Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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The Hotafea Hatlonal Bank ,
Of Omah % , Nob.
Paid up Capital , . . $300,000
Orntro for buslntn April 27 , igsz , irllli Uit
unrest capital of any bank ID Nebruta.
B. JOHNSON , President , ot St le , John on ft
TOU2AUN , Vlc PrwtWcut , of a , U * o
R. K. , Boston.
W. V. MOUSE , el W. V. Mono * Co.
JOHN S. C 'LI.INS ' , ol 0. H & J. 8 Qjln ] | .
i. St. WOOLWOKTIl , CouPM llar and Attoinfj-
L. 8. IlKED , ol Byron Rod & Co.
H. W. YATE8 , Cashier , UU Cashier el the First
National Kink cl Omaha , u.d ccnaocUid with
theacthe nunaRCinent of that Bank sines Its
onranltatlnn In 1PKJ.
OotutcnoNg rccUvo rpechl attention uud char
joi lowest ohtalniMe here or fscwctB.
IRTKSMIT allowed hn time dopo-it * upon fwcr-
able tcrnrn upoifbccounts ol batiks and bank-
TI.Foanna KICTIAKOI , Oovcmmcntlond ! , and
County anil Cltv Securities boutht tin 1 ( old.
It ispivparrrtlt t general banUnz buslnow
MHO ta dotaiH , an lln ths troutmtnt ot custom
II "tlllpursno thj mast liberal polity eoniltttut
with cnto tanking
Bycclal Dispatch to Tin Km.
NKW YOUK , December 23.
Monoy3(39 ( percent. , closed ifforcd tt
3 per cent.
i'riino Mercantile Paper E@8 per cent.
Storlicg Exchange-Steady ; bankers' '
bills M.SOi ; demand , SI 84J
Governments generally firm.
The stocks wcro i@2 per cent lower ,
At 12:39 : n dcclluo of i@3 per cent , the
latter on Chicago , Burlington & Quincy
from 1 25 to 123 , The Chicago , Hurling-
ton & Quincy at first i ended from the de
pression of the forenoon from 122 to 1 2Z\ \ ,
then declined to 1 22J aud then advanced
to 122 } l > y 2 o'clock , In tha last hour ol
business the market was dull and strong ,
though the net ramilta of the day WM a do.
dine of l@21per cent on tha general litt
the greatest decline being in tha Chicago ,
Burlington & Quincy. The moit active
stocks in the last hour were the Western
( Union , Union 1'acific , Delaware , Lacks ,
wanna & Western and Denver & New Or
leans , all of which wcro strong , especially
the Union Western , which advanced just
before tha close to S c. The 826,000tOC
increase ! in stock and bonded indebtedness
of the ChiccROBurlington k Quincytho an'
nouncemont of which was the cause of a
drop of 4 per cent in that stock to-day , if
no new matter , but was announced over a
year ago , though it did no tmako its ap
pearance in the official account of the
mock nnd 'bond indebtedness of tha coin'
pany until the present annual report. The
$2GOOJ,000 \ composed mainly of ? 7 , 95-
OCO of 4 per ccat bonds aud 57,80 r.CCO d
stock of the Republican Valley railroad
company , whihvero this year absorbed
in the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy stock
and bonds issued to represent them. lo
sides this thorn are S3COOCOO of Chicago ,
Burlington & Qa'inoy 8 per cent bonds , tc
be funded into lower rate of intei eat bond :
issued OB part of the $25,000,000. Thi.
leaves $7,000,000 of the increase of the
stouk and bonds to be represented by the
acquisition of tha Burlington & , Southwestern -
western , and the various ether branches ,
such as one from Rock Falls , ( including t
bridge over Rock river to connect thai
branch in Illinoij with the Bt. Louis line. ;
Yesterday. To-day ,
3's 10'i I"3 !
6V. 103J 1032
41g'B Coupons.-- . ! m
Pacific S'i ' of 1SS5 12 * 128
Central Pacific firsts 1103 11G
Erie seconds -4 J
Lobigh & Wilkeabarre lOOi 101
Louisiana consols 09 09
Missouri O's 112 112
Bt , Joseph W9
Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. 112 113
Tennessee G's % 45J 43
do new 41 42 !
Toms & Pacific land grants. . 07 o7i
do * R. G. div. . . . 82 &t (
Union Pacific let mortgage. . 116i llGj
do land grants..lit { 110 :
do sinking fund. . 1174 Hi ;
Virginia G's G 3bj
do concolsG's CIJ 02
do deferred 124 12 <
1 'II T Q1
.Adams Express J " " ?
Allegheny Ojntral J1151 lir > J
Altou & U'erre llauto. . . . . . . . 45 * 45 ;
do pfd. ' . . . o/ H7
American Express. . . . . . . . . . . . 01 01
Burl. , Cedar Rapids & North , 81 82
Canada Southern. . . . . . . . . . . . OW W :
Col. , Cin. & Ind. Central. . . . 103 ? 103 ,
Central Pacific OJ 80
Chesapeake & Ohio. . " 22rf 22
do 1st pfd. . . 33 .18
do 2d pfd. . . 24 21
Chicago & Alton. . . . l i 2 :
do p'd 131 ! "
ChL , Burl. & Qalnoy 12r'i ; 110.
ChL St. L. k New Orleans. . 7'J 78 ,
Gin. , Band. & Cleveland 48J 40.
Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 81 L77
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 1081 W <
Del. , Lack. & Western 12S 128
Denver & Rio Grande 40 39
Rrtfl * * * * 'A * ' '
Bast Tennelseo 1 3 } ° 9
do preferre * . 117 110
Fort Wayne & Chicago 131 131
Hannibal & Bt Joseph.- . . . ? 15
do pld. . . 7/4 < <
Harlem 19 ( ! 10i
Houston * Teias Central. . . . 701 175
lUinois Central. . . . , ; l f J
341 34
Ind. , Bloom , & Weatern
Kansa _ &TeiM. . 33i JJ
if 116
< i 53
} 63
10 10
do do 2dpfd 5J 5
_ jmphl & Charleston 44 4J
Michigan Central. . . . . . 1011 1
Minneapolis & 8t. Loaii.oJ 4
do P" ' G"f 3
Missouri Pacific \ l
Mobile & Ohio. . . . JIB l"
Manhattan Beach } "
MorrUfcHuox. . . . . § 9J
New Jerwy Central 70 70
Nashville & Chattanooga 484 * <
Northern Pacific. . . 40
do pfd. . . . . .iB' f j
KorthwesUrn J37 j"i
do pfd 1 ° 4 * %
New York Central 158 12fc
OWe Central " 4 ? '
Ohio & Mifcsissippi. 32i }
do pfd jji .
Ontario & Western -jX | -
OrejjotiTranscontinonlal. , . . . o-i
Pacifio Mail . "
,7. iri
N "
Panaiaa - "j
Peoria , Decatw & hvansv. . . ff
PitUburg & Cleveland WO 141
Pullman Palace Car 124 1- ;
Reading " -f |
Rock Island. . . . . 12aJ l-j |
'pfd' ! . . 53 M
do l t pfd 03 9f
Bt. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . .IOCS 10
do pfd.,12H 121
Bt. Paul , Minn. * Manitoba 142 14i
Bt. Paul & Omaha Mi 0 !
dj pfcL. , H2 l' ;
T IM & Paclfio 3J .
Pfcdfio , , , , , , , . . I02 * W
Jnitsd Stated Exprfus C3 G3
V tiv.h , St. L. & Paclfio. . . . 31 ? Sf
Jl ° Pfd. Mj Rl
veils , Fargo & Co. KxpreM.lSO 129
wwitrn Union Telegraph. . . 81J S1J
HarlboM i *
' ' Arizona 9
Ncclsior l
ioinoxtake 171 171
iHtlo PitUburg 1 1
luUtlo 3U J5
[ 'ckfilvcr 84 8i
, do pfd . -10 334
'obiwoii . l
outh Pacific . 10 9
7 7
1 i
"Offered. tEx. Ititrrett. JAtkcd. DKi.
DupatchtoTriK BKR.
I/wixix , Decini'ot-r .8 t p. m. Con
diininoj1,100 J5-16 ; contoh , nceount ,
United Stated bonds No * 0 , extendetl ,
OSJ ; 4s , 1 2j.
Stocks-Peorigylvaiiia Central , ( > lfc ;
; ew iorl : Central , 1 32j Reading 273c.
Bullion iu the bank of England decreased
n the pst week , oOu,60t' ' .
PA1U3 , Deioaiber 18. Renter , 79fr , 15c.
fiocia In the Iiauk of France decreased in
lie plot week , 3,325,000fr gold and 1,330-
redal Dtopatchcs to Tui Din.
ClUOAOo , December 28. Flcrar Dull ;
ommou to choice uprlne wheats , 3 50a ( )
60 ; common tn fanoy Minnesota , 4 00 ( < 5
O0j patents , 0 C0@f 00 ; winter whentr ,
50@550 ; southern Illinois , 4 60@5M > ;
J.mada , 4 t > 0@5 CO. -
\7hoat-Marhet dull and prices a shade
ewer ; regular. S2jjo for December ; 92jo for
ranuary ; 9."S@93ij for February ; 'J9ifdl
9&o for May ; No. 2 rod winter 1)3 ) j o ; Ito.
2 Chicago eprinp , 92gg ; No. 3 Chicago
pring , 7Gc ; rejected liOo.
Corn Unsettled and lower ; 50Jc for
cash ; 5le tor Deccmbrr ; 491j49j for
fanuary ; 4949Jo for February ; 5ji : : } ) for
May ; rrjectcdl2 c.
Of.ta Mutket nisior ; 39jo for c& b : 39Jo
nr December ; 35je for Junuaiy ; S5Ja lor
Tobruaiy ; CCJo for May.
Rye -Bteauy ; 57Je.
Barley-Firmer ; 80@804o *
Flax Seed Strong and higher ; 118.
Tressod Ilogd Steady , with * fair de
mand ; G 85@7 10.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 2G@40c ;
dairy , 12@38c.
Jigge Market steady ; 27c.
Pork Fair demand , but at lower rates ;
1C 93@17 10 for onh ; 1C 901G 95 for De
cember ; lG93@lG97i for January ; 1710
© 17 12J 'for ' Vobruiry ; 17 25@17 274 '
March ; 17 C7i@17 69 for May.
Lird Active , but lower ; 10 30@10 32J
or oash nnd Janu ry ; 10 40@10 42J for
February ; 10 50@10 52J tor March ; 10 70
@ 10 72J for May.
Bull : .Voatfl Market easir-r ; ohouldcra ,
G 55 ; ehort ribs , 8 93 ; short clear , 9 25.
WhUUy Steady ; 116.
CALL BOABD. Wheat Firmer , but not
much higher.
Corn Market easier , except for May ,
which ad v meed Ic.
OAtn Firmer , out not quotably higher ,
nxccpt for the year , which advanced J ( < 9
Pork Fitmer , but not quDtably higher ,
ixcept for Juuuury , which advanced 24(4
Lird No quotable change , except for
ilny , which advanced 2Jc.
KEW tonic.
. December 28. Flour Mar-
cet dull ; euporfine state and western , 3 30
@ 3 75 ; common to gooi extra , 3 G5@4 30 ;
good to choice , 4 40@7 00 ; white wheat ,
extra , G 25@7 V < 5 ; extra Ohio , 3 75G fid ;
St. Louis , 3 80@7 00 ; Micneseta , 5 GO ®
Wheat Cash , ic lower ; options , SSSo
.ower ; No. 2 rpring nominal ; ungraded
winter re.l , 92cJ7iL ( 144 ; steamer No. 3 red ,
10G@10"i ; Bteamer No 2 red , 107J@
. OS ; 2 No. red , 109@1 00 } for ccrtiQoatos ,
. 10J@l 11 delivered , 1 09 free on board ;
Slo. ired , 114J : ungradaa white , 1 03@
1 13 $ ; stnamer No. 2 white , 87i@88a ; No ,
2 white , 983c@l 00 ; No. 1. 4,500 bu sold
t 1 07J < § (1 ( OS ; No. 2 red for December ,
32,000 bu sold nt 1 OSJ@1 09 , closing
xt 1 OSJ ; No. 2 red for January , 336-
OCO bu sold at 108J@109 } , clojiog nt
119 ; No. 2 red for February , 4G 4,000 bu
xold at 1111 114 , closing at 1 lljj ; No.
2 red for March , 216,000 bu uwld at
113 @l 133. closing at 113J ; No. 2 for
May , OG.COO bu Hold at 114il 14JJ ; clos-
nR at 1141.
Corn Unsettled and l@l c lower ;
ate options are j@c } lower ; ungraded ,
53@G7c ; No. 3 , 5lf55ic ; steamer , G2i@
Glc ; No. 2 , GG@i7 ( in elevator ; No 1
white , GU@65c ; No. 2 for January , GljJ ®
, Kn , closing at G5c ; do for February ,
> 3i@G4&c , cloein ? at Gic ; do for March ,
! 3i@Glc , cloaing at l3Jc ! ; do for May ,
B21@623e , closing at 61 Jo.
Oats i@Jo lower ; mixed western , dig
47o ; white western , 4G@ Oc.
Hay In good demand ; G0@05o.
EPOT Fresh Western , firm for choice
27@2cc ! for good to prime.
Pork Market easier ; now m < , 18 37' '
@ 18 CO.
Beef-Quiet , but steady.
Cut Meatfl Dull and we k ; lousr clea ;
middles , 9 CO@9G2i.
Lard Stronger ; prime steam , 1075 ,
Butter Quiet but steady for choice , li
Mr. .
Cheese Demand fair and market firm
wcbtern Hat , 6@18o.
St. LeniS , December 28. Flour -
Steady and unchanged.
Wheat Steady and Mow ; No. 2 red
fall , 951(395 gc for ranh ; 9Gs for January
97So for February ; 994o for March ; 10/1&
1 02i for May ; No. 3 red fall , 90c.
Corn Quiet ; 411@44jJ3 for cadi am
the year ; 'Hj/45o / tor January ; 45i@45g
for February ; 40Jc for March ; 48i@18i
for May.
Oils-Steady ; 35y@361o for ca h ; 35 ;
® 35Jc for January ; 35 3 for February
35io for May.
Rye Nominally 5Co.
Barley Steady ; G0@85c.
Butter Quiet ; dairy , 28@S4o ; oream
ry. 35@40c.
Kss-Qalet ; 27c.
WbUky-Steady ; 1 14.
Pork -Dull ; 1675 bid for DecemtMi
1C 87i bid for January ; 17 12& & bid for Fel
rnary ; sales : 17 50 for May.
Bulk Meats Market dull ; car lota o
long clear and short lib quotable at 8 7C
Bhort clear , 8 95 ,
Bacon Dull ; short rib , 10 25 ; iboi
clear , 1050.
Lird-Qutet ; 10 10@10 11.
% Jo bid for January ; 97J@97go for Fel
ruary ; 93 io lor March ; 1 021@1 023
May ,
Corn Easier ; 4Ho for January ; 45J
for February : 182o for May ,
Oats Nothing done ; bids the same a
salts at noon.
Corn Steady ; 35J@37o for cash ; SJ
@ 374c for January ; 40J@lllo for M ]
Gata Quiet ; 3o Lid for cash.
IJutter Unchanged.
iiggs-Weak ; 22 ; . _
Bridal EJcpitchca Io Tin 0 ,
OHIOAOD , December 28. Tha Drover
Journal reprta bu followu
flops Weak , and ruled r > @ 10a lowi
and cloned dull ] mixed , 5 CO@U 55 ; heavi
5 005,0 65 ; light , 5 40@C 05 ; tkip * , S 75 (
5 30
Cattle Dull and a thada weaker ; larjj
rolume ot bntlneMdono at easier raton ; nn
sales of extra cattle ; prime , G 00@f 60 ;
good to choice thlpping , 5 SO ® 3 90 ; com
mon to fair , 4 03@503 ; butohera' plentiful
and weak lfc ) decline ; common tn fair , 2 20
@ 3 00 ; medium to good , S 25@3 75 ; chol f ,
90g < 25 ; Ktoekcri and feeders , 3 10 ©
Shesp Fairly actlrs and steady ; com
mon to fair , 3 iO@3 63 ; medium to Rood ,
204 23 ; choice to ertrn , 4 3)4 ) LO.
HT , LODIS , December 2 ? . Cattle
upply letter ; prices ca1or , hut not qnot-
blv tower ; good to choice nlppiefc rtce c ,
> 00@5 7fi ; rxlra hetvy , GOO ; lomoro'-o
rteeri of 1 340 tiouoils average fold at . " > 25 ;
Ight K'ccrc ranfo at 4 2.Vil 75 ; conunim
to fair butchers' stock , 2 7GW3 50 ; ( food to
nt.Icj rlo , rtetrt und f > t li-lfer * and uowc ,
3 75g5 50. Btockem , 3 003 75.
Sli-op So rco rtml firm ; oammon to
imdlmn Bftttve , i ! 75 3 f,0 ; f lr tn good ,
f,0(2l ( 25 ; clinic J to fauty , 4 5 ; © 5 CO
HogR I'lrm : light gr dc550 570 ;
acninff G 00@G 33) ) bttlcheri to oitr.i ,
10@6 33.
KASBAB CITT , December 23 , The Live
took Indicator repoitx :
Cattle K-uier and qulat ; native stocri
f 1,200 to 1,500 pounds nM at 4 10 © ' . 20 ;
lock en and feeders , 3 00 © 1 10 ; cows ,
TCK&3 75
I legs Lower ana waak. ranging at 5 (10
6 SO , with the bulk of siloi at G 00 ®
Sheep Quiet ; natives of 90 pounds nv-
rngo sold at 3 00 ,
Yontt , Dicembor 28. The Drov.
' Journal Burc.u report' : and tlirm ; 5 ! 0@7 50
icr cwt live welgbt for poor to good ; G 75
< $7 00 for prime.
Sheo , ) Tilda firmer , but mow at sue-
alued price i ; extreme * , 4 23@0 10 per cwt
or fhocp ; 5 23@7 TO for lambs ,
Swine -None offered alive ; nominally
rm at G 35 ; droatod hogr , 8 00g8 { 25 per
wt ,
pccl l Dlcratchc * to llu llxi.
YonK , December 28. Coffee
Firm ; Riu Cargoes quoted at 7@91c.
Sugar Market dull and droopiiiRi faire
o peed refining quoted nt G 15 < lG@7Jio.
Molasso.1 Market dull ; New Orleans ,
Rico In fair demand and steadily held ;
omcstic , 51@7 ; lianyiou , n@5Jc.
Petroleum -Dull and nominal ; United ,
9c ; crude. G2@73o ; refined , 7i@7io.
Tallow-Quiet , but tirm ; 8c.
Rosin Qniot : 1 G0@l 72J.
Turpentine Firm ; 61J@52c.
Lsad Quiet , but firm ; comuicn , 4J@
Jej refined , nominal.
LONDON , December 28 , Petroleum
Spirit ! " , 7i@81d.
pccUl Dlfp tchoa to Tni lini.
CiiiOAao , December 28. RcceipU nnd
hipuicnta of flour and grain for the past
4 Lours have been as follows :
ReceiDln , Shlp'tn.
Flour bbls . 51.000 25000
Wbeat buuhoh . 102,0. 0 20 , 000
orn " . .407.000 62,000
Oats " . 229.000 31,000
Rye " . 17,000 2,000
Barley- " . 83.000 30,000
NKW YOUK , December 28. Rcceipto aud
hipmcut.i of flour and grain for the pact
21 hours have been oa follows :
Rccoiptj ) Shp'tn.
Flour-bbls . 38,000 2,700
Wheat bushola . 69,000 C9.169
Corn " . 93.000 63.COO
Oats " . 25,505 175
ST.TJODIS , Decembar 2.S. Receipts and
hipments of flour and grain for the past
24 hours have been aa follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
Flour bbls . 2,000 10,000
\Vhcat-bmhtl . 29,000 27,000
Com " . 52.000 41,000
Oata- " . 10,000 9(00
Rye " . 1,010 J.CCO
Barley- " . i 10.000
KANSAS CITT , December 23. Receipts
md shipment ! ! of grain for the pant 21
loura have been aa follows :
Reo't * . Ship'U.
Wheat , bnshebi . 2 > , OQO ll.COO
Cora " . 49,000 47.0U )
CniOAGO , December 23 , Receipts and
hipments of live clock for the pant 21
loura have been ixa follows :
Reo'ts. Shlpm'ts.
Hogs . 33.000 700
Cattle . tSfXK ) 3.7tfl
Bhoep . 1,400 OUd
NKW YOBIC , December 28 , Receipts and
hipmeuts of live stock for the past 48
icurs have been as follows :
Rec'ta. Ship'tn.
Hog . H 1,410
attle . 870 447
Sheep . 4,100 400
3eef , quarters . 1,120
Mutton , carcatBed . 15C
ST. LODIB , December 28. Receipts nnd
iblpmenU of live stock fet the pact 21
loura been aa follows :
Reo'U. Shipm'tB
Hogs . 4,000 13 (
Cattle . 1,100
Sheep . 500 . . . .
KANHAH OITT , December 28. Receipt !
and shipments of live stock for the paat 2- :
iiours have been as follows :
Reo'to. Shipm'ta
Cattle . 200
Sheep . 100
Wholesale Prlooi.
Thursday Evening , December 28 , )
The only changer reported In the mar
ket to-day are as follows :
Wheat No. 2 advance i ic.
Wheat , rejected , declined 2o ,
Barley No , 2 ad ranee J Io.
Barley No. 3 decllned'lc.
Corn declined lie ,
Goffiei declined i@ie.
Local drain OoaUntru.
WHHAT.-Cuh No. 2 , 75e ; caah No
8 , 681c ; rejected , 42Jc.
UARLKY. Caah No. 2 , 6So ; No. I
RYE-Casb , 43Jo.
SKEDS-Flax iced OOo per1 buj Re
lover , choice new , $0 pp'per bushel
mammoth clover new , 9700 ; whit
olover , new , 814 00 ; Alfalfa clovei
new , 91250 ; alsike , new , 81300. Jiir
othy , good , now , { 3 00/llblu
grau , extra cleau , VI50 ; blua grau
clean , 81 25 ; orchard grass 92 59 ; red toj
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mluour
BOc ; millet , Qennan , 9100 to 812 :
Hungarian 80c ; Usage oraoKf , 1 to
btuhols , ? 5 00 ; osage orange , 10 busbeU c
over , 81 50 ; honey loctut , per lb. , 25ctn
Produce and Provisions ,
POTATOES-50o per butbol.
ONIONS-SO@50o per bushel.
BUTTER -Choice country , 20@25o ,
IlONBY-Oallforala , per b , 21.
-ATPLES Per barrel , | $2 $ 75 )3 ) 25.
OYBl'JJIlS-Uooth1 * nnd PJatt'a .lec
oyiterf , 40c' Standard , 30 ; mediums , 25 ,
ORAI'ES-Californla. 81 60@2 25.
I < EMONb- 25@4 60 per box.
BKAN8 Domestfo ( Jertcon 2 00@2 8
per hnehrl : Navy per bushel , 2 75@3 00.
OHICKKN3-9@103 per ib.
TURKEYS-12gl33 ! per pound.
Qrocoru * Us
CANNED GOODS-Oyi.ten , 2 I
( Weld's ) , per cose , 84 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's
per vaM , 2 75) ) do 2 tt ( Otandard ) , per oa
210 ; itravberricw , 2 IP , per caae,2 61
Mpberrim , 2 Its P ° r ° * * * i 3 M. Dam
ons , 2 Ib , per caie , 2 45. Bartlett
> ear per OA e , 2 CO. Whortlebcrrlo *
or caf,275. Kgg plums,2 Ib perc e90) )
reen B { T < s2 tt > nor case , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
> per CA.IO I 50. Pine Apples , 2 Iti , per cn 9
W6 ) 76. Peaches 2 IB per oa e , 3 00 ;
o 3 It. , CMC , 4 00 ® 1 50) ) do , ( pic ) , 8 ft , per
cajp.230 : do pie , 0 Ib , per doren. 2 .SO ,
FL'JUU JobbinR price * , Jack Fro t
t. Lnuli winter ) P3.90 per 100 llu , : To.
> eka Patent Kanp , (3.85 : Mlnneliaha
illnno3ota PntentJ $3.70 ; Shawnce Kancy
Inter , W.10 ; Knglo , XXXX wlsiter ,
1,00 ; Triumph spring , bent , $2.80 ; Chris-
nn's iiupcrlatlvo , 3.50 ; bran , per ton ,
11.00chopped { feed , $23.00.
lIOKb'll C. Ulo , talr. 10i | | | JHo. g {
Ic ; | liino to oholco , 11 } to 12c ; Old gov't
aw J iCiiDZ | Moohh , S 4c ; Atbucklo'p ,
I'lLEKS ? Full Crcnrn , lie ) Part
kin ) , lois ,
HLOAJHS-Povnlf.Tcd , lOlo ; t loaf ,
% ) Urnuulattii , OJcj Ontoctlnner's A ,
tla ; Standard K trn O. 8Jc ; Extra C ,
h ; mMUum yellow , i7Jc ; unrk y tllow ,
SyUUl'-aUniUnl Com. , 37o , bblt.j
tandard do , 4& gallon VofiR , $1 90 ; Stnn *
ard do , 4 gallon kogc , $1 70.
MEAT3 llamn , ICcj bnnkfast bacon ,
tone ; cleat tidn bcon , none ; dry rait
incon , IC&c & ; chouldcre , Iti'c ; ilorco lard ,
FISH No. 1 mackerel. hill brl. , 0 7.'Q
No. 1 tnuckorol , kits , 1 00 ; family mack
erel , half brbt , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kite ,
Sou : No. 1 white fish , half brl . G 00 ; No. 1
SPICES. Popper , 2U Allnplos , 20o ;
Olovca , 35o ; Nutmoc.a , ? 1 00 ; Cassia , 21ci
loco $100.
LYK American , 3 31 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ;
Vestern , 2 75j North Star , 2 00 ; Lswlt [
ye. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 76.
1'IJBD Jobbing pric , Chop food
1.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran ,
MBATS Hams nor lb. , 15c ; B Bacon
or lb. , IKc ; clear Mdo bacon l > or lb , , He ;
ry salt ildos perlb , , OJo ; dry salt shoul-
era per lb. , 7c ; baoon nhouldcn per lb , ,
Jo ; tierce lard IHT lb , , 12c
L \RD-Omalm RetmlningCo.t Tierces ,
IJo ; 40 nnd 50-lb cans , 12c ; 20-lb cans ,
2c ; 10-lb pails , screw top , 12c ; 5-lb do ,
: io : 3-lbdo , 12Jo.
HOMINY Now , 5 * 60 per bbl.
SODA In lb impure , $3 ( > or cose ; kcj ;
oda , 21c.
NEW KIOICLES Medium , In barrels
7 00 ; do In half bbls , 4 00 ; amalU , in bbls
00 do , in half bbU , 0 00 ; gherkins , in
bis , 11 00 ; do , in half bblx , G 00.
BTARUH. Pearl , 44oj Bllvcr Gloaa
lo ; Com tltaroh , 8Jo ; ICxceliiorUloai ,
o t Corn , 7tc.
TEAS .Utinpowdor , good , 45@r > B ;
hclco , CO@7Co ; Imperial , good , 40 ® ( fie ;
' i , 0075cYoung ; _ Hyuon , good , 36 ®
3o ; oholco , G5c@l 00 : Japan Nat LoaL ,
5cj Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , peed ,
55@40 ; Oolong , , 40C5) ) Bouotioug ,
ood. 8540c ; choice , 35(3450. (
ROPE Sinai , b inch and larger , 10&c ;
Inch , lit ; i Inch , 11 Jc.
WOODEN WAllE aVe hoop prll ? ,
75 ; three hoop pails , 3 09. Tub * . No.
, 8 50 ; llonoar washboards , 1 85 Uocblo
Orawn290Vollbucketu | , 3 CO.
LEAD Bar , Cl 65.
VINEGAR Pnro rpplo extra , IGc :
nre npplo , ISc ; Pruasins tmro anulc , Ific.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 G5 ; Akh-
on , In BOO IIK , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5.1 , ! ) 50
SOAPS KlrVaSavnn Imperial , 345 ;
Jrk'o BUtlnot , 3 GO ; Klrk'a ntnudnnl. 3 75 ;
Lirk'o wblto Rueaian , 525 : Kirk's
jUtoo , 316 Kirk'o Prnu-io Queen ,
100 cakec ) , 50 ; Kirk'rt runinolr. ! doz. ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case ,
n case , S 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In ctvso ,
90 ; Anchor Ball ' doz In cnno , 1 BO.
PEANUTS Roaatbd , choice , red Ton-
lOsaco , lOopor lb ; fanoy white , lOic porlb ;
av wbllo Virginia raw , 10s ; roaatotl ,
CANDLES Boxes , 40 lb8irB , IDJcj Re ,
5Jo : IXXLH 40 Ibo. , IU oz. , Gs , 1C JR.
KIOE Tjonljlana prime to choice , 7JP >
ic : fair , G i7c ; Patina , 7c.
MATCHES Per caddie , D5c ; round ,
f S 10 ; aiuoro , casna , * 5 40 ,
Dry Qoodi ,
BROWN OOTTONS-Atlantlo A , 8ic ;
Lpplcton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , So ; Boutt
" "F , 8io ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W ,
c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8 0 ; Lawrence
ott BB.
4 : 74c ; Alligator 3-i , So ; Argyle 4-1 , 7Jo |
Atlantic LL , GJo ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7o ;
knningtoij 0 4-1 , 6c ; Buckeye 8. 4--1 , t ! jca
ndinn Orchard AA 9-8. 8 c : Lacoula 0
9 , 8ic ; Lohigh E 4-4 , 9jc ; Lonsdalo 4-4.
Oo ; ropporell N SO , 7c ; do O 82 , 71o ; do it
6 , V c ; do E 39 , fiic ; Pccausct 0 4-i , 7o )
Vnmuutta 4-4 13o
gin L < l-4,9'cBlackBtonoAA imperial 8Jc ;
Io do half bloachod4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-1 , Ui
Fidelity 4-4 , 94cFruit ; of thoLoom.10 ; do
0011. 1044,130 0 WnterTwIst,10ic ; Great
falls Q , lOJc ; Indian Head bhrunk 4-4 , 12c ;
Jonadalo. 10c ; do cambrlo 37 , 12Jc ; New
York Mlllo , 121.0 . ; Pequot A,10o ; Peppcrel
N G Twills , l2io : I'ocaliontas 4-4 , OJci
'ccasnet 4-4 , 8)0 ; Utlco , lie ; Womcntta
0 X X , 12io.
DOCKS Colored ) Albany K brown.
to ; do O , drab , llK do X v. stripes and
ilaidg , 12Ac ; do XXX brown nnd drab ,
itrlpes nnd plaldn , 12Jc ; Arlington fanoy ,
.9c ; Bruunwick brown , 8 0 ; Chariot fanny
.24o ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Full Rivoi
irown , extra heavy , llo ; Indiana A
jrnwo ISr : NoDonsct A brown. 15o
TlUKliNUn Amoakeag A U A SJ
L9c ; do XX blue 32 , ISJc ; Arrowancn ,
) } c ; Clnrcmoiit B B , lB4o ; Conestoga ex
; ra , 17io : Hamilton D , 11 Jo Lewiston a
30 , 15o ; Miuuehaha 4-4 , 20o ; Omega oujiei
extra 4-4. 28o ; Pearl River 82. 10 0 ; Put
ruun XX blue stripe , 12c ; Khotuckot E
10\o \ : do SB 12o ; Yeoman' * blue 29 , 9 <
DENIMH. Amoskcak , blue and bronn
lGjo , ; Andover DD blue , 15Jo ; Arliug
blue Scotch , 181o ; Concord OOO , blue r.w
brown , 12Jc : do AAA , do do 13 } ; do XXt <
do do i'ljo Hayruakera blue and brown
Ulc ; Mystic River DD utripe , lUo ( ; Pear
Iltver , blue and brown , IGc ; Uncasvllle
blue and brown , Hlr.
CAMBRICS Barnard , "Stoj Kddyatom
lining. 2-1 Inch doubln face , 8Jo ; Garner /
dated , rjo ; Manhattan glove finish , D2 <
Newport .do Go ; do glazed , 6Jo | Pequot di
60 : 1-ookwood kid hnUh Go.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 801 Andrei
ooggln Hatteen 8JClarondcn , 6jcConei |
oSga BotteenB , 7if * ; Ualloweli , 805 Injdl
Orchard 7Jo | ? HarriKanaett , Improved , o
Pepperill sattflen 94c ; Rockport , 7jo. |
PKINTS-Allens , 6Jo ; American , 6Jc
ArnoldJ7o ; Berwick. 4 Jo ; Cocheoo , 7c
Ooneatoga. BJc ; Dunkirk , ; Dnnnell
Gl@7c ; Eddystone. 7o ; Gbuctt r , 6c
Harmony , 5Jo ; Knickerbocker , OJc ; Mo
ri ao D.c ; Mystic , 6o ; Spratruen , Cc
Houthbrldge , Go ; do. Gingbami , 7c ; Marlboro
bore , 5o ; Oriental 6)0.
GINGHAMS Am keag. 12ct Amot
keag dross 9 | | Argyle , 10 Jo ; Atlantic
9o ; Onmberlaiul , 7io ; HiRhknd , 74c
Kenilwortb , Bit ; Pfun kett , lOic ; Hu
DK , 80.
COTTONADES Abbervllle 1D1
Agate , 20c ; American , llo ; Artislau , UOc
Cairo D nnd T , ftlc ; Clarion D und a
174cj Deccnn Co.Etrip aDanlT,16c ; Kcj
etone,131o ; Naututket. 19o ; Nonparoi.
IGc ; Ouoau D und T. ISJo ; Royal , l i
Buinox , 12c ; Tioga. 12ic ; Wtchaiott sbirl
In ? Jbrokg-taje ; cfo , Nankin , 121o ; Yorl
plain ISdnkIn7l2)c ; do. check * , itripea tin
fancy. lZ\c ; do , fa o20c. .
-nroiiCOprn , (
do 0.4,23odo ; 8-4 , 22c ; Continental" "
42 , lie , Fruit , of the Loom 10-1 , 27J ; Nei
York uuilla98 , 35c ; do 78 , SOu ; do 64. 22A (
Peinbrjke 10-4 , , 25o ; PoquotlC-1. 281e , d
74 , IDo do 49 , ICc ; Pepporell ( UG. 29 (
do 67 , 21odo 67 , 18c ; Ut'-ica 06 , BGc ; d
53 , 32iodo48. ; 17c.
Palnta Oil * and Varnishes
OILS 110 * carbon , per galloi
ISc ; 150' headlight , per gilloi
ICc ; 176' boadllKht , per gallon , 20i
linseed , raw. iier gallon , W ; linaoed , boilu'
per gallon , 5uc ; l&ni , winter itrd , per a
Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85ci No. 2. 76o ; caste
XXX. per gallon , 1 20 ; No , 3 , 1 15 ; swce
per gallon. 85c : sjienn , W. B. , per galloi
1 65 ; full , W , B. , per gallon , 60o ; neatafoo
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No , 1 , 65o ; lubr
zm , per gallon , SOcj lummtr , 15
golden machlnx , No. 1 , per gallon , S5o ; No.
'J , 80 : ipenn , slfnal , per gallon , 80c : tnr-
pentlne , per gallon , 65o ; naptha , 74 , ( > r
gallon , 18c ; 04 , 17c
PAINTS IN OIL-Whita lead , Omaha
P. P. . Glo white lead , St. Louis , pnrc , GJn ;
Marrellloi gr vn , 1 to 5 ITi conn , iXc )
French rtne , gi 3n noal. 12c ; French tlno ,
rod seal , lie ) French ciuo , In vivrnlrh Mft ,
20cs French iltiot , In oil r t 15o | Uaw
aod burnt umber , 1 Ri oani 12c ; raw and
burnt iMenna , ISot Vandyke hrovnt , vf ;
rofincd larattblack. l2o ; coach blaakni
I'ory black , IGc ; drop lilm k , IPc ; Pr\
blue , SOc ; nlttomarino Wi o , 18o ; dm vie
green , L. M , & D , , 14oblind ; and ahuttcr
green , L. M. & D. , II ; Paris green , lc ;
Indlnti red , 15ct Vewtinu red. Do ; Tnncar
ttrb , " 2c ; Amoric'.n Vonulltixl , LAP. , 18o ;
chrotno yellow , Ii , , M , , O , fi I ) O , , ISc ;
yellow , Po ; golden Ov-hrc , Id ; patent
ilrynr , Bo ; praininj ; colors : light otxk , dark
oax. walnut , henljiut and aih ISo.
WhlUi load , Oic ; tnch tine. lOc : Pails
whitclng 24c ; whiting pildcrx. V . * ,
v.hittnjj oom'l , 1.4c > lampblack Gorm.Mi.
town , 14c ; If mpblnck , ordinary , lOc ; I'm * .
lan blur , D.V ; ; ultramarine , I8o ; vaudyko
broirn , 8c ; umt > cr , burnt , 4j ; umlor , rnw
Icjidonnri , burn t , 4cj ttcuno , rnr. ' , 4c
Pnrlo procn gotiulno , ! 3. < o ; Paris green com'
'JOo ; climino green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrotn
rprccn K. , 12c ; vorniilliou , ICnp. , 70o ; vcr
million , Arnericn , ISc ; Indian red , lOc
rctio t > ink , llo ; Venetian rend , Cokuwxio
2o ; Venetian rod Am. , ISc ; ro.l load , 7Jo ;
chrome yellow , Rcuulno , UOo hromo yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochcllo 3c ; ochre
Frcucb. 2J < - ; ochre , American , 2oj
Wiutora mCicrrJ. 24c ; lohl h brown , 2ioi
tpMiish brown , 24t ; Prlnoo'i mineral Be ,
YARNlSHES-BaticU per jrAllon.
Futnlturo , extra , (1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
$1 ; conch , extra , $1 40 ; each , Nn. 1 ,
$1 20 ; Damnr , extra , 81 75 ; anon , 70o ; an.
phaltum , extra , 85o ; aholhto 83 & 0 | htrd
oil finish , 81 80.
HMVV Hardware tin ,
Iron , rntofl , 83 10 ; plow stpel , ipocial
oaot , 7c [ crucible , 80 ; iKcial ] ur UcruianCo ;
cuuit tool do. 1G@20 wngon npokes , pet ,
2 263 Whub ; , per pot , 1 25 ; fellow , invc\l
dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85o ; nxlra ,
oaol ) , 75o ; ttinnro nuU , per lb , 7@llc ;
washoro. per lb. 818o : rivets , per lb , lie ;
ooil chain , per lb , 6l2o ; malleable , So ;
Iron wedcca , Go ; crowbars. Go ; harrow
tooth , 4o ; honMhocs , per keg , K 00 ; opring
teal , 7@8o ; Burdens horseshoes , 550 ;
Burden' * ruulcnhoos , 6 50
SHOT. Shot , 91.85 ; Buck nhot , C2.10 ,
Oriental Powiior , kogi , 80.40 ; do , , hnl
kega. 83.48 ; do. , quarter krgt , 81.88 ; Bloat
InR , kottfl , 3a,85i Fuao , tier 100 foot 60c.
BAKBED WIRE In car lota , 7 50 per
100 ; in IMS than car lota , 7 75 nor 100.
NAILS lUtco. 10 to GOp , 425.
Hides r-ur * . tlo.
UID158 Uroon butcber'fl hldo ,
cured 7U@8o ; hides , preen n.ilt , part ourod
7iehldo3,7ic ; dry flint , sound , lif@14c ; dn-
calf and kip , 12o)14c ; dry salt bdcs , sound ,
10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to 16 B * . . llfj)12o ) ;
green calf , wt , under 8 It > ? , per skin , 50o |
Kroen pelts , fO@81 25 ; groeu Iamb nkiiin ,
81 25@1 50 ; damagorl hlden , two-third rate ,
cut ocorod nnd ono grnb , cloiood two-
tllrda rate , ) branded hidoa 10 per cent , off
CoonslsinB , No. l,45oNo. ; 2 , 80o ; No. 1
20 , ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 3 Do ; No. 2
5o ; No. 8 , 15c ; Ko. 4 , fio. Fox , ,
Oo ; No. 2 , Cflo. Skunk , Wo. 1 , bttoj
Ho ; ehort ttripo , 40m narrow utrlpso
ro.vl utiipe , lOa. Tallow 7c.
Oak solo , 38a to 42c ; hemlocit HUO , 2Bo to
5c ; hoiulock kip , Wlo to 100 : runuor ,
5o to SOc ; hemlock c.vlf , 85a to 1 20 ; horn-
ock upper , ? 3c to 2Go ; ontc ttppor , 24c ;
Ulgalor , 4 00 to 6 50 ; cult kid , 32@35o ;
Groison itid , ! 4 60 to 2 75 ; onk kip , 80o to
00 ; oat oulf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip ,
10 to 1 nrKrnuch ; calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run-
ottn. C 60 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 10 50 ;
, oppinf8 , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , 0a
o 35c ; pebble 0 , D. Morocco , S5c ; simon ;
r 0to300.
UARNESS-No 1 ctar onk , 42c ; No 2
o , 89c ; Nc. 1 Ohio oak , 38o ; No. 2 do ,
5c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 87o ; No , 2 do Sic.
Hortei and Mulei.
The market la brink end all gradeo aio
lllnjj well at o , nllgiit advance iu pilous.
'he demand for good horuca oxcoads the
upply oonddoraDly , Pricei r&uga an fol-
owa :
Fine nlnglo drlvorit , 8150. to 00. ; Kxtnt
rnft horoOB , 8175. to 225. ; Comuiou drnit
'lonos , 8100. to 160. ; Extra fnrm horioJ ,
110 , to 125. ; Common to good farm horsiM
S90. to 9100. ; Extra plngn , SCO. to 70. j
Doiumon plugs , G20 , to i$40 ,
MULES. 15 to 15 ! bandit ( oxcrn ) , $125.
0 150. ; 14J to ID hands , 91CO , to 10. )
4 to 144 hands , C75. to lOO.t 1 4 to 14
tinndn , SCO. to 75.
Wo quote lumber , latu and shlnglcn oni
nrs nt Omaha nt the following prlcoi ;
mdcr , t > 22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 60.
TIMBERS 16 ft. nnd under , 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 50 ;
C ft , $2.1 5Ct 22 ft. , 826 50 ; 21 ft. $20 60.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 In. , 321 00 ;
No. 2 , 322 00 ,
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) , § 20 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00.
LULU Per barrel , 81 85 ; bulk per on -
Oc ; Cement , bbl , $2 25 Iowa plastur.
bbl , 82 60. Hair per bn. 40o. Tarred
vlt 100 IK 83 50. Straw board , 83 60.
COAL Cumberland blaoknmlth , 012 ;
rlorrln Run Bloaaburg , 812 ; Whltohrooat
ump , 85 50 ; nut. 05 60 ; Iowa
ump , 85 50 ; lown nut 05 50 ; Rock Spring
tS ; Anthraoito , S10 50@11 00 ,
Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tnrtnrlo , GOo ; Balenm
Jopabla , per lb , 70o ; Bark , Sosaafraa , pe >
b , 14 nj Calomel , per lb , 75o ; Clnchonldia ,
ior oz , 81 15 ; Chloroform , per lb , 1 00 ;
Jover'H powders , per lb , $1 40 ; Kpoorc
Jaltn , per lb , U4c ; Glycerine , pure , po hi ,
tic ; Load , Acetate , per lb , 22c
Oil , CnUor , No. 1 , per ual , * 1 20 ;
Oil , Castor , No. II. per gal , 0110 , Oil ,
Olive , per cal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50 ;
Opium , (4 75 ; Quinine P. & W. & R. & 8 , ,
> or os , 92 05 ; Potassium , Iodide , per 11
H 76 ; Solocm , per oz , 40c ; Sulphate c
Slorphine , tier ox , S3 85 ; Sulpnur tloni
? or lb , 4o ; Htrychnlno , cor oz , 81 45 ,
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 225 per wlm
gallon ; extra California spirlU. 187 proof ,
1 i > er proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
187 proof , 1 28 per proof gallon ; ro-dlitllloc
trfciikioft , 1 001 60 ; fine blended , 1 50 < g
2 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 : Ken
tacky and Pennsylvania ryen , 2 D0@7 00 ,
BRANDIES-Iinported , 10 00 10 00
domeatlo 1 40ffl4 00 ,
GINS Imported , 4 C00 00 ; domeitlo
1 40@3 00 ,
RUMB Imported , 4 60@8 00 ; Ne
England. 2 00@4 00 ; domeitlo. 1 bO@2 5 (
1 76(34 ( 00.
OUAMPAGNEB ImporUd per oaio
38003 OjAmtrl a , MM , 12 004
1600 ,
CLARETS * er ease , 4 60@18 00
WINES Rh na wine , per cue , 6 OOfi
2 00 ; Oatavba , per case , 4 00@7 00 ,
Olgan * nd ToDaeco * .
CIGARS. Weed * . 815.00 ; Connecticut
925.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havana
JJO.OOj Olearllnvana. 876.09.
a JBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule
24 Ib , ( ! 0o ; Our Rope , first quality , 02c
Star , pounds , 24 lb , butta.GOc ) Horsa Shoo
ponnclH , 2-1 lb , butti , 68o | Gilt Edge
pountb , 21 lb , bntta , GO ; Army and Navy
pounda , 55c ; Bullion , pounds , 59c | Lorll
lard'i ) Cllmnx , pounds , GOo.
FINK OUT In palls. Hard to JJent
76c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc
Favorite , CGc ; llocky Mountain , < SOc
Fanoy , 55c | Daisy , 60c , In tin foil-
Catlinu O. 8 , , 5 lb boxen , per lb GSc ; Lori
Ulord'n Tincr. GOo ) Diamond Crown , GGo.
SMOKING AUgrodeb Common , 25 1
83c , Grunulotod BUclrwell * Durham , 1
ut fills ; Dukea Durham , 16 ot , 46o ; Seal o
North Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nobrai
ka , 1Q oz , SBc ; Lone Jack. 4 oz , linen bug ;
porlb , 81.35 ; Marburgs' Puck 2 or , U
oll5o ; DoTnll 05c.
Merino unwaa fxl , light. H@l&c ; beavy.c
© 1315o ; medium uuwanlicd , light , 18@2U
v.-wJiod , choice , 2ol fair , SOc ; tub-dlni :
and w , , 28o ; burry , blaok&nd oottod woo ]
C A I T Hlvo UM ° oy ua order t lt direct free
UrUU I oiwo lilp promptly l > jr rail at t
a culj prloeto all wuttern point
BALT.'UO Bifln waityMb ;
podat Dlipateh ( o Tint Hit.
Ni.w YORK , Dacombor 28. Elijah
It 1'owlpy nnd son , fanners , living
ipar I'oinUvillo , Johnson county ,
Cfji'uclcy , vroro to-day victims of the
> ld nwindlo by Alex , Motso , well
cnown conHdonco operator , SDIHO
Into npo Hf loy rcoaivod a letter of-
oting $6,000 ln ful money for $300.
) r > ti idornbln oorrrspoudcnco passed ,
iut to-day Henley nrrivod Tfith hl
on nnd w&u Ukcn to n Third nvonuo
Moon by I ho coiifcdorftto iu the
trindlo iunl nhomi uprrnrdn of $5,000
u orttp bunk notes nnd eomo gold ,
rhioh ho x.tmin < < d with satis-
notiiu. Tbo intimntion wns pivun
iegloy thiit the notes wcro counter *
olt but could easily lin passed , He
pud $300 and stn $5,000 in auppoiud
ounturfoita counted out nnd pnt in n
oatlior bng. The swindlers ndvlsod
dm to luavo the city at once to OB *
iapo dotontlon , Mor < o RtuttitiR wlkh
tim to the railrond depot. On the
way Pollco Inspector Murray met
thorn , nnd knowing Morao auspoctud n
swindle nnd stopped the party. The
> ag au carolully carried by llofilcy wa
otdod with stones nnd p per nnd a
hrco cent ba of salt. Morao WAR
ooked up , The farmers nro without
Intnrnntlonal Kiflo M tnh ,
p cll Dliratoh to Tin DII.
NKW YORK , Doocmbor L'8 Tno im-
lotml rillo aesoclatlon nnuo , ooa tlui
ho return mntoh botweun the nntionnl
'unrd of the United States mid Britith
uilitlnmen will tnko plnco in the fill
f 1883 , nt Wlmblodon. TJio team to
aproacut the tint tonal guard will bo
hojoti the latter ptrt of May In a
{ ouoral oompotltlon. Twelve men nnd
ivo roaorvowill bo aoloolod from thoio
ntftkiuR the highest scores , duo allow-
nca boitif ; uindo for provioua ability
ml records. This competition will bo
pen only to properly qualified compo-
itor , who have mudo nt least three
omyloto icoraiof 1C5 out of nposilblo
05 at six dlslancoi , presoribod in the
auditions of the international match ,
5 or over nt 200 , 500 and GOO yards ,
10 or over at 800 , 000 or 1,000 yards.
) iioas iou of the rule that members
hall bo coloclcd by the association
od to almost nn open rnpturo between
General Wingato and Colonel Litch-
pcdiJ Dlipatch to TDK 11 im.
NKW YOUK , Dacombor 28. lie-
woen 2,000 3,000 opootators as
cmblcd in Madison Hquuro Garden
o-night nt the benefit of JooOobnrn ,
coontly rolcaood from Blng Slug
rison. Well known pugilists sparred.
? ho "wind up" was by Sullivan nnd
3nburn. The speotatorn did not like
bo friendly bout , and there wcro
rios of "Go for him , Sullivan , "
'Qlvo it to him , Joe. " The two
) oxoro ntoppud and turned to the pco-
ile. Salllvan said , "I want to please ,
> ou all , nnd will pleasu you by killing
, Maoo'a 'Un-
mnn coon , pcrhnpn -
aiown,1" Ooburn und Sullivan then
ngatiod in three rounds , There was
no fllugaing , but much ncionoo was
isplayod ,
Sprclal Dispatch to Tan Din.
NEW YOUK , Dcocmbor 28. The
> fttk Qinnbok from Auakland , roporta
that on Oatobor 9ih ( luting a south-
vruut gala aud a thick fog nqutvll , a ball
of Tire paauod noroca the ship , injur
tig throu sonmon and breaking both
.ho gunwales and ripping the plankn
rain the otorn of n ntarboard boat and
exploded about twenty yards from the
ship with a loud report with sparks
lying from it llko rockets. There
won no lightning nor thundur nt the
Gone to &Coot the Others
Special Dispatch to TUB ) ) .
JHFI'BUSON , 0 , , Daoombor 28 , The
Second National bank lmn gene into
voluntary liquidation. Fifty thous
and of ltn fundn are missing. Thu
ndividanl notoa of the absconding
cashier , S. F , Fullur , having boon do-
lonitod to mnko up the amount on the
i > onka.
Block npooulntlon in Now York io
the cause. II. T. Bt. John , Iho tmint-
ant cannier was Fullor'a ncoomplloe.
A Dank Clorli
Bpcclal Dispatch to Tim Um
OiuuAOo , December 28. Join
Tarry , book keeper for liovuridga &
Djwoy , priv.ito bankers , was arrestoc
to-night , nnd hold in $5,000 ball , on
charge of forgery to the extent $ -1,501
by A syatem of fraudulent chocks , In
colluclon with n bartender in n large
saloon. IVtO bartender has not yo
boon arrested. The sonlo'r mombot
of the firm is the ox-governor of 111 !
nois. _ _ _
A Deadly Fond.
Special Dispatch to Till Ilia.
CiUTTANOoru , Decarabor 28 , Twt
brother ) named Dullard worn killci
to-day at Lsbanon , Alabama , by twc
brothers named Jaaoway In a quarrel
All the men are of prominence here
A Cblnoie Preacher.
Epedil IlHtch to Tin HIE.
NEW YOUK , December 27. Kun
Sing , the urit Ohinese mlisionarj
from this country to China , loft fo
Chicago to-day on his way to his mU
A Trn tee la Jail.
Dacombor 28 ,
Stephen S. Price , defaulting trnste
of Iho estate of tholato Thomas Riol :
ardson , waa committed to jail for fall
Inif to pay the Babitltutod trustee
? 178,004 ,
a. A. R.
Special mooting of Post No. IK
Grand Army of the Republic , thl
Friday evening nt the ufliao of Man
demon & Oongdon , 7 o'clock sharp ,
Wu. OoiiUBN ,
A CAI'.U ,
The family of the Into William L
Armstrong deslro to return thanks t
their friends for kind expressions o
sympathy during their recent bcroitvc
ment , and to the members of th
lodges who participated in the last sa
rites Wednesday afternoon , each o
whom will bo held in grateful romom
brcnce ,
"My OrandfAtiior'a Clock , "
Wan cnca a very popular tons , but lik
many other tcntimeutal tune * It dotau
wear well. Dr. Thoina * ' Kclectrlc Oil wi
wear ; It will wear away all nohee , gpraln
and palnr , and roimy it purchater a hue
dred fold ,
l > ale ltlveCnro
I'cr * lt thoi * Vnlnfut OomnlntnUBitA WrkVncoct
K roratnon to our bent female population.
A Medlclno for AVomtn. tnTcnUdbf a Woman ,
I'rcparod l > j a Woman.
tttt nnitnl KrJlitl Dl.nrtrj CUHtkl Dli f II1MT >
tJTItiTTltri th * drooping iplrlts , InrlRonitos an4
harn\onlw the orpuild functions , eltn claitleltjr w > 4
nrranM to Urtrp , rwtorei tlic natural lustra to th
rro , ami pUnU on the ptUooliixkoC woman tlio tm\
KWWI of llfe'n prlnir and early mmmrr lime. I
fCTPhjtlclang U o It and Proicrlba It Frecly.-Cf
) t rrmotra falntnm , flntulenej , Jcstruys all cn > Tlc |
for rtlmnUnt , anil rcllOTri wcakccn of the xtomach.
Tltnt fffllnR otboarlnj doim , rantlntr p ln , wijghl
am ) tAtkaCliv , U almvji rxnn.xncntlj ctinxl ty Its n *
F r tbe f nrc of Kldnrr Complaint * of cither
' tUI * Compound ' uaiurpaiicit
- ni.OOD
111 rmdlrMo errry Trrltmi uf Humors from lb <
Hood , unit Rlro tona unit ntrorcth to the system ,
uuu woman or elUld. loutton hating It.
Both the Compound and Blood Purifier urn prrpv4
iCBandsu Wrctcrn Avenue , Lynn , ) ( a * . Price ol
thertL' Six bottles f or JJ. Bent by moll In the torn
f pills , or oMoKncM.onrwtlptofprlcc , tlpcrlxn
nr cither. Urn. Tlnkhani f rcrly ontwen all Icttcn ol
nqulry. EncloMSct-rUmp. EcfldforpiunpUct.
Vn fiunUT honM ( without I.TD1 A .
.IVT.Tl I'lI.I.S. Thrv euro cunntlpAtlcn ,
auu turpldlty of tliu llror. K otutfl l > cr Inuu
JTiTHold by
sioS20 Thote dMlrlDf to roaV * money
natll and medium Inycitmcntt In
S20 grain , rroYtolonn anJ itock ipccula *
tlona , can do io by operattngkon oai
plan. From Ma ; 1,1881 , to the era-
WHEAT Bonl dkto , on InTtwtmenti ol f 10,00
to $1,000 , cub proats huve been
rnalliod anil paid to Invntan
amount\og \ to e Tor l times Iheorlj
$50 trial Investment. Profits paid lit o
a > cry month , itlll ln Mnj ( tba
orlRlnM Investment making money
STOCKS orpajnbloon ilemand. Kiplannto-
ry circulate anil ttatoment > cf fund
W lent ( roe Wo want ro ponalbls
cenU , wio wll nport oncropn and
$100 Introduce the | ilan. Liberal com-
minions i ld. AOdrcoa
mluelan Xcrcbartp , 1'afrr Clock ,
Chlcairn. 111.
The but la tlio coup try ; ( or tha money.
M A. McHamara
SOLE Aocrrr
South Fourteenth Btroot.
Undertakers ,
It ) fdng KIB > ttie Iht
Tnlni Iciva Omabn flW : p. n. und 7:10 : * . m
? or lull luormatlnncull on II.P. DEUELClan
Ageut , Ulh and 1'nrnnin ntc. , J. DKLL U.
llllw rlD pol. ot It JA1IKRT. OLARK. 0 n r
On ClirUtuuia Oirdi onu-tblrd OH of present
Finest Holida Presents
Knirrovlnifa from tl.OO up.
Picture frajiiT ) from ICc up.
Wukr Colon at from $3.00 up.
ArtUt'i maUrtalK at lowest price * .
WOO Orican lor (03.00 oil payment !
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
( 1510 Dodge Bt. , OiuobA.
client and moil reliable
In North Omaha , Vciy choice
Moat , Poultry and Vegetables ,
OOOK ( S TUEHM , Proprietors
"f".nl SO Bnrt Onrnmi/Po
Physician and Surgeon.
lledldnet tamlahed al offlc * .
OTloe. N. W. cornel 13th and Faroao ttnetl ,
over Utrchant I National Bank , Omaha , Neb.
Offlee Uourt 9 to 11:70a : , in. , 1 too and 7 to
9 p. n Iletldoaoe 1111 ijuth 13th ll ( ( .
Pay TftTiis. Kent Honso , Eto
Martin , The Tailor ,
1220 Far-nit am Street. 122O
IIu r celred a full and complete tock ot Fall
and Winter Sultlngv. and In cow making a No *
1 pair tl panti tor 5.0Ck or a sompleto vult
U5.W. SM him aad MY t. dmt