Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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That is what a great
many people arc doing.
They don't know just what
is the matter , but they have
a combination of pains and
aches , and each month they
grow worse.
The only sure remedy
yet found is BROWN'S IHON
BITTERS , and this by rapid
and thorough assimilation
with the blood purifies and
enriches it , and rich , strong
blood flowing to every part
of the system repairs the
wasted tissues , drives out
disease and gives health and
u strength.
Tin's is why BROWN'S
IRON BITTERS will cure
kidney and liver diseases ,
consumption , rheumatism ,
neuralgia , dyspepsia , malaria -
ria , intermittent fevers , &c.
> 003 S , Pca St. , lUltlmore.
i Nov. 98,1881.
I was a great sufferer from
' Dyspepsia , and for several
* weeks could eat nothing and
'Ni was growing weaker every
day. I tried Brown'j Iron
Bitters , and am happy to say
N I now hove a good appetite ,
and am getting stronger.
\ Jos. McCAWLKY.
is not a drink and docs not
contain whiskey. It is the
only preparation of Iron
, that causes no injurious ef
fects. Get the genuine.
Don't be imposed on with
B ;
Every Corset 1 * warranted Batl >
factory to Its wonror la every vray , ,
or the monojn will to refunded liyl
tto person from whom It win bought.
Th onlyCorwti > ronoune l bj our leading phynlctani
Mt Injurious to tbe wearer , amUndorwdbr Udlw as
Mi "moat comfortable ana ptrtect fitting Conot erei
PRICES , br Mall. PosUce Paid I
reMrrinir. 1.00. BeinAdJu tin , tl.BO
4l t ( extra heorr ) B.OO. Muntnv , * 1.KO
tk'l'roervln * ( due coulll ) a.OO. l'er o
Bklri-SupporUnc , 1.6O.
Vr ula by U dln Itetall Dealer * eTerywhere.
PWe bare decided to close on the balance
of OUT winter goods , before
Taking Stock ,
nd to Insure onr Mag do , wo offer the
following llcea at just what
Blankets ,
Comfortables ,
Dolmans ,
Cloaks ,
All Wool
Underwear ,
Hoods ,
Nubias ,
s Wool Jackets ,
Leggins , &c ,
Abe tba following roods which < * offer al lea
than Jobber' * priori :
B'O pairs lad'ei' Cotton HUD , S pa'n for t5c
worth 153 per pair.
BOO ptlri Ladles' Cotton Hole , J pairs ( or ( Bt
worth lOoptrtnlr.
300 pilrs Li dies' Cotton Hase , 25- etch , wort !
4Dcenu per p Jr.
25) pain I all * . ' All Wool Uegular Mtdo box
4)e. worth (0" peri air.
200 palis i all'.1 A > 1 Wool Keguhr Uads hos <
COc , worth o'c per pilr.
BlO pair * CalWrei's All wool hose , MKrtt
colors , 2 c , worth 40o per pair.
400 pilra Clilldien'i all wool hose , aisorte
co ois , 35o worth TO. per pair ,
100 ptlti Ch Idren's all wool hole , french , f (
worth 75o pr pair.
COO pilr4 Cbi Uren's all w.inl hole , best Frenc
76o. worth 99 tn H U5 per pair
Kxncy Uiea Goads , 8J , 10 , 15 , 20 , 2) , reduce
from 2J t J 60 p r cent.
30ln ' 'olorel iOnhmere. all shades , 10 cent
per yard , wr rth 45c.
Fine a I woo at 41c , worth COc
UUuL'Cuhmere , B'l ' weal at 40 , 45 , iO , 70 , | 7.
Bent Value In the cltr.
Velvet , Pluibei , Sllki , Sitlns. &a , all marke
do ii to pricia ttal unnot bo duplicated.
These Reductions
Aare si mtrkel that I uen canntt be dcccl
1. The sale will ouly
Last Twenty Days ,
And the be t Bargains will bs picked Out loc
before Uut Urn * .
Tfco Theories of a Uovotoo oftbo Qod-
deeaof Obanco.
"Now/'enld a veteran eamestor to n
Philndelph'a ' Telegraph reporter , "I
don't mind giving JOURDTIIO idcaa of
tnlno about gambling , and OB I have
pursued It nan profusaion for twenty
yours. I hope 1 may bo excaaod the
vanity of thinking I know something
about the subject.
"One of tbe moat cnrlotn dolualont
IB pooplt',1 thinking they can dovlse
system * of piny that will inevitably
win , Experience has shewn mo that
there is DO eyntcin that will beat fnro ,
or any other game of chance where a
percentage io against you and no judgment
mont is concerned , and yet men have
apont a whole lifetime trying to olnb
orate a method which , like
the philosopher1 ! ) stonu and
the tecrot of perpetual mo
tion , they thought it possible to at-
tnln , though U continually eluded
them. Around the gaming tables at
Monaco and other great gambling
placco in Earopo you will see the
players prick off upon a little card
the numbers and colors aa they turn
up , and etako their money accord
ingly. Nine out of ton of them
never quito loto the idea that they
will eventually arrlvo at the great
secret which will enable them to beat
the bank a combination of prob bll-
lies which shall bo a certainty. So
far no inch system hns boon discov
ered , nud the percentage in favor of
the bank is sure to boat you in the
long run.
"Hut there nro various things which
giro the bank the advantage besides
the percentage. The fact is , when
you play ogainnt it bank yon play
rgalnst a machine , and a machine can
bait a man every time. The average
nun. is not satisfied with winning a
reasonable amount , but goes on until
ho ICBOB every cent in hli pockets. He
is playing with a limited sum against
a capital that is practically unlimited ,
and of course ho will lose in the long
ran. oven if the peroentagobo loft out
of the question.
"Tho most Important point , however -
over , in favor of the bank , is ono
which concerns the eccentricity of
luck. Why it is , no ono knowa , but
it ia certainly true that luck runs In
streaks , first good and then bad. To
Tallow up the good streaks and llu
back on the bad ia the only way I
know of winning by any sort of gamb
ling system. Most men , however ,
haven't the nerve to practice. They
win a few times , and then bet small
suras , fearing a change in luck ,
whereas they ou < ht to back it for all
it aenras worth the minute they see it
U running. Then when tholr bad
lusk cornea , they double and double
until they have lost everything.
"A long rnn on a color is sometimes
worth a fortune to a bank. Poaple
aeeui to think that because a color has
turned up several times in succession
it has as good a chance of coming up
the next , and so pllo their money nnd
double tholr bets on the opposite color.
As a matter of. fact the chances are
always exactly oven , though it Is Im
possible to convince ninety-nine people -
plo out of a hundred that this la the
case. Of oourao the chances against
a run on a color are moro or Joss , and
can readily bo calculated , but the
chances on ouch individual tarn of
the card are exactly given for howls
it possible that an individual tarn
can bo affected by previous turns ,
which lie in the past , and which can
ftvo no conceivable influence ? This
I a question which has puuled
veryono1 who has over thought about
. The chances are so great against
run on a color that at the first glance
I- scorns apparent that on the sixth
urn , for Instance , the red having
iomo UD five tirno m succession , the
ihancos are much in favor of the
ilack. This Is , however , not the
aso. Of course this theory pro-sap-
loses that at each turn there are the
amo number of cards of each color in
ho pack , which is practically the caio
it rougo-ot-uolr , at least as far as the
layer can toll , every fourth card only
olng turned up ,
"Bat what do you think about the
amo of poked" asked the reporter.
'Do you think that Is all luck , and
hat there IB no skill concerned ? "
"By no means. What I laid just
low about 'systems , ' docs not appjy
0 a game like poker , where you not
ilaylng against a bank. You will
oar people toy that poker is all luck ,
iut don't you believe it. The luck ls
uro to come out even in the long
un ; but it is skill ani judgment
hat enables a man to gel
: head of the game. The man
who reduces his play to a mothematl
al system is sure to oorao out ahead
if your sentimental player , who sees
1 bet or docan't just as no happens tc
eel. My method of playing poker li
10 simple that it Is astonishing BO fen
players pursue a similar one , but it if
very rare to find a man who sticks tc
k method and avoids entirely the son
iuiental games. Of course , no method
a worth anything unless it is backet
up by good judgment. The system 1
ipeak of is founded upbn a mathoma
.leal calculation of the chances.
"In the long run it may bo consld
ered absolutely true in the game o
poker that the player who goes in bos
will como out best oftener than hli
simple ratio to the number of othoi
players ; and hence if ho gooi in on
court cards only , while others go in 01
" .mail pairs , his game will win ; for thi
other players are playing against i
formidable percentage. The chanci
of helping a pair on a throd-card drav
Is 1 to 8 for a triplet , for another paii
the same , for a full hand 1 to 01 , am
for lour of a kind 1 to :5G4. : Th <
chances of Improvement are thus i
little moro than 1 In 5. If you go it
on a pair cf jacks and threi
players are ogainst you , whlol
is the average with six play
en , the average chances are tha
you are pl jin against ono botto
hand rnd two poorer ones. Whoi
you reaoh aces you have in all proba
bility the best hand. The raathemat
icaloxpcotation of a ilush when yo
draw to four card ) of a suit Is 1 to
21) ) To a two-cndod straight th
draw Is worth 1 to GJ Thus , you sc
a straight is moro ditliaolttodr&wtha
a flush , Mr. Hchunck to the contrar
notwithstanding. A flush or a straigl
should always bo played as ago ahvaj
with a lan < o'nuniber of players , an
never with a small number , except i
ago. The man who basis his systei
upon such principles as theto will pis
a winning game of poker. "
"What are the chances of holdlt
a straight flush ? "
"Why , about 1 In 300,000 and 1 i
600,000 of holding It pat before the
draw , Some tuon play all their
lives nnd norer pet n straight' flush ,
I myself have only seen five or six ,
and hnro only hold two myself drew
'om both on the hisldo. "
Effect of n Llttlo Child's Proeenco In
a QambllnR Don.
Vlnffratvau ( Tex ) Letter In Philadelphia T mcs
, There is a gambler hero in the saloon
attached to the danoo honso who ro-
joicca in the natno of Faro Jake.
Jake is a very gentlemanly follow ,
and as pollto as a Frauch dancing
tna&tcr. Ho has no small vices ;
neither smokes , drinks , chowa , nor
swears. Ho is accounted the most
export faro dealer on the frontier ,
Ho lives in a little tent on the out
skirts of the town , ha ! companion a
lovely little girl about U years old who
calls him papa. The llttlo ono'a nnmo
is liosslo. She is a pure and innocent
creature , with a fresh , sunny face ,
lighted by great blue oyes. Her hair
ia as flossy aa corn silk and hangs
down her bapk in long curls , At very
Infrequent intervals she comes Into
town. I was hero on the occasion
uf ono of these rare visits. It was
Sunday ovonlng , and work being sus
pended on most of the railroad con
tracts , the town was full and business
was booming. The saloon where her
father deals is the largest in town , and
at least 200 rough men , armed to the
tooth , were scattered about the apart
ment. A dance was in progress In the
hall. It was just after pay day , and
money was flash and was being squand
ered with prodigal liberality. I was
seated at the corner of the bar , watoh-
In .tho nimble fingers of amouto deal
er at an adjoining table , The air
about was blue with tobacco smoke
and profanity. Suddenly a hnih foil
upon the riotcrn and all eyes were
turned towards the door. Standing
on the threshold , nith a half confident
halt timid look on her face , was little
Bossle. Bho was dressed in a snow
whlto dress and her dimpled arms
were cloaod about a rough doll , which
she hold tight to her breast.
"Oomo in , little onol" cried a big
"navvy. " "Sure , there's no man hero
will harm a hair uv ycr head , you
pritty little sunbamo. "
Thus assured , Bessie came Into the
room and walked straight to the table
where her father was dealing ,
1'Bessie 1" ho cried , and frowned.
"Ob , papal" eho shouted , and
sprang forward. "I was so lonely and
just oamo for ono kins. " She put
er arms around nor father's nock and
aid her soft ohook against MB. "Now
leaao don't bo cross , papa. Kiss mend
nd I will go Htralght back. "
Faro Jake kicsod the soft , red
mouth uplifted to his a dozen times.
"I can't bo croso with yon , Bessie , "
o said , and carried her to the door ,
'Run homo now , like a good little
irl. "
The hnoh In the room had deep-
nod , aud men who , for aught I know ,
ad hands red with the blood of their
ellow'kind , held their breath in the
reaonco of this vision of loveliness
nd purity. Jake stopped to kits her
gain at the door Ono of the danca
all ( Irons had boon devouring the
ttle oue with hungry oyes. Aa Bessie
athered her doll closer and prepared
or the run homo she stopped forward.
"Jake ! " she said In a hearse volco
nd touched the gambler's arm. "I
now I alu't fit to , but r ill yon lot mo
iss her ? "
Boaslo hoard thequaatlop and turnout
er woridorous blue eyes toward the
ptakor's face.
"Papa don't caro.'l she said , "ho
ken to have people kiss mo. "
The woman sprang forward and
lught her in her arms. She kissed
10 pure face a score of times aud
ngRud her close.
"God bless you , llttlo angel ? ' ' she
aid , and setting Beeslo down , she
urnod away. The child raa off.
lirowing back kisses from the tips of
or pink fingers , and the men choerod.
"You'ro a fool , L'z , " said a tall
owboy , striding up to the woman ,
'What do yo want to act ua babyish
or ? Oomo , let's have a another
'rink and go back to the hall. "
"No ! " cried the woman fiercely. "I
anco no inoro , drink no moro this
ight. "
She rushed past the cowboy toward
bo door loading to her tent. When
he passed mp her pal otod face had a
lew light in it and there were tears
n her eyes. Ah ! ono sees a great
iloal of human nature , good aud bad ,
at Yinegarvan ,
Fortune * or farmer * and Me
chanic * .
Thousands of dollars can be saved by
usinn proper judgment in taking care o :
' .ho health of yourself anil fnnilly. If you
ro bilious , have sallow complexion , pee :
ppotito , low and depressed pplrlta , am
generally debilitated , do not delay a mo
meat , but go at uuce ; and procure a bet
tie of those wonderful Electric Bitters
which never fall to cure , and that for thi
trifling Mjin of fifty cents , [ Tribune.
Sold by 0. F. Goodman.
NumtnR the Twins.
Tes Hlftlngl.
"So you have got twins at youi
house , " said Mrs. Bozumbo to little
Tommy Samnelson.
"Yoa , ma'am , two of 'em. "
"What are you going to call them ? '
"Thunder and Lightning. "
"Why , thoao are strange names tc
call children. "
"Well , that's what pa called thorn
aa soon as ho hoard they wore In the
House Decoration m Leather.
New Talk Times.
Until quito recently all decorative
leather was imported , and although
embossed leather has been producec
u America , none of the painted loathe
which Is now in such fashionable do
maud was manufactured in the coun
try. Moro than 12 years ago , how
ever , even before the centennial hiu
awakened an interest in the marvel
ous achievements of foreign leather
workers , an attempt at its manufao
turo had boon made in Now York city
and so far the production of palntot
leather , or , aa it la called , "illuml
natod leather , " Is in the hands of urn
firm , The method cf coinmunloatiu
color to the material U a trade socrol
it has the appearance of having boo
dyed , although oil paints only arouse
for the purpose The cdeot is not 1
the least as if the colors were morel
laid on , for the entire thickness of th
leather appears permeated with coloi
This result has only been obtained al
ter years of study and experiment
and tha manufacturer ia an English
man by birth , In every cose a back-
round of gold or silver Is first given
to the surface of the leather , and the
cslgn Is then tooled in colors accord-
ng to the taste of the artlats. Most
t the designs selected are In Imitation
f the antique , o very few being orig.
nol , and a preference now is given to
hose of Moorish origin , although
' "lernlah dealgns play on almost equal-
y important part ,
The illuminated leather manufac-
ured in New York is acknowledged
> y competent judges to excel that
which Is imported from Franco or
Belgium , for the reason that it docs
lot crack or show tigns of wear , and ,
n fact , resembles the genuine antique
n that the older it grows the better it
ooks. Moreover , it is far moro fbxl-
> lo than French leather , and this
nakes It invaluable as covering for
urniturc. The demand for this dec-
rativo leather is steadily increasing ,
nd it Is fonnd of such practical value
hat in the most stylish modern
icuses it ia faat taking the placa of
Ujer materials for ceiling and wall
ecoratlon. Some houses In the city
ro decorated throughout with it ;
> thers have wall and celling decorated
a leather for diuinlng-room and
brary. Tha expense of such orna-
nontation varies , bet is never lighter
or , althcugh it can bo obtained at the
ito of 50 cents a foot , the best quali-
os cost over $3 a foot , and , aa a rule ,
ecorated leather guaranteed to wear
osts at least $10 a yard. For celling
ecoration it is invariably supplied in
no piece , and cross-bars of decora-
vo work are used in connection with
, serving to keep it in position , so
lat if nooasary the entire ceiling
ocoration can bo removed like any
rticle of furniture. Dark leather Is ,
a a rjlo , preferred for the decoration
if dwelling rooms and lighter shades
or bed rooms. Illuminated leather
aa much to recommend it for coiling
ocoration from the fact that it catches
10 rays of light and presents a varied
ppoarauco from hour to hour. Three
r four years aga almost all the paint-
d leather in demand came from Italy
r Franco. To-day ihoro Is every
irobabllity of American leather being
ixported to European countries. The
oather most in demand for decorative
inrposos ia the ordinary ox hide ;
loop-skin ia too thin , and morocco is
nly used for embossing or fancy pur-
IOBOS. Goat skin is occasionally
ailed for , but not often. Formerly
ronch hides were the only ones con-
dorod suitable for the pnrpoao of
lalnting , but American hides are now
ory frequently used. The cost of
ecoration by this material varies , BE
> oforo stated ; ono room in a mansion
i Philadelphia was decorated in
either , that is , ceiling , walls and
hairs Wore covered with this material
or the sum of $1,300 , while tlje
itormous sum of $8,000 has been paid
or the decoration of a single room in
ntlquo leathers. For special orders
jQVant or Turkey leather is decorated ,
> nt this is not a usual thing.
Efery year now sees some improve-
lent in the art. It has been proved
hat the tiles can bo reproduced in
cathor so exactly that only a keen
bservar can detect the material of
which they are made and it is becom-
ng a fashion to frame such tiles as
irnamenta for mantels or brackets.
mportod leathers In colored designs
re enormously expensive if they are
eally genuine antiques. For exam-
ile , an antique wall-hanging 12 yards
eng and two yards In width is valued
at over $10,000 , and it la estimated
hat it would require fully 10 years' '
work tqjjtgprqduce it by the modern
methodiHnoh a hanging , If used foi
a dressing or library wall , would b <
accompanied by a deep wainscoting o !
lark wood , mahogany probably , one
lave a ceiling of the same wooc
richly carved. Oak is also a snltabli
accompaniment for leather , and ebon
zed cherry is constantly used in com
> ination with it. The skill attalnec
> y the modern worker in leather is si
reat that when antiquespooimens art
reproduced it is almost Impossible t <
lotect which is the original , exceptinf
n the greater brightness of the mod
> rn coloring. French artists havi
eng excelled in this branch of art
) Ut they fall to produce the eami
complete accuracy of detail aa thi
American manufacturer.
Many of the fashionable chairs to
lay are covered in what is known ai
Spanish hide , which , however , nnlei
oally antique , oomes either fron
France , Italy or Belgium , and is man
nfaotured in imitation of the Moorlsl
loalgna which were introduced Inti
Spain In the fifteenth century. Fron
Spain the art of leather-working trav
clod to the Netherlands during th
occupation of the country by th
Spaniards , and so In Flemish spool
nions wn find constant trace of th
Moorish influence in which they reall
originated. These Flemish design
re usually florid and highly colored
these which are moro purely Maoris !
are geometrical and lower toned ii
color. The most expensive of al
leather ia that imported in the rougi
From Cordova. It is much used fo
screens and oanols , and Flemish designs
signs wronght upon it are specially ei
feotivo. In early days artists whos
fame was made did not disdain t
paint upon this material , and it entered
tored largely into the decoration o
palaces and large buildings at the tim
uf the earlier Kenaissance. Althougl
it has played the part ot all fashion
and been from time to time almoa
lost sight of by the general public , i
is safe to affirm that there never ha
been a time when the lovers of th
beautiful have not sought to expres
ideas in this material.
Riobei in Hop Farming.
At the present prices , ten acies 1 :
Hops will bring moro money tha :
five hundred acres In any other farm
ing ; and , if there is a consumer o
dealer who thinks the piicp of Ho
Bitters high , remember that Hops ar
$1.25 per lb. , and the quantity an
quality cf IIops in Hop Bittore , am
the price remains the same as formei
ly. Don't buy or use worthiers stul
or Imitations bocnuso the price is less
Bucklm's Armca Halve.
The Usai SALVB In ' .oe world ( or Oati
Bruise * , 8ore , Ulcerir , bolt Hhcnm , F <
vsr Rotas , Tetter , Chipped Hands , Chi
bUIm , Goroi , ana all skin eruption * , an
pMitlvoly cures pllea. It Is gunrnnteed t
gite Bstlefaotfon i n * aey relunde *
Price , 25 Oflntn p r ex , tot iMi by C
Hartford' * AciiVPhoipliito HI Kc
frlgeruut Drink in Feveri-
DR. 0. 8. DAVIS , Morideu , Oonn ,
lays : "I have used It as a pleasan
and cooling drink in f evert , and hav
be n Tory much pleated with U. "
Farms ,
No. 19 Full otand now house , ' 3 rooms , twc
e ow and ono up stairs. KUht foot ccllIni ; bo'on
lid cvcnnbovc. Brick foundation , ( .ellar , etc.
\ bargain , $000
No. 18 lATfe two story house , 10 rooms , twc
arge lellars. g od welland cisicro , tain , etc. . on
V < Later end .Hid ftrtet , 50,000.
No 17 Ixit 60x185 feet , n w house of two
oomn br ck foundation 100 barrel cistern on
Imnlltcn street uetr Poor ClarcCor.vent $ tOO.
No. 10 House aud lot on 17th ntar Clars St ,
house 6 roomi etc $1100. !
No. 15 House of 3 rooms full lot on Plcrco St.
tear I
No. 2U New rouscof 7 rooms , with corner lot ,
ialf mile w > st ot Turntable of rod street can on
3au dcrsSt. jloCO
No. 5-House of light rcoras , barn etc. lot
0x165 feet 2iOO.
Vacant Lots.
No. 252 Two full lots on loth Street near Lak <
St. $1000.
No.3M Twenty Oveloti In Parkers addition
ust north of the endot red street car line ? UO
each easy terms.
No.SiO Four lotion Delaware tt near Hans
com jatk , (650.
No. 831 One half lot on Kouth avenue , near
St. Mary's atonue , 5'0
No. MO Eighteen 08) ) lots on 21st , 22nd , 23rd
aaa Blunders itreet , uoir Q ace , J500 each , and
on easyterms.
No , j-IO-Six beautiful residence lots on Cather
ine strict , near llanscnm park , $1,500
Twelve teiutllul residence Iota in Hamilton
street , near end ot old sttejtcar track ; high and
sightly , 83 0to $700.
Seuial ue and half acre corcer lots on Cum
Irg , Hurt a dCnlifornla tticeU , In I/we'mec <
end iddltinu and Park Plica near Academy o
Hacted Heart.
Lota in Proipect Place" on Hamilton ant
Ctmlei ttrec t , Jint wett of the end of Ked Strce
Cart > ack and Convent of the bister * of I'oo
Clare , One and one half mile frompCBtolllce m
un mlefromU. P. shcpa , { 150 to $500 lacB
only 6 percent down and fi percent per month
I.jts11 Lcwe' addition one-half mile west ol
end of Heel Strett Car track near Con font c
Poor Clare S eters In Shlnn'a addition , $125 tc
4300 < ach , and onery oaty terms.
lots In Horbwh'a 1st and iind addition !
Sblnn'o , P.irk Place , LoweV.'nd addition 11 nV
Lake's , NeUon'e , llanscom Place , Kadlck's ad
dliions , etc. , ete.
Lota In "Ore'1 It Fonder addition" juat one
quirter mile south-rait of Unhn Pacltb and B
andM. U. U. depots , 2iO to l,600o cb , vcryeai ;
Business Lots.
Tnrce gond business lota on Dodge near 12tl
street , 'Jil20 fctt each , $1,600 each , or $ t,60uio
all , oxsy terus.
Two gjod business loti on Farnara street , 33 :
00 font each , withfrarcobuildingtheron.rcntln
for about ? a(0 [ .or jearraih ; pr ce $ t'J5o each
4U132 feet on taruam near lO.hutrnoi , corne
Splendid Warehouse lot on Union Paclffc rlgh
01 way. corth of track and eatt cf Nail Woik-
brluK 134 feet norlh f'ontaue on Mison stictt
by About 100 fo t west frontire on 10th ( t.
Farms and wild landa In Douglai , Harpy
DodgiV.uhiuston , Quit , iWavne , SlantOD , um
other good counties In extern Nibraskafor salt
jaxei pala , rents col'ected ' , an 1 money loanei
on laipro > ei ) city and country ipjoi erty at lot
rites of Interest.
. . ,
16th and Douglas St.
Omaha Neb.
A. tomblnatton of Pro-
toxlcte of Iron , 1'cruvlan
a jxilntabln form , for
IttbUHy , Lots of Apne-
HterroilraUonof fitat
2'oiccr lilo , * it it < netU/j n4a-
HEV.A.I. HOB.U3 Writes : REV. J.Ii. TOWNEB ,
After n thororifrh trial of the i. .
IHON TONIO , I take ploaauro * says :
n Btixtlntr that I have boon Y fif'l'n I consider it
KICOV. , Vcnofltod by its l I fll I II a moat excellent remedy for
IBO. ministers and Pi MMM\JLf the debilitated vital forces.
llo Spoakora will find it
of the greatest value
whoron Tonic ia neces
sary. I recommend it
as a reliable- remedial
nrront , possessing un
doubted nutritive and
restorative iavlmUt , Xyt properties. Oct , 2 , IbSZ.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
SASH , DOORS , BLINKS , KQilCS , LiltfliE ,
Wear Union Pacific Denot. - OMAHA 3MB
O. IB1.
Window and Plate G'ass. '
AJTADyone contemplating building store , bank , or ny other fln * will Ond II to their * d
inUge to corrcB end with ua boloto purchasing their Plato Gl Bi.
OMAHA _ - - NEB.
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Coeds , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
- - ,
" " " "
TT" "SWB" "H
l&uJP sJu Kasi iJKa
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.
Fire and Burglar
CS .
1020 Farnham Street ,
-T.O . CO
Boots and Shoes.
IF. o. iMioRGKA.isr ,
1213 Farnam St. . Omaha.
' ' '
IB only attnlued by using
Stoves and Ranges , "
"For aalo byj