Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1883, Image 1

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    7 r
W" h La-it "JL be JL" rt JC-f OMAHA DAILY BEE
'joWest of France's Homos
J Statesmen Baited Away ,
the Young * Ropubiio'o
is Looked Upon
EL'aewhdro. '
JM oa in Pario on the An-
fnr < incomont of tbo Beloved
Leader' * ) Damioo.
of Ike Pretn and Poopla
lu America and nr p .
THE . _ _ .
fp : U. Wopntch to Tin Bis.
? r.iR , January 1. M. Gauibetta
died it hii roiidcnc * at Vlllo d' Anroy
at midnight. Ho waa qoito conscious
to the hit. The death ngony lasted
two houra. "Spullor , Eatlonuo nd
Dr. Frenial wora present at the laat
moment. The physicians who attond-
d him state that hla death was due
to ptucnia , caused by anpproesed ery
sipelas. A clot of blood formed in
the heart suffocated him , A plaster
cist of the fs.cs wa Uktn this morn
ing. There will bo an nutopay to
morrow. A aUti ) f nuoral is expected
to bo given.
The death o ( Gtmbetta created an
immense sensation horo. Groups
gathered on the boulevards by 9
o'clock this morning diicQEslug it. It
U reported that ho will ba burled at
Nice , beside bis mother. President
Grovy was much effected by tbo news.
Gwnbatta left no political testa-
mont. Ho made & private will.
Papon reporting bis death are selling
In every atroot , und orowds are strag
gling to procure them. Telegnunn
were * ant President Grovy end other
authorities immediately after bit
dokth. Gambotta died in A ntato ol
unoontiolouanosa , but in tbo course oi
the afternoon hu oxcl&imod : "Jo BUO
porduit , cat inutllo do dlsiimulor main
jal tent eouffbi't quo co ocra nno deliv
erance ; " or , "I m'loat ' ; it is usaloze
to dissimulate , but I have Buffered ac
muoh tbnt it will ba a deliverance. "
President Grovy'a New Year's re-
ooptlonwas attended by the proil
dents of the sentto And oimaber ol
doputifu. President Grovy oxpreuod
\ hbi earnest regrets at the de&th oi
Gitn'ootf-a. For nearly twenty hours
before Q&mbetta bocatuo uuoonscious
be oomplainsd thai ho . - * tortured
with palu , asif a btll of rod hot iron
were inside him. Ho had rccantly
bwomo rsthmatio , and it WAS there
fore not considered permissible to von-
tilfctu him room properly.
Several tirao.i during his illness bespoke
spoke to Jl. Bert , member of the
ohatnbor of deputies , npon aomo matters -
tors weighing on bis mind , but nlwaya
briefly. liana and Spultor were sum
moned to his bedcida for the purpose
syccopo preceding death hnd boignn
when they arrived. It is balioved the
hopeful tone of the bulletins issued
during his illness wa duo to the advioa
of Dr. Oharoot , who did not wish the
sick man , when papers were ra d him ,
to hoar tinythlng that might have a
depressing effect.
The funeral will bo conducted with
purely civil ritei. The family are
tnxlo'uu the burial shall take plaoo at
but friends advisa that it bo at
/ In coneequonoo of tha high functions
f tyo dscosied had filled the authorities
Hnvo thought it expedient to place
3eab on lib papers.
ai 6 o'otock yesterday evening the
dcctorv present in the room with
Gambettti perceived the nbsccfa had
imrat inttirnally. At 10:45 : o'clock ho
recovered consclousnoiB Bnfliclently to
thnnk hi ! friondo for their attention ,
which tii did with perfect calmnws.
His bri'ia.hiag then hecirnu uioro difli-
cult. V strcam of the uif > at notftblo
ropabllcj.ns is now pauiiu through
thodoatLoliombar. The faos of the
dooosaod i\iii already baoomo cr/ollen
t.nd ia gristly changed.
Tills af ( irnoon c , mr.n rollinc ; coplen
oJ nowB ipers The , Radical opn-
tuiulng n j urrllons nrtioli. concerning
GiMbottijJvrnB solzsd by a crowd on
the bonloVyd. Hla pjipura were do-
Btroycfl , tij tbo police h\ < \ great dif-
fiutilty in'jissoulng'him from the ox-
olfed popAlaoe. Tbo opportunist
jur > y appaaV stunned by the death of
G mbst'.s. \
PA JH , JmVory 1. The ItapublKjuo
FiJtUo wl to-morrow pablith , the
Jonjn'a ! ! | { an iciitla nooourt of tha
" puung awaj\ol Qwnbatt * : Early
S uonlfcy morn | g there natia notable
v chnnHV for tu wor io in Q mbott 'fl
condl.iou. N rortb < le i ho was al
r lowed to oherUl his lllufIons of ulti
mate recovery , i At 9:30 : ho was nble
toJiava bis bauobangod without any
proat difficulty , mlb the aMiBtauco oi
Dr. Etlonno nnJ some servaniii. 'The
doctor , who , pi to this time , had
" bean very caMpm , WM nnablo Ion-
"I ger to ooncealibh ttpcrebtnsionB , In
tha afternoonte } dlsaaao Increased
in violence patient1. ! utronetli
w' i visibly dlropiihed. Some per
aouul friouds , tctoed In time wont tc
V llo d'Amanil thew let rued there
Vutnbcttn'a father-in-
was no baU < - -
law and tU-er we\V \ sent lor , nnd altc
oraa otb" frieiJdafho had nol
provlouel > rfosind intimation ol
Ge.3ibett'a nprowblng dissolution ,
The dea-k ngony hcgan at 10 p. m.
At I1 la P'-ttlaut lost concoiotiuueLi
and "r
feeblfJ OHn9 bo expired , it may bt
s&l'l llthuat Buffering and without
Btljat doatb wai sp nu&r.
condactow of tbo Ropablique
tso h'tyo rocolrsd ' ol
froai l'j paris .of Frnnco ,
unoil of mloUtern decide tha !
slnnld ba buried &t the
* ; Jlua , Janu | , I. Butfe , - UOWB
* " ' '
being a/l&oHuay.V'Nono of the
published 10 far reflest on tlu
political effect of Gambatta'a death ,
bnt coufino themselves to deploring
the loss of a ttatoxmAn who did not
despair attor Sedan.
BBRLW , January 1 Almost nil
the nowtDapera have'articlca on Gam
bolts. The seml-ofllcial Pont osye :
The moat eminent politician ol Franco
has departed , He was A man oi strong
pasiion nnd great power , who neemed
still destlnod to phy a great port in
history. It h n significant question
whether It would Imvo been n bene
ficial on * . The Nation * ! Zaituug
siys : Germany has lout her greatest
enemy. Gambotta know bit reputa
tion in the future was bound np
with a war of revenge , nnd bin
whole enargy was directed in prepar
ing thfrofor. Ho may be said to have
constituted himself a permanent dante -
) ! to iho poico of Koropo. The
Tugblntt cays : The man of uncompro
mising tovengo is dead. Ilia dooo&so
nffords us bettor sooarity for poaoo
than any government of alliance. His
erdndly constituted character com
manded certain rospeat even from his
enemies , bnt now there is no necessity
to couco&l the fact that the peace of
Eurcpo nppearo to bo moro lastingly
lucurod than for n long tiino , Enropo
will deplore the Ions of the great nnd
remarkable figure of a itatcsman who
used bis truly vlrilo mind for a noble
canco , nnd who will 11 vo bi French
history among the moat courageous ,
aoutoand effective founders of the re
ROUE , January 1. The Capitalo ,
Liberia nnd Stampa , the only paper * )
published to-day , contain obituaries
of Gambotta. Tno Liberia says bii
death will tend to Increase tbo couflicti
between extreme political factions in
France. The Stampatays the decease
of Gambotta has loft' ' B ijroiit roiil. Hie
was a force which Horvod bis country
in her hour of dauber.
LONDON , January 1. The Dallj
Neva In a loading article Bays : Since
the death of Thiora , there waa not in
Franco a man who could bo compared
to Gambotta. Ho stood , like Saul ,
head and ehouldora nbovo his. com-
ycorn. ilia death has oe&ttored many
n conjecture , mndo grim banter of
many political arrangement * . Hla
lota ia ono that passes til circulation ;
bat it may bo hoped the republic is
safely oataolbhed and will have little
to fear from Internal enemieo hnd con
spiracies of factions. If the republic
keep steadily to ways of peace , she
can ba Barred to advantage even by
statesmen fur inferior to the man of
gouitio u'uo ban lost.
The Standard says : An Intimate
friend of G.iaibetti states thnt ho had
bccomo a confirmed hypochondriac.
Weariness and dirguzt at the failure
of his prospect n may explain much
that ia mynterlous in the lifo jusl
The Morning Pont Bays : Whothei
Franco baa really lost by the death oi
Gainb'jtta oan never bo determined
with certainty. The republic Is de
prived of one of its grandest pillars ,
bnt ita ( stability will not be sensibly
weakened ,
The Pall Mall Gnzstta this evening
riys : It is thought that the dearth of
Gambotta will not break up the ro-
public1It will have minor ofl'joti oi
very oovloua importance. Though
far too HAgtcious to bo other than a
convinced partisan of the republic ,
Gamb Ur. has nhrays been very'BUS -
ccptiblo of the forca of French tradi
tion. Ho th0113hi himaolf 11 new
Mazirin or Eichelleu and wna libei&l-
iom all over.
The Standard aaya : Gambotta stood
well above and beyond all otbor men
in Francii Hia death IA an uumeaa-
urablelosi to France.
The Tillies tiays : Gimbotta'u death
wne a sudiou extinction of poworfnl
Individual'forca. ' The future courue
tif Franco in rendered as nnoortain ao
s. ship taken iback. The ooarao of
ovonta in Enropo is likely to bo not
loss profoundly disturbed. The world
itRclf ia poorer for the untimely loss
of BO potent a forco. Franco in
bereaved of one ctiUon'min who taught
her to bs buo to horaelf even in an
hour of despair ,
The Dajly Tolograuh says : Gam-
bottc bad dot the leant taint of nocial-
iHtn. Hisnanio will llvo forever in
the nr.tlon.'il ' memory M the bora of a
desperate Hub honorable irar.
LoiiDoirl January 1. Sir Charles
Dilk , in a ] speech a Chelnua to-day ,
naid the .eMraucG of 1883 waa cad-
dcned by tpo death of the greatest of
all modern Frenchmen , and Sir
Charles bore tcatirnony to the mourn-
fulnoBfl of linRlaiul for the losa France
had uustxii oil. Ho naid U English
m nissioucrs who took part iu the
roonb nog Hiutlono for a commercial
treaty with Frauoa had b on struck
\rith ( Jambattft'a uxtrome courtesy
and kindness. In E glaad all pnvtics
admired Gambotta'a msgnitiucnt
courage , hfs tremendous energy , bin
splendid oratory , nnd hiy uurnatohed
gaity and rpirkilng wit , which consti
tuted him the first of Frenchman.
WABUINC.TON , January 1Tho sec
retary of eUto hun rcoaivtid the fol
lowing from Minir.tor Morton , at
ParlB/ : i
"The dof\Ui \ of Gambotta baa caused
e , profound sun r iun in Frnnco. In
hia death the governmtiat and people
of the United States have lout A de-
votad friend , whoso grtat admiration
for our cjuntry uud its Institution *
was expressed on all occnsioiw. His
death b to the mnmbora of thia lega
tion a gro&t lots and personal blow , "
MADIUD. January 1. Tha announcement -
mont of Gambetta'j death oauaou c
grca ; sensation hero , It is univomlly
con ldered that Franco baa sustained
a he ivy IODH.
JDAiiiKNfl , Jcnoarj' 1. The chsmboi
of deputies uuiptmdod sittings ia to-
flpcct to the memory of Gambol'a ' ,
The Greek minister at Poria hu.i been
instrnctad to place a wreath on the
ooflin ,
VIKHUA , Jtuuary 1. No news-
p porc were publlslicd to-day , and
the dontb of Gacubetta oonseqaenUy
has not been notloed by tbo press , Or
the bcnrao tha event ia regarded ne (
pnarantto of pecco , end it is thouxlil
1 } wll ! provuut wnr botrrden France
and Germany for a long lime.
Br.uasELH , January 1. Tbo Inde
pendence 13eige hsutd u upuolal cdi <
. ' J -S ' " - *
Uon with a black border announcing
the death of Oambitta. No other
papers were pnbllihcd. The dcooaiod
statotnian has many admirers hero ,
end Mio fooling of sorrow for his de
mise is great ,
BERLIN , January 1 The death ol
Gnmbettn was Announced to the emperor
peror before hlo New Year'nrecoptiou.
riio emperor expressed the opinion
that peace wonld bo the lot of Qor-
many for a long limo to cotuo.
The { Situation at Ziluooln ,
Special btrpatch to Tni Bii.
LINCOLN , January l. Nearly all
tbo mombora of the legUlnturo urn iu
the city aud caucusing In n sm&H way
Is Tory brisk. Thn hotels art jammed ,
The lobby is rcry active , bnt up to
Lhbi time nothing of Importance Is
known. Qcd Slaughter as candidate
for chief clerk oi the homo , lit un
doubtedly slaughtered. A dark horio
in the rnoe for speaker is liable to
makw his appearance between now
and sunrise.
Special DlfptUh to Tui Oil.
OIUOAOO , January 1. Mrs. Lnngtry
arrived hero tbia nfteruoon , aud was
driven directly to the Grand Pacific
hotel , and remained in her parlors
duiing the cuttro afternoon. In the
evening she appeared at H\erly'u
theater in The Honeymoon. The
house was large , but not crowded.
Some seats were vacant. The auH ( >
once was not very fathionablo and
somowKct cold. Tbo Times will pub
lish an interview iu which she declines
to discuss her private a Hairs beyond
aaylng that uho does not believe thai
Mrs. Labonohero gave utterance tc
the published statements attributed
to hor. She fools flattered by
her reception in America and likes all
the cities she visited , except Boston ,
which sbo pronounces cold. The
News will publish an interview with a
member of- hoc comp uy , who assortu
that Mrs. Laugtry knows nothing ol
true noting ; that what cho knows she
learned from Mrs. Libourcho , soubrette -
brotto of former years , and that as c
oonaequonca oho is only acquainted
with untiquatod stage bnsinceH nnd
the mnnnoriaran of the soubretto.
Qnovr on the Coast-
Special Dispatch to Tin Bu.
SAN FRANCISCO , January 1. Dls-
patches from many points in the state
indicate that the fill of snow is quite
general. The depth ranged from ono
inch to eight. Such a fall has boeu
scarcely ovur known i& the history ol
California ,
SAW FIIANCISCO , January 1. Daring
the past twonty-four houra a oovero
rala storm bss provuilatl hero , accom
panied by ft heavy pale. { Shipping
sustained connlderabla damage , es
pecially in the CMC of woodou vessels.
Many vcnsols bumped heavily agalnsl
the dock , damaging tholr aides nnd
sterns. At Seawall , where shipping
received the lull f oreo of the gale ,
much damage was done. Piles wore
snapped off , vessels jambed and
bulkheads crushed. A number ol
vessels out in the bay dragged their
anchors , but fortunately they escapac
witbont serious damage. The British
iron vessels "uad tsken praeautionii
against the danger , and /uffored com-
pnratively little damage' ' Small oous-
tors wcro roughly haudlad , aud portions
tions of their rigging were carriot
cway. A largo barge and ono small
craft dunk during tbo gelo.
"Wiaaom'a Ohanooi.
Special Dispatch to Tu Uzx.
ST. TAUL , Januaty 1. Legislative
republican caucuseo were hold to-night
to nomiuato candidates for npoaker
&nd other oflicnrs in tbo two b'ouoos.
Loren Flotoher , of Minnr.apolie , wny
nominated for epmker of the houo/ .
Ho and moat of the other numlmeo
ara friendly to Windom'a oloctlow to
the neuateJ Since the cunciiB Win-1
dom's friends claim his election in
euro. Ho has a clear majority of
republican members of ho logislatura ,
bnt thci'o has boon a disposition
on the part of Ducnoll to stay oat of
the caucus nnd mauaijo u combination
botweou several email republican
groups opposed to Windom and dom-
ooratc against his oloction. It is b -
liaved Uwt oombinations made in the
election of officers of the two houses
involve committing enough republi
cans to make a mtjority of the whole
legialuinra to the policy of going into
a senatorial cauouu und abiding by the
rjsnlt. This maken Windom'o election -
tion certain ,
Special DU'pttck to IlliBxi ,
ALBANY , January 1. Inangnratlon
curemonlo iook plaoa in the seauto
ohambar to-dny. The outgoing and
incoming governors entwrod thn chain-
bar to olhcr , nccornpanied by their
roapactivo ntsfTi and seototarlte. Gov
ernor Cornell rend his addre' : , and
was followed by Governor Olovzlaud ,
who , with much emotion , pronounced
rn eul ( gy upou the administration of
flovornor Cornell. The party than retired -
tired to the executive chambers , where
n roooptlou waa hold by Gorurnor
Commoroial Qan ttiv
Special DUpatch toTnillii ,
CINCINNATI , 0 , January 1 , It is
nndorstood here thnt the outgrowth
of the consolidation of The Commer
cial and ( Jazatte , which will bo coin-
plotod during the present woelc , vril
bo it morninr ; joorual , to bo isnar.i :
from the present Gazette office , thr
sara > ) as the prerout enrill edltloue ol
The Giaitto , ar-d sold for one oonl B
copy. The consolidition will take
peasvsdon of Pottnr'a building , norr
occupied by The Commoroial , ana
The CommerciU-Gwotto will bo nab-
Hihcd tlwre.
Botith of Htt\rtUorn .
BpcrlU DUpaUh to Tut Du.
Bouroir , January 1. Eliim aftnuing
Hawthorne , tha only ciute ? of Nuthau-
ifcl Hawthorn , dlod ot Uovotly , to-day ,
aged over 00 ,
Fir o lUooril-
Si t UI DUpttcb to Tu Uu.
Pirratov , I'A. , January 1. Ko , 1C
breaker of iho I'aunjjlv.vuia Co lcoru.
pany burned tLis morning. Oiigln ol
the fira cuknoifn. Lrsa , 150,000 , ,
A Long List of How { Year's
Grimes and CastuiltiflB ,
Sudden Doatb of the
Minbtor nt the
dont'o Rocoption.
A. Ponnoylvonm Ohurohjfpjrod
Into with a Ho&vil ;
Loaded Gannon.
rllylns OoxiftMKloa of Oriioi
.OtliM M te * . I
WABUINGTOK , Jaunary 1. At the
president's reception to-day thn Ha-
\r liftn miuiotor , after being prr.ionted
to the proaidont aud while on hii way
to an witV room , was ttacked with vcr-
tigoand snasms. Ho was promptly
attended t\i by physicians , bnt shortly
nftcrwhrds died in ono of the nnto
at tKo execatlvo m&n lon.
'Wh n tbo minister wnn taken sick the
mnolo a topped.N . an d after the an
nouncement of hUtdbaththo rtotptlon
ended , ttila body -w snbncquoutly
removed to his reiiocuoe.
Jtannry 1. To-dsy
wac aa bright uud pleaBtnt as a spting
dny , and thn rooobtlon glvon by the
president opened prociislngly. The
oxooutlvo mansion , with- now decora
tions , upholstery tiid furniture , pre
sented a fiuo Tropical
plants adorned tb mantels in 'tho '
vaot room , and In the tpdii blno aud
green parlors were whUo'fefctoowv , and
Hrnilax depended from' the chandolttri.
The president stood Iivtht blue par
lor , asftiited by jsovoral Tid en. Cabi
net mintstoio nd th diplomatic
corps wcro the first received ,
nnd during their ' recaption
Ellsha H. Allen , Hbrrailn minister ,
waa taken ill. The rnaslo stopped
bnt the reception contlnnod. Tbo
chief juctico acd nssoolato joiticos of
the United States supreme court ,
tonalorn , etc. , arrived , followed by
officers of the army nnd nary In fnll
drtas nniform. Old coldloro of the
wi\ra of 1812 aud 184G wore then re
ceived. While members of the Old
est Inhabitants' oieoolaticn of the Din-
trlot of Columbia were being received
the death of Minister Allen Iran an
nounced and the recaption undod.
The announcement of tnn death of
Mr. Allen followed so quickly npon
the first report of hia iliucsi thai the
two wore Almost simultaneous. A
gentleman who was present deccribts
the scene an an aff < ctlpg > opotho , pres
ident having boon moved to terra , Mr.
Allen , who had rornldneda iholrt tlsflt1
after being presented to Ch ( > inci
dent , ! ' djP * 4 iiigJ'fh i. Vf' .
company with his preparatory to
leaving tbp buildlnz. Ho waa chat.-
itlug oUsitiu' y wltH cjjrwq aint-
unccs , when andd4ily no .beotm'e
Bpcoohless an.J feJ' ' back upon a eof * .
Paasetl Asowt n * Surgeon Hannebur-
gor , of the wary , was'tbe firat medical
man in Attendance. Hewas" quickly
joined by Dr. Basil Norrie , of tha
army , Surgeon General Orano , U.
S. /i. , nnd Medical , Director
Brown , U. 8. N. , who nil endeavored
by , the employment of every expedient
r\r hand to rosnstlcato the strwken
Diplomat. r eath wan instan-
bneonES and iran cau'sad by , ngin
poctorif. Just previous to ont.'rhiB the
: lo k roqui for his overcoat Mr. Allen
paused With Judge Yftn. A. IHcUrd-
rton , ot the court of cluirar , tha dm-
ilhnoius of the Boason , and then t > o
entlcmen relaxed the courtly do
uoniior of the occasion and exchanged
Tvittickma at which both laughed
iuito [ heartily. Thin laughter , it ia
.nought , induced the mintatur'n fatal
BOSTON , January 1. The United
Btatos grand jury found another in
dictment Bgt-lost Abnor J. Bongon ,
the fngitivo cx-presidcnt of tbo PAO-
ifio National bank. The ofloneo al
leged is making false returns to the
comptroller of the currency in Octo
ber , 1881. The returns were aiqned
by Cashier Pettougill , but ruetlo np by
Baton's direction nnd from bia flg-
urej. 1 $ is piotty well undo/stood
hoi\ ) that Buogon IB lu Oanmk ,
Ilt'OHHOHD , January 1 , Some par
ticulars reached i'oro of the
lynching of the negro Blnford Smith
at TMmroll ooutt hoo'.o. He Is tbo
murderer of Oharloa'Klneur ( whUe ) ,
aged 24 , Notwithstanding the proa-
once of & strong gawd a body of man ,
lifter 1 o'clock 'Jftunday night lust ,
succeeded in getting into the jail , and
forced tbo oefl. The jailer was
trouned by thf iiolco , bnt found that
the door of hi * room was fattened on
the outeidt ? * .nd guarded , Ho got out
at auoth door end ran np Main
strcot fcr bolp. Meantime the jirie-
oner wi , 'hurriod A-twn B'trn and out
doors , followed by the ' jailer'B
vlfo. 'Wbon ths crond | iavinK Smith
lu oWrgo hid proceeded abiut 100
yanli the jailor's wife fired n p to ! to
nlrwi t > 'io ' town. The lynohora tlxiugbt
tliy jailer wi.s returning with tsslitance
ard commenced firlcg upon ho p Js-
wjor. Abtmt twenty-five sbotn wire
Urod , bnt culy thrao ( ook effect.
Two balls struck hbi m the head
and one lu the shoulder. The mob
then lelt their victim , Hi ! TUB taken
bank ii'to the jMl * nd died , 'n about
three boura. Suifth was kutvu fer
brutal rocklcssnoeH end his proclivity
for netting into I-OWB with wuito men ,
OIXOINKATI , January 1. A Mt.
Yarnon , O. , special sayt : Mra. BU11.
trell , wifn ol Jay V. Btillvell , osa-
ploytd on the Chicago , Burlington &
Qulncy railroad , mailcaooufcsslon to
dsv on hur dcftth bed of three i 4i.J
di.ra. Hho lu nt tbo.hoaso of , nh ' - '
tire in Kaox cminly. Her first aur-
dsr W B JJpnjauiiu Swlgtrt , ber Irst
nusbaud , who , sio * y , be kiled
, t Msry vlllc , Mo , , in March ,
1877 , with the aid of her
mother and brother. The teooud
HM n stranger whoni the ntmo parties
killed for his money while stopping at
their boarding honte. The third was
her own child , n daughter , aijod 14 ,
whom she strangled in the presence of
hnr mother at Halo , Nob. , in * May ,
1880. She alto confuted three at
tempts to kill her husband to obtain
his lifo Insurance , The confessions
was first mtvdo to her husband and
slnco repeated to others. She is dying
ot consumption.
OmntssTOH , 8. 0 , January 1.
Dav Roberts. A negro In the Abbo-
vllle jail , this state , h rgcd with
cotton stculing nnd murderous usault ,
was taken out and lynched last nl ht ,
Admlttanoo to the jail waa obUluod
by alratogom and the sheriff bolug
overpowered ,
RKIDIJ-I Pa. , January 1Shortly
after mid < ht , while watch mooting
services r o being hold lu the Bo-
formed agolloal church , a large
cannon , f : < d with stones and powder ,
was di oh > ' < od. The front wall was
crushed In and nearly Ml the windowpanes -
panes slmv red. There was great ox-
oltomont U ODR the nudlunoc , but ,
fortunatrjl ) , uo ono wan hurt. Eight
arrests worn mi do , ' and warranti are
one for the apprehension of several
other/ .
iiaio ov IIOHOBS.
BALXU , > Uea. , Jrnnary 1. Mayor
Oolloy , whnio torrr. of office expired
to day , lunged hiouolf this ciitrnoon.
SpteUl DtipUchf Tui Itja.
I ' .iFix : ( . nuary 1 , Whlio watoh-
night sorviocB wro proceeding in a
number ( the olty churohoa last
ni 'ht e/ihock of earthquake waa felt ,
lasting about thirty seconds. Many
bnilduigfl were shaken- and in several
crowded churohoi almost a panlo was
created ,
< 'RocxLAiiD , Ho , January 1 , A
shock- - earthquake was foil : through'
'onb ' this city and vicinity last ulgbf ,
followed by a. storm of thunder ud
llghtnlr. .
Bptdil Dirpitdi to Tro Ura.
BUTIMOBJ , January 1. Seventy-
six 'deaths ' from smallpox occurred
hero during the past wb k.Today a
cue occurred in the olty jHnd over
300 prisoners confined , for minor of-
lonsu * wcro discharged. The dlebaie
is attribatod to the lrieffiIenoy nnd
negligence of the hpilth dopartmont.
He Goeo yfeab to Moke a Stake.
* 'Do'on belong here , " asked a
rather roncch looking man of a BBE
rpporter yesterday morning aa the
iUtcr wr-vwjiltlng for the donartnro of
tixej VMWaH r tTOTQr the Union
> 7ji'4Mn'aftJir' '
a ? 6i:6. ] ( SjU | AWftilgei : ixd pauii'ui * . In
Ma walk'up nhdlTdown the depot plat-
'tf& , 'and whefftiiP reporter gave htm
an affirmative nawer bin weather-
beaten countenance relaxed a little
aud ho leaned np against the wall , nn-
buttoned hia overcoat and commenced
patting further questions to the re
"How is the hack business hero ,
any good , " ho asked !
The reporter told him that he was
not very vroll ponied In thnt line but
thought U wag fair.
I am looking for a now location
continued tha stranger , and when I
left St. Lonlo thought I wonld strike
Salt Lilo. I have baen down In St.
Louis for over twenty-five years but
thu bottom ban dropped out altogether.
i'o no Rood. Drlv.cra ain't miking
etoug * to feed their horses ou. It
U3tto bo the dandy town before the
war and oven after the war ,
but now it seems that every
body ri(0s ( on the otreot cars or has a
turn-out tholr own. I nm getting
pretty old \nd I want to fix myself ,
bnt I can't lo it i tlio old town. "
"Why , I thought St. Loulu hackraon
were nil rich , ' said the reporter , "they
cburco enough. '
"You bet thoj charge enough when
they got a lo d , but they don't got
many to haul. " '
"Don't puoplo L'ck a good deal
on ao high prtcct ? " k > kcd thu reporter.
"Oertalnly they klfr , bat It don't
do them any good , " answered the
imckman. "Tho boys uo always a
races for thorn , and aroaMo to fix it
up so thoycomrt ontubowt Thcsanow
driveri coming up now"hJoontlnued ,
"ftln't got the ability the oU boyo had
along iu 'Oa imd 'C4. They 111 down
and f'lro up if their lend mak s much
of a kick. The old fellow * drtn't do
it. If a man kbkerl on any of them
ho always got , the worat of it. Ill tell
you a llttla jrko about oneold snnoeer
that thoujjhl he piild too much. This
happened ' 1801. Hugh O'Ktwfe
TM ono ol the nllcksst drlTet'i lu St.
Louis , and nobody over got alietd of
him. Ho drove for Pete AYelob , abd ,
in tho3o diys , made as high aa tQO
and $70 a day. Ho would tnrn In t ?
Pete , whiu the day's work waa done ,
30 or 11 thinking it w&a about tha
fair thlnK tt kcop half , Mind you ,
Potu knowUtst U'Koofo was holding
aut jm him , bnt be dare not Lick fur
tear 1 woui quit rroik. Ho know
be made uibV than any other driver
bo rifcd , but ] } vtsn'fc portlonkr to
ask how ho im\o it. Well , 'ono < J y
Hugh waa stantng In front of B r-
num'd betel , S end ,6nd Chetrut ,
v/hon an old eui'oomoV ' out anti lolls
him he wantn hit to drlto him down
io thu river to fclfh Hugh stld "all
jrlght , " and the ol follow waa bundlad
lu and his trunk pt on tVo box , nnd
bo wza ttion to\le \ bw.t. "How
muob Is I , y ut,7' ' tiji , the old
na-ty , afUb go'put. "Ten dol-
Ian sir > < > u iV " ,
, , > p , Bfcl | Kugn ,
find ho nt- ! t ttn , ] UK Lj-fj , ,
hand lookii . - - > . i { . ov ? ! . The
old codger * . ; - ' fu b optoUolea and
commouced ! Ingfin \ h , who did
not craok a wUe , " 'u dollar * , " he
Raid ; "you aromiitaken. I can't pa ;
any no oh amount , sir. Why , jot
Imvo only drawn mo thrco blocks ; it'
too much entirelyHo told htm i
was the rsgnlar price , nnd ho conh
not take any lew. The old party pale
It , nt the sniao time Inquiring for thi
drlvcr'o ntiroo. and ho swore no woulc
trot oven with St. Louts hickmon
Hugh didn't want to give him hU
right name , so ho told him it was
John Bluff , and drove off. Well
the old follow wao very mad
Whcu ho wont on the boa
ho told the contain abou
It. The csptnin told him the boa
would not go out for nn hour or two
and that ho had bettor look the follO ?
up and make him pay back a part o
the money. Tbo old follow vrantei
to got oven , BO ho wont up ou the
lovco aud nskod Jlmmlo Ilj&u , who
was standing there by hla carriage , I
ho knew where ho could find John
Bluff. 'Oh 1 yes,1 said Jlmmlo , 'ho
Is just up here , jump in and I'll iaki
you up. The old party got iu ant
rode around. Jitnmto would ate
every little bit and tell him that Wnfl
bad just loft and ho could find him
soon , So they rode around for a
hour , bnt they didn't eomo up to Bin :
at all. Finally the old gent gave I
np and wanted to got back to the boat
no Jlmmlo drove him thoro. He # 0
out nud thanked Jimmlo for his
trouble aud waa about to go on th
boat , when Jimmlo told htm to holt
on. 'Why , what's the raattorl1 nikod
the old follow , ' -Woll , you will have
to pay my fare , ' answered Jimmlo
Fifteen dollar * , If you ploaso. ' The
old follow WM badly rattled , I tel
yon , bnt ho' finally put up tha shekels
ols , 'WbRt'o your uamol' aakiul the
old party'Why my name in Jin
BIuuV'Mid Jjuimlo. Tin John'
brother ! The old man aworc , I Ul
you , as Jimmio drove off , bnt Jlmmlo
dldnt cnro , you know , for ho had the
niopey. "
J'What bccumo of thoio Wo fol
Ipivst" nskod the reporter.
"Woll , llufih got A Itttlft too fly
after a r/bllu tmd ho wwi boUnond lo
some crooked work , Ho wont out t (
Dilo City , Montana , nnd got to atealln
horaca Tl ! " pnyplo got onto him aui
they lynohod him In 18G9. Jlmml *
lljan was oent np to the pan at Juffor
son for taking a aatohel from a lei > d b
hud to the old Iron Monutnln u'jpot
Third nud Almond etreolc , and b
died there. Poor follow ; ho uo mor
took th t grip than I did , aud ' .
know It. "
The old hftckmnn asked the rcporto
a few r ar ; > qncstlona about Omaha
and was VukhiR htm to take a smile
from n bottle ho pulled oui of hi
pocket when the xvhistloblew , and b
hastily said t > oed bye and got on board
MatUr of AppUnfttlon ot OwcnMoCaQre
fur-Liquor Lioenio.
Notice If httebyfirmthttOwenHoCiJIrtjd
upon the 37th d j of DeeemUcr , A. . D. 1S42 , fll
bis kcpllcktlon t ? the Uaycr and City Council o
Omibu , for HCXTDM to i 11 Unit , Spirituous im
Vlnoni Llquon. t N.-H , cor. Uougha nd lEt
trett , 3rd ward , Ora&ha. , N b. , fium tb * lot
d > y of Januw7,1683 , to the lltU d&y ol Xprl
it ibirn be no objcc'lon. rttnonititnre or pro
lf t tied within two week from Uoo , 27 , A. 1)
1633 , th laid HOOOM Kill he et ntr J.
. , , Applkant.
Th CifJu * nj > w > ptr.yTMl puViih tl
above notice OIICA etch wcoi lor Inu wt tsuvtz :
cxpenieof the appllcnnt. The cltot Omaha
not to be chargtd ihcrcwllb.
J. J. L. 0. JElfETT ,
. .dl > CUr Clerk.
Mutter of Application of Jnetun Kcplc
ft Co , , for Liquor License.
Notice li hrrcliy Riven that Justus Kowlor h
Co. . did tiiion thoiTdi day of lc. A. I ) . , 1882 , rt !
I heir application to tlie Mayor und Cltv Clouncl
o Omalki , for license to sell Malt , Spirituous am
Vinous llqmn at 13'h ' troct bet , wlllluna mu
1'lcrce street , yd ) Vanl , Omahn , Kcb. , from the
10th day of January 1833 , to Iho 11th day ot A ) > rl
I8S3.H there be no objection , remonstrance or pro
tctt fili-tl wltlilri two urckn from Uaccmbcr 'XI
A. . D. , IBStha salil llccnso will be granted.
The Om ) n Ito'6 ncwHpoppr will publish the
abote notlcobncu each week for two wrrkH tA the
expente of thu applicant. The City of Omaha Is
not to bo charged therewith.
J. J. lt. 0. JK.WETT ,
J 57 2t City Clurk.
Matter of Application of Fred Btaack
for Liquor IJccnne.
NoUce Is hereby tilren that Fred H aacX ,
illd upon thr Mill < 1iy of Doc. A. It. IbS'J ,
( llohlit apnllc-itlon to llu Mayor and CltyCJun-
ell of Omaha for llcenio to sill Halt , Bnlrltuoua
und Vlnouti Liquor * at No 113 Utli itrcct ,
'lltlrd Ward , Omaha. Hcliraska. , from th'
toil ; day of January IfcfO , to thu llth day of
April , USt.
It tlifi be no cbjcctlon , 'remanitrance or pro
kett ( llod wlthlu KM wcnks from ) ) oo bth A
1) . 1EW , theunldllcenio will bo irnmtoj.
, Applicant.
Till Oiuru H i nnwtpaptr will publish thi
ibove notice once each wool ; for two wroV at
ho exptnio of thv applICAn t. The Olty ol
Juinlia | > not to bo charged t torovUh ,
J.J. L.O. J WITT <
c27-2t ! Oltv Clerk
Mutter of .Application rf Kctvvurd Leo
for Liquor Licence.
Notlco in [ horelJy givan thnt L'dwanl
Jotvler did upon the " 7th day o ( le <
> nmher , A , 1) , , 1882 , lllo his nppllan-
ija to the Mayor nnd City Council of
) mnlia , fiJi-ltcuLBo to null Mnlt , 'J'ltitii"UB ) '
, ud Vinoui LUmom , at No , liKi 1'nninra
troet , Tolrd Word , Omrtlin , N ib. , frow
lie 10th ilny of January , 1833 , to the 10th
, v of AiirD , 1883.
If tb ( re bo no objection , remormtrBncii
r urotuit filed within two wteku from
> < : ceint < cr 27th , A , D. , 18& ! , the aald
ojiso will bo granted ,
TUB OUAUA Dun iiQWjpaiuir r 'U nuMlib
ho above noli once uuch v/cek for two
'Oiks nt thu oxponiio of the applicant ,
'he City of Ojusha la not to be obnrgou
iierevlth , J. J , L , 0. JI\YITT ,
W-'Jt Oily Cletk ,
Tatter of Application of MMc [ Lenz tot
Llnunr Ltcenre.
Notice Ia hereby given thnt Max Leiji :
U upon the 27th day of JJecdiiiler , A ,
) . 1882 , Ma hit application to Uu Mayer
ud City Council of Oinabn. for Ikon.- *
o tell Mall , Bpirltuoua aud Vinoiu Uiiuora
it comer Uth and Jnckaon etrcst Vint
fc-anl , Uinuhft , Neb , irom tie 10th day of
rtmuary , 13ti3to Uiu llthday ; of .Ayill
' -p83.
It tbeicUb.-l nn ohJecUon , rf.iuimtranw
< T piottit tiled wiMiln two r.telu from Jc-
i < unber 27. A. D. 1S ? , the s\id Hctnsu vill
> j grautca. MAX LENZ , by J. Kr-
TUB OAUIIA UBU mwapftper wul putlub
ho above notice ouco ea h week ( ' r two nt the oipciiej cf tic applicant
. 'bo Uity bf Ouiulm It not to bi
Lercwltb , J. J. L. 0 ,
- ' " &
2-J-2J OityOkrk ,
Dillon Again Postpones His Resig
nation From Parliament ,
The O'Brien Libel OOBO Brouflht
to Trial in Dublin ,
Finnuolnl EmbarraBomont the
Cause of Count Von Wini-
pffen'o Buiaido.
American \Vhcnt tind lit
In Foraljgxi Marhott 'Mi
ner Note * .
0 ; > * oUl Dbpttck to Tni tin.
DUBLIX , January 1. The
league mooting which noomk
Bolllnhouu , King * county , yo
in dtfiance of ogovornmMit prJ
Uon forbidding It , waa diip
largo force , of constabulary. ,
LONDON , January 1-r-Thn
Bloomer WheLtficM , irota New
for'Leipslo , lauded nt 8t. 0 thnr
Point last evening Iu n thlok fog ,
crow was saved rnd thb proopeotJ !
ntwlng the cargo nro favorable ,
vojjol , horfovcr ls , likely ,
totalloss , i
GIUIN ix lavsnroot.
LiYtnrooL , January" 1. The stock !
of whnnt hero la 10,000,000 ccnlals ; !
corn , 130.000 quarters } floulfj ' 200,000
sacks , ' 4,850 barrels , r
LONDON , January 1. The Marfer
LAnn Express snya : Beyond all doubt
Nov2 Amurloin rod wlntce wheat will
bo the standard of value In tha
world'n whottt fntiket Mr the ojrnal
j ear. of 1882-83. FArraor * ' deliv rien
and'vnrioan cxtr nooun supplica ren
der British millers' qnito Independent ,
of the American contingent at pros-
tint. The London and provincial
market hu boon very quiet during :
the past week , Trudo in foreign wheat-
waa only retail. Flour ia dull and
nmleo irregulnr. Oats are cheaper.
Very little buuincoi is doing in the off-
ooaat market. Sales in English wheat
for the past week were 43,510 quarters
at 40-t lid per quarter , uc-ftlnst 32,227"
quarters at 4 < ln 3d for the cor
responding" period of Iwt yoari
PAIUS , Jinuary I.- Count TOO
Wlmpffen , AnBtro-Hnngarlan aabaa-
oador bora , who committed suicid *
Saturday , had lately been in the
habit of talking aloud tn himself for
houra. Ho had carried A revolver
around with him for week. On Fri
day bo Crod it oat of the window of
tht > Hotel Hanrica ( gainst the wull of
the court yard tq wt it Tha auppo-
aitlon. that hla nulbide wai connected'
with financial 'bnibarraMideu.U
color from the fact that pre ( of the lot-
tew ho loft ia nadr Me rloh
; ustrttn financier Hv ;
VrKNKA , January tli and hare 'jncad a
system of attacks upon it Kalo-
nocky , imperial m'niator ' foreign
afftfrs , bcc nao of his en ; cl Ilna-
> ian proclivltlofl.
LOKBON , January 1. Dilltm
leanud an addr'Jaa to hia fr/ondn / of
TIpperory nnnomicinf- ; that in dtfer-
ancu to the wishes of hia friemlo ho
! IM agraod to postpone hia resignation
us inumber of parlinmont until the first
week of the ecmlou , contcquontly
there will bo a vacancy about the end'
of February , He onerfotlp ; lly dnnloa
that ho rotirta bcceneo hu is dipguatod
with parliamontany agitation. Ho
enya lie boliovoa moro firmly' than
over in the noccmlty of onauring
that Irtah. ropactenlntivta in purlla-
mout shall bo an Indoponilont body of
URtionallsts , who will oppoeo and bur-
raai awry govornmentrwnJoh denico
rights to Ireland. Hu bollorta above
ull in frcodom in Ireland , in America ,
and whurovLT the Irieh remain faith-
ul to tholr nationality. Ho rcaigns ,
10 Diiy.i , solely because his health la
Broken down , nnd labor will bo im <
) oo lbln tn him for u ounsldarablo
lino. Ho bollovei the nutiimal caueo
vaia never nlnuo the uiifon in n htron-
ger position ,
BOIILIK , Jannnry 1. In thn jjoh'oo
court tb'Av.y O'Rrion w.u arraigbod on
110 cbargo of Hoditioun libfl , based on
an article entitisd "AccunloSpirJIs / , "
irlntod in "Uuitcd Irolurd , ol vrllch
> uyor it was cialiniil O'Btlpn woo ed-
lor. Hullivan r.nd several Irvh'mum- '
inra of parliarncut iruroprououc. Sul-
lvi\n submitted that then , was not &
itrtiolo of ovidenuo to uhow that
VBriwi wou editor or publisher of
JniU'd ' Irolaud December 2SJ , th
iito on rliiobtho article ur.nnlain < d
f r ) ne - J. Proar.uutioa jraa pott-
onud tlircu wcf'is uundlri ) coniidoia-
on otho r. plloAtfon of ilcfcj.u nt to
10 onurtof qntoa'c bench for an order
ompelltag the m huvlng
lurga of tbo case to t lo ovidenoo
rovti. tint truth of Ibo etatoinoutn
mvde in the in tide ,
HALE or TuonooaiiunEns.
I.ONUON , January 1 , At a sale of
aoroughbroda to-dny laonotny bi onibt ;
,000 ( julnoai , Bociaw 1 400 gninou
nd Geologh-t 1,150 gnlnoaa ,
PEHTII , Januvry l. Herr Sirzi ,
irealdotit of the Ilungariaii council ,
n repljlnpE to tba New Voar oougrat-
kilitiooa of thollctr.ili to-day , until ho
onhl not aoo tuy ground for sppro-
lornlon of a dlnturbunco of the rcace.
tiroulil bo or 9 of the principal alms
f the ororntr.on . ho W | to neck
111 > r , not fur war , but for the uvetorv
Uon of poao ? .
Wit-HDiDCN , JHnmry 1 , Tbo BLlno
) cda Imvo deatroyoil five vlllagoe.
\vo bnridroil and Qfty bonoiui have
YIIUMI , January 1. lUIn roaom *
nrnccd to-day , The Dinabo Is eguin
ud It ia f ear od it will brekk
irough OiaFloiisdorf djkes ,
ir > > ? > 't !