THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA SATURDAY DECEMBER 30 WILLIAM SNYDER , MANUFACTURER OF - . Firs-Olass 'Paining ' and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done , 1319 HarnoT. Cor14th. . OmiOm Nob- A. M. CLARK , Paintor&PaperEanger SIBN WRITER &DEOnRuTQR. Ll ALtt A RETAIL WALL PAPER 1 Window Shades' ' and Curtains , CORNICES OURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & Brushes. 107 Sooth 14th Btrwrt ! AHV. NEBRASKA BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFAOTUllERS OF CARRIAGES , BUGGIES oxreu all Branonas 419 8. THlRTKRNTn HTRECT Chas. Shiverick. 1206.1208 AND 1210 FARNAM ST. FURNITU Mirrors , Bedding , Feathers , ' AND EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE FiJRNIBRE&UPH OLSTERY TRADE , OMAHA , NEB. The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRYEOUSE J in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARS. CLOCKS , ' Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets THE LEADING IN THE WEST I General Agents for tht ? Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low at any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments ai Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Chickering , Knabc , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smitl * American'Organs , &c. DC not fail to see us before pur chasin ? . MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES. A Large Stock always on Hand. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL HOTELS. ARLINGTON. WEATHERLY HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , SARATOGA HOTEL , MARSH HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , ' HALL HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTE _ GRAND CENTRAL MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , 1 COMMERCIAL HOUSE- GREENWOOD HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , u ENO'S HOTEL , EXCHANGE HOTEL , f METROPOLITAN HOTfL , YMORGAN HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , HOUSTON HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOU8" , WALKER HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , CITY HOTEL , PARK HOUSE , NEBRASKA HOTEL , ' MERCHANTS HOTEL COMMERCIAL HOTEL , ' PARKS HOTEL , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , BAGNELL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , JUDKINQ HOUSE , BALL HOUQC , COMMERCIAL HOUSE WOODC HOUSE , DOUQLAO HOU3E , BEDFORD HOUSE ARLINQTON HOUSE , PROPRIETORS , J. O. MolNTIRE , A. O. WEATHERLY , O. O. REYNOLDS , J. 8. 8TEU.INIU8 E. MANS , JOHN HANNAH A.'W.lHALL CHENEY &EOLARK , J. 0. MEAD.iJ E.,8EYMOUR , P. L. THORP , A. O. OAARPER , W. MAYFIELD , E. STOREY , E. U CNO , 0. B , HACKNEY , FRANK LOVELL , E. U QRUBD , SWAN & BECKER Q 0. OALPH , O.M.REYNOLDS , D. H. WALKER , 8. BURGESS , DI A. LLIAM8 , MRS. M. E. OUMMINGO , J.IL. AVERY , Q. W , BURK , F. M. PARK , HENRY WILLS , CHA8.0AGNELL , WM. LUTTOM , FRANK WILKINSON , H. H , PERRY , B , F.8TCARN0 , JOHN EOKERT , J , 8. DUNHAM , J. T. CBEEN , J. tr , BLACK & OON , TOWN ? Llnto'n ' , Nth , Manning , ! ow . ] Coon Rapids , ow ( | Mllford , Neb. BROWNSVILLE Nt ) Otromsburg No Louisville , Blclr , Na - | Nellch , Neb * N bra ka-rOltyH ! b WneplnnWater.N i Hardy , Neb. Qroenwood , N b ) Clarlndn , Iowa Eremont , K t > Ashland , Nab Atkinson , Neb , Outdo Hoed , N , Oroiton , la. Exlro , Is , 'Atlantic , la. Audubon , la. Neola , U1 Harlan la , Oornlnz , la. BUnton , Burlington Junntlor , tf BUnchard , la. Bhenandoah la , Dayld City , Neb OolleseBprlngf , la , VlllUca , U. Malvorn , It , Ida Grove , la Odebolt , la Oiceoli , Neb. Olarki , Heb. Bedford la. Marjsvllle Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A , T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Nib WINSLOW HOUSE G. McOAHTY , Beward , Nab. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONES , Auroar Neb , OROZIER HOUSE O. R. GHOZIER , Sidney , Neb , AVOOA EATING HOUSE D. W POCKriOLD. Avocd It. CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak' FOSTER HOUSE Capt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewli , la. WHITNEY HOUSE , E. HAYMAKER. Grliwold , la. DEPOT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la I.IJS. HOUSE. J A. LUSK. Loesn , la. UOW CITY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , Dow Clta tla JACQER HOUSE. JAGQRR& SOH , Denlion. l , HAItMON JIO SK , TAMA CITY , IA , , Harmtra & Ktalw , ADOUT AOTOK8 * WAQHS. Wbat It Costn to Run n Firat-Olaea Now York Ibonter. "You'll lm\o to bo prolty amntt , my boy , to got at the trno inwardness of ao'.ora' sfthricn , " nnid n thoatricnl m n qor. The Star reporter was in search of infotnutton on the subject , and having fonnd the notora them- sulvcs M dumb as oyttcro , tried to gut something from the men who paid the salaries Neither mann cra nor notors Boormul inclined to talk , 1 You soc , it iin't thnttquaro thing to glvo iray another iellow'a lalaty , and yon wouldn't oxppct mo to tell you what I got in j self , " enid a awcll lolor , who was lounging near the Criterion. "Bat , " remarked the reporter , "wo do hoar occasionally about fabulous sums being paid to notora and no- JBSOB. " "Just so ; but thceo stories are for the public , and are capital advertise- monta for theatrical manager * . When they want to gut up n boom for a star , they work the salary racket. A rival managers offers the star a big salary by telegraph ; it goto into the papers , and a terrible commotion Is caused in the theater ; stories of broken eon * tracts are repeated to the reporters , and , finally , it is announced that the great actor , the fnvorito prima donna , or the popular aotroas has been reengaged - gaged at a largely-increased salary , and the gullible public rush to see the performers who & .re thus ( boomed In the amusement market , " "Then the salary 'raise' in only bo- gns , frequently } " queried the reporter. "You'vo hit it. Why , in many oases donblo contracts are issued by shrewd theatrical managers. Ono contract shows the real salary paid and the other is for exhibition. I toll you , big salaries are not the rule in the profession. " "Aro actors paid according to their merital" "You should understand that a beautiful woman , with A charming figure and elegant costumes , who can play to the swells in the orchestra bozos , is worth to a manager moro than any artist not so bountltully in dorsed by na' < nro. The truth of this statement is berne out by the manag erial talk just now about logs and beauty. Handsome men and beauti ful women are at a premium on the stage , and they can aeonro exceptional salaries.1' "To what claBj of players are the highest salaries paid ? " "Well , charaotortor actors and ecpentrio comedians got the beat sal aries ; as high and often higher than leading men. " "John E Owens , who is playing at the Madison Sqnaro theater , is said to got $350 a week. Do you think that's true1 "Not by long oddo. Eowaaastar , and ban made a fame and reputation , and I dare lay he's a good card for the management ; but ho don't get much moro than 8100 a week. " From other sources it was learned that the salaries inder the Mallory management take a wide range , not only at the Madlaon Square theater , but on the road with the various com panies. Agnes Booth's salary waa quoted at about $150 , common report makes it $250 ; Oharleo Browser's $75 , W. J. Ferguson's $75 , perhaps $100 ; Tom WhitTen'a $150 , Effio Enslor'a $75 , another report made It $50 ; Miso Turner's ( now playing Young Mrs. Winthrop ) $75 , on a three years' con tract ; Iroulao Dillon's ( now on the road ) ; $50 , Sydney Oowoll'ti $ CO. About two years ago Goorgio Cayvan , who then played Daisy Brown in "Tho Professor , signed at this theater foi $35 a week. It is now reported that Miss Cayvan , who ia playing in Oali- f jrnla , has been specially engaged by Bartley Campbell for his now plays , "Tho White Slave" and "Siberia , " at a ealary of $250 a week , This is , however , thought to bo a manager's story. At the Fifth Avcnuo theater the John McOnllough combination ie playing. The company is supposed to cost the star between $500 and 5000 n week. Edmund Collier is named foi $100 ; Joe Baworth $50 , John Lane $40 , and Barton , the old inun , about the same or perhaps $30. Tha salary list would be made up on a curious sliding scale downward with the re maining support. "Daly has a largo company , but pays smaller salaries than are paid at Madison Square theater , " said an agent. "Perhaps Ada Ilonan Is paid $125 and James Lewis , the comedian , $100 , but those would bo the highest figures. Harry Pitt gets about $75 , John Drew $75 , and the others would run from $45 to $15 , The members of the Union Square companies may be put down something at this rate ; Charles Theme , $250 ; Frederic de Bollvelle , $125 ; J. H. Stoddard , 8150 ; John Parsolle , $100 ; J ra Jowott , $150 ; Maud Harrison , $75 ; Walden Ramsey , $88 ; Mrs , Phillips , $00. At Wallaok'u lower salaries all rouud are paid than at any other theater except Daly's. Wallack gets hit ) actors from the other aide , before they have made any reputation , and oocures them on tbreo years' contracts and compara ; tlvoly email figures , HOBO Coghlan began at $100 ; it is now reported that shu gets $300 , but then she's a kiolccr , and if she was cast for a part nho didn't want to play aho would refuse until she got something extra to make it worth her while to play it. The veteran John Gilbert gets $200 , and Osmund Toarlo , who began at $100 , now receives $200 ; Harry Edwards , $100 ; William Herbert , $100 ; Wil- Ham Elton , $ GO ; EQio Germon , $70 , and the figurors for utility people would bo about $15 and $20 for in- genuea , soubrettea and the like. At the Standard William Oarloton , the baritone , gets about $ L'00 ; Soliua Dolaro , on a special short engage ment , has a salary of $250 ; J. 11 , Ityloy , the patter singer , about $150 ; Richard Manefield , the comedian , $125 , and A. Cadwulhider , the tenor , SCO. At the Jiljou , Mme , Oottrolly U reported to get $125 ; John Houaou , $150 ; Luura Joyce , 8100 , What Lillian KasBoll'j ealary ia would bo difficult to aay. Humor has it all the vrny from 8100 to S225. MiesLucette , Mr , llyloy's wife , who plays Alino in the "Sorcorpr" when Mlaa Jluwell IB on the ei k list gets about $45 ; Lilly Poit'a ealary is about $40 , and the rrzt range from $20 to $10 At Booth's , John Norton , the St , Louia manager who played In 'Jloraany ' Jtyo' at the opnning of the eeasori , raceivod from $150 to $200 ; the part in now played by Kobert Mantell for $100. Mra. John Norton gets $75tnd FJoroneo Ehnoro $00. The KiiaUy combina tion playing at Uavorly's Fouttoimth Street thpator may bo quickly dis posed of by saying that ttio anlaiiea range low , Mine. Gillort gets per haps (200 , but that'll the only high figure Nellie Lirkollo ( Stalaotn ) h B about $45. In too bnllo' , thn firnt clots girls would got from $15 to $20 , the second class $10 to $15 , nnd the third oliuj range perhaps from 50 contn to $1 a night. At Harrigan t Hart's John Wild and William Gray would got about SCO , Mike Bradlo $30 , Annie Muck about $50 , and Gertie GrnuvlHe (75. Annie Yedmans , who played old women's piuta thuro for years , got from (40 to $50. Tony Pastor jmye good figure" , but nearly all his people ro specialist * . Many of them act in couples. The popular favorites would toke from $50 to $7& n. week each , L'ezlo ' Slmms would got about the latter amount. Variety porformars at tbo lower theatres got all the way from $15 to $75 n week In some casrs moro. Put llooncy and men of his olaas command a big salary. " "Aro these not what are wiled jobbing RotorsT " asked the writer of the actor. "Yos. Those are actors who do not euro about making long engagements. They are generally peed people , but they prefer having Now York city as thplr headquarters , and acsopting any thing that turns up , oven for a week. Low HnrrUon , who Is now plavlng with Salviut , can command $150 n week. Gus Lovlok would got $140 to $200. James O'Neill , who la at pro- out starring , could got n much. Ho has been oiTorod , it Is s id , $300 by the Madison Square management , and Palmer wanted him as loading man , bnt ho has got the star fover. Catharine Lewis may bo called a job ber. She can got at least $200 a week ; Maud Granger , wh ' is now starring , would bo worth $175 , nnd Emily Hi l from $150 to $175. Jen nie Ycamans ia worth from $50 to $05. She Is going to star. Jarboau , when she plays , would pet $75 to $100 ; Harry Lee , $100 to glGO. "Minnie " Cummings ? "Well , aho generally plays on her own account , and gets what aha can out of the receipts , if there are any. " "Thoro nro quito a number of play ers who have to take what they can , are there not ? " "Ob , yea. The rank and file of the protesiiou are poorly paid , and are under all sorts of disadvantages. Those on the road are at oxtta expense , and have nil the lueards of travel to con tend agiinat , besides the chances of failure on the part of their managers. Members of the melodramatic com panies got fairly good figures , but they've got on awful sight of hard work. For the men ot the stage it is a hard lifo , but it is even harder for dear , dangerous , delightful creatures who flutter every night and two matinees a w. ok before largo nudiencco , findintj their gewgaws , providing tneir board and lodging out of perhaps $15 to $20 a week.1 Not an alcoholic bovorugo , but a trno and reliable family remedy is Browu'a Iron Bitters. THE BAD AND WORTHLESS Are never imitated or counterfeited. This la especially true of a family modlcino , and it ia poaitivo proof that the remedy imitated ia of the highest value. AB noon as it had boon touted and proved by the whole world thut Hop Bittern was tha purest , bout and most valuable family medicine on earth , many imitations sprung up and began to steal the notices in which the press and people of the country had expressed the merits of H. B , , and in every way trying to induce anN foring Invalids to use their stuff in stead , expecting to make money on the credit and good immo of H. B. Many others otartod nostrums pot up in similar style to H. B. , with vari ously dovisud names in which the word "Hop" or "Hops" wore used in away to induce people to believe they were the onmo us Hop Bitters. All such pretended remedies or cures , no matter whnt their style or name Is. and cspickilly those with the word " " " " In their in "Hop" or "Hops" name or any way connected with them or their numo , are imitations or counterfeits. Beware of them. Touch none oi them. Qeo nothing but genuine Hop Bitters , with a bunch or cluster oi green Hopa on the white label. Trust nothing else , Druggists and dealers are warned against dealing in fanita- lions or ooni'tnrfnlU Hear what one member of the profession testifies regarding the scientific ( repara tion of a brother member. Mr. Iaw.ev has been In the drag buslneis In the city of Providence twenty-Ore years M clerk andpropoUtorlnicoodiiUrdlnj aud knowiwhere of ho affirms , ED , JJr , U. says , " For many ) cars 1 have sufferec Intnntcly at times , with what Is generally ( ullei rhouuutlstn. Wheu flrit a < Ucbul 1 wai conduce to my bed and could not walk a itcn. I oaulc not bear the weight ol my bedclothes so excru clat'iuwaithe agony I euduied. I alwaya no ticed that before Him ) attacks came on my kid noysv.irs affected , tefore there would beany fain In myllmbioranysw UK { of Joints oi llinb * the color oltho torretlons from the kidneys wculc botorj dtrkaud tbe odor ttron ; aud fevotlih The Ust attack WM very severe about flvo yinru ago , and I wai conQntd to the houio toveia woskg , and W-s unable \ttundto bunlnets In tbroo moathi. Durlu/ the time I Maicooflncc rtt home and the time of my convalrcuace I em ployed four Ilia licit doctors tint I could obtain , butnoncof them gave me ptraancnt nllef , for they did not eo to v , ork at the cauue of tbo troub le. Having been acquainted with the proprie tor of Ilunl's HsmeJy along time 1 was Induced by him to glvo It a trill , hoplfg that 1C might rcacbtbo sett ol tae dlnaaio ; and attir ( aklng one bottle I found rojeoll very much In-proved , and alter taking teh second I wai foollrg better than I had alter any prorlout to uklog the Item cdy my hundsard flngor4 would bo much B al- kii BndetlH ovcry morning ; my lift Bldolnthe rff'oaof Btcmiclund spliou uasviry latneaud untltHu , at tlino I wjuld bo tiken with sot ore cramj 8 ever the uplcen , and bo obliged t ) apply muttird or cayeono for temporary rollcf , I wis > try romcu i nlghti and could not elcipj Iwa > nbllgcd to be very particuir to my die , aud my phjtlcal cjbltm v > s sadly demoralize , falcti 1 rave taken llnnt'd Hciaedy eyatctnatlcaUya I thoie thing ) lu\o tlnrgud , I bavo no twolten hands or llmli , no pilns or crimps In the ildo , cvuat allklndiol food , nl.e | > soundly and gtl thoroughlj retted , abd my kldotyg are active & 1 perform thdr funttlciu promp ly , thus Ul.- | r > X out cf HID tyttem nil the pllsouousic.rations \thlchoonUtuIntto thowholu v > iiteui where the kidneys do not act ctflclcntly. My frluudu , what Huut'dlUmcdy bai douo ( or me it will do for all olyou. I hellove U to be ( hi only lure for all dUvasca of the kldno ) ? , liver and tikurj or- gam. Htupcttlull } , E. It. DAWLEY , ill Orpad Street , " OhJyBack ! That's a common expres sion and has a world of meaning. How much suf fering is summed up in it. The singular thing about it is , that pain in the back is occasioned by so many things. May be caused by kidney disease , liver com plaint , consumption , cold , rhcumatismdyspcpsiaovcr- work , nervous debility , c. Whatever the cause , don't neglect it Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. No medicine has yet been discovered that will so quickly and surely cure ruch diseases as BROW : i IKON BITTEKS , and it doc * khis by commencing at the mndation , and mak ing tin blood pure and rich. 1 ocaniport , I J. D e. J , it&x Ir A lane time I hare be n a tufTircr from itomich and kldnc- tliic * e. My appetite was Tcnrpocr nnd the very tniall amount I dm tat dii i rved with me. 1 was ann ycd very much from rttn.retention cf urlnr. I tried many rcmedtet with & lucceu , until I u * d Ut n' Iron lUtteri. Since I uird that my atotniclt does mot bother mo anv * Myai > peUtei ! lroplylnimenig. ly kidney trouble It no more , and my cencr-vl health li suchthat 1 fe t like n new man. AAtr the use f Ilrown's Iren llitten for one mnlli , I hire galued twenty ptunUt la vrdsliu O. li. SAUUNT. Leading physicians and clergymen use and recom mend BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS. It has cured others suffering as you arc , and it will cure you. KIDNEY-WORT IS A SURE CURE for nil dleonooB of the Kldneyo nnd I LIVER ' Ithasspoolfloactlononthlsmostlmportant . onabUnff It to throw oft torpidity and j a e . Ityou arc ButTorlnc from . molftrU.huvothechllls.i are bllloiu. dyipeptlo , or oonoUpatcd , Kid > ' e 'Wort willsurolyreUovo&quloUyoure. In this eooBon to oloAnBO the GyBtam , every 'onoslioaldtakaathoroueUoourcooflt. ( > 1) SOLD DY DRUGGISTS. Prloa ( I. IC.DNEY-WORT ! Nebraska Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , NEB. Capital Stook , - - $100,000. JAS.B. HEAUTWF.LL , President. A. L. CLAHKK , Vlco-Proalicnt. K. U WbUSTKH , Treasurer DIHKCTOIlfi. Samuel Alexander , Oswald Ollvrr , A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Webster , Qeo. U. Pratt , Jos. U. Hcartwell , D. M.McElUlnncy. First Mortgage Loans a Specialty This Company furnishes a permanent , home Institution \\licro School Bonds and other lctallj Issued llunlclnul securities of Nobriwka can be bo nctotlat < Hl on the moat favorable tormfl. Loans made on Improve'1 farms In all will settled counties of the state , through rcoponglblo local corro i > ondenUi. Bend 31 , 82 , $3 , or 80 fur a re- lull box by Express of the beat Candles in America , put up elegant boxes , and strictly pure Suitable fur prenonts. Express charged light. Kefers to all Chi- . Try It once. Ooago. o. P. QUNTHKR : Confectioner , Chlraff 0-2flum 02flumMm Eewa.rded . , OB , t fan Story of tbo Sowing Machine , A ktndtome Hide pamphlet , tilatjfind cl MIT * < rlth numerous tngreTlcgi , willfb * aiVSH AWAY lo BY Kaolt person cilllng lor It , i n biADCk tr inti-omce ol The ( linger UannUcturlnff Oem > 1'iirjy , ur will be scot ny null , poit pud , lo tnv rtrron HTI ! g l dlsttnce from oar officst Hw Singer BlauufaoturlDg Do , , Pilno1v l Odlou , H Union Bqnan j. R mm & co. /X < G-.ItJXU 'JL' 3 F'L ' , Sommers & Go's BISCUITS , OAKEB , JUMBLES AND NOVELTIES. Wholesale lanufaofcnrlng iND DEALERS IN Fruits , Nuts and Cigars , III S 14th St. OMHA - - NEB Ilynointbi Tullui. Crooukec. And all other ( or Fall Planting Largcit aajort ment over ihown In ChtcaKO- IllaitraUd CtUlo.'Uo Inc. aeud ( or It. Hiram Sibley & Co. , BEEDMEN , iO-2CO Ilandolpb tit A DELICIOUS DRINK In Hot Weather Mix with Vine Tec. In Cold Weather Mix with Hot Water. Add Lomonndo ( when Oonvonlont ) to tlio TftBto. PUNCH 35HAWKINSST The "HUB PUNCH" Is otmtperlor qtialltv and meeti with murkul popular favor ana healthful 4nd palatable dtlnk. It Is prepared vllhgrrat carefro.n tlie N > t ma- totlals , and lll Vo lottnd an crrrithle addition to the choice thlngi of the table whlih undenia bly tnla'ce the pleasures of life and encouiago good fellownlilp and good nature II rightly en. Jojed. Fnmiltot , Clubs , Holols , Excursions , Pionica and Yachting Pnrties Pro * nounoo IIub Punch Unrivalled. Tradt itipphtd at Manufacturer prittt 6yJlf. A. jifctYnmnra. Omaha. Famtlie iu { > } > lied ly A , Jl , Oladttont , Omaha. , l\'tb. WESTERN CORNICE , WORKS : ! 0. SPE011T , - - Proprietor. 1212 Barney St. - Orarha , Nob. MANUFACmjRKnB OF Galvanized Iron CORNICES , DORMER WINDOWS , F1NIAL8 , Tin , Iron and Slate Hoofing , Bpooht'a Patent MoUllo Skylight. Patent Adjuetod Ratohot Bar and Ihnckot Shelving. I am the general agent for the nboro line of goods. IRON FBNOINQ. BaluatrodM , VcrandaajOmn ant Itank Rilllna , * , Window and O llar | Ouards ; also AUI'.N Sioux Oily A faeflu : THE sioux orr'x BODTP Rani a Bolld Train Ihroagh Iroir Oonnoil Blutta to St. Prml Without Ohanuu Tlmo , Only 17 Houn MII.KH "THE ' IHOETES uourx rtoM OOUNOIL 0 BT. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS PULUTII OH BIHHAUOf and all polat > In northern low * . Ulnnw-V * an Dakota. This line It MilpjwJ with thn tmprovm' Weitlughotua Anlopitlo All-brcho * od Mill' rifttfortn OOUP'CI and llottci : and for IJPKKB. 8.VFKTY AND OOUFOUT lo DQinrpaned. rnllunn nikco Blceplnir Om run through WITJIOUT 01IANOI" bct'f eon Xan s City and 81. Paul , via Couacl. Vlaffg ace Bloux Oily. Tralno lo.ive Lnlon 1'ftclDc Traniler at CODA ell Bluffs , at 7:80 p. ra. dally on arrival Kansi City , Bt Joseph and Council Uluti train Irou the Oouth. Arriving it Sloax City 11:40 : p. in. and at Ihr New Union Dopak at D ( . Panl a. lllt : DOOII rxn nouns m ADVAHCE or AnToTnic\ ROVTR Vltenismbor In taking the Slonx City IVon yon gut t Through Train. The Bborteit the QiilckMt Time and a Oomlorlabls EJde In IK Thrcnah 0rg lictweeu COUNCIL JJLUFFU AMD BT. PAUL. MTBee that your Ticket ! read vt * the "Olan > Olty and Paclflo JUIlroaJ I. 8. WATTLES , J. R. DUCHAJAN Buperlntcndont. Qen' Paw. A ten Mlaoonrl Valley la. W. K. DATIH Bonthwrslern Passencer rntmcll Dlufls OLD SORES AND BLOOD OB SKIN DISEASES IN ANY STAGE , Disappear before the perfect nltnratlvc and tonic effect of the cronteat of all Blood Purflora. ) It BO completely roots out all nolKon from the blood and braces the deb ilitated Byptcin , that diseased of thin nature dlenppcrrllko cnaif before the wind. 8. B. S , , cured mo of Bcnlp Sores , Boron In Nofltrlls and Knra , uftor evorytlilna known to the medical prof esalon hail failed , Tlueo montlm hnvo jianBod ninto I quit taking B , B , B. ) there It no symptom of the disease lomalnlng ; I am permanency cured. It stundv unrlvnlpd for Dlood Dls- tascB , " JNO , B , TAoaAiir , Balnuianca , N. Y. "S. 8. 8. tUnda without a pcor. The profo Hlon will have to acknowledge U a Bpocllio for Blood Ulneuea. " Dr K. L. GALLbwAY , Monroe , Go , "About four or five weeki ago I wai afflicted with n very aggravated type of BloodDUeono. I commenced using B 8. 8 , and after taking the first bottle felt HO rnuuu relieved that I bought five more , and am glad to nay , after lining four of thorn , that I am entirely cured , frevlously having been under medical advice for several months. " O , O. KATCUFIT. Illohmond , Va. "After Buffering from the wont Blood DIseaoo for more than two yours , and hav ing been treated by several eminent physi cians , confined to my room and bed the greater part o lie I mo , my body covered with cojiper-colorod soroa from tlio size of a pea to that of a ullver half-dollar , I was well nlfrh In donpnlr. At last I commenced taking B , B. B. In a abort time I began to Improve In flesh , all the Horoj houled.und I could fool and know that I wan well , and to B , 8. B , innet tbo credit bo given of my entire restoration to health , I hnvo not taken a douo for over six months , and am an free from uorcm or blemish OH uny one. " LOTTIU KOHH , Atlanta , Oa. "Improved after taking the drat bottle of B , B. B. ; In two weeks was abln to come homofinding tbe waters were no benefit,1' J. W. UEID , Newport , Ark. "Our nclenco has not made Unownaooi"- blnatlon equal to 8. 8 , B , for pkln or blona dlsoauea , " T , L , MAHHKNIJUIU ) . 1'h. C ! , , Mocon , lift. 80LD BY ALL DRUGGIRTS ESTABLISHED 18(8. JIJK SPIUKO A'lTAOIIUKNr-HOT l'ATK' iu. A. J. SIMPSON. L12ADINU OAKEIAGH FACTOR'S 11C > 3 and lill Dodro Btruot , atiK 7-ino Om OMAHA , NKH WINh. ( ti t/H..uul juiir times n \j \ iiiuliu u Ji.ii'l'hu ' BITTERS llrs J. O , Robertoon , PltUirarg. Pa. , writes : " 1 WM suffering from general debility , want of p- petite , constipation , etc. , M that ! lie was a burden - den ; after using Burdock nioo < l Hitters I felt bettor - tor than ( or yean. I cannot praise your Bitten too much/ ' Ri Olbbo. of fluffslo. N. Y. , writ * * : 'Tonr unlock 1)1041 Bittern , In chronic diseases of tha lood.llrer anj kidneys , hare been signally marked with sucft * * . Ihave u ed them mjstlf with brut rraulUi , for torpidity otthtllver , and In raxeof a friend of mine suffering ticniciopsy , the eflect was marvelous. " llrnce Turner , nochnrter , N. Y.lwrlte : ' ! haT been uibloct to Mrious disorder of the Udneyi , and unable to attend to bunlnrati ; Burdock Blood Dltf rs relieved me b for half abotUo vtas used feel confident that they will entirely cure me. " . AMnlth Hall , ninghampton , N. Y. , write * : "I suffered with a dull pain through ray 'eft lung and shoulder. Lout my spirits , appetite and color , and could with dlwcully keep up all day. Took your Burdock Blood Btltan M di rected , and have felt no pain slnee Bnt week af > ter using them. " Mr. Noah Bafc , Klmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About four years ago I had an attack of bilious forer , and never fully recovered. My dljrettlr * organ * were weakened , and I would be complete ) ? pro * trat d for days , After mine two bottles of yonr Burdock lllood Dltters thd mprovement was so visible that I was astonished , I can now. though 61 yean of age , do a fair and leamnable day's ! work i 0. lUacket Robinson , proprietor ot The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Forvoar * 1 suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I onoJ your Burdock Blood nitters with happiest result * , and I now find tnvtilt In better bsaJUb than for years pant , " Mrs Wallace , JluBalo , N. Y , write * : ! haw used Ilurdock Blood Bitter * for nervous and bll- ous i ada hea , aud can lecommend It to anyone rqu R a cure for bllllousnen. ' tin. Ira Uullnolland , Albany , N. Y , wilten "For tc\ era ] y.irs I have tudeicd frcm ctt-ucor * rliijt bllUous beadKhes , djspensla , and complaint - plaint * peculiar to my sex. Since using you Burdock Blood Bitten I am entirely relieved. " Prlca 1,00 pi Dottle ; Trla Dottles 10 Ota FOSTER MILBURN.&Oo Props , . , , , BT7FFAX.O , N. T. Slid at whol le by tin k UnUahon and C. inlm n UJT t > | .m * To Nervous ufterers THE OREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It I * a postlvocnre for tlpennatoitbea , Bftmlu * WcoknoM. Impotancy , and all dlscasoa resulttog from Belf-Abunc , a * Mental Anxiety , LOMI Memory , Pains In the Back or Bide , and dlseaso * ' TO . . " " "TSTir Jb t lead o Consumptloi * Insanity an arlygia - The SptcIBo- Uodlo ne It being aseA with wonder ful lucccti * . 1 Pamphletr sent free to all. Write foi them and get roll pal Slculars. Prlee , Spec'-flc , 11.00 pet package , or six paflk- ago * for Addrem all order * to B. SIMEON UEDIClHi : CO. Hoi. 104 and IOC Main Bt BnOalo , I , , t , Sold In Omaha by 0 , V. Goodman , J. W , E II tori allrlnciri | > l < > < i' rrv'ber > -tfc DOCTOK STEINHARTS ESSENCE OF LIFE. FOR OLD AND YOUKO , MAUI ADD FRMILK. It Is a sure , prompt and effectual romods for In * digestion , Ij spcpnlft , Intermittent Kovors , Want of Appetite , Nervous Debility In all Its Stapes , Weak Memory , Lass of Brain Power , Prostration , . Weakness and general Lees of Power. It repair * nervous waste , rejuvenates the faded Intellect , . itrenRhthens the enfeebled brain and restore * surprta ng tone and vigor ( o the oihaustcd or- . The experience ot thousands prove * It to rs. Imaluablo remedy. Price , II. 00 a bottle , or sir for W. For sale by all druggtita , or sen * secure from observation , on receipt of price by Pr. Stettthnrt , PT O. Box 2460 , Bt- DOCTOR STEIWHAR7TS SUPPOSITORIES ! The Great Popular Ilcmeuy for Pile ) . Surocuro for Blind , lllcedlnK&IichlngPilea And all forms of Hcmorrhotdal Tumors. Tliuso HurrOBiTOttiM act directly upon tha ooaU of the Illood Veiuiel ) . and by their astringent effects gently forio thu blood from the swollen tunioTD , and by making the coaU of the volna- strong , precut tho'r ' rcfllllng , and hence n null. calcuro Is euro to follow tliclrmo. Price , 70 ccuU a box. For sale by all druggliU , or sent by mail on receipt of price , liy En ligli Moilion.1 stituto , 118 Oli o St. Pt ionl. Sli II o un 'i'i , wt a f rn n or IPV tiifd l > 7 tlmiirmlnor .unurovf JtlUl * imir iliitln avolt1 t work , t f rcc. Ult Hop uittertc TI > UVV U > b HOP Dl If jou ni oTjia iiil I tutterliiK from mj Ir- < licitllco ur < ll jl | > a I Dun i K Tcmnmitiar- rlw : or ilaKl * . uld E-tounesuTfrlcp frta : ixwrhtaltliorU'iirul iiir un alnnt c tX uru , nly on Ho Bitter * . tthuoter youarr. ' nktDBTor yuu fenl rruullj from loii * dint juur iy tein furui of Klkiney urisM cltarulnir.toft- > < llKa that tulKUB I li if or itlinuIaUnir , - bra timely uuioC ' ' " ° V , . . . ? , I. O a .uclnt * of\J ' waenl land Irrcilitt- fi > Iblo - COT tkifrtloodT ttOP cur tkifr/ / . drubktncocg. luiooC tptiw. Vou wlH be lltisl/icco , ' .f < Tir dlfyouu e UnvroctlM. Hop Bitter * lfjoualru rlj w k BUI ] tnH i.lrlti > ) tr7 NEVER It ) It oi uy < vc your ! FAIL ' ' . life. It ha f'I'U lit. , ' him- . iii .K , r , A Troni , Oul. ifi&n GRAY'S SPECIFIC THADE MAnKTbe OreatTfUDB English rem- edy. Auun- falling curn for Hemlnal WoaltncsB , Bpormator. fP Ssv 2 S i Bfi % . gsrvs aEFCRFTARINB.Bequenc. of AFTER TAIIRI , boII-Aliiwo ; Lou of Memory. Unlvcriul Lassl turlv , 1'nln In the Back , Dluinueo of VUlon , Pre uiaturu Old Age , and many other Diseases thai lead to Insanity or Oonnumptlon and K Prema ture Orave. fart'ull particulars In our painchlet , which wo desire to send free I v mall to every one. XarTho BpecID o Medicine bisolJ by all druggUto at 91 per package , or a package * fur { 6 , or will bo eout frtu by mall on rccilpt ot the money , by addrcHBlng ) XUKG1UY kKDIClNKCO ; , BcBalo , li. Y. IQ0 OC ? IMLERJSJHABLE -S- . . Cm - - .r : - rr- PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's Pest for TOILET , BATH tnd HANDKERCHIEF.