r THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUJFES iGWA TUESDAf JANDABY Itf The Daily Bee COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tyeadiy Morning , Jan , 10. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : lT0 rrUr , - - - - - JOcenteperweek , ItylUU - - - - - - 110.00 p r Ye r , omoe : No. 7 PoarJ Btroot , Noor rostlway. MINOR MENTIONS , J. Mueller's PaUceJMuMo HalL Subscribe for newspaper * andJi > eriodl < Mil at II. K. Seaman's book storo. Constable Skinner h just mid to Mason Wise a fine bone for 83CO. The city council failed to meet U t evening but will try BRain Friday evening This evening tbe Baptist hdles prom Ua an enjoyable entertainment at Do- banoy'i. There will be noonday prayer meet ing * at the rooms of the Y , M. 0. A. Ttry day thli week. All Invited. The sheriff of' Harrison county passed through hero yeiterdny with four prison- en en route to Fort Madison. The business men should remember that the Baptist ladles spread their tables at Dohanoy'a from G o'clock till 8 o'clock this evening. Charles Grant has been arrested on the charge of jumping a board bill at Mrs. A II. Osborn'g. Ho IH to have a hearing next Thursday. Charles Adolph , who travels for Lutz ft Lunge , hat brought In from Crawford county a multum In parvo ear of com , there being nine distinct ear * growing from one common cob. U' * A curiosity worth seeing , We mad * a slight error In our local announcing tbe removal of Grandy it Oo , the druggist. We gave them quartern lu the old stand of the Citizens' bank , but they preferred and took tbe next door north , the former headquarters of Lut ? & Lange , tbe tobacconist * , The following soiled doves have been booked at the police aUtlon and fines aaawud an ueual : Annie Itatterfield , Mary Walacc , Sadie Roberts , Jojld Woods , Stella Long , Lou Scott , Mabel Maurice , Olllo Danfortb , Mollie St. Glair , Fannie Jacobs , Belle Clover , Allte Soio , Lou Franzer , -The move for the organization oi a fire patrol Is still progretslng. It U Bug- geslod that In view of the frequent IOSHCH of life at times of fir ? , that a prompter corps be organized , also from out of the ralu blo volunteer material , and that thin corpa be put In such training as to be able to render quick and efficient service when needed. Some changes are being made In the interior of the poatoflico , the number o call boxes and look boxes being reduce ! about one-half , owing to tbe fact that s < many now got their mall by carriers. Tin room thus saved Is to be fitted up for tin carriers , each to have a window , so thai on Sundays and at other times when thi carriers are not delivering , mall may bi had at the office by calling at the wlndon of the carrier from whom the appllcan usually g U his mail. A long-delayed case , in which thi city was plaintiff and John LIndt Jo fendant , was tried before Judge Ay lea worth yesterday. It was a suit brough to make the attorney pay bis poll tax , thi defense being that he was not properIj notified and that he was not liable to poll tax , not belrg able-bodied. The evidence showed that the collector had loft n nqtlct with his family during his absence , and the court dismissed the case on the ground that this notice was not sufficient , ns II ought to have been served personally. It is not known to many , but It I nevertheless true , that there has been at inspection of buildings , fluex , etc , , Rota | quietly on for some weeks here , and ii several Instances the chief of the fire da partment baa notified persons to retnod ; certain defects , and thus prevent firoe He has also been taking in some of th public buildings and larger blocks , so ate to be posted how best to work , and ge fsmlliar with the buildings , so as to knm where to go to and how to go through then in cast of a big blaze , A nine year old waif , evidently ttharp ened by knocking about the world mual for ono so young , applied at police head quarters Saturday night for lodging. II claimed that hU home was in Michlgai but his parents died and he was throw ] out upon the world. Ho had since beei selling papers on the streets of Chtasg and from there had worked his way her by various hooks and crooks , Yesterrta ; Chief Field recured a place for the lai with a farmer living a few miles out fron the city , and who promises to bring th boy up in the way he should go and giv him a good home. Crystal Roller Mills Patent Granulated latod Flour , Superlative A , the higb eat grade of flour manufactured Saowy white , pure , light and swuot Ask your grocer for it and you wll bavo none other. tf. THE OLD STORY. Be Did Not Know U Was Loaded. A serious and porhapi fatal accldcr occurred last evening , about 7 o'clocl on account of the'old story that ho dl not know it was loaded , A little bo found a revolver , and his parent beln away , be proceeded in the uaui manner to go on a picnic. A youn i lady of 17 waa the victim. The ba entered and shattered the lo rorj t then ranged upward and backw r < lodging ut the basn of tbe brain , houi making n very torlouo wound , D W. D. Emmouds attended the ui fortunate girl , extracting the bulli and did for her all that medical al could accomplish. The accident occurred at the res dence of Mrs. Miller , and the patient name ia Mis May Tucker. J. Mueller , of Music hall fnmi bowed to us yesterday the line , Weber Grand Upright Piano whic : we have oyer seen. To say It la el gant in tone and finish would not ha express oar admiration. It ui finlshe In Grecian style with columns on it Ides , and most exquisite fine car Ing , all In ao'ld ' rosewood and coi $1,200. MURDER WILL OUT. A Colored oman Arrested as the Heartless Mother of the Bahy Found Frozen , OircumntancBB Point Protly Sharply at Her as the Guilty Oue. Olko Suproted of Taking ; n Port ia th Cruel Act. The readers of THK BEE will re member the fact that a few days ago the body of a now born babe was found frc/on in the basoifrfent of an unfinished and unoccupied building at the corner of Broadway and Union avenue. The babs was apparently a healthy , well developed child , and evidently came to Its death by being placed there soon after birth by come heartless person , and loft there to freeze to death. Blnco then Coroner Faul and ox-Constable lloseorana have been working up the case with acme diligence , and yesterday , as a result of the information they bad gathered , a young colored woman , giving her name was Georgia Anna Wash ington , was arrested , charged with tbo murder of the little innocent as her own offspring The oyidonco ac cumulated against her in tbo fact that oho came biro from Kansas City a short time ago , and on a vhit to another colored family named Green. She was accompanied by her mother and a sister , and all throe stopped at Green's , they being related to him , their mother being hia sister and the , girls therefore his nieces. The young woman's condition was such as to attract the notloj of the neighbors , the coming event casting its uhid > w before , Ono night last week there was a colored dance which was at tended by the Green family , but this woman , her mother and sister , are said to have remained at homo most of the evening , and it la avowed that this was the time when the child was born. It is turniisod that either tbo mother or the sister , or both , helped in the disposal of the Infant. The sister bus already loft the city and gene to Forest City , Mo. Thu mother of the two girls still remained hero until yesterday , when she , with the ono now under nrrcat went to the depot to take the train for Kansas City , Just before the train started both women wore taken into custody. Tno young woman who is said to have given birth to the child hod little to oay about the affair , Sbo la n ! quadroon , quite dilapidated in personal - sonal appearance and apparel , and having evidently moro animal 1m. pulses than intelligence. She claimed to know nothing about the matter and threatened to make It hot for the t 111 ; ors who arrested her. Dor mother oldmod to have boon away from the house tor two or three hours on the night in question and not to know anything about the affair. Around the body of the baby waa found A piooo of a comfortable and a woman's sack. It la said that wit nesses have been found ablu to identify ! the Back as ono which was worn by the accused , and the comfortable aa boinq ; ono that bad boon used in the house. A portion of the same bed covering was also fonud a short die- from the house. As a further fact pointing to the Washington woman as the guilty ono , an examination WHS made yesterday by a physician , who discovered evi dences that pointed to the eamo atntc of affairs , The woman was brought baforo Judge Aylosworth ycstorday on information mation being filed charging her will : murder. Kin not being able to hire an attorney the court , nt her request , appointed W. II. Ware to look nf r r hur interests. Bail win fixed nt $2K)0 ( ) which she waa of courao unable to fur nish , and she was taken back to jail , the examination being being postponed until next Saturday. At the tirao of the inquest Dr , Em ends , who vlowodtho body , avoltashi : that it waa n white child , but in view c f the evidence now disclosed tin the body was takou up yesterday am and subjected to a careful pos mortem by Dr. Maorea , who pronounced nouncod it a colored babe surely , am that it breathed nnd lived aomo thn after birth. No special marks of vlo loncowero discovered , however. WANTED 10,830 bashols of corn Inquire nt No. 3 i Pearl street , or broom factory , Mills nnd North Sixth dtf MAYNK & Co. Holiday gocda at Darkness , Orout & Oo.'s. Ladles' and children's wool hoods a ilarknoaa , Oroutt & Co'a. brilliant shades posjl bio , on all fabrics are made by th Duuiod Dyes. Unequalled for brill lanoy and durability. 10 conta. * , Tno Those who thought that Anderson1 defeat , last fall , crushed him , are mis taken , ilo cornea up aa milling a over and wants the umralialahlp. O courao the present incumbent want It , and , while ho has not the claim upon it , aa irgalnst the public againat the claima of Anderson , hi al had a priority of right , inasmuch ai all that Anderson Is , and all that hi til hoped to be , was the reeult of Chap man's machlnatlona. Anderson alai 3 ; had all the influence that The Non parell waa capable of , llttlo thougl it proved to bo. Chapman nov n. recognlrus the ftct that there i n.ot no honor among thlovca nud eric id loudly for reform , for the reason tha when thooflicea were being distribute il- this winter , and it waa asked who wa ilt's rcaponalblo for the democratic vie tory In thla district , ho stood up wit Ills party and made the same remar 0 | that a hotel keeper who usad to run sth hoatolry In Oass county , made when a < h cased of illegitimate parentage. It i 6' related that ono of the hired girls lol df the hotel and after a certain time h < ed indiscretion bore its natural fruit. Boi ifaco heard of the matter and Vet vt homo and said to Ills wife , "Wli-wl t wh-what do think you ; M-M-Mary got a baby , and who do yon thin they lay it to ? " The old lady was sure she hadn't the slightest idea. With an air of Innocence the angels might assume , the old man exclaimed , "Th-th-th-thoy lay it to usl" and the republican party teol about aa respon sible for their defeat at the old lady did about the birth of that child. Andersen dorson represents the child in this CMC. Walnut News. llarkncBB , Orcutt & Co , have still a few fiuo silk dolmans. Call and BOO thorn , When you fool out of aorta , have the blues , melancholy , etc. , it must bo indigestion that ails you , Brown's ron Bittnri ) cures it PERSONAL. . G. I ! Few , of LpMara , was at the Pa cific house W , S. Cottrcll , of Little Sioux , was In the city yesterday. C. M. Lawler , of Missouri Valley , was visible hero yesterday. F O. Kwannell , of Kinkukee , III , dined at the Ogden yesterday. D. Goodlander , of llockfard , 111 , , ar rived In this city yesterday. F. R. Bostwiclc , of Chicago , got outside of a Pacific house dinner yesterday. James D. Itlce , of Burlington , was among yesterday' * arrivals at tbo Pacific house. Dr. Poulson expects to start to-day on a trip to California , intending to go by one route and return by the other. Among those from Chicago who ar rived at tbo Ogden yesterday were P. H. Lerch , T. 11. Long , D. Burr , J. II. Stevl- ton and H. J. Mitchell. P/of. Lane , of Omaha , WAS In the city yesterday , In the interests of the electric lights , nd In company with Alderman Newell mnde the rounds of the city , and wcro welcome caller * at THE BEE office. Judge AyloBworth has received word from his family that they arrived in Cali fornia nnd that they were picking flowers and enjoying sunshine there , while snow balls and IcicloH abounded here. Major Marshall has arrived here to as sume the duties assigned him at general agent of the 0. & N. W. His old frltn is and many new ones congratulate him and heartily welcome him back to Council Bluffs. Mr. N , 1' . Thompson , brother of our well known townsman nf agricultural ten dencies , U here on bin wedding tour. The bride Is a daughter nf It ilph Hmereon , of l < merson , T lcott & Co. , the leading man ufacturer ! ) of ugrlculturnl implement ) ) . MM. A. J. Sponr , from Wisconsin , If visiting the Kirklnnda In thla city and looking up a location for n millinery store Klther Council Blult * or Omaha will bo thn gainer , and we hope that every oflnrt will bo m do to keep the lo y idkour city Children's heavy school hose al Darkness , Oroutt & Co.'a. Table linona , napkins , doylies , tow el * and crfflliea cheap at Harkneas Orcatt & Co.'a. Fair and Feotlval. The Indies of the Baptist ohurcl will give a fair and festival at Do hany'a opera house , Tu'eaday , the ICth Supper from C p , in , on durlug the evening. Tableaux at 8 p , m. Several oral scones drawn from incidents o . the war of the rebellion. Admiosior only 10 cento. All are cordially in vited. Jan 12-4t Weak muaclea and nerves , slngeiah ness of thought and Inactivity , curec by Urown'a Iron Bitters , THE GREEN EYED MONSTER Ho Cnusos a Huabanil to Draw n Re voiYor on n > Traveling MnnAll Concerned Arroatod. Tlicro was n sensational mooting 01 lower Broadnray Saturday aftornnoi between two men , ono named B. F Thuraton , whoso homo Ia in Kunaa City , and who haa boon spending few days tioro selling aomo kind o nilvor polish , the other a resident o Council lllutfa named J. P. Simpson It npponrn that Simpson had bocomi fired with joalouay nnd fooling tba ho had boon greatly wronged by ar intimacy which ho believed hat aprung up between hia wife an < Thurston. Ho catno aorosa Thuratoi and Mrs. Simpson on Broadway , am it ia claimoU that in hia fury hi pulled out a revolver am coming up bbhind them strncl Tnutaton in the buck of the head Thur&ton turned , and grabbing hi assailant , throw him to the around About tbla time Justice Vaugba nnd Constable Skinner appeared o the Boeno , nnd Skinner nt one wrenched the revolver from S mf son's hand , the weapon being alread cocked. The two men and Mro , Simpso wore taken to Justice Vnughau' ' otlioe , where Thuraton filed a con ; plaint against Simpson for assault an battery with Intent io do gront bodily ily harm and nlso for carryin oincoaled weapons. Simpson gav $300 bonda on the former charge , am $100 on the latter , aa security for hi Rppoaranco in court , Sum Ford an Kd Andoraon balng hia bondsmen. Simpson in turn filed a oomplMii aqainat Thuiaton and agalnat Mn Simpson , charging them with adu tory , Thuraton gave $300 binds , J 0 , Morgan being his turoty , while th woman wvs released on her own in like sum. Yesterday morning thn parties a [ pearod before Justice Vaughan an tlio cases wcro continued until th : morning , when it Ia thought the di tails cf the affair will bo more thai oughly arrived at. RlohM in Hop Farming. At the present prices , ten acres i Hops will bring moro money thn live hundred acres in any other faru ing ; and , if there ia a consumer c dealer who thinks the ptioe of Do Hittora high , remember that Hops ni 61.25 per lb. , and the quantity nu quality cf Dopa in Dop Blttore , an ia the price romaina the name aa forme ft ly. Don't buy or uao worthlota ttu sr or imitations boiuuw the price is les fl flat at "Bucnupuitoo , " Quick , compete cure , nil annoyii Kidney , Bladder , and Urinary Di ik eaaoa. Druggista. $1. DOR'S DEATH. A Oreat Traveler and Special Friend of tbo Bportamon Poisoned By 'Home Unknown llnnd. All the Bportamon of this city and vicinity know "Old Don. " Do was not merely a valuable dog , but a dog with a history. Ilia trainers wore auch veterans in the field ns Mr. Sackott and the late Dr. Kiohora. "Don" waa born in England , nnd crossed tbo At lautio while a puipy and soon after arrived in thla city. Being of gunu too bloul Mr , Sackott , and shortly tf.erDr. Fichera , paid special ntton tion to hia education , and in a abort time ho could jump , fdtch , point , dance and apeak not merely balk or whine fjr the lUctor taught him 'to a moat remarkable degno to utter sounds , aa a low whlsperlcg voice , t < > the amusement and amazement ot many. When ntked where ho ban boon , what ho bid seen , oto. , he would try motions and noisoe , quite aaccessfully conv iy the account of hia doings , while the intelligent beaming in his oyrc , aupplled what might bo lacking in the narration ana loomed ahncst pie f hat he WAB u little tlo man in a dog's hide. Do would wcrk in the field equally wo'l ' as a ant- tor , pointer or water dog. Do could awnn under the water like a fish , and caught many a wounded duck below the ouifico of the water , his head then appearing much like that of a seal. Do was fall of tiicka also , , and very cunning. The late Dr. FichorA had him on several if his door hunting expeditions north , nnd in the west , and ho wna nt all timca and places hfs favorite dog. The attachment between the late doc tor and hia dog was BO atrong that when the master died "Don" waa al moat heart broken. Do n f usnd to bo rivon away from the prceanco f tbe arm of him ho loved BO well , and hen it wni taken to tbo cemetery the og kept hia place under the hoaraa , nd aoomcd aa sincerely a mourner as lough be hud n human heart to ache , iVhon all others Mt the cemetery he ernaincd there , and diggirg a hole in 10 mound ho neatlod down there , and or three days and nlghta remained icro , grieving himself away , touching otther fuod nor drink until Mr Vithnoy found him nnd took him way , atclodibg him In the ccllitr ndtfi1 his store , whcro Dr. Poulson ound him and bought him. "Don" waa then only throe years Id , Ho presented a pitiful eight of mourning , "misery mid melancholy. Aa his Into master nud Dr. Poulaon used to rldo out trgother often , and < opt their horeca in the aamo stable , Don" Deemed atonco to rccognlzi in i his now master a dear friend and , peodily , by the new attachment , ovlvcd from Ida stupor. The dog followed hfa now master , wiou to California nnd enjoyed many coast huntfl there , and from the straits of Onrgulnas fetched hundreds o ( ducks. Ho aaconded with him the lighcat poaka ot the Rocky Mountainn and brought pinn hena from 12 OCO cot nbovo the level of the aea , and hia ant awlin in Bear lake , in Idaho , made ilm na liok of alkali aa though ho had awallnwod coploun drafta of ecawator. At San Francisco "Don" used to h cross ttio bsv by himself , and in that confusion tf boats , and trains , and stations ahowod a remarkable intelli ; enco in never failing to got on and > ff with the ncocrncy c f an old and .f experienced traveler. The trainmen nnd boatmen nil know him and hu lad free and welcome passage any where and always. Bo was strangely familiar with rail way traveling , his experience cf su tripa over the Union PaciQo and Cjn ; ral Paoifio evidently not being h vain. At stations ho would got on and exercise himself on the pint fora nnd furnish much amusement to thi passengers , but ho always had an oyi 3n the conductor , and at the about c "all aboard" ho would jump into thi baggage car , Ho down and patient ! ] wait fur the next stoppage. "Don" was to have storied to daj on another enjoyable California journey noy , but on last Friday forenoon hi wna mysteriously poisoned by atrych nine , given him by acme unknowi band. Dr. Paulson wna notified , bu too late to do anything for him , nm death apoodlly f jllowod. , "Don's"son , n beautiful nnd vnlu able hunting do ? , belonging to Mr Arbntbnot of Omaha , waa onotthr.iugl the body the day before and died ul moat ; inatnntly. Another valuable hunting doc ; wort ] aoveral hundred dollars , and belonglti ) to JohnF. Oliver , haa nlao been poia onodand died. Suspicion rjoinU to eomo parties ii the vicinity of Broadway nnd Scot street aa beinc the klllcra cf these val unblo doga The shooting of Mr , Ar buthnot'a dog wai done at'tho ' creek ii the roar ( f The Nonpareil building and it is claimed that the poison ha boon dealt out in thatviolnity. Som atepa should bo taken to ferret out tin offondcra nnd bring them to punishment mont , and certain it ia that grcate atrers should bo laid upon the drug giala' to compel them to keep a complete ploto register of the purchasers c poison. COMMERCIAL. Deilera nru paying ! ! 0o for corn here tc day ; cot and freight to Chicago 10 : Chicago market for cenr mixed corn , 4Gi ( 47o. COUNCIL nturi-H MAIIKLT. Corrected dally by J. Y. J-'uller , uiei chftudlse broker , buver and shipper c grain nnd provision ? , 3D Pearl street. WHKAT No. 3 spring , 77o ; No. 3C ! rejected 50o ; srood demand. CoitN-2'Jo to feeders and SOa to shl [ pera , OATH Scarce and In good demand ; 30 ( < 32c. 32c.HAT HAT 4 OOffiO 00 par ton. K\K-40c ; light supply. COIIN MEAL 125per 100 nonnda. o WOOD-Good supply , prices at yardi 5 00@0 00. COAL Delivered , hard , 10 CO per tor soft. 5 00 per ton. HUTTKU Plenty and In fair demam 23c. 23c.KCGS Scarce and in demand ; SOo in dozen , LAUD Fairbank's. wholesaling at ISc. POCLTIIY Firm ; dealers paying 13o p < pound for t-ukeys anil lOo for chickens. VKQKTAHLKH 1'otattw , 45c ; onions , 25 < cabbages , 040o per dozen ; apples , 2 i @ 3 BO per barrel. KI.OUK Crystal Holler mill Hour retai 1 ed at : < W for dlutum winter ; 'J bO for goli en ulieal ; U 00 for bant tack. Wholesale price * for Hour , 2 40@3 23. UuoOMs 2 00@3 00 per dozen. BTOCK , OATTLK 3 00@3 50 ; calves , 6 00@7 BO. Hous * Hecelptsety light to-day on ai count ol delayed train. Market firm i yesterday's prices , GOUKGIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. flpecl&l tdrertUcmenU , sue Lot , Found , To Loan , For 81 < , To Hmi , Want * , Boudlnff , etc. , will b < Inserted In tbli column M the ow r > t of TEN CENTO PER LINK ( or th * flnt Insertion and FIVE CENTS PKR LINE ( or each cubsoquent Insertion. Leave * dv trttamenU U our office , No. 7 Street , near llmndwty. Wanta. WANTED Everybody lu Council Ulun IL to take Till Bu , 20 cents per week , de llrored by carrier * Ofllco , No 7 Vt Street \ For Sale and Rofat A S oilier , mo t aih antitfiomly fltuattxl , oflorn Cd tk room In return for crvlcti : ( ras , fuel , tr , furnished. Adru < 9 , "OQlCf , " HKM ctlloc , unc 1 lllullx ) IKK.S-ln ! p cK RC9 ot a hundred t Zle Olit a | > ac < a o at THK HHX office , No. 7 fcarl utrcpt. tf Miscellaneous. -Oio IU ncaril , dealer In * all RKSIOVAI and Hind wuh tie- , will mt voJ nu- nry IB. Irom No 11 , Pearl iitrett , to new Sic- Mahon lilockU : Mkln , anJ 33 IVarl r re 's , rcxt door to post tUra j nl tf . 'OVU A collftlockty ( pin. Cjiretothc 1 U K oil ! o , pty for this ad , prove proprity . rl.t the pin. _ d27t ( .rlDK. . W. L. PATTON I'bjslclan and OculUt DK. cure any caao of aore eyes. It Is only a matter of time , and can cure generally In from three tc five weeks lt tn kt nr difference - once how Ion ; dlscaitod. Will stralRhtcn cross eycn , operate and remove I'tyreetnms , etc. , and Insert artlOclalcos. Special attention to re- movelnK todowormi atf-tf COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. CHICAGO , BOCK I8L1ND AND rACinO. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Kxt..B.-20pra I PaciHc EX t..9:15 : a m Ex and Mall.0:25om : Kx and Mall.6:55 : p m D. Molncs ac'.7lB a in | DCS Molnc8nc'.4:40 : p m CHICAGO , BURU.NOTOS ASD QCINC1. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Kxt. . BuTOpm PadHc Ext..920am Mali and Ejc)20am ! Hall and Ex'.7.00pm M. Y. Kx 4Upm Neb & KM Ex..8:20 : a m CIIICAOO AND I Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext..fi:15 : p m Pacific Ext--B:15 : m Mai and Ex * . .9 20 am Mai and Hx.6.15pm Accom. ( Sat. ) . .6 0 p m Accom. ( Mon..l:45 : p m KANSAS CTIT , ST. JOH AND COCNCH , BUJIT8. Depart. Arri\e. Mall and Kx.,9.55am I Exprcsn 6:60pm : Kxprcea. D.lOpm | Holland Ki..6'45 p rn IJMON PACinC. Depart Arrive. Oterland Kx. 11:30 a. m. Overland Kx , .4 00 p. m. Lincoln Ex..11:30a. : m. DemerEx . 80Ha.m , Denier Ex..7 00 p.m. Locil Kx 6.30 ft. m. ' ' " . . . . . .TIM a. m. " Kx 905a.m. m. " I'jc . . . .ct)0am. ) ftABAHII , 8F. LOCIH AND PACIHO Depart. Arrhc. Mall and Ex. . 9:45 : a m I Mftll and IX. 4U < 0 p m Cannon .liall. . 4W : pm | Cannon 1UII..11:03 : ft m 8IOU1 CUT AND PAHUC. Depart. ArrUe. For Sioux Clty.7:55am : Frm Sioux C'y.G:5 : For FortNiobraro , Frm Fort Nlobrara , Neb * . . . 7:55 : a inFer Neb 'fi-IOpm For St. Paul..7:40pin : From St. Paul.,8 0 a m CHICAGO , M1LWAUKRB AND ST. PAUL. Leave Council Uliiffa. Arrlcs Council Uluffg. Mall and Ex. . ' aa in I Mall and Ex.l.M pm Atlantic Kx. . [ 5:15 : ] > in | Atlantic fx..19:10 : am ClllCtOO , MII.UACKKK AND 8T. PAUL. Leaves Omaha. Arrives ot Omaha. Mall and Kx. 7:1,1 : ft m I Pacific Ex [ 9:45am : Atlantic Ev..gjlopm : | Mall and Ex.7-lMpm 'Except ' Sundays , t Except Saturday. tExcept Monilays. B Dally. Council Blutta & Omaba Street R. B. Leave Council lllufls. Leave Omaha. B a m , 9 a ra , 10 o m , I B a m , 9 a m , 10 a m 11 a m , \ m , 2 p m , 3 p 111 a m , 1pm , 2p m , 3 p m , 4 p m , 6 p m , G p m. | m , 4 p m , 8 p m , 6 p m. Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at 9 o clock o. m. , and run rcini any during the day at 9,11 , 2 4. R and fi o'clock , and run to city time AND XJ. Dr , J , Meaglier.ziOculist , Anrist , AND SPECIALIST. In Chronic dUeaees , offers his son Ice * to oil al fllcted with dlwancBCf th Eje , Ear , or Chronic di onsoi of any chr cter. Warrints a cure In a 1 Kheumatlc nffectl , na Can bo cnnBiilted b > mall or In perdcn at the Mttropolitan hotel Council llhiffj , Iowa. NEW STORE. ! New Broods. : Nt\V YOHK PRICES , For Dry Goods and Fancy Goods go to L HARRIS , 734 Lower Broadway. EDWIX J. ABBOTT. Justice ot the Peace ane Notary Public. lIBBroadway , Council Bluffs W. R. VAUGHAN. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Omabn and Council Bluffs Real Estate , * Collection Agency. In Odd Fellow's block , over Savings Bank. jati8-t MRS , fi. J , HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON 22 Broadwnv. ConnolllBluff. . J. C. HOFFMAYR & CO. , CITY ROLLER IILLS IFILiOTJ Ground by Porcelain Rolls AN1 > HUNGARIAN PROCESS er Exclusively. o : Warranted Equal to any made In th United States. , < ASK YOUR GROOER FOR II ALSO Bran & Shorts jan4-tf Council Bluffs , Ia. HARKNESS , ORCUTT & CO. , DRY GOODS AND CAEPET HOUSE. Broadway , and Fourth Street , , Council Bluffs , Iowa . . mar-S-.Hm J. MUELLER'S Headquarters For the Cele brated 3VE Weber Pianos , Toys and Fancy Goods Wholesale and Retail , s Address , I O d. MUELLER , O HU COUNCIL BLUFFS , F. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2.00 TMTA.3P3EI X3XT S7 Bluff and fillow Sreets , CoecH Blnffs. # nn GO UU.j 3E33R I3 XD99 * , . GEISE' BOTTLED BEER , MADE FnOU THE ARTESIAN WELL WATER. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE , Orders filled In any part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to. BATH INSTITUTE , Hrjant Street , ono Door north of Dohinj's Hall. Thermo-Electric , Medicated and Sulphur Baths. For ladles and gentlemen. These Baths are full ) cndo s d by the Medical Fraternity as ueinij aa , unfailing nuiillayln reo jit Co'ds ' , Hhcuma'lsni , > curalgla , Lumtn o and many otlit-r allmcnto Deoidc , my v lie , a competent lad ) , will attend ladies. F M. LOOKWOOD , Propr. STEAM COEFEE MILLS , Wholesale and Hotall Dealers ill Fioah Roasted ColToop , Teas and Spices. 3Q5 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. MORGAN , KELLER & CO. , JO The finest quality and laryost stock west of Chicago of wowlen nnd motalic coses. , Calls attended to at all honro. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices. Our Mr. Morgan has served ns undertaker for forty yonrs nnd thoroughly understands his business. WAUKKOOMS , 340 AND 357 BROADWAY. Upholstering In ail its branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Telegraphic - graphic and mall orders lillfd without delay. OONRAD GEISE'3 BREWERY & MALT Bluffs Iowa. Council , - . Ber and malt In any quanl Ity to suit purchasers. Beer $8.00 pt r barrel. Private . families sop. piled with Hnall lieg < at 81.00 eacloeliered 'rceol charge to any part ot the city. PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlitz Brewing * * ' Company's Celebrated MILWAUKEE BEER , No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the country elicited City orders to famlUea and dealers delivered free. DUQUETTE , GUI BERT & CO. , ( Successors to EttD & DUQUETTE ) . l > kf ln T7l Tn4rt * nnn III | ll I T6 and 18 Poar-at ) , , roiinoii Bluffs , Ta. AJPIPIEI No. 529 S Main Street. - - - Council Bluffs. Our constantly Increasing trade Is sufficient proof of our equaredenllnK and atten- tion to customers. Good butter always on hand. Prompt delivery ot goods. S. M. OUOOKS , Prea. N. B. EASTOX , Secy. J , 0. HOFFMAN , Vica Pros. N , B. MOORE , Counselor , 5 MUTUAL IOWA STOCK INSURANCE CO , [ Incorporated under the Laws of Iowa. ] Insurance at Actual Cost , Insnrine LIVE STOCK Against Loss by ACCIDENT , TUEFT OR DEATH , Or Any Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever. Experienced agents wanted. Correspondence ssllclted fram all part * of Iowa. , OFFICE * 103 Pearl Street , Council Bluflj , Ia. . rcS-dtf.