r ° - r THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY. JANUARY 16 Whoop lal Got along ! Go ! CLEAR THE TRflCK. 2,13 , and you may know We're ' en route for the Boston Store , Nothing like it since old "Hoar , " Heaved his anchor and left the Shore , BOSTONis.TEA ! J 16 Main Street. That ne\er rqulre crlinplnir , at Mra. J. 3. Ckod'a Hair Btoro , at prices never before touched br ny other hair dealer. Also a ( nil line of uwHchca , otc. at ( really reduced price * . Also gold , uver and colored nit * Wavca made Irom Indlea1 own hair. Do no ( all to call before purchailni laowhere. AU Roods WRI ranted M represented. Mlvij. J. J QOOl/ , S3 Main ntnwi , CoimMI Uluffn , Iowa. I. D. JDMrarUOK , 1. L. BllCOAttT. A. W. BTRIIT , Prosldoot. VIco-Prci't. Caihler. CITIZENS BANK Of ConnoU Bluff * . Organized under the lawa ol the State oi Iowa Paid up capital t 76,000 Authorized capital 200,000 Interest paid on time deposits. Dralta Issued on the principal cltlea ol the United Btatoa and Europe. Spucl&l attention itlven to colloctlonj and correspondence with prompt retuins. D1RIU7TOKA , J. D. Edmnndeon , E.L. Shur&rt , J. T.Uirl , W.IW.IWallace , J. W. Ilodfor , I. A. Miller A. W. Street. JvTdtl FOUJSDRY. WINTHERLJCH BROS. , Are now ready to contract ( or small costings of c\cry iltucrlptlon in MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And nny ALLOY OF BRASS. Spvcltl attention Ifl calliil to the ( net that the mtt.il * are mo ted In uaciKLiw whkhg Burning Brands ron DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACK ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. , Aa as Cattle Brands AHE NICELY EXECOTEU. Works : CornprSlxth trectand Klcnth a\tuue , . COUNUIL BLUFFS , IOWA. JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Oounsollor at Law , COUNCIL LLUFFS , IOWA , OfBce Broadway , between Mtln and Pea t reels. 'VU1 pnctlco In Htato and Fede urta b. t . * J jk xc a am x3E3t 3 Office over aavlnga bank. 00 UNOIlj BLUFFS , - - lOTTB. ir the Life , Times , TroocliorouB DWUTTEN BY HIS WIFK. JBSSfl JaiDBS. he only life authorized by her anil which will not be ' Illood end 1 hundcr" stcry , xuch aa has bcei and will by published , but a tmo lifo by the only poison who la In posceslon of the facts a lal li'ul ' and deleted wife. Truth la more Inter- eating than fiction. A jrcnta should app'y for ter ritory at once. Send 75 cts. for Sample book. J H. Chambers & Co. . mo-ood-i. st lionl * Mo ' . THE SHORT LINE -OF THE- I Milwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY II now running IU FAST EXPRESS TRAINS Irom OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS WITH Pullman's ' Mapiflcent Sleepers AND TUB Finest Dining Cars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO1 MILWAUKEE , Or to anv point be ) end ; or YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Take the 11EST ROUTE , the Chicago , MilwaukGB&St.PaulE'y Ticket office located at corner Famam and Fourteenth streets and at U. I' . Depot and at Mlllaid Hotel , Omaha. 3TSce Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General At cnt. 0 H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. S. B. MERRILL , A. V. II. CARl'ENTER , OoneralManaifer. General Pafw.Airent. J T CLARK , OEO , II. HEAFFORl ) , General Sup't. A 'tUen.I'ai . Agent. JOE * Stall. " Prn.'denl. VlcaPrc * ! W , S. DHU-HH. 9 e. indTreu. TES NBBKASKA MUIUFAOTUEIIfl } GO Tjncoln , Hob MANUFAOTDRKRS OF anrn Plnntur Urrrowa.Fartn Bollert Hulity H y Bakeu , " ' ° ? o'd n do Job work and nuatiu nrlnif lor oth'er parties. AddNUBBA ° HKA "UANDFACTDKNO 00 l.ln'oln. No 1 inoa. OITIO * . w. n. H , rtrsrr. OIFICEB . & PUSEY , Council Blnffs , la. Established , - - 1856 Daalors In Foreign | ndDome ; tlcLEichaBge and home aecnrltlo * . I E , J , HARDING , M , D , , Medical Electrician GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate ol Electropithlc Institution , Phila delphia , 1'onna. Office Cor , Broadway & Dlenn Avo. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment ot all dlieaaoa and palntnl dlf acuities peculiar to females a specialty. FOR CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , 'MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all Polut * EaitandBouth-Eait. THE LINE COMPRISES Nearly 4,000 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Track U connections are made In UNION DbPOTS baa a National Kcpntatlon a * being th * raat Through Oar Line , pnd Is nnlrersalli 0 needed to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Rail o ad In the world ( or all claoeea ol travel. Try It and you will flnd traveling luxury Icstead ol a discomfort. Through Tickets via rhis Celebrated Line lo tale at all offices In the Weit. All Information about Rate * o Fare , Bleeping Car Acocmtnodatloni , Time Tables , IK. , will b > cheerfully given by npplylnlnu to Sd Vloo-fren't & Gen. Mauager.Chlcago PEROIVAU LOWELU Oen. Pa&sen/ier Agt. Chicago W. J. DAVtNPORT , Oen. Agent , Conncll Bluffs. H. F. DUELL , Ticket Agt. Qmabi mnio-ed.ly $500 REWARD. The aboio reward will be paid to any person who will produce a Paint that will equal the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , ( or preserving Shlngloa , Tin and Ora\cl Roots. Warranted to be Fire and Water Proof. Al orders promptly attended to. Cheaper and bet ter than any other paint now In use. STEWAUT& STEPIIENBON. Sole Proprietors , Omaha House , Omaha , Ntb REFERENCES. Officer & Piuey , Br.Rloe , Dr. Plnney , Full * Council Blufli , lowx Bu office , Omaha Neo. Uenins Eewardefl , OR , Tlio Story of the Sewing Machine A liandwrno Kill * pamphlet , blnefaod ( d tor * with onmeront enjiarlnci wllllb * GIVEN AWAY la or aaall person railing ( or II , al any brine or tnb-oflce ol The dlotrer Manufacturing Com piny , Of will be icnl br mall , post paid , I nv penon living at dlitance from oar ofOci hs Singer Maunfaotunng On , , Offise , 3i Uulnn ilqua NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Oor Dr. li. 0. Wool s Nerve t.nd liratn A ipccltlo lor Hysteria , Ilulue 9 , Ccuvnlslcnl Xervoui Headache , Mental Drprt > "olou , Loti Jmiory.Spcrinatnribftn.Irapotcncy.lQTOliiil * ! Cmluloni , Prematuia Old ABC , uiucd byore , oiorthn , itlf-aitue , or ovcr.lndiilcenc * , whit leads la mlserj , decay tnd de.ith. Ouo lot I rare nccnt ca * n Kach box contains one mtulh treatment. One dollar a box , or iltboijtlo Hie dollars , * int by mall prsraM on rocclpi o price. We guarantee tli toxei to car * toy c 3 With etch order received by os ( or ill bong , a ramtMiulod with fire dfl ! rp r'll ttind the pn chisec our irtttcn nani w lo return tb nionev II the treatment dc r nol eJtct a cure. C. I . Uoodmn , iru/rUI , Bole. Wholoultaa gal ccO"iuha , Nil ) . Ora'll by mall ] r U dkwly IOWA ITBM3 , Kindt hundred Dei Molnos coal miners ore on n utrlke , Iowa onttneil the yearlSSS , ? ? 0OCO bo- hirullticuneut txpcnse , The Dithuqno Herald complains of aide- walk vUigatl'y in that city , Coo toilette nt Cednr llapida started Iti with n liufje Increase of ttuiknU Jn per county 1m 1S1 sh ol hoturi' , or onu to about Wiry four tiiunro lull of territory , The los cs on thn Walton lioiifo In Onawn have bien adjusted , mid the hotel will HOOU bo reMillt. Duriii ) ! 1 ! > S2 I line WAS M > lii nt the H > ck lOaml Irpit in ( Muriel ! UcVeH to tnu amount c f $07,4-17.1)1. ) The bur < lnrv of miug nml pfotnls nt din- ton ha ban Investigated , three nicu nr- reeled iitid the firearms rtcuureil , The formal openluj ? of the IrUli-\mctl- ran club iu lubuiif | onMonduy til ht was lurgtly attended , uud n great nuccua , The SaoCitv posttllice Ini luvn inadii n tire ldi'nti. l olfico. wlili n Hilary ol § 12 0. Liinomix is tile pupulircandlJbte , The Whiting saluon.keepers rcceirc nnmiy TIOUN notices to iltmo their saloons ou New Venr'p , uud mint of them old w > . The i jfice of tht ) renter of tlio state land < lliort liaa hreu aboli-hed , and heto- nfter will become n part of the secretary of stato'a cflico , Ttio Diamond .To line of stoainen on the Mi Hisi.iipt | IIRH bern put utder control ot n corporate company with Dinuiomi Jo nt pnxldent , le Mnlnea Is \ltthiR of enRacins Theo dore TbninaR and his orchestrn ( or a roiic * concerts in July next The amount quired IB guarantee Is 30,000. A Kane of trumps took pn e aJon of the hlcaiio , Huck Island & Pacific depot at own City tne day laat week and held a rinklng bout. They were finally ells- creed. Monona ciuntv will buck hard against reign henU of cattle another season. Uuy of the tarmera are fhort from five to ( teen head each , and Judge Oliver hiia jet forty head by the cattle mixing with IB large horda being driven through and aalureda few days nt n time on the rairies. The Burlington , Cedor lUpida & North- ra company is making gocd the loooo untnln-d liy the Lights o' London com- any , which wai wrecked in the recent ollUIon on that line , nnd the company fill remain for two week * nt Cedar Ltnidn aud will cnucol all Iowa engage ment * . C. Dittrner , the mesapnger of the Daven- ott National bank , h&a been mrusted and Fllin$2oOO bail on charge of eteilluc 2,200 iu Kanaat ) county bonds , which vere deposited iu the bank for safe keep- 3g. Ilia dispo'nl ot the bond * has been bown , and the V. I3ahl figuring in the ransactlon It n invthlcal peiHon , CIRCUS UEOBETS. A Gymnast Who Passed for Yoaru as a Woman. lew Toik Tilbuno. The gymnast , although inodoat , was willing to speak of his achievements. As ho blow einoko frtm n big cigar .hrough . his brUtly mustache , ho did not look ( IB though lie had ever boon a woman ; but ho was a woman to all appearances for several yearn. "Is your name Mr. Luluf" naked o reporter. "No ; just Lulu. " "Boon in the show business all your life ? ' "Since I was a boy , but my per- 'ornuinces have always noen of u apoc- al character that of flights through ; ho air. For years after my first appearance poaranco I was n girl. Why was II Because it enhanced the interest oi thu performance. A crowd at a circus will eye a woman with intense curiosity when the wouldn't think of looking at a man yon know. When the specta tors saw mo shoot up Into the air to a height of forty .foot of more , as quick its thought , without knowing how it tiow it waa done , they were filled with wonder and admiration. They thought that there rauit bo something super natural about it. " "Wcro you not suspected of not being a woman ? " "M/ sex was always a matter of speculation , but my appearance was In Furor of the theory that I was a woman nd no ono could assort that I was not. When I was younger my facci was of an essentially feminine typo. I maintained my disguise under all cir cumstances ; even my intimate ac quaintances were deceived , My hair , which was very light , was allowed to row long , and waa put up in curl papera every night ; aa regularly ae the locks of the most Gnloal maiden. My dresses were marvels of art , and If I may say it the envy of * omon. I received all sorts of attentions from men. No favorite equestrienne even received more notes or flowers. Once waa asked to act as bridesmaid at e wedding , and at I could not refuse , J wont through the ceremony , blnshing when it was proper and looking demure < mure and sorry just at the right mo ment. "How waa your perpendicular loot mode ? " "By moans of a mechanical devico,1 replied the gymnast , twirling hit moustache. ' 'It is necessary to have innovations in all forms of amusement , The world grown tired of old tricks ] stood in full view of the spectators or an iron plate about a foot in diameter , which wai attached to spindle ran' ' nlng down through a frame work , The spindle was tnrown up a distauoi of seven feet above the atago by moani of rubber spring i , carrying the plat ( with it. The springs were powerfa enough to send my body through th < air IIKO a shot. Another ot of rubboi sprlnga jerked the spindle back ai quickly us it shot out , so that the mo tion both ways was too quick for night On reaching my dlatancul caught hole of ropes. " "In thla " perlorraance dangorout ? "Very. It waa necessary to posi my body so that it wonld be oxnotl ] in line with thn median line in thi spindle. Otherwise I would receive i severe shock , bo thrown in the wronf direction and miss the ropes. Thi least delay in releasing thu sprint after the signal is given increases thi danper , " "Did you ever meet with anj serious accident when making thli "Ono nujht at Dublin , the maohini WJB imperfect ud the npring bocarai released before I was ready , throwini mo on my head and ehonldora iu thi orchestra circle. Theru v/as a grca uproar iu the houeo. When they car ricd mo cut they thought I waa dead This performance ia no dangerous , h fact , tlut no other gymnast hus eve undertaken it " "What icnsallons do you experl once ? " "I fool M if thd earth liid suddonl ; fallen from under mo. But thoru I1 really no time for thought. I am al thu ropes in un Instant. " "How are yon able to grasp the ropei ? " i "Hj-inntfncc. I c n BOO nothing " "What induced you to glvo up this pcrfornutici ) ' "I row too stout. Ono day my body was almost teloicoped by the Bhock. I then sot to work to devise A machine that would enable mo ( o distribute the force ever my whole body. Thii roiult was the cntapult , afcor several months npont in making experiments This mnohlno is vnry simply in its ronstruction. An iron piano about fifteen fcot long IB atupondod on an xlo nt aaligKfUiglo Rubber springs ro made to not BO HB to throw thu Innu forward stiddi'iily into n poni on nearly porendioulnr. | This more- lout throws my body , which ia Ijing t full Icnuth nt the uppi > r end of the liino. au Unit I describe nn arc ud alight in n not about oixty foot rom the machine. My firat porfor- latico on the catapult wn glvon : irt o yoara ago at Blackpool , Eng- d. " "Woro you sucees-f il nt first ? ' "I wan nearly killtd twj or throe linop , although I hiul expcrinu < ntcd or months with weights and stuft'jd guroa. I could not toll how fur the uaohiur. would throw mo or in what oeltimi I would alight. Thn first line I was thrown I loot a aonso of what I was doing or whuro I was go ng. I was utterly helpless and cnmo * wn into the not on my head nnd ace. My head was BO out and bruised hut my hair catno out in bunches. " "How many turns do you mnko in escribing the arc ? " "Formerly I made three ; but n riplo somerstult Is dangerous You 080 command of youtstlf after com- ilcting the second turn. " "Is your courco through the air the amo every time ? " "No ; a d IP-rent calculation has to > o made for each fight. I am notable o toll how far I am going until half ho force of the Impulse is spent. ? hon the turns are made so that I may como down on my shoulder ? Into ho not. " "Humanity's great hope for the ntnro'.ls alone to bo realized in 1m- > roved conditions of matrimony. What a profound obligation dooa this 'act Involve 1 Those who roallza the responsibility con hardly do bettor than take advice from Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham whoso wonderful remedies 'or the euro of all diseases peculiar to women are so justly celebrated. Send tor pamphlet. A Contingent Foe. S'cw York Journal , A friend of mine , who Is a newt- paper man and involved in litigation , sailed on the vivacious James Ilidg- way , ono of the brightest young law yers in the country , yesterday , ant naked his assistance in a suit. "Well , " Bayn Uidgwny , "have yoi got any monoj ? " "Why , I am a now paper man. Q E. D" "Well , I will take your case on < contingent fee. " "And what is n contingent fee ? ' asked my friend.- "My dear boy , " said RIdgway mol llfluously , "I will toll you what a contingent tingont fee to a lawyer means. If 1 don't win your suit I get nothing. I I do win it you got nothing. See ? " My friend saw. His ciso it not on the calendar. Vigor , strength and health all founc in ono bottle of Brown's Tron Bitters Horaftrd's Aold Pliospliuto. AB A BRAIN FOOD , DK. S. F. NEWCOMER , M. D. Greenfield , 0. , says : ' 'In cases o general debility , and torpor of mini and body , it does exceedingly well. " The Retort Courteous. From the Donrtr Tribune. That deaf men unconsciously perpetrate trate good jokes very frequently 1i bornn out by an incident which happened penod at the tit. James hotel thoothe day. Dr. Fisher , the well knowi physician and bon vivant , had invitee a party of friends up to the bar fo ' a drink The glasses having boei 'filled , ono of the party , purposing ti bo humorous at the doctor's expense raised his glass to his lips and re marked sotto voce : "Hero's to you you Idiot ! " Now , Dr. Walke la very hard of hearing , , but , soelnj the speaker's lips morlng , he at onci surmised ho was suggesting a toast So it was with the utmost urbsnitj that the doctor raised hta own glae aud cordially replied. "The same i > you. " Honcwt When the Hops In each bottle o Hop Blttera ( at the present price. 81.25 per Ib. ) cost more than a bottl la sold for , besides the other coat I ; medicim-s , nod the quality and pric are kept the sarao , wo think it i honoat and liberal in the propoiotora and uo ono should complain , or bu ; e or use worthier * at nil , or cheatlnj bogus Imitatioua because the price i less. 0 ilr ile Supreme Court Proceedings , r Kellogg va. Lavender Motioi to strike out bill of exceptions over ruled. State ex rel. Andrews vs. Schoc District No.1 , Sherman count j Same order. State ox rol. Otto va. Kohool Dit trlot No , 4 , Sherman county. By coi : aont alternative writ allowed , returns bio in twenty days. Gelding vs. Wisowell. Two casci Dismissed. Plaintiff'H costs. B. & M. lly. Co. vs. D-krrlngton .Sumo order. Bolar vs. Williams. Motion to dii misti withdrawn and leave to fil amended petitions and transcript b COIlBOlt , The following causes wcro sut mi tied ; Ward va Bents. Peasim va. Kansas Manufacturin company. Kiparto Wolfe. Motion for rohoai ing overruled. Statn ox rol. Color va. school dUtric y 21 , Wubsttir county. Altornativ i writ allowed , returnable January lit State ox rol. Longshore va. count nmmlssionors of Platte county ot al , 'oromptory writ allowed. Spencer va , Thlatlo. Motion for rehearing overruled. Opinion per urlam. A motion for rehearing inuat die- nelly upocify the grounds upon which t is based , Motion for rehearing waa denied in hu following cases : Housel vs. Cramer , S-ato ox rol .lone * v . Wnllichi , llow\rd vs Lunmtor. Kruger vs. 11 it F. HuvostorOa. B it M.n , CUy oonn'y. ' Gregory vn tliocity if Lincoln. Crtiey vs Poi'blt'j. Mngnnn va. Moll. Motion to ro- orm judgment suatainoil aud judg- nont enti'ted hero. The following cases wuro submit- od : Spi'Hman va. l ) . vis. Couvurao vn , Meyer Free of ( Jowl. All persons wixhlni ; to test the inerlta of great reniedy ino that will ponltuoly mro Connuinptlon , Coutiha , Colds , Anth- un , KronchitU , or any nuVctlon of throat , nd IniiB * are reouentoil , li call nt J , F , Uoodnmn'rt DrtiR Store nud K ° t n rial bottle of Dr. Kind's New 13l > covcry 'or CoiiHUinptlon , MU.E or OUST , which will ihow you what n regular dollnrizo boltlo will do Three Bnbloa WolKhluK Togotbor 100 Ounces. [ xcUl toChlc RO Iliralil. ST. JoiiNsnuua , Vt. , January 1'J. Irs. John Welfoot , of this place , has ust given birth to two daughters and a son. Their total weight is six pounds nnd thirteen ounces. Mrs. iVelfoot has been married before , and ma had twelve children , including wo pairs of twins. So Gdnga , No D.inneri "A Summer Idyl. " from a Providence Merchant , llr. Ooorijo II. Dn\ls , a inilt doilcr > t 397 Vontniistci Street , b ara hit grateful tisllrao 0 the uncipiallcd cxiel'oncocf Iho production it ono ol uirmCHt sVllful l'ro\Iiopco ! I'lianua- U'a. ' Vr. ltu la sap , "Ui < spring 1 was tery Kroitly troubled with eevoru lull unatlou ol the Kidno ) ) , and It bojimo so bad that nt times I rinatod blood and in ) sulTcrlnKi were Interne , ly comMtbn WHKO p l"fat tint lor a whllo I .11 wniBCarcoly & 'ilo to to altenl to bisincm , nnd the ( ovcro pilm u mid coma 10 suddenly ami c\ only th 11 o jl I bo obllgod to lcn\ ft cus o- nor wliom I might hippcn to bo ualtln ; uprn. Durlrp i put ol the tiino I Has unable to walk , uid pciucelykncw what toil a cr nhlchayto ooklo relief. | M this thin IrlcmlrecoiLmon. dodllunta I'mnody I took two bottloa ollt , and It took rljht ho'd otmy | dlicn 5 aid cured mo > erjr jicodlljt , and I hue experienced no trouble vlth my kldi.cya tinea , "Kuttlicr.i.ore , Ilunt'a rumcd ) boa strenKth- cnod mo tery mu li , snd tincol licjnn to use It 1 have lioiu able to attend to buslntst , and am all rl ht uo\\ . I heartily recommend It to all. What it hiadono tor molt ulll d ] tor > outio arjkllllctcd. " SufTered for Twenty Ycari. lion. JotliiuTutlilU. o ! Mtit Hifnau , Ulrh. , tan"Cnuit ) ; mo ani-iik' the onUiu Unt'.c ' frloniN ot Hunt n Uomcdy. It nm proven in my raw a 1 joj Claim for It llaUn BUfleroilor about twcn y > rii l h no\iro din OHO ot tha lldnoji ( which on bcilpbjs chug pronounced llrUlu'n ulfirA'o. ) I liuilo a Journey Kent tn Contult the emlcoii Urllaten : o II unlit in , New York , ol tth'H-t ( amo In thUeneiUlty 1 h > d ho.inl nmili Ur lima.i pxtmlncu m > etrefully andtiliiiply laid , "Oonnd K t n bottle of HUIH'H Himidy anJ tike nccarJlnK to dlrtctlonn " Atlcr I rulnn traveled to far ( or treatment , It struck niu in rath.r funny to bo directed to Into a medicine whkhl m'uht ' bojpht wl bin aatono'it throw o myo n door ; bu I W H In iho oooloi' hands and ot course I followed hlj adviceami rijht ; glai was I Ihit I did IP , ( or boloru I had taken Hunt'i reroely hall kdozoii tlmoi I ( ound Immtnuohcn ctlt ( rum It , and by n iiitlnulDK the ti o of It ( or i llniol rcovercd iroln m > trouble entirely , anc am tj dai , I think , one of the niCHt r\ic < od o lugged MICjli aiders The woild IB Indebted t < YOU , tit , ( or thu proinulxat'on of . uch a mull clno , and 1 hope > nu may not go without you reward " TiUI a'z' ' , 75c. ill KIDNEY-WORT HAS BEEN PROVED Thf &URCST CURB for KECNEY DISEASES. Coo i i lame back or a disordered urine lndlc to ,1m t y on are n vlotlmP THEN DO NOTIIE81TATBI luoKIDNET-WOIlTnt once ( dnifclotn recommend It ) and Itwlll speedily ovcrooino too dlieaao and roatorc healthy action to all thoorgani. srlicC ror oomplalnta peculiar dUICOB to your nrz.auehaa pain and wealcneuea , KIDNEY-WOUT 1 < uniur pauedultwill act promptly and safely. . Either Bex. laoontlneneo , retention of urine , brick dust or ropy deposit * , and dull drazglne palm , ell speedily yield to IU cur ative power. ( ' ! ) BILDBYALIiEnUOQIBTS. Prloegl. IDNEY-WQRTJ Bend ? 1 , 82 , $3 , or 95 for a re tail box by Express ol the ben Candles in America , put up elegant boxes , and utrlctly pure Suitable for presents. Krpres chargea light. Kofem to all Obi cago. Try It once. CJQ o. K. QUNTHBR : Conloctioner , - Chlcaj Hjrnolntbi' BULBS Oroouneo TnJlo * . * And all other ( or Fall Planting Largo t aa or uier.t ever shown In Chicago- lUuatratod Catalogue free , bend ( or It Hiram Sibley & Co. , 8EEDHTEN , Chic is HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD .MA UK IIY BIOHARDS'lN.BOYNTON&Ot CHICAGO , li LS. Embody new ISB' hnpr vementi. llor prnntloal leu Ufj ; Cot IP to keeii I fiJtr ; Uwiosn fuel will il\u { moro he and a larger valumn" ' pnrn nlr tnlu n lurna'i' madn Bold by I'ltrcy and Urulloril , Omaha. GOLD ROPE. nd nperlor iiuallty ol on ) dold Uopsloliac'-o haa induced otli Mnamiln turir * to put u ; > on t * e muket oct < uluular t Ciur brand In aine and ittjle whkh are otfure and told ( or ! ni'i' ' < y than the genuine Ool Iloj)9. ) We cnutlon the I adu and oanimmr t j si ( hit our rauit ) and trade mark are ilt > oii rac lump. The only nemilnu and oiUln&l Gold Kop TnbaocoU n'&nufvtiirrd by T1J1C Wll iON * MoNAliLV TO 1UCCO COMPANY. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FFICE. C * Q XT X XC jB Jta O O. Lianas and Lots Bouht and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS . IOWA. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AND IlETAIL DEALERS IN LAGKAfAMi , LEHI&H , BLOSSBUBO AND ALL CO.INELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Office No , 34 Pearl Street , Ynrda Oor. MRhth Street snd Eleventh Avouno , Oonnoll Blnffa. MRS. H. A. BENEDICT , TIP LKADINQ UKALKH IN 337 Brondwavi Oounoil Bluffs , Fowa. DR. WHITTIER. 617 St. OharlM St , ST. LOUIS IHo A UKOULAH onADUATR ol two medical cell < * K ( , , hM been longer enraged In the treat rocnt ol UllllOmO , NKHVOUrt. SKIN AND IILOOL ) nisaasci than any other phjBlcIan In Bl Louis u city p p ra show and all old ronldenti know. Con ullAtlon ( roe and Imlted. When II li Inconvenient tolst ! the city ( or treatment , medicine * can be lent by mall or exproM everv where. Curable cura guaranteed ; where doabl lit * It li frankly tlated. Call or writ * . Norvoua prostration , Debility , MenUI and I'iiynlcnl Weakncai , Mercurial and other nlToctlonn of Throat. Skin ami Uonw , lilood ImpurltloB nnd Blood Skin AITectlonn , Old 8oroa nnd Uloor * Iinpodlmenta to Marriage , Hheumatlnm 1'llc.i. Bpcolitl nttontlon to coaea froir ovor.workod braln. BU1UUOAL CASKS receive mieclal nttentlnu. llnon c arising from linpni'lenco. KIOQHHOH , TlrT A T1TIT A flTH * a pages the wholi M fl K K I fl III story well told. Man ) ULJcLiuIulliUiil roc ipt8 ; liomaymai ry > who may "ot > why' cause * , cense iucnc i and euro. Sealed ( or 250 iioatago or stamps. COL. L. T. F08THR ( Voungitown , Ohio , May 10.1680. Di. U. J. h NUi.u Co. I had a Tcrf ralot ble Hambletonlan colt that I prlcnd very highly hohadalargoboneiipavln on ono Joint and I mall one on the other which madie him verj lame ; I had him under the charge of two votei Inary surgeons which fulled to cure him. I wai one day reading the dvertlsomeni of Kondall'i Spavin Cure In the Chicago KipreM , ! dotermlnei * at once to try It and got our Cru glBta here It lend ( or It , and they ordered throe bottlea ; I tool all and I thought I would giro It a thorongl trial. I mod It according to directions and tni fourth day the colt cetaed to be lame and thi luin ) < a have dlaapneared . . 1 uaod but ono botth and the colt's llmtx are ai Iroo ol lumps and ai iniooth aa any horse In the ( tate Ho II enlln ly cured. The cure wan go remarkable tha ! have Icttwoof my neighbor have the rtmalr Ing two holtloa who are now using II Very respectful ! L. T ! FOSTER Bend lor Illnitiated circular giving poallln proof. Price II. All Dnigglata have U or cat get h lor yon. Dr. 11. J. Kendall ft Co ; , Pie nrletoro , Knosburgh Falls , Vt. BOLb BY ALL DBUQGIBTF l.W-1 T ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. | Soinothliif NEW FOR OMAHA , Ir- ) Craw ford , of Cle\c lind , O , tht old. popular and Hkillfu mtuufacturer OK Artificial Limbs , 01 the latoflt Improved pian , haa opcnoil i branch mechanical nurg ry Irailtute al 1H2 N Ifith itrcut , Ouiaba , wlioru li la prui arod to fur- nlsh Imbnoi everr iLscrlptlai , iku'iton ' * anil supportcrH lor imraliied and defirnitd llnih , trill-en and ainuldor bra" * ft"d Hipimrteri (01 ( luinalo weakiK'HH , u c. The Doctor hax Imd 2 ! \carn txiiorlince Ui ucirlngaid adjiiHtli g. J. S. CRAWKOHD , J 4 dcoil-w-lm 8 2 North llitliH'rtot ' Sionz ( lity lacific THH BIOUX CITY ROUT Rona a Solid Train Ibroajb ( ran. Council BluflB to St. Paul Without Ohaneo Time , Only 17 Hourb A.OG > UILKO TUB IIIOUTE8 ROOT' no * OOUNOIL BLUFFS TO R. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DDLUTn OR niBMABW and all points In Northern Iowa , Ulnnedia an : Dakota. This line M equipped wlm mo iu.no . i TTe llnihimm | Automatic Alr-bialc * aud Ulll > Platform ampler trd lluOer : and lor irurn , IAFCTT AND OOVFOHT li nnianiaHoed. Pullnma I'alteo Bleeping Cat run through WITHOUT OHANC1K between Kab a City and Bl. Paul , via Councl. niuOj an < Itoui Ulty. Tialnii leave Lnlon Pacific Trauifer al Ooat ell Ulnffs , at 7:80 : p. m. dally on arrival Kami. City , 81 Joseph tnd Council llluffi train frou theBonth. Arriving a t fllonx Oil11:40 : p. rc. and al the N w Union Dope I at II. Pan ! a. 11.11 ooon TEN notma IN AUVAKOS or ANTOTUII HOUTB WRem mber In taking Ibe Slcrai City Boa you gel a Tlirouxh Train. 'Xbr Hhoiicsl ( he QnlckMlTlme and a Oorolcilabl * Itldt In l > 'lliroujli Cars between COUNCIL ULUFKH AND ST. PAUL. T8e that your Ticket * r ad via Ih * "Blau City and Pacific Halljoad / I. WATTLK8 , J. B. DUOIIA./N user nlendicl Qcu' Pn . Ap-n Ulnonrl Villr ; li. W. KPAVII Dlbire Um I'auongci nn rll Ulufl * GUATEFDL-COMFORTIWa. EPPS'S ' COCOA , BUEAKFAST , "lly a thorough knowledge ol the ratnrut law hlch uo-.eiu the operations ol dlge < tlou an nutrition , and by a tarclul application ol It nun cropertic * ol well * luc.td Cocoa , Ui Kpp < haa provided our brtaklttt t lil with dellctli-ly Bavorod be\cr go which may eave > unny heavy doctors' bill * U If by the Judlcl i uwi if suili artlcliH ol dltt that a c.'nhtltutlu may be gradually built up until utroni ; i to riKl every cndunc ) to dkeaso Ilumiicc c- ol subtle iiul.Mlle.jaru dotting br-nind ua read to to attack wherever there Is avuak | > oliit. W -u msy escape m&uy a fatal nlialt bj lioeplni. ou teltvswill ( crtllloil wllti imro blood aud a pro ] i-rly nourished frame. " I'lUl ticrtlce Otritte Matlu tlmply with boiling w att r or milk bci In tlo'i only ( J-li | and Ib ) , labeled JAMES EPPB St CO. , UomcBopithlo C LrOiulon , REMARKABLE ! Kis i' < Cnv , Mo , , Sept. n ) , 1NO. I think It a duty I on a to humanity to ( ay what jour ri'iiuvly [ IIM done ( r mo. Ore year ago I rontracte I a bad rvic ol Illooil 1)1 euro , a d not knowing thu result of Mich rouble * , I allow ol It torii'i fo Home t mu , but finally apt lied to thu best rhjHiclaii In t > It clt > , who treated nte for linoiithn. . IMIUT TIVK I TOOK OVRR 00 i itM < if i Roroioniim oc VKUCVHT \ giain each , ami hail run down In weight ( rom 210 to 1W pou < d * , and wan confined to my bed with M r- citrlal Hln'iniatl'in , ncarcil ) ublu to turn mynelf OM-r. living iv traveling man. gome of thu fra- tirnlty ( ouiil m n thin ilipio'ahlo condltlcn , sKO lie in' ( ' i 1 ih ' ill'cait that hud titin curi'J by IU 110 I oommt'nduii the um It \\lti\cry Ilitlu faith ann la IVM that thine wtclm WDH ublu tn take tm plicoon the rt ul Tbo Norn and ropiwr rotlortil Bpotx gnultmlly d'nap- PIIIIH | , and to dav I lia\iMiotano cor nxt | oiimy IKTHOII , and inv wilg t IH'J7) | > oiiniln lirln ; more h in It e > i r wai. I do not lihou topubllnh nnaiup , buton ma > Hhow thin Idler tnany who doubt thu merit of H. H. S. ( or 1 mow It U a HUro cu re YOUM Trill ) , J II. B. MOTp thirty Mars ngn Ihrrii Hud In MonUo- in i ry , Ala. , n ) oung limn who was Icrritdy aflllc- ti'd Afti r bolngtruitiil ( or a long tlmo liy the mnl'pil ' pro'i'vilun olthNtown with no brnrflt , h rnminriiciil taking B S H. After persistently- takln It two monthi ho wan curvl. Ili'lupocn itiiiHttd | with him for thu dlnt'ow nc\er inailn It roiurii. .1. \ \ . lliHiior , J. P. , Hot HpilngH Ark. If ) ou doubt , come to NW IH , and wu wIllCUIlK YOU , or c art no'h ' ng1 Wrl'o ( or purtlc\ilaj nnd a cop ) o ( I he llttln iHiok , " MuHxugu to the 1'iifort inato HuOcrlngink any IlruriLst ; m to our stiindlig. t-USl.OOn W-Wrtril will hu paid to any Chi mist wuj w 11 llnd. on ana ) I | K ol ' . > on bolt cfl 0(8. H 8. , one parlihu of MJ cur ) , Iwl dc ol I'ONiiHslum , or nn ) Mineral HUbxtincu. HWIfT HPECIdUOl ) , , I'roprlttorH , AllanU. Qa. Prlra ol Hmall Hlto f 1,00 Largi8ito 175 hOI.I ) IIY AM , UIlUaUIST8. DOCTOR STEINHART-S ESSENCE OF LIFE. FOR OLD AND YOUNO , MALI AND FituiLi. It II a sure , prompt and effectual remeda ( or Indigestion - digestion , uispcp-la , Intermittent Fevers. Want ol Appetite , Nenous Debility In all Its Stage * , Weak Memory , I/oss of Dniln Pnwcr , I rostratlon , WvakneiM and general lioxa ol l'o er. It repair * nenoiis wnste , rcjinenat thu faded Intellect , utreiiKhthens the enfeebled brain and restore * BUrprL ) ng tmio and vigor to the exhausted or gans , The experience of thousanda proven It to bo an Imaluablo remedy. Price , 81. 00 a bottle , or six ( or W. For sale by all ilniggl tn , or aenl ccuro ( rom obnen atlon on receipt of price by Dr. StMnhurt , P. O. Box 24 OO , St- Lout * Mo- _ _ _ DOCTOR STEIWHART-8 SUPPOSITORIES ! The Great Popular Ilem ( ! y ( or Piles. Sura cure for Blind , Uleeding&I chlnRPDe * And all forms of Hemorrholdal Tumor * . HurroaiTORiM act directly uj > on th * ooatn of the Illood Veiwelrt. and by their astringent elTucU gently force the blood ( rom the rwollen tuinoni , andby making the coaU of the vein * strong , prevent the r n tilling , and hrncc a radi cal euro la mire to ( < II Ihelr u > u. Price , TS , ccutx a box. For mle l > \ illdiM.'Kl t , or " "lit b * mallonrecxlptolprici- | j > u linf Moilioal jnitituto , 718 Olive S ( . ' f . . . " < rlV. : ct .lnrKcM i.rnB-ou'.ir.wr.r.fc ( f iH ( \faUfiorU | illliEyInf on a Jf < rj lime , irir H o pB nittork. in T i itviour life It hud hun- Nebraska Loan & Trust Oompany IIAHTINOS , NEB. Capital Stook , - - $100,000- JAS.IJ IIEAUTWKLL , President. A. I , . KLAItKK , VIcu-PKHldcnt. K. C. V > tUaTKIt , Treasurer Diutxrroua. Samuel Alusander , Oauald Olltir. A. L. 0 arko , E. 0. Webster , Uuo. H. Prutl , Jan. II. HeartwolL D. M.McEllllnnoy. Firnt Mortgage Loans a Specialty Thlt Company lurtiUhes i permanent , home Institution nhirotidiool lk > ndi and otlu r legally JlimMiul eci'rl lia of NtbriLiki can bu ncgotlatiil 01 the niont f vorablu tenus. Loam nu < lu o i Iniproiud farms I alluol settJoJ count leu o ( thu utatu , tiroiii'li | nK > nslble > . .loaJ corre | < oiidciiu , JIA.VUKAOTUItKH OP Silver Plated WINDOW SASH Daor Plnt 4 Euurayril to Ordor- No. WJ N. Till Ht. St. Loufa , Uj