Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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he Omaha Bee
PublldheJ every morning , except Sun-
ay. The only Monday morning tl Uy.
One Year. . . .S10 OJ I Three Montfca.W.OO
BlrMontlm. . fi.OO I Ono Month. . . . 1.00
t.'HK WKEKI/V HBK , publfcucd every
\Yeinei d y.
One Venr . $2 ( X ) I Three Months. f > 0
Six Month ? . . . . I 00 | Ono Moalh. . . . 20
A.Mr.RiCAU Tsira-a CoMi-AHV , Solo Agents
in the United Str.tcs.
ntfonn relRtlntf to Ncw.i nod IMU
oiuttor * * hiuld bo midrcened lo thu KDITOII
Iicttira mul ItrinltlnnreR uliould bo HI
JMAIIA. Braftfl. CheiKu and I'ontrlllce
Jnlern to lu > nude piynblo to the order of
The BEE 7UBLISHIH& 00 , , Props ,
Jtl. KO HE WATER , E-litor
THK Millard mare did not take the
pole an uxpec'ed.
EvEiiC senatorial boom must stand
on its own bottom.
Ir looks ns If It were anybody's race
with the railroads in the roar.
MIU.-AIIU ia the barrel candidate ,
( whoopcd ) up by the railroads.
TitnnK la a nurplus of e20,000C (
in the hat pension appropriation , but
wo hoar nothing of a twenty intlliot
roduoticnin taxation.
MK. DKEUHEH denies that ho over
doubled the goodness of the Almighty
Tnis is probably raoro than can bo
Bald cf fclr. Bdecher by the other side
THE census ought to t > 3 taken n
liincolu thii wock. The otato capita
would show an increase of ( if y par
cent in population owing to the tiuni
her of ueiting ntateemon.
THE eao and $200.iroftH Hut Cashier -
ior Buicocf the Jersey City Savings
bank failed to carry cilf. Thu reports
neglect to state that the uafj was
chained to nho 11 > nr.
TIIIHTV TUK.KR ondidates put in nn
appearance at the opening ballot for
the sonatorihip at Lincoln yesterday.
iNjbraska has no need of n legislative
act for the encouragement of eena-
torial timber culture.
beaten Sjaator Hoar in the race for
the Mitnaohujottn sonatorship. Mr.
Hoar his been for yean ono of the
ablest members of the eouato , but his
vote for the river and harbor steal
clinched the last nail in hli political
OPINIONS differ a to the necessity
of a bankrupt W , but \/hoio \ It no dif-
foronop of opinion in roRafi ! to the
necessity of lome enactment that v"
protect orodltors against dishonest
debtors , Oao of the pccnllaritica now
Is that liabilities remain while assets
are mostly in the hands of preferred
crodltors. In other words puoplo got
ready to fail by putting their prop
erty out of their hands. In suoh In
stances the dlatanca between the
counting room and the penitentiary
ought not to bo very great.
THE inoreasa of the assessed ralua-
atlon will give a fair idea of the
.growth of New York. SInce 1870
the tat rolls Uvo increased 4S I'.c :
oont from $742,103.075 to $1,080-
870,403. In 1870 Omaha's tax lists
fell scarcely 20 per cent behind what
they do to-day , while the city has
grown fully 100 per cent. A list of
wealthy tax shiik rs In thh city
would bo interesting reading to many
cf our poorer tax payers who are as
sessed on the full legal valuation of
their property , while their neighbors
escape almost untaxod.
TIIK first ballot In the oonatorla
contest , which was taken yoatorday at
Lincoln , shows nothing except that a
good many compllmentarlcs wore
given. The test of the otrongth of the
leading candidates has yet to come.
The republican vote was so scattered
that any predictions cf its final direc
tion is impossible. Senator Saunders ,
as was natural , led the list , and Jos
eph H. Millard did not show up as
fir in the front as was ex
pected. Still Mr. Millard has a
good many raoro votes in
reserve which will bo called for when
needed to make a respectable follow
ing. After making a respectable lol-
lowing they will go to other caudl <
dates , General Connor and Oaptalr
Stickle were remembered by theii
friends with a handsome voto. Thi
democratic strength , as was expected
was distributed chiefly between J
Sterling Morton and Judge Savage
while Mayor Boyd received ten votes
It looks as if It wore anybody's race a
present. No caucus can bind th
members of the legislature to vet
against their convictions and th
Indications are that the battle will b
fairly and squarely in the ope
If TUG HUB judge
[ the temper of the present k (
o candidate of the rnonopt
uvhich thcro are several , ca
| i olection. The people wi
and the legislature dare m
1 wishee ,
Every dollar of railroad indebted
ness incurred is practically a public
debt , because Its funding In thrown
upon the people. The publlo is taxed.
by increased larifft , to pay interest
upon every dollar tf bonds insued by
the railroad kinqs , and Is bled un
mercifully to ali'jrd dividends upon
mlllionu of dollars worth of tcck ,
which cost only the paper and print
ing ink used in their production.
Within ten years the Uxpayori of this
nation have paid off 3540Si"-5C:57 , : of
the national debt. In the same time
the railroad kings , by reckless opecu-
lillon and clock jobbing , have in-
created the railroad debt nearly $1- !
The statistics of Poot'a lUllroad
Manual allow that the railroads of the
United States in 1872 had a debt of
55 110 a mllu. They probably cost
half that. In 1381 thodobt per milo
was watered -up to $0-1,411. The debt
of 1872 was nwullun by the fictitious
vuluo of our piper currency , by the
furious apoocla'.ions that cimo to
crash in 1H7C , and by enormous ioancn
of watered stocks and bonds that were
erased in the liquidation cf the hard
times. It reprernntoa short-lived
Iron rails that coot moro than the
long-lived stool rails of the mileage
of 1882. On nil those accounts the
average deltt for each milo of railroad
ought to have been In 18K2 much
less than that of U72. ISut Wall
'strout financcors know a trick worth
two or thrco < J the old-fashioned plan
cf "growing up v/ith the country. "
Tliuy reach the territory before the
immigrant. They pro-ompt all the
land with railroad mortgages , and
leave to those who jrow ; up with the
country the privilege of paying thorn
off. All the reduction in the railroad
debt of $55,116 a milo ton years vjo
that fihould have accrued to the pub-i
lie bandit by the introduction if stool
rulls , the resumption of npooio pay
ments , the docUno in price , has been
pcckoted by the AVall otreot specula
tors and coiiBicuotion rln s. Not
only that , bu / they have added § ' > 2 ! > 3
moro to every unlo , or over 10 per
Besides the debt of 6(5noOOCOoro (
four times the present /jdurul debt
that still fl > ata , there havobuou ex
tinguished during the last suvon yop.ra
$ l,428l)82CO ) < > of railroad stocko and
bonda by foreclosure. These uro the
wrccko of the 187.1 panic. roads
are life , but the pjpsr has blown
away , ilovrmuoh there IB in the sur
viving mass cf what are called occur
itiea that muit go the same way can
only bo conjectured. But the methods
of railroad construction and finance
still in vogue make It certain that
1833 , like 1873 , must bo followed by
severe reorganization cf railroad in
debtedness. Perfect as is the im
punity with which Wall street as
far as the laws of the country are concerned -
corned piles up the public debt on
railroads , there are laws of the money
that will bring It to book.
Investigation by THE BEE prove !
what over citizen 'of Omaha , who has
thought on the question , has known
for some time that the grott majority
of our hotels and places of amuto <
mont are sadly lacking in moans foi
fire escape. They are mostly archi
tectural shams built for show and com
pactness with a rocklota disregard tc
the safety of their guests. Many are
raoro tinder boxes , built cf wood with
contracted halls , narrow sUirossjj and
wo cr throe exits on the
ewer floors. Others arc pine for
ests enclosed by brick walls ,
[ t Is a fact that cannot bo disputed
hat Omaha has not a single fire procl
lotol or theater. Sjmo are bottoi
lian others. This is the most thai
can bo said cf any.
THE BEE strongly urges upon tlu
> roprlotora tf hotuls , and upon the
lublio who patronizes them , the neces
sity of such alterations and improve
ments as will provldo tno requisite
.isilitlea for cscapa in cane of lira 01
laulo. Exterior iron fire escape :
ought In every instance to bo inaistoc
upon. Liddera from the upper otoric :
o the top of thu first llooi
hould bo provided. Thh would give
'xits lor giuuta in case the Ihmos li
ho lower lljora cut oft' escape by waj
of the atairciars. An excellent and
ihcap fire csoapo has boon provided it :
mauyhoto'a in the country which con-
ilsto of a coiled rope attached to rlnt
n the Ibor and of suflhiant length to
re&ch the street below. By its aid
quests can lower themselves from the
windows and reach a place of safety ,
A pair of canvas mittens or glove :
with the palms sanded , ccoompaniei
them which enables a weak person tc
tiang to the rope with the greatcs
Fire escapes ore necessary , but aftei
all , the bast way Is to have our build
Ings so constructed that they canno
bnrn rapidly , Fire traps like th
Nawhall house ought to bo prohibits
by law. The partition walls cf al
hotels over two stories in height ongh
to bo of brick , the beams and stall
cases of iron , and the elevator shad
incatcd in metal. In addition , the us
( f electric gongs to awaken imnatoi
and ropus such as wo have describe
to afford ctcipo from wiu owa woul
glvo greatly improved moans of ueci
rily and prevent such holocausts t
that which has BO shocked the country
And just as noon aa guests refuse t
hotels which are not BO
bnV.t and provided , then proprietors agh soli-Interest will ba compelled
to make every cnicusalon. lo n reasonable -
able public demand.
As to the allcntiUuo. that Nebraska
is not a mineral stat > , It ii probably
untrao. The indication ! t f coal , with
surface veins t > f from twelve to twenty
inches in thicknonc , in n dozjn couii-
tie , are pretty curtain to load to dii-
covtrlca oC paying coal mines in the
noar-future , A million dollars would
be well placed in demonstrating the
oxiitetita oi coal bedi Btiflhuiut to
supply our own fnel within the next
live petts. Hat it will probably not
rtqciro n twentieth pi-t of that sum ,
slciliinlly uood , to solve the fuel prob
lem. Fifteen ycarr. of ttitehood hit *
aesfd and not a ninglo otep lisa the
tate made in this direction , except to
Her a paltry reward for the discovery
f R coal bed of a certain thicknece.
t ia time that the patty politician bu
jut down and thu stutti ritn to the
avcl of its duty In thin matter , with-
ut reference to tha question whether
Iraowntor or Smith , or Jones nnd
onkins cm control the geologist , nnd
; s.ko noino profit out of the butincHS.
titalf. Jimrnn' .
The only persons who cxpoct to
make a profit out of the geological
urvoy awiudlo nre the ochrRturs at
Lincoln who are planning n raid on
ho otato treannry to suouro a geologi-
1 survey which can never benefit the
Into a dollar. The locating of
lie varioua uraa linn already been
ono for Nobraaka by the national
ovcrnmont. Ita duplication would
ot attract a siuglo emigrant to orsr
orders or divert a dollar's worth of
apital to the state. The outcropping
f the varioua strata are already
nown. Prv.cticil quarrymeu have
rooly investigated our building stonea ,
nd the fuel that limestone ozists en
10 Platte , and that good sandstone
annot bo eecurod iu the Nlobrftm
iitrict , would gain no weight from
a publication in a volume ItHucd by
10 state at an expense ot
oavy salaries for oxplorera and
ills for printing. S ) fur us coal dc-
ojits are concerned , the premium al-
oady cll'jrcd by our loftl&laturo is am-
lo to eecuro n diligent search by
lioso who are aiixiom toaccuro $5,000
i n rowaid for their labors The go-
logical survey iu a huge job , ongin-
orod in private Interest ! ! binon who
o not know the diflorcuco between a
) luo3aur and a dust pan.
THE house of representatives has
acsod the shipping bill with nmend-
iionta which have emasculated the
noaauro to an extent which will cf
ord no relief to American shipping.
'ho clause relating to free shipa wan
truck out entirely and John ll-jach's
obby again reigns over the rocst.
'olitloal cowardice is the great crime
f the present congress.
ACCOKDIKO to nicholion lloblnson
ho American navy is mnintBinfld for
ho solo benefit of John Roach , the
hipping trade is taxed for the advan-
ago of the Cheater ship builder and
ho public blad by protection to in-
reano his profits. It looks as If John
Coach wa a bigger man than tlo : na-
lonal congress ,
MR , Dxvirr knocked down three
men with a chair at a recent political
ueotiug in England , llomo rule bo-
; lna to loom in sight.
Hid Shoes.
Among the Oaineso no relics are
nore valuable than the boots that have
been worn by a magistrate. If ho re
signs and loaves the city a crowd ac
companies him from his residence to
he gates , where hie boot * s : drawa
> ff with great coromouy , to be pro-
lorvod In the halls of justice. In
.his country , too , there is a great anx-
ety to obtain the foot coverings of a
nagistrato who resigns. A great
many always want to "fill hia shoos. "
Clucinnati Commerohl ,
Doctors ditlor. Governor Butlct
denies emphatically that Oaneral
Jackaon either orlginatod or practiced
on the maxim that "to the victor be-
ongs the spoils. " On the other hand ,
: ho lion. Andrew Stevenson , of
Mansfield , in his speech at the Wooa
tor jainboroo , on St. Jackion'o day ,
denouncing Poudloton , caid ho hoped
when the Democratic ptrty came intc
power in 1884 it "would have the
lorvo to cnforco the maxim of Jack
son , ' ( hat to the victor belongs thi
Bpcils. ' " Who IB rlclu ?
Hocol Flroe.
The principal hotel firca nlnco ISO !
are : St. Nicholas , Now York , Da
cembor 1C 1801) ) ; F.fth Avenue hotel
Jfow York , December 10,1872 olevet
ivcn loat ; Ocean hold , Long Branch
N. J. , March 1 , 1879 ; Metropolitan
Now York , June 20. 1879 ; Motropol
tan , Now York , January 23 , 1881
Manhattan hotel , Now York , December
bor 15 , 1881 ; Parshall house , Titus
villo , Pa. , April 15 , 1882 ; Ooow
IIOUHO , Swampscott , Mass. , Sdptombp
7 , 1882 ; Cliff hotel , Nawport , 11 , I.
August 20 , 1882 ; Stnrtovant , Net
York , December 17 , 1882 ; Pavilini
liotol , Staten Island , Djcomber 17
A Man Lives Six Years WltU & Larg
Hole In His Wind-Pipe.
Washington ( r . 0. ) Tost.
There arrived in the city yostorda
a man who , six years since , had hi
throat out and wind-pipe complete !
severed , and who now breathe
through his month or the origins
wound at will. Ha brought a lotto
from Dr. Ueorge M. Ljll'urts , an eml
nent laryngoeaoplst of Now York , t
Dr. Carroll Morgan , of this city , wh
also practices principally with three
cases. The man'a name Is Simon Li
donski , a native of lloumania , and h
has. had probably the most romarki
bio experiences of their kind of an
man livinc. Laden kl hat ? his Uitoat
cut from oar ( a ear , was nfter
wards hnuged , then ntabbed
in the abdottnn and uit on
the check. Ho In compolleo
from tha nature of the wpcind in lilt
throat lo brtatho through a ilve >
tube. Ladonski Is 28 j-oars old , and
cama to thia country as an emigrant
some months aqo with the intention
of oattling in Miaiourl. Two yean
ago ho WM ono rf a parly of ton who
were attacked by gypsoy robbers 01
the ro d from Vuulou. Ladonski's
party WHS uverpnwured and nil their
throats cut by the robbcrf , who ( hen
took the ( joods owned by their victim ,
but qaarieled among themtelvcu as to
the envision of tlw plunder. Lidiius
kl macngod to cruvvl Into n clump of
bushed , where ko was dmcoverect by
one of the gang , llo was brought out
and hanged by the neck to u tree. At-
torcetnainint ; there for corno tirao the
rob burn ihoui lt htm dead , but to
make sure nf their work atsbbod him
In the ahr.ncn ] and slashed hia
cheek. Tney then cut him
down and threw him among
dead cnmpaniono. Two days alter ho
waj diacovorod by I'Mf , Ruaa , an oml-
none Autitri.iU pliyalcian , who caused
himandtivo others of thoptrty who
were alive to bo removed to Vienna.
Ho wan attended by eminent phjsi-
ciar.s , who found the nlnd-plpo closed.
It remainid BO for ttro years , durit'g '
which ho was unable to epcak. At
length the physicians succeeded in
droning email boada , attached to a
thread into duced by menus of n nco
dlo , through the trachea and into the
mouth. 'jht : ) beads were increased in
eizoan the operation was ropaatod , in
order , If possible , to effect a perma
nent enlargement of thu wind-pipn.
List evening Dr. Morgan had La-
donekl before a class of students at
the Georgetown medical college , as
well as several membersof the faculty.
The subject exhibited himself and
went through the operation of insert
ing Shrodottor'a leaden dilator , about
the siz3 of the two last jointa of n lit
tle finger. When thia woo in place ,
Dr. Morgan , by meana of the laryn
goscope , showed the atudectj the up
per anrfaco of the nppllanco in place ,
two or throe inches down the man'a
throat. Ho alao explained , fay meann
of diagrniii , the nature of the origi
nal injury , the rfficts and the condi
tion ot the aubjeot at prcoent. Dr
Morgan first aaw the man in Vienna ,
while ho wt nsaiatant to Prof.
Schneilzlor , who ia proftesur of die-
eases of the throat and luugi at the
Senator lOverhurt lia > t Introduced in the
I'ennnylviu.u li'gisluture u bill to prohibit-
Riving railioad pause J , except to ulli.ern cf
rnilwija or employes.
D. 13. Kttcn gives cscecial crerU' to
Dnwos , linnr , Hnwlcy , Millard cf New
Vork and Logan for tuppurt of tha Pen-
dlotonbill , besides Peudlecon liiicaslf.
Tbo Dullalo JIxprcBa ( fnd. Rep. ) aug-
goata KB suitable men for the civil nervice
commliBlon : Nav I Officer Uutt , of New
York ; Charles Francis Adamc , jr. , of
Mtusacbueotts ; und Coagreiamau llolmao ,
of Indiana ,
The republieina have choien two con
gressmen at special elections alnce the new
year began by l.vgely incrrased mnotitle | ? ,
out no ono in the party claims that thia in-
BUiea the election cf a republican president
next ycatr.
Kx-Governor Pitkln h n candidate foi
the ueunU. Ilia frlenda claim that he le
verylpoornnd that all the other enndldatte
are rich , and that the other candidates
menri toi"buy" their way while ex-Oov-
Is working purely on his pup-
The Ohio IpglAlatUro seems disposed to
make a sincere effort to airivo at n com-
mon-eonse solution of the liquor quea'ioc '
t KB present teeelon. The only thing
which will probatily prevent its succeed-
ng Ia the great number of plans submitted ,
CongresBinan Blackburn proposes , tc
keep himself before the public and make
all the notoriety possible cut of the speak-
lablp contest. It'o a poor day when he
ioesn't get himself interviewed or istuo c
tarcl explaining bis position or mrrectinu
oine tnurepreeentatloD.
Solon Chaie , cf Maine , givea up in de-
pair. "The greenback party , " be eaj'c ,
baa duped hands with bourbon deinoo-
toy In the notth and with carpet-bag re-
lublicatiltm In the south , until in the
udgmcnt of moat all the people of the
ountry , it has found the sleep that knowf
10 wakln ? . "
Of the State Senators of Mamachusettj
7 are nattvea of the State , 7 were born in
few Hampshire , and 1 each In Maine ,
Vermont , Connecticut , New Brunswick ,
and Ireland. Of the members of thi
louse of Representatives ICt were horn In
he State. 20 in Now Hampshire. in thi
Hate , 24 iu other States of the Union , 3
u Ireland , and G In other foreign coun
There has been presented In the lillnolt
Senate a memorial from John II. Winter
Jotlism , late a candidate for Congress in
he Thirteenth Congre sional District , pro-
eating thn manner in which tLc
employees of certain larve manufacturing
estttblLhmeiita In hU district were inarched
o tha polU and voted In November , and
> r&ying that the statutes of the State m j
10 uincuded BO aa to prevent such opprev-
ivo artlon on the part of ownera of large
tttablishu cuts over their employees.
The fjw climpsea given of what Mr ,
L'Atttion'd administration will probably he
mve dUcouragcd thn reform e'emeut ir
L'enosylv.nU. Mr Chirlea S. Wolfe , the
ndependrut republican leader , 'e p
its | 'roit il'tap ointment. 'The policy oi
Mr. 1'att ken , " he sajn , "no far as ontllued
doea not liuhoito that ho appreclatea tbe
inib ic Bentltutnt uhlch made him KQV-
: rnnr. If hi * aJmluistritlcn does not dt
better than it proiulrea , the next lude <
rsndent inovoiuent will carry with it the
decent e'.nuent of the democratic party. '
Congressman Hum-none ) , of Georgia ,
wbilo at homo fir thu ChcIntiiiM holiday * ,
Biiil to a Mend : ' 'I am hardly HB nanguiue
of a democratic victory in 1881 aa most ol
my party colleagues are. You see , wniU
the republicans loat a great many voice *
in the fall election * , we did not gain them ,
We carried New York by an overwhelming
majority , nit IKKRUSO we reciuitoi oui
party , tmt because BomethlnK like I60,00 (
New York republican ) didn't vote
Whether they were mad enough to have
stayed at home , if by BO dcing they would
have elected a democratic president \ i
question. * nd , kfter all , money ia tin
politic U Influence in national pMitlcR. Thi
republicans could carry New York now b ;
spending a million dollars on it , and the1
won't hesitate to spend double I hit mucl
when it la needed. Tbe democrats carr'
the off year because the republicans don' '
care to ipend money there. Still , 1 hop
the people will at least refuse to let corrup
methods control , and that uo shall carr
the country iu 1684. "
"My wife has found St. Jacobs Oi
of exceeding great bonoQt in rhouma
tlam , with which she Buffered mucl
until she need this remedy , " nay * ex
Lieutenant Governor Norman J. Cole
man , cf the St. Louis , Mo. , Hun
World , in a recent communication.
Norveousness , debility and ox
haustud vitality cured by nib
Brown's Iron Bitters.
Il li ? and ram
Neuralgia ,
Sciatica , Lumbago ,
M'HAINfl ,
Ccrtntu , Cats , En.'ti ,
inosrniTEs ,
Iltm.VS , KCALU4 ,
inJ til eth r Itlllub < >
Ql ( .alai ,
Hol.ll ; tlllrur t > ti tnl
I > ffttrri Direction * ia ll
( du tuorl u A VoitlirAC . )
lllUlnorf , 31,1. , , l.U-A.
- - - - - - - - -
AJI U Is tar all thn painful disposal aftlia
It cleanses t'-io Extern ot the acrid poison
tint eauow U.o dreadful laffcrtae Trhlcli
only the victims of rheumatism con roll o.
of the worst forma of thin terribls aiiwsac
have been qulclily relieved , andlnr' " > rt
rnirs i. i iqun cr iir.r , soui tr ir.txoi.sis. ;
ThoBo desiring to tn&ke innuct
unall and medium Investment ! I
820 ( jraln , pro\lsionB and stoclc tpecult
tloaa , can do eo hyoperjtli'p on CD'
plan. KroraMiy 1 , IKl.loil.c prf
WHEAT sent nivte.on Invostmnn'B ot f 10,01
to tl.OOU , caab profits have loei
realized and paid to Invetlori
&iuoun IDK toeevcr * ! tlmeo fienrlj
I nil Invcsrmont. Proflta p&ld lat c
a cry nnnth , ttlll l' vlng tht
or'K'nal ' Invcotment n aklng ttonei
STOCKS or pijnbli-on Ucraaiul Kiplnnntc
ty circulars and utatcmenta ot flit c
V Runt froi We want to ppiiblbli
; cot > who wllr > ] > ort on crops c (
Intinduce the plan Liberal coir
missions paid. Addrcos
mlselon lucrcMartj. Mijrr Clock
Hiram til
PERSONfllj"I'artsof the Im an body
ciilar jeil , * * u\ulopeil an I stro yt o'eil ' | " etc ,1s
an liiturcsttnj , ' al urtso c t lo jf r in in our
paper In replv to I cju rlci ucwlll tay that
tl eru U no t1 1 en u f huniliu ali u" tiK ' n
thurontrar ) , lhoad\crti > r or > cr. hie ly In-
"oricil Intereit til persons i . > t-c.t s al il Ir-
rutnr < ! ; ! vlnzall ) iartlculan , gl\lin ; all pirtleu
lar" . bj ail'lr HIIIU Erie M dlual Co , 1' . O. Ib\
B13 , lliillilo , N. V. foloJo tvcnlutc Ikp.
Send 81 , 82 , S.'J , or 8"i for a re
tail box by Express of the best
Candies in America , put up
alegant boxes , and strictly pure
Suitable for presents. Kxpreac
charges light. Refers to all Chicago
cage , Try it once ,
Confectioner , - Chlci ;
BULBS Tnlltjs.
And all other fir P < Ul F'antln ; Lance I assort
meut ever thown In Chlcaico-
Illustrated Catal'g-JC free , < Joud ( or U.
Hiram feibley & . Co. ,
i " ) n Chlc
Embody new 1882 Improvements. Hot.
practical fealurus ; Co t lo to keep In
ider ; Use leu fael wl" K > ve moro neat
and a larger volume ol pare air tban n )
! urnac made
Sold by Plcrcy and Bradford , Omaha.
"By * thorouch know ledge of the natural lewi
which K'O etn the operation ) of dU-o tlon and
nutrition , and by a careful application of ihr
Ino properties of well-s lecud Cocoa , 111
Eppo has provided our breakfint tabloa with I
delicately flu orod beverage which may vo M
many heavy doctors' bills U la by the Judlclom
mo of euch articles of diet that a ccnetltuttoc
nay be B'aduaHy Dullt "P unt" f ioue enonfh
a resist every tondenc ) to dlnsaso. Huuiirodi
of subtle maladloa are floating around us read )
to attack wherever there In awuak point. Wi
may escape many a fatal Htnft by keopinar our
iolvcawell fortified with pure blood and a prop
nrly nourished frame. " Civil Barvlco Qacetta.
Uale clmply wttb bolllne wtcr or rnllk. Ho )
In tlna onlylt ( ) > and Ib ) , labeled
Homcoopnttilc Ohernlsta
London. Hnglan
Trains loavt Omba t:40 : p. ra. and 1:40 :
Foi full Information call on Q.P. DEUKL , T
Agent , lith aad Fatnam it * . , J. BELL , U.
ay Depot , or al JAMEST. OLABK , U ner
Call oml look over my nsw store nnd set
my nsw ( joods
1207 Frtrnom Struct. 12U7
Under the umnaRfineut nf Mr , K
"Roasters and Grinders of Coffees and Spicoa , Manufacturers of
Clark's Double Extracts of
U. G. CLARK & CO. , Proprietor
. ' ' - I . .I I I .1. . - . .1.1.- . . . 1403 . _ „ Doualaa . . . . _ -l . Strcot. . Omaha. Hl ! V
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
It is the bpot and cheapt&t food for etock of any kind. Cno ponnd is
to three poun-'n of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in thu fall and winter -
tor , Instead of running down , will Increase in weight and bo in good market
able condition in the epring. Dairymen aa well aa others who use it can tes
tify to ita mnrits. Try it nnd judgu for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no
charge for aiicka. Addrces
o4-eod-me WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob.
The Originnl und Only Regular SEED HOUSE in Nebraska.
Asrr'LMiltural ' ' - * Ji N.V. . Cor. llth
\ c 'Ctab f , and :
Korcst , H er , Roclso Streets ,
( Jrass Hedge , Oiinlia Itch.
Wo make n fpetialt.v oi Onion . Seeds Onl nScts , Ulioflin/n , Tinoth } , Itcd Alfalfa and White
Cloier , Osajjean ' Ilonej Loeu-.t Lt. > ltr. ci .d .Market fiardcntn will > > i\u money by bujliirofim
X f end for Ca a o nu , ruKK.
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. 13th
Fire and Burglar Pr ;
1020 Farnham Street ,
Carpenter's Materials
Balusters Window
Stair Railings , ,
and Door Frames , Etc.
First-class facllitiee for the Manufacture of all kindes of Mouldings , Painting and
matching a Specialty. Orders from the country will be promptly executed.
nHtlroMnll comtrmnicBtl n tn A. MOYEU. Proprieto
O l TC ?
, rsLiog
204 North ICth St. , Masonic Block. Main HOUPO , 40 , 48 and 52 Dear-
bare avonnc , Chicago , llofor by permieBion to Illde nnd
Loaf.hor Nntlonnl Rank. Ohlrago
The leading 16th Street
i for 25c.
for 25c.
for 25c.
for 25c.
for 25c.
for 25c.
{ or 25c.
for 25c.
Cull and Examine Our tioods and Cct Prices
* 9 TE3 ? tfTTh
% *
IT fSr Jfcij -
613 South 16th Street ,