\ , A * 1' ' THE bklkY'BEfc-WEDNESUAY JANUARY 10 . he Omaha Bee Publlihexl every morning , cxucpt nn < y. The only itfondny morning dally. TERMS BY MAIL- One Year. . . . $10 01 1 Three Mocth . ? 3.M 8U Months. . 6.00 | Ono Month. . . . l.OC VHK WEEKLY 1JBE , published omj YPeinetdiy. TEUMS POST PAID One i ar . 83 00 I Throe Months. M Six Months. . . . 100 | Ono Month. . . . 20 A-MKniCAN XKWS COMPANY , Hole Agents .Newartoalcrs - In the United States. COIinnSrONDKNUK All Communl- tfons rehtln ? to News and IMItorltJ matter * "houlci bo nddrezsed to iho liiiitTon or THE UKE. BUSINE'S LETTERS-Alj B.islnej Letters and Hemlttinrca Miotilu bo nil droved to TUB HEK I'UHLISHINO COMPANY i OMAHA. Drafts , Chcclu and 1'ostotbce . Orders to ba made ntyable to the order o ! the Company. The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props , E. KOSEWATEtt Kdltor lit Tun Speaker hoa spoken , but his voloa is n railroad whistle. ,11 , ! TUB bittlo of the gas companies is ended , and Omaha is assured of better and cheaper RBI. ' " - < THE committee on the whole will have the casting vote , after all , In the Nebraska legislature. JOHN Loom wasn't 'much of a eol- dlorbut his attack on the Qaoons En- gllsh will live in history. SrEAKKit HUMPHREY doesn't know the difference between comity and committee. Two more suits have been brought agiinst Qonld properties within the put week. Jay appears to bo having a bad run of lack. TIIEUE are too many poor sticks in the senate notv , " siys the Globe Demo crat. Senatorial timber appears to bo a growth of undprbrn h. WHILE laws on inability are under discussion a measure providing foi congressional Inability to shut olT wind and got down to solid badness would ba in order. star route defense is evidently trying to make Judge Wylio loao hia temper. Ho ought to keep cool. The dcfaudanti vill bo mad enough nftci the verdict. THK Cleveland Leader , in an cdi torial artiolo of a half a column , endorses dorses Oan. Mandarson for the Unitcc States aeaato from Nebraska , remembering boring his four years' distinguished oervloo in the canoe of the union ai one of'tho best and most gallant of hoi aoldiors. BEN BurLEit in his inaugural rooom mended the hanging of men fount putting obstructions on railroads. Thi address said nothing about the punishment ishmont of railroad managers who pu obstructions in the way of trade am commerce. . MR. NETTLKTOX flailed in recognized by the speaker , but hi given good promise of being subitan tially recognized by his conatituont before another legislature convenes. KINO OAUOUH bus received a blacl eye In two legislatures. In Hasan ohnsotts the anti-Hoar republicans do olino to bo bound by its action if it i forced upon the party. In Michigan majority of the republicans have re nominated Senator Ferry , but noarl all the auti-Ferry men refused to al tend the caucus and decline to b bound by it. As they hold thebilanc of power they will dictate the ohoic of the convention , Protests again ; ciuous rule fill the Massaohuiotl press. Members of the legislature at urged to go into the joint convontlo free to vote as they please. It I strongly argued that no roproacntativ of the people has a right to bind bin self in advance to vote for any cand date who may bo subsequently prova to bo unavailable , and whoso choic may be contrary to the wishes of th majority of Iptilglativo conntituoncici TUB Philadelphia Tlmet rises to n mark that Jay Gould has evident ! fallen on an unusually cold soasot The New York courts led off by docla : ing his stock-watering job in connci tion with Western Union null an void. Next his company was prohll itod from paying dividends on the BU plus stock. This was followed I uits in New York , Pennsylvania an Illinois against the Western Union fi violation of charter limitations. C Tuesday his Injunction against tl Mutual Union pool wai dissolved , at the suit of Williams & Oo. against tl Western Union , which wai brouf > i to prevent the consolidation tohemc ww tirnd for trial. ( ) a top of i theie little psrplexilies comes the o g&nizitloncf the Now York legisl ture by the election of the partical max for speaker that Mr. Gould diit want elected. The fiiat day'a scssl was signalized by the introduction bills rcquliing telegraph v/iroa to run under the otroota , and reduci street car and railroad fares in Ni York city to five centa. The m epeaker is sure to make np bin co mitees in the interest of these new forms , Mr. Gould will probably C the weather constantly growing cold In fact , there nro just now strong dilations of a blizzud in hia nolgbb hood. BETRAYED. "Tho liouso 1) tbo only master I shall recognize , " was the conclidlng sentence of Mr , Humphrey's Inaugural when ho assnmod the speaker's ' chair. The houao gave Air. Humphrey its confidence In return for ibis assur ance. Impressed with his earnest , out-spoken pledge this paper acordod Speaker Humphrey unreserved faith in his sincerity. While wo know him to bo a recent convert to antimonopoly ely principles , wo believed that ho would fulfill his pledges to the letter , Oar faith in Mr. Himphroy haa boon sadly shaken. Ills choicd if members on the railroad com mittee has shown him to bo a mere tool of the monopolies , und lib reckless disregard of all parlia mentary usage in the discharge of his ofUcial duties hai proved him unwor thy of the position ho holds. The speaker of the house is In duty bound to obey the mandates of the body over which ho presides , and when that mandate la expressed ho is expected to assist the , house in ex ecuting itu orders. * Ono of the cardinal rnlos of all' public 'bodies la that no measure : ) ahull bo intrusted , to ita opponents. In appointing committees it is the ralo to select from the supporters - porters of the proposition , and cs < pucially docs this apply to the movoi of an odqp'dd resold tion. * When the houao by a.doclslvo majority ordered that speaker to select four mombort of the joint committee on railroads , the speaker was in honor a'nd duty bound to oarrj out of the order of the house by delect ing his committDO from among those who supported the resolution. When Speaker Humphrey made the choice of four men who had gene on the re cord as opponents of the resolution creating the committee , ho was not merely guilty of disrespect to the houao and a broach of decorum , bul ho also became an obatruotor of legs ! < latlon. There can ba no possible ox- cnso for such conduct , and the people of this state will hold Mr. Humphrey responsible for the consequences. ARMY LEGISLATION. The reorganization of come portion of the array is a topic of debate al every congreuB , and the proaont scs < tion furnishes no exception to the rule , The army appropriation bill which pajaod the houao contains several im portant rldcru which will serious ! } affect the sorvloo as at present or au < izod. The first ia the abolition of the pay corps and the transference of iti duties to the quartermaster's depart mont. This proposition , which ii mooting with the most violent oppo sition , ought to carry In the senate The duties of paymaster oould oaall.i bo performed by the quartermaster All that it would require would-bo ai additional clerk who could readily bi taken from the army ilfiolf. As n present constituted the pay rolls ari made up by the company clerks am furnished to the pay department which cashes the vouchers. A larR < amount of the expenditures of th army are made through the quarter mauler's department and the pay o ofliseri and men could cosily bo added There is however no likelihood tha thia portion of the army bill will pas the senate. The pay department mont is the only branch o the service in which part ; patronage tnles. Four-filths of th paymasters ewe their positions purol to political Influence. It is hardly I bojpresumod that the aonato will lo off the pegs upon which it has been i the habit of hanging relatives , pro togos juud friends , for the sake of aav ing some $200,030 annually to tb government Another important proposition whio has also passed the honso is , that whio cats ] down the number of aides an limits their lima of sorvlca away froi their roeimonta. This will meet wltl general approval everywhere outstd of tha soft service brigade who cot their heels on the mantelpieces i army headquarters , and act is piival secretaries for the commanding gor orals. There is no reason why a sti gle aide dn-camp in time of peace not snfllcioiit for every purpose i opening letters , replying to priva correspondence , and acting as csco to our high army officials in their jui koting tours throughout the dopat monta. During a certain admlnistr tion of the department of the Plat' ' it was notorious that the only sorvl rondoroJ by ono of the aids cf tl commanding general was the issuii and accounting for stock in a corta mining company In which the genet and many of tbo officers under J command were interested ) This co genial work coat the government ยง 1' ' a month. The section of the army bill whi changes the pay of ollloors retired bruvet rank to that which they wou receive if retired on the rank actua held at the time of retirement , is trivial and parsimonious econoir It would i.ffjct only n few dhabl veterans who deserve every dollar the ponoion wliioh they are now coiving. Moro Important is the thsr votad by the house in the intorpro tion of the compulsory retirement 1 3. which will open the Hat to rotircmi d for disability. r , Tno former retirement law o i * permitted retirements for this can rbut restricted the list to100. . Sii thopuaago of the compulsory bill retired list has been overcrowded with the now additions under its provisions , and no room has been found for offi cers who ought to bo relieved from active sorvica by reason of physical incapacity , The section of the nrmj appropriation bill referred to inter prets the operation of the compulsory law in a manner tvhioh will provcnl it from conflicting with the Intouticr of Ita framors. These are the chief changes pro posed in the army organization bj the present congress , Army cfli cera are very ranch in the habit.of complaining that congress in toi fores too much with the service , The trouble lies in the fast that there ii a large fi.'ld for reform in our nrmj organization. The conflict betwoer the staff and the line which is con tinually breaking out has its reason for existence In the unwieldy organi zation of the executive portion of the army , which is copied after an obso loco system. Our array staff is sufii ciont for an army of ton times the size , and throe , at least , of Ho depart ments , the pay corps , the commissar ] and the quartermaster departments , could profitably bo merged into OIK without detriment to the service. The trouble ban baon that congress hai contented itself by trying to rcmcdj the flaws by piecemeal instead o drafting and putting through to iti final passage u broad and comprohen eivo scheme of army reform whlcl would place the norvico abreast o those of other nations. Such i measure would not meet with mon oppooition from the chair-warmers o the eoft service brigade at Washing ton , reinforced by the army lobby than the minor measures of reforn which congress now finds so much dif ficulty in paesine. SPRAKEU HUMrHUES haa disappointed od the oxDcotationaof many of hia boa friends by yielding to monopoly in fluonccs in the appointment of th house committees. Hia arbitrary ac tion in the nomination of the men wh ore to compose the special rallroai oommlttoo from the houeo places hie iquarely on record as. an obstruction it to all railroad legislation , and cfttspaw for the corporations to put their chestnuts out of the Icgislntiv fire. It remains to bo conn whothc the chcctnuta can bo raked. Th temper of the house in ita vote on th Reynolds' resolution la not very on couraglng to the railroad attorney ! and furnishes anything but a goo basis for Speaker Humphreys' real i obeying the diotatos of the monopolici Wo shall seqg what wo shall BCO , bi TUB BKG mistakes the condition c affairs if Mr. Humphreys does nc diHcovcr before the season is concluc od , that he has reckoned without hi lioat , GENERAL HOWARD la working bar to aoouro an appropriation for the 01 Inrgemout of Fort Omaha , and tb erection of quarters and barracks eu detent to nccomodate ton companies i Infantry. The amount asked of 001 gross is something over $ ll < iQ , ( which will purchase the nooeasai land and nocuro the needed building Fort Omaha la eco of the posts r commended by General Sheridan fi permanent occupation in the Dopar mont of the Piatto. Located at great railway contro it la peculiar favored as a point for the concontr tion of troops who can bo rapid moved at a moments notice any scone where their presence required. A lack of energy on tl part of Nebraska's congressional del gation has , up to the proaont tlm prevented action on the part of coi gross looking to its permanent ii provemont. Forts Leavenworth ai Snolling have been favored with hau sorao appropriations , and both gan sons show judicious expenditure handsome quarters and boautif grounds. Attention ia called to i fact that the department of the Plat has been neglected at .tho expense the Departments of Dakota and t Missouri. The requested appropri tion ought to bo promptly forthcoi iug ? STATE TIIEABUKEII STOKDEVANT I made a serious mistake in the rote tion ot Mr. Bartlett as hia dopul It is a serious mistake because the : tention of the Uw limiting the tei of aervloa of the atato treasurer f to afford every four years on enti change in the oflloo and to c-lvo to ti payers the opportunity to invcatig : through the now treasurer the dispo tion and Investment of the at ; funds. It is plain that this cam bo accomplished when the i trcaturor Is retained as the deputy the new. Any malfeasance in ofl will bo doubly difficult to dote The heads may change , but the pol will remain the some under sllgh changed auspices. Mr. Sturdov was elected by the votes of the ai monopolists. Without them election would have been hnpaebil HH is doing both them tmd htmi an Injustice which ho mr.y yet rep in violating at the wry beginning his term tha spirit of the law un which ho scoured hia cih'oo , Tun gaa ordinance passed city council at Ita session . ' evening. As finally amen the ordinance requires the c < panywithin .sixty ld vs [ of the ] aago of the Instrument to file an acceptance with the mayor and to de posit $10,000 in United States bonde with the city treasurer aa a guarantee of the faithful performance of their contract obligations. Further pro vision is made that the gas furnished shall ho of 20 candle pswor , and not moro dangerous than that manu- faotured from coal. With these amondrnoats the ordinance is sub stantially the EBDIO as that oriqlually introdncod. THE BEE con gratulates the citizans of Omaha over the coming competition in gas produc tion , and the certainty of cheaper and bettor gas. Within nine months the now process will be operation , nild gae Will bo available at leas than half the sum now charged to consumers. The annual saving to our citizens of $100 , . OCO is no small item , and Omahn will welcome cordially any company which will guarantee to give it to her reai dents , The Magiztn "A Look into Hawthorne's Work' shop" } H a most remarkable fcituro ol the January CENIUKY , when we con sider that the paper consists of the mcst interesting portions of Nathaniel Hawthorne's own posthumous notes for n romance. The notes are pub lished hero for the first time , the orlg inal manuscript , in Hawthorne's min ute and difficult hand-writing , having boon lent to the Century by Mr. Jullat Hawthorne. Profesaor Wallace , the noted Eng lish scientist and author of "Islanc Life , " contributes an Important csti mate of "TheDabt of Science to Dar win , " and of Newton. The front in piece of the number lt > a striking portrait trait of Darwin , engraved by Johnson , nfcer a photograph taken by thi scientist's son ; views of Darwin'i homo and his study are also g ven Another Englishman , Frederick H. Myert , writes britfly upon the per sonnl and literary influence of the lat DfanJStanloy. Oaorgo W. Oib'o begins In | thl number his illustrated historfca Studies of Now Orleans , by answorluj the much-asked question , "Who or the Creoles J" Dr. Eggh sion'd seconi paper on colonial history is well illus trnted. "Tho Planting of New Eu gland" is the strikiog title , and th Paritnna uro treated with keen insigh and sympathy. "Tho trip i f the Mark Twain" is slight , humorcmly illustrated am written paper on Mississippi rive travel ; and Frank R. Stockton , wh is now traveling in Europe , detcribc the amusing experience ? of "Th Rudder. Grangers in England , " am how Pomona catisfied her curiosit by calling upon nn English lord. I another vein Is John Burroughs charming studios in natural history entitled , "A Mole , a Limprey and Fairy. " The January chapters of Mar Hallock Footu'a romance of the silvc mines , "Tho Lsd-Horao Claim , " in trodnco a tragedy underground , nn develop a powerful interest. Th story will bo finished in two moi parts. Mrs. Burnett's "Through On Administration" is continued. The poems of the number are b Paul H. Hayno , H. C. Buner , Franci Uodgcpn Burnett , Edith M. Thoma Homy Amos Blood , E C. White , an Maria W. Jone ? ; and among U verses of lighter vein In "Brio i Brae , " are two of Undo llemu Christmas Dance Songs. "Topics i the Times" dleousses "Tho 'llavoli tion' in American Politics" and cu rent subjects , and the other editor ! department * are unusually full and ii teroaaing. Among the book noticed ono of Mr. Howclls' ' 'A Modern I stance. " The Popular Science Monthly f January offers a goodly collection articles which merit attention for the interesting character or their practic adaptability. Of the first kind is tl opening article on "The Great Cjin of 1882 , " by Professor Young , Princeton , one of the very few Amoi can writers who are capable at on of discussing the subject fully fro the scientific point of view , and answering tha questions the publ asks in the way it wants them a nwerod. Of the second kind is I Fouillee's "Scientific Philanthropy In which the expediency of pub ! charity and Us ultimate bearing < the future of the race are ably ai candidly discussed in the light of t views of the Darwinian school philosophers and of a critical examin if tion of them. Professor Lock wo gives a graphic account of t finding of "A Mastodon in an 0 Heaver-Meadow , " at Freehold , Nt Jersey. Dr. Felix L. Oswald writ in his characteristic vein of aha satire on the "Curiosities of Supers tion. " Herbert Spencer's after dlnn speech , delivered at the farewell ba quot given to him on the 9th November , which attracted and d servos much attention , is publish under the title of "Tho Gospel ot I creation. " The portrait and sket are of the late Dr. Henry Draper. Now York : D. Appleton Jb Co : pany. Fifty cents per number , $5 j year. St. Nicholas for January contai several notable features , pro-eminc to | among which is the brief blographl ot sketch of Elizabeth Thompson Butl Id written by her sister , which is aoeo of panifd by six illustrations frcm dra inia { made by the celebrated artist h ce self especially for 8t Nicholas , her p it. trait , engraved from apuo\ngrph \ , a it.BJ several groups from the great plctu "Tho lUl.call. " , nt Then there is the prize Tigrr Oo pojil'ion , which as written by Ho ! tins 0. Clark , aced fifteen years. Thi ns Is , bfsidi'ji , the report of the comn too nn compositions , with a long i of honor , 3lf J. T , frowbridgo's serial leaves 1 ol "Tinkhaia Brothers" in nn exciti of nit nation , vrhoro they rauit stay in or the February number. There are * orcsllng chapters of "TJo Story Yiteau. ' ' by Frank R. Stcoktou ; e "The Field of the Cloth o Gold" 1 he five illustrations by M. Oudinor , kit Paris , from the stilncd gUss wlndc designed by him for the benne of 1 cd W. K. Vandorbllt , of Ner York. n "Silk Culture for Boys and Gii IB * ia an article- which inanimates a n I department , to bo known aa "Work and Play for Young People , " In addition , is the usual amount ci short stories , vortos , bright picture ; , and departments , The frontinplucc ii a beautiful picture by E U. Blnsh- fiqld , culled "His Lordship's Bedtime - time , " D. M. Ferry & Co. , Seedsmen , De troit , Michigan , have sent nn a cop ; of their Seed Annual for 1883. It it moro beautiful and valuable than ever , The hints on the formation and man agement of gardens , as well as the cultural directions it contains have evidently been prepared by careful hands , and cannot fail to bo of great service to elf who garden , whether for profit or pleasure , On Trial , New Vcrk Sim. Will the democratic tidal wa\c which swept the northern statea in November maintain its height through thn year , or will it recede co rupidlj that the republicans will recover thrirlost ground in the election ol next fall Andrew Jacknon'd Influence. Dimvr Tribune. The editor of The Omaha Herald has been heard from at lest , Ho sayc "Swanuo River" Is a bigger mu ical gorn than the "Jewel Song" from "Faust " This is ono result of voting for Andrew Jackson at eight consecutive tivo elections. Truly Sustained. Schujlcr Sun , A democratic exchange remarks thai the charges of The Omaha Heralt were fully sustained. Yes , The Her aid's charges are nearly always ana tained. Its charges for otate prin'iaj were sustained , but one of The Hur aid force found it convenient to leave the state during the sustaining pro C.'BJ. For the Public. Humboldt Advocate. These of our anti-monopoly friondi who so vigorously , supported the republican publican ticket in this county at thi late election , claiming that becausi the candidates were members of thi farmers' alliance , that they would ac against the monopoly p rty , have nov a cbanco to nco the foily of their belief as all of them voted directly In the interests terosts of corporations. In the or ganizition of the house wo see tha none ot the representatives votn agatnnt the railroad organization except copt Hon. John Luthy , who ever ' lime recorded his vote squarely in th' interest of the people. That Libel Suit. 0 ration Gazette No man in the atato has recelvoi more abuse from the corporatioi henchmen and their organs than lion E. Rosowater. Every epithet , no mat tar how low or how lying that conldb thought of has been applied to him It is seldom ho notices them , bu when ho does the fur flies yon bet Not long ago a piper north of th Piatto started a base nnd contempt ] ble lie , on ? that every ono knons t be a lie , to the effect that Mr. R wa a rebel spy. This was copied into Th OmahaS Ropublloan , and now tha paper has a libel suit on its hands. PERSONAL ITIBS. Gladstone has lumbago. Walker Blalne ia seriously ill , Anna Dickinson baa not left the ctagi The stage left her. Mr. F. B. Qllmoro hai lost his favorll comet. The new jear starts out well. President Arthur is aild lo have kille "the largest salmon ever taken with a 11 oil this continent. " The King cf liurmah has four' queen The kinK is evidently awaiting the appea ance of Eomebody with a jack full. Dr. Yale a , ot Shanghai , sayathaChino pay $154,75.OGO amuiAl.y to quiet tl of mothord-in-lnw. epirits tboir living - - Gambettu wa attended by eeven deters tors , Ilia will power and constitutic mutt have been something wnndeifal. Bjornstjerne Ujnrnison helleres that I will live to very uld uge. If some Anne icnn orinter runs ncro s Bjornatjcrne ] will discover his mistake. A St. LouU paper says that MitBoui during the 1 tHt twelve months has reduci her public debt by'$350,000. Frauk Jjov must have bfRiiu to refund Mr. Unthaiik , an American contract- is building some railroadu in China. Tl pagans wilt understand hla tuuia bett after they begin to operate the roadj. The poems which Mr. Ilunkln wrote hia youth are Boon to he reprinted in th country. Almost anything ia possible u der a republican form of government. King Knlaliua ordered forty cares champagne from a Baltimore turn to ' luecl at his coronation. Tlie heathen s Mludneis neema tu have a pretty ft ideaof wh t a coronation means. The little 14-year-old Arcbduihe's Vi erie , of Austria , hm already written at crftl poemc , und ia now engaged ou draum. It ii strange that there are no i fonmUory iiiatitutioua iu Auitiia. The "champion bagpipe player nf Sec land" baa arrived in New York. Perha if the bagpipe player could bo induced attend one of lierr Moat's meetings a : play a tune both would leave the cuuntr Tahnage saya spanking children shot be done coolly , quietly , vigoroujly , a with tb * aim lo let the le < m sink de intotheir , little heart' . Mr. Tannage I trays an Ignorance of anatomy which d deplorable. ) Dr. Mos' , of Turin , Ins invented h machine for measuring ttuujht. He fa ened it to the back nt Oicar Wilde's he ChiUtinaaove , and by New Year mtirul it bad only made n mile uud a half , a ! r had stopped tu rest. "Thnie I * no man , " laid the poet Wfc i. tier on' hi * 75tli birth/ay , "who ought ' t write mnoh after he id 70 " Mr. Whin in correct , except In cnshit where the - will ngree positively to destroy the Tette There U a rumor that MUtoa is marry a Benor Angil de MirnncN , whi mother was governpra co Mercrden , a made a Maruliionecn. The man who iu rien NileHon khoulil have thn temper rid will AS the nvnpf _ f > windtrfiil id idc "BllCUUprtlbrt. Quick , complete cure , all nnnuyi Kidney , Bladder , und Urinary D ti tilt tason Drni fistfi. SI ret t- till 10 for nil diseases or the KlUnoyo anc 'K LIVER til It liasiiclflai ! Uon on th lament Import a n- orcaa. caabUru It to throw oil torpidity am nof innctlon , ttlmulatinff tha healthy eerctioi ofd ofthn Ullti , and by keeping the bowrlf la froi d condition , olTrctias f U regular diichiiva , IfyouaroulTtrlnsCroc rs malaria , have the chlllj cf are bilious , dytptptic , or cacsllpatrd. Kid ncy-Wort will iur ly n1 leva A qnlolcJy eatt TS In this icwon to clciuua UioRyutcm , over r. ono tkouM Uke a thorouch couna oflt. ( II SOLD BY DRUCQISTQ. Price ( I l" COFFEE AND SPIGE MILLS. Koastoro and Grinders of Coffees and Spices , Manufacturers of IMPERIAL BAKING POWDER Clark's Double Extracts of BLUEING , INKS , ETC H. G. OLARK & CO. , Proprietors , 1403 Doiiirhs S oot. Oniahn. 1108 and 1110 Harney Ft , , OMAHA , NEB. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE GALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR It is thn beat find cheapeat food for stock of any bind. Ono pound Is cqnal tothroo poun-a of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the full and winter - tor , instead of running down , will incroaao in weight and bo in good market * able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well as others who use it can tes tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no charge for sacks. Address 04-ood-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO , Omaha , Neb. L. C. HTJNTINGTON & SON , DEALERS IN 204 Uorth Sixteenth St. , OMAHA , NEB. 1005 Farnam St. , Omaha. HIMEBATJGH , MEKRIAM & CO , , Proprietors , Wholesale Dealers in Mills Suppliei With Choice Varieties of Milling Wheat , Western Tracie Supplied with Oats snd Corn at Lowest Quotations , with prompt shipments. Write for prices. M. Hellman Co. WHOLESALE 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. I3t OMAHA , NEB. G--A-TIE ! PLANING MILLS. MANUFACTURERS OF Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , D80BS , BUHDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. First-class facllitiea for the Manufacture of all klndrn of Mouldings , Paintinu and matching a Specialty. Ordera from the country will bo promptly txi-cuteJ addnwuU communicatlona to A. AlOYEU , Proprieto ESTAIJLTSKED in 1808. D. H. McDANELD & CO. , HIDES , TALLOW , QRE&8E , PELTS , - - 204 North 16th St. , Masonic Bloak. Main House , 40 , 48 and 52 Dou > bcrc nvenua , Chicago. Itufer by permletion lo Dido and Leather National Bank , Chicago ,