Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1883, Image 1

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_ . 4
The Millard Mare Bucks the
Field in tlio Senate ial
Fresh Squads of Stablemen
Arrive to Guard the Home
A. Hatveut of Promissory Notes
and Si ht Drafts Visible iu
the Distance.
The Opposition as Yet D.\idtd
Among the Dark Un
knowns ,
A Cartful Survey of th'o Field Pro
duce n a Clear COBO of Night
Mar a.
Thb Probable Strength of the Several
Candidates on the First
EdltorUl Oontttpoudence ot Tin Bit.
LINCOLN , January 12. Every hour
that brines us nearer to the decisive
struggle in the senatorial contest In-
tensiuas the excitement. Fieihtqnada
ot political spoilsmen are oomiug in
by every train. Leading federal office
holders , Indian trudets and sailors ,
whoso tenure depends largely on the
outcome , are on the ground. The
Salt Greek hospital brigade la on
hand with lint and bandages for the
wounded and stretchers to carry oil
the dead. The stakeholders arc bust
ling around with an air that betokens
confidence in the final success of their
to steady the neres of the timid and
bolster c-miidatoa who expect to bull
the senatorial market. Ac the Com-
marcial the commotion of jostling
ling , scheming , humanity has bo-
corno decidedly uncomfortable. The
counting room is packed with steaming -
ing , amokin < uien , like a box of sar
dines. At 7 o'clcck last night the
smoke was BO dense you could cnt it
with a knife. The corridors fairly
swarmed with stool pigeons , anot-
tcra , and political monte uharpa. The
situation at this hour is an enigma to
theoldcat , and tnojt tietuto politic * !
' wlsird. Nearly everybody believeu
the coming man trill bo a dark horse ,
but , with the exception of Joe Millard -
lard , who is pitted against the field ,
every candidate is hopeful aod confi
dent that hia chances are
excellent. And so they are
in my opinion. Nobody except
the le&uig ciudldattj has bs ye
any reason to net despondent. Th <
man with two or three staunch snppor
ters is jnstjaa liable to atop Into Alvii
Siundura shoes , aa the man who start ;
out with fifteen or twenty. It la now
a foregone conclusion that thu contea
ia to be
Nobody except Joe Millard can af
ford to risk his chances in a republic * !
caucua , and the foir that the leadiir
railroad candidate can control the ciu
cas compels republicans who hav
come hero pledged against monopol
to keep array from the caucus. Out c
the caucus Millard is still formidable
but ho can never votea cnonRl
to elect him. Mlllard'a followers an
given to bcssting. They claim ever ;
booy and everything. They ovoi
claim to have converted nineteen do in
ocrato and two anti monopa , by Jc
eeph'a winning ways and moans. I ai :
satisfied that several democrats hav
conio here to bo persuaded b
Uncle Sam's currency or "tin equiva
lent , " but I do not believe that mor
, ' thin four or five would ever go on rec
ord with a stigma on , their namea. I
fact I don't believe any democrat o
antl-moaop will over cist his vote fa
MilUrd unless he can muster from 5
to 00 republican votea. tdont
whether half as many republicans
f vor record their voice for Hillurd bt
cause those who are disposed to tak
him M second or third choice wl
never do so unless they are saro I
duct him ,
ot the fieid I find Millard nuy , if h
chooses , awing 21 or 22 republics
votes on the fir at billet and from 1
to 18 more whenever they could com
to him with safety Forty rrpabllcai
comprise hit outside strength. Tin
would give him control in a reput
llcHii caucus , but even the most hop
fnl Millard man does not hope that 1
can over secure the 27 democrats at
anti-inouorn ho would need for t
election. From a reliable source
learn that Millard'a tactien will ba
start with a Very low number , perha ;
not over 15 votes , and to gain <
every ballot while the other repu
lican candidates would loaosoine vet
on each ballot.
When MilUrd has reached hs | fi
republican strength a sudden stai
pedo from the democrats ia expect
to break up the opposition and lai
him in the cushioned chair ol Sau
dera. Ia carrying out thia plan 31
lard haa very genorouily apportion
qulto a number of the men whom
counts on ultimately. Senator Sac
dcra h still hopcfnl and cheerful. ]
is making an active cauvai r.nd % \ .
probably start out with more vol
than any other republican Candida
not excepting Joe Millard. The dt-
ocraU and auti monopollela nra as j
A large mnj irlty of the domocr
have agreed to eupuort only deu
critic candidates until every eilort
cloctamanof their party haa failed. 1
yond that nothing bis boon agreed
The anti-monopolists intend to sta
by pronounced anti-monopoly can
and their vote will bo divk
between four or five anti-monopoly
leaden. Before the battle is over
they will endeavor to find the mos *
available ] man with whom to boat the
monopolies , It it very difficult to es
timate the oxaot strength of the ro-
pectlve candidates , as it will bo de
veloped next Tuesday , but I will ven
ture with the republican list , accord-
log to my host information. Boun
ders 10 , Millard 15 , Manderson 9 ,
Oowln 8 , Thayer 7 , Oronnso 7 , with
10 pestering votes to Butler , Post ,
Weaver , Dundy and Valentino.E
E H.
William Hcury'i Worth
BpdJ DUpatth to Tin 111 * .
NEW YoitK , January 12 The com
bination arranged between the New
York Associated Proas and Western
.tssociatod Press for the improvement
of the facilities of both iu gathering
and distribution of news , haa already
baon commented upon as nn advantngu
to the readers na well as to the publish
era of papers , and a further advantage
has been earned by the appointment of
Mr. William Henry Smith , of Chicago ,
aa general nyont aud mauacPf of the
conanlidated'asscciatlon , Mr. Smith
haa devoted himself to the
Western Associated Presa for
many yeara , and has auccoodod In
building up the system of nowagath-
ering aud distribution , which for its
enterprise , method , comprehensive
ness , accuracy and economy has never
been equalled in the world. Ho was
recognized on alf sides to bo the moat
capable man that could bo secured OB
manager of the consolidated avatom ,
which nowooveiB not only the United
States , but the entire globe. He cc-
ooptod the pasltion yesterday.
CHICAGO , January 12. Tn com
menting onN illitt'n Henry Smith's
appointment as ponuM manager of
the Western and New York associated
prets , the Ohicaga Tribune says : "Mr.
Smith haa hud long experience in the
service of the Weatern press , and has
discharged hia very onerous and in
Bomo ruepecta dolicito duties with
perfect satisfaction to the association.
It cannot bo doubted that in hia now
relaliona ho will meet with at
least nu equal ancoeas. Hia appoint
ment means a greater vigor and till-
ciancy in the collection of the nowa by
both associations than haa ever been
shown before "
The Tribune says Vandorbllt Is tired
of paying the Illinois Central a heavy
rental for the un of ita tracks into
the city by the Michigan Central , and
is desiring also of u free entrance for
his now acquisition the Nickel Plato
Ho ia contemplating the purchase of
the Illinois Central , and , in fact , lisa
been quietly buying its stock , evi
dently oxpcting to get the aid of the
Holland stockholders of that road.
jptclil DlspaU" < Till liii.
Si. Louis , \nuary 12. There b
great oxcitemb " < ere over the disap
pearance of Mis * Zarelde Garrison , s
young girl of 17 , remarkable for hoi
beauty , and ono of thn bellea of the
Safa at Homo.
Special Dlrwitch to Tui.&va ;
I ST. Louis , January i2. At 1 (
o'clock Tno Poat-Diopatoh published
an extra which Bold like wild-fire , ai
the excitement in the city was great
The extra contained the following
At 9 o'clock this evening Mr. Ollvei
Girriaon called at the oflico of the
Poab DinDAtch to report in person thai
Mi B Gjirriaon had been fount
during the evening and ia no >
nt ( ho houBO of her uncle
on Pm fitreot. He iloea not t'uinl
aho Bull'irod any violence at the hand
of her abductors , other than boinj
chlorof irraed on SUurday liwt when
the rulfia"s obtained possession of ho
porsin. That she was chloroformed
tiowovo" , ia absolutely certain , thougl
Miss G rruim hta quite Icat he
niomory , The young ladwaa returned
turned this evening by ono c
the rulluna himself , who had probabl
become alarmed at the grunt excitement
mont of the public and the probabilit ;
of his punishment. The young lad ;
ia suiFrtring from the chloroform , th
great previous shock nnd uonfmomon !
but ia not seriously ill. Twii of th
ruflutiB have already been arrested
u | They buloug to a notorious gang c
ir I Carondolot hoodlums.
CHIOAOO , January 12. A dispute
has just b.nm received from Cain
which H ya a bad wreck occurred o
the Wabiah road nrnr Olmatoad th :
morning , and no trains hnvn gene ot
to-day. A ? the paeeonger train wi
duo in Cairo ut nboafc ! ) o'clock , it
nurmisod that it w.ia the train wrockei
A lepoiter 1ms 0110 to the scoutTl
Wftbauh au'liuritioflhurj hiive uo info
mation on the obi"ct
Thn Mrxioan St Jim
CITY If fili.xiuo , Jaunnary 12.-
The storm JA Vern Crux on Tuosd :
was more disnetrons than drat repor
fl. The American stosiupr Jameii i
Gary and the schooner Theresa < :
nnd the Mexican bark a complu
lo s. The crows were saved. Tl
steamer had already diecbargod. Tl
roofa of thu railroad warehouses we
carried away and much damage doi
to grnds. The works for the barb
improvements wore completely d
Btroyed. Many lighter and smi
all crafts were wrecked. The Moxic
m- schooner Amadlta in ashore near A
med ton Lizirds , aud the crow is saved.
. Garflolel's Statutt.
i Special Dlspalch toTui Dm.
.11 f * O. . January 12. T
cd work for the field etatuo , to
he placed in the hall of his old houco
in- Waohington , for which the legislatu
Lie appropriated $10,000 lust winter w
.ill to-night awarded to the ccro of Hen
tes NoibauB , < f Cincinnati. The stati
to , n to bo a military figure , fall si ;
m- and h to be completed in nix montl
IK. Nortlirrn Pnolflo Lnmlt-
ats Special Dispatch to Tun UKI. ,
ro WAHIIIKOTON , January 12. T '
rote houac judiciary this morning by
bare majority decided to table Kmt
on resolution which provided for the fi
ind feituro of the Northern Pacific la
idi . grants. It If thought this action ki
led | the meaiuro for the present sessU
0 incoming the Management and
Cost of Operation of
Which the Legislative Com
mittee Propounds to Per-
eons of Note.
The Pay Roll Editor of "Tho
Republican" Refuses to
"Peach" on His Pards.
While Our Own Gray Proves
the Value of a Brother by
Trip Permits.
The Loliby Slunlflrnntly in Favor of
Railroad Catmnluvloncri ,
General Proceedings of the Legisla
Special DLipatcb to Tim UI-.K.
LINCOLN , Nebraska , January 12.
Immediately after the neiuto adjourn
ed to meet next Monday , moat of the
senators loft for homo. The house
held a short session , which was de
voted almost exclusively to reading
bills , and adjourned to meet tomorrow
row morning at 10 o'clock. The spe
cial railroad committee held a meet
ing thia afternoon and had several
witnesses before them , Mr. D. 0.
Brooks among them , who was asked
the following question : "Whilo you
wore acting as editor of the Omaha
R-ipubllcan were you carried on the
pay rolls of the Union Pacific rail
road ? After a good deal of dircua-
alou among the members , aa to the
competency of the question , it wan
decided by a vote ot the committed ,
that the question should bo answered.
Whereupon Mr. Brooks declined to
Mil. QUAY , 01' DOtJdMH ,
was n1so nworit and examined. He
donitd having an pus , but
admitted that ho rode on trip purmita
which w ro given to him because his
brother was general freight rgont of
the Central Pacific , and ho himself
waa a ( special friend of Mr. Shelby , ot
the Union Puc.iio
The following is n partial of the
witnessed ourujaftid thh nftornoon to
coma before tliis committee : P. S
Enstis , Doctor Miller , Lymau R'.ch-
ardsin , Henry Giboon , J. M. Thura
ton , Thoa.'L. Kimball , Fred Nye and
0. E. Yost.
Special Correspondence of The Bee.
LINCOLN , Neb. , January 12. Rail
road papers and railroad cappers an
now the loudest howlers for railroa <
legislation. "Oh , yea , " they say , "wi
rauat have railroad legislation. Justice
tico and tbo people demand it. Th' '
enfuty of the republican party depone
upon it. The only system that is ex
uudient Io the commissioner plan
Lit ua have it by all means , and a
once. " And it ia worthy ot note aa .
coincidence that they first diacovorei
that this kind of legislation to b
noccmury when they learned that
majority of the legislature were elected
od on that Issue ; and they dotcctoi
the peculiar advantages of the com
uil&sionor syntem immediiUoty uf'.o
our beet miuda had decided thn
such n measure would bo uncoimtltu
tionul and therefore vuluuleia.
P.iwnuo county hna rpapon to b
proud. Shn has furnished two speak
era for the Nebraska lu lalature. On
of them decided that twenty-one wa
two thirds of thirty two , and the otlic
voted twlco on the fiauio measure In
slating that ho had ono vote aa a nion
her and ono as a speaker. Dr , Col
Una and Capt. Humphrey yoked n
together would make a fine tosm , an
the only wonder M that ona count
produced them both.
The rullroad'ropublicina held a can
oun last night , but they failed to get
Bufllcient number to warrant thoi
in making a senatorial cundidaii
THE nousn.
In the housa this morning M
Grant , of Otoe , offared two reach
tione , ODQ authori/.ing the r.iilroa
commlttco to confer with the Colorac
and Kinsaa legislatures in regard I
r.-.ilnmd leginlatiun , und tlie other at ]
ing that the clerk of the hoiiMi bo a
ly ( . I thorixad to furnlah the mombets ar
V. ulork of thu epecUl railroad committi
V.i. . with trsnHpoiUtlon to and frn Omaha. The lust mentioned rosoli
tion wns voted down on short nolle
lie while the former was curried with li
re tie or no opposition. Many i
no the nnti-monopa are uuaplcioi
enough to believe that tl
. Colorado and Kansas resolution
Q.M In the interoat of the corporators ai
ann intended only to delay notion until
n- ia toolato to accomplish anything , li
in the shape it is now it can do i
harm if the good wotk la prusacd fa
ward. In the opinion of your com
pendent it ia intended only an u kli
he of a pleiaauro trip at the expense
ba the state. The resolution to provl
at t Orasha la
tranbportatlou } tirnp
ire ridlcntoUB. If the members of t
as Nobrttika IcgijUtura denire to BCD t
oflicois i.f the railroads they uhou
ue aond the ficrgoant at arms after thn :
20. The businean of bath houses for t
no. paat two days has been confined i
most entirely to the madlng of bil !
The aonato adjourned at noon 1
day to nmet again on Monday at 2 :
'hoa p. m. An elfttrt was m.vlo in t
a hoDsj to do the saine thing but
, t's The house' took
failed. a roccta I
ornd 2:30 : this afternoon.
The committee on privileges a
elections reported In favor of loatlrtR
M. P. Kincaid of Ilolt. The contest
that Mr.
was started on the statement
Kincaid hsd not boon in the county
the tlmo required by Jaw. The com-
tnlttoo reported that all the facts wont
to show th t ho had been a resident
for a much longer period than was re
quired , so Kincaid retains his seat.
Mr. Kincaid Is an unmarried gen-
tlemin of about thirty-two years of
ago , tall and well proportioned , n good
Intellectual development , features
finely moulded , rather handsome , and
bearing the impress of study aud
thought. The northwestern portion
of the state is to bo congratulated on
securing the service * of such a mnn ,
who gives assurance that ho will bo
closely attentive to business , aud con-
ecienclous in the exorcise of the power
entrusted to him.
Mr. Kincaid In a native of Virglch
and a law graduate of the University
of Michigan , passing at the he d of
hia olesa in 1870. Ills first professional
efforts were inado In Henry county ,
Illinois. His homo in in O'Neill City ,
Holt county , where aa a lawyer ho has
already established a fine practice.
Ue wan nominated aa a republican ,
but received generous support from
nil parties. Out of an entire vote of
3,000 ho received 2COO , , being endow
ed by the democrats of his own coun
ty. Aa chairman of the judiciary
committee of the senate , Mr. Kincttd
has an opportunity to make a state
This morning waa occupied till 11
o'clock by the reading of a few bills ,
when Mr McShano moved to adjourn
till Monday afternoon at half.past i. ,
which wan carried ,
Correspondencejot Tbo Dec.
LINCOLN , Nob. , January 11. The
flood. of bills continnca to roll Into
the honao. Up to noon to-day 98
bills have been Introduced , and were
it not for the fact that a U , 8. senator
ia to bo elected , the legislature would
bo ready for work in earnest , but
when it is berne iu mind that It will
occupy fram ono to six weeks to do
this work , it is , presumable , that
something will bo done at all before
the time of adjournment shall arrive.
Judge Gaahn'a bill , to abollah the
grand jury system , wca introduced
into the house to-day by Neville , of
Oasfl. A copy of the oamo haa also
bson introduced in the sonato.
The town of Th yer to-day intro
duced a long railroad commission bill
Mr. Steadmun ollertd the following
resolution :
Whereat ) , The Chicago , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha railroad com
pany haa very generously proannted
each member-of this body with an
animal pass piss over Ua line of road
in this slate , and
Whereas , The isananco of free
passes to public officers by railroads or
other tranaportlon companies h
against public policy and obnox
ious to the great body of the people
of thia state , now therefore
liftolted , By this houaa that we dis
approve of the ccopUpa of fcec
passes by public ofllccra ot the state.
Upon the motion of Mr. Whedon the
resolution wan laid upon the table be
cause it did not state the facts. All
of the members not having received o
paea aa stated. The resolution wa
subsequently withdrawn at the in
stance of Mr. Whedon and auothoi
will probably bo introduced in u short
tiino. reciting the facto HU they exist ,
While the debate was going on those
pasBca worn being distributed by the
pagca , and while the resolution was
not exactly true at the time of UB in
troduotion , there wac moro truth thnr
poe'ry in It. This resolution in r. ccpj
of ono Introduced in the aen.tto yes
tordoy , the eamo having boon adoptee
with only four dissenting votea.
In a telegram to Tun BEG ycator
day I u.utud that Whedon , of Lin
castor , dodged thu vote on the Roy
nolcln railroad resolution. I wa
inlainformed. Mr. Whndon did uu
vote because ho waa unavoidably ab
aent attending to an important 1 \
Ciao.Tho special railroad committee holt
a meeting labt night , nnd Sanato
Brown , ot Clay , wai elected chairman
Antl-monoDolistB do not expect muc
from thii committee , and it is mar
than probable that they will not b
disappointed. But of one tiling th
people msy rest assured , if this join
committed will not aoi promptly th
i aonato will , its I am sutietiod , appoii
a committee of their own that will ad
The hoiiBo and aenato oummitteo o
o. and elootlum have
en con
o.r. monccd their hbors.
r.n . All of the committooa of thu tw
nid branohoa ore having meetings an
idle getting acquainted with each othc
of the railroad
The chairman con
to Colorado In
milteo of thu logtnluturo
kn - asked to have nrrangemcutii made fi
n- railroad commlttei
nid meeting of the
id of the Kansas , Colorado and Nobrnsl
DOm legialnturofi , t i nrrango fur logialatk
m by the three slntes which ehall bs in' '
u- tually beneficial for all. It la prob
bio thnt such a coufuronce will V
J. L Davis ia clerk ot the sona
un committee on railroids.
ha introduced Senut
A bill wan by
Is Uarria to provide a bourd of Immlgr
idU tion conaiatlng of the lieutenant io ;
U error , state auditor , commissioner
ut public lands , and a aucrotary of agi
30 culture to bo appointed by the go
A communication from the nupcri
id teudont of the 0. , M. and St. Pa
of railroad company aaks there mombe
who don't want the piiEsea ho ee
iy thorn to return them to him ut one
ho Only thre > o bills were Introduo
ho and the aenuto adjourned to give t
ild cotnmitteea time Iu work.
inhe The third house waa ortotii9d ; { ! If
he night and the usual umount of atudi
wit and preipitrud burlucquo was u
loaded for thu amusement of all co
tote cerned. It is a common remark I
: to
day that the roveral colors were
ho for tin
many cases bettor qualified
it respective positions than are the cc
kill responding officers in the genui
hoiuu. Thia re-fora particularly to t
speaker , chief clerk and pages ,
nd w. K.
A Fatal Error Discovered in tlio
Pendloton Civil Service
Bill ,
A Sharp Battle in tbo House
Over Free Ships and
The McxJonn Treaty Ccu ! d rcel by
the Senate la Exnoativo
Sfiiian ,
A Brlot Outlinn of tuo Document Pro-
pnrod by tbo a rant Com
.patrh to THK HKIC.
WAMUNOTON January 12. In the
execute aosaion of the aonato thu
subject under consideration was the
treaty nth MexlooTecomly signed by
Secretary Frehiif > huysou , which pro
vides for retrial by the now coinmls
aion ct' the Weil & Li Abra o'n'in
ngatiiBt Mexico Thu former com-
mitelon made an award upon those
claims by which the Mexican govern
ment WHS adjudged to pay upon the
two claima anaguregatoof $1,250,000 ,
payments to bo made in in-
ntallmonta through the state
dupaitmont li Washington. After
one * payment had been made , the
Mexican government protested against
any further payment being made , on
tho'ground that the chlms were fraud-
ulent. After investigation the state
department became satitfhd such was
the case and declined to make further
payment until the matter could bo
passed upon by oongrcsp. In the dis
cussion to day Senators Vest and Mor
gan defended the former award and
opoosod the treaty , which proposes to
sot it aside. The matter will bo taken
up again at the next executive soaeion.
By an error in the transmission of
the civil service bill on the night it
passed the eon&to , the clause wia re
tained which provided in the orfglnal
bill that "promotions nhall bo from
lower to higher praties on a baola of
merit nnd competition. " Thia clause
waa striken out by the senate on mo
tion of Senator Brown on the preced
ing day , as then staled in the press
reports. The bill an It putted the
house nnd wan sent to the president
is identical with the bill pissed by the
had an interview with the president
to-day. Thu general Imprcsalon la
that Olmsload asked the president to
withdraw hss namo.
Speclll DUyntch to Till 111 * .
WASHINGTON , January 12. The
military comtnUteo to-day decided to
report favorably Togan'a bill pro
viding for increasing the oliclciicy of
the army.
I A bill was passed extending limits
of the jurisdiction of juaticos of tbo
peace in thu torritoritB of WuMiington ,
Idaho and Montana ; also a bill grant
ing the ripht of way of the tit. Louis
and Ban Francisco railroad through
Fr. Smith military reservation.
Senator Ingalla introduced n bill
providing for determining the ex-
ieUmco nnd removal or inability of
tbo president of tlio United States to
dituhargo the powers nid duties of hia
The eonuto then wont into executive
soision to consider the Mexican treaty
prepared by the Grant oainmUsion.
The uo3t ion lasted three houra tuid a
Imlf , aud when the diors reopened the
Gcnate adjiurnod.
I WAHIHNOTON' , Jaunnry 1'2. In the
, ISutterworth of Ohio , from the
Pacific railroad uHiimitteo , reported t
bill authorizing thu Southern Pacific
and other railroad companies to unite
so aa to form n continuous line of roac
between thn Atlantic and Pacitii
oceans ; nlno a bill to CDmpel the pay
merit by the Kansas Pacific of cash f o
10 surveying , aoleoting and cunvcyitij
° certain lands granted to it , and t <
lt create n sinking fund for the Kana
if Pacific , Sioux City & P.icifio , and th
> t contrnl Lrnnch of the Union Pacific
' Thu houeo calendar bill to iiicruiie
the fecti of thu otnr ronto xitncnse-
coming from went of the Mlseifnipj
wiia paaaed. A bill to prevent the tin
u > lawful occupation of pnblio latidaf.i
id referred to a committee of the whole
r Mr. Blugham of tbo committee o
poatoflicj and p. stroada roporto
SB favorably on thu resolution calling o
or thu secretary of the interior fcr ir
Bit formation na to whether thu Ian
in grants of the railroads complied wit
m thu law * of cout rcBB respecting th
construction and nnlntonanca of thei
a- own t'llcgraph lines for the use of tli
10 government and public. Adopted.
The house then resumed the coi
to | sidcrution of the shipping bill tl
pending question bolng on the con
or I mltttoo onbstltuto for tlin nmcndmoi
for the 18.h flection. Kriott , of Ivei
v- lucky moved to atriko out cf the aul
of atiluta all provision for u drawbacl
ri- and stilting hiii intention to strlku 01
vthn auhMdy clan at- .
Mr. KtiiAt's motion lost ayes 0 ;
ivors 1'Jl.
The vote recurred on thu cotntni
teo'n hubstltuto at publlahud th
nt | morning nnd it wna agroud to ye :
13t , iiuyu 8ei. Thu substitute in bri
od I limits thu amount of the drawback
ho | the tonnage tax collected in any or
year nnd provided for free nhips ni
free matorlalv
ud Ma. Itjbmnon said ; Ono old min
non thu banka ef the Delaware Inn
n- turned out of his yurd within 01
to- year twelve vowels to lly the America
in flag , That man waa John Roac
Horn in Ireland , that country whe
the Great Creator had established 1 :
no I principal factory for thu mannfnctu
ho I of great and glorious patriots , to an
ply with llni'tlcss eupply the u
limited demands ef America f
gonlui and bravery [ * pplausr ] , and
camiii ) ! n lonely boy to thia country
John lloach had built up the great
American shipyard and if ho htd
had fair play ho would have domlnat-
oil the Atlantic against all British In
tluouco and gonlui. [ Applause ]
When some future American historian
cornea to write of the great men of
America , onn of the mint glorious
pages would bo that upon which this
glorious Irishman's nniuu would bli 7.1
moat brilliant. [ Thunders of np-
Kobmson concluded with an apon-
troplio to the American tlig , which
thu house nppUuddd , nnd JJulktier's
amendment us rejected. The sec
tion for the exemption of vessels on-
yngod in the foreign canying trodu
from statu luxation hnvlng been
reached , Mr. I'ngo ( Ci\l ) rao\cd to
Gtrika It from thu bill in order to mvii
fifteen or twenty constitutiomvl
apoecht-s. Asrood to.
Mr. Urapo ( Mus ) oil'orod n inbsti-
tutu for the 14 Ji section , which waa
agreed to , atul which is to amoud
nuctliui 2514 of the Revised Sta
tutes , so a to read as to read IXR fol
lows : "That nil material of foreign
production to bo nnxnulnctod in this
country Into articlea necismry for
and to bo used in the construction ,
equipment and repairs or supplies of
American vessels employed , or to be
employed executively in the foreign
trade , Including tr do between the
Atlantic and Pncifio ports of the Uni
ted States may bu withdrawn
from the bonded warehouses
free cf duty under auh
retpulatiota ns the secretary of the
treasury may proscribe , and if thu
duty ahall have boon paid on nuoh
materials so used the aamo ahall bo re
funded , and paid to the owner or own-
erf of such vessel no uriag them or
their legal representative.
The following provisions were then ,
on motion of Mr Dmglry , ( Mo )
agreed to as additional sections u > thu
bill ,
SKUTIOX 23. Whonuvor nny frio ,
penalty , forfuiture , exaction or charge
arising under the lawa relating to vos-
eels Buamun have b.'un pmd under
protont to uuv uoilector of custom ? , or
consular olllcer , and npplicttiou
haa boon made within ono year from
auuli ptyiuent for refunding or remis
sion of thu siuuo , tin ) uccrotarv of the
treasury if , on investigation , ho finds
Bitch line , penalty , forfeiture. , i-xaa-
tion or- charge WSH ill'gvlly or im
properly or exsooaivnly unpuaed , shall
have power , either before cr after the
aamu haa been covered into the troun-
ury , to rcfnnci su much of aiioh p iml-
ty , fine , forfoituroj exaction , or charge )
aa ho miy think proper , from
any monnyn in the treasury
not othurniau oppropriuteil.
SKC. 21 That section 2/.KH1 of the
Kovlecd SUtutna bo nmei.ded by
striking out the worda "propelled
In whole or in pnrta by nteam , " so
that the coction us amended shall road
as follows : "Section 2,966 When
morohandlue ohall bo imported into
ai y part oftho United States from
any foieign country In vessels and it
shall appear by the bills of lading that
the ) merchandise no imported ia to be
'delivered InitbouUtoly eir uftortlu
Vntry of the vessel , the colleotoi
of such port may take poaaossiot :
of suoh merchandise and dopooit it In
a bonded wurohouen , and where II
does not appear by thu bills of laden
that the merohandiBOBo Imported la tc
bo Immediately delivered the oolloctoi
of custom * may Uko potHoaaion of the
BAino and deposit it In anino bondcJ
warehouse nt the request of the owner ,
master or consignee of thn voatol on
three dujn notice to rnch colltctoi
of tor the entry of the vessel.
SKO U5 That section 2,872 , Iloviuoc
Statutes , b ) amended by adding there
lo the following : "When llcoi-no tc
nnlond between the atttiiiK and riiiiu
of i\w \ ami la granted nailing vessel
under thin acclion , c fined uniform am
reasonable componnation may ho al
lowed innpcotora fe r Borvico botwooi
the oottlng nnd rising of the sun
under such regulations aa the aecrntnr
of thu treasury may preiscribe , to b
rectivcd by ho collector from th
maatur , owner or ccmnignen of vusaol
and to bo paid by him to the inspocto
or inspectors. "
Mr. Humphrey ( Wis ; , In spoakln
to the loRt amendment miid the
objec a of the bill to promot
American shipping has boon def jute
by thu amendments which have bee
adopted. The free ship clnuao woul
permit 1,027 vceeola owned by Ameri
cans who had deserted the llig , t
como hick und rccdvu un America
register. By the fruo nhip C'IUIBOCOI '
firesa would bo hiding in Fi'z Joh
Portorizlni ; * ho country. Thia con
gruaagWhon it should have clnaod , woul
'I I any confines for the ptut ten your
' and yet It won't' i j dur/n as n coi
grcsaaVi" .i uy the republican prei
'j ' thr < " lumi tlio country , nnd sou
! rij utJiiCAUB , feeling lout , wcni acokin
1 to nndo what they had stood by fo
merly , Ho believed , dcopito tl
abuse by the proas , the ropublicm
and democrats alike hiul tried to n
vivo the Industries of the country.
On motion of Mr. Dinglcy the 151
Section relating to toium''o , tax e
vessels engaged In coinrnnrco wl
Canada or Mexico or West Indlna w
amended BO us to provide that 11
tonnage tax on other vessels ehall n
exceed 20 cunts pur ton.
Mr. R.'iid ( Mo ) niovo.l to strike1 o
sections 18 , 10 nnd 20 of the b
which conluiu the dnufb ck , fr
ships nnd free material provisions a :
machinery for carrying , but tin
provisions were agreed to yena li
imj H 51.
Mr. Cox ( N. Y ) then moved to i
commit the oill to thu commlttcu
coip'iioroo , with Instructions to rep (
back to the houao with delay
in bill providing for purchase fi
id admission ami registry of forei (
10 built vessels nnd for admission of
in materials uaod in the construction ropsir of vcaaola In all Americ
tore yards , to bo uaod la foreign nnd n
coast wise trade.
reP The motion wna loat yeas 77 , nn
P- 131.
Pn - The bill then passed.
nor Adjourned.
The Search of the Ruins For
Bodies Prosecuted Yig-
oronsly ,
T/ie Penurious City Council
Forced to Provide for
the Work.
The Charred R mu uti of Fiv
Bodtca Roonver > d YCB-
The Authorities Determined to Thor
oughly luvoBtltfiito the Civuao
of the Klro.
the Rnlni.
BpccUl ntttwtch to Tin lUi.
MILWAUKBK , January 12 The
work of exhuming the bodies con
tinued from an early hour to-day. A
cold , cutting northeasterly wind prevails -
vails , keeping back the crowd and
giving the workmen n ohnnoo for un
hindered labor. About 120 nion car
ried on thu work without system , and
very llttlo wes accomplished. Short
ly after 10 o'clock the > charred remtlna
of n human body VM found at the
south nnd of the Droadwny
front of the hotel , the nrst
nnd only body found up till
noon. The body was charred beyond
recognition. News of the body bulna
taken to the morgue spread liku wild
fire , and thouianda of people are now
on the scone. Much Indignation Is
manifested at thu buuqline work car-
mod nn and at Hie insufficient force.
The action of the council caused nuoh
general indignation and throutening
that another meeting is called fur this
afternoon to employ larger foice nnd
gnt the olectrio appliances for wutk nt
nltiht. Five bodied ivvro burind thia
morning. Thu attendance of people
at the impressive funeral service was
very largo. Shortly after noon two
morn bodiea charted beyond all Iden
tity worn found , and part of a human
trunk was found. It is now sottlrd
beyond pond /unturu that the loss of
llfo Is not lea * than noronty.
H | > oclnl Dispatch to Till l ) i.
MILWAUKKE , January 12.-Up till
ovuning five bodloR ( if tivu little hcapa
of chart oil human lloah mnybecillcd
be diet ) wern found in the ruina of the
Nuwhull houao. At noon the rennins
of n mnn were fonnd nt the north end
of the mine , lying on a mailman ,
chiming that the victim had boon
mi > t here il , Thobody wua burned be
yond recognition , although the skull
remained intact , showing n act of
well-preserved tooth. An the work
man began to raise the body the head
fell off and the brainn oozed out , tlio
odors that were sent forth being sutll-
oiont to drive them from the noeno.
Others came forward , and the body
maisfrora which the b-inoi protruded. "
It was taken to the merge
where it occupied a placa in the corner -
ner , "till smouldering , filling the
room with a stench that is unendur-
ublu. Aa men work into nnd open up
thn rulim , the odor of burning llcsh
bocnmo moro nnd more apparent , nnd
there ii acarcoly room to doubt that
by to-morrow night a scene will bn
nronontfvl baforo which the stoutest
hi art will qonil iu horror. A human
foot haa also boon found , partially
burned , with no traces of the body to
which it bolonga anywhere near it.
Two little hoapa of remains found
near , the porannal clients rocognlzjil
11 na belonging to Robert Honlo nnd
Mliivid II. Mitrtol , Wisconsin Central
conductors , lunvo little doubt that
i both perished.
, To ward a evening two moro heapa of
y remains were fonnd making five iu all.
u The remains were all diHsovored near
u thoaidownlk of the Droadwiy front.
, The body identified in the morgue waa
r not Mlsa Ohollia , but lira. L. W.
irown , eif Alloghany , Pa. , whose hus-
g bnnd is in the employ of the Chic igo
> . & Northwestern road. The Inst body
o waa recognized na that of Emma
d Unuur , a domestic , leaving five little
n hnspa of burned llesh nnd bones und -
d identified.
> Thn moat thorough investigation
o into the cauncs of thu Nowhnll fire and
n condition of the hotel has been Jeter-
I * mined upon by the authorities. The
n dintrlct attorney will conduct the ex-
- .initiation of witnesses. Thu jury
d umpinnolcd by the coroner ia not But-
n iifiiotory. Aa they have bton a rorn
, in , however , they will hoar ovielunco
i- to morrow an to the cnuso of the death
93 of the ppraotia tnken to thu morgue.
10 Thia will rcqniro very little
ig tlmu. I'ho great quoation aa to thor
r oii0 of the firn and rospnn'ill i'Uy for
i the elftighter of so mnny pcoplu will
1.1 ba tnkou up The district attorney
Is dettrmlrud to puah ' the invo. ( iga-
lion to the bitter end. Thn members
th uf the jary are : Daniel Wart , real
) U cnUto man ; J. D , Thompson , bullilcr ;
th D. J. Traincy , machinist ; John
aa O'Oonnolly , contractor ; J. 0 Corrl-
10 nan , coal and wood dealer ; Robert
ot D.u-is , real catato man.
Governor Ruck will send in a special
ut muaaago by thu tirst of m x1- week ud >
ill vicing revision of the hotel laws. In
j0 connection with the subject of k'gla-
nd latlon the lieutenant governor ex-
mo presses thn belief that the legislature
; < t ) would rovisn the ntntutoa to a oontid-
' orablo extent. There Is no doubt , ho
( a. thought , that the legislature would
on act upon the BUggoatiuna of the guv
) rt rraor and onnct laws compelling hotels
u lo bll'ord bettor facilities for oscapa
to during firen ,
; nJamoa H. Earneat , Sbullaburg , La-
all fuyctto county , whoeo name appears
nd amoni ; the mlsaini ; , waa a well known
on prominent democratic po'itlcinn in
iot southwestern Wisconsin. Ha WHB a
native of Kdntucky , born in 1810 ,
, yn Hu came to Wisconsin In 183(1 ( and iu
Milwaukee , represented the county in
the legislature various timoa , and vrai
a member of the senate in 1803.