OMATTA RATTTRnA ? POETRY OP THE TIMES. NHW YBA.B'8 KVK. BTMtB. K. V , Tbo old year' * alraoet gone. Sweetheart , He will not tee the dawn ; The wind's weird ciy thro' In a woodUnd cre p , Ths p tlont earth In th1 darkness sleeps ) Only the glow ot our hearth tire's liftht BrfabUms lh rnlrk o * the dreary night The old year's almost gone. Much hare we lost In the year , Sweetheart , TreMOrei nrtclom nd dear ; Then were klndlj deeds that wi might h T done , There were gentle hearts that we left tin- won ; And Colds where .might hare grown grain o ( worth Lie follow under the frozen turf ; Much have we lost In the year ! What have wo won In the year , Sweetheart , Rich guerdon our heart * to chcert With p tn WM the pearl of pfttlenco bought. Han failure clearer Insight wrought ) HM earnest driving for noble end ! Gained ui the atrength high purpose lend. ? What havt wa won in the year ! What bare we learned In the year , Sweetheart , Soul truth eternal and cleat ! Thftt boarded gold ihkll b reft with pain , That what wo garr , alone In gain ; I That the klndlr heart and the open hand Are greater riches than hcuio and land ? 4' ' What have we learned In the yeart The New Year dawnelh clear , Sweetheart. Hearen reit the Uld Year's bier ! Duller and duller the omben glow , Deeper and brighter your dear eyes grow ; Tray , lore , for the weal of our Ingle fair , for the strength to do and the grace to boar For lore , than life more dear , Paeelngr Away. The old i ear pastes away Iti ( unstti burn no longer rod. Iu noons are oold ; Its mornings gray. It * sum ara dim ; IU dawns are dead. No more upon the distant bills. W see the yellow and the green The fbwcrs are dead ; and by the rills No more the primrose fair Is seen , Upon ( he grass the white hoar frost Has left Its markm And In the vale Are wrecks of battles , won and lost , Twixt roses red and rotes pale. Still there are joys In this old time , The pleasant hearth , the bluing log , The things which keep out winter * rime Like punch that's hot , and good egg-nog , Han- AbouttoStvoarOff. . Stovo'd Woo. Star , Jewell , stay and hear my weal Your secretary bends to theo : "Why ylarest them upon mo to I am not bounced , bnt soon ahull bo. J , * Stephen W. Dorsoy. HONEY FOR THE LADIES. Silver or gold medlioval clasps are worn with belts of moire ribbon. Black silk beadfd Jersey * are favorite of waists for young ladies' black dresses. The crab is a favorite bonnet ornament. And the bonnets , like the crabs , are mov ing backward. 70 Dresses of the "vivid blue , " the "burn- Ing red' and the " " "glowing cool" are all the rage In Europe. Turbans with a far band and leathered cloth 01 owns are worn with redlngotes of cloth trimmed with fur. Tan colored silk itooklngs ara worn with the tan col * rod gloves that are part of tnany full dress toilets , Dashes of red appear everywhere In the toilet , from tbe plumes on the bonnet to the "clock" o ( black silk hone. In this age of money-getting the value of love Is estimated by the quantity of coal consumed dnrmg courtship , A Red Bluff , Nev. , nurie girl committed aulolde because her iniitress scolded her ' tor miilaving a bottle of medicine. Tha newest turbans of folded cloth , or velvet , are with nit brlmr , the folds reach- ling down to the hair , and are wltboul trimming. The United States baa (90,000,000 invested - vested In finger-rings alone , and that doesn't Include those whkh certain female Idiots slip on over their kld'gloves. An actress was offered a sealskin cloak If she wouldn't speak tor an hour. At tbe end of sovcn or eight minutes she exclaimed - claimed : "Mind , It's got to bo a $250ono. " Real bullion embroidery decorate * the , dog collars of black velvet which are worn with low dre s walitr , and which greatly enhance the falrneis of tbe complexion. 50 The fashionable fan Is of large ostrich feathers , mounted with shell , amber , Ivory or pearl , an 1 ornamented with a bird with long tall plumage falling on tbe sticks , A Chicago paper say * that at least one- the third of the unmarried dry goods clerks in that city paint their oheekt. aud scores of thnm wear oorteta and cultivate a sorrow. fal look , Who say * th * art taste of America Is not being rapidly developed ! A woman will pay one dollar for something she doesn't ho nee 1 In order to get a five-cent plaque. Norristown Herald. ' Floral buckles are uied to catch up the fold * of the drapery of evening dresses. These buckles ure largo and i quire , and are made of cardboard covered with silk ; mall flowers are tlien sowed thickly upon them. No society belle can rival the splendors of tlio Chinete mlnlster'a costumes. It is pay aid that hla wardrobe I * worth $150,000. allot the richest Mlks and satins , and thai he never appears at a reception twlcs in the lame dress. Why is It that ay > umr man and a young from woman will sit for hours and hours togeth ing er in a parlor without saying a word ; anc then , when It is time for him to leave , stand an hour talking earnestly on tbe milk front stoop In the still pneumonic air ? Pack , the Kentucky is Indulging In quilting bee * and cat thakln ? . After the quilting a o tt Is put uron the quilt. Tbe young folks St. take bold o ( the corners aud tosi tbe cat rance till it , jumps oil upon ono of the young ladles , who is then crowned queen of the bee. Silver dog collars are revived. These are intended to bo worn outside the collar to of thn dreis , clasping it closely. Some of tbeie are so arranged as to be separated beer into a pair of bracelets , Th * designs are is in the uoloi and chain-mall seen In armor , does fastened with gadllugs tuoh as are seen on boor steel gauutleta , " Drldget Kennedy , of Rutland , whs has Mn begun a term of 41) ) years In the home of ollica correction for liquor-Helling , has been judge joined by her husbund , James. He has that'0 been conyioted of 185 first olfennei , and , as "You he can't pry hU fin * of 81,403 , muit spend left eleven years near his wife. their Mis * Mary Hobatt ban been showing \ tbe married women of Philadelphia how down to wash a baby. Of conne , It ii not her baby. She bexan by explaining how to purp watn and dress a new-born Infant without He drowning it in the basin or causing it to burnt by tight bandaging. A faahlon-wrlter sayi : ' 'Queen Victoria high. etlll wears the same fashion of hoop-skirt kins \ that was In vogue twenty yeara ago , " It x Bulls her , and she has a rlxut to wear It. \8he Is a queen , and rich , and can afford to Tear " any old thing that pleases her , Only 2. oor and weak-minded are slaves to 4. 6. Conklin , tbe lion-tamer , eay then ly invariable rule of action I * teat at upon they urea of the aultnal you kind of animal , " ho idd * . "I will not perform with , and that's n crotsnoai eyed one ; for he's like across-eved woman ; yon can't tell whether she's flirting with yon or with the man on the other side of the street. A fanner fn Stokes countr , N. 0. , sold his wife to A neighbor for $ WJ the other day , and then disposing ot his farm , set out on a new career. The neighbor was bachelor , andtlred'of living without a wife , and the woman being favorable to the ar rangement , the trade w i easily effected and the goods delivered , Oloth costume * are made , with two bodices ; that for the house Is a batqiewlth reft collar and cuffs trimmed with cord gimp In doilgns ot Gothic points ; that for outdoor wear Is a lung pelisse with fnll plaiting at the back trimmed with gimp twice the width of that of thebatque. The tklrt which Is to be worn with either if thete bodices Is plsln , In front falling on a balayeuie platting , and has all Its fullnesi drawn to the back and masted In quad ruple box-plaits. A new caper of feminine axtfullners Is the pel fumed petticoat , This now guile to catch the susceptible soul of mm is ef fected by secreting scent-powder in tbe wadding of the msthetto under garment , A rapturous writer , already a victim to doubt , say n "Ibis Is coaxidercd prefer able to putting perfume on the handker chief , as tbe plearant odor Ii more diffused and sweetly mysterious , " Cunning rascall How well he knows that nothing about a woman Is more charming than her mys tery ; and how foollth are those females who parade and expose their charms In the stupid belief that they attract attention in that way , Let all tbe ways of woman bo "sneetly mysterious , " and she will find man her worshipful slave. RELIGIOUS. At New Albany , Indiana , the First Presbyterian church has elected a boardof deaoonosses , The revival In the Cincinnati Methodist churches has resulted In 2,128 conversions and 1,005 additions on probations. The number of Congregational churches In the weitorn part of too State of Penn sylvania baa doubled during the last seven years , and the time seems ripe for the formation of a State association , At the seventy-eighth session of tbe old testament revisers , held In the Jerusalem chamber , Westminster , tbe company fin- lihed the teoond revision of Job and pro ceeded with that of Proverbs to chapter xvl:18. The finest building on this continent Is the Roman Oatholio Cathedal of Mexico. It was built 300 years ago on the site ef the Aiteo temple , and gold wax uied by the ton and precious stones by the thou sand In Its ornamentation. The Russlin Chapel which has been supported by the Russian government at New York for thirteen yean is to be clos ed. The patter , the Rev. Nicholas Hjer ring , states that this action of the govern , ment is for economical reasons. It is a remarkable fact that within the last two weeks two pastors have been In * stalled in Chicago over Congregational churches who wore far from bolus : up to the old tttndnrd of oithodozy upon the subject of future punishment , Dr. Soudder and Mr. Emorlch both agreeing in the ono important point of Indulging hope tor the sinner who dies in hit sins. The Churchman compiles the following summary of statistics of tbe Protestant Epltcopal church for 1881-2 from 'The Church Almanac" nud "Whlttaker's Churchman's Almanac" for 1883 : Number' ( lloccson. 48 ; missionary districts ( In cluding Africa , China and Japan ) , 16 ; bishops , GO ; priest * and deacon * , 3,010 ; whole number ut clergy , 8,676 ittcriase , , The Lutheran communion registers a large increase tbe past year. Its totals are now 3,420 ministers , a gain of 1S9 ; 0,1 SO congregations , or 265 more than Uit year ; and 785)787 ) communicant- increase of 47,485. These communicants are distri buted amen * the dlileromt bodies as fol lows : Sjdidlral conference , 2S8JL17 ; gen eral council , 235,002 ; grneral synod. 125- of 22'J ; Independent synodn , 110,077. A sketch of the churches of New Haven , Conn. , priatod by The Register , shows that the Catholic denomination has in creased la membership during tbe fait 40 to years more rapidly than all the Protestant of denominations combined , having now 7 churches and 21,800 members , agalnit 1 church and 300 members in 1842 , while tbe JL'rotestfnt churchea , ttumbetlng 32 la 1843 and having 4,021 members , now number 51 and have 13.293 members. The Congrega tional church wai tbo largest Protestant organization 40 years ago and is so nuw , but Its relative increase Is much less than In that of tbe Methodists , Episcopalians and Baptists. The Congrexatlonalists hare grown from 10 churches with 2,814 members - bers to 10 churches with 6,517 member * , the Methodist * from 7 churches with 689 members to 12 churches with 2,795 * nem- berc , the Episcopalians from 2 churches with 775 members to 11 churches with 2,565 members , the Baptists from 1 church with 4G2 member : toSchurchbs with 1,523 her members. The 1 Universal ! it church had members In 1842 , and now has 323. Instead of 1 Jewich church with 25 mem bers , there are BOW 3 with 100 member * , The Lutherans and Second Adventlsts , which had no churches 40 yeara ago , have now 2 each , tba former with 290 members , ' latter with 95. The population of New Haven has grown from 14.5 6 to G8.80B. can PEPPERMINT DROPS , in An ex.prize fighter never dies. When leaves the ring he opens a saloon and outlives all his friends. The king of Burmab hss four queens , and the Gen. Hohenck consider * him on the road to prosperity. Boston Post. Our neighbor over Mrs. Maloney's fruit store , " is what tbe Lynn , Mass , , lieo wat a calls an eiteemed contemporary. The police of San Francisco receive more than any others in tbe world , but they have to use hair oil and face powder and wear $2 kid gloves seven days In tbe week , Jimmy's 25 cent watch not runniog sat- lihctorlly , he pried It open and doted It MB s bottle of peppermint , explain * box to her that , "I des it dot 'tomach " ache. ens Do not put articles which have held into hot water , " says a domestic til reolpo , Is this an admonition not to drop baby into the w/uh / boiler. Boston Commercial Bulletin. A reporter of one of the dally papers of 25 Louis wrote about " "whisky with a frag like flowen and a taste like the dream melody of Mendelisohu'a uiusloj" and the prohibitionist * at puce decided to hold a convention in that city , The Cincinnati brewers do not accede accc the demand of their Chlo gn and Mil and waukee compatriot * to raise the prlos of feet. ono dollar a barrel. Ohio river \tniec ZOO thicker than that of Lake Michigan ami the tiot requlro * o much bops to give the ly body , of "Are you the judge of reprobate1 said First , L'artlugtou as she walked Into an 13 of a judge of probate. "I am n long of probate was tbe reply. "Well , feet ' It , I expect , " quuth tbe old lady. 1G see my father died dete ted and he fuel several little Infidels , and I want to be 1G executioner , " 8th eter There Is a right smart chance for a swap in Georgia. Wo notein the Cherokee County Advance that Board Harris baa a he wiahsa to swap for a gray mule , fret also baa u pet coon ho in anxious to exchange - change for a safe with all tbe modern im- poumenta. The safe Is to bo eleven feet . He wauU the aafato put his pump In , to keep them out of the oold. Toe Advance vouches for the fairness of Mr. HarrU1 dealings , tion Mind Ireadlngi 1. Think of a number. Add 300 to It. Multiply by 4-11-44. tee Divide by 320. C. Square tbe product. you Extract the cube root tl < erefrom and take tbe pemon who thought of tbe number aside , and ask him to kindly tell rejulo what number he thought of. If he Bold complies with your request boldly an- man noaoce tbe aforesaid number to tbe andl * rnce If be refused , better give It up nn the plea of not being en rapport with the thinker. Paok. thinT That ; the editor of the Palmyra ( Mo. ) Spectator Is enjoying himself may be In ferred from the following parargraph from the last number of his paper : "And line eames pretty S llv Metcalf , all smiles and as blithe as a Scottish latslo on St. A nd- rew'a ' day , bringing as a ChrMmni com pliment from mamma , Mrs. Mayor Met calf , , a large salver filled with specimens of hen handiwork In tbe shape of fresh delicious atuiago , some , tcrapple and spare ribi Many thanks , niidam , and a merry Christmas to tbea and thine. IMPIiflTIBB. "George Wablcgton"say Mr. Beecher , 'could ' not be bribed , but ha swore like a tcooper. " A Kentucklan sayi the people down his way believe In taxing luxuries bnt not necessities. Thty want the tax taken off otvhi ky and tonacco and put on pmnps and bibles. A Chlcazo minister recently undertook to Introduce moral reform at a cocking main , bnt all he got for Mi pains was the advice to "soak his bead , " or "chase him self up an alley , " Nothing anne ) a the manager of a church festival more than to have one visitor say In a rather loud tone to another : "Have they ever tried plating war-ships with this sort of sandwiches ! " Philadelphia News : Mr. Talmago offers (1,000 to any person who will prove him a plagiarist. We should make a strike for that reward , but thu trouble is we never a'.lend many circuits , An old story is belog revived of a prayer meeting being held for a poor fellow's re lief , who bad broken his leg. While Deacon - con Brown was praying , a tall fellow , with an ox-goad , knocked at the door , saying : "Father could not come , hut sent his ; rayers in the cart. " They were potatoes , eef , pork and com , The Rev. Bolsnd Grant , pastor of a Baptist church in Poughkeepsle , N. Y. , has been forced to resign by his congrega tion. It Is claimed that he was unaccepta ble to his brethern because be wore a woolen shirt at a watering place , because be ate his food with a knile Instead of a fork and because he wss a sen on one occa sion cluing on a sofa with bis wife , both eating from the same banana. Dr. Grant teems to have been a ooatss and nnminis- terial man. If be had been caueht on a sofa with another man's wife eating tropi cal fruit , ho might have been allowed to remain. The following Is told of Saphlr , a de formed Jew , who lived centuries ago la Germany : He was traveling io a stage coach in company with two Jesuits , who made allniions to the personal appearance of Saphlr , and were Hlipoted to make fun of him genonlly. He put up with it for some time , but finally he Hiked : "Who are you fellows ; anyhow1 "Webe'ong ' to the society of Jesus. " "Which society of Jcsus-hls first or his lost } " "What Jo you mean ? " "Wvll , hli first society were don keys In the manger , and hi * last were thieves on Mount Cavalry. Now I want to know to which of these societies you be long. " OOJMNDBIALITIES. Nex week a son of Prif. Drlsler , of Col. timbla college , will be married .to a Mies Childs. " A young man In Columbus has poit- poned his marriage three different times after the sirl was all ready , and yet she keeps rlgkt on being courted as if nothing bad happened. People who object to the publication of marriage engagements should remember that in some parts of this country , and in nearly all Europe , the announcement of an engagement to the public is required by law. KBOKOK , Io , . December 25. Thomas Walker , of St. Louis , formerly of Keokuk , and Miss Otrrie McCrary , eldest daughter Hon. George W. MoCrary , United States circuit judge , were united in mar riage in this city last evening. A prospective bride of New York en tered into an agreement with her intended accept , in lieu of a dower or any right a dower , the sum of SI,500. A docu ment setting forth the 'bargain was drawn up by tbe groom , signed by tbe it bride and duly recorded , tbi first of its kind.1 There was a first class story-book wed ding at New Harcn Wednesday. Henri Monton , a handsome ynung Frenchman , saw and Inved A.delo Poinmler years ago sunny France. Pretty Adele was a la borer's daughter , Henri a tradesman's son , and tbe stern parents frowned on their love. So Henri started forth in pursuit of fortune and independence , giving up hla priced office at home of seriteant de ville , cauio to Walllngford , bearded his earnings through tbe years and finally sent for his sweetheart. She escaped from her rela tive * , and on Wednesday was joined to hero In happy wedlock. SINGULARITIES. Is The twelfth child , a son , of a citizen of New Brunswick , N. J , , was born at 12 o'clock on tbe twelfth day of the twelfth month ef the present year , and weighed twelve pounds to an ounce , it the nurse be believed , Pull A Reno , Nev , , Chinaman , while fishing the Truokeo river , caught something that aitonishcs all who see it. The some thing has wines , fins aud legs , and filer , Fin swim , or walks with equal facility. The wings are like those of tbe flying-fish , otherwise It resembles a lizard , except that bead is more pointed , IF A valuable cow belonging to the Hon. Harrison Bailey , of Kentucky , broke Into corn-field and gorged herself so that she about to die. A surgeon made an incUion in her side and tooic out over six bushels of corn , cornstalks and grass. The opening healed up and the cow is doing as well as over , IF One of the street peddlers of New York , been on Broadway before Christnun , ex hibited an apparatus consisting of a gloss ST. , some cotton and a kerosene lamp , by means of which ha was hatching cut chick , showing the whole process from the time tbe egg Is put Into ( be incubator un Ohl the chick steps forth. For 25 cents a chick was sold in a little box , together with directions for hatching out eggs by Four putting them under tbe family stove. The Mllla bicks were bein ? peddled off very fast at < cents apiece to fond parents who were anxious to give their children amusement , regardless of tbe chtok's feelings. 0. A tree was recently felled In Sonoma S. i county , California , of which the following J. account is given by a local paper ; The standing height of tbe tree was 317 feet , Its diameter near tbe ground WAS 14 . In falling the top was broken oif feet distant from the stump , and up to Th point of breaking tbe tree was perfect Rooms sound , From the tree snwlcgs were cut the following lengths and diameters : hoW. , 14 feet long , 0 feet In diameter ; 2d , feet long. 8 feet In diameter ; 3J , It ! feet , 7 feet 7 Inches in diftmetor ; 4th , 14 long , 7 feet 0 Inched In diameter ; Cth. foot lop ? , 7 fe < t in diameter ; Ctb , 1C long , G feet 10 inches In diameter ; 7th , feet long , G feet G Inches In diameter ; , 10 feet Inn ? , G feet 4 Inches in diam ; lUti , 1C feet lone , G feet S Inches la diameter ; 10th , 18 feet long , G feet in diameter ; llth , 12 feet long , 6 feet 10 inched in diameter ; 13tb , 18 feet long , 6 G inches in diameter , No. Never Qlvo TTo. If you are utleriug with low and de pressed spirits , loss of appetite , genera debility , disordered blood , weak conatltn. , headache , or any disease of a billo us nature , by all means procure a bottle of Klectrlo Bitters. You will be surprised to the rapid Improvement that will follow ; will be Inspired with new life : strength and activity will return ; pain and misery will ceoso , aud henceforth you will * iu the praise of Klectrlo Hitters , for at fifty oenta a bottle , byU , F , Agent lUllw Ac EDUOA.TIONAL NOTES. The Georgia assembly Is Inquiring Into the feasibility of establishing a technolog ical school in that state. Cornell is erecting two new bnlldlnirs a splendid chemical laboratory and a drill hall and gymniilnm. A fine library Is also saon to be oonstiucted. Fnplls of the pnbllo schools In Newark , N.J , were requeued to bring one potato e ch for the homo 'of the triendlcM , the plan resulting in the contribution of a small wagon-load. There are 1OCO,000 Rrown people in thli j country who can iietther read or writ ? , bnt when It comes to talking about the nooieniA of our puhllo school system they can make themselves heard half A mile away. Prof. Blow , superintendent of public In- ntructlonlof Indianawill ask the legislature to make it a criminal oifonie to steal , soli or othcrwlte dispose of examination ques tion * . He will also suggest some changes in the manner andtlmo of making trustee's report * , and will advocate the wanting of teachers' license for six , twelve , twenty- four , and thirty-six months : and a six * tetn-year license to the recipient of two successive two-year licenser. The Vermont legislature has enacted a law providing that Instruction shall be Imparted In the publ o nchocli in ele mentary phyriology and hygiene , which shall give special prominence to the t fleet of stimulants and narcotics upon the hu man system. This law was tecnred through the efforts of the Women' * Chris tian Temperance union of the state , and Is designed to open the eyes of the stu dents in the public schools to the evil ef fect of the use of alcoholic drinks , tobacco and opium , The Rochester school board has ordered that during the next term In the public schools the morning and afternoon recess be abolished , and that the principals b In structed to carry out the following pro gramme of school hours : The mornlncr and afternron lestions will begin respec tively at 9 o'clock a. m. and 1:30 : D. m , , and will close at 11:30 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. The seventh , eighth and ninth grade" will be dismltsed In the afternoon at 3 o'clock. It Is also ordered that at 10:15 : In the morning and 2:30 in the afternoon five minutes shall be deroted to calisthenlo exercites and marching In every school room , while the windows are to be thrown open sufficiently to change the air of the room. It is understood that this provision - vision Is to be most rigidly adhered to in all cases. The edncatlon of deaf mutes has made remarkable progresi during the last de cade , and it teems highly probable that the old system of talking by signs Is about to undergo a revolution or to be entirely dis pensed with. A few years ago an attempt was made in the Clark institution for deaf mutes , at Northampton , Massachu setts , to teach the inmates an articulate speech , and from the recently issued re port now before us seems that the effort has passed the stage of experiment and has been crowned with the most trratifjlni ; success. Thn report contains numerous letters from former pupils who were un able to express any thought by articulate sounds when they entered the institution , but they are now able to make themrelves understood. One writes from New York that every girl In the packing room , where she works , understands all she says , and she can understand thorn by the system of lip reading. Another , a dressmaker , writes : "I work from 8 in the morning to 8 at night , so you see that there is little time left for my recreation. I do not know whether I have gained In lip reading and speech , bat I think I have gained more in lip reading than speech. My mother , slaten , and brothers nay that my speech is very peed , and they can understand every word I say. My employers can understand all I say , and I can read their lips well. " An Elrniro , ( N Y ) Imdy , Mrs. Hi L. Clark , 361 E. Clinton street declares : Burdock Blood Bitters are a medicine I admire. Best remedy for dys pepsia in the world. Keep home supplied with It. Horaf rd' Acid Phoipbate- A VALUABLE NEEVK NCNIC. DB. 0. 0. OLMSIEAD , Milwau kee , Wis. , naye ; "I bare used it in my poaotico ten years , and consider n valuable nnrvo tonic. " SHORT THE LINER OF THE OECXO A O-O- Milwaukee & St , Paul RAILWAY no < * running Ha FAST EXPRESS TRAINS from OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS 'Cor WITH Pullman's Mapiflconfc Sleepers AND THE Finest Dining Oars in the World. YOU ARE GOING EAST TO Ut CHICAGO i * MILWAUKEE , Or to anv point boronJ ; or YOU ARE GOING NORTH To Over . PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Take the BEST ROUTE , th * Chicago , Milwaukee &SfcPaulE'y Ticket offlca located at corner Farnam and laid Fourteenth street * and at U. P. Depot and at Mlllaid Hotel , Omaha. 3TSea Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Arent. , II. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. H. ] JIEHRILL , A. V. H. CARPENTER , GenerolManager. General Pasa. Agent. T. CLAHK. OEO. II. HEAITORU , Oeneral Sup't. Aan't Gen. 1'oaa. Agent. EUROPEAN HOTEL , moitceutraUr located hotel In the city , 7Sc , tl.OO , It,60and S2 00pord > . Flrtt CliS.1 Restaurant connected with the . * .HURST. - - Prop. city Corner Fourth and Locust 6tiwts , north CHOC1. X.OTOTXS OMCC * . MANUFACTURER OF Silver Plated WINDOW SASH Door Plate * Eugraved to'Order LOOK , 7thSt. St. Loubj. Mo FAST TIME I PI Iti going Kail Uks Ibt UMcago& Northwest Trains leave Oouba 8:40 : p. m. and 7:10 : . m full Information call on ft. V. DEUEL , Tick * , Uth and faroam stf . , J. HELL. D. rD | pct. 01 al JAUK8T. OLABK , Qenci eat BEMIS' NEW MAP OIF1 OMAHA COMPLETED AND READY FOR1 DELI VERY Four Feet Wide Seven Feet Long , LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE MAP OF THE CITY EVER PUBLISHED. Compiled undei direction ef An drew Roaewater , City Engineer , And Examined and Compared by George Smith , County Surveyor Thereby making it the OFFICIAL : MAP * OF THE CITY. Six Months work upon It at Cost of about $1,500. CONTAINS EVEEY NEW ADDITION out up to this date. Also all public and private buildings of note photographed thereon. Shows all Now Railway anfl Depot Grounds , All property ehown and described within half a mile south and weat of limits , and all within one wlie of north boundary of city , Fully Mounted , Colored , Varnished And Cloth Backs , PRICE $7 EACH. PUBLISHED BY Geo. P. Bemis Beal Estate Agency. T.u . .BIRO W : isr < Sc OO WHOLESALE DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes. OMAHA , NEB. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLK3ALK AND HKTAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , A8H , DOORS. BUNDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMEH flTSTATB AOENC FOB MILWAUKEE OKUXNX 0011PANT ) Near Union Pacific Donot. - OM.AH.ANB O. DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS , Window and Plate G'ass. ' If Anyone contemplating building store , bank , or any other fine will flnd It to their ad antge to corns end with us before purchasing their Plate Olata. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA NEB. WB , MILLARD. EDWARD W. PECK. MILLARD & PECK , Storage , Commission and Hlfiiolesale Frniis , 1421 & 1423 FAKNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS OOUNTRI PBODUOE SOLIOITED1 gentu for Pock & Bansliors Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour OMAHA , - - - NEB REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & 00. , TOOTLE MATJL & 00. STEELE , JJHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and / Ail Grocers' Supplies. A Fall Line of the Best Brands of OIGAES MB IfflDIACTUfiED TOBACCO. AgentB for BEHWODD HAILS AND LAPLIN & BAND POWDER CO. HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF 1 I AUD WINDOW SHADES 'EASTERN ' PRICES DUPLICATED. 118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA icsxzarotccijEi POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MACHINERY , BELTING , , HOSE , BRASS AND IKON nrnNas FIFE. PACKING AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCHBANDSCHOOLiBELLS ! Oor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha. Neb. -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO. Fire and Burglar Proa "V-A-TTIGTS - - , OO3HCS , O. 1020 Farnham Street , IE1. O. WHOLESALE GROCER 1213 Farnam St. . Omaha , Neb PERFECTION HEATING "AND BAKING la only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges.0 WITH WIBB BAUZE < OVER DOORS , JFor nale byj MILTON ROGERS & SONS mvr * > *