r V , ; THE DAILY JBEI * MONDAY JANUARY > /The Daily Bee. OMAHA. Monday Morning , Jan. i6 Weather Report. ( i"he folio wing observations are taken t tbr lame moment of time at all the stations named. ) WAB DEPABTMMT , U. 8. SIOHALB B. \ vice , OMAHA , Jan. 14.1R 2. (1:45 ( p.m. ( Mlnlnlppl frozen at Ct. PtuI , frozen at Du- bnqn' , frozen at I < \ Crofse , froron at Davcn ] > ort , 6 lift , 0 Inehei at St. Louli. LOOAL BKHVITIBB , Sunday was a pleasant winter day- clear and cold. Lsavltt's minstrels arrive from the west on U. P. train No. 4 to-day. | A conplo ot Inches of enow would make a the sleighing the finest In the land. - -Married at Florenc3 , Neb. , January nth , 1833 , Mr. Wm. Chase to Miss Km. ma Bird , both of above place. There was a light train west yester day , Including nne Pullman nnd two day coaches. The incoming train had five coiotiM in all. The arrests by the police since Satur day night included two plain drunks and ono vagrant , besides those mentioned elee where. John Lucas waa arrested for nu unprovoked assault on Colonel K. Y Smythe. There wai a nuetlng of Division No. 20 , of the Y.rdmssters' Association nt 2 p. m. yesterday. The notice mailed us WM unfortunately not delivered in time for publication. Married : At Halle } ' , fdaho , at the rciidonce of the bride's mother , January 2,1883 , Mr. WJlllam 11. Oieonhuw kand Mis * Alta Wheat. MM. James Banner fell In her door yard Friday and broke her thigh. The bone was sot by Drs. Hart and Dim- mere aud thelady is cornforablo now. Master Juliin Kaufmann , the young est BOD of Councilman Kaufman , who was policed lj eating castor beane , is now out of danger. It is repoit ( lth.it I'M. Miller , former ly driver for Mr. Jnincii Utophenson , his signed a contract to travel with Paddy Uynn , the pugilist. Leiv ill's minstrels play a return en gagement at Boyd'n , Monday evening , giv ing nn entire change of programme. Tho-Hess Opera company appear at the 0 per ft houto an Thursday , Friday and Saturday of this week. The operas to be produced are as * follows : Thursday , "Martha ; " Friday , "Marltana ; " matinee , "Pinafore ; " Saturday night , "Olivette. " A good substitute for nlelgh riding IB to pull a chair out doors , spread a shawl on the Dick of it , get la It , and place your feet in a bucket of cold water , shut your eyes , and got ono of the children to rattle a string of sleigh bells , The experiment ' coitn nothing , except for medicine. No pntenl applied for. The Watchman. The Iowa Maionlc Benevolent ABBO- elation tUrough W. J. Mount , their agent , have paid Mrs. Dr. McClelland $2,670 and ' Mrs. J H. Stela ? 2,000 on the policies held by tholr husbands at the time of their deceiBO. Thlsi prompt work and rolled. credit on the Association. Mr. M. A. McNamara Friday received ; a dispatch from Mr. Thomas Dyer , a leading citlztn of They onno , nnd a gentle man who h 3 many warm friends in this city , requesting him to meet Mr * . Dyer at the U. P. transfer 'yejtcrday. Mrs. Dyer has been visiting fi lends In Canada , and ( during her utny there their little sou died , MM. Dyer being now on her way homo with the remain" . Mr , Dyer will meet her at North Platte. The parents w ill have the sympathy of all in their bereave ment , Special meeting of Capital Lodge No. A. F , and A. M , , this evening > January 15th , for work in the first degree. Vlnltlng Brethren Bcordially Invited. By order of the Master , Mw. P. M. Putnam , pupil of the Decorative Art School , New York , is at the Millard , and IB prepared to give lossona lu Russian , K ruing ton and Chenille em. broldeilei. Will remain lu town a week or ten days , Ltdlet are Invited to call and exrmfne specimens of work , U. B. Marshal Bierbower'u oillce hai been newly curptUd. -North Omaha Social Club will hold private maenuerade boll on Friday , Janu , ary 2Ctb. The horses of Hose Company No. 2 Are becoming accustomed to their uowqnai tersand pot out to lumens lu double quid time. Tco f.rm nf Jis. Uarnoau and i > ot formerly of St. L il , will Invest abou $60,000 in their cracker factory at tbU point. The excavations have already : oin. menced on Jackson and 12th streets. An old cetUeri meeting will bo held the Board'of Trade rooms | n the dick building ou Tuesday evening ntxt , Janu rylCth. All are Invited. Alf. D. Jctie secretary D. 0. S. A. The first meeting of Fire King Cot pony No. 2 held In their new house on 10 street , occurred on Thursday evenin Twofnew members were electe * ' viz. Frank Graves and S m Crowley. T boys are now comfortably domiciled I their new quarters and are aa snug at bug In a rug , He-member the lecture of Hon. Geor W. Froit , at Knights of Honor hall. Ill Douglw sjtreet , next Tuenlay evenln Fine music will be provided atd the e tertalnmeot promlies to be a grand succi to tit St. George's Society , for whose be fit U Is'given. DRILLING FOR DIAMONDS , A Bold Gang of Safe Blowers at Work , Baldwin's Olub Booma Raided by the Crowd , And Etia Men Driven to Bed at the Pistol's Mouth. Alarm , Flight nnd Abandonment of Their Tools. A Klcli Prlzo Lost by a Oloso Ghanco. With thu exception of the sorioifof burglaries for which the ( ) iitk broth era wore arrested , there haa been no unusually startling ovontn in this line since tbe raid made on Hoimrod & Dorman's ' aafo , which resulted in the death of Bernard Lang. Sunday morning however qalto a Boneatlon was canaod by the report that a bold attempt to blow up and rob the safe in Baldwin & Co'a club rooms had boon mado. A KKR reporter was son on the ground and learned that the rumor wan well f jundcd , and that the robbers were balked in their de sign by pure luck. The fiots are about as follows. The club rooms wore closed about 4:30 : a , m. Sunday , the ualoon below having been closed earlier In the night , Joivlng the only persons abont the building three niun who slept in the third story. The saloon and club rooms occupy the first .and second stories of the building next door west of Windhcim'a store on Douglas otreot , three doors west of Thirteenth and on the north sldo of the street. Mr. Win. Byron , Jake Mock and William Kennedy , three attaches of the estab lishment , slept overhead as stated. THE FIRST ALARM. About 5 o'clock the 11 rot named , who opono up the saloon in the morn ing and usually awakens at that hour , was rouned f'omhla sloop by a uoluo bolow. I lie thought It hardly possi ble that they could otill be playing but listened until the nolso became RO violent , that ho concluded Homo- thing muat bo going wrong. Ho getup up , took a match and opening tbo door to the ttairway , stepped out , striking the match ta ho did so. As the light IliHhod up hu aaw a man on the Drat landing bulow at thu door cf the club rojin. COVKltINO HIM Wiril A RCVOLVKIl , which Byron says looked aa big ao n ciinnon. The stranger said "Gut beck In there , yon ! " and Byroti did got back fjr all that ho was worth , alainmlng the door shut after him , IIo then hoard the noiss resumed sumed and waa convinced that an at to nip1 wasbilng nmdo on the saf j. IIu wont to work to wnko up Jake and Kennedy , which ho did with great diflloully , no they discredited his warn ing that there were burglars iu the houso. They were at a loss what to do , even when convinced , as It is not fmo walking into THE -MOUTH Ol' A UEIUUNIKI1 and it lacks the glory even of walking up to a cannon's mouth. Finally Byron seeing that eomotlilrg must bo done at once wont to the front window aud raining it uttered a call for "police ! " that could hava been heard at the Tenth street depot , It was heard very distinctly by the robbara , who ran anay at ouco , leaving their entire outfit of tools , cto. , behind There eomnud to ba three of them ant la the darkness all that , could bo die tlnguishod was A SILK HAT AND t UHLV HAIIl on the tullor of the threo. As they ran ncroea Douglas street some won near the bank naked "What is the innttoi ? " "I don't know , " was the answer of ono , ai no pulled his hat down over hia oyoa and ran on. QUnorLino was the first to appear on the Dcono , and ruroslod u young man named J. n. Kirkhnm , wh-j wna lying around and unable to glvo an account of himself , but no ono oho wfiH to be noon at/lho time KOHUINd AN KNTUANOE , The work tf invcsligallon then pro ceeded , It WAS f jund that nn entrance had boon elected through the nido door : east of the Baloon. the look Imviiip been partially fjrcorj ilf by the ueo'cf . a chisel. The next move was on those , se fa in the main room above. A man . wan stationed outaido to watch nnd nnothor on the lauding above fr ida similar purpose , whtlo the third did the mechanical part r f the buBlnosn. Ho was well equipped , haying n dark- lantern , n brace and bit , a chisel , u pair ( f nippers , a stool punch , n . eplondid alcdgo hammer and three < the finest stool drills , manof icturodfor this express purpo.se. was In the woat aide of the room fronting toward the door. Two three- eighth inch holes were bored In the i outer door to the right of the knob . and to a depth cf two inches nnd oba ha'f. ' This did not penetrate the in side Bhooting Bh-l the punch was inmt In and an etl'ort aado to drive through with the sleSgs hammer This was the noise which awoke ' .Air Byron aud was resumed after ho lad bcun driven buck at the point of the out revolver. All of the artlclos dossribot wore loft lying near the aaf j when the . gang lied. Had the. sjfa blowers boei left alone a few moments longer thoi would have won ftl i A men ruiZE. The safe U only fire proof nnd not a very good strong hold against bui glars. It contained about $1,800 , iurin i caih , $200 worth of wntchos nnd $25 worth of diamonds , nnd the hau - would have boon a bonanza for thu 10th burglars as It would have boon ally lng. Bocurod , carried off and converted t ; . : their own use beyond a chance > c The identification. As it was , the prom ; In action of Mr. Byron which saved the a good. The robbery was % THE SENSATION OK THE DAY and suspicion foil on various-purtii KI14 who had boon observed hnngin around the plaoo. About noon a man named Barry Johnson was arrestc en- by Marahhl Angell and Ollicor lot- man and at 3 o'clock Ollioer Armoi ben- arrested a man named Charley Sea' . ring , all of whom are suspected I complicity in the robbery and were field to appear to-day nnd answer to the charge. County CommlBslonors. SATURDAY , January 13. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Present , Oommlesloners Corllaa , Knight and O'Keofo. The minutes of the last mooting were road and approved , The following appointments were made nnd bonds approved : D , D , Doyo , supervisor Saratoga precinct , E. district ; II. E. Tlramo , supervisor Jiflorsan precinct , 8 dis trict : 11. Tlotge , supervisor JelTeraon precinct , N. district ; Wm. Dowllng , supervisor Elkhorn precinct , N. din- trlct ; Ulnus Oft , nascaaor Joffonon precinct. The fjllowlug resolution was adopted : Jlesolced , That the county treasurer bo , and hereby is , directed to draw from the general fund $129 40 and apply the same to the payment cf the delinquent personal tax tf David Guild far the years 1881 and 1882 , for services is jaror. Divld Sjldon was appointed consta ble for Omaha precinct No. 2. The following accounts were al * owed : OKNKBAI , FUND. T. II. McSbaue , conveyance top or farm , . . $ -60 tfobroaka Institute for Blind , goods furnished for company 1548 A. Guild , petit juror 2 fil K. ] ; . Moores , tickets for poor 12 'JO K. C. & .St , Joe 11. R. , tickets for poor 2 10 fifteen persons , petit jurors 228 40 A , McyeJ. witness fee 6 00 fonnard Bros. & Co , , medieino Lr poor 10 00 Tno. G. Jncoba , cnflln 9 00 [ f. liolln It Co. , groceries for poor 5 00 T. N. Nicholan , 87 85 Cuhn 4V Co.medicine 2 35 > V. M. Votes , groceries 3 CO 3. Leifgo & Son. , groceries for poor 5 75 Schoeb & Co. , 1 CO II. Hexauor , 2 50 ' , McNamarn , talon juror 400 3. H. Crowoll , ballfl'g fees 30 00 \V. 15. Avers , post mortem 10 00 \ . 1'olack , goods for poor 8 25 KOAl ) AND IIKIDUE FUND. Win. Dowling , work on bridge. . . . 2 50 C K. Verhlcst , " " road 2(1 ( BO H. J { . Avery , " " " 11 50 Adjourned to the 20 .h innt. JOHN BATJMKK , Oounty Olork. MURDEROUS'ASSAULT. An Unfortunate Man Attacks His Agofl Mother , Felling ZTer to the Floor With a Hammer. A cioo to excite the sympathy o f the public rather than any other f col Ing waa that whioh occurred ou Chi cvgo , near Twelfth street , 1'Vida ; in which a man attacked his aged mother and felled her to the floor with a hammer. The name of this man is John Herman , whoso relatives or very roopeotablo people in this city lion. Fred , Bohm balng his hall brother and Mr , Herman , the engineer at Krugs brewery , hi full brother. John Herman eorved during the war in a battery of nrtil iory , and the shock produced by th cannonading ull'tiotod not only hi hearing , but hla brain. The iuspeo tor long ago pronounced him outltlcc to a pension , whiuh , for some reason ho haa never received. Ho wai always quiet and harmless , except n1 remote periods when his malad ] showed itself In a violent form. A .t other times ho did a little cir pontor work and other jobs nnd was kind and mild in his disposition. Ho lived with hi mnthor , who Is qulto an old lady , lam i although on ono or two occasions In formations of Inoanity have boon filoc with the commluiouors , his relative ) B ! have always intervened to keep hln out of the asylum , Friday ono of his 'spells ' came on , Friday night ho attacked his mother , nnd , .after striking her with the ham mer , tried , it is said , to throw her on thoetovo The prompt assistance of nolghbpra nnd others la probably nil that saved her life. It wus reported Saturday that 'her Injuries wuro fatal , but inquiry developed the fact that the case was fortunately not DO bad as that. Herman wna taken In custody by an olttoor , another information of insanity , being filed agninat him , nnd Was con signed to the county jail to await nMl investigation by the board. It oaid that on ono occasion , while employed formerly ut Krucj'a brewery ory , he made a similar attack on Mr. Ei Wittig with some heavy Instru > - ment. A Sod Errand. Air. Tim Dyer , ono cf the moot f wealthy , popular and well known busIness USin Inoss men la Choycnno , arrived in this city ycetorday on a sad errand. id..he I IIo oxpecta to meet hia wlfo at tlu - trantfer this morning with the romalni of their little ton year old oou , whc died at South Bond , Ind , , a few day a ago. The little lad with bis brothci rmd bom nttondlnp school at thi ; NotroDamo University , and was then II taken tick , Ilia mother went on to . him , but human aid was of no avail . and now aho returns with all that I li mortal of a boy idolized by his parents , 'bright and promising for the future Tko grief-stricken parents will proceed < coed on tholr way homo to-day. Air Dyer baa a wldo cirri > f friends ilr.in this vicinity , and ' \ , - -thy cf nli will bo with the be " " family. SLAVEK'B YOSEM1TK COLOGN1 - Made froir the wild -ilowera of tin in PAH KAUED YOSEMITJ : VALLEY It la the moat fragrant ot perfume Manufactured by H. B. Sloven ; Sal Francisco. For sale In Omaha by W J. Whltehouao aud Kennata Bros & 0o. , oi Tested Ijy Time1. For Throat Disease * . Colds and Conch KOWN'rt llltOXClllAl-TllOLMIEsJiavn nr. .c their efrlcaoy by a test of uuny yean Price 25 ceniH. HUUrUNCHUauperlor to the rage punch brewed ou feative social occ&sloc. - la It the mellowett old llquore are blende w'th ' choice fruit juices. Trade luppltc b ( it m nuf eturenif price * by M. A. Mi ; N n , Families iupplled by A. I ofUd4toneOm | ! h , Neby THE RELIGIOUS WORLD.h A Sunday Sermon by Reverend Frank Hays , Union Meetings at the Y. M. 0. A. Roomo , gormon nt the Southwest Pretby- terlun Church Yesterday Kov. F. Ilaya chose as his text "As an eagle ntlrroth up her neat , ilatloroth over her young , spread- oth abroad her wlrji , takcth them , baoroth them on her wings , so the LTd alone did load him , and there was no steerga good with him. " Dent , 32,11 and 12. The following are some cf the thcughta ( f the Eormon : This eocg of Moaoa , as it la called , f com which the text ia chosen , is both glorious and pathetic. Though Moaos is anxiousto enter the promised land , ho knows , on account ( f the fttal act in his 1 fa , ho Is not permitted this privilege , and this sorg is sung ; and the loader , in hla full strength goes op on the mountain to dio. On the opposite or glorious aide wo ceo , when the powora of earth human powers become as nothing , then it is that the stability of Qod's power is evident. Ho calla upon all Israel for religious lives and zeal in hla seivico. Ho calls attention to the eagle and her little caglota and the stirring of that neat that the little inexperienced birds might prepare themselves for life's ncoeesities , and when they are mnblo to boar themselves by their own wings the oiiglo catches them and bears them on her winy ; and in this simile wo see Egypt the neat , the children of Israel the eaglets , and God the bird of swiftness. The Israelites had gene to Egypt when there waa a fimlno , and when they , as a people , T7BIO of Insignificant reputa tion. But under the influence r f Jcs- oph , the acting ruler , and time for de velopment , they became prepared for self oxortion. But that this nest might bo abandoned it was necessary that it bo stirred , yet ao the people are cast from their neat cf irfincy God flutters over them , by the pillar of fire and cloud , and boars thorn up by a oondtant provision ; and there WEB none sick aud their garments did not become old. And as in Ezygt then was a cruel king , which was a moans by which the neat waa stirred ; God often uses an evil moans to ac compile ! ! good results. And wo may ask : 1. What is the Lord doing for all people'IIo / in continually stir ring up the tell. People are willing to ait lu idle complacency and pray unto the Giver ( f all good for his manifold blessings and protection. And as this beneficent Ruler will grant their desires they continue tholr prayer and nay , "Oh Lord , mul tiply thy blessings nptn me ! " and they may plcturo in their imagination a fit habitation In this barren Milder- mess of transient humanity. But in the answer to that prayer there may bo a Htirring of the nest , by oppres sion of rulers , that the object desired may bo obtained , but in a difteront way than waa expected. It wo pray for the kingdom of Christ to como , ( hero must bo a vrilllngncs ) ( st self -sacrifice and effort. Thus when men pray for blessings and are not willing to take them when they are offered , they are driven from their rest that they may rtcjiyo it. . The nest is aomvtimes stirred by observation. A rich man in an insti tution cf charity and seeing the little , street Arabs ivou shelter , olothod and fed , ia load to thankfalnosn for his own children and liberality fjr the poor. There are many in this city at proaont who may have scon others en , ga cd In worship , are anxious to hear about Ohrht. / ' . By chastisement. To many there are who have written over their doors , "Mono , niouo , tokel" "God hath numbered thy kingdom aud finished it , thou arc weighed in the balance aud found wanting. " And it may bo the sharp arrows of sorrow , it may bn the roar ings of the canon * , if tniifjrtuuo , it may bo the vibrations caneod by the earthquake < f national conquest , and it may be the noiseless footsteps cf death that stlru the neat. 2. The eagle flutters over her - young and cares for them. Hero man can fjllutr God's example ; t > nd while other religious gho nothing ap a rec omponaa f > r tnut which is * taken ' - array , the Christian religion always ' . give that which ii better than that v.hloh ha' . been taken away. Then if anyone has talents them taltnto should have a placa for development in the rojpeo tivo field. And the parent nnd the - Sabbath school toaohor ehonld follow this cxamplo becauao it ia uot the elo quent worda from the pulpit , but it is . the daily lifo that ia the icilncncluu medium. Aparent wished mo tospcakt- hia sons ; and I told that parent to become . come a christinnhimsolf nnd that would 1 ; bo the effectual moans of reaching his sous. Ho was their idol and that idol must be christianized. 3 The Lord's constant help nnd < protection the rock uponwhlch re ate , the strong aa well PH the weak , during ; the irftnoy of conquest which ends ii , . - There will bo n mooting or . Tueaday night at the Y. M. 0. A. rooms of nil the denomination nt whioh timu they will consider the advisability cf holding n union moot ing on Monday , Tuesday , Thursday and Friday nights c f each week , tons which this and nil the congregation are Invited. . , " AN INSIGNIFICANT BL&ZE- S Tno Fire on Barker'a Uornor LOB , NiHht. o'clock last night there wa nu alarm of1 , fire from box 21 , No i. ! . . engine house \ ; * which was prompt ! ; responded to by' hose companies No. ! and 2 the formeif-Rrriviug first on the the ground nnd throwing the uly ; stream thai wna needed , The fire originated ln > frame addl tlon back of Allen Bi'0".1 grocer ; house ! , la Barker's brick block , on Fifteenth near Farnam , and just back elf the place where the fire of a fdw nights ago broke out. A man who rooms in the building gave the alarm and the fire was oxtingrished with but silent damage. The hallway of the building waa tilled with urnoko and affoiia for n time looked quito threatening. ( The water did consid erable damtga to the stock In Allen Broa. ' Btoro. A very largo crowd turned out to sco the blaze and went home disappointed at the luck whioh haa always attended thia corner. NOTED PUGILISTS- Mace and Slado Pass through Utmba The conductor cf the incoming pns * aengor train on the Union Pacific last evening brought the tioira that Mace and Slado the well-known puglllate , would pass through Omaha thlsifcor- noon , en route to Chicago to meet Sullivan. It was thought that perhaps they might ba induced to stop ( tl'and give a sparring match here , and u telegram was sent them risking if inducements would bo any object , K they should cot c'ndo ' to atop over it would bo quite an event for Omaha. PERSONAL. D. C. Howard was in the city over Sun day. day.Mr. Mr. W. P. Cooley left for the east lust night. GJV. Wm. Hale , of Wyoming , is nt the Paxton. Church Howe , the grancer , Ia at the Mis. Patrick , cf Columbus , in at the Pdxtou. S. A , Ojborn , of Brownville , Is at the PoXtoD. K , II. Cowles , of Pine Bluff * , ia at the Millard. M. W. Kr.-'oy , of Council Bluff * , is In the city. Mrp. J , H. Birlow , of Colorado , ia at the Paxton. W 0. Bohn , of Winoni , Minn. , ij at the Paxton. Lewis Mendeleshon , of Now York , is at the Millard. Theo. Ketchum , ( f .St. Lout' , is at the Metropolitan. lion. Chrl * . Hart nnn left for the state capital yesterday. Mr. Thomas Tilon ) went out to Pap- pillion yesterday. K. A. Weeks , of Council Bluffj , was in the city yesterday. Herman Kount/.3 w.u an east bound passenger jejterday. J. F. Linthurst , of Van Meter , ! , , is at the Metropolitan F. C. GjntHch , of Salt Lake City , was nt the Millard yentcrd iy. Fred Banner , of the Arapahoe Pioneer , waa at the Paxlon yesterday. C. H. Clausen , of Denver Junction , was at the Metiopclitan yesterday. - V. G. 8.muele.thegonial traveling man , resumed bin trip westward yesterday. Dave Burley , U. P. passenger agent at Baltimore , left for that city last evening. Judge Samuel Word , a prominent legal gentleman of Butte , Montana , ia at 'the Paxton. lion. J. If. Millard , C. J. Green and Guy Barton left for the seat of war Sun day noon. N. J. Paul , of St. Paul , and George 11. Sherwood , of Kearney , are registered nt the Paxton Hon. Cha3 , Connoycr , secretary of the board of education has gone to Lincoln for a few days' J. .T. Caldwell , clerk of the Northwest ern house-Cedar Kaplds , is in town , and will remain until Tuesday inoruln ? . II. J. lludeon , of Columbus ; Oakley Johnson , of Harvard , and Cliar. Avcril ) , of Lincoln , were at the Metropolitan teHay. Geo. W. Post , York ; John Stabler , Lincoln ; K. V. Clark , and Win. Flojrl , Genoa ; II. M. Oliver , lladtingo , were at ths Millnrd yesterday. Fred. I. Kvans , genernl tipeut of the A. It. T. CGould's Itefrigerator C rB , Is in the city , Mr , llvaca is one of the mott active of all the energetic men tn utr Gould's employ. HU irlends in Oimha are nUvays glad to see him , A delegation from Line In , cocst-illng of Colonel Siwoge , of Caster count ) ; C. O. Charlatan , of Phelps ; Grimcf , of Val ley ; Franse , of Cumins ; Homer , of Saunders - dors ; D. II. Tomlirj , of Furnis and Jen- ningj , of Ked Willow , met at th- Millard in this city and hid a splendid champagne supper , Max Gladstone nnd Charles Melz , tc' popular and promising young men of this city , took the Cannon Ball train on the Wnbash hut night' for St. Loui * , to bo oabsent for three or four week * . During tbeir gray east they will visit Louisville , Clnc'nnati , Milwaukee and all the prin - cipal cities of the east , taking in New Orleans - , loans about Mardl Gras time. We wish them a pleasant vacation trip , Mr. J. P. Byrne , one of the gentleman ly representatives of the muslo house of Lyou & Ileely , of Chicago , li ( pending a few days In Omaha. Mr. Byrne , besides being nn expert business man id also an ao o inplUhe.1 musician , ani has been gratefully temr fully entertained by a number of out homo artists whom lie h a recently met He ban alto torno old nchoo'matej In town . to whom hiii visit Is an occasion of excep' ! tional pleasure. Mr. Mark Duryfe , formerly clerk al - the Northwestern ani now Soutberr hotels nt Cedar llipid * , Ukcs his place i at the Paxton in addition to the force ahead ] ! employed there , increased bunluess of the house c mpelliug the management to adc nnorher clerk , Mr , Duryce cornea nmorf m with a very flattering record , both i as a hotel man and a gcjitleunn , nnd wltt Mr. Aylesworth also in the olUce the Pax ton U now In shape to care for Its patron In ft satisfactory manner. We welcomi ; Mr. D. to Omaha most cordially , 3 METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMA 3 HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the boat thi : market aliords. The traveling pnblh claim they get better accommodation ! and moro general satisfaction hen - than at any other house la Omaha Rate , $2 per day. ug21tfm BARRETT'S BILE , V/hy / He Eefused to Appear With Tom Keene , His Peculiar Ideas aa to Him self and Others. Thomas Keene and Lawrence Bar rett are both good actors well known to the theatrical going people of this city | , and both having their friends and admirers in this city. The re fusal of the latter to play with Keene nt the Cincinnati festival hna occa sioned no little comment in the pro fession and the press is expreoting aomo very decided opinions. It appears from the ntatemont of Mr. W R. Hayden , the popular man ager for Mr. Keene , that the engage- men of Mr. Kepno for the dramatic foatival was entirely uneolicited , and that there was no disposition on the part of any ono to give Mr. Keouo undue prominence. The engagement was cancelled owing to Barrett's re fusal to appear if Keene took part in the festival Mr. Hajdon 8 ay a of the action of Barrett : ' ' "it Is in accordance with hia nar row , egotistical , selfish , quarrelsome disposition , the annoyances of which every actor and manager who has cvt > r had any relation with him thoroughly understand. Ho objcctc , as I under stand , to appear with Keene In the same cast , bocaa o ha thinks ho would to elevating Mr. Iv ono to a position ho does not deserve. This ridiculous statement baa made Mr. Barrett the laughlrg stock of the entire profos sion. He has always tried to pull every follow actor down , nnd walk upon their shoulders to success. " "How different" oald Manager Hay den , "is the nttitudo of John Mo- Oullough. Hia whole souled ways have made him ns much nu idol of the profession as ho is of the public. Ho rrants every actor to uucceod. Ho says the field la largo aud glvea them a helping hand and when auy man or woman makes n hit on the stage no actor is moro pleased to hoar it than John McCulloagh ; and he opens his generous heart to nil who como to him to seek counsel. When Keen ? , thrco years asro , made his debut in Chicago McCulloujh. played at one house anc Barrett nt the other. When Me- Oullough heard of Kotno'a great suc cess he cent a note , prompted by his own big heart , full of kindness , gone wishes and advise. When Booth hoard of Ins ancceea ho dent Keene a bolt to wear in Hamlet and a letter full of friendship. " "Barrett , it is enid , " continued Mr. Hayden , "states that Kcono is not ent'iledto the position ho haa secured. Every man IB entitled to the position ho has secured. Keene has gene through a training auch aa few actpra hivohad. Keene played every line of business played by Forest before he became noted pantomime , bnrleeque , oqmody , melodrama , tragedy. Hu achieved BUCCCBB in a far greater vari ety ofjparta than over Mr. Barrett did. He has attained.a tar greater popular ity than over Mr. Barrett haa secured or ever will secure. Ho haa obtained the friendship nnd oatocm of the dra matic prbfoBBion , " Buolilm'B Arnica tiaive. The BESS SAIVB in the world lot Onto , Brniaos , Sores , Ulcorj , Salt llhtum , Fe ver Sorrc , Tottsr , Chapped Hands , Chll blalns , Corns , ana all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles. It is guaranteed to rive BaUafaotfon t runs/ refunded , Frlco , 25 oeuta per cr. it or call by C , " Goodrrw Uabj'B Petition. Ufa Is restless , ilajs are rhetlne , Children lilocin.but die in teething : Warnlcr take , a'l Irhnds and mother" , \V t-h thj ] > re-louj glib and brothers ; Head the homo Illeol VhtotU , Chliirtn nine , % ll had Coitoriat No sleep cesnlgLti by b > taj fquallltij ; , T.'ko ' luiki they rise In carl J mornlnjf FORTHEPERMANENTCUREOF COWQTBPATIOM. Ho other dlBCOBO is co prevalent to tills „ country B3 Constipation , and no remedy O baa over equalled the celobrntod KTDNEY- ? WOHT aa a euro. Whatever the caupe , however obatlnato the caeo , thlj remedy will overconjo It. _ THIS dUtre'slnc com j plaint la very apt to bo j complicated with conetlpaUon. Kidney- Wort ctrcnfftlietu ! the weakened parts And aulcMy cureu oil kinds of riles even when phyntelana nnd medlelnea have before faU- tiriryouhavoclthcrofthwo troubles SPECIAL IO LOANMONtY ' TO I.'I AN Call at Uw office of D. L. MONEY aa room SCrcU'bton HlocK. Tl/TO / EVT LOAN On chattel mortpaRo re- MONEY . A. B. Tutton , No. 1510 Douglas etrce * front room up ftaira. 425-tt _ TO I CAN At 8 per cent In- xi , tirest nsumsof * --,000 and up- \\ards , for Bto B jeare , on first class cltj and farm property. Ile u RKAL EHTATI and LOAN AOK.SCV - 16th and Douglas 81s. J-ANTKD-A good girl24. . ' > Uatenpor 5 St A zood girl'or the kitchen t Ml WANTKD .Street , ( iood w.gfu. 74M. " > 1 - to do lltch'n w rk test - WANTKIl-Aglrl lje to [ relerauco ri'iilrid tooH wages p.ltt Apply S K corner Soihni - Californfa St. 749 1 't . FOR OAHU-Clii-ap rildi-iict lot WANTED tbrte b'ocki of street car . No fan ov prlcvpald. tU'u Joe tlon and price. Addrra ' "Ueslc encc Lo , " Bee otllce , , - UJvilll -\T7-ANTED .Suit of MrnUIic.1 roomt will W boardforself ami wife m strlul ) prlvat famtlv , drat cla s location. Feat of reli rvncn g en. Address M. A. Armstrong MUUrd 11 t Oroahl- - 7t. Hoarder * utMHS IHT week : c WANTED . K f f IlArn l. ttutwttt . IT. A cfl ) V. a no woim.li In laundn WANTED tlr I' .l8o Hotel Columbus Nei 1423 1-vIlAUUHTSilAN > o understands thorougl ftjcJ \ ly to draw mips. p'oU , ere . w ots einploj meiit. Addio s "D/aughLmao. " orlloe cl this 7t . Mm wantrtl fur lined work , 50 iull ( . IxjIowUclv'iJUrff , Ut * . Slilf piiiK Jan nirv ISIIi. \VUImoii , O ntructor. II. ilanr tiler , Agni' . 7 1-1 ! K A af WANTED SOUTII-Shlpftn ? ai. > 1 OU Keniudy Contractor. H. Minnucllrr i-nt. 11 M , near famarn. 71S-18) ) 11 EN WA TED-Kansai Cily Splinrrleld | , ro , lltmrlili II. R. Uaunwtlltr U Hi. lear Farnim. 719-13t . , Ktery one to lea e rrdcrs tor he ! WANTED . 10th8trv < ; , up.iUlr . yj-'tf MIOELLANIJ } WA1T3. W" AN1KII A few no re u-spocUble AgeuU i ciMMters , will p T | exp il nctd nen (3. to t" day and new raon from 11,75 to $3 , rl y. Addrts lvlujf experience , Wcitern Ageutu Sup ply Co. Ktnsis City Mo , 712 131 WANTED 4 or 8 furnished room * ( ( djoln- ln ) lii brick lulMlrif , buslnen portljn clly ( nit. ble for eoparate luht house keeplnj ; br twottialloi. DO children , rif.rencts exchtnnd Address J , & W , Ileo oOlre. 7M-13) ) 'ANlKu-Or.e ofto boar acn an J icomerj \Y at 1C10 Du\cnpjrt st cu ! , 74518 ! YW W ANTKKtrp . -maVln'g unl plain e lnc at 14I'J rnrimm Kt. Prlctn moUcra'e. 73 ? iSj WANTED S11UATIO. WANTED IJy . young rnwi 21 yiarjof nifc , as clerk In Jr piods ilothlrg or bcotm.il khoost te Sjo.rjexperience , ric k. ll h unil Ueruiin. AaJicss It. W. thl rllli'j. 750-lit \fj AMII.DBj a youoif tran , a t lua'.lun In Vl aprociry s ore , or l < willing to mike hlm- i if molulat ty o.hir omplujmcnt. Aflnreu J. " Bee olficfl ! J313 | W'AMKOSituation by an nsjlslant book keener can RVO | tno b at c.ty rtferem-o Ail JrcssII llcooll'.ce. 723 > tlit O HUl'MKH ' FOll HKNT-Two to 10 room t/iacY Petiraiu , Real K ) a'e Acert , 15th d Doujl sttrccts. TJ.VIS ) 0"ll KENTTfom bourU also few table ) b. ardors ITlSUjJgiS . 7iB-19t i,10K KENT FiTa unfumlahea upper roonM , front and bock entrance. 11 fertncea S. K. corner 17th and Chicago St. 721-1 It FOll RENT Tno nliely turn shed rooms S. E. corner 20th md D.iunpott wither without b unl. 650-15 ! FOrt REhT Two iinturjlibcd rooniu opening Into oath oh r ai a upon a h 11. lltmrr's block , cor. 8th and H'warJ , 74M3t \ HARE CHAVOE FOR RENT The 2nd story XX and bavvment of bu Ulnp No 1111 F.irnnni oirict IniU'ru | mxt door cast. 7317 | j > OH KENT ScM-r.il biniil lieu t , 5 rooma U cack. DR. C. H. 1'Al'L. FOU WENT Furnished ro'mi ( ortllcht hruic Kciplng. . $1800. A | < i > y2117WT.terSt. JlCO.t'lt CJ8-I3 I1OK.KENT Two iix-go rocins , at 2201 We' ter _ Htrtit. 738 15 " ! _ A HARK CIIANCK TO It KIT -The 2nd of building No. 1111 Fur cam strict. Inquire navtdoor out 73z-17 FOR RENT A Kfod furnlshtd ronn. AUD rooms sulub'o for houscKeqiln/ Wii-t or unfiirn ehcd , 220 North 13th stnxt. 731-16 ! FORREST Fit or lOini and Hall tip t In ) , front and rear cntr nco , omeulent for a small family , $ ir > .UO per men h. Inquire at 1815 Ca'g St , 72C-18' FOR RKNT Four comfortable basemuit rooms suitablu for hoUM1cepliig al > s oed barn. Inquire InmxxlUtcly of F I ) . Cooper noitli west corner of 23rd and Uurt St 730 1m F OR RUNT Double otflco In Jacob ? Illook. C75-15 iK KhnT Upaa8 , 1117 Himti.im siro-.t , 715 16 JOIItfO. JACOBS Fl'R RENT Store r-om No. laOS Farnam St Contract must lie made this iiiontb. rail ou F. J. McShant , 1110 Farnam St. CM 13 70R It N T Oaoigo \ ni'niy fur ns oJ room I wlih board for t o ut 1808 California St. 707-lmo. I710R RENT 133 Con\ent itreet St. JUunuu. . none story homo siv rooms atd two Inquire ISnrKti Uros. Ua&s olHco. I _ _ _ _ g-)5 g * _ J710HEM Ono double to store bul dluif .E aultabofor L-ro.crj , B.lnui ) , butcher thop. or any othr buino-i . Lcctt d so that a ? nod farmer's trade can be secured. Enquire of Mis. M. Lamp , cjrntr Jaclibju unJ 13th street. 33 d9-lin ! "OESIIS1 New Jlap of Otnaha , just completed r nd .D ready for dtlh ery at K > each. la 4 ftxit \ * .de by 7 feet Ion , ; . Lnrccst and most complete map of Omaha c\cr publislicd. Olliclal map of thd city. Sco column. _ _ FOR HEN1 t houses o ! & rooms cicliT In- quiru 1019 Kjnihamstrc t. K'3-lmt ' "OM O 4I. POtHLtCheip for cull ono gocd famlb/ tottuB'ii b'o for p 'aotou , lair orclllou urho.ornde alto one \t\-KX rrp phaeton with tlri h runn rand new lurnrsi a so or.o pro- alura Jtr > y coaun " old frcsi thla fall , a'so wcudsclicy re'Jonco at u rcnombla rrlca corner 19 h aid Izud. Avplv intuedUtcly on Ihn prcml'cc , rcittor far bi'llnf ' iLolnv south firtboulnter. R. N. WlthnOl. T'lMOt ITl R SALE . * 0torn iboke hay ifJ OOpcr ( n I' Jno O'Donnell 3mi uj north i f cl v on cut off Liki. 751 IS ! "TOOK HALF-Small house on leased lot b. F. JD corner Stb nnd Jackson. Icqulre on prtm ises. 717-2J ! HOTKI , FOR SALE CHKPC2 nillfH west of Omaha , on the I'nlon raiiflc railroad Brick barn , two etiry hotel and furniture , thrt-e lo's O'.xiij : coed btniul , gosd buslnc&i. Ga d rtisons for xellln . Inquire of subscriber. Al. NOHUI.S , 713-lm-mc Keith liend , Neb , BUSINESS O.TANCiC Cusinesi for Silo-A geuenl stonk of merchandise , In a g od town , on tbo H. & M. road ; Holni ; a j oed bu 1 Lcatd carry aw el1 mtectul stac1' . Ciusofor Belilc-j , ' , tichiupi > iu3'iia"9. F r firthcr infor- matlnn adHr-a "Mdso , ' nOUlie. . jinO-Ot F OIl \LE-Sfx room cottuzo with barn nd half lot on Chlcajo fctreet , near Hijh School Onlj 62,300. McCAGl'E , COO doa ! (7 ( tf _ Opp. roi.ollico. OP. BALlv A firi"t cl 8 lecond hand pheeton- Call at 1319 Harnty St. SOI tf lllliriv FOll OALU-fS.OO per 1 th U'aud , Yard 15th street , two b'ocl touthrf Ba'levuoroad dec 23-3m t _ LORE'-'ZO MDDLE. _ "O EJIIS Now Map of Omaha , Just completed an. . JD ready for dtlh cry at $5 eaoh. Is 4 feet wide by 7 feet IOIIJT. Lar cet and most complete map of Omaha ever published. Oilklal map of the city. See column. MIHKilay boirdattho Crclghton hnuw b ru- J. Juced to J5.00 clcr w > u 721 15 rpKY Tbo Hefner Starlled hpriru manufactur- _ L cdand warented bj f. T. Benbow 710 South 9th St. Omaha. 628dec 19-l t C0. . BRAINARD , Taxidermist. Decrhcads , a . O. rpoclolty , 13th , to . Howard and Jackson. C5-u3-2m _ - EDWARD KUBHL. MAO STER OF PALMY8TKRY AND CONDI - TIONALIST , 408 Tenth street , between Farnam - and llanioy. Will , with -he aid of guardian spirits , obtain for any one a glance of the past , and preaunt , and on certain conditions la tbr fu ture. Boots and Shoes made to order. Pufcct Batlfactlon guaranteed. . < , tel , . or , eb. - > > POWDER 14 . Absolutely Pure. _ ThU po dcr no er \ arlcs. A man cl ol purity , treiutn and wholesomuie3. llore cx. i'oiulcal than the orpinary kind * , and rannot be sold In companion with the multitude of low u t. short " "rfl ! " ? r. ? Pte * * ' In . ? .P- . . ? Monl )