Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Tuo'sdny Morning-i Jnn2
ThsVolki b.\U , which Ii to Uk * place
on tee 13tb , will , it Ii laid , b a frtnc
, fS-The H'.h unnuil ball ot la * Kmrae
Monument A eciktloo , at Ma onlc hall
will taVe pUos on Thnndar etenlng , Jan
A grand concert ami ball will bt
glren by the Omaha Turnrcreln on Wed
nwday evening at Tararn' Hall. Tntn
if maitclani will participate.
The annual meeting of tha board ol
trada will take place on Toffday , January
3J , at 7 o'clock p. m , , at Ui roomi Not , 8
and 10 , Redlek's block , F rn m itreet. ,
Tbo New Year'i bill of fare at the
'Metropolitan hotel hud n model wine Hit
attached. It read : "Wine LUt-Cold
Water. Milk. Milk and Wattr. Watei
and Milk. "
ThaSwodlih Library awioclatloa c l-
cbraUd New Year's day IB Rood itylo.
They bad n excellent ball , which wai
very largely attended by onr Swedlin
brothcn end listen ,
A. prlvAlo muqueradt party will be
jrlren at Muonia hall , WtJnttday T n-
Ing , JannaiT 17th. Th * mantgiog com-
nlttM coniUti of O. O. Field , W. J.
WhitehoaM , Wm. Uiborae , Johnny Gan
non , B. II. Farnitfcrtb , C. 11. Ojburn and
J. E. Bogne ,
The death.of tha old jatr WM an
nounced at nldalsht Suaday br.tolllnc
belli fiom all pirtiof the city asd at the
hands puied the midnight bocr and ths
jnTenllle 1SS3 wit ctberei Into existence
they ittng a merry peal f 01 half a honr.
Now tnrn over new learet.
Mr. Henry Yo * , ealtbrated hit fifty
eoend birth-day annlrerLry en Now
V ' Eve , with a pxrtjof hit friends ,
Inclndlng Mr. F. W. Kahn tad wife , Mr.
John F. Enhn , Mr. PeUrion and wife ,
Mi.3ntxm na aad wife , Mr. Pcteri , Mrs.
and MUi Tuapcoa , aad Mesan. Thoolske
nd Lthroin , Tut BIB witbei Mr. You
many happy returns.
Messrs. A. Crnlcktaank & Ca. have ten
dered thciremployea a , complimentary ball ,
which will Uke place at Mitno ! ball on
We-diesday evening , Jann&ry Erd , com
mencing at 8:30. ThU it a rery p'.euant
way the firm ha * of reminding thIr em
ployes thnt their § : rrioi ar appreciated
and It will undoubtedly be a rnoit tDJoya-
bio affair.
The Qcrm&n population of Omaha
commemorated New Ye&r'i day with be
fitting bonorr. At the Qsrman theater a
very fine representation of I.toni of the
Day WAS given. It in only neccjaary to
s y that > Mrs , Pnlt-Ahl , II" . Baureu ,
Mr. Llu'demann , MU 13ichmin and Mr.
Molchln played tha principal iiarti to
demonitrato that it WM a billllant uo-
' ' Bluoanaitad.
The Blue barn , io long a familiar
object to the seeker after good livery ,
which waa located on Sixteenth ntroot ,
near Dodge , nud wa/under the nblo
control of 0 , J. Mentor , Esq. , has
been removed to the Bed barn on
Capital ororiuo , betwaou Fourteenth
and Fifteenth streets. Hero may bo
always found a livery , food and aalo
table of the first-class , and those who
Lave been patrons of the old Blue
baru will iind bettor facilities than
over at the new stand , and will be
treated with all the consideration that
made the Blue barn , under Mr. O. J.
Mentor , so popular.
\VJttt XV o GAB Care , Iiat'c Wet En"
If wo can euro an noho , or a sprain , or n
pain , era luracnosf , or a burn , or a brutuo ,
< era > bite , by utlng Thonat' Kettctric Ott ,
letV do it. Tliamat' Jfclcctrie Oil a known
to bi good. Lai'i try it.
Hon. A. 8. Padlock , ii in the city.
T. B. Grewitt , of lllalr , Ii at ihe Mil-
Hon. Alvln Sanndera left for Lincoln
. Jndgo John B , Barne , of Ponca , Ii at
the Mlllard.
Hon. Charles P. Mathloton , of Norfolk ,
it In tbo city.
Mn , J. S. McOlary , ot Norfolk , ii at
the Pazton.
S , E. Blakeley , Albany , N. Y , , is at .the
M. M. lllnman , of Ogdeo , ii at the
O. U , D. Austin , of Chicago , la a gxioit
of th * Metropolitan.
O. P. Btmett , IT. B. A , , wai a guest of
the Mlllard yciteidsy. , Clasbuy , of Salt Lake City , was
at tha Pazton yeiterday ,
Hon. J , 0. Crawford , of Wcit Point ,
was in the pity over night
Uoyt Sbermn , jr. , of the U. P. K. R , ,
Denver , Is at tbe Mlllard.
W. A. Thompson , WahooF ; , I , Loainer
and Wm. Adalr , Dakota City , and J , A ,
Wright , Scrlbner , wer * amoua tha Nebraskans -
braskans at tbo Metropolitan yeuteulay ,
A. R , Brown , Hatting ; 0. W. Foot ,
Henry B. Newman , II. Flikok and II . R.
Hull , of LIncioln ; 0 , R. Ryan and
wife , of Jacknon ; Uanford Carker , of
O'Neill City ; H , Gordon , of Lavlu * ;
8. Ii. Oine.1 Blair ; B. P. Pukor , Plorcu ;
JJ.II. LandU , Mllford ; M. 8 , Lindsay ,
I'mlerton ; R. W. OlUor , MU 0 , D. OH-
ver , Nebmko City ; A , 8. Palmer , W. T.
KorHi , Poncx ; John Dennleou , Jackson ,
and P. n. Htmblin , Nebraika City , reg
ister ij at the Mlllard yesterday from thU
eUto. _ _ . _ - . . _ .
r :
. /s r-Twenty-four beautiful oolow of
the Diamond Dye * , for Silk , \Voolj
Cotton , itc. , 10 eta , A child can use
vrittx perfect tcoscsi.
AQenural Stamped o.
Never WM such a rush tnadoftfor any
Drug itoro as U now t O. V , Goodman's ,
for a Triul UoUls ot Dr. King's New DU-
every for Coniuuiptlon , Oonghs and
Colds. All perwno UUIcted with A thtna ,
JBroachltia , lieamneef. Bevb ? Conghi , o
any selection of the Tbroatand Lunts
an get a Trial Bottle of tbU | { r r.treiDcdy
nt , by .calling at above ] nuacd Drug
A Visit to Fort Omaha and Otter
Points of Interest ,
A Blight Indinpooition Provento
Her Receiving ; Callers.
Bat a. Paw Friends Obtain nn
An Omaha Mna "Who Know tit *
Little F cuiiHt Qlrl.
Madame Nilssou nnd her parly. llli
remain in their comfortable qu r-
ton At the Millard , nnd cxprcn
themiolvoa as highly plowed with
tholr accommodstionn.
At noon yesterday , in pnrsnnne
with an invltatUn from General 0. O.
Howard , Madame Nllsson and & hull
dozen of the company prepared to pay
a vUlt to Fort Omaha. General
Howard had kindly placed his sleigh
at tholr diipoaul , but M it TTM
not forthcoming at the appointed hour
they took cArriagca nnd droTO out.
The ] h d boon promised A reception
at the Fort at which
, Gen. Oarlin WM
to offlclato , but on arriving at the
groundnthoy did not sea Gen. Oarlin
nor any other general , nor for that
matter , any prlvato cither , and
after wandering around awhile
and getting somewhat chilled
they returned to the city. Nllston
wa * in high Bplrits and on her way
luck , passing como boya who wore
coasting she waa auxioui to got out ol
the carriage nud rldo ono of the
sleds nwhllt. The entire party re-
prottod not having their nkntc * with
them 1X8 all arc good ekatori , the
madamn particularly. In thoaJUrnoon
they walked about the city , visiting
Btworal of the loading stores. Con
siderable Umo wai spent at Max Moy >
er'i , where they examined nkatou ,
gnns and other articles , tnd Nilsson
miido a nnmbtr of purchases KB pres
ent * for the members of the company.
Shortly ofter ihelr arrival at the
hold the cfficara of the department
of the Piatlo
bqgan to ar
rive and eond up tholr
caid , wishing to explain the
cause of the/ failure to bo "at homo"
when the party called nt the Fort. It
appears that the hour was fixed
through the medium of talc phone , and
when the message was eont out there
was no ono at the Fort Omaha end of
the telephone. Only two of the of.
ficora wore admitted to Madatno Nils-
Bon'fl apartments , Gen. Oarlin nnd Mo ] ,
Da Ilosiey. Osneral Howard called
a HttJo later to pcy hia ronpoots , but
the Indy waa too much fatigued to re-
ctiro him.
As in every city , there vm an in
numerable hoot of callers , and fully
two hundred persons sent up tholr
cards and found it Impossible to ob
tain an audience. Some faw auto
graph hunters were nround , a
lew cent np requests for admiation
tlckote , and two or three asked the
; reat singer , who ia noted for benovo-
enoo , for .money. This , wo are in-
'ormed ' , ia the regular oxporienca gone
.hrough with every whoro. Manager
Oopluon remarked to a BEB re-
) orter that in ono inatanoo a
ady forced her way into
Uadamo Nllaion'a room and asked
her to glvo her n photograph "with
something nlco written on the back
over her autograph. " The grounds
Tor this request were that aho had
tiorrd madame aiug In Europe ton or
twelve years ago.
It was intended to Imvo attended
norvIcoB nt the SrrodUh Luth
eran church , on Nineteenth
nd Osta streets , last evening ,
but Mmo. Nihaon found that owing
to some exposure during her rldo ho
had boon taken with n alight attack
of rheumatism in her right arm , nnd
deemed nbnoluto quiet necessary to
tier appearance to-night under favor-
nblo oirounuianooa. Mr. Ooplcsun
wa therefore uout to the church as
the bearer of the lady'a rogrota.
no found the edifice crowded , but
managed to innko hln way to the desk
nnd delivered hia mcatago to Ilov.
Mr. Fogel&trom , who made a suitable
explanation to the congregation.
A number of the Mtdam'a countrymen -
men called upon her during the attor-
noon and evening , nome of
thorn accompanied by tholr
ladies. Owing to the Indisposition
alrottdy mentioned it waa impoasiblo
to rooolvo thorn all , and only two were
admitted , Judqo Anderson and Mr ,
Victor Landgron , of the Wostra Pos-
ton , who had a very pleasant intsr-
vjow with the distinguished
lady , In this connection it
will bo interesting to state
that Judge Anderson and Madame
Nilsson ore both from the cauio local
ity in Sweden , the neighborhood of
Wexjo. The judga lived out la the
country and used often to go to town
on market days. On suon ocoaaloim
10 often saw Nilfmon , then a
ittlo peasant girl , who came
; o the game place and
nung , accompanying herself on the
violin. There were many others who
did the name , but when little Ohrlstlno
sang ho bficamo at onoo the center of
attraction , and was thus remembered
by Judge Anderson. Two yean later
lie waa serving hli Umo in the army ,
bolng corporal of hia company , which
was stationed at the barracks of
Kroberg's Hod. The little singer
uiod tften to go there , whore she was
as popular in in the town of Wexjo ,
which WP.B tbout twonty-ono miles
nway , The corporal roraembora the
astonishment among the oflicors nnd
soldiers wnon it WBB learned that a
Croat family had taken the yuung
longstrcas up anil cent her away to
become , ns eho eventually did , the
jreatcst elnger in the worm , Nilsson
laughed heartily when they recalled.
; ho circumstances referred to nbove ,
To-day Madame Nilsion mill post *
Ively receive no one , but will remain
n quiet and practice as uuual for the
evening concert. The company oxpoot
; o leave at 8 o'clock to-morrow morn-
tig for St. Joe , where they ore booked
'or ' a concert Thursday &ight , _
Enrich awjd rovltallr.0 the blood by
aslngBrown'M Iron Bitters.
Opera HOUBO Notea.
The doming concert nl lloyd'o opera
louie thia evening ia the all
absorbing topto just now end there ]
ar still applicants foi the remaining
At 11 o'clock yoiterday about seventy -
ty fonr dollar scat * remained unsold ,
The gallery will neat five hundrec
persona and the gala of tickets will bo
limited to that number. It in as clear
BR any part of the house and in ninny
rospeo'.B ax good for hearing. A grotl
many Indies hare already slgulfitc
their intention of going up there ,
Manager Boydhas already booked n
largo number of companion for next
year , and there nro vnry few ovonlngn
remaining untakon for the present
leuon ,
A lady nt the Saturday malinoolott
R > sealskin purno oonUinlng n nmall
sum of money. If the finder will re
turn the puno to the box oflho the
money may bo retained.
The over-welcome .loo
- Murphy ap
pears at Boyd'n on Friday nnd Satur
day ovonlnga in Shann Rune , nnd al
the 8turdy mnlineo in Kerry Gow.
EsmcrAld vrill bo the big attraction
next week , appearing a week from
list night.
Th Dnyi ; aonernlly Observed In
Now Yeara calling was very gener
ally obecrved ycitorday , although the
number of cilleru wn-cnot aa larto ; ao
a year 030. Galling began later than
ever before , fen houses being open before -
fore 2 , whllo the gre&tcr majority ol
first oalla were inido niter 3 o'clock ,
Whllo the number of open housoa was
comparatively small , the hdicn , by
uniting forces , made the list of thoao
who received ocarcoly nmullor than thssl
of laat year ,
In many inntanoon great taste waa
displayed in the decoration ol
the rooms and tublca. A.t Mra.
Dr. Pooka , whcro Mrs. Edward
Pocks , auistod by Mr * . Lymau ,
Kiohnrdson nnd Boveral young ladies
did the honors , the floral embel
lishments wcro particularly ntrlklng ,
and the beauty of the table decora
tions noticeable. Mnyor B'jyd'o pur-
lors wore hnndnomuly decorated with
smllax , ovorgrocua nnd cut fiowcra nnd
a delicious luncheon n pro ad for the
guo ln , The nr-mo m.ny bo eiid ot the
hospitable rAsidcnccs of Mrs. Ool.
Browucon , Mrs. Mi jor Furey and MM.
EtUbrook , in all of which rare taato
ntn displayed In tha adornment of thu
rouma , the toilota of the ladles and the
rcireihaionta offered ,
The Hermoaian Booloty received nt
the residence of Mra. Dr. Morrell. At
MM. Hotiglaudv , IlofTumn'n orohostrii
discotfised their swootcst music during
the nfttiruuou , ud the beauty of thu
interior of the residence waa still fur
ther enhanced by the deft bands of the
ladloo. "Cnrtlandt Phco"was brilliant
with bouuty , nud dancing to the
music of thu Fourth Infantry orches
tra was a feature of the afternoon and
evening ,
Several parties were given in the
evening , the most pretentious being
that of the ladles of the Paxian hotel
to over one hundred invited guests.
Ilila ' was intended an an appropriate
termination of a rccgptlnn which was
probably attended by u larger numb&r
of callers than any other in the city.
The exact number wna not lcnownbut
was little loss than COO. The evening
party was & full drom affair and , as
ono of the ladles remarked , "tho
swollcat party of the s ason. " The
Musical Union orchestra furnished the
music , Mrs. Kitchen furnished the
refreshments , which wcro gotten up in
elegant ntylo ,
One of the most enjoyable recep
tions of the many which inlfiht bo re
corded was th&t clvou ivt the residence
of Mr. Offon McOaflry , on Twenty-
third nnd Ilnruoy ctraots. Hero an
elegant table iraa npruud ncd replen
ished during thu dny as often an it
waa depleted by thu hoot of callers.
The refreshments included every
delicacy , of the nuason , and
it waa the verdict of all that nothing
nicer had buon Boon in the city. The
ladloa who received hero counted up
over ono hundred callora during cho
day. In the evening they crowned
the day'u pleasure by n dellghtfu !
party , nt which singing and social on-
joymnnta of nil kinds were in order ,
There waa n pleasant reception
awaiting callers nt the residence ol
Mrs. Andrew Murphy , en J&ok-
son street between Fouitccnth nnci
Fifteenth , both nftcrneon and oven-
iiif | witnessing a contluuotw round of
enjoyment. Mother Murphy nleo re-
colved her frionds'in firut ckis style
at her roaidonuo on GABD street , be
tween Eighteenth and Nineteenth.
The ladies of the Y. M. 0. A. aux
iliary and tholr friends gave n recep
tion at the association rooms in the
afternoon and evening , which wni
made exceedingly pleasant to nil call
ers , the music and the refreshments
In particular being oholoo. The ctnlr-
ways were carpeted , nr.d the welcom
ing motto and the decoratioiia of the
rooms made thorn highly attractive.
The ladles receiving were the folio if.
log :
Keacptlon commlttoo Mm. M , G ,
MaKoon , Mrs. M. II. Wti htor , Mrs.
J. E. GIsh , Mrs. J. F. Uftlnsworth ,
Mrs. George Enstman.
Table committee Mrs. , Thoa , Bon-
nor , Mrs. M. A. Elliott , Mrs , John
Bell , Misses Carrie Stevens , Lou
Ltiienriug , Liuie Loisunrlnj ( , Carrie
Mason , Annie Long , Glarn Lawton ,
Linda Milroy ,
Atll o'clock yesterday morning the
officers of the department of thu
Platte , dressed in full uniform , c.illuj
ou Gennrnl Howard ,
At noon the police force with Mir
shal Anifoll , Deputy Marshal Doty
and Police Judge Benecke , c&lled on
Mayor Boyd at his residence. The
paid members of the fire department"
headed by Chief Bailer , nlao
called about the same time.
They were handsomely received
by the mayor and his family. The
parlors were lighted by gau jots und
profutttly and oleg&utly trimmed with
oat flowers. An ample teble > THS
spread and refreshments of both n
aolld nud liquid nnturo were on hand
In abundance.
T&e Unoxpootoa Doatn of Mitchell
J. laone.
Mitchell J. Look , a eon of Mr.
Louk , the ptoprietor of the Saratoga
liouse , on Nineteenth street , died at
2:25 : p. in. , Saturday , DM. 30th , of
qniok eoncnmptlon , at the age o
19 years , 9 months and 21 days.
The deoeucd wis for M long
time past an employe of Tnn
HUB office , being cngcged to
fe d the folder in the press room
IIo waa ono of the ntcadleM , beit and
most reliable men in the prcea room
qntnt in bin ways and a nnivcm
favorite , IIo wxs capable of t\lmon
any work nbont that clppnrtrncnt , s.nt
never begrudged any effort that would
inauro the safe conduct of a dny'a
work. llowna , alnays at his post , never
missing oven single dsy. On Friday
n week ngo [ ho complained of fcolinj
budly nnd win given a lighter jib for
the day , but after an hour's work ho
called to tha foreman and told him ho
wonld have to sivo uo. IIo wen
home and on Friday Iwit Boomed to bi
BO mnch bettor that it was oxpeotoc
he wonld bo back at work on Sitnr
day , The next afternoon the now *
of his death fttn brought to the office
Ills follow employe ! in the procs
room , Moisra , J , W. Morel
son , Fred. M. Youngs , Frank
W. Boakftl , Harry TosUivln , John
Oastlcr , John Garry nnd Wm Spon
oar , met Inqt night and p\usod suit
able rr.Bolntlons of regret at the death
of their friend and fellnw employe
and of condolence with hia parents ,
The funeral took pi MO at 1:80
p. m , yesterday at the Saratoga House
HorsfnriV * Aoid Fhnrplaato
IB very valuable for profoarional men
It supplies the phoephatM which trs
always lost by eovero mental labor.
Mr *
gentleman h\tn In llmporlatn
I'a. , nd My : "Uno of ray men , S m
Le flo , ivhllu working In the troodc , uprtln
ed hie ankle no l ) d be iioald L rlljr bobhla
to the homo. U &J T\omai' Ecldiric 01
nnd WAI roidy for work Iht noit mornln ?
I have never jet icen BO good modlcino. '
Now Yenr'a Docket Criminal BUB !
DOQS for Dcoorubor.
There wan no great rush of business
for the polfoo force over Sunday nn <
In fact the past two days have been
unusually quiet and uneventful in
thu line.
Chan. Lodway , who boarded
at B > German boarding house
on ono of our main etrto'n
wan under nrreot for carry
Ing away another man's overcoat
which ho claims wa taken from a fol
low boarder by miatako. In the
pocket ho fonnd n roll of $120 , which
made the mistake worse. Ou being
arrested and taken to Lodw y w&i
found to hnvo 570 in ca h nnd twr
promiacory notes , amounting to $200
of hia own , no ho nwr bo tolling the
truth. The victim of the mistake waa
Mr. Rulof.
Mike Hnrrington , who T//UJ tin
der SITCEV with Maxwell lor petit
latcony , and waa discharged owing to
the failure of thoi merchant * to file
complaint , hivj been renrreoted on the
charjjio of Btenling u silver wnteh , r.nt
the polioo think they have a dose
niro catso ou him. Another party Li
implicated in the came affair.
There nro two cases of petit larceny
on hand for trial.
Three of'four ' drnnka and a fair din
turbances of iho poacu completed the
Monday morning dock.
The following is thn report of the
clerk of the polioo oonrt , Mr. Jerome
Ponzal , for Ddcombor'd
Intoxication . C1
) lnturbinc4 of the pence . . . Si
Atnault f.nil buttery . 'J
Larceny . . . 12
Falia pr&tenceB . 6
Carrying concealed weaponH . '
Criminal libel . 2
Bnrglnry . '
Suspicious characters . (
Ohsttuctlni' ofllcera . 2
Mallciouij uostructiou of property . I
Kinbczzloment . . " . . ]
TLreatenlnc life . 2
Peddlinf ; without A license . ]
Abortion .
Aniault with intent tv commit murdor. .
Disturbing religious scrvlcoa . '
ItocehitiK stolen property . '
OomraittlDR n nnlsanon . . . . I
Violating ( idowftlk ordinance . (
Prontltution . C (
Gambling . -
Total . . . . aJ7
Never Oivo Uti.
If you nro suffering with low nnd do
prugsetl gptrita , Io9 of appetite , grnera
debility , itlaordcred blood , weak cuiutltn
tlon , lieuluche , or any disciwo of n blliou
nature , by nil procnro a bottle c
J'lectrlo iJltters. You will be Burprisod to
tea thtinijiicl improvement thn twill follow
you will to Inspired with now Hfo
BtrotiRth and activity will rotnrnjpaln ai
mkary will cease , and henceforth you wil
roj'ilco ' In the praise of Elcctrio Hitters
Bold at fifty cents a Lottie , byO. F.
The Union PaolCo railway has bnilt
the following extonciona in thu year
just closed :
St. Paul to North Lonp , Neb , , 27
flreeloy to Stouts , Ool , , U9 mllea ,
Como to Dillon , Odl. , ! 10 mtlns.
Garo's to London Junction , Ool. , 15
miles ,
Hancock to Gunnieou , Ool. , 43
inlloe ,
Grinder , Wyo , , to ttirmlnno Oregon
Short line in Idaho , 245 mllen.
Garrison to Miltonvalo , Kaw , , 50
Silver Bow to Blnckfcot , Montana ,
44 mile * .
Lohi Junction to Tintio , Utah , 51) )
miles ,
Laramto to [ Soda Springs , Wyo. , 14
The total is UIO miles. Track was
laid on a few milea of the ubovo men
tioned extension in tha latter part of
1881 , but It was not operated until
ThB Diifcj DAIV In the world fet OnU
DroUc * . Soicn , Uloort , & * H Uhsnm , Fi
ver BorM , Totter , ClisrueJ Hands , CLU
hlalna , l/'crrt-i , i'iil all tldn cruptiong , i.ud
loeltIve)7eaKiillwr ) , It U g-uajtiteclto
Bive utafr.ctiia ! ! r luntictHr.cled ,
lPrIcoMe3.jUpt CT , tot ttio by 0 ,
v Oooain
Decline onJivn.
Nervous Weukne&B. Dyspepjln , Ia.
noteuco , Deblh'ty. cured by
' 1 Health Ronower.1' fl ,
Blidu froir the wild flowers of the
It la the moj ! , fra.erant pt perfum t
Manufactured by H. B. f-lavoa , Ran
Franclaoo. For sule in Omaha by NY ,
J. Whltehouse and' Konnato Bros. '
fc Co ,
& Tour of Inap ctioc
Through the
Heport cf th Ohalr
jn n of thn Hanrd ot
At the ronoting of the board of pub
lie -rrorku this orcning the preiident
lion. Jaraca CrclRhton , will proient
tangthy report upon the reinlU of hi
rtocnt tonr of innpoet'ion through th
principal cities of thn United Statc-o
which TTM undnr'.ftkon by porraiiiion
of the mayor , city oonnoll nnd th
board ofwhich he it ohairman.
The objoot of this trip waa to gain
information ai to the moat approrcd
mothodi of paring , onrblnp ; , gnUorln
and sotrotiag , nnd frith thU end in
riow ho visited the oltiea of WmhlDR
ton , Baltimore , Boiton , Brooklju
Philadelphitt , Hiw York , Oloreland
r.nd YonngitoTrn , Ohio , and made &
oftref nl note of everything of import
anon to the intelligent proroctitlon o !
public ImproTementa in Omnha ,
Mr , Orolghton'a attention' flra
directed to the pavement known a
"Trinidad Atphaltma. "
In Youngstown , Ohio , he fount
abont 25,000 aquaro yardn which TfM
laid during farorablo weather the pat
CMSOII , and wni struok with th
beauty , Cnlah and apparent Rtrcngt ]
of ltd contlrnotlon. In Washington
city there WIM more than forty mile
of this pvroment in nee , and thi
point probably fnrnlshcn the bes
opportunity for the observance o
this pavement from almost eror
ntandpolnt. It ia there laid npoi
itreetn labjoct to both light am
heavy trafllo nnd ii placed a
lomoTrhnt of a dludvam&go bo
Otkuno of the inferior nature
of the natural foundation. Yet the
pavement Booms to Huooceafnlly eon
tend with tht , an with many otho
adverse circuraatancea , and stands the
irocr and tear of time in a remarkable
and unexpected manner. In Wash
ington the olimnto ia mild in winter
but very warm in unmmor , nnd con
eequently the aaphaltnin pavement i
obliged to undergo the test of but one
extreme in temperature , that of heat
and its present firm and level appear
nnco proven to hii satisfaction that 1
hca stood thin teat rrithont r.oft.cnlni
to any oppreoiablo extent. In Beater
ho was enabled to observe it when i
had undergone tha other extreme
that of cold , nnd it presenter
the eamo unohangonblo surface
Ono thing nbovo and beyond M other
vrhich coutributea to tbo strength one
durability of till class OH of p&vomon
ia the cb&raoter of their faundatlon
nnd without t. good and firm founds
tion no pavement ctn bo Uid BO & 3 to
give catiefnction. There h quitu a
large amount of this pavemnn
need in Philadelphia Now
York , Brooklyn nud iishimuro
but it presents no fos.tnres , dlfTitrinj
to any extent , from the came class o
pavement in Washington or Eotton
In no pln30 did ho find this pavernou
had worn BO nmooth batwh&t all clnvf
nniiuitls could travel it with eecur
The polnta favorable to Trinida
aophaltum , which can be truthfully
nrged , era the following : It has ver ;
little friction and no jolting or noisa
It is easily kept clean , oaiy to ropai
and not eavero on vehicles. Th
predominating pavement , how
fcver , in all the large cities o
the union , except Washington
la "granite block , " which ia justly ea
teemed im the moot durable pavic
material to bo found cither in thia o
any other country. "Granite block ,
aa well nn nuy other pavement , mus
bo laid on a firm end good foundation
in order UiiU its contour may bo preserved
served , and when this la accompllahoi
all feara ua to its durability m&y b
laid to rest.
In examining the niro cf thn gr&nito
bloolfl now in goucrc.1 una in tmatcru
citloa , Mr. Oreighton waa forcibly re
minded of the wiBdom of our own
specification ! ) 011 thia point. The
blocks uaud are never mere thivn five
inchi'i in width nor moro than ten in
eheii in length , while our spooificationB
permit of a block ona foot in lungtl
nnd not mere than five inches ii
width , which mnkea it bettor for the
qunrrymon , but At the same tiras i
admonishes UK not to allow them to go
boyoud our limit in thin reaped.
There is H vjnt amount of mncadnm
pavomunt used in all eastern cities ,
3ud it goncrnlly given good entiafao
vion , und in probably less eovoro 01
draft animals than another claca o :
After mature reflection , based upon
earuful examination of pavemonla am !
paving mtterial , he LP.S reached the
conclusion that there are but thriM
claeaeu of piving iniUrial thnt an
worthy the mmouu o'.irujidcration ol
the people of Om&ht cr their repro-
zentulives in the city governmunt ,
and tlioao three nro "granite blocks , '
"Trinidad a&phaltum" nnd "ma
cadam " Of osursu , we should natur
ally select " ( jranito blocke" for thti
ntioota cubjoct to very heavy traffic ,
and for Btieeta that are subject to nil
ordinary traffic Air. 0 , would recom
mend "asplialtnui" and "mncndani , "
and for sttcota running up and over
our hills , KI well as streotn somewhat
di'itaut from the heavy busineta centre *
of the city , ho would especially recom
mend macadam pavement. When the
street ! on the "plateau" are pretty
generally paved it will be necessary
o protect such pavement from being
almost wholly covered up by deposits
> f clay and other substances brought
rotn the hillsides during rainy woath-
sr or eprini ; thawe , nnd' thtreforo , fcr
ho pnrpooi ) of diverting thii flow of
: Iay and e dimout ho wonld recom
mend that sewore be eonstraotod of
erne good enbatantlal muterlal , and of
in Inside diameter of not less than
hreo feot.
Mr. Orolghton thinks it very do-
irablo that our chniter be ao amend-
> d r& to empower our city to create a
peclal fund by n levy of not to e > : >
juad hyo mllle , auoh fund to be used
jzclunivoly for making the nccemry
opsirt in pavement , curbing and gut-
ering. Wo ahould ulso have a special
nud created by levy of not to exceed
wo mills , to bo utd In parklpg and
HmrntntlnR the cantors of nnch out-
ylng streets as are in width more
ban safticlent to nccommodato the
travel to which they are eabjioted , A
portion of this fnnd oonld alto bo
nied for cleaning the ttreoU. Ho is
nlso in favor ot preaarvinc ; Jefferson
fqaaro as n park and adding to Itt
beauty by further ornamentation.
Hnti Pnnoli ,
lt dellcAoy anil jinrlty ot its llqnorn ren
der U denerrodly popnhr , Iiudoi * and
ildfboards ro Tory Roncrallr anpi > lled
with it , Trids nunnllcd atmanafActureri
prlfei by M. A. MoNnmnrn. FfttulllM
supplied by A. H. Ql deton ? , Omnhs ,
The deennercbor Society Bine ? and
Dftnotf the Old Year Oit and
tUo Now Year m in
tiVvely Htyio.
Mwnncrohor hallo pronontod n very
gay and fcatlvo ccono Sun fay , or
rather early yesterday , when the
nocturnal BKH reporter looked in , at >
tractcdby "Tho dulcet strains of music
floating through the air. " Upon
mnking Inqnlricn the acrlbo found that
the cauao of nil thia "rovolry by
night" wa a prize pretzel competi
tion , a pMtltno which Is always n fruit
ful source for merriment ou all ooct-
siena , but moro especially on New
YOM'B Evo. The ceremony in a very
pretty one , and it ia particularly
to when indulged in by
lovely , lively ladlca , u it was last
night. A brief description may in-
tercet the nnlnlttatod , A basket
filled with pretzels la placed in the
center of the room , and three of the
protiels contun pries * . The ladlca
accompanied by their sweet hearts ,
or husbands , or somebody else's hus
band , M the cue may bo , then make
n grand march , and ouch lady takes off
n pretzel na she reaches the basket
Lost evening it was ncowmry to m ko
three marches before the supply of
protcola ran ont. Of course the fun
of the thing begins after the prctzoli
have all bean exhausted. Then each
compatitor mrJco a rapid and cnxioys
DeArch for the uiuoh-mahod for prize ,
whiohaomotlmos the ? are unable to find
at all , This waa the cnso with the
first prize Sunday which , It is sup
posed , some fair candidate for prctaol
honorn inadvertently swallowed. Aa
it is not yet known who it wan tht
committed the aad mistake , consider
able anxiety is arouied in the minds
of the members of the Nraanorchor
an to whom the victim is. How
ever , there was no doubt that
all ill effects arising from
this little misadventure will tie
danced away before the nun rose o'e :
the City of Council Bluffr in all its
resplendent grandeur. Thu cspturor
of the RcoonU prlro , a silver syrup jng ,
was Mr * . August Boehno and Mta.
Wilke carried off the third prize a sli
ver pickle jar.
The ILitfrinorehor cosloty sang nome
of tholr beat pieces nud with their us-
nol ability. The "Meraury JMarch , "
"Tho Flnworand the Heari" and "Oh
Fatherland , " were received in the
most enthusiastic mnunur. Prof. H.
Haven with nome oflicient aidn sup
plied nn excellent orchestra.
Are never imitated or cvunkrfeiied.
Till * ia especially ttuu of a family
mudlclne , and it ia positive proof th&t
the remedy imitated is of thu highest
value. As soon iw it had bosn tested
and proved by the whole world thnt
Hop Bitters w&a the purest , beat nnd
moot valuable family medicine on
earth , many imitations sprung up nnd
began to steal the notices in which
the press and people of the country
had expressed the merits of H. B.
and in every way trying to induce nuf.
foring invalids io use their stuff in
stead , expecting to innko money on
the credit and good naino of II. B
Many others ntarted nontrums put uj :
in Kimilar style to H. B. , with vari
ously devised names in which the
word "Hop" or "Hop " were used It
away to induce people to believe they
were the came aa Hop Bitters. Al'
such pretended remedies or cures , no
matter what their style or uamo Is.
and oapioJally the o rrithho word
" " " " in their hi
"Hop" or "Hops" name or
any wny connected * , vith them or their
Dnuiu , lira ioiitiitioai or counterfeits
Beware of them. Touch none of
them. Uno nothing hue genuine Hop
Bitters , with a bunch or cluster of
{ jroeu Hops ou the wnito hibol. Trust
nothing olae. Drngpfut-s nnd dealera
ore warned ngaliut deling In iinita
tinns or connterfoltn.
Tables supplied with the beat the
market nilordn. The traveling pablio
claim they get better ccoommodationu
nnd uiora general oatbfaction here
thr.n at any other house in Omaha.
Rate , J2 par day. ' auj21tfm ;
1 for nil dleonaei of tie ! [ Cldnayo nnd
It bmicUU > aoUon on thtamoei Important
I crc n , cn bUrif it to til row CS t rjlihty anil ,
. of iolJUo.tiiiirkceii'nzUiObowadlnfrct
1 oondlllon. cffix-
niiaarJaliAvelieolJUB ! , taro
are U'.lidua , dytp iUo ,
, etcrj
-U. ( > I )
MONEY TO I.OAN-Call at Law office of D. L.
ThonianrooinSCrelghton llloek.
MONKY T i LOAN On cha'tcl mort icc te-
curlty , A. D , button. Ko , 1510 Douslaj
! tree'.Iroiit room upttuia. 4ii5jf _
CO ft 11 AAA Q 10AN At 8 per ccut la-
icnn ! , for 6to S ym > , en first cl.v i city uu j farm
? roi < ert.\ , Cum * r.ei L rJ > ixTU and Loi.v AQUMT ,
ICth aiiaIouga _ ! Stu.
; TrA.VTED-At once a ( rood otronf bdy at
fV O'Uunahoenna Downey 15U > St. 0 ? '
' .ldcata ! hottl
XrANIKD-A girl about IS or It yinn old t3
f V lakt ttue ft nthluqulm at Bee oBce.
TrAMKO AgoJd ttive f-Uinuu ta trayal
ifV InNcbetsk * Apiily or vrlta to lUlhbun
ardandCo. Chleco Jillnoli. CD3-U
A Qr t cluj tUeimtn , ho IB
WAKTED ) It ) dry eonla J dotblat ;
ngle man , UUcg to woik. EUto ( Uary
unto ] , with flnt C&M rv. ( < > r.nce. Addreu locL
oxM , Aurora , Neb. Uf > c l J n _ _
r/KSKD Ihrery ono to tearo onlert fir holy
( .till N. ICtU itreetU | > Uln. 831 tf
\TTANTKD. Hen nd womtn Urt nr
bn lne s t their own home * , no redd If
MJ n hour mule ; tend lOe for IS umplra nil
itmcttont. Addtns 11ASON 4 CO , Mantpolltr ,
Vcnuonl , 403 m e od 13
Rip'rUnttd f rm lnmr nc Mi
ld crn for crery county In the St J . Ad-
drfu , A , Il.nrfmler gtn r l ( ? Mit8 kt Inrn nc
Co. LI coin Mfh > 1 > , _ 472-ino
AMI - UlrlIor Kenetklhou < dwi.rx ,
lAtnlly irood haoti tot ft good tlil. Arpj
814 iruth 15th St.
VTTANTED With reference ! , a room und
VY IxMml In the north pirt ot tha city. Ad-
dre j X , I'M ' ofnc . _ 6J . 'j-S >
WAKinD-A Rltl to do kltchen."work71Ti
otthUth ttrret , between Cabltol Are.
tnd Darcnpotl. CM It
Rrem and bo nl with prlT tt
WAKTED , byra n artd tire chl r n. Unit
not bj raor th u lit b oki from ll.'ch ' rhoil.
Addrcn "C" BH > offiet. 633 U
\TirANTKD-lloaTdlD ? In ei for a flat
* T n w flrst-claM CabUct Ltgta.
" . " -
WAinrD Boarder * by the day or wetk 141T
lUowardBt ,
WAN1KO-A pMll'on by a ptactlcal Itea
Keeper flrrt clat city reforcncti. Addta
B. n > offie * .
HUSIHEXB C1IAKCK-A good bkcktmlth It
offered tpcclM Indufemen ) , to locat atOII-
mor * N k. Apply t * 0. Fro ttthcre. { 33.2Mi ]
. . . , . . . . . . . .
L. -I > "I-- < - - ! " .I - - -
nn-jr-Kouaco AND LAMO.
/ OtlNRK iTORiC 1Mb and M. ifarj'i arinni
\J tiieul , with or nl.honl four r oait. Alto
ItiHtolono , UqulieatEecoad IIOJBO wwt.
805-3 t
T OTB TO LEASE On shot ! or lonjr tlmo per )
JU ner 17th Ht. andSt. JUtj'/i Avenn > with mon
ey fumUhcd to build. 6 cSk. Kolli on the prm' '
l.c Zt
TTIOn UENT Cottajte of three roomi , 33rd ind
JL CUtk Bt . $10. per month. lnqulr onnrcra.
hei and _ W2 B. 17th Street. T. J. ' Fltimorrit ,
P.ENT-The iMldence ef IT. W-Ktinedy
FOR . Icqnlrt < X T. J. ,
B H. Itth itrttU Stl-U
FOR RENT 39 Contf nt itr ct St. Mary's at-
euuo , a one story houie ilx rooms at d two
hone ilablt , Inquire Barkti Btoj. Oasa office.
' C352IT
FJH RKST Stoio room , and four rnntss for
hnustkc-plntr , 10th and CMI. Enquire 1MB
r'Ainatu. 626-1
FOR RENT Kurulabed room 1B19 Farnam St.
FOR KEN ! . Storeroom and four room * for
Lomckccring ; 18th and Casj. iLuqulro 1MB
Farnam (35.1
"T710R RENT. IIouso of four roomi and IKO
1 ? closcta , 1356 North 20tli etroot. Enquire on
premised. ci8 4t
T ORRENT llooms enquire at Drugstora * or-
X ? ntr loth and D.uglM. C20-lci
RENT Three rooms N. r. corner ISth
1 Call ornla Street , cellar city water. Inqulr *
COS 13th Strott , also fresh tnlllc cow far sale.
RENT HOUBO corner Ilarney and 1M1 >
Sta. Inquire F. J. Rainge. 614-1
17\OR RKM Furnl h.-Hl room for lizbt houno-
6" keeping J18..00 month. Apply 2117 Web > tet
Street. C17-lt
POK KENT The 2 < \ and 3rd Hcora (4liC3 ( fc t
i uch ) built ( ort hnlciale or umnufactcrin
bti'ln'w , with a g od out'l'to pUlrwuy and hotal-
ing apparatut , Julntng the corner of Karrmm on
14thctrcej. App y to Samnel J. Ilowell t , ton.
opposite. . r.87-1
FOR RENT Fu-nlshed rooms with board.
Modern Improvctccnti. ho. 17 IS Did oSt.
BW 3 (
" [ 70R KENT 2 homes ot S room oKh. In-
JL quire 1013 Ftrnliam ttre t. 5 5-lm {
F Oti HUnT Oic double tno no/n Dal dlnf
J ; lulta'i a far Kroiery , utloon , butcher ahep ,
or any othnr butlneai. I c.ittd to th t a rood
farmor'u irale can bctecuicd. Enquire ot Uii.
U. lj.n--f , e inir Jtcksja anil 13lh itr .
BEltIS'h'cif Hup of Omaha , lust oomplct d and
rwwly for dell very at JSench. la-lfoet wid
by 7 feet Icnjf. Ijrpest and most couplet * map
of Oui&ha o > cr publiehed. Official map ot tha
dty. _ ee column.
TOR U1UX Up-iUIn , 1417 Farnhtm ttreo
J : 87-lf JOI1N O. JACOBS.
or HAI t
TjlOH BALK A gael roeUurait on a Kill
J } Irar ltd builntEo treot. Aptly to
613 fit llth ttrofr , but farni'ii nnd Ilarney.
\tU-ffx room cottaito with barn nd
bilf lot on Cbleago street , near Hlch School
Only ,30J. McCAOUE ,
COtl-ilcJ i7-tf Oip. | I'ostofflsc.
I Jt0K SALS A good ac3nd Land cutler. Ap
.1 ? , ply to Tro cl and Co. C31-1
T.IOUUAIjR Six room Coltixotrd jlt 1th
! _ ' rtiu'hfrnnlnkro nca * High School thie Iccx-
Lion , on'y 9J100.0U WcCi uo Oimvlto IVn
JfllCf. . cOl-dcc 3Ttl
th'umnd. Yard 15tl > etroet , two blo.'Vs
louth of Bi > lluruu reid
_ d f cva _ * t Loniszo
170H BALK A flrat cUst leoonit bund phietont
ij Call t 1319 Da rntySt. _ Iffi-a
"plllll3 New Map of Onrnhrv , Justcompletedtrx ,
JD ready for d'.ll\cry at ? 5 aeb. Ia ! feet wide
by 7 feel long. Largest and completu mtp
al Omaha over published. OlCclal map of the
city. SQJ coluuin.
i FMr. 1'itrfck M. HcUulre is nnywhera In this
J county , hi will confer a fvor by CDtamouIca-
tire llh hl uni.l , Birney Ucllugh , atthofia-
ven Hi.use Omtlm '
, _ lil-'il
rpKY Tae Hefner BtarlJed SprinirmaniifActur-
.1 d nd warontcd by l * . T. Bcnbow 716 South
Pth St. Omaha. _ 623 dec UMwt
SC. HRAINARD , Tanldonnlrt. Deerhtndt , a
. tpeclaUy , 13th , to : , Howard and Jiclion.
ridli'AI.lST , 193 Tenth Btrcft , bct\/een Farnara
ind Hnrmy. Vrtll , with iheald pf guardian
( I'lrltn , olitr.ln fcr wiy'on.i a irlanca of tda putt
uid piLM&nt , and on certain conditions ! n tbr fa-
lure , liootfl and Shoes mada to order.
"Ilho firruol Foter fc"Qr Fl " ' li dky cli"aiVo"
.1. bvrcutiud coninnt. Wm. M. Foster lotliliir.
'ted W City Will sljn the firm nima on JlquU
iMltn only and lontlnuo tbe luntwr Lualuusy ,
V/M. It tOSTER ,
The c- > l DUPincM of asM flrm hfci I con sold ( o
iQi' will b cniiicUd by Ambrosj Rhhar .
Omtha , Dec 28 1E81. fl5-lWJ | ]
TltU | mdcr never vari . AmirTtlofj'
ri'J\trtuaiul uhole oim.i(4i. Moro ecoitfi l .l
lau Iho orplnary kud ! , i.nJ cannrt be ijldir
wipitUIoii ltk the multiliijf of low test , tmrt
tliht , alum or vh'.tpliatu powder. Sold ouly in
int. lioriL lUvi u I'OWLM Co. , W Jl-Bt. , y3l
tw York ,