v THE DAlJL-r BEi * OMAHA MONDAY JANILA1M ? 3 he ? obra3Ra National Bank , Of Omah , Nab- Paid up Capital , - - S260.00O Ornsin for builncw April 27,1R82 , with the arcwt uplul of any bank lu Nobnulfa. UIUKCT011S : R JOHNSON , President , of Stcele , Johnson & Co. TOUZAUN , Vice Prcgldcnt , o ( 0. , B 4 Q R. K. , Itodton. W. V. SHIIUSK , ol W. V. llonw ft Co. JOHN S. CULUNS , o ( 0. It. & J. 8. Collins. J , \\OOLWU11TII , Coiunwllor and Attornoj- at-Law. L. 8. IlEKD , of Hron Uced & Co. n. W. YATES , Ciwhltr , late Cashier of the Orel National Bank of Om.itn , connecteil ltb the active nianaifcment of that Uauk since lt oritinliatlon In W 3 OoiAitfriu.NB rccilvo opoclal attention and char KM lowest oliUltulile hero or olnowherc. IHTKRRkT allowed on thuo deposit ! ! upon Ja\or able terms and upon account * of banks and tuink FoBRidN EicilANOR , OmernnientBomls , and County and Clt ) Securities hoitRht and sold. U .Jprcparfltt ( /unural bankliiR bu lne 8 er > a tt details , an I In thu treatment ol custom II w'llpursno ths mast liberal policy consistent with tafo bauVlmt FIHAHCE AMU COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. Special Dispatch to Tim USB. NEW YOBR. January (5 ( , Monor Loaned at 3S4J per cent , and closed cflered at 3 per cent. Prime Mercantile r per fl@8 per cent. Sterling ExchangeBunkers' bills steady at 84.bO ; demand , $4 81 } . Governments-i per ccnl lower for 4's coupon , A per cent luwcr for 4'e registered and 4J's coupon , nnd unchanged fur 3's , 5'a and 4 's repUtered. Stocks opened weak and lower , and , alter fluctuating frequently during the day , finally left off i@ltf per cuut below losing figures of lait night. GOVERNMENTS Venter Jay. To-day. 3's 103i 10S1 6'K 102 102 4Ve Coupons UHl 11 2 4e ? UPS llUt PaciE:3'aof 1893 12'J U'U BTOCKB. Adams Express 133 130 Allegheny Central + H31 . . Alton & Terre Haute 60 4 ! ) do pfd. . . . m yi American Express 0 1 UJ Burl. , Cedar Uapida & North. 81j S'Jj Canada Southern 07& 07 Col. , Cm. & ind. Central. . . . 10.U lliHJ Central Pacillo SGJ 8iJ ( Chesapeake & Ohio 2 do iBtpfd. . . ' do 2d pfd. . . 24 Chicago & Alton 185 ISO do pfd 133 133 Ohl. , Burl , k Quincy 1'JSJ 123 Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 75 7d Oin. . Biud. & Cleveland 4 ! ) Clove. , Cot. & Cincinnati. . . . S'JJ Delaware & Hudson canalli 8j . . . Del. , Lack. & Western ll ! ? } Denver & llio Grande 45 } -1 f Erie 40 h'JJ do pfd 82J 8 i Eaat Tennei > ooo 10 . . di > preferred 17ii Fort Wayna & Chicago 135 133 Hannibal & St. Joueph 43 34 do pfd. . . 78 78 Harlem 191 l'J < 5 Houston & Texaa Central. . . . 74 Illinois Central 143 , ' 14.H1 Ind. , Bloom. & Western 33j 33fr Kansas & Texan 33 32J Lake Erie & Western 321 Lake Shore & Michigan So..IISJ 112 j Louisville & Nashvifle 13J Loulsv , , New Alb. & Chicago C 4 . Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 10 . . do do 2dpfd r\ , \ Memphis & Charleston 49i Michigan Central US J8J Minneapolis & St. Louis. . . . 28 J do pfd. G5 Missouri PaoiBc 102 j 102.1 Mobile & Ohio 11'J Manhattan Beach 123 Morris & Essex 5MJ New Jersey Central t > 7j 70 Nashville & Chattanooga 48 Northern Pacific 401 4" do pfd 8 # 85 | Northwestern 13.1 } 1314 do pfd 150 } 14 ! ) New York Central 1278 l6 Ohio Central 13t ! I. . Ohio & MisaiBBippi 33 32J do pfd 00 90 Ontario & Western 202 Oregon Transcontinental 85jS . . Pacific Mail 43 Panama 1G7 . . Peorift , Uecatur & Ev.insv. . . 28 t'C PittuburfT A Cleveland 139 13 Pullman Palace Car 121 Reading 55g Kock Island 1274 120 Bt , Louis & San Fran 32A 32 do pfd. . . . 52t do Is : pfd 94 St. Paul & Mllwaukt-e 10GJ 103.3 do pfd..121 } 120 St. Paul , Mlun. & Manitoba 142 142 Bt. Paul & Omaha 52J 504 dj pfd my 111 } Texas & Pacific 393 38 Union Pacific 10 g 103 United States Express 03 Wabaeh , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 34i 3IJ do pfd. 5IS 54J Wells , Fargo & Co. Express. 123 Western Union Telegraph. . . 81J 80t Caribou . . . l } Central Arizona . . . i Excelsior 1 Homeetake 172 Little Pittsburg 1 Ontario 33J Quicksilver 8 do pfd 3"i Robinson , , 1 Silver CHIT. . . . . . 2 South Pacific Standard Of ! Butro J Offered. fEx. Interest. JAakod. | | Ex. Dividend. " PRODUCE ! < Si "t * Apcclkl Dlsfatchos to Tni Cn. OHICAQO. CHICAGO , January 6. Wpeat Fairly active And a ihade higher : regu lar , OG o tot Jonuarvj 97@97Jo for Fflhruaryj 93a bid tor March ; I 03Jfg > 1 03i for May : No. 2 red winter , 98c ; No. 2 ( prin ? , O'rrf.OiiJc : No. 3 spring , 80s : re jected , CSffiOle. Corn Stron ? and higher : 544(20110 ( for cash ; fiigo for Januarv ; ri2J@.rj'2)j ) for Feb ruary ; 61J@5''o for Marco ; 04s3Jio | for May. Oats-Steady with fair demand ; 35Jc fet cash ; 35J@3Go for .faniury ; 3o ( ! for Fob- 3',3c for .March ; 3VJ&37J1 tor May. Kyo Market firmer ; 574@5Sc. Flax ' Soed-Htroi'ger ' at ; 1 20 < gi 22. 'Ure'-ned ' Hogs Active , firmer and high er ; 7 15@7 40. Pork Active , but lower : 10 93(5)17 ( ) 00 for inch : 1710ro17124 ! for Februurr ; 17 27i17 30 for M r-h ; 17 42J@17 4S for April ; 17 fiO@17 62J f .r . May. Imd Fair dcmmd but lower : 1030 ® 10 H2 * for cvh ; 10 42i@10 45 for February ; 10 5010 52J for Ma < ch ; 10 7010 72i for Mav. ' Whhky Steady and unchanged ; 1 10. KANSAS CITY. KAXHA-J Cur , January 0. Wheat Higher and firm ; No. 2 red , 82@84c } for cath ; Sljafor February:85o : for Mrcb. Corn M .rket firm ; 89J@39sc for cash ; 33 o bU for Februnrj j 42 o for Slay. O -Slow at 33ic bid tor cwh ; S May. NEW TOBK , NwYoBK. Janaary G.- hijlicr ; ttronu ; Nn. 2. uprlnjf , 1 10 : un. K"iled red , fUpll 1C : steamer N. . . It red , 00 ; No. 3 red , 1 07i@l 07fc steamer No. 2 red , 1 OSjfflll OSI No. 2 rd , 1 11 @l 12. ( Virn Mic ; hlkihrr ; titiii ; uoguiiud , T > 9 @G8Jej No. 2OSSe 'JJ. . . Oats Shirio de tt-r ; mixed western , 41 @ 47c ; whltp. 47@COj. Egiis WFroh Wi stern , quiet and Pork Dull ami weak ; new ine s , 1 25 @ 18.n. Lird-HI. h r ; prlmo nteain , 1070. ST. 1.UD1S ST. doDin , Jiiituiy 0. Flour Firm and fitfl ( | ic better. Who ! t-Jllnlier tint Mow ; No. 2 red U9J @ ' ' ! > J' fet imh : ' .inlrn'.U'Vo ' ( * J u'rv > 1 UOtol I'QJ ' fur Kebruar\ ; Ul'J for March ; 1 OIJ IHI A nl ; 1 OJitel " ' 4 lor Ma } ; Nu , 3 re.l fall. 9 It Ucirn HUlier but slou ; I.Mitt 'Bo fnr caah ; ir 'CflSj ' fnr J tnnnry ; HU@17i3 for FebtUAtj : < * e , 4'Jj ' ( i4ll,1o lor M . ) ' O tt Flinii 87 fo t T Lb : 87Jo for .T n. uar ; R71o Itir Ketirunry ; H7JJ for AUy. U ir.cy . Stt-ikiiy ; GJo ( 8'c. Hutttr HttMilj ; cftumcry , 33@10c ; dmry. 28(0.13 ( WhlkySenlitl 14 Poik-i ull ; 108'i bid for c.ish ; 1730 bid for MAV. Uacon - K ity ; side , 10 Ofl@l > 2 . Lird Nominally Inner ut 1U 12 , LIVE STOOK npeclal Dtopatchra to Tin Dsi , BT. LODia. ST. LoDifl. .Tammy (5. ( Cattle There is not enough supply to make the mar ot prices uomina ly uiichunteil. Priwp is tor next week thonht to bo tair for g .tt ruun au I firm prices. Sheep Good butchers' and shipping in demand ittH uriie * firm ; good to fancy muttons , 3RO' 500 Hogs Market tlow and unch&m-'vl ; light , 5 U0 ( 5 tt ; packlrtr , 5 1)0G ) JO ; butchers' to extra , G i0(5 ! ( U ! ! 0. 01IIOAOO. OatCAao , January G The Drovers' Journal rep-rts n follows : Holt * Gond at stiong firmer ra' n ; i oJ , 5 40G 10 ; be vy , GOO@G.)5 ; light , 5 50faG 2. > ; nklpn , 1 00@5 2Ti. Crtttla Market "low auH heavy cattlu dull ; extrn. CO ( , G 40 ; good to choice flip ping , 5 SO&lii'J l ; CDiiimnn to fair , 400 @ 5 20 ; butcliB ' f.ilr demand and selling ut htrong pncen , -"iOfS-lli ) stackers nnd feed' rs uncliunu'il at 3 25(3)4 ( ) 50 Sheep -Good , stedv , and prices firm ; comnun tn. fair. It 00ai4 ( (0 ( ; medium t > ioiil , 4ofel 75 ; choice to extr.t , I 901" 540. / a KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITT , Jammy G. The Llva , Stock Indicator ropoits : Cattle-Market 8t alh ; native steen , 4 G0fi5 4."i ; CJWK , 2 90@3 GO ; Btockors hud fc rters , 3 COg-t 15. Hogs Market active at I 40@G 20 ; bulk s lf H , 3 50@G 00. Sheet © Market quiet at U Of ) . TBAFFIO. IpocUl DlJp tchcs to TIIB.UEI. FLODIl AND CHAINS. CIIIOAOO , January 0. Receipts and hipiiieuts of flour and grain for the past 4 hours ha\o been as follows : Kecelntp. Ship'ts. lour bbls 13 POO 1.000 Vheat bushels fi2 010 11,000 lorn " 183.100 IGi.OOO at " 71 > ,0 0 78l ; ye " 7000 3000 : arley- " 2'J,000 ' 29,000 NKW YonK. January G. Kecelpts and hipments of .Hour and grain for the past 'i noun have boon as follows : Receipts Shp'ts. lour-bbls Vheat bushels f > 5 , < )00 ) 108fiOO lorn " 37.0HO G-.5 iats " 2J.OOO 150 KANSAS Our , January G. Receipts , nd shipments of grain foi the past 24 ours have been as follows : Kec'ts. Ship'tn Vheat , bushels 7,000 19.000 orn " 22,000 51 , < X,0 LIVE BTOOK. CHICAGO , January G. Receipts , and .hipments of live stock for the past 24 ours have been aa follows : Rec'ts. Shipm'ts. Hogs | 11000 Cattle 1,400 beep 1,100 ST. LOCIB , January 0. Receipts and hipmenta of live stock foi the past 24 .ours have been as follows : Kec'ta , Shipm'ts. Hogs 1,8 > ' 0 Cattle 200 400 ; heep 000 750 KANSAS CITT , January G , Receipts .nd . shipments of live stock for the past 24 .ours have been as follows : Keo'ts. Shipm'ts. Hogs 4,400 Jattlo COO Jheep 20 OMAHA MAKK.STS. Wholesale Prioei. OrriOB or THB OMAHA BZK , ) Saturday Evening , January G , | The wholesale trade of the city for th iast week , in moat lines , was quiet , as usual at this Reason Coal exhibited as much animation anything owing to the cild weather. The demand for dry goods , boots and eeg , clothing and furnishing goods , roll inery , &c , continues light. Groceries were a little more active a comptratirely steady prices , though sui r and cuffoes were oaaior. The demand for dried fruits continues slack , while canned goods sold moderately. The general produce and commission business was fairly active throughout the eek , though the weather was too cold t ) admit of free movement of green fruits and vegetables. Butter , eggs , poultry and game were in fair request and prices unchanged. Flour w s quiet. Other mill stulf.i met with fair tale at quotations. Provisions were a little more active and stronger than la t week. Cjmmi-tiion merchants are looking for ward to k largo trade in oranges and einonn , M the arrivals at the ports of New York , Boston , Philadelphia and New Orleani for the month nf January are larger than ever knowu for the correspond ing period , and comprue 'ii.OOO casei Valencia oranges , 30,700 boxes Messina oranges , and 90,000 boxes Palermo oranges ; 33 000 boxes Messina lemons , 01,000 boxes Palermo lemons. The local grain mirket is quite active and stronger. Receipts of hogs for the week were about ICO card. Packers were pacing $5 80 for pood. Tno season for sseds hai not opened In thii locality , hence wo cannot give local quotations and inquiring readers must be guided by our eaitern quotations for the time being. The only changes reported in the market to-day are at follows. Wheat , No. 2 , advanced Jo. Corn , ftJvnn-jed 3o Castor oil advanced ,1o per gillon , Sperm oil advanced lOc per gallon. Butter declined lo. Locnl Grain Doallngu. WHEAT.- Cash No. 2 , 78c ; caah No. . 3 , GOJc ; iciected. 44c. BAULKY.-Caib No. 2 , G8c { No. 8 , SSc , UVK-Cash. 43o. NKW CORNS | c , OA'M-Me SEEDS Fhix KO96o per bn. Produce and Provisions , POTATOES-50o per bushel , ONIONS 3050o | > or bushel. BUTTKK Choice country , 20@25j. KUO8If < c,28c. HONKY ( .nllforsla. per lh , 31. Al'l'L KS Per barrel , J2 75(33 ( 2T , OYS I'lWS-BoothV and Plait's sMcct 'stern ' , 4i ( ) > 8t in lar I , SO ; niodiums , 2. > , KI.OUIDA OK < \ NCJIG oo. LK.MUNS ft I'CrrilMper box BKVN1Nnvy | T bushel , 275(2300 ( CHICKENS OWlDj perlb. TUKKKYS-iaSiaj per pound. Urocora' Lit ) CANNED UOODS-Oystors , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , ixjr A sj , 34 IHI ; do 1 Ib ( Picld'o ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Ctaudard ) , per care , 210 ; attawherrii'n ' , 2 Hi , per cnio,250 , rnspberriiw , 2 n > , per o.vv , 3 30. Oam- sons , ! ? tb , IXT CMC , 2 45. lUrllett pears per caw , 2 GO. Whortloborrlow per ca.ie,275. Kpg pluma,2 Ib porcine , ' DO ; Uroeu gagO'i,2 Ib per aw , 2 IK ) ; do choice , , Ib IH.T cane 1 50 , I'iuu Appbs , 2 tb , per cana I OWA5 75. Pc.icr.eii , 2 Ib per case , 3 00 ; Jn 3 Ib , c.-we , 1 LH > ( J 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 51 In , per 0880.230 : do pie , G tb , per doten , 2 30 , FL iUU Jobbing price * , Jack Frost 3t. Louis winter ) $3'JO per 100 Ibs. ; To- pekn I'.Uent Kansas 811.85 ; Minuchaha Miuneaota Patent § 3.70 ; Slmwnoo Fancy winter , $3.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter , $3.00 ; Triumph spring , boat , 82.80 ; Chris- linn's superlative , 3 50 ; bran , per ton , 814.00chopped ; feed , 828.00. OKI' * K. Ute , tair ll ( ) : | Rio. good He ; inline to choice , 11 } to 12c ; Old gov't Java ; 26iU.l,2 ! Mochi * , 284c ; Arbnoklo's , OHEES3 Full Cream , 14o | Port HUG ARS-Powdered. lOJo ; Cut lo f , lOlc ; Granulated , Ojc ; Coutoctinnor's A , 9Jc ; Standard Extra O. 8Jc ; Extra O , 8Jc ; medium yellow , ,7jc ; dark yellow , 7c. 7c.SYHUP SYHUP Standard Com. , 37c , bbls. ; Standard do , 44 gallon kopn , 81 IK ) ; Stan dard do , 4 gallon kegs , $1 70. MEATS Hams , IGc ; breakfast bacon , nonu ; clear side bacon , none ; dry cult bacon , lO&c ; shoulders , lljc ; derco lard , "FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , G 1' < j No. 1 imckorol , kits , 1 00 ; family mack erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kit * , 85c ; No 1 whlto fish , half brls , G 00 ; No. 1 SPICES. Pepper , 30 ; Allspice , 20c ; Cloves , 35c ; Nutmegs , 81 00 ; Oacsia , 24cj Mace 81 00. LYE American , 3 3" > ; Greenwich. 8 40 ; SVoitern , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 OG ; Lowi f lyo. 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 27fc. FEED-Jobbing price * , Chop feed $1.50 | wr 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , $1.40 ; bran , 70o per 10(1 ( His. MEATS Hams perlb. , 15c ; B Bacon per Ib. , 15c ; clear side hacou per Ib , , lie ; dry salt fide * per U ) . , 9Jc ; dry salt hbbul- ders per Ib , 7c ; bacon dumldirs per Ib , ajc ; t jroo lard per Ib. , 12c L \RU Omaha ReiiumingCo. : Tierces , HZr ; 40 and fiu-lb cans , 12c ; 20-lb ran * , 12Jc ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 12jc } ; 5-lb do , 124c ; 3 ll > do , I'-'JG. HOMINY Now , 84 50 per bbl. SUDA In Ib papers , 83 per case ; keg soda , 2.c. NK\V PICKLES Medium , In barrels $700 ; do in half bbls , 4 Oil ; smalls , in bbl 1)00 ) do , in halfbbls , 500 ; gherkins , in bbbt. 11 00 ; do , in half bbls , G 00. STAUC'lL PonrJ , 4Jc ; Hilvcr Glost } c ; Corn Starch , GJa ; ExcolalordloEU , 7o ; Corn , 7ic. TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ; Jhoice , 60@75c ; Imperial , good , 40fe45c ; T--Jce , 60@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 36 ( ? "Oc ; choice , 65c@81 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , 15c ; Japan , choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , good , 3540 ( ; Oolong , cho.ue , 40@55 ; Souchong , < ood. 35@tOc ; choice. 3545o. HOPE Sisal , 4 Inch and larger , lOJo ; g inch , lit ; i inch , lljo. WOODEN W AUK Two hoop pall ( , 1 75 ; three hoop palls , 2 00. Tubs , No 1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 85 Doublr Cr wn200VcllbuckotH ; , 350 , LEAD-Bar. 81 65. VINEGAR Pure upple extra , 16c : unre apple , 13c : Pnisaine uure anulo , IGo , SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 65 ; Ash- ton , in sac ka , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 8 50 SOAPS Kfrk's Savon Imperial , 8 45 ; Kirk's tatiuit , ! ) GO ; Kirk's standard , S 75 ; Kirk's white Husaitn , 525 : Kirk's Eutoca , 315' Kirk'a Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia doz. , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 90 ; Anchor Ball ' doz in case 1 50. PEANDTS Roasted , choice , rod Tennessee - nessee , lOo per Ib ; fanoy white , lOJa perlb ; raw white Virginia raw , 10o ; roasted , 120. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , IPs. 15Jo ; 8s , I51o ; bixes 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , Ga , 15go. HICK Louisiana prime to choice , 7i@ 74o : fair , G@7o ; Patma , 7c. MATCHES Per caddie , 95oj round , cajoa , $8 10 ; square , coeos , 90 40 , Dry Qoodt. BKOWN OOTTONS-Atlanllo A , 8Jc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Boott FF , ftto ; Buckeye I L , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W , 71o , Chittenango A , GJc ; Ureot Falls E , 8Jc ; Hoosier , GJo : Honout Width , 8Jc. In dian Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A , 8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w , , 8.Jc ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; M ystio Kiver , 74o ; Pequot A , 8 c ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0 , 6ic ; Wachm- ett B. 7ic ; do A , 8ic ; do E 48 , 12Jo ; Wai- cot t BB. 8Ao. FINE BROWN COTTONS Allendale -4 : 7io ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jo ; Atlantic Lh , GJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington O 4-4 , CJc ; Buckeye S. 4-1 , GJcc Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 84c ; Lnconio O 89 Lehigh E 4-4 9ic Lonudalo 4-4 ( ji , 8Jc ; AJuttiKti * j * * t W3WI uviiauiuu T , I lOo ; Pepperell N 80 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7io ; do II 30. 7Jo ; do E 39. 8 0 ; Pocasuet 0 4-4 , 7jc ; Wamsutta4-t 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Androseog gin L 4-4,9icBlackstoneAA Imperial 8Jc ; do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8J Fidelity4-4 , 9icVrult ; of theLoom.10 ; do can.brio4-4,13cdoWatorTwist,10icGroat ; ; FallaQ , lO c ; Indian Head shrank 4-4 , 12c- Lonsdalo. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12Jc ; New York Mills , 12ic ; Pequot A,10c ; Peppercl N G Twills , 124c ; Pocahontoa 4-4 , 'JJc , Pocasset 4-4 , Sio ; Utica , lie ; Wamautta O X X. 12Jc. BUCKS Colored } Albany K brown. 8c do 0 drab ll do Z and ou ; uu w , uinu , t x stripoa plaids , 124c ; do XXX brown and drab , stripes and plaids , 12&c ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fancy 124c ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , HJc ; Indiana A brown IHm Nenonsot A brown. 15o TlUKUNUa Amoskeag A O A S3 19c ; do XX blue 82 , ISJo ; Arrowa&na , 94c ; Claremont B B , 15ic : Conestoga ex trt > , 17ic : Hamilton D , lljo Lewiston A SO , ISc ; Mlnnehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super extra 4.1. 28o ; Pearl River 82 , IG c ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shotuckot 8 lOJc ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o DENIMS. Amoakeak , blnoand bronn IBJc ; Andover DD blue , 15ic ; ArllngX blue Scotch , IB c ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown , 12Je ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXto do do 14Jo Haymaker'o blue and brown , 94c ; Mystic River DD Btri ( > o , IJUc ; Pearl River , blue and brown , IGcUncaavIUe ; , blue and brown , 144o. OAilBRICS Barnard , 'Sie ' ; Eddystone lining. 24 inch double face , S c ; Garner A glazed , Pic ; Manhattan glove finish , C9o Newport do Go ; do glazed , 5Jo | Pequot do 5c : I > xkwood : kid finish Go , CORSET JEANS Amorr , 80 ; Andros coggin sattcen 8Jo ; Clarendcu , Gjc ; Cones olgiksatteens , 71c ; Hallowel , 8c ; Inldl Orchard 74c ; KarrAgandottlmprovedo Pepperlll aattpen 94o ; Rockport , 7Jc , PiaNTS Allonu , 64c : American , G oj Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4Jc ; Cocheco , fo ; Conestoga. GJo ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnell , GJ@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ; Glauconter , Go ; Harmony , 64o ; Knickerbocker , 640 ; Mor ri so D. 7c ; Mystic , 64c ; Sprameo , 605 Southbrldge , Oc ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marlboro - bore , 52c ; Oriental G4c. GINGHAMS Ain keag. 13ici Amoi. ke g dreBS 9J | Argyle , 10k ; Atlantic , Oo ; Cumberland , 74c ; Highlftna , 74 ° ; Konllwortb , 81o ; Plun kott , lOioj Hiu BUI. fic COTTONADE8 Abborvllln IBJo Ag-vtc , SOc ; American , He ; Artlalan , 20ci Cairo D .nd T , n4o ; Clarion D and T , , 17Jc ; Deccan Co.etripes DandT , IGc ; Key. stor.o , 134c ; Nantncket. 19o : Nonpareil. | IGc ; Ocean D and T , ISJct Royal , 1641 Sunaer , 12c ; Tfoga , 124c ; Wachueett Bblrt < In ? jhrcks. 12lc ; do , Nankin , 13jo ) York , plain N/tnkln. 12jc ; do , check * , stripes and fancy , 124o ; do , t ) ot SOc. do SM,23cdo ! 8-4 , 22cj Oimtlm-ntnl 0 42 , lie , Kntlt of the lxxin 10-4 , 274j Now York mllUPS , 85o | do 78 , SOo ! do M 'J2Jo , Pomlirike 10-4 , , 3ooi 1'wiuot IP-4 , 2S\o \ , 1)0 ) 74 , Ulo ilo 4 J , Ificj rc | > | KTcll tl'r ' . SPcj do B7 , 21cdo ; 57 , 18o ; Ut c IHi , 8ic ( ; do AS , Wjc ; do 48. 17r. Palntt Oil * and VarnlshM 011 5 110" carbon , i > or Kil'on ' , lltoj 150" hmdllght , IHT K lloti , 15oj 176 * hoadH ht , per K Hon. ' . 'Oo ; llniipod. raw , vcrpallon , "iSj lliuopd , imilo'i , u crKnllou , fifioj l rd , winter uti'il , porenl , on. 1 00) ) Xo. 1 , S."c ! No. 2 , 7fV : c.wtor , XXX. per pallon , 1 ifl ; No. S , 1 'J' ' , uwool , per K lloii. 8o : BXirni , W , H. , per Kullon- l 7r > j tUb , W , 11 , , per gallon , fiOo ; noaUfoot , xtni , per Ballon , 76cj No. 1 , IMCJ lubri- c.itliiR , zero , per rjnllon , SOo. "uniincr , Ifio , ijoliloi tuacblniv No , 1 , per rridlon , .S"o | No , 2 , 30 ; Bporin , nlgtinl , per gallon , 80c : tur pentine , per I'ullon , fl.r > o ; nnptba , 74 , per Rulton. 18c ; BIT , 17o I'AINTS IN Oils- White loud , Oumhs I' . I' , . GJc ; whlto load , St. Loiii , pure , fijr ; Mr.niolllcH procn , 1 to 6 Ib cittif , 'Me Kronch rlne , gtaou teal , 12c ; Knuicb.Inc , tfieonl , lie ; Frvnch ituo. In vnrnUb unn , 'Xc ; French ziucc , In oil nwt lf > c ; Raw nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib OAU 12o ; raw aud burnt Sienna , IHoi Vandyke brown , > t > rotlned lainiblnck | , 12o ; oonch blnuk And hory blnck , ICe ; drop bla < k , ICe ; I'ruftsUn blue , SOo ; nltranmrlno blue , IHcj chrvin greou , L. M. A. D , , 14obllnd ; nnd xbuttcr ijroon , L. M. & D. , lie ; Pnrle KFOCH , IHc ; Indian rod , Ifio : Venetian rod. Oo ; ru9c.tt' ' drt , 22c ; Amoricnn VennlllaJ , I. & 1' . , 18o ; chronic yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0. , ISc ; yellow ochre , Oc ; Roldon oohre , 1H ; pnttmt dryer , 8c ; prainlng colors ! Huht out , dark OAZ , walnut , ihontunt and luib Ifio Dry "alnts Whlto loftd , Cic ; French line. lOct 1'ari whltelng 2Jc ; whiting dlctcrs. Ijo ; uhitinp com'l , lie ; Ininpblnck Uoriunu. town , I'lc ; Irmpbluck , onllnarv , lOc ; 1'nia. Blan blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18oj Vandyke brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , _ 4j ; umber , rnw 4csionna ; , burn t , 4o ; sienna , raw , 4o I'arls giocu genuine , 2.V } ; Varia green com' 20u ; cnromo green , N. Y , ' 20o ; cbrom green 1C. , 12c ; venulllton , Eng. , 70c ; vcr million , America , ISc ; Indtau rod , 10o roue pink , He ; Venetian read , CokiiMao yo : vouotlnn ttd Ani. , IJc ; roi lead , 7io ; chrome yellow , ( ; < > nuinc , 20a hromo yel low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochclle Sc ; ochre French , 2Jc ; ochre , Amrrican , 2u ; Wiuter'B mineral. 2Jc ; lohlgd brown , 2kii Bpanlnh brown , 2Jc ; Princo's mitiern ) Sc , VAHNI811KS Unrrcls pur fiivlloi . l trnltnro , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No , 1 , 61 ; coach , extra , 81 10 ; each , No. 1 , 91 20 ; Uauiar , extra , 81 76 ; apan , 70c ; an- nhaltutn , oxtru , Bfio ; Bbollao 83 50 ; hard il fmiah. 81 SO. Heavy Hardware tltt Iron , rates , l < 3 10 ; plow steel , Bpeclal : ftnt , 7o ; crucible , 8c ; nprcialorjorniuntk ; ; wt tool do , 15CA20 wagon apokim , set. 25@3 00 ; hufw , per Bet , 1 25 ; felloes , cawed y , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@86c ; uxlor , h , 75o ; Bijuaro nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ; . per In , 8@18c ; rlvetp , per Ib , lie ; oil chnla , per Ib , C@12c ; mallnable , 6c ; on wcdfrcB , Cu ; crowbars , Go ; hnrrow ieth , 4c ; uoreoshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring teal. 7@Kc ; liurden s hortcahoeH , 5 50 ; urden'a mulenhoes , G CO SUOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck ahot , 82.10 , riental Powder , koga , ,40 : do , , hutl cgn , 83.48 : do. , quarter kngs , 81.88 ; Blast a , koes , $ a.35 : Fuse , tier 100 foot 50o. UAKBISD WIKK In cor lots , 8 25 © 2" > per 100 ; in less than car lots. 8 71 © NAILS KatcD. 10 to GOtf , 425. Hides run. Etc. HIDES 'areon butcher's hide , fl@7ir cured 78o ; hlden , green salt , purl , curud 7.'chldi ; . "lo ; dry Hint , Bound , 13@14c ; dry oalf and kip , 12$14o ( ; dry salt b.dce.aounil , I0@llc ; green calf , wt. 8 to ID Ibu. . ll@12o ; jroon call , wt , under 8 Ibs , pet skin , 50o | reon pelts , 60@81 25 ; green lamb akln , 1 25@1 50 ; damaged hldoa , two-third rate , ut Bcored and ono grub , classed two- tLtrds rate , } branded hides 10 per eent. oQ eon skin No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SQc ; No. 1 . ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , ilOc ; No. 2 5o ; No. 3 , 16o ; No. 4 , 5o. Foi , No.Ik , Oc ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b c ; short stripe , 40ri narrow strlpoo iruad stripe , lOa. Tallow 7c. Leatner Oak sole , S8o to 42c ; hemlock sole , 3Sc to 5c ; hemlock kip , SOo to 100 ; runner , ; fic to SOc ; hemlock oalf , 85o to 1 20 ; hem- ock upper , 23a to 2Go ; oak upper , 21c ; itlltgator. 4 00 to G 50 ; calf kid , 32@35c ; Grelaon kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 8lo ) to 00 ; oak calf. 1 20 to 1 SO ; French kip , 10 to 1 5E ; French calf , 1 2 ! ) to 2 00 : run- ittc. 6 50 to 7 50 ; liftings , G 00 to 10 50 ; oppingB , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 80o 0 35c ; pebble O , D. Morocco , 85c ; nimon ; ro to 3 oo. HAHNESS No 1 star oak , 42c ; No 3 . .o , 39c ; N. 1 Ohio oak. 38o ; No. 2 do , JJQ ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No. 2 do H lo. Hortei and Mutei. The market is brisk and all gradeo are ielllug well at a illght advauoo In P'lcim. ' L'ho demand for good borucB exreoas the considerably. I'rioea foi- upply . tango us - OWB : Fine Blnglo drivers , 8150. to 800. ; Kxtra raft horses , 8176. to 225. ; Common draft loraes , 8100 , to 150. ; Ultra farm horses , 110. to 125. ; Common togosdlann homes SOO. to 8100. ; Extra plugn , 860. to 75. | Common plugs , $20. to $40. MULES. 15 to 15 } rmnda ( extra ) , 8125. o50. ; 14J to 15 hands , $100. to 110 , ; .4 to 14 i handn , 875. to 100. ; 181 to 14 ands , 800. to 75. Lumber. WHOLItHALB. Wo quote lumbar , latn and Bhlnglort on : care at Omaha at the following prlcou ; JOIHT AND HOANTLINO ft. nnd nndor , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50. TIMBERS 1C ft. and under , 822 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , $23 50 > ; 2C ft , $28 50. 22 ft. , 8213 50 ; 24 ft. $26 50. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and U lu. , $ 21 00 ; No. 2 , 822 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) , $2D 00 ; No. 2 , G18 00. LIME Per bnrrol , 81 35 ; bulk per fins- Oc ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa planter. bbl , 82 50 , Hair per bn. 40o. Tarred 'OH 100 Ibs , (3 50. Straw board , 83 50. OOALi Cumberland blacksmith , 812 i Morris Hun Bloiwburg , 812 ; Wbltebreaet ( ' .amp , 85 50 ; Wbltabroaet nut , 85 50 ; Iowa lump , 85 50 ; Iowa nut 85 50 ; Kock Spring * 8 : Anthrftclte , 810 50@11 00 ; Colorado 800. Oruvi DIIU B AND OUKM10A LH.cld 1 Oarbolio , 50c ; Acid , Tartnrlo , GOo ; Bolsaa Copabia , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , Sbsaafras , pel Ib , 14j Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Clnchonldla per oz , 81 15 ; Chloroform , per Ib , 1 00 Dover's powder * , per Ib , 81 40 ; Epson Salta , per Ib , Sjjc ; ulycctino , pure , pa * bl Sic ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , Me Oil , CiBtor , No. 1 , per gal , ! 20j Oil , Castor , No. 8 , per ga8110 \ , Oil , Olive , per iral. 1 50 ; Oil , Omraaum , M ) : Opium , ei li' Qulnlna P. & W. & K. & 8 , per oz , # 2 05 ; Potassium , Iodide , per 1) ) 81 75 ; Hklftcin , per oz. 40c ; Sulphate i Morphine , her ur , 8385) ) Hopnur ! lloui per Ib , 4c ; btrvchnlno. cer oz , 81 65. Liquors . ALCOHOL 187 proof. 3 25 per wlm gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof 1 per proof gallon ; triple refined * plrt ! 167 proof , 1 28 per proof gallon ; re-distills wbitkles , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 50ji ( 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2007 00 ; Ken tncky and Pennsylvania ryoit , 2 00(07 ( 00 BftANDIES-lraportcd , CO 001BOO domestic 1 40 4 00. OINS Itrpfjrted , 4 600 OOj Uomeatlo 1 40Col3 00. fiUUMS Imported , 4 60@ < J 00 ; N \ England. 2 OO&t 00 ; domcvtlo , 1 t > 0&S ( 51 PEACH AND APPLII I1HANDY- 1 754 00. OHAMPAaNESImportod per cane 3300&3I Oj/.meiluj , OM , 12001 1C 00. OLAIIETS or cane , 4 50@1B 00 WINES Kh us wino , per cone , 6 00j ( 2 CO ; Oi-.tuvHa. per caHo , 4 00(37 ( 00 , Clean ana Tobacco * FINK CUT In palls. Hard to Ueai 76o | Golden Tliread , 70c ; Fountain , 0c Favorite , 65c ; llocVy Mountain , Ofk ) Far.cy , 55c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foll- Cbtlms O , B. , 5 Ib boiea , per Ib C3c ; LOT Ulard'o Tiger , COc ; Diamond Crown , GOo. BMOKtNG All grades Common , 26 1 SSc. Granulated Blftclrwell/i Durbuta , 1 oz 61c ; Duke * Durham , 10 ot , 4Gc | Seal of North Carolina. 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebras. ko , 10 oz , S8c ; Ixiiio.Inok. 4 ot , linen hngi perlb , 81.85 ; Marbtinrs' Pnck 2 ot , tin oil , Bfio ; Dog Tall OfTc. Wool. Merino nnwM cd , light. 14@10o | hcnvr.o , ( a)1815o ) ; nuxllum nnwanhod , light , IHO' O wwihcd , choice , S2c ; fair , SOc ; tub-dlng ; and w , , 28c | Inury , bUckand ootted wool los Q A 1 T 8 * ' ° "lonf ) ' tul oriler Mil illri-ct ( rom OrVU I iw.woshlp I'roinptlT by rail at th lowrot jKxwIlilo ca h prlmto all i < U'rn points Idui-in TVLKIi HAI.T.'COS ln w01tvMhj | SLAVKN'8 YOSKM1TK CCtLOOMi ! Mxdo Iron tluj wild ( lowers of the FAH PAMKH YOSKMITK VALLKN It la thu most frnurntit ot purftnnu. Miutufucturud by 11. U. Slnvun , Snn Fniticlsco. For solo In Oinalm by W. , ) . Whltuhouso and Ivaiiunta Itros. JfcOo WkntVo Cnu Cure. Lot'n Not Kn- ilnro If wo cin cure an uclin , or a sprain , or n pain , era lauit'tieM. or burn , > r a rul i' . or it bite , bv u < lng VViu'inn' Kttrftrt < Oil , Ivt'd do it. 7Vitu/iiTj' iclii-t > ic Ui > 11 knou ute to bo good. I < i t' < try It. _ To alropgUii'ii and build up thu BTB tiun , n trlnl will convlnco you thnt Urotvn'a Iron lliltors is the bunt mod- tclno mndo. MKTHOrOLITAN HOTEL , OMAHA - HA , NKH. Tables rmppllod with the boat the market uttorda. The traveling public clnlin they yet better nccotninodnttotis and nioro gonornl aiUiafixctlon here than nt nny otlior liouao In Omaha. Hate , f'J per day. na21tfui ) MillionH Given Millions of BottlfHof Dr. Klng'n Now Discovery lor Consumption , Cougha and Colds , luvo luan s'tvanwy ai Trial Bottlen nf the 'urge ' nlze. ThU onoimous outlay would bo ( INmtroUH to the pro prietiirx. were It not for the rare merit poisoned by thin wonderful medicine. Call at C. K , ( iWlinitn' ' Orug Store , and gnt a Trial Bottle free , and try ] for yimmolf , tipvpr fftllfi t4t rnr * * FORTHEPERMANENTCUREQF COWSTBPATION. No other dlnriwo In no prevalent in Uil eoiuitry as Constipation , And no remedy 'i-ui ovi r rqtiallod the reu-brnted KIDNEY- 1 f WOHT us a euro. Whalovcr the online , uowover olatlnato the cafio , thla remeily M ovorcoino It. OHI BQ Tina dtatrewlui ; com- 2 U3-IG.O. puxint l > very ni'tto be nipbiMtnrt wltli connUpatlon. Kidney Wort Btrongthona the wenkrnc \ parts nnil nulcltly ourcantl V1tul of Piles oven when phynlelnna nnd tuodlrineN have brforo fall- . I Tlfyoulmvooltlierofthfiiotroiibleii PRICE01. 0 > /f Admits Itr the t < ( o * " < ll ami 1lwnnll _ D-w ii , , f .Tnoou „ \V ITTKN ll\ HIS \\IKi : uUHon he a 1 } lifii a illiorUnl h.lor . nmlwhlih " 111 not bo ' HI- > oil Mid liu il r" cten Michtvsla * lice ; i".l ulllliu pnhlMi il.lmt n tun lifo hj thu onl\ ] > o HOIIlio In MI irawwloii ' ( HIM ' IH n Idl li 11 niul ill \ tj < i wlfo Truth Isinoro I tor rnlliiithan llctlon f irentu nhon ilnpi | j or tor rltoi ) tuonce. 6und 70 els f r Sample book , J K Chuiuhnrn & lu 1110 roil \\\-e bt Ijoni * Mo- INCREASE voan CAPITAL. $10 Thoto ill I ring to nuke money ' " " * " " " ' itKX'lum Invcitmond It Kra' ' " ' I'rovlalan ' * anil stock npocuU tlonn , c n do BO tiy operating on on > plan. Fromit y 1 , IfSl.to iho pit WHTCAT Bent ilnto , on Invontininie of 110Ct to 81 0 < W , CMh'proflte h vo b ei f rnMliod and pnlil to Intcglon ff\rn mioUM'Int , " tonnor-l tlmoB th orl ( utuU 'n&l ' liuestmcnt. ProDtB | > MJ lit o w oicry month , ( till liming the or'KlnM ' Inrcrtmont u aktiiK inonoj BTOUKB or I' jabloon donmml Rxpltnalc circulars and sUtcmcntg ol lunc W Bent Iron Wo M ant reflponiluli Otinn agonti. who wllnport on crops int U > IUU lutioduco the plan Mberal com- mlwlnnn paid. Aildrom KI.EMMINC1 & MUHUIAM , Cftn- mlmlon i.crcl ) nl , Vajnr Clock 111. BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE , Monday Eve'g , Jan. 8. MADISON SQUARE Theatre Company Llrei t ( rein Nuw York en routoto SiiFr ntlsi'o In Es me raid a ! ly Mrs. I'MticiM lloilfOn Hurnott and W. II. ilctto , at lup'i-uuiteJ lit thu M\il.on | Si | mro Tho'tir for ono jtar- I'ri dnufi1 wt.h | ioclil Hotnorv for o .ch u t ( run tliu Jlidiion tqiuro 11 cue i oil tcntirntaluon H tunlay morning , th jt tnon TREASDRY DEPARTMENT ( .HILK nt ritMmini.mt UK niK C't IUIKSH I \\uihl Kton , DiMimlic'r 'ID , IHHJ ) \THIIIK\K , llj satlalai toiy oildcnco iircsontul to thu niiikr-lKiinl , it haH hcun niailu to tipptn that "TUB rillSi1 NATIONAL IHNK 01 O.MA IIAln | Ihu ill. if Omaha , In thu count ) o , Donv'a ' , nml Stutc ot Nthrosliii , lias conjilled with all thi-uroiHom cl the "Act of tocnnlilu Na'hnal Hanking Atfod.itlmn to n tuml tlair ( Orpoia'u usliti IKII ami ( or otlu r | > ur , 1100 , npprottil .Inly 1-th , ] 88J Now TxniKtoEK , J , Jchn J Knot , Comntrlloi , , oltho Currency , do luruhy certify that "The First National Hank of Onuha , " In [ the tltyo Omaha , In thu countv ot lon ai , .mj tttit o Nclirank , n anthorUid t't ha\u Kii' esslin fnr tin jurioil pci iflid In In IU.ini nii.il | article * of BSD ) . | atloniitmil ) , until tliujijoso of | MIIKH.I | 01 DeccniliirSI , IW. . IN TfcTTl.MONV W IIKKIIOP , witness m ) him nd Hu.il of olllcothli uOth ila.v of Iu-onilicrUBL ' - - JOIIN'J. KNO\ , HKAI , I Comptroller ot thu L'urrtnu ) , ' - - ' No ' .vi. Jan I m CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS. A. HOSPE'S PRICES , On ; ChrUtin\H C'u'N ' onu thlnl OH ol | irum.n pri' is. Finest Holiday Prosonti J , IN @ FINK ART Ai\ ! > MUSH AT Ol'K STOIIK. . : Enn'ra\liiK4 Ironi ? l 00 up. I'ktnru Ir.inicH ( rninra \ up. ct _ Water Colon , at from ? .t 00 up. ArtUt's inattrluUatloubRt prices. f.i/J OriraB ( or i'iVOO on p.\ymci.t to I A. HOBPE , Jr. , 16 I ISl'J IO < | KO St. , Omaha. BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES , BUGGIES ! on airing In all Hrannhna " H WILLIAM SNYDER , MANUFACTUnKIl OP Flrs-Olf Paining anil Trimming , Rouairing Promptly Done litlfl Hnrtii-v. Onr 1 < ) . . ln-n ) Shu IB Breech loading Shot Huns , from $5 to $18 , DonhloBieooli Loading Shot Buns , from $10 to S Muzzle Leading Shot Huns , From SB to $25 , Fishine Tacko- - , Base Balls and all kinds nf Fancy Goods , Full Stock of Show Oases Always on hand , Imported and Key West Cigars a large line of Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re quired in a first class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store , Cigars from $15 per 1,001) ) upwards. Send for Piice List and Samples. A. M. CLARK , PaintBr&Paperlanger SIBN WRITER & DEOflRATOL l ALK * RETAIL WALL PAPER ! Window Shades and Ourtains , COHNIOKS OUHTAIN POLKS AND FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & Itrusho * . 1O7 Saath 14th Htrnot 1 AIIA. NKHRA8KA. Chas. Shiverick , 1206.1208 AND 1210 FARNAM ST. FURNITURE Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers , AND EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE FURNITORE& UPHOLSTERY TRADE , OMAHA. NEB. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTEtt rt HOItL HOTELS. PROPUIKTOKS TOWN ? ARLINQTON. J. Q. MtlNTIRE , Llncc'n , Heb , WEATHERLY HOUSE , A. 0. WEATHERLY , ManrlnK , ! owa , | REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. C. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapids , owa. | 8ARATOQA HOTEL , J. 0. BTELLINIUB Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E.MANS , BROWNSVILLE Ntb COMMERCIAL HOTEL ? JOHN HANNAH etromtbura N HALL HOUSE , A.'W.JHALL Loul vllla i OITY HOTEL , CHENEY &JOLARK , Blair , No . ) COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. Q. MCAD.9 Nellgh , Neb. QRANH CENTRAL E.'BEYMOUR , MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Water.N COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. OREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Nab ) COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. 8TOREY. Olarlnda , Iowa ENO'O HOTEL , E. L. END , EramonL Neb' , EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. 0. HAOKNEY , Ashland , Nab METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atkinson , Neb MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. QRUUD , Guide Recd , N SUMMIT HOUSE , BWAN & BECKER Oretton , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO.OALPH , Exlra , la , ! REYNOLDS HOUSE , O M REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKEP. Audubon , la , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , lal OITY HOTEL , 01 A. LLIAM8 , Harlan la , PARK .HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMING3 , OarnlnK , I * . NEBRASKA HOTEL , JL. | AVERY , Otanton , MERCHANTS HOI EL Q. W , BURK. Burlington Junction , Aft COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhenandoah la , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLO , Dayld City , Neb OAONELL HOUSE , OHA8. UAONELL , Oollece Springs , I * . 3OMMEROIAL HOUSE , M. LUTTON , Vllllsca , la. JUDKIN8HOU8E , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , It , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Crave , . ! COMMERCIAL HOU8I D , F.BTEARNB , OdebolL la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Osceola , Neb. OQUriLAR HOUSE. J.,8. DUNHAM , Clarke , Neb. DEDFORD HOUSE J. T. OBEEN. Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE. J M. BLACK & 80N , Mary.vllle Ma NORFOLK JUNOTIONHOUOE A. T POTTER , NorfolkJunctlonNcb. WINSLOW HOUSE Q. MCCARTY , Coward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONES. Auroar Neo. CROZIER HOUSE O. R. ORO7'ER , Sidney , Neo. AVOOA EATING HOUSE D. W. ROOKHOLD. Avoca la CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak * FOSTER HOUSE C pt JOHN FOSTER , Lewis , la. WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER. Grliwold , la. DEPOT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la LUSK HOUSE. J A. LUSK , Logan , la. DOW Ol' Y HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , DowCllO * JACGER HOUSE , JAGQRR& BON , Denlson , la , : HAUMON HOU81J , TAMA. CITY , IA. , Harmon & K alea , Prop , PREMIUM TOBAC50 WORKS GUARATNESD ABSOLUTELlfrURE HatabllHbea 1030. A 1 lieo from alt scent cr fUvor produccj by drugu , , Brady & Co , , Ageats , Omaha , Neb , rrrinhim Fine Cut U the choicest chew uroJuccU. Try It , Sold ouryuboru. y B. F. HEHS & CO. Urnfi. , ltofaMUr ,