TWE T1ATT.V . , -COUNCIL BLUFFS jiOWA MONDAY ; DECEMBBix 25 The Daily Bee. Monday Morning , Dee , Q& , SUBSCRIPTION RATK3 ! Br Carrier , . . . . . 20 conU per wwk. . - - . - - tlO.OO per Year. Office : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTIONS. J. Mueller's P&lnco Music IlftU. Dishes , Rlftsawaro , lamps , etc. , at 303 Broadway. Howe & Son. The Baptist Sunday ichool Christmas entertainment Is to be to-morrow evening. Nepbl , the Indian s chero , was fined in police court Saturday for being diunlt. Old papers for sale at TUB BEE office t 25 ccnUperhnndrtd. Imported and Key We t clRirs con. etantlr on hand at Lutz & LangeV * Tbc Mf.cnnerchor give good select Invitation bull at Turner hull this orcn- Ing. Mrs. Welpton , a venerable lady nt Emerson , died suddenly while ulttlnj In her chair , last Thursday. Subscribe for newspapers and period ! . eala at II , K , Seaman's book store. Furniture of all kinds repaired by Howe & 8on , 303 Broadway The Congregational Sunday school has its Christmas entertainment nt 15 t 'clock Jits afternoon. The rumor wblsh gained some cred ence about the streets Saturday that Bar- neil had bten hanged by a mob In Lincoln brought forth many expressions of "eomd him ri ht. " fleal sacqtien , fur trimmings , very low , at Metcalf Bros. ' Largo quantity of utovoa And fnrnl- tnro at 303 Broadway. Howe & Son. . In the whirl of holiday juyb It should not bo forgotten that the U. A. K. , are to bavo a happy masquerade at Bloom & Nixon's hall Wednesday ercnln ; , Rev. W. R. Ktrkwood , D. D , , of Wooster , 0. , occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church yesterday morning and evening. New lot cicely decorated.lGC plecce.tof te Mte , only 55 at Mourer & Craig. Hand-painted china , art pottery , solid silverware , bronzes , &o , at Maurer & Oralg. Largest stock of TOJM and Holiday Goods In the city at Seaman's , Prices dely competition. Wm. Martin was nrrcited Saturilny for violating the common carricrH * ordl < nance , l > y letting hh team stand ou for. bidden grouad. The poatofllce will he open to-day fo1 the delivery of mail from 10:30 : a. in. tt 11:30 a. rn. and from C p. m. to 8 p. m , The carriers will make no deliveries to-day , Lutz & Lingo' , ) fmo selection of am' btr , mcortchaum and motors' goods of the best grades Is eupplj Ing the holiday de mand In that line. Lutz & Lingo have now opened a re tall store in connection with their whole cale establbhment in Shugart'a cow block room at the Baptin church bos bad on auspicious opening. J young couple dropped In tbcro and go married on the opening night , The street can will run to-city , con nectlng with dummy trains the same as 01 Sundays , the cars leaving the Ogdcn at 7 8 , 9 and 11 a , m , , and at ! i , 4 and B p. in -The Knights of Pythias of the city nr to meet In Castle hall nt 10 o'clock tbl morning to formally receive the handtom testimonial teat them by the Indlanspoll Tbero Is to bo a hlgh.toced wedding a the Congregational church In Glenwood this afternoon , the contracting patties be ing Karl A. Snyder , of Albuquerque , Nm Mexico , ami Mlis Evelyn B. Lewie , o Glenwood , The Council Bluftj readers of Tit 1)EE ) will have to watt until Wednesda ; morning for tbo next paper. Chilstrav you know , and may It lo a merry bno t all of you. PtrnttU to commit matrimony hav been issued to W. B. Lang and Mtsi Clar B. Johnson , of Center towmhip ; Clirlit McMlllen and Mary Jane lleese , of thl city ; Joteph Boggs and Annie Farmer , c this city ; Wm. T , Rogers and Leonora V. Richards , of Neola. Clirlitmas ! evi dently locslng none t f its po [ ularlty , as favorable marrying season , There are iptcial revival meeting ) * I progrt HI at the United Brethren thurcl and the interest manifest , and the inur ber of converts are Increasing , Meeting will be held there every nftcrnoou th jnetV at 2 o'clojV , and every evening at o'clock. The front doors of at leant seven aloons , prominently located , Bvtuug o their hinges yesterday , so that tbo thlrct could ba tntitfied at will , In spite of tl Sunday prohibition piovlded for In lav There weio only two or three drunl picked by lha police , though , durli the day , though there were many altno ripe enough to pick , Small catttlngr , burning brandi , etc are being made In fine style * by Wlntc lob Bros. , Council Itluffc. Bee card ell where. t * To-night is the time % , and Bloom Nixon's hall the place , for the priute grand Christinas ball , TbU is the first B uut > l of the Typographical union , and pi ji&ratlonn are made for having it an unui ally Joyoiu ocuuton. PotUw&tUmte , Degree Camp No , of Uniformed Vatrlolu has been imtltut with seventeen locm-jcm , and the , folio Eg office's : < i. II. JacVusn , grand co tnauder ; 8. 8. Ktlltr , vice command A. Bparr , officer of the guard ; M. ' . Groat. tecrtUrj : John Bohm , tieasur A fellow who was cuoCdenccd out -SlSOpttbeTranifertbli week thinks t train tibndi find pollco ought to know I confidence bilks. Bo they cujbt , a probsllydo ; but if tbo victims bid tetn mean , stingy , Ignorant bulks , the ; know them too , A nyt person not bavi liberality enough to uubacrlbe for a cou ] of good newspapers and Inte'llgei * ctugh la read them and Kfit ported , < cervcs to get sucked in once In a while , We rmo no pity for them. They nro tor green to burn , Those wJio subscribe lib' crally for tbo paper * , and read them , al ways h vo their weather eye peeled for the confidence fraternity and give them tfio grand bounce. LHtla Mae , Mr. and Mrs. John T. Oliver gave a very enjoyable party At their homo Fri day evening , In honor of their daughter and her husband , Mr. and Mrs , Horace Gleason , of lieavenworth. Thera were a goodly number of friends present , and the occasion was A highly enjoyable one , the etenlng being spent In singing , dancing , tableaux and p.utaklng of tempting and bountiful refreshments. St , Paul's Kplicopal church has been elaborately and beautifully decorated for tbo { holiday season , and appropriate cer vices were hold there yesterday , Rev. Mr. Webb ofllctaltog , and preaching a sermon appropriate to the day , In the evening a carol service for the Sunday school child * rcn wat held. This forenoon nt 11 o'clock the Holy communlcn will Le administered in this church , W. R. Vaughan has decided not to use the shooting gallery for n justice of. fice , but to leim two rooms our the Sav ing bank , one having been occupied by Mnxon , the architect , the other by Super- Intcndont Cooper. Ho will mo one room for jury and tnarrlnge. nnd one for court purposes , and will proceed to oc cupy them January 1. The man KIM , who a short llnio ago figured so conspicuously In the police court here , IB wanted for hone stealing In Mis- oouil , and there is also strong circiimstan- tial evidence pointing to him as the man who hut October stole two hornoi of II. C. Brandos , near Avoca , nnd tot fire to bis barn. - The Macedonia Tribune In speaking of the gamblers and prostitutes of Council Blulfi siyr : "Tho better olemcnta must rise up and severely rebuke the-o unholy members if the metropolis of southwestern Iowa expects to maintain Its commercial proitlgo and keep puce with this age of moral and intellectual advancement. The story of robbery in its variou * forms is be coming entirely too common in that part of the prohibition vineyard. " The Gcrspachor-Clover sere seems to ba healing. In the police court Saturday afternoon two old canes wore brought up , one being that in which George Gois- pacher was complained cf by Hello Clover for keeping bin saloon ' 01 en after hours ; the oilier that in which Bella was com plained of by George for ( hV.urhlng the pcaco. Both cases wcro diemlascd on the payment of costs. Cliarlas Graves and n brother of George' , however , ot ject to hav ing the matter iliod tip so ; They were drugged into the affair and each fined $5 und cottta for frcqnunting a house of III- lame , and now they purpose to get even. They havn cauiod another complaint to be entered against Bella for disturbing the peace , and now tnuelc is promised , Oouncil BlulF. ) is n wholesale and mnnufactnring city , or nho is nothing. Wo have hotter facilities for nmnufnc luring than any oompaling point , and for wholesaling wo only ncud n wagon idfto to bo Independent of nil ad < TOMO discriminntion. Now , what pnpor will bo nblu tc help Council BlulFa gain the v/cntorr tradb ) Why , TUB DEE. It circulate : thousands of copies across the river Will it do this ? With pleasure. The advantage and inducomouta of Council BlafI houses are now being horaldoc through its oolurnns , while horotofon an advertisement of a Council Blull honso waa never eoon in Nebraska. The Htovo for the ehooting gallorj tutit'is now tlmwini ; the anovr there abouin while thu boys jingle the bol back of the bulln oyo. i When ynu are out to-day don't for got that Kirklnnd's door is open , fo ho BayH thnt thin will bo a busy da ; for him und Unit it will idvo him in ehunoo to pat up the shutteis THE DIKXniOr COURT. It Too Will Join In tbo Obaorvftnci of Christmas. The district court adjourned Satur day until to-morrow morning , on ac c6unt of being ChriohiHa. In the case of Lawis & Stowurb vn the Council Blalfo Insurance company the jury returned a verdict in favor o the plaintiffs for SuD ! ) , and In favor o Brunswick & ViUko , on the billian tables , for $205. John N. Baldwii served as attorney for the plaintiff * and Sopp & Lyman for the company The case cf A. N. Covert vs. 0. T Gray , mechanic's lieu , waa triad Batut day and submitted to Judpo Rood. The case of Josephine 'Woouwortl vs. John K , Williams , contract , wa also tried nnd submitted. It is announced that the trhl o criminal cases will beuin to-day , bu it is not improbable that the crowd o o'.vil catcs may prevent. The "melancholy business" is no always in the hands of melauchol men. Jacob flith , the late noted uti dortakor of ournibtur city , and Jacob their present leader for the vrondc overcoat fashions , is a jolly good cit ren , Mr , Council , the tontloma ; who does the handsome for ns c Council Blulfa , when we step do\r and out , or up and out , as the cat may be , is juat as happy as if ho nevi expected to one day wear one of hewn own very ornamental garments Th true philosopher Is the wise uncle : taker. The rush at F. "W. Bpntmau . Bros , has rushed Into a jam th : makes the big doable front a Boothlr mass of people , We are told tlu next wnekthcy will not bo so crowdoi and will have time to fix op their cu tomers with what they want , and c it in good shape. They will also hai time to unpack novr goods to take tl place of the piles thut have been so this week. 10 1OYB ! TOYS ! ! We have a largo nsBortuvnt of to . . . . . . ' * * in ' on hand that we will eo'i oil'at coi n wo are diecontinuin that Irani of our builneaa entirely. Wo invl all who buy tyya for 'tho childien give us a call. 0. TACeJUEMJN it Oo. AN OLD MAN S STORY. Koobsd of nin Money find Suff rlas from IrJnrlee.Uo Is Tryln to Oet Bacic to Canada. Thcro was an old man being cared for at police headqnortcrs Saturday , who was evidently sofforing from in- juricn received , and seemed In aomo rc pcoo ) lo bo fiffectod in mind. Uo was found wandering abont at the transfer withont money or baggsgo , but had In his possession tickets over the Ohicago nnd Hock Island to Chicago - cage , and from there to Montreal. Ills utory is that ho i a Frenchman , und hio Umily live in Montreal Ho is sixty II vo years of ago , nnd about a year ago last fall ho wont to Colorado , nnd has b'oen there until Into this fall , when ho utnrlod b ck for his Montreal homo. Ho nays ho had fbaut $300 in money , but that on the train there wan a light between two young men nnd bo gutting fright- onocl , jumped off , and in falling hurt himsnlf badly. After proceeding ns best ho could on foH lor a distance ho was mot by two young fjllp * , who nskod him whcro ho was going , and on his tolling them , they wanted to know if ho hud nny money co got there with. Ho told them ho had , nnd they then made him glvo it to them , ono of them palling n revolver on him. Ho got iinally to a rnilway station , nnd oimo through on the train to Omahs , whnro ho was cared tornt the hospital for two or three woekn , his injuries received when ho jumped from the train cnuoing him to bo very ill. Af tor recovering somewhat ho crvmo over this to eldo His tickets wore ran out , the dnto of thnir expir ation having passed. Mr. Stovotia yesterday extended the tiokotn. nnd nfter the police cnrod for the old man during the day , ho was started on the afternoon train for the east. On top of. the old man's head is qnilo an injure Ht1 no complains of his nock hurting him badly. Ho la qtiito toablc , nnd how much of his story is the result nt a diseased im agination and how much based on facts it is dillionlt to determine. K.J"r P. All momboro of this order In the city nro requested to apponr nt Oastlo hall nt 10 thin a. m. , on business of im portance. COMMITTED. Bill Nin nnd Bob Burdott suddenly incut nt Muollor'a Mueio Hull. H.Wiiy , Bill , how you do look ? N. Oh , I am nil npx't. B. What , bankrupt ? N. ' No , only busted ; that fine Vobor piuno I hod to buy for my wife f that uyerlasting Mueller for n Christ lai prpmnt ; took everything clean. B. Well , never mind. I'll giv ( 'ou ' n loan to buy a few of his line toyi or the children. Now Year's calling cards nt H. E joaman'd book store. W. T. BRAUN a doing n bis Christmas business. 'INE CAKES , i CANDIES , BOOTH'S OYSTERS , NUTS , CIGARS , GRAPES CHRISTMAS TREES , IMPORTEI ORANGES. Bentiful things of a thousand kinds Fbo choicest variety In the city. d20-3c Dolmans cheap nt Harknoss , Orcut i Co.'s. Save your money by buying horn blnnkots and lap robes nt C. J. Bock mnu'a , 335 Broadway. Elegant fans , handkerchief boxoo love nnd fan boxes , etc. , nt Haik ness , Oroutt & Co.'s. The rush for holiday goods nt H. E Seaman's still continues , Fine lace goods nt Harknoss , Orcut &Co's. Go to Harknets , Orcutt & Co.'s fo dolmaua fur trimmed dolmans , woe dolmans and fmo silk dolmans. d3lf Solid atlvorwnro , only first-olns goods , ( atcrllng ) , No charges fo engraving nt 0. .B. JAfQUEMiN & CO.'H. Silk handkerchiefs nnd mulUara n Harkness , Orcutt & Co.'s. All wishing to present themsolvo o < - their friends with n souvenir j gold , silver or art design , should no fail to call ou 0. B. Jacqunnln & Co , und make their collections for the hoi idays curly , at 2 ? Main atreot. An elrgant lot of Black Silks , vor cheap , at Harkncss , Orcutt & Oo.'s. Go to Harknesa , Orcutt & Co.'a fc Lace Goods , Fancy Handkerohiefsifc ( To otrougthen and build up the sy torn , A trial will convince youthn Brown's Iron Bitters is the best mec icino made , " " J. M. PmLura'T" * HKADQUAUTEIIS Fou HOLIDAY SLIl'I'Elli 413 BUOADWAY , FANS. Hatknete , Orcutt ct Co. have a elegant naeortmeut of vrhito and co orud fans. , d3tf Peregoy et Moore hnvo got their n tail _ btoro half-Holed und rovampoc Their casu of holiday pipes and cijji holdvrn b a big attruotion and tli best piecco will BOOU bo gone , 23 i Diamonds , diamonds , lace pins , ei rings , nolituire riuga and ntuds , loci eta , ocossrr , ut 0. B. JACQUKMIN & Co a , 27M in street. ' CAPTURED IN OMAHA. Prank Graven Urotitrht Back Here to Anowcr ForOia Misdeeds. A colored man named Frank Graves , who has bosti tending bir at Forbes" nlonn , on Broadway , loft the city uddenly and suspiciously last week , t is charged up against him that ho mpticd bin cmploycr'a till , nnd not atiifizd with the little amount found irr-j borrovrcd some moro of nn out- der on thn pretense that ho had got o pay a bill for his employer , Ho tid the innnoy diimnponrod together , rid the oflicers in Oaaha being noli- od tht-y snrcoeded in onpturlntr him aturdny. Yesterday afternoon Of- cor Moron wont ncro < s the river to > rng ! him biok , and ho will bo given chance hero to oxplnin , if ho can. D HAVENS' Now ( at Now Yrnrs. Dan't forget o stop for New YO.T'B Prisants , nt DE HAVENS' Now plushes received nt Harknosr , Oicutt ct Co.'a. Fine Dolmann , nt Harknoss , 0/cutt t Co.'a. Handkorchiofa , ties , collars nnd schucs in gro t variety nt JAMKH POUTERPIELD'S. 8,11k velvets , black nnd c lo , chonp o c'loso at JAMKS POUTEUKIELU'B. & CLOSING SALE ' [ cloaka , dolmonn nnd ulators nt JAM EH PoilTEBPJ.ELD'8. Mnko yourself nnd friends happy by luying Ohristtnnj und Now Year pres- nts nt d20 5 JAMES OHRISTMAc ? GOODS n great variety nt Ilarkncsa , Orcut t Oo.'s. dlStf Ohristronn Novelties , nt Harkncnu , Orcutt & Co.'s. Handkerchiefs in plain nnd colored inrdera , in nil styles nnd grades , nt larkn'uss , Orcutt & Oo.'a. Elegant toilet sottr , jewel cases , dor cases , albums , etc , , nt H. E , Seaman's. Gold watches for gentlemen or la irs. Monograms artistically on- ; raved ou the same without extra hnrgo nt 0 B. JACQUEMIN & Co.'s. Call at Harkness , Oroott & Co.'a and aeo thu beautiiul Inctu they have ust opened fur the holiday trade. II. E. Seaman displays the largest stock of fancy gooda ttud to ; a iu the city. Musquotuho kids in street nnrl ip.rty filiAdes nt Hark ness , Orcutt cS 3o.'s. Orlnn 1'leaeant , healthy grins nra teen only or. .lie i cc uf healthy perm iia , Thadvupep ; io und dcbilitatta can smile only in i iftlf-hoartei way. Purify the blood , toni ; he toniBcb , and Ptiencthcn the tissuei with Burdock Blood Sitter * , If you wish t < laugh weUanrtoften. When you fool out of sorts , hav < the blues , melancholy , etc. , it mus bo indigestion that ails yon. Brown'i Iron Bittern onrnn it , BLUFFS SPEGJM NOTICES. NOT10K. Special advcrtlscmente , BUG Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Ron ! W&nta , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In thl column at the ow rnto ol TEN CENTS 1'KI LINK for the flrst Insertion and FIVE CENTi PER LINK for each subsequent Insortloc Leave adr ortlecments at our office , No. Pearl Street , near llroadasy. Wants. WANTKIU-KO bulIdlnfCB to mo\ . Wo innk n specialty of inoiUir houses and Bafet AddresH W. P , Ajleuwortu , box 879 , Connc ! Bluffa , Irv. Everybody In Council Bluffs tl WANTED Tun B , SO cents per week , de lltered by carrier ) . Office , No 7 Pearl Htroel near Rroadnay. For Sale and Rant I7IIVK IIOL'HtS FOR HKNT-ny S an an L1 Walker. d4t ) O HKNT. Kurnliliol rooms to rent , will n board , nt < tO Jlyistcr street. Day board ta.50ioruck. | . dcc-18-tf Illri licst restuarant utaiul on ilnln Ttrcol Stork for sal , Mill ) furnlturo. fte. CliCJ forcasli. Wrltej to moor cull , J. WINAhtf , 17l.t ' Corner Willow > \u. SALVTho Western House. No. 308 Ui | I' per Jiroadway ; or will trade for Improve * city or 'arm property ; or will sell furniture am rent building ; icuson , ill health. Address J. H 0. Mc-UALLisTen , KOd Upper Broadway , Councl lllnlf , Jowa. OLI > BKKa-lnpacK > n > ani a hundred at 26 a pac&ao at TUK BKH cilice , No , 7 1'tai itreet. , tf OH HUNT My niiv two-story brick btor building1 , on South Main struct. I'CTEIl WEIS. 1.1011 8ALK My twtUe.acro fruit farm , 01 ' HoutliKlritBircet. I'ETEll WK18 [ \ HALrllca'itltul resideuc tow , ft 1 each ; nothing down , and ttpermonth only by EX-UAYOlt VAUQIIAN. aplS-tf UlBoellanoouB. OUUEIIS for Cobs to Upper Broadwa SKND , or toN. J. Bond , by mall. d22 l\ EVEHYTaiNQ renewed t the Excelsior g ! Icry , 100 Main etiict , for holiday wurli Qo wherojcu can get chliltv and filr treat UJUlt. D R. W. L. PATTON-l'JbjslcUn nd Ocullsl Can euro any case of sore eye * . It Is on ! a matter of time , and can cure generally I from tlireo to five weeks It maVa lie dlfki enco bow long dlscatvd. Will straighten cros eyes , operate and remove Ptjrefrlnm * , etc. , an Insert artificial oe < , Bpeclil attention ( o n Udewornn apK-t JACOB APPEL , GROCER , No , 5i'S ! ' , MnlnSt , Council Bltilff OurcoDdUntly Increasing trade igeulT clrnt proof of our rrjuttre ) dealing and nt tentlon to custnmero. Coad butter a ! way * on hand , 1'reirnpt delivery of Roodi AND Dr , Mpaglier. . OouM , Aurist ANUSI'ECIALIST. InChron.cdl'caite , clleri Ml service * to all e nlctesl with ellwascs of tin J-e , Ear" , crCbron dlwatoi of any ehtrtcttr. Wsrrauti n cure I alllieumailc ntlectKns Can be consulted V iaa'1 or la person at the llctropolltau hotc Council BluB * , Io a. PBOI , SIIUILS , OF QUINOY , ILLINOIS , Has returned to Council BInffi ( for a short tiino onlj ) . whorohocan bu con sulted at parlor 5 , OGDEN HOUSE Prof. Samnola cfTers to nil these lat are suffering from Wcakncnn and Defoctivn eight his IMPROVED CRYSTAL SPECTACLES ! uporior to any other in use , us the ollowing homo evidence of well- mown people of thiu city and vicinity will testify , TESTIMONIALS. COUNCIL Hit FKK , IOTA , > Dccomlicr 2i , Isb2. f 'rot , II. Samuels : Dear Kir Sometuo > cnrs nniln half tncu > oa lultvil thii city , mill nt that tlmu 1 uan troubled with ni/tcs , caused b ) cxccsslxu proof-rcailln ; , ' ml other oliku work to cuch an extent that 1 oulil at times hardly rtaii , study or cleclphtr ihln print nJtaout ( raiucntly ) resting thuin. You idjutcd a pair of glaisoi ( or 1110 thnt .iro nuxt lo iiilisiicnsable , and I bare nohusitanc\ rtuorn- lending persons to jui ho may iio troubled with weak ejcs. Yours truly , J. A. JIOnOAN. Ixlltor ami Publisher Ulobe. Coi xcru ItLcriH , Ftbriiary 14. IS 0. 'iof. Samucla : Hear Sir I feel that I uould bo iin/ra'cful In- Ittd K I did not In som * uminer ixprcfj my Knttltuito tu 3011 ( or \\onilertnlbcnilltsils- - rhtil Irom thu ueo of your gla < seH ndjiibteil to nj cjtsby jou. Ihaiu tried other g II-HCSand neons , hut nil to no purpose , and 1 lud eon- cllldul injstll doomvd to go < hr < ) U'4h the world icarly thtlcs ! | ; hut herea3 IMN ntarlj blind , ion' 1 ecc. nm able to read at I neer couli jctore. 1 regrtt tint I lud i < ot inU 1'rof. Sain- tel8 | sooner , lotliat I inl at luuo bctn cnjiiln ; thU blessing of Hctln . II iplng thnt man } othcra ma ; have tliubuiefitsof } uur htlp , I am gratefully > ours. ours.HISS AD11Y WALTON , Nurse. While on the Pacific coast jcari ngo I li'camc partially blind , and my rl 'ht eju lias never re catered. I hare trie , numbers of tlmm to jttl Klanucn to hi Ip me , also other reiiuxJles , but it vita ot no use , as no one could htlp me. When * -ro ( . Binuitl < came this llnio to Omahu thought that it WuUld do no I arm In trying hlir nnd veu what ho would sa ) . Ho ( .xamined 1115 cjes andtold me that ha could uake me 8ie not Hiflionc , but v-\tl \ bolli c < . I told him tc ttoon undmaKo mo bee , DI I had glvonupth Idea of eTcr bdniiil > lo totco clt again. To mj surprise ho made mo n p.ilrof xlanses that en ab'ca me fo neu ltli my ri ht cju an well a ! wilh the Kher. I \\II1 ihcerfn'lj recomme'.tl him to HH those thnt ha\o giteii up hopca. Yours , \vitli gooa tight , GKO. K. ( JIIISON , Heiald Oliico. Omiha , Xcb. , D.ccmbtr W , 18dL' . I used to ) m e \ i o eaK ees nnd tiled a grca mtli ) tiling for lelkt , but it wan oil inain When 1'rol. SamueU uai in thu i it ) u feu } car ngi I was nd \ Lie. ! by onuot mikn3H ( who W.T benilltcd b > him to cal < on him. I done BO , nm am ulad to ttate that he helped me wonderful ! } He llttcd tno at that tlmu with n pair of hi glasses , and they IT.ITO ms relief , aui after using them lor it blunt tlmu in ) ejcsim t rou'd so thnt I had no use for thu lassei nt al > - 'J' ' tln'htla perfect , although 1 ns adiiiiui note to put on glides , for I would 1m u to wear then nil HID time ; but 1'iof. Snmuilo' gla'soi war dllfercnt. 7hcy Improved my OJCH. and I wouli alliiciBonsIiobato trouble with thil et ex to ca'l on him Ilcspectfiilly , A. T. SWIOA11T , City I'oilcOma a. December ] C. OMAHA , September 18 , 1879. Soniujcars since , wlilli enpBgcil In cdltorla labor nt night , mr cjuslghl became Impaired and I found It ellllicult to llnd ( 'lassenhlcl would ifforil any relief. During the two o' Hires jean my c > en crew ueakcr by constan use > , and I he-eon tn bo nlnrmeil lent 1 rolRht fo atliuei be obliged to la ) atliluiny hookx , li cb so much duhcht In. 1'roUJemc , I think , ha kindly aldcil IHQ hv nen-liii Ir. Samuels to thl cliy. llyu-oof his linproiel crystal Klatfcn fo Bueralefajs I find the natural \I-ton restored nncl I am now able to mad and study an miidia J jiloasj without tiring the ujoor t-iuslnir pain Itbfcins vvondrrful .tent siiui nil elfunt can In l > roihicoJ In to ( .hurt a time , nnd I lave no doub It willIlio purnmnent. I nm Kla'i 1'rof S.IIIIIIO'N tailslted thlntlty wlioro to ninny nc l tliu nlil he on nffoid then anil I hopu his Kluscn uill bo Introduc'cd and o\ ' ' ujeil here ! , i : . n. F. JA > ir.soN , I'lifct ll.i.tlHCburcli. | Ou tils , Neb. , Dcu'inhcr I' ' , lt-8.1. Prof , 11. Samuels : Dear Sir I h < > now uw ! the ( il'i'cswitv whlihjou furnlhhtd inu for one necUandcai truly ay that I lutuilcrhml mor comfort Ii thatkhort upaioof tlui * than In ) ca pru > ious Almost from my rccolUitlons I hau Buffered fromtn Inah llty to t.eo difctlnitly ever tthcuiiosoby , Mjinetlmtg f llcjl to know or rec ognize my mobt Intimate friends , all of whlcl ai a conbt TitBOtirc9 of mor Itlr.itlou to me. trlod remedies und glasstof Ottferent kind lth but | x cry little hem At and until I con trjltfd ion. dcmud my case hnpiUiu Thank it ynur kll ) , I am nblu to neo Iwt'erthan no before. Try I'fof. b'a-nucln' treatment nnd In tcntllttd I lime Lren. Very truly ) ours , 1IAHY IlOhAIlU , 'JMU Uucatur Street. ARTIFICIAL EYES ALWAYS ON 11 AS I ) . OFFICE IlOUltS : 0 a. m. to 7 p. m. Prof. Samuels dooi not attend t busineea outeldo of his rooms , and ha no one connected trith him. HARKKESS , Q8GUTT & GO. , & & S. Broadway , aid Fourth Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa mar-S-Sm e Headquarters For the Cele brated TJ Toys and Fancy Goods Wholesale and Retail. Address , I C J. MUELLER , C COUNCIL BLUFFS , F. Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Blnff and Willow greets , Council 'Bluffs , B. HAGG & GO. GEISE' BOTTLED BEEE , HADE FROM 'HIE ARTESIAN WELL WATER. ALSO AOENiS FOR TUK Orders tilled In any part if the cily. Orders by telephone promptly attended to. JOSEPH EEITEH , MAKES THE FINEST SUITS IN THE LATEST STYLES , At the Lowest Poeaiblo Prices. NO. 310 UPPER BROADWAY. That never require crimping , at 11 r . J. J. Good's Hair Store , at prices never beferc touched by oy other hair dealer. AUo a full line of e witches , etc. fttprcatly reduced prices. Also gold , Ih or and colored nets. Wares made from ladles' own balr. Do not fall to mil before purchasing ilaonhcrc. All gooda warranted u represented. MRS. J. J , GOOD , * " ) Main iitroot , Cfinrll Bliifla , Inwt. MORGAN , KELLER & GO , The finest tiuality and largebt stock west of Chicaco of wooden and inetalio caset. Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of gooda or prices , Our Mr. Morgan baa served as undertaker for forty years oud thoroughly underatand his business. WAKEROOMS , 34G AND 357 BROADWAY. Upholsterinir In all lta braached promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequin * , Telegraphic - graphic and mail nnlTa filled without delay. CONRAD GEISE'8 Council Bluifs , - Iowa. Betr and malt In any quanMty'to suit purchasers. Beer 88.00 per barrel. Prli ate families s f- piled with am ll keif * at 81.CO tach , delivered Iroeof cVarge toanyp.irt rf lha city PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AUENT FOR Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company's Celebrated TMT T TW ATT MlJb W U No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from tbo country ollclted City ordorx to famlllea nnd dealers delivered free. DUQUETTE , GUI BERT & CO. , ( Succcuora to Kill ! & DUQUETTE ) , 10 and 18 Pcarl-st. , Council Bluffs , la JACOB APPEL H I B NO. 529 S Main Street. Oouncil Bluffs. Out ranttantl Imrwblni ; trades uutfclcnt proof of our Kjuare dealing' and attentlcn to c omeis. Coed tttra'wnun ' hand. l'ronil'tl > dflherynf jood . _ S. JI. OnooKB , Pres. N. B. EABTON , Secy. J , 0. HOFFMAN , Vic 3 Pres. K , B. MOOHK , Counaolor. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK INSURANCE CO. [ Incorporated under the Laws of Iowa , ] Insurance at Iclual Cost , Insurinc LIVE STOCK Agilnat Losa by ACCIDENT , THEFT OR DEATH , Or Any Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever. Experienced agcnta wanted. Correspondence solicited from all parts of Iowa. iOmcr.i 103 Penrl Street , Oouncil Blufl'a , la. 1 decS-dtf J , F , KIWBALL , OHO. U. OHAMP , I\.1C ( Successor ! to J , I * . & J , K. . Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers. We h only complete set of abstracJ books to all city lots and lirdt In 1'cttawttUml county. Titles examined and abitr&cU rurrlsbfcd en thort totlce. Ucn y to Iran en ell ) stid farm i > rorrtr , tliort ind loiv time , In > umg to suit the botroner. Heal cet > bouttt and . iOld Otfici at UolisUni oppoeltecout bouw