THE DAlJLf BEfr-OMAHA WEDNESDAY JANUARY 3 ha Kebrasfca National Bank , Of Oautk % , NBSJ. up Capitol , - - 825O.OOO Of w ( or bnrinea April 27 , 1663 , with the R. JOUKSON , President , o BteeU , Johnson t Oo. K , Tlo * President , of C. , B fc Q 1 B. , flojion. T. MORSE , ot W. V. Motto ft Co. MIX'S. COLLINS , of 0. II. & J. S. Oolllns. J. M. VTOOMVOBTU , Counsellor and Attorney L. B.TIEED , ol Byron Reed & Oo. . W. YATEfl , Guilder , late Cashier ot ths Flnl National Bank ot Onmhs eonnoated will the active mMiagointnt ot that Bank since Iti ontanlr tlon In 18GX OoLiioiiiiis rucelve special attention and chat Ota lowest obtfciiiaMe here or olsetvhwe. biYratsT allowed on tlmo depomt * upon favor able terms mid upon accounts ol banks and bonk' ' n. Found * Kicninai , ernmontPonds , and 'County ' and Ulty t'cciirUles bought and sold. It ifpiorr'U | ! < ironeralTjaBttng burinoK tia ts deUll , aal la tha treatment ol custott H w'llpuriae th mwt liberal iwllcy conilftenl with i f bunting HHAHGE AHD GGftKRGE , j cUl IM < iutchto Tnn Hut NKW YORK , January 2 , Honor Loaned UI > frotn'B@9 per cent , and down to 7 per cent , closluc offered l 8 per cent. ' Produce reports for tha week , $0,477- C50. C50.FrStrjo FrStrjo &InrcAnUleP perf f > @S per cent , Sterling Exchange Binken' bills ale d > at 81.801t deionnd , &t 1 Oorernments were gonorftlly strong and i@i per cent higher. Thoitock market opened generally al about th * closing prizei Of 'BUurdky nud In the hour of buslneeo up to ' 12 o'clock exhibited no special f atnrea. Tha net re' ault was an advanca o ! vj@lj pur cent in tbo general Hit , the lattanin Illinois Cen tral to 14Si. At noca a r ld < w&a made K inat TQ M P clfio and tbo piico WM forced Z { per cent from Jfiiturday'ii quot - tbna. Tha break ( n Texas Pacific wiu followtd by docllae of 41 per cent in thereat of the list. After 12:80 : tha mar ket recovered aligbtly from the dopreenon , At 2 tbo market was steady and prices ad vanced a fraction. In the last hour the market was less active and weaker , ro- aulttng in > decline f j@U per cent from the priooi of 2 o'clock , tbo Utter in Chicago cage , Barlinston & Q linoy to 120J. Tlu m > t active atoczi were St. Paul , Omaha , T xaa Pfttific , Dsnver , Delaware , Liok. awanna k Western , and Louttville 4 Kathvillo , ill of wbich were weak. OOVECKULNTH. To d y. 10.18 fl022 I05i lioa 'a Ccupona . 113 113J . . . 120 | fli'Jj 'acifis Va of 1835 . 1'2S 1 8 if Central Pacific Crsta 116J . . Erie seconds OGi 00 Lehigh & Wilkosbarro 100 101J Louisiana coanobi G'J | VO Missouri G'n 113Hit St. Jotouh lUUi 11.91 St. Paul k Sioux City firets. 112 112 do new 41 40 Texas & Pacific land crenta. . 67 57 do K. G. div. . . . 8g 83 Union Pacific 1st mortgage. .11GJ tU3 | do land K Jitu.IU llrf da alnkiag fuml..ll71 117 Vlreinia 6'a 0 SO da oonnolu G't 02 foU do deferred . . . . * 1 1 1 9 BTOOKb. Adams Express 130 130 Allegheny Oentral t + l'5l Alton & 'i'crre Haute 47 49 do pfd. . . . 3J fl American Eiprosa 01 00 Burl. , Cedar Ilapida & Kcrth. 81 81 I Canada Southern G7 Cfii Ool. , Cm. & Ind. Central. . . . 10J2 lt'2i ' Central Pacific 8jj | ( wake * Ohio 22 do 2d pfd ! ! ! ' . ' . ' . ai Chicago & Alton 133 * 133J do pfd 133 135 Chi. , Burl. & Qulncy lUli IjiUi Obi. , St. L. & New Orleans ! . . 7i * 78 lOin. , Bind. & CloToland 4h | Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati 78 Delaware & Hudson canal 1U7 Del. , Lack. & Western liOjj : Denver & Uio Grande . . .41 4U& do Pfd . bO 8(1 ( East Tenneseeo . . . K93 do preferred . - . . . . 1174 Kort Wayne & Chicago. . . . . .1314 135 Hannibal * Bt Joseph . 43 TK > do pfd. . 73 TH Harlem . 191 l'J'3 Ilooiton & Texas Central. . ,75 70 lUinois Central . 14U& HU Ind. , B4oom. & Western. . . 834 31J ! Kansas 4 , Texas . 32ji 31 Lake Krlo k Weatarn . 30 LakeSbore : & Michigan So . 1U'5 111 Loul villo & Naahvlile . E > 2 Looiav. , Now Alb. & Chicago < G3 GJ Uorietta & Cincinnati lot pfd . . . 10 do do 2dpfd. . . 5j MeinphU & Cborleiton . 44 Mlchlg n Centre ! . QZi 9-4 MlnnetpolU & St. Loui . 27i do pfd. . . . 55 Mlaunxl Pacific . lOlfi ' Mobile&Obio . M nh tUa Beach . Uonia Ic Kaux . 56 New Jera y ( Central . ti'Ji 6SI NMbvillott Chattanooga . 47 1 Nortberu Vclfio . 44 | 47 do pfd . 85 84 ! NorthwMtexa . . .134J 13. i do pfd. . l.ltOi ' 147 NewYodc O ratral . 12ii OUo & MUaUalppl . SO 32j do pfd . 00 90 OnUrlo 4 Weotern . 2SJ 26J Oregon TraMoontinental . 82 | 83 P oTfio Mail . , . . ,41-i P nama- . 67 Paorift , DecAtor It Evanay , . . 261 i6J Plttaburcr * Cleteland . 139 HO fullman Flu ! Or. . jai Jt dln . . . - . 15.J aiook laland. ; . 125i 13J fit Lonla 4 Sao Fran . , 3i SIde do pfd . 51 do lit pfd . . . 08 fit. P nl & MilwaUu * . lOSJ 10tj : do nffl ' 1Q ( | 119j gt Pftuj , Minn. 4 Maultoba'l42 140 Bt. Paul 4 Omaha . 6t ! f,2l _ 3 pfd . Ill ; 109J TexM & Pacific . j , J | S8j Uolott Pacific. . . , . IOU lQ\i \ UnlUd States Express ! GO' WnbwA , St. L , & Pacific. . ! . 319 33 do pj ( | hi fyt Wella , typo It Co. BxpreBa.129 123 We t rp Union Tdesraph. . . 8U * tO\ \ . Central At Iron * , . BW6.fii.i- J FOREIGN FINATTGE fipccf l TMp tch Tni Baa , LONDOK , LOVDOI , January 2 C p. m. Conioli 101 MO. United Statoi Serarltlea K w 5'a ex ttnded , K35J ; 4' , 122 ( ; 4i' , I in. United Stttea Railroad Stocki Illlnon Central , 147 ; New Totk Central , 1331 Krle , 40i ! Kefcding , 27 § . Amount of bullion wltkdrawn from tb < Bank ot tingland on bulanos to-day li MO.OCO. rxnia. PAHIS , Jannuy 2. Rente * , 70fr , 55c , PRODUOB & paoviaioNB , Spi < Ul DltpatolMt to Tin Ilia. CHICAGO. ClIIOAOO , Jacuiry 2 , IHcur-Qaitt ; common to choice tpriuR whet > ti , 3 fiOJi ; 5 60 ; common to fancy MiuuoaoU , 4 00 ® 0(0 ( ; pntenta , 0 50@7 00 ; winter wheatc , 4 60@5 60 ; suuthern Illinois , 4 50@5 50 , OAUaUa , 4 r.0@5 . 00. Wheat Dull nnd lower ; regular , OSjjc for January , 94o for February ; 95@96i : furMorcb ; 1 Cli@t03J for M v ; N . a , Chlc o upring , y3j@9jgs ! No. 2 rod win. tor , 95c ; No , U Chicago apring , 77c ; ro | ct' ed , 61c , C jrn 'Fair demand , but at lower rntej 40J@l'.y3 for cub ; 49l iOJ3 for Fubrtv ry ; Mjo f > r Mny ; tej cte > i , 42o. 0\ta Dull , weak and Inner ; 35c fm cub Mid January ; 3 ga for February ; SCJc lor Wnj ; rr jvctecl , 3 ( < jc. Kyo Market oaiioi ; C7o. Barley Mnrkbt oaiet ; 7980c. Butter- Steady ; creamery , 2640c ; dairy , 12C l33c. l fc-s Steady ; 27c. Flux Seed- Stronger ; 1 1S@1 20. TJresae-l HOK Irreg lar ; light. G 80 < 3 7 00 ; heavy , 7 00@7 20. Pork Good demand but at lower ratoa 1G83@U9) ) for o nbl 17 05-817 074 ' February ; 17 20@17 224 for I larob. Lard Knir dtmind , but ot lower rate' 10 174@10 20 for cash ; 10 30 , 10 324 foi February ; 1042i@10 45 lor March. Bulfc fltcuu JUu'.l , weak nnd lawer shoulders , 6 40 ; thort ribs , 85 ; ihort clear , 9 iO. Whltky-Steady ; 110. CALLBoAno. Wbeat Market dull and pricea n ahado lower93J ; for Junuary ; 91J < tor February ; 05a for"M.arob ; I C0i@l Ou for May. Cora Irregular ; 49a for January ; 494c for Februar > ; 63Jo f jr May. Ois Aol e , but wokk. und lower. Pork Active , but lower ; ilG 874 'Ol January ; 17 00 tor February ; 17.15.sl7 . 2C for March. Lird Not quotably changed. KBW TOBE. Navr'ous. . January 2. Flour Mar ket dull ; superfine state and wenturn , 3 Z : @ 3 75 ; common to Rood extra , S 60&4 30 good to chnice , 4 0@7 00 ; white wheat , extrn , G io@7 ! 4d ; extra Ohio , 3-75@G fiO St. Louli , 3 75@G 75 ; Mirneeita , C G0g ( 740.Wheat Wheat -Cash Iota firm and n ehadc bigber ; option * , i@Jj lower ; No. 2 jprin ? , numind ; ungraded u inter. reJ-03.uL 11 steimer No 3 red , 93 ; steamer ho. 2 nd. 1074@l 03 ; fio. Hied , ! cenidcates ; 1 111 11) ) , , delivrered ; 109 In stjre ; No. 1 rad , 1 l < @t IGi ; UDgrade ] white , 9G@1 12 J ; uteamnr No. 2 white , 874 ; No. 2 whue , 98 ; 2 ted f-r January , 60S.OOO bu Bold nt 1 OSJ ® ! 032 ; cloning nt 1 09 ; No. 2 red for Fcbrmry , .730,000 bu Bold at 1 1H@1 1IJ. closins at 1 114 ; No 2 red for March , Z'J 1,000 bu told at 1 13j @t 14 } cloMngatllSJ ; No. IS red Jni May , 224,0,0 bu sold ut 1 15 @ 1 IBg , clo iog at 1 154- Corn Cash , weak ; options opened n ehnda lower , but af tarwaida recovered , and r.d7ancinjc , c'.oain ? firm ; uajfrtded , fi4 © G3ic ; No. 3 , fihi)54Jjj ( ! ) etoamor , G2@ ti-ic ; No. 2 , old , G7o in olivator ; ucw C5J : ; NII 2 for January , 63@Gj4 ! . I'losing nt C53do ; for Februarr , G13 ( r > Sjo , clusinu at G lie ; da fir March , ( Jlictj5 > .c , cloiicp * t Gllu ; do for May , Q3aU3c ; closing at G31c. G31c.Data \ nbada hiher ; ; mixed western , 45e 47c ; white western , 47@49c. Hay Quiet but firm ; G'JsG3c. ( Erfifa Freah western , nuiet but otendy ; 27@2Jc. 1'orlt Market dull and easier ; new meii 18 374@18 BO. Beet Dull andunchncged. Cut Meats Dull nud uomiaablocgclcai middles , 9 50. Lurd Dull and lowsr ; pr.'tco steam , Butter-Quiet but firm , 18@44c. Cheese Qjist but farm ; wcitcrn flit , 6@13o. BT. LO013. ST. Louis , J numy 2. Flour Steady anrlu.cbangad. Whet Upenfli better , but cnsed off ; NP. 2 red fll , Ooji for ciwh ; 9Sl@iOj3 ) for January ; 9Si@98ij for F bruwy ; 101 ® @ 1 01 i for March ; 10. J@1 041 lar A'ayi closing at the lueiao hgurus ; No. 3 red f U , 9tc Lid. Corn Fair demand , but at lower rates for options ; cash bet'nr ; 44@U c for cnin and Janury : 4584SJo lor Foruaiy4Gio ( ; bjri for March ; 4djaiit d for April ; 4Sg@ 48 } i for Maj ; cloeiog at the fnslde ( iguret > . O.ti Matktdull ; @ 33o for c b : 35ic for January ; 30&a for February ; SG&o bid for May. Rye-MMketdnllG.Ji. ; ! Barley Steady ; G085c. ( Butter Steady ; dairy , 28@31 : ; cream- /jry , 35@40c. Kg ii Steady ; J7o. WrjUky-Steidy114. ; PoikFiiuier but blow ; 17 00 for cub ; 1G90 bid f > r ry ; 17 03 bid for Feb. rutry ; 17 CO for May. AriEiiNOON BOAHD Wheat Kwiori Ol/ ? . ; bid fur Jonuary ; OSJo fur Ftliruary , 101 f jt March ; 1 OJJ lor April ; 1 03J for My. I'ora Hatter ; 4Jo bid for Jnnuiry ; i" > \ ® ( .fZa for February ; 4Cgj for March ; 474o fur April ; 482 48 0 for May. Gits Notning dune ; bidaa > me at prbea at noon. Bulk Meats Unsettled ; uotbing dolotr. i'Hacon Very lowonly ; pedlllog trade. i.Lrd Nominally ; 10 10(5)10 ( ) 15. KANSAS 01TT. JCUI8AH ClTT , J nury 2 Wheat St dyNo. B red , 7U@7 ] o for oah ; 81Js bid for Fdhruary ; 8Uo bid fir Marcb. Cum Walker ; 37i4J7o for oath ; S8o aiked for February ; 3CJo fur May , OaU Slow ; 35o uikeJ f or oaab , ButUr Unchanged. e , 22@23c. LIVE 8TOOK 8pdU CbyakhM to Till Bax , OHIOAQO. OSICAQO , January 2 , Th * Drovera1 Journal reports M follows ; Hogi F ir ; qu llty very good ; valnas atetdy ; mix d , 6 G1&6 15 ; baavr , 0 00 670 ; Ilgbt , 60 6 15 ; tkipn , < OJ < 3 * 25. Cattle Active ; Urgerolaine of hmlnon at steady prices ; prime , G10@6 0 ; good tt choice rbippio , 5lO@GOO ; cominou to fair , 4 25@n 10 ; butcbt > r > ' atrnng and ac tive ; common to fair , 2 60@3 25 ; medium to good , 3 G0@ < 25 ; stock-era and feeders alow nnii steady at 3 lH'itA 3) . Sheep Actlre uad fair ; bulchera and ahlpper * buyinfr freely ; common to ( air , 3 0@4 00 ; good to choice. 4 25@5 (0. ( The Drovers' Journal British cable from Liverpool repsrta a feady market for cat tle , good Atnsricnn ( .taera selling at 16c , eiliutted dei.d weiflit. Sbeop , market strong ; beat quslitles , 18310 : . KANSAfl OITT. KiiirAS Cirr , Januu/ . The Live Stock Indicator repot U : OatUo-S-e ndyj native steer" of 1,200 to 1,400 pound i toi < 1 fct 4403A25 ; stocden and Iszdeu , 3 G3@4 10 ; caw , 3 00@3 fcO , H , . gu Opened steady , bat closed 10(3 ( 15 ? lower and weak ; light to h avy , 5 75 ftC 20 , with the bulk of alien at 5 90@ G 10. Sheep Nominally uncbingsd , T. LCUI8. ST. Looii. Juiuary 2. C&ttls Bbp { < plnz dt mand llgbt , tut inquiry for butrher Kradis britk nd prices ataadjrand firm ; bearblpplcx , C WOP 75 ; light ablpplog , 75 ; oocnmon to fair batchara'2 7' good to choice , 3 75 ; atookera , 3 CC ( § 376. Sheep Good demand ami firm ; COBV mon to medium , 3 00@R 53 ; medlnin tc flr , 340M4 00 ; good to choice , 4 00 ; ex < tr , 4 7315 00.'r and firm ; light , fifiO@ 6 05 ; tucking , G 00@ ( > 0 ; butchara' to r tra beftvy , 0 2J@G 40. MEBOHANDIBE. 8p i l DitpttchM 13 Tits tins. KRW TortK , Narw YORK , Januarr 2. Coffoa - Market ket dull ; quoted at79l3. ( Sugar Quiet , but turn ; fair to good refining quoted at G 15.lGJt.7j : . MolaainUall ; Now Orleani , 40COj. ( Klce Quiet , bnt atoatlj ; domestic , SJ ® 7 ; King > on , f futile. Petroleum Quiet , bnt fine ; United , 893,1 ; cntdo. 7fe74o ; refined , 74 785. 'i'allowQuiet , but steady ; 80 iiot. but stead ) ; e Fjrm ; 53 | j. Steady ; ' couimtn , 4Je ; refined , LONDON. LOXUON , January 2 , Petroleum lie- fined , 7@7id. WOOL. 8p d J DUpateh to Tin Rn HOOTCH. BOSTON , January 2. Demand far wool continues sUady and prices nnclikngod. Thare is very little proatu o to buy or well. Obioand P nn jlTani , 88@40c for X ; 40@42jo for XX and buve ; 43$45a ( fui choice i elections , Michigan and Wliconiln , 27@38j for X and In moderate demnud. Combing and dolalno atoady ; 42(345c ( for ( ins delsJne ; 4648o for finj mid No. 1 combing. Unwaehed wonli In fair demand ; 17@ 25c for low and oiarsc ; 23g30jfor ( fine and medium , with choice irlicttoua bigber , California wool quiet alnco lha large ali > aof Uut wo k. Pulled wools-quiet acd steady ; 240i for low and goorl uupert ; 31@18c for oauloe eastern and m ! ne. Furoigu woolnbavo baen quiet. TSAPP1O. SptcUl Dispatches1 to TniD [ i. IIOUV. AND QBAWB. OlIlOAQO , January 2. Receipts and Bhlpmonta of flour and grain for the pMl 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts. Bhip'fe , Flour bbla 24000 5iOW \Vheat-btubols 59 OX ) 18 PfK Com " IQo.tOO 122i Oato " 217,000 41.0K Rye " 11000 50JI Barley- " 43,000 27.00C NEW Year. January 2. Receipts and shipments of llour and grain for the past 24 houra have been ua follows : Receipts Shp'tn , Flonr-bbls 68,030 5.00C Wheat bu hola 178,600 2.00U Corn " 293.000 17-lGC Data " 92.G50 S9c KANSAS OITT , January 2. Rcooiptc and shipments of grain for the past 21 hours have been aa follows : Roo'ta. Shlp'ts , Wheat , bushels 19,000 37ttO : Cora " Sli.OOO CO.O.t ST. LtrciB , January 5J. Receipts anij "bipoieuta of flour and grain for the paat 24 hours have been ua follows : Rocoipto. Sbip'ts , Flour fcbls ItiODO ll.OOC Wheat Cuahbl 70,000 41.00C Corn " 131,000 13C.OOC Oats " 1G.OOO Kye " 5,00 Barley " 20.000 LIVU STOCK. CKICICO , January 2. Rcoalpta and uhlpmenta of llvo stock for the paat 2 : hours hare been Mtolloprs : Rec'tn. Sbiptn'U Hogs 21.000 Cattle 6000 Sheep 2,403 ELAJHU3 ClTT , January 2. lieocipt and shipments ot 11 vo Block for tbo put 1\ \ houra have been as follows ; Rac'ta. Shlpin'tD Hoga 4GOO . . . Cattle 1,0.0 Sheep . . . . ST. Lfitna , January 2. Receipts OPC ehipmentfl of live stock for the post 24 boursjlira-e been U3 followa : Rec'U. Sblpm'tr , Hogs 4,500 Cattle 1400 „ . . Sheep 8UO . . . . OMAHA MAKK.ETS. \7holetQlo Prlooa. Orrioa or Tun OMAHA Bir , ) Tlcoid y Evening , January 2. | Thaonl chiugts reported in tbo mu- kot to-day arc on follows : Barley , No. 3 , advanced Ic. Rye advanced } c , Curn declined 14 J. Sacda are notquatablo r > 3 tLo toison baa not opened , Local drain Doalingr. WHEAT.-0 ah No. 2 , 7Go ; cash Kc. 8 , COic ; rejected , 434c. UA11LUV. Coab No. 2 , C84o ; No , ? , 38a. 38a.RYECanh , 43J3. NEW CORN-SSo. OATS 35c. SEEDS-Flax seed 96o per bn. Pruduce end Provltlona. POTATOES-SOo per bushel. ONJONS-30@50o per bushel. BUTTER -tJMoloa country , 20@2fio , . HONEY Oallforaia , perlb. 21. APPLES Per barrel , 3 7fi@3 25. OYSrJJRa-Booth'd andPlfttt's aflect oyster * , 40a btanlard , 3t ; raadiums , 25. FLORIDA OUANGK3-W 00. IJ2MONS-94 26@4 W per box. BKANr Navy per bushel , 2 76@3 00. OFflOKEN3-8@10j per Ib. TURKEYS-UglSo p r pound. Grocers' Lla CANNED GOODS OysUrs , J Ib ( Field's ) , per CAM , $4 00 ; do 1 ft ( Field's ) , per OM , 3 76 } do 2 Q > ( Dtandud ) , p r oaM , 310 ; tniwb rii ( , 2 Ib , p r CAM , 3 50 , rMpberrlec , 3 ES per cue , S 80. Dam. ions , 2 Ib , per cue , 2 45 , Bartlett p ai * per aux ) , 2 00 , Whortleberries Mr c aa,276. Egg pluma,2 Tt > perc ee.U 90 ; Qt * n gages , 2 tb per case , 2 90 ; do choice , , tt > p r OHM 1 60. Pins Apples , 2 Ib , per case 4 00@6 76. Peaches , 2 tb per otuie , 8 00 ; do 8 ft , oa e , 4 00 ( 4 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 tt , per oage.2 30 ; do pie , 6 ft , per down. 1 SO. FLOUR Jobbing price * , Jaok Frost St. Lonls winter ) 8-1.00 per 100 ibs.i To. peka Putent Kaniat , (3 85 ; Minaehoha Minneuota Patent. 43.70 ; Shawnee KIUICT winter , (3.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter , $3.00 ; Triumph spring , bout , 2.BO ; Cbria- tl&n'a aopjrlatlve , 3 f)0 ; bran , per ton , g4.00 ; chopped feed , (128.00. COFK.H i.Kio , fair. iCij Rio. good lie ; ilnt to o' olca , IU to i2c ; Old go't Java2CiQil ; ! 21 > 'U , 2 % ) y.rlnoVleV , OHBIXIS J-'a'I Or oa , 14 j Port Oklm. IDt-i. 8UaAUB-PoJ r d , lltfct loaf , I0\c \ ; Graruliitiyl , Ojc ; ( Jotticctiuucr i A , We ; Standard JJitra , O , 8Jj Krtro O , 8ic ; medium yellow , t74c ; Jrk y allow , SYRUP-SUndard Com. , 87c , bbl .j Standard do , 41 gMlou kepn , $100 ; HUn- dard do , 4 gallon kegif I 70. MEAT3 1 tarns , J6c ; breakfaat bacon , none ; clear side b ooo , none ; dry ealt bacon , 104c ; * houlders , life ; < Ierco lard , 12o. 12o.FJSHNo. . 1 mackerel , half brli , 6 I'.f No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; Umlly mack erel ball brla , 4 76 ; family muoketel , kits. 85e ; No. 1 wbiU rub , hiUbrU , 6 00 ; Wo. 1 Nntmocrs , $1 00 ; Cwnft , 24c Mao * 1 00. LYE American , 3 81 ; Greenwich , 8 40 WeaUrn , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 00) ) Lswln lye , 4GOJewolllyo,276. ; FUED Jobbing price * , Chop feed $1.50 p r 100 Ibs. ; chop com , $1.40 ; bran , 70oj > rl001b8. JfEATS Hama per Ib. , ISc ; B Bacon per Ib. , 15o ; clear aide bacon per Ib , , lie ; dry salt tldei per Ib , , 9Jo ! dry aalt about- dera perlb. , 7c ; bacon shoulders per Ib. , t'Jo ; tierce lard per Ib , , 12o. L A RD-Omnhi Rennlnng ! Co. : Tierces , lljc ; 40 nnd 60-lb c.sno , 12c ; 20-lb can < , I24o ; 10-lb pall ? , screw top , 12jc ] ; D-lb do , UJO 3 II. do , 12go. HOMINY w , W 60 t > er bbL SODA In Ib paper * , $3 per caae ; kej soda , Sic , NKW PICKLES Medium , In barrels (700 ; do inhftlf bbls , 4 00 ; smalls , ( n bbl , 900 do. In half bbls , 600 ; gherkins , IE bbb11 03 ; do , in Imlf bbla , 6 00. STA11CH. Pearl , 44c > Wllver Glow 3o ; Corn SUrcb , ojo : BxcolsiorSloM , 7o i Com , Tie. TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 4o55 ; Oholco , GOCA76c ; Imperial , good , 40@45o Obsloe , 60@76c ; Young Uyoon , good , 36 ® > 0o ; choice , G5c@l 00 ; Jnpim Nr.t Leaf , JSo ; Japan , choice , C0@76cf Oolong , good , > C ( ! 40 ; Oolong , , 40f ( > Sr > t Uoucuong , tooil. 35(9 ( tOc ; cholcf. CtTiCClOo. UOL'K 3inl , 4 incb and Ifcrger , 10&c & glncb , lit ; iinch , llic. WOODEN WAllE 1'wo hoop pMli , I 7 > V three hoop pallH , 2 00. Tubs. No , 1 , 8 6X1 ; Pioneer wtdhboardc , 1 85 Uotibli Orawii290Voll ; buckets , SCO. IJRAD Bar , * l 65. VINEGAR Pnro fpple extr , lOo pure npple , ISc ; Prtuisunt uuro aciule , IGo AW. Urny load * . t > t r bbl , 1 06 ; Ach coo , iu CM ka , S 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 8 6X aOAJL'U UUk1 * Savou ImporliUIf ) Kiifs satitvu , S GO ; Kirk's standard , B 75 Kirk's white Russian. 525 : Kirk'i Cutoca , 3 ID Kirk's Pralrlo Queen (100 ( cnVcM , ID ; Kirk's uagnollft dor. POTASH Pennsylvania o n , c.vw in caae , 3 li : ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 dor. In caae 1 00 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In ooeo , 1-fiO. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , rod 'JCen noaaoo , Ida per Ih ; white , lOJo perlb raw white VlrRial * raw , lOaj roanted CiVNDLES-BoxcB , 40 Ibs , 1C * . 16Jo ; ir p ; be XOH 40 Ihs , , 10 or. , Go , lEJo. RICE Lonljlann prime to choice , 74c : fair , Ca7c ; Patina , 7c. MAl'OUEb Per caddie , 95o ; round taxes , 83 10 ; squire , case * , 5 40. Dry Good a , BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 84c Appletou XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Boot ) FF , 8Jc ; Bnckeyo LL. 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 71o ; Chittonango A. Gio ; Uroat Falls E , 8jc ; Hooalor , 640 : Uonent Width , 8io. In' dlan Head A , 840 ; Indian Standard A , 85c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , flic ; Lawrenct LL , 7c ; Myatio River , 74o : Pequot A , 8Jo Shawiuut LL , 7o ; Utlca 0. 5ic ; WochuH ett B , 74o ; do A , 8Jo ; do E 48 , 124o ; W&1 < cott BB. 8ic. FINK BROWN COTTONS Allondale -4 : 74o ; Alligator 8-4 , Co ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Sc : Atlsntio LL. ( Uc ; Badger State X 4-4 , To Bonnlugton 0 4-1 , 6jc ; Buckeye B. 4-1 , 6 Jc < Indian Orchard AA 0-8. 84c ; Iiaconla C 39 , S4c ; Loliigh E 4-1 , 940 ; Lonadalo 4-1 lOo ; Popporoll N SO , 7o ; do O 82 , 7ic ; do li 3G , 7Jc ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; Pocasaot 0 4 > 4 , 7Jc Watnsutta4-4 ISo BLEACHED COTTONS Androtccg gin L 4-i,94oBlnckatonoAA imperial Me do do half bleach l4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8 ? Fidelity W , 9icFrult of thoLooai.lO ; dc can.brio4.4,18cdoVterTviBt,104 ; < ! ; Groal FallaQ , lOJo ; Indian Head shrank 4-4 , l2c ! Lonjialo , lOo ; do cambric 87 , 12jo ; Now York Mills. 124o ; Poquot A,10c ; Popporel N G Twills , 124c : Pooahcntas 4-1 , Die Pocaaaot 4-4 , 81o ; Utloo , lie ; Wwasutt : O X X , 124o. JJUOKS Colored ) Albany 15 browa. 1'Jc ; Brunswick brown , 84c ; Chariot fancy 12o ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Rivet brown , oxtrn heavy , Hie ; Indium A browu IHnNeporm t A brown. 15o TlUl JLJNUss Hinnakeag A U A 32 19c ; do XX blue 32 , ISJc ; Arrownaro , 94c ; Clarernont B B. 164c ; Conestoga ex trn , 174c : Httmilton D , 1140 Lewiston < t 50 , 15o ; Minuchnbn 4-4 , 20c ; Otnegn stipet extra 428c ; Pearl River 32. IGjc ; Put. natn XX blue atrinc , 12c ; Sbetuckot E lOJo ; do S3 12o ; Yeoman'u blue 29 , 9 ( DENIMS , Amockeak , blnoand bronn IGlo ; Andover DD blue , 151c ; ArlintfX blue Scotch , 184c ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown , 124c ; do AAA , do do 134 ; doXXt < do do 144o Uuymakor'a blue and brown , 04c ; My tlo River DD stripe , IGJo ; Penri River , blue and brown , IGc ; Uiicaavillo , blue and brown , 1 44 < * . CAilBRIOS Unrnard , 5Jo ; Eddyetano lining. 2-1 inch double face , 84c ; Gnrajr A glazoa , rjc ; Manhattan glove fiuifib , 5o Newi > ort do Go ; do glnzod. 62cj Pen.uot do 5o ; Lockwnod kid finish Go. CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndros cogjin aatteerj 8Jo ; Clarcndcu , CJofCoaea o 'ga xatteona , 7 c ; Unllowol , 8c ; Injdi Orchard 74o ; Narr > gauaettIuiprovprio Pcnperill aattoon 94o ; Rockport , 72o. PlaNTS - Aliens , 64c ; American , Gio ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4Jc ; Cochoco , 7c ; Concatoga. G c ; Dunkirk , ; Dtmnoll , CJ@7o ; Eddyntone , 7c ; Gloucentor , Co ; Harmony , & 4c ; Knickerbocker , G u ; Mer rl ao D. 7c ; Myotlo , SJo ; SpraTuos. Go ; Southbrldgo , Gc ; do , GIngbama , 7o ; Marl. boro. 5Vc ; Orlnntnl G4c. GINtSHAMS Amnakeag. 134o ; mm. ilrcus 'J'ji Argyle , lOic ; Atlantlo , o ; OomborlnndAo ; Highland , 74o ; Kenllworth , 24c ; Plun kett , 104o ; Sna Dili , 8c COTTONADKS Abbervlllo 134o Agate , yfio ; American , lie ; ArtUlan , 20o ; Cairo D and T , Ittyc ; Olurlon D and T , 174c ; Deocan Co. et ripen D and T , IGc ; Key' atone , liijc ; Nantucket , 19o ; Nonparcu , ICc ; Oooan D and T , 134o _ ; Royal , 1G4 1 rhunex , 12c ; Tlogn. lajo ; Wachnsett ahlrt- Inv ) b.pcka , 124o ; do , Nankin , 124c ; York. plalu Ii nklD , 124c ; doebeakjatripes ; and fancy , 12 c ; do , b oz , 30o , SUEETiriGS-AndroBcogeln 10-4,374o ! do . , 23e ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Onnlinental 0 42 , lie , iFruIt of tbo Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Now York miljs98. 5c ; do 78 , 80c ; do fiH. 224o , P mbrk 10-l , , 25o ; Pwiuot IC-4 , 28 io , do 74 , I9odo 49 , 10c ; Pepperell 49G , 29c ; do 07 , ? lode ; 57 , 18o ; Uf/ca 96 , 3Gc ; do 6SwyTdo48. 17o. Paints Oils and Varnish * * OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 13o ; 150' headlight , per gillou , I6c ; 175 * boadllgbt , per gallon. 20o ; lirueod. raw , | i r gallon , 53 ; linseed , bolle- ) , per gallon , 66c ; Urd , winter atr'd , per gal , : on,100 ; No.l,8Cc | No. 2 , 76c ; cater , XXX. $ ftK Moo , IM ; No. S , 1 Ifi ) aweot , [ > er gallon85ot sperm , W , B. , p r gallon' L 65 ; Sab , w. B , , per gallon , 60o ; noaUfoot , extra , p r gallon , 76o ; No , 1 , 65o ; lubri cating , aero , per * allen , 80c ; rammer , 16o , [ olden machine , No , 1 , per gallon , 85c ; No , I , 80 : sperm , algn * ! , per gallon , 80ot tur. pontin * , per /tallon , 65o ; naptha , 71 , per gallon , 18c : M , 17o PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. . 6io ; white lead , St. Louis , purs , Sin ; tf wellies green , 1 to 6 ft cans , 20o French zinc , giooa sail. 12c ; French ilno , red tool , Ho ; French line , In Tarnish aut , 20o ; French akice , In oil Mat 16o ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib can * IZoi raw and burnt Blenna , ISot Vandyke brown , wg refined lampblack. I2c ; coach blaok and * ory black , IGo ; drop blsx k , 16o ; Prnssuui blue , 30o ; nltrivmariug bice , 18o : obrxino < reen , L. M. k D. , 14oUllud ) and shutter ireen , L. M , 4 D. , 14t ; Paris graen , ISo ; ndlan red , 16oi YeuetUn rod. Bo ; Ttuoar In. , 22c ; American Yermillod , I , & P. , 18c ; ohrumo yellow , L. , M. , O , & D 0. , ISo ; yellow ochre , 9oj golden ochre , 14 ; pntent irycr , 8c ; gaining colors : light orJc , duk our. walnut , tiettnut and ash 15o. Dry ° lnts White lead , Cicj French line , lOoi IVtSe whltcing 240 ; whiting gilders. l c ; v hi tin K oom'l , Ho ; lainnbhick Genuau. MVTU. I4c ; Irmpblnck , ordinary , ICkj ; I'nu- ilao Line , 55c ; ultramarine , IBc ; vaudyke irowu , Bcj omlxir , burnt , 43 ; nmbor , r w 4oslunua ; , bum t , Ic ; tltmna , raw , 4c L'aria green gunuine , 15c ; Paris green com * 20v ; chrome green , N , Y. ' 20oj chrora green 1C , 12o ; veradlllon , Eug , , 70c ; ver million , America , 18c ; Indian r d , lOo rune pink , 14o ; venetlun read , Coku o o 2 Jo- Venetian red Am. , lie ; rei lead , 74o ; chrome yellow , esnulno , 20o hrome yel < ow , K. , 12o ; ochre , rochelle 8cj oohr fitnch. 2j ; ochre , American , 2oj Winters mliicr * ! , 34c ; lohign brown , 3Joi spantih brown , S l Prince's mlniral 8 VARNISUES-Barrel * per pillon Furniture , sxtra , 11 10 ; furniture , No. 1 Cl ; ooaoh , ettra , $1 40 ; each , No , 1 81 20 ; Datnar , eitra , 11 76 ; apart , 70ca ; phfJtum , extra , 85o ; ihellao J3 SO ) hart oil Cnlsh , tl SO. M * ry Hardware List , Iron , ratM , 9310 ; plow sU l , spcda caet , 7o ; crnoibl ,8o ; special or Germar Gc ejuit tool do. 16@20 wagon fpokcw. * t 226@3 00hub ; * , permit , 125 ; felloes , awei dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70 < S6o ; * x3ei each , 76o ; wu&ro nnU , jxjr ft , 7llo wwhcrs. per Ib. 8@18c ; ttveU , per Ib , He cell chain , i > or Ib , 6@1 ? ; roalleabl * , 8c Iron wedge * , Oo ) crowbara , Go ; hnrror tooth , 4c ; honwnhofn , per kpg , 5 00 ; aprlnf steal. 7@Sc ; 15urJon > horteoboor , 6W ) Bunlen's mulrshcon. G 50 SHOT.-Shol , 81Wf | Buck shot , 82.10 OrientM Powder , fcegj. ? 8.40 ; do. , hul kego. W.48j do. , mtartor krga , $1.88 ; BU ( las , kos , W-SSt Fune , > f r 100 fe t 60o. BAKBUD WIRE In car lot , 8 25(3 ( 0 2 : psr 100 ; iu leas than oar lots. 8 7f. ( 9 75 Oft ICO. NAILS-Ratef. 10 to GOtf , 425. Hldoi huts , Cto. HIDES Utoen butcher's hldj , C74 < cttrod 7f @ 8o ; hldw , green Eftlt , part curei 7ichldo ; ,7tc ; dry flint , sound , 13 ( v\lf and kip , 12e > 14cj dry salt biUsnouu.l 101 lo ; green o\lf. wt. 8 to IB ft * . . ll@12e green cull , wt , tinder 8 Ita , per skin , 60o nwn potts , 60 ( 01 26 ; green lamb aklns $1 2f.160 . : danwgcd hldea , two-third rate , out scored nud ono grub , classed tfro iLlrda rate , ) branded hides 10 per eont. of Coon eklna , No. 1 , 4tio ; No. 2 , 30o ; No. 1 30. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 30o ; No. ' . 15a ; No. S , 16o : No. 4 , 6c. Fox , OOc ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b25c | We ; short stripe , 40flj narrow stripe * broad atrlpo , lOt. Tallow 7o. Lcxitner Oak solo , 33o to 42o ; hemlock sole , 33o K S5c ; homloofc kip. 80o to 100 ; runn r CBc to BOo ; hctnlock calf , 85c to 1 30 ; botn loot tipper , ' . ! 3c to USe ; oak upper , 2lc alligator. 4 00 to 6 60 ; calf klrt , 325c : ! Orcincn kid , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o t ( 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French kip 1 10 to 1 55 ; French naif , 1 25 to 3 00 : rus setts. 5 60 to 7 60 ; lininjB , 0 00 to 10 60 toppings , 9 00 to 10 CO ; B. L. Morocco , COi to & 6c ; poVblo 0 , D , Morocco , B5o ; slmon 2 TO to 3 00. HARNESS-NO i atar. f.k , 420 ; NO : do , 3tfc ; N. 1 Ohio oak , 38o ; No. 2 do S5c ; No. 1 Milwuuhi-f , 7o ; No. 2 do lie tlorsos end Mints. Th-5 market la brisk -\ntt all grades Mr exiling well at r. alight advance Iu ptlcas The denauil for good horoi oxcecda th supply conotdorsoly. Pricoa range tvs fol lowc ; Fine alngln drivers , 9160. to 300. ; Kitn limit honcn , 8170. to 25. ; Common dral her a. 9100. to 160. ; Extra fivnn honoe S110. to 125 , ; Common lo goad farm horaoi SiH ) . to $100. ; Extra plngR , ? 4iO. to 76. Common plugn , $20. to $40. MULEd. 16 to 161 bwuto ( extrr. ) , ai Iol50. ; 11 } to 15 hando , 9100. to 140. K to 14 > hnntiit , 075. to 100. ) IBfc to 1 banda , &GO. to 76.Lumber. Lumber. Wo qnoto lumber , lan and uhlnglcs en cars nt Omaha nt tbo following pricot1 : JOIST AND HOANTLING-1G U. n < cndor , { 23 00 ; 18 ft. , S2S 50. TLMBISRS JO ft. and under , C22 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft , 523 50 2C ft , $2.1 50 , 2 ft. , 328 50 ; Si ft. 3215 50 1-ENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 Iu. , 824 00 No , 2 , 822 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ecmmoi boards ) , $2' ' > 00 ; No. 2 , 318 CO. LIM.K Pw barrel , Cl 35 ; bnlk per ous 40c ; Cement , bbl , 62 25 Iowa plucter bbl , 12 CO. IIrir per bn , 40o. Tarroi felt 100 Iba. S3 50. Straw board , 83 50. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 Morris Run Blo > 4iburg , 312 ; Whltobrcoa lump , 85 50 ; Whltebrcant nut , W 50 ; low lump , ? 5 fiO : low.- , nut 85 50 ; liook Spring SJ8 ; Anthracite , S10 50@ll 00. DRXT B AND CHEJUOA LS , Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , TarUric , GOo ; Balsai Copabla , nor Ib , 70o ; Bark , Uadauriui , pe Ih , 14 : ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; CInchonldii per oz , $115 ; Chloroform , par Ib , 1K ( Dojor'a powdon , per Ib , (1 40 ; Kpaoi Salts , per Ib , SJc ; Glycerine , pure , pu b 31c ; Load , Acetate , per Ib , 22 Oil , Ooetor , No. 1 , per & 1 , * 1 211 Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8110 , Oil Olive , per oral. 81 50 ; OH , Origanum , 50 Opium , f 4 7 i ; Quinine P. & W. A ; R. & 8 per oz , 82 05 ; Potassium , Iodide , per 1 (175 ; SaAaciD , par or. 10c ; Snlphnto Monihluo , per 97 , 53 85 ; Hulpnar llor per Ib , 4o ; Strvrbnine. nar oz. $1 a5 , Uquors . ALCOHOL 1H7 proof. 225 per win gallon ; extra . California spirits ' 187 prool I part 187 proof , tttijkioi , _ . . . . . . . . _ _ _ U 60 ; Knntuoky bourbottg , 200@700 ; Ken tucky and Penntiylvcula ryes , 2 007 00 BRANDIES-Importod , 80 0010 ( > 3 domoatlo 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 60 ® 8 00 ; docurtlc C1RUMS Imported , 4 606 00 ; Nevi Kwland. 2 00 ( 4 00 ; domestic , 1 ( .0 ! ! U PEAOII AND APPLE BRANDY- 17C@100. CHAMPAGNES Imported per onto , 3800 ( 31 0AmirlUA ; , cane , 12004 1C 00. CLARETS- caae , 4 60@18 00 WINES Rh no wlue , per cano , 0 2 00 ; Catnwhn , par caee , 4 007 00 , Olaar nna faoacco * . CIGARS. Beedu , $15.00 ; Connecticut , I2C.OO ; Mixed , 5:15.00 : ; Seed Havana , $60.00) ) Cloarllnvana , 076.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 24 Ib , GOo ; Our Rope , first quality , G2c Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butU,60c ; Ilorsa Shoo pounds , 24 Ib , buto , 68c ; GUI , [ Kiunds , 2-1 Ib , bntta , GO ; Army and Nuvy , [ iouudn. 55c ; Bnllion , ponuds , CSJo ; Loiil itrd'H Climax , ponn'ls , GOo , FINEOUT-In tulla.-Hard to Beat 7Sc ; Golden Throod , 70c ; FounUln , 80s Fikvorito , 66c ; Rocky MounUln , GOu Fancy , 65c ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foll- Catlina O. 8. , 6 Ib boxt * , i < er Ib 63c ; Lori Ulard'a Tiger , COc ; Diamond Crown , 60o. HMOKJNG All grades Common , 26 tt 33c. Granulated Blackwells Durham , II oz 61c ; Duk os Durham , 16 or , 4Cc ; Seal o North Carolina. 10 or , 46 ; fel of Nobree tea , 16 or , 880 ; Lone Jack. 4 c * , linen bags porlb , 91.85 ; Marburca * Pnck 2 os , tit oil , 65c ; Dog Tail G6c. Wool. Merino nnwas ed , light. 14la ; h vro medium unwah d , light , 18(320 ( waahod , oholoe , 2 * ; fair , 8Uaj tub-ding and w. , 28o ; bnrry , blaokand oottad wool leas tt A I T eT * > ODoy and order sail direct fron 9tH& > I us , w * ship promptly by rail at Ik owMt posslbla cash prloeto all WMbrn polali I9m-m T7LKII BAJ.T.'CO J ln w OllrMb | A CkQkdlava Batchar- Bptclal Dtsilch toTua IJsi. STONEFIBLD , Unt. , January 2. At Little Ridean , Hast Hawkesburg , the iiored roan murdered R 11 , Cookt and wlfp , the oldest daughter and one SOD , Oooka was murdered with \n axe in the barnyard , Mrs. Ouoko and daughter wore stranglnd in the wood- ihod , tha son Q JUT no was killed in bed with an axe , and thu othur aim's thigh wua brukoti ; he may recover. Ffltinlo Oooke , golnx to her brother' * aatistajior , ruoeived a serum wound in the brci s > , but will prubab'y recover , The murderer is at large. Scrap- ) iatcb to Tils Ills. Yoitu , Jjuuary 2. To day as Iloand&tn&n Dj'unoy ' of the T.juibs police ( quad attempted to rrcs John DJO , a saloon keeper , 141 Hcs tur struct , a bukoepor nmiul Mo 3jwan attempted to assist hitn but 30 ran to a Oiirriagu outtidu wheru b girl was awaiting him. Shots wore ixchangod after McQow n enturud the oaninge , which multud in the death of McGoarsn nud serious wounding of the officer. Baveral others were badljr hurt during the affray , PLACING BONDS. Loans Made in Heaven's Sav ings Bank. The Annual Report ot the Oity Missionary. The follow ing la the report of oily mission work , by Mrs. II. U. Fuller , for the six months ending December 20 , 1882 : "Whon olijhloon hundred years ago , ihroo women catur , In the early morn * ing , on the first day of Uio week , bringing splco * to n tomb In Judo A , .hoy bore away ngaln tholr nsolois gift , but they had found something vastly bolter thim n sopulchrnd body , and bad won thu first words from tholr ritcn Lord. Ltttlo they know how well they wrought , or how thdr poor , imuod apices might bring comfort to humbler workers , in Ml the after ngcs. This thought glnddcue my honrt , ns tt the closing of the yonr , looking over ita record , I BOO BO many titnoa , when Lho Lord aoeuis to hivvo had no USE ron MY WICKS. Tet oft , nlasl thuy may Imro ' > u reused - [ used , because too carelessly pu aiod. But the put with its failures , mis- Lakes , and slus , hoe gouo up to God , and when I think how vridoly different must bo that record , from the ono I bring hero , I hesitate to write. Well , the year acorns to hnvo bcon [ ull of work of sonio sort , at least. 1 Iwvo given no report since Juno. Moat of Bopterabor nnd October were spent in v&oition. Ilavo boon work- lug the lust two months. Think I hnvo fallen n little short in hours of work , but comfort myself with the knowledge , that there has been a R od deal of overwork in months past. Llavo distributed about 150 garments , thanks to tha donors. It would surely - ly ri'juico their honrta to know how much comfort thcso have given. Dm- lug the extreme cold weather women nnd uhildrou called on mo , who had on insofliolont olothiug for a OQO ! September day ; and they have told mo that on cold nighta TUET GOULD NOT KEItl' WAUM. In spmo instanccn these people are very kind to each other. Ono woman who supports her two children by washing , kppt another poor woman and her child who catno to her for novoral days ( bccauto they had no where clto to go ) , although thuy had scarcely onouah to oat , and but one bed , so that nome nno had to sit up whllo the others slupt. The hostess told mo that the niqht thcso homeless onus cama In , nho hd said to hur little boy a child t MX yiaro , porhapai "rht > y cannot , stay , " nnd ho replied : "Bat I don't believe they have gel anywhorii to go , mium. " "I can't ' help that ; I can't kooj them. They will hnvo to go , " she replied. "But , mama , " nnawcrod the child " 'nposo when you got up to huavon God nays you can't stay , you'll luvi to go way , "cftuso you wouldn't lo thorn stay ! " THAT BE1TLED IT , and they stayed. Little children suffer for of cold und hunger , and In niui CRfios out of ton the whisky curse liei at the bottom of it nil. I am thank ful whou ono of thceo little victims o wnut , whether it conio through tin mltfortuno or the improvidencu , o critno of other * , finds a good Ohrisiiwi homo opened to him. The nice bibj boy who was Borit Into tht > c untry t year ngo , and the little two > oar-olc girl whom I took weat lost : spring , art just en tuitdutly loved nnd well cirod for , and carefully trained no if thuy holongud in tluao hoiaus by birth , nnd I bolievu li vu vastly liETTEK CHANCKH FOIl UFK lioro and hereafter , than in the homos which were theirs by birth. The fac tor mothiT of the girl writes , " \Vo like Joaoy batter every day. She is a swo t , pretty child , nnd wo think very smart , Wo hope she may bo a b easing to as , and wo to her. " They waul adoption papers. I took the brother of this Ctrl a soy of ten yonra to his homo in the southern part of the utato. A poaUl from there , reodvod the other day , speaks favorably of him , too. Tha little girl whoao mother died in hu hospital , nnd for whom n homo wan found In Iowa , has been claimed t > y friouda of her father in the east ; ud h is gonu to them , although her now friunda wore desirous of keeping ill r. Two more IITTLK FATUEIILEH3 ON KB arc notr Wftltlng for place * . Yet , strungo as it may seem , the deiiund For these ohildron is greater than Ihu supply , IVrhtipsi this is beotueo puo plu uru not o&slly suited with ohildrun , und wu who have the disposal of them are not very easily satltfiud with homes. Among the sick whom I have visited litve boon a father , mother and child iu ono family , nud they were very den- tituto. A yenng man died lately of con * mmption , nd wo believe he dlud trailing In savior. His mother slid " 1 am glad yon ome , ho scorned ; o feel so much batter for it. " This { Ires manew oourtge ; but In BAD OOJ1TJUST ( ho news which cornea from s > girl , u whoso reform , not orly I , but several > oral otrun , were tuceediugly Inter ested a year Hgn , Tnero were thoao who labored and prajnd , and watched and wept over her. SVere tholr spices lluuutodt Wo know not yet , but , > u it so ; did they not In nringiup hem , draw nearer to the Muster , and hear ugaln the dlviuo voice say- ng : "FunrnolT1 PJU80N WOBJC. Borne unoourjglng totters oome from hu penitentiary , nud arnonc ; thoao who have been released , I bcllevo two are jet doing very well. A prls-jnar ruadlug In my hst report about thu ittlu buy who had been so long nick , out up a box which ho lud uado tor his sister , requesting hat It be cold for the benefit of the child nnd other needy ones , It U noralo work , nud ought to bo sold for , ut least twenty five dollars , so the udgos of tuoh things say , bat wo may > o obliged to let it go for something ets , Though not yat disposed of , ho little follow h s obtained some rm clothing on IU credit. lie wu > ttttr ! iu warm weather , but la cgain sufTering as usual during the winter months. Ho is still flodin amuso- nont in the toys which wore sent him ait summer. OUR MISSION ncncot , ins , of course , Us li Uimlng tide just now , caused by the holidays , nnd the ebb must ootnc afterwards , but let ua rust thfit ench incoming tldo leaves it ligher tbau belore ; nnd may the iplr- tual keep pace with the numerical ; rowth. So , God permitting , I shall take up the work of nuothor year gladly , gratefully , however hope-lean or dis couraging it may appear , that matters lot , There la one thing only concern * ni , To ( 'mil the U.k that in ourr. And ( hen hmlng found It , to tin It With Ml our Gcd-clvcn powers. Your task may bo great And mlno but n simple me ; It dltltr * little tl i HU etlon i > , Will tbu Master find It donot An Important Danlsina. Epecltl Dispatch to Ttia lisa LOUISVILLE , January 2. Vlco Chan- oollur Slmrall drcldod an linporlnut ault to-day , Atkinson it Bhtkemoro brought suit against the Western Union telegraph company to rocovcr daiiHRca for error in transmission of n inojeaRo. sent In cipher form from St. Joseph , Mo. , last Juno. The rrror was the substitution of St. L mis for 81. Jcsoph. The trnnolntcd uifcsngo read , "Can buy 100 000 13J average winter shoulders at $3 40. Tnoio are bottom figurcn. A chaugo in the date line cauiod a delay and in the moautimo prices of provision wont up and prevented the transaction at the Azures specified , the plaintiff thereby losing a commission. The dofouso sot up wan that the message woj an unropcated ono , therefore un der the contract printed on every telegraph - ograph blank the defendant was liable only for the cost of transmission. The vice chancellor dolivorcd a lengthy opinion in favor of thu telegraph com- An Exlln Dilus- Ipedal DU ) > tch to Tits lilt. MILWAUKEE , January 2. Martin O'Solllvan , cx-suspcot , late of Bully- dufT , Oonuty Kerry , Ireland , is con fined to his homo , 218 Detroit street , this city , suffering from lung discaso jnulraoted during confinement iu Lluiorick jail under the Ooorclon not. The doctors have little hope of his re covery. _ Plan Bluff n Blnuo- Special IMlpntcb. to Til ll . PINB BLUFF , Jnuu ry 2. This morning u fire broke out in the rear of the Two story brick block occupied by Rjaobuum & Tics , furniture doaloia , and Sol Rosenberg , plantation tupplico , nnd in ICED than two houra property of the vnluo of § 125,000 vran deotroycd. It wns the work of incen diary. The Garland Graj H were hold- inj ; n dance in the room over wbich the fire broke out. When thu alarm win sounded , though all osoapcd , the tholr wraps nnd clonks were lost. JI1 Cut 1 1 111 ; BwcUl DkHi.tch to TIIK l.'ni. I'lTiSBUua , Junuary 2. The river coal oporatora of this district have decided ngatnat the four oont rate for digging , und viill iusht upon a roduo- tion cqiul to that ruling with railroad pile , which is thrco and ono-hatf o nls per bushel. The oporatora &ay the condition of trndo will not warrant u higher rate. The reduction will ef- ifcot 5,000 minors employed in nnvcnty- fnur pits. Is is not thought Unit the miaors will make nny otrong nppori- tion but will quietly submit. A Fatal Bllilo. Dlipatch to Tin It ill ' -7 i N. Y. , January 1. Thrco laborerH were kilkd by n caving In of earth upon them while cutting through the hltfli land for a new n'.reor , S ELYDIA E. VEGETABLEOOMPOUNB. _ IB a l'o > Ulvfl Corn Tor * \ \ tlio e Talanil Oompl lnl ka aungntuoarbr t feutalo pop ulalloiu A Uiillcloe for If OBI in. Itmnted by aUomas- Prepared by a Woman. lit CrMlMt DljMtl(7 B1 U Piw. f 1C U , 1911 rvrlTM th drooping spirit * , Inrlgroratai and mrmonUM th orjraula ( unctloos , giro * elutldtr ao4 flrmnau to the lUp , rMtorM tbe natural lustr * to th y , anJjiUaUon th pal ohookof wom o tb * frtik ronf * ot Utt't ffrlag and erljr sommor tlina , pr-Pliystclsru Us * It and Preicrlbe It Frael/-W U rtraoTM ( alctrtMi , ( Utoloncy , Jutroy * all cr Tln | or'fUnaUatandr UTMweaJc ] > Msaf the stouach , Tbal fMlInz of tearing down , caualnf pain , welgW jiit bokioh , it alwa/s pnnan ntl7 cunxl by IU A tkl * C j > p Hm4 I * uiuvrpaased. T.YDlA E. PrKCIIAal'M BLOOD will eradluit * tivrf TMtln ot Uuioors ( rum Ihi Uood , and girt ( on * and trenith to tha nKun. ci Biaawouaa or child. Inilrt on haTtoy U. ( . * Doth ta * Ootn pound and Blood Porlfler art pnpan4 atSUandtU W eUrn Arenut , Ljrua , UtM. rrico4 Itlter , (1. fUx bottle * for | & S ot IT mall In th * font of pills , or oflotensM , on receipt of price , II pert * ] or dtner. Un. I'lnkliani f reoly annrors all Utter : ol Euclc Sct.rtmp , Send for pamphlet. Ko f mtlr houH t without LTDIA . JVI3U I'U.Ui. llier euro conntl | llon , blll9U > uu l aod torpidity of the llror. t3 oenU per buz. all IlrutfgUts.-Cj , ( O INCREASE YOUR CAPITAL. Thos Uislilnj to miLo moot/ sikill and Uttolaui Inutiioicls la 820 gnln , | > rorliili.s and fxl ireeula * tioiin , cm da ja 1) opcratlltvco GUI plin. Vioia > iy J , lb'l , lo < to pro- WHEAT boot date , on 'uyoniiv n of | 10,0i to f 1,009 , ( AiU proflt * bate ben realUwl aid paid to luuslorfr anioun loirtaict rU tlaiw tlrorlf S50 laal Inroifjieiit , I'ralt * paid 1st o > e > jr xjnlb , still iMTlox th * or-KWul liivottment iMkiictroasr ! QTOUKS or pajablaon dctnind. Bxplinato * ry clrculait and tU'xmenU cl fnad wiontfroo W w nt rwpooslbl * MenU. whoirllrtpoit enaoyi and SIOO lot'CKlocfl thu plan. Llbtial eom- mUdons paid. AdJros * rUUililNO li UKHBIAW , Ocex talsdoa & * rcliaat * , Ms Jot Bi * k. Uwage , ill.