Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1883, Image 2

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    New Life
is given by using BROWN'S
IRON BiTTiiRS. In the
Winter it strengthens and
warms the system ; in the
Spring it enriches the blood
and conquers disease ; in the
Summer it gives tone to the
nerves and digestive organs ;
in the Fall it enables the
system to stand the shock
of sudden changes.
In no way can disease be
so surely prevented as by
keeping the system in per
fect condition. BROWN'S
IRON BITTERS ensures per
fect health through the
changing disarms
the danger from impure
water and miasmatic air ,
and it prevents Consump
tion , Kidney and Liver Dis
ease , &c.
/ / S. Berlin , Esq. , of the
well-known firm of H. S.
Berlin & Co. , Attorneys , Le
Droit Building , Washing
ton , D. C , writes , Dec. 5th ,
1881 :
j Gentltmtn : I take picas-
t urc in stating that I have used
Brown's Iron Hitters for malaria -
laria and nervous troubles ,
1 caused by overwork , with
excellent results.
Beware of imitations.
CRS , and insist on having
it Don't be imposed on
with something recom
mended as "just as good"
The genuine is made only
by the Brown Chemical Co.
Baltimore , Md.
ii f
Every Corset Is warranted at0- !
kotorrtoita wearer in every way ,
or the monojnwill bo refunded by
the person from whom It was bought.
The only Oorwt pronounced by purtMng \ phy leln
ot lijnrlom to thn wearer , "dradoriwlM ladln
"e "nioitcomlortaljlo na perfect OUlntf Oorwt n
h " PIHCES , by Wall. 1'o.Ujre Fold I
K Hb Frtnntag , 8)1.50. BelAAAJiutln * , I.BO
AfcdtmloBl ( eztntbcury ) 9.00. Nunlnc , fl.BO
IbalUt rrc rrln ( One coutll ) (1.00. 1'aracon
Sktrt-Supportlnc , 91.50.
Vtr ! by Itmtlag JlcUll llralcr * T rjrwh r .
OUIOAQO coitsisT co. .
0. 8PEOHT , - - Proprietor.
1212 Harney St. - Omrha , Neb
Galvanized Iron
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing ,
Bpecht'B Patent Motalio Skylight
Patent Adjusted Ratchet Bar
and Bracket Shelving. I am
the general agent for the
above line of goodi.
. Balu tr dMVerandatOfnMaui |
Bank rUlllojrt , Window and Cellar
cfunrdt ; also
K 'L. ' Sommers & Go's
Wholesale Manufacturing
Fruits. Nuts and Cigars.
S 1 4th St.
Murray & Lanman's
j ,
" ' liLAUr.-UhAUUH r " curcg dj ij.7
' - - -
UnfI Io county has forty neUlera.
Miner county has B population ol ! > .
Pierre him been Improved $75Oi.O worth
the pant } e r.
will slvo $ . " > 0,000 tor i rail
road to Pierre.
A t300OCO hotel will bo built In lUptd
City during the > oar.
The phjflclann of Pierre will organlr.3 a
medical aeaocUtlon.
Hntchlnson county has fifty-foven
flchool dlnttlctn , nod Hie total valuation ol
iho county In $300.CUJ.
The Homo Htako compsny has declared
a dividend of10 ccnti n ihire , and the De
Stnet company of 2J cenU per aharo.
Lrlmore w curveyod in November.
1881 , and on the lt of Jsnuary , 1883 , had
uuiie 8230,000 worth of Improvemcnto.
Tlie Becretary of the Kapld City Sportn-
menu club will PC ml to Nibraskn for a
consignment of prairie chlckcnn nud quails
ulth which to atock thn lilack Hills.
A man from Mlnneiotn if looking Into
the udvlitatillity of bnllOIng a BUK r re *
finery at Alexandria that will manufacture
good brown Migar fiom noryhum.
An orcanizatlpn of Mlieourl capitallitn
from St .Tcie , arc reported to have teloetod
laiuln In Union county for the purpose of
eatabllahlng a ( lock rauclio on a largo
aculo ,
Bill Nye , of tbo Laratcis Boomerang ,
baa had a relspBO and fears are entertained
t hu recovery ,
The noldlors at Fort D. A. Htusell have
atiblUhcd a military theater at tbo post ,
nd give regular entertainment * .
The mnyor ami city councllmen of Chey-
nee were recently elected without a dl -
ontlng vote. They mu t bo aatlnfactory ,
Cummins City , the chief mining center
f the tcrrlUry , la having n considerable
o in In the building and mining discovery
When the CbeyonDO water works are
ompleted they will answer the-purpoieiof
ivclty until after it bos attalnol a popu-
, tlou 1C(00.
The wholenalo purchasing of Wyoming
atiloby large foreign companies la re-
irdod with considerable apprehenalon by
Wyoming pooplo.
The Maud Norton abduction itory in
hoyenne now appoom to h ve been a
abucatlon on the part of the girl. Shi
ella some improbable etorlw.
Too Powder Illvor Cattle company Is
10 name of a recently Ino"rtirrit jd corn-
any which has a capital of 800,00) ) pounds ,
nd the Dute of Manchester among its
a aUckbolders ,
AbreiveryU to bo ttartod at Pusblo
Sallda la loomlog up on n railroad center
Del Norte nuuporta five newapapera at
10 preeent time ,
A $ 0,000 devator will be built in Den
er oarlyin the spring.
A rich mineral strike hsji been made at
ameatown , Boulder oounty.
Saguacbe ban reduced the price of aaloon
censes from $250 to $200 per year.
A deer with twelve antlers on ono born
wag recently killed near Trinidad.
The value of coal mined In Fremont
lounty in the year 1882 was $230,000.
The Moflt ainelter at Gunnhon City
urned out its first bar cf bullion on Jnnu
iy 5lh.
A rolid vein of coal six feet In thickness
las been dlacovcred within a few mllca o
anon City.
The Cancn City imo'ter has passed Into
.be hand * of o > stock company with a capl
tal of $50 , COO ,
Two thousand nien are said to be work
ing on the Denver & Klo Grindo rallroac
at this tlma.
Four hundred and revcnty-nlne tons o
ere have been tblpped from ' 1 remont county
ilnce the 1st of January.
The Fort Collins elevator has to be
braced up in order to hold the iminons
amount of grain stored therein.
Denver is bilng gulled by the public ex
hlbltlon of two alleged idiots , who are salt
to have been taken Irom a mountain cay
In New Mexico.
An adventurous citizen of Greeley bos
act up a billiard table in that town am'
given bond In tb sum of $1,000,000 not t
sell or give away liquor.
A mill run from the Forest Queen , on
Mosquito , waa made lant wsok. Those
who arp.Awjjre how well this ore generally
Ti anb | be surprised at ; the result ; iiiO
Iclne. ailver
Ttta * > j > r dlcttnat Colorado Springs wll
have a tcarcity of water next season unlea
there is a heavy fall of mow in the moun
tains during the spring. So far the fal
hag been extraordinarily light ,
The town site at Graf ton has been pal
f The Palace hotel at Santa Fe will no
close up as was reported recently.
The tide of mine seekers seems turne
juat now toward the Sin Andreas.
The academic department ol tha univer -
slty of New Mexico opened to-day.
The CImarron cattle company has sol
its rich pasture land for $500,000.
There is a rumor that the military head
quarters are to bo removed from Santa Fete
to Fort Bayard.
The bunko men at Wallace were raidtd
by the United States authorities last week
and have suspended operations.
Silver ClJy people pay eighty cents per
gallon for milk. No wonder the trade In
condensed , or Chicago milk , should bo en
"Huso" Brown , a desperado was shot
and killed at CoohdRo by S. M. Phillips ,
a Justice of the peace , on the morning of
the 3d Inat. Drown was reflating arrest at
tbo time of the homicide.
The present legislature of Arizona ap
pear * to to opposed to female clerks as
nonsj are employed.
Farmers are making extentlve clearings
went of Phoinlx. This will add to the
value of the land.
The territorial prison at Ynma la
crowded with convicts. At many as tix
are locked up in a single cell.
Pre'cott la to have a new hotel finished
soon by the enterprise of Hon. M. H.
Sherman , late auperlntendent of public in-
ttructlon ,
A stage C'jutatnlng nine piBaengerf ,
when ftbwUt fclx tulles fnin Preacott re
cently , tipeet. and Ned McGowan. reef
Tombttono , was seriously hurt. A foMler
named Oats was alao badly disabled , The
reit of the paiiengers weio only slightly
Los AntrelM county now has a popu'a-
tl n of 0'.OCO ' ) ktd its arab ) area well lam
d r cultlvnllon.
Tha county j il at S crimento contalni
thirty-two prisoner ! , Of this number four
are charged with murder ,
The first cMId a bov ! < " been born In
the town of Galina , Wood river , ucd hid
nume is Galena llirry ,
The electrlo light muU have ill been
placed In 1-oa Angeles , and a trill bbowi
that they are admirably adapted for theli
The maiqula of Lomo and party wit <
nested an txnibllI n of horremanship Itby
ri ti > o OiiifurnUni at Biuita Barbara ,
Thurtdny luat.
A Cliriitrnas brawl occurred In a win
at liraver City , during which Woley
liornu WJB very severely cut with a knife >
Iu the bands of Charles L. L'ghtncr. '
An outhw named Keating , for when
apprehension theie U a reward oi ? 2&OC
uutnitrn portion of N w Mexico His
last tfTense WM the killing- a man with
a sledge hammer for the purpose of rob-
bcrr.Tho marqnts of Lorno yl'ltcd J , L
Hone's ranch , In the vicinity of Los An-
Kele , Monday. Themaninu took great
Interest in the wine home , and made many
Inquiries In regard to the proc H of wine-
making , taking copious notes.
The Chlco llecordaays : The story about
Inland Stanford buying out the town of
Vina and the surrounding neighborhood
a , pears to have b en without foundation ,
At any rate , the people ot Vina did not
"catob on" to the proportion made them.
Wild geese are doing much damage to
young grain , Ono man on the San Jpa-
qtiln killed sixteen at one shot. It i becoming -
coming dangerous to ci t them on account
of the poison that la put out for them.
Some of tbo fanners are busy keeping thorn
off Ilia grain.
A rumor Is current at SinU Monica to
the effect tlmt the Southern Pacific railroad
company intend to build n hotel at that
pla-o during tba present winter. The new
building ia to be an Imtncnco atructure ,
and will bo located aonth of the passenger
depot. It Is to bo fiuUhtd In time lor next
year's business ,
A company nf Seattle capitalists have
taken up over 70.0 acres of land in the
Moxon bottom , Yaklma county , und will
soon commence the construction of on
irrigating ditch to cost $70,000.
A. H. Garrison , who bear * an enviable
reputation , was arrested at Seattle lat Sat
urday on a requisition from Now Mexico ,
where he is wanted for grand larceny. At
the time of his arrest he was completing
arrangements for opening a hotel ,
The Seattle Herald { say i that the law Is
very looaely administered on the Skagit
when the ntTenae Is commltto J against an
Indian , Several Indians have recently
been killed there and no attempt has bean
made to bring their murdereiH to Justice.
The government work at Cascade locks
furniihes employment to 175 hands.
Blackleg l rapidly spreading among
tbt cattle of Klamath county , and many
are dying of It. Stotrs have fallen
victims , and the people nro afraid to eat
Sergeant Holland , of company K , First
cavalry , committed milcide at Fort Kla
math , last week Sunday , by shooting him
self through the body. No cauio Is given
for the act.
The Pendleton Kist Oregonlan nays
The many freight teams over the moun
talna are having a Hard time of It. The
roads are very soft in many places , and to
add to this there is over a foot uf snow on
the rjngo. The number of brokon-down
wagons , together with those mired down
and abandoned , ia enough to sadden the
heart of even the repairer.
The now Ouster county jail coat 814,225
The buildings and Improvements madi
In Deer Lmlgn met venr represent a tola
value of SSO.OCO or § 85,000.
The Western Union telegraph wire ha
been extended alung the Hue of the North
ern Pacific as far as Buzetnan.
If the new Spanish smelter at Barker i
a success there will be a dozen of them In
the Belt mountains next Bummer ,
Leeiburgh Is the n mo of a new rail
mad town about fourteen miles east o
Wecksville. Heavy rock work will b
done at that place.
The tatal amessmont values of Montan
for the year 1382 foot up § 33,321,319.12
being an Increase over the preceding yea
of e,170M2.72. ! )
Fifteen thousand dollars have been sub
scribed toward putting a boom In the Mis
sourl river at Benton next spring and fo
establishing a saw mill.
The permanent dep-t in West Dee
Lodge is progressing rapidly. The built
ing is twenty-four by elxty feet in tizo
with a fourteen foot celling , and has a sub
stantlal rock foundation.
The emperor of the Bannack tribe , wit
two empresses and pappoose princes , wei
engaged during the week in fishing Ohrlf
mas gifts out of the swiil barrels iu DI
Bntte proposes to make inch a chantc
In the city charter that the cilices of ma
ihal , police magistrate , treasurer and clt ,
attorney shall be tilled by election and no -
by appointment.
A week ago a snnwtllde occurred I
mll canyon , near Vknna , | I. T. , bnr ;
ing two men , Arthu.- Tippet and Joh
Ilankenla. They were finally found ; bn
both of them were dead.
At Virgin City on New Year's night ,
during a dancing party , Franklin Hunt and ' i
Richard Parker became Involved In a
quarrel , which resulted in a light , Hunt
being killed by a blow on the head , in.
fllcted by some unknown person In the
The Salt Lake Tribune iaaued n four
teen page paper on New Year's Day , re
plete with news and reviews of the events
of the year and ol the work done in the
various mining districts in Utah and
Idaho , Including the Wood Klver country.
Taken altogether , the Issue was a splendid
one and much credit is due to the pub
If you are sick llop Bit tors will
surely aid Nature 1" making yon well
when all obo fails.
If you are coativo or dyspeptic , or
are Buffering from any of the numer
ous of the stomach or bowels ,
it ia your own fault if you remain ill ,
for Hop Bittord are a sovereign
remedy in all auch complaints.
If you nro wasting away ) with nny
form of Kidney disease , atop tempting
Death this moment , and turn for a
euro to llop Bitters.
If you are nick with that terrible
sickness Nervousness , you will find a
"Balm in Gilead" in the use of Hop
If you are a frequenter or a resi
dent of a tniasmatio district , barricade
your system against the scourge of all
countries malaria , epHomio , biliou ?
and intermittent favors by the uae
of Hop Bitters.
If you have rough , pimple or ( al
low skin , bad breath , pains and aches ,
and fool miserable generally , Hop
Bitters will give you fair skin , rich
blood , and sweuto t breath , health and
Iu short they euro all diseases of
the stotuoh , Bowels , Blood , Liter ,
Nerves , Kidneys , Bright's Disease.
$ GO ( ) will bo paid for a casa they will
- not cure or help.
That poor , bedridden , Invalid wife ,
sister mother , or daughter , can bo
made the picture of troalth , by a few
bottles of llop Bitters , costing but n
trillo. Will yon lot them suffer ]
Woman's True Prlond.
A friend In need U a friend Indued. This
none can deny , especially when analstanco > U
- rendered when one U sorely allllcted with ,
dieeane , more particularly those complaints -
plaints and weaknesses so common to our
fuinale iHipulation. Every woman should
know that Electric Bittara ore woman's
true friend , and will positively restore her
to health , even when all other remedied [
fall. A Bit'gle trial always proves our as-
sertlon. They are pleiuant to the taata ,
and only Coat fifty cents a bottle. Sold ifv
) 0. if. Goodman.
DfAMltlNQ ,
An Account of Sullivan's Recent
Bout With. Coburn-The
tor'a Morvoloua Skill
The stamping of 10,000 foot in Madison -
ison Bqnarn garden , New York ,
sounded like the roaring of the ocean
surf in a storm as John Lawrence Sul
livan skipped up tbo stops leading to
the elnvatod ring occupying the center
of the building last Wednesday. The
champion wore a pea jacket and light
yellow trunks. lie climbed the repot ,
walked to his ojrner and throw aside
the jacket. Ills white skin outlined
the muecloa , thowa and sinews that
glvo him hln strength , A few seconds
later the ehluiug pate of Mr. Joseph
Oobarn appeared above the eclgo of
the platform. llo wore white
breaches , knotted at the knee
with blue ribbon. Cobarn scorned even
more horcnloan than Sullivan. The
old champion never looked batter ,
oven when training fur a light. Pop
Whitaker , master of caromonlcs , In a
alontorlau tone of voice , roared :
"Now wo will hove a gentlemanly
wind-up. Mr. Joe Cobnrn , " waving
his hand toward Mr. Cobnrn , who
bowed ; "Mr. JohnL. Sullivan , ' ' wav
ing toward Sullivan , who also bovod.
The giants then arose and approached
each other , aa light of foot as panthers.
Their white boxing gloves sawed the
air. They circled cacn other like fal
cons at play. Thou Sullivan's left
flaw out like a stone from a catapult ,
It was neatly stopped by Joe , who
stood on the dofonslvo. The falcon-
like play was resumed. Again and
again Sullivan launched out with his
left , and was neatly foiled. The in
terest of the spectators was breathless.
The pugllhts weto smiling. Co-
burn stopped Sulllvan'i passes so
elegantly that ono of his friends shouted
od "Go in , Joe , go in. " The hot
blood mounted to Sullivan's cheek.
Ho stopped sparring and turned
toward the front of the house. His
dark eyes flashed firo. "Gentlemen , "
said ho , "this is a friendly sot-to be
tween Mr. Coburn and injjolf. There
Is to bo no knocking out. Some day ,
possibly , I may oblldgo you by killing
a man for you. It may bo Mr , Mace's
unknown , and it may bo some ono
olso. " The champion turned and
again confronted his antagonist. The
fencing was resumed. Ouburn rallied ,
and twlco tapped Sullivan on the oir
with his right. The cheering was ter
rific. The old duelist had made the
first hit. An exquisite display o
sjlouco followed , Cbbnrn stopping i
score or moro of times direct passes
and old Pop Whitaker called time
The men returned to their corners and
readjusted their gloves. They wore
not In the least blown. Alluding to
Sullivan , a friend said : "lie can't spai
like ho would spir if ho was wicked
No big man can. " At the second bou
the men sprang for each other like old
game-cocks. For a mlnuto they revolved
volved like figures in a kaleido-scodo.
then Sullivan bontforward and touched
Coburn on the ribs , ducking his head
aa he did so. Coburn countered on
the muscles * of his back. Sulll
van straightened and tapped Co
burn twice on the noso. Joe crosse
on Sullivan's oars. Sharp rallies , di
versified with ingenious fibbing , fol
lowed. Out of the wilderness of thli
scientific ) display Coburo laid his
glove on the side of Sullivan's nose am
kept it thare for a full second. Th
champion gave ground , and was fol
lowed by Joe , who tapped him in h !
turn twieo on the proboeeia. Ami
lively countering Pop called time , an
the men again retired to tholr cor
nora. They were panting from the :
exertions. Sullivan ground his fee
in the chalk under the rounds of hi
chair , and old Pop \NhItater shofilj
himself around and nicd-.hU , on
hand and a crash towel in nipipgUho :
faces. . „ & \
' "Now , 'Rontloman , " said the ol
man , after the lapse of a mlnnto o
moro , "shake hands and whd up. "
The masses of muscle , boae and sin
ew skipped for each othei like Colorado
rado cicadas. They got down to rea
work. The aoft tpoto of iho glore
on the hard flesh could be heard i
every part of the great hall. Old Po
Whltakor began to dance like a ma
strung on electric wires. It was giv
and take. The iron came togethe
like two game cocki on the wing an
skipped away on the raboutd aselasti
as rubber. The whits gloves 11 aw i
the air like corn popping la a griddle
Exquisite feints and the sharpest , ra
jylng were followed by close counter
ing. Ooburn'a display ot skill was i
marvellous that , at times , he seemo
to be playing with Sullivan. Ther
was no "slugging" and 09 efforts a
chancery. The spectators were do
lighted. At times you could hav
heard a pla drop , and again the U ]
roar was no great that yon could hare
Iy hoar yourself talk. The rally ID
grew sharper , the countering bocam
heavier , and the men wore fast bocotc
ing winded , when Ciiburn , of his ow
accord , seized Sullivan by the hand
and the friendly settoVSB ended.
* # * "DurabIRty is better tha
show. " Durability of health ia wort
more than the wealth of a Von
dorbilt. Kidney-Wort is man's co-1
borer In maintaining health. Wit
healthy liver , bowels and kidney
men and women will always bo I
good health. If the bowels ar
torpid , it piles torment , if the back
full of pnln , got a package of Sidney-
Wort and be cured without moro suf-
Money for the Unmarried'
Ono of the roost solid and substan
tial institution ! in this country ia th
Marriage Fund Mutual Trust assocla-
tlon of Oedar Il plds , Ia. During
their first year , ceding January lt t ,
1883 , they paid over 930,000.00 iu
benefits to their members , and the
greatest satisfaction prevails among
their certificate holders. They are
organized under the laws of Iowa , and
their ofllcors and director * are among
the loidlnp and moat prominent busi
ness men ot Cedar Rapids. Every un
married person should have a certifi
cate in this association.
It is a splendid investment , as natal
secure and sura ns a government
bond. You can just as well have a
good sum of money to commence mar
ried llfo ou'an not. Over 200 mem-
bcrs hayo been paid off , receiving '
over 300 per cent , on their investment
ment- Bend a postal cud for trco
circular * fully detailing the plan ,
which it the finest known , Good
ngouts can got territory it applied for
soon , Writn to-day. Da not post-
pone it. Mention where you saw
I th/s / notice. J4-lm
llemalning In Pontolfice during the week
ending January ) 13 , 1883 ,
Atkins C Aiken J
Alcott .T W Bxnghman J J
Bero F F Buzzard F
Burrow * K F Ban K A
BeAver Ii. Bertle en A
Brooks J JUstwl k 0 V
Bauer G Gate M K
C'rane U Cbapmnn K 0
Crowell 11 W T Chase W A
Conlon Ml Clary It
CMltonF Clarij II
Dlxon V
Duffln J S lfgorman A O
Decker Kttluger II F
Kilinde U 8 Ftther M
Green T G Graving
Glanta * J II Gllden J
Game 0 C Gruckart N a
Heffter J V Httlfin J B
Hau'ton J J Hanaer A
Hlrnch ( / Hantz J L
Itenningten II H Holmes G I )
Ilansen S Hammond J
-Judey - D S S Jinson A
Jucobnen C Jctferaon A 2
June * F Jacobs II C
Jansson A Iy B Johnnou I
ndiill J W Kelloo L S
Kitchen K B Lnvlngtnn J
Lagergrun H Llnch J
Lorcnsen T A McGavoch W
McKenual' McGowan K
Miller A Monroe It
Murnen U Mehler V
Milton J W Neve W
Ojborne It S Paulson E U
Parker 8 A Putnam I A
J'ol imntur L L5 I'omorterMr
Pierce 0 S Klce A A
llecd J II Ilaamu ) K H
Kogera J 2 Kadeoaleben F
UockwellE KichardJ
Htynan E Slot P
Stelnhelm J Spobnl J
SHztnan E SchulerW
Sullivan M 0 Spieman A
Stetson A J Sezzen A
Sunderlla L HU.ut H M
Taylor J Tracey P
Turner S Tunk D
Tennant A M Von Darn M C
White A Wlrt C N
WhitmoreG White J A
White J Waldin W
Wolf L Wood 11
Winslow C F Young P
Anderson E Andresa Mm W C
Bart'ett Mrs H Brown Mrs Mli
Bauer E Brown Mrs A
Cochran Mica K Oarlton Mrs C
Clemmons Mrs 0 L Clark Miss G
Dalton Miss M Dundee Mrs S
Foote Mra G Gordon Mlsi M M
Gray Miss E Gibson Mrs A E
Hendcrlck Ml s L Hamilton Mrs I
Hnnson Miss M Hall MifB Ij
Holden Miss M Johnson Mies M
Johnson Mrs M Jose Mrs S
Johnson Miss L Lewi § Mrs E
Lament Mrs J K Lorenz Mrs M
Llnwood Mrs E L'arn Miss J
Mannenn Misa B McGraill Mits M
Moore Mrs G Mabinx Miss M
Nightengale Miss M Olsen Miss M
Obcrg Mm A Pence Mri N
KiwleyMlBsA Hose Miss A
Koasoner N Salmon Mrs J
Salmon Airs K Shuttz Mrs S
Strode M J Sheldon Miss N
Treacey Mrs J
A-ller S Bent B C
Clapp F Cumminrs A K
Ds Weiss T C Fowler P
Ford C II Green P H
Lamharsc.T Maxwell II
Pratt K A
Tuos. F. HALL , Poatmostor.
and curt i
Neuralgia ,
Scialics , Lumbago ,
Screnus , Cuts , Bmitei ,
nvnxa , NCALDS ,
AD ! all otlir boJIIj > eh
' ud p ini.
nnr cisrs A BOTTU.
Holdbr ill DnifiliU ml
Dolrn. UltMtlom la 11
.Ibs Chiiln A.Vejiltr Co.
ti.lir k ft. )
C. 8. i.
U09 and 1111 Dodgt Btriat ,
ang 7-mo 6m OMAHA , NEB ,
Delicious Sever ,
DIKNKH PAUTY has finished
the la t bottle of "HUB PUNCH. "
'Then , my dear , ilon't forgot to remind
me tn imlir n f rrch lupnly to-morrow. "
"THK HUB PUNCH'1 is prepared jole.
Iv by MeurK. C. H. O HAVES & SON.
Hootnn , It Is made of the Lett
brandy and Hautn fcnr. ruu > , united \vlth
the juice of frebhunions , ami the finest
white sugar , nud it re.tlly a dultcIoiH , n
l > ur < ? , end a relli/le article , that has me
with the mubt cuidlal appreciation of all
who tried it.
S o tlut you cut th Kenulne with the
faoiln-lloof "OHKSTKU II. GUAVKSS
SjNS" on the capsule over the cork of each
by Grocers aud Wine llerchatiis
Tr&de Bupplloi at Manaf.ictuier'w price *
by M. A. SloN'ainara ; famlllea supplied by
A. H. UbcUtone , Omaha Neb
A combination of Pro-
tofltte of Iron , Peruvian
a jialataltlo form , for
Debility J/ott of Appe
tite , 1'rostration of Vital
bio 1'oiccrt , it it inditpeiun-
. . .
1V.A.I.HOBB3 Writes-- : /pi IPHritT C
Arter a thorough trial of the fUrUr Ib w . ,
, I take pleasure THC " says :
In ataUnff that I nave boon "I consider It
Krooi , . , ' , eneflted by its a most ozcollont remedy for
use. Mlnlstora and Pub- > the debilitated vital forces.
llo Speakers will find It
of the greatest value
where a Tonlo is noces-
Bory. I recommend it
aa a reliable remedial
OR-cnt , possessing un
doubted nutritive and
restorntivo Louinillt , Xyt properties. Oct. 2 , 1832.
J. A.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Detmt. OMAHA N
Window and Plate G'ass. '
sWAnyone contemplating building store , bank , or any other Dnt trill fled It to their Rd
antoga to corrtl end with aa before purchasing their Pluto GUM.
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and'
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
IE1. O.
i23 ! Farnam St. . Omaha.
Is only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges. "
; For sale by
Fall and Winter Stock. r n
Men's , Boy's and Children' ? V'
Beady for Inspection
TlieLowest Prices Guaranteed
316 Farnham Street Hear 14th.
. . . . . . -
ii n .l.nn 119 8. THIKTEKNTO STBMt-
epalrin In all BranonBE