r > l ' THE DAILY BEE : TUESDAY JANUAKY 16 The Daily Bee. OMAHA. Ttioaday Morninp , Jan. 10. | Weather iloport. ( fbt following observation' are taken at ftfar KKOO moment of time at all the stations . WAS DspABTMnrr.'rj. 8. SIGNAL 8 n1 1 not , OMAHA. Jan. IB.ima < l-M n.m , i 13 g I S Paaror , . . . rahn CIcir 30 07 Kresh 30 Ot HE Kreih Clear rUtM. . . . . < > 30 HEV Mlfht 21 oar O-r-.n . . . to n I ' IJKht Y ntton . . JO 21 ITil.lKIlt Jenr D * Holnos JO 37 S K ll/t'lit lOU'Jjr P T ) port , TO fl S E iK.o h tlr 10 31 H E ll'rc h c ] ur : n 32 SEr.drt 1't mow Mnorbead . 30 27 HE cre > h Icar Tin cent. . . . | .io a 8 W Krei.li Fair Jfcmtrck. . so s K > ar Bnfnnl 30 M NW Vtinov 21 0 < S W Kr Clear 30 15 E l.lRht loir AHtBAbolne. 30 13 Cloudy Hirer froz'n at Om.ihi , frozen at Tanktor ; Ulmlmlppl frozgn at Daitnport , froren at Dt. Tmi , frozen at Hubnqar , frozen at I.a CrotM , Af.-rt , 10 inches at HI. Louli. LOCAL. BBBVITIB8. The Social Art club meets at 8 p. m , to-day. today.Tho The I'lo&sant Hours' club party on'Krl- day evening. The Knight' * Templar of Mt. Cavalry eommandery will confer the order of tbo Ked Crou at their oiiyluni to-dsr night. -There were 1,820 hogs slaughtered at teoyA't packing boueo yeaterday. Can Council Bluilt , Sioux City or Nebrackn Cltr beat that ? The Sana Ceremonle club give another party at the Millard this week , and will probably have a german for its closinK party of the season after Lent. Kosannn Saiauor ban filed an Mnlgn- rncnt of her property in the county clork'n vifioe , Frederick Davii being named an anlpnoo. Her creditor ! are to have the bocefat of the canh proceeds of this prop- arty. The Tlv.ili nkntlng rink was ojicnod Saturday nUlit , and thown up fine with its brilliant illumination by Cbiuoeo inn torn * . There waa quite a crowd there last might , and the iikatlng is fino. It is a long-wished for luxury. lion D. C. lllnok , foreman of the N. 1 * . local freight department , has no far re covered from his lone and painful llno ! H as to again reMimo the duties of tills h h. aad recponslblo pcNition , Ills bright and cheerful countcnmco seems IR natural a The oommlttoo appointed by the Om\ha board of trade to appear before the state board of ncrlcuHuro at Its meet- injj on Tuesday , consists of II. G. Clark , John A , McShono nnd Ihomat Gibson , They will confer with the board on the in * tareita of Omaha generally , and its ad van- Ug64 as it location for the utato fair in par- tint ir. t W | In police court yesterday the cvie of John Lucas , charged with assault end bit- ftery , was continued , as there was no ono present to prosecute. Two individuals woenrraUnod for drunkonnesp , and ono wont np for three dtyn , while the other cate was continued. Two men arrested as anapicious character ! proved they were all trtJght and were dUcharged. Two men t ' were np fur vagrancy , and ono got Un dajs on bread and , water , while the other was allowed to go. Aloxuiv.er Sllvenparre , u Colorado airil engineer , was in the city Sunday on hit ) vray to Chicago , wheroJio has lu pitta n new map of Colorado. The map M BAld by experts to bo a very valuable addition to the topography of th < | atateas it Include * all the now towni , uilulnt ; loci- Horn and other features which have oo- ' currtd up to tbo present tin.o. There has been a one-aided controvory in oni of tha local pajOM for weeks with the avowed purpose < , f f.rclus the Anheu. jo'-Uusch lirowinv ; associati'in to retire Irom this city. This will not bo d mo , as a lottr from Siid firm to their agent , ( ieorga Ilennlog , will plainly ( how. Tney are even dUpoied to give a baud to each of their customers in Omaha and the west lor the purpose of assuring them that thty are nnd will reiniiu in Omaha , They already have bought property enough ti erect u branch brewery , and , if it should ba oontttcred necessary to uvluco their Mtieriarlei , tbey will not heaitato to bulk ) see IQ idyle , inttead of only erecting un eSoe , warehouses , Ice houses , etablcs , etc. DlbD ' WKIIJHT January lllh , JosMe M\y , in fnt daughter of HlUa andSa.He Wii ht XK * ! month , Funeral at 2 p. m. Tuesday , January 16 , from residence on Decatur , between Irene and Campbell streets , Shlnu'n addi. tlon. GERMAN 1HCATRE , The Best Company Ever Engaged nt that Popular ftotort. The German theatre was Suudsj crowded on two ocoaMone , the firsl being at the t ored concert in thi iiturnoon and thn eoaiLd at Ihu pto d net Ion of the cxcellHiu play , 'DI L'oder dcs " Mnslkuutatt" in the even iny , when Theodore Pcchtol , the noi etwr , made hla oppoarauoo In eomo o bit favorite character acting. Her IVchtel ia ono if tbo moat uc ted German actors that has of paired in Amur'ci , and I iiuin IJainbnrtr , Germany , irhor ho achieved coiiblderablo fain in the leading theaters. IIo nntr u [ pura In Omaha with a company the larpaatea any crer tmforu put on n iho Hadt : theater. The star and hi support arc engaged fjr the seaooi nd the patrocs of this popular plsc of amutomeut have some rare treat head , We aroglad to ace that the Music ; Union orcheatra plays at Turner ha jr ln at the Sunday evening theatr 1A cab. ThU alone Is a feature whio icf tcuici a largo attendance f ] _ , - , l Ertat dlntingul.hing Teature i 3J ddingi Kuwl * Hal.e U iti power to r 58ms fnflatrmaUan , NIGHT HAAKS A Bold Attack on the ( fault The Plucky Pursuit by a Oour- ageous Lady. Minor Attacks frcru MidulRlit Marauders. Mrs Louis MjCoy , the wife of the proprietor of the Giult house , near tae now government depot , was the heroine of a thrilling advontnro on Monday morning between 2 and 3 o'clock. Mr. McCoy Is the old gov ernment scout who lust year wont out to Sidney and made the succtHsful search for the remains ( if Mr. Aust , the Omaha butcher , who jumped from the stage In a fit of insanity , wandered off amid the sand hills and perished. On Monday morning at the tlni'j named Mrs. MaOoy hoard a noise in tno bed room , which she thought was ciUiod by the dog trying to jump upon the bod. In trying to push the dog elf she sat up in bed and saw a man In the room , and at once dropped to hia racket , which was probably to go through the cntlro house , several of the lodgers having recently boon paid til. She was afraid to awaken her hus band lest ho should attack thu burg lar and bo shot , oo she jumped up herself and gave chase to tno intruder who at once fled. She followed him to the back door , which ho had un looked but closed after him , and then , being cornered , the follow turned on her and fired. The shot stunned her and she fell down on the floor , npon which the thief made good hla escape. Mr. McCoy was awakened by this time and learning the atato of aifiirs ran out in pursuit of the burglar , but stumbling over a chair OD the porch full doirn ana his revolver was discharged , the ball grazing the underclothing acrocs his stomach and narrowly escaping the infliction of u fatal wound. Mr. McCoy returned to his room and , having drocsod , trucked the bur glar for some distance in the snow , but finally gave up thn chaso. Thu ouly things necured by the marauder WAS n pair cf old pantu mid a pair of non suspenders belonging to Mr. McCoy , and thu moat interest ing foaturca of the whole all'jlr wuro the narrow escape of Mr. and Mrs. McCoy from fatal injury and the boldnenti oxhlbitod by the heroic woman in following the fellow out of the house , shu nt onu time actually Imvli g his coat tnils in her grasp Mrs McCoy thinks she could identity thu man , who answered the descrip tion of ono of the trio who made the attempt on Baldwin & Oo./j / safe Sun day morning. OT1IKU HA1DH. Three other attempted burglaries Irivo been reported silica our lait is- a no. The Saratoga homo , the West- urn hotel and the residonoo of Mr. John Shelby In north Omaha , wore all visited by thieves. In the former they wont through thn roonu but xot very little booty and In the latter they broke open the front door but got no further than that and only sue- rccdcd in frightouing thu family. The gang evidently means business und the police ehouid enforce the law against suspicions characters to its fullodt oxtmit. Army Orders. Paragraph 2 , special order No. 1 , current series , from these headquar ter * , is amended to road : Ilecrult Charles Morgan , onlistad at Fort Douglas , Utah , is assigned to company F Oth infantry. Il"oruit J urn en Tynen , enlisted at FortOmahu , Nub. , lo unsigned to , the till sufantry. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMA IIA , NE1J. Tables supplied with the boat the market atlorclo. The traveling public claim they get bettor accommodations and moro general satisfaction here than nt nny other houau In Omaha , Rate , 82 pur day. aug21tfm EXCHANGE OF COURTESIES Tbo Royal Arcanum und Ita Irtlondly Greeting ! ) . The following resolutions and invi tations have boon received by Pioneer OjunollNo. 118 R A , , of thin city : HALL or FIDELITY COUNCIL , \ No. lf > GU , , A.COUNCILHLUFFH Ia , , V January 5 , 1881. J Whcrent , On the Oth day of Decem ber , 1882 , Fidelity Council , No 150 , Royal Arcanum , Council Bltll i , Ij a on the invitation of PidliPor Council , NJ 118 , II A , Omaha , Neb , madu thi'in u fraternal.vleit , und Whereas , At said visit wo were the recipient of many kindnesses and were right royally entertained both as to minds and bodiuH , and Whereas , Many of our members were detained at homo by the inclum- onoy of the weather and other reasons too numerous to mention , and next morning were "parAlyr.ad" by the ra- ports of the hospitality of thu Oauh.i brothers , and Whertae , Wo had n vay-up qood Urn" , then fore bo It Ktsolvtd , That wo us a council g'utliy retrgnlw the fraternal f.oliup txhibiUd by Pioneer Council in in nugnrating these visits as onotf thi if faudamontal principles upon which our order is founded , a continuauca o : which will make ns each moro whai our order intended wo should bo i band of loyal brothers working f jr thi wolfirocf each other and striving t CXCel. Resolved , That wo return to Pie near Council nur thatiku f n the manner nor in which \HO wtro eutertainod. Iloiolved , That wo will yo ncx time 100 strong or more. T. K , GAVIN , A. T. FLICKIdCIER , I. M. TUKYNOll , Commltteo , II ALL OF FlDKLTIY COUNCIL No. ICO , II. A. , COUNCIL BLUFFH. Januiry Utb , 1883. To the ciliji-rs and members of Piouot Council No. 118. II. A. , Otnohi Neb < of DUETIIUKN : Fidelity Council N < ini ! sends greeting and extends to yet onuncil an invitation to meet with ua FiiJay evening , January lUh ! , 1883 , whan wo will endeavor to make it ploaaAnt for you. 1'luMo notify ua at your earliest con * venlciico aa to your action , that wo mny complete arraDgouooutn to now begin. Wishing you n happy Now Year , wo are , yours In V. AI. 0. T. E. CAVI.V , I. SI. TKKYNOK , JAH , PATTKHHON , Cjmmittoo. Pioneer council have accepted the invitation from their brethren of Council Illulfi and will crnsi the river on Friday next , making the journey iu aleighs if the woitlior is favorably , GONE HOME. A Pen ioneil Printer Takes Sud den Leave of Omaha , Ovfrcominfj Serious Wounds and Giviug tbe Boyo thn Ehake. The readers of THE BKK will romom- ior that about the middle of last No vember a printer named Jatnea AI- catt was attaelcod by a negro , at the ; ate of his boarding houao and terribly beaten , hia jaw being Broken and hia noeo nearly eovorod from hia face. Alcott'a assail- uic was never diacoverod but ho lay in U. Joaoph'0 hospital for a long time , jolng ouppprtod ut the expense ) of the typographical Union and finally com- ng out fully recovered. On Suturcl ly last Alcott received a chock from the govurnment for hia iiMininn and back pay , amounting to $1,700 , dip3aiting all but $00 of the amount in the Omaha Saving bank and spending the $00. Alcott was watched by aoveral of ih frlonda , who were anxious that ho ahuuld not bo allowed to squander the L'ntiro amount for drink , which was ilia well known failing. Yesterday morning it was learned that ho had driwn the balance out of the bank nd disappeared from hia quarters at the Eminott Ilouau. It was auppoaod that ho had the money in cash on his person , and a conplu ( f the boys fal lowed him across the river to neo if ho could 1)3 found. They ( iitcovfred him on board a train for Chicago , having pii'.nhaeod i\ ticket for St. Johnsburg , Vt. Uo claimrd that ho had been diainhnrotcd by his family on account of his dis solute habits , and waa go ing back to break the will It is probable that ho will go broke buforu ho pats there , as he is hardly ( It to travel with ao largo a sum < f money on his person. Uo gave hla frlonda here the "dead shako. " RYAN-HANLEY. Tbo Flac-Flyht at tbo Academy Labt NiHht. Considerable- Interest was felt in the fight arranged to take place last night at the Academy of Musio , between l\xddy Ryan , the famous pngillat , and Jack Uanloy , the champion of Col orado , who has boon the loading ex ponent of the manly art of aolf-defooBO on Umaha boardn f jr aorno time past , and was considered well nigh In- vinuiblo. It was understood that it was to bo no put up job nnd that Kyau hud"put np a hundred dollars to fifty that ho could knock Uanloy out of the rit.g in four rounds , Uank Hornbarger back log Uanloy. It , appeared to bo a qmro fight and was all one sided , lanloy's leg waa eprainod ao int on the third round ho was com arr.tlvoly helpless and fell btfjro the uworful arm of hla antagonist like a ralrlo cottage before a Nebraska lizztrd. It waa supposed by the rowd tint his log waa broken , as a kept calling to his time coper to pull hia foot. Ho clinched lyan bravely several times nnd held n like grim death to u dooauacd col- red citizjn but all to no purpose , lyau's time keeper finally laimod the fight but the ref iroe , Mr. Wm. Me Ouno decided h t it ws a draw , as Ilanley had not > eon knocked oat of the ring , although to wan unublo to come to time on the aat round. At the conclusion of the fight llyan presented Ilanley with a gold modal .s . thn bout boxir proeont and gave Ur. Da Girardn the colors ho won in us fight with S illivan , as the eecond ; est man. A silver cup was presented the two ittlo Nugoi.t boys as the boat ama- eur bosurs. Lr AVI IT'S M1NJTBELS. Second Vmlt of tbo Fnmoua Burnt Cork Artlata to Omaha. I eavitt's minstrels arrived In the city on the U. P. overland train from ho west yesterday afternoon and made their street parade on the way up to their hotel , atopplug nt the Mil- ard. ard.Thoy They appeared at Boyd'n opera honto last night to a light andiencp , and gave about the aauio performance aa that of their laat appearance iti Omaha. The time which has elapsed eince their recent visit ia to short that an extended notice of the enter talnmcnt ia unnecessary. The then waa a coed ono In many respects but It must ba confessed did not coino U [ to the h'gh ' standard of some com panics which huvo played on the sami atcgo. \Volcorao VlBltora. " Dr. John L. Wiggins , of St. Louis accompanied by his brtdo , is in thi city on a visit to the parents of thi latter and will remain for a week o ten daya. Mrs. Wiggina ia the daugh ttr of nur well known citizan Mr. J J , L. 0. Jowott , city clerk , and has i hoit of friends axd admirers here where aho U well acquainted. Th happy couple will receive a warr welccma and all the hoapltality th city affords. TRACK TOPICS. The Eu-lmgton and Eio Grande Osnsolidation Indicated , A Collision in the Snow on the Missouri Pacific. The much mooted question of n consolidation of the 0. , K & Q and Burlington fc Mitaouri with the Denver - vor & llto Orundu ia again brought before - fore the public nnd thin time in a ahapo more tangible thnn over. THE BKK has , upon information almost official , insisted from time to time that thcso two roads would nt un early day be merged together , thus giving the Q. a through line to Salt lake City , and that at that point a connec tion would bo made with the Central Pacific. The foot that the D. & II Q. will lay a thiri rill from Salt Lake to O den , and that the 0. P. will at once begin runnniug its trains Into the capital of the kingdom of brigham allows that all preparations are bolug in ado to oifsot the advantages of the Oregon Short Line , which will rnako the Union Pacific independent of its old connection. The Central Pacific fmnd it necessary to take step * to bo equally free from dependence - once on the U. P. , and no other route afforded such an opportunity. Tnuro is not a question as to the design of tliu two great linea , and the coinplo- tlon of the Oregon Short Line will ace iti consummation already accom plished. The proposed corsolidatiou of the Union Pacific and Wabaah in- tereats is in furthurauco of the plot which will add another Pacific road to the list , already large. A special dis patch from Denver to the Chicago Times Bays : It is expected hero that the Bur lington and P.io Grande railroads will soon ba consolidated. The straws tf railroad ovontn are all blowing that way. At thin moment General Man ager Potter of the Chicago , Burling ton & Qaiuoy , and General Manager Dodge of thu Rio Grande , are on a trip of inspection of the road which is operated by the gentleman last named. Recently Mr. J. B. Orraati , of Pueblo , the chief contractor ( f the Rio Grande , introduced a bill in the house of representatives amending the act relating to corporations , so that railroads operating under char- Uraeecurodinadjolning states and ter ritories inny have the right to merge or consolidate , each retaining its orig inal rights and franchises. The only roads which are denied the right to consolidate in this proposed bill are those which run parallel and compote with each other. Those things ore significant. Mr. Potter does not make trips cf inspection over road a h , which ho in not interested. The duties of his office are so pressing that ho has no time to mokq pleasure ex cursions over foreign roads. It is rea sonable , therefore , to suppose that ha has some business object in joining Mr. Dadgo in a rldo oVer the lines of the Rio Graudo company. In intro ducing the bill referred to , Mr. Or man may have had no other object than the general one of befriending the railroad laws of the state , but there la one reason why one may think that the bill was prepared for u special ef fect. Mr. Ormau ia well known as ono of the richest railroad contractors in the state. Ho has done more of the construction work of the Rio Grande than any two other contract ors. His interests are largely with the Rio Grande , and it is rumored that he had some object in view other than the bonofitting of the state. Un der the existing laws the Rio Grande could not ba merged into the Burlington - lington if it wanted to. Legislation was needed to put matters on a plane whore unimpeded action could be had. Under this bill the two roads could consolidate , and each could still retain all the rights and franchises which had been granted to it when the com pany was incorporated. It is said on good authority that Gen. Palmer hns given the Burlington permission to name the directors who will bo elected at the coming meotinc in Mivrh. THE MIBSOU4U rACJflC SMASH UP. In the list of railroad accidents published in THE BEE of Friday , the breaking of an engine WAS mentioned briefly. The Papillion Times shows that the trouble wua much more seri ous than was stated. The Times saye : "Owing to drifted unow in the cute , the Missouri Pacific passenger tralna southward bound Wednesday night wore aide-tracked and held here all night , while those coming north were delayed at Springfield. A work train was put on and about 0 o'clock a. in , yesterday finished clearing the snow , and reported a clear track for the trains waiting horo. It then backee up to the big cut between her < nnd Springfield , and stopper fca do scino moro work. Th < passenger train that had been 1 standing here all night , having u firo' ' right to the track started south , anc as the engineer expected to find mori or Iocs BUOW in the cut , ho put on i full head of steam and dashed forware at a lively rate to force a passage Upon entering the cut the p&sseng : collided with the work train. Botl engines wore disabled , the cabooco r the work train smashed into plcc.'i and buriu'd , nnd considerable othe damiKo done. Fortunately no ono wa Injured. Kxtra engines wore cent fet the track was soon cleared of tin wreck and trains running as usual. SLAVEN'SYOSKMITE OOLOONI Made froir the wild floworb of th FAK VAMKD YOSEMITE VALLE1 It ls the most fraprant ot perfume Manufactured by U. B. Slavon , Sa : Francisco. For sale In Omaha byV J. Whltohonso and Kennata Bros & 0o. Police Court. There wore no important dovuloj monts in the robbery case yesterdaj Of the three men wrested Sundaj Henry Johnson was sent up for to days on bread and water as a vagranl J. H. KIrkham waa held for furthi examination and Charles Boabring ws not brought Into court up to a 'at ' hour. The officers express the opii ion that nothing will bo found to cot vict either of the throe. Deputy Ma : ahal Doty arrest d a fourth part about noon , yesterday on susploioi It ii not probable that any clue to the real culprits will turn np to secure their arrest and conviction , but it is n good opportunity for the author , ities to fire out of town a few of the roundern who have congregated here of late nnd have no visible moans of support. GRAND SACRED CONCERT. A Remarkab.'y Successful and Pleee- ing Entertainment. The sticrod concert given at the Tamer hall Sunday afternoon by the Oinuha Musical Union orchestra , assisted by Kudolph Giwort , cornet soloist , and Richard Kohl , solo bass clarionotist , was n fine entertainment in ovoty respect. The programme consisted of twelve numbers , and em. braced some of the best selections of music. 'Tho piece , "Young America , " which gives full play to the ability of n Drnctiat , waa admirably rendered by G jtvort. Ia response to an encore - core ho g ve a very good selection. Thu technique nnd range possessed by Mr. Gowort gives him u place very near the celebrated Levy and Ar- bucklo. The selection fromtho | Pirates of Penzance , arranged by Profeaaor Hoff man , the director , was well rendered. The first number for Mr. K hl was n selection from Donlzetto for the bass clartonetto and wni well executed by that gentleman This instrument is n comparatively now ono in orchestras and adds much to the volume of mel ody , it having a heavy sonorous sound which gives emphasis to the rendition of the music. Mr. Kohl well under stands its unu , as appeared from his performance yesterday. The duett tor cornet and bias clarlonotto wan exceedingly well rendered by the two gentlemen and the orchestral accompaniment was also fine. The foreign , nrtis B were on- thushaticilly applaudtd audrosnondcn a good humored manner. No. 12 of the programme , a march entitled "A Greeting to Omaha , " composed by Prof. H ( ti'jian , was artistically ren dered and evinced a correct knowledge ot mualo by the union and ability on the part of the profeeuor. The maich was BO loudly applauded that it was repeated , which closed the entertain- mont. Tnoso concerts have become qnito an event in musical circles nnd are of a high standard of excellence. A. good house listened to the concert yesterday nnd left , moro than ( mtittijd. Too much credit cannot be given to Mr. Julius Meyer , the manager of the union , and Prof. Hoffman , the direc tor , for their efforts to famish the music loving portion of Omaha with these rtilnod and elegant concerts. PERSONAL. Mike B. Leavitt is at the Millard. 11. Marsh , of Laratnio , ia in the city. F. K. White , of Plattsmouth , la at the Paxton , D. C. Adams , of Salt Lake , ia at the Pax ton. A CK. . White , of Valparaiso , ia at. the Millard. Hon. J. C. Crawford , of West Point , is in town , W. B. White , of Tekamah , was in town yeaterday. Leavitt'a Minstrel company registered at the Millard. D. A. llolmep , of Oakdale , was in the city last night. U. S. Marshal Bierbower went down to Lincoln yesterday , T. M. dowdy , of Council Blufla , KRIS- tered at the Pnxton last night , D. W. Oiborn , of Blair , and Win. Uoyr , of Valparaiso , are at the Paxtou. Theron Nyoonl W. H. Dorgan , of Fre mont , were in the city last night. G. W. Wilkinson and K. J. Da Boll , cf Wiucebagn agency , are at the Millard , Frank M. Northup , of Wayne , Neb ; M. Mftckoy and wife , of Orleans ; B. F. Chamberlin , S. Draper and Johu Savage , of Niobrara , are at the Millard. Itev. J. M. Smyth , of Grenly colony , ia In town. W. B. Loring , of Wyon'lng , is at the Paxtou. Mr. Jos Stonecipher , from the far west , is in the city. J. W. Speer , ( f Hiawatha , the big grain detler , is in town , M. Holluian and Albert CMm ha\o arrived from Now York. Mr. Matthew ? , of Holt county , went don to the capital at noon yesterday. 'A. W. Waters and H. W. . Lewie , of Denver , were at the Paxton yesterday. Mr. J. B , Oloulai , special agent for the Queen Kce Mill of Sioux Falls , ia in the city. Mrs. B. W. Howe left yesterday on the noon train for Lincoln toislt among hei D old friend * for a few days. Mr. Gso. J. Jones , representing the 1t t lieu Acme Opera company , was in the 1 city n few days ago on hia way east. ° W. G. Hemenway went went at 12:1 : ! over the Union Pacific railway on irnpor tant business for ono of hla law client * . Hon. J. H Hunter , elate agint for tin Continental Life Insurance company , led KrLincjln yesterday to witness the sen atorinl druggie. M5 9 U'laSturuy ' , ulster of Mrf. 11. Don and Mrs. KJiuund I'ejcke , arrived lad ' we k fiom VIenua. She will make a vial of two or three montha btfjro she return to her native country. Samuel L Savldge , of Kearney J. D Seaman , of Kanney ; J. H. D via and S 0. Ayer , of Gibbon ; C. L , Urving and J H , McL'oll , of DiWBun county ; It. K Uobey , of OrfallaU ; Henry Garn , o Grand lihnd ; S. W. Powers , of Kearney B. I. Hinman , of North 1'la'te ; J. N Keynoldn , of Nance county , and J. S Packard , cf Schuyler , were among th prominent Nebraakans at the 1'axton y w tcrday. Win. M , Grunebaum , of the well known Nebraska firm of Grunebaun Bros. , ii In the city making arrangement for opening uo a firt-cUs dry goods hous in Omaha durlnc the coming fall , What erer this firm undertakes they general ! ; „ . c rry It through in good style , and Oraah may exi > oct to have another added to th litt of fine stores , which make the cit ; n. notable among all who visit here. CHEAP GAS , The Now Company Preparing to Dairy Out Their Agreement. And to Supply Consumers by Next December. Negotiation ! fjr tlin ParoUnsi of the frfseut Wfiru A Talk With Manayor Glbba Manager Gibbs and Mr. Jackson , agnnt of the United GAS Im- prorement Company of Philadelphia , arrived yesterday in Omaha and are guests at the Millard. The gis com pany to which the right to erect works in this city or to acquire them by purchase WAS given , is cow in negotiation with the officers of . the present gas company for the purchase of their works. An offer to this end waa made yesterday and is now being considered. In case it Is accepted the United Gat Improvement company will become proprietors of the existing gas works and will enter into agreement with the city to t ? furnish gas to the city and consumers at the rates specified in the late ordinance. Should the Nebraska Gis Light company ro'iuo to sellmains will at once be putchasod and preparations acivuly bouuu for the immediate erection of now works. In conversation last evening with a * reporter of THE BEE , Manager Gibbi said , "Wo have inndo a liberal ofFar to Mr. Murphy , and feel aatUGed thut ho will see that iv is to his advanta ute to accept it. There seems to have been an impression in some quarters i that the United Uis Improvement company had something to coll. Wo have nothing to sell but gond and cheap gap , which wo can manificture under our patents at a profit , and furnish to the citizens of Omaha , at about half the price they are now paying. Wo made every tffort to pur chase the present worka before secur ing our ordinance. Having sicurod it o shall certainly , before the oar is out manufacture and vend as in thii city at the a'.es wo have agreed upon with the ty council We propose to do thin urael ois. Wo have no pitonts or ights to sell. To save time and rouble wo would like to purchuao the iroiont worka , but if the gentlemen refer to retain their plant we shall mincdlataly begin the croc'ion ' of ulldings and prepare for the laying f pipes. With no wish to destroy ho value of their property wo have mrdo the present company what wo ; onsider a generous offer fur their > Iant and ore only awaiting the ru- ult of the negotiation ? . " "Supposing you pnrchaso the works , Mr Gibbs , " asked the re- iorter , "what effect would the ordi lance have in restricting your charges or gas manufactured under your irocees1 "We shall sell gas for what wo have greed to and are ready to make thnt a londitionof the purchase of the woiks. The ordinance would hold n < * to that under any circumstances. You can > ay that just na sure as the sun shines within nine months wo will bo selling a better gai in Omaha than that now vended at the rates fixed by the city wuncll. We moan butinots , wo have lie procctsflB and the capital to put hem into execution and the people of Omaha phall certiln'y ' have a part of ho benefit of the now invention. " A Gran a Success. The fair of the Swcdiah Library as- ociation , given at their hall , closed u Saturday night with a grand ball. The affair was well arranged and draw a line patronage , being most on joy a bio throughout. Wo are glad to learn t it was a succecs both socially and financially. On Saturday night six prize } were voted to the most popular ladles and entlemon na f tllows : Mr. John Nordwall , a valuable rocking chair ; Miss Guitavson , a aet of bracelets and chain ; Mies Bon * ' strom , a splendid music box ; Mrs Nordwall , handsome toilet set ; Aug Peterson , Turknh pipo. to accommo date both himiolf and friends all at : nce ; Mi's Sindberg , n lovely hat with bird trimming. SPECIAL NOTICES. KJ TO L' ) AN Call at Law office of D. L. MONEV room 8Crt'lithtou Cloctt. ' . LOANOn chattel morttroge fa MO'.KYT A. D. Tutton , No. 1510 OouRlas strco' front room up > tin . t35-tf TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Shrlver'b MOSEY Ijtito tnd Loan Agency , oppodte postolllco. 707 tl (2.di ( AAATO IOAN At 8 per cent Ii O-CUU.UUU tcrcat nsumso ! J2,000andup \\irds , for 8to 5 J care , on first class city and farm propcrt ) . IlKMis Ilr.Ai , ESTATB nd LOAN AUBNCY 16th and Douglas .Sin. nicur rMrt i C.LJ Ktrl about 12 to 15 , years of tue wanted to A laid ) c\rj o' little chl dreu Inquire ai 315 . 0 tM6tti 3treo : . 701.10 . W'NTKDyoun * innn of ( 'oojiul. OI.KUK , who Id a fair | niimn. ! TdO-lP THE i It.MiSTItEET CO. .Sum girl , 1711 Jft'.kson street. AMK , A good girl 21.5 Davenport 8t W J- "ANIED-A eood girl 'or the kitchen t U W 18 Ilo ardHtr et. liood w je . 74MSJ IKII H s. . . . . > . j.et city reference Ad- UaootHce" 7J3-2it ANTED A Rlrl to do lltchtn wrk mrst W tc < o "I ccok haUof refoni.ce nqulrtd , toed ( { p.U. Apply S E earner JO h MU C llfornU St. .4M t > KOU CAHII-Cheap residence lo WANUU tbrru b ocks of d ri-ot iar . No fan cy price r > ild. rtii'eloc tlon nd price. Adln-u Jeofflce. 73S-irJ AAfANfEll "Suit of furnuhod ro ms ll YV board for Kl ! and w.fo m k'rlitlj prhat hmllv , llrst c'a locution. I cut tf re t-rcnce g1\ en. Address M. A. Armstrong MllUrd 11 te - Hoarder * t MM pir weik o WANTEU- mouth , at fr07 lltrne > , bct i XUiandythituet. 711-lBt ANTED A u > k a so womtn In laundry W I'acllli' Hotel ColunibuiNeb vi > o underitaodn thorough ly to dia - m p , p'o'f , etc . nai.ti cmploj ment. AJdte "UuuKUtimau , " otBce ol Ihl paper. 7 17 { W ANTKD Erery one to leivo ortlrri for help at 217 N. 16th utrte. , up-sUlre. 332 W Unturned 'oo cs f r rent in brlc1 ! hoive llteChugoS te-t. 7M-20 rANlKU-A ( Civ ooro iff ctarle Agent * * W cv > .t tei9 , | l | i > oy exciptictd | ten (3. to | 5 day ni i new men ( c m (1,75 lo | 3 , y. AJdren m\\i \ g experience , Woittrn Agoutu Sui/- pi Co. K ni.Sc. y MJ. 762 18 } nIvNrRt' ( i o crT o buar.cMnni icomcrt nt 1C10 t ) \.ni ) rt st ce . 746 IM MMri inaMn < ant plain Rowing at W HIS IVnim 8t. frlit-t niodoratf. 737-iht WANTEt ) WAMKO-Settlntfln prUftti ftmlly by the dn.M.ll work cheap. Acdresa MrO. . II. Port fitllto. 763-35 S11UATIO 4 WASTED lly yiuntf mn 21 jtr.rsolngc , in clxik In dr gwAt 'lothl'n or h ot ' il 'hoc nt re H ye r < cxpt rlinee. Kpc U. Knull h niil ( Jcruiin. Addieu it. W. lhl < , ilico. 750-15) ) fpOK KKNT To unturjl'bed rcotuti pp ilrj I1 Into each ih r u upln a hll. Il' nrr'g block , cjr. Sts and H w > r ) , 741-171 oil KEN M i-trontroim with ale x aml F clo ct for ; 'ntlcin.n.l4 ) ccrocr ; R h and 705 20 J1 U U N T IHO nlce'y lur I'sheJ ' tion J 1 door uor Ii c ( D ; < Ua on 18ib. 7 9-20 71011) ) nENT-PurnUni.il room , hua'vd lij re- } 1st r. Ho Idrnce 8tn ri'er , w.st eiJo 0 Bt out north of Chlcap . 7 < 7-17t 71011 KENT -it' , hflUBi. , 2 ti 11 rooms , ftt ? . ! to ; 8 fl per m nth ; 8 and 2 aero gnnl n , ltn IOUSB , bnrn , etc. , o > c.ch.ot ? I and 3 2 p.r lO'iih. Shr.U'r's Itent i ureiui , oniwsile post- OU HENT roiiiwlh board also fiwtihle b ardors 1713Didg < > H . 7h-10t .j Olt UENT Fivj ffnfurnlslHxi upper roims , C front and luck cntraucj. II fennces S. K. corner 17th and Chicago &t. 721-I7J FOU U NT Two n rely f urn fch d rooms S. E. corucr 20th aLd IXmnpoit wither wlthrut o'ard. C50-151 * KARGCHA CE KOU * ENT-ThTzml Btory Ji\.i > nl ( boscmmt of hu IJInpr No llllFnrnam sirett Inqu re \tdoor > ca t. 732-17 I.Oil KENT Stneral snu I houses , 5 rooms I1 cock. DH. C. II. 1'AUL. TIOK'UENT Two 11 gc rb"Tii ( it 2201 WcWc'r : atreit. 7 J15t _ A HK-JT-TlioCnd AA of building Jio. 1111 Kur um strict. Inquire * . t rtoor t. 73n * T7IOII IlENF A good furnUhcd rj in. AUs J ? rooms nultab'o ' f r hoa'ekecplnjr , fur' Inhol or unfurn shed , i20 North ISth rtrei-t. 731-iC ) FOH llhNT I'our comfortabh hiscmt-nt rooms Ftiltnhle for houseceiiiiiK al-n food barn. Icqulie ImmulliUIy of F D. COOJUT noith wejt corner ot 23rd nnd Hurt St 730-lm P OH KENT-Poublc otllco In Jacobs Wees. I71"lt Hh'sT Up B.airs , 1417 Ka nh m atn .t , JD 71S16 JOHN . JACOBS E Oil It NP Oan lirife rl'oiy fur ils > > od room wl'h h jonl for t o a ; leOS Cnliforul S5. 707-ltu . 7IOU KENT mContintttr'-ct ' St Murj'i 8 av- J cnue , a c no Btor hou'.e ' bix rooms ai il two jrs s abl , Inqtiin-liark I L-roj.Uai's ' ollice. OJ > 2 * rjlOfl KV'i O -tcublo tno store b il illug JD Bultabefic ro cry. ! n , hutchoi tliop. nr any rth rlia liics < . Locit d i-o ihu u > ou firiuer'a trite can hcfccurod. Kivin'rer-f ' Mre. M.'tan o , c rnir JaUujn and Will ttrctt. ( .1-dl9 1m BHJIIS' New Map ol Omaha , Just completed t nd road ) for dcllt cry at ir > caon. Is 4 feet wiilo > y 7 feet Ion , ; . I.arifcst and most complcto map [ Omaha c\cr published. Olilclal uiap of the Ity. See column. _ [ "poll ENT ' liousis of8 rOoune eh. In- L1 quire 1019 F. rnliam ttro t. & 05-lttl JtO't ' SAKE-Sjun o young ir.uKHvnhw ' on ' anl lisr cs'ct't.uj 8 en at L wry s ablj on 3thbo' etu llowarJ and . .liijkan .Sir , its _ 7liMC ( I710U ALK-r i ets mip * of Ni raska rOc 1 lach. Kjr h-r alns In . ha Cits' Iniproxcd nd un' mpr % i-d iiropertj , in 1 on W in , Shn CT , o > i Estate Afrent , oppoa Ic po totliee. 7h3 1 iS Cbuipfcr cilh ono gocd family ! ho'te sil b u fnr p aeto.J , mly orclllctu iho.orridiT nl'O ono \i\gf \ tip i'haclon\ didi rmm rend new Inrnis , a BO oi.o prc- ium J. . ry co , .jAg rj old fnai thla 'all , a'so ny re''qeino ' - t a nrnerlOh aid I/\id. A ply li.u.cdl tcly on lie jrcml'tn , roino for ne'.lln'j.olni' ' ucnth .rlhowlnttr U. > ' . ' . \lthu-ll. " 53101 PU SALE -Small house on leased lot S.M. F corn- Oth and Jackson. I'tpilre ' on prem- SL3. 717-23) ) KO ALH CHEAP-G2 mil s west ol HOTEL Ouiaha , on 111) Vnlon 1'jeillirailroad. . Irlck larn , twort rj hoto and fiu-t lluri- , three o > uClu2 KOOil stand , go d busmu'S. Oo d I'as-onj for 8cl.li u. Imiiilro of subsc-ilcr. AL KOltllH , 713-lm-mo Keith Htnd , Neb , O' ASO" Un lnei < for Sjlo-A BUSIVrss torr.l ctoc'x ri mcrchanill'e , in r. g ode o n , OT tin II. it M. mad ; ' ' \r.i \ n jed tu I- t88bid cjrry n il n ocUd stoei. Ciuo fcr fl i K , t. ( h ipr > 'tis iiB ii V i f Tiber i'fo/- n atlni. nd'rs "Md e. ' 11 Olll * . ] > C-9t SAi E Six room cottaito lth bam tni ) FOH lot on Chicago strict , near Illsh School Only , * . JkCAOUK , COll do i7-tf Opii. I'oi oifioo. FOR 8\LK A Orrt C'IUM ' iccond tun-l phaeton' Cell at l3L9HarmySt I > 07-tf r nuric FOR SALK-IO oo per ll th u and , YarJ 15th btruct , t o b octa outhcf It ) Uviioroid pjc23-Jmt I/JS.1' 550 DinBriE , _ _ BKMIS Now Map of Omiha , Just completed am. ruady for d. ll\cry at i.'i each. Is 4 foot wide ) > 7 feet Ion ; ; . Largest and most complete map of Omaha over published. Olllclal map of th citj. Sea column. I'M IK da > bo rd at ho CrdK'Uon hoiisti it ) ro- . due nl to JVOO iler u t-n 72116 ilHY The llofntr StarlJed bpniumanutactur- 1 edand warented by f. T Bonbow 71G South 3th St. Omaha. 028 dtc ISMw t BDWAKDKUliJHU MA08TKR rp I'ALSIYSTEIIY AND CONK TI NAL1HT , 498 Tenth street , betw ccn Karnam and Ha ney. Will , with ho aid of cuanllan spirits , obtain for any ono a glance of ( he past and present , and on certain conditions In thr fu * ture. Hoots and Shoes made to order. Pitted satl-fictlon truarant < ert Absolutely Pure. ThU po dcr neur varli" . A innnel of punty , htrcn tn and uholtitomeneu. Moro ivotiomlcai than the orplnarj k lid * , and raiuiot bo sold In - [ . ( . oinjKtl Ion with the multitude of low test , ihoit ueUht , ahru or ph rphato pouiltr , Bold only la can . Itov.a HAHSU l'o lirR Co. , Wall Ht. , S l New York.