Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1883, Image 1

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VV ALa-iiburt fr AI
Loud anil Lengthy Effort
of Logan to Perpetrate
a Orimo ,
Porter Paluted as a Coward
and Traitor of the
Darkest Huo.
A Remarkable Sc'nro Oamiod
by Four Muleo With Per-
poadioular Taila.
ABlll.Baport d to the Senate
' to Settle the Qustion of
Land Forfeiture.
Abitraoti of the Rcporti of the
Naval and Mlinlaalppl ,
River Commitiloni-
ProcoadmRO o ; Congress and Qonorat
ftpaeUl Dbpktch lo Tni Usn.
WASHINGTON , January 2. Thoprcs-
ideut laid before the Honato a com
mnnication trannmlttlng Iho report of
the Mississippi river with maps and
etc. It was ordered printed. Cock-
orill presented u petition from loading
grocora in St. Louis for a reduction ot
the duty on engur , and the abrogation
cf the llawaiin treaty. Several peti
tions were presented for the passageof
the bill giving increased pensions to
ono armed nud ono legged soldiers.
Senator Garland , from the comaiit
tee oa judiciary , reported an original
bill aa n mibjtituto for the btlla to
forrod to that commlttoa providing for
forfeit are of certain railroad Und
grants. In presenting tha repor :
Senator G.trlnnd iiaid the subject was
a very imoortant one , uud that hu
would calLnp the bill as soon as Iho
Fits John Porter and presidential auc
cession bills were out of the way ,
The bill , in brief , authorizes tha at
torney gonar l to iaatltuto suits iu
the nnmo of the United States against
the roads grr.ntod lands which hive
not patented tha aaam , with a view to
obtaining judgment for thu future ,
and provides thai if in ono yo r previous
vious to the passage of net , the road
\f \ in question shall have made nubjUu
tial pro ; rojs inconBtructlonthoy | shall
ba oxainpt from judgment in the fu
At the close of the morning hour
the calendar was taken up.
At 1:25 : the stmnto resumed consid
eration of the Fita John Port or bill.
In jastifbtitiou of his remark the
ether day about people aouolimca
changing their miniia , Senator Logan
sent to the desk nndlhad road two lot-
tctT rW3iJ , ' .cte7 fri'to * Gsn. .Popa tc.
I'roaitJcnt Grant in April ) , 1874 , stating
Gen. Pcrtsr claimed to hwa procured
now evidence which would cither ac
quit him or greatly modify the judg <
meat in bis caao , and asking the proa-
Ident to oxair.lnc the question or have
It examined and astect up u , "as far
as justice cr mere/ demand ? ; " the
other , the president's reply , eajnig ha
regarded the case as ono of great
Importance pirtioularly to the nrmy
and uavy that ho hnd read the ovj.
dcnca given buforo the our ; nur'.ul
and aho Gen. Porfcr'o oubst quant de
fense , determined that if ho had beoa
wroDgad ho ( Gj i. Grant ) will riijht
him ita fir ns n J could r.ud thai ho hnd
cotao to the oojclusiau that no now
facia had been developed , nud il waa
doulitfulwhother by the nation of the
cix'culivo alouo a no/ trial could bo
legally given.
Senator Logan aiin ho would .nako
no cotninment on Projldent Gnvat's
letter , but would leave it to bs iti own
commant. Uyon Iho quoition nf the
condiiim of the road wHoh the
friends of General Porter eaid was on
cutnbardd with 2,000 wagoua , Logan
Bald hu had mndj a calculation chiir-
ing these nina iiailc.i of road v/oald
hold jcat 050vavons ; iaotoad of 2,000.
The arh'umoat that Porter tr.n not to
blf.rao for failing to obsy promp'ly
the 0:30 : ordtr was aiiBnurid by the
fact that ho Imd received a prior order
dated 4 o'clock on the 27tii , ro&ding ,
"The enemy vnu moving upon union
linn ; * ecd hu CPortor ) must bo ro.-.Jy
any inoiuant. " Lr. cui proceodc 1 c' *
to cciDtiidjr wli t ho called thu et. mad
branch of the 0.120 , nntnoly , the ques
tion , was thor.3 a batt.lo
outho20h of Augiwt , 1362. Ono
reason given by the Schoficld bourd
for their reportIng in Grn. Portar'a
fr.vor was tnit tht-ra was no bittlo on
that d y , only n ( skirmish. How the
board could have raached Uiat con
elusion ha could not understand , for
it was directly contradicted by the
ovldeneo , und upon this point ho rend
from thu testimony of Gena. Mo
Dwell , Reynold , Schofwld , Robinson ,
Grover , Bunoy , Siegol and cthou or
floors , and also from thu reports ot thu
ollicera of Jackson's command , chewing -
ing there was a eevorn bat tlu on that
day , Ono of the division commands
era under Longstrout that day ( Gen ,
Wilcox ) was en oUioer of the Eouato ,
and had told him ( Lagan ) hU troop
were ougngod in the bittlo of the 20th.
Senator ( Jewell If the senator suc
ceeds in that , ho mil place the cam
jnanding general in a very bid light.
Senator Logan I will provo by
General Wilcox , and by Leo and by
Senator Sawoll There Is no qu
tlon but Longtareot waa there ou the
Senator Logan Yes , end ho waa in
the fight , too.
Senator Sowell That has always
been denied by General Pope ,
Senator Logan It makes no differ
enQO who denies it ; I nm talking
about the foot. It Is very strange
this constant effort makes this a trial
of Popo.
Senator Sowell- ought to bo.
Senator Logan Oh , yes ; well , I'l
make it a trial of Porter , and I wil
tunic o this oauntry understand , too ,
that it is Porter who Is on tilal for
disobedience of Popo'a orders. OUlm-
'ng lo h.wo shown beyond odonbt there
TSS a battle on the 29th. Logan said
the ncx't qvcslion AVAS , did Porter re-
celva any order to take p&rt In that
ntllo and if so did ho obey i1) ) Porter
arrived at Bristow , V . , nl'J.'IJO In ths
morning nud ten minutes Inter ho
wrote to Burnaid' ) saying among other
things , ho thongiu his lucky etar up
and adding , ' ' 1 lupo Mao's star is up
o. " What dil that moan ? Mao had
men removed from command of the
army nnd Pope had bojn put there In
ia ! stead and the hopa was to got
L'opo out and hare Mao restored.
That was the meaning of that remark.
Again , Porter wtpjo in the same
otter , "You will hoar of us soon by
way of Alexandria. " Why by way of
Alexandria ! If the army WAI
inccossful it would carry the enemy
nto Virginia , but AhjxsndMa was a
( Oed place to retreat to In c. . > of do-
oat. There were only two * ays to
explain Porter's conduct , iithor ho
IVHS a coward , or else ho did not in *
; end to fight under Pope , and as the
senator from New Jersey ( So veil ) said
10 was not n coward , ' the other ex
planation must bo accepted.
Senator Siwoll asked Logan whether
! o meant to convoy the dea that
Porter was on the flank of'uonfoder -
ate army or anywhere near. >
Senator Logan. No ; I do not wish
to confer thu Idea that ho win on thu
confederate army at nil , for ho was
not. But if ho had obcyid Pope's
order ho would havu en on confed
erate fl-iuk.
Senator Sowell The Bomtor docs
not understand the nituatlun. The
order of Pope contomulatcd his strik
ing the left il.iuk of Jack oa nnd not
Longdtroot , who was in his front.
Snntor Logan Upon whtu author
ity does the collator eny Loncstroot
was in his front ?
Senator Sowell Upon Longatreot'a
own evidence.
Sanator Lagan denied there was
Q 'lar o ftirco in Porter's front nnd
rssd from confederate reporta showing
that the "dmt" of which Porter npoke
was made by dririug n few muloa
along the rind with brush tied to
thair taila. [ Linfihter. ] The dust
iu the road , ouid Logan , waa mtdo by
four mules and scarce ! Porter n bidly
, though ho had 12 000 mon uudor
his command , ho rotrwtecl. Jla wants
to ba restored to thy army from which
ha waj expaMcd , becaujo when ho was
ordered to attack ho failed to obey on
account of the mulca and brash. Why ,
if ha had boon a volunteer soldier ho
would not have bpon permitted to
stay in this country. I'iioro novoc
was a nnn in the volunteer scrvico
who would have had cheek enough to
cjrao before congress or any othoi1
tribune ) , and njk that their evidence
nhnuld bo opread before the worjd.
' During my lifo I have served
abuut oovon years in the
nrmy ' , " continued Logan ; "I do not
wiah'to spsak of what i hiivo donn
tnysolf , hat I have boon Jn a great
many battlou , and If the time hnd
ever boon found during my whole ox-
I rirjacn , w-icro , v.'ify a cammand nf
12 500 mon , I would not attack any
nrmy anywhere if I hod boon ordjrcd
tu do oo , I ahould want to bo kicked
out of tha army in disgracs. There lane
no excuse for this mau'o conduct
HYPO these who noak to PXCUEO him
riovcr lier.rd of the charga of Bila-
llavu ? they never heard of a
Senator Logan gave way for n mo
tion by Sjnator Cockroll to go into
execution cession. When the doors
roopencd the aenato adjourned.
After the piissago of two relief
bi'm ' the B [ OAker procosuod with the
cill of ctatan f or the introdnc'ion of
billa. At the conclusion < f the call
of ttatca the homo procoodad to tha
coaVidoration of bills touching admin
istration of tax inwa.
Mr. Whltd ( Ky ) offered a auboti-
t-ito tiiuendmont repealing the tobacco
tax. Ruled out on point of order.
Mr. Hatch ( ilo. ) ofTjtcd itn amend
ment providing thit no lisonao Bliall
bu demindcd of any ponun buying
t'ibicco from n producer or grower.
Ruled out oa point of ordor.
Tha bill thou
A bill to fix the term cf ofiico of
collootor of Internal revenue promised
to give rise to n protracted discussion
and WCH withdrawn. Twice during
thn consideration of Ihu foregoing
bilto it vole waii drinandjd and it waa
only after great < U > ly in nuoh case
th it n quorum o'lu'd ' ba cecurod.
HOCBCI thun proceeded to cona'dorn- '
tl'u cf the buimaeB on iho cpeukor'u
tabla. TJio ft rat bill on the table wai
a houna bill for the extension of O.ip-
Ifol North " 0" ctrcot and South
Washington railway with aa a uomUo
amendment relative to the smomout botivoau tracks. Amendment re
jected nnd the house adjourned ,
BpechlDItpitcboj to Tim Bf" .
WAHHISUTON , January 2. Thodobt
ctatamcnt to-day shows the dpcrcasoof
rho unbilo ilebtdaiini ; Djeunibsr to bo
Bonda itnnod to Pacific railway com-
pan trs , intoreot payablu in lawful
money , principal outstanding , § 01-
423,512 ; interest aorued nnd not yet
paid , $1,938,705 ; interest paid by the
United States , $55,311,031 ; interest
repaid by comparing , by transporta
tion services , $10,123,080 ; by cash
payments , five per cent of not earn
ings , $055,198 ; balance of Interest
psld by the United States , 838.U65 ,
In the star route owes testimony
was token relative to expedition of the
Koarnty.Kont route In Nebraska.
Nothing naw was elicited.
The report of the naval advisory
board organized by the act of congress
of Au , 5 , 1882 , BB to the wisdom and
expediency of completing the iron
clad ateamerj Monadunok , Puritan ,
Amphltrito and Terror , was laid be
fore congress to-dayr Secretary
Chandler approves the conclusion o !
the board and recommends provisions
bo made by congress for the com
pletion of the monitors accordingly.
The roeretary adds : "Tho advisory
board has not jot bacn nblo to mnko n
report < In dottil or detormiuo the
coat of completion of the monitor ) !
which It recommends , bat is engaged
preparing euch full report.
report submitted to congress to-day
show the amount expanded from Jnly
1st , 1832 , to Deoombar IGth , 1882 ,
including cettmatcd liabilities , in
5002,221 ; balance ontimr.tod required
during the remainder of the fuoal
year ending Juno .10 , 1833 , is $91-
780. Estimate for salaries and ox-
pcnics of the commission for the next
fiscal year is put at $200,000. The
report recommends that provision bo
mudo by law for the appropriation by
suitable | proceedings of land and
material nccoianty In any work of im
provement of thu Mississippi river un
dertaken by the government. It
recommends provision bo mndo for
river control by the government over
Areas rcclairaod and built up from the
river bed by the works of the channel
Improvement , It is recommended
that provision bo mndo by Inw for the
punishment of persons making or as
sisting to maka auy cnt-otfat any
neck or bond in the Misslsiippl river ,
or in any manner intorfeiiug with its
channel or binko. From muoh of
that part of the report which , relates
to lavocs one member of the commis
sion , Gen. Oomstock , diiionls. IIo is
of opinion that lovous are of but little -
tlo aid in improvement of low water
navigation , and doubts al present the
advisability of raising levees on the
banks of rivers above the present
In the report which acnmp.inlod
, ho bill introduced in the couato to
day by Garland , providing for for-
'eituro of railroad grant ] in certain
nueo , the judiciary committee caj.i :
Without undertaking to decide wheth
er iu all pnnt8 by the United States
: o railroads congress can deslaro thin
'orfeitura , Iho committee considered
t-bejfc to adopt eomo measure that
would avoid this question und pines
the parties in nUitnda towards each
other that would icsaro to each f.iir
dealing and justica as fur as can bo
done. They propose to direct the attor
ney general to inatlluto proper judicial
jrococding against any railroad com
panies that ho may have reason to bo-
iovo ( ire In default as to the condi
tions of thuir grants to bring &baut n
forfeiture and secure the rights of the
jovermnoiit to the lands. This pro-
seeding , in the nature of an informs-
lion , will bring the supposed di fault
ing company into court to bo hoard In
defense' against forfeiture , and the
court can enter snob judgment or do-
crcos aa in ita opinion will coouro the
overnmont not merely In declaring a
Forfeiture , if need bo , but in declaring
resumption of- the lands granted.
An appeal ia to bo allowed as In other
cases in court.
Railroads , for the boneUof ( which
patents or curtific&tca ( > i3 the CUD a
may be ) have bacn hinud for lands
lying opposite portions of such roads
not completed within the nc od ro-
auirad by law making the afuhj.'HqtL
fur which patentsor oorlluWes have
bson issued rinco Iho expiration of
that period cro .13 follows : St. Paul ,
Minnrapolla & Manitoba , acres pat
ented 547,579 , ; Wosturn railrosd ( for
merly branch of St. Paul ) & Pacific ,
acres patented 109,110 ; Southern
Minnesota extension , r.crea certified ,
but not patented 109,553 ; Haatingn
" ; D. kota , acres patented 23,037.
Attorney General Bronstor haa
gene to Altoona.
Hawaiian minister , will take place
Wednesday. The reimins will ba es
corted to the depot by troopn und removed
moved to Boston fas interment. The
president and cabin ; t will r.Uond tha aorvioaa in the Unitarian
church hero.
Secretary Teller iu the case of < ho
t. Paul , Minneapolis & Manitoba
railway company vs. Forgot-Johnson ,
involving thu title to certain landn at
Fergus Kills , Minnesota , r.flhmu the
decision of Commissioner Mo [ Airland
uid awards the lands to John ion ,
The question wan whether n homo- entry wau not within the limits
of railway grants. The secretary
liold the lunda waa excepted from
jranta to the railway.
In < ho OMO of Thos. O'Rouko vs.
William llurd , of Blimurk , Dakota ,
in anpoM from commlcaionur of Ihu
' land tdlso , Sucrntary Toiler
the decisions end holdr. tlmt
liurd never abaudouod hi.i home-
during Dicimbor viai § 5,701,393 of
which § 3,110,705 h gold , $2,401,570 ua1
liver and 5129,003 In minor coin * . a1
o tl-o board of health stata that dur
ing thu pint two months 9,000 people
liuvo b.un ! litnekeu with smallpox , and
2,400 diod. Nejroj3 object to vao-
are hero to fr.vor the posiago of the
Porter rehabltating bill. A reception
was glvon Gen. and Bits. Grant to
night. Porter said ho liBtonr.d to
Ljgan's rcviow of hla caeo to day.
Tiin Camluc III Ho Ztlatali
> cUI Ulc.iitdi loTlU 11M.
NK\V YOUK , January 2. The Na-
tlonal lllfla Match association has a
letter from the British Kill ? associa
tion , renouncing that In the match
the u a of a wind gauge and parmls
olon to change the entry will bo con
The Now York
Bpoclal JJUpatcti toTiu U .
, N. Y. , January 2. The
legislature assembled at noou. Alfred
0. Chipin was elected tha speaker of
the iijtembly.
Upccltl Dlt | > atch to TUB Dm.
BOHTO.V , January 2. The Heralc
eaya thu loading rubber interests ol
the country is considering the question
of consolidation. If tlioy unlto tha
capital stock will bo twenty or thirty
Wlioso Jowolloil Ban Proiluosfl
the Deatii : Which Sot tlio
French1 a MourniuR.
The Rotutvnco of the Lift ) of
Gtimbotta andIta
ADarknnd ImmorttlSido to a
Career of Uncommon
BrllUnnoy ,
A Foolinsr of Regret nnd Sorrow
row Manifeotnd by the
European Press.
The Antopiy of tlie Body and Uou-
jeotnroB an to tha Conio of
General NOWB irom All Parto of tUo
SpeclM Dlipatch lo TUB Din.
PAKIS , Januaiy 2. A sorlous com-
ilioation in thu CMO of thu late M.
} ambottn , not generally known , W.IB
varicose vuinn ou thu loft h > g , the
existence of whicH uxpluitm curtain at-
itudcs oftou severely commented
upon as cndlgnlfiod. lie wuu physl-
otlly incapaci mod from Kitting
atraight in a ohalr. It is imoonniblo
; o t'flirtn , until after thu mitupsy ,
which takes plnco to niorroir , thuas
averted by nor-eperaonr , ho hcd rc-
cdivtd n bnlloti'i the abioiuau. Still ,
without doubtH'io wound In the arm
waa the primary oauso of death uad
neaoEsitatod ' . 'immobility , depriving
lim cf tha cxerulno proBcribzd us in-
disponslblo to'olio of hia eomti'.ution
and tottiporra i.t , and continually
Iiroatouud by cu.'obral congestion. It
s whispered thU Gambotta
of a strict diet of milk and eggs
.broughout . his illnczti. Hi ) friends
mvo nought to cntiaopl the gravity of
; ho cituatlou and the tvbovo in sill the
Hgonoy of a wnman in the tragedy ,
tfovcrtheleca no doubt la permissible
, hit the shot which-directly or Indi
rectly caused liv > tto.ilh was lirod by a
u lady who is vc'l ' known in Paris and
whoao pseudonym of Lsonioton con-
cosh the patro iymlo of ono of the
moat honor..blu luraolitlah families
of Bourdeaus. She loft Lor
husband , Iho collor of Geirond ,
lo follow the fojjanes of him by whono
elequonco In tin G.irdln eubscriptlon
and Irial aho-'M oamplotely faeci--
natod , and unit ig--with him In 18G8 ,
the deserted' ht family. 'Their osn-
ncoiion haa'JasL ' ever tines. Ho wta
Impatient , . tfi-/Alv in ho'o uld not
the auc3ceding joar , wl'oto paternity
ho refused to acknowledge. Thceo
refusals cauiidnpcnLuof resrlmiuation
and cf con of pjaitivu violence botweau
the lovers. The nun wearied of the
connrctton , and the woman oluug devoted
voted to him to whom aho oucrificod
her honor. Gnmbotta disliked the
child , who WIM tickly but intelligent ,
and lived as lii nephew , ilo resoai
bled Gdiabetlu. in cfi'trr.otci : nnd foA'
turei. Two yuara dgo Ljonio'a 1m.-
hand died , and aho nummonod Gam
batta to fulfhll hu i omico of marria Hi
but rftuaivud nnoth < r sofusal , Hoinad j
an nfirPcmaut , however ,
TO I'ltofiuu roi : YOUSO
on condition that ho nhould bo educated
cated in Gormany. The mother hesi
tated but linully conacntod and no-
compauiod thu child nnd his fnthor to
Droadoii. Th'n ' WHO thu journey in
much commoiitil upon last by
tho'Eurojion preaj , which c.ucribod poli
tical imtivca to it. Their oonneotion
wai conlinut'il nftor their return ,
Loonlo coing every Saturday to hla
villa , whrjro she was accepted
the tniatre.ii by the nervnnto
and roturnud Monday in hii car
riage. Their quarrels continued
Within n wok tnrco discharged dc
iinsUus reronlod the myatcrien of the
Il-atarrod ostabliohniunt. Finally
disiontions culminated la n ecano and
the unluppy
Ganib3tta lost hlo temper , givlrg
vent tj nbuse nud coavnu Jatigu
cash P..I hu WAS wont to employ in
mcnta of paision , She U-R.I cxn
atod , noiai-d 11 ro/olver and firod.
raised > hia hand to turn aaldo tuo
weapon and received hla death wound ,
Brnrythtni ; oleo ia conjecture. Nona
lint th'jy kuo.v Iho Irulh and Gam
botta died , yet madu no tign.
I'Anis , January 2There in eomo
Idoi of postponing Gimbutt.Vs funornl
until the lOch inst. 120 that i.uiwta and
ohnmbor doputlas may nttond in n
body , It is estimated tlmt three
thousand persona visltod Iho house at
Yillo d'Avery yesterday , Peopla wc-ro
aijmlttoi by grotipo of llvo or ten into
the hall where they abounded to the
flinull bed room where the body ia
lying , The visitors included ministers ,
senators and ntlur fnnctionarlus , Thu
room b poorly furnished , and the
body Hen on a small iron bodatead
completely covered by ohoots , except
the head , which raatn on two
pillows. The fnoo is palo , the hair
greyer than formerly and the hoard
entirely gray. Gainbatta appears lif.
teen yearu'oldor than ho rnally was.
13is friends oeomod utterly bueldo
themselves , soma aged men weeping ,
There were a few ibworson the font of
the bed. Otherwise them were none
of the emblems usual In Franco on
such an occasion , A painter waa
seated at the fout of the bed ekotohlng
thi scene ,
Other trtiits for the illustrated pa
pen were similarly occupied in the
room. The money Gainbatta leaves
is pfnclp lly accrued froin.'hls pewa
paper , A. correspondent who made a
tour of iho Paris streets yesterday
jays there was a real consternation in
tlio bourgeois nnd the trading qnuv-
[ era. In the artisan district there won
a Morn iudilTuroncn. Among the
groups of woiklnguicui ono person was
: 'vou oxchtmod ngp.lnit tor saying
.lint tlio republic had aull'ored a grout
THI : rnruNa or THF. rr.opip. .
OlemoncoAU will probably tnko
imndttaVi placo. The Ohtion , royal *
ist , ecu'O tliu lini cr of God In the doa'h
of G mbotttt That journal reviews
Lho old story that Gambotta was shot
ly n womun. The lloohofort , In
Tratifiigant , will publish an nrticlo
iciidott , "The end of n Savior , "
reminding these whom Gnmbctta
threatened at Bellovlllo thnt they
can now nleep In poaoo. Further
iotalln of his death state that Gam-
botta was impatient for thn end of the
year , which ho considered had been
unlucky for him , The body will bo
embalmed and removed to Paris to
day. Gimbutla'a fortune is estimated
under 75,000 frauoi. The Vollulros
and Tologr.iph express grief ut
Gimboltft'o death , and refer to his
deeds when the country wes en-
' „ ' . ThcSotoll.Orloaulst.dwella .
upon the blow that opportunism rc-
ciivcd , but lofrr.ius from taylng any
thing against Gatnbotta'a memory.
' , January 2. At Iho impe
rial iccoptloii on Monday Bismarck
nsiil tbat In the present position of
; < olitico , nnd now that the parliamon-
Liry institutions wo working natisfac-
torily , it < vonld oiuco no mUfortunoto
country it ho gave place to coma
other man.
PAIIH , January 2. The autopsy
nhowa that the death of Gambotta
was the rcuult of popltyhnlllo rooollto
: id that surgical operations would
iiavo boon dangerous and injustifiablo ,
lesion waa discovered in any of the
org.tno except in the intestines.
Tim ri'NCRAL ,
PAKW , January 2. The po t mor-
tcai uxtmlimtion of Gambotta's body
hold to day , in order to contra-
do thu rumor that his death was
ciunod by n bullut in the abdomen.
The corpao will lie in ntato in Hue St.
Dodier until the funeral. Gnmbattn'a
hsn gouo to Nicu to obtain her
futher'B ooiupnt to permit n utalo
funeral. The cabiuit lias decided that
the fimoval ubsll bo similar to the
funerals of Thlurs and Orcmicux au
mcinboni of thu govornnient of na
tional dofunoc. Parlsiana have de
cided lo uo5o ! their ohopa on the day
of iho funornl.
PAMS , January 2. The body of
Gambfctta will bo taken to-morrow to
Palais Bourb- ; nud remain until
Friday when " H6 funeral will take
pUcD. The intormotit will bo in the
oamotery of PeroLn Ohaiso. Mcmbon
( if the diplomatic corps have asked
Icavo to attend the fr.uaral.
lletctlonary French pnpcra express
the opalon that the French republic
died with Gambcttn. Dabats duolarca
oontidoration of hb Iovo for France.
Fifiocn profoc3ora and physician ;
performed the autopsy on the body of
Ganibatta. The embalming procoau
then bugun.
At antc-pjy to-day the top of the
head wari vouiovud nnd the braina ox-
tracUd. The latter will bo givou to
the anthropological eooioty. The of
ficial rcpi-rt of the autopsy nhowo that
there hud been long standings of In-
lluuuiiiUonof the bjvrels , which led
to the cnnlraoiion of tha omall iutor-
liacj , brirging about infillr.itioii in
ihu rcw rA tlu cjldi1 In ti.o very wall
OL the cbdoir.on. The au-.op.'y provr.a
the jn tul wound liilltolad nmonth 530
hnd no connrcLiou with thu cauio of
Gftmbotta'u duaih.
Teloiiranvi of condolonoo were re
ceivetl by Ganiliotta'o family , includ
ing oao from thu Amoricaa conoul at
Lyone. The family hnvo connoutou
to a ntato funeral on condition of .tho
hudy bning eventually removed to
Kico ,
TUP. ( 'ori'iN
is made of lir wood , Is and lined with
< mtin. It will bo Incwod In n Itwdon
oiKikut , fcntooncd with the tri-oolor
fla . Tlio caekot will bo placed in cn
oaken ctlliivlth silver mounting ! ! .
Tno hall of the ground floor of tno
Pttluia da Bourbon wil [ bo traunferrod
Into a clmppello erdonto.
THIS flIO > Ml'OSHIOJf 01' T1IIJ EOJ y ,
hastened by mu gy wci-lhcr , lt ' ' - '
fearfully rapid. 'J'ho nipiot _ cf the
face Imi booorao EO BhooUni/1 ! L. Iho
idj ( o' li-.vl.i ? the body liu in o u'.o i
P.ilaia B'larbou 1 abandoned.Weh -
era by thDC-ipao have to hoepwad
dtng c-iUiratta with diainfoctimti t ;
tlieii' nocu.
Gainbstt&'a faher conetntod to r
Bialo fuiwttl. The Freuah govoui-
myat will ilnvol.ii twuuty thous.H.d
frauca ' Vo moot thp ccot ot the fcmcral.
Tlio Parla 1'Vato nayn : "Gambntta
was the trunipol of which the sound
espiroi whoa the niatrttment is
broken. "
The lV.rlo G tnlols miya : "Gambotta
was bfcuinulng to tea radicalism , not
oloricitin. waa the * enemy of the ro-
public. Revolutions thr.t are abaceneca
which end by piiiionlug tUo blood of a
nation unices ho surgeon reaorts to
lance It ot a favorable moment. Gam-
botta'a caeo terribly roaomblos that of
France. " . , ,
The whole troopa of Pans and Mar
Bellies hnvo been ordered to attend the
funeral cf Oambolta.
Bonniit , the famous trench artist
sketched Gjinbulta on the death bed
nnd will paint a portrait. The death
chamber was sketched for a painting.
The North German Gazette , Borllu ,
save : In Gorman nyes Gambetta has
over appeared the personification ol
rovmiKO. llin namu was associated
with the Bound of the war in trumpet ,
but thuuo hao uleo ever existed ii
Germany , a generous appreciation ol
foreign merit and greatneea of chr.r-
actor , Germany does not hoiiuto to
lay a wreath on the blur cf the enemy
with whom she vlotoriouely wrestloc
in bravo and hoiuit etrugglo. The
Jormim military authorities un-
osorvodly acknowledged Iho high
clants of thn dec > M cd. It la not onr
ffilr to au.Vyso his poi'lcnl ! carorr ,
> ut only to rytnjalhlzu with the fKto
of a patriot who did not despair with
ho Rtnr of hla fltiorland.
The Bonon Courier RAyo : It is o < > r-
.aln Ihtit tha dcnth of GatnbnUa do-
Ivors Franco and tlio pcaco of Europe
com great dnncer.
The Journal Do St. IV.orftburR
says : Without disputing thu prcat
> art played by Gumbetta , his roat-
icta was ou the wnno and his position
seriously monacud.
The London Tlmca' Pnrls corrcs-
londonl nayt : Homo now element will
> o Introduced into Duolcrlo ministry ,
irlnglng up the mlnlstorlnls In the
ihnmbora of deputies to U00ur305 ,
, hun hiding for a time the fearful gap
which the death of Gambotta mndo.
Tha Doutsohor Zaltung ( Vicuna )
ays ; The death of GAxnbotta mo
mentously incroaocs the ehanco of
ipaap , and will disturb the warlike
of Ilussla.
Opoclal DUpktch to Tun llsn.
SVUIA , January 2. Erzoronm has
boon placed under martial law.
LONDON , January 2. Viscount En
iold has resigned the under socrotaiy-
ohlp for India.
ST. JOHN , N. B. , January 2.
Francis Oarvillo A Bonn , of Liverpool ,
England , with it branch in this oily
under the name of Onrvillo , Jilclvonu
t Co. , brokor.1 , lumbar dealers , etc. ,
IQVO failed. The lisbilitica are rupert *
WATHUFOKD , January 2. Bigger ,
nomborof parliament , watt committed
'or ball to-day , on the charge of high
.roacon , for utterances in hii recant
spouch , hi which ho dubbed the lord
icutouant on a blood thirsty Briatlsh
paer. Bail was accoptod.
January 2. A boat
conveying pisaougova to-day from
Oppan to Ludvrlg olmfor , w.w danhod
against a tree and thlrty-livo persona
HAVAMA , January 2. Heavy cud
unaoasounblo riiinu are ngain greatly
impairing the prospucta cf u good to crop ,
VIKNNA , January 2 The Danube
Is Mill rlsiug. The race oourjo ia
ilooded . ns far an the exposition build
Ing. At Frsnkonthal , Bavaria , 0,000
pcrsonn have abandoned their homes.
AMBTEBDAM , January 2 The
northcanturn poution of North Bra
bant 1 ia nubinurged , ar.d hundreds are
homeless. 1 Fivci hnndrod huusca nro
destroyed by Hooda iu the villages
around Worlras.
VIENNA , January 2 , AU traaes o
the qnaya and banks of the Dannbc
are lost hero. Their pluoca are merely
trsckod by qdd.'eti ' in the torrontfl.
grintqdshtlty of vniour'io dtili tjs
ed from the upper river.
WinsnADEN , Januf.ry 2 F.-on
Mayenco downward the entire plain
between Minhelm and Worlms h on
imniRnoo lake.
The National Gjzotlo , of Berlin , re
forrlng to the doalii of Gambotta aoyo
The llspubllc , being rcg.trued
plodgu of peace , thu detith of ita prhi
cipul supporter will bo regarded us
political IOBH. Other Gorman journal
exprooa eympathy , r.tu ) praise G.iin
botta'o pntrlotJnm , Tli oimnniaaluii
utioring toida of cotuuro , cajiug h
know hjvto uiimna richc : : in the year
of hia country's raitforlnno.
AN miBU now.
Dnir.iN : , January 2. Whllo thre
eiaorgoncy baihtli were npproachiDi
UppoiCroan , O.iunty Tippcr.try , going
for provision , they were attnokod b ,
gomo penHintn r.nd a utriigglo cnBiicd
The balliffj fired at ihcir ixanilnuls
killing ono named Glocinn and w unrt
Ing uoino othcra. Five of the r.ttivck
ing party were nrrcoteu.
Votoruna Knaornlns
Special PUpatch ( c Tuit Um.
OnioAdo , Januaiy 2. The follow
Ing roiolullona were unanimously
passed at the rejuhr ( meeting of tlio
Union Valeriii'd leagno held to-night
WifKiinis , Honibera of the Uuloi
Veteran lar.xuo ot Chicago , an orgiu
lantion of honorably dltcUargoil aol
disrs of Iho late y < ar , having row
with interest thedubaUiaintho Unitorl
btfttco nonet n ou tlio bill to roinsUU
( icnoral Porter to hl former rank In
the army ; and many of tU'iu Iwvlu
personal knowloJgo of the conduct
for wliloh ho was tifrniNed from tlu
sgrvlco , nro of opinion that the find
ing of the court inartful in the trlul o !
aaid canuo wts corrfot ; therefore bo It
llra > LVjt : , By the Union Voterai
* .3ifUO { of Ohlcn 'o , that It Iu thoconso
of mcmbcia of thb orginlattlon that
the position taken by Kowitor Logui
in oppccitlon to the pastngoof the Dili
to renloro General Porter to lib for
mcr rank in the army , fa right , atic
thatu 1 contrary po lllon U unjust to
tlio bravo and loyal mon who taught
tlio battles of thu Union ,
Election Note * .
HpccUl Dispatch to Tilt Rtt.
WIIEEUNO : , January " . --llolurni
ofthuapuclal elrotloa to fill thu va
cancy in the 47th and 48th oougrctscs
canned by the 'death of Hon. J , D
Jlubdograif , Into representative frou
the lth Ohio district , Indicate th
tlcotlon of J , D , Taylor ropubllcun
over J. llotn Alexander democrat , by
a majority of 1,500 , to 2,000 Lirgo
republican gains are roportad in nl'
MKMPHIH , January 2. A Hunts
ville ( Ala. , ) special soyi : Gou. Josopl
Whuolor , demoorut , defeats McOlol
Ian , Independent , lor the uuaxplrct
terra from the 8th Alabama district iu
the 47th congress bf 2,000 majority.
The republicans took no interest In
McClulIim's election.
Oompleto Organization of Both
Branches of tlio Nebraska
Legislature ,
The Opponitlon Captures the
Sounto Without Firing
a Shot ,
But Failed to Oornblno Effect
ively in tbo Election of
House Officers. ]
The Selection of Sanato Commit *
tooi Tnkon Oat of the
HandiofVr- goo.
A Bright Utgmnlntr For the Anti-Mon
Bp cUl Dkpitcli ti Tin 111 * .
LINCOLN , Nob. , January 2. Both
branched of the legislature mot at 12
o'clock to-day. Lieutenant Governor
Curnes called the scnato to order , and
Secretary of State Alexander uatd the
jovol in the honso. Erory member of
the senate roapoudod no hla name wan
called , while in the house tlio roll
( mows eleven absentees. On the first
ballot in the nonato , which was upon ,
the election of a secretory , the teal
strength of the railroad party waa do-
rolopod. The nnll-monopoliits , join
ed by the domocrnto , stood as Grin as
a rock , and ou the llrat ballot elected
Qeorgo L. Brown , of Butler , with a
vota of nineteen , after which a com-
inlttoo on credcntlnls vrns Appointed.
An adjournment waa then had until
1:30. :
At the titno appointed the sonata
convouod and were sworn in by Judge
Oobb. An entire anti-monopoly slate
wan elected an follows : Gon. 'A. II.
Conner , president pro tern. ; Geo. L.
Bronrn , of Butler , ncorotary ; B. S.
llamsoy , of Cass , first assistant secre
tary ; Marsh SavlHo , of Buffalo , second
sistant nocrotary ; S. S. Alloy , of 8a-
line , Eorgeant-at-arms ; S , B. Craw
ford , of Douglas , assistant sergeant-
at-arnu ; 0. E. nine , of Lancaster ,
doork'copsrj Joel Parcell , of Dodge ,
assistant doorkeeper ; Rav , E. Hudson ,
jhaplnin ; Miss Knto Strioklund , ot
Danglnc , engrossing clerk ; Lllaa Ada
Olmatoad , of Seward , enrolling clerk ;
Wm. Doaen'Jury , of York , mall car
rier ; W. ji Dodge , ot Poll : , post-
mantcr ; Oiijp. , Soott , of Douglas , jan-
1l ° * , . ' i4 ' - > -
i * > - f vwrt .r
Mr , Reynolds , tot Batlor , oflbrod
the followftij ; resolution , which waa
adopted ;
RESOLVED , That the following
named conatorn bo elected as a com
mittee to nolcot the otanding commit
tees of the oonato : 0. II. Brown , J.
A. MtShano . H. Dock , 31. How-
oil und A. T. Onnklin.
The Bonato then adjourned till to
morrow morning at ' 10 o'clock.
IN THE noum :
the antl-monopa and democrats did
not /ueo on the vote for temporary
speaker , the auti-inonnpa voting for
Stoadwoll , of BuffAlo and the demo
crat } for Uollinan , of Dakota , and the
republicans for WJieolor , who wai elect
ed. Afto ; appointing n cominittco on
credential ; , the hor.eo took a rccosa
till 4 o'clock , whun they reassembled
and were awom in , nnd the tollowing
oillcura were elected , all ropubiicnnu :
Ooorgo M. Humphrey , speaker ; Brad
Slaughter , ohlof chirk ; , T. F. Zedl-
Lor , lirat assistant clerk. Thu houao
then adjourned to 0:30 : a , in , tomorrow
row ,
Mr. Humphrey owoa hit ) election to
thu fact thnt ho it r.n anti-monopoly
republican , Ho rocolvod only four
more votes than a conatitnUomI mn-
ioiity. .SJauglitor'a majority wan
tir. , and ho waa elected by democrat
. utctt.
The republicans of the houao in
caucus decided on Frank Wood for
ooud assistant clerk , MUs Mamlo
Ambrose , o ! Omaha , for engroMiine
clerk and Maa ! Smith , ot Dtoo aa en
rolling. _ _
The Mill to Hun.
Optdftl Dispatch to Tim Uiu.
On'-VEHNi ) , January 2. Sonaa-
llonal opoclala have bfon'tolographod
representing that the Oluvolandrolllng
mllld will cloau , throwing n thouaauu
men out of employment , Prwidont
OhlBholni states that the milla will
chut clown to-night tlinply to take an
account of the stock RS ia the cnao
every year. Ho expects to resume
work the ssuond week In January ot
iiHuocn r.a the inventory ia completed.
No rod notion of wages is contemplated
ou or lifter January lot.
The Pool
Spochl IHepatcli to Tun ! > .
OUICAQO , January 2. It ia believed
Robert Harris will bo chosen presi
dent of the Western Indiana railway
at the annual meeting to-morrow , Thu
meeting of general managers uf south
ern rauwoy lines will bo held to-mor-
row. It is thought -ho matter of pas *
aengcr rnteii will bo settled by agree
ment to maintain the ratou with heavy
penalty for violation instead of forrn.-
Ing a regular pool. Lumber rates to
Missouri river points hayo not yet
been restored. Southwestern roada
docllno to enter Into any defialta
arrangement until thoco to the north *
west do llkowlso.