Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1883, Image 8

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, vlf * * * . - " * " '
, 'The Daily Bee.
Wodn eaday Morning , Jan.10
Wnather Hoport. .
following obforvatlon MO taken at
Ihf mine moainnt ot tlmont nil the ttatlonn
1\r \ < t frozin at Omnhi , tio/cn at Yinktor j
frozen t ! .t. Paul , frozen kt Da-
, frozen t I , Cro > er , froz
ftr.tShcliesat HI. Loulg.
The funeral of the fete Mr P. John
TarkTteok place a * . 2 p. m. yesterday.
An exployeof the sxolttnx worki wai
bidly hurt Monday night In the elevator.
The Omaha GJto Club bold n racotiog
* AJ. at Ho'pe'n hull lant nlvht for rohenrpal.
A'DoiijUs Btreot pnlonn keeper was
tl arroatcd joatcrday for keeping open af
ter 12 o'clock.
The fair for the benefit nf the Gorman
% > r i school will bo hold at Masonic hall from
thfl 22d to the 27th inet.
The Mrullfon Squire I'amcraldo Com
Ik i pany left for Ban Francisco on the over
laud train yesterday.
The llertnctianfl had a very plonaant
r . "
* > /time M ndty at the residence of Mir ,
8. H , H. Ulnrlf.
A , W. Fullrelde , thn Douglas street boot
and shoo man , hag failed ; hid liabilities to
* ' far as known nmountluK to about S3.0CO.
' ' All the eiwtern tMIm wcro reported
" four hours Into yeaferdoy nn.l tha U. 1 * .
' ' ' overland train WAR delayed nn hour and a
, > hnlf in consequence.
Chat. B. Bl'hop , ono of the finest
comedians in the country , appears at
j BoyilV , Thursday nnd Friday , In the
hm hable comedy , "Strictly BunIneBs. "
A sacro I concert will bo fold nt Turner
' , hall on Sunduv next by the Jfuloal Union
orchestra attlatpd by Rlelnrd Kohl , Vbe
' Bolo ba-B o'txrionetiat , and Hudolnh Ooucrt ,
.v the talented eolo cornotlst. f
1)01 AH of the churchoj unite in a meeting
at the 1. M. 0. A. rooms on Thursday
( H evening , when those p'oscnt will bid God. .
imi i spied to Mr. Ueorgo' T , Howsor , Into gen-
mi , J _ eecretnry of the Y. M. 0. A. , who
iw leaves for Chicago.
* A whole procession of alolftbs , occu th4 Paddy Hyan combination ,
parvied the utreots yesterday headot
l > y I'rof. y fjer'd silver csrnot band. The
JT ; JES.oiL-o ) ( wi Imndiomely reienadod ,
IM * * A. yount ; man was rrrcated for turning
| j ° C the gal nt the opera house at tbo close
of the "Ksmcrn'da" ' performance Monday
, . nUht. lie wai allowed toio with A warn
ing not to repeat hii funny business.
A number of klnd-honrted cltlzenK ont
on 13'h street raised n purse of 315 on San
i day f-ir the K dulelc family. ThU wag a
Ci3 good m ive as the poor family needed oasl
. * ' Jor rent , etc , '
Tbo members of Englno Company No
I " 1 , will W3 t at the engine house , \Vednos
day moruhiK nt 0 o'clock Rtmrp , to atteui
* i the funeral of the Into Kul er H. Smith
Lane , Secretary ,
* 1 .ir _ 0 . . Fire King Hose Company
No. 2 altli anew engine hotfie on Tliurtda ;
> evening at 7:30 p. m , sharp. By order o
Foreman H. ITapgo ; II. lieithold , Secre
, Air. Shear ? , tbo altible proprietor o
the Mllliml , fell down the elevator ahsl
Ust Friday night nnd only caved hluuel
rtf T ) from being trunhed to death by his pren
Iiit - ? * cnco nf mind In eeizlng the rope and atop
it- > pingthe doiccodlng elevator.
There will bo a meeting of Ihe fires do
partmentthls evening i > t Firom&n'd hall t
arrange for attending the funeral of F. H.
Smith , who died joitorday. Tht funeral
takes plnccs to-morrow at 0.110 o'clock.
A communication from one of our Bub-
tcrlleiH requests the bexton of I'rospeot
IIlll cemetery toehnveloff a path by which
funeral procoitlons may reach the grnve
wltlmt wading through "the beautiful"
twelve leches deep.
* All the mem\iers \ of I'loneer Hook and
ijSL dderccmpany , No. 1 , MO hereby > o-
queoted to attend the meeting en Tues
t. * day , January < J , 18S3 , at 8 o'clock , sharp ,
u to m lce arrnngtmentt for the funeral of
our late brother fireman , Fuller Smith ,
By order of the president , Thll Dorr ; J.
llothlnlr , Becrotary ,
The'county commlisloners were In tei-
eloa to-day , niRltlng e tlmitca and awardIng -
< > * ' Ing contracts ( or work for 1883 The con-
v * 'trftd for books and stationery was awarded
4' the Tribune Printing company ; blanks ol
nil kin Is to UaiBeld Broi. , and trial dock
ets to F. C. Feitner.
Liuls Kroltz'oli , priprletor of the
Chlcsgo ttenm dje wotk' , 1CKI Iouglaa
utreet , ta building nu hdditloual plnce ol
bnalnws at the corthonst comer of Tent )
and Dodge otree'.s. Thu extentlon hai
4 been neceialtated through a wonderful In
_ .crease cf Mr. Krotzsch' ! bualnesx.
9 The annual election of clliccm of thi
jVm-t < r Union Pacific band toolr pltce on Friday
ft * , ' errnlnir latt , with the following result
, A. 11. TOOZT , I'nder and director ; llenr ;
* " Jackson , Jpreddent ; Charles AhltiuUt '
t , i trevurer ; Lnuli L eder , secretary.
* The Invitation , pr ) gramme nod tlcke
4tv 'i kaued for the Uuraiit' ball en Wedne
* day night are all of the hnndsomodt doilgn
t i Th9 dance piogramuio Includes thirty nura
_ _ b rs. The commlltet ro ns fo laws : Mo
, ter of cereinonter , Thomai McBrum ; flu
1 " 'rnanarr , John Sheah .n , QeorsoJouos
James Klt'chey , Henry Carnaty ; reoeptloi
' 'coiDinUtee , Qeorge brnhau ) , James Cilia
I , i\ * b nj ootntnlttea of arcangemcnts. Foul
f i G r Bclinetz.tPcte.Daudall , Tbomas MclJrum
MlnO W. 'UulUfjac , Jobn McDonald , Thoniai
< * * " > McMlllen. - , <
Tbo Lljcoln News of January G atys
"Mr. Wllllun II. Alexander , for thru
yoira msnagtr of the extensive furnltur *
eilabllthment of Janacn 15ro ? . k Co. , in
this city , and tccenllv connected with the
Phoenix Chair company of Eheboyg n ,
has accepted a flattering proposition from
Dewey A Stone , of Omaha , and began
with the now employers yeitsrday. "
In Judge Ueneko'd court yesterday
tluro wai one cue of plain drunk , Tbo
victim was mulclcl $10 and costs , A
ycung man was fined the same nmotint for
nn a nault and battery committed Decem
ber 30th ou his first spree. He will do
null to let up on that ,
Should the sleighing hold good , the
Unity church people propoio to hold a
basket sociable on Friday evening next at
ilia home of Mr. D. C. Hutphcn , one-half
tnllo south wo it of the Convent of the
Sacred Heart. Slclgha will leave ths
church at 7 o'clock.
Kd. WllUg will to.Jay take the
I l. ce heretofore occupied by Kd. L < oder ,
OD Fnruam , oppoeito the Pdxtou , and will
at once begin improving it , Among other
things he will build a largo addition to the
rear , giving him more room to do the boun
tiful by his friends. His daily bill of faro
will include a warm lunch from 10 to 11 in
tbo morning.
Ho Has Some Moro Coots to Settle.
Tbo replevin salt Instituted by the
Bornstoin'a against Constable Dutch-
or , who attempted to collect the costs
aorued In the police court n short
time since , when Bernstein endeav
ored to bulldoze two Ruealans and got
left , came np Monday afternoon In
Justica Wright's court. The justice
had callid a jury , but after looking U
over Oharlus II. llodiok , the attorney
for Dutchor , concluded to try the case
Without ono. The Introduction of
evidence by Bornatoin wna to show
that ho owned nothing himself , and
that his wife had always dona the
burinoss and had accumulated all the
lll-gotton fpinu the twain possess.
The horse and buggy levied upon by
thoconattblo waa tlieunbjoct matter of
the case , and Mrs. liornotoin aworj
that It was hers. Tn order to substan
tiate til's ' fnct she offered several checks
In evidence which oho said she had
paid for kooplng nt a livery ntablo.
The signature to the chocks were dif
ferent , uud the signature to the ulli-
davit in replevin to support the cult
was wholly unlika uithorof the others.
It appeared thtvt the signature to thu
aflulavit , though In smaller writing
than thu body of the instrument , It
was tlio identical handwriting. When
Hadlok questioned on thla point
Bernstein's attorney admitted thut ho
hud signed the name , but had
done ao at the request of the woman
herself. An It is absolutely necessary
under the law that the allidavH shall
bo made by the person bringing the
replevin suit , of course the o.uo foil
flit , at this juuotur9 , ! " < Hodick
moved that tha case bo dismissed , nnd
the justice uuld that ho.vrould have to
dcf so. Colonel Smytho objected ,
however , nnd aakod time'to bring in
EOino authorities , nnd ho was linally
given until Saturday to do so. The
case was virtually Bottled nnd Bern
stein in addition to iho $50 costs
in the poltoa court will , , have
ntiothor bill of nearly equal magpitudo
to liquidate. During the progress of
the cute Mynday his -woazon and dis
torted face was wreathed in the near
est semblance ofa smile lt , nould as
sume ' , and ho appeared to think fhat
ih'o course of justice would clog1 up for
once and ilovv , ao to apeak , his way ,
but it did not. Ho even expressed
himself to the effwit that ho was uot
in Judge Bonoko'i court than , and ho
would have thinc diiloront. The only
dleslmularity appa'ren was a fow'dollara
difference In the amount of the costs
which ' ho will have to pay. The quick
er this'mlsorablo.villalnand shark quits
his nefarious traflbinrr in this city , the
bettor it will bo tor him and his hard
outfit. '
BOKHNCKK.-Oarl , son of Max and
Hod w I ok lloohccke , died at 5 p , m , , Jan
uary 8,1883.
Funeral January 10 , at 2 p , m , , Ctmrlca
street , Shinn'a addition ,
FEUNAN Molllo M. , wife of M. J. Fee-
nan , died this morning at H o'clock.
She will bo buried in the Holy Sepulcbei
cemetery. Funeral at 11 o'clock Thuwdaj
morning , January 11 , from the cathedral
on Ninth street.
It Waa KoDoc. Olemono Who Wat
< > . Killed.
I.COLU.MHUH , Nob. , January G.
To Tha Editor ot Tun Linn.
I notice in your paper of to-day
statement that in all probability out
Dr. J. 0. Lease , who , a few days ago
was found dead by tha railroad tract
near Duncan In this ( Plattu ) county
was one and the uarno person , as OIK
DJO. demons , who haa figured rathoi
prominently in the police court it
your city lately ; but this ia a mistake
Both parties are well known here
Doe , demons having lived , hero tn -6
or three months sin , lli oirlv ; eprinj
of 1880 , and J , 0 , Lnaso having uvoi
hero for tire or three monthi
juut prior io his death , nnd In
length of time that they both lived in
< bin pluco , and in ono other rctpnot
( inly , wi-B thnro any marks of ty
; batwoon thorn , viz : That they ro
both good friends to carry oil bat
whisky. Outside of that you had bet
tor not suggest hereafter thai they itro
the same person , for if Dr. J. 0.
Lease has nny relatives in this cnun
try , you are liable to got into trouble
Inothor respects I am yours warmly
' NcrvoousneuB , debility nnd ox
hauatod vitality cured by usiui
et Brown's Iron Bitters.
Tables supplied with iho boat th
market affords. The traveling pnbli
claim they gei better accommodation
and moro general satisfaction her
. than at any other house in Omaha
Rate , | 2 per day. augQltfm
Tented by , Time !
For Threat Disease * , Cold * and Cough ;
HKOWN'H UnONciitALTitociiKs have prove
their ttiicacy by a tett of insjiy yean
Price 25 cents.
The Now Gas Ordinance Passed.
A Quantity of Unimportant
Buolnees Transacted.
A Captain of tltn Pollen Provided
For ,
The city council held a regular meet
ing last evening , the following mem-
hois being present : BaLcr , Bohrn ,
Corby , Dunham , Dollono , llerraan ,
Looder , McGucklu , O'Keofo , Thrano
Acting President Kaufmaun in the
.From the mayor , approving Daoom-
bar appropriation ordinance , and also
ordinance repealing ordinance No.
from Gon. Lowe , asking for an ad
justment ot damages to property aris
ing from change of grade , llaforrod
to committee on streets and grades.
From Lewis S , Rcpd , scrotnry of
public library board , stating that a
vacancy exists in the ollico of director
of the board. Mies Popploton was
selected by the council to fill the va
cancy ,
From several parties presenting
bills , which were referred.
From city physician , calling atten
tion to stench mining from gas works
From city engineer , acceptance of
curbing and guttering on Dodge
street from Thirteenth to Twentieth
street. Filed.
Also estimate of Douglas street pav
ing. Referred.
A resolution to employ Jacob
Hauck as nsustant city onginnor from
March first was amended to employ
Mr. Tillson and adopted.
By Mr. McGuckin A resolution
to inspect ilia atepaof the bank oil
Twelfth and Farnnm' streets and cause
them to bo put In their proper plrvco.
An extended debate ensued , in which
it wan ahown that Chairman Croigh-
ton had notified iha bank company
noi io encroach with their stops.
Roaolntion adopted.
By Mr. McGuoklu A resolution
io prevent the pilini ; up of paving
otono on Tenth street in front of places
of bnolnces. Referred ,
By Thrano : To enforce iho resolu
tion in reference to iho obstruction
made by cars of the B. & M. railway
in front of residences on Jackson
street , between Eighth and Ninth
streets. Adopted.
By Dallono : To advertise for bids
for 300 cords of wood. Referred.
From Oily Kiginoer Rosewater : An
approximate oitimato of the city's
aharo of pivlng expenses for the pav
ing now under contract , and an addi
tional amount io cover the central part
of the city , and also Sixteenth street
from iho south side of D'ouglaa to
Tztrd struct. This estimate is based
upon iho cost of aranlto pavement on
Tenth street ai $4 35 per tquaro yard ,
and of § ; ! 00 per square yard for the
rest of the city , as follows :
Tenth street , granite from Marcy
to Douglas , $27,700 ,
Douglas otrooi , aaphaitum , Six
teenth io Nineteenth streets , $16,800.
Harnoy street , Fifteenth to Ninth.
Klfiventh sireoi , Douglas io Harnoy ,
Twelfth street , Dodge io Hantoy ,
81.332. *
Thirteenth street , Dod o io How
ard , $2GG1.
Fourteenth strooi , Dodge to flar-
ney. $1,093.
Fifteenth afrpot , Howard to Capitol
avenue , 812,390.
> Sixteenth street , Douglas to Izard
Also , estiraaio ai iha request of iha
chairman of the board of public works
a separata estimate of the cosi of in
tersections and alloy crossings on Six
teenth street of a macadam roadway
coveredwith a three-ipch layer ol
broken granite ai $1.80 $21 204 , 01
$14,130 loss than if laid as above in
- dicated.
To appoint a captain of police ant
fix his pay ai $80 per month Adopt'
, od.
Submitting a substitute for iho or
dlnanco granting the United Gas Im
provement Co , of Pennsylvania the
right toorect , and construct gas worki
and lay'mains in the city of Omaha
and to road and put this ordinance
upon its final passage. Adopted. ,
To place ou the book of hydranti
and begin paying for name on July Is'
the now hydrants reported ready foi
UBO. Adopted.
To pay the roni of cat tain hydranti
ni $50.95. Adopted.
Lovylng n special Ux farho curb
in ? and guttering ofTJadgo street.
To transfer moneys raised to con
struct lateral eowero'to the Bower _ bone
fund. Passed.
Thn ordlna nco io grant a franchisi
to the proposed now gas company foi
thirty yonra was road. It provides
among other things , that the worki
shall be constructed and rpndy tote
, supply gas by December 1 , 1883 ; tea
lay at least ton miles of tiuins ; thai
it shall not cost ovot $1 25 per 1,00 )0 ) (
foot for gas of 25 caudle power , ark
- for public buildings not ever $1.0C
ro per thousand , and noi over $1 00 poi
. 1,000 feoi for gas of 20 candle power
- thai iho rates for cooking and heat
. ing purposes bo regulated bj
. iho mayor and city council
that the rate for street lamps , lighted
every night in the nunth nnd fron
twilight to daylight , shall not oxcoci
$25 per ypar for each post ; those
teirui io include service nt the
A. named for , ten yoire ; that within sistj
A.he days the gas company shall lilo at
acceptance of the terms with tht
he and shall
mayor deposit with cltj
Hens treasurer 810,000 in United Statei
ns bonds to construct the works wlthlr
TO the specified time.
. Also that the city shall have thi
riqht to buy the works at the end o
fifteen years.
The city council wont into commit
too f f the whole with Mr. Dunham ii
. the chair. i
After a heated debate upon thi
question of the $10,000 bond the
oommttoo nroso and reported.
They reported arnondmer.U as fol
lows : Th t the gas bo na pnro as nnd
not moro dangerous than that manu
factured from coM ; a'ro that the
amount of 810.COO in invernmenl
bondn slnll bo forfeited fo the city of
Omaha if the work bo not commenced
sind proacoatod to completion within
thn time spec fnd in tha ordinance.
The ordinance , as amended , was put
upon its piszace. The vote was IB
f illows : AyeiBakerBenin , Ocllorc ,
nrmin , Kaufman , L cdrr , MeGuck-
in , 0 Kcofe , Thrauc. Noes Corby ,
Danhain ,
Mcmr. Corby and Danham voted
against the ordinance , csplaiining
that they did not like the ahapo it wa&
in. ,
An ordinance tn pave certain street ? ,
( those ornbraoed ill the forgoing csli
mates of the city engineer ) VTDB read
twloo and refcrrnd.
The council adjourned.
The Quarter-Dentenuiil Anniver
sary of Prof , and Mrs ,
Toozer ,
A. Pleasant Gathering of
4 Friends to Oongratu-
late Them.
A dainty envelope , with a quartering -
ing of silver white ribbon , found Ita
way to THE BEK reporter's doek Mon
day , and within was an invitation to
attend the silver wadding anniversary
of Mr. and Mis. A , It. Toczer , on
Monday evening , January 8th.
Accordingly in the evening the ro-
p'jrtor nv.nied himself up and sought
his way to the cosy family residence
of the Toozors , on Nicholas street be
tween Seventeenth and Eighteenth
where a pleataut party of frionda were
found aespmblod. The rooms Vcro
upproprlatcly trimmed with silver nnd
ovurgrpen , the dates 1858 1883 being
conspicuous among the adornmenta.
At 9 o'clock the wedding ceremony
took , plnco , Deacon Bonnier cilictating ,
and very pleasant it waa to , all con
cerned. After the bride and groom of
n quaiter of u century had boeu duly
congratulated , the remainder of the
evening was spent in social enjoy-
monte of all kind ? . Refreshments
of delicate , substantial and choeric ?
naluro were served , ar.d the smoke of
fragrant Havanns curled upward in
testimony of the peace and prosper ! '
y the visitors invoked on the house
lold by which they were so hospitably
Oaoof the delightful featurea of
ho evening w&e the ovcrtureo by
i o Union PaciCo band , of which
? rof. Toozor wna the originator and
ias boeu the loader and director for
ho past twelve years.
Another was the remarkably fine
singing by the family of Mr. Ohaa.
ivohlmoyer , consiutingof himself and 1
wife and three daughters , who sang
jothvJu German and .English with
fine t fleet.
The wedding presents were numer
ous and beautiful. The Union Pacific
band gave their loader a splendid sil
ver tea and coffee sot of six pieces ,
from Edholm & Erlckeon's. It was
iiandsomoly engraved , "Presented to
Mr. and Mrs. A. R , Toozer by the
Union Taolfio band , Jan. 7th , 1883. "
A baaatifal silver butter dish was
jiveu with thy set by Messrs..Edholm
&Erlckson ; n silver ccdtor by Harry
and Carrie Jackson ; pickle castor and
fork by Mrs. M. 0. Carlln ; silver
cake baskets by Mra. D. S. Mitchell
- and 'Mrs. ' May Oonnoll , Mr. Jaraoa
Bounor , Mr. Chaa. Kohlmoycr and
family , nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Striplen
Also a lovely basket and n brquet
, of rare exotica from Mr. Clark Wuod-
man , The children gave a fine nnd
insajivo album.
, Mr. nnd Mrs. Toozer were married
January 7th , 1858 , at , Cardiff , in Eng
land , and came to Omaha In 18G3 ,
, twenty years ego They subsequent
ly wont west as tar as Salt Lake and
Idaho , returning in 1808 , slnco which
time they have constantly rp
sided in Omaha. Frof. Toczjr , whc
served as drum major for ton years in
the British army , and wont through
' the Crimean war , organized the
Union Pacific band twelve years ago ,
and all know what that has boon tc
Omaha , an its fame extends over < \ \
the adjoining atates , as well as otn
own. ' It is by all odds the best band
] in the western country , and Mr
Toozer is entitled to the credit foi
making it so.
Mr. nnd Mrs. " Toozor have beet
' blessed in their married lifo by oigh :
children , the oldest being Mra. Jack'
son nud the youngest a. pretty littli
girl of 3 years. A happier family i
would bo hard to find , nnd THK BEI
indulges with many others in the hopi ?
that the bride and groom of twenty
five years ago may livn to colabrati
their golden wedding , nnd that tholi
years of wedded blisa may oven , oxcoec
the three score and ten alloted to mar
for thli life/ f
Sinoo th introduction of Hub
I un.h the brewing of ordinary puncliei ,
has btoa renJoroit unnecessary. Hul
Punch ii DOW Indlspenslble to a well sup
a phed Inrdor. TraHe uppllnd at nmnufac
tuivr'ri mlces by At. A , .McKjniarn. > > ra
lies Ruprilied by A. Ii. Gladstone , Omaha
A CoMplo of Youns Ladles From St
Joe "Oa a Lark. "
Tnn BEE on Saturday last ohroni
clod among the hotel arrivals thi
Misses Boyd , of St. Joe , who wer <
registered nt the Millard ,
The young ladies wore pretty , wol
droesad , and acted no if their , pursei
were lined with gold , and , according ,
ly , they got the best the house nflbrd
ed , had their meals served in thuli
rooms , and lived like piiucets.'s in
Sunday morning a young mat
named Ohildors arrived on the K , 0
St. Joe nnd 0. B , train and clalmcc
ono of the two ladies ns his sister
leaving the Impression that she hac
been induced to run away by her com
panion , MIBS Hooves , llo persuadec !
her to return homo with him on'tK\ \
evening train leaving hot friend at thi
hotel. The two girls were evidently
out on n little lark and that they had
but little to go on was shown when
tha bill was presented nnd their com
bined aesots did not half pay the bill
they had run np ,
An Interesting Otveo lu Judge Chad-
wlck'a Court.
If over there was a city in which the
habeas corpus privilege waa ucod to
ts utmost , that city is Omaha , nnd
casua hero are of so frequent oc3ur-
ronco that it would nbzolutoly startle
those buck cait , who are accustomed
to resort to thin final privilege , only
upon the most extreme occasions.
The county court'ia the most frequent
quont eci'iio of habeas corpus suits in
Douglas county , and yes orjai
nt 2 o'clock n very intoroitmg caeo
was called thero.
This ouit was brought by n mother
to recover her baby. The circum
stances are rather peculiar , ns it op-
pears that the child was an illegiti
mate ono and was born nomothlnc ;
ovora year ago , its father boiug n
well known merchant of this city.
After the birth of the child the
father nnd mother conoplrod to have
the child loft upon its father's door
otopa , with the understanding that ho
ahould take it up , return it to its
mother as n waif and pay ho < - for its
support and thus avoid nil pub
licity ao to the true inwardness
of the buaincLB , no pcoplo would then
think that It was n matter of charity
ail round , It acorns that the father
failed to keep his part of the contract
and the child was lot out to a farmer
residing not far from Omaha , who
took it into his family , and both ho
and his wife became warmly attached
to it , Recently the mother , who bo-
same anxious to once moro hold her
own baby in her arms , wont to the
farmer and told the story of the child's
maternity , and neked that it bo returned -
turned to her. This the farmer re
fused to do , and consequently tha suit
wai brought which c > imo up in the
county court yesterday.
Iho Giant LccomoUveu for tbo south
ern Pacific.
The largest locomotive cngino tha' '
over passed through Omaha wont wes
yesterday over Union Pacific railroac
for the Southern Pacific of California
It is of the Mastodon pattern , built by
the Cook Locomotive and Machine
works at Patterson , Now Jersey , fron :
a model designed by Mr , Stevens ,
Hiiparintendent of tha Central Pacific.
The cylinders are said to bo the larg
est now in nso on any locomotive , am
the engine has eight five-foot driving
wheels , the total wheel base being IG
foet. Its weight , light , is 78 tons
and with coal and water , road ;
for the road , it will weigh ii
tons. There lo an independent out
off aud reverse lever wotkod by steam
and there is a steam brake to oacl
driving wheel. Her firo-box is 11 fee
and combustion chamber four fee
long. She is double parted and ha
two side valves and two eat-off valve
in each steam cheat. There are no
pumps , two injectors taking their
place. H , T. Miller , a veteran erglu-
eer who la well known all over the
west , is in charge of the Mastodons ,
which are to bo used on the heaviest
grades on the Southern Pacific road.
There will bo twenty four of these en
gines in all delivered to the Southern
A Number of Omaha Men Loft by a
Stromeburg Grocor.
Qjlto a little soiwat'.on was caused
- in this city yesterday by announce
ment of the failure of L. M. Woods &
Co , , of Stroraeburg , Polk county ,
This firm kept a general merchandise
and hardware store , nnd this
morning made an assignment for
the benefit of all their creditors ,
giving no ono preference. It seems
< that they have been behind on their
accounts for the past eight months ,
and their creditors have been giving
them extenbions with the hope of
working them through , but it waa fin
ally found impossible ) and accordingly
they suspended. They nnaigned as
the cause of their failure the poor col
lections they made , but it is probable
that the close market now prevailing
. is what killed them. Their liabilities
jr are about $7,000 , and the assets of the
firm are estimated nt about $4,000.
it BnovvN s BnoNCHiALTiiocHEs for Caught
- ' and Caleb : The only article of the kind
le which has done me tervlco. I want tmth' t
* Ing battcr.-7f. / { / / Craig. Otunlle
N. Y. Sold only In boxes , trice , 2Sc.
Ir Cllf. P. Kennedy , general southern pas
Irn sengcr agent of the Louisville , New Albanj
n & Chicago railway , the "Monon Ronte ,
is in the city.
Samuel A. Flager , of Ottumvva , Is a
the Millard.
. Thoir. Mcllroy , of New VorV , hat thi
cMlllam. .
) H W. Stauffer , of Los Angelo ? , Cal.
Ii a Kagv cf tbo Millard ,
Mlsi Minnie F. L. LItteQeld , of Chlco
pel , Masr. , It at the Millard.
. O. II. North , ot Shelton , la at the Mil
John L. Carpenter , Ltucoln ; Ed Sharp
Dorchester ; F. 1 ] , Boyd , Beatrice ; Mra
A. Collins , Whltmore ; llev. George W
Walnwright and 0. 0. Crowell , Blair
Frank O. Kayier , St. Paul , and li. K
Randall , Lincoln , are among the Nebraski
guests at the Millard.
Maj. Jos W. Wham , U. S. A. , U at tin
Made frorr the wild flowers of the
it is the most fragrant ot perfume.
Manufactured by 1. B. Slnvon , Sac
Francisco. For sale in Omaha by W.
J. Whltohouoo and Konnata Bros.
& 0o.
A triil package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT"
frft " < charge.
Prospect of the Union Patiflo
Purchasing the Wabash ,
An Unbrolton Line From St.
Louis to the Pacific.
llobc Democrat
The groutost railroad sensation of
.ho day was sprung yoaturdny by n
yontlemun who hud just returned
rom Now.Yotk , nnd woo is familiar
with several of the Gould tyndicato.
llo stated that from what he hoard
n Now i'ork it was probable , and
oven moro than probable , that the
Union l\io fie will cither purchuao or
oaao the Wabaah , or tnako some sort
) f a tnvilio arrangement wheruby it
will work with the Wabaah an if the
.wo were ono.
"And practically they will bo ono
mad , " eaid the gentleman from Now
Ho continued : "Don't you eeo
Gonld has a great head ; ho know the
governor would call attention to thu
aw governing parallel roado , and
would insist that the law prevail tn
prevent ono corporation or set of
iflicera running two parallel lines
His ideas were right , and ho will at
ouoo proceed to toke hlmaulf out of
the Wabash presidency. "
The informant went on to say that ,
the governoi'a ideas didn't scare Mr
Gould much , but his principal
nmbltion was to secure for the
Union PaclDc alino to the
Northern lakes. The Northern
Pacific , going boldly westward into
the Union Pacific's territory , has
awakened the directors to the fact
that they are behind in getting an ou'
lot which nature alone can close.
Then the Chicago , Burlington and
Qaincy , which was fornmly con
controlled with a line to Hannibal and
Qnincy , las gone in a direction where
by they can draw from the Uninn
Pacifis'o triflb. The Southern Pacific
has worked its way to an owjturn
water outlet , and it is a fact that the
Union Pacific must positively got to
the lakes and to the Mississippi river
independent of any line , or they will
bo loft in the shade. The ro
porter's attention was called to
iho Wabash map in the cllicial
enldo It oiov75 ! u good line from
Omaha to Chicago and St. Louis , and
from Kansas Oity tn Chicago and S.
Louis , to say nothing of Hannibal
and other Mississippi river points.
The Union Pacific owns or controls
the Kansao Paclfio , which \7ill give it
a line to Kansas City. "
"But when will all this take plact ? "
aakod the reporter.
"Why , jttat ao noon na the arrange *
inonts can bo made. It Is just as vrel
for an . .uterprioing pnper ) ilo the
Globe Democrat to civo the first hint
as it la to let oomo eastern paper got
it first. It's my opinion thio move
will take placs within niuo months "
NEW YOKK , January 7 A dispatch
from St. Louis printed to-day said
that there was a plan for the Union
Pacific railroad to purchase or leaao
the Wabash lines , or to pdrfeot a
traffic arrangement whereby the two
systems would bo practically made
one. It seemn that the announcement
.0 this effect created something ( f a
lensatiau tn St. Louis. Mr. Washing-
ion E Connor aatd , when the dispatch
was shown to him this afternoon , that
the story was probably started by
plans under consideration to
perfect a practical combination
> f the interests of the Union
Prtc.fic , the Wabash , the Mis
souri Pacific , and the Hannibal & St.
Joseph.s There had been a disposi-
; lon to overbuild , and by combining
; hia tendency would bo checked. Two
paramount objects would bo gained
creator economy and greater facilities.
The idea of a combination was to pat
the roads on a moro economical basis ,
and re move dlsturbirg elements. The
Hannibal & St. Joseph had perhaps
been in a position where it could bo
worked for good or oyil. It would
prove a natural iocder in the method
proposed. The plant tended moro in
the direction of traffic arrangements
possibly than any other , but it would
bo premature to discuss the
subject In that bearing at
this time. Whatever combination
wan made , St. Louis would bo bone-
filed , becinse it was the natural headquarters -
quarters for the lines. Ever since
air. Gould has boon in control of the
eonthwostern system S ( . Louis has
been the most important center for the
roads. What defined the position of
the railroads most clearly was the pos-
eibility of thu Denver & Rio Grande
changing hands. It threatened to
build in n way to interfere with the
Union Pacific. In its anxiety to
build it exceeded the capacity of the
_ country. Had it Mopped it might
have baen in a different condition
' from what It was to-day , Mr.
Gould gave np the management of
the Union Pac fie three years ago , nnd
his holdings in it wore light. Re l. ,
ferring to a portion of the dispatch
which spoke of the attnmpts of other
lines to cut into the Union Pacific ,
' Mr. Connor said that nothing which
threatened it could work injury to
Mr. Gould's enterprises. Even if It
were to go out of existence no loss
would bo suffered by Mr. Gould'a
system. Tbo presidency of the \Va
bash had not been broached. Mr
Sidney Dillon , the president of tht
Union Pacific , said there was-no plan
fir hia road to lease or purchase the
Wabash. The Union Paclfio had run
nlng arrangements with Mr. Gonld'i
lines as well as others.
Tl f ONEY TO LOAK Call at Law otllccof U L
iVI. Thoirnj room BCrcljjliton Ulock.
ONEY T LOAN-Un chattel mortp Zo fe
M curltj. A. U. Tntton , h'o. 1510 Dougloi
strce. front room up itaira. 423 tf
OORil nnn70 'OAK ' At per cent In
O4vll I.UUU torest nsuiniiol fj.O'X ) anil up
wanls , lor ( io 5 } car , on llr t cliss cltj nnd ( arn
15th M il Dou 'loa Sin.
ANTED -A KOO I ccok at Mis. Touztlln't
CblUKQ Street betACcn 2Ut dn.l ' . > ind
714 U (
- onlttant dmibb cntrj b ok
WANTKD-An i of refirincm rtijulrcil. Ad-
dreis "I1 M " this office. no
Competent girl lor gcno at boii - <
WAMKU LiOT l a-c p. 1(5 ( IVI nt 191'J
Chicago Direct. Mrs. John K. tt llbur ,
K r tit - , . _
ITT-AN1 CD A comp ten ir'rl fcr urenr Jwotk
VV Hh rtfereno < Apilr ImmcHllitoIr M
. between 13th n-.d llih.
\i AJ TM IHO good chamber malJn , nfne
ply. Ci1UtD12Doiuliw8t. UJMO'1"
putif | girl about 11 or 15 jcara
WA\TEt flr-tclvitlmiui tiooth r nonl
PP } i KOO nif R and ittoily oinplouinnt
gtmr-inteu . JIIIIPI 11 aiiirrmd I > lind MTllit
AWANTIIO .Mmand omin to start a no *
InHne-s nt their own homoi. no pvildl g-
Ml an hour nmde ; n nil lOc lor IB Kamples mid n.
f tructlou * . Address MAiO.V i CO. ilontpdler
\ crinoht. 4 g in u e ) jo '
WAM1.Uhut ) unu to Itituonlcrs fnrliuli )
atgl7J l MrcoCjiijiUlr | . jjs it
WANTbD lloanlcri nf * J no per cck or
Slluircrmonlli , at 807 Ilunt.v , between
gthaiidDttiit mt.
W ANThU- Hoarder at'.l'iN. l t > tror.
[ C0 II US , M 11. 1'L.KAK.
WAN1EO Two go t'omn 'ftMn lo\rdfra t
orrne raj.ltol nvenuu n d Uth S s On-xl
reforotcoi r quired 70-lit
WANT I ) A Hi uatlon by n roinpotcnt book-
loopp CAIo the best of cuj rcferoncoii
Addro'K II tire olllc ,
FOU UKNT-Pouble olllco I n Jacobs lllock.
I'iH ' KKciT Up-Btaird , 1417 tarntiuu stro t.
71515 JOHNO.
UKM Htoro r om No. 1300 Farnam St.
Contrixc' nititt be made Ibis imiuh. Tall on
K. J. Mchhane , 1410 KarnaiuSt. COJ 13
[ 71011 KENT-1 offer for lent lay dwelling house
K turn heJ or unlilTn'Bbcd , V. W ojrnor far
fft'n Rud l ° tn thc.t SbcdKoau.rarlcr dining.
tt/ov , kltjt6 , bathroom , wt rcloset.clly wttor
eif , and sewer conrcctlsn. For totuis amly on
Ibo ironltoiMid to ' . o. Shher Urn1 httato
Agent. T. W. T. riclmrd. 712 Imo
B1OK KKST Cottage of five'rooms. Thomas
Salti. Chic-go nd ISlh Btrett. 710 11
IW I5I1ED KOOS-'S TO RENT Ann roorru
tullnilu I rlljlit h'lusekcrtil sjand ono ct-
> r > o-t. Jcqulrc 13H UaugUa strict.
FOR F.FNT Konn for light housekeeping
81800. An > > 2117 W b.tcrSt. C'g I01 _
FOR U N r Onn l r o rl-e y fur ilsbod room
Ul } l h-uirrl f..r tun rv * . 1hOa rnllMrnli Q .
r AUOE Fro t room with cloait on s"fund
Jj lloor to rent N. E. co nor Ibth nnd Douglas.
700 Ut
FOU BKVT The rcsldinco < ( M. Kennedy
1709Jacl(8on. Inquire ot T. J.
blOK HUNT Cottage ol tbrto rooint , 'J.rd ) i nil
Clark Sis llo. JXT month. Inquire onnrcni'
isesnnd " C4J fi. nth Strt t T. J. tltzmorrls ,
FOU UI'NT 1 o new ro Iikncc hms s Just
toinplctcd , clcun rooms each , it south wott
corni r iOth and Han c.\ , each bou c In ? all n od
rnluiin | cnitnts. Sou JamisNitlllo. Cb 101
On HKNi lwo nicely fu nlsbul roomoSVE ;
orner 20th mi LijVinortith | or unhout
boird. ( iW-UJ
FUKNISHKI ) 1100M-4 AVI ) 1OAUIM ! dern
cntcnoiits 181U Dodgr it tSi 13t
TJ710111IKNT - \ \ Ith bori largo front rom Itb
J. B > j wlndjw 1713 Dcdoht. ( ,04 OJItb
1\OR KENT 1o unfurnished rooms will ah )
JJ take a fi.iv eelcct boirdcrs at i41G Chicago ht.
PIOll UCNT n'Con 'nt trect St JHrj'sav-
JJ onue. a cm. btorj hou o sit rooms aid two
abU , Inqiiiro llirktt uroj.Ca.s4 otllco.
J71O11 HI'XT HoouiH cnqulro at stTro co V
jj _ ncr lljth nnq 1) uila . 020-lm
THOU KENI 2 houses of 8 rooms cich. In-
JL qulro 1018 IVrnliain stre t. BftVlrcj
EOR i'E > T O.o double tno store balding
sultabefjr vro cry , B lo n , butcher thop.
or any etherbuilnctf. Locat d so chit a p"od
farmer's trade cau borccuied. Enquire ot ilia.
M. i-nnje , c tntr Jacksju tnd 13th street.
BEMIS'Now Map of Omaha , lust completed and
ready for deli * cry at RJ each. Is 4 feet wide
by 7 feet long. Laru'tst and most complota map
of Omaha e\er published. Oilidal map ot the
city. See column.
HOTEL FOR SALE GIUUl'-W mil s wtht of
Oinahi , on the Union 1'aciflo railroad.
IJrlck barn , two ttjry hotel nnd lurnlturir , three
lo'sG ' xt3J good btnnd , go d business. Co d
reasons for selling. Immlro of subicrllr r.
AL N011UIS ,
713-lm mo Xoith Eend , Ntb ,
BL'SISFSS C "A.SC Eusineai for Sile-A
( , encr. | clock of morchacdl e , In a gocd
town , on the I ) . &M , icatl ; ( loin ? a good bu < i-
ncssaidc rryav < tli s-lecttd stocv. Ciuso for
telling , t'ich\npi l lie ii ! n. FT f Tiber Infor-
matlou aHr a "Mdno. ' n " Olllir. JtnC-Ot
TTIOR SAlE OH TKADIJ-For Colcrndo I'roptr
JL ty , a good rtstaura t'filxtures ' and stock ,
stock cash , building U'x'O lot 2 \ Ifiilroif |
A It Duncan M l\ern I wa CW 10
T7IOJI SA1 1Sfx 1 room cottage with barn mil
JL-hall lot on Chicago street , ucir lllt'h School
Only 52,300. JIcOAGUE ,
C0l ( do i ii'-tf Opn. I'oi ollice.
FOR bALB A r t cUsd ( econl bund phtoton'
QJ > | ' i > > 13'0 Hntnty fat SOT tf
. UnlCK FOIt SALE it ) Od per
th'U'and , YnrJ 15th street , two b o.ks
tculhrf Bo'levneroid
df c n-.m , > LORCNZP DIBPLE ,
T > EMI8 Now Map of Omaha , just completed anu
JD ready fordtllveryat SSeaih. la 4Teetw1de
by 7 feet long. Largest and mast complete map
ot Omaha ever published. Otllclal map of the
city. Sea column.
rilUCEM IP A horse with etd lo a d brdlo
J.'ndihc'S whip nttn-hed to the saddle horn ,
owner ran ha > e same by proving proper' ) ' and
pa > Hi txptncciitJ C. MenUis Cnpiiol nvinuo
f > aolii "W 8
LOST Fnrarornir llth nnd LcaM.nworth a
small red tow witn white 5) ) < otln forhcail nnd
briniid on onuhlp. Reward for her return to
nl > ere addrut ) . tUI-Jt
rnuIho ULfmrt > mlcd ! bprin'mnnufactur-
J cdnndvarentod bj i * . T. Ilinbow 710 South
Uth St. Omiha. 6 8 dec 19-1 t
J. 1IHA1NAUD , Taxliknnlflt. iJtcrhfads , a
W . fpcclalty , ILtb , Lo . Howard and Joclibcn.
TU'NALIST , 498 Tenth strict , between Farnara
and Hainey. Will , with ho aid of puardlan
tt Irlta , obtain for any ono a glance of ! > > o paat
and present , anil on certain conditions In tbe ( Uv
ture. lloota and Shoes made to order. 1'ofecl
satlefactlon truarantoed.
l !
Absolutely Pure.
Thli powder ne > er vnrliii. A raanil of purit\ .
trenirtti and ulioleeoinnc s , IIore tcoiiMnlca/
than the orplnary k nd , and cannot bo sold In *
compttltlon with the multitude of low teat , thort
weUht , alum or ph uphato ixmrfur. Sold onlj In
cana. HOTAL UAKI.SU l'o iUi Oo. , Wall &t. , 901 V
New lork.