* THE DAILY BEiir THURSDAY JANUARY 11 The Daily Bee. Thursday Morning , Jan 11 , Weather Koport. ( ahe following observations are t ken i thr * ma moment of tlmo at all the itatlor. named. ) WAB DIPABTMHTT , U. 8. SIGNAL SEB vice. OMAHA , Jan. 10.1882. (1:15 ( : p.m. t S ; o ! 33 5 5w Denver. . . . 30 S2 w llrl.k Jlfnr Cheyenne. 3032 NW Jlcar 30 31 NW xri k PUti/i 30 30 NW Ilrlsk Cloudy Onn ha TO 12 tfW 'Ugh K > r Yankton. . . TO M it N W flits Fair Dm Molnes , 9 00 12 'N ' link t > vcnport. . 39 74 17 | NW Drink 11 8nuw " 29 61 Fresh lloir St. Louis" ! 78 3 ! NW ( lalo loiiJr Mnorhcjvl. . 30 51 * IN HUh IVr Tin cent , . . . JO 30 8 | NW risk t.uj 'ro-h Cloudy Boford M 17 17 INW 'rcia Clou y Outer 31K \ 'rcsh Oloinl/ . . .H W Lli-ht Cloudy Klver fronn at Omah , ( rozcn lit Vnnkton frozen t Et , Paul , frozen t Dn ' , frozen nt ! . > Crowe , frozen at Diyenjiort C lest 9 Inchci at at. Loula. LOOAL BRBVITIHS. Counterfeit illvcr coin is plenty nni being tucccisfully ircu cited , Kemembcr the Union meeting at thi Y. AT. C. A. rooms to-night. The eastern trnini were Into ] ngftln yen terday on some of the lawn roads. The Omaha nnd Dlllcnvlllo employe ; of the U. P. were paid off Tuesday , t The Standard Club paityi at the Mil lard hotel Tuesday was a Miccomtul nnr well attended affair , Sleighing Dtill.continues fcoodl and i ball a dozen moro accident * were repartee today , none of which were sellout , Jack Donahoo will bo the captain o police in Omaha [ /and / the will make no only a good looking but nn efficient officer The fiat has gone foith that the salooni muatlclosoLntJmldnlRht. Unlike the lawi of tho/MedesIund / Persian jmsh orders an generally short lived , The next parly of the "Homo Circle' takes place to-d y ( Thursday ) evening at Acme hall , corner 10th and Hurt ntrcat , Dancing commences promptly nt 8 o'clock , The river's surfaca Is dnttod nil ovci with the industrious lee paclccrr , tnen nnc teams being distributed all the way frorr the bridge to the beud , No lack of lei next summer. Kev. J. W. Ingr iIsft ] TueHjnj morning for Unadllla , where he goes t < aid Hev , J. It , Johnson In n protrnctu ( meeting. Ho expects to bo absent tei days or two wccka. A ] high wind han' provallod In Omahi Hinco early Tuofdiv. Fortunately I waa a warm zephyr nnd brought a grniluu thaw with It. It wau'vcry annoying however over la its violence. Mrs. F. 11. Smith deilroi to cxpren her sincere thanks to tlioso friend ? who b ; their kind attention and sympathy durln her nfUlotlon Indicated a friendship fo hsrielf and family , The habeas corpus CIPO which waa te tor 2 < p. m. Tueedny In Judge Cbadwlrk' court , haa been continued until Snturda ; and the baby which Is the property con tested for ii 'meanwhile ' In the cuitody c the city missionary , MTH. Vullor. Two more of thx hi ? engines nf til Mastodon pattern , for the Southern 1'ncifi ' of Cilltornia , went went on U , P , trail last 'night. They nre NOJ. Kl nnd 55 am weigh ulxty-one tons ouch without water o oaal. They cnmo in over the Wabash nni will be followed by twenty more. In the poll co court yustenUy ther were two di tuibars nf the peace , whopali $3 nnd ocats ach. The cnio nf W. W Warren , who h charged with obtainini money on tax receipts In n crooked mac ner , his been continued nnd will next com tip before the February grand jury. We arc glad to learn that Iteuben , th little ROD of Mr. and Mrs. J. llollmnu who waa critically ill j with the croup , I much better , thanks to the good care c Dr. Jauiea Neville and U in a fair way t recover speedily. A uew , neat and convenient Hal c eubcribcT8 iiaued January lnt by th Omaha telephone exchange includes a Buljicribers1 numbers in Omaha , Counc Bluffs , Lincoln , Fremont , Plnttstnoutl Aibland , Arlington and BUIr. Thn He to Platttmouth will be opened for Luslnoi in n few day" . An error ocsurea In the resclutlc adopted by the city council Tncsdav i publUhod in the proceedings In referent to the employment of an DusUtant for tl city engineer. The resolution provide for the employment of Mr. Jacob How and after March 1st of Mr. lillnon alno. -The W. 0. T. U. will meet to-da Thursday , the 11th ln t. ut the rooii of the Y , M. C. A. nt 3 o'clock In t ! afternoon. All inemlcrs nnd friends the cause are requested to bo prccont , there is tome unfinished buDluest to bo d posed of. The funeral of the Ute Fuller Smith took place yesterday d yfr < the cathedral of St. Philumena on N'ir ntreet , nnd was very largely attended. 1 6redeprtmont nnd the Omaha Workii tnen'd Sportsmen' * clnb both turn d ( to do honor tt the memory of tbo decent , and the procemlon , including a largo 1 carriages and the locletlea named , \ headed by the Union Pacific baud. Dr. D. It. Lucu , of Dei Molnea , 1 has been called to succeed Kev. Mr. gram as putor of the Christian chucb thl city , nnd the ctll hag been accept The preeeut pMtor'4 time exnireo nb the firit of A ( > tll next , when Dr. Lu kta ewill chaise cf the church. Dr , Lu is ono of the inoit i.blo nod Hucccjfful in Inter * In the ChrliUm church , and Omaha congregation here haa been v fortunate tn tecure hla services. The following item from the Mine Point , Win. , Deraocwt will Jn'ereat nil of our reader * . Mr. Fiynn waa forme n retldeut of Omalu , holdlcf ; a pcnll with the U. P. na lumber Inspector. 'J Democrat saye ; "Marrhd , January 1 63 , Mr. Willltra Fljnn , of Omal N bratke , to MI s Kate McCaivillc , Willow Sjiringi. The liappy couple companlrd by Mr. Mutt heMcAid MUi Jeonl McCsrvllle end Mil. M. & CnrviUf , tpok ths 8:10 : rnormrg train ; 3)Arlinjtop , > here they wcrajjnlttd In t * " 1 4 "pi , uiniiroony } ly Jle Father Hnnnon nt St. Leo's church , Alti tbo marriage ceremony the luppy coupl with a host of f rlendr , assembled nt tl homo of the bride' * mother In Wlllo Springs , where n sumptuous feast nwnlU them , Alter the congratulation ! ) an many hours of amusement tl.o friends d parted , wishing the happy couple n pleat ant journey through llfoand many a merr Chrmtiras and happy Now Year. Ths itoment of the countTinnnci puhllihcd In Tuesday's BKK hun nttracte no little attention and h favorably coir mentedon by nil. The statement thi such & renort had not been published fc nlno or ton yeara was meant to rcr i ! " elaborate a report. " During the admini ( ration of Mr. A. C. Althous , ' .who w * County Treasurer from 1872 Cto 187 ( through the Instrumentality of his eflicior deputy , Mr. Iluck , the present City Tre/u < rer , a synopsis of the report wai publlsho every year , The German ladlss of this city hav determined to ralno funds for the orectlo of a liMidhomo and commodious buildln for a Gorman school , for which there is demand , and their first step in thia dlret tion will bo a grnnd f.ilr , to bo held at Mi sonic hull lor ono week , beginning Jnnuar 2 , All the loading Mnping noddies wl nartlclpnto , nndlho Munical Union orchoi tra will bo In nt'endanco. Dancing wi also be ono of the prominent features , A entertaining programme will bo nrrange for each evening. The price of seano tickets haa been fixed nt $1 A YEAR'S WORK. What the Board of Trade i Doing , An Interesting Report Fron Secretary Qibson. The annnal report of the eocrotar ; of the Omaha board of trade , Mr Thomas Gibson , ia an elaborate am carefully prepared document , review ing oU that has boon done by tha body daring the past year. A synop sis of the report la given now , It length and tbo crowded state of on columns alon j precluding pabllcatioi in full. The secretary says : A VALUAIILE INSTITUTION. Omaha , in Ho board nf trade , pot neasos an institution of nnofulness am merit , and u very valuable assiitant t commercial and manufacturing cntoi prises. Composed of 120 of the lend iiV merchants , capitalists and manufacturers facturors of the city , it acta aa a modi utn for advancing the interests of th city by practically taking in hand al mattpra wherein the future cxpocta tion is lending to public good. In al ont erprincB , whether of aparelycom morclnl character or in the nature o improvement , thia board haa taken i foremost position , and to it the city i indebted for much of its dovoloptnon during the past aiz years. It haa uni fonnly battled ntrenuously to guari uvcry interest located hero , nnd ala applied ita united efforts to gain over ; contemplated Improvement calculate' ' to enhance the future Kroatnoaa o thia , the gate city of the great north \veat. ODR FIURT rilESIDBNT , speaking of the board , said ; "It con forms to the ono cardinal element a success in every enterprise n ningl aim to be pursued with undovlatlnj tenacity , energy and patiouco dotei mined by uvcry honorable nppllnnc within its roach , and with the boa energy and devotion of onch and al ita members to advance aud extcm the commercial supremacy nnd impor tanca of Omaha and the state , unti tliuy chull each take the rank to whici they are entitled by reason of nature advantages and resources , " WHAT MIGHT J1E DOSE. With ouch n motto for the excrcie of the talents of every morabar of thi board , how much might bo cxpoctoi to bo accomplished with n mombui ship of 120 Intluential citizens In an emergency where the weul of our fii nncial or comiuuruUl interests are con ccrnol ? IB it not plain that with ana an amy of Inlhuinco aa could bo can contrnted in thia association , nny an ovcry improvement onlculatod to ni vtuico the permanence of our cst&l lishmonta , and any now onterprk looked npon irlth favor by this bout would have no dillioulty in being BI cured n place in our midst ? A I'EUTINKNT QUF.RTIOX. In the fulfillment of those muc desired objects it Is only ncccseary I'l nach member of this association to ac liinsolf the quoation paraded in tl bovo motto , with regard to each an 1 ita membcra. If thia indivldn inergy and devotion waa fully occur od wo would have these auata full i 'very mooting , and suggestions pr onted for discusaion that would croa an interest redounding to the lion and glory of this board , nnd the pow that it would then wield would 1 doubly felt.WOUK WOUK 1'KRfOKllKI ) . The improvement of our river froi haa bupn ono of the important wor taken in hand , and much discussion to tha ways and mcana for the prate tion of property on the bottom Ian BO valuable to the boat intereats of o city , both directly nnd Indirectly , h been hnd by thia board , and ottbi made for ito accompliahmont. memorial , with uiapa , plan a and i porta from the city engineer alao t Union Pacific and HurliiiRton & M aouri railroad enginoora haa bo forwarded to congresR by your soci tary , and in now in proceed of paasb for an appropriation to complete t work. 8TOlK ! YAMS. A compauy wim formed and yai erected on the U. P. railroad , c ; tiguoun to the city , with pour , wai and every required compiianca for t enterprise , but for aomo reason nw became an exiotibivoly used as waa fir at anticipated for the purpose through shipping. A M'.W HAILUOAI ) conatruotcd through the country lyi between thn E khnrn valley andj Chicago and St. Paul road , woi empty a vast grain Held and etc yard into the Omaha'emporium such merchandise , thereby prov : bonoCcial to tha grower aud conauui and the board has the matter utn iu\riicruout , THE ( XJLOBADO OENTJIAL which will result in a largo influx business to Omaha. TTAS .on open made the occasion of a beneficial ox cureiou tendered the board , HINDU UATrEtlH , The pro rate bill , the location of th mint in. Omaha , the Ut. Loula excur alon , the nail works , barbed wir works , and water works , are al alluded to as having received the at tontlon of the- board of trade witl good results , as waa also the caao ii the matter of the proposed removal o the government atorohouio in 1879. THE STATE FAIU. The board of trade has done all tha has over been asked by the stat board of agriculture In providing foi the accommodations required in ever ; particular , and in return they nsk thi officers of that board to rcclprocato ai far aa they may bo able to ao m in thi future. THE (11UIK ELEVATOH is another institution stnrtod by thi untiring vigilance of this board , ii aucking for the bent interests of ou city and state. fUULIO IMl'ItOVr.MRNT8 , The city charter amendments am the paving of the streets of Omaha now fairly under way , are largel ; duo to the oucrgotio action of thi board. A 11UIDOP. ACUOSH TUB MISSOURI. In conjunction with board of trad' ' of Council Bluffd a number of meet inqs were held for the purpose of con Hldoring the waya and means to built a bridge to connect the two cities. 'A charter wr.s framed for the purpose and its passage in now pending ii oongrcsn. If the charter ia aoouroi the brldgo will bo bnilt and the rosnl will bo onn ol the greatest bloaalngi conferred on the ontlro comtnunty 01 both sides of the rivor. AN KXGUIUUON TO MONTANA , on Invitation of tbo Union PaciGi railroad , wa.1 participated in by t number of the board , and resulted it making many friends , which wll toud to establish business rolationi between that section of country ant Omaha. 'All atich interchange o friendly relations ia of much grcato good than is conrrully supposed , _ WE HHOULl ) KMILE. It has boon the policy of the boarc of trade to oncourugo every logltimati undertaking calculated to farther thi business Interests of our city , and thi secretary has endeavored to furnisl all the practical information poaaibli to a latqo number of applicants detrir OUB of buainoss location , always show Inj ; thn suporioropportunitles presented od by Omaha , which are claimed to bi the moat , deairablo and Important moaiiH to succeed. should bo ostabliahod In this vicinity and the board have endeavored to lent thuir influence to that end. An in ccrporated company is already pro pirod to advance in the nndortaklng cuinpcscd cf a majority of the board IN QINEUAI. : The secretory enlarges upon th < availability of Omuha , na a location fo : blauRhtcrlng yards , to avoid the iiecca sity of shlppinK live ctock GOO nillci further oast. Ha also ndvoonccs thi tho' darting of a local insurance com pany. About two and & 1ml f millions ol dollars have been expended dun ngtlx past year in the erection of buildings , nnd the court house , no A' in conrso o construction , will bo ono of the orna manta of the city. Bnalucsa has in creased to a marvelous extent , the electric light will BOOH bu in opera. tion , and everything points to a sac < ccBsf ul and lively yearjahend. THE BOAIlll of directors have elected fifteen nor mcmbora during thp past year , am two others have their applications fo membership now in , all of whom w hope to add to the strength and proa polity of the association. Financial ! ; wo are a BUOCCSB , an will bo seen b ; the report ot our treasurer's balanc in hand. Wo have also a Hat of $8 uncoil ected , the most of which will b paid in thia month. THE ALLEN "pllTNTING 00. Job Printers nnd PDIIUSIIKIIH UUUA NEDUAMCA , "Tho American Oittl Journal , " innka specialties of Jlne com wtrcial work and legal vrlntiny. Oi durs by mail or telephone will recoiv prompt attention. TEL13P1ION ] NO. 389. Office , Fornam nnd 15t troots. lOnutoveodS' NorvoouaneBs , debility and 01 hausted vitality cured by usin Brown's Iron lUttora. UIED. In thia cltv , January ! ) , at 3j ! p. in. , Thornton Long , nged 40 yeata. 9 1'nneral took place ypntordaj ( Jnnuary 1 ntltp. m. from Lewis' hotel on Ciplt nvemio , between Tenth and Ulevenl treets. To TKLEI-UONK As our name dooi not nppoar i now list of Council Eluih1 subscribe ; pleasa add It to your Hat. /t T. LiNnshv &Co. A LOST LAND EJABK- An Old Houae Oaea Down In FJon und SmoUo. Tuesday evening the news w brought to the city that the old brii house built by Dr. Lowe in the car days of Omaha , and which waa 1 calod near the storage rcaorvolr of tl water works had burned down abe noon. This waa a familiar landma : to many of our citizens , and waa bu of brick brought up the river on .steamboat. It was purchased aom tlmo ego with the land nn which was located by Dr. S. D. Mercer , w ! loNca nbant 81,000 by the cataatroph Thehoneo waa occupied by a fami named Bailey , who loao tha majori cf thuir furniture and household i foots. SLAVEN'S YOSKM1TE COLOGS Made froir the wild flowera of t FAR rAMKii YOSEMl'JE VALLI it Ii the moet fraprant ct perfuin Manufactured by Tl. B. Slavon , S Francisco. For Halo in Omaha by J.Yhltuhon e nnd Koiinaia Bro Tbntnuubanaof Mine. IB three timea the man ho was I fore he began naing "WoliV Ileal Henewur. $1 , DruggUts. THE STATE CAPITOL , A Uallery Glimpse of the Bra ? ana Serious Gents Compos ing the Legislature , " A Congregation of Bralnj Men Worthy of the Trust Committed to Them " The Free Paoa Compliments c the Omaha Road Respect fully Declined. Futile | Attempt to Annul th Trickery of the E5peakr of the Hou e. A Largo Number of Bill * Intrc tlncod aud Urderodi Judso Oaalin Sketcnns the Label of ttio StiUo Judlclury , THE BILLS. Special Correspondent ! ! ol 'lu ! ! . THE HALINE LAND STEAL , LINCOLN , Nob. , January 10. Sorni tiling ought to bo done during thi scaaion to forever atop the inlrodm tion ot , the biennial bill which ahoul properly bo entitled "an act to Btot the Saline lands of the Stato. " Th same old bill waa yesterday introduce in the house , and one might have nc tiood a bland amlloplay across the fac of the momboro as the clerk prcceodo to wade through fltteon or twont pages of uonsonso. Some mombe ought to introduce a bill providing fc the sale of this land , and have th proceeds covered into the treasury and thna take away the tomptatioi which is now staring the Lincoln rin in the fnco. This land i valuable and would Bill well but the State should dlvld the land up into forty.acr tracts and sell it. The legislature ha the right , and unless it is done som schema will bo dovlaod whereby 1 will bo gobbled up sooner or later. In the house to-day at noon 7 bills had boon introduced. This ma bo sot down DS a Rood day atu' half's work , but it is hardly probabl that csiuany will bo introduced agai in the oaino length of tlmo. TUE JOIIICIAUT. The resolution introduced yosterda oolaring it to bo the tonne of thi lonao that the judicial diotricla c ; io atato bo increased from aix t iuo was , by unaaimoua consent aknn up. In this conuoution a lottc coin Judge Gaalin , of the Fifth oia rict , addressed to Mr. Hall , of Oast ran handed ap to the chair and roa > y the olprk , us followe : on. J. Holt : DEAU Sin : Judge Lake informed ir ast night that you were daniroua of ol lining information relative to tbo ruilue : ' the courts lu the several districts , lerowlth Rive you the number of days iavo held court in the several counties I my district for the Inat three yeara and tt onditiou of the dockets and business. Very respectfully. WM. GASI.IN. Durinr 1880 , 1881 and 1882 I have he ourFin the IMfth judicial district of N iranku aa follows : Days Daya D.v 1880. 1881. 188 Vdnms county S'.t 28 ! Jutfilo 15 la Jlioyecnu 0 4 ) .iwson G 4 Yanklln G 5 ' 'urnan 5 7 Inrlau 11 7 Htchcock 1 1 Cearney G 4 jlncoln 7 l'J led Willow 1 1 Sherman 0 U . Vobstcr 5 3 11SJO Dockets all clear , every case having bo cached aud forced to trial unless contl ued by consent as upon a strict nlx > wii JftacB nlmjat invariably reached , and ale ) lo opportunity afforded to dl pete anio trrm Issue is joined. Not n c : inder advijemcut la tlia district in 1 ( hnn one-third of the time , ani binim will not materially change or increase I ( Signed ) WM. OASLIN , Jn. Judge Filth Judicial District After the reading of the letter t whole matter waa referred to the oo : mittco on judicial districts. T1IE RAILROAD KOLK3 from their notions are evidently e pectlng to have a bomb-shell thro\ into their ounp from some quart ) and the speaker , while ho brags abc hia sand ia evidently afraid that t antl-monopa may undertake to rose the luault of yesterday. The speaker yesterday voted twi on the adoption of a resolution a instated tint lie waa right. 'Ho vet once and made a tie , and 'hen vet again to break the tip. Ho did tl when ho wan very nnxioui to have 1 aldo win. Thia ntato bus many ci ious rcoordi , but this is ono of i oddest specimens this country of ot can produce , for wo think wo are a in eayint * that there is no other ati lu tha Union that can compare with in thia respcot. For a long time instated that ho was entitled to n v < aa the member from Pawnee , a could also vote to break the tlojGna ! somoof hia particular friends came him nnd explained the ridlcnlonsn of his position , and ho drew out c of hia votes. ANTI UONOl' MALARIA , At the opentne of the session in < senate the prealdint ; odicor corapli.it that ho waa shaking , if not w ague , at Icaat with cold. The w dowa were not rnado rttont enough keep ont the wind , The Bonato , r egnizing the dellcato constitution the lieutenant governor , nnd also membering that ho bad boon rccen ( routed to a etwero cooling procc ordered the scrgoant-nt-arms to wa him up. DECLININO I'APSfS. Bonator lleynolda ottered the I lowing- W1IKIU-A3 , Thn 0 , , M .t St. P. r road hienurouBly ( presented each nn her vf tha fcitato with an annual pat8 c Ita road ; and , WtiEitKAB , The lifculnp of free pa e public olUcorti la ngnlntt public poll therefore ttavhvtl , That such paiica bo reap fully returned. But tbo lieutenant governor ru the motion out of order on the groum that no man has a right to orde another man'to send back hia pass , The resolution was BO changed ate to road : "Wo disapprove of the c cnntanco of railroad passes by publi officers , " nnd was adopted , Cantield Oonklin , Harris and Sewers voting i the negative , HAILROAB CROSSINGS. Senator Brown , of Douglas , intrc ducod a bill providing that aoy rail road shall have power to cross , jot or unite its track with any other roa Already built. And also that all train shall atop for freight and passenger at all railroad crossings , and saiCabl passenger stations shall bo constructci at all such points. The bill provide penalties for violation of the law. MILITIA PAY , Senator Canfiold offered an amendment mont to the militia bill , giving $101 ocr annum to each rqllltary compau ; for rent of armory ; and oflloers am men shall receive the aame pay am rations as members of the ri > gula army , when on clnty. The adjucan general shall receive $500 per annum lloport of committee on rules wa adopted with an amendment directing that any bill referred to a regular o apodal committee shall bo returned t the aeutUo within four days unlna special permission ia given for longu time. pROiinimNa ISSUE OF r ASSES. A bill Introduced by Senator Hog nolds prohibits any railroad compan ; from issuing passes , and also prohlb any public oillcer from accepting an using passes , under penalty of $50 fine , forfeiture of oftico , and imprisonment mont until fine and coats are paid. The house committee on fmanc waa requested to introduce th general appropriation bill not late than January 20th. W. E. GENERAL WORK Special Correspondence of The lite. RKSATE. LINCOLN , January 10. The senat ia fairly at wotk. Looking npon thi body , ono is struck at the change i It's poraonel , it indicates not only th change in sentiment , bat registers th growth of the atato in intelligence an wealth. Thoao roaorved , grave an noble gentlemen will compare favoi ably with any similar body of me anywhere. Some few bald head shine amongst the ranks , aomo ai "bearded like a pard1 some hav acquired the rotundity that come with advanced life , and the "otini cum diijnitate of positioHs remove from incessant labor and prccariou means , and most eoem like brainy earnest men worthy of the trust coin raitted to thuru , and who will acqui themselves well. " This moruin while the journal waa being roa by Seoley , pagea were seoi DIHTKII1UTINQ A NEAT ENVELOrE to each senator. It proved to con tain an annual pass from the Chicago St. Paul , Minnoapolla & Omaha mil road. This public method of diatrib uting and accepting favora pat th senate to the teat. Reynolds , of Butler , rooo as coo : as possible and offered a resolution the gist of which was that the passe honld be returned. The lloutooant governor ruled 1 ut of order on the ground that th enato had no right to order the re urn of what belonged to anothoi Brown , of Lancaster , wanted t now how such an order could bo et orcod if passed. Reynolds aald ho simply wanted t cat the matter and put nenatora o ecord in reference to such favors. Brown , of Douglas , said ho looko upon it aa an act of courtesy and gor oroalty on the part of the auperintor dent of the St. Paul road , an lie wan la favor of asking hii o oand hia favora to Arizoi or New Mexico. Brown , of Lanca or , waa in favor of asking lhat paaci might bo cent to each of his contttti onts. After a "little moro nonsetiE had boor indulged io , lloynolds r. . modeled hia resolution BO aa to mat iroad , ' 'That the nonato diaapprov of the acceptance of passes. " The ayes and naya were called , ut all prraout votca eye , except Oanfial Oonkling , Harris and Sowers. THE LINCOLN MONTJMKNT. The soiiato was informed that tl contribution ot the state of Nobra : ! to the national fund for erecting monument to Lincoln had never bo : paid , It was decided to invostign why ' .hia waa ao , and what had bocor of the appropriation mrdo at form sesulon for that purpose. A hirio ; number of bills wore inti ducod looking to railroad legialatio Many of them are impracticable oru constitutional , and will never bo hea of again , but out of the mnas u b will ba trained that will to HOUIOC tout moet the wishes of the paoplo the stato. All wanted may not bo t tired , but i\ atop in the right din tloa wilt bo takou. TUE HOUSE HUSINKSS. LINCOLN , January lO. In t houao this morning very little w done except the introduction ti reading of bills. The resolution declaring it to be t oanso of the honeo that the fitato i qulrea nlno inatcad of aix judges cai up. up.A latter from Jadgo Gaslin v read , Baying that ho conld do all 1 work in less than one-third of t time. The resolution waa referred t o committee on judicial districts. Up to noon to-day 70 bilia li been Introduced in the houao , the senate the principal business T reading bills , A resolution waa introduced Senator lloynolds declining < passes sent to the members by t Ghicaco , St. Paul , Minneapolis Oinnha railway. THE A1TUUNOON IN THE HOUSE. After proceeding with nome uni portant buninesD in the house a rci lution was introduced by Juiiion , Butler , diaabarging the houao me bers appointed yesterday by t speaker on the tpecial railroad co mittce. The speaker decided the n tion out of order. Kubbcrti uppal from the decision of the chair , but \ chair wab sustained. Several mo bera explained their votes , Baying tl while they did not approve of i committed na appointed they thouf that It waa not in the power of t houio to discharge the committee , the whole thing had been returned the senate. Robberta then moved cqnoat the "soiiato to return the rose ution to the houso. This waa do uated by a vote of 41 to G5 , IN THE SENATE. There was introduced in the aonat a memorial to congress asking tha railroad lands in this state bo taxed a bill to abolish the ollioo of distrlc attorney and create that of county at ornoy , A bill to give Inmates of insan asylums the the right to oend and receive coivo letters , Bonding to the poniteri iaryany official who interferes o ampere with such letters. A bill to make the man who receive usurious Interest liable for three time ho amount. E. B. Blair was elected assistan > oatmaetor. PER3ONALs S. A. G.-si , of Chicago , is At the Pai tn. Charles Fcnton Harvey ia at the Mil ard. ard.E. E. K , Atmor , of York , is at the Metre politan. H. A. Jaino' , of Plum CreoV , is at th Milhrd. II. W. Vanghan , of Fremont , h at th 'axton. A. B. Ideeon , of listings , ia at th J. W. llhnebaugh , of OihVosh , is at th Taxton. obt. jr.Whitolaw , of St. Louis , ia i he I'ftitun. 'c ! ! -i i " - ' - fe-- - - - Geo. A. Brooks , of Baztle Mills , is t he Mlllard. CharlBg Schwaab , of Cheyenne , ia &t tt Metropolitan , N , A. Koberteon , of Promiio City , Ia i at tke Paiton. 21. McLtcn , of Tekam&b , ia a gneat < he Metropolitan , W. H. Patriarche , of St. Louis , in guest of the Paxton , H. U. Bright nnd wife , of Chicago , ai guests o ! the Paxton. S. P. Parker , of Pierce , wna a gnest < the Mlllard last night. H. M. Atwood , ngent for Anthony tills , is at the Metropolitan. George Kichards and wife , cf Counc iluds , are at the Metropolitan. J. H. McDonnell , master mechanic < the U. P. at North Platte , ia in town. E. M , Gontrold nnd J. H. Decker , re ] ceenting Lcavitt's min&trols , are at tb Mlllard. D. C. P.\Uon nad E. C. Dearborn. < Ynyne , registered at the Motropuliu esterday , E. A. Boloa and C. E. Wilkinf , of Mi ouri A'alloy , resistorod at the Mutropol an ytbtordar , Hon. O , P , Mathewson , of Noif jlk , iui he city. Hon. J. W. Pollock , thu West Poii lanker , v aii lu town to-day. JB , D. Lewip , the vcll known Union P , ifio engineer , has gone east on a visit I ils family ia New York. Mr. Louis LUtlefield , of Saratoga , r urned last evening from a monthV vU o his old homo in New Englan J. lie wi accompanied by hU elator , who comes vrn with the hopa of benefiting her bealtl and whoie name will bo found recordc amen ? the arrivals at the Milliard. M and Miaa Littlefield Cime by way of tl Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul roai tnd were snow-bound just this aide of A pinwall from G a. m. to 4 p. m. Wo ai ; lad to eee Louie bad.aud tbero are man otbers who will give him a warm welcom METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMJ HA , NEB. ' Tables supplied with the beat tl mnrlcot nflords. The traveling pnbl claim they got bolter accominodstiur and moro yonoral aatlafactiou hai than at t.ny other honae in Omnhi Uato , $2 per day. au 21tfm EMEMBER THIS. If you arn sick Hop BUters wi nuroly r.id Nature i making you we when all ebo f aila. If you are cootivo or dyappptio , ( are sufTnring from any of the numo ous diseases of the stomach or bowel it ia your own fault if you remain il for Hop Bitter * are a soveroic remedy In all such complaints. If you are wasting away with ai form of Kidney diaoase , atop tomptit Death thia mnmont , and turn for euro to Hop Bitters. If you are nick with that torrib oickncBs NervbusnoBB , you will find "Balm in Qiload" in the use of Hi Bitters. If you are n frequenter or a re ; dent of a miasmatic district , barricai your system againat the ncourgo of i countries malaria , epidemic , bilio nnd intermittent fevora by the u of Hop Bitters. If you have rough , pimple or B ! low skin , bad broith , painn and r.chi and feel niaorablo ponorally , H Bittora will gi'-o you fair akin , n blood , and awoeteat breath , health ai comfort. In ahort they euro all diseases the atomch , Boweln , Blood , Liv ( Nerves , Kidneys , Urighl's Diseai $50o will bo paid for case they w not euro or help. That poor , bedridden , invalid w1 sister mother , or daughter , can made the picture of health , by a f bottles of Hop Bitters , cos'inp bu \YillyoulotthomauDror ? LOftNMOW TO LOAN Call at Law otllcoof D MONEY room SCrcUhtan lllock. ONEY T i LOAN -Jn chattel turity. A. 11. Tutton , No. 1010 IMU ; upstairs. 41B- ' TO 10AN At 8 per cent . terust.n sums otfj.OOO and ward * , for Mo 60 ear * , on llrat ili : > a citj illicit. proprrtlltyis HIUL E.ICITH * nd LOAM Aoiu IBth anil I > ouilaii Sin. _ rttuf ( \ \\ANtnUSOUTH-Ship.tPB J.i" ) U Ho iio.lyfontrii.-tor. . II. Mann * oiler Aj list , n.ar firnam , _ _ 718-1. / n Ml'.N WA K hannaiCl'y Si-lnflol 1) ' JicmiihU U. It. MannwclUr U h . r t'orium , 71U-K Smart active errand boy wanttxlat I'rci A Ick' * HatBtoic. 723-1 TTTANTt'D-A R-oJ ceok t Mi * Touiil W Ch'ufO ' Strett bttA'atn JUt and 22nd. 7U ASTKD TWO irootl chamber mild * , n W but llio c whg are willing towork , need plfi CMlatylUtonjliabt. CiMO TTANTED A flrit cla tlnnci no oth r I V PP'Xi ' po < " ? d utttdy cinplojmriit uarantce-l , JaineiU aty Grand Iiland. bU7 12 { \T ANTED -Men and womtn to * tart n new i > builttOM at their own lioinci. no peddlng Oo an hour made ; ecnd lOc for in unmnlcs and n ructions. Address MASON & CO. Montpello 'crmoiit. ' _ jqs m e col 12 r , \r ANTED E\cry one to leave orders foTlioTp rV ut217 N. ICth itrcetup-stalra. 332 tt MIOELUAHJJ3 W-trj 3AUTNhll WAKTT.ll A flno npenlrif t'the . rliiht m n and from f 00 to a thousand dol'ars a > h to t ko half con net on ono cf the bes > pay. n r bu IIICM In the wist. Addrca * for panlcu- arn liox 823 Om&lu NrbrtlliA. 728-11 ' rANTKD Hull of furnished ro"m wTh TT boirdfonclf and wife in strictly prlv to aiLllr , first cl 's location. ' cit cf ro'erenco ( ; lv- n. AddrcM M. A Armitronr Jlllluil H tcl main. 7M-17I _ TTANTEt ) Hoarders at $3.BO per week or TT tU.OJpcrmonlh , at 807 lUrncy , between h and ! ) th ttuct. JACOB SCIIHIDT. TTANTED Two ge-itlom n table boirderi at TT corner Caiiltol arenuo aid 17th 3 s Go ( > d oferenco' rcqiilreil 70lit " -JITUATIONB WANTEO. TTANTPDSitmtlon by an as-IMant book- VV keeper can Rive tno b stctyrtferenra Ad- rcss II Uce ollicu. 7 3 uj "OH HCHT I1UHM < / . . . „ 71011 Hi-NT 1'arior. bedroot , nnd clos-t , lur- : iilshcd or unfurnished > cry the > p. Inipilra I > omo tic > " at Crulckshank's. 721-1 1 } TIOH HE.NT riyo rionnand lla'l up stilrs , . front and rear tntrtnco , Coiuetlent for a .mil family , 31S TO par mcnth. IniUlru | at 1815 > St , 720-5" _ n HKNT Klvo unfurnished upper roims , front and back cntranc ; . H fertiiees S. K. corner 17th anil Chicago St. 72M2f TIOH HKNT Furul < hei4 rooini , ono plcnunt . room lth heat , also one corner front room t715l)3dgoSt ! For gcnticmin only. 72'j-ll T\OK \ HENT I'our comfortable basement . rooms Btiltablo for hou8cecplng also good tarn. Inquire Immediately of r. D. Cooper otth west corner of 23rd and Hurt St 730-lm 7I IOR BENT-Double ofllce In Jacobs lllock" - C7J-15 710K UK > T Up-stairs , 1417 atratt , . 71515 JOHN Q. JAC01J3 TT10H RENT Store reom No. 1309 Furna'ii St. K Contract must bo made this monih. rail on F. J. HcShane , 1410 FarnamSt. 699-13 fjlOH RENT I otter for rent tny dwelllne house r furn shod or unfurn'shol , N. W corner ft * nam and Utn * ticet 6 beiJrcomj , parlor1 dining- room , kltjton , bathroom , wit rcloset , city w er KM , andscwor conrectlsn. Far terms apply on tae pronlioiand to w. a. Shlrer Htn' ' Kotate Agent. T. W. T. Blchard. 712 Imo F EST Cottage of flvo rooms. Thoinaa Hwltr , Chictgo aud IBth strett. 71011 7 > 01l"l5HKDnoOMSTO RENT Ani norm 7 8uila > l fcr lljht hnuaeliecpl gandonacot- toge t' r re t. Iiqulro 1317 Douglaa street. 700-11 TOFl WENT Ho rm for Hwht homckccpln ? ' 81800. Apn'ygm ' W h terSt. C'-S-lUt ' TOR It NT OaoUrfro nl oy fnr/iis'ieii room ! wiih hoard for two a ; 1808 CallfornU St. 707-1 mo. 011 HUNT Two new resilience houses Just . conilctcd ] , eloN en rooms each. t south west orncr UOth and Harney , each liouso has all mod rn imrironjiLents. Sen Janus Ncvlllo. C89-10t r Tno nicely Iirn'slifd rooms S. K. lorncr 20th ni Ui ( ni-ort with or without 050-13 } _ 7lUHNISIiri : ) U001H AVI ) 1JOAUD Jl-dcrn J c men once 181Ul > od ? it ( T > 1 13t HUNT 139 ConvtntttKLt St. JIarj'sav. J cnue. ncnc htorj homo slv rooms aril two Jrs.0 s'abU , Inqulru linrk i luoj. Uass ollico. I7IOR 1IKNF 2 houses of 8 rooms oiih. In ClltlrO 1019 l tivnlii * ! ! ofji f Rni CTOU KENT Ono double tno sf o bit ding 1 * eultabotor cro cry , n ln , n , liutchot fhop , r anvcthorbujlnosf. Locit d BO thit a iood armcr'a trade cau botocurcd. Knqulrsof Ilia. M. I.siur , earner Jackson and 13th Btroct. L > E1I1S'New Map of Omaha , lust completed nd J ready for delivery at 5 each. Is 4 feet wldo y 7 Jeet lone. Laritcst and most complctn map t Omaha c\cr publlahcd. OUlclal map ot tha Itv. Sco column. .V 71011 SALE-Small house on ! ca < ed lot S. H. J corner Dth and Jackson. Inquire on prem- 717-231 [ J OTEL rOH SALE CHEAP C'J milfs cst o ! L I Oiuaha , on the Union I'acinc railroad. rick l-nrn , two tsry hotel and furniture , thieo osGKi2 | ; ooit btiind , K'od business , lio.d easoiu fur scl.ln ) ; . Imjuliu ot ulwcrlbcr. AI , NOItUIS , 713-lm-mu Kojth tend , Neb , C ANCP1 CuBlncsl for SiIo-A BUS1VCSS i eo"11' ' stock of mcrchnrdl c , In H ( food A-n , on the I ) . & XI. mad ; iloln a ( rood iu < i- c satdcjrrya fll s'lectid stoeV. C u ofcr l Ic r , t'ichipfM.i.3iie H. K r firther I'for- Tiatlon addr.a."ililsc , ' 11 Ollkc. J .nUOt FOH SALi : OH THAUK IVr Colorado Proper ty , a peed re taur.vt IHxtures and ttook , toek ca h , bnlldlnir 22VO lot i ! xCOIrqulrocf It. Duncan Mahcm UU.T. ' ( j2-10 ! [ T10H S.\LB-Sfx room eottajo with barn tmd 1 } hall lot on Chieigo street , near Hlsh School nlxS2,30i1. MeCAGUi : , fcUO doe ii7 tt OPD. 1'os'oinco. ITIOR 8ALK A flret clans leooud hacd phseton' P CaliatlSlOTTarntySt. SP7-W XCELLESl' BKlfKFOK SALU 9 00 per th'U'and , YorJ IBth fe'reet ' , two b'o.-ka cuth rf IDMuvuo reid dicjBjSnl { IjOHntZO DIBPI.E. New Map of Omaha , Just completed anu BK11IS for delivery at $ . " > each. la 4 feet wide "iy 7 feet long. Largest and mo t complete map if Oinalm over published. Onlclftl map ot the Ity. Boa column. Pocket book neu n. I ! , on 7th St. The TOST J honolt Under \\lll bo rcwar- . rtclUir at lieo oitlce. 8J2-10t lIKilay bo nlatlho Crci Lton house I re- ducjd to JiOOtlcrw o . 1'jl-lfi uY The llefntr SUrltcd Springmanufactur- cdand arented by e. T. lienhow 71U South Jth St. Omaha. K < 3 dec 1M ! t U C. IlIUINAlll ) , Taxi lermiet. Ocerhcada , a . rpoclalty , 13th , Ic . Howard and Jnckbon. KDWARDKUEHL. MAO STF.R r K PAUIYSTKUY AND CONDI TI 'NAL1ST , 4K Tenth Btreet , between Karnsm and Haiuey. Will , with be aid of euardhn 3i Irita , obtain for any ono n Bianco of It-opaat arid present , and on certain condltlona In tbp fu ture , liootx and Shoes made to order. 1'iifret latlrfactlon tturanteed. Absolutely Pure. Thlj ixmtlrr necrarlci. . A marvel of purity , ttrr i ti and ttliolrkoinuicn. > lo.c ( onoiiilial tliin ihoori'nir ! > k mtu , nnd ( .i : > not ho nold In i-ompcti Ion wall tbe multitude ol low t"sl , hort \\ii.ht , alum or ph uphate po > 'er. H..Moulyln rann. HoVAL IHUNO t'ownta Co. , Wall St. ' mi New York.