THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY. JANUARY If , COTJUXTO I = C. 33X.TJ3FFS Whoop lal Bet along ! Gel \ 2,13 , and you may know We're en route for the Boston Store , Nothing like it since old "Noar , " Heaved his anchor and left the Shore , BOSTON ! ! TEA ; CO. , 16 Main Street. WATER WAVES. That never require crimping , at Mra. J. J. Gkod'iHalr Store , at prices never befere touched by ny other hair dealer. Also a full line of switches , etc. at greatly reduced prices. Also gold , liver and colored net * . Waves made from ladles' own hair. Do not ( all to call before purchasing sUwhere. All goods wajranled as represented. MRS. J. J. GOOD , . S9 Main street. Council Blufls , Iowa. L. IUDOAKT A. W. STOUT UKUKDSON I. I. D. , . . , . . , President. Vlce-Pres't. ' Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Bluffs. Organized under the laws of the State of Iowa Paid up capital I 76,000 Authorized capital 500,000 Interest paid on time deposit * . Drafts tosned on the principal cities of the United States and Europe. Special attention given to collectloni and correspondence with prompt returns. D1UCTOM. 3. D."Edmundon , E. L. Shugart , J. T.Htrt , W.W.lWalIace , J. W. Rodfer , I. A. Miller A. W. Street. JvTdU FOUSDRYT WINTHERLICH BROS. , Are nw rutd ) to contract for email castings 0 oy iluKription In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OP BRASS Special at tentlou la called to the ( net thatthi mtUls ru mo tnlln CKUIBLKS which gives td Ttry best cartings , Burning Brands FOR DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACK ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. , Aa well as Cattle Brands AllE NICELY EXECUTED. Works : Corner Sixth. Htreet and Eleventh a > cuuc COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Counsellor at Law COUNCIL LLUTFS , IOWA , Offlee Broadway , between Ml In and Pel treeta. * VU1 practice In State and Fede tut * S. E. MAXON , j * . xc o TBC. x ran xi rca w Office over caving * bank. 00 UNOlJLi BLUFFS , - - loira "ITtTniiiafl . Agents fer the Wfo , Time' W aillCdalld Tp ocheron D iri of ToCJOQ TQTHOC WRITTEN BY HIS WIFE. JB8SB daiDBc bo only life authorbcd by bcr and which wt not bo a "Blood and Thunder" story , Mich as b : been and will bo published , but a tiua Ufa by tl : only person who Is In pouesslon of the facts faltblul and de > oted wife. Truth is more inte eating than Ectlon. A front * shouldnpp'y for tc rltory at once. Send 75 cts. for Sample boo ) J H. Chambers & Co- . mo-cod-A.w-0 St JJooi * Mo ' THE SHORT LINE OF THB- oxxxo.43i.a-o , Milwaukee & St. Pau RAILWAY Ie now running Its FAST EXPRESS TBAIN from OMAHA JLHD COUNCIL BLUFF WITH Pullman's Magnificent Sleeper -AND THE- Fineat Dining Cars in the Worlc IF YOU ARE GOING EAS1 TO CHICAGO' MILWAUKEE. Or to anv point beiondj or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTI To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Take the BEST KOUTE , Uie Ohioago , Milwaukee&Sfc.PaulR' Ticket office located at corner Farnura at Fourteenth streets and at U. I * . Depot and llillatd Hotel , , Omaha. J3TSee Timetable In another column. F. A. NASH , General Arcnt. 0. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha , 8. 8. MEIUUU , , A. V. H. CAIIPEXTEK , OcneralManager. General Pans. AKCII J. T. CLAUK. GFO. H. HEAFKOIID , General Bup't. Asd't Oen. 1'asa. Ager GOLD ROPE. Thelntrlnelc merit and superior quality of o Oold Rope Tobacco has Induced other marmfi turers to put upon the market roods similar our brand ID name and otylo which are offer and sold for IMS motey than the genuine Oo Hops. We caution the t-ade and coninmcr to s that our name and trade mark are upon ea lump. The only genuine and original Gold Ho Tobacco In manufactured by THE WILSON & MoNALLY T ( BAOOO COMPANY. EUROPEAN HOTEL Thimcitceitrallr located hotel In the clt Boom I7BC tl.OO , II CO and 12.00 per day. Fir I C'SM HwUurant connected wit t boto _ HOTIST. - - Prop. . fourth nd rif BtieeU. X.OT73CS3 ZUCO. tnos. omen , w , n. M. rcsn Established , - - I86 ( Dealers In Foreign | tnd'DomettlcLRzchani and home securities. , E , J , HARDING , M , D , Medical Electriciar AND GYGNEGOLOGHST. Graduate of Electropathlc Instltatlon , Phil dolphla , Penna. Office Oor , Broadway & Qlenn AVI COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all disease * and pulnful Bcultles peculiar to females a specialty. Is the old Favorite and - FOB - GHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , 'MILWAUKEE DETROITjNIAGABA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTOIS And ll PoluU E t andBouth-Eiut , THE LINE COMPRISES Nearly 4,000 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Trai 11 connections are made In UNION DhPOl bos a National Itenntatlon as being t resit Through Oar Line , and Is unlversa encoded to be the FINEST EQUIPPED Bi oad In the world lor all dames of travel. Try It and you will flnrf traveling a Inxt Instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via rhis Celebrated Line I sale at all offices In the Woat. All Information about Rates o Tare , Bleep ] Car Acocmraodatlons , Time Tablet , Ac. , will cheerfully given by applylnlntf to T. j ; POTTER , Sd Tlco-f ros't A Oen. Manager , Chlca PEROIVAL LOWELL , Oen. Passenger AyOhlcai W. J. DAVrJfPORT , Gen. Agent , Council Bluffs. n. P. UUELL , Ticket Agt. Qua $500 REWARC The above reward will be paid to any pen who will produce a Paint that will equal the Pennsylvania Patent Rubbe Paint , for preserving : Shingles , Tin and Gravel Rot Warranted to bo Fire and WaUr Proof. orders promptly attended to. Cheaper and t ter than any other paint now In use. STEWART & STEPUKNSON. Sole Proprietors , Omaha House , Omaha , N REFERENCES. Officer & Pusey , Dr.Rlce , Dr.Plnney. Full Council Bluffs , Ion a. Bn office , Omaha Neo. Genius Rewarded , OB , flie Story of tiio Sowing Machln A handsome little pampblti , blaeland s tore with nmnerono engravlngt wlltfbt GIVEH AWAY In ny aoolt penon ttln ; for II , ataor brai or eub-oHco of The Writer Uannfacturleg Oc piny , or tAbo sent by mall , poet paid , any pti on | nj at dlitanco from our offli Tha Singer Manufacturing Oo , OfEce , 31 Union Bqoai mew _ NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Chr OuTj nttn . Dr. E. 0. Weal i nerve and Brim Trvatmtn A ipeclflo for Ryite/la , Dlzilneaa , CanvnU'o Hervona neadachs , Mental Dcprecs'.on , Lei : UDmcry.rlpenuttcrrhcn.IccpoteciyJaTilanti EmU lcna , Prumtnro Old Ace , caused byon exertion , tll-c.bopf , or CTtr-lndnlcence. wb leads to mUtry , dtnij and denth. Oca box i cure recent caies. Each boi contains ons mcnl treatment. One dollar a boi , or six bpzci1 flro dollirtf itcj by null prepaid on recclp price. Wo guarantee ilx boxes to care any ci With each order reoulvcid by us fci six boitt , eompacled vrttt flre de-Hawaii lenl tin ehatar our written cuar.W to return mocoy II the truutneni def f not elect a eon , C. f. Qoodmtn , irci lit , Sol ; . Wbolenalti fnl c 0uuiha , Kit. OjiUl br ruiH ( till dkwly FARM MATTERS. Tnke Onrn of Your Bnrnoss. AmtrlcAn Agrloilturlst for January The average harness ic the rurn districts IH poorly cared for , nnd short livnd. Not infnqntntly It IB hnug ir the horsestablo uxpoaod to the ammo tiia generated from a pllo of ferment Ing manure. The stable may bo fur nlshcd at odd spells with bedding 01 absorbents of aotno kind , but those arc not promptly ronowcd , and there IB great waato of the most valuable constituent of manuro. The harncst has the benefit of the ammonia , anr the effect is about the aamo M nathltif it with lyo. The harnoos rots , crack * , and without frcquont oiling cornea tc Rrlcf at an early dato. The tnfur waj is to have a place for the hnrnVss it the carria o house , or some building outaldo thoBtablu. If thoatabloal'ni is available , it should bo kept frei from the Binoll of ammonia by the son a taut use of absorbents , aawdust , sods road dust , straw or rcfuao hay. A harness properly cared for and kop clean and pliable will lajt tnioo ai long as ono th&t is neglected. It ii much cheaper to spend 10 cents foi neat's'foot oil , ouco in throu months than GO cent's at the harness maker's Bow to Tell a Sheep'a Ago. Moat ftheop ( ? ot all their pormanon tooth when butwoon three and fen yoara old. An authority Bats ; ' 'Ii tbo eheep , as in the oz , all thu torn orary iucisors arc up at n month old s well OB the first , second and thin molars. At one year old the two con ral incisors are changed and replace ) iy permanent teeth , and the fourtl nd fifth molars are up. Sixth month ator the two lateral cautral and th ixth molar appear. At two yoirs am ixth months the lateral pormanon ncisors are cut , and the first , seooci nd third molars are permanent. A hreo years old the corner Incisjrs ar bed , and shortly afterward all th icrmanont teeth are in the month. " How Batter May Bo B polled. imcrloan Dalrjman. Good butter may bo spoiled i churning. Owr-churning ruins th exturo Bud changes the proper waxl ness to a disagreeable , sickly greasi note. This is moro easily done in churn with dashes , which will pres ho butter against the sides of th churn and eqaoczo and rub it until i s spoiled. Too long churning spoil ho quality by the oxidation of th juttor and the premature formatlo of strong 11 kvored acids in it , the f u iroeence of which we call ranciditj [ t may bo spoiled at too high a ton Doraturo , by which it is made soft an lly , and of groaoy textufo and flavoi So subsequent treatment can reined ; hia error. It may bo apoilod befoi ; ho cream reaches the churn by keo [ in ; it too long , or what is practical ! the same , by keeping it in too warm place ; 50 degrees ia about the rigt temperature if the ornam is kept week ; if it is kept at G2 degrees thre days are long enough. White epocl are produced in butter by ovor-cnuri Ing or by having the cream too sou Either of these faults produce curd i the milk , and the small ilakcs of th oannotba washed out of the butte Milk from a caw in ill-health and thi la acid when drawn , will produi specky butter. So will the use i aalt containing speaks of lime , whic unite with the butter and form insc nble lime soap. White specks a : covered up to a largo extent by ash good coloring , which la made of oil ; the solvent. But the use of colorh being used to disgniao a fault , and ' add an undeserved virtue , ia wortl of denunciation. Brood Dp. Western Hum' . If a common cow hns the marks a good milker it is wisdom to brei from her. Whether or not her c will inherit her good qualities tin alone can tell. It ia right hero th the value of improved Block is fjroE ost. Its characteristics are fixed at will be reprodnced. It is here , to where the value of a registered pec ttroo is apparent. The fact that book contains the briet statement the ancestors of an animal is ndthii of itself , But the fact that it te that an animal has certainly cor from a long line of ancestors whi have regularly transmitted their oha actoriatics is everything , lor it n only shows that the animal itself pc seaies the family characteristics a greater or leas degree , but that it turn will bo able to transmit thoi The common cow may reproduce he self , and aho may not. The purel bred cow will reproduce horsolt , wi possibly slight variation , underprop breeding. It is too often the cue th the owner of common cows got i erroneous impressing when th < attention has been called to the dcs ability of improving their here They are convinced , perhaps , that would bo to their interest to brood u or rather to improve the character their herds ; but , thinking thar t only way to do this Is to purchase oi right , they may not feel like going the expense. Some of the best co In the country are creases of our coi men stock with the Improved breuc and it a man owns a common c < that haa proved herself a valual dairy animal he his excellent oncot agomont to nso her for crossing , ia every man's duty to breed np , It throwing away money to keep an inl rlor animal when wo can just aa w have a better one. Hnblta of Cowe. New England Farmer. Cows , when at liberty to select thi sleeping places ont of doors , will observed always to Ho down upon t aide of a dry knoll , if there IB ono the yard or pasture , never lying ivi the buck down hill , but always wi this toward the higher ground. Tl affords moro than ono lesson polntl toward thrift ; and bear in mind tli that therojcan bo no full measure thrift without comfort. Thoao 4i sons are : 1. No farm animal w Delect a resting or sleeping rlaoo th is not entirely dry , unlotn forood in a wet one. 2. That the comfort thoeow , vhilo confined in her ata can bo added to by giving her abundance of bedding , and this m nllord i n ample cushion in whlchqv direction aho turns her back. About Farm dates. American Agriculturist , Have aa few farm gates aa poasib Each ono in an rxpeneo in its cc strnctlon and subsequent care , never paya to mike n poor gate. T frame should be constructed of ha nd luting wood , with the ilata c ght but durable material. This gat coda thorough bracing with strips c wood , or , bolter , rods of Iron , whlc uu from the bottom of the latch an ) the top of the hinge end. A gat lus braced can not ang , aa it Is in : ossible for it to got out of the rod ngular form. When finished , n gat lould bo painted. The farm gat lould bo painted. The farm gat lould bo vfldo enough to permit tli roe passage of loads of hay and grait : old rollers and harvesters A must important point is a large nrablu and well tot post , upon whlc 10 gate is to bo hung. The hinge lost nhould not bo loss than olgli nchea Biuare | , aud net at least thread ad a half font deep , The earth need o bo rammed firmly around the posl A first class gate is expensive at tli ntsido , but noois very little attcntio fterwards for several yoara. Htraw nslft Cattle Food. Country eientlemau. Thuru is a much more general < U > oaltion than formerly to nso straw f < ood. It has moro nutritive valt ban was formerly eupponnd , but tificiont in nitrogenous or Hash fora ng elements. It Is found that stoi attlo which it is not intended to fa on , will winter well on straw with ation of wheat bran or mill feed. . ' .hay are giving milk or fattening th will not do , but la thosoarclty of goo lay , moro straw is used in fattcmi ; tock than over before , and the del loncy supplied by corn or oil mea At present prices the latter ia prol , bly the cheapest of the concentrate oods. It is rich In fat-forming eli monts , and ita unused phosphoric aci , ivea great value to the manure mac rom feeding it. It can bo bought I he car load at $30 per ton , while i ho rate wo pay for commercial forti zera , the manure from n ton ia worl ibout $19.72 ; or nearly two thirds < ho cost. The full advantage of using the oi meal is , however , found in the fa hat ita nse enables no to utillzn argo amount of coarao fodder th would otherwise bo ao poor that not ! ng could oat it without IOBB. Ono tc of oil-msal. mixed with some grai will probably enable farmers to wint several head of cattle , and nao t ) orhapa five or ton tons of who itraw , converting the who nto valuable manuro. How make the moat of oua straw is an it wrtant problem for Eastern fanue n grain-crowing aootious. It is roc oned wantoiul tu neil It. aud it ia co mainly not lets ao to leave it unuaed Darn-yards year after yo r. Ita vuli ; o bo rottoc ) down ia very small , tl ; ablea putting wheat straw at S2.I jor ton , and oat a'raw at § 2.90. 1 raluo for feeding in a good deal mo ; han thia If wo can buy the rig natorial to supplement ita known d iciencies. The Great Buelneaa. Allan'a Constitution. The money made by farming ia t ! clearest , best money made in t world. It ia made in accordance with Got Brat law nndor honeat and genial I fluenco away from the taint of tra or tbo fierce heat of speculation , fills the pockets of the farmer at t expense of no other man. His gt In no man's loss ; bat the moro makes the better for the world large. Prosperous farmers make a pr perous people. Whatever bonel onr agriculture bonefito the comm < wealth. Small and Young Beef Best. From the Brtedcri' Lh a Stock Journal. Fashions , habits and tastes generally the result , to a greater loss extent , of ciprlco on the part somebody. But the moat caprlcli generally yield in limo to circu stance , if not to their own hot judgment. The time when very la and very fat beef ox beef wat most popular demand haa gone 1 although theto are many who fr sheer force of habit still prefer But the demand for well marbl juicy , tender meat , such as is p ducad hy thrify young onitn of from ono and a quarter two and a half years o of compact form , findy and clog built throughout , is fast snporsod it. And BO it should , for from ovi economical consideration , it is mete to bo preferred. Olrcumatancoa i doubtedly justify , and will proba continue to justify for many ye yet , the feeding of strictly boof-p dncing animals to a much greater i than two yean , but every ponud beef produced after about that agi made at a very considerable loss compared with making a like amot from another yonuuer animal. It the dairymen of tbo conn could see that their interest HOB elevating the quality of all their pr ucta , and unjudgingly feeding th nkim-mllk and other by.products the calvoa which they now doaci thus putting them rapidly on the n to profitable meat production , wohld be an immeasurable benefit the country at largo. Moro and b ter young meat producing animals a pressing need of the co try at largo to day. When supply of young animals la snflici to meet the demands of the coun no animal grown for beef alone i over be permitted to live beyond t years. There will always bo old co bulls and oxen onou < ? h to supply "r turo moat" for thu small number pcoplo whoso habit of eating c tough meat is incurable. It may not bo amiei to quote in t connection two of the "fttota" wh it is tario Kiporiment Farm at Guol viz : ' 'It ie 30 per cent more profita to prepare and disposa of fatten cattle at 2 years old than to k them up to 3 years. " "No cattli boast whatever will ] for the direct increase to its woi from the consumption of any kind quantify St food " Vigor , strength and health all fet in ouu battlu of lirown'a Iron Bltt ( * Humanity'o great hope ( or futnroja alone to bo realized in proved conditions oj. m&trimo What a profound obligation does 1 fact Involve ! Thojo who roaltea rcaponeibility crn hardly do bel than take advise from Mrs. Lydia Plnkhara wlfoio wonderful remct for the cute of all diseases pecullai women BTO B0 jU8tly celebrated. Ei for pamphlet. IOWA BOILED DOWN , The total valuation ot Sao county ii plftce cl at $ 2,680,012. Muccatlne county Is deliberating orei the locution of n | x > or house , Jnlin Wftllcn Is on trial nt liurllnfjtor for the mil rile r of Kuilly Korioll. Clnrirulu has four Ihounnmi Inhabitant ! nuil Is In n prosperous couilltlun. The Des Molncn distillery thlps two car loftils , or 6,7f > 0 gallons of spirits dally. Oiceola'c improvements for 1882. nccord Inp tu The Democrat , wore $170,375. Nol bad , Tlie Town City water works compinj haa been organized with A capital of $2 , > , 00 * } . OttumwA spent over half a million do1 < Ian ildtliif ' , the p st year for Improve inents. Ontbettth Mt 1'hniiant wan n M.ze which iltatroyu.i nbout 520,00 ( worth of properly. The TclcRrai h h jubllont urer the re ( Kirt that the Inri-ost barrel factory In thi statu is to bo built nt Atlantic. KDnvenportV finanrea are In exccllen condition. She hns $11,809 on baud In th general fuml , nml all other funds nro n | nlmpo. Sleighing In Burlington hw thus far tbl BOBSOD boon a pleasure of the Imagination not moro than Iwo or three days of KOOI clipping being recorded , CongrcsMnau McCoid has introduced i roiolutlon In the house aaklnt ; for nn ap proprlatlon to purchase n telescope fo rarsona college nt Fulrfiold. A young merchant In Chnrlton I clnluied by the spiritualists there to ex hlblt powora of a medium , nnd much ex cltement U thereby caused Amone th cellevorn. D s Molnos la Always finding something The latest discovery , tmdernenth that alt la a 'JS.foot hcd of glass snnd which I claimed tj 1)3 ) aa good aa the Tltlxbur article , Too Broken Kettle oonl mine Is to bo de veloped as rapidly as possible , and Corker tells the LcSIars people thai he don'l car whether they tnke ny stock In It or not but will go on with the work. The city And county of Clinton are Ii legal contest over the payment of the ei ponses Incurred hy the twenty cages o small pox treated there lost winter nn spring. The total Amount Involved I $2,000. A baby was bom In the watting room o the UurlliiKton union depot on Suturdu night whllo the father and mother wor waiting for a train to convey then wesl ward. For a time Ihe couvenionces of Ih majority wore kurrendered to the necesn tloa of Ihc minority , and the crowd Htoo out of doora for an hour or two. No Gongs , No Dormers "A Bummer Idyl. " from a Providence Merchant. Mr. George II. Davis , a Irult doilcr at 3 Wo tirlo8tfi .Street , bears hliKratcIu ttsllmoi to the mifquallctl cxcel'onco cl tlio | troductli ofonoot uirmosl sllllul lrj\Ucnco 1'hiru clsis. Mr. DaUssajs , "Uil ijitln I was \c grottly troubloil with tovoru Itillam utlon ol t klJncj-3 , anil h boame so hail that at time utlnnteil blcod and my mtlcrlo Moro inten MycomMthnwasaipal ( ; il Hut for a while waiwnibcarcoly atilo tn IT at ton 1 to bjilnt nnd tbo tovcro parn ! w ulil coin J10 suddenly > so crdy th 11 wo .11 bu ob'.lgeJ to Ina > e a cm mor whom I ml ht hippcn to bo nltlnir up During i part of the t mo I was unable to n and Bcaiccly knew what to da ct which way look ( or nllet. At this thu i a frlcml rccommi ddlHunt's llomodr. I took two bottlcH ol nd It took rljht hold ot my dlnais and cui \crjripeodlly , and I have vxporlencud trouble with my kldnoyt slnco. "Furthermore , Hunt's remedy has etreng eaed me very much , sndilncol bc an to use I have baen able t ) n'tend to luslouss , and all right now. I hear.lly rcommond It to t What It has done f.r molt will do for you \ ara UHctd. " Suffered for Twenty Yean. Hon. Joshua Tuthtll. ot Eat Ragtnaw , MIc says ; "Count mo ancni ; the cnthuiliistio ( rlei ot llunt's llomedy. It rtas proven in my cnie you claim for It , Itavln suOered for about tw iy yoira wl h severe dls OHO of tha lldn ( which our local phjslclins pronounced Drlxl dlscato. ) I mtdo a journey Kaat to consult emloom DrHaven , o Htmlltin , New York , whcsi fame In this specialty 11 had heard mu Dr HIVDII examined m > cirjliill ? and lm ; talc ! , "Jo and not a battle of Hunt' * Hum and tike according to directions " Alter tnvi traveled 10 far for treatment , It struck mu rath'r funny to bo directed to Inko a medic Khlchl m'Kbt ' bo iRht wl hln asionu'd throw my own door ; liu 1 vtoa In I ho ooctot'a ban anilol course I followed hit tdvlco.anl right K was I lht I did sr > , ( or baloro I had taken Hur rcmo Iy lull adoivn time ) I ( ound Immrnse b f Dt ( ram It , and hy rcntlnulng thn u o ol It fc limol rcovcred Iroln m ) trouble entlrrly. i am t3-dav , I think , one ol the mcnt rueieil rujtfej MlCiilvaadcrs The wmlil Is Indebted ou , ih , ( or the promulitat'on ' ot lucb a me cine , and 1 hope jou may not go wltluut yc reward. " TiUl Si7 , 75e. KIDNEY-WOR HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURB for KIDNEY DISEASES. Boo ii lame back or dliorderd urine Indicate .hat you are a vlotlmP THEN DO NOT HESITATE ! use KIDNEY-WOBT at once ( dniffcUU recommend It ) and It will ipeedUy overcome Uie dlic&ao and restore hralthy action to all lhoorc n . I arllOC roroomplaintipteulJi * jadWIwO * toyournextuohupaln nil wealcncBio * . KIDNEY-WORT Uiuuur- puaed.aaltwlU act prompUy and aafely. _ ltber Bex. Incontinence , reUntion of * . urlnef'briakdaitorropydepc ttganddull ° drocglnK palm , all speedily yield toiucur- atlvo power. (13) aOLDBYALLDEUaOIBTB. frleefl. I ONEYWORT y n Bend 81 , 82 , $3 , or $5 for a ir " tail box by Express of tbo b 0 5 f\ Candles In America , put up i. d elegant boxes , and strictly pu * Suitable for presents. Hxpr 0 55 < * chargM light. Helen to all C f- > < cage , Try It once. O. K. aUNTHBB ! Contcctloner , Chic ; O-Mum E8TADIJS11BD 1869. 3IDKHPKINO ATTAOnuaNt NOT 1ATE KU. A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING CAEEIAGE FACTOR KOO and 1411 Dodge gtroot , BIIK 7-mo firn FAST TIME ! V llt leave Omaha 8:10 r. in. "d J ; " F Iolliulcn. . loiiuUlonft P liKUKf-.T Ak 'nt , Kth and iTar nm il' . , 3. BILL. U U.WJr ! * ? - . OtMJAMF r OOAWK.l/et / TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FFIGE. j.wr. . E a TT x xt , xa A * a o. Lianas and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATE8. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN LiCKAIAMA , LEHIfiH , BLOSSBURG AND ALL IOWAAND I LX.SO GONNELLSYILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC , Offlco No , 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street nnd Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluflfa. MRS. 0. A. BENEDICT , TH LEADING DEALER IN 837 Brondvwv , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa , DR. WHITTIER. B17 St. Ohavlea Bt , ST. LOUIS I Mo A KKQULAK ORADUATK of two medical coU > oe ; , , haa been longer engaged In the treat ment of OllKONIO , NKUVOU8. BKIK AND DLOOD Dlfoases than any other physician In 81 Louts as city papers show and all old rosldonti know. Consultation free and Invited. When II Is Inconvenient to visit the city for treatment , modicum can be sent by mall or oipress every where. Durable cases guaranteed ; whore doubt exist * It Is frankly Dialed. Call ot writs. Nervous prostration , Doblllty , Mental and 1'hytloal Weakness , Mercurial and other affections of Throat , Bkln and Bonce , Ulood Impurities and lilood 1'olsoning , Sktn Affections , Old Boron nnd Ulcers , Impedimenta to Marriage , Hheumatbun , Piles. Special attention to casoa host over-workcxl brain. BU11UIOAL OASKS receive special attention. JJIneanea arising from Impnvlenoo , Kioossos , Induleenoei A flTl ' * paRcthe wholi MTITIT A IH > T MWId. Man , lulUlJlUi.1 , rocolptswhoniaymar ; ry , who may not , why , * VI.JU * . ti. cauacs , consoquencel and cure. Scaled tor 25c postage or stamps. OOL. L. T. F03TBE. ITounRBtoirn , Ohio , May 10,1680. Dl. B. J. KENDALL * Co. I had artery valni ble Hamblotonlan colt thatlprhwl very hlghl ; he had a largo bone spavin on one Joint and small one on the other which made him ver lame ; 1 had htm under the charge ol two vetei Inary surgeons which failed to cure him. I wi ono day reading the .dvortlsement ot Kendall Spavin Cure In thn Chicago Kipross.I determine at once to try It and got ourCruggtst * hers I rind for It , and they ordered three bottles ; I too all nod I thought I would glvo It a thoroua trial , I nsed It according to directions and It fourth day the colt ceased to be lame and tt lumps have disappeared. I used but one bott and the colt's llmos are as tree ol lumps and i smooth as any horse In the state lie Is entll Iy cured. The euro wat so remarkable tba have lot two ol my neighbors have the temal log two bottles who are now nslngll Very lospectfully , L. T. rOSTKB B nd for Illustrated circular giving posltl proof. Frlcefl. All Druggists have It oi ci gel It for yon. Dr. n. J. Kendall * Co ; , Fr prleton , Enosbnrgh Falls , Vt. BOLt ) BY ALL DBUQQISTf ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Somuthlt NEW ron OMAH ] ( ord , ol Clc\ lirnl , U , tl Old. | KMllO | o anil skill ! manufacture ir OK Artiflola Limb ! ' " -m * * " Of the tatoat Improved plan , hvi opened liranuh rucihanlcnl surgery Institute at WI. Ifitb itrcft , Omaha , wlioru lit ID priuarod to fn nlah Ilinlisot every description , skeletons at sup | > ortcru for paralttod nnd dcfornud llrnl ) trii9 u4 and giouldor brakes acd ium > ortcr < fi femalu Koaknc-is , etc. Tlif Doctor lins had ! \cirn I'xperlciu'e In wuirln and adjustlrr. J. S. CRAWFOHI ) , VIZ North ICthBlreet j I ilcod-w-lm Sioni Git ; & Facifi 1 THH SIOUX CITY ROUT ] Rons a Solid Train Ihroujh fron > Council Bluflfl to Bt. Paul Without Ohanne Time , Only 17 Hour * 3LOO anLEn'rnK IHOBTKII nooi noM OOUNOIL BLUFFS TO IT. PAUL , MIMNEAPOL1B DULnrn on nwufcEo : and all poleti tn Northern Iowa , hlnntscta w Dakota. This Uns Is equipped vrUo Uii luiprov Westlnubouse Antomatlo Air-brake and 1CU1 Flatlonn Coupler and ItrJIari and lor UPEKD. DArKTT AMD COUrOBT U onsorpasstd. Pullman Palace Bleeping On run through WITHOUT onAHQB between Ha s OllTanrt Bt. fan ! , via Oouacl. DluOi ai loux City. Trains leave Inlon Pacific Traniler at Cou ell Bluf s , at 7:39 : p. m. dally ou arrival Kani City , BI Jowph and Council llluOi train Ire theSoulh. Arriving at Rloax City 11:40 : p. u and at the H w Union Depot at St. Fan ! a. Hi DOOU rsH HOJTBS m ADVANca or Ain\oTUJ IIOUTK tgTRtaua&n In taking Ihe Blonx City Ron youKet aThiouKh Trr.ln. Ths Bhortett the Quickest Tlmo and a Comfortable Ulds In t Through Oin between OOUNOIL UMJFfS AND UT. PAUL. MTBce that your Tlchote road via Ihe "Bio City and Puclflo ilaPjcad. ' J.B. WATTLES , J.B. BDODA. < > N Baperlntiodrct Oen' l'i , ip-n Ulswarl Vilify It. W. E. PAVIH DlbwMtem Faiiengrr Oonncll Illud OBATETUL-COMFORTIWa. BREAKFAST , "Dy a thorough knowledge ot tlio natural U ivlilcn govern the operations ot dUcitlon a nutrition , and by a carelul appllcatiou ol t One ol Mroll-siloo'ed Cocoa , k Kpp haipiovldod our brfakfuet tables wltt delicately Uavored buvcrage which iray eave many heavy doctors' bills It Is b ) the Jmtloli oat such articles cl diet that a conatltuti may bo gradually built up until strong cuou to rrulat evry tendency to dlitoase Man it' ot 'nulitlo miladies are Hoatlm ; around uu rca to attack wherever there Is a weak point , ' may escape many a fatal Shalt by kueplnc ° i itslvfB well fortllluil with pure blood and a pr ( erly nourished frauio. " Cl ll Bcrklce Uacutte Mudo simply with boiling water or milk , tli In tins only ( j-lb andlb ) , labeled JAMII8 I PP8 St 00. , HomcBonatblo OhomlHtu , Buglan REMARKABLE ! Crtr , Mo. , Sept. fW , 1882. I think It a duty I owe to humanity to my wlmt jour reim-dy him done f r mu. Oleyear ago I contracted a bnd riuia of Blood Dl ease , a il not knowing the result of Hiu-h trouble * , 1 allow- oi It to run fo iwino t mo , hut finally applied to the beet phjmclan In t is city , who treated me for lx months. INTIIATTIMK t TOOK D\RR 600 UK I-KOTOIOI11DR W MKHn'RT 1 gtaln laill , andhod run donn in vti > lght from 210 to lf > 7 poui ( Is , and was confltieil to my bud with Mer curial KhuMnatlsm , scarcity nblu to turn mjiclt cner. Itclnga travHIni ; wan. some of Uio fra ternity founl mo In this drplo-aMo condlUcn , xpcc.lli ; . IV " " " CU > KH that had been euri'il by lt use. I ronimcnddi th UM Itwltuviify Illtlu faith unpin lew that thuii cil < K H ublu to take tnv place on the rnul The Mrv aiid ropjier-collornl npot gnulually dt ap- pearitl , and today I havemitaxoicor | > ot on my KTHOII , nnd my wclgt t li ! il7ponnd < < . brln/ more him ItcMT as. I do not I t > \nu to publish ny luunv , but jou may KIOW this letter tonny who doubt tliciiii'rltof 8. S. S. for I know It ha tmro eiirv. YournTrulj , J II. B. Hoi n thirty jiwsnjrn thmi Ituul In Montjo- ii rj , Ala. , u } outi | ! nmn who iw terribly ullllc- toil , Ktier brlni ! truitrd for n lott | ! time hy the innl'uil rmiftwiloii ot thU town with no benefit , h commrnrcd taking 8 H H. Alter penilsUmtly- tnMnR It to inontliH he van ami1) . IlolnracH ipialHtiil with him for the dticoMj nott'r inaitu It return. J.V. . Iliniiur , J. 1' . , lint Sprliits Ark. Ifon doulit , come to muii" , and no will 01HE ! YOU , or oaar u nolhlnu ! Wrl'o for purtloilaM and n ) ) < > of tint UUlit hook , " MCMW fi thu t'nliirtiiiiiiti' HiiOurltiK" Axk any lru iNt is to our xtutidlDk' . t-il.Sl.OOO K'wnrd ulllhupatd to any Chi'inliit will ) w II tlnil , on urm'yrlH of 'JOO hott cs ofH. S. S. , one iHirllhf of Mo cury , Ind du of rowiNHlum , or any lllm-ml HUbHUiicu. WlrT Hl'KCIf 1C 00 , , Pniprktorn , Atlantn. Qa. 1'rlou ot Small Hln- $1,00 Law Sin- 175 HOLD 1 > V ALL DKUCIUmTB. DOCTOR STEINHARTTi ESSENCE OF LIFE. FOR OLD AMD YOUHO , MALB AND FKUALS. It Is n sure , prompt and effectual remold for In- dlgtwtlon , Iy nepila , Intermittent Fevers. Want of Appetite , Ner\oua Debility In oil Its Stages , Weak Memory , LOM of Drain rower , Prostration , WoakneM and general loss of Power. It repairs nervous wosto , rejuvenates the faded Intellect , stronKhthcns the enfeebled brain and restores surprisng tune and \lgor to the exhausted or. pans. Thu experience of thousands proves It to loan Invaluable remedy. Price , 11.00 a bottle , or U for S3. For sale by all druggleta , or sent secure from obncn atton on receipt of price by r. Stolnliort , P. O. Box 2460 , St. oati Mo- DOCTOR STEIWHART'S SUPPOSITORIES ! The Great Popular Romeuy for Hloe. Sure euro forBHml , Bleeding &LchIng Tiles And all forms of llcmorrholdal Tuniors. Thcgo Hl'lTOHiTORlPH act directly upon the onnU of the Illood VemtU.and by their astringent tfJocU gently force the blood from the swolleo tumors , andliy making the coats of the veins strong , prevent thu r iilllllng. and hence a radi cal cure In miru to f II H > ) n Ir u-o. I'rlre , 78 ceMUabox. For icilu lit .illilni -i-t' , i > r wjiit by mall on receipt ot prl'.o.lo En liht > Ui'tilloal Inititnto , 718 Ollvu Si . * ' ' . U.L ri ; , Oi tllKpflnilfR * . * ! ' " . ! - llulll if ) " > ! . 'uiuat ? , TOff.'ru : , , gin lnir on rJ ' . : i- Bitter * . lliouiuin > IA J t * rr.iull ; fruit. tam fimu ot V Itiriey dtrrasn tbat cnttrhl h TO hrtn | ir irntm bf tlmelj n-rtf HcpCttere : ilatnt ntUi' fiaurlt. Uood ( iurc < n < n'o Tuu will be curtdlf Hop D " . and , It I it may aommrms ; i v . your life. It hn caved hun- drnd * > JlTtroalo , O U Hetraska Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , MED. Capital Stook , - - $100,000. JAS.II. IIKAHTWKLL , President. A. L. ttLAHKK , Vlce-rre Ident. E. C. WKltSTEIt , Treasurer Diufxrrous. Samuel Alexander , Oawald Oliver , A. L. Clarke , K. 0. Webster , Goo. II. Pratt , Jaa. II. Hcartwell , D. M.JIcElHInuey. First Mortgage Loaus a Specialty ThU Company ( urnlahoti a permanent , home Institution whcro School Ikjmln and other legally Imuud Jliinlrliul srcurltlnj ol Nebraska can be bo nctfotlatcil on the most tatorablo terms. IXDMIH miulo on liiinrovo-l ( anna 11 allwult nettled counties ol thu state , through rcaponalblo local ilANUKACTUREll OP Silver Plated WINDOW SASH Door Plato * Engraved to Order * No , CW N , 7th St. St. LouU , Uo