Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Friday Morning , Dec. 29.
B C trltr . . . - - SO cents per week.
110.00 " " Tear
B Mall - - - per -
Offloo : No , 7 Pearl Btroot , Near
J. Mueller's Polaco'Muiilc Hall.
A set of buggy runners for B 1o at II.
K. Senrrmn'a.
DishcB , RlaMwarc , lamps , etc. , at 303
Bcoftdway. Howe & Son.
Betthy Welby is to appear on New
Teat's day atDohanyX In "Ona Woman's
WfB. "
Largo assottment of Now Year Rifts
tH. E. Seaman's.
Old papers for sale at Tan BBK oflco
at 25 cents p r hundred.
Charles Dewey and Kmma M. CenT
T ne , of Hancoet , were yosterdayjranted
permit to wed.
Imported and Key West ctgsrs eon-
stantly on hand at LnU & Langa's.
The msn Berry , who was found on tht
streets 10 bsdly frozen , has b n taktn to
the county house for tieatment.
Prof , Samuels will closa his office on
8 nday , December 31.
The ladles of the dty met again yes
terday afternoon at the BaptUt chapel to
sow for thoio who needed clolhlng. So the
rood work goes on.
The Keseuo boys are making great
preparations for their maiquerade to be
given on the 10th ot next month , and ex-
pecUncy Is on tip toe.
Subscribe for newspapers and periodi
cals at H. B. Seaman's book store.
Furniture of all kinds repaired by
Howe &Son , SOS Broadway
At the Methodist parsonage yester
day Mr. H. O. Mlllard and Miss Fanny
1) . Page , both of Council Bluffi , were
married by HOT. P. 1' . Broseo.
Now lot'nlocly decorated , [ 60 ploccsof [
tea sets , only 5 at Manrcr & Craig.
Hand-painted china , art oottory , solid
iflTcrwnrc , bronzes , &a , at Maurer &
The funeral services of J. S. MoOal-
lister were held at the Western houio yes
terday atternoon , and called together a
largo number of sympathising friends ,
Lutr & Lango's fine selection of um
ber , meertcbaum and smokers'goods of the
best grades Is supplying the holiday de
mand In that line.
Mrs. T. B. Hayef.Jwbo .is enjoying a
visit from her father , mother and eister ,
has been giving a series of parties this
week , thus affording her friends a chanoo
to meet them , ns well as to enjoy the well
known hospitality of the homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Patterson on
tertalned a happy gathering of their
friends at their hbme on Bancroft street
Wednesday evening. The evening hours
were filled with mirth , mutlo and good
cheer , and all enjoyed thomselvoi heartily.
Lnti & Lange have now opened ft ro
tall store in connection with their whole
sale establishment in Bhngart's new block.
J. P. Bnshnell , of Des Momes , who
published Council Bluffs' last directory , is
Is now engaged on a state gazeteor and
business directtry , ' together with * full
showing of Iowa , its resources and Industries
trios , The prospectus indicates that th
work will be a valuable one for reference
Mrs. Martin was brought before Jus
tice Fralniy yesterday on a charge of as
sanltlng o neighbor , Airs , Blass. Sbo
pleaded guilty , and was fined 93 and costs.
Stops wore thcu taken to inquire into Mrs.
Blues' sanity , the being so evidently ec-
ceutrlo as to cause D strotg doubt about U ,
Justice Abbott had throe weddings
yesterday , one being John Reinors and
Thooda Seikmsnn , both of Western ;
another , Lewis Brandt and Francis Ho
man , both of Norwnlk ; the third being
Martin lUmuaicn and Mary Holnrichnon ,
both of this ctty. JTlie justice hns ciice
enough now to last him oeveral days.
Some ono who had nottbo fear of God
or TiiBBcR before his eyes , has broken O
the wcll-iecurcd top of the coal-kin attach' '
ed to the oDlcc , and even stolen the lock.
Tux BEE still live ? , but gives due notice
that it will be decidedly interesting for
the next fellow who visits its fuel pile , and
Interesting for the public also , as the read-
eis will surely bavean item of special spice.
The following have been Installed ofti
cers of Harmony Chapter No , 35 , Order o
Eastern Slur : Mrs. A.C. Orabim.W.M.
G. H. Jackson , W. P.j Mrs. G. II. Jack
son , A. M , | Mrs. D. MoWorkmsn , con'
ductresc ; Mrs. Wing , A , 0 ; Mrs. T , B
Hays , troaturer ; Mrs. Maynard , secretary ;
Miis Carrie Huntingdon , Adih ) Mrs. G ,
W. Jacobs , Ruth ; Mrs. Storey , Either
Mrs , Horton. Martha ; Mrs. 8. S. Naub ,
Klecta. _ .
The old soldiers of the Grand Armyol
the Republic here should bear In mini
the following promise of a good time whsn
the spring time comes , gentle Annie , 1
being from The Crawford County Bulletin
The G. A. R , outfit has arrived and the
ante-room of their hall looks Ilka an ar
senaL They have thirty-two stand of mui
kets , three sets side arms and an elegan
banner. Arrangements are to be made fo
a great camp-fire to be hold on the fai
grounds In the spring , In which other post
will participate , and a sham battle fought.
An exhibition of this kind will prove o
great Interest. "
There is no better time for action upo
the bridge question than the present. Le
us move at once. The matter Is of vita
Importance. The future of thii cit
largely depends upon it. We want th
western wholesale trade. The bridge \ , I
furnish a competing outlet. We want th
western roadi , and if w have a brldg
open to all at reasonable charges , wh
doubts but that all western roads will g
a wile or two in order to reach a city wit
tens of thousands of people , Eet the east
era roads cross to Omaha. How mucl
will It hurt uiT Will It not be better than
to have them cross at BlalrorPJattsmouth
tbus injuring us and Omaha , too , Thi
wagon bridge will give us the residences o
hundreds of U. P. shop and smelting
works employes. The combined wagon
and railroad bridge will bring the buducss
that requires ample room , such as freight
yard * , rolling mflls , lumber yards , ware-
louses , stock yardr , etc. , and In time the
lesvlest wholesale buitnctn will be done
n the bottom * , within a mtlo of the two
Hies of to-day , Ltt us have the connect *
In this p vln < ? mutter Council Bloffs
hould not forget the leatoni tanghl by the
experience of the city over the way. First
they have found llmotlono macadam well
nigh worthiest. It grinds to dust and
soon shows holes and rats under the in
fluence of heavy carlsge. Their nspbal-
um Is on trial , but it In already beginning
to show signs of coming trouble , It h not
ulted to this imore climate , r > scientists
tell u , and It cerUlnly Is doubtful wboth-
r tbo rough USARO of our heavy draya willet
ot teen make it worto than no pavement
t all. Sioux folia stone is a granite that
will withstand anything in the way of
roster wear , Let us have a good maca-
um , Our leading streets must bo paved ,
mt sooner bottomless mud than treicher-
us pavements ,
Holiday gocds at Harknws , Orcntt
fc Oo.'a.
Save your money by buying horse
> lankots and lap robes at 0. J. Bock-
man's , 335 Broadway.
Porogoy & Moore have got their ro-
all store half-soled and revamped.
Their OASO of holiday pipcp and cigar
loldors is a big attraction and the
icat plocoa will soon bo gono. 23 > 8t
To strengthen and build up the syn
otn , a frlal will convince yon that
Jrowu'a Iron Bitters is the best mod-
cine made.
W. H. B3wsrds and wife , of Webster
Jltjr , were here yesterday.
P. M. Guthrlo and wife , of Cornell ,
inod at the Ogden yesterday.
Rev. John Bronghan , of Vermllllon ,
) akota , visited this city yesterday.
George T , Phelps , of the Ogden hrnse ,
ias returned from his trip to Arizona ,
Mrs. Anula Crcsay , of Avoca , Isvisit-
ng In this and our neighboring cities for
10 rest of the week.
Mlis Annie Wright , one rf Avoca's
ligh school teachers , Is in the city on a
Isit toher friends , will also visit in Omaha
jefore her return.
K. J. Siyro and mother , of Jasper
county , Mo. , are in the city on a visit to
rlcnds and relatives ,
O , C. Foote , Eiq. , ono of Stewart's cit-
zons , Is In the city to-day a guest of Mr.
nd Mrs , Norrli. Ho goes from here to
ivoca to make a visit to relatives ,
Charles S. Hubbard , of Iowa , formerly
well known resident of this city , and an
x-alderman of the First Ward , is in town
Isitlng his brother , Benjamin P. Hub-
lard , who resides on Scott street. Char-
ey looks well , and expects to remain until
rebru ry. [ New Brunswick ( N , J. ) Fro.
Ionian ,
Ladles' and children's wool hoods at
Harknou , Orcutt & Co.'s.
* The woman who oooka relief from
> ain by the free uao of alcoholic atlmn-
nnta and narcotic drugs , finds what
iho Books only so far aa sensibility la
destroyed or temporarily suspended.
No cure wt * ever wrought by such means
and the longer they are employed the
nero hopeless the case becomes.
Joavo chloral , morphine and bolla-
lonnn alone and nao Mrs. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound.
When you fool out of aorta , have
ho blues , uiolanokoly , etc , , it must
> o indigestion that ails you. Brown's
'ron Bitters euros it.
Table linens , napkins , doylies , tow
els and ornahoa cheap at Harknoss ,
Oroutt & Co.'n.
Council Bluffs is a wholesale and
nanufaoturing city , or she Is nothing.
rVo hnvo bettor facilities for manufac
_ than any competing point , and
or wholesaling wo only need a wagon
) Hdgo to bo independent of all nd
verso discrimination.
Now , what paper will bo able to
lolp Council Bluffs gain the western
.radel Why , TUB BKE. It circulates
; l\ousanda of copies across the river ,
Will It do thi&l
With pleasure. The advantages
and Inducements of Council Blcffn
IOUSOB are now being heralded
trough Its columns , whllo heretofore
in advertisement of a Council Bluffi
liouso was never soon in Nobniska.
Children's heavy school hone at
Harknoss , Oroutt & Oo.'s ,
It Causes a Qlrl to l > onva Her Katnor
and Fatherland and Cross tbo
.Water Atone
A short tliuo ugo n young man lofi
his homo across the sea and came to
this country under peculiar ciroum
ataucos , Ho waa the son of a well-to
do farmer in the old country , and hue
wooed the daughter of a neighboring
farmer , also in comfortable fiuancia
circumstances. The girl heartily ro
iprocatod the affection shorn by tli
young man , but the course of true
love , etc. , und this time it was th
parents , and more than all the parent
of both who obj acted. The Intimacy
ot both continued on the sly , ho *
over , and finding that there was tit
way to overcome' the objections o
"tho stern parents , " the young mat
loft for America and sottlec
in Council Bluffs. After ho kad let
the girl pined and moaned , and finally
confessed to her parents that marr ;
her lover aho must , not merely ti
satisfy the claims of affection , but fo
other reasons more pressing. Realiz
ing the situation , the girl's parents a
last submitted to her desires , and gay
her the means to cento hero and join
him. She gladly took the journey
though alone , arrived hero safely , am
a few days ago was duly joined lu wed
lock to the man whom she had given
her best affections , and to whom sb
had trusted her honor and very life
There was never a couple wko seomec
happier on stepping up to the alta
than did they , and they have th
promise of ft happy homo in this laui
of their adoption.
Ilarkness , Orcutt & Co. have still i
few fine silk dolmans , Call and so
Oorno of It Boa Disappeared Wltb
the Treasurer of Hla "flldden
Hand" Company His Other
Company MnKlng Good
the Loss Horo.
Whitoley's Dramatic company , with
Ida Lewis a ) the drawing card ,
s drawing good houses hero this vrcek
nd giving great uatlifnctton , the re-
lortofro being largo enough to allow
f a change every evening , Miss
being a brilliant actress of great
oreatility , the appott being strong
> nd the prices popular. Mr. Whitoloy
a himself ono of the most popular
managers and ha mot with great sac-
ess , but , Ilka all successful men , has
o take a share of reverses ns well ,
lo has another company on the road
its soaaon , playing the "Hidden
Isnd , " and as stated in TUB BER dli-
latches the other day , ho has mot with
uito a Kss by the young man to
whom ho had given the position of
roasuror of that company , This
oung man's name is Cummins , and
10 has made nfuioattno , Iowa , his
lomo for some time , though his par-
nts live in the east , his father being
clergyman. Young Cummins has
teen chief clerk in the Muscatlno
ostofHco , and has boon hold In high
stoom not only by the cltlxons of that
lace but also by the postoffico cfG >
lals , from whom ho had a standing
ffor of a position with 81,600 salary.
Vhltoloy had implicit confidence in
Jamming until lately. The company
WM in Texas and Mr. Whitoloy rlid
ot hoar from Cummins for seventeen
.ays , and during that time did Lot
receive any remittances. After writing
nd telegraphing in rain Mr. Whitoloy
wont to whore the company was
nd there mot Mr. Cummins ,
'ho acknowledged that ho was
little short in his account , having
ind to overdraw some two or throe
inndrod dollars. On learning thin
tate of affairs Mr. Whitoloy concluded
o dltpenso with Cummin's services ,
nd so informed him , telling him ,
noroovor , that ho would pay his fare
ack to Muscatlno. While checking
yor the books , Cummins suddenly
isappoired , and a full investigation
hawed that the young man instead
f being $200 abort , had taken about
1GOO. The cause of Cummin's do-
alcatlon Is a mystery , BS up to this
imo ho had the reputation of being
> oth honest and of correct personal
iftbltB. The difficulty prevented Mr.
Vhltoloy from beiug hero with this
tompany , aa ho expected , and during
ils absence Mr. R. O. Gnptill , who
ias been with him for years , takes the
management. The company is doing
lobly here , and the coffers are being
illed up , if crowded houses are any
Worked "Wondor * .
"My daughter was very bid off on nc-
ount c f a cold and pain in her lungs. Dr.
? hem e' Eclectrlo Oil cured her in twenty-
our bouts , One of the boys was cured of
ore throat. This medicine has worked
wonders in our family. " Alvah Pinckney ,
jake Mahopac , N. Y.
The Alleged Bigamist Brought to the
Frontlfor Trial Other District
Court Doings.
Yesterday was nearly all taken up
with the trial of the case of young
londorahott , charged with robbing a
onntrynsan named Newton of about
ISO. The oasn was sharply fought.
7ho evidence for the prosecution
bowed that Henderohott and a man
named Dougherty wore in company
with Newton all of the after'
noon of the day thu latter
was robbed , and late In the evening ,
drinking and carousing about. Gard
ner , who claims to bo a detective ,
swore ho saw the thrco together in a
saloon , and that Hondorshot slipped
a $5 bill out of Nowton'a pocket ,
and remarked that 'ho would have the
rest before morning. The defense
.tied to break down the credibility ol
the state's wituotscss , and the case
wan argued at length , and given to
ho jury at 5 o'clock.
The case of Harry Carpenter , the
alleged bigamist , was then called up.
A motion had been submitted lu the
morning by the defendant's attorney ,
asking for a continuance , but this wai
overruled , and the case had to pro
ceed. It was so late in the day thai
nothing could bo done beyond era
panelling a jury , and the witnoos'eas
will probably bo examined to-day.
Oarpontor-himsolf appeared in court
and was the observed of nil observers ,
Ho made a very tony sort of an ap
poaranci ) , and impressed ono as boliiE
a very dapper young follow. Ho
seemed rather nervous , and seemed to
realiza that the crowd of lookora-ou
found in him an object of special In
torcst and that ho was the target o ;
many eyes.
The lUtlgan eaao was given a con
linuauod yesterday until the May
Bo Onre/ol of the Bnllai.
If your children are threatened wltl
croup or any throat dllGculty , apply a few
drops of Thomas' electric Oil. It Is tin
nicest medicine for the little oueu vr
know of ,
Transferring Titles.
The following transfers of roa
estate are reported for TUB BBK
taken from the county records by J
W , Squlro & Co , , abstractors of titles
real estate and loan agents , Oonncl
Bluffs :
D. Palmer to K , 0. Strong , s o | o
n w | of 8 , 76 , O'J , and s w 1 of n o j
8 , 76 , 39 , 81,121) , ) ,
U. K. Strong to K. 0. Strong , pan
of a o 1 of 12 , 75 , 40 , $160.
H. U. Goodqr to F. Philips , lot 0
In block 1C , Howard's add. , $550.
B , E. Bigolow to J. P. Bigelow , lo
13 and 14. in block 8 , Walnut. $100
J. P. Bigelow to H , E. Bigoiow , lo
1 , In block 20 , Walnut , $200.
0 , H. Converse to J. 0. Nelson , lo
3 , In block 11 , Meredith's add , , Ave
ca , $90.
J , Mattson to J , B. Bicolow , par
of n o | of a w t of 0 , 77 , 38 , $50.
W. S. Mottor to James Griffith
part of a w 4 of B w i 9 , 77 , 38 , $825
Horsford's Acid Phosphate-
Du. 0. 0. OLMSTEAD , Mllwau
koo , Wis. , says : "I have uaod it li
my poactioo ten years , and couaido :
It a valuable nerve tonic. "
Corrected dally by J. Y. .Knllcr , mer-
chandlse broker , bujcr and shipper of
; rain and provi'lont , office board of trade
room * , Council UluCTs , Iowa.
WHEAT-No. 2 opting , 76s } No. 3C3j
rejected COc ; ( rood demand.
Conjf 28a to feeders and 27o to imp-
peri ; pond dcmsnd fortshlpmcnt.
OATH Scarce and In good demand } 30@
HAT 4 OOfflC CO per ton.
HTB 40e ; light mpply.
Conn MKAI. I 26per 100 ponnds.
Wo -Good upplj } prices at yard * ,
8 00@C 00.
CoAr. Delivered , hard , 10 00 per ton ;
soft. G 00 per ton.
LCTTKR Plenty and In fair demand }
22o.Koos - Scarce and in demand ; 26a fti
LARD FalrbankV. wholesaling at 13o.
PODLTBT Firm ; dealers oajlnif 13o per
ponnd for turkeys and lOc fnr chicken ! .
VEOBTABLKS Potntc e , 45s ; onlonc , ZSci
cabbages , 30@40o per dozen ; apples , 3 CO
@ 3 50 per banel.
1'LOCnBest Knnsrn wheat flnnr , 2 33 ®
2 CO ; Minnesota wheat , 2 503 50 ; bran ,
Oc per 100 pounds.
BnooMH 2 00@3 00 per dozen.
GArrui 3 00@3 50 ; calves , C 00f GO.
Iloos-Eitloiatd receipts , 1,000 bead ;
good demand at packing house * , vying In
sr lots , for common , 6 45@5 65 ; g od
mixed packing , B CO@B 80 ; heavy packing ,
> 75@5 ! ) j ; butcher * and shippers payiog
or WARon lots 5 25@5 50 ,
2-BlK lhlov2
Dyipeptia and debility are two big
thlevee ; they creep in and steal our health
and oou fort before wo know It. Let ni
put a stop to their Invasions with a bottle
of Burdock Blood Bitters , to ba had at any
Iron store ,
NOT10E.-Bp clal advertisements , sue
Lett , Found , To Lo&n , For Sal , To Rent ,
Wants , Boarding , tc. , will bo Inserted In this
column at ths ow ral of TEN CENTS PER
LINK lor the flrrt Insertion and FIVE GENTS
ER LINK { or each subsequent Insertion.
Love adv rtlsements ai our office , No. 7
Pearl Street , near Broadway.
ulrl for jrentral housework can
find employment at 423 South 2nd St. Apply
at once , lit * . 1. K. Carfn. de Z7-2i
- buildings to mote. We make
WANTED-BCO morlcR houses and safes !
Address W. P. AjlcawortD , box 870 , Conndl
BluDs , la. _ _
Ererybody In Council BluCtl late
WANTED Tui lite , 20 cenU per week , de
Iverod by carrion. Office , No 7 Foarl Street
near Broadway.
For Sale and Rent
RENT. Fnrnlshed rooms to rent , with
TIO board , at 746 MjnBtor street. Day board ,
' 3.60 per * eck. dccl8-tf
put bent restuarant stand on lloln ttrcct.
JL Stock for Bale , Ith furniture , etc. Cheaper
or cash. Writ * to mo or call. J. WINAHS ,
17-Ct Corner Willow Ave.
BEES In pacKtgcs ot a hundred at ICc
OLD pocta o at Tun BHB office , Mo. 7 Pearl
street. tt
ITtOU BALE llcautllul residence lota , (60
C each : nothlDir down , and 93poriconth only ,
Miscellaneous ,
A collojzo cociety pin. Come to the
FOUND , pay for this ad , prove property
and got the pin. d27 tf
1END ORDERS for Cobs to Upper Broalway
5 Elevator , or to N. J. Bond , by mall. d22 Iw
renewed at the Excelsior g l.
EVERYT3INQ utrtet , for holiday work ,
Oo where you can get civility and filr treat
. W. L. PATTON Physician and Oculist.
DR. euro any ease ot BOM eye * . II la only
a matter of time , and con Uuro generally intern
[ torn three to flvo wcoke It makes nc differ
ence how long diseased. Will straighten cross
eyes , operate and remove Ptyreirlnmt , etc. , and
Insert artificial eyes. Bpedal attention to re-
movclng Udsworas apB-tl
Dr , Meagher.ziOciilist . , Anrist ,
In Chronic diseases , offers his services to all at
fllctod with diseases ot thi Kyo , Ear , or Chronic
dlnoases of any character. Wamnts a euro In
a 1 Rheumatic affections. Can bo consulted by
mall or In porenn at the Metropolitan hotel ,
Council Bluffd , Iowa ,
3 33C
Office over savings bank ,
Art now ready to contract ( or small castings o
etery description In
Special attention Is called to the fid that'll !
roituls are me ted In CKICIULU which glrca tt <
very best costings ,
Burning Brands
" " , Etc. , Etc. ,
Cattle 'Brands
Works : Corner Sixth street and Eleventh meuue
w. n. H. ro n
Council Bluffs , la ,
Established , - - 1856
Dealer * In Foreign | n J | 'Domestic ] . Eichinj
and home lecurltle * , '
Justice of the Peace and
Notary Public.
4ICBroadwav , Council Bluffs ,
President. YJce-lWt. Cashier.
Or Council Bluffs.
OrganUcd under the laws Oi the State ot low *
Paid up capital I T5OCO
Authorited capital. - . . , 200.000
InUrwt pall on time deposits. Drafts kuuoc
on the principal cities of { he United Stated and
Europe. Special attention given to collectlou
and correspondence with prompt returns.
J. D. Bdmandson , K. L. Bhnnrt , 1 , T. Hart ,
W.W.JWaUac. , . W KoSfer , I. A. U1.U . ,
las rotnnicd to Council Blnffc ( for a
short titno only ) , where ho can bo oon-
ultcd nt parlor 5 ,
Prof. Samuels offers to nil these
hat are suffering from Weakness and
Dofoctivn sight hU
Superior to any other in use , SB" the
ollowing homo evidence of veil-
mown people of tbia city and vicinity
will testify.
December 21,1882. f
'rot , II. Samuels :
Dear Sir Borne two years and a half since you
visited this city , and at that time I was troubled
with my cv < * . caused by exccs lro proof-reading
and other olllco work to such an extent that I
could at times hardly read , study or decipher
pliln print without frequently restingthem. . You
idjusted a pair of glasses for mo that are next to
indispensable , and I have no hesitancy In recom
mending persons to yru who may be troubled
with cak FJ eg. Youn truly ,
Editor and Publisher Globe.
Conscn. Bbvm , February U , 18SO.
Prof. Samuels :
Dear Sir I feel that I would be ungrateful In
deed If I did not In some manner express my
gratitude to jou for the wonderful bcncfitsda-
rived from the use of your glosses adjusted to
uiy eyes by you. Ihaio tried other gla'srsand
means , but all to no purpose , and 1 had con
cluded mjtelf doomed to go I lire ugh the world
nearly ilghtlcis ; but whereas I was nearly blind ,
now 1 sec , aid am able to read 03 I never could
before. I regret that I had rot met Prof. Sam
uels sooner , 10 that I mlgat have been enjoying
this blessing of acclng. Hoping that many
others may have the benefits of jour help , lam ,
gratefully yours ,
While on the PaclOc coast 3 ears ago I bcame
partially blind , and my right eye has never re-
cotercd. I have trio i numbers of time * to get
glasses to help me , also other remedies , but It
was of no use , as no on * could help me. When
Prof. Samuel * cam * this time to Omahu I
thought that It WtUld do no harm In trying him
and BOO' what ho would say. He examined my
eyes and told me that ho could nuke me see ,
not with one , but with boflietc . I told him to
go on aid make m sec , as I hod given up the
Idea of over being able to sea well again. To my
Hurpriso he made me a pah : of gLasaos that en
ables ma to eee with my right eye us well as
wlUi the other. I will eheerfu'Iy recommend
him to all those that liaro given up hopes.
Yours , with good Bight ,
Hciald Ollice.
Omiha , Neb. , December 20 , 1SS' ' .
I used to have very n eak cyrs and tried a great
many things for relief , but It was all In tain.
When I'rof. Samuels Has In the city a ftw jears
agn I was aclvlscJ by one of my friends who nai
benefited by him to call on him. I done BO , and
am clad to state that ho helped me wonderfully.
He fitted mo at that time with a pair of his
glasses , and they rave mo instant relief , and
after using them for u ehorttimo my cjes 1m-
lirovrd BO that I had no use for the glat > ) > o > at all.
jly eight la perfect , although 1 was adri'oJ nut
to put on gliwes , for I would lm > < i to wear them
, all the time ; liut Prof. Samuels' glassa * work
different. Ihcy Inipromd in } ojc , and I would
advlEO all peiEons wholavu trouble with their
eyes to call on him. Respectfully ,
City Toilcf , Omaha.
December 1C.
OIIAIU , September 18,1879.
Borne years since , while engaged In editorial
labor at night , mj cj wight became Impaired ,
and I found It difficult to find glauscH which
would tJIorJ'any relief. During the tuut two or
threj years my ejcs grew weaker by constant
ute , and Ibe au to be warmed lost I might loj
a time be obliged to lay nttdomy books , wh cli I
so much delight In. 1'rovldenre , I think , hai
kindly aided mo by sendlug Dr.Samuils to this
dty. Ilyuseofhh Improvel irjstal I glares for
se emlua . > a I HnJ the natural vl-lon rcutorcd ,
and 1 am now abla to icad and btuJj as inuihos
I plcasa without tiring the eje or causlii ; ; pata.
It seems wonderful UmtMichan effect can be
produced lu sokhorta time , and I taronoiJoubl
It will bo pcrmMiicnt ,
I am glad Prof SamuelH liai visited thin elty
where so many nectl the old he e n afford them
and I hope hU glares will bo Introduced and c\
tiutlrolj u * d here.
Pastor I'lrtt BeptUt Church.
OWAIU , Neb. . December 12 , IBS !
ProJ , II. Samuels :
Dfar Sir 1 hare now used ( he gltiJM with
which jou furnished me for one week and can
truly say Hut I hare derived more comfort In
that short space of time than In jcnrs previous.
Almost from my rarllut recollections I have
suffered from an Inability to see distinctly eves
when clone by , sometime s felled to know or rec
ognize mi most Intimate friends , all of which
was a constant source of modification to mo. ]
trlud remedies and globes of different kinds
Svith lmt | very little licnellt. and until I con
lalU-U you , detuiedmy rose hepeUsn Thanks
to jnur skill , I am ablu to see better than ever
before. Try 1'rof. tiamuel * ' treatment and be
beatfited u I have be n. Very truly TOUM ,
X30 Oeootur Btrect.
9 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Prof. Samuels does not attend to
business outside of hi ) rooms , and has
no OHO connected with him.
Broadway , and Fourth Street.
Council Bluffs , Iowa
- -
Headquarters For the Cele
Weber Pianos , IMq :
Toys and Fancy Goods -q-
Wholesale and Retail. qs
Address , i
i I lls/
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
WEC313 Vt/JL2JST3 ? . .
Bluff and fillow greets , Council Bluffs.
Orders filled In any part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
At the Lowest Possible Prices. - B
That never require crimping- Mrs. J. J.'flood's ' Hair Store , at prlcttt never before touched by
ny other hair dealer. Also a full line of switches , etc. atjreally reduced prices. Also gold ,
liver and colored nets. Wares made from ladles' own hair. Da cot fall to call before purchasing ;
tlMwhere. All goods wairantod as represented. llRS. J. J. GOOD ,
39 Main street. Council Kings. Iowa.
Tbo finest quality and largest stock wast of Chicago of wooden and metallo canoa.
Cells attended to at all hours. Wo defy competition in quality of goods or prices ,
Our Mr. Morgan has served aa undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understands
his business. WAKEROOMS , W6 AND 357 BROADWAY. UpliolaterinK In
all Its bnmchoj promptly attended to ; Also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Tele *
graphic end mall ordcra tilted without dnlay.
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Beer and malt In any quantltylto suit purchasers , liter $8.00 per barrel , rrlvato famUca sop-
piled wltli tmtlliom ot 81. fO each , ( li-lhcrcd ( repot charge to any put of the city.
Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Scblltz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No. 711 Brood way , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the country elicited
City orders to families and dealers delivered free.
( Successors to EUD & DUQUETTE ) ,
16 mid 18 Pcnrl-st. , Council Bluffs , la ,
No , 529 S Main Street. Council Bluffs.
Our constantly increasing trade is sufficient proof of our tqunre dealing and atten
tion to customers. Qood butter always on hand. Prompt delivery of goods ,
S , If. CROOKS , Pros. N , B , BASTON , Sooy.
J , 0 , HorrsiAK , Vice Prea , N. B. MeonK , ConuBolor.
[ Incorporated under the Laws of IOWA. ]
Insurance at Actual Cost ,
Inanrlng LIVE STOCK Against Loea by
Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever.
Experienced agents wanted. Correspondence
solicited front all parts of lowtt
OFFICE : 103 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , la.
( Successors to J. P. & J. K. Caseadjr. )
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers ,
Wo ha\o Ho only complete sot of abstract books to all city lots and landi in Fottawt.ttan.1
county , ntlei examined and ahetracU furnUHed on short ootlra. Uootj to loan on dty and fara
property , short and long ; time , In eums to mil Ihe borrower , BealcuU. bought and told
al to od opposite co ut bouM >