THE DAILY BEE-FBIDAY. JANUARY" 12 Whoop lal Got along ! Gel 2,13 , and you may know Wo're ' on route for the Boston Store , NotMngUko it since old''Koar ' ' , " Heaved liis anchor and loft the Shore , T 16 Main Stroot. That never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. Good's Hair Store , t prices never before touched by ny ether lialr dealer. Al * > i mil line of switches , rtc. U really reduced prices. Al0rold | , liver and colored neU. Wavcj made from ladles' own h lr. Do not full to cull before jiurchaslBtf ibowhero. All iroods witrantcd as roproscnted. R3. < " ° V ' . S9 Main sttwii , Council HhiB > . low * KDICSOTOH 1. L. BHBOART. A. W. BTBirt I , D , , . . . . . , President. Vlce-1'rcs t. Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Conuoll HluSV. OrRivnliad under the laws o ( the State ot Iowa Paid up capital t 76CM Authorized capital 00,01)0 ) Intcrtfli paid ou time deposits. Drafts Issued on the principal cities ct the United Stated and Europe. SpocLvl ntteutlon given to collections and correspondent. * ) vtth prompt retuini. J. D. Kdmnndson , 3.L. Bhug rt , J. T. Hut , W.lW. WMlace , J. W. Rodfer , I. A. Miller A. W. Street. JvTdtl WINTHERLIGH BROS. , Are now ready to contract for enmll cnetlnga ol c\cry description In MALLEABLE IRON , OKAY IRON , And uny ALLOY OF BRASS , Special attention It called to the ( act thatthi metnlu are me ted in CRCCIDLKH which givis tti rcry best Burning Brands yon DISTILLERS , BREWERS , TACK ERS , 01GAR and TOBACCO FAOTOIUES , Etc. , Etc. , As wall as Cattle Brands AllE NICELY EXECUTED. Works : Corner Sixth street and Elc\cnth avcuue COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. JACOB SIMS , Attorney and IJounsoIlor at Law COUNCIL LLUFFS , IOWA , Office Broadway , butween Mi In nnd Foa trouta. > VU1 practice In Blato tad Kede urtu O4 K d 33C 31-3 "C3 OQco over iwvlaf8 ( bank , 00 DNOlLi BLUFFS , - - Iowa FOR CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEW YORKBOSTON And nil Poluti Eatt nd > outh.E it. THKLINKCOMHUSr.S Nearly i.OCO miles. Solid Smooth Steel Tr cl 11 connections are made In UNION DtPOT ! has a National Hcpntatlon M being tli re t Through Our Line , and Is unlvcifall encoded to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Kal oad In the world for all clafcsis of travel. Try It and you will CiW traveling Iniui Instead ot a discomfort. Through Tickets vU rhis Celebrated Lice f : ttlo at ill oitlcoa In the West. All Information about Rates o Fore , Sleenlt Car Aoocinmodatlons , Tlmo Tables , &c. , will 1 cheerfully given by applylnln ; to T. J. POTTER , Sd ViciM'res't A Oen ManagerChlcE PEROIVAL LOWELU Den. Paeaerwer A t. Ghlca ; W. J. DAVKNPOnT , Hon. Agent , Conncll Dlnfls. H. I1. DUKLL , Ticket Agt. J. I BOGIES & CO F. 'L. Bommers & Co' BISOUITS , OAKES , JUMBLES AMD NOVELTIE ! Wholesale Manufaoturinj ? \ND DEALERS IN Fruits , Nuts and Cigar 111 S I4th St. OMHA - w. n. x. resit. tnos. omcia. . . . . Council Bluffs , la , Established , - - 1868 Dealers In Forcljra ( irnij DouieatlcJ Exchange ind homo securities. MBS , E , J , HAEDINQ , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNEOOLOGIST. QraUaate ot Electropathlc Inatllutlon , Phlla dolphla , Penna. OffloB Cor , Broadway & Glenn Ave , COUNCII , BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment at all dtacuoa and nulnlul dll flcultlea peculiar to fcmaloa a specialty. * rf * * n "ft 0 jfvnv ! ' 'Jrir .2V Mnmtif DiOM uiOv co idCIUl THl'J SIOUX CITY ROUTI Kuns it Hallcl Triln 'ILroagh from Ooandl ninfiH to St. Paul Without Ohsnci ) Tlma , Only 17 Hours ' 3 > Klt-n. ) fllK CHOME8 KOUT3 " 01 OOUNOIL BLUFFB KO IT. ? iUIUDIMBAl'OLin DULtTTO OB DIBJIAHOI points H Kortliera ) ? < n , Mcn9 ! .tn B . Thli ! 1'ne Is or.nlppfd Ifb the Impravo iiicUd Atrwmitle Alr-br to J\d Mllli Pl lorm Ccnvler rod IluKor : tnd for UVKlit ) . OA7JCCY A.ND COMyOUT IF nnonrptHcil. I'n'Jioin i'alirs Bleeptoi ; 0 ; ion tbrauph WITHOUT CKANOK betrrccn Ktf , Cltytnd Si. , vl Oaanol. llmltt a silntix City Tr ! nsltwo Lclon Fv.lf.c ' /inn'tor At ( ben ell B'.uSo , tt ftfO p. IP. dally oa vUM KVKCR City. 3t Jotnihfcrl Coa-.cll lllul's train frnr the South. Au'.vlni ; it Ubnv Cltjr 11:10 : p. in and M lha Nntr Ulcn Deptl t Si. Faul k , lli : IKU HODK3 IK ATVAI'CK QV BOOTS jUrZlemrtubor In kiklnt ; tbs Bloat City Uoa you set a "Tirouxb Trtn. Tnt Btoitnl the Qu''kfc4"1niti sud ComtorUtlo Eliio In ti COUAOIL BLUl'fB AND DT. PAUL. tvaoo thM yanr TioK'ts read v ! Kie "DIci 01)y and Pacific i'.t.Ilo .d J B. WATTLBS , J. It. BOOUA.J/ Sapoilntoodtri Oen' Pf.TJ. Ayn UtMOurl V l' y 1 . W , E. DAT ! ) olhwejteru PMSCDBcr Oonacll Blufli ' Samuel C , Ms & 0o , DRYLGOODS U > i WashingtonJ Avo. and Fifth St ST. LOUIS FAST TIME I In going Kut Uke 111 * BMcago Marthwest Trains Irave Omabi. 8iO ; p , m. ani 7:19 : * . 1'or full Infatuation odl on 11. V. UKUKL , T Agent , llth and F tram nit > J. liLb , U lUlltray DcfCt. or at JAMKaT.OLAUK.Qtnoi Agent. $500 REWARD The abe > e reword wilt be paid to any perse who will produce a 1'alnt that will equal the Pennsylvania Patent Rubbe Paint , fcr preserving ; Rhlniclrs , Tin and Gravel Reel Warranted to ba rlre and Water 1'roof. t orders prompt ! ) attended to. Cheaper and b < ter than any oth .r paint now In uxo STHWAKT * STKI'llrLVSOK. Sola Proprietors , Omaha Iou40,0tnaha ! , Ne RKFEIIKNOK8 OIHcer Si Pusey , Dr.Ulce , lr. Plnney , Fulli Conncll Illutlj , lava , DHH office , Omaha Neo EUROPEAN HOTEL The mo t contrail , located hotel In the clt Room l7'e Jl 00 , Jl Mind t2.00perdij. r\t \ \ C'lts lUsUuiant connected with t hoto HUUST. - - Prop. . Fourth > nd ' . * " ) Btrests. four times PUIZEb OK TBK 1I&HBM. Huw BoRliBb Qlrlrt Are Decoyed Intc thu Surngilouof tbo Eivat. It Is ijuito notorious , snys the L < n- ouVorJd , tlmt every hnruni in tlu < Ust iiitns ut tuttiup ; u Earupoan ton- ut for it. Year uftor year pitlt an oporitd to bo missing from Loiuloii r I'iitia or Hru cli without auy one cunning wu\t ! lins bfconio of them un feT dnyb they nro for ottoi ) ; they tny hnvo drowned thcius lvei > , become cfornioil , or dlod their visual dunth somovimc1 ! the otory ii tlut the t irl ian bcjii decoded to Hpl ( . > Iun > ; though vhy Uolplum , whlolt in blpescd ri'li a ) lothora of that particular opeolca ol radty , r.liould cart coala to ita o-rn iGVsu.tetlo io not csay to explain. iIoKMtimc il i > i iinponiblu topaaa nliniji to ntrccti t f Lnnd in without pocitig mky-i'yoil Utibtititls peeping into the iiciMnt inilluiery girls ; nnd ho must man unobservant traveler indeed who mi Hailed la u PouinfuU Mid Onontal to.uuur fur Alosundtia or Port S ld Itluint nicetiiiR the unnio rnpajalllolit scnrting rouy-efleeked dmnaeln Cairo. . iird. The ounply is perhaps a littk MS than It ueod to bo when Ismail 'aaha ran special traiiiH for the o < n < eniencoif hla consituiiioiit ; from Ku < ope. Hut thai in E ypt , India , Tur- ; oy , and the Orient Renorally overj nroni of itny conHequoncs keeps In IB gilded ciijo otio or ir.ui.i frail 01 ooliuli IkiUtiiu ia a fact Thch ; it i : eodlesa trying to deny , though it it lumiliatlng to confeja. Theao wretched girla nio tomptoc iy a life of e.tue nnd indoltnco. The ) ru dazzled by n ahuiv ot juwolo , fini lothep , and the atorlcH of thn gortjo ua east , and find too late that thej lave entered a cqnulid uriton , arnti women as htrthcd no any whom tin vrorld can ahov , and with whom it li mposBlblo to exchange a word t ( while a way the lonchneaa of a lift which has lost Ho novelty. So Ion ; a they keep the favor ot their Ion hey nro objceto of portocutlon nnt ilota ; when they lose it their lot ii mhappy beyond conception , Suo5 tray lamba are seldom nought after hough to their relatives they aru a much loat RH if they had plunged inti he aea. The harem rarely surrender ts priaonorH , and if it did they an oo aahamcd to return , poor and die HuHoned. Again and sgnin liuvo ru nors rrachsd Delhi of G on or A Whouler'a daughter and ether Eu rnpenr ladks being kent in the harem 'p which they wore drnggod duriii | ho Indian mutiny. Bat eon th acont ia lost. If there is any truth li ho gossip it ia certain that the oh _ ota of it are just beyond the ehauco if recovery for whoever th inrotu owner inducca t > ill gueata ho takoa cat : o make nn exception In favor of hi 7orrlughoea. Bat if Billy dnmnols er through Iguorauco and a love of lazl ices , what ia to bo nald of womoi roaaonably well educated who calml , to gratify ambition , to spite some jody , or from some vaguoideaof "tt romance of the thing" sell themselves solves in cold blood to an eastern pol entate ? The unhappy Mra. Digbj after a varied marital experience , c : ponaed the dirty Bedouin catm Jriver , Mljuol of the Mizrab. Whe tier opinions wore aha kept to horaoil For , a pnrinn among her kindred , Lor Ellonborongh's quoudom bride fo sour to all the Ohriatian race. It ma bo that this hatred is shared by an conatltntca their upproco1 ! to Imppi nosa of the weak-faced women wh liavo chosen to ba harem Britona. brilliant ahadea ponj bio , on all fabrics nro made by tl : Diamod Dyos. Unequalled for brll 'ancy and durability. 10 cents. MRS. L&NQTUY. Preddio'a Amour With Langtry Wlfo. One of the city papers in common ing on Schtrab'fi card to which Gel linrdt'a name Is nflixnd relates the fo lowing of Froddie'a amour with Laii | tty'avrifo : Marrn la n disorpot gentleman , < nearly twice Freddie's ago and exuo iencc , an artist by profession , and n latcd in n morganatic way with tl royal family ot Italy. Ila know Mr Langtry in London , and ia rognrac as ono of her confidential friend Gobhardt haa cnltivated an Intlmac with him for eomo weeks , and in1 Marra'e ear doth ho pour the torren that guoh from his honied and nnea lafied soul. Marrn amili's at the boy folly , but does not rebuke It. I consented to make the trip to Ohicn ; and not aa Froddie'o chaperon , bocou g reaponalblo for hla good bohnvlo During tlie journey from Now Yoi to Chicago Gcbhardt created a goc deal of urainamont for the pansongij upon the B.IUO train , all of whomvei noon found out who ho van and mat it their entertaining occupation watch lua niovcn.cnta. IIo waa voi lavioh with hla money and domonotr tivu in hla actions , and , aa ono lac remarked : "You would have known ho wne ; love by the way ho noted , " Freddie kept hia servant very bui running between the cara and the tc egraph cilices nt the atatloua along tl route , aud used up a wholn block telegraph blanks before ho get Chicsgo. Ilia meeaagcn , like those 1 aont from New York , wore VKUY LONO AND VF.UY TKNDKR , and In the ono ho none from Uulli ho unloaded hia soul. IIo notiH. Mri. Lingtry that die waa the BUI abino of hia existence : , and all th sort of thine ; , and Informed her th ho could not live mnoh longer ont her presence. Thin waa the gunor tenor of all the telegrams ho cent , b the ono from Buffalo vras particular fresh nud breezy. LIe received 01 or two mcjiagca from her on rout and they appeared to glvo him gro comfort , although from a critical i apoction they appoir cold nt d unsat ! factory. All of her momasea tro bri and indirect , and vhllo each ono co tains aomo uxprcaalon of regard ai airootlon , fcho evidently docu not i apond , nt least by telegraph , to 1 "sighs , and vowaandlontjingi. " During his atny hero , so far , ai haa been exceedingly discreet , ai haa not allowed thu young in in ni private interview , except upon t street , receiving hint ut all times her rooms In the presence of a thi peraon , either Silas Lingtry , her a tor-lu-law , Mr. Marra or Mr , Schwa It la perfectly apparent that she Is c doavorlng to avoid any dUigrooal appearances. The ptrty dine , nnc ride Mid wnlk together cvrry day and appear to bo enjoying them Cubhardt ruthor enjoya the notnrl nty ho haa nchlovcd , and rei-urdu him self ito it IUHII of considerable Import aiico. lie io good looking , nnd dri'efei In thu oxtrrino cf thti fashion , Bov oral timca ho lisa complained of tin Accoimnoditliona nt the hotel , nnd itp pi-are to mita hia clnb moro th.tu any' ' thing else. Vortun im or fnrmurR nnd Mn < ohniilm. linuaftliiU of dnllara cnn bo navwl bj UMIIR pn ior jiulgniciit in taking cnru ol the ho'ilth ot yourself nuil fntnlly. If yet are biltnui , have Hallow cmntiU'xInu , pom Hppctiti' , low nnd di'prc oil nilritH , nm1 gencially dcbllltfttad , < lo not itnlny a nm incut , but go nt once ; anil prwino , \ Imt' ' tlu of tluxo wonderful I'.lectriu I'lltor which never full to cure , niui th it tor tin liltllui ? ruin of fifty cents. 1'1'ribui.o , Sold bv C. V. ( ooilnirtii , Tlio Lnui atr.vw Dutroit TreeI'rcsi. . A colored man vralknd nvi nud dowi the postollicj corridor WodnojJay a manner which aoon attracted c.ttfii t.ion , nnd n gentlemtn vh > > knohia. inquired if anything wai wrong , 'No , not 'r.6oly : wroi'g. " "I didn't know but what you hail received n letter with badnoira in It.1 "No , Bfth ; do trubblo nm I doan" ro < cclvo any luttora 'tall , lao bin in Detroit troit obor two y'nta , nn' lee cnllei honh about a thnuaMid times , tin' du } nllun toll mo do letter hasn't come ii yot. " "Aro you expecting lettou1 "I should rather remark thut I was I ortor hnvo twenty-four from St Louia , thirteen from Chicago , si : from Niles , two from Boston , au novon from Toledo. " "Have you inquired at the wiudov this morning ? " "Izo jlatgwtno to now , but I knov jint how It will work. I'll ' ask if dai am any lottera fur Thomas Moonalonr an' do lady will whirl do maaht < ci nrcun" , grab a han'fnl ob lettorj , run 'cm obcr au' thakn her hen' ' . . " "Perhapa not ; I'll go with you. " The two walked to the general delivery livery window , the colored man g.u-i IIH ! name , aud then things hnppenec juat aa ho said they would. Ther wna no letter for him. "Didn't I say ao ? Didn't I toll yoi I wouldn't git nuflin'i" he exclaimed na ho danced nround and gratnred lik an orator. "Am dia poa'otlile fur d benefit of do hull publick , or nm i run In the intereata of u favored few Izo dun mill' fur mail , nah ! 1 doin want to h'ar from nobody ! I won1 write io nobody 1 If any lettesa cut : fur mo I won't takn 'oml Din am d las' at raw , an * do camel's back am du broke ! " The Prophet Honored In His Own Counti cvcn.ln His Own House. The honest , simple naratlvo of Mrs. S. J.Whlj who naldot nt No , 177 Williams St , Provldonc II. I. "Uurluff the p\it six or seven j cars I ha' btcn sororcly kdllcted with kidney dlecaio , cau InK' In'onto hick-aches , dizziness , and ether l vropalns.throngh my body and limbs , rrndc Inff no so weak and prontra'o that at times It w Impowiblo for uie to do any p.ttt of my houi wcik. I have hid also B fluttering of tha hea and was terribly dlstrcHiod for bicatb. I w very miserable and completely worn cut and d c inra od. I had no ambition to undertake to Anything , and barely suftl Isnt strength to rend exlitcnoa dislrtble , havlnz falluJ ID find any r lief from the doctor's pr scrlptloni. At this ti In j crUli , fr'ond persuaded mo to obtain a b : tie ot Hunt's ItomtJy , an 11 now rcjoio thai followed ttfls friendly adrlca , for lha Home acted like a charm In my case. After I had ti en a few dot s , my health bean to Improve felt better every nay. The tkittotlni ; of t heart , the Intouno bick-nchoj , and teiiiblo eho nosa of breath eciodly disappeared , my streni ; and ambition soon returned , and before I h lakvn twoboltloiof tie Komody , Iw sentlri well , and able to waitiand Iron and do u.y bom work. Once In a whllol am troublol with t hmJachonnd aS icoa to I am taken I rojori Hunt's Remedy , and a few dczex fit ao all lift' 1 shall never be without It In Iho fjture. I ha trequontlT recommended the Hunt's Ycm-dy my IHindr , and they have experienced rcl from the llrat doio. I huirtlly recommended to all who are atlllctod with kidney deia | u dlscatosof the liver , bladder , or irlnary orgai I think that no family should bo without It. HltS H. J , WI1IIT , No. 177 Wllll nn St. , Providence , R. I Rxcruclatlng Pain , Edwin I'rceman , of Norton , MLHH. , mis : have suffered the ttost excrucl tlng | aln In i kldnejsfor yoirn'aid phjtlelam cr medlcl cou d not relieve mo until about thrco joirstli I connnrncnl taklii ) ; Hunt's Remedy. I pi chaud a bsttleat Iihndlng's dru ( tore tn l'r < Idenco , and I took Ihe first d so there , and at using onobottlo I vtai free from all pain , a although tblx VMM three ) e M OKO Iravo Keen trace of diic.isu and lu\o not had to taku a medicine. I belevo Hunts Remedy to be I best kidney and liver niulkino evir knoAii , n I chucr'ull > recoinmuid It to all soriurers fr < this tcrrib'o di .n , " Trhl sl/o , 75 ecnls. Hunt'sRcmtdj Uapurtly vo etablu prtpai ( Ion , sclcntllliallv 1 repnrid by a skillful Pharn ci t Coil. f 3 Uaottun u Arujca tialvu , 3 The JJ/ST HALVE in the world for On BrmhPii , Borcp , Ulcnro , bull Khoaui , 1 vet Soroe , Tcttiir , Ct'ipped H&ude , . ' ! : blnin * ) , Cores , nti &U < ilIn oniptiuun , b imMtivcIy ourcjT'ilm. ItSu ffunrnuttcil vivo tarli faction : it * r.uf rc'"n'li I'rlco , 25 ci nta pftr ex. ( for cat * l.y Mouoy for the Uumayriad. Ono of the moot aolld and Rubstn tial Inatitutiona in this country is t Marriage Fund Mutual Trust BBHOCI lion of Uedar lUplds , In. Dari their firat year , crding January li 1881) , they paid over fJJO.OOO 00 benefits to their mombora , and t greatest entltfac'ion prevalla amo their certificate holders. They u organized under the laws of Iowa , ni their ollicora ivnd directxra are atno the loading and moat prominent bu neea men ot Oedar llspids. Kvery u married person ehoula have n certl 0 It in a splendid investinont , ca en. eccnro nnd auro aa a ( { overtime bond , You can jnat aa well have good sum of money to commence nn ned lifo on as not. Over 200 me burs have been [ .aid off , rucolvi over ( ! 00 per cent , on their tnvc ment- Bond it postal card for ti circulars fully detailing thu pit which is the PIUL-B' , known. Uo agonta cnn ot territory if applied i soon. Write to day. . Do not po pone it. Mention where you a thia notice. J > Mn ; Frozen Oat Siys Mr. Oeorgo T. Drey or , 45 ' . vision avenue , Brooklyn , N. Y. have Buffered with frost bitten f every winter. I applied St. Jaci Oil a few times and am cured. IOWA ITEMS. Tli * Mlitcur Valley fair uet- The Alton ll < tiring mill will bo In tnti- In * order liy March 1. Ulurhuli ln.n donittud au cre of | [ ro nil lit ! got it creauiury , D.tYdiporl' * ( ioMhs during thoii.tst year cm 3-11 ; blrtlis. fCr. ) The Missouri Valley Knights of 1'j thing utivllid on TJiurnlity Might. Tlu > Irlsh-Ameiican cluti of DCS Molncs rnt > iiBs to bulltl club hoiifo to cost S i , . 0. 0.Tlio Tlio Lutlilliig iiiiprotfiucntB In Mnrlnn - ' - - " ' ) \ > M hnvo The Ih'iulootw Inrso dlnoana It pro. ouucoil ccrebrn ( ptnit nieulogltti. No mudy has yet boon found , Thu Iowa Xnlloiinl 1'ouUry uesoclatlon 111 hold thi'lr itgulur p .ultrv utul iku IDW ot Dig Molmti January 22 1. Tha Missouri Valley uuglnO'lionoo will odudlcAtvt nn tlio llth. The bulltlliii ; tn coat $ > ,0.0. A lih' ball is to vlgtmllze io event. Odebolt Is oxc'taJ over the pronpcetii ul etltng $10 0.0 ateain tl urlng null. A OUIIK ol t .OOJ will Imvo to lie rnl cil. Tie ! v.vriom nosochtliiiis , nRrlculturnl lid nthorvvlae , nt M.\mh lltovvu , linvt uitoi for thu inirpoie of uiakliin tliu ( all i that city next ( nil n big miccon , The woman who stole n tin n from nt klit Urtivu livery stable ncd nltoniDtrd ti 1111 ull with It , ban been cmixlit In Mitino jtn , nnd is now In jail nt Hno City. Thocitiznu' tiriclgo committee in Lynni moving nctivuly in tlin matter of KOCIU igr. bridL'o. ( Jo'OptTAtlou with the On ! ngn , Ihirllngtou & Quluuy compnuy Ii clng dlticn < Bul , t. L. Dudley , retiring school trcnsiirei ) r Atlaiitlf , U repiirtcil to bo about $7,001 lort In liia ncotuintc , acd IIRH no liumtn IEII. The ntTalr is to bo settled nt GO couti u the dollar. The totnl shipments of ntono from tie ! < o ( itinrrles nt HtoniiCity during the pasl oiirtinvo bevn 11 ! , 000 cars. Tito nvornge rico per cr\r IH Sl-.i'O making n valuation f $15'OCO. ' ) UPS Molnca Loiiler RAJB thnt tin ity linn the tlcpHt pavo.l street * of nuj . intern city. It haa line gnH and Its wnloi orki hnvn juat been titled out with on ruly now inn. liinery. It has thirteen tn\l \ ondi > , tlio best Hchoolf , churches uud ers in low.i. * # * "Durabllity ia butter than how. " Durability of health inwnrth lore than the wealth of n Van- etbllt. lvidnty > Wort ia nian'a co-la- iarcr in mnintaining health. Wltli icnlthy liver , boviola and kidnoyo , nitn nnd women will alvraya bo hi iiod health. If the bowoln art orpid , it pilea turmonl , if the back ii ull of pain , got n pnukugo of Sidney' Vtirt and bo ouri'd without more auf < erlng. Tlio Irllueuoo or tlio I'roas. ustlct. Oloao observers have for Homo tinu iaat noticed an incroaning disrcgart or the oplniona oxpreoned in news inpore , and it Is intrresting to iuquin ute the roaaon for thie. A nomowlm cateful examlnutiun has led in to be love that it is largely dun to the prnc ; ice which many newspapers indulgi n of Belling their opinions and Intlu once , to the highest bidder. It lo o couroo to bo expected that n , paper wll represent the interests of Ua atook Holders where it ia published by i Block company as many nowapapor are , and it ia troll known that thoa who represent corporate and othe linauclal iutoroata which are constant ly acoking logislatho privilege have unvested quito largely In none paper property in order to udvanc their echemeH. They aupplomont thl with a liberal distribution of jo printing , advertising and frou pas patronage , and through these cou blned influences succeed in controllln a very largo proportion of the proi of the country in their intercut , wbjc ! in a great majority of canea la oppono to that of the niHsa of the pnople. Th mauieu BOO and feel this. No amoun of Bophielry. ctu blind them , uu hence thu prc s IB gradually but snrol losing its Inlluoncu over the people who have learned lo diatrmt whn they BOO in print instead of beliovlti it , and unfortunately this ulso applie in a greater or less urgreo to thoa pipora which really do advc cato the intorooto of the peopl ognlnBt these of rings an monopolies , and whoao oplr iona are not far nale. Even .tho now begins to bo distrusted , aud it enl needa a little further control ever 01 telegraphs by the great financial frei bootcrH of thcngo to inalo Iho poop , generally ckcptlcal aa to the truth < anything they HOO In print. Thoi are two things which the people ca do tn check tliU tendency. Firs mstrtiu only thoio papcra whluh advc otto the public intercut na ueain thoao of rings and monopollea , tu : necond , let every citizen rxurt his ii linouci. to cocuro the adoption of postal tolrjjrjph fimllnr to that i Or oat Britain , which will bo OB fr < and impartiul as our poalofllao la an vrhich will give lioncat nowspapo honuat nowo. * Humaalty'D great hope for t ! future IB alonu to bo realized in in proved conditions of inutrimon ; What a profound obligation does th fact Involve ! Thrno who roalUa tl : roiponnibiliiy can hardly do botti than taku advice from Mrs. Lydia 1 LMukham whoso wonderful romedli for the euro of all diseases peculiar I women ore so justly celebrated. Sen for pHinphlot. HAS BEEN PROVED &URES1 CURB for DISEASES. Dooi i l.imo back or ndUordered urine Indlcata lintyouart avidimV TJIKN DO MOTHEHll'ATiii uio l.lDHKY-WOttTat onrodrtitKlAtii rocommcud u ) and itwlll Hpccdlly averoaino the diBca o and restore hialthy action tool UiooruAiin , i'oroomplnlntspiwuUar to your her , such ON pain and VTeaknnuni , KIDHKV-WOHTlouniiur- paMiodiui It will act promptly and safely E.thcr Bex. Inoontlnenco , rctontlon of urine , brick du > t or ropy depoalta , onildull droceln Tutuuiall speedily yield , to Itii our tlvo power. HOLM JY ALI.EnUaHQTH. H. PHILLIPS , THE LKVDINO NK\V YOUR Call Kiul Ixiik over my now utoro and i my new jjoo I * . ni 1207 Faruaiu Htr ct. 121 Under tlio management of Mr. Kullth ot ba Keitnty , henlth , nnd hnpplnes4 Tor lad TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F MCE. wr.xr. . e * . e TJ 1 3 aa AS o o. Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. HONEY TO LOAN AT LOW KATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AJD CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - - - IOWA. ( Successors to J. W. Rodofer ) WUOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN LAGOTAfflA , LEHIG-H , BLOSSBUEG AND ALL CONNEILSYILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Ofllco No , 34 Ponrl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avemio , Oouncil BluiTa. MRS. D. A. Till : LEADING DEALKU IN X 3E& 35O > 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa , THE HORT LINE -OK THE llwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY Is now running Its FAST KXI'IIESS TRAINS from OMAHA AND OOUNOIL BLUFFS WITH- Pulluian's Mapiflcont Sleepers AND TUB Finest Dining Oars in the World. F YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO' MILWAUKEE. Or to nnv point be > end ; or F YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Toke the HIST IlOUTi : , Uio Oliicago , Hilwaukoo&St.PanlR'y Ticket olllco located at corner Farnam and 'onrteenth istreeU and at U. 1 * . Depot and at illllaid Ilot l , Omaha. jUTSeo Tin'io Table In another column. V , A. NASH , General Arcnt. 0. H. KOOTK , Ticket Arcnt | , Omaha. S. S. 1IEUHIU , , A. V. II. OAUl'KNTKR , General ManaL'or , General I'IWH. Ant' J. T. CLAUK. or.O II. IIKAKFOUU , OeiicralSiip't. AHH't Gen , ram. Agent. GOLD ROPE. Tholntrlniilemerit and superior iiuallty of oni JoM Uopo Tobacco has Induced other mannlac' ; urers to put upon the market tooJs Rlmllar to our brand In name and dtjlo which are offered and told for leys inoci'y than the Koniilno Gold [ lope. Wo caution Iho t adu tiul consnmer to see .hat our name and trade mark are upon each uinp. Tlio only Konulno and oilulnal Gold Hope Tobacco Is manufactured by TllJfi WILSON A JIoNALLY TO ItAOOO COMPANY. HEAT YOUR HOUSES o „ ka O FURNACES IN THE WORLD , MAI > I : nv RIOHAKDSON.BOYNTON &OC CHIOAQO , I'mbody noxv 18812 linpr'ivemonts. Mor practical funHireni Co t ICHB to keep It Sider ; Duo IONH fnal will RIVO moro hea nd a larger vnlumo of pure nlr than au ] fnrnaco uiado. Bold by Plercy anil Hradford , Omaha. CATARRH AND EOZEMA No argument li noccnsary tn fliow thai thce iHoaieii are of a bloou origin , H. H H , Uicrcfcrc eliiK composed of tlit in ml powerful vi'Kelabl 'Itcrutlvi u , ilentroy the di > ta o , rcr t and lirm.cli hy putilni ; thu blood in a pure , luallhy stato. "S. R B , for Catarrh l a sure cure ; mired m after all other trnitii'onU ' hid failed " ( J , 0. IliiKMi , Grtencaatle , Ind lluv. W J Doblnnon , mrinlier North Oeorgl Conferencti : "lluve taken S. H. S. lira clear cat of Kizmt ; eruption lu dlvappiarud and 1 an well. " "Have taken 8. S. K for Ca'atrh ' with Rrefl boiicflt ; think tlneu IjottliH more wl I coiupletil cure me. " K. It. DHOWN , bpiitanburi ; , H. U. J. W. Cottldl , 8 * . Louis , Mo. : "I regard 8. f. fl n a con * , uondirful roinoly , and have n iloibi but th > t It Hill euro my Catarrh. " "H. S H. rrMcund mo of a troublesome Cn tirili wlilcli lus natlliil rnu trcattnint of all th btst tiblblUuiij Noitliond toiith. " H. Ij.MuUhlUi : , Atlanta , Ua. , Ark. , July 17 , 1B82. I ) mo hadulai luy physicians termed Kizcm for over ni ht years. Canio live uara OKO to th placn lo lnu In rr'irtlut 1 inluhl Im lurid. li rln | { tha tlmo I enerjjei kail ) appl iij n 1 the hea DKuitof tluph > Blcltt > Mlieru ( b th Internal ai ; ixtiriKili In coiimUlon with Iku iiIcbritedTlie inal botbitlu , anl In aldltlon ha\o taken inoi than nhiiidreJ bollUsof tutloiiKaedlcliioi wltl rut the deiilrul lusult Up to tbrao months ( I had ahnCHt h 11cd my cnit liicnrablr , an In Kan taking Hwllt'MSiici.lilc ( H. h H. ) with o the l < cptlt.lim ! pnllilo 'Ihe eruption wri i Ilibt or < o , jit Ihtro uiro noir.r Hlh'ns of In irmuiiout , and a'ti-r Ihno nii.ntln' use of S t . 1 mil w.nnd and well , r.ot a H-II of tiuptloi my klu smooth undUtarniil m > general huali tscoodoslteter n. If thtre an an ) doabtli OLut , lit them write me I are ! . N. t'KATT. Krom tlio brunt Druy Uoutio of tU MorthwuHt. Wodo notlrnllato tonay lint far n jiur pti o ho sold inoro of H ift' .SpulUe ( H 8 H hnnall other b'ood purlller < uimtiliud and wit irottamonUhlnt , ' ruiatj I'nu k-ui'lcnuli wli imid hal a durui hot lussajs that It has dot hlul more Koed than troatimnt uhlcti cost hi $1.000. Ancthrr ho ti'.a used It for a scrofuloi affeitlon reportiapenuanent euro from Its cur Yours trulj , ViNSlUACJl , HUNINfON & CV Hold - all REMARKABLE ! K INIMN Cm , Mo , Sept. r,0 , 1882. I think It a duty I owe tl humanity to lay what jour remedy bit * ilono f r inc. Ore jcar RO I contract * ! n bail ciwo of Illood Dl case , a il not knowing ( lie result of Btiih rouble * , I allow- oj It to run fo some t mo , but finally apt lied to the bent ( ihmclan In t i rit > , uho treated mo for sit months. Is THAT TIMK i TOOK ovitu COJ I ILL * or i KoroiomuH or MKmt'RT 1 ( train tai.h. ami liml rim down In weight from i10 ! to 1ST | K > II cN , and was contlncd to my bed wlthller- curltl lUivvnmtlsm , scnrcil } itlilo to turn in ) self OUT llelngn tritvellnir man. BOIIIO of the Ira- tirnlty founJ imiln thli deplo-aMo condition , ' 5 S S , hid In en cure ! by lt uie. I commundiit the uiu Itttltitury Illtlu faith ami In Irn that threw vvmkN RUM nlilo to taku my plica on the reid The Nornand ropiwr collorcd npots pttred , and toiliv I haMinotano ror spot on my person , and mv wolgl.t Is ! M7 pound * lieliu moro Hover . ii. I do not Uh von to publish my name , but ) mi may show this letter to any who doubt the merit of S. S. S. for I mow It It a , nuro cum. VourTruIj , .1. II. B. h.ireti thirty jtanuiga there Ihcdln Montio- nii-rj , Alu , , n j tiling man viho nits terribly nlltlc- twl. Mtcrlit'lnif trotted for u long tlmo hy the luidVal proft-tslon nfthNtonn with no bcni'lU , lie uiuiiiifiictil taking H H S. After pi rulhttiiitly- toUn , ; It t n nimitlit liu via enrol , lldiik-ue iniulntnl with him for the dUoasa noicr inado It" rsiiirn. .1. \ \ . llisnoi' , J. ! > . , Hot Sprlngi Ark. If > on doubt , rnmaloKui us , nnd uowlllCURR YOU , nr cliarto iiii'hlnu' Wrlio for purtlculam and enpyof ihc Illtlu book , " Message to the Unfort'Jiiatu SuOerliii : " A k any Drugstst t to our xtniulln ) , ' . 53 . . . V-U.81QUI ) W.Wftrl will ho paid to any Chi mitt who w II find , on uii-VjuN of 'JOO batt en oH. ( N H. , olio purtlho of M.I iur ) , loildu of IWwstum , or an ) .Mineral Hulstinee. SWIFT Sl'KCIr 1C CO. , Proprietors , Atlanta. Qa. I'rlco of Hinall Slzu . 81,00 Size . . l 75 HOLIl I1V AM. DHUnai3TS. DOCTOR STEINHARTT3 ESSENCE OF LIFE. t'OltOLDANU YOUNU , tlALX AND KBUALS. t In n "lire , jiroinpt nnd effoctml reme < ls for In- lervoun wantc , rejmenateo the faded Intellect , tronulitliens the enfeebled brain and rcatoro * urprlij ng tone and \lgor to the exhausted or- runs. Tlio oxperleueo of Uioimiiilo pro\oaltto wan ln\aluablo remetly. I'rlco , $1.00 n bottle. DrulxInrW. For nalo by all UruggMa , or sent eciiru from observation on receipt of prlco by Dr. StolnUnrt , P. O. Box 2400 , St. juuU Ma- _ DOCTOR STEINHART'S SUPPOSITORIES ! The 0 rest l pular Ilemedy for 1'lloa. Surocuro forliliml , BcelluR& ! Itching 1'lles And all forms of Hcmorrholdal Tumors. Thcio HUITOHITORIKH act directly upon the coatxof the Illood Vtiiucl * . nnd by their astringent cffectn gently forte the blood from the swollen tumors , nndby making the coats of the vein * Btrong , pre\ent tholr renillng , and hence a null- cnl euro In tmru to fullow their use. Price , 75 cent * a box. Tor dilo by nlldrugglstji , or sent by mull on receipt of price , by En Hull Mndionl Institute , 718 OIlvo St , t Lonia -l YM'I ' vftf , mnu of ti-v trrHolllntfOTM nuJ aiKht work to tt - i -hrninuf rift tut JflMtn Ull ; HUP ttc 3HHKlni > froinMi ; It Slum. If T < , imr < , m r lint ; on H lfV O : JOIttorfc. 1 mi'ill ' ; frwiu inrot J form .it K ) jllO ) t-illseMi.i ihitl morD ) " ' " " il"ktlmr ! > ? ! D I. U I I llni tllM' . ! " ' ! of l.iWuiiiarA , ind lrttilit - CKIIYU tlomt. HOP jmii > lo curt f ov nntiJ ) lu < runitxi I ino o' odi.n , Vou will hn tr > ! , cco , tf curi > dlfnutiM Mop lttir If ytlua'Atlm 8 0lfut T , y f t A k Alul NEVER ' ' ' iVV'j't it' iy HUH avvour FAIL co. llfb. Il Mll , suvoil Hun * tUntlKt Nebraska Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , WEB. Capital Stook , - - 100,00.1) ) . JAS.II. 1IKAUTWKM , , President , A. l < . KUAHKK , VUo-l'riitldeiit. E. 0. WtB.STKlt , Treasurer DIUECTOnS. Samuel Alexander , OnwaM Ollwr , A. L. Olarke , K. 0. Webster , Goo. II. Pratt , JM. II. Huartwell , D. M. McKI llinncy. Firct Mortgage Loans a Spooialty Thli Company furnishes a permanent , home InutUutlon licro bihool llonds and other legally Uiued Miinhlial uciirltlcs of Nebraska can babe bo nc.'otlatml ou the moot favorablu terms. Ijoaua made on hnprotu < l farms In all well settled couiitU-HOf the state , through responalblojocal corroHi > oiidcnts , MANUFACTUUEH OF Silver Plated WINDOW SASH Door PJotoi Engrarud to Order' Vo , 0 N. 7th St. St. Loult , Mo