THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA TU SDAY JANUARY 1C THE OLD WORLD , England Outlines Her Sim Future Operations ia Egypt , Guaiilinp ; tbo Gnnal and prDeemg Sltivo Traffic the Objicca cf Her Heart. Brilliant Future of the rnrnell Party Suggested by enton , Th * frfnuo ofiiittr < clilsti Fiends fir Llfjnud Social 2t Dublin Cftstio Elfitud Over the Oaten cf Gonn > lrutora GEHER0.Ii FOREIG7I NEWS Dispatches to Tim HKK K > ( IIANlJ AND KOYl'T. ON , Juntmy lf The Brititli notu in ro ard to Ejfpt proponed iu order to rvoid tmy ubuao of the fropdmn nf the SJiz cu al , ic dull bo enacted that in timu ( ifvar , u limit * turn bt placed on the tuna during which vcBscls of a belligerent power are permitted to remain in tlu canal , and that no troops or munitions of war shall bo ditemharltad end no hos tilities bo permitted in the cannl or its approu.chi.-s , or ai y where In the territorial watera of E ypt , ovnn in the event of Turkey bolng one if the belligurontn. The recurrence tf an emergency resembling the la'o rolvl lion IB providtd far by a clbute , ex cepting racaourea for the dufcn u of Egypt from the above rustr.ctionB. Every pow shall ba bound to bear the cost Oi immediate repair c f any dama o itn vessels ma > cause in thu ctnnl. Kjypt ohall take a1 ! measures in her power to enforce the conditions imposed upon shipi of belligerent powers using the canal. No'fjriificntinns-to bo oncied on the canal or in its vioinity. Noth ing in the agreement chall be con atrued us curtailing the territorial righto of ilgypt further than ia rx presaly sKpulntu Among other sub jocta thu uoto declares tbo question rf euppree iou of slavery and aiavo trade to bo ono in which the British govern tnont hao much at heart , aud that it will mini no opportunity of advising the khcdivu to take r.tcpa calculated toiiUtd i thy end in view. DUBLIN CONSrnUOIES. Doubter , January 15. Threat moro arreB H to diy : for conspiracy to mur der (11i } ia. \ . It ia s\id : the police pur- poaaly loft to some persona named in the warrants the opportunity of ( pit ting the country. CUB CASTLE'S-CATCH. Douurs , January .15 Smo of the porpotia arrested recently hae been watched by detectives two yours. Ev- Idenrn will ba given of the existence of a ! Ftmian armory , alao of the for mation of n , plot to murder Lord Frederick Cwendloh , Eirl Spencer - cer and other government cfihess. Proof will bo aub. mittod of the companionshio oi some .prisoners . with persona fiund guilty of murderous outrages. There ia a perfect panic among the couaplra- tori ; one informer h a man recently convicted. The police secured a re volver .purchased along with ono will whloh'tho attempt waa made on J odgi Liwoon's lifo. It ii believed the gov' ornment will bo able to prove the ex < latonse of n conspiracy to murder gov < ernmeat'fiillcers. PARNKLI/B PAKTV. Setton , M. P. , speaking at Mallow , said the day waa coming when Par nell'e party would bo supreme In Ire land &ad that at the next election foi members of the home of conimom they will have tiro-thirds of the ooati which will make British rule in Ire land impossible. THE SOUCII AFRICAN CONFEDERACY BEKMK , January 1C. Mr. Maren sky , a German missionary twenty.twi years in Suuth Afrio * , declares thi SMUU Africa confederacy under thi British flic ; is the only safognan against anarchy. He advises Qurmani to emigrate tnither. rilBNCH AFFAIBH. PABiKJaHUiryl5 Da CJIorc atatoi In the chamber to.riiy that during th Egyptian hostilltiea the attitude o France was torEngland that of a con fiding iriend , separated by tomporar divergencies After suppression o the rebellion franco favored there establishment of the status quo , pane ! lug overtures from England. The lal ter having wished to alone asumo th task of regulating the situ.UionFranc resumed her liberty of action , the gov eminent betug .cjrtain this cours would meet thu approbation of th caambcr. Teisaerona DoBort , republican , w elected fourth vice prnsident of th senate. The Republiquo Franciiso congra elates the govonnnont upon docidln to proceed with the Totiqain ei pad ilon. THHEATENUKJ THE COURT. LYONS , January 10. The preslden of the court tryiug the anarchists ri cekred nineteen threatening lottrn BeToral boiiii ? from Switzerland , GJe : macy and Russia. COLLISION or err. A INS. Lax DON , January i5. A gooc train collided with a passenger trai near B epney railway junction to-daj Thirty iijured. BLl/.l.SO A ULQiOfS. MOJUTHEAL , January 15. Ti McOill university authorities ne'ze 832 003 belonging to the estate i MIBB Barbarn Sjott , to meet the le | acy Icfi by her fo finnd a chair in tl university , but which the ttotuto would not p y rnr PRINCE'H n.Ei. LYONS , January 15. At the tri of the anarchists to-diy Prlnoo K.T potkine , addressing the court in hewn own dcf Jtuo , sought to show that tl jso-called international did not cue Anarchlat Ideas , he deckrcd , we enreadiog , dcupito 11 cffjrtfl to su pecE * them. If ho were candemn. . the result would be to attract pro lytoa to the onus. H < Ind been P rcsUJ , ho averred , bwiuao lie wu foreigner and bucauio U nas thom- dcelrablo to Ribbot an tlfi y the internatimml. The oy > of all t workmen cf Franco and abroad w i fixed upon this trial , but urbeoi ih found the international did not exist , they would recognize it as merely ppraccutiou by another mm ; . Prince ICripotkhio concluded by predicting that ten years would not olausn with out occurrence of social revolution. EIo conjured society to avert it by studying the social question lastead of persecuting anarchists. O ) IN(1 FOR THK SULTAN. LONIHN , January 15 The Times' ' Cairo diipntch tatca a toltgtain from aiiolHHul in C.iiiataniiiioulo ropiris that SJBIU C.rcnsjlana attempto'l Sun day to nemtHUia'o the eultttn. A wouinn divuloJ , th < 3 plot. The Alba nian bodygn\rJ mot and defeated the Circmiaua in tl o vicinity cf the mil- tail's upiu'iniunte , Siworal moil were killed in the encounter. HILVr.K WEDDl.S'O. LONDON , Jarimry 15. The Duke and U choasof Kimburgluvn atarttd f ir Horlin to nttcnd the nllver wod- dmij of O'nwn Pnnco Frederick Willhrn. Tn Duke of Minuter ' avcs Thursday and the Prince ( f Wales Siturday. A MILITAIIV IMl'OSTER. VinNN.i , January 15 A man in the anifc rin ot a general of BtaH'auccAoded yeatotday in cntnring the i tlica in Strnsobur whom etcrot military docu- uiunta are kept and had almost iiuiahod copy ing ( ino when the iUior in charge akcd lilm who had ordered the copy. Owirg tohla confuaed anavrera he was fcuapcctod and on in- veatigation ho waa found to be an im- pojter and was arrested. FLOODED IIOUSCS. PESTH , January 15 Six hundred houses m Mohaua are iljoded and half fallen in , GENEROUS RUDOM'lt , VIENNA , January 15. Crown Prince Rudolph hna ubandonod hia trip to the east , and resolved to devote a portion tion of the aum for the trip to the flood sttl'jrers. DAVITT AT JJOMK. LONDON , Jauuury 15. Michael Divitt , the Iiiah agitator , was ontbu- eiaatically received laat night at Uaa- tingdon , where ho waa reared. TUB RIVER OONK BOWH. PESTII , January 15. The Danube IMS subsided everywhere above the Mohacaon that river , but fugitives cannot return to their homca as the houaea aru doatroyed or filled with ice. A KAILliOAD srEOIK. LONDON , January 15. The env ployoa of the Caledonian railway havu atiuck. Only ton of the f jrty ouginet in the il.umltou depot c.iu bo used. Five hundred men paraded in llnmll ton to day prior to quitting the tow't for Glasgow. UNNEOES.SAK'HILE. . PARIS , January 15. The Rippol ir referring to the Prince of Walto un veiling the atauto of the Prince Itn per lal , at Woolwich , atigmatizpa the Eug lish nation an a herd of ctttle and the English arniy as an army of women , Tiie other ruwapapcra make spitofu comments on thoaffuir. FIRE ESCAPE. The Panic Felt Among the Trav oiling People , The Paxton Takes Timely Pre cautions. The Newhall house horror has created ated a general panic among travelers ors , and the exaggerated report which reached hero at first Rundtv of the burning of the Planters' houa in St. Louis , added iuol to the fhmea The conveniences of our own hotel for fire escape were generally dlscu : eod , ono gentleman remarking to BKK reporter that ho could not in future turo ba dragged higher than the pai lor floor , oven if a log chain was a ! tachod to him. This rule , if gonorall ; adopted , would result In a necesslt ; for enlarging parlor il aura so that the ; would cover two or three blocks each Yesterday the 'Kitchen Broi gave ordera far the perfection at one of plans which will make It forove Impossible tor guests of the Pax ton t faar fire. They had already a door leadln out from the third floor to the rocf c the old Herald building , from whic 0 S. Ooodrich's building and uthoi cf ino'i height would afford escap from the three upper floors The now arrangements contcn plato the cutting of anotht door from the fifth floor ot over the old Herald ttfico and tli construction of a stairway from thei down to the roofit. This will give eae exit in two phcos from the west sic above the third Moor. The must striking featured in th line are , however , to bo adopted f < tha Farnam and Fourteenth strci fronts It will be remembered tlu thoBO two Rides are adorned by maa ivo porticos , ono at ench story , extoni ing from the first to the fifth. Thei were looked upon as affording raeai of escape by ropes ur la < dcrr , but the proprietors propoi to make them much moro avails bl They will cut a gangway through oa < port'cj , beginning with the fifth stoi and ruuning down to the second , ar will run a stairway with iron rallir down by successive QlghU , BO th ladies could descend without the lea danger or exertion. From the fir story porticos ladders would at at time ctfjr a moans of escape and tl arrangement described wuuld alfoi the Piiton the most complete eccurl of any hotel in tha country in th reapeat. Krlly and To mm any. Special Dlnpatch to Tux linn. NEW YojtK , January 15. Jol Kelly was ro-ek-oted chairman of tl Tammany committee on rrgauizitio Resolutions wore adopted tlmnkli Mayor Edsou for his appolntinonl plecginghim support and congrat luting the people on a mayor who pt Ri'saes the courage t < ) stanrt by hli oo victiona , even 'against a prejudia pron. BncJclm'a Aruicti tJalve. I'tsr .SALV * In the wotld for Cn , BOMB , Ul r > , Silt Rhenm , J er Soren , Tuttcr , Ch ! pped Hamln , tl hlalnp , Gome , uuM Mn crJi'tlonp , a tmUlvcly cureflpJJt * . It i fMrwtcfri iiho aatldactfon i tt < ooy rclandi i'rlw , 15 ceut < pc ? .ci. tci n\t \ \ > r THE HATIONAL CAPITAL An Arkansas Bonius Formulates a Plan for Railway Regu lation By Providing a Hugo Junket- fj Tour for the Preatu : Ocmuiieal nor , ThCnlcultted Cent cf the Ntw Nuval Vtasiis Sout to I ho Hunio Proceedlusa of rousroia and Other Mnttuia. NOTES Sx | > .l. l DN | > utrh to Tins IKK. INVEbTIUATlMI KAIUIOADS. WASIIINC.THX , January 15. Tl joint resolution otTored by Mr. Dunn , f Arkansas , and referred to the c-nn- uiitteo on commerce , provlden f ir in- veatigatlon cf the subject of railroad Tansport.itlon in all its rolattona to .ho agiiculiti'al , commercial and in- diftrlal intorestaof the United Stnti'S , directs the commlssionor of railrosdti o consider aud luvcstigato the sub ject and inqniro jjmorMly Into tlu > : onditiona hll'ecting commorca with foreign nations and among the ctaton , : ho character and extent of discrimin- itiona made by railroad corporations and the ra'cn charged by them whether nxhorbitnnt or unequal and Bufliciont for the tratllc throughout the country , to ascertain ua nearly UH may bo the coat of con struction and equipment of roads , amount of stock issued by the com panics , amount Issued in excess of iost of construction and equipment and the rate and amount of dividends declared and paid. The resolution alao directs the pommiasioner shell have power to send for persona and p.ipore , ; o administer oathu and oxaniino wit nesses in the prosecution of hia inqui ries , and vUit such portions of the country as ho may deem advisable. niiTEit inox LANCJS. The secretary c f the interior decides ; hat lands in the Bitter Hoot valley , Montana , are not subject to the grant of the Northern Pacific railroad. Thla land ia oc cupiid by eettlels. RID UUll'l ) HA1 > AN INTERVIEW with Si.oretary Teller to-dsy. lie urged pjjmout of horses taitcn by General Crook. The money was ap propriated to pay for those horaoa and u letter has been sent to the third auditor of the treasury , inquiring il any balance of the fund remains , PARTY PLANS. The sub committee of the republi can national committee , to which war referred the subject of representation at the next national convention of the republican party , will meet to-morrow , The chairman invites all members ol eho national committee to bo present , POHTPONINO IIIC TKEATT. The aenatc in executive .session do- elded to postpone further considera tlon of the treaty with Mexico whict provides for retrial of the Well ant La Abra cliims until the tar ill" bill le disposed of. THE NEW NAVY. The letter of the secretary of tin navy , transmitting a supplemental report port for the nival advisory board t < the house , recommends a change ii the monitors Puritan , Amphitrte Terror aud Monadnock. Breech load ing turret guns of great length , am the substitution of a roller for tin spindle baao ia fluzgedted. The esti mttod coat for the Puritan Ia piven ai ? ! ) GO 000 for the hull , ยง 455 ! )76 ) fo : tno machinery , and 5253,150 f jr ord nanco. For the completion of th > ther three monitors the cost will be Amphltrlte , $1,21)1,220 total COB $1 801,43a ; Terror , $1,291,220 , tola out $ l,8-5(4'J2 ! ; Monadnock , $1,434 , 43t ! , total coat i.083.7.75. ! Tno Pea ay a it is understood the secretary o ho navy has decided to close fou rards on the tilat of March next. THE fOUTOFfKK .J1ILL. The senate committee on aporoprl ations will act on the paste ill Jo ap > ropriation bill sometime during th lay. The sub-committee which ha charge of the bill retained the olauH irnviding for the reduction of lette > ostago to two cents per half ounce CONGRESSIONAL. 3pecl l Dlapatcb to Tim Btx. HKNVTK P OC EDINUH. WAHIIINOTON , January 15 In th senate a number of petitions wet presented and bills introduced. A , ho close of the mnniicg basinets fir tharelief of Ben Hjlllday wa taken up , The question .being o L'lutnb'a motion as a substitute for ii A bill to enlarge tha powers and dt ties of the department ot agrlcultni wai put In. Davis ( \V. V. ) spoVo in fjvor cf tl agricultural bill. ATorrill spoke in opposition to th llalllday hill , and waa f jllowod b Oimeron ( N a. ) , who demanded th reading ( f trio report of the comrnitU oi ) claims on the Holladny cane. While the report was being ren the morning hour cloHed and th tariff bill came up aa unfinished bus ness. Senator Fryo Introduced a joir resolution , directing the president < the United States to give notice Jul next of our intention to terminate a tides 18 to 25 and article 30 of tl treaty of Washington , relating to tl ulehoriea. Adjourned. HC'OhK rilOCEEDIKOS Mr. Bragg endeavored to have tl y Fitz John Porter bill cinaldi'rod , bi objtctionn wore rai f'd by Daweti ai : Taylor , cf Ohio. Under the call i states a number of bills were Intn dncod and referred. Curtln , Pennsylvanis , preaontod A petition i the subscriber * ( I the Philadelph centennial etock , atiklnj ; for an n propriittlon to pay tha deficit of t ! appropriation. The inotal sohodula , as repr rtod t the seuato fiifanco cominlttco In thn tariff bill , haa provokud BO much cell cism from various interest that t day , by order of the committee , telegram was nunt to Oliver , ft mci her of the tariff crnnnlnalon , who pr pared thia schedule , tu conm to Waa ington at und explain it. At the conclusion of the call stated the apeaker called on the coi mittcoor motions f > r rules , > Hr. Dutttrworth , from the Pad ' the roBolu , moved to adopt tion fixing Wednesday , the 24th inst. , for the consideration of the moaautci from that committee , the objust beins to oi nsidcrtho bills prnvldliw for the aiuklng fund for the K nsas Prtcilic mid HUtlmrizlnn thn consolidation ol the Southern Pacil'u and other rail , ronda After a spirited debate , in which It wan contended' that the cotifolldation bill would deprive the Pncith coast of hnalthy competition , Mr. Bailor- worth's motion was loat 10r , 1100) flli On motion of Mr. Sherwin ntoio- Intion w.\ adopted , 120 t 27 , making the cjiiimittuo on education's lull f it the support of the cjinmon tchuolt the special order for the JJOili in t. Mr. Giluon ( Li. ) Introduced i\ > i' ' ' to repeal the civil norvlcu livw of l.s.i , and to repeal eoctlon UHUO of the Uo' vised S Atulcn , giving the preaid' nt authority to appoint and temovt postmnatcrn A bill was introduced by Mr. Vnl enJi'io ( NTol ) ) concerning swain ) latida It provides that the liitf whicb noiv controls the posaefisiun mul reclamation cf such lands in Arkan sas bo oxtt'iidud to owamp latul in Ivantar , Nobnvska , Colorado and No- vuda ? lr. Kio ( ilo. ) from thn committee on pcUBlons , moved to suspend the rule * and adopt a resolution makiig the bill ijrantlog pensiono to survivore of the Mexican end certain ludian wara the special order for the lirut Tuoaday in February. Adopted yeaa 157 , nays 01. Adjourned. MIND MANAQKUS- The State Convention of County Su- perintondonts. Superintendent J. T. Points , ol Douglas county , returned on Satur day from attendance at the Countj Suporlntondouts' convention at Liii' coin. coin.This This convention was presided ovei by II. S. Bowers , of Lancaster county , E. E. Armor , of York , waa electee secretary. Superintendents preaent A. A , Crusmaii , Boon ? ? Michael Dolany , Butler ; Syrus Alton , Oasa ; S Rod gera. Dodge ; E. B. Barton , llamilton 0. W. Scott , Howard ; E B. Cowing f'-raou ; O. A. Noble , Johnron ; 11 , Bowers , Linoastor ; B. W Biker IerrlckMrs. ; Ella T Shlok , Neuiahn . K. Mencriof , Platte ; A.V. . Nando nan , Saundeis ; E. Benson , Seward . T. M llaliou , Buffalo ; 11. II Wil ianiH , Nucknlla ; J. B. Lenis , Fillmore moro ; K. E. Armor , .York ; J. J olnta , D juglas ; O. D. Cowa , l\i\ineo Objuoi of the meeting as stated b ] ho chairman , to oonaidor neceasir ) ihangea in the school lawu and recom mend action thereon by the lugioli uro. Moved by E. B. Oowlca , of Jclfer on , that we approve the organizuioi if precinct high cchoola andrecoiu noud the passage of a h\v providin ; horefor. Motion loaf , after a length ; discnsaion , by a votoof 12 to 5. Moved by ( I. L. Bowera that wo a convention recommend locislatlp requiring county text-book uniformit and prohibiting frequent changes Cii'riod without oppotitiou. Committees on the question c holding the annual mooting roporte recommending in view of the uumo oua diilicaltieB to bo met , that n changa bo asked for. After an an mated dieouseion the motion provai edMoved Moved by A. W. Vandorman tin the term of oliiao of school dlatrict d rectors bo made to expire on July . ' instead of ton days after the aunu mooting. Motion loat. The committee on the qncatic of teachers' attendance reportoi recommending that section j subdiviaion X , of the school law , t so amended as to require the counl cummlailonors each year that an ii stitute bo hold in the county to ad 25 from the general fund cf t ) county to the Institute fund theroi and bo glvon discretionary power ' IncreasQ the appropriation notexooo ing $103. That suction 7 e f Hild aa' ' division read : The county euperii tendent mny , at hia discretion , r voko the certificate of , or n fuse grant a certificate to , any person wl neglects to attend the county ins ! tuto. tuto.In In the cioo of _ normal graduat from the elementary course , ho in : report their failure to attend to tl president of the normal school , ai such report shall bo adliciunt rca ( for the president of the normal echo to revoke the normal certificate , That dlrectora , on receipt of not ! from the county superintendent , slu cloao all schools of the county durh the time the institute shall reimin session. Tie port accptetd and adopte Resolved , That wu recommend tl legislature to amend tno Bocond ai fourth chuacB of section 25 of the 1& relating to counties and county c ( Hoc so an to ioclu'lo the woids "coun BQponntondiMit. " Carried. litd\xlt \ That this convention di approve nil propoaed legislation pr hibiting the state auperintondent fro accepting railroad pauses , unless pi vision bo made for the payment the travelling expenses of that ollici 0 irrled. Jiesnlvtd , Th t wo auttiorlzo t Htat nuperlntendont to rcoommend the legislature , in ciao of the pri a o of theeo amendments , that "tnorgonoy clause also be attache Juried. ( Qllewli-el , That thia convention oar ostly rtcommonds school boardc , cit town und coun < ry to close their tcho' during thn ocseiou.ot the S ate Teac era' usaooiatiou , and urge their teac era to attend. Carried. On m itioti n coinmittco of sr.v was appointed tj atsist the state B , jorinttndpnt in securing the passa of theuovoral'itnqn'lments rontldere ojiislxtini' cf J. J. P.iriu , II. S Bo ( ird , M Di'laiiny , J. K M&tlulieu , Benson , A. W. Yandeman and W. Hiker. A Vnl o Worn thn Munaum- Spcd&l Dltpatcli to Tim UKK. BihroN , January 15. Tim mayo clerk wai uunt tu thu | atnflijo to-d for u letter dutrvlni d for postage , 11 letter wai pontmarkud January ] ! ] and ro-ul : Mayor I'ulmar , I am t > oi to kill old C ) V. Butler in five rnnnt and twenty eight days from to-dr Then I will chooeo you ftr govern of old Mu itehu otts. I gent him warning I have sworn It. 'd ] CiiAitir.s GUITBAU. CONKECTICUT MYSTERY , Horrible Murder tf Brush , No Poeitive Glow to the Forpp. tnitor , but Sovorul P.-raona Suapeoted of the Oflrup , Whom Are n tmv.r anil n. Slstpr uf ihn Viulim. rinUdalpltli I HIM NKW HAVKN , January . ' ( O ui of the most mysterious utitl brutul of Ujinucticut'a many murdi > rs occuriuu in S-ratfurd lint Saturday tug'it o- Sundny morning , and in perplexing the local ntithurltiua , who htiyo called to their iiiniatiuicn thu nailatnnt atiite attorney f T Full Held county and Do- tojtivo VfuoA , who figured in thn CratiiiT investigation. Thu victim was Mm I'iioobu Uruth , who aopiiuit- od from her husband , Win. Urush , mid was einco divorced from hi.n , mm who was receiving the nttontions of Henry Fromuon , < I Mcrldor. At 4 o'clock Sundny ( if.urnoon her donrt body was di-onvorod by u niirty who Intended to Invite her to a Now Year's Eve watch meeting in the Uaptiai church. Her head bore alx dlatinut wounds from n bloody axe found in the room where thu body waa und her he ltd hud nearly been aevurtd fioin her nock by a terrific slanting blow uudur her le t our by the aamo inalru luent , wh'oh ' was lufjuled with blood and hair. THE Al-rnAKANCK Of TIIK IIOOH. The arrangement of the room show ed that oho had partially prepared her Saturday night nuppor and had c.\t down to knit. The knitting was still iu her ham's and the lamp burned on a table. There was nothing in the room to give u clew to the murderer Numbers tf lottorH wcro there from Henry Freeman , who had promised to marry her , worded in extravagantly fond language. Oa the table wns hur picture , addressed to him , but the ouppoaed letter in the envelope con touring the pioturo had boun extract ed , nupponcdly after thu murder. Nothing found in her correspondence - once to indicate present lioatilny between - tweon her currcapondenta. Ono lottui shoivod thnt Frooinan had former ! } bion j nloim , but FroL'iniin has istab liahud an iilibi i\pparontly to the Batls faction of the investigators. There 1 no ovidimco that the missing huabani has vieitud Str.v f > rd rocoiitly.iilthougl heiaBiiapcctod. Boston White , un admirer miror of Mre. Mrucli'n muter , Deln Gilbert , who quirrolud with Mra Urush , is clnimcu to have an alibi. TIIK WOMAN'S fiismi HUMPKCTKI ) . Dolin Gilbert formerly lived wit ] Mra. Brush , and they hid not bee ; mi the most friendly terms lately S'lo w'as nhaont from her home Situi day night long enough to commit th murder , and the authorities thin aho may bo the guilty pirty , but n motive for the crime on her part cloarl appears , although jealousy in allecot The wounds on the top of Mn Brush's head were so slight , consu uring the nature cf the instrnmon I that it is thought probable they woi dealt by a woman. Delia Gilbert tolls contradiotoi stories , and on n sleeve cf a aacqi worn by her Saturday night a stains which a Bridgeport miorosco t 1st Bays nro blood She wnshed ' aacquo Sunday or Monday , but sa ; this was that eho might have som thing suitable to wear at the fuuora No ono haa yet boua arrested. The Brush house stood In a I one ! place in the woods. Frank Lilly an Michael Illakey passed the pi too Sn urdoy night , saw a light burning at : hcatd a woman's voice cry "Olil"onc as if in pain , but they did not invest gato. Thcro is a more or loss apochr ; phal story that a iiinn resembling Mr Hand's divorced husband was set about thu housp SUurday. Thla mo were a dark shirt , stripud pants and nlouch hat. Ho is being looked fo Mr . Brush was poor , and only r vongo or joaloujy could have boon tl o motlvo fir murder. Freeman , tl o lover , did not attend Mrs. Brush funeral , which Is considered suap cious , when his mauy ardent vows t love are rucullud. C o A BKUT4I , PURItlNQ MAT01 d ii David MoWllllama aud Robert T < wlt iiil In n "Purr"Ttwluu Mice u LDtf.l o [ 1 Bp clal to thg Clilcitf > HeraU. I'liiLiDKM'iiu , JanufTry 12. D.wi McWilllivnip , n coal miner living i Pjymuuth , Luzurno county , and Rol ore Tdvlsh , a naloon keeper of Mam yunk , were matched eomo tlmn ago i "parr" for $250 a aide. "Purring is known ua-ong aporting men as BC or.tifio chin lucking , and thu contui nut who is most ngllo and be \tilo to ctand pnniahmeiit wins. Tl battle was fought shortly after ml bight Thursday ( " 'gat , in Oamdou , at wu3 won by MoWnlmms in thu two ty-thlrd round Thu men were bar logged from knee to ankle , and eai wore No. 7 brogatis. Both were ve much exhausted. In thu twenty sc end round Tavith'a aocnnda could n step thn ibw of blood. Tluy waiiti tj apply bandages but went n allowed. MoWilltitms kicked Tavl five tunes in the tironty-thlrd roun and then the latter dropiiod like a 1 refused to go on , This ended t c ntost. PEHSONAL "I'artjtof thu hii mi lw uuUr til , cititul' poil un I Btru Ktno1 i l , " cte un iilcrLitln ) ; a I trtrrreit I' ) K ' ' ' " In ' lupcr In ri'U | to I < | ii rle < wu will ray tl tlivra IH noivl en ! ( IniiiiljiU'ili ui : o thu uontrnr } , Ihiailtcrtic ru ar. > ur > hl'il | ) Cor oil Inturoi irl pvri'iiin nagat H ai il > culaM fc'Ulm ; ull parrii' * . ( 'Ulinr all | rtl. hf li > a'Mrei > i < irirli : > M ill nll.u , I * . O. I G13 , lluir.lo. N. V.o'wlu i V. ill ig Iko. (4.1 ( ll-l/ _ _ _ JACOB KAUFMAN , UEAIUED TO NO. till 10TU t JIHALKU IN ALL KI3DS OF PURE VlflNE K NOTICE. j a Kotlro U cru\ * . \t-nthitUn atintnl tmit of thu Kto-k to'.duri nf I' o r'lrvt Nut vn\l Hi of ' [ taau Inr 'hu e'fct ' o i ' ( 'Urrctom w II litt d at tilI I an' ' enl < jt illj I' Imiuy , ll'td I at 1 1 o'-lorl. a. in Omthu Nib . 13ii ! lty K 11. DAY 8 , de-181aio A FEW BARGAINS Farms , Lands- BY ISth&DouglasSt. HOUSES AND LOTS , No. 10 Pull olaiiil n v luunii3 rooine , Im tie OH un I one iii htnliH. Kl.lit font cel > liii ; b a\ unit ( ' \rnalimu. lltkk ( oiinilailon , nllnr , tto A bargain , ( K ) I\o. Irt Uir o twontor } hnnso , 10 rooan , t Inrut' crllarn. t ; Oil \trl uml diiem , lain , etc , o Wi lister nnil ii'Jil ftnot , M.OOO. 'o 17-lxt f.Uxl . ( fit , n IIOUHO ol tw rooini brck laiuiiKtlnn KKI luirel eiiU'rn o Ilimiltrn ntnit iinir Poor C'livrcL'oi.U'lit < iOO. No. 10-lloiHo nuil lot mi ITlli near darn 8 llOHKC ! ( i rOIIIII Ctc $ illW. No. lf > llomuot ; i rooniH lull lot on I'lrrofi lUtli l.Oll Nu II ! New rouscof 7 rootimltlioonicrlo Imlf uillo w. Bt n ( Turmnhlo of rml utrctt cam c Km ilcritRt. $1(1 ( u No. ft HOUHC of il 'tit itemii , birn etc. I iW\IOifntftlCK ! ) . Vacant Lots. No. 252 T o full lotH on 19th Htrcft near U 8t. 8IWK ) . No.yil Twenty flrolot In 1'arktn iwlilltl' Jiwt tiortli o ( thu end ol tud Btruct car Hut (4t Uiich tuuty tcruiK. Ko.SJU 1'uur lot on Pctnwarott niurllai coin | &ik , IG ! > 0. No. 331 Ono hall lot on South avenue , in > Ft. Mar > 'a MOIIIO , 85 0 No. -KlK'htoon (18) ( ) lots on 21st , 27ml , i."J anu Htundcrmtrcvt , i.uir ( ) acn , iMO each , a , en iRHyrrrnm. N. ' . 3l < l Slxb iutiriilrc IilencelotiioiiCath Inontnut , near ll'innc'mpark ' , jl,500 Twelve bo utllul ri'Hlilcin'u lotH tn llamilti B'rupt , nrar enil ol old ttroatcar track ; hljli at tlulitly , tfjfoto ? ; 0. ) . Hov.ial acio an ) Imlf aie corner lota on GUI lit , ' . Hurl a il California Hiccts , In LTWO'JIC ojul nildltlon and 1'ark I'l-eo near Academy Baciod Hutrt. I , itn n I'ro'pect Flaco" on Haiilltin ai Cliirlni fitroi t , jn t writ of the end of Hod Hue Cur tack and ( Join put of the tiiatiri of To Clare , ono and one half mlle f' ( > mKttillko M ! ! < mlofiomu I' . ahci > H , JIM ) to $300 > ac only ft per cent down amtfiptr cmt per mont I , > til i Lc o'n addition ontvtulf inllu went rna of Hod Nlro t ' 'ar tiack nur Gouvont I'.iorClaiflSitcril In Khlnn'n addition , 4126 HW < ach , and nnury o y terinu. 19ti In Hoilnch'i lot aud ! nd adHltlon Hhlnn'K , I'.tk I'lacu , Loua'aUudiddltirn H < a' Ijikci'rt , Ncliton'n , llinecora 1'laco , lUdlck'i a dhljim uic. , vo L'.ts In Vro It Fonder nddltlon" lust or quttter m'lo ' mnlh-tait rf 1'nl'in I'jclfla and itnilil. II. IU ilciOt , ? 2Wto8lMKeath , vcryta tcriua. Business Lots. TnresKOid tiuxlreo lotn on Pols' near II ! utioet , H'lU'HittMcli , < l,60Uvach , crfl60JI al'.uwy ' li.riin. Two K " "I lnHlncis I it' on Karnixm iitruit , 3 00 feut uitll , Hltlifrnil ( i buildings Ihoron.rontli for.ibni' sfil'-O ' jcr , jfartachj pr co tl'J50 , MC 4lxlU ; tint on Farnam nvar 10hntr : u. , corn IIJO u Hplrilillil Warchou i lot on Union I'idflo rlK n' wa > , i.oitli of track inttcf Null Woikt btlntf 13 ! fmt north f'Ontun oil llimn ttiot ) > y uboi t IM fo t wi-st front i-o on IDtti lit , Kunn a M | ul'il ' briln In tuiipm , Satp 1) > I ( { , Wjihlniitoii , Hu't , Wivi.u , H anton , othur KIX > < count uin IH-'LTII N brjukafir u > ln\m | mli : , rontH uollictuil , an 1 money loam nnluiproto cllj ami country , j > io , trty at 1 < Inttrost. BEMTS1 NEW CITY MAP , FOD KKEP WIDE ANDSFA'KN FRli LONG , WITH UVEUY ADU TION RECORDED OR CONTRA PLATED UP TO DATE. "OFF 01 A L MAP OK TIIE CITY $5.00 EAOII. CEO. P.BEMIS Beal Estate 1S 15th and Douglas S Om\ha - Neb. .YDIA E. PINKHARATS VEGETABLE OOMPOimP. In n I'mlllvo ruro fto romnion to our bent female popiilatlvt. A Mfdlclno for Woman. InTfntcdbjr a Woman- rrtpiroil lijr a Woman. rlrr thtf tlrooplntr vplrtts , InTlfrnnktM and ti mania function , glitt cltntcltr " < flrmnpiito th itrp , rontoivnthonntunil lintm jodx uilHnt.l on ttui | Ui > ohook of tronuui tha frrth nf llfo'n f prlnj &mt o&rtf miiuuicr tlmo. C'fTPhftlclans Ujh It and Proscribe It Freely -eg H remoTM fftlntn ii , flitulf ncy , ilntrori nil c t big Tor ntlmulant , fuul rollorai wpiiknos of tb * iWm h , Tlmt fcrllnj ? of bearing ituwn , cnilslne jvilii , wtJjM find Imckarho , U nJurAj i > cmmncntt7 cure. I t > y Ito u v Cor the cure or Klil cy Compl lnt of rllkcr tliti CoidpounJ In auiurpuMcd. | l.TIHA K. PINKIIAM-rt 1U.OOD will rrnillcnto nvcry VMtlKw of llumorii m > m th lIlixKl. nml k'l < ( > l ii" mil utrrneth to Ihu IJTSWBI , o luiui woman ur child. lu l t uu L lnl IU 1 Iloth the fomponml ami Blixxl r\irlBcr at S13 anil SM Wfrtrrn Avenue , Ljnn , M M. cither , | 1. Bit bottli-a for tB < ntij \ mall In the font nf | illls , or of IOII-HKM , on nvc'lpt ot prltv , ( I ptr trai fori'lttirr. Mn. 1'lnkliain f n > 'lf nniwer .III tt < ric4 Iniiulry , Kncloiw i.t. pUnip. Bond for painphlrt. No fnmllr ulioulil l wilhout J.TDIA E. IMXKnAWt I.IVKll I'll.US. Thpr euro cunMlrntlan , liU < jiuiu i utd tiJi'iiiiUty nt thu lln'r. S.'i ci'iitu per l n. Oirectorv Abttract nd lla * Littta. L. UoCAQUK , oppOBlla Poit Office. W. n. nAUTLF.TT BIT South 13til Street Architect * . & HKNDKLKSOIIN , AKCHITKCTa Room Ii , OiclsUton Clock. A. T. LAUGK Jr. , tloom S. ClcUhton uooit ana tinox. JA1IKS DiVINK ii CO. , Fine Hoots mid Bhcri. . A KOCI ! uocrtmool tccio work on liiud , corner riHitnd n > iD9y. . KUICItaO.N. a. K. cor. leth nd DcuttU JOlI.i F011TUNATU9 , ui , ii.urMHiti-s lo orrttf iccui vn k . -tr.lrtnr ) don' floe | irlnJH M > 'inf r nriir. 16t ? Oonyltmt. tlooHi New and J. I. I'fltlElIADl' 101ft Fttnhtni Uut'.cr and UUSHANE A CJllROK.l.iil : , the olilcoi H. .oO K. u. In Nol.rr.aku . wtaUlflntl Ih75 Onulxl. UarrtaZM nd Rom 5NYDF.ll Wh MX ) Hvntv Xt J HAtllllo wl ) ; i' v hWitistCiShfirKe 10i I oa Curner 10th nd rug * . Plnti ana Ulli. KHUN & CO. rium cl ! i , ? lnj Vauo Uooun. nor um tai Dmislit .UcuX 7.J. WIIITEHOU K , WbolMilo.iBuiiU , ItlbH , 0. ITIKLI ) , Wi Korib Hlao Oaulni ; titi * * * . PAKH lril fl t. lOih * ml Hnwir.1 StnvW. UunUBU. U. PAUL Uioca Uoi. Itto it U < Mt. oivin ana Uunrovura. ANUUSW UO.SKWATKa. > . . - . . Block Town faur ya , Gr > 1o and K \ flraje ; BpocUlty. ury uoo < s * Notlonr , tic. JOHN (1. IT. LKuilA.SU d ) Oi ) . , w Tort Ury Oown owr . 1S16 ted 1111 * r n - hini utr.r * . u. 0. Knrwoln lKi hooui and tnc * rounury. < OIIN W AUNK iaONii cof Uth * Jacknoitt Jnwa era. loan IIAUUKH U14 rarnbam BtwU. Undurt K r QUA * . K1RWK , U'lt fornnaiu Del. Illh A lltd. rfotalt. UttTlKLU UOUUK , Oeo. CtnflcM.UIh A n a m 30HAN HOCSK , ] II. C.ry , 8)3 K rnham BI ULAVlCN'il UUTKI , " "lv i ' i f . /ou'.bcrn Ilotol Ou i . . . / . vi. crt > OKNT11AL. RfSTAi i , klKfl. A . . - _ . . . uthweil cnrptr ICtl.iu.l Dei * * . t5i c Hoard lor Ui ' XttlaUclt. . i..i > i. l all llsiirn. Do rJ by the Day , Went oi MMI u > . Oood Torit * r Catlt. Itirnl'hnl Hn/iTH l-inuiur . L ST. OROSB. I.ow anil Bejund tin , 3d Btoroa , 1114 PoUKlu. nighmt caib tld for aecond band guooi. .BONNEIl 1EO ( Uourla II. fin * rocnf OMAHA KKNOE CO. JOJT , HUE84CO 1S1B Darnoyei. , Icifjor. d Ice lioxei , Ircr an.l Wood Fencee , 0 o ( ilmflonntf t Pltie anJ WilouN. Pawnbroltari. ROI.K KKM ) ICtb Bt. . but far. t Utt RefrlKoratort , C nn ld' Patent. < i ( ) > y > i fKITBC'HKU , manut toieiB ol iud Wauliule Uualurs a Tobacco ) , 1SC4 Duuca. H t LOUK.N7.KN minnfaclnrer UlRParnhan' Orockcry. QiodUn. . JunK. 0. UF.HTHOLI ) , K gt and ateUl. Lumbar Lime and Cement. ft UK\f cornet Bth and DoiulM . Lautpa ana / . BOWNKK 1809 DonelM BI. Oood Tirktr Merchant Tailor * . 0. A. LINDQUKUT , ot ( utoat poi < ul Iterchanl TaQoii U r - .Vvlng the lateet dwlxna foi lipilri and Bammai oodo for K'utlemen B wear StylUli , danlue , < ' .v n v r l"cn Ftrnain strot. Millinery , VlUi. b A. R1MUER , > Sbol * altiaatlIUittll , tta V Clcoilt t ( ( real variety , Zvyhtrf , Ctnl Uonlj t' lrry , Cllou , Cornet * , ic. CiiN et llomt la hr , I'lTctitwr * B V S3 t > rr otnl. . V t' rvnn , t. UTEVEKS , Hit betvcuau Coming and laat t. A. McSHAl.K Con M4 nd C\\n\ogatueU. \ Harilwaie , Iron and Stael. OtAH H LAKO'A'OUTJUY , lYbcidMlt , lit tl'l Hb atiuil A nniMRit corne 11th ami fHMhrola Phutogiapner * . QKO. HEYN , PBOP Oimd Central OcJlcrV , ! 1J HlxtMnlh Strttt. DMr Muwnlc nll. I'lumbliiK , a t and eteam Fitting. P. W. TAIU'V 4 CO. , S16 IS Ut , b l. aaJ Doaglai. Work prouip yatteujodto. D. yiTZPATRlCK. L ouglM BttMl. Mtrnoai , Saddles , &e. B TYE1BT WUth Et. let Fam-