Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Friday Morning. Deo. 29.
Woiithor Keport.
( rho following obnervriUon * are t Ven
tbf name moment of time nt U tbo ttatto
aamml. )
VIQB , OMAHA. Dfo. 23. 1BS2. (1:45p.m. (
Cb yenn , 31.13 Kru-h
30 V7 Light K lr
30 40 SI ! [ Light Clear
t nKton DO .11 O Calm
Dm Maine * 30 41 H\V I Light
PtTt > nport. 30 fl H t Light Ciomlj
pi. ? nl. . 3032 t iLyhl iCtoulT
Ft. ( xiuls 30 41 N Fre h C.OU I )
Mnorhead SO SIte H 'Hrl k < leaf
Vincent. . . to c S FiB.h Cl ar
Jtsmarek. 8021 NWKrcth Clear
Duford. . . . . 30 3d N W Freth Clear
Oa t r. . . 30 31 [ 0 .Calm Clear
tieadwood 3t.1l H 'Light Clear
Ainnabolne. 30 3) NW Light Ltfln )
Him Jtcim at Ou > l , tiot n l Yanki
Hlnlwtppl froejn ftt Kt. Paul , frorsa at I
' , frown at lit Cro * .
Steadjr winter w thor
the livery men.
-In the triil of the suit of llor.
Kuhua igktnnt Onurlei H&nkcs and Jull
Trelttcblco , In the circuit court , t > vcrdl
WAS brought in Wednesday ( or th defer
an PI.
PI.The jury la the CMS ot 0 ln ? § . t
city of Omaha on trUl in the district cot
yesterday , brought a verdict for the pla
tiff for $306. The oUlmtnt aikod $2U
The brlolcUyora are requested to atU
the next regular mooting , , Tuonday , Ji
uary 2j , 1833 , for the election of officers
The electric light wires nro alrea
notioosblo at tholr ntarting point , Farm
and Fifteenth. The light will bo not !
Able , too , when It geti started up.
J. J. Bolalor , of Odell , Gage [ coun
was brought up by Deputy Mar hal C <
Wednesday , on the chaaffa of toll
cigarj without a llconie.
Good good ) and low prices Is [ what
drawing such crowdi at the Grand Uc
Ton Company's Store , 119 South FHtoei
Conductor HiokoU , of the Oolum'
branch ot the B. & M. In Nebraska , i
the recipient of an olegint nlckle-plr.
lantern on Chrl'tmaa djy at rv taicen of
esteem of bis fellow employes on the I !
--Parties deair m of procuring bargi
in fine fura , celluloid sets , odor ca
cigar sots , nhould go at onoo to Kuhr
Co.'a , where they can purchase anything
the holiday Hue at net cost.
The frost Wednesday night trnnsfon
the telegraph and other wires about
city Into ropes , which the sun yes
day turned to diver. The trees were i
zliog and beautiful in a dreas of the sa
and all in all It was a model rald-wli
The handsome prizes to bo give
the approaching pretzel ball by the Mi
nerohor , nro nuw on exhibition in the i
dow of Mr. John Uaumer'a jewelry at
They consist of a silver butter dish , !
syrup pitcher , and silver napkin ring ,
flrtt , second and third prizes respcctb
The friends of Oaarlio Little , the i
ular head bar-tender at the Paiton , un
la presenting him Wednesday with a i
nIGcent gold headed ebony cane. It
beauty , and a gift of which the recip
will always bo proud. Ho is a nut
ono man in every respect , and one w
his friends delight to honor.
The caao of the nUte vs. O'Oot
' and Mannweller , charged with stei
$ -100 worth of bogi , the property of J
O'Keefe , 0'Council' * uncle ; was not
yesterday nUernoon ,
TUB BUE will , on Satui
publish n list of those who expect to
open homo on No * Yoat'a day , ttui
desiring to have their namoa publUbe
the list arc requested to tend in the n
as enrly aa possible on Saturday ,
The caao of the htato vs. Maxwell
Ilarrlogton , chareed with the tholt of
goods , etc. , from vatiovm firms about
city , baa fallen through , owltif ; to the
Uot of the n ercbauts to appear and :
complaint againittbom , Maxwell WR
charged , but Hun legion is held ot
charge ot resisting an ofl'icer.
Donlphau station , 10 inllei i
of A.tchison on the A. & N. division <
B. & M. , will bo opened for buslncci
camber 27 , with John Y , Detwil
'Iho Papllion Times saysi "Mr.
M. Kby , at the expiration of bin tot
county comuilsiioner in January , vrl
ter Into the ngricultural Implement
nean in Omaha , in partnership with
nor Btuvoi , of Bellevue , The fonni
bat sold his farm to his brother , I
Kby , who now has ono of the flne t t
couipriilng 850 acres , iu cnuleru I
Judge Beneke was called upon
rifsday to tie the nuptial knot for 3
llavltcek and Mary llypocok , theco
ny tiking plica at the corner of
teenth and Williams , The grooi
member of the Bohemian band and
a popular gentleman , and , althot
was Intended to kerp the affair pi
same of bis friends learneJ of tbo
and After the wedding , which occun
U o'clock , the happy uouplo ware sere
by the Bohemian Turner society ,
elegant supper was served and the
all air was a most pleasant one.
Au execution was Itsuedlthree 01
days ago by Judge Deneke ngalust A
lloiu , for the costs In the case re
brought by him in the police court ,
officer yesterday served his papei
was informed by the judgment defi
that he hid no property to be levli
Judge Ueuoke regarded this us toe
and consequently , later in the day ,
n capias with the intention of {
Berubteln in jail And letting his alt
try on the habeas corpus dodge i
wanted to.
The Gorman theatre troupe c
jilaco are ueekirg t make arrangi
with the Germau theatre club of <
to come to thin place. This will be
treat to our citizen * , for with this <
now playing Mademoiselle Ah'Pul
. \ celebrated German tragedienne.
> " not yet known whether this arrang
can b brought about or not , The e
runie will bo qnlta hoary , bnt It ie i
that oome of tmr prominent German cl
rcni are determined tn bring It about ,
they cme it will b etrly la Januar
Mr , Fred , Sannenflcheln , who has jnit i
turned from Omaha , saw this troupe pic
and pronounce * It the finest ho erer sa
and Fred lays claim to being a thtatrii
critic. West Point Republican.
The officer * of thoHoulli Omaha M
Sunday rchool dctite to ttato to the t
ents of any of the scholar notrcmembei
at ths Cbrittrnni tree on Monday nlj
List , that any nnintentlally overlooked v
bo provided for 1ma ecllstely on makl
the Rime known to their toxohtr n
Bnnday ,
The Denver train which loft Omc
Tuesday night at 7:35 o'clock came n
meeting with a t rrible accident near C
mnbus. The train WAS rpesding along
tin rate of twenty-five or thirty miles
hour wh n nud'Jenly a heavy lump
noise , ncoompinloi by considerable jarr
and a material decrease of the tral
speed , notified the passengers that not
thlnzhad happened , The engine , No ,
run by Theodore Livingstone , had brol
Iho roar axle of the tender , and but for
engineer's presence of mind in putting
the air brake and reversing the lever ,
accident with a losa of life would proba
have occurred. A fielght engine at C
umbus was sent for and the train I
ceeded on Its way.
Wednesday morning a badly mu'Ha
body was found on the Union Pacific r
road track near Lockwood , a station ab
140 miles west of thU city , It wan picl
up and taken to the station by some i
ployess of the company. Iho body 1
been run over by three trains , the No ,
freight , the reguUr western expicss , i
by the Dsnvor train. As * conseque
there wtn not a piece a foot square to
found intact , but it hid to bo gathered
and deposited In a box. The cloth
with which the man was clothed ii
cated that ho had not been a tramp ,
letters or anything to indicate his Iden
wai found n him. It is imp [ cd that
either was a fanner living In the viali
or a passenger wno had fallen from t\ \
-B. B. Baldwin , J. W. Stewart , C.
Danker , II. A. Notto , Wm. Kooh
G.ustav Kalisur , and Wm. S , Can
have filed articles of Incorporation in
county clerks offiso , of the "Koanoko'
valor company ot Elkhorn , " whoso p
of butinera will bj at Klkborn stat
Neb. The object of the association i
erect a grist und feed mill and grain
valor , and do a general business in
line , as well ns buying and Bellini ; i
chandisc , manufactured articlor , live a *
and farm prodnco. Tin authorized c
tal stock is $2,590 , in shares of $25 o
and the continuance of the corporatio
to bo for a period of fify yearn. The I
ucfls will bo conducted by n board of
director * , to bo elected by the tockholc
and who In turn elect a president ,
president , secretary and treasurer ,
hold their offices for a , period of one y
and until their successors are elected
qualified , The indebtedness of the
poratiou is limited to $1CCG.
An Unimportant Mooting In This <
Among thoao who attended tbo
Colorado pool meotiug in this
yesterday -wore : Goo , H. DAD
commiusionor Colorado pool aoai
lion ; W. F , Wlilto , general passe
nud ticket agent A. T. & S. F. . '
P. B , Eualia , general pnsaongor
ticket agent , B. & M. Ry. ; J.
Morco , general pasoongor agent ; (
Stabbing , goncrul ticket agent , U ,
It. U. ; Goo , Ady , general agent
aougor nnd ticket departments , U
R , U. at Denver ; E J. Swords ,
oral ngont B. it M. R. R. at Dai
Nothing of intortst to the pi
wan trnnaaoted , only business
tc.iln , nosounta , uto. , buiog taken
The associitiou ruprcaudtod aa a
uint in the Pjxtou at 12 a. m. ,
did not adjourn nntil lute in they
| .
E. J. UoddU , of Dallai , Texas , It 1
W. II. B. Stout , of Lincoln , Is i
city.H .
H , N. Garland , of Kansm Oity ,
town ,
Philip Cain , of'Qjlumbui , was In
Dr. K. H. Morltz , ol Now Yort ,
in the Paxton.
aan. J , L. Kaloy , of Ked Cloud , is a gi
n. the Mlllard ,
H. D , Hathaway , of Llucnln ,
" ' Mtllard yesterday.
Howard Wilson , of Crawf jrHsvlllo
7 1 visiting iu the city.
Hon. George W. Test , tit Yorlc ,
the Mlllard yesterday.
id. Wm. WHheliny , of Nebra > k Clt itod the metropolis yeitorday.
10. Wm. T , White and A. II. Phtll
10.Ir - Topeka , were at the Paxton yestord
i a W , Parrisb , wife and xun , of Oa
Ho cirae down to theta ! Oity yistcid
it 1' . J. Swords , George Ady and J.
le. wcro nuiom ; the Denver \Iiltorn
at , Paxton , Thursday ,
at MlssUarrlo Van Bureit left yoi
led via the Wabash for Kovr York city
An will be absent several mouths ,
ole lion. G. M. Lambortson leaves fi
coin this morning , having coinplet
mr work for this term In the the United
rn- court.
tly U. J , Moore , Lincoln ; J. A , Edn
'ho wife , Fairmont ; John 0. David an
md Pawnee Oityj F. U. White , Piattsi
int S , J , Budeustlue and wife , Madisoi
up. rls Mayer , Norfolk ; F , M. Sacki
dn , Won ; V , T. Price , Columbus ; W. i
led terwood , Woit Point ; Walter J.
Ing and John n. Ames , L'ncoln ; Bi
eys Coot , David City ? W. 0. Maisej
; oy more county ; D , 1) , Davit , Pawnoi
and Jacob Drum , Beatrice , reglet
hU the Paxton yesterday ,
to Iht choice thinsn that ttock n It
are "Hull 1'UNCH. " IU components
aud brandy of Is'o , 1 < juilil < / , fiul
nugar , It It rtsuly for uie , and i
the Trade supplied at manufacturers' '
ii by M. A , iloNamara. Families i
eut by A. II. Gladntone , Omaha , Neb.
Tlio Dying Year FiM Up Wit
Festivals ,
Making Its Death Bed Scot
Quito ( i Cheerful Oiio.
The Eeqasl to the Clinptor
ClirlstmiMi Hown.
The Christmas festivals and rejo !
Ings still continue with a tcarcely p
ceptiblo abatement , every night w
nesaing half adtzen celebrations
some kind. It is liable to contin
oo for the next week at least.
Omaha Lodge , No. 829 , grxvo tin
fifth annual banquet and ball .at Jl
into hall last evening , the
blng about ono hundr
couples in attendance. This <
dor is quite strong in Omil
the ledge named , including about 1
members. Mr. Thomas Falconer
dictator , D. 8. M. Frotwoll vice dieter
tor , and N. Ittnor assistant. Hasot
hall was crowded , and with ono of t
plcasantost companies that over asso ;
bled within its walls , The neat pi
grammas embraced eighteen numbo
aud the banquet catno in the mldd
being served in the nppor rooms i
tajhod to the hill. Tha committo
in charge were s follows :
Floor managers , blue Ohas. 01
ney , Thou. Falconer , A. J. Birapac
Oftas. Midgoly and D. 8 , M. Fretwt
Reception committee , rod T.
Magrano , E K. Long , Ohas. Lit
rack , 0. L. Fritschor , Samuel R
and W. J. Kennedy.
Oomtpltteo on Arrangements , wh
0. J. Mentor , J. H , Butler , Jos.
West , D. 8. II. Fret well , 0. R. T
ney , W. J , Kennedy , J. O. Oorby ,
G. Magrano , Thos. Falconer , J.
Snooty , Ohas. Landrock and N. 1
The Christmas entertainment
the First Baptist Sunday school chi
r n took plsco last evening in I
b jsement of the church , and wan vt
attended. The roomwas Cl
with Sunday school oohol
and teachers and a few T
tora , a nuticoiblo fealuro be
tie ! largo proportion of very Ii
folks. The exerciios opened w
aongo and prajor , ojtor which R
Mr. Savidgo , of the Firat M.
church , made the first address , bo
f jllowtd by General O. 0. How
and lisv. Oonnoly , the Baptist si
missionary. A number of very inl
oiticg recitations and declamatl
were given by little girls , who
quitted thomsolvoa inont oreditaV
and deserved the applause they
coived. Among these v ?
Misses Lulu Smith , M
Kimball , Ida Pundt , ,
Minnie Rilgy. At the conclus
the doora loading to the church T.
lors were thrown open and the clai
ono by oao marched through and
coived a Ohrlatmas treat of cal
cats , candy , pop-corn , etc. The
cation was evidently ranch en Joyce
the children , aud of course by
older ones who were pleased vt t !
01 heldthelr [ w : kly holiday sociable
e VOL Ing in Firemen's hall. These
ciab'ca are always enjoyable , and
ono last night was no ex ceptlon to
rule. They are well managed anc
oiiblo in character as well aa in m
The Ohrintrj > na tree for the Call
orphans was hold In the old acad
of St. Mary's yesterday morning ,
was erected in the south parlor of
building. It was a magnificent s ]
men of the traditional holiday p
nine foot high , with ample b on
peculiarly adapted to the wishes of
managers "with happy burdoni
bend. " The tree was the donatio ;
Mr. P. P. Shelby.
At an curly hour the ladles of
decorating committee inado thair
poarauco , and aflor an hour's dili
application , during which the hoi
toys , decorations , fruits , edibles , j
cuts and taper * were transferee
appropriate places on the wi
branches , the tree was pronou
10 finished. Its appoatanou was i
beautiful , and the Jittlo ones '
he brought in to enjoy it nnd partak
its bounties.
There are things that eavoc
novelty , which ate not always at
tivo to children , To most child
vn however , the Christmas troa is m
that ola s. It certainly was not c
at these little orphann. Forever e :
ded from thoao joyn , the provislo
which is BO great u labor of lo <
of kind fathers and mothers , these '
ohlldroa gozed npin the evorg
tbo pyramid , traneformod and boat
it wa ? , with longing eyes
huppy i-xpaatfttioas , upon every
tnro. Nor were they ulow to it
their attention upju the toy or
at tnro for which they moct nee
longed , This lan uago of the ovi
faso told tales to the ladies in atl
anco far mora readily than cou
did the llttlo tcngno'is , and led th
dies , in anticipation of the v
wants , to bastow the numerous
ad , v nrious elf ts upon the expectant
dron. At a consequence the mut
cid diflldent orphans of but a few
the inonts before became , so to B
imbued with the spirit of
Jay occasioned with irjfinlta aatiafai
3ho displayed not less of their inatir
knowledge of the different kin
toys than they did for the purpoi
. . which toothsome morsels have
discovered. About ono hour
" spent In the company of the chil
By that time verj many of the
and had been disposed ot and the oxc
Ife , catuo to a olpeo.
lib ) The ladies in attondinoo
lorAl - Misses Ellen Sexton , Mcggto O'l
Al- Maggie Swift , Bell Hondoraon ,
3 i. FHzmorrla , lira. Little , Mrs. ' .
imb and Mra. llonnesoy.
imbP. Father Eogllah was also preaoi
. ' 111. were Bovcral other geutlomen.
Ity , Donations were received fron
iot following ladioi nnd gentlemen :
a Iho natnas had to bo sought
and were obtained with dillicn !
ON is feared that some may bo om
rrii The list however Is as perfect as It
rum well bo under the circumstances ,
orb and , Gen. O'BrienMrs. Daley.Mrs. I
ices Mra. E. 0. MeShano , Mrs. Fit
lied rla , Mrs , MoDouagh , Mrs. W
Mre , Rodlok , Mrs , SwartzUndor ,
HonncKoy , Mrs. Mullen , Mrs , Moalli
Mrs. Petty , Misses Ellen Soxtoi
Magplo O'Brien , O'Mcara , McOar
noy , Bronnon , Ry ; Rav J. E. En ]
Itsh and Messrs. Frunk Ooopor , Job
McShano , Henry D hlo , Foeney
Connelly , O'Donahoo & Downey , V
M , Buahmnn. Henry Bnahmanr Wn
Gentleman , P P Shilby , A Bothg
T. Qcltlcn , T. Tallou , 1' . Fifztnoiri
John Murphy , E O'Brien , Jos. Bart
MeOrthy t Burke , and W. A. ]
The whole affdir was a grand an
cess. A considerable qu intity ot clot
ing and food WAS contributed by tl
above , besides eoma cash , which w
bo at the dispcsil of the s'stets.
The Christmas entertainment for t
benefit of the ochoo'a of the lie
Farjily was given in the batoment
the church Wednesday evening. T
attendance was large t > nd the pi
gramme consisted of 21 numbers ,
large majority of which were chorusi
sung by the girls of the schools , Th
wore all excellently rendered Th
were iu every instance adapted to t
ability of the children , and the roan
p'.oaaiog RS it wia , was attained wil
out noticeable or marring effort. T
youthful vocalists worn under the i
rcotion oi Miss Marie Kjmontck.
The oratorical efforts wcro t
' Salbtatory , " by Charles Trudell , a
the "Clotting Address , " by Master :
Ilogan , both of which were she
racy and appropriate , and were a
nicely delivered. The "Throe Lit
Toad Stools , " Misses Gojgro'
O'Reilly and Sohorb , were moat war
ly appreciated , provoked an cuoo
and could well have been npproclal
for a third cull. Miss Halligan'a re
tat ion , "Grandpa's Whiskers , " me
shorter than the whiskers certain
was another little feature that ovok
p.opular demonstrations of i
provol. Miss Mary Dales o
Miss Marie fotnoncck , the fern
at the piano , and the latter at I
violin , Interpreted aomo of the m
favorite airs irom "Tho Bohnm :
Girl , " in an excellent manner , e
richly deserved the appreciation w
which the audience rewarded th
effort. Miaa Zjmoneck , it is buliov
ie the only lady violiuist in our mlc
aud it is certainly , to llor credit tl :
bosldes being dtattngulahod in thia
BDCct , she is also a skilled and c (
potent performer on thnt favoiito
stiumont. Miss McDormott's "I
ton's" and Miss Qaugan'n "Tom , "
latter the most ambitious of the sic
plooea on the programme , were i
"When I'm a Man , " was the t
of the dialogue , in which the cone
tratod ability of the young gentlet
of the school , was displayed ,
certainly as highly enjoyable as
piece on the programme. It dorr
stratcd that the young gentlemen
whom thorp were nine , were not
worthy their more favored eistera
holding up their end ot the reprea
atlvo lino. Their piece was eutert
ing and amusing , and their rondi
. of it was characterized with one
' I and intelligence and ability , wl
made some people feel glad I
the speakers were boys. The yc
men's names are E. Cannon , F. Reil
O. Trudell , W. Fitzgerald , J. Glea
H. Perkins , M. Scherb , 0. Mur |
and W. Reed. A vocal dnet , "G
Night , " was sweetly sung by Mi
Delss and Zemoncck , und was folio
by an instrumental duet , with ]
Eva MeDonagh at the piano , and 1
Zmcneck at the violin. This p
it was particularly remarkable for
accompaniment of the llttlo lady
mentioned , It wan her fint app
anco on even a school stage , and
the leek of that embarrassment , p
liar to auch occaoions , was not leaf
markablo than the uklll and brillla
with which the little lad'y fellowod
artiato who played the violin ,
intervals through the programme
six scenes of "Tho children ol
day , " a faroo comprising a cas
about thirty girls , wcro ronde
The picco was a aimplo satire t
the customs of society , which sot s
eenso and reason aud nubntlt
sham and nothingucaa. It was
enacted. The entertainment w
success , rinancially and otherwise ,
WAR n cheerful compliment to
Hlllman , by whom it was manage
HOLIDAY iior ,
The Sana Ceremonio club , oi
izod three years ago , gave a
charming andenjoyable holiday
at the Millard hotel \Vednosday o
ing , The club is limited in mem
alilp to twenty-six and no married
aous need apply. It given patties
n month , and haa chosen the Mi
aa permanent headquarters.
Oa Wednesday evening , ns u
the parlors , dining hall aud otdi
wvro occupied by the club and i
gue&U , between ffiftj aud oixt-
all. ThcTdining room' was dovoti
dancing , the mueic for which was
mobcd by the Musical Union on
tra. In the ladioi ordinary a Ion
blu was set , fifty-four plates 1
laid and there at 10:15 the part ;
down to the moat elegant leant
spread at this popular caravan
Tba 4ablo was elaborately trio
tf1 variety and character o
y fine , Among '
noted Mcssra. D
dor Suio , BoWb , * Barko , Arthur j
era Touiey , OSe o * , ' Wtbor , Dai
a- Deuol , JohUDon , Morgan , Johi
cd Beach , Tom Kimball , Welle , Ber
ud Muir , Hills , Sharno and McOon
! ! and the Misses Tousilin , the J > ]
ad Morgan , the Blisaea Barton , the T >
10- Sharpe and Mlasoa. Lake , L
10k , Jonea , Kimball , Rced , yA lin ' , St
ho Chambora , Ijams , McOrmn 'll , W
Oomstook and Clarke. ,
vo The club la at present oflfcer
ef follows : Will Mlllard , preai
'or Will Bennett , vice-president ; E
on Saxe , secretary and treasurer ,
'AB Mlllard , Banuott , Saxo , Beaci
in , Deuel , oxoiutivo committee ,
rts parties arq counted among the }
ics autest of ilio aoason.
iran The Sunday and induatrial EC
( n , oonnoctrd with St. Marks churc
13. their Christmas entortalnmon
oy Tuesday evening , an appropriate
oyas aptatlon of "Jacob's Droani" t
as the place of the usual Christmas
The ladder ascending from ear
he heaven was thronged
angels ascending and
soending , and retted on "F ,
it supported by "Hope" and cro
> d. with "Charity. " The ladder
ild loaded with presents fur the chll
rs. Addresses worn made by B
Clarkson , Rev. Dr , McNamara , (
or- Patorcou and Daan Millspaugl
kB , speeches being Interspersed with
rs. line singing. A large uumb'i
gifts , accompanied by the nan
amount of cake and candy , were di
ttibuted ,
The first half of the theatrical to
fen of 1882 3 frill end with the entc
tninmonla at Boyd'n Opera houte t
night and Saturday night , The pa
four months has seen our arauaemo
Ibving people gratiGed as they nov
were before by the number and oxci
lonco of the companies vititii
the city. The last two nlgl
of the year will bo taken upat Bovc
with the presentation of Etlic
Barnua' latest drama , ' 'Ono Womat
Llfo , " Miss Bertha Wolbp nppnarli
in the star tltlo role , supported bj
first-olaes company. Of this grc
emotional ectreaa The Rochester P <
soya : "Ono Womin'a Lif j , " the pt
in which Miss Wolby has' begun h
starring tour , is written by Etlii
Barnes , the author of "Only a Fir
or's Daughter. " and contains many
the characteristics of that drama. T
author has thrown in not a few sta
ling as well as hutnoroui ineldon
and the rolo-of Agues , assumed
Miis Wolby , contains many opp
tunitios for the display of the en
tional strength in which she exec
She has , moreover , a fine stage pr
once , and her dresses were prononm
marvellous by the ladies. At the ci
elusion of the third act aho WAS call
before the curtain. Thoao among I
company who deserve special pro
are Robert P. Gale , who provii
much of the comedy which relio
the darker sconce ; and John D. Wai
who actpd the part of a vlllaim
tramp with striking effect.
Tlio Nbw Hose Damage Arrij
and Goes Into Commission.
The New House Will be Oc <
pied To-day ,
The long-lookcd-for hose cart
dorod oomo time ago for Fire K
HOEO company No. 2 , artived V
ncnday from Chicago , via the 0. ,
& Q. and B. & M. routes. " !
terday it was hitched up and dr
up to No. 3's hcuio , on Sixtec
street , where a thousand foot of 1
wan pat on the reel. Iho next tl
iu order woo
THE cnirrr.
It waa found to weigh , with the 1
and four men , 4.G7C pound ; ; with
hose alone , 4,000 pounds ; wit ]
hose or men , 2 000 pounds. The
dinary ono-horao hose cart we
3,000 pounds with the hose , a
will bo soon that the strain
the two horses is much '
Bblng a four-wheeled cart ,
chief engineer infotmi us that it
run at least fifty per cont. , easier 1
the old curio , relieving the horao
the unequal strain on their backs v
running to a Cro. The new cart
then taken down to
on Tenth street , back of Stra
bicck , attracting much admira
from all who saw it. No , 2's f n
headquarters are nearly finished ,
are as cosy , neat and comfortabli
could ba desired. The f urnituro
all in at noon yesterday , the
phone and go g In working order ,
when the crew goes In , which will
to-day , everything will bo r <
for business. As the public will
largely interested in this impr
ment of our fire department ;
likely that Chief Butler will glvo
at which all may have an opportrj
to call and inspect both hoaso
cart. It had been intended to gi
grand opening or house warming ,
o this is thought to bo more appropr
As the liOBo cart stands in the
brick itia a bounty sure and , the <
a , i informs un , is the finest ever sonl
a | of Chicago.WHAT
The frame is of the beat hamrc
iron , threo-quarterby three and s
crane neck , axles of
best hammered car iixlo
with brass hub bands and
f. 1 with roller on the rear of
, I The driver's scut , ia cushioned
: d uuivuiniDU iu uaiiy until uiuii , u
splendid reflecting brass lamp is :
j l at oacli oido , The front of the
' ' ' board is adorned with a fifteen
brans gong. The brakes for the
friction brake for the reel anc
gong , are all operated by the dri
foot. The big hose reel , with c
ity for 1,000 feet of hose , is built
spokes and frame of gu pipe
with solid nhoet iron Bides. The
form from behind the reel will
three men , and within reach ur
erie braokuta for two nozzles , Cro
stcol crow bars , etc.
and shows line ,
BO is artistic up
V. wheels are of oak , loft the no
color , with upokes and felloes at
with a narrow gold band , edged
vcrmillion ; the running gear
y , frame work are bright verini
t , striped , with gold baud , and c
es with black ; reel eidts deep blue ,
les cold aotoll work ; the lettering i
King Hose Co. No. 2 , " i
gold on the vermillion ground
shaded deeply with the same ,
abort the cart must bo seen to I
as predated. Ita cost was $750 a
it ; was made byE. B. Preston & Co
iV. department apparatus manufaoti
iV.nd of Chicago , who put in their vor ;
ud licks on the job , Not only the
ha of No. 2 , but the entire fire d <
Mf ? ment and citizens generally . .wl
proud of this latest acqulaitio
ols HA , NEB.
Tables supplied with the bea
enid market atiords. Tlio traveling j.
idng claim they get batter accommodi
ng and moro general satisfaction than at any other house in Oi
ith Rate , f 2 per day. augSltl
lo- FOR SALE A Block of general
loed ohundUo that will inventory ;
ed $4,500. Bnclneaa well establishe
as centrally located In a thriving to
) ti about 2.000 inhabitants. Will
open or sell the real estate and take a
on farm as part pay , if doaired ; ba
ho cash. Addrcta Lock Box 1 ,
me Springs , Gage county , Neb.
Hewn Cantno Found a Lost Poem
Many stories arft continually to
of the wonderful aagtcity nnd instin
of dogs , particularly the St. Berna
and Now Foundland breeds , Ycstt
day Mr. E. J. Wooloy advettiaed
Tun Br.E that he had n pocket boi
in hia possession cantaiuing men
which the owner could have by ido
tifjing It. Mr. tWoolcy lives N
2,618 Cumings street , and is t
owner of a well trainrd St. Berna
dog. The animal is iu the habit
finding THE EVF.NIXO Bnr. in t
yard and taking it in to his maiti
Upcn the faithful performs
of this duty depended his oc
per , aud Iho dog if ho
unable to nome acrots the paper , dc
not scratch at the door for admittat
until ho haa something which his i
nine mind will warrant him in i
manding his ovcning rcp&nt. Tuosd
night ho was let out , and was RO
longer than usual. Finally hia pa
were heard scratching on tbo door a
ho was lot in. In his mouth ho ho
not the paper , but a small leatl
pocket book , which ha gave to
master. Ho had found it In the sn
some distance from Mr. Woole
houao. Th'a ' morning , in answer
the notion in TUB BEE , a note fr
Howard Rank , who lives at No. I
Montana street , was received ,
which a description of the purse e
the contents , amounting to $21.
was given. Mr. Rank nas rcatoi
hia property , and ho thanked 1
Wooloy , who told him that the i
and not himself deserved the crcdl
finding It ,
Wholesale. Write for quotations
Valentine & Rsppy , Omuhu , Neb ,
16 2r
tSllnowK's BRONCHI At , TnociiKs for Coi
$ Vl Colds : < n6\only \ article of the t
v > Aich haa done ma cervico , I wont n
Ine hotter. " R v. R. / / , Craig. Otin
Ar. r. Sold only ia bo.xes. trice , 25
Wide Awake Council , Amorl
Legion of Honor : Tha first am
mooting will take place on Mon
next , January 1st , 1883. The ine
ation of officers and gen oral wine
' will follon-e
tf last jcar'a buaincefi
Oflicora and members are earnc
requeated to bo paeaent. By ordc
the commander.
4t J. B. LOFTU
8 pO-For five canto , Wells , Rich
11 son & Co. , Burlinqton , Vr. , will t
n colored samples of all colors of ' .
mend Dyca , with diructionn.
n Made frorr the wild ilowcrs of
n it is the most fragrant ot perfu
18 Manufactured by H. B. Slaven ,
Francisco. For sale in Omaha by
J. Whltchouco and Kennaio Bi
TO LOAN Call at Law offlco oi
MONEY room SCrcigliton Block.
O.NEY T . LOAN-Un chattel
curity. A. IJ. Tutton , Ko. 1510 Do
Btree.front room up ttaira. 42
CO ! f\I A" ° icaluLcral r tiB , rfnt (
W/6. " Uv eecuntf. Uallcu Bros. , 1121
street. COS
LOAN ClarkBOn tool Hun
TO LOAN At 8 licr coi
> Ip4uiFUuU tcrest nsumsal,0u0ai ( !
\\urJs , for 8to 5 } cars , on first class city and
property. ) ! KMH HKAI. KHTATE tud LOAN Ad
16th and Douglaailla.
'ANThO At J ow Ecjjland rostau-n'l
DnugUsetre't , tt fpd woman cook.
A first clmj ealcsnnn , ul
WANTED Iii dry goods and clot
Mnglo man , " 1111 s to woclc. State t
wanted , with firt cl.iss r.fcr.nce , Addrcs1
id IIOX.K , Aurora , Neb. deo.O j
ie - Rlil nbcut 12 cr 13 vats ,
in WANTKD-A Dab/ . Inquire at Io oil
ID "fT7"/Nn.D Good Kir's lit tha uraiiloyut
VV ll-o'UK IDthitreet , up stJlre. U
ida Good servant ( 'lrl for gi
a WANTKR , L'JIO tt , Slarv'u Atvnuc.OS1
id OS1
oth AjouiuOurnian girl to t <
: h WANTKD Apply 1310 Calll-.rnlabt. C13
' YIT'A'NTKD 1500 men f r le y work
30 YV Vlcl : burg. Apply to HMtnrroellc
; ' 3 street , ficar t'a nam. 077-
'ANTl'.D AKOodglrl roo5 17H1 I )
th part , rtlfrcrncs required. 01
id 'ASTEn A good house'utper. Swed
W furred. Apjly at 7" I norh : 15th btru
Uo WANTKD-A fint class meat cooV
COOK Qoodua oirald Arp.v at ior ,
° ' '
I and Howard trcct , iit 'Ncwspoi > < ! r'Un on.
ANfKDA boiuokecpcr to go to Krt
W Neh , 1'cr further partlculaiH cull at
lie Howard s'ntit. lira. JlcAusland. C !
\ - siletmrvn to
ed WA\TKD-Agocditive or write to IU
th Sard and Co. Chlcigo Illinois , K
ad A dill to do general huuscu
n.ed WAN'lbU Olil ol about 15"year * to tat
th ofUbyatll23nartnl8lhcit. e
ro \KJ ANTED-Coopcrs at the Orccr.dalo
of YY 'rB ' house Good WBJCS and btcady
ofk. i . food . . num. App'y . at once to Thcs. Ore
k. t .T. It 11.-rf-
k.n Son , Council . -
n " ANTED A to do
\17 girl gereral home
V > Apply to No. 1U1 ajuth 12lh street.
ire WANT SDr-Acood pastry cook Womn
( err docevho uii'lentinis roaklni
bread , Apply i-orncrIStli and Howard I
3St Ne tpapcr Union. Ci'i
, ys WANI'D A cook who ran wash nnd
rt- None but a competent ono need , app !
rtbe Webster. ( ,
! rl.lWltU krAN'IKU Ono Ckoat
beA. TLl charge cf a flrtt-cluj rower Job
A. lluit bo a'je ! t ) fcand'e ' mtlslactcrlb Cottr
Gordon preecj. I'jrmtneut vituitloi < in
A..he vraei t" the right man. Addrcai "Kci
.he Kxpteae , " ltd Oak , Itvta. -193-21
Ho \T7"ANTr.I-Mcnand worn in to start i
ins YY business at their ow n homes , no pc
COc an hour made ; bend lOo for 15 ( amplos l
) ro ftructloiuu Addreiu MAbON & CO. Mont
ia. Virmout. ) % iu e ci
W 'ANTED Kxperkncfd farm liisurnn
Idiors lor every county In the State
cr- drcU , A. 1) , Itcjmlor fineral agent B
int Co. IJ'volnNtbikLa.
nd ID Girl lor general houjcwcrk ,
of WANT uooi homajr & good gliL
8U aeuth isth at < (
ISO I vy AICElUE\ery ono to leaxo orders f (
' 'I ? N. Ifith fctrect , up-iitalrs. s
ice I
WANTED A lady too ill-mate , lth rife
Cell on or adOres * "M. E'll. " 017
Utb street. 8
\Tt7ANTKD A j > o .t on by tir&atlcil BOJ
VV > eerx.r Ontcl * icily relercnoti. Add re
UU31NESS CHANCB good blacksmith U
F > ofTcrcd pocUI IndtiMmcni , to locate at an *
more r.cb. Apply to O. Frostt/.tbcre. ( 3i329lm J
KENTThros rooms K , w. corner tSth V
171011 ornU Blrcct , collar i Ity ar. Inqulr *
G : ISth Stro t , also fre h milk 10 * ( : r tale
HSNT Home corner lUrney and 16th
1SOU 1 . Inquire F J. llunir * . C14-1
K noon T T On Uth butwwn
DK Knrnam and I ) flrt floor. Intuit *
at nodforaV. CIS 2 *
7 01l nTJ T V'urnl od rooms for \\g\t \ \ houso.
1 Kccplns I18..00 month. Apply 2117 Wrb ler
Street. C17-U
) UN Kit TO li Ifitn anil ft. llnr. . ' rmiu
0) , witb \tlhout Inur r o-ns. Alto
lot * 'o Ii ( jalreaticcoMl west.
003-30 :
7OHRKNT House on Chicjjro trMlbtt 14th
JU ft id 15th. Inqulrn Ol Jobu Sffllt , c-r. 15th
andCalcao ttrret. COTZSt
IpOH IUJST T ei \ li'o room , sullalilo for two
C p.rum. first home ui rth ol UtraM bnlld-
In ? C08-3t (
H KNT Furnished room 1019 Farn&mSt.
TTIOtt FKHT-Tlie 2d and 3rd floor * (4U60 ( feet
C > achlmllt lor wholesale or m mifaclirinjr
bu'lniM , with n R od outside ttslrwo/and hoUi-
Ing apparatus joining the corner ot Farnuu on
lllhttrcai AppytoHamncl J , Howvll & Boo ,
opposite. tBJ-l
OR RKNT Cottage of thre rooms , Mid ind
Clark Sts. $10. per month. Inquire onprotn-
bc and f4'2 S. 17th Street. T. J. flUmorrto ,
075-21 w
HKST The residence nt M.-W Kennedy
FOU Jackson. Itqulra ol T. J. Fl'.rmorrls , I
OH B. Hth street. > l-tf i
KENT 1 hoiucx ot 8 roonui c'cli. In
FOR 1019 Frnham stro t.
OR RKNT-Kurnlshtd rooms with bonl. )
F Modern IraproreirctiU. Mo.lTlU ldjoHt.J
OR KENT-bood houro with 3 looms
F large Da.emcnt. Inqatro at Cblcaro tor j
opp > lie P. O. 691-IBt
, -OH BKN One large furntihod loom , 1000 i
1 FaroamSl. 630 3
HENT Two nicely furnished room 3. K
comer SOth and liarcnporl with or wl ho tit
hoard. 4C3-9CI
KENT A neat cottafro 315.00 poriromh j
on OavenpoeS near 16th St. ( ! ' , loodcla- '
tern , and cclar , ever/ thin ? conrcn cut , tani *
hou oneatly lurn'stcd.furnlturnle. fora lo Tory
r OMwable. Innulrcof [ . D..Iurutl 13 GKarnam
at A Pol'Ck's Clothlnir Storo. 57.-tf
T70R RENT A ilx room homo br
C brldjfe $1500. Apply to O. Collins I'Ol ,
Dougl 681-SOt
RE'kT One double two BJ-KO b.
? \ FOR . cro cry , > - > lnrn , butcher thop.
or any ether builno * * . Ltcat d so ihit n | f > ou
farmer's IrAJocan belecuied. Enqnlr.'Ol UJB.
M. Lan.'e , c rnir J&cUs jn ml 13lh struct. f"
1,1011 KKNT-SavoruI HUia'i now cotta 'Oi , Dr.
Uoigo ) Bl >
_ ai-Pan1'14i2
TjiOR rENT A good orgauftt A , . . . .
Also 'able boarder ) , 1610 DodgS * .
Unlurn sued room , iwo blocM
' . ot p.Mtofflce , 117 boutn 17th lruf
1TIOR RENT Furnished rootn. Innulrc3l3N.
J } 17th aticct , botwocu Daronport and Chicago
Btrccto. 330-tf
' Jlap of Omaha , lust completed tni !
ready for dclh cry at 87 each. Is 4 foot wide
by 7 feet long. Larfcat and most complete map
ot Omaha over published. Official map of tha
city. See column. r
' h. ttn\ \
" * I'
RE. T-Up-si&lrs,1"
UOE KENT Furnished room with board IKS
" '
* '
l ! _ Callfornlstreet. ,
TT1OK UE.NT Uounc , ulJC rooma , furnished , In-
JlJ quire at D. Hyde'9 ofiCc , Ulllard hotel.
fTlOA XVuni VWU UOH UWOJllUKb uu bMU Ui C,1
_ C dvolllns In dcnlrolile locUlty , by MKo'c
No. 151 DnuzlM utrent 817-tf
KH.IIT Largo clUe room or bait atbr. ,
Full ftrnham nt cet. TB7-U
KKMT n. etoru m Balcombe blocs. , ra
FOIl street , naar Dtvenport. Ht A. ) ) .
nC3-2St (
S M.JVSfx room cottage with ba'li tnl
FOR lot on Chicago ktrect , near U t-H .Sclio- 1
Only&2SOO. JIcCAGirE ,
OKI de ! ! - . Opp.
S Vin Uou-o 4 roam ) In good condition
FOH 19'hbtt cen
wttsideroir.erof rley. I cais rni's ajjoirs
pJ3fl barca'c. Ic < inlrat Judz > ChadwlckHotl/
T7IORS\LE 81 % room Co'tijotnd Jl.tvisi
L HCU hfran'a ii niar High Hcholnaol'U-
tlon , on'y 32100 00 Hct'ajjuo Opm lto V'A
office. COl-dee STtl
uiucK rou SALE- oo p < t
JLli th'inaiid , Yard ISlh strset , two Ko : I
tenth of IIUvueroul !
TjTOR 8ALK A drht C ! BI locoud bund phaeton'
to J CallatlSlOIIarntySt. E U _ ,
BEMIS New Map of Omaha , just complete J an
ready for dfllerj - at 87 each. Is 4 feet wide
if- by 7 feet lonz. Largest and most complete n l >
) of Omaha over published. OHlcial map cf the
city. Hue column. ,
Dccimbfr2Hli atroidwiro bracelet rltb
LOST ( .lialu at ached , tinder will please IHIT ;
atllrcolllce. COal L
OXdTn ijiABii-C riur bt ) ' < ' " " " '
J and l"'h , with uiouoy furnished lo tud < -
Oco ht. Ftllx on ihi prealsta. iiiiMtgftfCOtSC
th T OST A paoKrgo fr m CrTilck hank'ii conn- " . '
ljlnirt\vj plcuca red cloth , loa\eat I r.lf
thank'sstoround reccltollb.'ral tcit rd. S llll.
rfTRV The Hefner Starlled I "
J. edand warentcd by r. T. Ucnbow
Oth Bt. . dec Ifj. .
. HKAINARD , TaxIderruUt.
. rpeihlty , 13th , Le , Howard and j cW-
C5-n3-2in .
TIDNAL1ST , 438 Tenth , Btrect , betwotn iw <
and llamey. Will , with ihuald of * w !
, obtalu for anyone a Blanco of .h'l
el end present , and oil certain condition ; iu tw "
turc. Uoota and Shoos inodoto order , f'1' ' "
satisfaction truarantrad.
'I'i '
" '
, d.
ThUpOttdcr never varies. A martfl D' ' P"r |
ktriiii'taand wholoomuicus. Wore * ? . ' .IB
than the orplnary kinds , and cannat 1 > J , lkr
couiietitlon ) with tbu multitude of li ti ( n
wtUht , nlumorph uphate powder , t > ' . ; , , . <
c ni. Itova llAKUto I'ovuma Co. , Wiul- " /Jl
Keif York.