Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1882, Image 1

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Ono of the Star Route Thieves
Threaten to Peach on the
Peculators ,
Reordoll Determined to Save
Hlmaalf by an Open
The Proopeob of Conviction
Increased by DiGoenoiona
in the Defense.
The Treasury Department Farthts
Elncldnte * the Chin-
( IIO JLllW.
The Pension Uantrx Christmas at the
Capital Other Matters.
Special Dispatch to TnR DKK ,
WASHINGTOH , December 20. Trie
Star , on the subjoot of Iloordoll turn
ing states witness in the star route
coses , says it is thought by those who
have closely observed the procet dings
that Roordoll will take the stop indi
cated in the caso. Ho BOOS , before
the trial cloaca , it will afford the only
retreat for him to escape the poniten-
tinrjr. At the last trial lloerdoll was
deserted by his co-defondnnts
and convicted , n verdict , it ia
said , which the co-defendanto ap
proved heartily , as it waa sup
posed at the time the danger
of Roordoll appearing against them
was removed. Judge Wyllo'a action ,
however , nt the close of the former
trial , in sitting aaido the verdict iu
Reordell'e case and giving him nn
equal chance with the others , has
brought him forward again as the
man to bo feared. Theru are evi
dences that there is nro t luck of har
mony nmong the defendant's and their
differences , it is expected , will rcoult
In favor of the prosecution.
In the criminal court this morning ,
the government proaaedod with the
presentation of the star route case of
Sweeney , of the postoffice dopartmont.
Merrick objected to u question of the
defence , which was sustained , and
Wilson charged that the judge , in
sustaining the objection , assumed that
Brady had done something wrong be
fore ho had proof of it. The case wae
adjourned till to-morrow , on account
of the illnris of a juror.
In the Diakcou case Diskson waa re
called and further examined.
In answer to an inquiry on the sub
ject , the treasury department hns de
cided that a Chinese wet nurse must
be considered n laborer , nnd an such
must bo excluded from admission to
the United States , under the provision
of thu act restricting Chinnso emigra
The president has issued nn oxasu-
tlvo order setting npr.rt certain lands
in Djikotn territory for the Turtle
mountain buid of Ghippowa Indians ,
and such ether Indiana of the Ohip
powa tribe an the secretary of the in
terior may see fit to settle thereon.
Secretary Chandler says it ia not
true ho has decided to clcso ono or
more navy yards. However , plans for
reducing the expenditures in the civil
departments of the navy yards will be
announced at nn early date.
Prince Artsngama and euito paid
their respects to President Arthur to
Pensions Without Limit.
Waihlnjton Swci | l to the Cincinnati Com rcUI
The honso committee on pensions
has come to the conclusion that this
is the proper time to report a bill
granting pensions to nil survivors of
the Mexican war and several ancient
Indian wars , and also to the widows
of all soldiers who were slain in the
wars or have einco died. While the
country has been regarding with astonishment -
I tonishmont nnd ularm the enormous
cost of the arrears act , and while con
gress hesitates about the extent to
which taxation cm bo reduced , because -
cause 1 , is not known whether the
cost of the pension roll next year will
bo ' $100,000,000 or $150,000,000 ,
the housu committee on
pensions proposes to enlarge
the rolls to the extent already indic
ated. Many bills Introduced in the
houeo bv Messrs. Reagan , Atkins ,
Ford , Sparks , Townsend , King ,
Vance , Fmloy , G , W. Hewitt and
others have been referred to this corn-
mitteo , and ono has boon ngroed upon.
The wprk of constructing a bill had
been given to a sub-committee , ol
which Mr. Hepburn , of Iowa , was
chairman , but the bill made by thh
sub-committee was not satisfactory tc
those who favored a bill without any
restrictions , and those members
brought forward ono in its place , Twc
sections were approved several dnyi
ngo , and the remaining sections wore
npprovod to-day , although only six ol
the eleven members were present
The four members who carried tht
bill through nro Measro. llico auc
Burrows , of Missouri , both green
backers ; Mr. Fulkerson , of Virginia
roadjustor , and Mr , Goldsmith W ,
Hewitt , of Alabama , democrat. Tin
bill grants n pension of f 8 n montl
to all anrvivorn of the Mexican , th (
Creek , Seminole and Black Hawl
wars , and to the widows of the soldiers
diors of these wara who have not re
married. Only sixty days' service ii
the Mexican and thirty days'sorvici
in the Indian wars are required t >
T qualify a veteran for n pension. If i
* J * & veteran has lost his certificate of dis
f } charge , other evidence of an honorabl
discharge may bo deemed sufficient
and oven the reception of a land war
rant under the congretsioiul act fo
[ nervica in these wars shall be prim
[ facie evidence of ervico and an lion
orablo dltchargo. . < ff * * ls the
following section of tiu ty i l < t-
ntos : "No money on ncjo * Vy
sions shall bo paid to any pcrau
the widow , children or heirs of K.
deceased person , who , in any manner ,
voluntarily engaged iu or aided or
abetted the Into rebellion agunst the
authority of the United Smtes. "
It also provides that persons polit
ically disabled by the Fourteenth
amendment shall not bo pensioned ,
and therefore excludes Mr. Jefferson
Mr. llico has boon instructed to ask
the house on the firit Monday in
February to set a day for the consid
eration of this bill , There nro two
committees on pensions. The com
mittee on invniid pensions , which
reports upon individual cases ,
has had nothing to do with
thu bill.
For many years the advocates of a
Maxioan war pension roll have la
bored for the paoaago of n bill of this
kind. The proposition has drawn its
support from the south bociuso the
veturaus of the Mexican nnd old In
dian warn nro southern men , with
few exceptions , and nro nlso
veteran * ot the war of the robal-
llon , in which they fought on the con
federate ) oido. Within a few mouths
in estimate of the cost of such a law
lias been made. Commissioner Dud
ley has informed congress that the
total cost of pensions to Mexican war
aurvivoro nnd widows would bo $74-
314,008. When the , war of the rebel
lion broke out the averngo'ogo of the
survivors waa from foity to forty-five
years. About twonty-fivo thousand
loldiora were employed , in the throe
[ ndisn warn named. Including tno
Ohorokoo and Florida war. Com
missioner Dudley estimates the
coat of a pension list for
the Inniim wara nt $28,201-
C32. It is also estimated that if the
Mexican war survivors nnd widows
should ba placed on tbo rolls on July
1 , 1883 , the cost extending over
eighteen yearn , would bo $31,921,010.
Thia estimate doea not include the
[ ndian wars. It is by no means prob
able than any bill pensioning the sur-
vi/ora of the Mexican nud old Indian
wars will bo passed , but the foregoing
figures nro interesting , na showing the
: est of the proposed legislation which
is advocated by the pensions commit
tee at the timo.
The secretary of the interior sent
to the senate to-day nstatement in an
swer to a resolution of inquiry nd-
dressed to him some days ago regard
ing the number on the pension roll ,
thonumbor of applications and various
other thint § upon which Senator Piatt
deaired to be enlightened. The docu
ment shows that the number borne on
the pension roll is 291,050. The filco
show pending 270,078 original appli
cations and 22,123 for increase * of
pension. There nro 79,583 cases on the
rejected file , making n total on file of
$370,784. Total amount disbursed up
to the preoont time under the net of
payment of umaro $07,891,500.98
The cellmate for further payments of
arrears nnder existing laws is put nt
$204 , 785,000 , which would increase
the roll to 4UCD porconf , and the
annual vnluo from $30,013,000 to $50-
000,000. Provided the proposed in-
creaoo of pension to forty dcliars per
month to these who lost an arm or a
log shonld become a law , it would ap
ply to 9,182 cases , and increase the
paymontc annually to the extent of
Tho'FoolfloIinnd Grant.
Special Dispatch to TUB Ur.t.
WASHINGTON , Dooombor 20. Mr.
Payaon , of Illinois , a member of the
liouao committee of the judiciary , who
lias taken a very active part in the
matter of the Pacific railroad grants ,
and who has declared himsolt iu favor
of forfeiting all unearned lands , ia de
voting his holiday rocoso to collecting
additional details bcjarlng on the sub
ject. At the department of the inte
rior to-day ho ascertained that
the Oregon Central railroad has
0,3 yet constructed but very few
miles under its grant , and that It con-
trola upwards of 1,500,000 acres of
land between Portland nnd Astoria ,
upon which settlers are very desirous
of entering , with the view of throwing
this hnd ouan to settlement under the
homestead laws , Mr , Payaon has
prepared n resolution doclnring the
lame to bo forfeited , nnd hopes to huvo
it acted noon by the houeo judiciary
committee at ita next meeting. In
conversation with a representative of
the Western Prose to-day on the gen
eral question of the forfeiture of land
grants , Payoon said thu indications
ire quito favorable for the considera
tion of the subject in the houjo bo-
fora un adjournment of the present
Cliriitma * in Wnnhliictan.
Special WupatcU ( o Till 11 .
WAHHINUTON , Decoml > 3r20 Wash-
incton in as dull as a country town.
All the congressmen who could getaway
away have gene , so likewise have de
parted the army of lobbyists , politi
cians and clerks. Though both
brandies of congress are onpposod
to resume their sessions on Wednes
day next It is a safe bet to make that the
house will not have n quorum
until Wednesday , January 3 , As
many senators reside here and have
their families here , there will not bo
BO much difficulty in keeping them in
the city. Still a majority of them
have gone. Many of them will ppend
thulr New Year holiday in New York.
Christmas proved to bo n bigger man
than the tariff revenue reduction or
civil service , a subject that congress
men are taking wonderful interest in
just now , though neither pirtv are
thoroughly honest in the way they
handle it. While cooler weather is
expected to-morrow , to-day has been
as balmy and pleasant as a spring day.
Overcoats are not needed for street
walking. President Arthur has hin
Christinas turkey at the Soldiers' '
homo , his sistor-ln-law , daughter nnd
son uro with hlir , and half a dozsu
New York people besides.
A Riillroail Arrangement-
Special I > lep tcli to Tui fin.
BOSTON , December 20 , A dispatch
says that the California Southern in
to bo operated in connection with the
A chlson , Topeka & Santa Fe railroad ,
Jarnival of Christmas Orimc
Caused bj Too Much
A Paralyzing Number of Per
forations by Pistols and
Tooth Pioka
Tbo Barbing QonnrnUy Conflneil
to thnBalooni of th
None Gonulno Without a "SUQ"
Blown In tbo Bottlo.
Tb * Epld mlo.
BpedU DUpUch to Tin Du
OniCAuo , Ddoombor 20 , 1:00 : Ar
epidemic of murders swept ever the
country yesterday. Chicago led oil
with the killing of a Bohemian named
Bohamil Novy , on Canal street. Novy ,
his brother Theodore , and two othori
had committed burglary , nnd quarrelled
ever the spoils , four dollars nnd OIK
silver watch. Theodora fired foui
shots and his brother foil , witli
a bullet In hin lungs. A <
Grand Forks , Dakota , James Soun
ders was shot by George Colby in a
drunken quarrel. At Unioutown ,
Pennsylvania , Oapt. A. 0. Nutt ,
cashier ef the Pennsylvania state
treasury , was shot nnd killed by N , li.
Dukes , an attorney and momber-oloot
of the state legislature. In Cin
cinnati a notorious char
acter named James Chum-
ley , killed u companion named
Limb , both men being drnnk. Lonie
Meyers , a member of the Soranton ,
Pa. , town council , got into n fuss with
two brothers named Coons , nnd will
die. A saloon row in Lifayetto , Ind , ,
resulted In the death of Charles Howe ,
at the hands of nome companion ,
unknown , In Peoria , Charles Smith
Fatally stabbed Frank Anderson.
Two Georgia farmers were murdered
in a saloon iu Covington by a notorious
rious desperado , whoao lynching U
lourly pxpcoted. In Peru , Illinois ,
a well known terror of the town , on-
tcrod a saloon and began firIng -
Ing indiscriminately nnd with'
out provocation , and fatally
wounded a bystander. An officer at
tempted to arrest the murderer , who
irod nt him and mused. Then the
policeman put a bullet in the bruin ol
thr thug. Caristmaa day clones with
reports of murdetn ifrom tin
following points throughout the
country : Atlanta , Cincinnati ,
Now York , Palmetto , Q * . ,
Petersburg , Virginia ; Little Rock ,
Galveatou , Texas , nnd South Charles
ton , Ohio , while Lifayotto , Indiana ,
chroniclea the shooting of two youuj
girls. la every case but throa the
Inciting causa of murder was drink.
Murder , and Suicide.
gpecltl Dlipatcb , to TBI Bi .
PKTKRfinuBO , Va. , December 20.
Samuel Hives became involved in t
quarrel with his oouoin , Wm. JUvos
whan 'n colored man named Parkci
euddavorod to roatoro peace , which sc
enraged the former that ho shot the
negro and thtm ohot hlmnolf , blowing
his head off.
All Quint at Opslelia.
Hjx-rhl Dispatch to TUK Uf it
MONTOOMKUY , Ala. , December 20
All quiet nt Opelckn. The shorlfrha ;
a force sufficient to maintain ordei
and sustain the commissioners.
A Stolen "Stako "
Special Dispatch to Tun HEX.
Cuituao , December 20. Thomat
Hughes wan before Justice Scully thic
morning , charted with stealing § GOC
in gold from George Gotwood. The
pair eamo to the city together from
Omaha on Saturday , and took n room
together at thu Eiglo hotel. Get-
wood flay a ho woke up late Saturday
light and found Hughes bonding ovei
its bod. Ho thought nothing of it at
the time , but next morning found hie
money had been taken from under hit
pillow. No trace of the miaslni ; gold
ins boon found. The case was con
tinued till to-morrow.
A Father' . Bloody Deed-
Special Wip tcb to TUB Ilia.
S nil mm ic Li ) , Mtna , , Djcombor 20 ,
Mcrriam A. Montgomery , about 2
years old , shot hiti two little children
ut Packard villo , near Amhcrst , thie
mornfng , instantly killing George , G
years old , nnd probably fatally wound
ing Kvn , 4 years old. Montgomery
had not lived with his wife for eight
months , leaving her through jealousy ,
nnd elio made her homo with
her father , Horatio Marsh , c
fanner. Mrs Montgomery visit
ed her family Saturday and
stayed till to-day. This morning he
asked his wife if she would live wltt
him and she refused. He immediately
wont ont to where the children wore
playing and shot thorn. Uo then trioc
to shoot his wlfo and her father , bu
was overpowered by the latter Ant
kept in the house till the sheriff came
Ho was taken to Northampton , plead
cd not guilty and was Bent to jail.
B11U' * Blow Oat.
Bpoclal IMipaUh to Till Uu.
KAKHAS CITY , December 20. i
warrant wns sworn out to-day charg
ing Addio Ayrca with the murder o
Jacob Blitz , rnutlclan , yosterda ;
morning , The defendant was sent t
jail to uwait a hearing , which will b
given on Friday , The general opinioi
is that Blitz died by his own hand ,
Kpeedy Juttioo-
Special Dispatch to Till IIu.
CINCINNATI , Dacembor 2 < Th
Cominorclal'a , < Cairo , ( Ills. ) specie
says ; J , B Lindeley was shot dea
yesterday at James Bayou , Mo. Who
the steamer Tyler left , hl'a murdero
was in the hands of a mob , nnd lynch
Ing was expected ,
Crcmntfid WhileDrunk. .
Special Dlspitch to Tin llm.
BAH FUANCISCO , December 20 -
Portland ( Oregon ) dispatch aayi
Lut night n dwelling homo near Cc
walllj , Benton county , wni dealtoyed
by fire. Two young men wcro biir.icd
to a crisp and a third so badly Injured
that ho is n"t oxpootod to rocovor.
The parties went to bed drunk , leav
ing a fire burniniz , which communica
ted to the building. The others in
mates escapee * ,
Duhm-Natt *
Sp Ul DI r Uh to Tin UM.
PITMIIUHO DocomboB 20. A dis
patch from Uniontown says Intense
reeling against Dakes hns dnvf Inpod
within the p&st twenty-four honr .
U hai boon pretty clearly shown tint
ho hnd been boRgiugofffor some time
and had proposed mooting at a hotel
Sunday for asoUlmnontof thu diftl
cnlty. No marks of violence Are visi
ble on his person , while Nutt hu oats
and bruises on his face and armi. It
is quietly hinted that thorp it a possi
bility of the citizens taking the law
intotholr own hands.
ThoSwolllnsc Ritluooil.
Spool * ] Il | iaUh to Till 11 1.
LITTLU HOCK , Daoombcr 26. An
Arkadulphia special to the Gssatto
DOJB : The son of T. Krotr.jhmor ,
secretary of the state donate two years
ago , and widely known throughout
the state , suicided by nhootlng him
self in the hand to-day.
An Aotrain Shot la tHe Ear.
SptcUl Ulipfttch to Till lilt.
llocuhSTBK , Daoombor 20. Lillian
Spencer was shot and severely wound
ed by or.o of her company at the
Academy of Music to-night. It took
ilaco nt the clone of the first act ,
called "Article 47 , " when Dahnrnel
shoota Clara. A. H. Forrest played
Duhnmol , nd ho fired n blank cart
ridge nt too clone proximity to Miss
Spencer. She received the chtrgo in
; ho oar. The wound is not serious.
A Cold Blooded Murderer O1 B With
ilia Boots OS.
Special niiDfttch to Tin Dim.
SAN FOANCIHCO , Dooomber 12. A
Tucaon dinpatoh says : This morning
n n saloon at Pioneer , Wm. Hartley
stopped to the bar to tnko a drink
when Thomaa Kerr , without provoca
tion , knocked him down. Kerr then
) rown pistol nnd saying , "Yotiag fel-
ow , now IVo got you , " placed the
) iatol on his breaat nnd fired , killing
.urn instantly. Kcrr was dlnarmod.
A jury of twelve hold an informal
: rinl. Kerr nskod for nu hour's
time to arrange hi a business
Lie sat down and with pjrfeot
coolness wreto to hia mother in Lix-
ngtori , 111. , rcquebting that all hia ( if-
'ecta bo f.ivon to hrr , nnd then nak for
oevcral drinks. The citizens then
took him out to n sycamore trod. Ho
incdo a few renurku confessing the
killing of Doveral men. Tuo'7 drew
him up once and lut him dowu. Ho
than asked permission to take off his
boots , saying "Ho did not vtant to
die with his boots on. " Those re
quests were granted. Ho was vthen
swung np for keeps. The body was
cut down this morning.
A Telagrapn Trial. A ( \ i
Special Dispatch to Till. Unit. . , H
KKW YOIIK , Dacvmbcr ' fcO 'Mo
suit of William 0. Williams On behalf
of himself nnd others , similarly inter
ested against the Western Union tele
graph company and others , came up
to-day. The suit wns brought to sit
aside an agreement m do by the West
ern Union company , Atlantic it Pa
cific company and others. The suit ia
for an injunction to prevent payment
of dividend upon certain fctock.
Counsel for the Western Union read
kho affidavit of A. II. Brewer , necro-
Ury , to the cifect that the tranafera
of stock upon the company's books
were never ao numerous , it would ba
impossible to make n distinction ba-
bwoon that stock , which it waa naid
was legally issued. Oonnsol contended
the stock was valid and the court
could not restrain the company from
ying divItJondu upon it. The con
tract which had boon entered into ba-
.woon the throe companies wore bind-
ng upon all parties , oven if it should
30 sot ualdo , dividends having been
declared each stockholder oould
jogin action to recover it if
not paid. Counsel also rend
.ho affidavit of President Green ,
who asserts that all the actions of
the defendants regarding the consoli
dation agreement were justified by
aw. Relying upon the decision of
Judge Truax the whole number of
nhnrcs of capital stock , as increased ,
was issued , with the exception of
ibout 4,000 share ] , whiah had baon
diatribntod and were at present in the
lands of n largo r umber of persons.
President Green nlso avers that the
ompany is about to appeal form thu
lodgment rendered by the general
; erm.
Lively Planting In Indian Nation.
Sptctal Dtapitc'i to TIIK II" .
ST LOUIH , December 20 , The Re
publican's ) Muskogee ( Indian Tcrrl-
tor > ) special says : The first open hos
tilities of the Creek Indian war oc
curred Sunday , fifteen miles west of
Okmulkeo , A band of Ohecotoos men ,
under James Larnoy , were going
west , when about 7 o'clock in the
evoninjr , they were attacked by some
200 of Spioohoo'n pirty of citizens , 'un
der command of MoKarocheo , The
fight raged for a hour , when the
OheootoLS men fall back nnd kept up
a running fight for ton miles , O.irr ,
Dave Barrett unit wife and n man
named Walsh are re par ted killed.
Thu loss on the other tide Is not
The whole country is rushing to nrm ,
On receipt of the nowa here , a do-
tashmunt of forty United States sol
diera were ordered to the soono and
tjite morning they overtook and dl -
armed 150 Checo = smtn. This will
ba continued till ull men engaged on
both aidvs are disanned , Bpieoheu1.
inun say they don't want to fiiit , bul
do want their rights , and are anxioui
the United States commissioner nhoulc
irivestitato ; the matter between then :
and the opposing parly , Aieut ; Tull'j
wont to the scene of trouble yetster
Aral ) ! and Bis 'RoM Aides
Start For Tlioir Futaro
Homo in Ooylon ,
The Turkish Government
MrxnufActurmp Torpodooa
of tbo Dtjfitruotivo K nd.
Popoliro Bewail * the Narrowing
Cirole ofHULltiortjr.
Life and Liberty In Ireland Scarcely
Worth the Urvvlntf.
dpecUl Dlitcl | ! l to Till llii
CAIRO , Dooombor SO. Arab ! , Tout-
ba , Abdolal. Mnhmoud Fohmy , All
Fehtny , Yakoub Baml , mid Mahmoud
Siuil , condemod to exile in Coy Ion ,
wore accompanied to Suez to-day by
Mark Napier , ono of the counsel who
defended thorn. Emir Hey , El Shorn-
ap nnd eleven others will probably bo
placed under surveillance nnd mutt
not quit their oitntes. They will bo
placed under heavy bail for faithful
observance of thin injunction. Has-
sann Mnutsa and Ah Roubi will bo
banished to Alaiownh for twenty
years. Throe othorn will bo banished
to Suakam or Koesoir for shorter
terms ; and twenty others , including
Kadr Kadi nnd Uofaat Bey , will bo
banished also.
CoNSTiNTiNorLK , December 20.
The minister of nunuo has written
Col. Lay that his torpedo has boon
rejectee by the Tutkish government.
The torpedo commission decided that
the nets of the English navy render
the Lay &nd Whitehead torpedoes
harruleaa , but prove no obstruction to
the Boordan torpodooa , noti manufac
turing in the arsenal hero.
PARIS , December 2 < i. The chamber
of deputies to dixy adopted n bill grant
ing subventions to public schools nftor
an animated debate. Daring the diq-
cunaion Da Onjsagr&o wns called to
order , and subsequently formally con-
mired by the president of the cham-
BERLIN , Docuiubor 20. The gov
ernment ia considering n proposal to
raleo the license- tax on the manufac
ture of tobacco no as to produce a rev
enue of 03,500,000 marks.
VIENNA , December 20. Count An-
draaoy had a long interview with the
emperor to-day , which is auppoad to
imply * that ho will shortly bo ngaiu
called to the ministry of foreign uf-
HAVANA , December 20. The Do-
mararn eu ar yield is expected to
xtmuut to 140,000hogsheads.
VENK/.UELA , Dooombor 20. Vone-
zuala celobrutca the cimtoniiry of Bol-
vor'fl birthday , July 24 next , by un
veiling a statue of Washington at Car
acas nnd the opening of n railroad be
tween Jjiquayra and Caracas.
DUIII.IN , Djcembor 20 , The jjov-
ornmont has ordered the prosecution
of Harrington , the secretary of the
organizing committoa of the Irish Nil-
ional League , far a speech delivered
> y him at u mooting in Mulligan on
Monday night. Ho said the most
iroeperoua farmers must bo told if
hey did not throw themselves into
ho now movement they would have
.ho whole force of the labor agitation
directed against them. Prosecutions
uro pending ugainnt the propriottrn of
various provincial journala for articles
netting crime.
LONDON , Diicombjr 20. Bishop
Jeimon'a acouptanco of the arch-
jishopric of Ounterbary is ollioially
OAIUO , December 20. The Kho-
divo's decree degrading Arabl and
other rebel pashas has buon publiahod.
COUK , Dacombdr 20 A party of
noonlightora wan nurj % pd nuur Casilo
a'and on B&iurdny iuin'by the police
ntrol. The oflisors captured all of
hum after an oichungo of shots , in
which ono of the marauders was
DUBLIN , December 20. An article
n the United Ireland headed "Ac
cusing Splritu" refers to the execution
of Ilyueu , Walbh , Myles , Joyce and
Lough , the masked murderer * , and it
attempts to nhow that they were
tanged upon the principle that some
body must bo hanged , the right per
son if possible , but at nil events some-
LONDON , December 20 , It is said
that , owing to the absence of an ofli
cial reporter at the mooting in WaterFord -
Ford addressed by Biggar , the momboi
of parliament for Cavun , the government -
mont pojeesara no lotal ; proof concern'
IHK his Btatomonts nnd will have greal
difliutty in conducting the prosucu <
tion against him
HOMK , Dacumbor 20 , In reply tf
the congratulations of the cardinal !
the pope , alluding to the Martinucc !
cwo , uaid : "A frush attack upon tin
independence of the sovereignty o :
pipacy has recently boon mado. The
consideration which was formorli
thown for the holy eeo , and whlct
wai dictated by political prudence am
re.indin of state , has now boon pu
ueido " His holiness added that do
Bplte everything ho would contlnui
to dtfund the lifjhta and interests o
tbo chuidli.
BKI LIN , Deoembor 20. A groa
stir in ( joing on among the Gerinai
In consequence of the arrest at
Vienna of * Berlin journalist , who
Hod to Austria to avoid the fulfillment -
mont of A Bontonco to eight months
imprisonment for libelling Bismarck.
LONDON , Dacombcr 20. The two
upper fijors of William Whitoloy'
Furniture store burned out last night.
The d msgo was very groat. The
establishment is ono of the largest In
London. Twenty-five engines wore
engaged in subduing the ( limes.
LONDON. December 2 ( > . The Times
correspondent at Homo in referring to
the demonstration growing out of the
execution ntTrlost , of Ovordonk , says
the Innguaxo of the intransigent press
Is becoming atrocious.
Lcgadclln Domocraein expresses the
liopo that the Empoiorof Austria will
bo choked In blood.
TIIK ncLU > : zRD iiiimi ,
In Dublin nn average of ono hun
dred persona nro searched nightly here
under the cut few clause of the repres
sion act ,
Unsuccessful Attempt to Wreck :
Bontror Trains.
Tim llii.
MBRIDGN , Conn. , December 20.
An attempt was mudo to wreck the 3
o'clock accommodation train out of
Now York , nbout two miles below
; hia oily , by n lie being placid on the
track. It curled up under the for
ward trucks of the locomotive and
wrought the train , which was running
nt a high rate of speed , to n standstill
with alarming suddenness , but with-
lut doing any damage. Not far bo.
lind cnmo the limited for Boston , the
'nstost ' train on the road , nnd despite
.ho signal of the brnkoman , it was nut
more than n train's length from the
accommodation train when it was
stopped , with nu abruption that nl-
moat throw the passengers out of their
seats. Thr passengers of both trains
wore greatly oxcltod. .
Now BiiRlnnd Tobacco Mon Combine
Against Foreign Wood.
Special DUpaUh to Tin HER.
HAUTifoui ) , Conn. , December 20.
A mooting of nbout100 tobacco
; rowers ot Connecticut nnd Maes.v
itiuiettb was hold here to organizj n
S'ow England aaeoolntion for mutual
icnofit nnd protection. Speeches
were made by clenlorn nnd growers f i-
voring n higher duty on Sumatra to-
jiicco , which Isnorlnunly injuring Now
Kngland growurn of cigar wrapper * .
A long time woo spent in the discus
sion op resolutions proposed to make
the duty on Sumatra tobacco from $1
to $1.DO pjr pound nnd also to
greatly modify or wholly abolish the
Internal revenue tax on tobacc ) , both
on the manuf ictured artiolo and the
license of manufacturers and dealers ,
There was n wide diversity of opinion
upon the question of abolishing the
tax.Tho growers were inclined ponornlly
l/o tlio question of Jtho wladotu of fink ,
ing such ( vbolitlo'n of thu revenue
tax , but were strongly in fiver of n
lioavier duty on foreign tobaccos.
They seemed afraid if they urged
abolition of revenue tax they might
'ail in getting an Inoroaso on foreign
Chairman Pholpa favored a tax of
? l n pound on foreign tobacco , with a
rebate on fillers , the aim being to shut
out foreign wrappers , Some fooling
was nhown by growers , who thought
, ho manufacturers wcro trying to run
ho convention in their own Interest.
A resolution was finally adopted
asking congress to impose $1 per
> ound on all foreign tobacco imported
nto this country , except tobacco
raised in or shipped from the island
of Cuba , urging congress to take such
action tin wilt either relieve our tobac
co growing industry from the burden
ot taxation entirely or so reduce said
uxutlon as in the judgment of con
gress may best appear.
The last resolution wns paused nftor
i liirao number of the convention had
eft the hall. There had boon an ex-
> roeion earlier in the day adverse to
asking for n total abolition of the tax.
The Now England TobaeaoGrowciK1
association was then formed. Lottora
were road from Congressman Buck , of
Jonnootlcut , and Robinson , of Mnnaa-
chuaotts , doubling the wlodom of the
entire abolition of the internal revenue -
nuo ( ax.
Filing tlin Eiur of " Corner-
Bpuclal DUpatcli to TIIM Hits ,
NEW YOIIK , December 20 The
committee on grain of the produce
exchange , gave n decision to-day upon
the piiintu in controversy between
Line & Sun and Husted & llr.zeltlno ,
n the issue arising out of the Into cor-
tor In grain. The decision elates that
.he deliveries were made in accor-
dnnco with the rates of the produce
exchange , and that Hasted & Ha/.ol-
.ino must , pay Linn & Son the full
amount of the claim , $17 330 , with
interest from November 29h : , 1882 ]
that the charges of fraud and conspir
acy against Lane it Son have not boon
sustained , but thu 1,033 bushels ol
corn originally puichased for shipment
mont by Line & Son , nnd not shipped ,
having boon delivered by them ir
drain receipts Nos. 818 and 819 , Lam
& Son shall pay 11 us ted it Ilazoltiui
$1 240 , with Interest from Novombe ;
29 , 1882 , being the difference botweoi
the price paid by Lane & Son tc
Huatod & Hazoltino and the soltliii )
prloo of thu day of delivery ,
Viuirlorlillt's Hand.
BpecliI Dispatch to Tim ! ! .
'MONTUKAI. , December 20. A loco
paper assorts that Vatiderbilt ha
taken an interest in the Canadian Pa
cifio railway ,
Herr Most.
&pocl l I > U | Uh to Till UHI.
Oiiio.vdo , Diioflinbsr 21 , Herr Join
Most , thu Boolullst , arrived to-day am
was warmly rccivod by a small ban
of Carman soolaliats , He client tc
day and to-night about' the city. N
formal reception.
Thonks A , Rot a Promoter of
Fortunes ,
HoDonios That Ho Has Ever
Advocated McDonald.
Polltlonl Note * From Other Point * .
to the Cincinnati Commercial.
INDIANAPOLIS , IND , , December 20.
3ov. llondricks IB not dead , nnd docs
lot propose to bo politically buried
hat IB , not by his parly friends. A few
lays nijo n report was telegraphed
rotn Washington tlii\t Mrs. llotidrlcki
isd written to n friend there that her
mnbnnd was In training for governor
n 1884 , to nld McDonald to carry this
late , nnd in return therefore was to
)0 secretary of state when "Old Iron *
Idea" should become president. Mr.
londrioka roads the pnpora regularly.
ovun if ho di-n't go down town and
nleo n racket wtth the boy 8 , and when
10 road that paragraph ho was about
as mad as a gentleman of bis quiet dis-
msition can bo ; and ho at once had
iroparod an nuthorllatiro denial cf
ho invention , which ho concluded
vith the following significant doolnra-
lon :
' /It is not agreeable to bo misstated
o promote the fortunes of any ono "
That , of course , is n direct kick at
ilaDonald , and an open proclamation
hat no matter who may bo behind the
iIoDonnld boom , Thomas A. Hoti-
Irioks is net ouo of the crowd. lie
Iocs not propose to bo used to pro
mote the political fortunes of any one ,
nnd particularly McDonald.
The public have not forgotten the
ncldeuts of the campaign of 1880 , and
Jovornor Ilondricks n joins to remora-
) or them also , but their lesson ho has
tot rend. Everybody rotnombora that
ilcUjnald wont to Cincinnati "to pro
mote the fortunes" of Mr. Hendricks ,
nnd that the efforts of all of the friend *
if the latter did not succeed in mak *
riff Mr. Ilondrtcka the candidate of
ho cnnvontion. But Mr. McDonald
lid his best to promote the fortunes
of Hendrioks , yet the latter failed to
oo it in that light , hence the oxpros-
ion quoted above.
Mr. Uendrloks is aflllotcd now with
hn same political blindness which
Hooted him in 1880. Ho did not
muntor an army of followers with ban-
iors then , and ho cannot do it iu
884 , or any 3 ° thor year. Do has
eased to bp ( if ho over was ) n polltl-
al possibility in the line of the prosl-
ioncy. Ho IB a great and pure man
> orliapa too ctroat to bo selected for
ho prcaidoncy. Ho Ino gone so fur
iwny from political promtncnco that
ip is no longer the body and soul of
lis party In hin own state , and ho
ought to see the f&ot. Do cannot
oouro the prize himself , but ho has
ho chance to mnko his choice bntwcou
men who are posaiblllties. If any
man fromlndlana can bo the nomlnoo
> f the 'next domocratio convention ,
hat man is McD maid. Ho can poll
ho whole regular domocratio vote ,
and all of that dissatisfied republican
Vuto which ia opposed to moasnrei
rather than men , and Mr. Hondricks
cannot do tnoro. Ai to the standing
if the two men outside of Indiana , the
ncidents of the las : Cincinnati con-
vuntlon illustrate which was the
trongcr. I am not writing Anything
rhloh I have not said to Governor
londrioka , whom I would rcjoioo to
oo in the oflico cf president.
piclal Ulnnatili tuTllK UEK.
INUIANAI-OLIH , Djcombor 20. The
ommocratio convention of the Ninth
longrcesional district mot in this city
o-dny and , nominated Judge Ward ,
ongroBsmnn elect , to fill the vacancy
consumed by the death of Hon. G.
S. Orth.
Clmlmori * Contest.
poclttl Dlipiktch to Tin lilt.
JACIMOK , Mi s. , Dacombor 20. In
lie mandamus caao brought by Gen-
ral J. 11. Chalmers against the sec-
otary of the state to compel him to
aunt for Chuhnura the Tate county
oto returned for J. II. Ohalmora ,
ounsel for the sosrotary of state filed
plea of abatement on the ground
Imt a former miit'wus pending In the
amo cause. Oounnol for Chalmers
omurrod. Judge Wharton overruled
.ho demurrer and the case was dis-
tTpilograir'n Qaooenor.
pcclilDlsp U.ti toTiu Bti ,
{ JWiiKKUsa , December 26 The re
publican Seventeenth Ohio "longrf't.
Bional district convention at Ballairo
o-day nominated Col. J. D. Taj lor ,
f Cambridge , for the vacancy in con-
roes , caused by the death of J , T.
Jpdcgraff. Tnirty-two ballots were
Clout d Up.
IpccUl IMnpatch to Tin llKK.
OHRHTKK , Pu , December 20 The
Shaw & ] 'J'/iiuo woolen mills , Wither-
II & Oj.'a china works nud other Ira-
> ortant industrial ostablishmcnta ia
his city have closed for a time on
loconnt of the depression of trade.
Largo numbers of persons are thrown
ont of employment
Itupnaohtnc ; LouUvllle QiUoiali-
8poU l DUpatch U TiuUii.
LOUIHVJLLK , December 25 , The
council to-night formally Impeached
City Auditor Phil Hinkle , Auiistaut
Fire Chief George W. Levl , and two
of the city hall ofliolals who uro under
Indiotinont fur frauds in the assessor's
and tax collector's otlicca. Managers
wore * appointed to ; conduct the tm-
ponohmont and report articles to the
board of aldermen. That body will
moot Tuesday , January 2 , to try the
cases. The council chamber was
crowded during the proceedings.
A Fair FJold ana a Failure.
Special Dispatch to Tim llir. .
NKW YOKK , December 20. The
co-operative dreaa association , of
which Kite Field was president , closed
Ha a torn in Twenty-third street to-day.
Assets stated at 821,400 ; liabilities
$125,000 Miss Field refuses to say
anything , but claimed to bo creditor
to 815,000.
( \