TBE DAILY BEE OMAHA TIIUBSDA , JAFTCJABY II That is what a great many people arc doing. They don't know just what is the matter , but they have a combination of pains and aches , and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is BROWN'S IKON BITTERS , and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and enriches it , cind rich , strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues , drives out disease and gives health and ' strength. This is why BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will cure kidney and liver diseases , consumption , rheumatism , neuralgia , dyspepsia , mala ria , intermittent fevers , &c. soj S. I'aca St. , Baltimore. Nov. 98,1881. I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia , and for several weeks could cat nothing and was growing weaker every day. I tried Urown's Iron Bitters , and am happy to say I now have a good appetite , and am getting stronger. JOS. McCAWLUY. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is not a drink and docs not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious ef fects. Get the genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations. . _ _ , . . 1 wurrantna p Ute to Uo wearer Ih nvorr way , , . or icv wouoy will bfrrrotumio < l by ' * * .V tlin pcrBou Jtoinwhom It wa bought. - ' to onlyConictproiiounrwl by our jtortlna rhT'l'lnJ Hot Injurlou * to the wearer , widrnclorMdliy Udln i r.b * "imntforaforiahlr wo pvrfoct Cttlnn Conot eri [ ottnic PoU I nn , 1.GO. 4b > lomlnnl ( oitrulicurir ) . ( ! ( ) . Nurilog , * 1.8 rrttervluit ( One rotilll ) fC.UU. I'urua-o HMri'Hupportlnir. l.r.O. r > ale l > y IroJInlt llctnli llriilori ererjrvher < ; UICAOO cor.aKX cu , , uuicutco , ui. -L TEUE FELLOfi Worthily point to the "HUB PUNCH" A < an article of such rare and exceeding merit I deserve a place on entry sideboard , I t ABooinl Clni * of Hit > > * > i , ) , If most welcome accessor ) of friendly Intercoure petull.rly acceptable at iiartlan. Ui.cork , an tl * ready. 1'uni.hcs brewed . at requ.t are fi behind It In ( U\or. Olltml orator * neier dls.lose The real our e whence thuir cloamnce Hews Bclietc rut , It comes , after dinner or lunch , , Tram & flowing lowl of OUAVhS' HUll U CI Th f niDio Jtud tltle-"HUH PUNCH" U dc ttda.mtr.do inaik. All untuthorliod um tht tr.d mark will be promptly prooejutod. 0. II.GMYKS&SOKB , EOSTO.S , UA6S. The "III ' . ' : ' " . I'UNCU" Ii lold br ml l , dlne ft ! Trad" HUppllei ot llanafacturcr'g iirlc by M A. MoNan-ara ; ftmlllca Bupplied I A. It ( jlarlBtone. Omalia Neh Sami(3lCEavis60o ] ( DRY GOODS Washington ; Avo- and Filth S ST. LOUIS BKMOED TO NO. Oil 10TH I : DB1UB IH , ALL KINDS OF WINE ! LANGTRY'S ' BIG PROFITS Ovo' S100,000 , Thus Far Receive From Her Eastern En gagement , Successful Stare Financial ! Contrasted Bernhardt's Popularity , few \osl fttar. Arnorlcnns nro , nnd nlwaya hav beeu , ft theatre oin > { pcoplo. Evu when the nation was in the tliroos c * urnnt civil war the thuatrca woi rowdod. Indeed , the fonndatiotia c many theatrical fortnnin wcro laid dui ag inuBu troublous titnnn , nnd it we lion that the prices of udmlnsicn t lUces of nmunoniunt were ndvance mi iho rrsurvod cunt principle ttiot atod. It was in 18G4 that Edwj tooth appeared in "ilamlot" for ot uurirod couaccutlvo performances : ho Winter Garden , and on nlmoi very oco.inlon to largo and payic i tinoo. Spectacle , hurlctquo nnd di moatlo drama were to bo seen nt tt itiur thuutrca. The peoptu seomt o winh to drown all thought of th lorrors through which the couuti wae passing m the light aud glitter < ho playhouse. Not only thii , bi aruo fortunes wcro buing mad money waa plentiful , and , in the e : ravaganco of the hour , the thcatn amo in for a full share of the wenlt hat was being BO loonoly ecnttcrc ) i adoast. It waH at this tim oo , thai actors began to rccou lie high salaried that have ginco coi inuod , and , altogether , the wi irought in a 'new era for the playi ind the piuyhouoo. But it must IK > o thought that 'hero had not boo irgo reoclpta at the theaters bofoi bis. 80 far back no the tlmo whe Edwin Forrest returned from his sei nd trip to England ho played t 1,000 and $2,000 hounoa and price were lower then than they are now- tnd his tour through the country wi iko a grand triumphal progreeo , i which ho won artlatlo renown on nauoial recognition. Ho died a ric lan , and would havodiod mnohrlohi ud ho not frittered away the lati ears * ol his llfo. Charlotte Oaihmc lao atuivseed a Jortutio by her proie Ion , oven althongh nho had muuy d icndenta upon her bounty. The author and the mnnogora i 'Tho Black Crook" nil became rii hrongh the production of that sped lo , and ulttjoutrh IT. 0. Jarrett , tl only surviving partner , may have lo money in o'.hor opocnlatlons , ho wiunitiR it all back in the ftbsurdl ailed "Fun on the Bristol. " "Frit ; > nnght in over $100,000 each for J. I Siamot , the actor , and Charles G ur , th author , in a llttlo ever a yon M. B. Curtis might retire from bui ness very comfortably on the profs of "Sutn'l of Poson , " and the can an bo said of Danman Thompaon ni 'Jofltua Whitoomb. " When "Ti Two Orphans" was first produced ho Union Square theater It ran f 179 perf.rni nooi , and the gross i ceipts were $100,500.50. At the fii revival forty.eight performances we ilvon , and the receipts wcro $3' 93(5.25 The oeoond revival oo nlatcd of twonty-ono porfori nneea , and thol reacipta wo eiiii'.SO CO. m&bltkt 1 grai toUl at the Union 'Square Theat alone of (2U0.92G 25 , nnd the roculr. a other plaots and at other thoate tiust foot up an oven larger amoni The receipts for "Tho Lights o' Lo don , " which was performed at time mo house 131 times , were $12 [ 709.25 Thoeo facts and fiRuroa n convincing Indices that n vast sum uoney ia upcnt every year in thoati ; al aniUBoment , and thcro ia not mui wondur that foreign nctors look America aa a eort of novr Golcom where thuy will reap n goldou harvee The latest importation is Me Liingtry , and although the critics hav n the majority of inaiancca , haudh lor without i > lovoa and her indlscre incapadcs have brought her into f rom apreeablo notoriety , neither si nor her manager has reason to cot ) laiu of the substantial patronage th iM been accorded her. Mr. Abbi tppoara to have secured the monopo > f foreign nrtiats , and it is estliuati .hat when he comes to balance h looks at the end of the season ho wl ind himself with a clear profit 8150,000 to his credit. For the pu ijso of aacortainlng the receipts aoino of thu notable foreign nrtlc who have como to this country , a St reporter called nt the Grand ope house , whtro W. W. Tillotaon , tl icting manager , was found. Mr. T ; otaon commenced his theatrical care w c Ih'oo boy for Jurrotl it Palme ind , by plodding industry , has attal od the position of. manager and tl poeecgelon of a diamond acarf-pl What "Till" does not know about tl jox-oflico working of a theater IB har y worth knowing , Oa beiu nski or the groan rocctpto of the Langti eng nement up to the present tim Mr. Tillotaou toyed gently with li bft whiakor ho 1ms an abiding con donao in nud love for hia whukora aud turning languidly to a shoot [ > apar containing a HUBS of ligarc said : "Up to this morning , Thurada the receipts have been SlO-l/'oS.T Not bad , la it ? You see when M Abbey engaged the Jersey Lily it w a tosa up whether oho would bo Kreat success or a great failure , was takit.fc big chances , but the ti came up rluht , and wo have no reaai to bo dituMisficd , I can nsiiuro you "And has the engagement of Ma Nllsion boou equally auccesuf ul ? ' "yes , indeed. Our latest advte from Bun Frauclcco place the crt receipts at ยง 101,242 lu. She I created u tjonnino forora wherever B has gone. She seems to hi\vo frion and admirers In nil p'uts of the ooti try , and they never tire In doing hoi to her. She has fairly taken the 1 clfic elopers by storm , and her press engnijeinunt is tbo most tuccota Bho ha3 ever played in thU count You remember when shu first cc hero , nndor Max Strakoach'a tnana ; mont ? Well , the society poopla to her up. After her first performan at the Academy of Music , a uurnl of youug bloods took the horses fn her carriage and dragged her in 1 utnph to the roildouce of Dr. Do mui , on Fourth avenue , where grand reception was held , That i tied it. She bectmo a society j nd from that day to this she has a ! w < iy romalnod ono. " "But how do the engagements c lose two ladies corapiro with thosoc omo others Mme , Bernhardt's , fc nstanci ? " "Tho tttal receipts for Mmo. Bert iwdt'e porformunces in thia oountr were 8422,247.02. , Wo shall not quit each thoao Hgnrea ! th either Mn .a-jctry or Mmo. Ni'eaon ' , but mai lot loao sight of the fact that Mmt lernhnrdt waa n great novelty , "The Patti engagement was not B accotsftil , was it ? ' "Well , Mr. Abbey did not make ortuno out of Pattl , for the oxponat ? cro very heavy ; bat you will prob : > ly bo surprised when I tell you th ; bo groeo receipts of the engagemot monntod to $209,107 91. " "Not bad , mobt decidedly , and no oil nio , these are all foreign nrtleti tow did the engagement of Kdwi Inotli , a nntivo aotor , compare wit hem ? " "Do yon remember when Edwl loath appeared at Udvorlj's thcatt then the Lyceum ) notno sis ycai go ? Ho waa under the mauagomi > t f his father-in-law , and Mr. Mi Viokor lost ? 10,000 on the ongigi uout. The next eoason ho npponre t Daly'a theater , and the prntitn e : coded thu amount of Mr. McYickor OBSOS. There's an example of tl ioklencss of the Now York publio fc , on. During his engagement , wit Mr. Abbey last uoaaon the grogs re oipU were $294,137 60. Trul here are ups nnd downs lu an actor Ifo. " And Mr. Tilloteon sank btc anguldly in his chair and basely d ertod his left whiakor for hlH righ Liter in the day. Uuclo Samii 'olvllle was found ensconced in easy asy chair in the smoking-room of tt Vcatmlnster hotel , When asked as to the receipts i 'The ' World" and "Taken Froi ilfe , " ho lazily took the citrar froi is mouth , and tottling back in h hair with n cart of dolco-far-hlcnto-1 m-Samuol'ColvllIo smile upon h ace , said : "Really , dear boy. it would bo hni a say ; but I think you can roadil ut 'Tho World1 at fully $300,001 or it has been traveling all over tl ountry , and is still traveling to goc ualnojs. As to 'Taken From Life do Now Ywrk critics eat down npc : pretty severely , nnd they can hard ! > o blamed , for it did not have a goc banco with the cast which original ! layed in it hero. Bet now , dear bo ; have altered all that aud have bcc making money with it throughout tl iroviucoH. I do not doubt that will bring mo out $10,000 ahead at tl d n { the season. " "You brought Lydia Thoinpoon hia couutry , did yon not ? " "Well , I should smllo. Yes , ii deed ; and n great card eho wtsVh wo coined money. I will never forg firat niuht the company uppoart at Wood's Museum. The hciueo w itiakod. Tbo public know they wo iO BOO something novel , but they hi 10 idon of the extent of the novolt Poor Harry Beckett made the first h of the evening as Trotter Southdov n the opening farce , and then can iho burlesque Ixlon.1 When Lyd Thompson bounded on the stage [ xion there was a salvo of applans Ada Harland as Jupiter , Lisa Web aa Mercury nnd Harry Beckett Minerva , were all well received ; b ; ho sensation of the evening was whi Pauline Marklum strode before tl audience as Venus. She was arrayi entirely | n twhita , o < J Uuro rraa n nuoh nrrayfng. At first there was mail , thou there was a buzz , then .romcr , then u chorus of suppressi "nhs , " ' and finally the whole va audience burst out in cheora. Ah , n dear boy , I don't believe that ai roman ever had Huch a recaption o iroly on her personal beauty. The waH only ono Pauline Markhnm , at oven if another woman equally ban rome were to como nlonij to-day I i uot believe that the sensation of th light conld ever bo repeated. " "But what were the profits ? " "Profit * ? Glory , honor , ronov iid over $100,0001" Just then Max Strakosoh waa BO lasting nnd the reporter captur ilm before ho had reached the cornc "Max , " ho said , tapping him i ho shoulder , "what cun you t mo of big recoipto In the operatic bm now ! " "Big receipts ? Oh , I have so hem , but the biggest I ever kn ( raa tho'night at the Academy Muslo when I presented Parcpa-Roi \dolftido Phillips , Wachtol aud Sat ey in ono performance. Wo took $8.000. ' From all of which It can bo inferr hut the Jeraoy Lily , oven with Frc die cud the poodle , has not done iioro surprising bueiuess thau some ler predecessors. Rlouefi in Hop At the present prices , tt-n ucroa lops will bring more money th ivo hundred acres in any other fan ng ; and , If thorn ia a consumer dealer who thinks the piioe of H KttoM high , remember that Hops a $1.25 pur Ib. , nnd the qnnnllty ui quality c f Hops in Hop Blttorc , ai no price remains the aamo us fornu y. Don't buy or use worthlets oti or imltnlionB boounao the uticu is lei Army Ordors. Captain Daniel W. Benham ni Second Lieutenant Daniel L. Ho oil , Seventh infantry , nro detailed nembeis of the genoinl court matt convened nt Fort D. A , llusso Wyo , , by paragraph 3 , special ordt No. 127 , eoriua of 1882 , from thc itsadqunrtors. A general conrt martial is n pointed to moot at Fort Omaha , No ! on the llth dny of January , 1883 , as soou thereafter as practicable , I the trial of Private Nicholas Oosgruvu , company G , Fourth iufa try , anvl such other piisouera as tube bo brought before it. Detail cf t court : Major Isaac D. Dellnti Fourth infantry : Captains Charles von Hermann , Fourth infantry , n Thomas F Quinn , Fourth Infant First Liontonnnta Luigi Lomla , Fi artillery , nnd Edvrnrd L , Ball Fourth infantry ; Second Lieuteun : Charles G Treat , Fiflh artillery , a Magnus 0 , Hollia , Fourth Infant Second Lieutenant Carver Ilowlai Fourth infantry , jndge advocate. Lieutenant AI , 0. Footo , cdjuti Ninth Infantry , having complied w Instructions in oiden No. 3 , d 1 Fort D. A. RusBell , Wyo. , January 2 1883 , will return to his station , For D A Rmioll , Wyo. Sergeant Kent , company H , Sovontl Infantry , Corporal Wittonau , compan ; D ( Ninth infantry , having compllei with inntrnothns contained in ordet No. 3 , dated Fort D. A. Hnesell , Wyo Tho. quartermaster's dopartmeu will furnish the necrsjary tranBportn tlon , and the subsistence departmen commutation for ono day each , it be ing impracticable to carry cooked ru tlons , Ilocrult John A. Ahtunenllatcd o Fort Omaha , Neb , , Ja assigned to th Fourth infantry. Capt. OharlcB R Barnttt , Riislntati .uartermatter U. S , A. , ia , by anthoi ty of the war department , ussigiw o temporary duty nt thoquartoruia ! or' * depot in this city , &nd will ropoi o Unptnin John V. Farcy , naalstati inrtertoBMtor , U S. A. Hon. D.inlol W. Voorhccn , U. Senator from Indisno , sayt : I cot idur St. Jacobs Oil n splendid rim dy. I suffered from rheumatism c ho back. I used St. Jacobs Oi which pave mo irstantancons rel 1ft ud finally cured mo completely. Real Eattao Tranefers. The following deeds were filed fc ccord in the county clerk's oflic 'anuary 10. Reported for TIIE BE iy Goo. W , Ames , real eetnto doalei J. B. Evans to T. S. M. Murraj w d , pirt lots 10 and 11 , block J Henry and Sholton's addition ; $3,00 ( I. S. HnBcill and wife to Margart jippincott , w d , lot 12 , block If mprovomont association ndditiot $300. $300.W. W. H. Ijams to D. St , Geycr , mai or'a deed , parcel acctlona 10 , 10 , K $ C39. C39.P. P. D. Orowoll et nl to D. St. Geye ; d , parcel of flections 10 , 15 , 1 ! 83500. Honest and Liberal. When the Hops lu each bottle i lop BIttern ( at the prooont prlci > 1.26 per Ib ) coat moru than a bott a sold for , bualdee the other ooatl mcdicinen , and the quality and pru are kept the eamo , wo think it lonest and liberal in the propolotor ind'uo ono should complain , or be ir uao worthless stnff , or oheatin logua linitatlona bacauso the price esa. The Creoles About 1745. Among the people a tranamnatlc was going on. French fathers wei moving aside to mnko room for Oreo ona. The life of the seniors he > 06D what the life of rodomptorla , nd liberated convicts , cotnblnii with that of n French and Swiss lit and staff in and about the ontpoata i uch a frontier , might be ; idle , thrlf oaa , gallant , bold , rude , free , ar corninl of labor , which the oompat lad brought into permanent contum > y the introduction of African olavo ! n thla atmosphere they had brongl up their children. Now thei children wcro taking their parent place and with Litin ductilil veto conforming to the mold > tholr nearest surroundings. Th ( differed from their transatlantic atoc much an the face of nature in Louis ana differed from that in Franco. Boll cf unlimited fertility beq m ; hrough slavery , not an incentivtT nduatry , bat a prornho of unearni ilenty. A Jsi'urious and enervattt climate joined its influence with th iondjtion to dubffifeyS'ft i the Gall eve of pleasure tl cn nnambitloi ipathy and nn nntrained seusuallt ; The oourtooca manners of France we argely retained ; but the habit of cot mandiuga dulland abject slave claa over which a "blaok coda" ga' every white man full powt of police , Induced a certain Her uipurionsucea of will and tempe while that proud love of freedom , pervAeivo throughout the Amorici wildernear , roao at times to an at tndn of arrogant superiority over i lonatralnt and became the occaolon larah comment lu tbo reports cent Franco by the oilicora of their kin in the lakes , canebrakca and swamf. and on the bayou ridgoa of tholr dar wet forests , and on thoaunny expatie of their marehea , a qioat abnndan of boara , panthera , deer , ewans , gee and Icaaer gomo gave t > bold zest arduous spurt. The chase became i most the cly form of exercise , ai woodcraft oftnn the only uducatio As for the gentler Bex , catching Ic grossnees from negro slavery and Ic rudeness from the wilderness , th wore , in mind as well as morals , n porior to the men. The conld ro and write and mnko rf little nine : Snch French vivacity aastill remain ohoBO the bull-roam an their chief t' ' light , while the gaming-tablo wno t in door paaeion of the men. Utu atr.tincd , proud , intrepid , m-lf-rehat rudely volnptuoua , of n high intolloi rial order , ytt unodne.itud , nnroasu -irapulaivo nnd icihuunablo-su waa the first natiro-born cjcncrftti of Franco-Lnnlaia.niana [ Ooorgo \ diblo in the .1 nnary 0 ntury. Hoi-sfurilV AoldiPlioiphato ns a 11 frliseraut Brink in F ver . Dr. ii S. DAVIS , Meriden , Oem aayn : ' I have ued It ai a plcaau and cooling drink in fovore , and ha been vnrv much pleaaod with it. " THE GREAT GERMJ REMEDY FOR PAIN nellorci aJ curd RHEUMATIS31 NouralTgln , Gcittici , Lumbago EE1D1CEE , IOOI31CHI SORE THROAT , QVINSV , BWrLLINO ! M'll.lIVS , Scrtctis , CuU , Braid AnJ til other tcl nni cisis i BOTH : EoUbjillDntilitii I ) < > l ri. Ulrcctloai la ( luniuti u A Vn.l.t k C ll > IIIuoi > , nl C. 8 , , ' * r thc ' ' 8' Tim K Jossu li Only Hie aiitliorUexl l-ytcr anJ hUli i not bo ' lllooj null InircUr" ttcry such a * KM aitl vlllho published , but tiua lllu bA only | ioi8on who U In IKWCMOII ! 1 1 the lac faith ul unil il < v tea lfo. Truth Ii more It csllnnthaii llctlon.irenti thomdapp y for rltoij at once. Bend 7G cti. for Sample be J H CUumbern & U0. . bt-JLonUMo A PJBW BARGAINS LOTS , Farms , Lands BY ! 5th&DouglasS1 HOUSES AND LOTS , No. 13 I'lill ot aud now house , 3 rooms , tv ) oow and 0110 up stairs. EUht foot celling be'o and cvcnnlioto. Urkk founilation , cellar , ct A bariraln , Jf.00. No. 18 iMje two story house , 10 rooms , tt argo cellars , g od cl and cistern , tain , etc. , < Wt foster and Ifjd ftrtet , 50,000. No 17 Lot C0\lt < 5 feet , new house ot tw rooms brick foundation 100 barrel cistern < ll mll oi street noir Poor ClareCor.\cnt SCOO. No. 10 House aud lot on 17th near ClarK S house 6 room etc 81200. No. 15 Uoii'c of 3 rooms full lot on Plerco E near 19th SK.OO No. 21 New ronseof 7 rooms , with corner Ic mil nillo wist of Turntable o ( red street cars c Sail dcrsSt. Slu 0 No. 5 Homo of tlht ; rooms , barn etc. 1 60x105 feet ? ' 00. 'Vacant Lots. No. 232 Two full lots on 10th Street near Lai St. 81000. No.351 Twenty flvo lot > In Parkers addltU lust north of the end of roil street car line g4C each cosy terras. ' No.310 Four lot9 on Delaware Et mar liar com paik , { 050. No. 831 One half lot on South avenue , net St. Mar > 'a areuue. WiO. No. 310-Elghtecn (18) lots on 21 t , 22nd , 23i ana SxunJorsbtrect , Loir Oiaco$500 each , ai , en eosyterms. N . 340-S1\ beautiful residence lots on Cathe inentreot , near Hunsoim park , $1,500 T elvo boiutllul residence Icu en Hamlltc street , near end of old Btrootcar track : Ulgh ac ilehtly , 83CO to 8700. Sevcial acre ai < d half are ccrior lota on Cut Irtr , Hint a dlalKori.il cticcts , In Lowe's cc otid addition and Park Pltce near Academy Saciod Hoiit. Lota m Prospect Placo" on Hatnlltin ai Chnrlos etrett. Ju t wcet cf the end of Ued Sire Cart ack and Convent of the bistcri of Po CHrt , ono and one half mile fiomnrstilllce , t ! n mile from U. P. shops , 8150 to 8300 cac cnly 5 percent down and5 per cent per mont Ljtdi'i Lewe'aIdltlon cno-h lf rnllo west end of Hod Stre.t Car track near Convent Pcor CUre Sisters In Shlnn'a addition , $125 8300 inch , and onery cary terms. I ota In Horlnch's 1st and 2nd addltlor Shlnn'e , Prk 1'laco , Low o'f2ud addition llizai Lnke'a , Nelson's , 11 an scorn Place , lUdlck's a dltioDs , etc. , to Lots In "Croi It I'omier nddltloa" Just 01 qu'itter mile south-fatt of Union Paclfls and and M. 11. It. depots , HiO to * l,600oach , \ ery oa terms. Business Lots. Tnron good buslnora lota on Dodge nrar U at root , 'JixlliD fitt each , $1,600 each , orMo ! ) , all , euy tirius. Two tfocd hutlnoaa lets on Farnam street , 3 C8 feet o ch , with frame buildings theron.reutl for ab u $ lCO ) | er jrareatli ; pr ce 8I/J50 eai 14x132 feit on Knruam rear 10thstreet , corn SI'0.0 Spler.illdVarchouso lot 01 Union PiclUc rig o' way. i oith of track i.d citt ct Kail Work , b in ; ; 134 lost Lorih f ontaito on JUson Btie ) > } about 100 fo t Best front i-e on IBtti it. K.ums ix-d utd lands In Douglas , Sarf DaJj , " , Wathlogton , llU't , , > S"avo , Siaiiton , nether other yooJ ccuntius in c'eni Njtjraekafor Kt inn pall , route collected , ani niotKij loan rn Improve' city and country tprot crty at 1 rates of interest BEMTS' NEW CITY MAP , FOU FEET WIDE AND SEVEN FEI LONG , WITH EVERY ADU TION RECORDED OR CONTE ? PLATED UP TO DATE. "OFF OTAL MAP OF THE CITY S5.OO EAOO. Heal Estate Agency 15th and Douglas St Omaha - Neb. A combination of Pro * lo.ride of Jlron , J.'cmvtan Jltirli mitt J'Aojji/ioriMin n jHilatabla form , .Tor Debility. Xo. of A\mt- Htc , 2 > roitratlon of Vital J'oitcrj < ( i iitiiif eit a- fclc. - HE V. J. Ii. TOWNEIl , -y a 7. A. I. HOBIiS Writes : After n thorough trial of the , PURIFIES IKON TONIO.I toke pleasure , SS SSsiSHf TlBLnffTlX * * &sffir 8 use. Ministers nnd PubJjJULJUJJ / the debilitated vital forces. llo Speakers will find It of the greatest value where a Tonic is neces * sary. I recommend It as a reliable remedial agent , possessing un doubted nutritive and restorative LmlnUlt , Ky properties , , Oct. 3,1WZ. , niPiEED B7 SHE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. , 13 IT. 1AU ! ? CT. , CT. LCDH J. A. WAKEFIELD , WnOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER W Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BUNDS , tWDSIJOS , WE , CEH1EB fiTSTATK AQEN1 FOR IIILWAUKKG CSMKNT OOUFAKT ) Near Union Pacific Deuot. OMABA OIF. . DEUGS , PAINTS , OILS , Window and Plate G'ass. ' OT Anyone contemplating building etore , bank , or ny other On * will flnd II to their td o to correa end with no before purchMlng tliotr Plato Ql s. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA _ - - NEB. STEELE , JJHN80N & CO. , IOLEBALE GEOCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Sail , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of ( MASS AH lANUIACTURED TOBACGO. mania for BBRWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO. JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES 'EASTERN ' PRICES DUPLICATED. 118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA POWER AND HAND Rl Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MACHINERY , BEL'nNO , H03K. DKAH8 AND IKON FITTINGS PIPE , PAOKINO , \VnOLKSALK AND KKTAIL. Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. DEALERS IN INLOCK 00 , Fire and Burglar Pro3 1020 Farnham Street , T. O . c OO QIV1AHA NEB. . o. J2I3 Farnam St. . Omaha , Neh. PERFECTION HEATIHGWAHD BAKIHG la only attained by using ff l ft I ) W fif L S * * Z * Stoves and Ranges.1 WITH W1BS GAUZE OVER DOORS , For sale by | MjlTOli ROGERS & SONS 03MC.gk.3QE.flL.