Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Thursday Morning , Poo. 28.
Woatltor Report.
( iTic followJnR observations are taken a
the wmo moment of tlmo at all the tUtton
n&rncd. )
DCTARTMKNT , U. 8. SiairAtBtn- 1
OMAHA , Dec. 27. 1882. ( l4Sp.m. )
Hirer frcttn ftt Ootaha , liot-n at Tankton
Mississippi ( roztn at El. Paul , frozen at Du
huqor , ( at IA CrotM , 8 feet 10 Indie * a
Davenport , 8 fett C IncliM at St. Louis.
New Year callim ? cards at Cotter's.
The now IIOBO cart for No. 2 fa ex
peeled by every train.
Bertha \Vclby appears nt Uoyd'i
opera home Friday and Saturday nlghti oi
this week ,
Saxe , the drnggiit , is solllnp the bal
unco ot holiday needs way down. Cat
and get prices. 27 > 3t
Calling cards for Now Yean printed
in the finest style ot the art , nt FoitncrV ,
corner Eleventh and Farnam.
The Philomathean concert at Mn >
Meyer's hall this evening will b <
one of the finest affairs of the season ,
The police force arc all provided wilt
'bandiome , oatent , nlcklo-platod whistles
aChristmaa gift fftom Judge Beneko.
Mine. Chrlstino Nllsson will stop al
the Paxton Now Year' * day and Jannarj
21 , and will "receive" on the firat-nnmcc
The Mission school dinner [ on Tentt
and Capitol avenue yesterday WOB a gre l
Bucccsi and was highly appreciated by thi
In the police conrt yesterday then
were three cases of intoxication , nno o :
whom paid , ono wan committed , and on <
continued ,
The Burns club is already making
preparations for A grand celebration c
January 25tb , the birthday anniversary o
Scotia's baid ,
The work of putting up the electrii
light wires baa begun under the super
vision of T. A. Fleming , of New York , at
experienced man iu the butlnons ,
If you have n friend who would bi
Interested in Nebraska news send them thi
WEEKLT BF.B. which is the best paper li
the west , and every subscriber geta a pro
Harrington and Maxwell are held t <
await further examination on the chargi
of laroeny , the police not l/clng / able to dig
cover the owners of the stolen goods fount
in their possession.
Knhn & Co , gained an envUble ropu
tatlon this season for having the fines
goods and the incut moderate price * . The ;
have made still further reductions thi
week , nod sell all strictly holiday goods n
-fin.t cost ,
Sea the tfrand Hit of premiums w
give to subscribers of TUB WKEKLY But
Then subscribe for it aa a Christmas o
New Year's present for some absent friem
and retain the premium receipt If yo
The congregation of Christ church ; o
Beatrice , have presented to llov. Dr. Me
Namaro , who preaches there eveiy tw
vrceki > , the sum of 8100 with which to pui
chase a window to bo placed in 1'rlnit
catheilral , Omaha , in memoay of his Httl
daughter who died three years ago ,
The city ordinance require hldownlli
to bo cleaned of enow Inside of an hou
nfter the storm , or if the ftorm occui
during the night the walks must be cleane
by 9 a , tn. The police maJo six arrest
yesterday under the provision of the ord
nance which the police propose to cnfon
The Jifccnnerchor society will gli
their annual pretzel ball at Maennorchi
hall , corner Tenth and Farnam , on By
venter night , December 31. Three prlzi
will be given to the holders of the luck
pretzels. A good time may be expectc
by all.
CallIDR on the county clerk , Mr , Joli
Bnumer , yesterday , TIIK BKK report
saw him In the act of mailing a check i
( ho Uhemical National bank of New Yoi
city ( or $20,000 , the January Interest di
on the outtUndlog Indebtedness ot tl
city of Omaha ,
Gen. John M. Thaycr pasted throuj
tills city yesterday on bis way oai
where be has been called by the tudil
And dangerous Illness of his uecoud so
Herbert , who Vina been travellnu' in cot
pany with bis brother John. The gonei
expects to return next week , If the Him
of bb son will allow him to do so.
The cate of John Cain vs. the city
OmaliA was on trial in the district cot
yesterday by jury. Cain sues the cl
for $5,000 personal damages for Injury
celyed while driving on Thirteenth , I
tween Jones and Leaveuworth , where
struck A projecting manhole and v
' , thrown out of his vehicle. He wai
that time proprietor of the London in
market ,
The Olympic Gymnasium club hi
purchased the apparatus now In the c
ball building , and have rented the ro
known Kureka ball , which they >
immediately fit up in first claw shn
They Lave engaged Mr , Jack Hanley ,
well known boxer , M Instructor , I |
expected that the gymnasium will
opened by January lit. The subscript
books will be opened on Thursday.
Httde frocr the wild flowers of
U is the moot fragrant ot perfun
Manufactured by H. D , Blavon , f
Franctaco , For sale in Omaha by
J. WbUehoaio and Kennsio JJr <
A Woman's Heroic Treatment of
Offenders of tlie Law ,
She Landa Three PriaonorH in
Jail Unassisted.
A good deal of fan WAS cnjoyod by
trr > police force Tuesday and yesterday
ever a volnntoor addition to tholt
number , who ran In two plain drnnka
before midnight , and yesterday
brought up an old ofTondcr whom she
charged with stealing a pitcher and a
geese , though the latter was more
like n gosling.
The curious part o ! the performance
is that the eolf appointed cnstodinn
of the peace is a woman. Her name
is Sadie McBride , jmd aha dooi not in-
dlcftto by her conversation that
she has aeon much better
days. She is of medium
height , and built like n female 11 or-
culos , and talks like a pirate king , her
language being more forcible than
ohento or elegant , Tuesday she
took up an Individual who wan
inclined to bo obstreperous , and oho
found it necessary to knock him down
two or throe times. After ho had
been Hoarohed , Policeman McBride
yanked him down the stops In a lively
manner and put him into the corridor
of the jail in the moat approved stylo.
She then started ofT down town with
the remark , heavily emphasized , that
if she found that other follow oho'd
bring him up , and oho did.
Yesterday she came with the
man , who had the pitcher and the nl-
loged grnao , and took him down the
cellar stops and put him in in the most
unconcerned manner. She wanted
him put in a cell , but the jailor thought
that was not necessary.
Hero is a woman , now , who might
lay some claim to woman's rights , aa
nho could fight aa well as vote for hoc
rights. Her laudable ambition should
bo encouraged by Mayor Boyd by ap
pointing her to the first vacancy on
the force.
The Proaton-MoOlure tHuptlalo The
Silver Anniversary of Mr. and
Mra. J , S.
The wedding of .Mr. Will E Pros-
lou and Miss May McOluro , which
took place on Christmas night waa n
pleasant affair in every roapcct. It
took place at the roaidonco of the
bride's 'parents on Harnoy street , and
was attended by the immediate rela
tives and intimate friends only.
Rev. A. F. Shorrlll pronounced the
ceremony , and then the uuntil con <
gratulatlons followed , supplemented
by a sumptuous .supper , Mr. Preoton
is well known .as the foreman of The
Republican bindery , a position ho
hfts hold for years. Ho in a splendid ,
wholo-soulod follow whoso friends an
legion and are all warm friends. Hi
is a steady young man , o skill
fnl workman , and jaltogether [ sncl
a man ai will make a model husband ,
The bride la a charming little girl whc
would make anybody happj , and nc
young conplo ever started out in lift
with bettor wishes for their future
happiness than Mr. and Mrs. Preston ,
Among the many wedding prcsonti
the reporter noted the following :
Silver cream pitcher , sugar bowl am
spoon holder , from I. W , Minor , J
W. Campbell and A. B. Huborman.
Marble top table , from Mr. and Mri ,
A. Borden ,
Silver napkin ring , from Mr. am
Mrs. W. Preston.
Sot of silver nut picks and cracker
from Mr , and Mrs. B , Flood.
Silver cake basket from Anna B
Hand painted silk pin cushion , fron
Sada Dduman ,
Largo embroidered silk pin cushion ,
from Mrs. Dr. Parker.
Sot of silver spoons , from Messrs
Yost and Nyo.
Hand painted tidy , from Llias Evi
Atkinson , of Denver.
Wedding card on oaaol , from Mrs
A. 0. Preston.
Silver ator pitcher and gold linni
silver goblet , from employes of Th
Republican bindery.
Flower vaae , from Mr. n. H , Jef
frys.A .
A purse of § 50 , from Mr. and Mra
Arnold , Sam Ritchie and Mrs , E. A
Mr , and Mrs , J , 8 , Briggs , wh
were married in Council gBluil'j i
1807 , celebrated their silver woddin
day ( Ohriatmaa ovct ) on Satnrda ;
night. There was a pleasant gather
ing of their friends , at the rosldonc
in North Omaha , in which Omaha nm
Council Bluffs people , youug and old
united. There were a number o
handsome presents given , inoludin
a lovely sot of China from the mum
bors of the North Presbyterian churcli
of which Mrs. Brings is ono of th
loading lights. An ainplo collatin
,1 was spread and congratulations wet
as thick as autumn loaves in Valiant
Fou SALE A stock ot general moi
ohandiso that will inventory aboi
94,500. Business well established an
centrally located In a thriving town o
about 2,000 inhabitants. Will loac
or fell the real estate and take a goo
farm as part pay , if desired ; balanc
caah. Address Lock Box 1 , Bin
Springs , Gage county , Neb.d25
d25 cod Ct
Early Closing ,
re The Sixteenth street grocers hai
agreed after the lot of January i
ill clcso their places of business at
o'clock p. in. every evening , oxcop
he ing Saturdays.
is Wo think it is a wieo act , by whl
been their clerks will be able to take ser
on recreation these cold winter days. t
wo understand , this has not boon d
muuded by the clerks , but the pi
E priotora themselves kindly vi
bo unteored it. All of the load !
N houses have signed their names to tl
t contract for publication , which '
in giro below ; O , lloirurod , A. Jochre
inV Kelsey & Wilkinson , Wm. Gent !
man , J. O. Slattor , Sherb & Co , ,
H. Bergen , H , Bolln & Co. , anc
few others which Include nil the
grocera of Sixteenth street.
The dorks nro jubilant over this
move , and via can vouch for thorn that
the proprietors will not loao anything
by their notion.
Cbnstmaa Chip ? .
The Christmas entertainment of the
Second Presbyterian Sunday school
took plnco nt the Dodge street church
T , oidey It waa noi dcomod advisable -
able to follow any sot progrntutnc , the
solo aim being to plcaao the little ones
and in thin they succeeded very hap.
pily. The participants assembled at
about G o'clock to the number of 150 ,
oxoluaivo of adults. The evening was
occupied by games and feasting , ice
cream and candies being liberally die-
trlbuted. The musio waa conducted
by Mr , F. S. Smith , director of the
church choir. Several carola were
sung , and Misses Grade Dotwllor and
DalKy Morrison gave recltationo.
The Christmas dinner at the Omaha
city mission took place yesterday.
The children of St. Mark's Sunday
school and industrial cchool had their
OhiistmaH festival Tuesday. , and
it proved a very successful affair.
The Ohriatmas tree entertainment
for the orphans of the Catholic osy-
lum on St. Mary's avonna will take
place thin evening ,
St. Barnnb.ia Sunday school chil
dren will have their Christmas tree
festival this evening.
The Sunday school children of the
Holy Family parish will have their
Christmas tree in the basement of the
church this afternoon.
The Unitarian c'ltiroh folks had n
a splendid Christmas. At 7:30 : Christ-
man night the play of "False * Sir Santa
Claus" was presented. Misses Ella
Wooloy , Wanda Slratman , Minnlo
Iloinhardt , Jennie Wallacn , Helen
Copcland , and Messrs. MoLanghlin ,
Nllncn , Do Los Board , Oeoroo Wilson ,
Olaronco Rawitzsr and Ei Green took
part , the Sunday school singing the
chorusca. At the close of the per
formance thodoora between the church
and the pastor's study were rolled
back , displaying < \ line fir tree , the
gift of Hon. T. M. Kimball , elegantly
decorated and thickly hung with pres
ents. Everything pasaed cff pleas
antly , all being greatly delighted with
the dramatis performance and the tree
laden heavily with Christmas fruit.
Mra. Frank Coifman Qono to Hoi
Last Keating Placo.
A largo number of old settlers in
Omaha will bo grieved to learn thai
Mrs. Emma Oc-fl'inan , the relict ol
Frank Oufftunn , died ou Tuesday ol
this week , in the ntato Insane aaylum ,
at Lincoln. Mra. Goffman moved tc
Omaha with her husband in 185E
from Bellevue , Nebraska , where thcj
had lived a ahort timo. She vrat
earnest in her endeavor to help hci
husband accumulate a fortune , and fein
n period their combined efforts won
successful , and Frank Coffman at one
time was consldorodono of the rlchmer
of the city. However , prooporltj
rulnod him and for several years prioi
to his death , In the early part of 1874 ,
ho allowed himself ( o be led awey b ]
evil associations and ho filled a drunk1
ard'a gravo. Mrs. Coffman was lofl
but little to live on , nettling , in fact ,
but the property on the corner oi
Tenth and Capitol avonuc , which hac
nothing but a nmall oottago on it al
the timo. With her charaotoriatio energy
orgy Mra , Opffman wont to work anc
in n abort time made money enougt
to improve her property so that il
brought her a considerable income
Anxiety and worry incidonta
to catering to the wants of her board
era so worked upon Mra. Ooffman'i
mind as to develop a very mild typi
of mental hallucination. Thin firs
became apparent early in 1880 , and it
July of the same year Mis. Mar ]
Savan , of Council Bluffu , au aunt o
Mra. Coilman'a by marriage , cause ;
the latter'a removal to the asylum li
Lincoln. Many of Mra. Coffman'
friends questioned the advisability
the necessity or the humanity of till
measure. She was qulto tiacti
blu , and only on ono o
two unimportant subjects di <
her mind wander at all
These boat acquainted with ho ;
thought it would have boon far botto
to have vaod the income derived fron
her property ID employ an attondan
for her and enjoy what little bf lifi
she could. Aa it waa , oho was placet
in a common lunatic asylum , when
a perfectly sane person with sonsltivi
nerves would succumb after a time b ;
being confined with the howling ma
macs. She gradually wasted away
and her death was probable duo t <
those causes , She was an sffoctionat
iriond , and particularly loved the com
pany of young people.
A largo number of Omaha's youtij
population , besides the older settlers
will mourn her aad and molanohol ;
ond. She will bo buried to-day froi
the Trinity cathedral , at 2 o'clock.
five cents , Wells , Richard
son & Co. , Burlington , Vt , will son
colored samples of all colors of Die
mend Dyes , with directions.
Trinity Windows in the New Oatho
In regard to the now Trinity cathi
dml windows The Church Guardla
says ; "Since the last Issue of Tl
Guardian the clarostory windows i
the cathedral have all been put i
placo. The windows are all very beai
tlful , and they boar each ono tl
names of the parishes and instllutioi
of thu diocese. They are thirty-tv
in number. It was designed to plat
them in order historically , beglnuii
with the oldest parishes nearest U
chancel , This order has boon folloi
od In some degree , but on account
the windows having boon made ;
pairs by the artist , without regard
the ago of the parishes , it was foui
Impossible to follow exactly the ord
of the organization of the pariahc
Every one who has soon the clorosto :
windows express great eatisfactl (
with them.
"Tho chancel windows , thirteen
number , representing the Lord at
His apostles , will bo placed in the c
thcdral next. After that will COB
„ the a ! lo windows , and last of all tl
a I three great transept windows.
The BurmlofWlll E. Armstronff Yes
The funeral of the l to William E
Armstrong took place yesterday after
noon , from the residence of his mother
ornor of Tenth and Jackson streets
t was very largely attended , the pro
casion being at least four blocks long
'ho Knights of Honor , Ohosot
Friends and Good Tcmplara turnet
> nt as distinct bodies , headed by thi
Jnion Pacific bind.
The following action has been takot
> y two of the societies of which thi
eceasod wan a member :
lALi.or KxcRt-sion COUNCIL No. 1 , )
OMAHA , December 20,1882. J
At a special meeting of the mom
> ers of the above order of Chosoi
i'rlcnda , the following resolutions o
ympathy and condolence wcro unani
moutly adopted.
WIIEHEAH , It 1ms pleaeed Provi
cnco , in the death ot W. E. Arm
troiig , to call from our midst a mos
steemed mid beloved brother , and
WHKHEIH , By thn same Providence
bo widowed and aged mother of oui
ate brother has lost a faithful nut
iclovod son , bo it thorcforo
Itcsolicd , That wo hereby tonde :
nr most sincere sympathy ana cpn
olonco to the bereaved and sorrowin ;
nothcr of our departed brother , W
2. Armstrong , whoso hope find com
ort.ho was in life , and whono mom
ry now will conetituto tiio brightoa
nd most comforting subject for hoi
ontomplalion and comfort , during tin
omalning years of her lifo.
Itesolnd , That n copy of the fore
; oitii < rer.olutiona bo forwarded to thi
nether of our deceased brother , anc
ilno that a copy be presented for pub
[ cation to each of the daily papers o
his city , and that the same bo spreai
upon the records of our council.
At n special mooting of Omah
edge No. 141 , I. 0. G. T. , the fol
owing resolutions wcro unanimous ! ;
WiiKnEAs , It has pleased our Heavenly
only Father to take from our midn
Dur beloved friend and brother , W ,
Armstrong , it is hereby
Resolved , That the members of thi
edge tender their heartfelt sympath ;
and condolence tohis bereaved mothoi
who is thus doprivodof a loviug am
obedient con ; and bolt further
Rttolved , That a copy of these res
olutions bo transmitted to the mothe
of our Iftto brother , aho that a cop
of the same bo furnished for pnblicz
tion to the daily papers of this citj
They Celebrate the Woob With Xir
usual Jollity.
During the holidays it would eooi
that all literary labors should cease
} ut wo venture to say that of all th
numerous holiday gatherings of th
week none have been or will bo moi
fully enjoyed than the reception ter.
dcred by the Hermesians Tueada
o a lirgo number of friends.
The spacious parlora of Mr. G. 1
Sitchcock ( through .whose kindnoi
.ho society has a permanent horni
were very handsomely trimmed an
decorated , and directly over the proe
dont'a chair was suspended in larg
letters the word "Hermes" thenam
of that mythological being wh
las the proud distinction of havin
its "gravo kept green" by this sc
ciety. On ono corner stood a Chris
mas tree laden with gifts to the men
jars of the society which wore dii
iributod by the host. Not perhar.
; ho intrinsic value of any cf the gift
will insure their keeping as mcmei
toes of the occasion , but the apprc
iriatencaa of each proeent to the r <
: lplont was quite remarkable. Eic
was a hit or joke on the person I
whom it was given , and we notice
the faces of several suffused wit
blushes while the distribution waa I
progress , which was attended with u ]
roariouo cheers. The program was <
unusual interest.
The musical numbers which wei
find were rendered by Misses Mai
and Ponnoll and Mrs. Ohadwicl
Messrs. Ponnoll and "Westorvel
Miaaes Notovruro and Orouuso all
'avo exqulilto instrumental selection
The literary programme was purtlc
patod in by Mtfaas Lake and Lie
Wilson , Hardonborgh and Miss FBI
nlo , the latter presenting the holidt
number of "Our Opinion , " end Messr
Monell and Breckenridgo- . M
noli giving a learned dissertation c
the "Relations of Coal Oil to tl
Festivities. " The programme closi
with a charade by Mlsaos Maul BI
Wilson and Messrs. Tillaon , Hall ai
Hitchcock ,
An Irishman's Appeal for Parne
To th * Kdltor cl TIIK Hut :
OMAHA , NKB. , December 27. T ]
Irish American citizens of Omaha a
aware that 0. S. Parnoll , the Iri
tribune , has filed a petition tor i
ealo of his paternal estate in the COD
ty Wicklow. They also know t
causes which have led to this step
a atop to bo regretted as much by 1
admirers as by Parnoll himself , H
he accepted the customary Brltl
bribe , and the accompanying title th
awaits the renegade and traitor ,
would now bo Sir Charles Stowi
Parnoll , or , perhaps , the "Earl
Cyprus. " But he ii no flunkey. 1
has shewn himself to be as pure a
Incorruptible s ho iu patriotic a
bravo. But the good ho has do
others , and the exalted self denial
has shown have reduced him
straightened circumstances if not t
solute penury.
Shall wo allow his estate to be sol
Sixty-five thousand dollars Is t
maximum of his indebtedness an i
dobtedness caused by his neglecti
his own atT&irs that he might bone
Ireland. Am the Irish people
America aware that Mr , Parnell 1
made a tremendous sacrifice for th
relatives and friendal Ostracised
his caste , rebuked by the government ,
feared by the landlords , ho has become <
come the target of every weapon , the
victim of every device which an tin.
scrupulous aristocracy could use
apalnst him ,
"t'nprlwil are her tons 'til tliej Itarn to be
tray. "
And Parnoll Is no exception to tht
rulo. Wo must not , however , acqul
esco In the plan of the British govern ,
ment , and become a party to it , We
must not permit Parnoll's financial
ruin. It would bo our disgrace more
than his misfortune. The Irish ol
Omaha have done nobly in _ the past ,
They have discarded potty jealousies
and factional feelings and hsvo unlUc
upon ono grand sentiment the senti
ment that brought Parnoll Into promt1
nonce "Tho land for the people. '
Lot them como together again. Lol
the Iriah Catholics of Omaha heir
their present Protestant loidor aa will'
ingly as the Irish of half n century age
would have helped Daniel O'Conncll. .
Lot there bo a meeting called Immcdl
atoly of Irishmen who will contribute
towards a fund for the relict of Charlci
S. Parnoll. IBJSIIMAN.
An Imposing Wedding at St. Barna <
baa Church Yesterday.
St. Barnabas churchprcsontcdquitc
pretty scone yesterday , on thi
occasion of the marriage of Mlei
Elizabeth H , Bed well , a sister of Mra ,
E. P. Vininp , of Omaha , to Mr. J ,
R , Barton , of Boston , Mnaa , The interior
torior of the church had bcpn vcr ]
beautifully decorated for Christmas
these decorations still remaining nm
being further embellished with a marriage
riago boll of magnificent tea roses
made up a picture that was , aa oni
young lady remarked , "too lovely foi
anything. "
Shortly after 1 o'clock the marring !
procession walked up to the cente ;
aisle , headed by the two little Missoi
Yining , drcaaed in pink , followed b ]
Mr. and Mrs. Bed well , then came thi
bride and bridegroom , Mr. and Mra
E. P. Vining , finishing up the prpcoo
sion. Rov. John Williams ofiicUtei
and read the exquisite marriage ser
ice of the Episcopal chnrch. Thi
irido was given away by Mr. E. P
Vining. Mr. G. F. Mayor , thn organ
at , played eomo appropriate pieces a
ntorvals , accompanying the bridn
recession with Mendelssohn's gloriou
'wedding march. "
The bride wore n white satin droaa
with a court train and trimmed witl
Spanish lace and ribbons made o
ilain white gros grain. The wals
ran trimmed very deep Spaniah lace
The orange blosaoms which the level ;
> ride were on her head were genuine
, nd came from Los Angeloa , Call
ornift. Mr. and Mrs. Barton will tak
up their permanent residence at Bo :
on , Massachusetts.
The Coming Event at Boyd's Opor
Ou Friday and Saturday evening
December 20th and 30th , Mlas Berth
liVelby will appear at Boyd's oper
ioo in her successful play , "On
woman's life , " and will give au excel
ent porformace. Miss Wolby is th
only daughter of an old and respecte
ournaliat and is a worthy and excel
ent young lady as well as a brillian
actress. An exchange says of her :
Not many years ago , a young gij
of beauty and intolllgonca waa sue
donly thrown upon her own resource :
ud compelled to look about for eora
means of support. As ehe inhorite
rom her father marked literary abl
'ty , her first thought was to turn thi
o account. Beginning with a foi
nodeat sketches in the local paper :
ler stories found a welcome in oem
of the best magazines in the country
and the young writer was on the hig
road to literary fame , when chanc
made it possible for her to reallza
ong-cherished ambition for a hii
.rlonlo career. She made her debt
just four years ago , and since the
ler progress haa been rapid enough t
astonish even the most singnino t
lor friends.
The most competent managomor
and dramatic critlco , assort that of a
.ho young female stars now befoi
: ho public , the most promising
Bertha Wolby.
Tables supplied with the best U
market affords. The traveling pnbl
claim they got bettor accommodatloi
and moro general satisfaction hoi
than at any other house In Omah
Rate , $2 per day. aug21tfm
COFFMAN On the 2Cth Decembe
1682 , Mrs. K in in a A. OofTman , in tl
4Sth year of her ace.
Funeral services will be held at Trini
cathedral , on Thursday , the 28th In. , at
o'clock p , in , Friends of the deceased a
Invited to be present
Notice I. O. O. F.
Members of the Covenant Djgn
Lodge No. 1 , I. 0. 0. F. , aror
nested to bo present to-di
? Thursday ) evening , December 28 , f
the transaction of business of impoi
anco and the election of officers.
' R. E , LINDSEY , Secretary.
Wide Awake Council , America
Legion of Honor : The first annrj
meeting will take place on Mend ;
next , January 1st , 1883. The insti
atlon of ofilcora and general wind i
of last year's business will followed
Officers and members are earnest
requested to bo psesont. By order
the commander.
4t J. B. LOFTUB.
Skinny Men.
" \Volls1 Health Ronower" restoi
health and vigor , cures Dyspopsi
Impotence , Sexual Debility , $1.
Wholesale. Write for quotations
Valentino & Reppy , Omaha , Neb.
Those wishing lifo insurance shop
consult their beat Interests by takii
a "Tontlno" accumulation policy
the Continental Life Insurance coi
pany , of Hartford , Connecticut ,
J. R. HUHTEK , General Agent.
? .e Union Pacific Band Gives Its
First Annual Reception.
The first annual ball of the Union
\ciGo band took place at Masocio
all hat evening.
The management was as follows :
Master of Ceremonies A , U.
Committee of Arrangements Wm ,
Pflauging , Harry Jackson , Philip
lleceptinn Committee Chaa. Ahl-
nifit , Albert Etigatrom.
Floor Committee Wm. F. Pflaeg-
ng , Eli Dunn , James 13art and Joe
Tha hall waa comfortably filled , the
umber of Invitations being limited ao
s to make it comfortable for all , and
most satisfactory time waa enjoyed
y these in attendance.
The programme consisted of twon *
> nr pieces , all good selections , and
10 party did not disperse until a lata
Arrival ot Railway Odciala In Oma
ha to Participate.
A nicotine of the Colorado Pool
.isaciation . will be hold in Omaha to-
.ay at the Pax ton hotel.
The pool commissioner , Mr. George
H , D.itiiolt , of Djnvor , returned from
hic.igo yesterday to bo in attendance
nd a telegram waa received at the
illllard last evening to reserve a suite
f rooms for the B. & M. officials ,
ho will arrive in a special car this
It is not known that any bunincss oi
mportanco will como up before the
meeting , but it will probably transact
ho ordinary buaiuoES of the asaocia-
Senator Saunders U at hnmo again.
Hon. G. M. Lambortson is at the Mil.
J. A. Bovard , the Kansas City coal
man , Is in town.
J , A. Jackman , jr. , cf Chicago , is at the
John C , Cuming , of York , Pa. , is at the
rletropolitan ,
J. M. Shyers , Malvera , la. , is at th <
Metropolitan ,
F. L. Lawis , of Sioux Fallr , ia n guest at
, t the Metropolitan.
K , 3 ? . Kendall , Bellofontainc , Ohio , reg
steredat the Metropolitan lost evening.
Mrs. Smith Mcfhcrson and Alia1) Kthe
Vlnrphy , of Ked Oak , Iowa , were guesti
I tha Paxton jesterdny.
A. A. Guwer , of St. Joseph , genera
agent of the freight department of the St
"oc , Denver S : Woatere , is a gutst of thi
Gust. Etickson , Savoaville ; A , B llay
ilocininGton ; A. W. Oilman , North Bend
Mrs. Harris and child , Lincoln ; J , D
Smith and M. S. 1) IVIPB , Wayne ; Miss M
Scollard , Villey ; Wm. Adwr , "Dakoti
lity ; were at the Metropolitan ycattrelay
P. B. Johnson , editor of the Walli
Valla Union , arrived at the Paxton las
night , en route home from a trip to Wash
ngton c'ty , New York and other oacteri
L. C. Barr , of Lincoln ; Mies M. J
Thompson , of Ashland ; A. L. Hughes , >
Javld City ; John Uugan , of Hastings ; E
J Chapman , Superior ; Wm. Pryor , Hooa
Wni. H , Munn , Wilber ; John Zehrung
jincoln , and H. Zalirung- , West Point
.re among the Kobraskans at the Millard
TO LOAN Call at Uaw cilice of D.
MONEY room SCreigliton Block.
LOAN On chattel mortgage tc
MUNKYTj A. 11. Tutton , No. 1510 Dougla
.trcei . front room up staira. -125-tf
fffLOAN At 8 per cent in
( U U U tctcst i n sums of fci.OOO and up
wards , forSto 5 years , on llrdt class city and fan :
15th anil Douglas Sl .
A good houseJeepcr. Swede pro
WANTED Apply at 721 norlli 15th Direct.
- sonant girl for generalIIOIH
WANTEO-Good . .Mirj's Avcnuo. 8M'7t
WANTED A flntt classmeat cook \\ai
COOK Good v age ] paid Afpy at cor. I2t
and Howard struct , at Ncuepapcr Utron. 591-'J
A housekeeper to go to Fr monl
WANTED 1'er further particulars call at 141
Howard btreut. 2Ire , McAUsland. D'.lS yi
"ITTrANTED A good utofo silftman to travi
YY InNebomxa Apply or write to lltlhbu
Sard and Co. Chicago Illinois. M3-tf
A Rill to do general luustuork i
WANTKD S ! . Ittt 30
\\7ANXr.U Odl ol about 15yciira lo take cai
YV oflabyat 1123 5rtb 18lh Kt. C02 t (
"IT/ANTED COOJH.TS at the Urcvuilalo i-acl
YV Iri ; liout-u Cued wn 'cn und btcail ) work I
a yooil man. Apli'y nt once to Tins , ( ircun
Son , Council Dlulla. M1-2S
\ XJ ANTED A girl to do go oral housewor )
YI Apply to No. 101 ajuth 12th etrcot.
fi * | . 9
1591 men for Invy work
WANTED . Apply tl U. Minnwtillcr , Hi
street , near Fjirntm ,
'D A good pailry coo't Woman pr
WAST one ho iinltntinds niaUIng goc
bread. A ) > ply corner 12tli and Howard Kt. i
Union. 671 ' 28
A cook wlio can wakti and Iroi
WANKD but a competent ono need , apply 19
Webster. CMJ-tf
\Tr7ANl > I ) Olrl ( or general houao ork i
W south \ > eat corner iM and CaM. 672-271
rtilNlKIt WAN'lED Ono capable
taking charge of a flret-clisj power job offlo
Must be able to handle uatlslictcrll ) Cottrell an
Oordoa preasei. I'jrmtncnt situatloi and goc
waiei t * the right man. Addreji ' Hod Oi
Exprou , " Red Oak , Iowa. 490-'Jl mie
Men and womin to start a ne
WANTED at their own homes , no pwldlr
& 0o an hour made ; send lOo for 15 sampler and ;
structlon * . Address MASON li CO. Montpellc
Vi rmoiit. 493 in o cod 12
Experienced farm limuranco s <
WANTED ( county In tlioHtato , A
dKM , A. 11. Regnier general agcntH atolnaurani
Co. U'col 11 Nebuka. 472-lm <
( D Olrl for general homework , imc
WAN1 good hamqfjr a good girl. App
Xll nouth l th St. 400-H
E\ery ono to lca > e orders lor he
WANTED . ICthbtrcct.up-stalni. 333 U
Miaen.A-4 J Jd WANTtlT
A lady room-mate , wltli r.'fcrcnc
WANTED or oddresd "M , E'U. " 017 n'rl
18th street tb53J
\TrANTED-Sinill ( uruUhtd room witli boar
W Address I1'S. IhU otllce. 17 27
" \TrANTED-Boarders by the day orweek 11
YY lHo ardSt , 345-lm
1TANTED-A position by ft ptdctlcal Boa
rV keeper. flrttclMicity leferentxB. Addro
t. fhcr , MO 2
BUSINESS CHANCK-A peed Hacksmlth la
3 oflerod fpecial lnda emcnt , to locate nt ( HI.
ere Neb. Apply to O. Frosttthtro. ; 313-29-lm
T OIIRENT Furalshol room 1B19 FurnamSi. A
j t8C-2jt
710R PENT The 2-1 nnd 3rd floor ! ( tlxGO feet
} iachi'iiilt ' for nholcftile or minufnctnrlnK
m ln < M , with n R-oil outfl'ie Ulr ay and hoist-
D ; appnMlu * , joining the corner of Fnrnam on
( lictrcui App y to SaninU J. llowcll & ben ,
pposlte. 37-1
675-2 Iw
.1011 KENT The residence nlMVKcnnody
J 1709Jcksarr. tnqutra o ; T. J. Kl zmorrlj.
t2 S. 17th street. sil-tt
7WR HENr 1 houses of 8 roonn c\ch. In.
J quire 1010 F rnhim sire t , 5 ! > j-lm }
71011 RENT Futnlshtxl rooms with board.
; Modern Impro encnU. No. 1718 IdroSt.
11 RENT -Good bouse with ,1 looms and
large Ua cmtnt. Itqulre at Chlcavo store
0. 691-JOt
7 > Oa HUJf Onolargo furnished room , 1000
Farnam St. C83J28
71011 REST- Two nicely furnished rooms. K
J corner 20th and Uatcnport wilhor wl'ho tit
K rd. -168-331
71011 RKNT A neat cottaco S16.00 perrronih
. ' on Darcnpoct near IStli St. Ga , Ofxl ds-
cm , and cellar , every thing comcn'cnt ' , tame
loueancatly furnlnbciUfiirniturolc. forsuo very
onoaable. Inquired ( , . D.Burnctl 13 0 Farnam
t A I'oUck's Clothing Store. 57.H
' 71011 UKNT \ ilx room bou bv military
J bridge 316.00. Apply to U. Collins HOI ,
Doughs ot. upstilrs , GOl-M [
mOU RENT Tnrce it emi N. 'V , corner 13Ui
1 * ftllfcrnUStrcct , cellar city water. 1 quire
03 U rt Strict. C58 t.7t
[ 710tl P.KNT 0.10 dcublo two store bal ding
D eultabofor grocery , s\loon , butcher ( hop ,
r any other builncsj. Lcotid so ( hit n good
armor's trade cau bo secured. Enquire of Mia.
1. Lante , cnmr Jackson ind 13th street.
RENT House b rn and 8 acres land on
camming 81. Inquire at Ku ono O'Ndla
U hand hlward. 420-tt
HO R RENT OR S ALK The handeomi rcsldonco
D of Dr. James II , Piabodyellu'tteon the south
vest corner ol lUn and Jono street four blocks
rcm the P xton House , the house his Ml the
niodcrnoiiTCDUrces , contains nlna roams cellar
utnaio cti v-'H rent for WO. ptr month or
oil bouse anJ full lot ( or nlno thousand dollars.
421 2w
KbNT Several imaU n w cottages. Ir.
EOll _ . I'anl , IliS Dodge Ss. _ _ 107'29
REST HoiL'o bain rdtwon res laodon
FOR ; St. loqulro Eugene O'Nell 16th
nd How rd. 419-tf
10H jlKNT A good organ at A. Ilospo's.
I Also table Iroarderg , 1810 Dodg SI , 385-t
.ion HKMT Unturnifiiea room iwo blocks
J * west of postolDcc , 117 loutn 17th strott-
BUST Furnished rootn. Inaulro 313N.
POIl street , bctwoen Davenport and Chicago
trocto. 330-tt
' New Map of Omaha , Just completed and
BKMIS' for delivery at § 7 each. I34fect wide
> y 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map
of Omaha ever published. OlHcial map of the
city. Sec column.
Up-s'.alrs , 1417 Farnlnm streo
I OH KENT Unlun Ishwl rooms In brick
F houto , 1118 Chicago street. 180-tf
pOK RENT Furnished room with board 1803
f California street. 171-tt
HUNT House , 8U rooms. ( urnlEhcd , In.
quire at D. Iljdo's office , MlUard hotel.
E1OK rfi'.Nf Two now Uwclllntra nua two ether
Jj dwelllnga in desirable loc lity , by McKoon
No. 1911 Uoujliu etroot 817-tf
< OK KiiNT Large ollloo room or naif more.
F 1020 Farnham eticet. 707-t !
RENT a. etoro m Balcombo block , nn
FOK street , near Davenport. St , A. D.
Jalccm'ue. 600-23tf
FOR SALi : Sfx room cottage with barn tmil
lialf lot on Chlcngo street , near Hteh School
Only200. : ! McCAClUE ,
UOU dos 21-11 Opp. I'ostotllce.
S ALII Dnu'O 4 room ) In K ° od condition
FOU 19 > hlict een Cumin ? and Izard
w.-tt side corner of Lease ruuo y ) yoirs ,
JOd bargain. Innniri at Judge ChadntckaofHce.
| 7)OR SAliE Six room Cottage id I lot with
> J sc.uii'agu ma' High Schiol flue . . loca- .
tloD , on'y $2100.00 0lt)08ltO | - _ .
office. COl-deo S7tl
SALH-Oil stove and kitctoi furniture
EOR 1103 Farnara street , Omaba
1)78-21 J T1IOS
TnxoEi.LE T nmcic ron SALE-SD.OO per
J2J th' u and , Yard 15th street , two b'.oka
uuuth of Itellevue reid
BALK Pony brolio tosiudlo and to drive
FOR or double Inquireat Foster & Gray's
Lumuur jard. 410-tf
OIl SALII A dret clnm tecond band phaeton ;
J } CallatlSlBHarneySt. 307-tt
r > EMIS New JIapot Omaha , Just completed am.
13 ready for deliver } ' at 87 each. Is i feet wide
iy 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map
of Omaha over published. Olllclal map ot the
city. Boa column.
' Pocket bock and contents on Cumins
FOl'ND , Tuesday , cvcniiig Lee. L'li'li. Owiier
can ha\cN mo livilc'crlbingltandpiyiiiK for tliia
adv. Address "X" Itco ctllc' . 5'JO-271
OST A packigofrcm Cruickthat.k'dcental
I J Ing two pieces icd c oth. Letvu at Cruick-
ehankB etoro end ncelve Ilbf rat r > ftnid , CgO-27 *
mRY The Iltfncr Star Bed Spring manufoctur-
J edand warented by P. T. licnbow 71 Kouth
Oth St. Omalia. ' 6U8 dec 19-lwt
. DIIAINAHD , Taxidermist. Drerheads , a
. tpocialty , lath , Lei , Howard and Jackeon.
TIUNALIHT , 493 Tenth street , between Farnara
aid Hamcy , Will , with I ho aid ol guardian
Hclrlts , obtain for anyone * a glance of tha past
and present , and on certain conditions In the fu
ture , lloota and Shots made to order. I'ufccl
eatl- faction iruarontcol.
Absolutely Pure ,
Thi powder nvur vartcx. A man clot purity ,
. Jloro t < n ralcal
igtb. and iiuivw iuvttw-iiT. * w.w ' .T
than the ordinary kind * , mid cannot bo sold In
comuctllloii with the multitude of low test , thort
clht , alum or ph tphato powder , Sold only In
ans . UoYAUiM-w l'uwi > iB ! Co.Wall-St SOI
New York ,