Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1883, Image 1

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Burning of/he SBrvants'fQuarters '
ofthBPlantBrsl'HousB )
St , Louis ,
Tlu'ee Men Suffocated ia the
Garret and Tbeir Bodies
Partially Burned.
The Guests of the Hotel Hustled
Out of Their Rooms Glad
in Bleeping Dusters.
Flight of the Servants Over
Neighboring Roofa to
Places of Safety.
The Bfl active Work of the Fire
Department Prevents a
Second Newhall.
The Number of Victims of the
Milwaukee Horror In
creasing Daily.
TUB RcmuantsorlForty-Twa Bodies
Believed to bs Btlll In
the Ruins.
Three Hundred. Persona Lose Their
Lives by Fire In Russian Poland
The Planters'Clc i9
Special Dispatch to Tus 118s.
ST. Louia , January 14 A fire
broke out shortly hfer 4 o'clock thin
morning in the kitchen cf the Plant-
era1 house , occupying a block on
Fourth atroot between Pine and Chest
nut streets , and extending to the pan
try , storeroom and servants quarters.
Thoeo are all in a building in the rear
of and detached ( com the hotel , which
was not injured. One servant was
suffocated to death , ono burned , and
two others have broken limbs. Great
oxoltomentprovniled among thogucata
Other occupants cf the house , nearly
three hundred people , filled with the
horrible recollection of .the Milwaukee
holocaust , were dashing hither aud
thither through the main corridors
and down several stairways in the
v < * office and street. The hotel
employes acted with good sense
and promptness , rapping long
and loud on every door , hvo min
ntea later making a nccoml trip to in
anro that everybody was up and ad-
viced cf the danger. Very few waited
to droBB , as the smoke from the rear
building , where the lire-was located ,
had already invaded the corridors and
waa making' 'ita way slowly into the
rooms , Stopping only to grab a fix
articles cf clothing , men , women and
children fled in dismay and would not
oven halt jn the commodious main
office , where there was light , comf irt
.tindJU'.Jo aihoka Aa thyoDg'pa1 ' ? , tha
first cf which arrived within fifty BOO- '
onda if or the sounding of the alarm ,
dashed lip to the house , the otroam c f
fugitives began to pour from its
doora. There were men in
naught bat their underclothes ,
womou with but night drees and pos
sibly a shawl or cloak ever their shoul
ders and little children hastily bun
dled in blankets or other wrappers ;
tew were shoos and a great many were
in their bare feet. The light of The
Republican and Globe-Democrat of
fices and of the gambling house , nil
of which wore within a distance of s
block , led the half crazed psoplo to
temporary refuge and warmth whence
carriages in a few moments removed
them to other hatoln. . Some of the
Bceno * were quiio threatening , their
effect being intensified by the rattling ,
clang and shrieks of the onglnea and
shouts of the firemen , and
soon the main body of the hotel
was cloaiod of guests and
the building waa In possession
of the firemen , who , within twenty
minutes , had thirteen engines at work.
Meantime events in the roar building
were cf a fir moro ugly character
The hotel , which is six atones In
height , fronts on the wcat Hide
Fourth street fem Chestnut to Pine ,
while a wing runs back on both
Chpetnnt.and Pine atreetto a depth of
ha'f the block ; Thus the main
building ifjrms three eldest f a root-
angle. Tbo fourth side IB farmed by
a four story building , fjrty yoara old ,
midway < f whinh on the ground floor
is the boiler room above nforred to ,
and the kitchen is on the floor above
it. The two upper floors are occupied
by the help cf , the honso , some 75
in number , Alongside the boiler
room , i ) ' narrow stairway arises and
winds to the roof. The'fire , 'which
itarted very close to this stairway ,
was carried up to the room by the
draft in the stair , and thus not only
cat oft' escape by that.meanc , but also
formed a barrier which prevented
men aloeping in the south ha f of the
building from reaching another stair
way at the north end. LI once those
unfortunates , almost smothered by
smoke , were compelled to climb out
of the room on a frame structure ,
which abutted over the alloy , and
thence cither to jump or lower them
selves by means of a pulley , rigged
there for hoisting supplies. Ono poor
follow was aeon to atart down the
stairway before the fire reach
ed the third fhor , and an
hour later his crisped corpse was
found In the kitchen near the f jot
of the stalls. Another employe , who
although answering to a call , seems to
have been too much stupefied by the
smoke to got tip , for two hours after
wards his dead body was found on
the amoking mattress in his bed. The
female help all escaped by the stairway
at the north end , a&vo ono who broke
her ankle in jumping to the rocf cl
a shed. The firemen made a grand
fight , and the nozzlca were carried
through the walls of amiko right tc
whcie the flames were raging , aud not
withstanding the Inflammable nature
of the building thry succeeded in preventing -
venting the fire from extending be
yond a distance of twenty feet from
ho point of ita origin , hut. In that
pace it burned clear through to the
oof , destroying about ton rooms.
1ho balance of tin rear buildings
ore made uninhabitable by water ,
at the hotel proper did not suffer to
ho extent of a dollar. The fire , how-
ivor , crotacd the alloy to the f urnlturo
ware rooms , where the firemen
'ud another fierce but short tight.
L'IO ! damage to the hotel property ia
boat $10 ( KM ) and to the auction firm
( bout $20 000 all covered ; by in-
uranoo. This evening workmen , en-
inged in clearing away the debris ,
annd the charred body of a man
, tnld the broken timbers at
ho hot of the stairway on
ho basement floor. It proved
o bo Henry Blancy , an employer , ovnr
> 0 yoara old , who as boy , served ashore
here boy in the hotel. The oth"r
wo dead mnn are Carlo Robolo , sou 1-
on , and Dennis Kepoate , carvir.
The now kitchen will be in workii g
rdtr Tuesday morning. The Plan-
en House was for a quarter i f a cen-
ury the boat known hotel in the weht ,
md its fame was extended by Charka
Dickons' "American Notes. "
The Nowhall Holooanit.
IpecUl Dispatch to Tui llii.
MILWAUKEE , January 15. The call
rr volunteers at the exhumation i f
lodloa in the Nowhall house ruins to
.ay , turned out to bo a fizzle , only
wo citizens responding. The regular
aid iorco is hard at work , despite a
utting northwesterly wind and ox-
rcmoly cold weather. Two bodies ,
barred beyond recognition , were
aken out to-day , making 18 bodies in
ddltlon to the 23 identified , or 41 in
11 known to bo dead. Mrs. Bridget
Bridgmans , the oldest employe c f the
hotel , Is reported missing to day.
making 42 bodica yet ouppoaed
o be iu the ruins. She ia known to
lave started out on the morning i f
; ho fire arousing the servants and haa
lot been heard of sineo. She was
com this city. Five bodies were
urlod to-day , among them T. B.
Elliott , a prominent lawyer , who
amo to the hotel on the 3:30 : train
he morning of the firo. Half an
lour later he jumped from the fourth
tory window , broke both legs , In
nrod his spine and died Friday. Ho
ivas a prominent Mason and state ro
rosentativo of the grand lodge , Tno
'unnral ' ceremonies were imposing.
Tne mayor received Jay Gould's
hock St $500 for relief of the suffer-
ire , and the Western Union telegraph
iompany'8 check for $100. Local
iharity responded liberally BO that the
action of the three members of the
council stands isolated.
To-day excavations from the Broad
way front will reach the court iu the
rear cf- the cllbo and will bo started
near the west wall under the servants'
quarters , ' where moat of the bodes
es are auppoaed to bo. A vacant
itoro has been fitted as a temporary
morgue for the charred remains. To
day the Lincoln guard of militia was
called ont f jr duty at the rulna to
ward off crowds of people , but only a
"ew of the latter congregated at the
acono , extremely cold weather pro-
Tailluy. T/iciu / xoo funeral trric.b
at all prominent churches-to-day bo-
'ore crowded audiences.
The ( or van to' quarters in the New-
hall were on the fifth floor and ranged
along the alley side cf the building
"rotn a point about twenty f dot north
of Michigan street , to a point about
twenty feet on the north end cf the
building. The rooms were built along
the hall which ran north and south
and at each end was totally separated
from the guenta' apartments by heavy
doors. The girls themselves say that
the first they know of the fire waa
when Linohap , the engineer , ran up
aud yelled to them to wako up and
run out and follow him and not
tvalt to dresi. Ho gays the hall
was flWfttmod fall ( f maids and ho
thought they were coming , consequent'
y made hij way down , only to find
that but one was behind him. It ap-
peara that the ruohing air the moment
Lluoban and ono girl got through the
spreading doora closed them with a
bang and that they never opened
aqain. Thin also prevented the hoit
and amoks from entering their hoaa-
limrters ; so those who did not escape
mot death with a fill roallzition tf
what was upon them and were not half
dead from auffjc tion.
Mary MoOauloy , who lioj at tro
Axtoll house In a bad nervous condi
tion , and wna carried out in a faint by
Fireman Strausa , aays eho "was
awakened by shouts and screams of
o'hora and ran into the hall. It was
full of girls rushing madly up and
down , crying and screaming. I
rushed to the end of the hall , peered
through the door and eaw every
thing was Btnoke aid fire out-
eido. I then ran back , and
passing a room where eovou girls had
taken refoga joined them and wo all
knelt down in prayer. Ono of the
girls had a crucifix , and a fat woman
prayed out loud , Just aa wo had
given up all hope the window ornihod
in our room and I fainted. It eo
happened the firemen with the ladder
had found the room , out of thirty
othern , and wo with afaw others were
saved. I know nothing after fiintlng
till I woke up here. "
Another Hotel Burned.
Special Dispatch to THK UKK
MILWAUKEB , January 14. A fire at
Neonah , Wis. , early this morning
burned the Ruesoll house , bank and a
number nf other buildings. Total loss
$100,600 , insurance about half. The
hotel wont up like a tlish , very much
like the Nswhall house. The carriage
worka of F. G. Maudt. at Stoughton ,
Wis. , also burned. Laea , $15.5000j ;
insurance , $70,000.
Frightful Ln of Lite.
hp cUl DlxpaUb to Till line 1
ST. I'ETKUSIIORO , January 11
Daring the performance yesterday ate
circus in Berditcheff , llussian Poland ,
a fire broke out , and before the spec *
tatora could escape the whole structure
turo waa abluza. Three hundred per
sons perished.
A Brief and Unimportant Ses
sion of the flouso Saturday ,
Further Dotoih of the Inveatl-
Ration Into Railroad Man
Pecuniary Profits and Free Pass
Privileges of the Chosen
Merck ntH Forced to Submit to
Tyrannical Exaction * .
And No Squealing Tolerated.
pocUl Dispatch to Tin Dm ,
LINCOLN , January 18. The house
mot at 10 o'clock this morning. A
csolutlon was introduced by Mr
easions giving the clerks of the com
mittees the name number of stamps ,
rappora , newspapers , oto , as is re-
eived by the member. On the call
f the roll it votoddown almost unsni
mously. A few bills were introduced
nd read , and nt 11 o'clock the house
djournod till Monday at 2:30 : p. in.
The special railroad commission did
not hold a session this morning , but
greed to meet again on Monday at
o'clock. Many of the members liv
ng at a convenient distance left * on
; ho mid-day train for homo . The
railroad republicans have given up
ho idea of forming a senatorial cau
as , although it is said that Millard is
ilrtng members to go into such an
It is argued that to receive money
o go into a cjtucns h no crime. Some
f the anti-monopolists have jast dis
ovored that there nro from twenty
vo to fifty nfllcers concerned in the
IOUBO to hold position who virtually
lave no duties to perform and it la
more than probabto that there will bo
bronze on Monday.
pciUl Correepondenoo ol TUB Dm.
The public has already been in-
'ormod by THE BEE of the manner in
which this committee was appointed :
how Speaker Humphrey ignored al !
parliamentary usage , trampled upon
.ho rights of a majority of the mem
bers and did the behest of the railroads
n appointing the Jiouso members.
Happily for the causa of truth and
natico the men representing the senate -
ate are of the right atoff and are re
solved that the object for which the
committee waa appointed shall be car
ried out.
On Thursday the mooting wat hold
n the room of the committbo on ways
and moans. Two spectators Were
present. The proceedings were nnim-
rUtri cacopfc foithS atrtriac a *
of Mr. Gray to Btcuro a postponement
of the investigation for several days
or until after the senatorial election.
Ho exhausted every device for the
purpoao but Reynolds , of Butler , hold
members to their work and Btops
were taken to secure an efficient clerk
and to call witnesses.
The next day Mr. Gray himao' f was
put upon the aland and in reply to
questions by Sanator Reynolds ,
acknowledged his unlimitcdenjoyment
of trip permits over the Union Paci
fic , but giwo DB the raaaon for this
discrimination that his brother waa
oneral freight agent cf the Central
Pac'lio , and that the general freight
agent of the U. P. , Mr. Klolby , was
his particular friend.
The next witness was Mr. 1) 0 ,
Brooks , lotetf The "Omaha llepub-
"lean , " who being sworn was examined
us follows by Mr. Reynolds.
Qaestion. Whera do you realdo
Mr. Brooks ?
A.Omaha. .
Q What ia your business ?
A. I have no business now. Ol
late I was editor of The Republican.
( . } Do you know Mr. Brooks
whether any cf the stock of The "Om
aha Republican Co. " is owned by U.
P. tlhoew ?
Chairman ( Grout , cf Otoe , ) I don't
boltove that is a pertinent quoation.
After a little discussion upon this
point in whtoh Brown , cf Lincaster ,
remarked , "I don't suppose Mr.
Brooka knows anyhow. "
fUrooka taking the cue. )
A I don't know any thing about it.
Q I will ask you Mr. Brooks ; if
while you were acting as editor of the
Omaha Republican , whether yon were
on the pay roll of the Union Pacific
railroad compan } ?
( Brooka , looking fiercely at his tor
mentors , exclaimed , "What is this in
vestigation ( "
Britton , of Wayne. I think that
is an improper question.
Reynolds. 1 preaumo to differ with
the gentleman
The chairman. Mr. Bronks is hero
as a private individual. I don't see
that it makes nny difference whether
ho was on the pay roll or not. Wo
are hero to Investigate the public con
duct of the railroad '
, and I don't BOO
what this has to do with the matter.
Reynolds. Well , we shall BOO how
much it haa to do with it ,
Brown , of Lancaster. Well , it
would effect the public a little , and
as Mr. Brooks is hero ho can answer
if ho wants.
The witness , A. I should decline
to answer any Buch questions. I
don't know whether the conmittoo
would desire it or not ,
In the discussion which arose aa to
whether witness Bhould answer , Mr ,
Grout ( the chairman ) thought they
were going ontsldo the resolution
under which ihey were appointed.
Mr. Dech , cf Blunders , thought ,
considering the great i.ifluonco news *
papers were wielding in this Btato ,
that if they were the property cf the
railroads , or if their oditora were ir
the p y rf the railroads , the peoph
should know it. They would then bo
able to attach a jast importance to the
tcachlngi of suona subsidized prosit.
The chairman assorted that the f ict
that railroads owned newspapers , or
that nowapapora Uvored railroads , had
nothing to do with the oommittce
After further discussion Mr. Hoy-
nolda moved that'Mr. Brooks bo re-
spool fully reqncsUd to answer the
question. Tlio motion being almost
unanimously carried , the question
was again pat and Mr. Brooka replied
"I shall decline to answer that ques
tion. "
Mr. Humphrey , R shipper of Lin-
oln , was the next witno&s. Ho com-
lalnod that ho could not secure cor-
ain advantages unices ho complied
with what be rrgardodm as
rbitrary regulation on the part of the
i. & M , aid still 11 that ilnco the
onsolldntion of the'B. & M.- and the
& N. rates had been advanced ,
Ho also quoted Mr. Tonzalln's Ian-
uage at a mooting hold in Lincoln
unng a previous teuton , that the
ooplo had hotter let railroads alone ,
nd stated aa a fact that merchants
onorally were tf ( aid to contend with
10 railroads loat they in ro tarn should
njuro and ruin their trade.
Other witnesses were examined In-
luditig Messrs. Btophonton and
Powno , but nothing now or material
was elicited. Another mooting WAB
nnounced for Saturday but this
Saturday ) morning in consequence of
baonco c f witnesses , the meeting was
djourned till to-day nt 4 p. m.
The appointment and work of this
ommttteo haa already produced no
ittlo excitement , The town talk id
ccupiod with this iopio to the oxolu
inn rf senatorial matters. Sumo
who think they oan't atand tha racket
iavo sought hiding'placof , and little
loubt remains that much will bo
irought to light as to the secret- met li
ds by which the railroads veek to
.ominalo ever every branch of trade
nd hold in abjoluto subjection the
ntiro people cf this state.
Tbe Silver Questlt n
pcclal Dispatch to Tun liix.
ontly there has been a very import
ant fall in silver , owing to the action
if the Austrian government , but the
lausca have not been generally under-
teed in thia county. Senator LI ill ,
if Colorado , probably the best author-
ty on stiver in congress , has written
ho following letter to the editor of
the Tribune , explaining the sltua-
Ion :
"Whenever there ii a decline in the
irlce of ailvor bullion , the monopbl-
ata profess to nee in it additional and
nero imperative r can on a for suspend-
ng coiuago of that metal. It la made
.o appear that the decline Is caused by
ncroasod production or by the failure
of the markets of China and India ,
vhich for so many yeais absorbed a
arge share of --production of onr
mines. These causes _ are represented
aa permanent , and , it is claimed that
resulting in'tho stability in the market
value of silver renders it unfit to use
a money'metal. The fact i ? ,
neittw jpf , dthwwa ofcVMMt fc s been
operative , to.j f . td r blo extsa *
daring last wWJJjl'JwfltatUUwljol
arejiot ce f4etej but.fHough'la known
toraako5t safe * for ipo to aay that il
there has incroago.of > prodnd-
tion ever the two preceding yearn it ie
alight and Inconsequential. Thia expert -
port of silver from Austria , principal
ly during the first half of 1882 , did
not arise from any tendency in thai
country towards the gold standard
but from the fact that , nntil the recent
cent fall in the gold price of ailvor
the florin of that metal waa wortti
moro than the paper fl jrin of Austria.
It was the high price of silver and thi
premium on it , aa compared with the
present paper money , which oausoc
that motnl to be sent out of Austria
The decisive proof of that ia the fuel
that since- the Lite fall in gold of tin
price of silver , it has begun to flow
To alarmists among mono-motaliati
who declare tint they can BOO no limit
to the fall of silver it may bo said thai
BO long us the recent fall haa arhot
from Auatiia they can ace oxaotl ]
what the limits are ; for every florin it
lawful money in that country ; iti
mi lit a arc open to its coinage when
ever silver bullion liftJ declined to auct
a prica BO that fljrina can bo colnec
out of it at a cost less than the valui
of paper llorint ; or , in other words
with profit silver will move in that dl
rcction , and that ia what is taklnf
place now.
A Huge
Spoclal DlipatUi to TllK HfK.
NEW YOWK , January 14. The Gor
man ainging societies of Brooklyn pro
poao building a $30 000 hall for thi
fourteenth great siungorfost of thi
Gorman aociotlosof the United States
Juno noxt. The festival will last fivi
days. Twenty thousand singers an
Bar icd at Sea *
Special DUpaUb to Tiir HKK ,
NEW YORK , January 1-t Thi
steamer Nockar arrived to-day fron
Bremen. She took off the crow of thi
brig Mary Lizzlo , burning seven day a
The or on- numbered eight persona
The Cro was kept down by closing U |
the holes with Balls and blankets
The men wore greatly exhausted , bolnj
at work day and night linco the fin
broke out.
AWreoliocl Bank.
Special Dispatch to Tui iJii ,
JEHSEY City , January 14 It 5
now believed $109,00 ! ) will not cove
the amount of funds missing fror
the wrecked City bunk. All lift f ron
the wreck in the shape of assets 1
cheap cilice furniture and $1,200 ac
cidentally left in the ctah drawer.
71io Waihuurua Family.
Spti-Ial Il p.iUh to IIIK OIK.
LEWISTON , January 13. The am
vivlng sons of Israel Waahburno
father ol the noted Waahburno family
have resolved to erect a memorlc
building at the family homestead ii
Llvormoro. Tin is to bo white granite
ito , 40xiO ( feet , and bo equipped b
donori , with suitable booka for
public library ,
The Magnotio Muonoe of a Oral )
at the Millard ,
An Appetizing Morsel Prepared
by Jacob for Joseph's
Brethren ,
But the Stomach Route to the
Senate Proves Acceptable
to Few.
A Onrloua Quartette Sketched
Waile Button-holing on
a Corner.
Oou. 1h y r' diipenriincB Hup"
tori8 tbo CaloalntloL * of Bov-
er l Candidates.
Tbo Latest Pbaso of iho Uonatorlal
Contest The tiabbatb Lull.
KJItoilul OoriospondencB ol Tim llin.
LINCOLN , January II. On this
bright Sunday morning wo are now
enjoying the calm that precedes the
storm. A majority of the legislature
who roaido within a hundred miles c f
the capltol have gene home. Quito a
number nro up at Omaha on the in
vitation i f Jake Markol to partake of
the hospitalities cf the Millard hotol.
"Come into my parlor said the epldor
to the fly. " "Como up with mo to
Omaha , " nuiJ Jake to a prominent
state aonator Friday ; "bring you wifa
with yon , and we will mnko you com
fortable at the Millard. It won't coat
you a nicklo.Vo want to advertise
the hotel and wo shall bo much pleased
to have your company. "
"But I don't travel "
on passes , ex
claimed the senator , " .md I can't of
ford to pay my way to Omaha and
back. "
I'll buy the tickets for you , " said
Jake , iu hia bland and taking way.
"I've boon auxtcnH to show you how
wo entertain onr guests. "
"Jlauy thinks , " replied the sena-
cor , "but I guess I'll ' have to decline
your kind invitation. "
There were m my other legislators ,
however , who went up to take a
tquaro meal at the Millard , juat to
auvortiso the hotel , you know. Mil-
lard's lobby has also aoeoptod Jake's
invitation for f too tickets and a Croo
lunch , and only a f jw remain on the
ThUmornfngI crossed the path cf a
little group , tbat had Its tlgnJBomics.
Tti're wasJfpllook,4 formerly a banker
" " - " < k'r ; " * - ' - - "
nq fj Olfotod
clever , olly-tongao democrat who
- trained with the Valentino and
Pete Sahwonck land office rings
and made a record aa a corporation
capper. There was Law Lay from
Sunton , a democrat who was elected
to the Btnto oimato four years ago
, from the Norfolk district , WAS put on
the railroad committee by Carna in the
interest < f thn U. P , and was re
warded soon i f cor the legislature ad
. journed with a railroad contract
There waa Charlie MattbowDon the
Norfolk banker , who was the repub
lican railroad speaker of the house
, four yea to ngo and Is noted also as
ono cf the mombursof the old Norfolk
land ftlioo ring. Then there was
John 11. Manchester , ox-county clerk
of Douglas county , ono of the strik
ers , who haa boon hired to work up
the Millard boom.
convoys a fair impression of the des
perate oil'ort biting put forth in the
interest of the U 1 * . candidate. Pol
lock , Lay and Matthowson , republi
cans aud democrats , pooling issued
aid oxertirg influence on republicans
and democrat ! ! fet the same man.
The arrival of Gen. Thaycr lasl
evening IHH given now momentum tc
the oonatorial contest. The general
haa quite a number of warm iriundn
iu the legislatureand will receive a ro-
apeotablo support. While Millard ie
still regarded as formidable it la ad
mitted on all hands that ho is
Ills aupportors are already be ginning
to wcakonjand are making terms for
another choice. Three days ago Mil
lard might have made it by a sudden
charge , but the disclosures of 'ita
BKK and the numerous lettora from
constituents to members who have
thrown a damper on the boom. There
may bo name members who do not
want to go hoinn if.or this legislature
adjourns , but those who do will noi
care to go on record for a man whc
ha : come here determined to buy hie
way Into the senate.
My attention has boon called to the
assertion cf the Omaha railroad orgar
' with a republican label , that the but
and cry about the railroads taking
hand in the senatorial fight , ia al
bosh. "Thoro are no railroad attorneys
noys at Lincoln , " sayB the RejiuMimn
"and never In the history of Nebraska
ka hove they shownauch IndlH'dronco. '
That will do to toll the marines. It Ii
true that Sjnator Senders occupioi
John'M , Thuraton'a former hond
quarters with the oil room , bu
Thurflton haa simply changed fccn
the Commercial to the Arling
ton , because Irnhoff charged him $711
for himself and Jim Kycorfortwont ;
daya lodging two yeara ago. Th
policy of Thurston juat now Is
but I notice that Charlie Groau
Frank Ireland of the Missouri Pacifi
and half a dozen other railroad af
tornoys cf loss note have boon opoi
allng extensively among republican
and democrats. There are also i
least n dozen railroad attorneys at
homo here who do tholr part either in
the lobby or on the floors of the logls-
laturo. The lawyers are by no moans
the most dangerous of the railroad
lobby. There are scores of people
who at homo pass lor respectable , but
down here are
rf assistant highway robbery , by using
their personal influnoo upon members
in the Interest cf corporate monopoly ,
jobbery and fraud , If these people
persist In their mfirious work I shall
bj cotrpo'lod to eipoBO them and
glvo the legislature the chance to
investigate the attempt to corruptly
intoi fore with legislation.
Among the republican candidates
that are looming'up at this time , be
sides those I have already mentioned
are , Georgn W. E. Dorsoy , Hon.
Thomas S. Mjorr , Uoo. James Lilrd ,
Ex Governor Nnco and Judge Post.
E. II.
1 ho Lily Explftiiiv-
IM p tcli to IIIR llrr.
CHICAGO , January 15. ! During the
course of a conversation on America ,
Mrs. Langtry said that she found the
social idoaa BO different here than in
England. There she had boon nsod
to admirers ever since iho wont into
London society. Concerning Chicago
newspapers the English beauty re
marked : " 1 was prepared for a great
deal by my experience with the Amort-
can newspapers press on my arrival
in Now York , but I cannot say that I
anticipated the fruita of what
western journalists call enterprise.
Luckily tholr inventiveness docs not
trouble mo greatly. The presence
of my husband's sister , and the fact
that the lifo of an nctross ia lived in
a fiercer light than ever boat upon a
throne , ought to appear to mo some
protection against tuoh attacks at
liavo been directed against mo , but
they do not. This much I will say.
I have received from Mr. Gobhardt
no moro courtesies than are dally
shown Bcorca of ladies in private life
and upon the stage. I am al a loss to
understand why the slmplicst acts cf
politeness and hospitality performed
to rnnko the sojourn of a atrangnr in
a strantgo land somewhat ploaaantor
than it would otherwise have boon ,
should bo grossly and maliciously dis
Spochl Dlspitch lo Tun HKK.
The Memphis Avalanche tin * boon soli ]
to i * . S NicholR at n value ( intlirmtoil nt
$200,000. There Ia no change In editorship
or politic * .
Iho Paris Lo Temps iAyg Knclnud has
pronounced the deposition nf Frnuco in
England , nnd it la possible Gladstone and
Egyptian enterprise may Jem ! to the reopening -
opening of tbo eastern question.
A sleigh containing three boys waa struck
hv nn oinrcBB train on the Dataware &
Hudson Saturday night at Spring Creek
Crossing. Una boy was killed and the
- other two fatally Injured , The hone wan
thrown twenty feet over a foace and
Sullivan and Mike Cleary announce
through their counsel that they 111 give
tbeir boring mutch at the American 'thfca-
. tro1 to alght , 'Mayor KtnR'n prohibition to
the eobtriry Bptwitettnndlaff. Tn mayor
( > * * ; tbw.oftB'j go ahead Uiltho perform
, ance begun , when he will aitow them wild
A ) > uupmet ciUuietrICciM ou K
War. " published at Path , ban excited
ooniidcrable sensation. Tlio author is a
prominent member of the Hungarian op
position. Ho Rs-erts that o\er since the
ikrlln congress Kusdan has been deter
mined upon war with Austria , und
that the Utter'a army ! numerically inad
Polk , thi ) defaulting treasurer of Ten-
neBBo has roachoj the nccno of the thieving.
In charge nf hid captors. The reports of
the committee of the legislature Investiga
ting the treasury clefnult hhow the oiitiio
deficiency to bo SIO',0 I ) In March , 187d
Polk wan behind eiO.tOJin l St the hnrt-
nee was II 000 ; In April , JSH. , it was2lO-
A collision occurrml Saturday morning
at the ludianaprtlla & Vincennes crjaaliig
of the Holt railroad , A switchman gave n
freight train the ulgnal to ndvai.ce anil bo1
fore it could bo corrected the engine
crashed into the roar conch of the Indian
apolis Ii Vincennea passenger train , knock
ing it i If the track. Several paaaengern
were ( seriously but not fatally Injured.
The etoriea put In circulation concerning
Mian Garrlaon , tha St. Louu belle , who
was abducted lant week and returned tn
her mother Friday night , places the young
lady in an unpleaarnt position. What
gives an unpleasant color to some of them
statement ) ) la that the police know who
were concerned in the nlUir and yet have
taken no action in the matter , nor have
the relative ] of the young lady shown any
disposition tn proeecuto any ore ,
Clarenoo Whistler and John Graham
wrestled In the opera house in Louisville
S tniday night In the presence of a Urge
- crowd. I'ho stakes were ffiOO , and the
conditions best two In three. The first
round , catch-as-catch-onn. wax won by
Whistler , the second Giiuso-Koinan b )
Graham , on a claim of foul against Whist
lor. In the third round , after wrestling
seventeen mInut H Graham throw Whlatlei
to the floor heavllv , breaking the latter1 !
ritfht shoulder. The match wan decided Ir
favor of Graham , to whom the atakea wen
paid ,
A enow slide occurred FrkUy on MOB
qulto mountain , about fifteen miles fron
Leadvllle , A bodv of mow nearly t
quarter mile lonp , 100 yards wide and 1'
feet deep waaawspt down the mountali
side at a great > olocity , carryiug every
thing In Us course. Two miner ? , unabii
to eacapo , were caught In the avalancbj
and hurled a distance of 100 ynrds dowi
the mountain aide. Though Btlll aliv
wheu found , they were mutilated in i
horrible manner , and recovery U doubtful
Chas. W Cook , committed to the Con
nectlcut ittte prison in 1K7U for the murder
dor of Suaan llantom , died on the Utb
On conleHslon cf Cook , Joseph llmwul
wm hinged for hlilug Cook to aho7
Misa Hanson lifter a noted content bufor
the supreme court and legislature , Cool
left a contention , which admits the shoot
ing , and nlao that be testified falsely con
cerning liuawell being present when th
deed wan committed , lie H yn alter liu < <
well ( jot to Wolf borough on thu day of th
murder ho relented and drove back a
break-neck speed to lirooklield to preven
it C'ook from doing the killing , but arrive
ita twenty minutes too late , Uouk having kll
itf ed the woman and gene to bed aa lluswe
f had directed.
Uy Bnslutss Failures ,
10 Spuilal Dlijiattti to Tus UKK.
NKW YOICK , January 12 The bui
inosa failures tor the past BOVCII daj
are 202 , an increase of 38 compare with last week ,
t- Don't Ole In the House.
r- "Rough on Hats. " Clears out rati
ras mlco , roaches , bed bugs , flies , uut ;
at raoloa ohiptnunks , gophora , 15o ,
Preparations for the Mooting of
the Republican National Com
mittee Next Wednesday ,
Several Elaborate Plans Pre
pared to Regulate Repre
A Voice frcm tha Netherlands Bn-
lutni the Old Flag and Call *
frr an Appropriation-
Tno Moxloan Treaty Oommlealon.
Special I > ih | Uh toTilK IKK.
WAHHINOTON , January 14. It ia
expected about 30 members of the
national republican committee will bo
present at the mooting Wednesday to
settle the question of representation
on the district plan in accordance
with the resolution of the national
convention of 1880. Sjveral elaborate
methods will bo laid before the com-
mittoo. The matter cf proxies waa
mentioned to a prominent member of
the committee. Ho mid ho believed
there waa a rule that the holder of a
proxy must hail from the state for
which given , Thla will bo ot forced
aa far aa practicable. In the case cC
territory It will not bo enforced.
It ia understood three plans cf ap
portionment cf representation will bo
submitted to the committee , viz :
Ohandlor'a for four dolegites at largo
fjr every state , two delegates from
each dlatrict , and three delegates for
every republican senator and repre
sentative , making a total of liiOG , ; For
bes' , f jr two delegates at largo from ,
each state , ono delegate for each dia- ,
trlot , and ono for every republican
aonator and representative , total G71 ; *
and Martin's , for four delegates | at
largo for each elate , ono fir each dia-
trlct , and ono for every 17,000 repub
lican votes or major fraction thereof ,
total Hb'7 , on a basis of the last elec
Gen. Cando , ono of the commis-
nlonortt appointed by Mexico to aog'o-
tlato n commercial treaty with the
United States , has arrived , Canodo
and Romero this afternoon paid their
respects to U an. Grant and Treacott , '
the American commtaslonora. A
formal mooting of the commission will
bo hold to-morrow. ' ' '
The managers of the Holland inter
national exhibition hope congreaa may '
bo induced to appropriate $100,000 to
provide o suitable display of Amorl- , ,
can industry products. This la only
half the sum voted the Vienna exhibi
tion , while the trade of the United
Slates with the NothorUnda ia 1881 -v >
rVth'tbe"Unitedi\ . . . . .
Wheolwnghtcltes the fact that it appro
priated $02,1)00 ) to enable its subjects
to make an exhibit which they sent to
Philadelphia in 1870.
The ways and means committee haa
agreed tj recommend that the duty on
< alt be increased from the rate previously
agreed upon and left M fixed by the exist *
Ing law ,
J. F. Olmstead has written to President
Arthur a letter declining the nomination
of commissioner of the District of Col
umbia , and the nomination haa been
Petition * fora reduction of the tariff on
Hiigar are pouring in on congress from all
parts of the country. The prospects kof
tholr nccompllthlng any result , howeyer ,
are not flattering.
Commissioner llaum comes up fresh and
mulling from hia defeat for eomtor in
Springfield , and eaya ho fought his own
b tlle and ii perfectly satisfied with the
result. Moat of the prominent politician *
think Cullom'n election U pretty certain ,
despite Borne defection and muttering * .
A statement has gained considerable
circulation that thousands of those on the
pension rolls were never in the army In
any capacity and are put on by congress.
This is not credited at the oension office ,
whore the subject of attempted frAuds In
securing pensions ia receiving the cloceat
po8ilble atentluu. Evidence of actual
military service ia necessary to nny action
and this mutt appear from the ( licinl mus
ter rolls. Many uppliculonaof these who
have ecrred are rejected from a variety'of
Democratic senators any they won't op-
pouo the repulican icnatora changing the
* senate ( jllicers next session , for if the re
publicans have n majority they have appar
ently no hope of controlling the senate.
One democrat saya it ia understood the re
publicans would re-elect Gorbam secretary
with the votoa of Hlddleborger and Ma-
hone , and be did not tee bow it
sult otherwise. It wa s not a matter , of
simply personal preference on the part of
the Virginia senators , but Gorhatn as the
mouthpiece of their movement fromttbo
beginning must be sustained , and the tceral
effect of his defeat would bo a very severe
blow to the power of the readjuster party.
Tbe republicans could not aflurd to antag-
beir choice.
BUFFALO , January 14. The district
attorney decides that the Importers'
Tea company , which does butiuecs by
soiling tea and oofTco in packages that
contain prize ? , ia a lottery. A civil
suit for $30,000 , haa been commenced
against the company , and it la stated
that the authorities are preparing to
begin criminal proceedings It is es
1C timated that in the last week or ton
days the concern cleared 40,000 to
$50,000 , by the scheme.
A Crazy Widaw.
Special I > i ) mtch to THK lit * .
WiiEEtiN" , January 13. Mra.
llottto Cunningham , widow , at noon
to-day , threw her three-year-old boy
from the suspension biidgo at Fair
ad mont , into the Monongahola river , a
distance of fifty-two foot and then
jumped in herself. Both were res
cued after lloating over the dam below
the bridge , and with dililculty reaual-
clated. No cauao to assigned for the