Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1883, Image 5

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Michael Davifct Elevates His
Spine and Wades Into
a Mob ,
A. Lively Row With Brass
Knuckles and Ohnira , Spiced
With Tongue Smice.
The Dublin Oastlo Again Stum-
bio Onto Giynntio Con
Thu Runicr-id Death of K ug Wll
lliiiu Cronte * a Sensation
ill Europe ,
Bui Later lioports Show Elm to bo
" * Alivu and Kicking.
Special Ulswtchei to Tnr.
LONDON , January 14 Dmtfr np-
} iurea u : Uldhum last evening to de
liver an address on the Irish question.
When ho commenced to speak ho was
howled down by an organized gang ,
who attempted to storm tbo platform ,
but were remised with clnlrs by the
occupanto < f the platform. A free
fight fallowed , cliair ICRB end brasc
knuckles being the principal weapons.
Many peraonc wore hurt. Divitt
called the disturbers a cowardly crow ,
and declaicd if twenty men would
follow him ho would clear tiio hull of
the gang. Ho thereupon advanced
toward the mob , but was restrained
by policemen. Addressing his oppo
nents sgiin , Divitt said they wore
miserable , contemptible , cowardly
dogs. When they wore sitting in tav
erns , he sid , ho was fighting the Brit
ish government. They were drunken
blaci guards and were a disgrace to
the rmme of nationalists. If Ireland
were made up of such men she would
earn the contempt of the civilized
world , lie had traveled throughout
Enqland , and Englishmen , although
his ooemles , had pivon him a hearing.
What , a upeotaclo fjrtho English , he
exclaimed , was afforded by ttieno pro
lessors ( f blackguardism at a time
when Ireland was asking fjr self-
The police finally oncceded in re
moving the disturber * from the hall.
A vote of thanks to Davitt was then
paused , and the meeting shortly after
wards adjourned.
DUBLIN , January 14 The knives
supposed to have been used bv the
' Ph < uiix park nsaaanns were fiund
t , near the premises < f Carey , cf Dub
lin. The municipality arrested him ,
with twenty others , on a charge of
conspiracy to murder government
CHICAOO , Jannary 14 A report
has been received of the death of the
emperor of Germany.
PAUIS , January 14. All evening
pipers hero published the rumor this
afternoon of the death of the emperor
of Germany , but The Courier Du
Soir was the only one whioh alii cmod
the rumor to bo true. The tfavas
agency has received the nowa but has
hesitated to send it to papers without
PAIUS , January 14.A. . later dis
patch received tonight from Berlin
says Emperor William is in excellent
health , but that Prince Charles , his
- . brother , Is very seriously ill. This
probably gave rise to the .false . report
cf the emperor's death published in
the evening papers hero.
BEULIN , January 14. Five specta
tors of the floods were drowuod near
Opponheim. It is estimated the lossei
by the floods in Germany will roach
80 000,000 marks.
The total number of lives lost by
the floods in the vicinity of Ludwig
Shafon is estimated at 41. Stringent
military measures effectively stopped
the practice of bandmon going about
In boats plundering inundated houses.
Two miscreants wore captured neat
Frankonthal while trying to cut the
dams with the object of creating
f fosh opportunities for plunder. Sol
diers repaired the mischief , thui
avoiding disaster.
NICE , January 13 , The remains o
Gambotta arc to bo interred at thi
highest point of the cemetery here
so that the monument will be vlsibli
from afar.
NICE , January 14. The Gambott
funeral procession , instead of goinj
directly to the cemetery , made a lonj
detour of the streets , greatly to th
annoyance ( if the relatives. On er
riving at the cemetery the cctlin wa
placed on a catafalque of rather the
atrical appearance , at the foot o
which three orations were delivered
General DeBollenaro , commander c
the Twenty-ninth division , brldl
ibado the last farewell to the great pe
triot. The mayor said Nice was prou
to receive as a precious trust .th
illcstrioua remains of Gambott :
the privilege which had bee
grndgnd her enabling her to attci
hnr French republican sentimenti
The prefect said a voice from th
tomb cried "Forget barren rivalry an
think of Franco always , and only <
Franco. " After these speeches
member cf Uambotia'a finlily n
quested that there bo no more. A
nlgrhl fill the crowd eontlnuad to fit
past the catafalque without any sig
rf diralnithing and Cambetta
friends , in the absence cf the munlc
pal councilors , who had retired , h ?
to intoifere and ordered the cell !
lowered into the family vault. Rai
and cold winds prevailed during tl
The flat ; of the United States coi
sulatu was draped and at hti
mast during the funeral of Gumboil
yesterday. The United States nav
uniform was especially noticeable
the procession.
MABIUD , January 14. Marshc
Serrano ana llios , llartos tfnd JIoi
decided to contradict the rumors
tbo disorganization cf the dynna
Jeff. They are determined to odhc )
to the programme of the party , ex
plained some time ago to the senate ,
Tnoy have resolved , however , to ob
serve n conciliatory attitude towards
the povernmont ss an inducement to
it to carry into effect the liberal
measures promised , The fict cf
Given , democrat , having been ap :
pointed a member cf the cabinet is re *
gardod as indicating eucli Itstontion on
the part c f the government.
Sr. PKTKIISHUIIG , January 1-1.
Fooktlsoir , editor of The Jburnal issued -
sued by the ministry of odncation , hss
beou appointed director i f press ad
ministration ,
GENEVA , January 14 A serious
railway accident occurred to-dhy in
which rover'U ' pjraona were killed near
Camerlata. Italy.
LYONS , January 14. Tlie prisoner
Gouticr , ono of iho nnarch'.ato ' , Ad
mitted ho had relations with Eliza
Reclus , and tays ho hud as good right
to BOO llcoliu as Rochefort had to ouu
Parnell. or Gambettn the prince of
SOFIA January 14. Reports c f the
mly rising of Mnsnulmon in the
mountain dislrlcta i f eastern lion-
nieli.i are coniirined. The authorities
seized aovoral cases of Martini rifles
oent by"tho "young Turkey com
mittee" of Constantinople ) to the
committee in Vhlllipopolis. Turkish
troops have boon clandestinely massed
on the eastern Roumolian frontier.
CONSTANTINO I-LK , January 13 The
British ohurgo do1 jiffairos to-day hand
ed the Porto a draft of the scheme for
the administrative , judicial , financial
and military refornu m Esjypt , which
England proposes to eubmit to the
powers after having ascertained the
views thereon of the Porto. The
echomo proposes the replacing of the
Anglo French control by aomo other
LONDON , January 13. Davitt , at
Liverpool , in referring to the proposal
that the Inaguo fund bo appropriated
for the relief of the distress in Ireland ,
aaid that tlioflo. funds were forwarded
from America for tto removal of land
lordism , which was the causa of the
existing famine , and when England
engaged in the war with a powerful
foe perhaps it would bo Ireland's op
portunity ,
LYONS , January 13 The governor
has directed the plicing under close
arrest for a month the captain of the
army , who , at the trial of anarchists ,
Insulted the prisoners in the docks ,
and exclaimed that he hppod ho would
soon have the opportunity of ahooting
aomo of them ,
BERLIN , January 13. Eiwin
Booth's second appanranco was another
brilliant success. The Crown Prince
Frederick * William viva again present ,
and joined in the frequent and tum
ultuous applanao whioh was bestowed
upon the American actor.
Mos : w , January 13. Persona
frozen to death are found in the street
hero daily.
LONDON , January 13 , The Duchess
of Cannaught has been safely deliv
ered of a souat , the Windsor Castle.
The floods in the south of Hungary are
assuming greater proportions. NeusaU
on the LHnul > 3 is submerged. Somberon
on the Franoais canal and Slmlhn and
I'aulcova.on the Danube are in imminent
The police of Home made domicllatory
visits to 185 houses and arrested 125 per
sons. ' They als6 seized 02 newspapers
containing revolutionary Accounts of Over-
rlank's so-called martyrdom. It is be
lieved the arrests will lead to the discovery
of important Information. Trials for high
treason are impending.
The destitution in t > omo of tbo western
districts of Ireland is the subject of much
concern to the poor law guardians , The
government has been persistently urged to
provide employment by public works. In
a few Instance emigration is viewed with
favor. A number of people have applied
to the Ballinasloe guardians for assistance
to emigrate to America ,
The echerfe for the administration ol
judicial , financial and military reforms In
Egypt , which the British charge d'affairi
handed to tha port , also deals with the
proposed regulations in reference to the
Suez canal , and arrangments for withdrawing -
drawing British troops are secured. The
effect of tha scheme upon the porte hat
already been to dispel the idea that Eng
land contemplated the annexation ol
Statistics of the British hirvests place
the wheat acreage for 1842 ( it 801.000 , bar
ley 2,255.pOO , oats 2,843 000. These w
compared with those of IBM , are about
nine per cent Increase in wheat , seven pei
cent decrease in barley , two per cent de
crease in oats. The gross Englhh yield o :
wheat U placed nt 10,268,000 quarters , anc
including the Scotch , Irish and Welsl
vleld , the grand total would be 11,412 ,
000. Taking out seed and grain destroys
by the weather there will be 10,412 4)0 )
quarters for bread making. The barloj
} ield available for malting , feeding , etc.
will be 10,400,000 quarters ; oats , 13,400 ,
000 quartern ,
A. RodUot Protest-
Special Dispatch to Tim lim.
CAMDEN , Maln ° , January 14. Citl
zona m a well attended mooting ex
pressed indignation at the appoint
meut of W. b. Rich , postmaster , eve
the present incumbent , Alden Millei
jr. , a wounded soldier , who did nc
pay the assessment on his salary
Resolutions were adopted deuouncln
the appointment aa a base and unwai
ranted disregard cf the wishes cf th
people , in direct opposition to civ
service reform principles , and intend
ed to increase the patronage of ctlic
A Druiomer'a Dlotruti ,
SpcdM Dfipatch toTai Dit ,
CIIIOAOO , January 13 , A oomraoi
cial traveler who haa had a long DJ
perienco In the hotels of the nortt
western states , mentions sornp twontj
five in the cltlca of medium siz ? whic :
are wnrso fire traps , if possible , tha
the Novrhill liouto. lie considers tl :
U hotela of the Treat lamentably uuaafi
10 Advices from lovra indicate that
blizzard Bet in last night and extrou
cold weather prevalla in the tut
The cold waves and high winds all
taal infest Minnesota and Dakota.
In The End of
a Sproo-
gpecial Dispatch to TUB Bu ,
CLEVELAND , O. , January 14 TJ
Leader's special reports that at
rol o'clock this morning the jail at 0 <
of Harbor took fire and a man locked i
tic the night be f jroor bolug drunk , w
to burned to death.
I'.olnvicw hud a new eloro.
Syracuce h si candy factory.
Wider has lx Inwyer * .
City nt lost has a Imrber
Alma IIM a new paper , Th ) Trlbuno.
The ilog poisoner U nt work In
Beavo are plentlfol nlongtbo Ncttmli.i.
James H. Klgs I\M bought the O'Xelll
A dairy association has been formed at
The S'.anton bank hss new nnd elegant
Cleirwaler. Antelope county , haa a now
grlt mill.
The Hastings nswspapers are at each
other , again.
Wahoo'd grind total of improNcmcn'B ' In
Ih ia SS1.I01.
Norfolk built n $10,000 brfck school
hou e last year.
Schuyler p oplc have a kind of epuiotlo
that ID epidflinii.
fc.-nator Van Wyck's New Year's gift
was u daughter ,
Butler county hogs are swarming the
Schuyler market.
David 0 ty imp.ovoments amounted to
? 0 000 last year.
Blair IUH pro\idoda pesthouao for any
cues that develop.
They are cutting sixteen inch ice in the
Elkhorn at Scribnor.
Table Reck male gratifying progress
and growth last year.
Freinmt's new buildings last year
amounted to $100,100.
The Nebraska 1'lnneor agsosiatiou meets
at Lincoln oa the 25.h ,
The low price for corn is holding it
back all over the state.
The frame of the now Methodiit church
at Nellgh has been ra'sed. '
The Tribune says two churchei will bo
built in Alma thin season
Pawnea City wan obliged to increase its
force of teachers last weotr.
A very long revival is in progress in the
Beatrice Methodist church.
Wymoro is to soon vote on a proposition
to build a new school home.
The O d Fellows of Table Hock dedi
cated their house Notv Yearn ,
Two brick store buildings will be put up
iu Bloomlngtou in the spring ,
Tfic new hull at O'Neill will probably bo
dedicated on St. Pat tick's day.
Pawnee City's now hotel , the Grand
Central , wah opened on the 1st.
A dancing school has been organized at
Syracuse and U welt patronized.
The PresbvtcrUns of Superior are trying
to raise $3,003 to build a church.
Fremont closed her Echooln last week to
prevent tha spread of eiphthtrio.
The Niobrara Pioneer has blossomed
into life as the Creighton Pioneer.
The state has granted the * Doane College
Light Guards forty dtiud of nrmfl.
Gaorge W. Browater has again taken
hold of The Oakland Independent ,
AKatrus man haa been buying potatoes
in Syracuse tor shipment to Texas. ,
Ntligh l nmbltlous to secure woolen
and paper milU and a rope factory.
One man has thu * far this gaatnn ship
ped over 1.200 hogs from Syricuco.
The Donlphan Index has joined the an
gels , The material gooa to Minden.
A number of brick buildings will be
erected in West Point next summer.
Dictiict No. 90 , Otoe county , hii just
completed a now school house , " 0x30.
There are 101 pupils in the erammar de
partment of tte Table Hock High school
Plattsmcuth undertakers complain that
they have told very few ccQins this winter ,
_ Ashland has a case of small pox a little
girl in a family that recently moved there.
An Antelope county man set a trap lasl
week to catch a rabbit nnd found a well
in it.
The roller skating rink at Beatrice die
not do biuiness enough and and had tc
The Wilsonville ( Furnas county
creamery ia being built as rapidly as pos
John Cornell , who settled in Richardson -
son county in 1830 , died on the "th , ol
The Alma town board has wisely pur
chaeed rive acres and fixed them up for i
There were six cues of diptherU in on <
family at Lyons recently , and four o :
them died.
The frame of Jud , Webb's new housi
a * . Fremont was blown down by Wednes
day's gale. '
Lincoln's pork packing house seems ti
be doing a flouriihlnR business ? . It ha
twenty killers.
Oliver Luak , while chicken sheeting nca
Weeping Water on the 9th , shot himself ii
one cf the eyes.
Bellwood la reported to bo growing rap
idly , several families from the east havlu
recently settled there.
A gambling bell in Lincoln fiequente
by colored sports was pulled on the 9th an
seven darkeya caught.
The oldest cat on record ( lied two month
go , ag d 24. It belonged to Wm. Mclr
ch , of Nemaba county.
A couple of Oeceola , Iowa , men hav
made a proposition to Hebron people t
erect and run a creamery.
O'Neill la beginning to figure on gottin
an extension of the Chicago , Mllwauke
& St. Paul road next year.
The United Presbyterians of Pawne
City have decided to build a new churcl
to cost between $5OfK ) and SO.OOO ,
Peter G llogy , living in the souther
part of Gage county , full oil a load of ha
a few day * ago and broke three ribs.
The Catholics of Tecumseh will hold
fair in a few weeks , the proceed to 1
used to complete the church at that plac
The report that a recently married coi
pie were frozen to death in Thayer count'
Is indignantly denied by the Hebron pape
The company digging for oial south i
Alma continue * to dig. A depth of 31
feet bas been reached with poor prosrect
Mince pies made of venison In Nnni
county are not for everybody. Thev a
too deer. | Too late for the } N3 almanac
Miss Spraifuo , teacher of the llsmptt
school , was locked in by her pupils 01
day last week , and had to get c it thraui
a window.
The Advent people are about toestftblli
a university in Xebronka , and think
choosing either Schuyler , Fremont
The fanners in the vicinity of 'lalma
raided 8G03 in two dvs to build a Chri
tlan church. They want the town to rat
$300 more.
On the 8th a neighbor went to the hem
of W. B. Pratt , near Wayne , and fnm
htm dead. The coroner'd Inquest dec ! . !
he nuldJed.
Prof. A. K. Gowdy , of the Pawn
h Citv Hchooli , haa joined the state nt
mal school faculty , much to the regret
the Pawneee.
6. A Colfax county intin hauled eight
four bushels of com In me load to Sodtt
ler the other day. Colfax county mil
have good reads.
A case in which calf ii
10 a the central fi '
. nre bun jtut had its fourth trial at Norfo >
o. and 111 cantlnuo till it gets up sohlch t
80 calf will be out of sight.
J Byron Jenningi wont to bed at t
CJoramercUI , Lincoln , on the Oth. and 1 <
hli gold watch on the bureau , when
got up tha watch was gonr.
hoe Wyraore hail a tensatlon jmt after Ni
o Y rX J J. Stfladman , preiident of t
ak Valley b nk , being c > ! by S , \
Jacob' , The c\une was not jearno 1.
up HA ) lamp on the stairway of the Hewn
as opera home fell on the evening of the t
at the audience ware lowing , and brol
the oil fcattering in every direction. The
people kept cool , however , and with the
matting smothered the flitno' .
Clarence Maloney , gcd 10. of Gibbon ,
was thrown from a horco while herding
cittlo ht week. Ills foot caught In a
stirrup and ho was dragged to death.
North Bend is getting alarmed at the
itiimcii'e niti'tint of ice formed in tlv <
1'l.vtte and Lotil ) rivers nurlfears | rcpetl-
tionof her xporlcncotwo years ngo.
Wm. Bo/uth : , living ft couple "f mjle
out of Kalrtield , has a Hork hlro now tint
hasraltoiSJ pigs in the lait four years ,
Tbo nnlinal now weighs a'nout COO pouniU.
The Western Talon think * it can xkln
the grain dealers of Plaltsmonth and has
put up the charges In the four dealers lor
market reports from SIM to $570 per your.
A WoWi-Knghsh paper Is to bo started
at Blue Sprint ! * prrtty foot ) . The ninio
of It will Im "Y Cimro Gollewlmil"ontl
It ( jtvlll ytuuloubghtodli bo n grrantld
K1. Welton. n young in-in living nnar
UiiBtlllla , was out hunting with a party on
the 30ih ult. , and ixccideutly received the
contents of it shot-gun in the nock , nn oc
currence thit lays him up for awhile.
Conductor . 'rnrlca Green. In charco of
n B. it M. special , with T. J. Potter nnd
Superin.otuleiil'lloldrcgoon board , slipped
as he WRB getting ou the cuslne n'
Aratithoo and had a number of to s
A Norwfglaniln Madison county waa
kicked in the head by a horsn n month
auo aud his tkull tracturod. llccently a
surgeon d' sw o\it n piece of the cranium
nn inch nnd a half long , nnd now the man
U getting well.
A Schuylor man received a c rload of
coal from Penn ylvania on the 10th. for
which ho paid one hundred dollars freight ;
for the 1200 miles betwfoa lloiv'lng and
Omaha ho paid $71 ; and'f or the 70 miles
between Omaha and Schuyler the Union
Pacific knocked $43,07 out < f his purse.
Mit'iNon county haa had another acci
dental sitootini. . Outho7cb , ' Doc" Bishop
w.w visiting his brother , J. W. Bishop , of
Knlamazoo , and while showing him u re-
volv r it went nil , the ball hitting J W.'rf
t-year-uld son in tha head , making a wound
that the attjnJlng surgcou thinks will be
LovlNodrow is ouo cf the pioneers of
Iviuhardxon county , and H largo party
gave him n iturptiso on the 8th , his birth
day. A local paper says it waa n great
surprise , indeed , to Uncle Levi , but ho
"slipped out to the barn , where ho turned
hla shirt and smoothed his hair with a
cob"and ro urneiUo thohoutonud enjoyed
Tekmnah bad a shotgun accident recent-
y. Mr. Huppock , n merchant , was pushIng -
Ing a charge into a gun , the weep u lying
on the counter pointing towjuds the open
dror , when It exploded just as a boy
named Krankia Gieagoti wa * pisaing.
Thtee of the t hot entered the boy'n btck
and it la feared otu must have injured tlu
spinal cord , aa nil below Is paraljzeJ. The
boy'u death is only a matter of little time.
M. Mohler went to Howard on Wednes
day of last week and got trunk. Going
homo that night ho fell of ! his horse , aud
didn't reach hisdnnicile till midnight , nnd
his family found his hands and feet frozen.
Hi ) wife tiied to get bis feet into cola
water.'but hojinsiated upon putting thezi
in an oven , aud did BO , Ho had n lively
time thuwintr out , and perhaps will know
better next time.
Special Dispatch to Tim Hun.
WASHINGTON , January 13. Ingalh
introduced a bill for a commission cl
seven , to bo appointed by the preti
dent , to couuidor railroad tru'isporttv
tlon , all the commieainn to bo for civil
Lfj nntl their pay to bo $10 per da }
und expenses.
Senator Edmunds moved to post
pone the calendar and consider the
senate bill regarding the condition c I
things in Utah.
Senator George thought the bill t
enlarge the powers of the department
of agrioulturo moro important.
Senator Blair understood that thi
Utah bill revived the woman snffragi
question , and would , therefore , ro
qniro long discussion. A motion tc
postpone waa lost ; 21) ) to 20 ,
Senator Jones then moved to post
pone the calendar in order to pass t
bill for the relief of Ben HalUday ,
Agreed to.
Senator Plumb moved to strike ou
after all the enacting clauses in thi
f Halliday bill and tubstitato "bill ti
enlarge powers and duties ot the do
oartment of agriculture , " and ad
dressed the senate advocating the ay
ricultural bill.
Senator Gaojrgo also advocated thi
agricultural bill.
Senator Dlvis took the floor , ba
yielded fcr executive session.
When the doora were reopened thi
sonata adjourned.
The tariff bill comes up as unfinlaho
bualuees Monday.UCJUSB.
The pension Sill considered apprc
priates , $ l,57G,000 , of which$80 000
000 are for the army , and . $1,000.00
for the navy. The reat ia for oxpeusoi
Mr. O'Neill moved to increase tti
approptia ioafor the army to $85 000
00(1 ( Adopted.
The committee rose aud reported t
the house and it passed. Tne relii
committee was directed to inquire
Chief Clerk Bailey over attempted I
influence legislation for the benefit i
the Gas Light company The houa
after a dispute about the priority i
the resolution inquiring into the enti
of distilled spirits into bonded war
hoDsoa , wont into committee cf tl
whole and considend the fortflcath
bill appropriating $325.000 The bi
The honao considered the billa r
ported f-om the pensions cor
inittau ,
Mr. Joyce called up the bill pn
vlding that any persan who , while I
the military or naval service , she
have lost the ti ht of ono eye uhc
in bo entitled to receive a pension
no $12 par month ; and in caaea in whic
Kb the injury to ono eye manifestly i
footu injuriously the sight cf tl
sh other ho shall bo entitled
oe , to t
ergo equitable kcreaao in his pension n
to exceed in the whole the amount
go $25 per month ; and all those wh
s- under like circumstances , have lethe
sse the night of ono eye the sight of tl
othnr having been previously lost-
lee ahall be entitled to a pension
nd $50 per month ; and all the
od who , while in tbo military or nav
service of the United S.atoa , in tl
sr- co line of duty , by injury received t
srnf disease contracted , shall have lo
hearing lu both earn , shall bo ontltli
to a poimlon cf $25 per month , at
for any loss of hearing , hai than t ;
tul deaf noes , in ono or bath oars , tin
shall receive an equitable portion
fk ' the full pension The bill paaeed
he yone 120 , nays 55 ,
Mr. Hall gava notlco that Tueatla
he February 'h , ho would ask the lion
oft to adopt mi appropriate rosolntl
ho upon the death if hla prodcceoat
U. M. A. Hawk ,
ew The an aker laid bcfirothohot
he n letter ffom the clerk of the houi
calling attention to the nccuaolty
making sorno provision tot acconm
dating Increased representation at t
ko , jioit congroea. Referred. Adjounie
Manufacturing Reporters and
Oorrospontlents by
Wholesale ,
Free Pneaes nnd Free Shows
for Everybody.
Whnt the Fraiulscs Are
thoKoaliHoii Aro.
The latent scheme whiih has boon
introduced lo the nopiriujj yonng men
of thia ( > rcnt nnd glorious republic is
that sot forth on punted circulnro ,
oarda and lottorn sent out by the
"American NOWM exchange , " whoso
hondqunrters are at Cincinnati , 0. A
number of these comuumlc.itlona have
boon recoiyod ia Council Blull'j and no
doubt euvornl have remitted the ini
tiation fuo iroccus ry to boooinu a
rooorter or correspondent for the exchange -
change and suouro what is still moro
coveted the "amuocmont
, pass
" and " card "
port" "transportation ,
which moans free shows and railroad
The institution referred to haa boon
written up by the local papers of
Porkopolla , afld vrliilo they do not
say It la a fraud , it ia certainly holdIng -
Ing out to many glittering bauble
that ia not worth ito weight in nago
brush , let alone $3 in greenback . The
exchange is widely advortitod , and
when in reeponao to the advertisement
sumo ono in gulled into writing to the
principal oflho n reply nfter the follow
ing fashion is received , this being
handed us with other imposing in
formation by the reciptont , a woll-
known young gentleman of this city :
DEAU Sin - Your letter in answer to
the advertisement of this exchange
for reporters and correspondents IB
received and your name entered on
our booka aa a probable member. The
The circulars of the American News
Exchange , mulled to you with thin
letter , will afford a very clear inflight
into the plan and system on which
this novra exchange la conducted. Thu
matnberohlp haa already reached a
number which guarantees a very gen
eral representation , and it is not ni-
trava atit to believe that boforaanoth
er year the Amorlciu news exchange
will bucomo the recogn' ' jd principal
news center of the country.
In returning your application for
membership , ploaao objurvo that on-
cloiod pasnifa must bo sent back to
this office for signature and noil.
F. S In the mall following the ono
which brought your letter , wo ro-
colvbd another applioaion from your
county , which wo will not nnsrror un
til you have had time to reply.
"Tho unclosed passes" referred ta
are ono introducing the fortuualo reci
pient to railroad managers , and requesting <
questing the managora to grant favore
only to the man whoso name appoarc
on the face of the card , and when it ic
to bo for strictly nowa gathering pur
poses , otc. The probabilities are thai
the request would bo complied will
oven if not mado. The amusement
passport ia a similar card addroaaod tc
theatrical managers , and is equallj
The accompanying circular atatci
that The American Notts Exchange ii
nulthor a , competitor nor an enemy ol
any other news uesociatlon. The
feature which insures its success it
the mutual character of itn labors ant
"it is organized in the Intercuts of iti
members. "
"Our members are drawn from
every class from the farmer , tht
merchant , the school teacher fron
every association of lifo , The dntloi
of the position will no't interfere will
any other occupation whioh the cor
respondent may bo following. " Thii
ia undoubtedly true , whatever inn ]
bo sild of other proton
sions. The circular then goei
on to show the privileges and du
ties of the members of the Araoricat
News Exchange which ia shortly tc
boomo "tho purveyor of nowa to al
mankind. "
"Aa it la the aim of the Exchange t
famish information of any kind do
aired for any clasa of papers , Ita corro
apoudonta will necoasarily have to enjoy
joy the privilege of all classes of on
of tertilnmonts , conventions , sooiot ;
if gatherings , etc. The progress of i
to theatrical troupe , circus , or otho
of amusement enterprise Is a matte
which a certain class uf papers desire )
o ,
of authontla intelligence of , and the sue
rye cuss of certain aotora or performon
or the financial prosperity of mar
tie agora , are all matters of which sue !
papers as make this ches of nowa i
ill specially doairo frequent and acourat
reports. To each member ia issue
an 'Amusement Passport , ' whic
managers of amusements of all kind
will be glad to accept. "
0in "All railroad passenger agents an
til managers are in possession of full di
ill tails regarding the work of the M
cf change , and their hearty sympath
uhf. with and willingness to extend ovoi
f. aid to the accomplishment of tli
lie gathering of news for the press 01
in assured. To each member la iHaued
nt "Transportation Card , " which whc
presented to the proper oflicer of
railroad , in connection with a plal
iat statement of the uses to which tt
hoof favora will bo devoted , will enable tl
correspondent to secure unusual fa oil
of ties over the line of auch road. "
seal OltOr1 UEI'OHTH.
hoer An Important feature of this e
or change ia its facilities for gatherlt
. It has b
ist crop roporta cr prospecta.
cd come a necessary department I
newspapers that Ita roudcru ahoul
3do bo kept posted as to tbo crop pro
oey pod a.
Society items , amusement note
races , religious movements , politic
newi , accidents , murders , arrests , iji
IHO discoveries or Inventions , buaine
on items , railroad improvements or act
or dents , movements of important pr
plo , election news , political proapm
ise in short , any and otcry itora whi
so , the ontsido world may'l a interest
of in vro want roporta of. If a cc
aoho respondent has nothing particular
ho nond ui , wo do not dtalro him to ft
sd. that ho tnuit spoil nper In writing i
"Sllonco la golden , " when ouo has
nothing of interest to say ,
The Kxohango docs not believe ex
perience to bo absolutely indlnpctiRl-
bio. A year's membership of thin
ExcTinngu will do moro to make a du-
nimble reporter or correspondent than
iiny amount of theoretical teaching ,
From ammitt our members wo can re
cruit for the rcgulor work of the daily
pros ? , and the papers will only bo too
glad to secure through Ibis Exchange
experienced roptrtors to go upon
their regular ntnlf , whenever a va
cancy occurs or an increase of rcpor-
torinl wurk is r < quired. '
Our corruHpoiidnnts will rcouivo for
their work all that ia paid this Ex
change for it , loss tun pur cent.
The circular goes ou with several
columns of information like the above
und no doubt finds plenty who tire
gulled into pajiugtlui initiation fee by
its glittering generality and free
piieacs. A little reflection will , however -
over , convince anyone who ia sensible
enough to write the most commonplace -
place bit of news that roportura
can not bo ground out by the thous
and from raw material any moro
than farmers , clerks aud other classes
cau bo made from the inoxpi rioncud.
Even if they could they old find
the same regard for theli uibi'nn
that Satan rocuivod for hi when ho
battled the hosts of heaven.
Chicago NottK.
Special Dlsintch to TIIK Him.
CUIUACIO , January 11) ) . The Times
says that the Northwestern railway
proposes ti discharge all of its em-
ployoca in its running departments un
der 21 years old , In order to occur olli-
cloncy and to prevent acddonta from
heodlcBsnoss ,
The Inter-Ocean's Little Hock spec
ial caya u man named Lindniy ( colored )
entered a quarter section of land near
I'iuuaclo Springs , aa u homesteader.
The survey showed it covered a part
of a tract of ground cleared and
"rquattcd" on by a while man named
flubbnrd. The latter demanded Lltid
eay lo abandon his homestead. Lind
say refused. Liat nigVt liubbard with
a party of masked white men went to
Lindsay's cabin to drive him oil' The
party were mot by Lindsay and hla
friends with a volley of musketry ,
liubbard and one other was killed nud
n third mortally wounded.
Abstract and He * hstata.
JOHN L. McCAOUn , opixulto Pogt Offloa.
W. U , BAUTIvICTT OK Eolith 13lh DtreeL
JFr.CKS U , UKNDELHbOHW , AHCUITEOIl 11. Orolgliton lilock.
ri. . T. LAUQi : Jr. . lloora I , Cirlnhtcn niock.
Uoau unu tiliuu * .
) c" liootn ami Uhova. A stood itoortmccl
a ) o norV : on hand , corner mh and Ilarney.
) T08. KniCKbOH , 8. E. cor. 10th and Donglae
2) 10th ttreot , manutncturcs to order good woil
11 Wr prlcoa. Itctnlrlnr done.
Bed prlngs ,
LARRIMEU Manufkcturei. 1617 Donrlu l
UvoKa , rtowt and BUtlontry.
J. I. FUUKIIAUF 1015 Funham Etieel
Uutter and EBK * .
doSUANn & BOUROKDEK. the oldMl D. and 1 !
53UJO In Nobrteka cntablithod 1876 Omaha.
Ucrrlnjiet and Road W aoni.
, VM HHYDER KthandltarnovBtreotl.
Clothing Uought.
J nAllKIO will p vhlchestCaihprlct ( for icon
Imnl clothlup. Corner 10th tad Farnham.
runt , Paints nd Oil * .
flu Vunc Uooila , Oo II th tc <
If. 1. WniTKlIOUPK. Wholesale A Hf Ull , Hlh il
U. JTIIJLD , 20iS North Cldo Oumlnz gtrcel
D PAHll. DrnwlPt. 10th and Howard RtroeU.
„ > B. PAUL WlllUms Ulock Cor. lllh ft Dodgi.
1 Olvll Engineer * and Ourveyor * .
ANDRUW ItOBRWATKR , Crelghton Block
a Town Surveys , Qrkdo nd Bower ge Systems
y BpocUlty ,
Ury Good * Notions , tic.
JOHN H. F. LKliMANN il CO. ,
liif Yoik Diy Goods Blore , 1810 ncl llil I r <
liara itruol
u. 0. Kuewold ln-J boots and ihoea * 1'ncifl
1 JOHN WRARME4 BOMB cor Uth * Jsckionil
Jowe en.
JOHN I1AUMKU 1B14 Farnhain BlreeU
CHAR. KIKWK , inii Carnnam Del. llth ft 1H
ly AKVIELD HOUS'K.Uoo. Canfleld.fith ft Farnha
y 70UAH 1IOUUK , P. li. C.-'V , Bl'J FarnhamS
a BtAVEK'8 HOTEL. F. 81 von , 10th St.
ir loulhorii Hotel Ous. JUuiol tlth iLoavenworl
irB KP TAt'haNT.
3- wfsl coicrr ISthind Dodifo.
Boot Boird for the MODJJ.
i tlsl ctlun Uuarauiee
at t-ll Hoari
Uo rJ by the Uiy , Ween or Mouth.
Oood Toniu tot CM
VarnlHhed ilnnmotjuppUod.
r. URO5S. How trd SflJOud lUnd J-urnlta
id Rloreu , 1111 Dowdis. nithwt ib pil
. .lil far eocmid I .nJ KO * .
I1OMKKII 1SU Dltii-H el. fine tocdl
/RlXn & CO 121) tUtncy III. , Irarto
II lee Daxeg , Ircc kad Wood Fencsl , Ott
'Mnr . flonntf r P'nn ' ni' ' Wi.lnnt ,
KOHKNFKU ) 10th St. . b t f r. 4 B
RtTrlaariUort , Oanllold't Patent.
in Olgrc and Tonn-co.
WIJT b FIUT.'CDKl1. , muiuticcnieiiof 01(4
In > uj Vrt lu'ile Ii ! cri ) n TcUocos , ItOSDoucI
\l \ prock.r > .
U. UKRTHOLI ) , 1UJ.-I and lleUI.
Lumbar Lime and Cement.
KFi & CKv corner Ctli aud
J30HNKR lira DonglM HI. Oood V rl
Id Morchirtt Tkllort.
< ceuf oaruimt popular llcrclnr.t Tkllan It
t'\lm ( he Uttit dcbk-iii for Spring unj Snmt
bcilo (01 fct'tlLtnen H nm. btyllwli , ilui l
"urnant Htret.
i N . nary.
-JUS. (1. A. KlHCIKll , nbolccile ted RoUH , T
J" / Ooodn In gni.t farUty , Z"pbyr , Card Br ai
SB t'Qilorj , Cln 06 , ConrtJ , fco. CJhiapoat Uouw
, ! iiVoit. . I'ur-.uu-u.s ntvo BO per cast. Or
fU'l 11
10ta rotor * .
oh HTEVKNB , IM betwicn Oumlnj and It
CJ A. ISoHHAHK Corn 34 aud ComlneBtrs
orto Hcrdwsio , Iron and Steel.
OLAH A LAfia\VOR'rHY , Wholwals , 111
us A. UOtMf.3 corn * 10U > aud CaUfornU.
OrtnJ Central Oivllcrr ,
Sill Sixteenth I'lt-ii.
near Uaionte Hall. Flrst-rJiwiWoik oJ Pdtopk-
nyyi ( rnarantoon
PlumblnR , Ua anu uiu m Fitting.
P. W. TAIU'V A CO. , 210 11 tit. , tint rurnh.m
and DougtM. Worlt prtmp y attended to.
_ D. riTZPATRlOK. _ _ nu JM ! Otrf ) .
Pliy icn > n
w. a. onin < , tt. n , rioM > NO < .
lllotk , Uth HtiMt.
V. P. MCISWRIKO. K. D. Maaonlolltork.
0. ti. HART. it. U . Kve mil Ktr Opp. pcttofllo
Hcrnntj , Bzddlcs , Ac ,
II V , KlflT to intli S , h t Ftrn. a ffnn T.
liommljtlon Morclirnti.
JOHN 0. Wll. M3UHnc'J ( ; m
D n. DKRMEK. For ileui ! ' Me Ur/r i
moot In lullr ml Wr ) iv
A. niiKMii'irxtt ,
In Storen anu Tt tare , and Un ulirta
of Tin Rocfu tul ill Vlr.di ol ) ! ! ; vrrv
O.W Felloni1 Clock.
. liONNKP. ISO ! l.nn IM St port im Oai-.p
la tnt acu brtclr blooi : en l > . .nlw . < IT
Jnil opir.oil a mo.i ! eli -i * * , Wttt ! ) ! ! .
Hot Lunth from 10 to It
ovcry J j.
Otl < lniuMl ALrOIKU Kit ! , n > t e > .
J. KVAXd , WhoIrMlu and KtUll Or > J U
Odd Polio * * nll
Oornlc * Wcrks.
Wcttc'.a Cornice WorV , Mannfitcturen Irnn
Ooni'.co , Tin , Iran tnd I to Rco91ut. | 0/ilor
from i\n > localltj po-mitlv ntpcated In Ihr b
nunnar. Factory and ortce 12111 Uaiuey PI.
0. Hl'KClIT , "rctirletor.
( UlvintzoJ Iron Coriiloes , Window Capi , oic. ,
cianufacl tired and put uii In any part of th
oaantnT. . S1NHOLD ilfl Thlrtoanfh
rinur ml Fred.
H < AHA CITY UIUJ9 , Sth and
Voln'mp lro ! * . , proprietor *
' " > lsof the hti
PERt'ON Ij-"l anlKjdy
d , developed and strerethoted , "
an Interesting aJ < crtnomont long rim In our
pupor. In reply to Itqil ricH no will ray that
IhtTD li no en I ICIKV of humbiiRab tit thin. On
the contrary , thendicrtljtra art \trj highly In-
cloned , Intern ) oil ) < crHOtis u uy get nialcil clr-
enlsrfl irlvlng all partliiilani , x\\\ng \ \ nil partlcu-
lur > , by addroHsunr Krlo Mndlcal Co. , 1' . 0. llox
C13 , UiifTilo , N. V Toledo E cnlnt ; BIT.
In rt 1'cndtlvo fnre
I'or nil those. I'ulnful Complaints and \Vf .Vnt * a
rnramon to our best female population.
A Mctllclno for Woman. Inrontodby a V'omtn.
rrppsrcd by a Woman.
Is Grfstnt Sfdlrsl flhmrrj Slnf ih Dsw ( HUtat * *
KITH rtiTlrcs th drooping spirits , Inrlgorntr' and
hor.uonlzea the organia function * , KT ! S elasticity and
flrmnww to the etcp , restores the natural lustre M tin
* yp , ami plant * on the pule check of woman the fres
roiea ot nta'i spring ami early aummer time. lclan Usn It and Prescribe It Fraely.-W
It rrmovea falntncsa , flatulency , Jontroys all cr&Tln |
for stimulant , and rclloTM weakness of the utomach.
That fcfllni otbcarlnif Juwn , causing pain , weigh )
and backache , 1 * nlwajr * permanently cured by lt use ,
For ( ho enre of Kidney OomplalnUof cither aei
til * Compound la uosurpaiied- <
trill eradicate erery rejtlKO r Humors from th
Blood , and Klre tone and strength to the ytm , ot
tuaa woman or child. Insist on having It. \ r
Both the Compound and Blood Purlfler art prrpare *
at tt and MS Western Arcnue , Lynn , Uau. I"rlceol &
either , , ! ! . BU bottles for 5. Sent by mall In the fora
ofpllLs or of lorcngrs , on receipt of price , $ lperboi
forclthcr. Mm. I'lnklmm freely svnawern all letter * ol
Inquiry. EucloaoSc't. stamp. Bend tor pamphlet.
No family nhouM bo without LTDIA E. rimcnAJTI
taVEtt I'lf.I.S. Ther cure con tlwtlon , bUlounuxi
and torpidity ot the liver. M ct-uU per boi.
lUI UniKRl t8.-C * C )
DexterL.Thomas&Hro ,
Pay TUXOB , Rout , HotiEea , Etc.
M. HORWICH & 00. .
Paper Stock , Woolen EatIron
Hlghetd PrlccH I'nld. 8blpmcnt trctt. the
country solicited. Kcmlttanr'u
OUAHA | Vromptlv rnnrta.
Wosliltntoii , December 30,1882. f
WIIKKKAK , Ily catldfactoiy e\lilenco prcsontod
to the undurtlgnud , It lias been made to appro *
that "THE FlUSr NATIONAL BANK 01' * .MA-
HA\in the clt.if Oiroba , In tliu countyo (
Dongld' , anil State ot Nebraska , IIM coaiplled
with all the uto\ln'ODs c ( the "Alt ot Congrt'ta
to ci.alilo National DankliiK Associations to ex
tend their corporate existence anil for other pur.
POSO- , " approved July 12th , 1882
Now TAKIIKIORI , I , John J , Kuox , Comptrlhr
of the Currency , do hereby certify thit "The.
Flrtt National Bank ot Omaha , " Inline cttyof
Omaha , In Iho county ol Doutfas , unili tat lot
Ncbroak , M authorize J ta Imvo sueccsulo i for the
IV. vriod > pccla l In In lUainciidtxl articles of aaao
let datlon , narrdy , until tliujclbau of butltuM en
December 31 , 1902.
INThTTIMONY WHEREOF , witnew myhind
tnd seal of olllcothU 30th dity ot Decombcr.lSSi.
f ? ' \ J01INJ. KNOX ,
! HKAL ! f Comptroller of the Currency.
- - * " ' ' > Kn . 200. Jju \ jm
ao. . ,
Call nod look over my now store and see
my new t'i'odu.
lie 12&7 Fnrnnni Str. t t. 12O7.
Under tin uiana ement uf Mr , KalUh.
The Drm ol J , U. F.lllott & Co wet
re Jauukry U'.h , 1K33. John KUott hai retlrvl.
llU , J. 0. KLLIOTr
will continue the bu'lnesa , pay anJ collect all
in IU auddtlt ) .
n O iinhi , Jaa , rtli , 18k3. Jan 12 3t
* § .
Correct and tollable Waves a Specialty ,
1223 Fbrnuiul St , OmoUii. Neb- .