Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1883, Image 6

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The Daily Bee
Monday Morning , Jan , 15
By Carrie ? , - . . . . SOeentiper week ,
BflUU 110.00 per Te r
Office : No. 7 Poorl Btroot , Near
THAT Council Bluffs haa had a year
of great prosperity , and great ad-
vanwmont ( H evident from the show
In s of facta and figures already glvon
n THK BEE. It romaina with Its cltl
eons and buiincDS men whether this
growth shall continue , or whether
there shall corno stagnation and do-
olino. This city has al
most unparalleled railway facil
ities. It hsn many marked ad
vantages for manafacturing enter
prises and wholesale establishments.
It remains simply for Council Bluffs
to mo its facilities and improve its
This city is In condition to roach
out much farther Into the snrround
Ing country for business than It haa
yet dona and to draw trade here
from a much larger territory than la
yet covered.
In thus gathering In the business
which ought to bo tributary to Coun
ell Bluffs , all must concede that TIIK
BEE U an Invaluable help , of which
every bnsinosa man should avail him
elf. Boildes iu largo local clrcula
tlon it finds iU way into almost every
nook and corner of a largo field , oaat
wesv , north and south , where Its com
potttors arc almost unheard of ,
The wide awake and enterprising
bnsinosa men and manufacturers of
Council Bluffs need but little more
than a reminder of THE BEE'S ex-
tonalvo circulation to causa them to
realize that by no other advertising
medium can they BO readily roach'tho
trade which they nro seeking.
J. MuoUer's Palace Music IlaH.
Subscribe for newspapers and'periodl
| aU at II. E. Seaman's book store.
Fittec .Inch ice U the result of the
cold weather.
There are ( till frequent delays in the
arrival of trains.
There was no preaching service In the
I'reibytorian church yesterday.
from D. W. Uusbnell , 5 doors north ol
Justice Vaugbsn Issued a warrant
Bilurday for the arrest of Charles Grant
for jumping a board bill duo lira. A. H ,
Leave to wed waa on Saturday given
to J. A. Green , of Neol- , and Sarah Re
ran , of thli city.
The two fellows lodged In jail for
oven dayi each for carrying concealed
weapons were released Saturday and were
given their revolvers again ,
Mr. Stelnhilber , tbe furniture ) manu
facturer , met with an accident Saturday
by which he lost a thumb. A clrrnlar saw
flew out of place and in doing BO struck
his hand , levering the thumb instantly.
There are not enough drunks being
cared for at the calaboose to carry up
stairs what ooal Is needed for the city
building , and the ofliclnls have to attend
to the fires themselves.
The Whist club win be entertained
tbU evening by Mr * . S. F. Tmeyand
Mn. D. W. Buibnell at the residence of
Mrs. Pusey , C05 Third iitreet.
-0. D. Taylor now luffew from a frac
tured arm , caused by being atruck by a
timber blown over onto him by llio wind
as he was pataing the new opera house.
The sparring match Saturday ni ht
between I'rjf. Doherty and Jack Smith
did not draw yery well , and proved
rattier a tame affair. Four rounds were
ha d and the content was decided to be
a draw , even If it did fall to draw a
Officer Tyson yesterday found a man
at the trantfer who was cither too drunker
or too crizy to care for htmielf. He bad
a ticket to Helena , a valise , nnd about $7
in munev , and bad to be taken to the cala-
booie until his head cleared up ,
Mrs. E. D. Collatner died unite sud
denly Friday night in childbirth , leaving a
husband and four children , fcr whom the
tenderest sympathy Is felt. The funeral
icrvices are to be h ld at 2 o'clock thia
afternoon at the house , No. 212 Grace
On Saturday night at Uie residence if
I. W. Cooper , Thomas Wyman , of Bloom-
ington. Ills , , was married to Miss Olle
lloper , Her. Mr. L men officiating. They
will make their home In liloomlnttton ,
The requisition in the cate of MM.
Jchnaou and the mm Straup , arrested at
Kansas City , for adultery , arrived here
Saturday from Des Molnes and was imme
diately forwarded. Tbe man an-t woman
are .xpected to bi brought back here to
night ,
Some escaping steam tillici tbe bav.
ment of the Ogden houas Saturday , cam-
ing tome alarm , it at first appearing to be
smoke , and giving rite to the belief that
the house waa on fire. The difference be
tween steam and smoke was discovered
juit In time to prevent the alarm of fire
being turned In.
-N. M. Pusey. A. B. McKuae , and
J. W. Peregoy , being llrm In InslstW
upon reilgnlng M directors of the driving
park and fair association , T. P , Treynor
D. F , KIcber and J. T. Stewart have been
elected in their place H. The directors ante
to meet to-morrow evening to elect of
A Htlll alarm was * ent in from the
pawnshop opposite the city building , am
Chief Temnleton hurried to the apot.
There wai some fire In and about the
toveplpe hole in the flue , and after trying
to reach itwlth water thrown from a dip
per , the chief who is used to throwing a
pray over tobacco , filled hU mouth with
water , turned himself Into a nozzle , hut
ecmpany and enirine combined , am
aqnelchcd the Incipient Wait * . Tbe remedy
WM so speedily and auro that it U probable
that some Chinese laundry experts will
now be added to the department , to throw
nf r y * fiom their mouths , nnd thn aup-
preas fires starting in tuh pluoec , difficult
to get at olhorwNe.
Mr , Jarnoa Jjawll * , wife of a promi
nent and prosperoui farmer , living about
four mlloa southeast ef Walnut , attempted
milctde on Saturday by taking carbolic
add. It was not thought she could recover ,
but she win still alive at last report' . No
cause for the act la assigned beyond her
own declaration that the had lived long
enough ,
City Marshal Jackson hainot watched
In vain the fiee lunch pulley tf opening
a now saloon , lie opened the city pound
the other day , and began enforcing the
now ordinance by diiviug in fifteen cowe ,
AH the owners applied for their bovine * ,
however , he demanded no fees hut let them
have the cows without cost , remarking
that it waa the opening day , and so he had
act out the hay as a free lunch. After
this he proposed to charge , however , the re
gular rate ? .
A young man named James Barrett ,
who la employed at the Northwestern de
pot , wai followed by two suspicious fel
lows on his way home the other evening ,
He ran to get away from them , not liking
their action ? , and they chased him to hi *
very gate , by entering which he elnded
thorn , They were apparently bent on rub
bery or oxaault , or both ,
The dog poisoner Iaat work. If ho
would but select worthless cura there would
be llttio grumbling , though even then it
would not reflect any credit on a man cap
able of doing auch n sneaking trick , but
valuable dogs seem the chief victim
Tbe Glcnwood telephone company has
doeidod to extend it linea to Council Bluffs ,
also taking in Silver City , Pacific Junction
and Tabor.
Carson boasts of having received 12Ti
loaJn of corn in one day , whereupon there
is a cry from Muctdoab that 1C2 loads
were received there on the same day , and
It was a poor day fur corn too. Whichever
one of those two towns baa the lost chance
13 toll n story goto the best of it.
An Interesting civil ciso wax tried in
Lho superior court Saturday , before Jndgo
Aylotwortb , it being entitled Nelson vs ,
Swobe. Tbe plaintiff U a Wisconsin law
yer , who with his family recently stopped
bero at the defendant's hotel. At dinner
time Nelson and hla family left their room
unlocked to go to their meal , the lock on
their door being out of order. During his
absence , a coat , nhawl and other articles
were stolen from hla room , the value
claimed being ? ll. This suit wan brought
to make the landlord pay for the loss.
Judge Aylesworth took the case under advisement - ,
visement , and at last reports had hung , not
bolng able to agree with himself 6n a ver
Holiday gocda at Harkness , Orcatt
The old stand of the Citizens' bank
is now occnpied by 0 randy & Co.
The now futures , freshly garnishnd
walla , a.nd the elegant trimmings of a
Drat-oloaa drag store have completely
matamorphosod the old cent per cent
quarters ,
0 randy & Go. always hare kept a
popular store , and now that they have
got into the very center of business ,
they will no doubt largely oontrallzo
the retail drag trade , and "so mote
It bo. "
Eojoyablo Entertainment. ]
The entertainment given SUurday
evening under the auapbos of the
adios ( f the Episcopal church , and
or the benefit ( f that organization
> roved a very enjoyable ono. The
attendance was qnito largo , nnd the
iroceeds are reported aa having
reached $200. The obit f fdaturo of
hrr ovoning'a programme was the
elocutionary treat furnished by Ellen
Tune Meade , ( Mrs. Lu. B. Oiko. )
She showed herself to bo very
versatile and to have n moat
> leaaing manner of rendering
ho varied selections which she choao
or the evening. Among those were
'Violin talk7 "Ilowthoold horao
von the bet , " "Mother and poet , "
'Penimmora and dat "
Baloy , and
'Fourth of July at Jonesyillo. " It
would bo difficult to decide in which
she did the best , to admirably was
each given. Sao won much favor
frith the audience , and called forth
icarty applause * .
Mrs. I , M. Troynor and Hits Marcel -
col sang as a awoet dnut , "Voices of
ho night , " In which their voices
ilondod very nicely.
J , A , Roil' gave a most excellent
cornet eolo , showing himself to have
; aluod a really wonderful mastery of
; hat instrument.
Mr. I. M , Tcoynor also favored the
audience with a solo , which waa well
rendered , and in which ho showed
much power and richness c f voice.
To add to the muslcil enjoyment of
; bu occasion , Glenn's ornhcstra gave
some charming selections.
Fair Voting ;
At the Oitholio fair to bo glvon at
Dohany's ball , commencing the 22d ,
a gold-headed cine is to be given to
the most popular pastonttur conductor ,
the voting to bo on the evening of the
24th. The following are the cindi
Frank Ghamplin , of 0 & N W , ;
Ed. Aldeia > n , of 0. B , & Q ; J. G.
Bond , of Wabaihj II. Hubbard , of 0.
M. & St. P. . H. Fox , of 0. & U. I. ;
Charles Mack , of Union Pacific ; Jerry
Qoiun , of K 0.
A sealskin cap is to bo given to the
moat popular yardmaster , to bo dec'd- '
od by vote , the following candidates
bointc named : B. A. Hapcr , of 0 t
N. W , ; George Grow , of 0. B. & 0 ;
Mr QMO , of 0. &II I j Mr. Graham ,
of C. M. & St. P. ; Mr. Coles , of U. P.
Fidelity Council No. 150 R. A. will
entertain Pioneer Ojuucil No. 118 of
Omaha at their council , Friday even
ing , Jon. llth. ) All moraborawlMitng
to participate are requested to notify
the committee on rocptlon on or before -
fore Jan. 17th inst.
Children's heavy school hose al
Horkneas , Orcutt & Co.'a ,
The Public Waiting Anxiously for Its
Completion What It Will
Da Ltko.
The now opera house , whoao walls
are now roared at the corner of Broad
way and Seventh streets , will go far
towards mooting a long felt want hero ,
as for years this city has been without
any suitable amusement placo. The
new building has a frontage of GO feet
and a depth of 155 feet and It is
arranged to seat 1,200 poraons.
Generally the seating capacity
of public buildings is over
stated and overestimated , but the
figure stated is avowed to bo close to
the accurate fact. There are to bo
two galleries extending clear around
The atsgo is to bo 38xUO fdot , which
will bo Indeed a roomy ouo , and In di
mensions will compare well with the
boat theaters In the country. The
proscenium is to bo 31 foot. The cur
tains and scones are to run by weights ,
and will have aU the latest and boat
appliances f jr quick and easy hand
There are four direct exits , one on
the west side , ono on the east and two
from the stage , the main ono In front
being fourteen f jot in width. For thn
dress circle and first gallery there la to
bo a stairway cf twenty feet , and for
the second gallery ono of fifteen foot ,
giving three'chances for exit. The
jfticos and stores In tbo front are to be
dlaoonnocted by Iron doors , and every
Drccautlon poaiiblo taken to prevent
The main auditorium is to bo finished -
od with a dome about eight foot In
diameter. The whole building Is to
bo heated by steam , and
special attention has been paid
o the plans to having the
> uildlng well ventilated. There is to
> e a separate entrance oil Seventh
street loading to tbo stage , and to the
dressing rooms and closota f jr the
actors. There are also four star dross-
ng rooms back of the prosconinma.
? or the better accommodation of the
public there is to bo a parlor , cloak
room and toilet conveniences , and oil
'rom the first gallery a smoking room.
It in expected that the building will
30 finished early in tbo season , as all
the needed material Is ordered al
ready , and work will bo pushed right
The estimated cost of the building
when finished Is about $70,000. It
looms that * t this figure there must
bo some neglect in furnishing it as at
tractively and comfortably as the
imusoment public will demand. It is
hoped that there will bo no such parsi
mony shown In finishing the now
building that has boon shown in the
management cf the old one , but with
the opening rf the now place there
will bo a resurrection cf enterprise in
management , aud somn'caro fjr the
comfort of the people.
The present opera honao , or hall as
It is more properly called , has been
and is almost worse than nono. Its
situation over a stable , on a aide
Htreot , ita inconveniences and lack of
comforts and accommodations , keep
nany from attending entertainments
; here , and there is no first class com
pany which can do iteolf juatica in
appearing upon what Is called ita
stage , there being no room for soon-
cry , and no conveniences for prop-
irly presenting a play. Council
Bluffs has on this account been
; lven the go-by by many companies ,
ind those of our citizens who wanted
first-class entertainments have had to
; o to Omaha.
It Is with some impatience , there-
ore , that many wait for the com-
ilotlon cf the now opera house , and
lomo curiosity as to whether in its
finishings and furnishings It will bo
suah a place aa Council Bluffs needs.
If so , it will bo hailed with delight ,
and liberally patronized. If not , the
city wilt wag on in the old way , , catch-
ng a fdw of the cheaper sort of
shows , and occasionally giving a
; oed company a chance to
do discredit to themselves and
destroy all enjoyability of a play by
presenting it on a bare and stinted
itnga to an audience wriggling about
on uncomfortable seats in a daintily
decorated anditorium. Oounoil Bluffs
las long felt the need of a good opera
louse , aud it la hoped that the prom-
ae rf ono now hold out will ba spoodi-
y fulfilled and made satisfactory in
all respects.
lu the meantime there ia little use
: f expecting anything really enjoyable
* n the amusement lino. The best
companies shrink from coming here ,
ondoven if they do come , neither they
nor the public can bo accommodated
ao as to do credit to the former or give
much satikfiction to the latcur.
Ladles' and children's wool hoods at
Harknoas , Orcutt & Go. 'a.
jCrTho most brilliant shades possi
ble , on all fabrics are raadu by the
Diitmod Dyes. Unequalled for brill-
iftuoy and durability. 10 conU.
When you feel out of sorts , have
the blues , melancholy , etc. , it must
bo indigestion that alls yon. Brown's
ron Bittern cures it.
Darkness , Orcutt & Go. nave still a
few Cue silk dolmans. Gall and BOO
Unoriff Joue ? , of Crawford County ,
May Well Congratulate Utmaoif
on Kecuplng u Horrible Death.
J. D. Jones , the well known sheriff
of Crawford county , and whoso fame
and fco are made fan.iliar here by
frequent visits , had the other day os
narrow an escape from as * * horrible
death as over falls to the lot of an or
dinary mortal. lie waa atanding at
the depot at Vail talking with a friend
and prepared to take the train. It
waa a little late and rnido but a short
atop , and Mr. Jonca was still on the
platform talking , when the train
started up. He grabbed for the iron
hand rails of ono car , but missed
thorn , and falling forward against the
side of the car was thrown around
and tumbled between the platform
and the trsck ( his legs lying across
the rail. Several bystanders were
so sure thu ho waa to horribly man
gled thai they could not look at him ,
much loss stir to hia asalstanca , but
one , Robert Young , more cool headed
than the others , jumped to the rescue
and catching hold of Sheriff Jones
helped him out , and.not an instant to
caon , as the wheels caught ono of
Jones' boot heels , Jones thus escaped
without Injury , eave a slight wound
on the head , but ho haa learned a les
son c f which others should avail them-
nolvts without waiting for such an experience
porionce to teach it.
( ! . K , Ciawford , the butter and egg tnan ,
ia on the nick Kit.
John Y. Stone , of Ulenwood , wai at the
Ogden yesterday ,
Governor Wm , Hale , of Wyoming ,
spent Sunday t the Ogden.
It. Brltton , who U teaching at Walnut ,
van in the city Saturday.
C. K. Uir , cathier of the Savings' bank ,
h confined to his room with malarial feror.
Mr. and Airs. Lu. 13. Cake spent Sunday
at the Pacific house , and attended church
bore. ,
J. T. Stewart and bis eon Charles left
yesterday for Chicago , The latter expects
to go east and in a few days will sail for
Mrs. S. Dye , of Macedonia , ( s reported
as still very low , but with fair prospects
01 final recovery.
P. M. Pryor lias returned from his trip
to Wisconsin , leaving hia wife to remain
there with friends fora week or two longer.
D. W. Motlnz boa one more grandchild ,
the happy father and mother being Mr ,
and Mrs. J , M. Johnson. This makes
nine grandchildren for "Davy , " but the
others are all boy * , while this is a girl ,
which makes him feel aa though now he
wan something of a grandmother in well
M grandfather ,
John Ltnder and Henry Wajner have
returned from their trip to Sioux Falle.
Mr. Llndar while there completed the
Hittlement by which Mr. F. S. Jonseu
steps out of the firm of Llnder , Jensen &
Kiel , at that place , leaving the firm Lin-
dor k Kiel , the tame as here. Henry ,
while there bought two improved farms
about fifteen mi'ci ' out of Sioux Falls ,
for which he paid $31,000. Among those
they met during their trip waa the sheriff
of Minnohaha county , who waa on a sad
errand , that of taking his brother to tbe
inaano asylum , to which ho only two
weeks ago took another brother , while his
father too , is mentally a wreck , all seem
ing to be especially insane on the subject
of religion. On the home trip Linder and
Wagner stopped over at Sioux City nnd
took a meal , and as a relic of the kind of
soup they were fnrnlshed they left at
THE BEE office the half of a rusty nail ,
fonnd in one of their plates. They now
want tbe rest of the reeipe.
Table linens , napkins , doylies , tow
els and crashes cheap at Harknoss ,
Orcutt & Go.'a.
Weak muscles and nerves , sluggish
ness of thought and Inactivity , cured
by Brown'a Iron Bitters.
Fair and Festival.
The ladies of the Baptist church
will give a fair and festival at Do-
hany'a opera house , Tuesday , the IGth.
Supper from 5 p. m. on during the
evening. Tableaux at 8 p. m. Sev
eral scenes drawn from incidents ol
the war of the rebellion. Admission
only 10 cent * . All are cordially In
vited. jap 12 4t.
Rlofae * In Hop Forming.
At tbo present prices , ten acres In
Hops will bring more money than
five hundred acres in any other farm
ing ; and , if there is a consumer or
dealer who thinks the price of Hop
Bittora high , remember that Hops are
$1.25 per lb. , and the quantity and
quality of Hops in Hop Bitter ? , and
the price romaina the aamo as former
ly. Don't buy or use worthless stuffer
or imitations be4nnao the price ia less.
Dealers are paying 3&c for corn here today -
day ; cost and freight to Chicago IGo.
Chicago market for now mixed corn , 4Ga (
Corrected dally by J. Y. Fuller , mcr-
chandlao broker , buyer and shipper o
grain and provision * , 39 Pearl street.
WIIKAT-NO. 2 spring , 77c ; No. 3,65
rejected 50c ; good demand.
COUN 29o to feeders and 30o to ship
pers.OATS Scarce and in good demand ; 30@
HAT 4 00@G 00 per ton.
HVK 40o ; light supply.
Co UK MEAL 1 25por 100 ponnda ,
WOOD-Good supply , prices at yards ,
5 00@C 00.
COAL Delivered , hard , 10 f > 0 per ton
soft. 5 00 per ton.
liUTTKU Plenty and In fair demand
25c.Enaa Scarce and in demand ; SOo per
LARD Falrbank'n , wholesaling at 13c.
POULTIIY Firm ; dealers paying 13c per
pound for turkeys and lOo for chickens.
VKaKTABLEH Potatoes , 45c ; onions , 25o
cabbagci , 30@40o per dozen ; apples , 2 6 (
@ 8 CO per barrel.
Vi.ouu Crystal Holler mill flour rttall
ed at a 2o for dladum winter ; 2 BO for gold
en sheaf ; 2 00 for hard Uck.
Wholesale price * for flour , 2 40@3 25.
BUOOMS 2 00@3 00 per doien.
CATTLE 3 00@3 50 ; oalves , 5 00@7 50.
Hoaa Itecelnta very light to-day qn ac
count ot delayed train , Market firm at
yesterday'a prlcen ,
* # * "Durabllity ia better' than
show. " Durability of health ia worth
more than the wealth of a Van
derbilt. KidneyWort ia man'a co-la
borer In maintaining health. With
healthy liver , bowels and kidneys ,
men and women will always bo It
good health. If the bowels are
torpid , U piles torment , if the back ia
full of pain , get a package of Sidney-
Wort and bo cured without more Buf
free of Cost.
All persons wishing to test the merits o
ft great remedy one that will positively
cure Consumption , Coughs , Colds , Asth
inn. Uronchltii , or any atfection of throal
and lungs are requested ta call at
C. F. Goodman's Drug Store and get a
trial bottle of Dr. King's- New Discovery
for Consumption , riiE or COST , which wll
tihaw you wnat a regular dollar-size bottle
will do
Honest and Liberal.
When the Hops In each bottle ol
Uop Bitters ( at the present price ,
$1,25 per lb. ) coat more than a bottle
la sold for , besides the other costly
medicines , and the quality and price
are kept the eamo , wo think It is
honest and liberal in the propolotors ,
and'no ono should complain , or buyer
or USD worthlois stuff , or cheating
bogus Imitations because the price la
NOTICE. SpocUl kdTCTtlsomento , rue
Fraud , To LOAD , For Slo , To
Wonts , Coirdlng , etc. , will be Inserted In tbU
oolomn the ow rate of TEN CENTS PER
for the dnt Insertion Mid FIVE CKNTB
? EB LIME for etch subsequent Insertion.
JO T 4r ertlxmeota at our office , No. 7
'corl Street. near Ilroadwty.
Everybody In Council BluD l *
to take Tni Bn , 20 cento per neck , de
Irertxl by carriers. Office , No 7 Peat ) BUee *
near Broadway.
For Solo and Rent
IKKS-In ) pacKngea ot a hundred at Cc
a packftio at THK UKH oQico , No. 7 Puul
street. U
A N olllcc , ino'taJ\iint < UTK > iuly f United , offers
iddk room In return lor tvrtlcva ; ROS , fuel ,
ito. , fiirnlnlicd. Acldroa , "OHlaUKK office ,
Jounc 1 IllutK
Oco. II. Heard , denier In Tall
RKMOYAIi window ph do" , will move Janu
ary IB. from No 11 , Tcarl street , to new Me-
Mahon blockIfc ! Mam , and 33 t'carl 8 re'Is , next
door to postotlico Jan4'U
A colics foclety pin. Come to the
FOUND c. piy for this ad , prore projwtty
ml get the pin. d27 tt
. W. L. PATTON Physician and Oculist.
DH. cure any CM of sere eyoR. II la only
a matter of time , and eon cure generally In
fora three to five week * It makes or differ
ence how long dlseasud. Will straighten crow
eyes , operate and remove Ptyrertnmi , etc. , and
necrt artificial eyes. Special attention to re-
movelng Udenonni apfi-U
cmoAeo , BOCK DSLAKD AMD rictno.
Depart. .Arrive.
Atlantic Ext..6:20 : pm Pacific EX.9:18 : an
it and Hall * . .023 am Ex and Mall.6 9 p m
D. Molncg ac'.7:16 : a m Dca Holnc8ac.4:10 : p m
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ext. . . - " Pacific Ext..9:20am :
Mall and Ex".920am Mall and Ex.T.-OOpm
N. Y. Ex 4:00pm Neb ic Kaa Kx..8:20 : a m
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Exf..B:18pm : I Pactflc Ext..0:15am :
Mall and ExS.groam I Moll and Ex.6:15 : p m
Accom. ( Sat. ) . . B Opm [ Accom. ( Mon..lM5pm
Depart. Arrive.
Hall and Ex..9:55 : am I Express. 620pm
Express. 0:10p : m | Mall and Ex..C'45pm
Depart Arrive.
Dvorland Kx. 11:30 a. m. O\crlandEx..4:00 : p. m.
Lincoln Ex..11:30a. : ra. Denver Ex. . . .8:00 : a. m ,
Demor Ex..7:00p. : m. Local Ex 0:30 : a. m.
ocal Ex 7:25 : a. m. " Ex 9.-05a. m.
Emigrant..520 p. m. 11 Ex P-OOam.
Depart. Arri\e.
Mall and Ex. . 0:45 : a m I Molt and Ex.1:30 : p m
Cannon Ball. . 4-r > 0 p ru | Cannon Uall. . 11:05 : a m
Depart. Arrive ,
for Sioux t'ity.7M a ra Frm Sioux C'y.GlM p m
For Fort Nlobrara. Frm Fort Nlobrara ,
Neb * 7Mam Neb * C:50pm :
For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul.,820 a m
I/caw Council BluHa. Arrives Council Bluffs.
Mall and Ex.0:20 a m I Mall and Ex.6fifi : pm
Atlantic Ex.5:16pm ! : | Atlantic Ex.9:10am [ :
Leav OB Omaha. Arrh cs at Omaha.
Mall and Ex.7l5i\m : I PaiHflc Ex [ 9:45 : am
Atlantic Ex. . [ 3:40 : p m | Mall and Ex.7-23 p m
Except Sundays. ( Except Saturdays. ( Except
Mondajs. ( Dally.
Council Blufts Si Omaha Street R. R.
Leave Council Muffs. Leave Omaha.
8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a ra , I 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m ,
11am , im,2 p m , 3 p 11 am , 1pm , 2pm , 3p
m , 4 p tn , fi p m , 6 p m. | m , 4 p m , 6 p m , 6 p m.
Street can run half hourly to the Union Pacific
Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at
9 o clock a. m. , and run rcfju'arly during the day
at 9,11 , 2 4 , B and 0 o'clock , and run to city time
Dr , J , Mother , Oculist , Aurist ,
In Chronic dlreaeea , often his services to all at
dieted with diseases of th < Eye , Ear , cr Chronic
dlaeoees of any character. Warrants a cure In
a 1 Kheumatlc alTeciluns Can be consulted by
mall or in person at the Metropolitan hotel ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
New Goods.
For Dry Goods and
Fancy Goods go to L
HARRIS , 734 Lower
Justice ot the Peace anc
Notary Public.
CISBroadway , Council Bluffs
Omaha and Council Uluda
Real Estate & CollectionAgency. .
In Odd Fellow'a block , over Savtnga
Bank. jan8-t
MBS. fi. J. HILTON , M. D. ,
SStSt Bromdwa * . ConaolUBluft.
Ground by
Porcelain Rolls
Warranted Equal to any made In the
United States.
Bran & Shorts.
Council Bluffs , Ia.
Broadway , and Fourth Street. .
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Headquarters For the Cele
Weber Pianos ,
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail.
Address , SI
Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1,75 and $2.00
i TA.E : > jg inr rx' cxi
Bluff ajiJ flow greets , Council Bluffs ,
. , * -T
Orders filled In any part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
Drj oat Street , ono Door north of Pohtny's Hall.
Thermo-Blectrio , . Medicated Sulphur Baths.
For ladles and gentlemen. These Baths are fully tndo sril by the Medical Fraternity aa bar * ; aa
falllDK In nt Colds , Kheuroatlsm , Neuralgia , and
auilllaiy rec Lumbago many other lUlrrvcntu
Besides , my Ife , a competent lady , wll ( attend ladles P M. LOOK WOOD , Propr.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Fieah Roasted Cofieor , Teas and Spices.
3Q5 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA.
Tbo finest quality andlargest stock west of Chicago of wooden and rnetallo cases.
Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices.
Our Mr. Morgan baa served aa undertaker for forty yean and thoroughly understands
his business. WAREROOM8 , WO AND 357 BROADWAY. Upholstering in
all Its branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Tele *
graphic and mail orders filled without delay. - . - . . _
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Be r nd rr&lt In any qmnllty'to suit purchasers. Veer (3.00 per barrel. Private famhlM sup
plied with small kegi at 81.00 aach , delivered freaof charge to any part ot the city.
Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlltz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the sountry oliclted
CJity orders to families and dealers dellveri-d free.
( Successors to EBB & DUQUETTE ) .
16 and 18 Poarl-st. . rouncll Bluffs , JaNe
No , 529 S Main Street. Council Bluffs.
Our constantly Increasing trade U sufficient proof of our equare dealing and atten
tion to customers. Good butter always on hand. Prompt delivery of goods ,
S. M. OKOOKS , Pros. N. B. EABTON , Secy.
J , 0. HOFKMAN , Vice Pros. N. B. MOOUE , Connaolor.
[ Incorporated nndor the Laws of Iowa. ]
Insurance at Actual Cost ,
Inanrinc LIVE STOCK Against Low by
Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever ,
Experienced ngenU wanted. Correspondence
solicited fr > in M puts of Iowa.
Omt'K' 103 Tearl Street , Council Blnua. Ia.