Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1883, Image 1

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Lincoln Crowded With Legisla
tors , Candidates and Oo-
Worta ,
The Committees OperatlnR Ac
tively on the Billa Before
Brief Biographieo ot the Big
Six of the Senate.
A Colossal Combination of Big
Bodies , Big Brains and
Big Hearts.
AII Interesting Talk With Senator
VOP Wyok an Impsrtant
The Hatlroad Bald on the Nlobrara.
Beaorvatlon The Kneavala Lands
and Black Hills Mall Routes.
SpwLtl Dispatch to Tui URK.
LINCOLN , January 15. Nearly all
the members of the house were in
their seats at 2:30 : p. m. After the
usual formalities the house patsed a
bill , the first passed by this legisla
ture , appropriating money for pay
ment of members.
A resolution waa offered to appoint
a committee to inquire into the eligi
bility of W. 'A. Taylor to sit as a mem
ber when he is at the narao time the
cocnty clerk of Hitchcock county.
The resolution was referred to the
commlttoo on privileges and elections.
Several bills were introduced. At
3:30 : the house adjourned till 'J30 ; to
The lieutenant governor being ab-
cent , General Connor , president pro
torn , took the chair. A resolution ap
propriating ton daily newspapers to
each sBiiator was passed by a vote tf
16 to IS Several bills were intro
duced , but the session was short.
Adjourned until 10 a. m.
Hourly all important committees c f
both houaoa met sftsr adjonrment.
The special railroad committee had
several wituersoa before it , among
them , Hon. T. M. Mtuquotte , at-
twiner of the Burlington & Missouri
river railroad
The hotels ef the city are filled to
oyeiflowliig , fully five hundred per.
i sona from Omahn are on the ground.
Other portions of the state are well
I represented. Every railroad train
comes in loaded , and if the rnsh kecpt
up standing room will be scarce by
to-morrow night.
" .TF iUftJarrMpondcncoot tfcu l c. )
LINCOLN , January 15. There arc
six men in the senate who attract at-
ta tentlon from a distinct group , dis-
and related by their physi
\ cal proportions. They are each six
feet In height and turn the scale at
2. > 0 pounds or over. Remove them
and the rust of the senate consists ol
averages /.idmen.
It is a fact that big bodies , big
brains and big hearts generally go together -
gother , and the inetanca now referred
to Is no excoption. The six men arc
Brown of Lmcistor , Brown of Clay ,
Harrison ot IIMl , Qiest of Cheyenne ,
Connor of Buffalo , and Fisher of No
is a native of Ohio. He mede ccvcra
efforts to enlist in the union army , bui
was rejected on account of his youth
After leaving Ohio ho visited Califor
iila and Oregon , but concluded tha
Nebraska was the best state in thi
nmon for a young man and settled a ,
Grand Island , whore ho practices as i
lawyer. In 1870 ho was deputy count ]
treasurer of Hall county , and fron
that time to January , 18B , ho wai
county judge. lie was elected to the
senate as a atraight republican , bu
believes in the necessity of railroai
legislation. To use his own language
" 1 don't believe
any autl-raonopollsl
desires to neo legislation on this sub'
joct more than I do , but 1 believe thi
republican party is equal to the work
It is and always haa boon the party o
law and order , and It will do jnatici
in this case between the people an <
the corpoiatioas. "
is a native of Now York , but resldei
In Michigan at the breaking out of th
war and volunteered from that state
Since coming to Nebraska ho ha
been a merchant and Is a prosperou
man His people hate ahown thoi
confidence in him by making him
county commissioner and justice c
the pcuco. Ho was elected to Ih
senate on the straight ropnblira :
ticket but declares himself In favor c
railroad legislation or "regulation" a
, he calls It. Ho knows of instances o
Injustice and wants that those shonli
bo prevented. Ho approves of th
object of the anti monopolists , bu
not of their methods.
came to Nebraska some years ago , i
mary others have done , without nicar
and ulmest without hope. He ha
studied law and possessed goodnatur
ability , and was not long in makin
friends and carrying out a course f (
himiulf which has landed him at la
In the state senate. Ho was a del
gate to the national convention whic
nominated Hnves.
Fisher , of Namahs , will bo notice
hereafter , all efforts to find him for t
Interview for this letter proving us
f'ONNOU , tlltl'ALO ,
came to Nebraska twelve yeaas BJ
from Indiana , where he had occupied
several impo tc t political petitions.
Daring the wn. H > rnl ° i | < ho
fairly earned th. 'r to
w a chairman ef the Inoiau. H
ton state central committee from I860
to 186 ! ) and a delegate to the national
convention that nominated Lincoln In
1801 and Grant in 1S6H for pro llont
of the Un ted Sates. Though his
head ii oilvi rod his oneigy and health
are apparently undimiiiiehcd.
The gonotnl , always a prominent
factor in the politics of the state , has
become dintlni > ulshed lately by his
adoption of the cause of the people
against the rallroada , and hio eloquent
harangues , sustained by facts and fig
ures , has had much to do in changing
the relation of political parties In Ne
braska during the last campaign. At
this time ho appears to bo the first
choice of anti-monopolists for a re
publican United States senator , and
whether the general leaves the stat"
senate or remains , ho will do go31 !
work for the people ho represents.
last , but by no means least of the sir ,
is a native of New York , but has ro
Idod in this state twelve years. Hi ?
youth was ono of toil , and moans of
mental improvement were few , but
energy overcame every obstacle , and
to-day ho is one of the loading mom-
ben of the bar of this state.
Ho took hla part in the war.
His attention has boon devoted
chic fly to the equity branch of his
profession and ho has built up a mag
nificent practice. The city of Lincoln
hade him its mayor , and this is his
second term in the state senate Ho
might without llittcry bo called the
Nester of the senate , since no other
member has had the same length of
legislative experience , accompanied
by ago. Mr. Brown was and always
baa been elected an a straight repub
lican. He is a hard worker in etUilal
as well as in e th m life For many
years ho has never failed to put in
twelve hours a day at hard study or
labor , and as the result ho h reputed
to bo worth at least $100OCO. When
asked as-to the legislation ho thought
imperative at thu present time , ho
said :
" \Vo must do something in the way
of judicious railway legislation for
the relit f cf the people aud the con
tinued existence ef the republicans in
this state , "
Sach nro the big six , to whom it is
imponaiblo to do justice In uo brief a
sketch. Thcso are tha men whom it
is proposed to buy up like cattle in
the market.
There are men in this legislature all
the wealth of Omaha could not buy ,
much less that of a single man. They
; have rtpatationa to ena'ain , families
to whom if they leave nothing else
they will leave a spotless name and
conacloncoa whoao approval they esti
mate above all things. Whoever
dares to try will find bribery with this
. legislature as ruinous as it proved to
Pomeroy of Kansas and even to come
who in past times have trie a it In Ne
The day for that has happily passed
and there are men in this legislature
who will , It ncccessary , tell how thoj
were tampered with before they came
here , and how they have been pester
ed slnn they have taken their aeata ,
but none who Win aUlu their' hantU
and blast their future political pro >
pects by accepting a bribe.
Why the democrats should be re
garded and registered aa licensed pol
itical prostitutesI don't know. Tholi
past his not justified such a severe
imputation , and now they will b (
t found if unable to make the U. S.
i senator voting as their conviction ;
f dictate.
CorrcsponJonco ot The Ccc.
LINCOLN , January 15 "I ace b ;
the newspapers , general , " said a BEJ
reporter to General Van Wyck to-day
,1 n that yon are charged with Btoppiiij
,1t the building cf a railroad through tb
northern part of this state. Wouli
you have any objection to telling
e reporter of THE OMAHA BEE who
t there is in il ? "
a General Von Wyck None In th
7 least. In the first place , there wor
some people who went up into th
northern part of Nebraska and sol
tied upon a tract of land , supposln
that they were outside of the militar
reservation , but it afterwards tram
plred that they were on the reserve
tion. These settlers hed made a considerable
sidorablo number of improvements
The Sioux City & St. Paul railroa
wanted to build their road throng
this reservation and conqreaalom
action was desired * . The first bill wa
introduced into the homo and gav
them the right of Way , and also a !
lowed them to eecuro 320 acres c
land. They had no more right to Ir
alst upon buying this land than th
Fremont settlers A bill passed th
senate recognizing the rights of th
settlers and the bill that passed th
house only rocognizsd the rights i
the railroad , but modified BO as t
allow them only forty acres. Th
senate passed thu hoc 13 bill rocognh
ing the rights of the settlers ; to the
the friends of the railroad would nc
consent , and neither bill became alavt
After adjournment of congress th
officer in command at the resorvatio
fforn the war department , destroye
nil the Improvements of the settle ]
and at the same time undertook t
give to the railroads what congroi
had not yet granted-tho right t
build their road through the reeervi
"Upon learning of these facts I h
gl troduccd n resolution to know t
C' what authority a railroad waa grante
ah the right to build while the proporl
of Bottlers was destroyed , and wh
3d the difference between the riilroe
3dMl and the settlers. The result is tl
lo pending investigation , and work e
the road has been suspended. Nelth
myself nor the senate desired to stc
the building of a railroad through tl
reservation , but wo were dotormlm
that the rights of private citizens
should bo respected "
"Now , Senater , how abjut the
that you ; ro charged with having had
suspended ? "
"In the first placo"tmd ! the sena >
tor , "two new mall 'routes miming
through Rapid City to Dcadwood
wore established , one from Fort Nlo
brara , Nebraska , aud the other from
Chamberlain , Ujkota , on the Missouri
river. Etch route was about 200
miles long , running the entire dis
tance through the ludion reservation ,
and no whites living thereon. I in
troduced a resolution asking for information
mation from the postmaster general.
Ho replied , stating that the postmasters
tors nt Fort Niobrara , Kipld
City , Diadwood and Chamberlain
h > vd recommended the service.
This reply was referred to the com
mittee on poatc llios and postroads
At a later day I introduced a bill to
repeal so much of the law of the last
session that established the two now
routes ; at the same time I oll'erod a
resolution asking the postmaster gen
eral to withhold letting for service on
satd routes. When the resolution
came np in the senate for ducusslon
it was opposed by Allison and Ingalls ,
but was passed by a two-thirds vote.
The contract hat not been lot , but the
pi ttmastor general has advertised for
proposals for dally service on both
routes. I wish to say that Rapid City
and Dcadwood have each two daily
mail routes hi operation at this time
ono from Sidney and one from Fort
Plorro , and with the proposed addi
tion they would have mail service four
times a day. "
"What can you toll * mo concerning
about which wo have road so much of
"Nothing particularly now. The
bill ef last session Is in the house ,
having passed the eonato , and is in a
f-iir to become law. It
- way a was un
derstood that Kacvals and othets ,
and penons owning lands , wore will
ing to compromise on being paid $2 CO
or $2.75 per acre , as n basis of settle
ment. It was then tnought by the
f fiends of the settlement that the Un
ited States should bo willing to pay to
( hem the minimum price ef public
lands within railroad limits , Such a
bill was presented and passed the senate
ate last session , but sluco thu dectn-
ion of the supreme court an appeal
has been raado to the f jara c f the act-
tleis to induce to them to compromise ,
but they have been adviacd by their
friends not to any thing of the kind ,
as it is confidentially expect d asettli
inont can be made with Knovala &
Co. on the same terms oongrces al
lows the settlers.
Nail Mills Burned.
8sect ( l Dlattatch to Tn Um.
SOUTH CHICAGO , January ] 5
About 7:30 : this morning the nail fac
tory at Camming ? , Soath Chicago ,
was burned to the ground , together
with the ware and cleaning honeei ,
The fire was clearly Incendiary. The
nail factory was ouo of the largest in
the United States. It wan 100 by
350 feet , with 2 engines and 140 ma
chines. The dimensions of the ware
house was 200 by 125 feet , andr eon ;
tained In * addition , to thol _ rge t vain-
< nal's ' amounting to at least 15,00 (
kegs , probably a greater nnmbir
The cleaning house was 50 by 75 feet
The nail mill , with machinery , coal
$200COO. It is Impossible to otat ;
the leas , as it is uncertain in wha
o shape the machinery may bj. Of'
. ficlals state that the stock , machinery
and buildings are fully Insured.
Lorno nnH His Lady-
Spoclc.1 Dlipatch to TIIK UKH.
RH iiMo.M ) , Va. , January 15 Tlu
Maiquia of Lorno and Princess L uiisi
and suite arrived to night bytliuOhes
apeako & Ohio railroad from Louit
villo. Quito a large crowd were at tin
drpit. The vioo-royal party drove tc
the Ex change and Ballard hotel , when
special and extensive preparations hai
been made. The parlors occupied b ]
the party are the same used by thi
Prince of Wales and sutfu when hi
visited Ilchmond in 1810 Thi
visitors will remain hero probabl ;
two days. To-morrow during thi
forenoon they will remain at the hote
and receive the mayor cf the city am
the president of the two branches o
the city council , a committee < f lead
ing citizens appointed by the may u
a commlttoo of the Sir Waller It illegl
lodge of the Sons of St. Gaorgo am
such other citizens as may call. In th
afternoon the party will bo driven t
plac B of Interest in the city.
Driving cifi' lutnidon-
Special to Tan Iltx.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , January 15. i
telegram received to-day at the dope
headquarters from Captain 0. I
Reed , Eleventh infantry , command
Ing at Oimp on Poplar river , Mor
tana , announcing , under date of th
llth instant , that Mr. Porter , India
agent at Poolar River agency , hn
called upon him for troops to aid 1
removing all intruders from the rei
orvatlou as thu Indiana are'feroaily 01
cited and ho has good reason to af
prohend aerlous trouble between then
and the Indians. Captain Reed fui
ther states that a detachment we
sent out from the camp on the ovot :
ing of the lth ( ) and it was his inter
tion to leave at once to assume con
maud of the puty in person and cat
turo or remove all parties found to h
paesine on the roeerva'lon.
"Wintnr i utuaOcoaii.
Special Dispatch to TIIK LKR
NEW YORK , January 15. The brl
Imlee Klrch chag ! arrived at Hrool
lyn to day. She had on board si
seamen so bidly frozen as to nocess
tate their removal to the hospital. ] [
is thought the foot of two or thrc
will have to be
amputated. The mo
are all colored. They sailed froi
iy Turk's island on Christmas day , wit
id a car o of salt. On the 10th of Jai
be nary they wore ciught In a atom
an The cold was intense and the win
or carried everything movable awa ;
op The sailors were all froznn and on' '
ho the captain and mate were left to d
ed the work ,
_ t
Details of the Burning of a
'Public Fire Trap in Rus
sian Poland ,
The Doora Opouing Idward
Looked m the Panic-Strick
en Peop'o.
One Hundred and Fifty Liivoa
Lost Brilliant Working of
the Firo\Brigade.
Progr/ssof the rol forthoDentl
in the Newhmll Hutu * nt
The Chief OlorJe Traces tbo Klro to
the Kindlns Boom Tiio Dead
nd Mleulng.
The Poll.hTFJra Tr p.
Spoclat Diipiitch to TIIK Dir.
ST. PKTEKSUUKO , January IB. Tnc
loss of lite by the burning of the air
cus in BotditschefF , Thursday , WHS
not ao great as at fitat reported , but it
is believed that over 150 persona per-
uhod. The fire broke out toward thu
end cf the performance , and was
caused by the careless.hanillhig of
fireworks on the stageThuaurtui
became ignited and the iltmts < | iickly
spread to the walls and thu not ,
The members of the orchestra WITH
the first victims. The audience , ium
luring 80D persons , rushed to tlio
front-door , but it opened inwardr , nnu
as the crowd praised forward it ct u'd
not bo opened. A ruah VJM t m.i
made to two side doors , both ( .f w.vui
were nailed up , thua oonipalluiif i "
people to take to the window ? , from
which many sprang into the mrcuii
with their clothes a about of 11 .mo
I'hn fire brigade arrived withtu l.-ili
un hour , but it was impossible to ix
lingcish the flimas , us the water 1,1
the tanks was fxzw. T 10 fite lasted
two hours. Eye witnctr.ei ntato that
whou the doors wore finally opi d
u mass of burning people was visibe
within. The horea and propertioa of
the circns wtio till destroyed.
The icu broke while the tire bngulo
r/as crossing the river thus preventing
them reaching the fire more prompt
ly. It is estimated 00 men , 120 ( TO-
men and GO children loat their liven.
The victims include the olouol of po
lice and vice president of the Bjrdi'a-
chiff Bourse. The audience cai.iuptQ
mainly of JOWB. Another account
says tin fire way caused by a groom
having thrown a lighted cigarette on
the straw in the Htnbltu ,
setting It on fire. Another
groom tried to stamp out
the fire , but a strong draught fanned
the flames and oiused thorn to spread.
The author of the fire perished , alee
tire clowno , believed to bo Englieh-
men. Yesterday a man whcce wife
and three children perished , Blabbed
the Merchants'
then , triad to
out his
aiOant'e who oud linlidi-eu m orut > n o'
, iffrct'hia own occapofrom thoburnlug
, buildlug.
Special Dltputcb lolui U i.
! MILWAUKCE , January 15 Ben ,
' Tien , head clerk < { the Nuwhall house ,
undo the following statement bbariiu ;
on ilia origin of the fire. ' Somebody
set the building on tire , down near thu
foot of thu itairs lending from the In
nldo of the hall to thu barber i-h p
There wuo u little closet tifd for
kindling , oepirated by oniy a noodi n
partition from the shaft of the elevu-
tor. The fire wan cot in that closer.
Of course it burned through the par
tition into thu lnvtcuway before it
wont far enough in any other dlreo-
lionto bo discovcroj. Incidp the haioh-
way was eaturatod with oil from the
machinery , especially up to the third
-and fourth storise. The tlimen , focd-
ing on this oiled wood , rushed right
up the hatchway , buroliog out on Iho
third and fourth Btorlo ? , whore It wus
first BOOH from the outBldo. It was
this burning of oiltid wood nil the way
up the hatchway that made such a
dense cmoko and teniblo heat.
Many of those saved were terribly
, burned by the heat , although they did
not rome in contact with the 11 imos.
The il imes did not reaoh me and yet
you can see how I am t'uod. "
His uoar , cheeks and ears are badly
burned , while his hair was not eingod ,
showing tro correctness of hii theory
Tico was asleep in a room In ( ho sixth
story whim the fire broke out.
John Gilbert , the aotor , U reported
bettor. Ho imagines ho has boon on
H big spree and remarked to Iila phy
sician this morning that "thin drinkIng -
Ing whisky Is a terrible thing. " It id
thought that ho may not survive the
shock of the news of the death of hii
wf ) . It will bo kept from him at
long as possible.
Fifty-one bodies hove so far been
recovered , 28 of which are burned be
yond recognition , leaving 20 stll
misting. It IB not known but mp
posod'that the register is in the infe ,
which will be reached by the rllggtri
to-day. The court in the center ill
bo reached to-day , where prababl ]
most of the bodies will be found , Tni
excavation has reached the wai
wall to day where five bodi
were found in a heap under the loot
cation cf the servants quarters. 1
correct cs'.lmato as to the lots of lif
kIx is impossible to form until the book
Ix of the hotel can bo got at. Th
II above cstimato , giving fifty-one dcm
I and thirty niiatini. , mukes the probn
00 bio total loss of lifo olghty-ono. It i
in thought to bo as nearly correct as poe
in slblo by all parties.
th Tbo af crnoon papers raado the fo' '
ri- lowing exaggerated statement ; Take
riii. . to the mornue , sixteen ; received fret
idle the ruins , twenty-one ; since died
eight ; dead not taken to the morgue
five ; total , fifty. This docs not Ir
lo elude fragments ef bodies foune
About forty people reported mlisln
are yet unaccounted for , which swells
the list to ninety. It is almost a sure
thing that over n hundred people lost
tholr liven by the cilaml'y. '
No ollioUl investigation will bo
made Into the orlpiti and causes load
ing to thu discstor until thn termina
tion of the work at the ruins. The
bodied will all rrmilii at thn temporary
morgurt until that time unless posltho
Identification , ! nro made. In siioh
cases Identified bodies will bo given to
The Plumy'n .Prrninoa of Ml nil
8pccl.\l Dl | utchto Tim HIMI
MILWAUKEE , Jatnitry 15. ( Jon.
Tom Thumb has made frequent calls
at the police headquarters every day
since the fire to see if his trunk hid
not boon found. Ho would examine
closely every trunk that was recov
ered , but has filled to find the object
of his suaton. Hii trunk contained
an ovorfo\t , clothing , jewelry and a
collection of old colus , The
general was very Indignant over
the rnport thalOIHcerO'Briourosoucd '
him and his wife. Ho says ho res
cued O'Urion. who might otherwise
linvo perished. Ho admits that
O'Urion awakened him and his wlfo
and remained In their room about ton
minutes while they were droniing but
tlmt when they loft the room ho found
the 'adder ' liy which they made their
tempe and us ho commenced to do-
coiil the Inddor ted ! O'Brien that ho
had better follow him. A report
ntlo3 to the cfl-ol that the landlord
Antiedel hua disappeared is wholly
Whntlli * W rrnDoMt.
Six-chl | ) i patch to Tim IlMt.
MIMVAUKKR , JiHunry 15. A. Well-
! r , the uunn rr of thuVestorn Union
olegraph t.tlicu huro , maliea the fol.
owing clatumont : "U.iroful Inquiry of
hoco who witnccsod the burning of
ho Nuwhnll housu from the coin-
monccmetit dovolovo the fact that the
tolryraph < nes oflVrid no obstruction
ro the navii'g of hfi > , but on the con-
tMtjMhrcu or four wore saved by
oiniiinr upui thu wiron , thereby
unMklnjj thi > f irco of the full. It was
eportud Allou Johrison and wife could
mvo buMi tavod if the wlro * had not
tbjtruo'.eit the r.Uslni ; of ladders ,
where is the hiphost "ladder the do
tiuttr.imt , Imd vr.a railed inoido
ho < vir n , but , wai not long
'niiagh ' to the window and
tl'o liiaatcn had to jump
to thu BiduwnllRiid wore killed
I'heru woru two IUo escape ladders
i ntoiitid to the houee , ono on Michi
gan Htrttt and one on Broad way , lead
ing fr > r.i the top i f the lioueo to the
froundy paeaing by the hall windows
if every atoiy , .nul only three or four
lives wire uavt. < l by them. Every
avenue of cnaipo waa apparently for-
not1 UP in the panic , nnd s jmo pikrlicn
j imped thrru > h thu skylight t'f ' an
udjou ii g building and were seriously
it jar.'d whi'o ' a fire escape was within
three f'ot ( f them. Thu reports til-
ograpcd everywhere that the tele-
gr.ipiTwir ! < R r/ero responsible for loss
of Hf < 5 originated in the brains of a
few oscitod itidividunlo who know
nothing of the fact : and cared less.
Paulo A inPdttlonatti (
NEWPORT , 11. I , January 15
Q liti a panto prevailed ut Perry's cot-
tun lull ) , caused by the filling of the
rullljby atcaru from a boiler which
. . , . and soBio
dowa , but wore prevented taking the
rattl ) leap by outsiders , who a surud
, houi there W&B no da&gor. None of
[ he operatives woio Injarod. All
reached the street in lesj than throe
minutes. The fitoman and cngineei
wrro slightly injured by the oxplo-
Thft TJ tils BinzD
gpcchl MupatLli to Tim Unit.
Sr Louis , Jjuuiry 15 The ooro
ner viewed the remitino of the vlotlmi
of the P/atitors' houaa fira to-dny , ant
after ex miming Bovoral wlsncas gavor
vnrdict hat they came to their doatl
f-om Imrnn caused by an accidental
liri No jury was 'inpaiielled and ur
< H'jrt T/tR niudo to determine the ori
gin of the firo.Tho report that
another man iu misniiig proves un
IIow Ohlcayo Koportora Laid for Mre
Spoulal Dlipatch to 111 R Him
CHICAMO , January 15. Before leav
inc ; Jioru Mm. Ling try relieved hoi
as follo.vp , concerning Ghicagi
reporters "I have never seen the ro
rortcrs since the day of my arrival t (
bo interviewed , but many of then
luvo boon bothering mo. D'rty worl
it wna , too , and 1 think some ot then
were fitted for the work. " "Schwab , '
called Mro. Lrigkry to her courier
'Schwab , juot loole under the sofa am
see if that little man who has bout
lying under the sofa and in wait foi
messages , with letters and telegrams
is there " Sohwab made the doslrci
examination , the Jertey Lily laughlnj
heartily the while.
"This little man , ou a morning
sheet , " continued she , "has boon ver ;
nngontlemtmly , both In word and an
tion. The other day I wont to Ar
mour's packing house , and oh , it wa
a horrible sight ; the only way I coult
enjoy It , I just named ono of the hog
after that little man and saw hlir
swung up on a chtln and stuck am
put into ( ho hot water and scraped
cat and made into sausage before I go
through with him. "
The Jeanuttto Inquti-
Bpocltl Il j t < : h to Tim liKi.
WASIIINOTON , January 15. Th
Jeannette board mot to-day. Mot
villo was recalled to Identify thu docu
nonta to be introduced as evidence
I'ho board will propiro to report opii
( he Invostigatlon up to thu prcscti 1
time , but the work la not to bo coin
leted until the JoannoHu men I
ilieria have boon examined. Thee
I -o expected to return some time i
Iarch (
, A Boxing Mitch P. ntpoiied
Bpodal DUpitch to Tui Il ,
Januiry 15 .
large crowd gathered at the America
theater this evening on the oceanic
of ( ho proposed benefit to Mike Cleat )
heavy weight boxer , but , by order ol
Mayor ICtug , the polio i forbade any
one entering the Imll. John L. Sulli
van , who was to have a wound up
with Cloary , mme over from NOH
York , accompanied by Joe Ooburn ,
but loft the city as noon as it was soon
thu police intended to interfere.
A Ko ot American Qola Stolen In
.Stl l" ! I'l'pitcll ' UtlllK IlKX
PANAMA. January 15 A shipment
of ? 100,000 wan nmdo by the sub-
treasury in Now York through Well ,
Fjirgo it Co. to the United States Hoot
on the Pacific by steamer City of
Piirie , whloh arrived at A plnwall Do-
oombcr 1 ! ! . The money , American
gold oaln , waa picked In two eimll
kegs , ivei > > hing in the neighborhood
of 200 poniuh aoh. They were re-
oolvud In Panama on the same eve
ning and stored In the Panama
Railroad company's vault. Delivery
waa not made till Monday , the 1st
Inst , when , on opening the vault , it
was discovered that one keg was miss
ing. No lock had boon broken of
olth-ir of the doorB of the freight
house In whloh the vault IB situated ,
or ot the vault Itself. E/ldonco was
found that the keg had been opened
In the freight house , but neither the
keg nor any vestige ol its valuable
contents could bo discovered , after
loug and careful search. All possible
measures have been taken to discover
the thieves or booty , but without a
complete success. Several arrests
have been made.
Tel * rnph Trouble .
Special Dlspktch to Till Din.
NEW YOIIK , January 15. Wm. T.
Williams , known on account of his
connection with resistance to the con
solidation of the American Union and
NXetitorn Union telegraph companies'
lines , applied to the superior court to
day for an injunction to restrain thu
Western Union telegraph company
from opening the transfer books of
that company , and from making any
transfers of atopk of the corporation.
A temporary injunction waa obtained.
The order was made returnable ou the
2Uhinst. The Western Union telegraph -
graph company obtained un order
aecnrlng immediate hairing. The
rt-biilt of the hearing ; practically in
validates the original order. The
judge said , at conclusion of the argu
ment , he would modify forthwith the
temporary injunction order , or BO far
as that it should apply only to ro
s'rrtin a transfer of such parU of the
815,030,000 stock dividend ao might
be still in the hands of first parties o
of individual defendants , and tha
Wednesday morning ho would moo
conned for Bottling the question as t
how far and to what extent ho woul <
continue the Injunction.
F.itnlF.ioll < hiuHi- Dlntmtih to Till Unit.
ST. Louis , January 15 , Michao
Djylo , connected with the coal mlno
short distance from EsHt St. Louis
took his wife andMlssBluolt , a fdonc
into the mine yesterday , and wbll
showing them thu mlno explained th
process cf firing blasts by laying
train of powder along a tramway It
ono of the pamagcs.of , .the .mine ant
oho died to-dny , The train flro <
twenty pounds of powder in a keg , the
presence of which Doyle sooina to have
had no knowledge.
Army KrjjulatloEi
- Special Dispatch to Tint UK * .
WAHUINOTON , January lu The
court of claims has rendered a deci
sion in favor of tbo Pacifio Mall
Steamship company for { 183,333 33In
the suit against the United Status un <
: diT its contr.iat for carrying mall on
the China line a number of years ago.
: The bill to increase the dliciancy ol
the army was introducd by Logan and
approved by the military committee
of thoscnata. It meets with the gen <
ami favor among the army ofiicorn ,
who contend that its passage was put ir
a great degree to end thu desertions
The bill embodies all the prinoija
recommendations contained in tin
last report of the secretary ol
1 hf ro'o N it hn ) i LlboRoynliy.
Special Dlaimtcli to Tim Unit.
CHARLESTON , S. 0. , January 15.
Her majesty'd ship Dido has arrlvet
to convey Priuooaa Louisa to Bor
The c ll'uorn of thu Dido expected t <
find the princess here awaiting them
They experienced very heavy woathoi
on tbo trip from Bermuda. The Dldt
is a small crrvotto , ] ,7 < 0 tons bur
don. S 10 has 12 ( il pound guns aut
a crow of 220 men. The cabins htu
been fitted up Into five rooms for thi
princess and party Ono room wil
bo the princess' bedroom , another thi
princess' boudoir , another the bed
room ot her two maids of honor , an
other for the bedroom ef two maids
and the fifth for a dining room
Many courtesies are bulng extended
the e 111 ) ers , A deer hunt is belli :
arranged for Thursday.
th Financial Screw.
Dlipitcti 10 Till RMI.
NEW Yoiih January 15. The tc
tal gross exchanges at twenty-live c
loading clearing houses In the Unite
States for the week ending Januar
13 , is a moat unfavorable ono , both t
compared with that ( f last week an
with that of the comspondlng woo
of last year. While the general cot
dition of things appear to be but litt !
altered , failures are largely on the ii
3.n crease , and clearings show a inarkc
n shrinkage at u number of the leadlr
distributing points ,
Fr/izen to Death.
Special DUpatch to Tun linn.
KINGSTON , Ga. , January 15. A r
port was received hero that a ma :
woman and throe children were foun
frc/.Mi death In the woods botwoi
this place and Atlanta. The unfo
tunato family were clothed In rj |
and their faces looked as if plnche
from hunger ,
Located at Washington but Procured - '
cured at the Oapitola of
Senatorial Contests in Nebraska -
braska , Colorado , Illinois
and Elsewhere.
Fho MilJard Monops Vainly . ?
Bucking the Tidal Vfcrte '
' r >
at Liuaoln.
i ' ' ' *
Onwln Loom. * Up In the Front
Rank With Thmyor and 8 un-
ilnrn Nonr. r/
Ootorntlo Republicans Hopelessly , ( I
Divided Among Themselves. )
LINCOLN , Neb , , January 15. The
legislature will bestow compliments
of the Boason to-morrow on a number
of candidates who never have boon
dreamed of as'possible ' aspirants for \
senatorial honor , . When the roll is
called for the first ballot nearly every
other member will compliment some
body who never was thought of for' '
oenatoilul honorfl. Mlllard's lobby
has boon reinforced to-night by
fresh recruits from various
quartora. Ills workers are
more active than over , but
It is a hopeless oflbrt. They cannot
stem the tidal wavo. Cowlu has made
considerable headway. Sounders ,
Maudurson , Th-iyer and Grouono hold
lieir own ; nil are hopeful. Tills ata
f bliseful uncertainty will continue * *
until Thursday and may possibly con-
inuo all the "week , if no break is
undo. The democrats and spurious
anti-monopoly candidates are liable to
receive n thorough overhauling before
, lie break cornea. So far , no bitter
: ueling Is manifest among the rival
candidates , but there is bound to bo a
desperate strife within the next forty-
eight hours , when all compliments'
have boon exhausted. E , R.
Special Dispatch to TIIK Unr.
DOVER , January 15. United States *
Senator Saulsbury was renominated ,
Butler "Won't Have It-
HpecltJ Dlipatch to TUB UIE ,
BOSTON , January 15. Gov , Butler
announces thatunder nocircum tancos
will ho bo a candidate for the United
States senate.
Palmor'H PJant.
Special Dlipatch to Tui Ilu.
' HrniNCJFiKLD , January 15. The
democratlo'jolnt caucus to-night nom- ' ' , * i
Un ' enate. *
iSSt Dispatch ! uS * VV , . . . V „ ' Vj
BOSTON , January 15 , In the * dom-
oratlo caudua to-day Brown watt'
nanlmously nominated as candidate
or United States senator with the
nderstanding that the nomination
rill be binding on the first ballot
nly. Colorado Republican * . < 8
poclal Dlipatch to Tin Una. ) 8XI
DUNVER , January 15. In the ro-
. ubllcan CAUCUS to-night to nominate
Jutted States Senator six formal bal-
ota were had but no choice was made. r
djournod until to-morrow night. -.1
itkin load bv ono or two on every
jallot. The first formal ballot was as
ollows : Pitkln 21 , Tabor 1C , Hamlll
0 , Bowen J , scattering 2. Sixth and
, uat formal ballot was as follows : Pit-
kin 20 , Tabor ll > , Hamill ! > , Bowen 5.
'ho final result cannot bo predicted.
Others Will Do Caught-
pwl \ Dl > | > atcli to TIIK line.
JERSEY CITY , Jauuary 15. Shaw ,
ho cashier of the nuopendod City
Bank , was arraigned tO'doy. Ho Bald
10 was unable to furnish the $20,000 \ A
mil demanded , and aeked to have the
amount reduced. Thu judge replied'
hat in view of certain evidence now
n the hands of the ntato , the bail , in-
tcad of being reduced , would proba-
> ly bo increased , Thn prlnonor was
lommlttcd to jail. It is intimated
hat several additional arrests are
about to bo made in the matter , on in-
ormation Implicating certain parties
not heretofore mentioned in the case. /
. ;
A Finn fUstcltncs Burned ,
tipeclal Dispatch to Tint DIK ,
TARRYTOWN , N , Y. , January 15. I
The fine rosidoncaof Samuel 0. LenrU ,
: iavlng a frontage of 100 feet , to
gether with all the furniture and
pictures , were burned. The loss U
over $100,000.
1 \
tlho Reoent Tornado-
Hpoc'.il Dispatch to Till lln.
CHIUAOO , January 15 RaporU
from thn northwestern blizzard in
Dikota , Lllnnosota , Northern Wiscon \ ,
sin and Iowa , say that a .uumber of
paoplo have been frozaa to death and
are lost In the Hno\v storms. Rill
travel is much delayed.
IhnUmnl Amount- D.gpatih to TIIK Hie.
ST. JOHN , > . B , J.wunry 15 The
assets of the bankrupt bink nf Prince
Edward island is $350,000 , It la
thought the bank will pay tulf liabil
ities. _
0n A CbloiKO Fire.
Special DUpatcb to Tin iiti.
ji OHICACIO , January 15. The works T
ir of the Chicago smelting and refining
irg company were totally destroyed by
firo. Loss Sll'.l.OIX ) ; Insurance $29- \
000 ,
\ .