THE DAILf BEi OMAHA SATURDAY JANUARY 13 I'he Nebraska National Bank Of Omaha , Nob. Paid up Capital , - - - - $250.000 DIRECTORS I R. JOHNSON , President , olBt L , Johnson O Oa. A. E. TOUZALIN , Vice President , ot 0. , B. ft Q. R. R. , Doeton. IT. V. MOUSE , at W. V. UorMfi Oo. , OIIK S. COLLINS , of 0,11. & J. S. OoUln * . M. WOULWORTII , Countelloc A Attoin / - - L w. S. RKED.ol Byron IU d A Oo. W. TATES , CMhkr.late Ouhlor of th * Fire ! Nation * ! Bank of Omaha , uxl connected with the active minagemeot of that Bank itnee It * ttguiltttlon In 1863. OMKID for business April IT , 1882 , with Uu Mgeot capital of any bank In Nebraska. OOLLICTIOXS receive tpodal attention and char- re * lowMt obtainable htra or elsewhere. IHTiKicsr allowed en time deposits upon aTor- able term ) and upon accounts of banks and bank- r . " FOKIIOII KIOIIAKOI , Oororninent Bonds , aod County and Cl } BucurltleB bought and eold. II f prepared to do a general banking buslneii la all Its details , and In the treatment of custom. eta will pursue the rnont liberal policy consistent i afebAnkloE FINANCE AND COMIViERGE. . i FINANCIAL Special IMttpatchto TUB II u. NEW YOUK , January 12. Money Oa call leaned down from 4 t 3 per cent , and cloeod offered at 3 percent. Prime Mercantile Paper 0@B per cent. Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills eteady at 84.81 } } demand. $4 K > 1 Dry goods imports fur the week , $3,047- 000. Governments were Kcnorally weak , ft Railroad bonds were moderately active , bat irregular. The stock market was extremely dull all day , but closed steady , the majority of ac tive stocks being a fraction higher than at the close yesterday. Among the special ties were Memphis & Charleston , which declined from 52 } to 49 regular and 48 seller , , and Kichmond & Danville , which declined from 53 } to 40) . This has been the imallett day's business for a year past. The Pott says : "It is a fair presumption that the diminishing business is as much due to the increasing conservatism of the bears as of the bulls. Everything seems to be waiting for further developments , and the market U getting into a temper in .which less important circumstances than heretofore would cause an important move ment of prices. " OOVKUNUENT8. Yi"itorday. To-day. 8's HMi 1031 6'ir 101 ! 102 4Ve Coupons U3g 11PJ Pkilfi c S's of 1895. . . . . . . . . . . . 128" 129 BONDS. Central Pacifio firsts 113 } 113 Erie seconds 97 Lehigh & Wilkesbarro 1044 Louisiana consols ViA Missouri G'a Ill * < . < . St. Joseph 109 8tPaul , & Slour City firsts. 112 113 Tenneaioo C's 43 43 } t do now 42 41 M & Pacific land granta. . 574 58 do H. G. dlv. . . . 844 81 } Union Pacifio 1st mortgage. . ! 13J 113J do land grants..110 } 1104 ' 'do sinking fund. .116 Ho ] Virginia 6'a 35 3i do consols 6'a 55 Cl do deferred 12 12 } f' \ BTOOKB. Adams Express 133 133 Allegheny Central J115i JU5J Alton & Terra Haute 50 } 61 do pfd. . . . ! 2 } f3 American Express 91 91 } BurLJ qodar Kapida & North. 82 81 CUnada Southern 07G7 } | Col.1' Cin. & Ind. Central. . . . 10 M 10 U Central Pacific 87 874 Chesapeake & Ohio 22 } 2/j ; ( , do 1st pfd. . . 34 33 - do 2d pfd. . . a" . 24 Chicago & Alton 13(5 ( 130 do i > ? d 140 140 Chi. , Burl. & . Quincy 123 123J ChL , St. L. & New Orleans. . 7U 79 Cin. , Band. & Cleveland 49 4 ! ) Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . h2 825 Delaware & Hudson canal. . . .108 } In8j Del. , Lack. & Western 1274 1274 y jnver & KIo Grande 4Itj 4If ; ' la fl9j 40 _ . pfd } 82 East Tennessee 9j 9jj do preferred 17 } 17 < j Fort Wayne & Chicaio 13(5 ( 130 Hannibal & tit. Joseph ± 50 41 do pfd. . . 79 81 Harlem 196 190 .Houston & Texas Control. . . . 78 } 78 Illinois Central 144 } 114 j Ind."Bloom. & Weatern 32 } 33 ] 'Kansas&Texaa S.'IJ 33ij Lake Erie & Western 31 313 lake Shore & Michigan So. , . 1124 112 ] Louisville At Naihvilie 54 | 55 Louisv. , New Alb. & Ohicivjo 55 62 Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 10 10 do do 2d pfd ti 52 Memphis & Charleston 53 44 Mlchigan'Centrcl 97 } Minneapolis i St. Louis. . . . 29 27i da pfd. ( J3J OJi Mlnouri Paciuc 103 10HJ Mobile& Ohio 11SJ 118 Manhattan Beach 123 12ZJ vlorria & J snex CO Jew Jersey Central 70\ \ Tashvllle & Chattanooga 475 Northern Pacific 481 do pfd. . . . " . . . . . 85 ] forthwostem 133 ? do pfd 117J few Xork Coutial 1 : U j hlo Central 13 Ohio & Mississippi 32 } f do " pfd 90 .Ontario & Western 20 'Oregon Transcontinental 85 .Pacific Mall 418 " Panama. . . . 167 . . _ . . .L 1'vannv. . . 2t'J iftbargA Olevnlaud 13 ! ) UfiSinPalice Car 123 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ik Tsi'andrK' . . . . . . . . . . . 121i Ltuia & San Fron 38 } do J.IJ' pfd. . . . 53 } do ' JKi. 1st pfd 9J | Paul & Milwaukee 105i ' dolT , * < pfd. . . . 321 } Paul , Mtzai/ft Manitoba 14 ( > Paul & Omaha 5l | i dj > pfd 110 } i M & Pacifio 10 an Pocifio. . . 102J i ted State * Expresa 00 i ) eh , St. L ; ' & Pacific. . . . 3'i } I " doij pfd. 52J , 'i Fareo & " Co. Express.125 j tem Union Telegraph. . . 81 boui . ' 1 , . ml Arizona.1. 4 J J ! 6r. . . . ? . . . * . 1 ostake.T. . : 18 I'rPittsbnrg 1 tio. _ . . . { , . . . . 3 > .d 'pf'd ! ' . ' . ' ! ! . . . . ! . ! 3d ison\/ . . , ; , * ? . 1 rCllffi..i.V S tPacifio. . . ; 9 ird' ; ' . 61 ill ? , ' ' . ' ' . i [ > } ? s k 'ered. fEx. 'Interest. ' JAekeii. CEr. end. / : ' [ _ _ l rOREiarTriNANCE. DlspatcbtoTui Ens. , LONDOK. DOS' , January 12. 5 p. m. United , Tllallroad Becurltlpa Illinois Can 1 V l9Pennfyb ania Central , 61 Ji New 4 * "SUtlnlSOIjErie , 41j Reading , 28 } . 4 aounfof bnlllen gone in , 11,000 PKODU0111 & yprdal DUpatehe * to Tin tin. OIUCAQO. OldCAQo , January 12. Flour - Good de mand at full prices ; common to choice spring wheats , 3 50@5 50 ; common to fancy Minnesota , 4 00@6 00 ; pntentn , 6 & 0@7 00 ; winter wheat ) , 4 M > @ 5 50 ; southern Illlnoin , 4 50@5 50 ; Canada , 4 MJ@5UO. Wneat Active , firm and higher i 991o for Jannatyt 9Ji for February ; UTigWlo tur March : 1 05@l 05 | for Ma ) ; No.'Swd winter , 09Je ; No. 2 ChlcJRo oprhg , O'jcj No. 3 Chicago spring * U5i ; re * jectod. Ctio. Corn Ao'ive , firm amlhlgbe'5Sf ; 5Sic for cash ; 5Slr for Junuary ; 55ii ( 5 la for Fe'irn r > ; 53 3 for March ; 564@5 KC for May. Oils Fairly BCtivo and a shod" higher ; 3' > Jo for Ck'hand .I nu rv ; 36@3 * > lo for Febiuary : 3GJ@361o for Match ; 37g37io ( for Mny ; 374u fur June. Rye -Stead v ; GOc. Marley Steady ; 80c. Butter Dull { tending downward ; cream ery , fair to fancy , 2oa39c ( ; dairy , good to fancy , 23WS33. Birpi Steady ; freib , 25@28 : ; ice hou e , 20@24c. K ax Seed Strongjand hlKher ; 1 20@ 20. 20.Dresced Dresced Hogs Market active , firm and liiKher ; 7 15@7 oJ. Pork-Strong end higher ; 17 35@17 40 for ch : 17 50@17 52J 'or Februao ! 17 70 ( 17 72J for Mwch ; 18 00 ® 802J for Moy. Laiil-Stioou nd higher ; 10 bO@10 62J for o * h ; 10G7@lu70tor Febuary ; 10 774 ( ojlO 80 for March ; 11 021(311 ( 05 for May. Bulk Meats Strung and higher ; should- era : 0 CO ; rhnrt ribs , 9 15 ; short cleur , 9 40. Whliky Steady : 1 10. CALL BOAUII. Wheat Market irregu lar ; 97Jo for Jantury ; 9S(29S3c ( for Feb. r.iaryj 93ga lor Morcn ; i OSJfejlOSi for May. Corn Strong and hlfthir ; 59Ja for Jann > ary564c ; for February ; 5 Jo for March ; 5Co for May. Oils Irregular ; 35J@3Cio for January ; 3 ! ic for February ; 30 J old for Marcb37i@ ; 37j | > ; f < r May. J'orkActive , firm and higher ; 17 CO for February ; 17 7&forMmch17 ; U24.lor April ; 18 07i f JT May. Lard Active , firm and higher ; 1072 } for February ; 10 85 for March ; 11 1'5 for May. HKW YORK. N w YORK , January 12. Flour Steady ; superfine state and western. 3 3 > @ 3 85 ; common to good extra , 3 756 > 4 40 ; good to choice , 4 50@7 OC ; white wlieut. extra , 6 27 M ; extra Ohio , HHflgO 50 ; St. Louis. 3 80@0 75 ; Mirnen U patent pro. cea . 5 C0@7 50. Wheat Cash firm ; options opened 1@ 4c higher , but afterwards ) lost most of the advance , closing firmer ; No. 2 spring 1 09 ; northwest spring , 1 1 < 8 ; No. 3 Mil waukee , 1 01 ; ungraded winter red , 98 = @ 1 154 ; No. 3 red , 1 074@1 08 ; Rteamcr No. 2 red , 1 091 ; No. 2 red , 1 IS1. } ® ! 13J ; N < * . 1 red. 1 17 ; ungraded white , 98c@l 1C ; steamer No. 3 white , 59J@80c ; No. 2 white , 1 00 ; steamet white , 9Jc ; No. 1 white , ( JO.0.0 bushels sold at 1 lei ; No. 2 roil for January , 1C8.000 bushels sold at 1 12 ® 1 124 , closing at 1 123 ; do for Feb. ruury , 632,000 bushels xold at 1 1 > @ ffll 134 , closing at 113JJ ; do. for March , 592.COO bnnhels sold at 1 151 15J , olcB. lug at 1 15J ; do. for April , 181,000 bushels sold at 1 17 551 173 , closing at 1 178 : defer for Mny , 2ol > ,000 bnsbelu soU at 1 173 ® 1 18i. closing at 1 18. Corn Opened .j@ic higher , but nfter- wardx lost most of the advance , closing stronger ; unwMded , 62ifi3c ; No. 3. C3 ; steamer , G5JGGc ; new No 2. G"i@G7i ! in elevator ; old No. 2 , t > 9j@G9Jc ; So. 2 for January. C7J@GSc , cluslnjj at G72 do. for February , GOic : do. for April. 6. closing at Cli ; do. for May , 314" cloning at Gijc. Oats Fairly active nd n shade higher : mixed western , H@17c ; white western , 47 @ 50a. HftyMarket dull ; GOc. E K8 Fresh western , a shide stronger : 23@284c. Pork Stronger ; new mes > , 18 374@ 18 60. Beef Quie1. , but steady ; 18 00@18 25. Cut Meats Qulflt , but firm ; long clear middles , 9 37i@9 BO. . Lard Higher ; prime nteam , 10 874 ® 10 00. Butter Market dull and weak ; 10@41c. Cheese Demand fair and market firm ; western lUt , 7@131c. ST. LOUI3. ST. LOTJIO. January 12. Flour Steady ; famllr , ' 410495 ; choice , 4 G0@4 70 ; faocy , 4 855 10. Wheit Lower ; No. 2 red fall , 1 021 ® 1 028 for ' ' 'Mb ' ; 1 02l@l 02iJ for Janu.-rv ; 1 02J@1 O3'j for March ; 1 05 for April ; 1 OStfgl Oiig for Muy ; No. 3 red fall , 0 IJ Corn Lower ; 474@17i'o for cash ; 47pc for January ; 474@48o for February ; 4Slc I T March ; 48iJ550c ( for April ; 49j@50t for May. OatiLower : S8Ja cash ; 384@38gj for January ; 37Jc lor February ana May. Rye Market ttoady : 5Ge bid. Hurley Quiet ; 60&85c. Butter Steady ; creamery , 3G@40c ; dairy , 28@33. KWH Steady ; 21@223. Whisky-Steady ; 1 14. PotkHighfr ; 17 25 asked for cash ; 17 35 bid for March ; 17 724 bid for Muy. Bulk Meats Hold firmly ; nothing do ing. ing.Bacon - Quiet ; long clear and ehort rib , 9 874 ; ehort clear , IJ 12i@1025. Lrd Nominally 10 25. AVTKHNOOX BOAHD Wheat Higher ; 1 021@1 02g for January ; I 024 for Fell- ruary ; 1 03 1 014 for March ; 1 05 J for April ; I 06i@l 07 tor Mny. Corn Higher ; 1748a for January : 4HJ @ )84o ) for Ktbnury ; 50i@5J33 for May. O.ts Slow ; 38a bid for January ; 374.C for February ; 37 3 for May. KANSAS cur. KANHAS CITV , January 12. Wheat- Steady and firm ; No. 2 red , 8Glc for cat-h ; 85 0 bid for. F * linwy ; SGlobid for Marob. Corn Higher ; 4 lie for cash ; 411c for Februaiy ; 42j for Miuch. Oils Nominal ; 33o bid for caeh ; 33io bid for February. Butter Weak : dairy , 22@23c. Kgg.-Slow ; iO@J2. LIVE STOOK CpecUl Cl(7 tcbos to Tun Cut. OHIOAQO. OSIOA.QU , January 12 The Drovers' Journul rep-rts IM follows : Hoed Brisk on both pacVing and ship- pin ncconnts , and fa hhher ; eale > : mlse'l ' , 5 80@C SO ; he vy. 0 15@0 70 ; light , 5 90 ® ipH,400@540. Active and flrm &t good prices ; stockcrs and feeders very active una strong ; common to fair , 3 10@3 75 ; n-edi- um to good , 3 904 50. Sheep Active and tirm ; inferior to f&lr , 300@3 90 ; medium to good , 425 ® 176 ; choice to extra , 5 00@5 ( X ) . KEW YORK. NKW YOUK , January 12. The Drover * ' Journal liuro.u report ) : licevea Dull ; extremes , 520 ( < iGCOfor common to prime steers ; gemr * ! f\\e \ * 5 50 © U 00 ; exporter * used 300 head at G U0@ 050. 050..Sheep -Active and firm at full prices and early clearance made ; 5 00@fi 75 for sheep , 5 50@7 75 for lambs ; ireneral KleJ , 5 30@C 25 for sheep ; 7 00@7 50 fur lambs. iSftiiie .Steady unJ farm for live hog > at G 40(5,0 ( 70 , KA.VHAH CUT. KANSAH CITT , January IJ. The Live Stock Indicator repoitu : Cattle Firmer ; native steerH from 1,185 to 1,310 poundi nolil at 440 ( 170 ; cov/ , 2 fn@3 75 ; stocVers nd feeders , 3 CO 1 l\ lU-gn-Firmer ; 5 80@0 40 , with the bulk of sales at ( i CCKgli 20. Sheep Untlungod ; fair to good mutton 3 25@3 50 , BT , LOUIS. Hi. Loois , January 12. Cattle-Sapply small and demand light ; pricenteady and market firmer ; light chipping iteert , 4 2 ! @ 4 75 ! heavy Uetf , 4 75@ . " ' ' 0 ; - rport0 HO WOOD ; tnitcht-ro * ntcvir , 375@4NI ; inlii- l lots nt biitclKik'dtock rHMRcd ut 3 004 00 ; stockcrs ami frtdurr. 3 MX 4 25 , Sheep Qni't and ennf j common tn mr- dlum , 3 00(33 ( 75 ; fair to good , 4 CO4 73 ; prime to fancy export * , 5 00tur > 60 , Hogs-Steady ; llrht shipping , 6 e'0@ti 00 ; packing , MK0 ) 20 ; butcher'to extra , G 15 ( ftGSO. MERCHANDISE. Special Dtfpatchn to Till lili. NKW TOIIK. NKW YORK , January 12. Coffee Steady ; Rin cargoes quoted at6ij9a. } ( Sugar Steady ana moderate y actlvt ; fair to good rctinlng ( | uoted at „ Mola&ee * Quiet , but ttcady : New Orleans , 40(3 ( 6lc ; 1'ortoUico , 40@f > 3c ; Kn- glUh ialannX 40@43c. Klce Dainand 'air and market firm ; domestlc8&7c | ; Rangoon , 2Jo In bonrl , Petroleum QuetbuttirniUnltod ! , 89jc ; cnuleOJ@73o ; refined , 77ft.\ } TiUlowr-KIrruRnd fairly hjtive ; 8i@84c Koaln Market dull and weak ; 1 A7 } @ 167 } . Turpentine Market dull and weak ; f > ! ln. L ftd Quiet , but steady ; common , 4 75 ; @ 4 80 ; retmed , nominal , WOOL Special Dtipot-eli I ) Tin Uu. IKWTON. lo ! TO.N , January 12.- Demand for wool good , market steady ; leadlni ? turerw are free buyer * , and huldera nre sel ling at current rates. California has been telling more freely , prices ranges from 17 } for fall and spring. TRAFFIC. Special Dl > patches to Till Um. 1XOUB AND QllAINT ) . OHIOAQO , January 12. lleeelpts and shipments of flonr and grain for Uie past 24 hours have been as follows : llcceints. Ship'ts. Flour bbjs 12.000 17.000 Wheat bushels 42.000 22,000 Corn " 135,000 224,000 Oats " 41000 75,000 Hyo " 4,100 4,200 Barley- " 21,000 42,000 NKW YOBK. January 12. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain for the past 24 tours have been as follows : llecelpbs Shp'ts. Flonr-bbls 22,615 390 Wheat busheli 75,500 87,000 Corn " 67,000 40,000 Oats " 28,000 ST. Louis , January 12.-Receipts.and shipments of flour and grain for we post 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts. Bhlp'ts. Flour bbls 2,000 4,000 Wheat bushels 39,000 12,000 Corn " 49,000 19,000 Oats- " 6,003 Kye " 710 Barley- " 9,100 KANSAS Cm , January 12. Keceipta and shipments of grain fni the paat 24 hours have been as follows : Rec'te. Shfo'ts. Wheat , bushels 12,000 27.003 Corn " 27,000 41.0U ) LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , January 12. Receipts and shipment * of llvn stock for the past 2-1 hours have been as follows : Rcc'ts. Shipm'ts. ' Hogs ' 30000 4500 Cattle 0000 4000 Sheep 2,500 2,000 NKW YORK , Jauuaryl2. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the past 24 burs have been aa follows : Reo'U. Ship'ts. Hos 5,500 . . . . Cattle 1,530 Sheep 5,150 ST. Louis , Jannuy 12. Receipts ami shipments of live stock for the post 2-1 hours have been as follows : Shipm'ts. Hogs 0.000 2,300 Cattle 800 1,700 Sheep 800 600 KANSAS CITT , January 12. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the put 24 hours have been on follows : Roo'ts. Shlpm'te. Hogs 6.COO . . . . Cattle 700 Sheep _ ! _ OMAHA MAJKK..HTS. "Wholesale Fzioua. Or nor or THE OMAHA BKIT , ) Friday Evening , January 12. J No changes were repotted in the matket today. Local Grain Doallngra. WHEAT.- Cash No. t , 80e ; caah No. 3 , Clijc ; rejected , 41c. bARLEY. Cash No. 2 , C8c ; No. 3 , 38c. 38c.RYECash RYE-Cash , 434c. NEW CORN-430. OATS-35C. SEEDS Flax seoJ 9Go per bu. Produce and Provision * . POTATOES 50@COc per bushel. ONIONS-3050o per bushel. BUTTEKChoice country , 2025o. KGGS 27@2Sc. HONKY Uallforaia. per Ib , 21. APPLES Per barrel , &J 753 25. OYSTERS-Booth's nnd Plait's select oyntere , 40j- Standard , 30 ; mediums , 25. FLORIDA ORANGKS- . LEMONS-- ® 1 50 per box. BEANP Navy per bushel , 2 753 00. CHIOKENS-120 per Ib. TURKEYS lS@15s per pound. Grocers' CANNED GOODS Oyaton , 2 Ib ( Floid'a ) , per case , 34 00 ; do 1 Ib ( FJald'a ) , per coae , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per cneo , 210 ; strawberries 2 Ib , per cio,2 CO , raspberries , 2 Ib , per cse , 3 30. Dam sons , 2 It , per c.v.0 , 2 15. Bortlott pears per we , 2 GO. Whortleberries per c&ae,275. Egg pluma,2 Ib percu t,2 90 ; Green gagOK,2 lt > per caeo , 2 90 ; do choice , , Ib per case i 50. Pine Applet , 2 Ib , per cuso 4 Oil ® 5 75. Poaches , 2 Ib per ca-e , 300 ; do 3 Hi , caie , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pic ) , H Ib , per CM ) .230 ; do pie , 6 Ib , per dozan. 3 80. FLOUR Jobbing prices , Jack Frost St. Louii winter ) g3.90 p rlOO ibi. ; To- pekn Patent Kanso ? , 83.85 ; Minuehaha Minnesota Patent , $3.70 ; Shawnee Fancy winter , 83.10 ; Eacle , XXXX winter , $3.00 ; Triumph spring , best , $2.80 ; Chris- Han's Buporlatlve , 3.50 ; bran , per ton , 814.00 ; chopped feed , $28.00. COSTU C.-Rio , fair. lOJj ) Rio. gooJ lie ; inline to choice , . 12 ; ; Old g : > v't Java ; 2C4GiihZ Mocha , 28i < j ; Arbuckle'e , ( JHEES3 Full Cream , 14oi Part dklm,1043. HUGAlwS Powdered , lOlc ; Out loaf , lOJc ; Granulated , 9jc ; Conlootioner's A. 91o ; Stsnd r.l Kitra O , 84c ; Extra C , MJ ; medium yellow , I74c ; dark yellow , 7ls.SYRUP SYRUP Standard Corn , , 33o , bbls. ; Standard do , 4 } gallon kegs. 81 70 ; Stan- dnrd do , 4 gallon keg , 81 55. MKATS-Hams per Ib. , 13Jc ; B Bacon nor Ib , , 15c ; clear side bncon per Ib. , lie ; dry salt fides per Ib , , 9Jc ; dry salt houl. dors per Ibh \ ; bac in chouldera per Ib. , t'Jc : tlerco lard per Ib. , 12o FISH No. 1 nuckerol , half hrls , 6 75 ; No. 1 mickerel. kits , 1 00 ; family rnack- Maso ClOO. LYE American , S 3'i ; Groonwlch , S 40 ; Woatern , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' ' lye. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 275. KKIJD Jobbing prices , Chop food 91.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran , 70c per 100 ihs. LARD Oin'iha RefiuInlngCo.i Tierscs , 10 and 50-lb cans , 12c ; 20.1b cana , 12jc ; 10-lb nails , Hcrew top , 12Jc ; 6-lb do , 12Jc ; 3 Hi do , 128o. HOMINY Now , W 2 per bbl. SODA In Ib papers , (3 per COM ; keg soda , 2o. NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels $7 IX ) ; do in hilt bbln , 4 00 ; suulU , in bbht 900 do , In lulfbbU , 500 ; gborkl In bbl , 11 00 : do , In half bhlx , 0 00. . P rl , 4io ; rJllvrr Olcm 8c ; Corn Starch , 8 o | KxcBlsloxlilo , 7o t Corn , 74c. TEAS .Uunpowdor , good , 45@55 ; Ohclcc , 60@75c ; Imperial , good , 4045c ; UVlro , C075c ; Young Hy on , good , 80(3 * 0o ; cholco , G5cl 00 } Japan Nat Loaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , 60@75c : Oolong , Rood , 55@40 ; Oolong , cho.oo , 40@55 | Bouohong , good. 85 ® lOc : choice. MO ROPE Sisal , \ Inch and Urgor , lOlo ; glndi , lit ; llnch , lljc. WOODEN WAJtlK Two hoop pallf , 1 75 ; three hoop palls , 3 00. Tubt , No. 1 , 8 60 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 85 Double Crown 2 90 ; Wall buckets , 850. LEAD Bar , 81 C6. VINEGAR-Pur * pple extra , 16c : pure apple , ISct Prnseinir uuro unule , IGo , SALT. Dray load * , per bbl , 1 65 ; A h- ton , In aa ks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 5e , 3 50 SOAPS-Klrk'a Savon Imperial , 845 ; Klrk'i tntlnnt , 3 6P ; Kirk's rtcndard , 3 75 ; Kirk's wblta Russian , 525 : Klrk'i. . Eatoco , 215 Kirk's Prairlo Queen , (100 ( ckken ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia dot , , POTASll Pennsylvania cann , 4 c.w , In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 dox. In case , 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In case 1 50. PEANUTS Roosted cholefl red ' , , 'Ion- newoo , lOo per Ib : fnnsy white , lOJu porlb ; r v white Virginia raw , IPo ) roosted , OANDLES-TJoxf * . 40 f > ? c : b < XDH 40 lbs. | 16 or , Gs , If'Jo , HICE Tjotflilans prime to choice , 7i@ 7c : fnir , G'c7c ; Patina , 7c. MATCHEo I'er CMtdle , ? 5o ; round , 8H 10 ; uquare , CRMM , so 40. Dry Gooai. BROWN COTTONS Atlantlo A. 8c ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Boott FK , 8c ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot 'W , SJo ; ludian Orchard d. w. , Slot Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7o ; Pequot A , 8Jc ; Shawinut LL , 7o ; UtSca 0 , 5to } Wochnn- ett B , 7c ; do A , 8c ; do K 48,12c ; Wnl- cott BB. 8ic. FINE BROWN COTTONS AUendale 4 ; 7Jo ; Alllgntor 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic LL , 6c ; Badger State X 47o ; Bonningtou 0 i-1 , GJo ; Buckeye 8.4-4 , GJco Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , Sic : Looonia O 39 , 84o ; Lchlph K 4-4 , 9c ; Lunsdalo 4-4. lOo ; Pepperell N 30 , 7c ; do O 82 , 7io ; do R " " , 7o ; do K 39. 8o ; Pocassot 0 4-4 , 78o ; amsutta4'4 ISo BLEACHED COTTONS Andrwoog gin L 4-4,0cBlackstono ; AA imperial 8c ; do do half bleached 4-4,9o ; Cabot 4-4,85 ; Fidelity 4-4 , 9cVrult ; of the Loom , 10 : do oan-brlo 4.4,13c ; do WaterTwist,10o ; Great Falls Q , 10o ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12o ; zjuuauiuD , lOo ; do cambric 37. 12c ; New York Mills , 12jo ; Pequot A.100J Pepperel N O Twills , 12oj } PocahontM 4-4 , flo ; Pocosset 4-4 , 8 o ; Utlca , He ; Wanuntta O X X. 12c. DUCKS Colored } Albany B brown. 3c ; do 0 , drab , lies do X.A. ( tripes and plaids , 12c ; do XXX brown and drab , utripes and plaids , 12c ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick brown , 8o ; Chariot fancy 12o ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , llc ; Indiana A brnwn iKn ? Neuonset A brown. 15o TlUKliMlB Amoskeng A U A S3 LOc ; do XX blue 32 , 18o ; Arrowanca , /Ql > ; Clnremont B B,15c : Conoatoga ex tra , 17o ; Hamilton D , llo Lewmton 30,15c ; Minuehaha 4-4 , 20o ; Omega super extra 4-4t 28c ; Pearl River 32 , 16jc ; Put- iinm XX blue stripe , 12c ; Sbctuckot S 104c ; do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , Oo DENIMS , Arnoakoah , blue and brnuu ICJc ; Andover DD blue , 15c ; ArliugX blue Scotch , 18c ; Concord OOO , blue aw browu , 12c : do AAA , do do 13 } ; doXXto do do 14io Haymakers blue und brown. 9c ; Mystic River DD stripe , 16c ; Pearl River , blue and brown , 16c ; Unoaavillo , blue and brown. CAMBRICS Boruard , r 0j Eddyrtono lining , 24 inch double face , 8o ; Garner A ql.izcd , PJc ; Manhattan glove finish , 5jjo Newport do ( tc ; do glazed , 5Jc | Pequot do 5c : Lockwood kid finish 60. CORSET JEANS Amory , SojAndros coggin Ratteen fi c ; Clarendca , 6jcConea ; oXga satteens , 7ie ; Hollowel. , 80 ; Indl Orchard 7c ; NarrAganiiettimprovodo Pcpperiil sattnen 9o ; Rookport , 7Jo. PRINTS-Allena , 6o : American , Co ; Arnold , 7c : Berwick. 4o ; Cochoco , 7o ; Conestoga. 6c ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnell , 6i@7c ; Eddystone , 7o ; Qbacoster , 60 ; Harmony , 6c ; Knickerbocker , 6o ; Mer ri cc D. 7cj Mystic , 5o ; Sprarues , Ro ; Southhrklge , Go ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marlboro bore , Me ; Oriental 6o. GINGHAMS Am koag. 12c ; Amoii- keag dress 9 } | Argyle , lOJc ; Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 7o ; Highlana , Tie ; Konilwortli , 8c ; Plun kott , 10c ; Bus oax , 8c COTTONADES Ahberville I34o Agate , "Oo ; American , Ho ; Artinian , 20o ; Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; Clarion D and T , I74.c ; Deccan Co.atripoaDoudT. IGc ; Key- clone , 13Je ; Nantuckct. 19c ; Nonpareil , IGc ; Ocean D end T , 134c ; Royal , 16J ) SUSBOX , 12e ; Tiogo , 124c ; Wachunett shirt- In ? jheokH , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 134o ; York , Nankin , 12tc ; dochook , stripes and faucy , 124c ; do. 8 oz SOo. SHEETINGS Androscoggln 10-4,274c ! do 9.4 , 23odo ; 8-1 , 22c ; Continental C 42 , He , Frult.of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Now York mills98 , 35c ; do 78 , SOt ; do 58. 22Jc , Pombrjke 10-4 , , 25c ; Pequot 1C1.1 , 284c , do 74 . , 19c do 49 , IGc ; Pepperell flirt , 29o ; do 67. Ulcdo ; 57 , 18o ; UtHco 06 , 3Gc ; do 53 , 224o : do 48. 17n. P lnta Dili nd Varnlihci OILS 110" carbon , per gallon , 133 ; 150 * headlight , per gillon , 15c ; 175 * hoadliqht , per gallon , 20o ; iinau'ed. raw , per gallon , f > l ; linseed , Iwllod , per gallon , 5lc ; Urd , winter str'cl , , Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No , 2 , 7 ? > o ; cattor , XXX. p < r collon , 1 V5 ; No. 3 , 1 2Jj awuot , per gallon , 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon- 1 75 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , GOc ; noaUloot , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , Ific , golden machine. No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No , 2 , SO : cpcrm , signal , per gallon , SOc ; tur- pontloo , per gallon , 65o ; naptba , 74 , per K llou , 18o : 61 , 17c PAINTS IN OIL Whlto lead , Omaha P. P. . G c ; white lead , St. LouU , pnre , GJ ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , Wo ) French rinc , giaon seal. 12c ; French zinc , red , llu ; French rinc , In varnish nest , 2Cc : French ziuce , in oil east 15a ; Raw and burnt uinher , 1 Ib caua ICe ; ra\/ und burnt Biennn , IKo : vaudyko brown , refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black , IGc ; drop bleu V , IGc ; Prussian blue , SOc ; ultriuiiAriue bluu , 18c ; chrvnne green , L. M , k I ) . , Mcjblind and shutter green , L. M. ft D. , Me ; Paris green , IHc ; Indian red , 15c : Venetian red. Do ; Tuscan Jru , 22c ; AincrJenn Vermillod , I , A P. , ISo ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O , & D 0 , , 18o ; yellow ochre , DC ; golden ochre , 16 ; p&tent drjee , 8c ; Draining colorj ; light oak , dark out. walcot , 'boitriut aud a h 15o Dry ° alnts Whlto lead , Gic ; bronco Ino , lOci Parl whltoing 24c ; whiting gliders. IJi v. biting com'l , Ho ; lampblack German town , 14c ; Unipblack , ordinary , lOc ; Pros , plan blue , 55c ; ultrnicorine , 18c ; Vandyke brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 43 ; umber , raw 4celenna ; , burn t , 4o ; kicnna , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 25c ; Paris green com' 20o ; chromo green , N. Y.1 20o ; chrom green K. , 12c ; vormilllon , Eng , , 70c ; ver million , America , 18c ; Indian rod , lOo rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cokuioao 2c ! ! Venetian rod Am. , lo ; toi lead , 7Jo ; chroDiByollov , Kcnulno , 20o hromo yel low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle 3c ; oclire Kronch , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's lufnorol , 2Jc ; ieblqh brown. 24c : Btmnieh brown. Zfa Prince's mineral 3c , VARNIHHEB-BarreU per gMlon. Fnrnlture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , cl ; coach , extra , 31 40 ; each , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 7C : apan , 70ca ; * phaltura , extra , 63c ; thellaa 83 N ) ; hard oil finWi , 81 30. Motvy Hnrriwarc Lilt , Iron , rates , 8310 ; plow otcel , special caet , 7o ; crucibleHo ; peclalurliurmanGci CMt tool do. 1SC420 wacon epokoo , wit , 2 25@3 00 ; hulw , per sot , 1 25 ; feUoes , eawcil dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 7 ) @ 85c ; oiles , each , 75c ; square nuU , per Jb , 7llc | washers , per Ib , 8@18o ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; cell chain , per Ib , 612c ; malleable , 8c | Iron wodgoii , 6oj crowbarn , Co ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , C 00 ; spring steal. 7@Hc ; Burdens horseahoes , 650 ; Burden's muleiboca , 6 60 1.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 , Oriental Powder , kegs , M.40 : do. , hal keg3.f3,4dj do. , quwterkHM. U.88 ; BUit Ing , kcs. ffa.S.'ii Fuse , uer JOO Joit 50o , BAKBKD WIRE-ln CAT loU , 8 25 © 925potlOO ; in IDAS than car loU. 87 ( @ U 75 c r 100 , NAILS-RAto * . 10 to GOti' , 425. Hide * fut * . Etc. HIDKH < , re < n butcher's hide , 67Jv cured 7j@8c ; hldoa , green salt , part cured 7chde { ! ! ,74cdry ; Ulnt , sound , 1814c ; dry calf and kip , 12@14o ; dry salt h.dcNDoumL 10@llc ; grcon calf. wt. 8 to 16 Ibs. . ll@12c ; green calf , wt , under 8 ttx % per tkln , S0o | green pclta , 50@81 25 ; green latnh sktrw , 81 25150 : damaged hides , two-third rate , cut roorcd and one grub , claused two. tllrds rate. ) branded hides 10 per oent. ofl Coon iklns , No. 1. 45o ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 1 20-J No4 , lOo , Mink , No. 1 , 30o > No. 2 15o ; No. 8 , 15o ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , , 60c ; No , 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , bi6c | G5c ; short strtpo , 40ot narrow strlpeo liroad stripe. lOo. Tallow 7c. Leatner Oak solo , H8c to 42c ; hemlock vole , 2 c to 85o ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; runner , 65c to SOc ; heralocL calf , Stic to 120 ; hem. lock upper , 23o to 2Gc ; oak upper , 2lc ; alligator. 4 00 to 6 60 ; calf kid , 3V@3 o ; Greisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 'JO to 1 3D ; French kip , 110 to 1 65 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run- netts. 6 60 to 7 60 ; linings , G 00 to 10 60 ; toppinga , 9 00 to 10 50 : B , L. Morocco , 30c to 35o ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35o ; Himou ; 2Nto300. HARNESS-NO i sur oak , 420 ; NO a do , S9c ; N. 1 Ohio o.ik , 38c : No. 2 do , 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No. 2 doMe. . Hortei and Mules , The " nrkct Is brisk and all grades rellluB < ! ! at alight advance lu piio The di .ml for good horses exceed ; the supply < neiderooly. Price * range fti lol lows : Fiut agio drhcr * , 8150. to 300. ) Extra draft I. AM , ftl7b. to 225.5 Common dni/t horees , ' 100. to 150.1 Extra farm hones , 8110. t' i25. ; Common to ( rood farm hem C90. T- t < 5100. ; Extra plus * , 860. to Ib , | Commci plugs , $20. to 810. MULK3. 15 to 15 } hands ( extra ) , VI25. to 160. ) 14 } to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ) 14 to 14 } hands , 975. to 100. ) 13 , to 14 hands , fi > X ) . to 75. Lumber. WHOLKOALB. We quote lumt > er , latn and ihtnglet on : cars at Omaha at the following price' : JOIST AND .SOANTLlNlJ-lG ft. and under , ? 22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 60. TIMBERS 1C ft. and under , 822 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , $23 50j 2C ft. 823 50 , 22 ft. , 3G 50 ; 24 ft. 820 50. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 824 00 ; No. 2 , 02200. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ocmmon board * ) . $20 00 ; No. 3 , 816 00. LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per cms- 40c ; Cement , bbl , $3 25 Iowa plaster , bbl , 83 60. Hair per ba. 40o. Tarred felt 100 Ibs. 83 60. Straw board , 83 60. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Run Blorebnrg , 812) ) Whltebrcast lump , 85 60 ; Whitobroast nut. W 60 ; Iowa tump , $5 50 ; Iowa nut 85 50 ; Rock Rprini ; * 8 : Anthracite , 810 50@11 00 ; Colorado , 800. Drura DRTJ B AND CHEM1OA 1,8.cld , Carbolic , 50c ; Aold , Tartarlo. GOc ; Balaam Oopubta , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , Siuuafras , ( tor Ib , 14 sj Calomel , per Ib , 7Eo ; Cinchoiudlu , par oz , 8116 ; Chloroform , per Ib , 100 ; Dover's powders , per Ib , 81 40) ) Epeon Salts , per Ib , 8o ; Glycerine , pnro. po hi , 31c ) Lead , Acetate , per lli , 22c Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , Pi 20 ; Oil , Caatort No. 8 , per gal , 8110 , Oil , Olive , per iral. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50 ; Opium , M 75 ; Quinine P. & W. & R. & Q. , per vi , 82 05 ; Potaaahun , Iodide , per It tjl75 ; Salocm , per oz , 40o ; Uulphnto u Morphine , Mr oz , $3 85) ) Uulpnur Hour per Ib , 4c ; Strrcbnluo. oor oz. 01 .53 , Liquors. ALCOHOL 187 proof. 3 25 per wina gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof , 1 per proof gallon ; triple rounod uplritd 187 proof , 128 per proof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 C0@ 2 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2007 00 ; Kentucky - tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00(37 ( 00. BRANDIES-tmirartcd , S3 00(31000 ( ; domestic 1 404 00. GINS Imported , 4 600 00) ) domeitlo , 140eWOO. ( 1. RUMS Imported , 4 60@6 00) ) New England. 2 OOW4 00) ) domestic , 1 50@3 60 PEACH AND APPIiB BRANDY- 1 76@4 00. OllAMPAGNES Imported per aae , :800 31 OtAmerlMa , caeo , 1200 ® 1600. CLARETS or case , 4 60@10 00 WINES Rh no wlno , per case , 6 OD ® 2 00) ) Oatawl-a. per case , 4 007 00. Olaaro and foDarcoa. FINE CUT In pnilo. Hard to UeaU 76cj Golden Thread , 70o ; Fountain , 80o , Favorite , C5cj Roc'xy Mauntnln , COo ; Fanoy , 55o ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foil Catllna O. 8. , 6 Ib boxes , per Ib G3o ; Ijori- Ulard's Tiger. GOc ; Diamond Crown , Oflo. BMOICING All grades Common , 26 to 880. Granulated Blnckwells Durham , 1(1 ( oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz , 4Gc ; Beal of North Carolina , 10 oz , 4C ; Seal of NeLrau. ko , 16 or 38c ; Ixme Jack , \ ollnnn bags per Ib , 81.35 ; Marburits * 1'uok 2 oz , tin oll,65c ; Dog T ull 05c. Wool. Merino unwas od , light , Hflie ) hoAvy.c , @ 1815o ; medium uuwaHhod , light , 18(5-,20 ( wanhed , choice , H2o ; fair , 30c ; tub-iliii ; ; ; and w. , 28c ; burry , blaokaud oottod wool 2j)6o ( ) lcr _ _ To utruugthun nnd build up the ayn torn , ; t trlnl will convinca yon thut lirown'H Iron liitturu ia thu bout mod iclno mndo. THE GREAT CURE jj rou AB It In for all tha painful dtaniuoa of Die KIDNEYS , LIVER AND OOWELO. ItcleaiuodUio lyatcm of tboacrld poUon Uiat CAOBCA Uio drnatlful NUiTcrln only the Tlctlrai of rieum tl m ca THOUSANDS OF CASES of the vorat forma oftli'j tcrr'olo < ll o ' > h vo boou quietly relieved , and La rhr > rl time PERFECTLY CURED. i 11 Dry cun be ent by mall. _ rri.IJJI nil'HAKISON.fcC.JIiirllnrtnn.Vi INCREASE om YCian CAPITAL. Thooa dfilrlntf to make money imitll anil inoulum Invcutmeuii I t 'ral11. provtalong anil Block ; ' cuU tlon , tan du tu l < y oncratlnioOD oni | i ! n , KromMty 1 , il.e pit * nt iJatfl.ou Invoatmro-i of < 10,0t to 11,000 , cwh proflts buve b. i rmllzoJ anil i > alJ to Invwlori amoim'lDitoicver ( l ttinui theorlj lnl1 ln > entratnt. I'rollta pMtl 1st o 9tcry uuiith , ttlll l * vtni ( thi orikrm l Invoiitinont rcakln moncj or ptyable on demand. KipltnMo ry clrculurs and uUU'munU of lunt \VBont trot ) We want rotponelbli ar.ntj. ; who wllrtpatt oncropi and Introduce the plan. liberal com * mlwloni lolil. Aililro d PLKUMINO fi MKHUIAU , Cfn > . J-ortlianH , Mijor Hock Chicago , 111. _ Murray & Lanman's FU i n M * Best for TOILET. BATH and LANDKERCHIEF. " " "BLACK-pnAUGHT" curcii ' " ' " ' " " " lii/ii aiwl J s- BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES , BUGGIES ] epalriu In all Brannhnp 410 H. TUIRTRRNTn 8TRRR "MA1M1A. . * * ! " The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWBLKYHOU8E In Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , uhe Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant Now Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Faraham Streets THK LKADINO MUSIC HOUSF IN THK WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Chickering , Knabe , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough ft Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES. A Large Stock alwavs on Hand. Chas. Shiverick , 1206. 1208 AND 1210 FARNAM ST. FURNITURE Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers , AND EVERYTHING ! PERTAINING TO THK FORNITORE&UPHOLSTERYTRADE , OMAHA. NEB. _ A. M. CLARKT Painter&PaperHanger SIBN WRITER & DECORATOR. l ALE & RETAIL WALL PAPER 1 Window Shadoa and Ourtaina , OORNIOK8 CURTAIN POLKS AND FIXTUIIE8. , Oils & BniHlitiNt 107 Booth 14th Htroot AHA. . NEBRASKA WILLIAivi SNYDER , MANUFAOTUUBH OF CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , Firs-OlaBB 'Paining ' and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done 1.110 HurxiriT. Car. 14th , Omaha DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTER K HOTEL HOTELS , TOWN ? AMLINQTON J. Q. MclNTIRE , Llnio'n , Nab , WEATHEHLY HOUSE , A. Q. WEATHERLY , Manning ; , ! OWA. | REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. O. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapids , ow .J BAHATOOA HOTEL , J. 8. OTELLINIU8 Mil ford , Neo. MAnnH HOUSE , C. MANS , BROWNSVILLE Nib OOMMEROIAL HOTEL' JOHN HANNAN eiromibura " HALL HOU8E , A. V/.JHALL Loulivlllo | CITY HOTEL , OHF.NCY & 30LARK. Blair , He . { COMMERCIAL HOTC. , J. Q. MEAD , ] , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL C.-8EYMOUR , MI800U1I HACIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WooplngWatar.N CO' ' .l HOIAL HOUOt A. 0. OAARPER , H rdy , Nob. { .HtCNWOOD HOUBIi , MAYFIELD , Qreont/ood , H t > ' COMMERCIAL HOUSE , t. BTOREY. OUrlnda , low * ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L ENO. EXOriANQE HOTEL , O D. HAOKNEY. Aotilnnd , Kcib METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK. LOLL , Athlnwan , No MOIIQAN HOUSE , E. L. ORUUU , Quids Rood , N . SUMMIT HOUOE , UWAN A UEUXER Oration , l > , HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. CALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , O. H. WALKEP , Auduban , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. DURCES3 , Heala , la ! OITY HOTEL , DI A. LLIAMO , Harlan la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQO , Oornlng , la. NEDRASKA HOTEL , J.IL. AVERY , Stanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL O. W , DURK. OurllnKtonJun ilon , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dl nch rd , la. PARKS HOTEL , r. M. PARK , Ghanandoah la , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS. D.yld City , Neb BAdNELL HOUSF , OHA8. DAQNELL , College Springs , If. COMMERCIAL HOUSF , WM. LIJTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , It , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida O.rovela | COMMERCIAL HOUSE n , K.OTEARNO , Odebolt , la WOODQ HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oiceola , Neb , DOUDLAR HOUSE. J , 0. DUNHAM , Olarkt , Neb. DEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QUEEN. Bedford la. ARLINQTON HOUSE , J M.DLAOK & DON , M ri llloMo NORFOLK JUNOTIONHOU8E A. T POTTEK , Norfolk Junction Hi b WIN8LOW HOUSE O McOAHTY. Beward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. I ) . JONEO. Auroar Neb , CROZIEII HOUSE O. 0. ORO/'ER ' , Sidney , Neb , AVOOA EATINO HOUSE U. W nOOKriOLD. Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak FOSTER HOUSE Oapt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewli , la. \HITNEY HOUBE C. HAYMAKER , Qrliwold , la. DEPOT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la LU8K HOUSE. J A. LU8K , Login , la. OOW CITY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , OowOlta.ia AGGER HOUSE , JAQQRR& 80N , Denllon , \ * . UAJtMON 1IOIJ8K , TAMA 011 % IA. , IJ mon St Keali. , Prop ,