-
altata are owners nd holdo of cer
tain claims against tbo republic of
Mexico for damages for the interrup
tion of mining operations and foxjjd
abandonment of the aauic , amounting
to $820 030. The claim waa presented
to the United States and Mexican
claim commission , and waa referred
to the umpire of said ccimniieeioa ,
who dosldfcd the caao against the
ruemoralistH and in/ivor of Mexico ,
rejecting and dismissing the claim.
rTney claim that the evidence :
submitted by Mexico was unlaw
fully and unproporly taken , and TT&B
false aud fraudulent , aud that the wit-
neoaua committed perjury ; that the
Mexican government is seeking tofreo
herself from the reaponslbiliry t f pay
ment of said awards by meana ( f anew
now treaty whinh ahall f vor her to [
the exc usion ( f Arneticui cla'nnnti '
whoso claims have been rejected by
similar falan testimony , and that aucln I
treaty hasbson negotiated between thoj
United States aud Mexico , and la
now pending before the touato. The
memorial prays congrots to amend the
said treaty as to grant and extend the
American citlzans the aamo rights and
remedies which are thereby granted
to Mexico ,
reported to the houao recommendag
total appropriation of H5,2 i-,100 for
the fiscal year ending Juno UO.h ,
1834. The aura < , f e3,9'19,401 Is ap
propriated for pay of the active
On the aulject of promotions tKa bill
jjrovldea "no cilijer nhall In tirtwa of
peace be doomed or reported fit to bon
promoted to the gradoc/ lieutenant un
less ho shall have aeon four yearn Mr-
vise at sea ; DO lieutenant unleia lie
shall have seen seen six years service
f At sea aa lieutenant ; lieutenant com
mander , unlosa lie shall have aeon
fear y ars sorvica at aea M lieutenant
ant commander ; and no com
mander unleaa ho ahall vo
seen thro yeara aervico at rei In n
raand of a United States vessel or
vceaels ; provided alao , that when any
commodore ahall roach the ago of < iO
years , any captain 50 ycara , any cam-
luandir Dl years , any lieutenant com-
mundor 47 yoara , or any lieutenant
45 yvnra , ho shal bo retired by the
president from aclivo service and ahall
go upon the retired liat of the navy
a * of the prado held by him nt the
date of hia retirement , " The bill al o
provides that hereafter none of the
VAcancioi that may occur < n the various
grades of the line of the nitvy shall
bo filled by pnimo'im until uoh
gradti shall ho r > duced below thn
numbin lixnj bthu net if
Auitust 5 18SJ Tno bill appropria'oa '
C-703.1SO for pay of the retired liM
and provides "that hcroifterall pr > ) .
moUona to lite'o of rcrr
on the t.ctir. ' liit al. ill KJ
celuction Iroin cjr.MJes of
and o ' | > tttin w < l no niu-o pr"ni > t'Mn '
to the fctAilo of coji'vi duro alull bo
nirvlu , that Rraflo V&iiig 'I- ' P V b'l ' )
: ' ; pn\id. > \ , however , 11 >
d TO How in the 8pr\ic f hiU ho ro"l
ducod iu rank or ho rp ] r.v 't ' of his
commh'.ion by rev u of t ! i act "
The fjloh ! g i * r : . U : Tna. horf-
after notlli.'urtf the navy MiaM be
ninployed on &hi.ra duly , -s tlu <
rut.iry of the i : v > hl all dlou ino
that the omponieiit ] of illi.i : ou
duty ia riquir. d hy pi' , lie in
terest , ni'd shall BO fr''i ' ' ; the older
f employment , hti.l alao tha duration
of ouch ( , pvici > , b"'nnd which time ho
i-hall not continue. "
Ex Senator Doraey haa written a
loiter lea'giint ; the t Hi o ( f secretary
f the ropub loan national committee.
Tin cub-committee of the house
cimmiuuo o'i war c'aima will c insider
tha rolnf bill f-nuiting SliiO.OOO to
the heira of Count Pulutkl.
General Uaz'jti ' denounce na faha
the churxpi in th anonym JUH circular
hig'ier ollicyrn of the atonal
corps. Tno circular WAS callorl forth
by the propjaition to tramf-r the
signal curpa to the interior depart
Everett B. Sanders , receiver of pub
lie ni noya at Wausan , Wij. ; John
\V. C'Aik ' , Blinhigm , agjat fjf Indiana
at Ujlorado River agency , A'iz > tm.
The president norainatad Klward
Soniuuitville Indian agent : .t Umatilla
ogoncy , Ort'gou.
Thu prcnidonl signs the civil uorv
vioo bill to-day.
was reported to the houco to day
from the wryj and moanc oomtnlttue ,
accompanioa by a brief review cov-
oriny only three pg.n ef lotor pa
per , which btatHa Ui-vt in a matter
involving * o many ilinV-nct proposi
tioiis aa the taritl' bilL tonchin es
they do oxiating Invejtinenta of cap
ital , the hope of unanimity ot opin
ion in so large a cjurinittoo aa that
of the ways and momis , could not
ba entertained , and thn bill u not the
un.tnimona report of the committco.
Comparing the rates proposed by
the waya and means commit r o in thia
bill with the existing tanh" rate the
following aru porhapa thu imat important -
tant changes : The duty on iron ia
redncad on an average of thruo-tentha
of 1 cent per pound and the great-
eat reduction iu the metal acbodulo
ia in ateol railway bits , from wnL'h
abant $11 per ton in the duty ia
taken. Woolen manufactures are
reduced nearly 10 per cent on an av-
eragn balow thy present ratoa , TCt
tariff commlaaion has. propoaed a re
duction of about 20 per cont. Tiu
duty on cotton manufactures probabl ;
average over 2 cants per future yarJ
below the present rates. The ratoa
ou gUss are not materially ohingoc
from those of thtyproaont laws , though
many alterations have been made it
the classification S jgar rates were
considerably reduced to day , the cut
ting down being mainly in the IOWOB
grades ; taking into consideration
changes in the provisions for "teat
ing" the average fates are said to
ba lowered aoout 25 per cent from ox-
istingduties , This scheduleas finally
revised by the committee to-day ia aa
follows : "All sugars not above No-
13 Dutch standard In color , shall pay
a duty pu their polariscopo toac as M-
lowa , viz. : All sugars not above 'Ko
13 Dutch standard in color , all tank
bottoms , syrups of cano juice or of
boot juice , melada , concentrated mel-
ada , concrete or concentrated moUs-
sea , testing by the polariacopa , not
above 75 degrees , shall pay a duty of
ono and twenty-five hnndredtha centM
per pound , and a'or every additional
degree , or fraction of degree , shown
by the polbriscopo teat , they shall pay
four hundretha of ono cjnt
per pound additional. All sugars
above No. 13.Batch standard in color
ahall bo cUaeitied by the Dutch
standard of color and piy a duty as
follows : All augars above No. 13 and
not above No. 1C , Dutch standard ,
3 cents per pound ; all aupnr above
No. 1C aud not above No. 20 , Dutch'
standard , 3-40 109 cents per pound ;
all anctra above Ni > . 20 , Dutch stand
ard , 375 100 cents per pound. Mo-
liseca testing not above CU degrcec , by
the polar.iicupe , ahall pay H duty of 5
cents per gallon ; molasses anting
above 50 degress chall pay t > duty of -
( ! Ciiits ptr gallon. Sugtr drariiig { ! ,
20 ptr contain ud valorem ; RU .irci-i
dies , not colorai , i cents per pound
All ether confectionery not Hpacially
enumerated or pruvldod for in thin
act , made wholly or in part of sugar ,
and on augara afcer boitig refined ,
when tinctured , colored or in any wey >
adulterated , valued at 30 ccnta per
pound or less , 10 conta per pound ;
confectionery valued bbovo 30 canta
per pound or when aold by box , puck-
fcgo or otherwise than by pound , 60
per coatuui ad valorem. "
The Importance of the ways and
mcctis tariff bill ia dlminiihod by tie
probability of the tan IT measure bolntf
concidored in the eonate as an amend-
meet to the houao bill for reduction
of intnrnal taxen , which will bj thu
baiie r f all poaslble loglalation on the
aubjbct the proient aeoaion.
Air.Oirponler , of Iowa , tiia sub
mltted a conference report on the
agricultural appropriation bill , h asP
agreed to , The bill ai agreed to ap
propriated $13,000 more than ( u. Pit
pasted the houeo Tne total amount
appropriated ia $103,010
The sub-committee if the national
republican executive committee , con-
uanzlng the question of the batji nof
representation in the next republican
convention , mot to-night and aprcod
ti report to the full commlttoo
to morrow. An informal mootli g
if the general commitle ) waa
alto hold to-night , twenty-five mem-
and proxiea being present. The
basinets of to-morrow WAS mapped
out , It la understood that another
Hub-committop , on thobaaia of repro
will bj appointed ,
much a < sepftrato propositions have
been nulo by at least throe mem
bers ( f thoaub-comtnltteo ,
Spoi UI li ) patci ) to TIIK Uric
\VAMIUNOIO.V , , li\Diury 10. Aftrr
the dippuiul of thu llolhdny roliol bill
Soiiators Plattand lLirrit.oii v. nl tu-
dca\or toEecuro tin ) p. SMigu t f n lil ,
to regulate tno practice hi
H.i.tOt : Dirvo.ftoui the IK us"
'ttta. GJiumlttuo todiy rrportiid "
' 'ill providing f ir Iho ; tl1 tlinont cf
ii in y to the OtUwns , i f
"l ( Indian terriu r > , Ako a bill rail-
y ijj the flRTocniDtitwih ilio Indinnr
u'ini ! nijht uf 7 y to tlio Oman
Colon do r.vliiMJ through the
Vrtlkcr river rea.'ivaOon i \ Nevj < l.\ .
f the tanll' bill w.u
e ° ; inn'd. An hinmidmont nutiPL ;
ho tlii'y on eulphito of iron or c' ' p-
icr an thu'o tenths ( f a cunt pec
was agreed to The pira rnph
ovcritig acutato of load ,
rai'go mineral , itc , were rosorred
or further eonaideiation.
Senator Platt movt'd to iniko the
dutj on crude a\ltpotro : ono cant in-
toad rf hilf a cent per pound , and
ho ' duty on refined oaltpetro half a
cont. Agreed to.
On motion i f Sjnator Allison ( as a
iinmber of the committee reporting
Dill ) , "aisp'inltuni or bitumiu" waa
r.ituf jrred to the frco Hat.
Senator Coke moved to rodnco the
rate on "coal tar colors or dyes , by
whatever name knovrn , not. specially
irovlilcd iu the bill" to 25 per cent
id valorem.
.if tor debate the rate waa Ii ft an re
ported 35 per cent &d valorem.
S-iHtor Ojko moved to make the
duty on ultra loarlun 25pjr cjnt ad
valorom. Lint. Adjourned.
The bill for removal ( f cieoafrom
atato to federal court ] pisaed yeas
134 , naya 16
The naval appropriation bill waa
reported , llonao thou wont into a
cnmnuiueo . . tf the whole , Mr. Uyan ,
v [ Kin ) , in the chair , on the state of
the union.
„ . the Stooir. ,
'pedal niii | tch tol'UM il
CHICAGO , Jjinmry 1C A Cleveland
diap.tich from Now York states that
Vandtibilt h.ia caused Iho Liku Sloro
butv/cen eix and eight millions
in bonda to pay fur Iho Nlckul-plntu
otock ho bought and that ho proposed
this achemu at n mooting i f the Like
Shore director ? , held eomo ago
in Erlo , because the lawa of Ohio and
Now York prohibit the con
solidation of competing linen.
U U. Payne and Ainisa Stonn , o'f
thia city protested and resigiu-d These
< > ontleinin Were DOOM to-day and asked
about the truth of the report. Payne
mid ho resigned as director of the
Like Shore lust N ivomber and his res
ignatlou was tiual. Mr. Stone oaid
hia health ia poor and ho had not at
tended the tnuotinga of tko directors
for a long time , but if the occasion
should arise when the directors have
no quorum , they have the document
au.hurizing them to put some one itd itu
hia pact ! > . Both gentlemen declined
to give the reason for resigning or say
any thing concerning the rumored issue
of Like Shore bonda to buy for the
nloklo plato. They neither denied nor
continued the report.
How tbo Tariff Works.
Special L'Upalih to Tin li ,
NEW YOKK , January 1C. The table
compiled for The New York World on >
thn basis of Imports of Now York in
1882 , of the actual results iff the pres
ent tariff and of the estimated reanlta
of changoi proposed by tha tariff com i-
mission , shows that on all Iho differ1 -
ont kindn of iron imported during the
year 1882 , also tin plates , tbo total
amount ot duty paid nccordinc to the
proaent laws was $10,11)3,000 ) ; that
the duty on the a une , according to
the tariff commissioners' recommen
dations , would bo 814,081,090.
XVind-m Will Win.
Spec al Dispatch ta 'iiiMCMc.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , January 1C.
The senate to-day pave Window 23
votes. lie lacked only ono vote of an
In the house Windom received 47
votes , 15 leas than wan necessary.
ExploBlonn Badiv < tiNer.
Special Dispatch to TUB UBK
ST. Louis , January 15. It'.ia feared
the loflH to creditor by the failure of
Oonrad & G ) . will bo heavy. They
had branch business' houses in Arizo
na , California and other states. The
failure of P. V. Smith & Cj. , of
Tombstone , ArL , and the defalcation
of Iloury C Kiaaul , cit } ' treasurer inoa
Tuscon , Arl. , who waa agent c.f Oon-
tad & On. , are aaid to have hoatenod
the suepcminn.
Knnsni ttluzu.
Special Dl8p tcb to TIM Um.
LAWUKNCB , Ktnaas , January 1C
Aiiro broke out thii morning in the
nucenawaro mill furnuurn store of J.
Q Aahton , JUforo the iljnios covld
Uu controlled , nearly u dn/.jn business
hoaaea burned out. TIB principal > (
loaers are Mra. M. J McCu'lough ' ,
Her loss is Sll 000 ; Insured for 87,0X1
Total los g > 0(00 , insurance $28.000.
'T1"Well Tin fitllluroll.
Special Dispatch to TUB Il .
MT VKUNON , 0. , January 1C.
Ndwacamo to-diy of the death of Mra ,
Emma S'illweLI , who confessed the
murder of aomanycf her relatives.
Up to the last Mio maintained the
truth of her conf union.
A Bvaetl Town.
Special Dltpcloh tu Till UIK.
OiNCiN.Vi.Ti , January 16. hoi
apecial saya a fire thia morning i ?
otroyed the muln buainoaa portion of
the town. Partlculara of losa and
lusciranco are not given , A
Thn Mnrcjiift , nt Itiohiuoml.
Spcili JJlipati h to Tut
, Va. , January 1C. The
maiquis of Lurtio was waited on by
th ) mayor and citizjja to-day. Prin
cess Loiuso was ab etit from the ra-
coptiou cainv to fatigues if travel.
8ho droMJ Uirough the city in the af
ternoon , Imvovor. Governor Oan.o-
ron coald not'pjy hia
rtnpooU owini'
to amull iu . 'Us ' .
pox family. The prin- [
ceas and loivo
party to-morrow for
Charleston ,
[ Continued from l' r.itVt.e . /
outatdo of that furn slifd thtt induce *
you to hand out panes ? A. Not auj
other buatnuio. Somotimea I give n
pass to an attorney. 1 may want
Him ( o watch a case till I gotthurti and
I give him a pass. Frequently 1 got
8011)0 ) Hie to ur uu aoinu motion in a
case , aud I give him apaaa toaaMify
him till I got thoro.
IJ Ii | t the cu tom to give panes to
political o.nvtnlio.uV A. Sometimes
wiion ihoyink. I oumollmea oirolch
a jnlnf on that aud giva thorn p. so .
Q. Well , do you n ro ch the point
every time ? A , Well , when they nro
tromtiiut county , nud Ihcy oomo t
mo ou either side , nud of nil k'li'U ' of
jiohtics , I loll Hum lhi y eMi lw , >
them for the jj'jod of the ciuntry
[ Ijiunhti-r ] 'Iney ootild notveiy wo'l
p y tholr larp , and 1 do not want them
not to b1) t/icro / ,
Q 11vn von any connection a * the
Attorney i f the B. fc M. rnilr. ad
cciopiny with nny tf t.ho nowsp ppin
pu'ilttlu-d ' iu this state ] A. I hive in' .
Q D ) you ia any lUAunt-r direct or
atti nipt to direct the sentiment cf any
uuttBpApor in thia atato in respect to
" : o. rt nntter * ? A. N i , s r.
None at all ? A , Why , 1 may
occasionally have a talk wltli BJP'O i f
them. I think I have with H an-
water. [ Laughter. ] It' I think they
are n littio wrong 1 talk with them
juat aa matters come up.
Q. Do they over correct any errors
that you suggest ? A. I don't know
that they do. They aoim to think
ihoy are about right , [ liiughtcr \
Q. Mr. Marqnottu , do you take an
active intereat tu the politics of thin
atoll 1 A. Not very much. Loss
tluu I used to when I ) waa running
for c Hi ! < > . I hardly over say ! ! )
thing unless somebody siya aonui
thing to mo and then I probably way ,
Q DJ you take any iutcrtu ; wht-
ever in dictating nomination ! ) am ;
convention * , or oUctions of senators
or any public clltoero , in xlow of BO
curing friends in public t llnea for the
rtilroad with wliloh you are engaged )
A , I LIU not in that bnalnogs at all.
If any body pskn mo why I don't toll
llu'tu to go and got iv man that is al
irays the railroads , I should
not adviou anyone to have such a nuui
c inneotud anywhere. Why , -f that ii
hia business I don't think ho would
miiko n very good senator that m my
Q. Da you generally abuse the per-
eoua who IIAVII these ostrtnu vlow.i o.i
this ( jueatiou ? A. Why if don't think
tiny are right 1 don't have aiithini ;
to say
Q Are you as attorney for the riiU
iOi d company fxpr 3tud to give any
opinion ? A. No , I am not hired to
do that. I don't know what they ex
pect In f jll. I oimply act in a ult'zjn.
If I doom A man ia not the proper
man I expresa my opinion the hnuiu aa
I always iiavo done since I have been
iu the atato , which I have a right to
do and which I always shall do.
manager of the Lincoln pottery works ,
waa the next witness called , sworn
and examinod. The principal point
nlioted waa that ho waa charged for
the aamo car load to Wymoro t f the
aamo wo'g'it two different , rates , uanio-
ly , $85 OU and $48 00. The fuat ship
ment was made in the tprlng , aud the
second alocg in August or September.
Ho made objection to the $85 00 rate ,
but was told that it waa the lawful
of The State Journal company , alao
toalifiod , but nothing ( f particular
public interest was olicted.
The number of spectators present
though not largo waa much moro
numerous than at any cf the previous
mootinga of this committee.
iTho Mr. Brown , member of thia
committee , la of Clay and not of Lin-
cantor , aa previously stated.
Mectlrg adjourned till 3:30 : thia
the gentleman who ridoa on U. P.
trip permits , waa very anxious to ex-
cluJo newspaper reporters and ho
moved a resolution to that effect. The
majority cf the membora , however ,
being fair and square did not desire
any star chamber prnceodinga In this
enlightened aqo and Air. Gray "a motion
waa very properly dropped.
An Arrf st on Soiploloii ,
Spetlal Dlipitch to TIIK IljK.
Mn.wAUKKE , Jduuary 1C. George
Schiller , the losaoo of the bar ia the
Nowhall houao , wan arrested this af
ternoon on Huspiclon of having sot
fire to the hotel. Schillor sayn that
ho closed hia saloon at 1:30 : a. m. , but
ho waa found iu company with Will
Smderaonand Tom Dunbar. Hero-
turned to the saloon after 3 a. m.
The greatest excitement prevails.
All fjr Protection-
Special Dispatch to Tim llin.
lljoiiKsTBit , N. Y. , January 1C.
Thn American Moriuo S loop Breed-
orH'Ksiosiation met in nussion
to-d..y. Pruaidunt Mark hum apoko
very 'trongly on the tariff ( { ueation ,
declaring the asinciitlon to believe in
protection from foreign ignorance ,
which atrikea directly at American
Th y Want I. f rmatlon.
BpecUl Uiepatch to Tun Hm
WAHIIINOTON , Jauaary 1C. The '
houao committee on military afftira
this morning adopted a restitution
inquiring of the secretary of war what
crflort had baen made to secure hoer
arrest aud trial of Ilowgtte.
Industrial Frateotir * .
8r * U DUpatch to Tin Hit.
NKW Yoitii , January 1C. The cor-
11 lien to of incorporation of the Now
York association f > r protection 3WOf
American industry was filed to day.
Tonneiiao Cora ,
Special Dwpatch to Tin 11 .
SAVAIWAH , GU. , January 1C. The '
first oirgo of corn in bulk ehipped to
Knropo from thia port waa loaded from
the elevator to-day. It ia Tannceaoo
corn ,
Thn UVnlan Hotiator-
i alDUpaU'UtoTJlK Brt ,
AuatrsrA , Me. , January KJ. Fryo
w.ui olooted senator.
Clothing and hootw and ahoea at
your own figures at J J. Urown &
Oo.'a.Vo proponed cJoao our retail
department ,
From tlio Corn-Drib to the Satis-
ap Machine anl Rond&r-
ing Tank ,
Tbo Advontureoof iv Nubrnskn
II OS iu the Htmdn of a
Lot of Otilit.-uiaua.
Uhirajro Tr bine.
YoaiorJuy at the UntMi Stock
Y it da of Avmoiir & Co. , a Nebraska
hog woighiutf 8i 0 poii-uts luul dowii
h' ' { JiU-JariUii Iir0. H , , ol.uinht-
) il in compiuy with 11,000 other
HI ha'liuj ' ; from Kums , llltuoiiund
ti OMeiRi Thoraday , hf
Nbritk. . hoK'jh waa awigiwd qaar
torn Ju Immediate
proximity to
n corn-
n. Yt-B'orday while
, out fir nil air
, ho w.uabflucod ! anil put to do.Uh.
is is the at < , r > of hio taking oil :
Jlo wai gently urged up an Inclined
pUuo uud onto a covered bridge ex-
to.idlng from the m > ihborhood of the
orn blu to a lingo brick building.
Ituforo , and na fir ai the eye could
roach , ho atiw hoga. Uohlnd , oven to
the horizon nhoro the c > rn-hiii mot
the ky , wore hoga. Prognrsa waa
slonr and diflicult , for hogs hemmed
him in , and many tiuioa tried to
statupedo him. Over the ioug st
ored bridge fifteen abronHt the oworv-
ing line moved hir.lly until the awmiah
roar , thu cracking of great whiplashes ,
aud the 850 pound hog from Nebraska
itoppod from thu bridge Into a uhnslc-
ling-pen. The ptlaon waa ton foot
long and eight foot wido. Great tlm-
bora aud thick planking made it ao-
\Vtth the representative from Ne
braska in the pen at the time were
twenty comnun Kumi hui > a aud a
Chicago man with a shackling chain.
Stooping to the ( horof the pen , the
man adjusted the chain around thu
left hind log , and
na light an it cork-puppet. Head
downward and sinpuml-id by the Icy
to a wheel which rovoivod ia A minia
ture Imlnwfty or "rail , " the knifa wus
uppllud to Nobraska'u throat by a man
called n "dtlnkrr ' < tiim Armour
& Oo. , pny 83 50 * A. i.ov practicing
like ntrocuivu at the r.ito tf tixty a
. Tlio scone at tin * r v " 1 exoou-
ti.m waa ono to bo ruiuumbciorl. In
the rear of the ahackling pena were a
dozen inon cracking whlpa aud hurrying -
ing the pqupaling victima ahead to Iho
uhuiti shuckltrs and thiir thro.U
uhtting accomplices. F..ur hogs are
simultaneously twitched up to tlio
rail , four knives do their work , ati l
tluui the ho ; ; product of Chicago la
multiplied with altnoat miraculous
rapidity. Ono "ntlokot" the ono
> ? ho tackled Nubraaka yesterday din-
p wed cf 3 500 hogs and did only an
ordinary day'o work.
After a hug's throat ia cut ho la al
lowed to hang twenty mluutcH , The
bloodless carcana than pazaea down
from the rail into the scalding tub ,
where the temperature of the water ia
ICO degrpon. In the tub ho ia turned
and kept moving by men who manip
ulate him with polls aud hooka. From
the tub the animal is acoopod up by a
aural-circular rook , and thrown onto a
bench where the bristles are plucked
for bruahoa. Ho thou travola through
the ucraplug machine , a wonderful laborsaving
bor-saving invention. Every portion
of the body lo exposed to tlio action
of atcol braahea , adjusted on wheels
BJ tint tlio bruahea are inochanlcally
uovornod in their operation by the
aizo of hog which ii being cleaned.
Emerging from this niaobino , aix men
with long knlvoa remove atray brla
tloa , and the carcass ia shoved along to
the end cf the block where his head la
aevored , the gambrel strings of the
hind legs are cut , and the animal la
again hoisted automatically to a second -
end rail , and , suspended by the hind
leg ? , ia eent Hpiuning around to the
point where ho la diaumbowlod. This
U accomplished by ono atroko of the
knlfo , and an export will remove all
the internal organs at the rate of
eovou hogs a minute. Still depending
from the rail the carcass pissoi to the
waahor , and thou to
who doxtronsly romovca the lump or
lay era of fat from the face of the ham.
The licit advr-nc'j ia to the lard-raiaor ,
who oxtracta the loaf-lard. Thia pro
duct ia carried to the lard-tank while
the animal swings along to the ton-
guor , and thence per rail to the hang (
ing room , where ho la "marked" mfi
being split down both aidea the back !
bone with a broadax , then ocrapod
aialn ; to insure potfjctclo'iullni'sj , and
huro left to hang with 15,0 < )0 ) other
hogs for from twenty four to forty-
eight houra. Ho la then trucked to i a
block of oak wood and subdivided by
chnppii ; ; into hama , ahouldcira , and
toot. These , in turn , past to benches
where trimrnern carve out Iho short
ribs , short cluarn , long cleara r.nd
bioka , The liann and ehonldura dro , )
t < > thu floor bitlow au faat as tlioy are
trimmed , while the CU'H drop into thu
colli.r and are trucked to a spread-
room , an immonau refrigerating do-
pr inent , where the temperature ill
128 degrees above /.arc. The spread-
room line a capacity for 75,000 pieces.
Rjmalning in this temperature for
fort-eight houra , all animal heat
leaves the cuts , aid they aroalao thor
oughly dried out by a patent prccosa.
The succeeding stage of advance is
'ho curing room , where the moat i ia
packed In hogsheads and pickled with
aalt , water , saltpeter and Eugar , The
curing room is kept at a temperature
of SS degree * . Above this apartment
and also above the spread room ia
Ita dimensions are 210x-IOO , and the
lee ia twenty two fool in thickncas
throughout. After being stored forte
about twenty daya it ia thuii fit to
amoko. The atorapo capacity of the
establishment ia 80,000 ticrrra of
henu , fihouldoru and lard. I'Ja.OOO )
barrels uf purk end 100,000 empty [
Whun the long clears are trucked
into the collar tlry are pnt in salt , re
maining ten dayu , vtluai they aru ro-
Htltfd and piled up fg iln after the
fishlonof cord wood. After tholhird
caltin. ' , ' they are stored fur sixty days ,
and ore then pronounced cured meat.
At prevent there are about 115,000,000
of ctired moat on hand , Thu
amoko houio has a hanging way thirty ,
six feet high and a capacity of 60,000
pounds. The heat to which hanu and
shoulders are subjected la anppliod by
hardwood sawdust. From the smoke
house the next journey la to the sow-
lug roim. where the porcine bundle in
wrappo J in pnpar , covered with cloth ,
stitched up , and the whole covered
with n yellow waih. The waah is
composed ol ohromo , Hour , rluo ; , etc ,
and l.i icitrudod to protect the package
from the H-os. After thin the hib'o
Mid Iho picking room , a-.d Iho him
bcgiin ila markothb'o career. There
is room for 3,000 OCO pound * ot Inra
In the a'ororooni iv'joining the irn ko
tlniu a portion of IhU 850
pi.u d Nebraska hog hao been
INII Tiiit'it'on ' nu : SAUSAOICMI
finally appears in the disguise of
nunkod ' hoi -Kiia , poik a'rauds ' , or the
foj'ivo Ffiinkfurtir. Oiiu tii.ich'nniu '
tin eaupa o depitrtuumt chops 15,001) )
pjiuida ot moil pur day , and the total
product is 50,000 j ounda every twenty-
four hour * .
In t'.io ' o.iao of a hog weighing 850
poundj a goodly proportion of that
b'tlk finds ita way to the lard tanks.
Hero it is subjected to an Intinre
heat , aud a solution ia added to out
the dirt and aottliuija from thn
deposit. The air and steam fir
from below up through t. ilu'l ,
carrying the Impure matter I o. > ,
of the tank , whcnc-n It la c..nimod
f the surface. The n lined lard Is
then removed to au agitat ir , thtough
which cold water Is pumped , and from
th ngitator or ' jiskut" ia drawn oil'
in riqulrod quantllipo from a thruo-
pounit can to a 330 pound tlorco.
After standing twelve hours the Urd
13 ready lor ohlpment.
13Vi In the cnnniug department Iho
visitor recognizes another section of
hia | Nebniaka hogahip. Ilia tongno
ocjnpioaa haudaomely labeled tin cm ,
while the meal from hia head baa been
carefully removed and fills a can bear
ing tbo inscription , "English Brawn. "
Ilia font ruoppear in biuuleea canned
diacnise , here wo have him again in
headohecao and tripe , and ngaiu ho
lurna up cither potted , corned , or
compressed ,
Yesterday , at the etook yards , thnre
wrro 3,700 nieii in the employ of Ar
mour & Co , In every riop.utmonl
workuun are crowded for room , and
new additions are to bo built aa soon
aa possible.
The Romalim of Archbishop Hnuhoa
to bu Tninaforrod to tUo Now
CiuheclriU ,
IM'Vork IlrraUI.
, A aoh'inn ceremony in whinh New
Yotk will bo moro or loan interested | ,
IB to Uko place on thu 2 ! ) h and 30th
of thia month. O i tlio evening ol |
Monday , January S'.l.h ' , thu remains
of ' the late Archbishop liughea will
bu . removed from tholr resting place
In thu vnulls cf thu old Si , Patrick's
c.vthcdral , cjrncr of Pni cu and Molt
atrceta , to the new cathedral on Fifth
avenue , The dlelntcrmont and removal
will bu olfoctcd quietly. Only n few
of the ininiQdiato relatives of the late
archbishop and some of the clergy are
to bo In attendance. The remains
will ba berne to the now cathedral
and placed on p catafalque lit up by
burning taper. ) , the pillars of thu ca-
thorlrala and the altara draped lii.h
blacV. On the morning.of the 30.h
inat. there will bo n rolomn mass of
requiem In presence of the cardinal l ,
and the diseaao , to the bishops of the
province , end to ull ecoloslastica who
m * } bo able to attend. It is proba
ble that there will bo u very largo
gathering < f the clergy to do honor tote
the memory of the onorgotio prelate
whom so many of them know person
The c'ergy will chant the un
cflico if the dead , and Mgr. D ,
the general and chancellor , will
deliver a panegyric. Father Preston ,
us secretary and chancellor ( f the late
archbishop , waa intimately associated
with him for many yoara.
At the cloao of the ceremony the
Cardinal will deliver the benediction.
After this the remains will bo Interred
in the vaults under the high alter at
the now Cathedral , which have been
prepared for the archbishops of New
York. There are twenty-four of these
vaulto , th lirat to bo very properly
filled by the remains of the venerable
preUtn who laid the corner-atone of
the great Cathedral , and who himself
was the corncr-atono of the entire
structure , ainoe to his energetic in
spiration it owed ita origin and much
of its growth ,
The vaulta of the now cathedral
are hermetically oealed with marble
nbls On the ulubi will ba engraven
the name ) of the docuaecd prulatca ,
ncsordit'g a each In turn in berne teat
his lust reating place In the St. Pat-
rick'a cathedral the romaitia of nil
the do id prelates of the ace of Now
York , cavu the firat appointed , the
Right Hiv. H Luke Conc-men , 0. 1 * ,
who died en louto to this country ,
ilia successor , the Kight Rov. Dr.
Connelly , la buried In the ground In
front of the main entraiioo cf the old
c.ithcdrnl. Ho died in 1825 liiahop
Duboia , who auccnedod and died in
1812 , was burled , at his own re
quest , immediately under the
main entrance , that the people might
walk over his grave aa they entered
the church. Archbitmop Hughes , the
firat archbishop of the see , died in
18M ( , and ia burled below the middle
atalo. It has not boon determined
whether or not the remains of the
former prelates of the see will bo dis } \
interred and transferred to the vaulta
of the now cathodral. In the parlors
of the cardinal's now residence on
Madison avenue are portraits in oil of
all cf them. There ia ouo of Arch
bishop Hughes , by Ilealy. The portrait
trait Is not from life. There ia HBO ! n
painting by the sumo artist of the
present cirdinal.
* * "lurability ia ,
better than
ahow. " Darability of health ia worth >
moro than the wealth of n Van-
dcrbilt. Kidnity-Wort ia inau'u ou-la-
botor In inoiiitainlng health , With
healthy liver , bowels and kidneys ,
men and women will aliraya ba in
good health. If thu br !
> woa . are .
torpid , it pllea torment , If the back ia
foil of pain , got a package of 'vLlnoy
Wort and bo cured without moro nuf
la ftl'in'lHrcC'iira
For all the * < > I'alnful Complaint , nnflV > VnrM
a common t our lic t female popuUtl * * .
A Medicine for \Vomun. Inionlf J tj W i
I'rrpnreil ty \Vonun. .
„ th drooping plrlt' , In . .
WmonliM the onpuilo functlonii , ( flte elasticity i
the utop , rwtorei the natural liutro .
j. , . . . . . . , . . ml * on the pnJo clu-clt f wonvtn lha
nvi not Ilfo' f prlnir anil cntly rimnif r tlnis.
ItTPhjilclani Use It and Proscriba It Tf ( .
It romoTO f lntnr * < , flitulpncr , > lo tror ftllcr tln
for ( tlmulunt , amlrollcTMwi'Akneiaof the itoroAefc ,
Tut fwllngoflx'iirlnmlown , ojunlnff itn , wiJjW
nnil tok chos \ nt j txrmAncntlj cured liy Itn u
For the cure of Klilncr CiunplnlnU f rUber MI
thl Componnd U uaiurpaMCil. ,
i.rniA r. IMNIVIIAM-H nuinn rcuinr. *
lll r cllc lo rreiy Ti-rllC'i r llmmirt from IM
lilowl , ami Clio tmio and Hn-nifth lo the ryrfm , <
ui&a M uuuui ur child. In i tuu hnvtiiff it. *
Jlolh the Compouml ftnd Illood rurlflcr are prfpu4
tSMwuISM Wt' t ni ATCDUO , Lynn , U&KII. I"ric *
cither. | l. BU twtllcs for $3. Bent ty moll In U > fen (
of pills , or of lotcnsrs , on rrwli't of price , tl P" 1 * *
forclthcr. Mnu llnUhamfiwljr annnoraallleturn'
Inquiry. ' Kncloso 3cU Btnnui. fiend for p-amphkL
No family houl.l l > o without I.plA K. TOTtllAJII
J.1VKU I'll.l.f. Tlicr euro ronntlpotlon , LUivtuana
anil torpidity oMho liver. M C"iiU per toi.
nil I > riiffRlittH.ttft 0)
iismess Dire
L. UrOAllUK , ci > v > o U , Potl OBn ,
\V 11. DMITLBTT 817 l.outh 18 h BttccL
i'j-ur. : < s & MKMPKUi.ioiiM , AitcnnncTa
I Ice ; in It. Crolglilut. IlK-Lk.
A T. LAHOr Jr. , Koom 2. Ciolebton tllccic.
uootk unu oii4fc. .
JAMfii DsVlNR 4. 00. ,
r * .Ti.tH rnJ Mhooi. A vMO'l onrrtmrt.i
. jjo N f.Q tiia 1 , ccroi.r l.h ! ni ! I ! > tLny.
110 i V.ICHSO.N. S. U. cur. 18th tnil Doiulu
jon TOinuKATHa ,
1 ; f ' . ( 'Mil , tnnutaittitMi to Prdrt snod oi
, l < , . \ It.
I.AcMtlUKII Mii.rti liir" ' 161' I
3. ( . PI'HEIIAIT WIS Kan.lwiu ' ' IP I
tlnltar nd lgu .
aC'llHOr.bliU , tr.e cl.i.wl II. M 0 C.
la Hf br > ! iii eftfttl'fhM ' 1 Ouih .
enu Reno Y/njcnt.
will p , v hl.ticitCuljiiiica lo , i i
ban 1 clotlili g ClTaor ! Utb ml r rnhnm
rutPAlntk HMQ ( III * .
fanirandm , Iflnj VALC , coi Ulti u4
l.m.'l'1 ilircU.
t.J. WUITJCIiUU ! K , H'hoLnloAKoUii. lothu.
0. riKLV , S02J horih Cldd OamlnK ItiriL
PAHH. Dmrrl't IKti ) nr ) trnwtrdHrp M
ii. i'AULi WllUiutil'ic \ . Ull. Itkn
Olvll Enul.ieeri ant ) Surveyor * .
KOaEWATtll , CrolKlitoi ; mock
fawn llurvoyi , Uudg ud ll w r * e System *
LTiy uooiit notion * , kU.
'Olltl n. IT. LEUHANN A ' .U. .
r n fctt Oiy GTOJa Kn/le. I31C m.1 Ult l
liinj t\t"0i
, . 0. Kne ti'i-i i < i ixi'i MIU mow a f >
I OHM W/UHUK4UONB co l Uth&Jti
oowo on.
OIIA3. ninWK , ICIS Kurnntm bti lllh k IH < L
UQ , o. Ci
OOUAN HOUHi : , I' II , C ry , 1B r mh ni8
uLAVEK'a iiorr.t. . * < . m
lonlbtrn IJatol Ou > . I'l- . - - i. - , . . nt
ir bTAl. - ' "
4U.1 A .1 V
.ilbvul ccrntr lOthmJ iXu ; t.
llm txjMid far tiio Ju
< til llDtiru
Don i ] tj tun 1)1 y , Week ui Muuu
Oool TermB I'-
k y. QROBti , Hiw tuj Ktjond jlku-i Cnoture
ud Utivrc , lilt DoaKlti. HltiLdfi cai- | > il < *
aid fci str.onJ btni i'OOO .
. IOJNR ; : iso ? nacn M rir wd.
fit cu 101
rKIlCSAl'O 1S1 ! Uamuy 8 . . Inning
(04 Unu > , Ircc nd Wood Frncei , Odlcv
- . Onriiil * r * fin * * n < t Wklnof.
p.o > ir.NFiro : loth ut. . i > ei nr. * uu
n rrlerktor ( , O nflold'R Patent.
i 4 i r ) . , '
C ) i unit I oontco
f/tlTSC'DCU , nnnutictutcrtol O
'bo'iiUAlu Lv.ilm ] D loDncoo * . 1301) I > ou
IIU N7.KN iruniifwt-.uar
Oracle ry
. IIOXKKK IMP flinif'M ' TM. . Ov-A linn
, lUu nd UetU.
Lumbar Lime end Cement.
KiTIIR t Olt-vT cornet 8th and Donglts Bit
, BONNEH 180 ? UoniilM HI. Good VartelT
Merchant fallen.
Ji.o ol tmr inodt popular Uurchtut Tulliug it it-
c'lloK tbe Utnit daelt-iia lor Spring and Snuunet
lood tor ( .outleracn't ' wear. Styllih , dnriliK ,
J XT | M i-v .nrrrr 1OH F m tn "tr l
i\i. 0. A. KiNOKK , Hholoalg and Htlall , ran
r QooUg In c.rvit variety , Zei'hjrp , Carl Ucard *
iijljry , Oir.Mw , Oi(9.ti , Ac. Cbeap t IJOQM lo
l.i Witt I , I'urciix. ! < crs > ave SO per cent Ordm
> v U.U 11 rtfM-nth Sfrcrt
J. 3TOTRKH , 111 ! betweeu Caiuloy tail luf
f. A. llc H AKK Corn rod ami Cnmtnr Hirer U
Hnrdwme , Iron and Qte l ,
& LANQV.'UHTUT , Whnlotilii , III tat
ajlUh lri < ol
A HOIMKS rorne leth inH PallfOTnl *
Phctc rcpner * .
Qrand Central Uallery ,
SIS Bliteaalh ttttiii ,
Mil Kaiccle nail , rint-clmWoiV MiJ l'r.'
Pluml > lna , Ui end Ctcam
F. W. TAKPV 4 CO. , Slo H at. , bet. F inhua
td Douiiln. Work promp y tttndeJlc.
D. TITZf ATRICK. I ougtM Htltn
Hurres * , 8addle , Ac.
t \VQ9T WUth HL b < l Fuo-A