Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1883, Image 6

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The Da ilyBee.
Tuesday Morning , Jan. 2 ,
suBscnir-TiGN BATES :
Bj Ctuler , - - - - - SO ctnts pet rrek
- - - - - - tlQ.oo ptr Y u
OGlco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Neai
Council Bluffs is fast becoming e
gtc t wholesale and manufacturing
city. } ts lines of railroads are nn
-squalled by any ether in iho state o
low * .
IU Jo ding intorosls nro rapidly being -
ing Jcrilopcd , and wo only ueod ( ho
wagir .nd railrray bridge across Iho
rlrer render us indopcudcnt of
comp ' i ° n-
\ \ * ' paper can do Iho mosl toward
fora 'i iif ! our commercial Intercuts
In the astern market ? What papo
circuit * the most copies there ? The
nntoe'-i * ' answer must bo , THB BEE
Th : r'rcnlatlon of our oompotltora
In tint region is not ono to a thou
saud b comparison with us.
Nor if yon want the wholesale in
tereais : f this city heralded where it
will lo the most good , advertise in
THB BK , then you will Inflacnoa the
WMcetn trade.
Call al onr offioo , ox mine our
worn circulation statistics , end you
will bo tally satisfied.
J. Mueller's PalscoJMnalo HaU.
Old papers for Halo nt THE BEE office
* t 25 centsper hundred.
The Eonnd Table met this evening at
Mrt. IlririU's on First avenue.
The Bapllit church folk art prtparlng
to filre an antertalnment soon In Dohany's
The city council had no quorum la t
evening , and adjourned until Wednesday
DUhe j glassware , lamps , eta , nt 803
Broadway. Howe & Son.
Bnbecribo for nowepapeni and period ! '
Mb at H. E. Seaman's book store.
The city clerk's receipts for Dtcem
bsr from fines and liccnie * amoucteJ to
* 2,1S7.
An unusual number of OaihV * mi
dents spent a goodly portion of New
Year's day In this city.
Furniture of all kinds repaired by
Howe &Bon , 803 Broadway
Tblc dlittlct court was not In session
yesterday , but to-day it will resume the
tital of the Owen case.
There was not A Tory cnthusiaitio
boom on New Year's cslls yejtorday , the
number of those calling and those receiv
ing being less thau usual.
The public schools reopen to-day
The pupils will find It hard to paca from
turkey to books , but such is Ufa.
Officer Sterling has picked up in lib
rounds a largo new jaw , evidently intend
ed for Ice or l g . It is cither strayed or
* tolerj , and now he hnnteth for tbo owner.
Yesterday forenoon two cows cele
brated New Year's by a fight near Foster'ii
green house. Ona of them was gored to
death , and tbo city authorities were no
tified to look after the remains.
The boys at the jail wore allowed to
"havo a banjo yesterday on which ono of the
prisoners , Duloy , played , while the others
olncd in song and dance , aud thus they
made merry on New Year's day.
Tbo boys got up a sleighing carnival of
their own yesterday. They procured ouo
horse , and fastening tholr hand-sleds ono
"behind ths other , wcto thus drawn through
the street * , the pitrado proceeding to the
music of n oow bell.
Justice Abbott Informally received his
friends at his office yesterday , from early
room to late evening. lie continues in
ofQco for two years yet. The other jus
tice , Mr , Schurr , ha not secured pones.
elou of his rooms yet , and hence bus not
fitted up bis offices.
The Bavarian band on New Ycar'a
vo nerenaded a number of their friends ,
Including D. Holtt , Conrad Getes , Max
Mohn , Mr , Lanzendorfer , Mr. Spotumu
end others. The musio giveu wan delight *
ful , and was duly appreciated by thoao
thus favored.
New Year's eve the Turnvoroln gave
an enjoyable dramatic entertainment nt
Turner ball. The play was excellent aud
WM well rendered. Prof , Olker furnished
tbo orchestral music , and Brownold's glee
club gave some- rousing songs. The affair
throughout was a great nuccess.
There was little done in tbo polloo
court yeiJjerday morning of public Inter wt ,
tlioro being four plain drunks only to dls-
POM of , who were given the regulation fine
by Justice Abbott , who sat in Judge
4Aylesworth's place , the latter not return
ng until after the morning session ,
Tb board of trade holds its annual
sieatlng this evening to elect officer ! for
tbo ensuing year and to transact other
bculaess. It Is to be hoped that there will
ba a large attendance , as it Is highly Im
portaat that the board should be so cfll-
d6tly ofRoerod as to be able to continue
it * good work with increased success.
There were lereral pistol theta heard
tt tbo streets early yesterday morning , ev >
ideally fir d for the nuke of nicking a
rather than with deadly intent , The
police get tired of having to chate up such
.Miuwtioni , however , and it will b ? a sorry
d y for any one they may catch at it ,
Mr. and Mrs. J , 0. Lingo gave a Now
Year party in honor of Mies Jennie Au >
votda , sUUr of Mrs. Lauge , who is here
n a , vWt from Otlumwa. A largo number
cf Ja4ta sad Reatleajen participated in the
Bcyabl oec4 IoT , and all went u metry
wtddhag 111 until the wee am * ' bourn ,
Owe worthy citizen who lately went to
OK JM get aa chilled by the drive that 011
irivteg bwk on this side be poured in Iwt U4dy , and In bli balf-frozcn con-
iKifr" g t BWKI In than be intended. Ho
get out of the sleigh to walk home and
popped by the wayside. Ho wasfouud
Sa A fieeztog condition and cared for , and
* * n congratulate blawtlfeu being picked
up M he was , as there wets few pMcers-by
and another hour in the cold would h v
reinlted dlisitrouely.
Jaracs Halt , i g d nlns years , ton o
Thomas Hall , died yesterday afternoon o
dropsy of the heart. The funeral will I
bold Wcdceidsy mornlog at 10 o'clock , a
the fatly reiiclcnce , corner of Eight !
avenue and Fourteenth t riots.
They Have n Merry Tlmo and n Blir'
Food oo Invited Guoftto of
tbo T M. O. A.
Yesterday the Young Mon'o Chris
tiau oenooiation showed practica
ploty by providing a ftovr Year's dinner -
nor for the poor boys of the city ,
Thcro were about n hundred to whom
the day was made thus joyone. Thoj
gathered at the rooms of the cnioota
tion , moot cf them provided with
tlokola whloh hnd been distributed to
thorn sonio days ego , when n canvnsa
of the city WAS made for this purpose.
Whtlo waiting the tlmo was pleasantly
occupied iu looking over the pictures
found in the Uluntrntod papornnnd
and magazines with which the long
table in thu reading room was covered ,
They wcru n motley Right , to bo euro ,
and some of them nero not as neat as
soap and wntor could have made them ;
but yet It w&a a cheery picture , u
they ooomod all to bo as happy as
lorkn. Dinner was provided for thttn
at Woolsoy'a restaurant , and when the
first tables were ready forty of the
boyn marched thither , trhllo the
others nmuaod thomsoivos in the
roomn of the aanoolutlon. The Eccno
at the rostanrant was n nnlquo ono
aloo. The boyn were provided with a
hearty ropaat , the bill of tare being a
vnriod ono , embracing chicken , boot ,
vegetables , oto. , aud by the tlmo it
was gouo through every boy necmod
an plamply filled out as nature
would allow. Thou they returned to
the rooms whllo another platoon
took tlelr pi ROOD at the tables , and
thus ou uutll all had diucd. Ou tholr
return to the rooms , of tar dinner , the
boys were served with apples aud nute
aud entertained with munlo. If over
boys were made happy , thcso were ,
and they will have reaaon to long remember -
member the hospitality and kindness
ot the Y. M. 0. A ,
The association , though young , and
not numerically ntroug , ia doing a
grand good work here , performing It
quietly and unostentatiously , but yet
faithfully. The room ; , aa fitted up ,
are very pleasant , and auy and all are
welcome callers. A pleasant reading
room has boon thrown open to the.
public by the association , apd it U the
intention of the association to open up
various other methods of helping the
young moh and nlraugore in the city.
Such showings as yesterday will tend
to interest all citizens in giving the
association help to perform its mla&ion
of holpfulncBo to others.
Is doing a big business.
Delicacies of a thousand klnda. The
choicest variety in the olty.
When yon feel out of sorts , have
the blueo , melancholy , oto. , it must
bo indigestion that ails yon. Brown's
Iron Bittern cures it.
Justice Vnugbnn on Opomn ? His Of-
flco Soto a Spread for Hla Friends.
Yesterday Justice Vaughan , an
usual , made nn innovation in the
ordinary mode of taking on the ermine.
[ Jo haa fitted up two roomn over the
Savings' bank , making them very
kttructlvo nnd convenient , and ohoir-
u # to the pnblio that there la no need
) f having a justice office nnkopt nnd
ropulslvo in appearance. IIo further
lout out publia and private invitations
'or members of the bar , and friends
.0 call npon him , and made a very
ompllnf ; aud beautiful spread for the
tallers , tbo tables being kept standing
.hruugh the day , well laden with cake ,
'rnlt , nuts , cider and cigara , There
Toro several hundred callers during
, ho day , there was a general ozprus
ilon of delight' at the manner ia which
.ho rooma bed boon fitted up and the
lOBpltality shown In dedicating them
Now Yearo is the time to make
presents , nnd Klrkland'a Is the place
o got them. 829 Broadway.
Perogoy & Moore liavo got their ro-
all ntoro half-oolod and revamped ,
rholr cone of holiday pipes and cigar
lioldors is a big attraction tvnil the
jest pieces will teen be gene , 23-81
Plcleod by tno Police.
Chief 1'ield spent enough of his
Sfotr Year's to figure up the Hrrcslu
nado by the polioo daring the past
nonth , tbo following being the offonscu
vnd uumbors :
Druuk SI
[ jtrwny 9
Mblldous tniioblef 3
Digamy 1
A tumult and battery 7
lloubiry 1
Uefraudlug hotel keeper 3
Disturbing the peace 15
Deierter , 1
Vaarauoy , . . , , , . . . , , . . . 1
Inmate of house oi Ill-famo 4
13 .imtiHng , 7
Keeping saloon after hpuro 1
Incest , J
Iluoawayu , . , , . 3
Seduction. , , i
Violating common carriers' ordinance , . 1
Nuisance j.
Total. , , , , . . , .02
Tills is an Increase of only two over
thu number of arrests made during the
previous mouth.
Holiday goods at Harkncus , Oroott
Harkncis , Orcutt & Co. have still n
Wr fine fcllk doluuua , Call and BOO
hem ,
Children's hoary cohool huaa at
larkuecs , Orcutt t Oo.'i ,
- i
Bavo your money bybuviiig hone
ilankots tuid lap rol i at 0. JBock , <
' DJJ5 Broadway ,
Jacob Sims , the Victim. While
Boated iu His Law Offlco.
His Assailant His Former Pnrluor
\V. 8Arnont. .
Yesterday aftcrnon n sonration wai
catucd by an assault of which Jacol
Simi , a young bat well known member
bor of the bar here , was the victim ,
his assailant being his former Ian
partner , W. 8. Amont. It oppoan
that in dissolving the partnership
some time ago , there were name differ ,
oncos and considerable ill feeling , bat
this parsed over ecmowliat , and their
relations remained passive until last
Saturday , when Mr. Sims learned
that .Mr. Amont had boon na
ns his uarao In certain mat-
; crn of a delicata nnturo , and
> n being thua informed Mr ,
31ms immediately wrote him a
otter charging him with this ,
Yesterday Mtornoon Mr. Amont ap-
> arcd at the ofllco and In a very ox.
cited manner demanded A retraction
if the o intents .of the letter.
Sims told him to sit down and they
would talk it over , but Amont do-
mnndcd immediate retraction , and
allowed this np by striking Sims as
ho latter nat nt his table , and com-
) lotely defenseless. Btforo Sims
maid gather himself np ho
tad boon badly thumped , nnd
t was several minutes before outside
mrtlea Interfered , the door being
uckod , on Amont entering the oflico.
Slma ntontiy rofuaod to retract , and
Amont made numerous thrnats of vio-
cucc. Such seems to have been the
details of the occurrence , as told by
hlr. Sims and corroborated by others.
Mr. Amunt suddenly disappeared , and
ilthough the police hunted for him , ho
tad not been captured up to Inot oven-
: ig. Slinn wai t&kon to his hoiae and
) r. McKuno watt called upon to dress
ho wounds. II o found ooveral
> ad ocalp wounds , the cuta
> olng clear to the bono and
ndlcating that eotnothlng more than
a liat had been used by Amont What
ho result of Mr. Sims' injuries vrill
bo lu difficult to dotortnlno , but they
ire at least serious. No fracture of
ha skull is detected yet , but th <
) lnwa ho received cuuood severe
wounds about the head ondfaco which
will lay biro up for some time. Mr ,
Slmn is known no n peaceable , uon-
ighlingman , while Mr. Amont has be-
ore had difiinUiL's of thlp kind , being
? ory quick tempered and excitable ,
[ n making the assaultMr. . Sim's
hlnku Araeut must have used knnck-
cs or some instrninonc , as ho saw
lim put his hand in his pocket beloro
10 otruck , nnd iho wounds Indicate
the same. The promise is made that
Amont will bo prosecuted sharply for
the assault , and as ho is well con
nected here , ho will donbtlc : ? bo ably
To strengthen nnd build up the nya
torn , a trial will convince yoa'that
Brown's Iron Bitters is the boot med
icine mado.
Ladies' and children's wool hoods at
darkness , OrcuU & Ca.'s.
A. F. Melgs nnd wife have returned
from their wedding trip to Wisconsin , and
are to spend a week or two here with her
iiarcnts , Mrs. O. E , Stone , before proceed
ing westward to their hnmo lu San Fran
It. J. Gamble , who spent Sunday with
friends here aud ia Omaha , left ycstctduy
for his home in Yank ton , where ho hao a
arf o nnd lucrative law practice.
Table linous , napkins , doylies , tow
els nnd oroshos cheap at Ilarkness ,
Orcutt & Co.'s ,
Corrected dally by J , Y. Fuller , mcr-
chandleo broker , buypr r.uil obipto.1 o !
; raln and provlalons o'Hco board of trikic
rooms , Council Blud'n IOWH.
WmtAT-No. 2 np.'ng , Vfio ; No. 3,03 ;
rejected COc ; good demand ,
CojUJ-28o to fcrJera nnd 27o b ship ,
icrs ; good demand > or Bhlpment.
OATH Scarce nnd lu good demand : 80 ©
HAT 4 00@0 00 per ton.
HYK 40a ; llglii supply.
CORN MEAL 123per 100 pounds.
Woon Good supply } prlcus at yards ,
COAL Delivered , bard , 10 00 per ton ;
oft. 5 00 per ton.
llUTTKn Plenty nud In fair demand !
Kaas-Scarco and in demand ; ? 0j ptr
.07.0D ,
LAUD Falrbank'u , wholeBallng at 13 ; ,
POULTRT Firm ; dcnlara paying 13o per
pound for turkeys and 10o for chickens.
Visnr.TABLKS Potatoes , 4 ! > a ; onions , 2fo ! !
abbagus , B0@10o poz dozen ; apples , 2 W
@S TiO per barrel.
Kl.oim13est Kansas wheat flour , " I > S ©
f)0 ; Minnesota wheat , ' < ! C0@3 CO ; .bran ,
Oo per 100 pounds.
Buooiia 2 00@I ! 00 per dozen.
OATTLB 3 00@3 50 ; calven , 6 OOig ? CO.
Boas Fiitlmated receipts , 760 head ;
oed demand at packing houses , paying iu
ar lots , for common , 545@5f > 5 ; g od
nixed packing , 5 CO5 80 ; heavy packing ,
76@5 05 ; butrhor.i mid shippers paying
or wagon loti 6 25@D CO.
A new Baptist church has becu .dodica.
o < at Kelly , Story county ,
The first enterprlue of the Dnolap Mau.
fcturioi company will be crcainsry.
Tha Burlington Base Ball asiocl tion is
repariog for/ the comlug IOSSOD'S cam-
A Rrand army fair will ba the public
vcnlng attraction In Dea Jiloinea next
rveet ,
The amount of building Improvement * !
n Grinnoll during tho'year 1682 his boon
On the 32d lust , the Qsx mill at Alcana
liippfd a car loatl of drested flxx to Sau
1 r nclu3J.
The peaoh treed in the souteattern nor-
jou ot the stite have not been Injured ly
he cold as yet.
A lase parly of rodents Of Iowa Falls
ru nklng i.rtparivtloru to omlgrnta to
iuitu OMollna.
The Appano e county biak will bejlu
uiluena .lauuiry 1 ns a national bank.
with 300,009.cujtftxl. _
Tha damage cnuMd by the brenklnjr of
Le Uavenpott ica bridge acrona tbo Alts.
Uilppl on Thumdar was considerable , A
fctboat was sunktbo new fwry dock was
e rrle 1 away , and l rge qn ntlttes of wcot
alone tha lerco was liken ont by the over
fbwln ; ; water ,
The street railway bnom lits s'ruck ls
Melnen anrl tbreo now companies are it
the Held after clutter a.
"The mlifrable falhrs ca'lcl Iho Des
Motnrs waterworlis , " is what The Newj o :
the capital 0(7 ( calls it ,
The Sloim inkeband is growing rapidly
In | < opulirity nith the people oi lh.\l
place and ( urroundinK towns.
Thn Ocntrnl low * SAVIORS , Loin fine
Truct company ) IM lirrn incorporated al
Mar.balltuwo , with 910,000 capital.
Tbo Portland Consolldatel Mining com
pany , which hai its -dqaartor/i / nt < lln.
ton , hrw voted to Incn.iRO its stuck to $10 , .
0 O.COO ,
A finc-lnoktntr , Ini.ilncfd-lllco man has
been chunsing $50 counterfeits in Ottutn.
wn , The hills are difficult ol detection
from the Pennine ,
The CIMzena * Savings and Trmt com-
paur , of loivi City , in among the Instttu.
tioni which begin Ijuslnens In 188.1. It
i $20,000 capital.
The city of Den Motnes ha * cipendcd
orcr ? 500 In fnrnlihlng the luMplUl re
cently established there , and pays ? GO fer
month rent for the building.
Twelve hou M were burglarl nd In Fort
Madison on Friday nixtit. The thieves
only wanted money ami obtained about
l0 \ from their night's work.
The IxMars authorities am after the
inuies of ill fnme with a sharp slick ,
3ompUints Imvo bncn entered and the cfil
oarasay they will cloto up the doorf ,
ShoUUhl Is located in three cnuntlts and
nfourtownflilpa. A orreipoadentwriting
roni there says It in hnrd to tell wheru
ono r > f their citlzons lives , tspeclally if the
sheriff is after him.
The Drs Molnon city hospital manage.
nent it the broadest pltn of a public chat *
ly. All cb'f 01 of mgdlcnl men have equal
irlvlkgoa nnd every church In the olty has
n representation on the boaidof trutteoi ,
Tha exhibition of the firet load nf coal
akon fiom a Plymouth county mine in
'jiMars nn Stturday was attended with
much cnthuMium , Tbo Geimtn band
oime out with their horns and the crowd
> ecatnogfnerttlly jubilant. The load was
rom Corkcry'a blonr river digging ) ,
* # * 'Ono man's moot is another
man's poiaon. " liidnoy-Wort espols
ho poisonous humors. The firet thiuR
o do in the opring ia to clean homo.
? or internal cleansing and renovating ,
no ether medicine ia equal to Kidney-
Wort. In either dry or liquid form
t euros headscho , bllionn attacks , con-
ntlpation and deranged kidneys ,
flop Blttom Are the Purest aud
Dc t Bitters Kvor Made.
They are componnd from Hopa ,
Malt , Buchu , Mandrnko nnd Dandel
ion the old cot , boat , nnd moat vniu-
\blo medicine iu the world and con
tain Ml the beat nnd moat onrativo
properties of nil other rorcodica , being
the uroateut Blood Purifier , Liver
Regulator and Life nnd Health lie-
etoring Agent on earth. No disease
or ill-health can poiaibly long exist
where these Bittera nro used , so var
ied nnd perfect nro their oporntioni ,
They ivo now life and vigor to ( he
nrod ; aud infirm. To nil whoo em
ployment cause irregularity ot the
bowolu or urinary organs , or who re
quire nu Apotizor , Tonic and mild
Stirar'cDlj llop Bilcors are iuvalna-
bio beinj hijli.y curalivo , topio and
atiiu.'latins , wiUioul inloxicatiug.
No matter whab . your /'oeliuga
nyintiloma ave wlutt tUo di'.uaao or ail
incut is , UBQ x JP CiUora , DCJ w
until yea are E'.cV , but i ? yon only feel
bad or Tr e. ole , uao flop .Ciltors al
onco. It may aavo yoor li'o. Huu-
drodd Iicvu baen caved i > y ao doing.
Five hunuroa doUzra trill La paid for
u case they w\ ! \ not oaro or help.
Do nol ; Buffer or lei your fiionds
sulfoA but , utib end nrgo them to use
Hop Bittera.
Eemomber , JHo Bittors.lauo vilo.
drugged nostrurc , oui iho Fnrost ami
Best Medicine ever made ; iho "In
valid's Friend and Hope , " arid no
family or paraon should be without
them. T.y the EHtnra to-day.
The Northern Pacifio"company hnvo
agreed to erect n largo round lioneo
with capacity for twenty-four enginea
at Bozomnn ,
The Cedar Riplds & Clinton railway -
way company have filed articles of
incorporation. The capital stock ia
fixed at 02,000,000.
A railroad is about to bo located
from Bismarck north , following op the
river to Benton , on which work will
bo commenced next nuiooii.
The Wadena branch of thu Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul is now builr to
West Union , nud tht > firet train to that
point lift Dubuque on Monday.
Ground hnDJboen.brokcnlnnltho Baja ,
California and Souora railroad in the
Tin Junnna vulluy on the Mexican
tide of the lino. The contract tor the
section of twenty miles IIPB been kt
and the work is rapidly being pushed
Work 'is ' steadily progressing on the
Rochester and Plttuburg road. IVon-
ty-fivo hundred men nro working'ron *
the Dulloh uiloaalon , and it will be
completed January 15th ,
The track of the Douvor & Rio
Oranda roacl vai Hnishod to tbo Utah
line last -vvpek. This leaves a distance
o ! 143 tyilos yei to bo laid before th'a
reEd , is finished to Salt Lnko ,
Tbo Pullman company at Chicago is
proparinfj to build a railroad around
the Bouthorn shore of L ko Calnmet ,
i.ud no&r the alto cf the now Un'tort '
ytateo Rolling Stock company's n orke ,
, The MUwaukeo A Lake Winnebago ,
a branch of tha NfaoonfJii Ocntrr.l
from Milwaukee to Nuunh , u dlstaneo
of sixty-five mllea , will -bo fornmlly
opened this week , Tha road is finely
On the New Orleans & Northeastern
road about forty miles of track have
boi.n . hid south uf Minden , Mlas. , and
trulns nro operated dally over that
portion of the ror.d ,
Pivo men of Sedalla , Mo. , filed
articles of inoorporatlon itat week for
a road to ba named Iho Sodnlla &
Northern railway. The road will run
from Sedtlln to Maruhall , In Balluo
county ,
Tha first truiu of the Oregon railway
and Navtcfitlon company loft Kaot
Portland on lout Tuesday , Parsongcra
wont through with one chauRO to Trut
Oreek. Missoula county , 530 miles enet
of Portland.
Articles of incorporation of the In- Paciiio toad weto filed with the
eocrotary of ttite ; this woaV. Tha
iropoaod rc&d basins at Auburn and
ana directly west to Bourbon thence
to North Jadsoa , Ind.rhcra it will
make direct western connoctlous ,
A no'.r road , to be uuued the Llltlo
[ lock & Ohoctaw railroad , IIEB been in.
corporated In Arkansw. The road IB
to bfl 150 miles long and will run from
Littio Rock to the boundary line bo
twcon the state and the Choolatr nn
The earnings nf the Clno'nrmt
Southern road for the months of Nu
vembor were about $ V50 000 , an In
crease orer last year of $10,066 21.
Articles of incorporation were recently
cently filed for the Fort Smith anc
Southern railroad , at Littio Rock ,
Ark. The road will bo fifty miles
lok , nnd will run to Waldron , Ark ,
There ia n now road projected ,
vhlch is known na the St. L-juit it
Chlcjyo line , and the headquarters
will bo nt Clinton , III. It will be n
direct route between St. Louis nnd
Chicago , nnd will operate in conjunc
tion with the Illinois Central ,
The trustees of the P/ilooeo &
Columbian company Imvo raised tholr
capital from § 1,000,000 to J3.700.000.
The object is to build a railroad from
the fifly-ono mile poston the Northern
Pacific easterly to Moscow with n
branch to Farraington , A largo ( orco
of men are at work.
The contractor for the Ontario &
Quebec railway says the now road will
bo 309 miles between Toronto and
Montreal. Ono-third of the road is
complete , and it is expected that iho
whole road will bo finished next year.
It ia stated that A gap between Far
ley and Dubuque will bo closed by the
Oliiocgo , Milwaukee & St , Paul early
icxt spring. The distance ia seventy
inilcd , and the route has boon sur-
royod for a long timo.
The Utlca , Ithaoa & Elmlra road is
) xtondlng from Elmira through Ithaca
, ) Conastala on the Now York Central ,
t distance uf 100 miles , The road is
kbotit to pass from the hands of the
receiver into the possession of the
English bond-holders.
Care-worn persons , students , weak
uid over-worked mothers will find in
Brown's Iron Bitters a complete tonic ,
which gives strength and tone to the
whole system.
A Itopo ATout Onr Noolta.
A weak stomach or enfeebled circula
tion Is llko n rope about our necks. Wo
MO strung up aud unstrung alternately till
> ji tenro becomes unbearable. Burdock
lllnod Biittrs will arreat all this misery.
llnnlock Shod JHttcri nro a boon to tno
dck , Let un remember this fact.
A good medicinal tonic , with real
merit , la Brown's Iron Blttorp , GO all
druggists say.
NOTICIt Special advertisements , anc
Lcat , Found , To Loan , For Silo , To Rout ,
Wants , Etmdlcj , etc. , will be tntcitcd In'thlp
ralumn at the ow tate of TEN CENT3 I'KR
LINK far the Erst Insertion ud FIVK CENTS
PEll LINE ( or each subsequent Insertion.
Leave kdv crtlsamcnta nt our oD3cc , llo. 7
1'cnrl Street , ncr.r KroaJwiy.
t Competent t Irl for general housework ran
jrVfind cniiloyinont at 4i3 ! South Siiil Et. Apply
[ ttoiicu , II. u T. E. Ca > fn. Oo27-2t
\TITANTED-HC3 buildings to move. Wo make
VY n spool ilty of mcnl.g houses and safes I
Address . 1' . Ajlcanortn , box 879 , Conncll
Bluffs , Ia.
Evciyboi1" In Council Bluffs late
WAITED TUB Bin , V0 ! ceuta per week , do
llvercd by carriers. Oflljo , No 7 Foarl Street
near BroaAway.
For Culo and Rent
KENT. FnrnlBhcd rooms to re'it , with
T10 board , nt 73C ilyonter street. D.-.y board ,
? 3.50pcr vak. ikclS-tl
In t rcsluumiit ttanc1 on Main street.
TUK W "or pal * , \ \ 1th furniture , etc. Cheap
for casii. U ntt to mo or call. J. W1NAN& ,
17-W Corner Willow Ave.
UKia In pacicagea ot a hundred at2C <
OLU package at Tus Bits office , No. 7 1'tnr
Hlrcet. _ tt
T710R SALE BeauUlul reeldcnco Iota , CO
jC each ; cothlng ySpcrrronth only ,
T OUNU A colliRi ) eoclety pin. Coaiotothc
I. ' U x o.llce , pay for this ftd , prova
and get Uo : pin. d7 tf
A iTBAVEO OU STOIBS \ email m rowltl
J\ . a wliltuB'.npocn the lace luo unite hind
ret ; and at fine liail a ' ; ooj Mexican : jac' ' < 'lo Mit
bliuiket , an t tliom tied In front of ollico at
I'uio } 'H loiikat hilf past oljlit o'llocl : . Liberal
rcuanl A\lll Lo L-hcn ( cr any Information nf the
Hirnnby A. U. ACKUR.
OHUEnS'orOob' ) to Upper Broadivay
SKND , o ? toK. J. Eoud , ' > y mall. 022 Iw
RVERTTT'IHO renewed at the Excclilor g l-
111 lory , ) AO ilnln stnrt , for holiday oik.
Go wheiojou cm yet chhlty imd dlr treat'
. W. L. VATCON VJtiyilclaa and Oculhl.
DU. \ u.e&ny caeoof sorocjes. U Is ouly
a milter o ! time , and ten curd generally In
Irom tbrco tc fho wcfkit It makes nr uiffer-
iiohoivOQdiseased. ) . Will straighten croal
rjcs , o\wratu Mid remove Ptjrcplnmj , etc. , nd
luartartlGclil nyis. MpecUt attention to
ruovcliiic tadcv.oms upS-U
Depart. Ar.1\e.
Mlantle Kxf..r > :20pm : I I'aelllo i--tt.lSftm ! :
r.x anil MaH . ,05 .t m Kv rnd ( tau.0&t p m
D. Iloirci ac . .7:13 : a u | D > .s Uolrosaf.l4'J ; p m
Depart. Arrive.
1 ui I P clflo Ext
y , Y , He 4:001 : > m I Neb & Kag T.x..80 : a in
Dc | > urt. Arrive ,
UlantlnGxt , . .6lB : ] > tn I Paclda Kt..P5 : ! a m
.III ) lit. Ex , .9:20 : a m I Mall ami Kx.ClS ; ri m
locoin. ( Sat.,630 pm I Accom. ( Mtn..l:4apm ) :
D-part. Arrive.
IpJlauJ lU..W ( > am I Kjprcsa. nuWnm
iil > ru y10i ; m | llailand lU..C'42pm
umo.i Mcino.
Dcpait. Arrive.
Itetlua Ei.MMOa. ro. OverlanuKx < (4'Clp. ru.
.Incolii Ux.,11:300. : ill. Demci b'x.tODa.ju : ,
Atntnr Ex..7:00 : p. m. Local Kx,0 0a. m.
xxalKx 7:23 : a. ra. " Ex 9:08 : a. m ,
Depart. Arrive. ,
lalUnd Kx. . 9:15am : I MalUnd Ex. . 4 0pui
; unou Call , . 4M : ) p m [ Caunon E J1.,11C5 a m
Uiiurt. Airivo.
porflloux Citv.7:55 : a m Frtn Sioux CY.C'JQ ? ra
'or Fort Nlobrarx Frin Fort Niobram ,
Neb , . . 7:53arn :
rot lit. Paul.,7:40pm : From St. l'aul..B Q a m
, uawACxus AMP ST.
Levi e Council inr.a * . Arrhd Couui.ll DU.rj.
lall mm Ex. . 8 : 0 a m I Mall nu Ex , , . 6M : pin
Atlantic Ex.3:15 : p m | Atlantic Kx9lUa m
Lu > . \ eg Onulia. Arrives st Omaha.
Jail an ] l'\7iaam : I Pacifl ? Ex | y4Iam ;
Mluitlc Ex. , | 3:40 : J > in | Mill and Ex , . ' 7-5 p in
Except Sundays. ( rUcopt SaturJ jKxceiit (
Uondaju. ( Dally ,
Council Blutta ft Omatia Screot B , R ,
Lt ve C'ooQ3lt ' Uluffi. Love Om h .
! r. w , 'j inMO m , 18 a in , 9 a m , 10 a m ,
II a in , Jm,2 v m , 3li 11 a ni , 1pm , 2pm , 3 p
n , 4 p t-i , i p n-6 p m. | lu , 4 p ia , fi p ra , G ] > to.
Strett can runVialf hourly to the Unbn I'oclflc
D ] K > t OntuuJvV tbocar * beirlathitlr tripi M
) o clock a. Hi. , uic ) run refululr durlni ; Uie d v
kt , 11,2 4,6 aau o'clock , andrua to city tlmo.
l TT&
tZittttS1 * t&r Htf & & & ' & > n * iSSj tSa UbdL
Broadway , and Fonrtli Street , ,
Council Bluffiv , Iowa
Headquarters For the Celebrated -
' brated
_ jCli
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail ,
Address ,
a H ES
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff . and Blew Sreets , Council Bluffs.
Ordora flileJ In eny p&rtot the city. Or Jets bv telephone promptly attended to.
> & $ JSa
At the Lowest Posaible Prices.
rfftVhliTl 0Il.m ) lD fJ " , " J'J- , a.ocj'snalr Sto'e , at prices never beftro touched b
, . othcrhs'r I'ealer. Also & Mil line of Iho ( , . . b/
.rf - - - x * - * ! * vi aniiu ( u etc. nt Rrcctlv reduced rrlcos. Also cold
tver am' csloid neti. Wavta made Irom l-Us' own hair. Do not fall to callVcfora pwAaVliur
ilsewliers. All gcoiisviwranted as represented. MU3.J.J.GOOD
19 Main tre ( . Coun'clljllugs. Iowa. ,
. .
a'ho i finest qu3ll'.yrad largest stock wcit "f Chicago of woodan nnd rnetalio cases.
Calls attomled to at r.ll hours. We defy , ipotition in quality of gooda or prices.
PIT Mr. . Morgan bai sci vcJ I Mnnderlskor for forty years nad thorouphly undeAtanda
Jhbr.Une ) . WAUEROOMS , 810 AND S57 BKOADWAY. XJpLlaterinc Jn
and braqclqa. fa.
AS f3
81 111 f13t
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Wholesale Dealer In end BOLE AC-ENT YOU Joseph BchliU Erowinf
Coinpany'o ' i v. j "
' ' ° S " ! jlfF ? I"Ja ( < Ordora from the country olleltsd
Bin dealers dfllverfd free.
( Successor * to KIIB & DUQUEITE ) ,
ICaiid 18 Pearl-st , Council Bluffs , Ia.
No , 529 S Main Street. t Council Bluffs.
doaltnS and atten-
nftn(1 , pfompj deiery ! Of goods.
S. M. GUOOKH , Pro ; . N. B. EAUTOS. Secy.
J , 0. IToiTirAN , Vice Free. N. B. ZJooiiE , 'Connnolor.
[ Incorporated under the Laws of Iowa , ]
Insurance at Ac W Cost.
Unknown or Contingent .Event "Whatever.
Experienced szenU wanted. Correspondence
solicited from all rarts of Iowa. t "v uvo
| OmcE : 103 Poprl Street , Council Bluffs , Ia.
. , . . . - . -
J , F , KTTrlBALL. | GEO , 11. OHAM1
KIMBALL & ' 'CH4MP ' ,
( Bucceworj to J , r , & J. K. Qs&idr. )
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers
Woliv iH cr.lyooroplcte oUrtractbcokj to alltty lott r.d lied * la ? Mi ? + \
unky. Titles wamlaid Mjd abitrtcti fnriiljSnd tn ( fcorfrjctlfo. Ucu * y to lunen div an J .7
n& Sffl'SWffiSft'WBr" ' a" T'ltttl -u SwSl& oSB