Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1883, Image 1

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Preliminary Skirmisli of a Score
of Candidates at Lincoln ,
"Ih'3 Record of the First Ballot
for United States Senator ,
The Antis and Democrats De
cide to Stand by th-ir
Colors ,
Iijavlnu the Monopi Struct-llng far
Ptnition InthnFltld.
General Worker the Legislature The
Railroad Investigation.
9t : ll DUpatch to Tun 1I * .
LINCOLN , Nob. , January 1C. The
senatorial battle has began In earnest ,
the firat attack in the open field having
boon rondo at noon to-day. Precisely
at 12 o'clock the two houses wore
called to order and the firat ballot In
each WAS taken for United Stages ton-
ator. Unusual intoront was mani
fested in the result , the galleries being
crowded and seats bolng at a premium.
The roault of the ballot in the two
houses wai as follows.
Morton 18 , Sumdora 1,1 , Thayer 10 ,
Stloklo ! t , Mitlard 8 , Canner 8 , Map.
deraon 8 , Cawin 8 , llolraan 5 , Vif-
qnain 5 , Oharlca Brown 4 , Savngo 3 ,
Laird 3 , Gislln 3 , Revln 3 , Donoy 2 ,
Lake 2 , Boyd 2 , Clark 2 , Butler ' . ' ,
Etriux 2 , Mungoi'2 , Cronnao 2 , Tom-
lin 1 , 1'hillips 1 , Weaver 1 , Pad
dock 2 , Aehby 1 , Struthors 3 , Hnm
phreyn 1 , Wells 1 , Kennedy 1 and Dye
1. Total 132. No choice.
After the taking of the ballot an
adjournment of the election waa
taken until to-morror , when the
legislature will meet in joint session
in the hall of thu houao ( f repreaonta-
tives nncl take the first joint ballot.
Mlllard la losing ground , but has
enough support to niako a respectable
ascending vote which is the policy < f
his managers. To-night will be spent
in lively c.iucusiag by the friends of
the various candidates. Every in
dication points to a long and an ex
citing struggle.
Walker , of Lancaster , moved that
the rnnbto proceed to a formal ballot
for United States aouator , which was
carried with the following result :
For VifquMn- Barker (1) ( ) .
For Charles 11 MiudaroonBomgard -
cer. Fliley. Sowurs (3) ( )
For B K. H. (3)Ksnnedy Brown , of
Douglas (1) ( ) ,
Fur Alvia Saunden Brown , of L n-
tie4M-s Hcwtt \VMker(3) ( ) .
For J. M lhayer Brown , of Clay ,
Hnrrison (2) ( ) .
For J. W. Savage Brown , of Colfax ,
ConUHns (2) ( ) .
For J. H. Stlckels-Batler , Keynolds ,
Kith (3) ( ) .
For 0. H. BrowcGanfieldl ( ) .
For J. Morton--'Jase. . Dutuphy , Me-
Shnne , Patterson , Rogers , Linf(6) ( ) .
For Wm. Bye Conner ( I ) .
For II. N. Wiles Dech (1) ( ) .
For James LiircJ D itan ( I ) .
For A. U. Conuur Fisher (1) ( ) .
For Lnran Clark Harria ( i. )
ForWm CiagHn-fIo ol.l ( ) .
For J. 0. U > wic Kinoaid , NprMs (2) ( ) .
For Ihham Kinvis Sehiouhoit (1) ( ) .
For W. U. Muofier Thatch (1) ( ) .
Sjnato adjourned to 2 o'clock.
The house proceeded to billet for
United States Bematoras follows :
For Milhrcl Abell , A. Brnwn , Castle ,
Gray , Morrison , Sivace , Hiiessenbach ,
Wnrl , ( H ) .
For Seniors Blerbower , Colpetrer ,
( Sow , GiiinxH , llnmar , Johnson , Miller ,
Pshmr , of Dixon , K clie , Woitcott. ( Id ) .
For Manderaon Btitton , Cox , Jenseu ,
Robberts Session * , ( n ) .
For C > win ChmtopherHon , Collins ,
DawEon , Hall , Lse , Wolph , ( G ) .
For Connor Annltage , Chartatou ,
Dofld , Gordon , Haven , Steadwell. ( G ) .
For.I H , Stickle Berkley , Co-ik , of
Jefferson , Town , Werhan , Whit/el ,
Young , ( U ) .
For Morton Caronby , Draper , of C.V"1 ,
Frunse , Grovfr , Heimricb , lloebel , Titilrd ,
NevilFt , North , 1'ayne , Schroeder , Tower ,
(12) ( ) .
For ThuyerCole , Cook of NnckolU ,
HowurJ , Nettleton , Rimsey , Spanogle ,
Stte\er , Swearinger ( ) .
For O. II. Brown Denman , Hollnnn ,
Tnttle (3) ( ) .
For Dorsey-Field , Grout (1 ( ! ) .
For Hollman Athby , Barton , Clark of
Colfrtx , Davenprirt , Watts (1) ( ) .
For liutler Freelmrn.
For Liiid Baboock. Humphrey (2) ( ) .
* ' UC\ For Ueavis Urlmstevi. Stephens (2) ( ) .
1'nn * For Bu ) ( I II jnu ton , Me .Javock (2) ( ) ,
For Crounse Hatch , Knoney (2) ( ) .
For Vifnuain Lnthey , I'almerof dallne ,
Ramsey , Sidele * (4) ( ) .
For bailin Martin , itu sell (2) ( ) .
For I , ke-MoAlliBter , Whedun (2) ( ) .
For Ream C'haptn.
For Savage Clark , of Douglas.
For Pbillipi Fablineer.
For Klng Jones. Katcllfl (2) ( ) ,
For TotnbUn Tayler.
For Munger Thomas.
For Loran Clark -Thompson.
For Ashby Turner.
For Humphrey W tf ,
Abaent , Draper , of Knux.
The flurry created by the announcement
i mont cf the vote to-day has subsided
and the result as viewed is of noslg
nificancai The loading candidate !
0c are becoming anxious to too the first
0If indication of tholr real strength ,
IfLI which probably will not develop ir
LI , lesa than four or five ballots :
are still very active , and a desporati
dash will bo madq to-morrow 01
Hi unlaid cftei full ,
Bi | Thursday , , a survey
Boi the Ci30 is given upas hopuloas III
St < mnnagtra aad trainers ttill keep i
Bu' Btilf appor lip , but his follower
are beginning to rcp.ll/.a that the ;
must looh for another choice , Qon
Bu'I Thayer developed unexprcted strenut !
tO'day. Ilo rtcjived the votes qf th
three rnowbora of Olay county dolopa
I tion , which was rryirdod a ? sure fo
BOU , Oroutsa. Whether they intend t
stay where they started is us yet
problem. Satmor Sounders appea :
satisfied with his showing in
so nro Oiiwin nnd Marnier
on with thcira. But numerous
are jnst an hopofnl as over bocausr
they know five or RX ! rrpubllcans can
at any time cru.tto a deadlock , unices
the democrats break over the ronub
Ucin fenco. The present outlook fs
that the democrats will hold thuir
forces solid for members of their own
party , uud the anti-monopolists are
also decidully in favor rf holding
together for their own. So the fight
must bs first fought out between Millard -
lard and the field in the republican
lines , All the Indicators confirm the
previous prediction of Tm : BKB that
this is to bo
and the ohoiiso cannot bo guessed at
for several days to come. Crowds of
farmers are coming in to-day from one
or another neighborhood , to BPO how
their representatives vote. Their ar
rival has n wholesome effect , it cot tt-
oraots the efljrts of paid bulldoy. r
and strikers , who are awarminp in the
hotels. Few representatives , % < no
have an ambition to go homo with an
unstained character , dare to disobey
the wishes of those they have been
elected to serve. R 11
Special Correspondence of The Doe.
At the commencement of the na
tion an apparently simple resolution
was adopted by the house authorizing
the opaakor to appoint all noadod out
side asaVanco in the shape < f clerks ,
pagua , etc. Under this resolution
which was considered ao harmless on
its ftoo n pjrfcct swarm of people
have boon placed upon the pay rolla
and it is probable that no one will
know what these people are employed
for or even win they nro until nfti'r
thu adjournment rf thu scealon. It
is safd to aay that from twenty-live to
fty persona are at this time expect-
ng to draw p y from the btato at the
ate if three dollar * a day who have
othiug to do except to run up and
own the ntairs and look wise ,
peakor Humphrey may bb able ti
xplain the need of so many who do
ot do ten nnnnteo work n day ,
mon ; ; the number some c/ Brad
laui < nlor'R relations. While the
ptMker li difoctlj1 rospnnaiblo for this ,
lit ) houao will learn a1 tor it id too Lvtu
hat their cnnatituenta vi 1 hold thorn
ecp asiblo for the useless expand !
ure of at least ono hucdrod dollars a
day in this direction.
It aoema as though this senatorial
loutoat has brought more people to the
apital than were ever hero on a titn-
lar occasion. Nearly every bsd in
.ho city is supplied wi'h two ooau-
ants , and not a I > w have accomrao-
ated throe or four at a time. Conches
nd cota nro brought into requisition.
> nd many a man considers himse'f '
uoky if ho finds a plaoo on the floor in
> omo DFclndod spot , where ho miy
" ) an hour without the fear of being -
ing ground under th'o wheels of the
mrfitpg crowd. ' It,1 ? jsafa toBay
ing the week , bnt , will continue 'to
well trom day to day until after a
United States 'senator lisa been Be-
LINCOLN , January 15. In the ab-
once of the lieutenant governor Gen.
Connor took the chair and presided
with grace and dignity. 11 is manner
'a calm and aolf poaoesaod , hia vpica
oweiful and clear , and his rulin a
loaitlvo and fair.
Early in the proceedings Mr. Me-
lhano introducad a discussion upon
ho propriety of the senate voting it-
elf a daily supply of newspapers nnd
tampj , or their equivalent. Ho waa
b'y ' seconded by LSrown , of Douglas ,
lut did not succeed In reversing the
previous action of the donate , and
utting off the perquisites referred to.
Among ] ) , the bills introduced wua
mo by Mr. Ivinotid defining the
boundaries of Ohorry Co. , wcat c f the
proposed county of Brown , in north
western Xftbratka ,
The terrible calamity of the doa-
ruc'ion of the Nowhall hotel by fire
hai induced aomo oonntor to introduce
i bill "providing fir the greater
afoty ( f gnoats of hotels and lodging
: iona < .ti fr Jin fire. " Such n bill la need-
od. l on modern hotels hotolt
huilt within the last two years , in
Nebraska cities , would bo nothing but
fatal traps , in caao of firn But snoli
a law must bo strictly on forced or 11
will do nothing more for public safety
than the bill passed f jur ycara age
with n similar object to regulate placet
of public roaort.
Meeers. McShano. Reynolds and
Barker were appointed n committee
to act with a similar one from the
house to arrange a joint convontioi
for the election of a United Statoi
January 10 , 1883 , Mr. Connoi
again presided in the abaonca of thi
The senate having made inquiry IM
to the management of the school fund
the attorney general made anarfcr thli
morning , referring the aotmtn to the
prodoceB'Jor ' for 1881 and 1882.
The select committeo'tppointod tu
see the aecrotary of state in regard t (
bis request for a messenger , repartee
through the chairman , Brown , o
Lancaster , unanimously recommend
ing that ho bo allowed a messenger ,
The aetmto concurred in the report
and also in a motion that the socrutarj
be allowed to Rolrcl ti a own meeson
gcr , his term e f dlioo to bo limited t <
the present session.
Leave wan given f jr the presentation
tion of a petition from thn ciiizeus i
Saundcrs ciuny , praying tlir.t the log
lalaturu would order an inspsc'.ion o
tin railroad bridges croajing thi
i'latto , to ascertain the danger tu lif
and property , ariilng from the impediment
mont to ice and llooclB , prcauntod b ;
On resolution of Mr. McShano , Mi
M cNalr , of Lancaster county , wai aj
pointed aeshtant dopr-keopor of th
A memorial joint resolution to cor
gress by Mr , Klncald asking the rigli
of way ocross the JFort Niobrara row
rrr.uion f > r the Sion < & P.ioilia rail
road was read the fust time. The
memorial recite- the p yrra the road
hai made , the benefits u will confer
upon the atato when completed , the
fact that it 1ms been stoppetl by exec
utive order from presenting Ita work
on the reservation , nnd asks that thu
representatives of Nebrnska in con-
( jrosa ba requested to obtain the neces
sary right of way for the road.
This is the case to which THE BEE
hai alrnody dovotfd eonddernblo
space. There can ba no opposition ,
in any direction , to the progress of a
rend that ao f ir has done well for
Northwestern Nebraska , nnd it is
hoped that the legislature will favor
thopatsago rf the memorial with any
necessary modification * .
Senator Brown , of Douglas , has In
troduced a bill to provide for ho np-
polntmout of an inspector < f ntemui
bollors in the atate. For etch oxarn
{ nation ho is to have $3 and traveling
expense- , and examinations are to be
made yearly. It pasted this morning
co a second reading.
A bill by Senator Brown , of Lan
jastcr , was read a second time , pro
hibiting jurors , and delegates to po
litical convention ! , and e fibers of the
state , from accepting transportation ' .
ever railroads at reduced faro. Ilo
forrcd to judiciary
Senator Mi Shane's bill declaring
eight hours i f labor a legal day , was
road and referred to committee on
The matter of distributing postage
tampi to the members tf the senate ,
aa called up ngnin by Butler , of
'awnco ' , and the senate resolved it
huuld not bo done by a vote cf 10 to
3 Abaent 4.
It wna then moved to recomidor
ho notion of yesterday in regard to
A motion * .o Iny that motion on the
.able was itlirmod.
iccUl UjHcupondruca ot Till l ) i.
LINCOLN , January 1C The special
ommltteo on railroadn again mot nt
o'clock yesterday , r.ll members bo
ne ; present except Britton , of Wayne ,
ho it appears w.ta serving on another
ommjtUio , which waa holding n see-
on at the esmo timo. Senator Iley-
olds , < f Butler , introduood Mr. S
5. Ga'oy to the committee , who auid
i ) aupjured on bc-lulf of the citlzena
f llii ) atato who are Intoreuted in this
tiled waa Mr. Oakley , of the firm of
) wen & Oakley , of this city , who
eatilied that he WAS induced to quit
he grain buiinots partly through the
, ction uf the railrcada , About throe
earn ago ho had 30 COO bushels of
rain on hand , and when ho applied
or rates on the Atchison & Nebraska
nd B , & M. ho could get no satlsfao-
ion from either roid. They had on
no occasion an offer to sell corn to
lartles in Chicago , and these parties
aid they conld not obtain rates onjour
loru after it was found out whose
orn U vraatmd that .the freight agonfe
i ? iliq Atchia < > T ) , < fc Nebraska wirt1 Bur *
iugtort fc Mla-oDri haoTagreoct
In answer to Mr. G .ley's questions ,
ho witness further testified that he
was in the coal business and the agent
hero ior the Union Pacific coal com
pany , who , ho said , snbatantlnlly lit
ho retail price nt which ho sold coal ,
und , according to n verbal agreement ,
> .o could not soil it for more or leea
ban the nrico fixed by the'.company ,
namely $8 a ton , This referred only
0 Rock Spring coal.
The next witness called , sworn and
iinnined was
who tcutlfied as follows :
Qieslion. Mr. MnrquoHo , what ia
your business ] Answer. I am nttor-
lev at law.
Q What relation do you auatain as
attorney to the B & M road ? A.
"nil I am attorney for them.
Q Are you nuthori/.jtl ai attorney
of the B. it M. railroad to issue
passes to poraonn on the road ? A.
Ye * , I do laauo them sometimes.
Q. What other ( flicors ura anthori-
r > jd to Issue free passes ? A. Well , I
am not authorized to isruo parses. I
somotimc.i hand them out. Sma <
times have bl.nik pasvos given to me
and have the authority to glvo them
to persons to my frlonda.
Q. Do you know whntcllicera arc
authorized ? A. Well , Mr , Holdregc
ia authorized to issue passes , and I
believe hla clork.
( . Oan you atato to what extent
f reo pasups aru Issued upon the B. &
M. road in thla atate ? A. No , I can
not. I cannot atate that.
Q The company keopa n record ,
dooa it not , ot the paaoa Issued ant
the travel upon such passes ? A. Why ,
1 believe it does , but I don't know. J
don't know as I ever inquired as tc
that.Q You aay that you sometime !
hand them out ? Yee ; I sometime !
have blank passes sent to mo. Some
time tf it is necessary for mo to have
Q Is anybody else hero or connected
od with the company , HH an attorney
authorized to hand them out but you
A. Well , I suppose lam the rotponsi
bio party. Mr. Ddwooso la an attor
nor llkewlae.
( j Can yon state to the cnmmittoi
what policy or object the company hai
in view in laming frco inssoa on iti
road ? A. Why they aend mo n lot o
frco passes. I frequently need then
In my department.
Q lu the law department ! A
Ynf , nr.
V Da you hand out pannes to per
sons not ponneotod with the road
A. Sometimes I give thorn to in ;
Q Can you state what your objec
in doing so lef A. Well , ai the attorney
tornoy of the road , they allow mo t
I sometimes pass too many. The )
Komutlmoa lay I have toomany | frlonda
[ Liughtor ]
Q In thnroany other conaldcratloi
[ ( 'onctndcd on fifth
Jerome Napoleon Jugged for
"Shooting Off His Mouth , "
A Pamphlet Against French
Republicaniein Stirs Up
n Tompest.
Every Dynnatio Pretender Ordered -
dered to "Lave the Ooun-
thry" loetanter.
Tko Crisis in Tnrhinh AffAlrv Rap '
idly Appronohinc'
A Variety of Important Newa from
All Quarters.
tp ? cUl li > p-tch to Tux lin.
PAIMH , January 10. 'ho Figuo
publishes a manifesto professedly is-
.sued b/ Prince Napoleon ( Plou Plon )
'criticizing the present titu-tion uu
claiming the Napoleonic ) inheritance.
PAIUS , January 10Prince Napoleon
loon w. s arrested thli nft rnoon and
oonuuctod to the concier rie.
PAIUB , January 1Cn the oham-
bora of thu deputies , Joiinbuis , B inn-
partlat , Interpellated the uovernroout
on the snbjtHt of tbo ivrrr-t of lMuei >
Nappluon. Ilo said thu isano of the
nnnifento waaimply R pious cIViuoe.
The prince , ho declared , ia only exer
cising his lighto , and Dovts , uiiniitcr
of justice , hud oxcoodu.i hii authority
in uHUMUg Uiu priiice'3 tuns' .
| M. DjfOJ iotlk'd tlui the nmni-
( ( to Imd not only bam published
but placarded. This - > f. ot had heon
brought to Iho attention of the juili-
citry authorities , who , in the ix'-i 1 o
of the complete freulom of notion
tiioy po-st'Biod , had tabued thu warrant
for the atrcst of the prince Dives
juddud the matter would , induuc'jut-e ,
comobifiro the tribunal. The gov-
ernmnnt WAS firmly rcuolvcd to nun
that the law waa atrio'ly observed by
U oltiziii of the republic , not except.
K 1'rinci ) Jerome.
FJoquet ( republicai ) , vice prcnidont
the chamber , brought forward a
notion prohibiting the presence in
" 'ranoa ' or Algeria of nny numbers of
ormor French dynasties.
Martin Fcuilllc , rei ubllcan , moved
ho order of the day , approving the
of the government In regard to
? rtnco Napoleon. The motion was
doptod , 417 to 89
Bissaocia said ho wa anxious to
oparato the personality cf kingsand
irincon from the pre&ut iooleknt. -
itoud protests followedtbisiwroark
.nd the president , f , tho. [ chamber
.uled the words "klri'\M ( ; \ > ' 'prlnoBa1.1
were unoonstitnlional. * Urgency.was
, h u voted for FloqncV > i1rnlti. ? , ' 328
* . k.Nlc . UT Uf/ij
T mp inte-vlow d *
tu day on the i\i\iji \ ;
The pilnoo said nn hid it ued the
manifesto bocsu-o everything was
goicg wrong in France. The repub-
"ic hud proved ita iucaptclty for gov-
irning. It had not received the Bane-
ion of the popular voto. Republic-
ana were wrone in not having ro-
lortcd to plpblacito a f < iw years CL" ) ,
whouthoy would have received 5COO ,
000 BullVagoj. Prlnoa Napoleon do-
iitd that ho had any personal intoreat
n the mutter. Ho said ho bulieveJ
.lut under the preaont ey-tcm thu
xeoutivo was governed chiefly by
ocal intcrealp , 11 u uhould like to nee
at the head of tha lepnblio a man of
ho nation , olcoud by the nation , nain
ho United Sinten. Lut thu pcopln ,
naid the prince , nppyint Qrovy if they
pleased , bnt nt uiy rate free the exec
utive feoin the itiluouco of deputies
elected by moraa.riadisEem ntB With
the present olmmb'r of deputlpa it
waa impo.iaiblo to hope f jr iinytliing.
0 unbetta luil fail < d to imbue it with
irinclploaof the government and where
10 bad fnilod none could hope to suc
ceed. Prlnoo Napoleon denied that
ho aimed at pcisonnl power , the co <
existence which with liberty of the
press , liberty o ! aasoolation and parliamentary
liamontary control rca , IK
aaid , impossible. If ( jount D ;
Chambord were to nttompl
toaocond thu throne , lie ( Prince Napoleon
poloon ) v.-onld bo the first to aolza i
muakut und mount the barricades ,
Thu prince stld ho believed that par
liamentary regime was only prao
ticablo under o institutional mon
archy. Ho was convinced of the per
feet legality of his manifesto. Competent
potent persons , ho said , had approvoi
ita terms and had tflirmod that pla
carding it was legal.
AN 01,11 HANI ) .
Police Oflicial Clement , who ar
rested Prince Jerome , ia tbo aann
cflicor who arrested Priuco Napoleoi
at the houio of Muurico Ilochnrd , it
1872 , Prince Jworaa was subjeoloi
to an interrogatory by theadgo ] d'in
atructloniu bla own honso. Ilo uo
knowlodged having written thu mani
feato. lie is charged with havlnj
committed an act tending to changi
Iho form of government.
Jerome's manifesto wai placarded it
the province , and also in Faurburg
St. Antolno , at llalleo and Belleville
Some of those who road the manlfeati
tore it down , while others laughed ii
contempt. It 1) entimatod that 0,00 !
billa were posted. Twenty- bll
posters were arrested while postini
the bills , eleven of them on the dc
nunclation oi workmen. They wor
released after giving their namoa am
addresses ,
is a criminal one and punlahablo b ;
detention in n fortrstta. Homo coarc
WAS roado for incuminr.tlug docn
menta but nonu were found , No seal
were e Illiod to the prince's papen
During tholntorviow ho coolly smoke
a clgarotto and aakcd parmlaaion t
order a carrirgo to take neccasarlc
with him , The request was -onu
what bcutqiioly n f nod. Thereupon
the prince was conveyed In ft ooupo
'o the conalergerlo , ncoi mpanled by
three pollcomrn. His atdo-dd omp
was not nllowed to accompany him
rAlliouu , miiiistBr of the interior ,
snid nndtr the press law , ho thought
nothing could bo dono. There WAS
nothing technically seditious in the
document ; other mlniatois f.ivorod
iinmrdinto action , and It was finally
decided to arrest Prince Jerome.
Many dispatcher liavti arrived f.-etn
the provinces encouraging thu minis-
tars to not energetically. At the moment -
ment i f his arrest Prince Jerome had
just returned from a walk with fjur
trionda , being decorated with the
grsnd cross of the Legion of Honor.
'Tho rre t warrant wia signed
by the first president of the
nut of appeals In the chnmbor
deputies Ouneo D'Ornnuo stated that
ho would placard the manifesto in hla
dt p-irtmcnt. Many mt inborn thought
tlio vote ( xpeilliug member * cf the
French d > n ty went beyond the no-
eessity nud thut it would boanfticlont
to urm the government with power
to expel prlncos at ila diecrotion. It
now npponra thu
on the Any after O.Ainbotta'a funeral ,
the national character of which in >
presvod Prince Jerome with the idea
that the people nere , in their worship
nt ( lAtnbjlta , Bunnpartista without
knowing it. It ia supposed the niani-
fi.i o u printed in n town where thn
impcroxlinto prevail among the
uittcun oln&a itnd thnt the
bills wnro sent to dif
ferent nueiito in the quarters of
the city where it waa poatod. Qeorco
Lnchnrd i < nnul Ui bo iin iuturmediary
between Prince Juromo and 1'ho Fi-
gnro. T.\o luttur vn not acizjd , but
ninny imwa vendvra , foarlng aoizuro ,
"lily sold it to Lnoun cuatomcra. The
fjllowcm of Prince Victor condemn
iid llouher iippiov'-n thu iniiinfosto ,
Thu lioiiKpnrtiat dcputieu hope Priucu
Juiumo will bo treated hurahly
in jiil , r.a ho might bucomu
popular if trratinl ai u niattyr.
The manifesto ciuseul n great aenaa-
tion. li < uwiipapeirs | reproduced it ,
und a majority printed leading articles
mi iho iinl'ject. lijiiupartist member
< f thu cl amber f > ( deputies have held
, \ muititg und iluuulud lo protcot by
ti very mean" in thulr power uguinat
the action i f tlui government in ar-
Prince N.ipoleon. Monnwhilu
the prince , thrugh kept strictly so-
eluded , la trettcet otherwise with the
utmost conaiueration nt oonoiergcrir.
If Fkqaota motion In the chamber if
deputitju be udopted , not only Prince
Juromu , but Prince Victor , now oerv-
ing with it battery at Urleans , and
Piinco L"uia , residing in Palis , will
bo exiled. The Bonap.irtiata will once
more form a compact body which , in
thu future , must bo taken into ac
count ,
LoxnnN , January 1C. A dispatch
from Paris to The Telegraph sayc
The French government hu boon
guilty cf the greatest blnndor possible
III arresting' Princa Nspoloon. Y *
L' " vr ! wiser ff- the .
j bc crovor.
. . . " , , .
1" A * -r. - * * o * "s * * !
cr simply conducted ntni to iho fruft-
NKW YOUK , January 15 , The
World has u Bueclnl ciblo from Parli
upon PrinooNipoloon'a proohmatloii
nnd hla r.rreat. A luading member ol
thu connurvativo republican pirty said
to Iho correspondent ; "The princt
had shown a keen appreciation ef the
situation. Bthla I monn ( ind here
ho paused u moment ) that the
impending finnnc'ul ' troubloa cl
Franco cannot , in my judgment ,
muah lunger bo averted. Wti
Imvo baon vo'ing ' money away
in every direction to eatlafj
every wretched Httlo politician frnni
the channel * to the P > runuu < ; build
ing r llroadH which nru not WAiited ,
und which bleed Iho paying HIIBH to
death ; building pilaots in villn os ,
lavishing the inoiniy of Ux payers
upon unrmnuiutr.itivo objects and
heaping up obligations with which ,
so various and BO weighty
nro I hey no mon in the government ,
und no men llkoly to enter the gov
urnmont , are , in my juglmont acmpo <
tout to ( loul. all thin means disaster ,
nud diEnater of n kind which irritatui
nnd iilunm omall proprietor of Franct
- ho nu a if the pcoplo. Now , tin
prince , who , whatever eilso may be
aiiid ( f him , in u Uirowd obaurvei
nnd keen man of bujlnea , aeei
nil this ; acents mltisliiiif in the air uni
comea forward before the cnuh ti
concentrate Attention upon liimaol
and the Nnpoluonio clulir.n. Obtorvi
that the second empire still lives ii
the traditiuna of the people an at
epoch of great material prosperity. '
I The correspondent adds ; "I an
confirmed in my own belief ho hai
hit the situation precisely. By thi
Irritation with which 1 hoard the oo
tion of Prince Napoleon epokon of to
night In Orleuniat circles , it has beet
the 111 concimlod opinion of Orloanlj' '
chiefs for aomo time that restoratiot
of the constitutional monarchy witl
the Count of PriH was on the csrda
Thhtiks to the ntato of affairs so vig
orou-jly sketched by my Interlocutor
they now scorn to fuel Prinon Napoleon
loon hun been thrusting hlmaolf in before
fore them on the very ground whlcl
they expected to make their own. "
Bpw.lal Dbpatcbui to TDK Hun.
Co. > HTAKriNirrK , Jr.nuiry Hi. Th
diaputo betwcon Aloko Paahii , gov
crnor general of eastern Houmanli
und Krubul , acting Russian const
general at Phillipp > i > ihB oontlnuot
Alcko PdiihaBtato tint ho cannot b
roapoini'jlo for the government t
long a ) Krobol remains , and aska th
porto either to have Krobol recalli
or accept his ( Aleko'e )
ivrebol reports to N.xlldcU' , Hussla
umb.iBs dor ct Ujiiatantinople , ih
Aleko 1'itahn dully violates the coi
atitution. It ia rumored that tl
porte has ordered Aloko Pasha
cll'jr an apology to Krcbul and th
Aloko refused , A crisis Is immi
anuary 10 - At n
banquet last evening , in honor ef
members of thn provincial committee
of Alsace-Lorraine1 , Field Marshal
Von Mauti uuflovcrnnr ) gencrnl , era-
phaaiV.jd the fact that Frniuo lied ra-
trocedcd AlBncV-Lorralno by treaty ,
and snid the dutk'n of the inhnbitmits
towards the inoMicr country man
nllence all anntlmental roereta. 1'ho
prosperity i f Alsace-Lorraine depend
ed upon tholr obtaining constitutional
rights , and ho appealed to the pa
triotism rf both provincas to support
his i ( Fort , but whethsr such support
bj given or wlthhcltl , hli policy was
one of conuiliattoc ,
MAK.SKILI.KS , January 10. Empress
KUQOUO has again written Kouhtr in
regard to her gift of the castle , which
the municipality refused' ' na irregular.
She wishes to know whether the otter
will bo uoooptod , ao a deed1 of the gift
will bo drawn up.
PAULS , JAtiuary 10 I ronoh reVenue -
nuo returns for 188 2 show llttU more
than nominal increase.
Priuco N\poloon was arroatod at his
residence by four officers.
LYONS , January 10 At tho-triol of
the anarchists to-day moat of thu ac
cused declared themselves ready to
recommence operations if freo.
LONIION , Jannary 10 The strike
of Caledonian railway ia extending.
TnlUo to West Scotland is almost
MAnitin , January 10. There were
eleven tihuoks of carthquako to-day in
thu town of Archnuv , causing' the
Kruntoit constornation. Mnsn waa
said in the fields , it being considered
dimu'orous to occupy the church.
LONDON , January 10 A Dublin
correspondent snys : There nru two
distinct noorat Hoclotien hero. Onn belongs
to the "Head Centre "
longs , Stoph-
OIIB' Fenian party , which ndvosntcn an
open warfare , wid the other IB known
as the "Sonnto , " or "Oouncil1' ! a body
which mlvocatea murder. An effort
will ba nuilu to prove that nonio pria
oncra recently taken into custody
have boon in company on certain daya
with poraoi.H punted in curtain partn
of thu city for tlio purpose of aseatsin-
atlng a high e Qiclal , but the attempt
waa postponed for n better opportuni
ty , wh'oh ' never aroso. It instated it
will bonhown that there waa a plot to
destroy tbo lord lieutenant and bia escort
cert by bombs thrown from houses.
VIKNNA , January 10 A shook of
earthquake was felt at Carlsbad and
two houses fell .
BF.IILIN , January 10. A correspondent
pendent aiys Bismarck ia opposed to
allowing nny fncilltlcs1 for the rotnrn
of German omigrunts'nftSr their nat-
urnlizitlou as jJ iorrcftnTbltiadnji , on
obUin . w f-arnJf ( {
nOKl/It , tmuvuiy I" " . ;
roai Harwich to AlcftV"
trowed with wreckage ffbm xno
British chip Pride of tha Ocean , from
Hamburg for Now York. A ease
lontalning dynamite wns found by a
: east guard. The fact that the
kvreckneo IH in exceedingly small
lioces hns led to the conjecture that
ho loaa of the vcaocl waa canoed by
ho explosion of dynamito.
BERLIN , Jiuiuary 10 The Crown
rincound Oronn Princoea decline to
e jive any presents on the occasion
f their silver wedding , and reqnect
ho donorn to expend thu money thny
ropoBO lliua nalug in alleviating the
Istrcsj caused by the recent Inundn-
LONDON , Jan. 10 A ( ire occurred
n a tenement houao on Widecrate
itroot , in this cify , laat evening Klvo
lersona rrero burned to death und four
voro injured.
pi-clal Dlnpntch to TIIK HRH ,
BOSTON , January 10. John D.
.ing waa elected United States eona-
, or in the senate on thu fifth ballot ,
which Htood Long 22 , Hoar 15 ,
Unipo 2. The houao udjournod 1m-
nedlatoly upon hearing tlio result oi
.ho above ballot anel both house !
moot in joint convention to-morrow.
Thn Opeivi Houto Flro-
li'dal | lJ8itclos | ) ) to THN HUB.
ALIIVNY , JaniurylO. ThoTwoddlc
liall block , including the opera house
iho Albany county bank , eight or tot
retail stores and a number of cltlcei
are totally deatroyed by fire. Tin
leas la heavy.
A Bourbon Senator.
Ipvdal Dirijutili to TIIK MtK.
NASHVH.LK , Tenn. , January 1C.
sham fi Harris waa elected to th
United States Senate on the firtt bal
ot. The vote stood 17 in the aonat
and G8 in the house.
A Hall Burned.
ripctlal Illsutili | to TIIK Hr.K.
NEW YOUK , January 10. Twoddl
mil at Albany wai burned thla morn
ng. The liru started In McCommon
music atoro under the hall and nprea
HO quiekly to the atago that within to
mlnuton the flames were beyond cor
trol. Thu hall ia efntiroly ruined.
Two Cnut
H | > cclul DNpattli to TUK l
WASHWCITON , January 10. Th
senate appropriation coinmlttoo ] n
nm ndod the poatcllbo approprlatio
bill so as to urovido that two cai
poatago begin on January 1st , 188
They striku out the house provislo
regarding the completion of auba
dlzud railroads for oarrytng the mall
Hjieclal UUi-oUli to Tiu llin.
DOVKH , Dal. , January 10 , Oharl
0 , Stockloy waa Inaugurated as go
ernor to-day ,
Arrest of the Man Supposed to
Have Sot fire to the.New-
hall House ,
Strong Oircumstantiol H\l-
deuce Point to the Sa
loon Keeper ,
Strange Disappearance of the
All-Important Books of
the Hotel
Inexplicable Aotloa 'of
Auteidel ndOthtm
Further Partlculnra o ? tbo Polish
SpoclM Wepotch to Tin linn.
MILWAUKEK , January 1 * . Ojorgo
.Ssholler , proprietor ef the Nowhall
hiinso bar , waa arrested at 1 o'clock
this morning on a warrant sworn out
by Officer Hannifin , charging him
with netting 'ho fire which destroyed
the Nuwhall house on Wednesday
morning. The arrest waa made by
Lieut. Janoonand Officer Ilaunnfin in
Roth'u "yuijt Houao , " corner of Ma
son Btrcot and Broadway. 3-jhollor
did not acorn very much surprised ,
and made no statement. He has been
drinking heavily since the fire , and
his fixco shows tbo effects cf the spreo.
The prisoner was locked up on the
charge of "arson , " and was immedi
ately tranaferrod to the county } ail ,
where ho waa locked up in an upper
cell. Ilo did not speak to the
jailor , The cdkoraaro very reticent
about the details of the arroat.
It ia reported that Schollor waa ar
rested principally on the statement of
liinchun and another employe , who
claim they caw Schellur in the wood
'room , wltero Linchun eaya the Cro
originated , and that ho was there after
> o'clock in the morning. Application
wan made at the sheriffs oillco for aa
opportunity to talk with the prisoner ,
which waa refused. District Attorney
Glark also refused to lot anyone
nee Soheller , hla cxcueo being that ha
la i.f raid an attempt will bo made to >
lynch him.
hall house , ia out of his room to-day.
Uo atntca that the various tales about
firca originating in the second or third
atorlca ia all boah. "Lot people Bay
whatthoy will , " aaidLinohan ; "whon
the announcement of the fire waa made
I went into the wood room in the
basement and there found a pile of
Wi-od burning in the corner. The
brick walls wore blackened , which was
caused by the fire burning against it
aonaotlmo , as may bo aeon at present ,
and that there waa no other fire above
or below , nor in any other part of the
room. The smoke was ascending
through the floors above and spread
ing throughout the
tJoholIor was spokenjto shortly before
fore ui nrr-eat. H was told that
was wmo talk tf n wnrrsnt
petw W
I ) " conm ntfF p r m\- . ,
It ! r&tlpt drop dead than bo no
V he nald , and it his appear * *
uco had anything to do with the i
matter hs wnu tolling the truth. To *
ineMongcio reported at the
hcuff's ollica that excited knots of
looplo on the streets were talking cC
yn < * hlng. It is feared that there will
o trouble when it comes to be gen- ,
rally known that Sohollor is in ens-
oeiy on tliu awful charge , and the po *
'co and sheriff are prepared to de-
end him to the last. An extra
uaid will bo krpt at the jail all
ight. Sahollcr has-been in financial
traiUif liito. An attempt made lact
I'rlday to ralso ? 5C ( ) on a chattel
: norlgago from Chaa. S holes , gambler ,
ixllod. A liquor dealer furnishing the
iar room holia a note of $200 agalnat
iohellnr , which ho offers for ton cents ,
'ho tftornoou before the fire , whan
3chellor was intoxicated , landlord
\nteadel gave him n talking to , warn-
ng him to mend hla ways. Sohollor
, vaa afterwards talked to by Tiae ,
ihirf clerk of tha hotel , and loft in
ilgh dudgeon. The fooling ia intocoe ,
ut n great many people who know
Schollcr declare ho is not capable of
ho deed.
MILWAUKEE , January 10 Three
: nero bodies were recovered to-day ,
making a total of thirty-onn taken
rom the ruins , When the safe waa
poned this afternoon , there were nu
merous papers and documents and
hroo blank books , bnt no register , no
ransfer book , no memorandum of the
guoats or employes conld bo found.
Mr. Antladel hurriedly throw the
matter into a box and basket , and with
mon loft the scene at onco. The
theories advanced as to the cause of
the diaappearanco of all the important
volumes are numerous , but none are
satisfactory. $ In view of tha fact that
papers and books of every description
and kind are found in every ditection ,
only partially consumed , the vanish
ing of such solid books as the register
anel its companion Is regarded as mys
terious and unexplainablo. Other
books known to have been in the of
fice are found In part , but nothing to
show that which would now be prec
ious beyond all prica ever existed , _ de-
mends moat searching investigation.
Poland's Holcoauit-
SpecUl Dltpitch to Tui Uit.
ST. PETEiisiiuoei , January 10. Ao-
cordlng to official report , 03 persons
including many foreign travelers , lost
their lives by the burning of the cir
cus at BerdltzehefT. The circus had
inner and outer walla , and the ipaco
between was filled with straw ,
The governor of Kief has arrived at
Dorditachelf. The managers of the
circus have boon arrested for having
had two eldo doors nailed np. There
being no rooms Itrgo enough to hold
the bodies of the dead they have been
placed in the field. When .tho nailed
up doors worn opened fifty corpses
fell to the ground In a mats.