Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1882, Image 6

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    mm ? Tm A TTr 1 ? . .
.nrvTTxrnTT. T5TTTrTC ! i G Amir 1711 V r 1ot7A/r c-t. QA
The Daily Bee.
Saturday Morning , Doc. 30X1
omoe : No. 7. Pearl Street , Now
roadway , _
J. Mueller's ralaceJMnrio Hull.
A. et of trngiry rnnnen for s Ie at 1
E. Seaman's ,
Only one drnok marked the pollc
record yesterday.
Dishes , glassware , lamps , etc. , at 80
Broadway. Howe ft Son ,
L rga Mortment of New Year gift
at U. K , Seaman's.
Them Is talk of Council Bluffs bavin
till ono more bank ,
Old papers for sale at Tna BBS oSce
at 25 ctnta per hundred.
Imported and Key West clg ra con
stonily o hand at Late & Lange's.
Ixava tj wed WM yesterday Riven to
August Uoibert and Mary Martin , both
of MIndon.
Prof. Samuels will clone his afflee on
Sunday , December 31.
Snbicrlba for newipapen and periodl
eU at U , E. Seoman'a book store.
Hendorsbott , chanced with robbing a
countryman named Newton , has been
found guilty by a jury In tha dlatrlc
Lutr & Langs hara now opened a re
tad store In connection with their whole *
ala eatafallihment In Shugart's new block
The matlnea this afternoon will ba
generally attended , for the Whltely com
pany gives "Tha Child of tbe People. "
Furniture of all kinds repaired by
Howa A Bon , 303 Broadway
Lute 4 Langa'a fine selection of am
ber , meencbaum and smokers' goods of tha
b st grades Is supplying tha holiday de
mand In that line.
Key. J. X. Armstrong will preach at
tha Broadway Methodist church to-mor-
ow morning and evening.
This Is the lait night for the Whltely
Co. , and they give on this occwlon the
greateitofall Irhh comedy-dramas , the
Colleen Bawn.
Last evening tha play of the Two Or
phans W B well given by the Whitely
dramatic company to a largo and enthusi .
astic audience. '
Veaterday afternoon the trial of the
cases of McKune and Bently far obtain
ing goods of Forman & Bro. . under a bo
gus chobk scheme , was come , enced In tbo
dlatrict court.
Tha Glenwood Journal is contemplating
ing tbo suspension of tbo'dally Issue of Us >
paper , bcciuio of lack of support and too
many delinquent subscribers ,
The citizen's bank Is fitting up ita new
quarters in Bhogurt'a block In an elegant on
yet buiincis like manner , the counters ,
diakc , etc. , being all of oiled cherry , one
the whole presenting as pleating an appearance - ;
pearanco M any bank In tbe west , whloi
; ns skying much , but nevertheless tha truth
, A.tnia a m d Mxlln WM 'rofc
Injured at Bftrnos' corn shelling place
abont eleven tnllos e&it Of thla city , on
Thursday. Ills team became frightenec $
by tbo cars nnd as they sterted ho fel
under the loaded wagon , tbe hind whee
of which passed over htm , ' breaking thro
rtbi and otherwise Injuring him. Dr , Bel
linger , who attended htm , thinks he wil
Charles T. Officer , son of Thomas
Officer , of this city , was united In mar
ilagelast Thursday to Miss Maggie Boyle
at the home of the brldo In Allegheny
City , Pa , The bride is a sinter of Mm. L
C , Baldwin , and both will be heartily wol
corned on their return to this city , wblcl
will bo about the middle of January , thny
in tbe meantime to enjoy a wedding trl ; an
through the oast.
Toodt Bros. ' hardware store at Glen
wood burned Wednesday night. Th
cause Is unknown. The building was
completely destroyed. Iruured for 91XX (
The stock , which waa Insured for 15,000
was damaged but much of it saved. Mr $
Lyon , who waa engaged in the pump bus
now , had all hla tools and pumps In tb
bnilding and lost $500 , on which there was
\ no Insurance.
Wes Jioluon yesterday lost a valua gas
ble thoroughbred cow , which died so inys
terloutly that a post mortem waa holt
The cow's stomach waa found to cental
needles and bits of glass , and the snppos
tion Is that she swallowed these whil
emptying a swill pall Into which they ha
been carelessly thrown. $
A large and merry sleighing part
left hero shortly after noon yesterday fo
a brief visit to Omaha. There were cu
tors , and bobsleighs , and boxes on run a
ners , In fact , nil aorta of rlgr , but the pas
eengera were none the leas merry , and th
Boys' band discoursed lively mualo as eve
tbe snow they went. It is to ba hope
that Omaba may reciprocate at no die
Unt day.
Hnrknesa. Orcutt & Co. have still
few fine silk dolmans. Call aud so : ho
thorn , _
Peregoy & Moore have got their re and
tall store half-soled and revamped also
Their oaao of holiday pipes and ciga
holders ia a big attraction and th The
best pieces will soon bo gone. U3-f >
To strengthen and build up the ay
tern , a trial will convince you tha thus
Brown's Iron Bitters ia the best mot city
icino mado. >
Lidies * and children's wool hoods a
Darkness , Orcutt & Co.'s.
W , PaUon , a fireman on the Union Pa Ion
cine , Is here on n few days vhit to h !
brother , O , II. Dalsan.
Major Wooda 10 in the city ,
It. 0 , White , of Gleiiwoctl , visited th ray.
Bluifi yenterday. >
Bo Careful of tbo Batiiai.
your children are threatened wit :
or any throat diilicultv. apply a fai
of TbomaV Kcloctrio OH. It ia th
medicine fur the little ocei w
Showing That Oonnoil Bluffs is
Orowing and Prospering ,
The Resultn of the Old Year
and the Promises of
the Now.
Now BnUdlupi Kara Hpnma
en All Sldw nntl Bniln
HIM Boomed
Causes of Congratulation.
The year now drawing to a close haa
roufjht many changes to Council
iluffa , but they have been for the
moat part changes for the bettor , and
which clearly Indicate growth and
onoral prosperity ,
These changes , as wrought ono after
nether , day by day , have not escaped
otlce , yet but few roallto how many
nd how great they have boon , with-
ut the help of a grouping or sum
mary , bringing them to the mind aa a
Irdnoyo vlow.
In the building line , the sound of
10 hammer has surely boon hoard in
10 land , This has boon a'busy year ,
nd OD every sldo appears practical
vldonco that men gladly testify to
heir faith in Council Bluffs' present
nd fntura by placing their money in
rick and mortar. The busincis
troots have boon given a still moro
metropolitan appearance by the oroo-
ton of largo blocks , and tbo promise
s rnaJe that the appearance and
tllity of at least Main street and a
{ roadway will bo still further In-
reaaad next year by being subsist-
lally paved , it is to k > o hoped with
ranlto or some equally lasting ma-
Ono of the most Important building ,
mprovomonts started this year is the
ow opera honso located on Broad way ,
orner of Seventh street , which is (55 (
y 1G5 , and is to cost about 975,000
when completed. It promises to bo
no of the finest in the west , if not
no of the largest. Its seating oapnc-
ty will bo 1,200.
This year has soon the completion
f the big elevator , which has boon
written np so of ton that tho.publio are
utto familiar.
The water works company also
ommoncod its mammoth work thin
oar , and will soon be in active opera-
ion. . -
Another very important and Tory | '
roat Improvement , is the Shugart
lock , extending from Main to Pearl
treots along First Avenue , it being >
4 by 102 foot , throe storica and base
ment , and its cost about $20,000.
Thu MoMahon block adjoining , and
uilt uniform with it , is alao ono of
his yoar'a improvmouta , and roaches
about the same amount of txpendl-
uro.Tho building of the Bennett block
Bancroft street , near Broadway , Is
ono of the marked improvements of
roar. It is nearly seventy feet square ,
hroo stories and basement , and is
very attractive and commodious.
The Empkio hardware company
bare built this year on Main nlreet
the briokAoak occupied by thorn , It
being 55 by 100 feat , four storlus and a
basement , the cost not being far from
Conrad Golso has made gront im
provements In his extensive brewery ,
adding a third atory to the building ,
ind making other expenditures , footIng -
Ing up 15,000 or moro. Ho has also
broken ground at the head of Wash
ington avenue for a new residonoo ,
the work on which is to proceed as fast $
possible , and which when completed
will cost from $8,000 to $10,000.
Holte & Spotman have greatly Im
proved tholr brick blook on Main $
stropt , where Kiel's hotel la located ,
adding a third atory to It , and mak
ing in that and other improvements
oxpondltnro of $10,000.
The Shugart implement company is
building a wooden warehouse- near to
the 0. B. & Q. depot at a cost of
The driving park and fair associa
tion has expanded In buildings and
Improvements to Its grounds about
$15,000 this year , the exposition
building , oreotod this year , being the
best in the state without doubt.
The deaf and dumb Institution hon
been Improved this year In several $
ways , an addition being made to its
works , another brick building beIng -
Ing erected , and other minor expendi the
tures footing up over $5,000.
Beobo & Co. , the furniture men , lin
have added largely to their salesroom
and warehouse , the now part being
two stores 40 by 1GO foot and costing and
$5,600. son
8. 8. Keller & Co. , to moot the de
mands of a rapidly increasing busi
ness , have extended their furnlturo
establishment clear to Piurco street at
coat of 84.0CO.
The most important of the building
Improvements made by the boaidof
education is the erection of the school of
bouso i.u ITaH's addition , a brick struc
ture coating $ DCOO. The Improve his
ments on the other school buildings and
amount to about $2,000 ,
The now engine house , occupied by
Rescue company , is ono of the E ,
oauiug improvements by the city. It
very complete in its arrangements , this
costs about $5,000. The city has $
this year expended $1,500 in the
loimtruction of a fire alarm system , the
city has alio built the culvert nnd
rldgo on First street , which , when
completed will cost $7,000.
The work on the Jevoo at the river $
far foots up (3,500 , and on the
park 2,000 , whllo $13,000 has $100
oen expended on atroots and alloys. the
P , 0. DoVal'a new store on Main
street , with other improvements on his atory
property , cost $10,000.
Deere , Wollo & Co. have put up a
rlok agricultural warehouse on Main
treot , 100x150 , and a frarao addi-
75x100. The total cost was
bout $10,000.
P. J. Gallagher has spent $300 in §
raprovernonts to hla store , 308 iiroad- his
ray.Tho city livery on Main atroot lisa to
eon given $500 improvements by Mr. land
A , A , Clark haospont $3,700 on the biick
ere occupied by Oaopor & Magee on has
Iain street , near
Peter Hasten has put up a $5,000 each.
on High street.
Moses Plum has improved the store
occupied by Peregoy & Moore , on
Main street , by $500.
J Whitaker has built n store nnd
dwelling house on lower Broadway at
a cost of $2,500.
Lo Xummnhlen has opcnt $500
In Improving block corner of Broad
way and i Main street.
J. Keller , $500 in improving block
oornc Bancroft and Brand wny ,
Ono of the largest building enter
prises , of the season is the new five
story brick building being erected hy
Palmer Wright and to bo occupied by
David Bradley & Co. It is 75 by 150
foot , and will cost when finished
Larson's steam laundry building on
Broadway wai built this year for
Mason Wiao built a now livery
stable on Scott street costing $5,000.
A. L. Lingmado has enlarged the
Metropolitan hotel at a cost of $2,500 ,
and built a $1,000 store also , located
on adjacent property.
Dr , W. L , Patton has built on Main
street a now livery stable coating
A. 8.
Bryant is jnst finishing a now
brick bnilding corner of Union avenue
and Broadway , at a cost of $4,000.
A , Bocckhoff has put an addition to
his otoro and d trolling on Fifteenth
street , $500.
Dr. Plnnoy has built on olcgant
brick offiaa on Pearl atreut at a cost of
The improvement * on St. Francis
academy amount to $1.200.
Jacob Loutzlngor is making ex-
tomh Improvements to his bnilding
on Broadway , which when completed
will cost $8,000.
The 0. M. & St. Paul road besides
completing ] its road to this point , has
built freight-and passenger depots ,
now round honsoa , oto ,
The 0. * N. W. railway has built
now and largo round homo here this
The Wabash freight depot la also
ono of this yoar'a improvements.
Gcorse Blaxalm has built on lower
lain street a substantial brick store , $
tire ntories and basement , costing
bent $4,000
John Taylor has built on Main
strool a two story framu store costing
about $2,400.
Mr Straub has put up now sheds at
hla brick yard aud made other 1m-
irovomonU there to the amount of
A. H. Harris built throe ono story
fratni stoics next to Mueller's on
Main street at n coat of $000 each.
The Crystal mill has boon rebuilt
and improved I to the extent of at least
520,000 , making ouo the most com-
nlo'u establishments in the country.
The City roller mills have boon
really enlarged and improved the past
'oar , as fully described in TUB BEE of
ocont date. It is certainly a credit
o this city , ag well aa to iho ontcrpriso
ofiU proprietors.
Mrs. M ) nator , is about completing
her brick t black on Broadway , a two
otory brick with forty foot front , cost
ing $10,00 ( ' .
Taylor Woolaoy , the restaurant man ,
has just j taken possession of his now
two stoty i brick on Broadway , which
oo.itPi $3,000.
Potar Wois and Peter Tholl have
built two brick store buildings on
Mail atrnot , costing about $15,000
Mrs. Dargon r.ddod $3,000 im $
provements to her hotel.
Mr. Mitchell of Jbo ,
hole , erected Irnjonnect
$1,500 stable.
O. F. Smith , betides doing much
building for others , has erected two
dwelling houses of his own on South $
Seventh < street at n coat of aoout
$3,500 ; alao a carpenter shop on the
corner of Broadway and Seventh
street at a cost of $350. $
J. F. Weir haa built this season two
houses on bonth Tenth street , costing
$1EE .
E Lnskowski put up a two story
nnd basement briok residence on
Bluff , corner of Ninth avenue , costing
ec.cM .
William Koolino , a ono story briok
addition to hla houao on Broadway ,
near Book street , $1,200.
0 Strab , who has done much build
ing for others , made a frame addition
hla own house , on First street , bn-
twoon Eighteenth and Nineteenth
avenues , at a cost of $800.
Pat Lacey has built this season nix
houses on First avenue , between
Tenth and Eleventh streets , each
coating abont $1,000.
Mr. Berger , of the Citizen's bank , be
and Mr. Ritchie have built houses
alike on First avenue , each costing
Peter Bochtolo haa improved bis ol
residonoo on Washington avenue to
extent of $2,500.
H. H. Field , now house on Frank
avenue , $700.
Judge James has built n very fine
Swiss cottage ntxt to his own house ,
in all built seven houses this sea
at a total cost of $10,000. iif
John H. Keosoe has put up a two
story frame dwelling house on Third and
street worth about $1,400.
Hoary James , a one-story frame
dwelling on Fifth avenue , at $1,400. B ,
W. F. Dodge has bnilt over his
rosidenoo near the traiufor at a cost
$1,200. , how
II , 0 , Cory has built a house next
own residenceon Sixth avenue ,
has greatly improved his own , ex
pending in all about $3,000. and
Dr. Keller , n now housn on avenue
near Oakland avenue , $1,800. and
J , O , Tipton has built a residence
season on Oakland avenue , coat
$3,500. utoa
Mr.Macrao has remodeled his house ,
Improvement being fully $300.
J , T. Ilout has Improved his resi
dence greatly as well as other houses
owned by him. Total expenditures
$7,000. The
H , Van Do Bogort has put about to
improvements on his residence In
First ward , ness
E. H , Odoll has put up a fine two wo
briok rosidenoo on High school
avenue , coating $4,000.
Georfjo Oornor has built a 52,500 ouod
residence on Glen avonuo. bars
Joslo Woods has put up n $10,000
residence on Vine street. .
William Grocuoircg hau epout abont
1,800 in enlarging and improving if
residence on Second etroot , In
F. Sperling htu put a $500 addition the
his houao on avouno E , near Oak
John Hathaway luw built a $3,000 cruit
roaldanco on Graham avenue and Six
also built three frame dwodings ors
the trausfcr at a cost of $000
Anton Roaner has built a brick "
dwelling on First street between
Broadway and the paper mill , coating
0. K. Mayno rebuilt and Improved
bis residence to the extent'of $1,200.
A. 8 , Bonhftm , now residence on
Pierce street , $1,000 ,
W , Williams , $100 barn corner of
Pinrco aud Gray streets.
Etatsman street hai bnilt up rapIdly -
Idly , the following now houses having
been bull * : A. Glen , $1,000 ; P. L
Johnoon , $800 ; M. B. Brown , $000 ;
Ed. Waterman , $1,000 ; Jacob Zooler ,
ilonry Otto ban created n $1,000
residence corner Benton and Washing
ton avonno.
W. 11. Withoroll , now $000 residence -
donco corner Benton and .Harrison
W. T. Foster has spent $1,500 in
improving hU dwelling on Harmon
street and $ GOO on a now honso on the
fiamo stroot.
3. Oovall , now $700 residonoo on
Madiann ittreot.
C. W. Tibbltts , frame rosldonoo on
North Seventh strout , $1,000 , and a
$150 addition to a dwelling on Mills
j ! M. Palmer , improvement to resi
dence , $1,500.
Simon Eitoman has just completed
an elegant brick residence on Bloff
stroo1 , costing $4,000.
Miss A. Graff , a now residence on
Firnt street , costing $400.
Mr. Kdwards bos put up a two
atory brick residence on Frank street
at a cent of $3/000 / , and two frarao
dwollingo on the same street costing
Mrs. Baasdlt , now rcstdonco on
Graham avenue , $800.
0. II , Scott , now barn and improve
ment on house , $1,000.
Mr. Boyd has bnilt a $500 homo on
Eighth arenue.
Charles Banghn has built this season
three houses , on High street , five
rooms each , costing $2,500 , ono three
rooms on samostract , $500 , two north
of Horn's park , costing $800 , two
near Foster's green house , $800 , ono
$900 honso on Picroo street , a $400
ono on Baughan street , and has spent
abont $500 in general Improvements.
W. 0. Jackson built a fine residence
corner of Fourth and Willow avonno ,
coating $5,000.
Ohas , BarghausoD , a residence on
Btinton street , costing $3,000.
B. Tcrmlltger snout about $4,000
Improving his residence on Fifth ave
nuo.Dr. . Daotkon haa erected a fine now
residence on Washington avonno , cost
ing $1,000.
Ed. Thornton , improvement on his .
houao , Madison street , $1,100.
John Bassott , residence on Graham
avonno , $800.
Mrs. Snodderly , rcsidenca on Modi
son stroot. $1,200.
Mrs. Johnson , improvement to
honso on Damon street , $100 ] ?
Jo. Bradahaw , improvement to
honso on Pierce etroot. $300.
L Linko , now dwelling homo near
B. & M. depot , $000.
E. Lewis , now rcaidonca on Ban
crofc street , $2,000
Thomas llatcliffe , now residence on
Bluff atroot , $2,000.
Mrs. Clark , Tenth Btroot , now dwell
ing , $1,800.
C. Taylor , on Mynstor street , addi
tion and improvement to dwelling ,
general improvements on hia'dwelling
houses. ' ' " " * W
E. Shnll , residence on High street ,
B , Donahue , reaidenco on Fourth
street , $000.
Mr. Bailey , dwelling on High street
$70 .
The coming year promises the completion
plotion of the water works , the new
opera house , the erection of a government
mont building , a now city buildinj
and jail , a now Methodist church , am
probably a Catholic ohurch , nnd vari
ous other enterprise ? , so that noz
year will doubtless bring an even
greater growth than has this.
Children's heavy school hose a
HarkuoBs , Orontt & Co'a.
Save your money by buying horse to
blankota and lap robes at 0. J. Bock all
man's , 335 Broadway.
When you fool out of sorts , havi
the blues , melancholy , etc. , it mus
Indigestion that ails you. Brown'
Iron Bitters cures it.
Tnblo linens , napkins , doylies , tow
: and crashes cheap at Horkness and
Orcutt & CO.'B.
The "Boys' band" led a column of I
ty teams ( actual count ) all bound f o : It
Nebraska's metropolis , a sleigh ridi it
a good time. Your reporter wai and
warmly onsccnaod in the robes of 0
Wilson's cutter , and the musio o
Little Sioux's hoof j waa merry as thi
bolls , for that black gelding knowi
to make a record far doivu in the
At the river bank a runner of th Prof.
band sleigh out through the ioy inuc
the tongno sustained n cotnpoun truly that
fracture , The big dram , little dran
horns got out of that sleigh in
stantor and Mr. Hall's swlft-footec when
roadster took' the lead. In a few rain aa
the band boys had their tongu with trlod
spliced and again joined the invading lilted
host. to
The flags , music aud closed uj
column of sleighs were greeted witi
many a cheer from the captured town
welcoming smiles , no roforemc
liquids , and the hearty grip of tin
surrendered indicated their willing
to filvo up the city and lor hour
hadeverything at our disposal.
TJIK KVENINII BKB announced thi
arrival in a neat paragraph and threat
a counter attack , no rcforonco i
ou the morrow by the orubattle
sleighs and cutters of the Nebrask
Lot thorn come ; wo are ready , anc
Council Bluff.1 does not do her duty
this trying hour , v e greatly mlstaki
motnl of which her people nr
nndo. If wo are defeated by over
powering numbers , wo will ro
, reorganise and attack again.
days go an you please. The Bluff 0
vs. the ; Omahotsea.
Holiday gocda at Harkneas , Orcnt bus
las returned to Council Bluffs ( for a
hort tima only ) , where ho can bo con-
ultod at parlor 0 ,
Prof. Samuels offers to all these
hat are suffering from Weakness and
> efeotlvn tight his
Superior to any other in use , H the
oliowing homo evidence of well-
cnown people of this oity and vicinity
will teatify.
Convert , DLDm , IOWA , )
December 21,1882. )
Prof. If. Sumnds :
Dear Sir Some two years And a half since you
Tlslted this city , and at that tlmo I wai troubled
with my cyc , caused by excessive proof-reading
nnd other oHlco work to such an extent that I
could at times hardly read , study or decipher
pltln print without frequently resting them. You
.djunted a pair of glosses for mo that are next to
nUUpcrmable , and I hare nnhesitancy In recom
mending persons to you who may bo troubled
1th weak rcs. Yours truly-
Editor and 1'ubllshor Globe.
COC CH , HLUIFS , February U , 1880.
ro ( . Samuels :
Dear Sir I feel that I would bo unera'eful In
deed K I did not in tome manner rxprcsa my
gratitude to you ( or the wonderful bcnefltsdo-
rlvcd from the use of j our glasses adjusted to
my cytsliy you. I hare tried other gla fBand
means , but all to no purpose , and 1 had con
cluded raj self doomed to go through the world
nearly tl htlc-s ; but whereas I WAN nearly blind ,
now I sec , at-d am able to read as I never could
before. I rejrrct that I had not met Prof. Sam
jela booncr , I mlgnt have been enjoying
this blesslii of peeing , lloplnt ; that many
others may hare thcbentfltBOf jour help , laiu ,
irratcf ully > ours ,
Whllo on the Pacific coast years ago I btcame
partially blind , and my right eye haa never re-
ubVered , . 1 hate trie i numbers of tlmOT to gel
glaMcs to help me , also other remedies , but II
wai of no use , aa no one could help me. When
I'rbf. Summit came this time to Omaba I
thought that It wuld do no barm In trying him
and see what ho would say. He examined my
ejca and told me that he could nake mo sc ,
not with one , but with both eves. I told him to
EO on nd tnako mo see , aa I had ( fired up thi
Idea of crer being able to aoe well again. To my
surprise he made me a pair of glasses that eu
abos ! me to ece with my right eye 09 well aa
with the other , I will cheerfully recommend
him to all thOHO that hara tflven up hopes.
Yours , with good Bight ,
OEO. E. OinSON ,
Hciald Oltico.
Omiha , Neb. , December 20,1882.
I used to have very weak cyca and tried a grca
rainy things for relief , but It was all In vain
When Prof. Samuels waa In the city a few years
ago I was advised by ono of my friends who was
benefited by htm to call on him. I done BO , am
triad to ttato that ho helped mo wonderfully
fitted mo at that tlmo with n pair of hii
glaHSe.i , and they iraro me Instant relief , am
after using them fora chart tlmo my eyes Irn
prof ed so that I had no use for the glasses at all
eight Is perfect , although Iwas advlied no
put on glisaea , for I u 'old hare to near them
the tlmo ; but Prof. Samuels' glasses work
different. They Improved my eyes , and 1 wouli
advise all persons who have trouble with thcl
* to call on him. lUwpectfulIy ,
City Polio , Omaba.
December IS.
OMHU , September 18,1879.
Somecars since , whllt engaged In editorial
labor at night , my eyesight became Impaired
I found'It difficult to find glasses which
would afford any relief. Durlyg the pant two o
threw years my eyca grew weaker by conitan
, and I began to be alarmed lest 1 might fo
lime be obliged ta lay atldemy books , wh ch
much delight In , Providence , I think , haa
kindly aided ino by sending Dr.tSamuols to thlr
, DyuHoofms Improrol costal glawcsfo
iercraldaa I tlnd tbe natural vl.lon restored
I am now able to read and study aa much a
please wlthoiit tiring the eye or causing pain
teems wonderful toattucban effect can bi
produced In 10 short a time , and I \ ae no doubi
will bo permanent ,
I am glad Prof Samuo'Bhos visited this city
where to many nerd the aid he cm afford them
I hopu his glawuti will bo Introduced and ux
tcnslvcly IIMX ! hero ,
K. H. 1" . JAMISON ,
Pastor Hint IlaptUt Church.
OMAHA , Neb. , December 12 , li
. II. Samuels :
Dear Sir I have now used the pitmen with
uhlchyou furnished me for ooo week andean
nay that 1 hatedcrlu-d moro comfort In
short spate of tlmo than In yearn prei lous
Almosl from my earliest recollections I hav e
tuHerod fromtn Inability lo eeu dlktlnitly even
close by , Bomotlmrn filled to know or rcc
ognite my most Intimate friends , allot whid tion
a constant soiirco ol mor'lllcatlon ' to mo.
remedied and glasses of different kind ,
bul | very llulo benefit and until I con
you , deemedmy voaa bupelCM Thankg
your ( kill , I amabloto see better than ere
beforn. Try Prof , Samuels' treatment and be
benefited M I have been. Very truly your * ,
2X Dccatur Street.
J ,
a. m. to 7 p. m.
Prof. Samuola does not attnnd to
business : outoldo of hii rooms , aud haa
ono i connected with him. at
Broadway , and Fourth Street , ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Headquarters For the Cele
Weber Pianos 3UC
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail.
Address , Hl
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff aid ffillow Sreets , Council Blnffs.
3tt'O 3n > "t/i/2Eii5BjeJi JHia'HfJi Jt-Ji s-r
Orders filled In tiny part of tbo city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
At the Lowest Possible Prices.
That norar require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. dood'a Hair Store , at price * never before touched
ny other hdlr dealer. Also a full Una of switches , etc. at greatly reduced prices , Ab by ,
. o gold
Uver and colored nets. '
Wavoa made from ladlca' .
own hair. Do
. not fall to call before purchasing
ilsewhore. All goods warranted aa represented. URS. J. J. GOOD ,
MMaln tree , CouncilBluffg. Iowa.
| VKW ( Nfl _ < ELLER ! _ & CO. ,
The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalio ,
Callfl attended , to at all honn. We defy competition In quality of goods or pricoa.
Morgan baa served as undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understand
his business. WAREROOMS , 346 AND 857 BROADWAY. Upholstering in !
all its branches promptly attended to also
; carpet-laying and lambreqniui. Tele
graphic and mall orders filled without delay.
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Beer and malt In any quanllty'to ' rolt purchaser * . Veer fS.OO per barrel. Private families .
piled with anull kegs at 81.00 each , delivered freaof charge to any part of the city. lap.
Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Scblitz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No. 711 Broadway , Council Blnffa , Iowa , Orders from tbe oonntry elicited ,
City orders to families and dealers delivered free.
( Successors to EllB & DUQUKITK ) ,
1C and 18 Pearl-st. , Council Bluffs , Ia.
No. 529 S Main Street. Council Bluffs.
Our constantly increasing trade la Bufliclentrproof of our square dealing and atten
to customers. Good butter always on hand. Prompt delivery of goods.
S. M. OKOOKS , Pros , N. B. EASTON , Secy ,
J , 0. HOFFMAN , Vica Prea , N , B. MOOIIE , Counaolor.
[ Incorporated under tbo Laws of Iowa. ]
Insurance at Ictnal Gost ,
Insnrinc LIVE STOOK Against Loss by
Unknown or Contingent Event Whatuver.
Experienced ngenta wanted. Correspoudenca
solicited from all parts of Iowa ,
OFFICE : 103 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. la ,
( aucccssora to J. P. J. M. Cawady. )
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
have * > i only complete eet of abstract boocti to all city tott and lasda In PclUwitUTl
county. Title * examined and tbstr ctj lurrbheJ co thort totlcc. Honey to loan en city and
property , thoit md Ipng time , In luma . to irult the torrowtr. Kcal cst , bought and kclil alm
oe old eUnJ oppcalt co ut louta. omca