THE DAILY BEB-TUFSDAY JANUARY 16 "Hie Omaha Bee Fublt > beil every morning , Mc pt Sun ny. cTho only Monday morning dally. TKUMSBYMAIIi- , One Ycir..810 00 I Tlirco Mnnthi.&I.OC f Biz Months. . 5.00 | One Month. . . . l.OC 'IIK WEEKLY HUE , publUhed ever > TERMS POST PA1D- One Vcar . $2.00 I Tlirco Mnntlm. M SlzMonttu. . . . 1.00 | One Month. . . . . AMKRIOAM NKWH COMPANY , Hole Agenti " in tlio United SUtw. COKUESPONDKNl'H-All Conimmil ; , tionn relating to Newa and Jmomi ' awtfow nhould bo addressed to tlio Kniion OrTllKllKK. BUSINEPS IiKTTiilS-All : Hu lno Letters and ReiniltnnccH plionw I > o ml Ircffcd to TIIT Iir.r I'UIIUBIIINO COMPANT JMAHA. Draft * , Checks and JWolHce Jrdi M to bo made payable lo the order o ! the Company , Hfo BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props , K. KOSEWATEn Editor. TUB agony begins to day at noon ai Lincoln. MANHOOD , not money , will win the uonatorial race. A KEi-oRT on the facilities t f fire CB capes aflbidod by Omahn hotels wonlt bs interesting rcadlrg for the travel Ing public. _ _ _ _ _ _ KINO OAUcns won in Illinois , bn the caucus candidatoa in Michigan Minnesota and Masaachusotto nn shaking in tlioir shoca. THE producers of this state wnn1 for senator aman * of loea braso that brains. They demand grit , not green bocks , and experience rather tlmt elegance , B.SN BUTLEU'H mcstngo has croatet a-llvoly sensation In Massachusetts , but it will bo increased alter tholcgis laturo gota to work chopping off the sinecure o 111 COB. THEun is inoro double distilled pat- liotlsm at the ota'o capital among can didates than would ecrvo to leaven the republic for two centurion to oomo. A .good dea.1 of it will dtaippoar after the Bonaloiial election. NF.HUASKA. railroads &ro out of poli tics , of course , and are purchasing nc moro leginlatlvo stock , but the monopoly ely managora are Inturoatcd all the same In watching the political poouli arltlcs of the Marquotto. Mu. DOKMAN B. EATON ia figuring ever the salary to bo paid mombera ol the civil service commission and soV' oral of "his friends uro urging hire to accept n nomination. " The chancci are that Mr. Eaton will not bo giver ft obftnoa to ploollno ono. egrlciiUnnd bill is before UK iortjo. T'ho Dalrolt iYc Frtt take ? the floor to remark that a congressman who does not ncatter six or oighl bushels cf agricultural department reed. ? among his conatituonta musl make the noxV campaign on his torn poranco record. HATTON'H little plan of using congressmen grossmen as advertising agents for hi Washington paper , The National lb publican , haa resulted In loud call from all parts of the country for hi removal from the position of first ai slstant postmaster general. Ilatto 1 * a very small pea In a largo pod. SPEAKING about personal joorna ism commouA to us the following No Year's advertisement In the Salt Lik Tribune : "To John F. Saunders : You cot ardly crank , it's four years to-nigl inoo yourself and now deserted wll lept on the cold , bare floor of a be cur , beating yonr way from Rawlln Wyoming , to 0 don. " SCIIUYLKU OOLFAX rises to say tbi ho believes the republicans will su coed in 1884 by nominating a mi who has not boon identified with fa tlon fighting. Oolfax's views upi any subject excepting Credit Moblll tcmlnlccenccs are of no possible vnl to the public. f § THE lives of great mou , if the grc men are representatives and th lives are told In the political manna do not always remind us of their g ( oral reputation outside. One o of remarkable frankness is , ho over , recorded. Among the "b graphical sketches" of the Maine n resontativcs appears the followli "Joseph E. Moore , Thomoston , DC ocrat. In religion , independent man c n be whoso wife and motb lu-law ar NEXT to otooiiog their own can dites to the United States senate , a'.m of the ruilroids is to defeat all plrants for senatorial honors wh they baliovo to bo unfriendly to tl Interest * . Ei-3cuator Hereford withdrawn from the fiuld as a cat date for the democratic nominal for senator from West Virginia. nays bo doce thh , partly in the In oat of harmony in the party and pa because ho believes Influences an work advereely to himself bocann his vote while in the semite for Thurinan bill to compel the l' Railroad company to uroato u shit fund to psy the amount of t bond * . Incidentally bo ears that Benitor Thuaman told him that vote in favor of that bill beat hli U I Ohio for re-election to the senate. A BTILT. HUNT. The business tf electing an United States senator will begin to-day at Lincoln. The pcoplo , through tholi chosen representatives , are to oxproti their choice of the man who for sij years from next Mnrch will fill the seat of Alvin Saundonr In the national senate. Many circumstance ) render the content ppcnllar in th ( history of our state. The c udida.ei are moro numerous than ever bifjro Without exception every man wH eoeUi the ollico disclaims any iiHilln tion withcorpurato monopoly. It ii conceded tlut no candidate cat openly boast-cf railroad nuppor and stand the Joint chnnco of nucces/i / This fact of itself is strong tcsti mony to the snooping revolution whicl for yaara hai biiuu brought nbout ii Nebraska politics. The open warfan of bribery and corruption has booi ohangcdto a bushwhacking campaign which Hookn to accomplish the sam roaulU under d U'aront nnepicca , Th artillery duel of prominent rallroai political attorneys has plvcn wuy to still hunt by small bore cappers of th monopolies. Corporation manager through their organs are profcaain an indlficroncu to the result whic ! they do not fool , while their agent with changed headquarters and greater show of secrecy , are carry in out the directions of their masters. The situation has its dangers , whlcl must not bo overlooked. A secret fo is often moro difficult to moot than ai open enemy. The only safety fo honest representatives of the poopl la to resist all overtures from th frlondn of the monopolies. In nimpl justice to their constituonta and to tin Dlomn pledges of devotion to the prln clplea which they were ulostod to voioo no member of the legislature , bo hi republican , anti-monopoly or domu crat , can afford to engage in entangling ling alliances with inoti who seek t win their oupport to the secret candi dales of tlio corporations. Wlthou assistance from represontutivcspledge by the moat binding of pledcos to re slut the advances of corporate monop o'y ' , the rnUrpad tools and cappers wll bo poworleas. The motto of every nntl-monoyolia must bo "No Burroiider. " With th combined utrongth which they poeoc on all questions cf vital moment , nur render will bo n political auicido. N member can cafoly violate his pledger provo traitor to bin truat , and face ai outraged constituency. No legislate can afford to leave his post of dut ; and batray his position to the enemy I ho hopes for farther political advance munt In Nebraska. The mntimont o the state has txprossod itself so cloarl ; and forcibly that there can ba n oxcusu for disregarding it. The peopl of Nebraska will acoopt nono. Anne no nominee for the sonaterahlp wil bo acceptable unless ho is a man ubov fear os railroad diophasuro , and abov the reproach of monopoly oonnoctlont Tutf subject of forestry has bee taken np hi o ; o t , by the Kanao loglslaturo , Rnd aoonor or later mu < bo moro earnestly considered by th people of this state. Tree plantln since the passage of the national tin bor culture act has gro rn upon tb public attention just ua its important has boon forced into promlnonco I the noooeBltios of a now country an the rapid extinction of our forests I the older portions of the Unite States. The question is of pressln Importanca bow the nation is to n coup Itself for the wanton waste < timber which each year witness in our lumber regions , The oper tion of our exorbitant tar tax which hasovorBtimuluted"tho lur bor intorcats of our country under t ! preteuso of protecting a handful lumbarmon fr&m Canadian compo tiou , has compelled our people to w noes the rapid destruction of our pi lands. Estimates are freely made th the supply is not moro than sulliole for twenty years. , Under these c cumstancos trco planting for futi lumber production Is at once a da and a necccsity. Aside from t question of a national aupply of lu bar , forestry has a local inton which cannot bo overlookod. T climatic conditions of the fita are greatly Influenced by < presence of growing vegetation s rainfall and moisture , are atimula by groves and forests. In our prai states farms are much enhanced value by plantations of trees 'J future rail , post and polo supply of farmer can , within a few years , bo curo-l wl'hout leaving his land , wl the fuel problem will bo greatly s phfi id by the encouragement cf we land. Ii. land.KauB&s KauB&s has already a forestry 10 under which 93,000 acres have b planted , in cottonwood tn m A bill has recently been Introdu ! r in her legislature for the appoint m of a CDminltsionor of forestry , to euro statistics and nffird Informal 3n for the benefit of trco planters. ] 0 economical qucttlons are of more 3r" purUnco to our farmorfi , imd THE ] ' y looks for a growing Interest on a * eubject in our state and much p " tlcul work in the direction vf 0 making of woodland within the i c few years. "g : TT = cir TiiruTV members of the stale tslaluro frcquentlyshow up lar ol Itls aocountit at the otcaa of a session , in uiombar of the Indiana legiilat B JB a correspondent , cxplstnol fact that on his salary of $1,000 hi bad In ono'aenc.Ion saved $00COO. b ] saying : "It's oil owln' to my wife' boln * economical in not keopin's i hired girl that wo'vo saved so much , ' ENGLISH CIVIX. SERVICE. The civil Bdrvico bill aa passed b ; congress is modelled very closely afto the system now In operation in Eng land , Of the plan , methods and ro nulls of the operation of the Britisl civil acrvico reform bill few of th public and etill fewer congressmen , i wo may judge from the spccchc printed in the Ilecord , have any vor definite idea. Pcoplo were led to be llovo whllo the Fondloton bill wa pending in the sen.ito that the nbcs of patronagu and nil traces o the spoils system were cntirel ; eradicated in England and that th plan of competitive examinations as i prcrequlaito to entrance into the civl Borvico applied to all classes cf gov ornmcntcflhials. The public will b dioabuaed of this idea by reading Con sul Qanoral Morritt's report to th state department , which inakoa a prac tical comparison between the Arnori cm and Englleh systems of admiesio into and tenure in the civil eervioe According to General Mcrritt , th English civil service is a compromie between the patronage and the com putitlvo system. All pocilious con manding moro than 2,000 a year i the homo acrvico , and all without lire Italian In the foreign service , are Glle by the hoada of departments or by th crown , and there does not appear t bo any serious complaint as to th manner in which this patronage i disposed. These higher positions ai occupied by the friends of the roprc sontativo men of both parties , nn hive never been brought under th control of the competltivo sraten At the enmo time patronage has prai tlcally coaaed to bo an important cl ( mont in political contests. The civ florvica rogulationa apply to all pop tions in , domestic administration fc which the annual compensation ia lei than $2,000. The lower grades ai divided into classoa ; applicants wh succcod in passing a competitive r : aminatlon bozln with a lalnry of $40 or $475 , which may bj advanced b triennial increments to § 1,000 or $1 250. In the "Higher Division , " a no grade of opm : compo'itlon , the sa titles are rained triennially from minimum of $500 to a maximum c $2,000 ; and promotions cannot , as rule , carry the official out of the grou which ho haa entered , but can b sanctioned by the civil so vlco commissioners In exception cases after ton years * sorvic Llfo tonnro Is the fundament principle cf the system , a pension b ing allowed whenever the incumbci becomes unfit for cflioo. Gen. Mo rltt finds that the weakest point In tl English plan Is the pensioning syster. against which public criticlim is un formly loolod , Ho thinks it woul bo wiser to compensate public strvan fully for sorvlcea roudorod than "incur obligations that can bo ca celled only by pensions or gratuitl otherwise unnecessary. " Ho Is al disposed question the wisdom making Increase of salary deponda entirely upon length of service and no measure upon exceptional talon Ho warmly recommends , howovi the disciplinary rules relating to r. cuniary embarrassment of govei rflent employes , and la convinced th their application to the cl service of the United States wou have the most beneficial effect. f The practicability of adopting the United States aorvicothe prlncij of lifo tenure haa never been g < f crally conceded by the most into ! gent observers. Pablio opinion generally opposed to it. Gen. Men advocatoa a limited tenure for rep scntativo poaltiona of the highcat da the tularloa being adjusted to i importance and responsibility c f I otlico , and for the lower or mor clerical poaltiona a tenure subordlna to periodical examiuationa every fi Q or five years. The application of th principles , ho thinks , would practice secure tenure for lifo wherever 0 employes were zoalons and falthl ) B and at the same time would prom j the cfliolonoy' of the service. 0 , Morritt , aa n old and well eoasoi jt t lit er holder , la naturally in favor IQ the life tenure principle. The pec of this country will not agrtio TI ] 0 1Q him. They ore opposed to the bu ing up of an itlbo holding arlstocr us unrepubllcan and contrary to spirit of our government. They in favor of throwing open the c service to every man ambitious ono to dealro entrance and moro compel than the official whom be would place. A limited tenure , a bnaii ig ' ' administration and a rigid rcspo . bllity to ( uperiora and to the pec for a small portion of the civil vice thcso are all the rcsulta wl the public can hope to secure from civil aervlco bill which la ehortlj bccomo a law. ER hone AN uuaophlstloated and yont no- official of the Union Paclfio who 1 nohe he from Northern Ohio , haa been bogi ! Xt a pledge from ono of the D.iu county delegation for a complliien vote for tonator 11 h object , u : nk states It , is that lili friends ub nkA may see his ntuuo in the press re , patches as among the eminent Nel , ho kans. "How wo apples do swim A BUILDING ORDINANCE Over a year ago TUB BEE called the attention of the city council to the necessity of a building ordinance foi Omaha. It pointed out that buslncsi houses , public halls and private roil dunces were being erected in the city , constructed with a grots disregard ol the safety of human life , and in violation lation of every rule hold essential bj the building ordinances of all large cities of the country. If wo romom- bcr correctly the subject waa agitated in the council and particular interest taken in it by Councilman Herman , but the matter was finally dropped without action. Every great fire llko that which has juat shocked the country brings the question forcibly before our people , Why haa Omaha no ordinance regu lating the erection of bui dlugj nntl providing for the filing and aporoval of plans with a cily cllicial competent to pronounce whether they complj with the law ! Fire traps voneoroc with brick , foundations which ate dan gurous from the day of their completion tion , theaters and lulls with Irapropci and inaciliciont ezlta , hotels with nc extra provision for the escape of guoati in caao c f fire or panic , are plnnnrc and constructed , and there are m grounds for objection under the lav to their completion , or puniabmen for their ownora who recklessly en danger human lives and propsrty will impunity. If the city council doairo to gratifi a praiseworthy public sentiment the ; will at once take utepa in the matter A building ordinance ought to bo a once drawn up and Introduced. The of other cities will provide all tin materials essoutial to a measure whicl will provo a much needed safeguard ti Omaha and its citizens , The detail can bo discussed in the open council Such p.n ordinance should provide fo the thickness of wallt ) , the prope thlcknoea cf floor bcarcs and ihcir in B3rtlon free of flues in walla , the pro portion of breadth cf brick walla ti the height of the atrnctures , the nnm bar and character cf exits in placfs c public amusement and auch other pro vlsoes as may seem advisable am necessary. Our present city government mont ia probably adequate to give RU porvlalon to plans and to farms' proper inspection of buildings. Mr. Herman will do the public service if ho will again take np th matter where the council dropped II There will bo no moro f ivorablo lira than the present , when everyone attention IB occupied with the recor disasters in Milwaukee and St. Lonii and when our citizens will need n urging to support any measure whio will tend to make moro secure the property and persons and those < their neighbors. GERMANY may repudiate the Amo lean hog , but it welcomes the Amet can actor. Edwin Booth , our mo subtle and artistic , and therefore 01 most effective Interpreter of Shal apearo , is now playing Hamlet In Be lin to audiences who have rcceivi him with marks of distinction as fli tering as they are extraordinary. Is praise enough for E Jwin Booth th his Hamlet ia regarded by the Gc man critics as the perfection of dr matlottt. Germany Is the count whor , Shakspoaro has boon me xhanstively studied and appre atcd. Gorman Shakspearean oritlcii preceded any intelligent criticism the great dramatist in England , was Goethe and Schilling , Sohill and Leasing who drew the fi philosophical analysis cf Shakapear plays , and to-day , in Germany , i miration for the Englieh playwrif ia hold to bo the first requisite cf 1 orary Intelligence. To the Gem mind "Hamlet" Is ono of the id productiouo of the world , the embo mont of the profonndoat philosopl the most consummate art and the si limcat poetry. That Edwin Boi speaking in a foreign tongue , will support of native actors can prodi such an Impression on the culture Berlin Is proof enough that ho ! not boon overrated by his countryn as the most accomplished traged of his ago. Gov. CLEVELAND has appointed now railroad commission. Ono i lawyer , who has done busineis the corporations ; another was nr ; for the place by several railn th kingp , and the third Is the only ai doy monopolist on the board , Iho pi oy pools for riilroud legislation tn IS York are not particularly cheering , to dl In 1/uck Again. Anpthoi Mltct. nt E. K. Valentino's alleged boom the U. S. aonatorsbip ia said to h is- spent IU foico. Lucky Nebraska. IB si- A HlRt-Prlcod uuuuacnuBOtta Tc ilo Old Colony UeaioiUl. A Brootou aoldler , who lost a orob in the war , haa just boon paid S ob for the member by the goverau ho after sixteen years' delay. to How to Abate the Trtunp Nuiei TeiuSittl'ipi ' Let woman bobroucht rp to ha ful of industry and economy sud loan d's support n husband and the tramp ; ing since trill soon COMO. Qould'd Pitpor Prtyloff. The Trlbuno association , at Its ho mini mooting , ha declared a divU of 25 per cent. ThfH brought the e.x ot registry of its stock , f which appeared that Whltolaw I as- hold 75 shares tn his own name 18 in , the name of his wife. Wl bis brother-in-law , owned 20 sharei moro , thn family thns owning altogether gother 143 outof the 203 shares. The rest are hold in small lotp , and ir nearly half thocaars by estates. Th < report elates with the exception of f loan of $100,000 the building , hue been entirely paid for out of- the profits of the current bnnlncsa , 81 Cheek Located but the Brain Not. Philadelphia Prow. Thb cheek of the Indiana domocracj rests under the hut of D. Wobatei Voorheoii , its hope under thut o ! Joseph McDonald , nnd its detpiir under dor that of Thomas A. HeiidrlokB , The ropoiitig place of its brains hat QDVor boon discovered oven unto thii day St. John's Lecture. 'a Times. Gov. St John , of Kansai , it ia re ported , will soon atart out on an ex tended lecturing tour. Uls nubjecl IB not announced , but it mav be aaanmed that it will bo "flow to Fritter tor Away Mojorltier , " as ho ovidontlj knowa moro on this question than aij other. The ralraouat H'gnil. II ninphtey , the speaker of the house stands before the people to-daj otrlppcd by hia own hand of the cor poratiou vail under which ho had beet trying eo hard to conceal himaalf , anc If wo know anything of the matoria which compoaea the body ever whicl ho presides , wo predict ho will BOOI have reason to repent hia insolence. Bettor Thau Dcnvur Tribune. Aa a rule the servant girls of - Denver ver are rapidity becoming the owner of houses and lots. They got geoi pay , don't have to spend it for dress and consequently have a surplus to in vest. An industrious girl can eav < enough in a year to buy a lot near ; street car line. Fortune hunters nr getting hold of this state of facts , am are sometimes found paying theif ad dreatea to the kitchen rather than t < the parlor. A Man ior the People. Franklin Echo. Hon. A. H. Connor , candidate fo United States senator , ia n westeri man and cloecly allied with westcn interests. He haa been a lifelong Re publican , waa chairman of the ll-ipub lican atato contra ! ccmmlttoo for ; time in Indiana. Ho waa n very in flurntial member of the constitutlona convention of 1575 , a r cr and co worker of and with Van \Vyck Weaver , Liird , Mnnderaon and othe brilliant minds of the state who gavi us our present ttio constitution. H < ia a man ripe In year ? , a logical rca aoncr , n fluent talker , honorable am upright , essentially a man of the pee pie , and , as wo believe , a true-bin anti-monopoly Republican , and wouli make a good Senator. Worthy of Thanks. Tork Tribune. Hon. Matthew Howell has taken conreo in the senate which bring down upon his devoted head the male dictions of all railroad men and thel numerous lackeys and journal throughout the stato. But the poopl of Nebraska , in whoso interest ho he been so bold as to stand and fighi will not forget to do him honor. Th Times , though opposed to hia olectioi is happy to state that it has been ver agreeably surprised In the court which he has thus far pursued. ] the atatemont of thu railroad journa that Mr. Howell is responsible fc depriving the lieutenant governor i the right to appoint the senate atani Ing committee , is true , ho ia entitle to the thanks cf every honest man I the state. A Boston Glebe reporter was 1 : formed by Mr. E. M. Gifford , of tl Norway Iron Works , that city , th nothing ho had ever Boon equaled S Jacobs' Oil oa a rapid and permanoi relief for the accidents constantly o cnrring iu manufacturing oaiablls ments. > Norveonsuess , debility and e hauated vitality cured by usii Brown's Iron Bitters i HE GREAT CURE roa IMt-E-U-M-A-T-I-S-M - - - - - - - - A it Is for all the painful dlacum oflht KIDNEYS , LIVCn AND DOWELS. ltcleaiunthe > 7 > tctiioftheacrid polaott 3 Umt caoica Uio dreadful itUferine vhleb onlr the victim * of rhemnati m can x * lixo. THOUSANDS OF CAGCS of the worst fornu of this terrible dl e s hire been quickly relieved , andluci-Ort time , PERFECTLY CURED. rnioni.iJjnu.rir.vsoLubUUICCISTS ( , 14) Prrcanbe sent by mall , ! 0 Vi'EUS. lUClIAIUisON X CO. , llurlinirton.Vt Of aa in FAST TIME I in In ( Oln ; But Ukt Mil Worthies' 10a GMoago or 3d era -w- id Tnlnl lc 70 Omiti * 8:10 : p. m. and TI3 : For toll Information call on II. F. DKUKL , T tlAsrentTith and Farnam t . , J. BELL , U VUUwar Depot. Oil ! JAUK3T. OLAKK. O.n IW INCREASE TOOR CAPITAL. SIO Those dritrtnr to m k mane ] or emiill and medium Investment ve grain , proilsions anil stock cpec tloni , c n do to tiy operatlngr on pl 'i. Kiora M y 1 , irtilto tlit WHEAT ! n ' .ou Invertinen tot 1 refilled and paid to lines amouni Ing to o > er < l tlmoi the i oo loal Investment. Proflto paid 1 40 avery month , ttlll Irvrtng crik'lnul Invotitment n aklu ; me int orpinbl on demand Eiplar cllcu4tt nnj ktattraenU of 1 we.'i.tfrfe . Wo want re poni aKouU , who wllifport oncicps ce. $100 IctrCKluco the phu Llbeial c misolont raid. AUdrcm FLKMMINO ft MKllKlAV , C its mission Merchant < , W K El tn HI H. PHILLIPS , THE LEADING NEW YORK m- ) Ut : im Call nr.d look over my nnw store and id uiy new ( jooiU. , nd 12U7 Farnam Stri > et. IS to , Uudcr the management of Mr , Kails COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS. Koastors and Grinders of Coffees and Spices , Manufacturers of IMPERIAL BAKING POWDER Clark's Double Extracts of BLUEING , INKS , ETC II. G. CLARK & CO. , Propriotoru , 1-103 Douglas Streut , Oirmha , s 1108 and 1110 Harney ? t , , OMAHA , NEB. SPECIAL -NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE GALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Cake. It is the boat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound Is equal to three poun's of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and winter - tor , Instead of running down , will increase in weight and bo in good raariot- able condition iu the spring. Dairymen aa well as others who use it can tes tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price § 25.00 per ton ; no charge for Backs. Addrens 04-ood.rno WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. MoMAHON , ABERT & CO , , 315 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. The Original and Only Regular SEED HOUSE in Nebraska. 0. WHOLESALE AND HRTAII , DEAI.EltS IN Forest , H v ! r , oJ e S reeU , Grass. HcOge , Omaha. Neb. We m ko i piecialt ] > ol Onion Seeds , Onhn Sctn , ILC ! Oiiwi , T motliy , Ited Alfalfa and White Clover , Osagoaiiil Honey Locust. Leilord noJ Market Gardiner. ) will ea\e money by lm\li % of u , tf end for Ca a'offue , FUEB. Hellman Co. WHOLESALE 1301 and I3'03 Farnam St. Cor. OMAHA , NEB. -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO. Fire and Burglar Pro3 X. OO 1020 Farnham Street , POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , * INISa MACniKEHY , BKLTOJO , HOSE , BHASS AJJD ItlON PIPE , PACKING , AT wfiOLEBALE AND RCFAIL HALLADAY WIND-MILLS GHURCH HO BGHOOl ELLS * - Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. ) PLANING MILLS. MANUFACTURERS OP Carpenter's Materials or reoc ALSO 61 lit SASH DOORS BLINDS STAIRS 10 If , , , , Btn Balusters Window n Stair Railings , , at ill ti and Door Frames , Etc. 31. Firnt-clasa fadlltico for the Manufacture of all kindra of Mendings , Footlns and matcblne a Specialty. Orders from the country will h protnpthexecuted rock , aridrpi"ftllco > nmunlt"ttl 'n ' t A. MYKTt. ) Iioprfetn t KbTAKL-ISHED IN 180H. D. H. McDANELD & DO. , HIDES , TALLOW , GREASE , PELTS , ieen 2M North 16th St. , Masonic Block. Main House , 40 8 and 52 n bare vonno , Chicago , llofor by pormlenlon to do and Leather National Bank , Ohlcago ,