TBE DAILY BEE OMAHA TUESDAY , JANUARY 2 no sin , Indigestion , want of AppctitelossofStrongth lack of Energy , Malaria , Inlormitlent Fevers , &o. BROWK'S IRON BIT TERS never falls to euro all those diseases. Batten , Korcmber if , t(9i. DncmN CnntiicAi.Co. Gentlemen ! 6r y n I h T been erciturercrfrom ( Dy pep l . and could EC ! no relief ( having tried everything which wai recommend- d ) until , acting on the advice of a friend , who 1i d been benefilltj by UrowM'a IRON Dirrem , 1 tried a Ixittle , with mott ttirprliing rctulti. IVevioui to taUInf flKowx's I ROM Jirn , ever ) thine I ate dutrci < ed me , and I tufTereu cjcatly from , iurnlnff tenullon In the itamach , which wai unbtarallc. Since tak * Ing rin wN'sI oHllirr i < , all my IrouVlnarcAtanend. Can eat any time without any dltagreeable re. lulu. 1 am practically another cenon. Mm. W J. TI.YMM , 3 Maverick Su , E. Boitoo. fROWN'S IRONBIT- | RS acts like a charm . the digestive organs , amoving all dyspeptic bymploms , sucn as tast ing the food , Belching , [ eat in the Stomach , 'Heartburn , otc. The only Iron Preparation that -will not blacken th tooth or give headache. Sold by all DruggUt * . Bro-wn Chemical Co. Baltimore , Md. SM thur. alt Iron Bitten ar * m dt by Vrown Chemical Co. , Baltimore , and have croned red lines and trmd < mark on wrapper. BSWAFU3 OF IMITATIONS. Nebraska Loan & Trust Oornpn ; w nABTINOS , KKB. Capital Stook , - - $100,000 . D. Tir-AUTWELl , , Presldoat. k. I. . CLAUKE , Vlco IVonldenl. E. 0. M uUSTKll , Treasurer DIUECTOH3. Simuel Alexander , Oswald Ollr'r , A. Li. Omho , E. 0. Webster , Qco I ! Prat : , Jai. 0. llcartwoll , P. H.Mcly lllnuor. r Firat Mortgage Loans a Specialty ThU Company furnishes a permanent , horn , ' - Institution where School Bonds aim other IfoU " Issued JJrmt'-ltuJ teciiri leu of Nebraska can c " - . < j foe nf goUtbx ) I on the inout f > oraliU cnni i ' Loans iniulu oy Improvol farms I ail c\ \ settle countlM of thi naU , through resjionslblej lee corrwpondenlf CORSETS Every Corset i * warranted eatli- tactorr to its wearer Inercry wny , or the money trill bo refunded \ > r the person from whom It was bousUt. rbtonlrOnraot pronounced by our IcocUni priyiteUn , widendorMdliy Juliet KillnlurlouitaUiawMUW perfect BtUng Oorwt PniOEd.br 00. cir.A < JJu tlD . t.BI BU * ! ( extru IICIITJ ) 8.00. Nurtlas ; , t. l ( One eolitll ) .00. I > rWl I7rile by UtJlt > K ItcUU Ucsilcr * T rr kn cuiOAao cuuauT CO. , cuiestro , UL Bend 91 , 82 , $3 , or 95 ( or re till box by Express of tbo best § 0 3andlei In America , put np slcgant boxes , and etrlctly pure Suitable for present * . Expreti ot argwi llglit , Kef on to JI Obi- 01,0 , Tr j It once. . ,0. P. aUNTHBBS CoDfectlooer , . Chlcr 9 { Sam SeuiusOB OB , * Slia ol tta Story Sowing MaoMno , A hraJaat IliVt rautiMei , blcifind rol cri with ouutiooi Mikunnii , Ulft > i ; GIVEN AWAY / , | o ey a c'l f.S5a cr'llt , " 'i tinny tune et tin , * t i > o ! 'llu Slujfl U.ii'.Mnr { } Coo 4 p * y , et ni'J lie jyt or U' , i- > piM , i " > l ll'Uiac li'j'n old hn > . ( tifti "iUf * cut - " " uiaotwiDR Bo , , "OBJsc , 34 Union " /OllK W. * * C. . liEBKASKA OF Corn W utarn Hurowe.Parm HoUei B 7 Untctw , flucnet . , _ , _ _ , W * Mf pnpvreJ ta do lob work tad BUABb ml oj tor other litrtUi/ oo O. CAriUUf tuur UttM Loluebold. SABBATH SERVICES , A Fmillato of How Year's ' Dis courses. of the nominal of Rove- Slicrrlll and Hanbo. The S bb th preceding Now Ye&r'a day waa a qniol ono nbont town , the arrival of Madame Nilraon bolng the most important event thai transpired. It was celebrated nt nearly all the chnrchcs by normona or oorvlcca ap- proprtato to the dny. At Tricity BDtvlcoa were the aamo ti on Ohrlslnua day ; Rev. Ohas. W. Suvldgo , of the Firnt M , E , took for tht aubjcct of his evening r.ormon , "Tho Old Year } " Rov. W. E. Oopo- land , , of Unity Chapel , eave "A Ra- view of the Old Year ; " Rov. A. F. Bhorrill , of the Oongrogationnlchnrch , apoko on "Tho Old and Now Year , to. " Tour Habits. Rav. W. J , Hnrtlu'o Sabbath even ing Icoturo was upon the nubjcot , "Your Habit * , " ha ! text bolng dionec from .Tor. xv. , 0 : "I urn weary will repenting , " Bailor's analogy ia very dry road' ing , bat Its lonsoiiB nro often practical and spicy. The good biihop ooouis tc have endeavored to pul his Trholonoim remedy In the form of a remarkablj bitter powder. Among { the moo salntoiy of his pUMcri'lHIona ii thli thought : That every ucoeaslvo aUgi of 'iifo not only proparoa the way foi the next , bnt leoma iniJnly dcalguec for that putpono. Youth Btotni adapted to prepare the way for man hood ; and manhood with the greatest fitnow nahora In old ngo. The train of thought opened op bj thU BQggeatloa Booms opcolally fitted for us to-night. The old ycai pro < pifos the way for the now ; the belli of the p&at have fulfilled their tola slon vrhan they have jryonily rung in the present.Ve have boon wit when TTO have drawn fron that which lisa pwsod aw j a power and inspiration to acoom pllah that which la to como Mid all thla loads no to think of habit For vrhat ia habit but the pormanonc of action in the present , to which th Ilttlo thing ] of the pant have boci leading ? llblt ia the channel of th river bnt it haa notalwaya boon awe wo find It now. The Hotting of th wavca of last year and the year bofor have worn thia deep way through th soil of life ; and now wo cannot chang our conrsa if wo would. And coul no find n better description of the dc tpiiring exclamation of the creature of habit than ia given in the text : " am weary of ropontingl" Ever drunkard ; nay a it , every chronic lla nays it , every crcaturo to whom th littio actions of the past have bccom the binding laws of the proiont take it often upon hla hpa Lot na look at these foHowlngpoint ] in regard tohabita : MUST-TUB FORMATION or HABITS. No man Intends to bo a drunkard o a thief , No man propones that h shall form ono of the countlosa mult ! tudca who no longer arc free men bat elavoio piaslon and appetite * Icada to wish Yet > mthought a * wbh to a .purpose , a purpoo to an action , an action t n repetition , and a frequent ropotltio to a habit. It is because young mode do not , with enfiiciout oaro , gnard th beginning of tin that the ending of : ia ao diatreealng and deadly. Form ) tiou of character Is far easier and oaf < than reformation of character. Intli spring you hold a seed of wheat and grain of corn in your hand. It la fi CUBIC ? than to substitute the ono f < the other then in the autumn to pu up the corn otalk and find a ripouc apcar of wheat in itn place. SECOND TUB HTKEHaiH OF HABIT. Samson waa bound with now twin and with green willies. Those r broke , but ho could not snap a luutfi habit , which at length wrought h ruin , Habit ia the strongest thing c curth , nfxt to God'a power. It mnki nf the highest minds fooliah drivelle and of the happiest homoa placed < misery and aliaino. Alexander , Ct ar , Napoleon among cocquuror Porphtry , Aurellus , Bxoon amor philcaDphora ; Byron , Bterno and It among poota , could bind the world < politics , truth or f ncy bnt not single QUO of them oonld rule blmsol Only the power of Uud can aubduo U habit of man , THlKD-iIIIK BESVLTS OF HABIT3. \Vhat a man ia at twonty-ono ho apt to be at fifty. Habit makes tl man. If yon drill yourself in frogalit ; industry and love of kuowltdgo , tl future will ahow the hflienco of II present , just at the present does < the past. And if thia ia trno up to tl ; point of death , why shall it not t truoof thohereaftei ? The hauiu < earth will bo followed in the life bi yond the gravo. If any one donlc thla lot them produce the proof of th falsity of the statement. Lit you habits then bo pure , enobllng , Obriatlj utody purity , temperance , charltj Avail yourself of the divtno more ; offered in Christ , and Hvotho devoted self-forgetful lifd of which Hit ia th wUcrn , Thou the future will tak cure of Itself. If tl'u old joar oould Bp ak to you i would say : "I had my y < uthfnl d y my daya of manhood ana declinln age I found that one period pre pared for the next , just in I proptr for the n * xt year that eh ll conic Oipy my example. In truth and vli two lot the ptxit drill yon , and by a hoi < ifa do you pats on to others th benefit. " Rov. BherrW. The pvitor of the Consrreg&Uoni clmrch , Kev. A. F. Bhurrill , took It. hla text , fur hla Sabbath morning ae : moil , "As for mo and my hoimo , v will tervo the Lnd " Joihua 21:11 : .NVhllo we may not stop to coiiatd the natural and historical aarroum inua at this tlmo , wo vi.l oontider 11 principal tneme , "Tho act of Joshua lit nature , influence and reward , " NlUT NATUUK OF TUB AOF. It was an open , public act to whl not a fojonuld testify. It was matily and right act , to oouto emu' It M in the hoRtts of the wUe and can ahame In the hwxrta of the pervun Whatever had bcea the experience bin Ufa provl < Man In Uil.1 , ha foil it was opportune nl th'n ' Itrao to profees hie Mlcglanco to his Lord. On the con * trary there nra tame who , while they have a fniut hopn that they are Ohria- tianB , will not make a profosMon before - fore man and Gght for tholr Lord and Master. HEOiND TIIBINFLUEHOR. A. On Joshua. B. On the pooplo' The excitement of battle had long passed awaVf and now the day which had dawned after the darkness of the night had paancd the laraolitcn wore enjoying. Bat it became evident to Joshua that plenty nnd pleasure were conducive to idolatry , which waa in the aplrit of moo , If not in their acts Than Jonhiu convenes the people be came of the Influence which this pro fcoslon would mnkc ; and thin aa all laws are founded In the nccda of oar bolug. By thia statement , Joohua prepares tlio road for himself , and by It warns any ono naainnt obstrnctinf ; . B , And the people are in sympathy with their leader , and nay they will eorvo the Lord , and they wore trno to their vow all the days of Joshua. TUB AIM OF JOSHUA waa that of an nn a elfish pnrpono. Lot each man who , by hla position ia or should bo working for the people's good , Bnk thomaolvca if their morality is defective hero. Let each Christian ask h'msolf ' it hla aim ia sanctified , For if there ia a proper adjaatmont of the engines of warfare there will bo victory over nln and immorality in thli or in any city , aa Joshua waa suc cessful with hla fixed nim , unob- otruotod by aolfUhntwa or cowardice. OOOD DEEDS. The Ilttlo daughter of Alfred Wells of Now York atato , desired to unite with the church , and when ahe made her doalro known , to her father , hoi father requested h\r ; to wait ono year. And when the year had expired , he requested her to wait ono mouth , and than ho would go with her and alsc make a profession of faith. And the littio girl waa by thia thfc cauao of hoi father's conversion. The brother of Ohaa. Q. Finnoj fought against the improwlon foi fifty years , which waa made ur/m hit mini when hia brother confesicrj Oarlat , bnt at last became a Ohrlstiiu ftlBO. < ftlBO.The The doodo of man , yes , migttly dooda ; they oaut their shadow or then lay on every pi hway , though it loadi to hades or eternal day. TIUnD KLWABD. A till , n quiet connolcnio was pos < sowed by Joshua. And when ho wai bnriod , the soul had fled to ceaao frorr the caria and trinh of life , and to gc to the Hmvonly Father. And while aomo may wake a profession aa Joshut did , may not others make it a day ol repentance ind good resolutions. It io written of Hercules that he woo mot by two forms pleasure and j virtue that ho mlaht make hii [ ahtijo ; and by chboalng virtue ho wor j a place among iho immortals. And il r la that which will Ltine a rewarc which the youth of c ir city rnusi > choose. The gnildod palates of ploaa i nro and ease are but the q lckanndi npon which many a oraf t haa been let I to the mercy of the waves. AOOESaiONS TO THE CHURCH. On acoannt of some of the persona whointondod , uniting withtho church expecting to bo abtfent trora tllu cit ; next 8bbath the regular commun ion Sabbath they were received b ; the congregation immediately tto , the delivery of the aermon. Amo-j ] o those who united with the church wa G moral Howard and family. OOOIDBNTAL JOTTIN Q3. COLORADO. A ccmus of Fort C'olttos ia being t nisei The Herdtoi nro DOW ruonlcg in Denvo Cataract lake in 1'ltkln county his bee stocked with SCO trout. From present Icdlcitlonsthe lee crop i Colorado will be very thort. Two thoudind dollars have bo n ralsi In Sllvcitou for tm Uiiiicopul church. The Bmonor woiks nt Fuoblo nro pr iluclng two miles and n , h ill of etcel rail * d y. y.It in Bald that there Is In the Powder va ley nlona 52.0,000 worth cf wheat to I marketed. The echool bond rf L ndvllle I In titl to tbo amount of 9160,000 through lu ii : bllity toco.leot the bchool tax. 1 be bottom of a furnace which bvl bee In operation elcht morjtbn t UoIAn w removed recently. Its value wry § 37Oil Two new towns have hern Jfd out I the new irilnlnf ? dlitilct of 1W Monntali one U called llvgcr City the oth < Borella. LeadvH'o hm a nlnlnft/compnny mat aged tntirely y womin. Too comjwuy ! the Ciloiado Queen nvblng and ttm&i company , Daring the past yi r there bn bee .hipped out of Weld -"nty 10.500 beeve New purchase * to tld exteutuf 25.MO he have been nudeau700' ! * UPOU the raDB < In the oouuty. The coal b nJ near Wo'eonburg ni turning outaboit 400 tons of coal dull most of It beH itd by the - - " -J 'i'he capacity tl tbu inloea will bo li creased to J50on < a day. A Bnuldft county woodclnpiior wh built a fire Ut wtvk to warm hlmnalf sue cetded ftdr ably. lie aUo wirnxd u tra of count 17 three mile * long and ctntroye the 1'TMt Woor ' < mill , nd the b rn n Ilia Ffcr at houne , quurU mill nd barn , th boui * of Mr. Boloy udMr. Grecnu , u thoBulderjoouaty tunnuor * houw. WYOMINCJ. ITbo tenltorUl auprema , ) urt mot I Cbe > ane on Tut d y , January 2nd In r < Chejecne pwa la clanoHBg f , > r bttif r city Kovfeinment. I tuUkB lhatth ftuilng e ectlon will bring It. Beventy-clhtc riirecelvfdt p lrc at th Qroiu Klver hbopi lu Novemt it. TLera i rumor tbut ih h m t IMI u o ed to Qraiu Ufv r. The ctiyo unoll of qheyiine htis let -ntract for Imlidlog a dia Crow - r > o as to divert th w Ur /lake n olty. The ptlc * pvd lur ik V la $31 , board of U de. , Huron is to U > * Methodist Ep ! ) h copal cburob. ha ha Rapid Olty , i r ° UUok Hlllf Wl11 oul a ti YB water wo > 10 A atali , door/nd / "W l factory U beio ( 10e e built at In tit Btim&rck U noi own725fe t. It will reach a depth of 00 feet next week. The bridge cro'u tlia Dakota river at luron Is completed. The Deadwood Terra company has paid 800,003 in dividcndii. The Father De Hmet mine , Cantr.il. for he Utt half of November , yielded $21 , . 740. The HornoiUk * mlnlnft oomp ny pild nut $50 000 on tbo 2Ctli of December. ) utlng 183i the company has pafd to toolcholdors 8000,000 , Cl l mUv J > ni > , a noted character of 877 and 1S8 In DaadwooJ , has Lesn Hr- og on a ranch for two nr three yoirr. Hho A again on the warpath , Her pclally U lext tity with a poker deck and a six- hooter. MONTANA. A rec nt find in the Atlantic mine at GlcntUlo uncjfern oxer $100,000 ti bight. Tbo silver , geM and copper product of Montana for 18S2 trill not fill below $3- 0.0. Canter ounty' ii tbn largest county in the Unltrd Hutos. Its area is 33,000 imtro rtiilea , Tha Increneo in thi latt year In the val uUIon of Ctuttr couoty propjrly , aside from the rollroaJr , Is § 321,200. Over 50,000 head of Montana cattle have bepn sold tbi < ie riul aKtemmarkctf , and fully 3,000,000 pounds of woo ) . Door hedge In now the point rf supply for Helena , Mlasoula und other points north of tbo end of the railroads. In the Barker dlttrict cggi are worth 31 CO per dozn , butter 03 cents a pound , o aid 6 cents a pound , and fbnr $10.00 per hundred. Ono thousand dollars each Is chirgcd by the Northern Pacific company for corner lots in Livingston , und 8:00 each for in side lots , The largoit aum realizedilhli year for minlntt properly In Montanot is for thn Dru u Luminouml mine , nr.tr Helena. It won sold to an English conpany for $1- EOJ.OOO. i A promiilni- bank ofXiuperior bltumin ou coal Is bolng deve'opcd near Boncncan A track from the Northern Pacific wit tap the deposit In tip iprlng. It is said that ) tha desperadoes ( I WceVnville have thb population so thot onvhly cowed that they would bo afraic to open the door if a man waa murdered on the ttcpa. An important enterprlto has ju t been completed In the llseln Creek flume , be tween the C'loiado ' and Montana smelter which cost 83i,000. It will be uied to transport wo-d to the tmelttir. Twelve years ago n Yankee ranchman on llo ? o prairie started in the ahecp bun ! nos3 with one old owe M a starter , tit now has over COO head , the multiplied in crease of that ono old ovre. IDAHO. There are 3 ? prisoners in tbo territoria pcnltentiar ) at BoUo City. Important developmaats are being mad Ia the Muldoon iniuiog property , nea Ilalley. The governor's moaBage to the leRtHlalur uhnwfl a decided improvement in nil terri torial enterprises during 183i WA3HINQTON. NJW Tacoma is oxporlenciog a boom The prospect that the place will he Hi torminua of the Northern Pucifio on Puge Bound hat attracted lots of people there The bottli are crowded and buuinoie i good.A . A number of prisoners confined In th j \llnt Uoldemlale , escaped l.e ! Monday night , takiog with them all the Jill bUuk etc , a Leedlu gun and ICO rounds cf am munition. Tbrea of the fugitives wer Btocl : thlovoB. The channel cut through the St. Helen' bar , a fnw months ago by the Btoame Walla Walla , haa proved a complete sue cchi , as the river current boa deepened I tno Ca t xince It waa tut , Inxtctd of fallin t UJBJ I waa feared might bo the result , OREGON ! Five cars loiidoJ with wheat , near Al b uv , were Bm * < U 4 up ntidtbe'content lulned latt week. There is a nroje.t on foot to build whaif ht Port Otford , Vi tout hern Ore0' < n which Is very u > uch mcdti ] , as tt tbn proi oat time all freight mutt bt > limdod in uuri bjatr. CALIFORNIA A steam plowing company bat been farmed at Stockton , The Red Bluff academy bai recently purchased a $5.0 tcloecopc for the uao ti the pupils , Tha com crop in the noiHern parto Inyo county haa been ruined by ea > l fronts thfi icajon , A/argo number of Incorpornttrn papers pifycipnlly for milling companieg , are he in * filed in Han Francisco. The county j ill at Nevada City has hoe > n lined with he vy boiler Iron. The prison ' cjntali a Baveral desperate prlsonere. A ciiiftw law haa bnrii made nt Gra * Vul'ey. Auy boy under 18 years of ad fouud on the etrott after 8 o'clock will u artcatcd. The N pa Water company bava selectee a renervoir elloin tbo outtkltU of tha city , an I the building of w.iter works wil be commenced shortly. A canal tchiine to water the laud on th mstnldoof tlio Han Joiquiu valley , in Frtwuo county , U tuHisd 01. Tiotetlm ! t td cost will be kboui $ ICOlO. During the reason endid May 10 Un 11,010 tons of I cats were u-ol at the Lee eng ir fnoti ry at Alvuratlo. The ex.e < t wtru $18,00it and the profits $11,010. I Aliihuloiu In llvlduil at Obico receutly hid } 2 (50 i cut to him from the rait , tint wni procetdii g to dilnk it up. He pee 5100 ( or wlilfky In ono day , when hi frlmda to.k hia money and will attempt to hive a gn i jan | appointed for him. Like uianyo'her towmthat are tltuatec In ibe center f a wcol-growini ; ( llt.tilot ftuu woolen mill. 8x million pounile of wool * ere aWpptd fi'dtn Fie ni Lounty Ia t year i ul trunsnorted at u IMK * fipt-nsa tubther part * of Iho country to le mMiufkdurcd. ' NEVAbA , The VlrglnU and GoU Hill Water com pany' < ice houte at GoU Hill wan de troyed I y tore list week. Ip * , 8SO.OCO The tloticlenoy rf $2COO In the account of tx-TrcMunr Noituu , of W hocoui.ty * as fCttlul ly hi * bi'uci inbiiv\ lie rnu i romfretl with the coutjty oommUiiimerii forSlOfO. An dm tank c'litaiulnc : uboit fif'etn . ll"r Af ulpbuil i nclil vxplodal ill the I'uillon'lU'iU mill at Taraclire V-iVey lul wok.I vo m u wre Injtuol , and tviry ( jane ( I * * " 'Q ' tlus bulldlui ; wMthatVired I'liti cu o if the rxploflnn l nttir ! > ittt } . ' ihiscli cucis c ( thu tank to the engine fcot/en. * \ Th UndU Free I'ren } : Ovlugjto h fitfti lvr fnovitfons lu tha hill , oue- i lf at li ilk I luff is tlowly tnovliu eatt. l acr vi < - < > iior fo t la wlllh ex. lit tt ' 's * the raiilille ( < f th mounUia wiir' of N tuio hs thrown Dm tmuUr w"iifiilUI-tol h > lt nut of ( ilunib , work ol " JIJiuj " U still In ' nd the { rr > 'o- ARUONA. 8li < e N > v mbei 20th U t nineteen con vl t-'from varl urn p rti of Ar'zana ' have ) ti rl > Ueil { u tin. iifnUfiill.vy , Af Pwiootr , ltt week , i lion I far twen y mlnc In Copr ( l iin wu < place ! on ftord ty ta > nii | nyof II iK' I hu.pltilUt T"3 con iltlont cf tbo Ixm 1 nr th it within Kuriiou'lii ntrt on u'the ' ctpltilUU are to ay tha ownoiB (3,590,000. NEW MEXina ' 'he S n Petlto mined are turning ou tr e ( I'KiittttrB of c > | per , JJrouml will Vebiiiken nt the Clifton tr.nih f the Slher City railroad at n eAily day. PROF. SilUELS , OPTiCIAH OF QU1NOY , ILLINOIS , Has returned to Omaha ( for a abort time oblj ) , whera ho can bo con sulted nl parlot d , Prof. Snmnela odors to all those lhav r.ra BuflurJng Lorn Wta nojs uud Dafeutivn Bight hts IMPROVED CRYSTAL SPECTACLES 1 Superior to any other in us ? , a the follotrin' ; lio\uo cvldcno ol well- knov n pcoplo of tiil > city and vicinity tCLiify. TESTIMONIALS. BttlP" ) , IC1VJI , ) December 2i , Ibs2. f Pro' . V Pamucls- Poj'btr SoniolJO jca.'s rndrInlf since voti Itlt.u tlinc-tv , u.K rt'r-nt live ) \-ita t--o i > ; .d llli niVir , cauut. l > y cxc..sl\c proof i""U.nj nt ! otii r o'lko . .o. ' . to suc'i an o ioiit tlr.t i cou'u at timeImru'ly rcrc.btui'v or cl . ' , ) rj ? p'-iri , flnlu't"in ti'rr ( ucnl'y ' rot , ; i-j them. Y'a K. 'uvtcu r. pair o ! „ astcs ror na that an nov. o Itiulipbiiszulc , iitil 1 lava n ihcslaiu inn-en- mcnUInp pouonslo y u vlio may bo tioujlbd wltn vejk tjee. tours tri'lv , J. 0. JIOnOAN , HJItor an-l t'ujlUher Globe. BLurra , February 14 , 1830. Pro * . Saue'i : I cav S'p- fv.fi thrt I would bo unzra'cfi'l In- d cllf I ( ! 'uuot l to jo n.a-- ircti .ny grutlluilpto jou for fie woiKor'"ul 'uoiedlsu i /.d from fie i . .o o' > ur gbstcu tidj ttdto my Cj suj-jtu. Il"vo t'Ud other g J. ci onil means batii'l ii no p.n pc ii , am1 1 IiaucoT- tlLuid injs.l' dco'n il to go li : o.nh to ! "orld ncn.l/ Mantle . ; ujt ulnn. 9 I ' . . - nc-i. ! > blim1. nc w I tec , a. u UT > a ! > 'o to , cnJ as t ncier coulu before. lretittiat I hid lot met Piuf. Sam uels sooner , .otliril mljat tia\o been cnjijm ; this blesslr" of seel-jg. Il p'nj that man , others maj havu tbo btncflU of jourlit'p , lam , gratefully > ourb , MISS AUnY WALTON , Nurse. , VTillo o ' fie Pat' ' r < oant ca-a Rgo I became partial' / ij' ' u , B iu r.i , . ' ht co Ir * jcicr re- tivcTi : . i : , . o t ' if .11011 * c' t'r.Mlogrt tlas--Uo In j Le rl.ooi.i" reJioeb'it ! waao ! nou u. p010 , oju ht'iniW..tn > ro' . faasjj 'i came I 's i'.io .o Oniahn 1 thoujli. lual 't K uY ! uo no . ra u tr ' .ii him anil to uliitl'u \ ' } ' icy. llo cxain'nc ity eves anil inM m - tliatJ tcu'a ' nalto mo B o , not w.tiionc , UtSta "lotli OK-I. 1 tolu li' i 10 BO oa md in Ye ire 6tc , us Itf \ J Kl > Idea of irer tft ) > y a'ulo to lea wtit aaln. lu my surpi'iohe tnauj mo a ( air of $ ] u , cs that tu- abciino to see Kh my n ht ejo aswollaa wlih the other. I IU ( hecrfu ly rocommo u him to all those ttiot hare given uj hopes. YOUH , mth goou uljjht , OUO. E. GIBSON , . l.ie.ald Ufnce. Om. ha , Nib , DiCtmbcr 20 , 1BS2. I vi'dto h'XiocrrT7ci > lf tjrsandtrlcvl a great ia r\v frngsio.- 't"i-t 't ' vas oil ' ,1 , ali. WhtM Pro' Tue < 4 vrt'n tiinot-ait ' jtuu / I MtLL . .SOlbOI1Q Of Ill/Ill' ' ' ! SLilOhaa uin 1lfu lr'i'ni ! ' to f.1 on him , I done to , and am claj 10 Uat- > that lie litjpid mo wciu * . { . | ' llo ilttoimo at that ilii.oith a ( a'-of hn ( ; lai < ; 8 , end thov crave mi i'stajt rel'uf , ami aflf mlnjf ' 'am fora sheri t'uio my e.es Im- i roved no that' liadno USD f r Iho glasso at ai. Myiltfi UNr.Vu , alil.ouxhl af d\'ul n t to put on gl ISSDJ. J r I wo Id l.a o to weir tbtm al lha t' ifj lut iv.f. Sawuo's' gl kcs worn u Kcrent. Ihty ImprovoJ i-iy ojes , a'ld ' wouH aauBo nil PK.NJIIH . who lave trouUo with Ihtlr eyes to ea 1 on Llm. Kcsp ctfully. A. T. bWl 1AHT , City Po lo. , Omaha. December IB. OMAIM , Sonfcmbrr 18,1870. ilncc , wuiu cnr fctd 1.1 rjito-irl laliorat ot.it. n tjrs'kli ' IHSVMIO Impal.el , and I foil ill ft L'lllcull 10 fnd i-lasnes which would tnord nuy relief. Durl.ii : thu pa > t two or ihroi y. r < i.'v fjts crewwruker by con tant use , anti Ilcgan to be alarmed lest I night for a In e ba obl. ul to 'ay ' a ( demy books , h ch I to much del ht In I'roui'tncc , I think , hu kindly al cd iiu y STI ' i'.f Dr. Sa imcl tu thU ti y Uvuteif hlj Improve I tittUI ilaea ; for beveral da > I flud tlioiaturalllou restored , and | am now abli to irada dututly a * niuclim | the .t llrlii' , ' thu eye or cauilng pal i. worn ) tful tia ( vcian cfcti can ho produce I In o shod time , and I lavonodoubt It will ba permanent , 1 am git > 1'rrf Bdmue'slai Ultcd thla city win 10 K > man ) riicd the al < l lu c n atlord tlaui m.d I hopu JiU Kluces w.ll bo Introduced and ex < used here. E. II. K. JAMESON , Vaster Flat liaptltt Church. OV/HA , Nob. . December 12,1P82. Pnf. H. Samuels ; DarBlr I IIDVO now tuci < the gdsici with which jou tuinlsli d ire 'or o e week and can truly v that > hA\eu rlteU rcor contort lu that short eptce of tlun t.ian In jcari prtUout , A'moi fruin my cul'est rcioilcctlons I have Mifferwl from -i fm > i lit 10 tcoil btlnctly even whr i close liy , tomo'.m s f 1'ed to L < ow or rec- ognlie in ) moi , Intimito IrlenUa , a lot which wan H corstant sourc i ol mor Ifloatlon to me. I trltd remcdlis and L'Ofuetfof different klndi with butj very Ilit'a bv.ncft and until "on It d ) ii.ileinuumy casii ropcl ss Thanks i y ur skill , I amabldti roe brt rthan ere before. Try I' of. Hat ueV treatment and be buMUcdulhkva been. Very truly jours , MAkY 1103 A11D , 2&30 Uecatur Street. ARTIFICIAL EYES ALWAYS OX HAND. OFFICE HODUS : 0 a , nu to 7 p. m. Prof. Samuels dooa not atUnd t buiint u cntslde of hiirooma , and ha DO one conneoied with him. . 0 . : Csr & ; OTXO.EI8r.iS. oots OMAHA , NEB. WHOLESALE AND HCTAIL DEALES IK Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BU.J08 , OLDiHQS , L3ME , 3T2TATE AOE t fOR UlLWAUSEU CEItX X OOUPANTJ s ? Uiiiou Pacific Deriot , - OMAHA HB o. DBUGS , PAINTS , OILS , Window and Plate < 3'ass. ' fiTAnyone contemplating b-Mldlnjj store , bank , or any other flnt will find It to their ad Uo , ta cones end with ng bctoro purchasing taU. Piato blau. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - - ' HEB. W.B. MILLAKJ ) . EOV/ARD W. PEOK , MILLARD & PECK , StoragB , Commission and WMesale Fruits * 1421 & 1423 FAIHOAl STREET. CONSIGNMENTS CODNTHY PRODUCE S9 TUITBD ] gents for Pock & Bausiioi's Lard , ana Wilber Milia Flour1 OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES : OMAffA NATION LU BANK , STEELS. .TOldWSON & CO. , TOOTLE MA iTu & CO. AND JOBBERS IN I , Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of AID lAIUPiOTUfiED TQIJIDUD , " " * \ * ' * " * ri * fo ? BENWUDD HAILS AHD LAFLIN & BAND POWDSB CO. JOBBER OF 118 FARWA V ! ST. OMAHA OWBR AND HAND Steam Pu nps , Engine Trimmings ILNISCl MAOniNEEY , BKLT 0 , PACK ILLS GHURGHIIAHDi30HOOU8FlL3 : ! Cor. Farnam xnd 10th Streets Omaha , 3eb. - DEALERS IN- ALL'S S FE ANO LOG Fire aid Burglar Pra ( > 1020 Fat nham Stret , IE1. C. 1213 Farnam St. . Omaha. PERFECT ! N HEATIHG'AND BA' ' IB only attained by CHARTER Stoves and Rang < WIBE GAUZE OVER D ( JFor aala by ] MILTOM ROGERS & SI JolN