Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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Tkft Kiteta
p o pi ( i , - - $
Cram tor VuttntM April IT , 1KU , with Uii
ufttk capital of uij bulk In Jf brlia.
mntOTOBfl :
R. JOHNBOK , iTofctdint , ( St * l . J hkon ft
O .
TOUZAUN , Vlci , f 0. , B Jc Q
I. R. , fkwtoii.
W. T. VOUBE , of W. V. Uorw A Os.
JOIVX R. OJLUNS , cl 0. II. 6 J. 0. GjUlna.
J , M. VTOOUVOUTll , Councilor Mid Attoraij.
L. 8. BV.ED , of Byron Heed & Co.
H. W. YATM , Cwhlcr , lftt Cashltr ol ih Flrtt
VailonM lUaik ot Omaha , connect * ! wilt
the active management ol Ibat Bank iltio * lit
firzinltttlon In 1(43.
OaMJ&Tfuftc receive special attention and ehnr
get lawivt olitatntblA liore or liewhere.
INIMUT allowed on time deposit * upon favorable -
able tcrmi and upon Accounti o ( binVi and bauk-
fauna ! ! Rxcruxai , OoTernmenlfkmJi , and
County and City Eecmltlt * bought and sold.
II iiproparrdlt ( jrenoral banklnjr budnwa
trin tadelalli , aol la th trcn'.uiont nl custom
all wlllpurtno ths moil liberal polity oonilittnt
wltU aafi tJjfUnr
X7Iiolemlo Price-
Liocul Uraln.0onllnir * .
WHEAT.-Gash No. S , 7Goj oaeh So ,
3 , DJio ; rojcctnd , 43Jc.
BAllLEy. Cash No , 2 , CSicj No. 8 ,
-an. o.
l BKBD3 Flax wad 95 a per ba ; lied
lover , choice ow , $800 par bushel ]
mammoth clover new , (700) ) whltt
cbt r , now , $14 00 ; Alfalla claver ,
nsw , CIS 60 ; rjiikf , n Jtr , 513 00. Tim.
othy , Rood , now , 93 00 , blni
grau , extra clean , 61 CO ; bins grara ,
oknu , 91 SG ; orchard grata 83 fiU ; rod top ,
oholoe , 1 0)1 ) ; millat , common or Mluxrari ,
80o ; millnt.Uennfcn , (51 ( 00 to Gl S5j
HuBgiran BCc ; Oiaga orino , 1 to C
buiholi , 55 QO ; oiags orange , 10 bnthola ci
over , & 50 ; Uouey locuit , par lb. , 25aj psi
100 lb * . , $26 00.
f-roduoa nd P-ovli ! ni.
POTATOE8-60a per baihel.
ONIONS 00GOc per bushel.
BUTTEKCuolco country , 20@35c.
HONEY OallforaU , p b , 21.
APPLES Per burrol. f3 7 $3 35.
OYSTERS Booth' * and Platt'a wleol
ovate : * , 40o Standard , SO ; medium * , 25.
GRAPES California , 51 603 25.
LE110NB-C4 V54 W ) per box.
BEAKB Domottlo Gorirun 3 OT@2 C (
p r hvrhnl ; Navy per butbol , 2 75g8 ( 00.
OHIOKENS-9 < B10o { > or lb.
TUlUCKYd-12S13o per pound.
arocero' his
( tfiald'c ) , per ewe , Cl 00 } do 1 H > ( Flold'e )
par ausc , 2 7H ; do 2 Q > ( Gt&aditd ) , per CMC
3 10 ; n'jfawliorricii , 2 tt , per case , S CO ,
raspbcrrlss , 2 Ifc , per oaae , S 30. Darn
BOW , 2 llr , per CAVO , 215. . Bartlotl
pojum per ease , 2 GO. WhorUaberrio' '
per oue,275. Egg plaina.2 Ti ) iMroi e,2 SO
coi,2 lb par ofcM , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
It ( or rozQ i W. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per ca '
400ta575. Peaches , 2ft par OASB , 500
do 3 ro , OMO , 4 004 GO ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Bl , put
C4W.230 ; do pic , 6 0 > , per doom , 'J 80.
ITliOUU-JobblnK prlcw , Jack Frosl
St. Loaia winter ) ? 3.'JO per 100 Ibs.s T .
pok Patent Kcuian , $3.85 : Minnehuba
Muineaola P.iteat. 83.70 ; Sha nse Fnncj
winter , 88.10 ; Bagle , XXXX
$3.00 ; Triumph cprlng , best , $2.80 ; Chrli
li&u'n np rUtive , 350 ; liran , per ton ,
14.00 ; chopped food , 838.00.
OOKi-K45. lUo , tftir. lOi | Illo. gooc
lie ; rain. * to cLoioe , 11J to Itcj Old gov *
Oji Moeh * . Kcj Aibatkle'i
f-c.11 Crawn , 14 | Par
Qkm. ! lOia.
BDGA.U8 Powdered , lOio ; Out lo l
lOlc : Giftntxlatvd , 9 o ; Confeietloner'a A
Oia ; Btnndard Itrfra 0. 840 ; Extra C
85 : ; medium yellow , i7io ; dark yillow
7jo. _
SYIITTP Standard Com. , 37o , bbb.
SUcdird do , 44 gallon kepn , 1190 ; Sinn
dud do , 4 gallon keRR , SI 70.
llEATa , ICc ; breakfast bacon
none ; clear i < ! e bacon , none ; dry sal
bxoon , Idle ; abonldera , ll a ; iteroa lard
FISH No 1 mnckerel , half brl , fi T. <
No. 1 nucks.'cl , kita , 1 00 ; faroily m&ck
erel , half hrU > , < 75 ; family mac'cernl , klU
85o ; No. 1 hito fiiib , h lf brk , 0 00 ; No.
BPIOES. Fopper , 30i AUiplse , 2De
Cloven , % c ; Nutmmrn , 51 00 ; Owsaiu , aic
Jlaco SI 09.
LYE /nn tleta , S 81 ; Green-Bleb , 3 4C
Woalern , 2 70 ; North Btar , 2 00 ; Lawb
lya. 4 GO ; Jewoll IfO , 2 76.
FEED-Jcbblng price * , Chop feed
81.60 per 100 Ibs. ; chop coru , $1. 0 ; bran
70o per 100 Ibs.
MEATS llama per lb. , lie ; B Bacoi
per lb. , 15e ; cleur Bide bucou par lb. , lie
dry * lt ildoc per lb. , 9jc : dry s lt thoul
dera per lb , 7e ; bacon Ahonldtrs per lb.
BJoi tierce l i A per lb.,12o
L \RD-Omabo HelinlnlngOo. : Tierces
llc ; 40 and frl-lb cans , 12u ; 20-lb onni
lalo ; 10-lb palla , Bcrew top , 12c ; 5-lb dc
IJjc ; 8 lh do , VJgo.
JtiOMJNY Wei ? , 4 CO par bhl.
SODA In lb paperi , 83 per caw ; ke
NEWPIOKLES-Medlum , In bawali
87 00 ; do in half libln , 4 00 ; ttunllf , la bbl
BOO do , bi bAUbbls , 500 ; nhcrJ/ltn , I
bbli , 11 00 ; do , I * hrOf bbb , 6 00. /
8TABOIL 1'eMl , ijo ; JJll * r tlloi
8Jo ; Corn BUrch , C c | EicAldotOlot
7o : Oorn , 7J .
TEAS , UnupoTrd r , food , Ji5 !
Oholc , 00 < § 75e ; Imp rlf.l , Bood , 4045i
Ot > ; J , > 75c ; YcunR Hyson , coed , 3 < K
COO ) eboloe , 65cl 00 ; Japan Nat LCA
Me ; JBPWX choice , 607Bo ; Oolong , eooi
BS40 ; Oolong , , 40ffl55 { fjouoham
good , BRAiOc : choice. 854&o.
ROl'K-SlMl. 4 l eb nd larger , 10.J
8 faah , lit ) i inch , Illo.
WOODKNWAiK Two hoop pall
1 7i ; thre hoop pslli , 8 00 , Tubi , IT
1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer wMhboards , 1 8B Uoub
Cr tra 2 DO ; SVellbnctet * , 8 50.
I,11AD Bar , $1 CO.
VINEGAR Pnr pl6 xtr , 1
rrara apnlo , 13o ; i'rn lni ocrt aonU , 12
8AIJT , Dray Iowl3 , ptr bhl , 1 3) ) Ar
ton. In i c ki , 8 CO ; bbl * dairy M , C , N i
HOAP& Rlrk * Baron Impeitnl , 8 4
KMr-i ittl&At , 8 CO ; Klri.Ja t ttndaril , 8 7
KhVi white Krwilan , B 25 : Klrl
Untoca , 215 Kirk'i Prslrle Quo *
(100 ( oalcj ) , iDj Klrk't mAVflolla do ;
rOTABH Poniuylvanla. oacs , 1 CM
In oa e , 8 r > 5 ; BabbWo B ll , 2 iton. In CM
1 SO ; Anchor Bnll { doa in otto , 1 50.
FKANOTS P nstod , choteo , ted To
nwsm , 10ojor Ibj fancy whits , lOio perl
TV * while Vbvlnia raw , lOci tcwt
IMo.OANDM53 - Boiw , 40 lb , l' , WIoj J
16fo : b < xe * 0 Ibs. , 18 ot. , Os , lrjo ,
* , Onfdlanfc prime to choice , 7i
' " 1 falr,67c ; P.itma , 7c ,
U A'HaiKb Per raddle , Woj * oui :
* ettti , QH 10 ; iqr.irn , canes , bi ) 49 ,
AppltUin XX , 7c ; AlUnta A , f > o ; lei
IT , B jKnckeysLIi. 4.1,70) ) Cabot l
7lcClilttenar.To A , nic : Uruat Fsllg
8ic ; Ifoostcr , r4 < : ! Ho > .ei\i Width , Bio. I
man flttd A. 6'cj Indkn iUndnrj
8Jcj Indian Orchard d. VT. , 8c ; icr
liL 7ci Myetio River , 7frij I'crjnlt A , tt
Shivmlnt LL , 7cj UtlcJ 0. 5ici\Vwhi ;
ett B , TJo : do A , etc ; do K 18 , lUc ; \V
j 7io ; Alllgntor 8 t , So ; Ar&ryl U7
tlautto LL. CJo ; Bftdgcr SUte 3M. .
flA.4 , 6
' * rfn li 1-4.8lcTBluclc ton A A U 8
So do half hod 4.4,9cj Cabrt U ,
Fidelity ! , sRVrult of the Loom , fy
, _ _ , eTndlM ; > H dahrunk4.4 , ISoj
Lon dale , lt > c : do rubric K7 , Hie ) Now
York M11U. WJc ; 1'cguot A,10o | r pp r l
N O Twill * , IStcj l'oeb.onUa 4-4 , ia ;
Poowtet 4-4 , P ; IJU * * , Uci Wanrntta
0 X X , lSi .
riOOKS Colorad } Albany B brown.
83 ; do 0 , vlrah , lift tic XA. itrlpea aJ
plsldi , 12Joj do XXX brown and drab ,
nttly\ and pUldr , 12icj Arlington ftucy ,
l'o ; Urnuswlok bn > wn , gjjo ; Ulurlot fancy
ISJc ; do extra heavy , 30cj Fall Hirer
brown , tttra heavy , lllcj Indla& A
bmir ISat NuKHucl A brown. 15o
TlUlUiNUa ATaodkeag A ( J A SI
< 19o ; do XX bloo S2 , ID c ; Arrowacna ,
9ic ; Clareniont B B , 15&oi Concitoga ox
t. , 17ic : Hamilton t ) , U { Leneton
SO , ] 5e ; MbnchrJuk 4-4 , 20c ; Omega inper
o\tra 42 o ; Pearl River 82. I6ic ; Put-
nain XX blue atrlixt , 12oj 8halu ket B
o ; ilo SB 12c ; Yeowan's blue S9 , 3c
liNlM8. Ainw-kcok , bluaand bronn
o ; Andovcr DD blue , 15ic ; ArlingX
blue Scotch , IBjc ) Concord OOO , blue aw
bro\vu. 122c : do AAA , do do 18j ; doXXto
tlo do 1-Ho n&jniuJccr'i bine and brown.
9o ; Myntlo lUver Dt ) ilripo , IPJo ; Poari
JUvor , bine and brovru , ICoj TJiioMTlU * ,
blno and brown , HJr.
OAltBRlOS Ikvrnnrd , Me ; EJdyttona
liniofc. 2i inch dimblo ttct , t c ; Garner A
clarod , Tc ; Manhattan Move 6nlih , to
NetriKirt do 60 ; do rl * - i , 6Je ; Pequot uo
S t LocVtrood UJ Hnieh Cc.
OORHKT JKAN& Amcry , SoiAndroi
coRdln latteea 8jo ; Clarcadco , CJjojConei
otfta Rttt irm , 71 c ; Uallowel , 60 ; Inidl
Orchard 7ic ; NarrJtgantett.improTe o
Popperill * att n 8U ; Rookport , 7Jo.
- Aliens , &ie ; Amidcan , 61 1 ;
Arnold , To ; Berwick. 4Pe ; Cocheco , To ;
Ooniitoca. Sic ; Dunkirk , ; Unnnel ) ,
Ci < y7c ; Eddyttone. 7o ; Gbnceater , Co )
HMmony , 5e ; Knickerbocker , 6jc | ; Mar
rl ao I ) . 7c ; Mjrtlt , fe ; Bprarnti , 6e ;
Botrthbrldge , Co ; do. Ginghaau , 7o ; Marlboro -
bore , 5Jos Oriental ( H < j.
GINUHAMS Amn kMt ISict Amoo.
drou W > ] Argyle , lOfo : Atlantic ,
9 l Cumberland , Vie ; Highland , .
Kenllwortb , 64c | Plan kott , lOfcoj Bui
MX , Be
COTTONADES Abb rrlUo 13J- !
Acute , ! ! 0c ; American , lie ] Artiilao , 80o ;
Cairo D and T , lS c ; Clarion U and T ,
17ic ; Dcccaa Oo.ctrlpo * DandT , IBoj Ky >
clone , 13ic ; Nantncket , ISot Nonpareil ,
10c ; OcoanD andT. ISlet Royal , IBii
Sructx , ISc ; Tloga. 13ic ; Wachutett ihlrt-
In ? iheokj , 13Jc ; do , Nankin , laje ; York ,
plain Nankin , 12ic ; do.ohecfa , atripta and
ttacy , 124o ; do , S vt , SOo.
do 9.4 , 23o ; do 8-4 , 23e ; Continental C
48 , He , Fruit.of the Loom 10-4 , 271 ; New
York mlUa98 , S5o ( do 78 , 30c ; do b * . 22Je ,
Pombrjka 10-4 , , 35 ; Pequot lf4 , 38ic , dc
74 , lOo do 49 , 16c ; Pepperell j90 , 39c ;
do 67. Jlcido 07 , IBcj Ut2ca 9 < 3 , SGo ; dc
S3 , S3iO | do 48.17 .
Paint * Olio nd Varnlihsa
110' carbon , par ( alien ,
150 * headlight , j > r gallon ,
15c ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , 20a |
Unseed , raw , per gallon , S3 ; Unseed , bollo-l ,
per gallon. f > Gc ; lird , wintar str'd , per s.t.\ \
Ion , 1 00 ; No. i , 83cj No. 2. 75c ; cactor ,
XXX. jwr KUon , 1 20 ; No. 3 , 1 Ifi ; sweet
per gallon , 85c ; jpcim , W. B. , per gallon
1 66 ; fi b , W. B. , per gallon , 60c ; neatefoot
extra , per gallon , 76e ; No. 1 , 5o ; lubri
cr.tini ; , zero , per gallon , COo ) snmmor , IfJc
golden inacbjofi , No. 1 , per gallon , 35o ; No
.7 , 30 : ijierm , signal , per gallon , BOe ; tnr
pcntloo , per cftllon , C5c ; nftptlin , 74" , pei
Kclloa , ISc : C4 , 17c
) ? A1NTB IN Dili Whlto lead , Omahi
P. It , . 6c ; white loud , St , Louts , pure , 6Jc
jMarEoUJoii grxxsn , 1 to 6 Ib ctuc , 'Mi
TreQeli zinc , gioca coal. 12c ; French ilnc
red seal , lie ; French tine , In vanish awrt
'JOc ; French zincr , In oil out Ifio ; Rai
aod burnt umber , 1 Ib oios 12o ; raw aui
burnt Sienna , ISc : vandyke brown , w <
refined Itrupbldck. 12c ; ooaoli black aud
l ory blacfe , ICe ; drop blatb , ICoj Frontal
blno , BOs ; ultTtmArine bice , IBo : chrtra
green , L. M. & D. , 14oblnd ) and thutte
ureeu , L.M. &D. , 14t ; I'ttria Rreen. 18c
Indian rci , 15c : Venetian red. Get Tuioai
dr. , 22c ; American VeraUIod , I. &P. , 18
chrome yellow , L , , M. , O. & D 0. , 15c
yellow ochre , Bo ; eoldon ochre , 18 ; paten
dryer , Be ; rrahiiag colors : light oak , dar
eai. walnut , nheatnnt and uih IGo.
Dry ° alnU
Wblto led , ( He ; Franco lino. lOc : Pari
whltelng 2frs ; whhlng gnden , 1J <
whiting conrl , lie ; lampblack Gennai
town , 14cj If mpbutck , srainxry , lOoj 1'ra
sUn bine , 55c ; nltraraarine , Ifecj vandyk
brown , So ; nmber , burnt , 4 ; nmber , rai
tesionn ; , bnrn t , 4c ; aienna , raw , 4
Pfcrij gr eu genoiae , S5c ; Paria green con
20o ; chromo gre a , N. Y. ' 20c ; chron
green K. , 12c ; Tormilllon , Eng. , 70o ; TO
million , Amerlct , IBc ; Indian rrd , 10
110 pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Coka > ot
4c : Tonetitm red Am. , IJcj rei Inad , 7t <
cliromo yellow , gennlne , S0o ! hrome ro
low , X. , 12c ; ochre , rocbolla 8c ; ochr
ITrench , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2 <
'a mluernL 2Jc ; Iclilgh brown. 2i (
brcvrn , 2tcj rrlnce'a mineral . <
VARNISHEB Barrola per giilloi
Farnlturo , extra , 91 10 ; furniture , No. 1
$1 ; coach , * itra , $140 ; each , No. 1
% \ V ) ; Damar , ertn , 91 75j _ anan , Ttio ; n
phnltnm , extra , 85c ; shrllag 03 60) ) bar
oil llnUh. 31 SO
HMivy Harelv arc Uit ,
Irou , rr.toe , $310 ; plow itcsl , ipoli
JAt 7c ; crucibleHo ; npaolalorUorman,6 <
wust tool do. 161420 wagon spokea , set
2 253 ( 00 ; bubs , per iet , 125 ; felluoo , ntwe
dry , 1 40 ; tongue * , each , ICX&Mo ; axlei
7Ge ; wiu&ra nuta , per Ib , 7@lli
wutavit. per lb. S18o : rlretx , per lb , lli
cell chain , ( * r lb , ( kglZo ; mallet ! ) ] * , H <
Iron wedrca , ( MI ; orowbare , 60 ; harroi
Isolb , 4c ; liorMaboM , per keg , 5 00) ) iprin
itctl , 7@icj ! Hurdiu B borieaboei , 5 f > (
Hurdan'c ranleoboc * . fi 60
SHOT. Shot , fl.85 ; Buck ihot ,
Oriental Powder , keg * , S0.40 : io. . ha
kega , W.48 : do. , qnarter Sew , 91.fa8 ( DUa
Locr , be i , 98.S5 : Foao , uer 100 feet 60 .
BAUBED WIEE In car lot * , 7 BO p <
100 ; In lot * than car lota. 7 75 txir 100.
NAILS Rates. 10 to 60V , 425.
Hloio fiat , tt * .
HIDKH retn bnUUer1 * hide , 6(87i
onrod 78oj hU , gic n ealt , part cure
7tojHlao.,7io5 dry flint , sound , UKSHoj dr
calf and kip , 12i)14ot ( ) dry salt blfflsonn (
10 < 311o ; grwn calf. wt. 8 to 16 It * . , 1112 (
KToan calf , wt , under 8 DM , per Ula , W >
rjoi n lta , WMf 1 25j men Umb kta
Jl 25150 ; damaged bltle , two-tlilnl n t >
out scored a d oae grub , ela d twi
U.t l * rav , ) branded hidw I ! p r e ct , >
Coon iklni , No. 1 , 46e : No. 5 , POa ; o.
3) ; No. 4 , 10 . Mink , No. 1 , 8 e | No.
Ifioi Wo. 8,15e ; No. 4 , 60 , Foi. No.lJ
Wo ) No , 2,25a. Bknnk , No , 1 , b J&
ftfte ) ibort atripe , 4fii narrow rttlpw
bread nrlp . 10 . Tallow fo.
Oak iwU , M to 4 > ti h ralnck uwlt , 3Sc I
Jtci beraloek kip. Mo to 1 OOi rnuns
So to 80 ; b nlocL lf , Sf > o to 1 30 ; h u
look upper , 23o to JSci oa nrpsr , 31
aUlgator , 4 00 to 6 M | calf kid , 82fD :
Qrelmn kM , 2 M to 176 ; oat Up , 60a i
1 00 : oMt calf , 1 20 to 1 BO ; Frouoh kl
110 to 1 6C ; f reioh c/lf , 1 26 to 9 00 : rn
tt , 6 60 to 7 60) ) lining * . 0 00 to 10 t
topiilngi , 9 00 to 10 50 ; Ii , L. Morocco , >
to 33c ; pabbls 0 , D , Morocco , 3Boj ilmo
UAUNKBB-Noi aUr oak , 42c ; No
d , Vc | N. 1 Ohio oak , 2 o K . 2 u
8fei No. 1 Mllwanfcee , 37o * Ko 2do " 5 <
Horn end Mul n.
Tli > market li Illicit and all gr d i <
ielllnvrrll / { t illfcbt advance bi pilci
Tbei lieDLtn-i for KOCX ! bonoi s/ceotu t
apply con ldsrft uj- . Price * range w f
Iowa :
fine tittle driver * , U1M. to MO. ) Kz'
drAH horjea , * J7 ] ' . to 92ii [ Oommon dn
Uorwsa , f IOU. to 1 0. ; Usira farm hurt
7110 to 1T.6. ; Common yo jj' d farm hem
00. lo fllW.5 Kxtra phiy , ! WO , to 7
tiluse , 8 0. to v-W.
. ,
lij to 15 kuita , 3100. U. U
14 U , 141
V . . y > b. toTB
° i
01 V7 quot Itiintier
XIt . .
\t | * X < 4 > * * * * ! n - - -
uwlor. 3J W ; 18 It. , * 23 0.
TlMUEH.S-16 It. sini undst. # 22 W.
TIMUKR AXD JOWr tt. , | 3
sc ft 23 M. rs u. , r n so } w ( t. | M
V L . . . J , 4wlMn.l
No. 2 , 822 f > 0.
ii SUKBTINU No. 1 (2nJ ( ecinm
board * } , * W 00 ; Wo. 2 , ? 18 00.
LIUB P r barrl. $1 W | bulk par en *
40 | O * ki > t , bbl , tl 16 Iowa pluUr ,
bbl , M M. llalr p r bo. 40 . Tarr d
f U 100 Ibi , $ S 50. titraw boani , 88
CXJAL Ounbulind blcctrrrJUi ,
Monii Una Blotibnri ; , fL'i ; rhiteb
Iftinp , 16 & 0 ; WklUbrfMt nnt , tt M ; Icnta
lump , 95 CO ; IOWA nnt 95 M ) ; Ko k Oprlcr
C8 ; Ai > th > a ( U , 810 Kd ( U 00.
CatboUc , r-Oci Acid , TartatU. SOe ; Bblsbm
Copalla , tier lb , 70c | Bark , 8afr j , per
lb , Uij OalnatL per lb , 75c ; Clechceidi.'s
Mr o , 51 1C ) Chloroform , p r lb , 1 00 |
JJotfr'i powdrx > r lb , Cl 40) )
Satu , per lb , Sic : Glycerine , pur ,
Illc ; I/rad , AceUte , i r lb.
Oil , Ctator , No. 1 , per gtl , n 79 ;
Oil , CMtor , No. S , pr g&l , (110 , Oil ,
Ollre , per al. 31 . ' .0 ; Oil , Origanum. W ;
Oplnw , ? 4 7 > ; O-tdnlno P. ft W. A R , S B , ,
per nt , 32 05 ; Potaitlucn , lodklr , p t 11
Fl 75 ; Salactn , per ot. 40c ; Bnlpltcte
Mott > hlno , ftr ox , $5 f > 5j Unlpaur Cosr
per lb , 4c ; Strrcbnlne. D r ot , 91 & .
Llquer * .
AI > COHOL 17 proof , f 26 p r win *
K > Uo | extra California iplriti , Ib7 proof ,
1 per proof gallon ; triple rebaed nplrlU
187 proof , 1 28 lr proof gallon ; rotll tlllod
vbitklw , 1 OOtil U ) ; fin * blinded , 1 603
3 50 ; Kentucky bonrbonn , 200(5700 ; ICttv
tnosy and PenntrUanla ryen , 2 l\1$7 \ PO
BUANDinS-Impdrlcil , ( t IXMiW OOi
domtitU 1 40(94 00.
GINS Imported , 4 WO * 00 ; domtctt * ,
B nUMH Imported , 4 COffiO (0 ; Ken
Kr-Rlftntl. 2 OOQ4 04 ; rforr.wtliv 1 KJW ) ( 50
1 7G634 00.
011AMPAGKKB faiwrHd p r ec r * .
3300911 0) ) Annliai , w , 1300(5 (
OIAnHTG-- an , 4 &CU 09
WINKS Kh K wiui , per can * , 0 OOQ
1 00 ; Oatavba , per care , 4 00 O7 00.
Otffir * tm Icra * t.
OIGARB. 8mdi , ? 15.00 ; Coutcttcrat ,
CQS.OOi Mixed , ? UOO ; Boed Uarao * .
950.00 ; CUrH Tanc , 975.00.
TOBACCO PliUG. Gold a Knl > ,
24 Ib , No ; Our Rope , firit quality , C2o ;
Star , nourdi , 24 lb , bnttt.flOc ; Horro 8ho ,
pounda , 24 lb , bnHn , 5Sc ; Gilt Kctge ,
poundi , 2 ( lb , bntrta , 60) ) Army and Navy ,
pound ) . 55cj Bullion , txmndo , 68c | Lortl-
lard'a Cllaiai , poondj , Wo.
ITIITR OUT In tM.Ua. Hurd to B atl
75o ; Goldam Thread , 70o ; FotinUlc , SOo ,
'rorlto , 65o ; Rocky Mountain , 60ci
'ancy ' , 55o ; Daliy , oOc. In tin foil
atllni O. 8. , 5 lb boxee , p r lb 63c |
Ulard'i Tiger. OOo ; Diamond Crown , Me.
BUOKING All ( Trades Common , 25 te
c. Graanlated BUckwtlli Unrbam , 1C
ia 61c ; Dukei Durham , 1C 01 , 46o ; Seal ol
"orii Carolina , 10 ot , 4 J 8 al of Nebrat.
a , 16 os , SSc ; IionaJack , 4 cz , linen b&ftn
rlb , 91.B5 ; Marburgi' Puck S oz , tti
LCSo ; Vex Tail 06o.
rlao QJIWM d , light , 14fI515e ( hosTy.c
1515IJ mtdlnm unwiwiod , light , 18020
wuh d , ehelM , Sic ; ( air , SOo ; tnlUlng
aid vr. , 26a ; burry , blaokand cottad waol
8 ii raonoy and ercler call dlrcok frou
_ U9we hlp ptompth by mil at t )
iweat possible cah prlceto > 11 wcitein point
tm-n TVLKR BALT.'CO R tln wCltTMhD
Alatter of Application of H. Brdman fo
Liquor License ,
Notice U hereby riven thit IT Frdrnan , dl <
iponiVe2Srl dar of Dec A. U , 18S2 , Hie hi
ppllcatlon to the Ui/jr anJ City Council ol
riuaha , Nebruka , for l > cnio t ) loll Mall
plrltuoun and ino'ie ' I Iquori at H. 1C. conic
i < hind DoJf ii'rret , 4m watd , Omvha. Neb
rom tin 10 h diy 01 Jan 18:3 , to the lltn > .a ,
f Aj.ll , IMi.
II thtre be no objection , romonitranco or prc
it Die ] ntthln two w OKU from D a. ! 3rd A
) . IbSZ , the .ld lloenie will bj grante I.
U. Ki
Applicant ,
Tim Cuini BII newupjpor nl I publl.l
heaboro nutloe once e h week for two week
> he expeaae ol the applicant. Ihe City c
'i aja li not to be charge i therewith.
City uerk.
latter of A pplication of Lfeary Kanfma
for Liquor L'cerue ,
Not'oeliberabyglT ' > n th t Henry KAcfman d
U | the 3rd dt. of DeA. . U lWi ! , Oehlta
p lai'l n > the Uay r and City Council ot On >
na , forllcenia t } wll Ua t. 8lrltiioui and NI
3U < Llquori , at No. * 314 I > oulu ; llret
hlrrt Vard , Om hn , Keb. , from the 10
davof . ' .uuiry , , 18J ( to ihe llth day ofAptl
If t' be no nbje'tl-n , nvncui'rance orpri
vt fl ed within two won fr m Dec. i'3 , A.
842 , ihe taUHccuie i > ll 'iri'tid.
Tnr OUAIU H newipaprr lll pabllib tl :
ihiY no-jcs onceeich * ' 0 far t.i ncsVii it tb
ip in , uf tbe a | > p la .nt. ha city of Omaba
101 to be oi.rgcd tharcwilh.
J. J. L. C. jRwirrr.
C'ny iferk.
Matter of Api > lc\ton ! ! of F. W. Hm.t
for Liquor License.
Notice li hereby glmn tiut V W. Srclkh d :
ip n tbe tin dav of DLC , A. 1) . IBSH e h
ppllcat ont i the Ua or nd 0 tyCiuncilof Urn
it , lur llcenie t < ) l ! l Ualtplritu u , nil Vlnoi
.Iqnori at No r&6H. 10th ttieet , Q ( it w r
_ > cu h 'Nebfrom the 4tn day ol Jouuar ,
'kE3 to hollthoayof Apr ! . , l'i 3.
if tbere tie n nt > j ctl < iu , rouio ht'ic or pr.
e t died wiiMn t o weoki from2liiot IIM , t
D. K3l , the tald II enio wl 1 bo tr .1 Ud.
Appll ait.
Tin Ouiui Dn oeitipiper will pub lib tl
> BOrd no tic i onca etcn we k for two wecKi i
he fexpcnie of tt.eapp loa t. Tbe cliyofUaial
It not to "e cnargcd ihoccwhh.
dec 22t J. J. L. O.JeWHTI' . CI y CUrl
ilatter ot Application of Boreen Nellie
lor Liquor License ,
Hotlce li hereby given that Hereon K ll > <
did uuon the 2Tth day of December , A. I ) , , 18A
Qle hit apnUcatlon to the Uayor and City Cou
ell of Onuha , for llcenno to 11 Halt , Hplrituoi
und Vlnoui Ilriion , at o. 7117 and 70 llth HI
Klrnt Ward , Onuha , Neb. , from the 10th day i
'anuary , 1K83 , to the 1 Ith day of prll , 18 J.
If there bo no objection , remonstrance or pr
tout fll d within two wceVs finiu Doodnbor 2
A. U. , 1833 , the laid lloonie will In granted.
Appll ant.
Tha Omaha Pee newipapor will publish tl
above not ! e onoe each week for two wveki at tt
aiponvoof the applicant. Ttio City of Omaha
not to be charged therewith.
J. J. L. 0. JBWRTT ,
CityCle k.
Matter cf Application of Mr * . Alice Bhai
non for Liquor Lloenie.
Nolle * l hereby ftvin that Mr * . Mica Bhannc
did upon the Kith day of Pecembir , A , I ) . , 18 *
111 lib application to thi Mayor and City Count
of Omaha , f r llcenie 19 wll Malt , Hplrltuoui ar
Vlnoui Llquori , at H. W , cat. lOih rtrtet ir
aultol avenue , Third Ward , Omaha , Neb. , fro
tha 10th day of January , 18J3 , to the lllh da
of April , 1H33.
If there be no obj cllon. rrmonttrance or pr
toet filed within two wcoki from December 2
A. U , , 1882 , the laid Ile ni wlll be granted.
ippl oant.
Tun OKiiu liu newspaper will pub l < li tl
abure notice onoe noch week for two celn at 1
eincnio of Ih appliiant. TlioCltyof Umuba
U nut to be clmrKud ilxrewlth.
) . 1. 1. , 0. Jr.WKTT ,
; t City Clerk.
MU r of Appllctlon of MM , M. A. Ill
rHcH for l > ' ( ] < > r f < cenae ,
Nori K
Notice ( thereby riven that nr > . U. A. IHir I
did upon tha 2Ath ( lay cf Duo , A D. M2.1
Mi apullntion to th llajo' and City Council
OuiJit , for Iccnw to tell Malt , plrltuoU * a
Vlnoiu Uquon , at N K or 1 , and > of
ttroet , U waril , Ouulii , Ho'i ' , from tin 10
doy of January , IWt , t-J the JUU day of tp
If there bo no objection , rp lonntranoe Of pi
teotrtlwl within two waekn Ir tj It * mbfM
A , n. 1KJ2 , tbi said llccni * ll be irrant&l ,
CltfU. til < UINS.Uia
TheOniitA Hit new p pa > 1H fiyblish t
above notion once ech > f" two. * ek ut t
exiwnMofthe apnllwut , Tb < CltyolOmahi
not to be charg d tlmrewiui.
J , J U C.
decW Zt ' '
KKMO/KD TO 1(0. fijflBTH
Rapid Growth and Pros-
porlty of Siit.ontli Street ,
Its Neighbor , Ouminff Qtroot ,
Not Par Behind.
A R view of the Itnprovomonta
Made Laat Yonr.
Mimtiim of Ftroi the Men \Vlio
HHT ? .7ndn the
With CTcry Now Year TUB Iio ? IIM
boon nooaitomad to bring before it *
renderi tUtUUcal rorlow of our
m tropolit n city , which from obior-
ratlon ha * grown noudurfully for the
lut three jeara. Tlmo and again it
hu dcioribad the mignlficcnt ttrooto
and builnoai ] ionio of onr city , bat
it haa nnror ODiiGned itnolf to one
toliUty itroot ai ii Intended to do thU
year , Farnktn tvnd Douglan itroot
h&ro attained Iholr pnpolarlty and no
doubt will oontiniu to grorr In the
faturo. Other otrocti hare won now
Inucnlt cquMly with Farutm and
Djnglai , bat when wo toll to our
reader * thnt thora i * no otroot in Om-
nh tint IIM added BO m uy now
balldlngi nnd noh general improro-
tnonli M SlxUouth itroot bin they
will not all bo inrprliod. The grow th
of this straot hai bcnn 10 marrolout ,
however , that even onr donn town
merchant ! oury Its proiporlty , andre
ro daily tliir.aiilng the nutlor nnd
king akch other if that ttroot i * not
.oitlnod tc bccums the great roUll
Tonua of. oar city.
It U bat u month ilnco the itroot
WM put in pro per ihapo , and by the
IberiHty ot the property holders it ii
, t prea nt onoof the oloatioit itrooti
i the city. Tha most valuable itn
rovomeiiU msdo the past year nrc
he grading , onrbinij and guttering ol
.ho itroot , the cost of which will nun
p at over 920,000 , whioh was uo imal
mutter for It nearly doubled the vtln <
if I ho property , tnd from the oiproi
> loua of the very men who were op
> o ud to it at the time wo Icnru to-d ;
now waut the street p Tod. O
jurao , thlfi would bo a guod thing
ud it would pay to do it at onco.
Spaoo furblda us to dieouo * the par
eg ( laostlon , but wo will hareafte
iivo ( ( oed roisond thorefor which over ,
man on the itroet , wo hope , will np
RTO Indeed iiumoroni , nnd wo oai
tuontloi ) but fair of tha moat Impori
ones , tha whole aggregating ova
Judge Orounio , oornnr OipUsl avc
nno , three ctor ; brick , (30,000 ; MOMJ
cnbiir & D lly. addition to their fac
: ory , $3,000 ; Andanon & Edllup
two story lrmo , $10,000 ; John j
Rjdlck , ono-itory brick , oor n r Divot
port , $2.800 ; Bae Qiro photograp
gallbry , ttddltloo , $3,000 ; Uaoit Stoc
dard , Jeffenon iquaro ttablo , $3 OOC
Q. 0 Hobby , corner Gun , fire atore
$3,000 ; Wm. Qentlomau , ono twi
tory building , two itorca , an
one one atory atore , all $3,401
F. T. Andro-rj , 2 ntory brick at !
bttiement , $ G 000 ; M&rtio Bros. , oi
uer of Webster , 2 atory and banamon
brick , 'two * toroa , 57.COO ; F ont
and Connolly , frame , 2 atory , $2,201
Wood en an Lln&ood Oil coinpinj'a el
vator , $10,000.
Ou Cummg atroot , which wo cann
possibly omit , urooumo fiuo building
whiuh deserve much credit , at
nhioh will ihowto the observant th
Oaming ntroet la oompatlnx with SI :
toontb. The building erected by
a vary creditable to the itroot , at
deserves spiK-'Ul mention , while mout
haa not buan spared to oroot H gooi
< abitnntlal and showy building. Tb
actual coit of the struo.uro ia $7GO (
ai.d It ia provided with an clcvato
an ezoollont cell ir and a tuagiiiGcer
tore room , which Mr. Sattdors ooct
pleH with a lar o etock of grcojrli
and provitioui , and which , for fadol
and oheapnoii , ha * giluod a wldo rti |
otatlon in north Ojaaba , Next nioi
important on Ouruing ia tno two-atot
frame building ot Fred Krag , on tti
corner of Twenty-teoond , which aot
taiui three itoro-roomi , all occuplc
and all doini ( an excellent butlittiia ,
On this struct is our genial frlon
Mr. 0 , 0 Field , who to noted amuo
our north Omaha filnnds for liberal
tj xnd entorpriio. Mr. Fiald has
tine dru ntoro , which ia constantl
atooked with all kinds of poifamtr ;
fancy good * , itatlonory , sshool book
to/a , otc. , etc. In this line ho is a
quiiiog a fine bnnlnraiand undonbtei
ly will prcaper la the future a4 he hi
in ihe put ,
On Oaming itreet there are qnlta
number of nnr and ontorprltk
firm * who hare but l toly oommnnot
buatneu Among theio ara Oharl
Volktney r , ba'cher ' ; Henry Wolf
aaloon ; G M. Bauer , grooary ; F. ,
Allrn , grocery , and many othera.
0 i S.xtecmh B'.roet there are qul
a number of Tory ntorprJalnp ; at
nolid new houtoi , lately opened , amoi
which are Wm. Gentleman's orookoi
torn ; Prftlt & William * , oil pulntini
* nd uugrafings ; BotiUnk & I'jiro
clfithin ( ( ; G , Wickenhorpr , j rwr |
IC-j'BBy ' & Wukinacfl , gtcoorj ; Kiow
& Mimtegm , bjyts and ihotnV ; , ' .
M/unt , xruCtir'B ' > i Bt-ger & Tone
barncM tnd laddltry , and a tiui
her of otbor huusai , all '
which the r a grand inoroa
in hoilno's of ovary data ,
Aa a rule , the jm party holdo
hare not HJ for oipurii-utoanny hnn
ihtps iu rentli'g rhotr now n torus , wl
the 1 1 caption i f few , which Inclui
kuoh individual * us ire anxious to d
rive 100 per cvnt. inoomo on the ii
vesimtnt , , and generally get left.
reporter who U on the utreot d lly o' '
eerrod that not ouo good , ap&aioi
tor.i built ox thu etreet has renulni
VAoint , but there ( .re levordl chella <
thu atrui-t at present that ihould I
filled , bnt tltp quoitionli , How to c
It ?
The mcwt luooeuful way to do
would bu to oeatijr every Italian pa ;
nnt tt < tud in Ihu city on thi * tret
But let the property holder * of Si
atreot baud need , apacioui an
ubit ntial brUk balldiug * that wl
aojommodatn and enoonrtga largei
dealer * Mtablith itrong oompetltlor
in orory brauoh of trade , and thei
you will IUTU the eolld foundation OL
Sixteenth street that can never again
bo tomovod , It 1 * not our intention
to discourage thn now comer * , for we
think that Sixteenth 1 * a good Field foi
a ftroat many morn branched of bail-
ne , which could bo very anooaiifully
operated and nt a profit.
It now remains for Sixteenth itrool
properly owners lo provide * good
( moment for the atroot , tnd not be
afraid of making the Improvement * at
oner , whllo Iho agitation I * up , right
now , whllo the tuhjrct i * itlll frtili.
The Idea ihonld not bn nbandoucd.
Below our roidorj wilt find some ol
the mosl prominent buiiucn men
and property owner * who have woik <
cd for the Intorott MU ! advuncomonl
of the atroot , ' ronsYtn ,
whono elegant drug nloro 1 * looted or
thn corner of Oipltol arouuo , iu MA
IOU'A block , ii n plouoor at the bntl
ut o and I * ouo of the bout kuowr
drugglels in our city. Wo oauuot bnl
Ailtulro hi * skill at the btulnou , The
big itoro i * elegantly furnlihcd will
fuio oonntora and shelving. The atoci
of chemicals U the largoit and moil
oomplotu In the city , and a largo line
of fanoy goods nud porfumury ia oou
atAtitly kepi ou liMid. lloro you cat
fil so find b full ntook of artist * ' mate
riixlt. Mr. Forayth'a place In ndmlroc
by atl , and vMtorn to thin city ihoulc
not f ll to pny n vul ; to his model ci
tabtlilimont , which rauka with thi
boat lu the country.
the dry gooda merchants at Ho. 003
are gentlemen well known lu this cltj
an exports nt their business , throng !
which their tmcconi I * mainly due
Eror ilnoe they hare o.Ublliho (
thomiclrca on the atroot tholrbuiinosi
haa boon Increasing wonderfully. Sat
Isfiotlon to erory ono hio boon tboii
motto. Their stock of dry gooda
hosiery , fancy good * , laoo * nnd fini
dreaa gooda la oomplotu in every ro
ipeot. For prloca , wo know they ar
below thoao of down-town home , am
wo should not bo urprlod to ice th
entorptlilng young firm btcomo th
monopolists In thia line in future.
ho popular U , P. grocer , ia onoj o
.ho old lottlora , who txwsy back * ai
, ho oroam that wan railing on th
troot , and availed hluuoK of th
ipportnulty in o&rly daje by invosl
ng llbornlly in rod estate , ilia ( ? rc
cory IIOUBO ia the mot popular pUc
on the street nnd la doing a matrolot
business. Wo can vouch for thn
Ills fiuo atook of groceries is complo !
i every retpoot and bin prlooa vei
popular. Hero the hardy incohauli
on tholr way homo invest their OM
or good , aolid food , dollar for dolU
Mr. ! Ueluircd 1 * Itrgoly intercitod i
the grocery bueincsa on Tlilrteont
itroot alio , and wu envy him hlo po
ularlty ,
BKK 111T1.
How few people thorn are in Omal
who do not knot ? thu old roliiblo at
popular Bee Hire photograph atndl
ntwhose head ii Mr. D B. Mttoho
the veteran photographer Tl
model plaoo la growing every yei
The addition built Ust year w
amply acoommoda'.o the largo luoroi
of baiincia. The iddition i * oooapl
u a wholoaalo photographor'a upj
house , at which builueii Mr. Mtoh
ia doing an sxtuuilvo trade all ot
the west , ho being tha only one in t
city Hare you will find at wholost
or retail , fine frame moulding * a :
hand-made frames of every design ,
pi null and quid , albuma in Itnia !
Morocco and FJuih , otc.
whoso popularity ia undoubtedly t
beat rooognleod iu Omahu , both amo
thu rich and the poor , in hii m
crockery store , opened but a fi
months ago , ia intkiDg r. diohlod at
co 3. The now atoro I * jammed wl
a fine line of homo article * that dc
credit to the proprietor' * tnsto. lit !
you will fi Jil line crockery , Oai
ware , gUea w ro of every donoriptlo
fine student and hanxlui ? lamp *
many doiigna , at ptioes that trill n
tnnlah you. III * grocery otoro li t
lumu .s ever good goods nnd Ic
pricoa for all , A good aupply
about two tlmimnd bnnhols uf pot
toes has been reserved for the comli
famine ,
vr , -winrzHoDSH
la n young man whom wo can hard
cull n pioneer , but who really Is a pincer
ncor at hli bniineis , and ia ranking
woudurful pr grcia in the ailo
drugs at No , 0.5 He ia a young mi
who can be put at an example to many
thia city , that from hard labor and sk
auconaa will nlwaja follow , that whli
will bring joy and happlnosi to tbe
'and their familiei. Mr. Whltohoost
etock of fine drug * , chemicals , paint
ollr , oto , la largo , and ho la doing
very fine baolneei. A fiao line
fancy good * , toy * , porlumory , otc
is crowding thu ahow c so on cvo
aide. A complete line ( f illnitratt
papari and periodical * 1 * kept on ban
at which ha ii doing well.
i > , w. H
wkoiecfli ; * U ov r Mr. Whltehonn
drag I'.orc , I * a popuUr BrltUher wl
oojojs an txo llunt reputation araoi
the good people of North Omaha t
his klndaen , liberality and prom
and cfDdlent anU'anoowhauev
thuro i * ooca < lon for hlo lorvine * . V
onrtolve * nduilra the doctor for li
klndnoM , which hp JIM honu mar
times tonrd < thoin who o meana <
not reach too far Oj luch ocoulo :
Inihxs diuplajtd both akill and Ohrl
tianlty ,
O , WlCKBHBItllU ,
the expert watch aud clock mfckorb
u short tlmo g i loc td hU pi too
builnoti on Bix'oenth utroet , no
One , and ha * really added n orn
mout to the sireot. Jill iplendld nt
iurge stock of juwulry in orudlUtld
Iho atreot , aud orcntuil qutto u auna
lion when ho ilrtit opancd hio plio
Allhoufh a young man ho ha * made
line attuning so tnr , and ho la mo
than aatikfi-id vrlth the reau't ' M
V/ickoubtrc'a nkill in fne watch r
piiring is waM known in thi * cl'y ' , ai
none doubt that hi * atoro ia K valual
addition toBixtcimth itreet.
Thia firm h in ado the moat we
dorftll progreta ou tha etniet , in
couple of > car having built up
wide nputuUon for fine boot * a
shoes which cannot bo equalled
our city , Their motto li to give t
bett gooda fo ; tbe taut money , a
noror mlircprcient the article. T
new building thc-jr DOW occupy ia p
oiou * aud well a looked with good boota
anil ihooi. The upper atory i * * fine
hall , which dorlroa a good rental from
levoral aociotlo * , amonft which are the
Hart * club , Homo Olrclo club , and
North Orafthn club. It ia 22iGO , and
I * occupied almost nlphlly by aorao
aocial p rly. Foonoy & Oonnolly are
Tory poprlar , Mid no doubt it coined
from good treatment of tholr ciuto-
inor * .
the well known nud popular druggtat
of thia alrcotia al way a on dock Mith
now entorprlscra. llo htia lately pur-
chancel the drng atoro owned by Dr.
K.i. DIcdtich , on Ontnlng atrcot near
Twentieth , and will undoubtedly bo
* uooei ful in thia investment. The
place wo hope will bo auocceafnl undir
the manairiimeht. A forao of Rood
clerk * will bo put in oarly. Oil the
corner of Wolwtor Mr. JKoodtr la doing
a fiao business and carrion a fine line
of perfumery , ohotnloala of orory des
cription , oto. Oouipouudlug proscrip
tion i at Hoodor'd atoro la done in a
most careful way , no other but aklll-
fnl export clorka being employed ,
Wo with him a anoocta on all aide * ,
which will omxblo him to reap the
benefit of hla hard labor.
riurr AJID
Thia firm , which ha * lately remorod
from Donglaa atroot , la undoubtedly
making good progreia at the now
quarter * , No. 220. llalcombo'a block ,
The firm catrlca n larga and aoloct
atock of fine oil naintlngs , engravlnga
and chromoa ; also fancy brocket * ,
picture framca and picture moulding ! )
of orory description. In addition ,
they make plotnro irnmoa of every
kind lo order ou abort notice. .Tholr
atook la aolnot and the largest in the
oily , they being agents for n number
of eastern firm * . Wo hope tholr ano-
coaa will oontlnno.
The pioneer merchant tailor of the
atroot la n Tory genial bnalneaa man in
every roipcot , and hu by energy and
akill built np a very fine trade. ULi
largo atook of woolens are of the latoat
patterns , and his fashions are the lat
est. Do employa a foroo of fint-
olan workmen , which partially ao-
oonnti for hla aucocaa. II11 gooda beIng -
Ing of & auporlor quality , attract the
onatomero , to whom ho nukra low
pricoa and guarantee * n porfoot fit In
every inntanco. Mr. LnrHon la very
popular among the merchants for hla
iqnaru dealing * .
quarter block on Davenport street la
attracting the public attention at
prcaont , bnl all can bo aaiurod na the
atorcs are nearly all ongi god that it
will bo a enocota and the baalncim In
the block will ehortly boom. The
building la a hnqo two ttory frame
a'.ruotnro C0il32 and will oouUln alx
Inrgo ntorca , an aush are now i.i de
mand on the a root. The ncoond il > or
will contain 20 fine room ! ! nnd an ele
gant. ralUOiGO , all of which itlll bt
lurnUhed in fine ahapo and wl.l . wheu
completed bo ono of the moat nttraot
iyo bulldlngo on thn atruot. The ooal
will he over Ion thousand dollar * .
ologfint two atory and bwemont brlcl
building , on the corner of Wobator ,
ia a magnificent atructuro , with two
atoro * , tha corner onu occupied hj
Sohl&nk & Prlnco 03 a olothlng honao
The aecotid story will contain two largi
halla. Thn building io ouo of tin
moat solidly constructed on the atreet
and the ownera have expended a hi )
pile of money iu erecting it , The eon
of the building will bo over 37,000.
Rrooota , on the corner of California am
Sixteenth , are xontlemon well kuoi
iu our olty , and noted for the rxtun
nlvo fljur bnslueas they are doing
Their bcuiuoH io very largo , both i :
the oity nud country , their farmnn
trade being especially very largo. Mi
Slovora , the ueuior partner , la poraon
ally auporintondlug the Slxtoenti
atreet buainco , and la regarded aa
rory trno and abroad buiini as man
bo having had loug oiporlouou. Mr
Bdlln ia DUjioriuttuditif ; the Dough
utrout ntoro , which ha * boon Latel ;
The firm ia largely Interested 01
Sixteenth atreut , having quite a lot o
real eatato ou which , woluaru , quite i
ooatly brick blcck will ha orictn
ahortly. Tbe firm carrion a largi
atock of griicorlon , boota and ihoei
oLd uudoub'edly aoll Bt piloea tha
defy oompetltiun.
manufaoturera of carriage * , bugglo
aud wagons , are onoof the beat koom
lirma m their line In the city. Lm
year they built an addition to tliii
hope , by which they have very mul
incrcaatd the worklug oapaoity uf tin
fnotory. The forou of maohanloj thli
firm employa la very largo , aud In
oludea only mon that are tralnrc
workmen and brought up iu the mann
faolnre of carriages , The firm la *
your did a tromundouibuilneii , whlcl
extended all oor the wcat , Ktren al
present work la very plentiful , and ti
o'jrnlng In from all aldva , Wu hopi
the bnilneaa of the firm vlll In ttii
fatura ojntlnue to grorr M fa-st ai
heretofore , and , trusting to tha abli
mauagoment of the onterjirlilog pro
prleton , it luroly will continue fo :
. . .
.rM fa oomo.
oomo.i X , DKUOEK ,
whoie grocery hbinu ia loculod on thi
oarnnr of Ouming , la on cf the moe
untorprUlug hnatntsi men on thi
itreet. Bhi * unterprUo ud I hi If
ho h lunl up a Urge trade. Mr
B , r on la very much udminid for hi
( ixuelleut hkbit * and hoiaist doklmi ;
His atoro U alwajs filled with a larg
aud aolcot ttock of fancy und itapii
grnocriei , > ihijb ia tolling rapidly fo
low prioe , whi'o ' the proptl tur lu
always wi rked for the Itileruat of th
* i-out and hits liberally anbaarlbul um
oNcoar x0i every Improvement nudr
A coal aguncy has Utely boonopeuti
by hiin , whutu crdorH for nil iridn c
coal will bo rcce'vcd.
Thoio who n tuoaibsr tha Uixtoant
a'ruet ' uf iivo yuuiu o o and coaipir
tt with thu ptuieut will surely
plntu the rffjfta of ihutu cuturi
bouitu to inaLo it thj b > at ictfii otrut
iu the olty. TUB BUB wUhr.s one
aud every one cf them the happiti
of NuwYoctn and truly boliovca the
another will ahow M mtrkod improve
merit ai the present la but tar tlmn th
past. For thrift aud cuturpriBo ODD
mend ui to thttnutchsmtaof Blxtoont
n Few buy undoruear an Immens
stock , ut J , J , Browu & Oo.'a , tu
they muat bu Bold to cloae retail di
io partiaout.
IiaI'o > ltlTeCiira
C plal t
amMin t * * ar bc t
H dlel aforWom n. InTentadbjr aTTomanj
I'ripanJ br \Tomin. . |
rv truiHi i i pitMtM7 U > M u * * w t rriiUm
drooplnff iplrlti , InrUroralt * an4
karmoiil th80JTanlafiinolloniBTM a c
Br n M to th § ittp , reitort * Ih * natural Joatr * to thf
andJautaonth rl eh kofiromiin thi frca *
IXTPItHlclan * Um It and Pricrlba It Freely.lfB
II remoTM falntntu , flatnlincy , d rtroT aMera ! n |
for illnmlaot , and r lloiM wa knMi f th ilomach ,
That foellnff of b arln * down , eanrint r * " , welfiM
ind baokaoh * . Ii alwaji p nnan ntlT oare < l br IU UM ,
TTnT\ . [ -uif.nt * "VVi' J
will raillc t T ry T il1c of.1'0"iViim"J !
Dliiod , and irlrc ten * Mid itirnrth to th iJlMm , ol
out wouan or child , latltton hating 1U |
noth thi Compound an * Blood rnrttir ar prfr 4
ntsttand 134 W Uru jLTtnne , lo'nn , Maw. rrlcaoi
llhcr,81. BUbottlMfor t * . B ntbr reaUlntb * fern
of plUi , or of lotenffM , on receipt of prio * . Jlportrtl
ror lth r. Un. rinkham trely antwenalllitteriol
laqnlry. gnddio let. lUrop. Bind tor panphltt.
K f mnr ouM b irttkoat LTD1 * !
Uvr.B. JMI.1A They ear * onitlp alon , -
andtorjUiilkyoftbiUrer. o ut per box.
jUTSoldby Jl r iBHl' ' t 't * _ ( )
ThOM dnlrlotr to makt monir
mall and mwlam InveitnanH la
820 rraln , prortsltni and nicck iptcula.
iloni , can do io liy op ratliti * on oni
plan. From Hay 1.1881 , to JL Li pit.
WHEAT ont date , on lnTe tmin'.ii of (10,09
cub have Ueo
la 11,000. proflti
riullied and paid to Inreitor *
a-noan Inff iOD6TCfl tlned tbiorlf
S50 Inal iDTeitment. Profit * raid lit o
icry mmth , ( till 1 ( wring the
orlRtnal InTditmnnt maklUR money
cr ptyabln on demand Biplinalo-
TJ clrcnlara and itatementi ol land
Wltntfren We want raipooilbl *
acenU. who wllr'porboncrop * and
SIOO lilt-educe tha plan. Liberal coca-
KlMloni pfclJ. AddroM
ilulon tcrcliartd , Major Hook ,
i. ill.
Matter of Application ot Julini Nag' ,
fur Liquor License.
KoUco li hereby tUen thai Jultm Na-1 did
inon ti.o . 2fthUyoll ) o A. D 18 2 , Oehl-ap- to t o Ma\or ard ( lly Council i > ( O ua-
.a . , ( orllcinea toiell Malt , Hpliltum * and VI -
ID * 1'qiion at Nr. ( lib frCU'h 13th itreet ,
Ind wild , Omaha , Neb. , fiom Uo 10th dty
il Ian arr , 1 M , to Ihn IHh day of lp li 18-8.
H tber bo n i otijooilon , lomonitrince or pro-
icit nitd w tlkln two wioki ( rein Dec. 0tu , A.
t. IbSi , thdMldllietiovrll bvffianteil.
Tin Owiui Bi newipiper will pabllih the
i TC notlcu 01 c * rach w oktur t owcek it the
itrxnie of iho ppllo rt. The city ol Omaha li
.ot to be clurgeu ilurew tb.
J ; J. L. 0. Jiwiif , '
27-2 City clerk.
Matter of Application of Heitcrud 4 DorV"
man for Liquor Lloenie.
Notice li hrnby glrrn that tlelmrod ft P'rman
did ujxMiUiu 29 h day ot December , A. D. , 1RS2 , flle
bli app''caution to the 1U or nnd City Council
ol Onikha for llccnit to nil Ualt , Hplrltuoui and
Vliioun Liquor * , at Ko. ot t 0-18 I ' htrewt.
Id Ward , Oirmha. Neb. , from the 10th duy of
li em bcr. 1W2 , to tlic llth day of April I8SJ.
If there bo no objection , rcmonatranro or pro-
tcet filed within two wucks from D.'cembcr 28 ,
A. I ) . , IbEZ , tlio uld llccnie will bo groin ixl.
UKkilo' & i O M\tt.
The Omaha lice newipaper will publish the
abore notloo once each wuck fur two wceki at
the esponse ( < f the applicant. The City of Omaha.
Lj not to be cbar.ed tlierunlth. *
Cit > Clerk.
Jlatter of Application of Frank Kaiper
fur Liquor Lioense.
hereby Klven Hut Fr nV Kaperdli
uro'i the JBtliilav cf Dec. A U. Ib8flla hliap-
iillc tlan thti U yor ai.d t.l'y Council of Onia
In , In llceniiu to ell Unit , Upliltaouian Viooui
Llquori. at 9.'lath 8 * , , bolwe n I'lctca anj HH-
'Im i itrnf , t'rit ru On ah , : > uh. iromth *
Olhday ol Jauoiry , 111:3 , to the lltta day ol
fill t eie be no o J c I n , rein'nu'rtnre or pro-
t4 HlKr * l'hli t o we k Irom Djoembtrxaih
A. D , 1UJ. th U ! tan - -III Ix tr < n > d
Tlio Ouiiu llni new * ; tpor will publlnh the
bore notice once tiach week for two woekn at the
< ipcnte of the applicant , the City of Omaha U
not to be cb igoa thurowlth.
J. J. L.O. Jiwrrr ,
d IMt Clt > - 'Jlork.
MatUrof Appllottion of 0 , Raimniien
lor Ltqivir LIuoma.
Hello * In ber ' 'y f'tea that 0 Fannurivn
Id npontbe 17 ti aay ol D > o A. U. U82 ,
&U hn api'l | < t tl n t ) thi ll joi aid i ley
"ounull of Ouaha ( or Ho * u to * ell v li , Bp r-
to'ii and Vlnof * liquorlull KrnauBtard
w > rl Oinaha , in the lO'.h d y if J i.u.
ao 1 H lotlelllidty f Anll , H-SJ.
If tbue l > * DO o j 1 n , i.oa T pro-
fllud wlltlnktwj wieki from U o iltb. JU
1) , 18j ! ) , UinrtlJllttBM wll * ganid
The Chnih * II niw pip r will pinli h the
x > T nullceorcu raib w ek for twj w ekmt
he eip n . f ih pllcut. 'Jh city ul Om.iu
! nit it rw charrtxi tu > riwith -
37-ii J J. L .Jiwwrr.CIt ( n i .
UatUr of Appllo.tlcn of O. B.
lor Liquor Lloeiise.
Notlo * I * htriby jlri-n tbit 0. C. Hahroth
dldup.n th 27'.U ' nay cf D.u A. I ) US. ! , nil
il < pp'loit on tj ihaU jorand (1 ty Onum.ll of
li > anafulceii | t > t 11 U I , 3ul .tuoui md
Vlrnui . | " ( , t i n r vnlid tn > l fune
iirml. lit w < rd , Om h , Nub. , frun Ibo Oil
Uv ol , 18i3 , io tbu llth d j of Iprll ,
If th rt b nirhj rtlon , roiuoni'rjnco "r tiro-
* , i uttii wllilntw ) wln font in' , nai A.
) . I Ail , lh a IJ lluoriiu w.ll bt KMII nl ,
U , l > HJUHi T 1 ,
Ajipllo i .
TUB Owiiu D'i rowiptpor wll pu 11 h ihs
lion- Ml a 01 co * ch wu i. f.r two MO k * \
; heaioi ( o tf ho uppl c lit. 'IboCrlis ofiu&
h. \ > ioti It h row ) b ,
J. J. U 0. ,
Matter ApiiHcfctUm < if 0. Killubach for
| [ jfiuor | l.ic nae ,
Notice U hcrrby kiun Ilia * 0 Killnluili did
upon the dthi'uy of l ui-.iunur , A. I ) . , l&ci , Illu
Ills ftti | llattlon to the Major and Oily I ] uniJI of
Omaha , for llcon e to 10 I Malt , Sufrltujiu and
Vluoj < Uq ore , ut Nu 4U Tlur tenth , i ! t.
ThlM \ > 'wd , OmAh4. Keb. , from the 10th day
uf Janutrt , 1R8. < , to til llth day of pill , 1WU.
If thtre bu q olijtctljn , rumuuhtrancn 01 pro-
teat n M within uuttioU from IHicomhor J ( , A.
1) . lb3S , Uie wld llcuuo will ba r > 'td.
_ , , > .
The rnaha U new > pa r will i iU \ < h tha
above uotlouunco uach Kvtrk for two wueka at the
vxi > nid of the appllc it ! Tha City of Omiha U
act to be ctiArvid Uivtuwltlu
g7-rt _ j. j. r.