Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1882, Image 1

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    ttrLy V * 1 f
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* - . H DAIL I
The Oiril Service Bill Occupies
the Time of the Senate
Saturday ,
Both BraucliQB of Ooucreso
Take n Holiday Vocation
Until January 3.
Provioions of Bdmunda'a Re
cent Bll , Prohibltins : Polit
ical ABHoeamon' 3 ,
Ex-Marshal Henry , in a Letter
to the President , Pleads
for "Simple Justice. "
Mlioollaneauf NOWN and Notoi
From the Katlounl
Sjiocbl Tun Bsiu
WASHINGTON , December 23. After
the morning hour the civil acrvico bill
came np.
Senator Garland said the cause of
the vprdict rendered by aho pouplo at
the recant elections was not dissatis
faction with employes or the manage
ment of the dopartmonto. Ic was
that the country had boooma tired of
wearing the harness of war in a titno
of peace. The country , like the man
who had lain too long on ono aide , had
grown sore and ri ; lcss , and had
turned over on the other aide for
relief. The aeuator from Ohio ( Sher
man ) had aaid that republican de
feat iu that state resulted from
a desire for free wlunky and
opposition to the Sunday law , but
the explanation did notnoccunt fortho
result of the el-ectlona in ether atatca ,
for it waa electricity along the whole
line that did it. The victory belonged
not necoiaarily to the democratic
party. Tno party thatpulla itself iu a
position to bring the country back to a
peace basis was ono that the people
would endorse. It might not be the
republican party ; it might not bo n
third party ; it might not ba the dem
ocratic party , though ho thought the
choice would fill upon that pirty if it
conducted itiolf wisely.
Senator Login aaid that during the
rebellion , while novorat atatun claimed
they were out of the union , many
otfisen which would hive belonged to
these states worn given to parsons re
siding \Ynshington , many of them
for residents of riio southern statue ,
and ho was opposed to any amend
ment which would turn out these com
petent clerks ifrom places which had
tallou to thorn , not by any fault of
their .own , but by the fault of the
tAtc * lowluttkihe'i > ! acCa'un/ oilier
eirctuustancoa would have belonged.
Senator Bayard caid the bill had
originated with members of the re
publican party , anct ho would not seek
to doprivu ( .hum of the credit or having
at last becjnie consciona of the exist
ence of abuses in the civil
service , which thu democrats had
suffered under the republican
party. The spoils aystooi had
flourished regardless of thu protcata
and demands for justice. Ho recog-
nizad fully the evils of that system
and did not desire to see the republi
can spoiln system succeeded by demo
cratic spoilti. The law must bo exe
cuted in the apirit in which it was intended
tended as u measure of reforming ox-
iating abuses , making nov toita for
appointments to odicea , and with that
now test necessarily a now tenure.
Mr. Allison offered the amendment
of which ho gave notice the ether day ,
and it was rejected , 18 to 25
Senator Van Wyck'a amendment ,
pending since yesterday , was agreed
to , striking out the words "as fir 113
practicable , " BO as to require that ap
portionment of offices niuonij the
states and territories shall bo made
absolutely on the basis of population.
On motion of Senator Morgan the
first section of the bill was amended
so aa to provide that there ahall bo
three commissioners instead of five ,
and they chall hold no ether oflicial [
places under the United States.
Senator Voorhoea offered an amend
ment , of which ho gave uotica the
ether day , providing that applicants
for appointment as commissioners un
der tlio act phall bo examined by a
board of school teachers to ascertain
their competency to prescribe rules
for elimination of other candidates
for oltice. Rejected.
On motion of Senator Brown , the
provision of the bill that "promo
tions shall bo from the lower gr/idas
to the higher on the basis of of merit
and competition" wan struck out.
Senator Hawley offered aa throe ad
ditional sections of his bill to prevent
asseasmenta for political purprsja.
After remarks by Senator Viet , the
senate adjourned until Wednesday ,
with unanimous agreement that the
bill elull bo taken up after the mornIng -
Ing business , debated under the ton
minute rule , aud finished that day ,
The houeo , without transacting any
business , adjourned at 12CO ; until
next Wednesday.
WASHINGTON , December 23. The
judiciary committees' bill to prohibit
politic&l aa.'eaamnnta , reported by Ed
munds to the senate , provides , firtii ,
that no person in the service of the
government , whether legislative , ox-
ocativo or judicial , ehall , directly or
iudlrostly , solicit or receive , or bo in
any manner concerned In tolicltlng or
receiving any assessment , cubscription
or contribution for any political pnr-
pos3 whatever , from any officer , clerk ,
or employe of the United States , or
from arjy ptwoz rcsiiving salary or
compensation from raenoya derived
from the treasury of thoUnltcd States.
Second , that no pcraon ahall , in
any room or building occupied in thn
dixchnrgo of oflicial duties by any
cllicots or employes of the United
States mentioned In thia act , solicit
or r civo any contribation of money
or nny ether thing of value for any
political purpose whatever.
Third , tliiu no uch oflhera or em
ployes of the United States shall discharge -
charge or protnoto , or degrade or in ,
any manner change the oflhinl ranker
or compensation of nuy ether ollluor
or employe , promise or threaten tn dose
so by reason of any vote such ofllcor
or omployo has given or withhold , or
nny propose to give or withhold , at
any politic * ! ileclion. or for giving or
withholding or neglecting to make
any contribution of money or ether
valuable thiug for any political pur-
Fourth , that no ollicor. clerk or
poraun in the acrvico of the United
Status ahall glwj or hand over to any
person iu the service of the United
States shall give or hand over to any
other piraou In the service of the
UnitodjJJSlntea , or to nny member of
olthor huuao of congress , any money
or other valuable thing , on account of
or to bo applied to promotion of nny
political object who for. fT8
Conviction of thu violation of any
provision of the aot is made punishable -
able by a fine not exceeding $5,000 ,
or-by imprisonment for a term not ex
ceeding three years , or by both fine
and imprisonment in the discretion of
the court. The bill in concluaion pro
poses to repeal section 0 of the act
approved August 15th , 187C , entitled
"An aot making an appropriation for
legislative , executive and judicial ex
penses of the government fok the
year ending Juuo 30 , 1877 , aud for
other purposes , " with the proviso ,
however , that "this repeal ahall not
uffeot prosecution and punishment of
nny oti'onso committed against thia
section. "
The unpublished correapondonco
sent to the senate relating to the case
of ex-Marshal Henry , haa boon made
public. Marshal Henry , In the course
of a lengthy letter to the president ,
siya : With a deep aon'so ot injuatico
done me by the letters of Gco. Bliss
and the attorney penerul recommend
ing my removal , I rospocl fully and
earnestly ask that yon direct further
inquiry to bo made to determine the
truth of the complaints undo against
mo. I am confident that oven
a hasty investigation by any fair
method will cimvinea you 1 am
accused wrongfully , und that more
arenrching inquiry will show
I am the victim of a great wrong , nnd
that the attorney general hits been
misinformed The complaints , al
though eenernl in character , nil do mo
the greatest ID justice , and one that
I waa leaponaiblo for much of the op
posing auutiniont to the ca s of the
government gave mo the deepest
pain. Aa to the complaint that I wia
reported to have said something in a
newspaper , Ideairo to state first , what
Z have not said. I have not laid I
iras rocjovwl Vacaute I w si appointed
by tbo late proaldont. No one but a
coward would get behind a tombstone
for defense. I ask no clemency , char
ity nor favor , but that simple jnilico
be done in my caao. The attorney
general has been misinformed and
imposed upon by designing mon ,
and the weight of the grent
department ueud to cruah mo. All I
ask is a speedy method of inquiry
that fair minded men will approve. I
iiavo never said that "tho government
liad no cast ) " I invite the closest in
vestigation into all complaints , and if
granted will show that I havj been
pero.'cutcd beyond measure , und that
I nnvo suffered in silence thu moat
wicked calumuion. It needs only n few
houra' inquiry by any unprejudiced
ixmu or men to learn the truth or er
ror of information received by the at
torney general and expressed in hie
letter to you. I have boon ready to
resign at nny time when it waa your
pleasure to nak mo. I undo no fight
tor the oflisc , ai hita been stated , but
only far a fair method of inquiry.
You , Mr. President , have also
been accused in some tf the nowa-
papers with being faint-hourtcd in
prosecution of the atur route caeca.
I know It to be untrue There ia evi
dence to belUva that the falsa state-
monta come from the sbine men who
were maligning mo. While not coin-
plaining of your action in my case , I
do invite the closest investigation into
my official conduct.
Very rcapoctfullr ,
This letter was referred to thu at
torney general , who , in reply , reiter
ates the chiirges before made against
Henry , nnd Bays ho merited the pun
ishment ho received. District Attor
ney Corkhill follows with n letter sim
ilar in tone , in which ho ncoka to
fasten upon Marshal Henry the re
sponsibility for the escape of Captain
Howgato and other prisoners.
Senator Plumb called up the bill
providing for holding terms of the
United Statoa district court at Wich
ita , Kanaaa. It was passed.
Department eatimntea for appro
priation bills , in course of prepara
tion by the house of representatives ,
are iu amount as follows : For pen-
sirns , 8101,585,000 ; fortifications , $1-
000,000 ; navy , $23,481,678 ; logisla-
live , executive and judicial oxponaes ,
$21,810,170 ; sundry civil expendi
tures , 834,181,370 ; District of Colum
bia , § 775,000. Pensions , fortifica-
tlona and navy billa will bo ready to
repqrt to the houao immediate nftor
New Year's day ,
A contract has been signed by the
secretary of public works of Mexico
and the Tohuantcpec railroad , aatle-
factorily adjusting the dlfliaultlea
growing put of the action of Mexico 9i
in declaring the road'j grant forfeited.
The atftlb department haa been of
ficially notified that the Mexican gov
ernment baa decided to appoint corn ,
miasiouera to xueot the oommluilonors
of tno United Statoa for the purpose
of negotiating the commercial treaty
between the two countries. As ono
of Mich commissioners the prcddont
of Mexico has selected Romero aa
Mexican minister to the United Stales.
The commissioners are expected to
meet in Washington early in January.
The Eminent Actor Administers
Stinging RobtiKo to n Minister.
Dlnntch to Tim llxn.
NBW HAVEN , Docombnr 24 Last
evening John McCullough played hero
in "VirginluB. " Thia evening ho aa-
aumed n now role at hla hotel nnd
created moro excitement than ho did
at the thcntro last night. It scorns
that some uncomplimentary remarks
relating to McCullongh nnd the the
atrical profession had reached hia oars ,
aupposod'to hnvo boon uttered by 115v ,
F.S. HyauanEniscouillan c'orgyman.
The tragedian laughed at the ntorioa
until told that MM , Augusta Foster ,
n member of hla company , who hal
appeared ns Sorvia , hid been subjected
to indignities on account of the clergy
man's remarks , Mrs. Foster , it
seems , after taking her coat nt the
same table with Mr. Hyde , wont to
got her pocketbook , which ho had
left in her room , On her return oho
attempted to resume her seat , but the
head waiter placed her nt another
table. She inquired tbo reason why
nud was told thnt the clergyman ob
jected to her presence. When Me-
Oillough entered the dining room ho
found Mrs , Foster in tears. Ho In
quired the ciuso end on being in-
tormcd wont toward Rev. Mr. Hyde
aud in n voice that could bo heard
throughout the room anid : "Yo * have
taken the liberty to ueo my uamo in
public in an unwarranted manner ;
you have further east a alar upon a
lady member of my company , a lady
whoso character is above sus
picion. Any ono who could
bo guilty of an oh nu act as youra la
unworthy of the profession you fol
low. " Hero McOullough became ex
cited and raising his arm in a threat
ening attitude , continued in a voice
so distant that it could bo hoard nil
over thu room , "If it was not for the
clothes you wear and which you so
dishonor , I would give you n personal
chastisement that you would never
forget. You nro n miserable dog "
McOullough aaid teen afterward that
au apology had been ma Jo to him by a
ctoritjmiiu , who aaid that no affront to
McCullough , the lady or the dramatic
proferaion WRS intended by him.
' 'Tho man apologized in ouch an ab
j ject manner tome , " continued Mo-
Cullou h , "aud unkod mo to apologize
to Mra F6ator , that I am forced to
thu charitable concluaion that ho ia
a mild species of a crank. He ia aa
utterly voM of uny principle tint
could protect him thu I wiah to say
nothing I nsaure you that I never
wns so unoaay in ray life before , aud
you imagine my feelings when I Bay
that I talked to him before n TU"lo
room full ol reepectable people In
languego that I would never allow any
mau to me without rosent-
' it. "
Special Dispatch to TUB bra.
James Suiytho & Co , manufacturers
of giughams and cotton goods , have
been running two large mills in thia
city , ono at 1903 , Pine atroot , and the
ether , Berkshire mills , Church and
Oxford utroetB , Frankford. The an
nouncement that their paper has qono
to protect cauaod quite a stir among
textile manufacturers , The firm com
posed of Jamea D Smytho , formerly
u prominent brewer , and VVm. D.
Olier. Liabilities estimated between
? 4 00,000 and ? 500,000.
f c ia underatood the firm will make
assignment to Wm. Arrot. Speaking
of their financial troubles , Smytho
said it waa duo to unfortunate oxtun
aiou of their busmen ? , incurring lia
bilities which the atringeucy of the
money market and the depressed con
dition of thu cotton trndo prevented
them meeting. Smytho nay. ? the firm
will hold itaolf mor.Uly responsible to
pay every dollar of its indebtedness il
able. The firm employed over .100
hands , nnd a running capacity of $1-
OCO looma. and oiijhtoon thouaanr
apindloi. They did a busincaa of
8800,000,000 n your until prcuont.
Baruotl to Death-
Spoclal Dispatch to TIM CUB.
CUIOAUO , Decombar 21 A special
from Brookhnga , Dakota , aaya : Dar
ing the absence of Mr. Barker , of Es-
telllno , from home hi * wife loft throe
children , aged nix months , three yearn
nnd five yenra roepcctively , in the
houBo while she did work at the barn.
It ia thought the children , playing with
coils , net fire to their clothea. Before
Mra Barker returned two of the little
onca were charred corpses and in ret-
cuing the baby , which afterwards dice
in her arms , the mother received
barns which place her life in danger.
A Millionaire' . XVHI.
Special Dtiputcb to Till till.
PROVIDENCE , U. I. , December 24.-
It is announced that the suit brought
to break the will of thn late Jos , 0 ,
Cooke , formerly of San Francisco ,
who died worth nearly 81,000,000 ,
lias boon settled. His brother , Al
bert II Cooke , haa baen interviewee
in behalf of hia niece , an invalic
daughter of Joseph , who recolvea un
der the proposed settlement an annu
ity of 81,200. The supreme court
hui appointed a guardian ad litom
pending further proceeding.
Member * of tlio Preiv.
Special Ulepitclica to Tnr. Uiu.
, Dacember24. The Press
club , at a mooting to-day utlmlttec
Hon. Henry Watternen , of Louisville
A J. Blether , of Kansas Oity , anc
H J. Philpot , of Das Molncs , aa
Dliattrona t'lro.
Spccl&l Dlsiatcb to Tn Un.
OUICAOO , Dacamber 21. The Inter
Ojaan'a Livermore , Iowa , special says
a diaastroua fire thia morning destroy
cd $30,000 worth of property , Inolud
ing the poatoffico and the entire eaal
portion of the toivn. Insurauoe ,
roland's Oonflition , as Summed
Up by Davitt , ono of Fam
ine aud Discontent )
The EnormouQ Kowarda Offered
for the Detection of Mur
derers ia Ireland of
no Avftll.
The Lnnptry-Lnbouchoro Af
fair GfiuolnBT Much Crit
icism in London ,
Soolallnis TSontencml to
Toraii Varying From Six
Month * to Two
A LnrRo Batch of No\ya from all
P&rta of the Old World.
p.clkl Dlspilchci to Tin Bit , CZZI
LONDON , Dacombdr24. The Lung-
ry-Libjuchoro quarrel attracts much
attention. Society papers are oapying
details from Now York journals , oven
The Timoa publishing telegrams to the
effect that Mra. Langtry'a social posl-
ion in America has been affected ,
? ooplo hero coiunro the pub-
( city given , holding that Mra.
Langtry'a private life has noth-
ug to do with her theatrical
career. Weekly paporn arc now well
itartod iutho Langtry-Libouchoroaf-
air. The Worldjudioloualyaonfinos it
self to repeating Bnbstancos'of an ovi-
lently authoritative Interview with
; ho latter lady. Vanity Fair outers
nto moro elaborate details , dcacrib-
ng the quarrel at length , and Intro
ducing a young man iiAinod Gobhardt
to the notice of the British public in
anything but a complimentary man
ner. Tno papcrn , aa a rule , it may bo
said , treat Mra. Latigtry very charita-
) ly , 'but Dome 'of her ill-advised
friondo i h London have taken up
cndgola DO vigorously lor her iu private
circles , that there will bo windowa
jrokon , I fear , before nil ia over.
LONDON , December 24 Lord Dor-
: > > 'd accession to the iniuiatry is ac-
coptcd at homo and nbror.d aa a fresh
) lodio ; ngainat a too energetic policy
n Euypt. The Englieh radicals criii-
ciso Lord Derby's dtclarationa ngaiimt
'urthor coricefsion to Irish demands ,
t a lapoo of a week la nuflisient to
fihonr that appointment haa utrougth
oued the ministry with the country
; onerally. OhamberlMii'a speech iu
Aohtcu naa obviously meant as uoun-
-ballaDt to Lord Datby's Manchea-
: or addn-aa. So far aa conoerna home
topics Chamberlain ia now fortho first
time rising superior to ! that unwritten
political cede xhtoK yhtbito ono
yibinot"ininiator from aa > tUlu ' .ih-
LONDON , December 24. Even rewards
wards of $25,000 aeom to bo of little
weight in Ireland in the detection of
murderers It has nlwaya boon an
article of Irish faith that blood money
entails a curao from which there ia no
escapa , and informers are learning
that the globu haa no hiding phcci
[ or them , NOWH ia just received
from Australia that Lanty Monill ,
whom the government sent out
there years uifo , nftor ho had given
evidence In the cisn ot the murder
of a jusliso of the pnsco at Can tie lltn ,
had Deou taken nlT there by a secret
society. II o waa shot dead while
cro ? aina ; n farm.
Nothing haa come , BO far , of the
PI r > Miix park or other rewards recent
ly offered in Dublin. The belief in
exprouaed.ovrover ' , that the murder
nra of Lord Monntrnorrcu will shortly
bu brought to juatico. Mr. Divitt ,
who has been npeak'iiig in England ,
hai taken occasion to inveigh bitterly
aguinat crime in Ireland. Agraricn
crime , ho says , killed the land league ,
aud it must bo done away with , mi
matter who is rcsponeiblo for it.
DUIILIN , December 24. A sum-
mona was served upon O'Brien , editor
tor of United Irelaiid , requiring him
to appear and answer to the charge ol
seditious libul.
Tbo witiHToen in tlio Plucuix park
murder case failed to identify Weat-
Patrick Eau has returned ,
HO.MR , December 21. Of the stu
denta unrated hero und at Naples , in
connection with riotous demonstra
tioiis , following upon the hangltig o !
Overdank , aomo havob'oon discharged ,
some fined und eoino aontonoed to iin-
prlaonraont of ono and two months ,
LONDON , December 24. Davitt , in
a speech at Wolvorhumpton , last
evening , summed up tlio present con
dition of Ireland aa onu of famine ,
discontent and coercion , Ho consid
ered the prevailing distress , to be
owing to the unjust system of the
land la we , back rent , nud discourage
ment in every form of trade ruvival.
The remedy consisted in the turning
of a gr at part of the grass lauds intc
cultivation nd the Introduction o :
ay stem loans to oppressed tenants ii :
order to enable them to lido over the
coming winter.
PAIIU , Djcambor 24. Qambetta'a
condition is us satisfactory BJ coulc
possibly , be expected , The pain la dim
Inishlng , The doctors no longer fear
any complications , They boliuvo h
will soon be convalescent'
LONDON , December 24. A Jargtl.
attendud meeting uas held here las'
night for thu purpose of organizing
f and to relieve the distress in Ire
land , Many telegrams nnd letter
from clergymen , including Archbishoj
Croko , were reuJ , describing the out
look aa gloomy and appalling , ant
tatlng that the people nro on the
verge of f ami no. Kosolutlonn were
> assod urging the government to take
topa to prevent people in Ireland
rom perishing for want of nocetiar-
QRNKVA , Dooombor 24. Orcnt con-
ternntton ii caused In Bernese Obcr-
ud by thn tuaponssnn of Interlakcn
Oomploir Kscomplo. The mitnngor , a
nonibor of the Contonal govorniiiBiit ,
December 24.
The Authorities nro making great
efforts to thu roM objects of a
niliUry uxgodllon to Xululnnd. Bo-
kldos reinstating Outownyo on his
hrono , troops will probtbiy bo oin-
> loyed in nn effort tu secure the an-
lexatipn of a Inrgo tract in Xurulnnd
djoining Natal.
LONDON , December 24 A sorlca of
losing eontoaU , extending over three
lay ) , was organized by William Kind-
den , of New York , who offered prizas
.mounting to 50 , ended yesterday ,
[ 'ho object of the competition WAS to
nicortnlu who was really the bcHt pu
gilist iu England , with thu view of
unking n match with America's boat
man. Mr. Mitchell , of Cunningham ,
iv middle weight , won.
MADIUD , December 24 In the
hambor of deputies , the mlniu-
orlal motion declaring ngulnat
nv change in the oonstittttion of
870 , waa adopted , 221 to 18. The
ortus then adjourned to January 8th.
The victory of the ministry is much
commented upon in political circles.
) nly republicans voted ngaiuat the
notion , while the conaorvatlvo mom-
lora dynantlo loft abstained Ironv
rating , being unwilling to show their
mull uuMorical ctrcngth , The
pinion prevails that although the
now party obtained greater success in
jollhcftl dobatca in the chamber of
iepntios than in the senate , the gov
ernment lias not been materially
weakened , there furo no cabinet
changes may bo uxpootod fur I the
ROUE , December 24. The pope to
day received the cardinals , who pre
sented the customary congratulations.
! u replying to thu address liin hell
ions ortid : "Thu papacy IB proclaimed
o bo the great mo'rdl force nnd thu
jowors i\io roknittmg their relations
with it. "
PAUIS , December 24. Atr. mooting
of the council yesterday it was de
cided that a reduction of thu vote of
ho credit of thu Tonquln expedition
wna not no urgent now , na the dopar-
uru of Chinese troopa from Tonquin
bnd greatly facilitated nuttors , and
rondomd the dispatch of an oxpodl
Lion not immediately necessary
The withdrawal of troops waa bronjjht
about by thu vigoroua roprosantntiona
of the French ambassador at Pokin.
fovco of 750 infantry are
at p'rslant at Tocquln. If this u in-
auflioieiit , then only will the govern
ment ask the chambers for a grant ol
means to insure the treaty of 1874
being respected.
LONDON , December 24 LI Hong
Chnng continued to puah forward thu
reorganization of the nuvy , and haa
ordered udnitional torpedo bout a from
Germany. Great quantities of auinll
arma have ulso been puichasedfor the
irmy. A conaldornblo numbur have
been reported on behalf of the Coruan
Dii.hi : .
LONDON , December 2Tho Daily
NOWH atatcn that Sir dairies Dilko
will enter the cabinet aa president ol
the local goviirmnttr/c board , Qoorgo
Dodson , proaont incumbent , bccoui
ing Chancellor Duchy ot Lancaster.
, December 23. Gimbotj.a
has had another rolapio and
LYONS , December 23. The exam
ination of the papers found in Prince
Krapotkineo'a residence reveals aomo
ugly facts. They concern even the
relatives of the c/.ir.
PUAUUE , Dccombor 23 , The groal
trial of fifty socialiata ia ended. One
prisoner' , a disciple of ilorr Most , '
been aentenccd to two years' impris
onment , Forty-four of them aru sentenced
toncod to prison terms varying from
six months to u fortnight. The re
maining live were ncqulltud.
BEIILIN , Duceniber 23. The Blahop
of Mou hoa declined the decoration
of thu iron crass accorded him by the
emperor became he wishes to keep
aloof from all politic * .
f5r. PETEHSIIUKO , Dpoombor 23 ,
> Harbor telegraphs from Ynkontek
that ho has arrived there with the
bodies of Do Long and hiscompaniono.
IlKUFl' HIOM THE 1'01'E.
, December 23. The pope has
anigtiodj OOO franca to purohase beds
for the poor.
LONDON , Duoombor23 , The Queen
the Pnucejs Bontrio , and the Doko
and Duuhosa of Edinburg visited the
Hailar nuvul hospital , at Portsmouth
to-day , and conferred decorations on u
number of convalescent patinnts , who
took part in the late war In Egypt.
A Contract Made.
Bjioclal DldpaUli to Tim 11 m.
NEW YOHK , December 23 , The
negotiation ! ) which have been In pro
gresa for noino montln between the
Western Union Telegraph company
and the Associated Press , represented
by the Nuw York and the wester !
associations , have finally rcsultoi
in nn agreement talisfuctorj
to nil pnrtieJ , A contrac
for ton yeara waa executed to-day
The telegraph company was repro
aontod by ita officers , and the asaoclat
od press by the joint committee con
slating of Charles A. Dana , Whitolaw
Reid , Charlca Nordholl , Itlchnrd
Smith and \Vm. lluldoman.
A Chlcntji VlRllnnoB Committee.
SpfcW HIpatch to Tint JUiL
CHICAGO , Dflcombor 23. The clly
hna become so infested with thiovcn ,
thuga nnd foot-pada and the police
ia to tunnll nnd to Incompetent na to
afford practically no protection there
is a serious talk ntuong the prominent
busincai men of organizing nprotcotivo
or vlglUnco committoo. The polica
records ahow that aovuntoon porsotjs
were assaulted nnd robbed in the
atroots nnd some of thorn dnugor-
oualy injured nfnca Djcpjibor
1st. Probably not more than
one-third of tlio CAOCS nro reported to
the police. Mr. Adams , n prominent
lumberman , wns the last person known
to have been nasailod. The Lumber-
mon'n Exchange haa issued n piuch *
mation saying , that in viotr of thu iu-
iblllty of the oily government to pro-
toot thu lives nnd property of the
citizens , nud the urgent need of nn
notion of aomo nature in that rognrd ,
they offer n reward of § 500 for the
arreat nnd conviction of the parties
who nss.-uiltcd Mr , Adonis. Ono paper
s ys that Hfu nnd property wni safer
in San Francisco prior to the organi
sation of the famous vigilance com
mittee than it la to-day in Chicago ,
Thn Piuiino Robbery.
Social IHi < p\tcli to Tim HRR.
CiiiCAdo , December 23. In an edi
torial under the caption of the "Paci
fic railroad robbery , "the Tribune says :
Since the rend wna put in operation
there has bcou n plundering and rob
bing of the public with a remorselessness -
ness that would ahamo a gang of
Bodoulus commanding n route over a
desert. The tolls demanded from
freight nnd passengers ovqr the
roads from Omnlia to San
Francisco are now and have
boon for ninny yoara fifty per cent
renter thnn would bo tolerated in
ny ether part of Ithc civilized world
where the government or ita odicora
ro not ahnrora of the plunder. " nnd
n referring to the debate on roads in
engross it oayo : "Wo are surprisnd
tint in the whole honno of 2 ! > 0 mom-
isrs there was not ono nrui with
ournRO nnd palriotiam enough to ap
tly the law nnd facts of the cause of
ho fifty four millionu of people and
n thulr behalf demand that the Pacific
ailrond robbery here henceforth bo
cdaccd fifty per cout.
Aaoldont ou the Wulnuli
oilal Dlsimtch to Till Una.
ST. Lauis , December 21. No.ra
ms reached here to-day that the east-
> ound paesongur train , which left here
t 0:40 : last night , on thu Wabaah
road , collided with uh engine and
caboose from Daoutur , Illlaoiu , on the
curru ono and a half milcu from
isnter , between 8 and 9 o'clock. Both
engines were knocked tiff the track
and George SUabeo , engineer of the
passenger train , and IIJink Drcasor ,
conductor of the engine aud oibooao ,
were killed. Captain Hyde and Ed
Bramble were dashed ngainst the
ooBtnl boxo'j in the mail car and
Bovoroly hurt. Several passengera are
reported somowhnt injured , and one
or two of the train orewrouniltd , , bu
thojc twmefwartt giot jktjonr/ / The
cause of the accident vita olthor con
tusion or losa of orders. Dresner anc
Silnboo lived at Daantnr , tholr bodies
being taken there thia afternoon.
Irlnh Immigration.
H | > ccUI Dispatch toTur Her. .
BOSTON , December 24 Major
Gnskull , ( jf Dublin , one of. thu government
ornmont oouiminiionorflon emigration
IIBB boon interviewed by n Herald reporter
porter on the subject of Iriali immi
( rations. This dcalro tu emigrate
was caused by the inadequacy cf tin
crops. Mr. Gaakoll visit ia to tnquln
into the state lawn which boar on orn
ignition , nnd nou what arrnngcmonti
jiiat for the reception of emigrants
The object of the British govorumon
ii not to send thoao people out ngains
th < Ir will nor to stimulate emigration
but help thogu who nro determined to
o but do not poaaoea moana.
Gollinm Nocoi
Special Dispatch to Tim lien.
NEW IOUK , December 24. It wan
rumored to-night that Oscar Wild
waa robbud by banco atoorora , Oscar
denied the story.
Malgras , the wrestler , wna arrcstoi
to-night by a detective. The ohargi
was not made public.
Concert saloons , who gave "aaorci
conuarta" to-night , were arrested un
dcr the penal code , aud a few saloon
keepers arrested ,
Training Skip Cruelty.
5r dal Dlspitcn to Tun ll i
BOSTON , Djcembor 21 , A dlcpitc ]
from Newport atntea thut an invest !
gallon b expected of the uiiin.\gora o
thu training ship Portsmouth. TIi
boya complain bitterly of the treat
mcnt on the European oruito. On
hundred dusortcd dnrinu the ahlp'
atay in this port.
The "P itlea Play. "
Spocbl Ulipatch to Tun ! ) .
NEW YOIIK , Deoembor 23. A nuin
bor of distiugulshod clergymen am
Inwyors mot in thu manager's of lie
thia afternoon to protest against tin
production of the "Passion Play" ii
this city , They were present by iuvl
tation of thu mayor , who was dcsirou
of hearing what they had to say in
opposition to the propoeod exhibition
After a frcu interchange of views
further hearing waa adjourned unti
Tuesday ,
Bond * .
Bpoclal DlBpnUh to Tux DM ,
Ojiio oo , Daoombor 21 , The Inter
Ocoan'a Clinton ( III , ) cpoclal : iaya
The forged rallrona bands of De Wit
county , In circulation to the amoun
of $2,000 , hnvo already boon proaonto
nnd rejected , The bogus bond * war
signed "J. McOill , county clerk.
The gonulnonro signed by L is on by.
( mall Pox.
Sx | > clal DlBjiattli to Tun UK.
NEW BEDKOUD , Mas . . Dooombe
21 , The whaling berk Hercules ha
arrived and hud ten cases of small peen
on board. Three died ,
ho Oashior of tlio Pennsyl
vania State Treasury Mur
dered in His Room.
A Chicago Burglar Killed by o
Ful la a Quarrel Over
the Spoils.
lawlessness Abroad in the In
dian Territory Among In
diana and Outlaw * .
[ teporti of Othnr Crltuonnd Crlm
Innla All Over tlio Imnd.
IKctal DUpatch to Tin II IK.
PiTranunu , December 24. The
'ommcrcfni ' - Gazette's Norriatown
pccial nays : Shortly before 10 o'clock
Us morning Captain A. 0. Nutt ,
nshlcr of the Pcunnylvnnia atnto
rensury , wna shot in liia room in the
ennings hotel and killed by N. L.
) ukcs , a well known .inombor of the
' "nyotto county bar and member
Icct of the atnto legislature. Captain
'iutt ' Imd just rolurnod from Hnrris-
urg to spsnd the holidays w 1th his
rtintly , nnu loft homo with liia nephew ,
reckonridgc , stating that ho had aorao
uiinoaant the hotel with Dukes. On
IB way there ho told thaa ho had re-
civod some infamous luttorn from
> ukes , nnd wanted to hnvo au under-
landing with him. The two mon
wont to the hotel and Nutt ntnrted np
Duko'a room , Brcckcuridgo fol-
owed , but otoppod on the atnira to
peak to the hotel proprietor's son ,
amnd Fcnthora. While conversing ,
iuiUing vnahoard in the room , and
) oth ran up to aoparnto the combat-
nte , who were found on the tloor
llnchod in a terrible struggle. Brook-
nridgo nnd Feathers auoocodod in
arlitig them , when Dukca drew a
cvolvor , aud Bald "you came In huro
o whip mo , and DO I will shoot , " at
ho aatno tlnio firing. The ball took
H'cot jutt below Nutt'a loft eye , pen-
itrnting liia brnin and killing him in-
tnntly. Dukes then quietly walked
lomi the Btaira , where ho was arrcatod
as stated. The affair hna created In-
onso excitement , but what WHS in thu
otter , or motive which led to the
murder la otill a mystery.
ST. Louis , December 24 A dis-
> atch from Dillna , TCXM , say : S. II. i I
Zanders , claiming to bo from Evening
> hade , A rknueaj , was arrested in Dal-
'aa yesterday qn suspicion of belonging
o a gang of train robborn and high-
raymou. Eight piatols , two pairs of
irass knuokloa nnd a hugo feowle
tnifo were taken from hia pockotfl.
A , dispatch from Miukogeo , Indian
territory , ye : A company of Chi-
note * militfc camnredi three of
3pfcolreb a rnon atta nd 'rd c blns teri 1
milen from Muakogoo yesterday morn
ing , and disarmed them. The report
says Spicchoo baa crossed the Arkan
sas river with some 200 mon , and that
lawless acts are bolng committed by
both parties.
A small band of Creek militia cap
tured soinb whlaky atEafala , nud con
trary to orders got drunk on it. Then
they wont to the houne of Jim Boon ,
whore a quarrel ensued , and Boon
shot and killed ono of the Indians.
The whole nation In snid to bo over
run by small bands of Crook militia.
GIIAND FOKKH , December 21 Goo.
Colby , a clerk in Barton'a shoo store ,
East Grand Forks , shot Jas , Saundora ,
a farmer living ait miles north. Snun-
dorB bought n pair of shoos in the
atoro and a dispute aroao about making
change , when a fight onauol , friends
of Sanndora taking port. All parties
wore slightly under the influence of
liquor , and Colby claims that the
ahootlng woo in golf-defence. The
ball penetrated the bowola. Physi-
cluna say thatho cannot livo. Colby
walvod an examination and gave
bonds in $1,000 for appearance before
the grand jury. \
Bohamil Novy , a worthless Bohe
mian crlmlnrl , was shot dead in the
vicinity of DjKovon etroot by an un
known person. The pollco theory is
that Novy , in company with his
brother Theodore oiftt ether burglars ,
entered 120 DeKovon street , got insignificant -
significant plunder , nnd during a dis
pute uvctr u division Theodore killed
Bohamil , Theodore und companions
were urrustod.
UAI.VKNTON , December 21 , The
News' ilouoy Grove apeoial says : At
Ladonia , Tex. , thia morning , Wra.
Vaughan mortally wounded two
brothers uatncd Doone , groat-graud-
aoni of Daniel Boone , of Kentucky ,
from n dlfliculty that grow out of
aomo little dispute about potatoes.
Ono hundred mon are in pursuit of
the murderer ,
ST. PAUL , December 24. E. A.
Newton was shot and probably fatally
wounded at Wahpolton , Dik. , yester
day by James Naah. The shooting
occurred In the court room just aa
Newton had pleaded not guilty to
ravishing Nash'a 10 year-old daughter ,
who had been employed by Newton aa
a domestic.
Aooldnnt on tba Hull-
Special Dispatch to Tin UKI ,
OLUVELAND , Dacombor 2-1 A
Moadvlvillo , Pa. , special to The
Loader reports that in cannequenco of
an error by the telegraph oourator two
freight trains ontho Now York , Pdnn-
aylvanU & Ohio railroad collided late
last night between Kennedy and Ran
dolph stations. Both locomotives and
dozen or more cars wore wrecked :
Thorou York , conductor , standing in
the caboose , \\\a \ thrown against the
atoro with such force thot his akull
wai crnahod and almost Instantly
killed. The ro&d was blockaded twelve
hours ,