- > & - \ r- AM IKPAMrtlTft JT A r T. . . - of t' THE DAILY -COUNCIL BLUFFS .OWA SATURDAY , DECEMBER 23 The Daily Bee , COUMCiL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning , Deo. 23. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : SfCtttlor , - - - - - MwnUperweok. B/Mtll - - - - - - 110.00 per YMN Offlco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near roadway. MINOR MENTIONS , J , Mueller's Palace Mnnlo llivll. DhheR , glawwarc , lamps , etc. , at S03 Broadway. Howe & Son. Old papers for oMo at TUB BKE office t 25 cents per hundred. John McMthtn win In iollca court yesterday ( or belnp drank. Imported and Key West cigars con- cUntly on hand at Lutz & LungoV. Subscribe ( or nowsp per § and periodi cal * at II. K. Seaman's book ttorc. Furniture of all kinds repaired by Howe &Bon , 303 Broadway Tne outgoing eastern train * | tht afternorn are the 0. & II. I. and the O. , M. & m. P. Boa ! sawiucn , fur trimming"/ very low , at ftfetcalf Bros. ' Kemeff.ber the first annual ball of the Bluff City Typographical Union at Bloom _ Nlxon' hall. It will bs a merry one , TOM , Largo iiuanllly of nlove and furni ture at 803 Broadway. Howe & Son. New lot nicely decorated , [ GO ploces.tof tea MU , only $5 &t Mourer & GralR. One of the novelties In bunnoan clr. des Is the promise of a Christmas tree this evening at "Onr Meat Market , " on Bro d- way. Friends and patrons nre Invited to drop In and bo made glad. Hand-painted china , art pottery , solid silverware , bronzoe , &o , , at Manrer & In the district court yesterday the trial of the caie of Stuart & Lewis vi. the Council BlufT hwurance company W B till In progren , occupy Ing the court all day. Largest stock of Toy * and Holiday Goods In the city at Seaman' * . Prices deiy competition , A new and very cool wiy of doing business is that of a shooting gallery pro prietor who has openoi out In n long tent on Main stro it , opposite Sbuiratt's. The man who runs it is a fancy shot and wants to shoot with Carver or Buffalo BUI. A railway man name , ! Frank Dunn wftb arrested yeatcrdny on the charge ol kcductlon , Ho givvo lull in the mi in ol $300 , to appear before the ntxt grand jury. Ho claims that it Is a put up job on him , and denies 14 totothe soft Impeachment. Lulz It Lango'H fine selection of am ber , meerschaum and smokers' goods of the best grades is supplying the holiday de mand In that lino. Mlas Sophia Itchne , n ulster ot Mr , J. J. Bltts , bjssliowu Roma rare HII ! | | Ir art by a painting of "Kip Van Winkle , ' which represents him junt after ho nroueed from his long slumber. 1 1 Is a painting ol much merit , and one which rtlleoU credit on the young lady nitlst. Lutz & Lingo have now opened a re1 tail Rtoro in connection with their whole nale establishment in Shugart's new block , A plasterer named WlUUm Hue , 'while at work on ( ho McMahon block Thursday , Ml by the Riving away > , l i scaHold and broke an omUlo. Hli pbyni clan thinks he will be laid up about Ii weeks. weeks.The The Council Bluffc insurance com pany , by its secretary , J. Q. Anderson tends out ft very handsome holiday greet ing to its friends and patrons , statiut ; thai it has enjoyed a year if unprecedented sncceiui , ns is evident from Its assets hav ing reached over § 100,000 , and wishing ul a Merry ChrUtmas and a Happy Ntv Year. Prof. J. J.Slatterly , who has charg ol St , Josoph'n apadomy , was ycstcrda ; given evidence of the high esteem felt fo by the boys , by being presented by thci with a gold headed cano a beautiful gift and well indited by the recipient , wh has done excellent work at the noadomy It U pretty evident that it Is of littl uie to howl about confidence men haogin about town as long as the city Itconic gambling houses to run at will. Thci places at least attract those fellow * to han about here , even If they do not directly er courage them and back them up , which I not very Improbable In view of the pan The Omaha , Republican yesterday gc slightly mixed In Its art notes. In di scribing a portrait of the late Judge Galop Baldwin , it spoke of him as J.T. Bale win , and buaded its article "The Lai John T. Baldwlu , " startling those few < his friends who chanced to sea it. John ! was around yesterday as usual nnd denie being dead , and his word Is certainly goo for it. He certainly was alive at the lai election , and the result hasn't weakcne him any , As most know , the postollice reguh lions require letter carriers to wear uu forms when on duty , There Unounlfon overcoat , and by a recent ruling in Waal ington the letter carriers of that city hav been compelled to go the rounds Inthebil tertst cold without any overcoats , ts the bid the uniform ) . The telegram giving tbl information stated that this ruling would c ; feet the letter carriers in all cities , but ir < julryof 1'oitmaater Armour here , failed t reveal but th it the carriers of this city wei being allowed to make thoinseh es comfor able , even If silver button ihould get hl < den out ol iljtht. OillcerCuslckton Tuuriday night n rested a fallow gh Ing his name as Job , Kewmau , who was much the worse fi drink , At the police otation he wi eearcbed and only 94.75 found about lili : Jle had a ptiir of old iiilttonr , Lut the were carelostly thrown down Ir. one eorne Ywterday inoralrg , on being sobered i ' and brought Into cuuit , Newman was fmi the usual amount acd then called for h zaltteue , He fuUcd out i > f tie thumb where he bad cwtefully hidden his wealtl four fifty dollar LllU and one ten dolh bill. It wo * a turprbe party to court ac oflicera. It bee jm that when he taited c hi * spree he tool ; hut mousy he thoogl be might ueed end ttoreJ the reit away I thi * unique tfife. 4 . 4 FROZEN TO DEATH , An Old Man of Bevonty Tears Wandera Upon the Gold PraSrlo for Dayu. Hln Heraalnn Fonncl StnrU nnd Htlff The details of an exceedingly tad affair roaches UiQthrough The Ilnrlatl Tribune of yesterday , the ficta being about ns follows : leaao Cappy , an old man of aovonly yearn , loft his homo in Orovo town ship , December 4 , to visit his son-in- law , Frank Marco , in Polk township. Ho remained there until Tuesday morning , December 7 , when ha started for homo. He wont to Irvrin , which place ho loft nbout 4 o'clock p. m , in a buggy , with a Mr. Johnson , of DeQanco. Ho rode na far as A. P , Anderson's , about three miles north west of Irwin , and , this being the nearest point on that road to his homo , ho got out and went into An- demon's hiuso to warm. Ho soon loft there , striking acrpss the praicio for homo. Lut Tuesday , Dc. 14th , his family thinking ho h.\d probably undo his Tisit out , wont to Marco's after him with a team , when they wore told that ho lind started homo Dee , 7th , This naturally alarmed the community and search WAS instituted following him as above described. From Anderson's ho was tracked in the snow , his course wandering about the prairlo until his remains wore found stark and etlff ono hundred yarda south of Andorsou'a honno. It will bo remembered that Decem ber 7th waa the coldest day of the winter thus far , and men intho vigor of youth kept close to the fire. But Isaao Cappy is known the country oror as a man of ordinary vitality nnd energy. Upon his person was found $7.50 in silver. No marks ot violence were isiblo. Consequently it is reasonable o suppose that ho became bewildered n the storm and wandered about until xhauitod and chilled. The remain * will bo preserved five days to givt hue for nil his children und othoi elatlves to bu present at the funeral , Now plushca received at * Harkncaj , Orcutt it Co.'s. Co.'s.SLIPPERS SLIPPERS , All kinds. K. T. LINHHEY & Co. Fine Dolmans , ut Darknow , Orout ; Co.'a. Cheap coal is the thing just Jovior mini1 , Mianouri soft coal , ? 5 jiokawiinna hard coal CIO , best quali lo. Delivered frco of charge. Conn ind lo-ivo orders now boforn it is nl ; one. Southeast corner Pearl un < iroadwny , Council Bluff * . A. U. DOLL'S SHOE3 , Jold , Brocx" , Rod , White , Etc. / . T. LlNDSEY A5 Co. Handkerchiefs , tics , collars am ischucu in great variety nt .IAMEH POETEHFIKLD'H. Silk volretd. black aud colors , choa ; o closu nt JAMCH CLOSING BALK of cloaks , dolmann nnd ulsters at JAMKS POUTEKFIULD'H. Make youmolf und friends happy b buying Christmas nnd Now Year proi ants at d20 fit JAMIM POKTEUFIKLI/H. CHRISTMAS GOODS In great variety nt Harknesi , Orcul & Oo.'s. dL'Jtf 1U11 Nio and Bob Harriott suddonl ; meet ut Mnollor's Musio Hall. B. Why , Bill , how yon do look ? N. Oh , I um all upset. B. What , bwnkrupt ? N , No , only busted ; that fin Weber piivno I had to buy for my wif of that cyorlantinc ; Mueller for a Ohrlsl mai prenunt ; took everything clean. B , Well , never mind. I'll giv you a loan to buy a few of hin fine toy for tno children. DOLL'S RUBBERS. Dollio Dutton Overshoes , 'A T. LlNDSEY Now Year's calling cards at H. B Seaman's book store. \V. T. BRAUN Is doing a big Christinas business ii aplto of thn weather. FINE CAKES , OANDIKS , BOOTH'S OYSTERS , NUTS , CIGARS/ GRAPES CHRISTMAS TREES. IMPORTE1 ORANGES , Boatiful things of u thonsand kindi The choicest variety In the city. d20-0t Dolmans cheap at Uarkness , Oraul & Oo.'s. dlStf Save your money by buying ho blankotn nnd lap robes at 0. J , Bool mau'a , : i5 ; ! Broadway , Elegant fans , handkerchief boxoi glove and fan boxes , utc. , at Harl nest , Orcutt & Co.V The rush for holiday goods ut H. I Seaman's still continues. Fiuo lace goods at Harkness , Orcul Jt Co.'s. 0. 0. 0. Ovorshces and Rubber Boots fo everybody , X , T. LlNDbEV & 00 , PERSONAL , . H , Potter , nf Ottttmwj" , waa in the city entcrday. Arthur F. Conway , of Sllveiton , Col , , i t the Ogden. O. S. Green nnd wife , of Mhcourl VA- ! ey , are in the city. ' Mtu L'zzla Brown , dinghler of G. IX irawn , ii nt home for her LoiH. y vaca- tn. Mhs Lulu Jone , daughter of J. J. ones , K at home to upecd n fewdnya from er musical studies in Chicago , Mliw Carrie Atkins , who hai b ° en away o echool , In at home to fpend her holiJny acatlon with her parent ) , Mr. and Mm. Chtrlc * Atklni , MliR Nellie Lvlrner , nicca of Judge itruner , arrived here yesterday over the ! , & K. I , , from CHctgn , where the ha * eon attending tl Paik inatltute. She was accompanied by her friend and school mate , Mlu Mamie Leonard. They will emain nt tbo Ugden home during the lolIdajB as the guett * of Judge Larimer. DE HAVENS' List call baforo Christmnii , Don't orget to stop for Holiday Prt Hants , at PE HAVENS' ' Without a doubt the moat lovely ollot rots are to bo found at Grandy'o ornor drug rtoto. Dju't tail to see ho fine dnpijy of nu r , beautiful and usrful holiday articles exhibited nt his popular corner otore. HOW SWEET , When , in the course of human events , it bocomcs necessary for the looplo of nil Christendom to indulge n the luxury of holiday confootion- > ry , a decent respect for the stomachs if our sons , danghtcrs nnd wives , iompols us to carefully cheese the article wo nro about to purchase , lenco it is that thu candies of Hughea & Towsloe , btiog froah , pure nnd of good rcputp , are mught after and universally purchuu < .d. And wo , horcfore , hold this house , as wo hold bo houses of all oihf r honorable deal ers , as being worthy of the cxtentivc latronngo they are now receiving , TOYS ! TOYS ! ! Wo have n largo assortment of toyi on hand that wo will soil off at cost r.9 wo nro discontinuing that brand of our busini'fta entirely. Wo inviti all who buy toys for the children tc ; ivo usu call.C. C. B. .TAcgUEJiiN & Co. Go to P. C. & W. D. Kirkland Manufacturing Jowolem , Jewelry Silver nnd Sitvor-plitcd ware , 32 ! Broadway , Council BluQs , Iowa , II , P. Sno > v is ruohing out a larg nmontit of ionds ( uo 7iidftysl and n wondur. Ho h u gtntlomau of th old rchool who DU > H a. thiug is good bad or indifferent , just aq it really ie Call ut thu Excelsior gallery , coi ner Main Rtrcot and Fiist uvmini Holiday pictures ; bust work. dcc2-lC Mundcl at 325 Brondwny will so ! stovea chonpfir than the chcapcat. La DIE ; * . A Ono stock of Holiday Slipper * I what wo have for yon to * select fron 'A. T. Li.virtiEY & Co. Go to Uarkncts , Oroutt & Co.'a fc dolmanu fur triaimud dolmans , woi dolmuno and fine iiilk dolmans , dlS.f Solid silvcrwHro , nly first-clai gooJs , ( itcrling ) . No charges i < ongrnving nt 0. B. JACQUEMIN & CO.'H. Purthor Qlfta. Amocg the additional gifts mr.do t citizens for the bjiiofit of the comit fair at St. Francis * academy an Pioklo castor , S. Uowlcy ; smali sa ohol , S. .T. Rhodn & Co. , olepant a bum , H. E. Seaman ; solid gold riuj Michaels & D.inielt ; ailver butter dial Robinson Bros. ; marble top tabli Baebo & Co. ; boya' hat , L. H. Mosi lor & Co ; dinner cantor and salvo Mrti. J. Wickhum ; $20 , Win. Fitzgoi aid. Judge James has also donated lady'd gold neck chain , which is beautiful and coatjy present Silk handkerchief ) and mulllero t Harknoss , Orcutt & Co.'a. All wlehing to present thoimolvc o < f their friends with u uonvuuir i gold , uilvor or urt doiign. should nc fail to call on C. B. Jacqucmln & Go , and make their nolootiona for the hoi idays oirly , ut 27 Main otreot , An olcgnnt lot of Black Silks , ver cheap , at Harkncss , Orcutt & Co.'u , GENTLE AlEtf , O.ill and see our Boots and Shoes , / , T. LINDHKY it Co , Go to Harkness , Orcutt & Co.'s fo Li co Goods , Fancy HandkerchiefsiVc To strengthen and build up the syi torn , n trial will convince you tha Broivn's Iron Bitters is the best medicine icino mudo. J. M. PuiLurs' , HKAUQUAIITFIIH Fou HOLIDAY 413 BuoAnwAY. FANS. Ilarkneer , Oroutt & Co. have ai oloftant cwsoitmont of white aud col ored fans. dlStf At the brand now store thcro Is brand now stock. L. B. Clark & Co. 100 east Broad toy , have the nobbies lot of druggists' sundries in the hoi ! day goods Hue that can bo found any whom up-town , and wo are not sur that Council Bluffi hui a drug stor that will boat it. The doctor is i cental peulloman. Call and get ao qnainted. The above was in Monday's local but the number was wrong , hone this "amende honorable , " S. J. RODDA .fcCO' THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHIERS , COR. BROADWAY & BRTAN1 IT IS THE PLACE. Christmas Novelties , at llarknoct Oroutt & Co.'g. COMMERCIAL. Tuo grata market ) in Cliicsro and else- trliero were stetdy to-day , and with an ticipated light recrlptc , which ara sure to follow a eetere decllt.e in pticei , we look for increased notlvity and much higher prices after tbo ( boll lay * . It appears that the clique In CMua o hire under t ikon ti bear prices in o dtr to levi up with cheap Krain , and It won d Mirprlto ill if some of the shoots doa't go | ttc. The visible impr/ly of corn l ) < ci > mber 2J , 1681 , i 18,8I7,5U buehsK nnd the priii- in ( ; hlcni { ( ) im th t day was OOJc par bu The vi lhle fl pl > ly December 13 , < 882 , wan ( ! , lO'l.nOO bu.lti and tbe pries In Chi- ( .unit on thutdiy was 50Jc. Tiklnc thnUw of tupplv and demand for i baiU , them in no riMson why the prlca should not bo A high as h was one year ago. COUNCIL ULUrKS MAI1KET. Corrected dally by J. Y. .Fuller , mer- shandlno brokei , buyer and shipper ol grain and provlilonr , olfico board of trnde room * , Counrll Bluf ( , Iowa. WIIRATNo , 2 sptlnff , 70ej No , 3C2j rejette < 1 OOc ; oed demand. CoiiN-283 to feeders nnd 29j to ship per * ; good dcmind for uhlpincnt , OATS Scarce nnd In good demand ; 30 ® 32c. ) AT < 00G CO per ton. KYK-40c ; light supply. Cons MKAL I Zfipar 100 ponndn. WOOD Good mpply ; pricoa nt yards , r no o oo. COAL Delivered , hard , 10 OD per ton ; roft. 5 00 per ton. Utrmcn Plenty nnd m Mr demand ; crameiy , 3. > c ; choice dairy , 3c. . Enas-Scarce and in detuund ; 2G ; t > cr dozen , LAUD l' . nk' , wholeealingat 13c. I'ODI/rnv Firm ; denlerapaylntj lllc per pound for turkey" and lOc for chickens. VKaKTAiiLKS Potatoes , 45s ; uuionc , 2" c : cabbngev , 30@40o nor dozen ; apples , 2 CO < g3 CO per barrel. FI.OUH-Best Ken n wheat fbnr , 2 33@ 2 60 ; AilnntHoU wheat , 2 C0@3 uO ; tbran , 70c per 100 pounds. BUOOMH 2 00@3 00 per dozen. STOCK , CATTLE 3 00@3 50 ; calvc * . fi 00fi7 CO , HOOH Urldk demntid nt D 35@5 70 ; cai load lots about 6c per 100 pounds more. Diamonds , diamonds , lace pins , ear rings , solitaire rings and studs , lock ets , CrOBBl'C , bt 0. B. JACO.CEMIN & Co fs , 27 Min street , Pcrogoy t Moore have got their re al ! store half-roled and revamped. Their case of holiday pipes und cigai loldara Li u big attraction and the jest pioccu will noon be gono. 23 81 Christmas Presents cheap at Mrs , Morris , 105 Main street. Baforo buying furniture or stoves , bo sure and cill nt Handel's , Ho will not bo undersold. Handkerchtufs in plain nnd coloret borders , in nil styloa und grades , n Harknoas , Otcutt & Co.'a. E'egant ' toiltit aetf , jewel OISPI" odor cuQor , albums , otu. , at H. E Seaman's. Gold " -utchoj for gentlemen or la dies. Mono rama artistically on grttvod on the tmrno wiihuut t'xtr charge at 0 B. JACQUEMIN & CO.'H. Call at Harknusp , Oicntt & Co.1 and see the bcautiiul lacto thny hav just opened fur the holiday trade. H. E. Seaman displays fho lavgee stock of fancy goods and toys in th city. Muaqutitaiic kids In street an party shades at Harknos , Orcutt < Ou.'a. „ Orin * I'lentent , liealthy gitna ara rcen only o tbo faces of lienltbyi > er > nii. Tbedyepej tie und debilitated cau xnule only in hnlf-hcurled way. 1'urify tbo blood , tor thoetniriBcb , and Htrenutben ibo ticeui with llurtlock Mood Jiitttn , if you wish I laugh wi'llanrtoften. When you feel out of sorts , hav the blues , melancholy , etc. , it mm bo indigestion that tils you. Brown Iron Bitrnra euros it. OOUHGIL BLUFFS SPEC1AI NOTICES. NOTICa Special al\tltaemeBt3 ! , < uc Lost , Found , To toan , For Polo , Tn Son Wants , Bourdltif , etc. , wijl be Iceorted In tb column at the ov reti of TEN CKNTU PB LIKE for the flroS Ineortlon nnd FIVE CKN1 I'EIi LINE for each tulecqucnt Injcrttoi Lrare adr crtlptmcutj at our office , No. fo.-ul Btrtet. near lroail ! y. Wonts , \\7ANTKIl-KO bullillnffH to mo\e. Wo mill TT a fpeclilty ol mo\t K lioima and safe AildrcM IV. 1 * . AjlfbMortn , box 6TU , Counc Kvcrybody In Council Dlufli 1 WAN1GD DBX , 0 centa per noeV , di llvered by carriers. Office , No 7 Pearl Stree ne rl > rotd ay. ay.For For Sale and Rene P ivi : noi'isiis FOU IIINT-II : > s an an \\alkir il20-lt rPO HiST. : Knrnlnhul rnonu to rent , lt I board , lit 7.0 Jlj tcr street. Day boar ; ? , lMl > ir ouk. iltcld-lf M11IK be t nutiiararit Huiul onMulti ttntl J. Stoik for mlultli furnlturv , ttf. Clu-.i riiikliVrllutuuiuoriull. . \VJNAt.s , 17-bt Corner Willow A\i > . SAIJV-Tlio Wcstirn House. No. 303 Ur FOU llroadwaj ; or will tiiulo for linprotp illy or ( arnproH. | > . rt ) ; or w 111 xt-11 fumlturo an rintlmlldliiKi Kaiton , 111 health. Addrctu J , t (3. JUOLUsTi.it , fros Upper Urooduay , Counc lllnllii , _ . . - | iock ie iif a hundred tt'Jft a | aom.u at TIIK linn cilice , No. 7 1'tai ilreet _ tl _ | , MIl Ui.ST : tiy new two-story brick etor I < bulldliii , ' , on South Main utreet. PETEH Ti OH KAI.K-Iy tucltc-ocre fmlt farm , o 1 South Flriturett. VKIKR WE1S I OH HALtW-lleautiful rosiaeiicf IOU , 6 I ? etch ; nothing down , and gSperiaonth onlj by KI-MAYOlt VAUOUAN. apl-tt MlBoelloneous. r.NU OUDERS for Cob * to Upper llroodua' ' Kleiator , or toN. J , liond , b > mall. dJ lv EVKRYTII1NO renewed at the Eicclslor c l lery , 100 ilaln btuct , fcr Lcllday vuik Co tthetejm ciu irct chlilty and filr tro t mint. DR. W , L. PATTON I'ftjtlclan and OoulUt Ciu cure my CAM ot aoru eye * . It la enl ; a mutter of time , and can euro generally li trout three to the \\oele-lt inaViM ur differ ence how long dlsoasud. Will itraltrhtcn crob eyes , operate and icuio > e PtyrtRlutri , etc. , am lnt rt artificial CK . Bpoclal kltentloa to re movclng tadoMorua npj-t A % D . Dr , HcagliBrz , ± Ooulist , Aurist AND SPECIALIST. jo ChronicdUcases , elli-rt hli gervlccj to all a : mi-tea with Olwain of ih E > e , Ear , cr Cbronl d'M ' ; ol aujr ( .luMcdr. Warrants a cure li all llheUTUilo tltectlniK Can bo ronaulted b ; mall or In vcnwn at ibe ilctropolltan hotef Council llluff * , Jo a. PROF. SAMUELS , OPTICIAN OF QUINOY , ILLINOIS , lias returned to Ooundl Bloffi ( for n hort time onlj ) , whorohe can bu con- oltod at parlor > , 3GDEN HO'USE Prof. S mncls olforp to nil these hat are euffering from Weakntss und ) afcctivn eight hts IMPROVED CRYSTAL SPECTACLES ! superior to any other in use , as the jllowing homo ovidoncoa ot well- known people of this city and vicinity will tcatify. TESTIMONIALS. COIACIU Ihnr * , lom , ) t- < December 21 , ltS2. j 'rot. ' 11. SammteH , , " " t f , Dear Kir Some two jcars and a halt since jou \Isltcil this city , and at that time I M troubled with my e > cs , caused by oxccmlto proof-remllng and othir olllco work to s\ich nn txtcnt that I could at timer ) hardly tend , ttudy or decipher > 1 iln print without frequently rcstlns them. You idjustcd a pair of glnisis I r me that are next 10 no ( spendable , and I ba\o nohctiltiinov In rcconi' mending ] > erean3 to jcn who inaj Lu troubled ith weak ijn. Yours truly , .1. I. MOIKIAir , IMItor and 1 ublliher r.lub- . 'Coi sen. 11.1 n- , February 14,18 0. I'rol. Samuels : Dear Sir I feel that I uould he iinira'tful In deed II I did not In t mi ILOIIH r ixireM m\ gratitude to jou for the wonderful bencfltHd > tl f < om thu use nf your ilassen adjusted tc cj es by j on. Ilm\u trlea other giithrsauij tH , lint all to no p.irp ee , and 1 hail con dudid mj self doomed to to Ihrougti the vorli marly rl htle's : but uhcruas I vta nearly blind now I sic , atd am alilf to read as I net cr couli biforc. I rc rtttlnt I h d rot met I'rof. Sam neln > ooncr , to tint I nil ht hate Iii5 n cnjojinr this lilci ln of netirj ; . llopln ) ; that n uni otherx may tmvj the benefits ofour . hilji , I am gruttfiillyourn , .MISS ABHY WALTOXNurtc. While on the t'nclllo coast > cars a o I litennu partial ) } blind , and m > ri ht c\o haanoverre covurcd. 1 Imve trlei numbers of tlmni to m Kl.i itt ) to htlp me , also other remedies , but II MOtiof no u e , ax nu UNO tsuld htlpmu. Wlici rot. Simu l < camu this lime to Omahi . thought tluit it uould do no I arm In tlrnr hln and H.O uhatJiu woulJ na > . He exumlnetl nee o > c and told me that ho couM uako we sJ not w.thonu , but wltn botheub. I told him tee < eo on mil make me ste , BS I hail | ri\cuupth Idea of oer l > enablu ! toeeo "ellnsiln. 'lorn ; eurprUohc made mo a pal of glaisca that 41 ! tbliBino to see with im rijr't tjc aiwclla nlih the , other. I will ihcerdiUj reoommeri him to all those that lc-\o . \ui up hopes Yours , with xood alght , , as sa < : KO. K. ( iiasoK. Ikiald Ollko. Ointlia , Xib. , tUrembit 20 , IhSJ. I uieilto lii\ < : \cr > cak f } ts nnd trie 1 ft ( ? rca mjiiy thlngM fur relief , but It "us oil Inaln When I'rof. Samuel * in In the i Hj n few jean ajfi I uasailvNel bj onoof m > frlenJh who a liciulUttl bv him to call on him. I done to , nm am L'lad lo Btatu that he helped \\onclcrull\ \ llo tltted me at that tlmi- with n | wrof ! hi ( 'Iaiscs , and the ) irate 1119 Ir.stitt relief , cm ufter iislni ; them for a cliort time my cjcs Im i-ro\uil no that I had in n-o fcr the Blas o , at ull MjxH \ \ Is perfect , although 1 wiw ad\l'id IK 10 put on BlicicH , for I ooJ ! haio totcar then all the time ; but 1'rcf. .Samuels' glatxca von dilTcrant. Ihcj linprmcd my eye * . and I ouli mUlHC all iieiraiH who bavu trrubjo with thrl c\cs to ca'l on Kim llcipdtfiilly , A. T. HWI3AIIT , City 1'o.Ic. , Oiuk1 u. Dcfcmbcr 15. / OMMU , S.-Dttmbcr IB , 1ST ! ) . Sonic j cars since , whlli eiifo : i.J In wlltorl.i labor ut night , m > c > esllit | beiuma Impaired and I found It illtllcult to find ulaseei ulml Mould tfTord any ri'llef. During the past two o Ilirujnriin. . \ ocs Kre ' taker m confctan use , and fbepxn tube alarmed lett 1 n.lslit fo H tliuo lie obliged to l.ij aiidomj IIOOHH , h cli so much cUli ht In. I'ro\ldeii < f , I think , 1m kl dl > itlcV me sending Dr. Ni i.uels to thi ci'J lly u-e ot hfj Improtui er etal Kli < ieM fo : kotcralonjs 1 llnd the natural tl Ion restored and I urn now abU to lead aid study aa \ulm I plcagj ulthout tlrlns the 1)0 or taming pain , Itfccnmoiul'rlul trut siie-i on ilUx't can In prodiifu t In to nh rt a If me , and I t ua no douhl It ull bo periii.incnt. I am fc'lai I'rof Samno'f hai Ulted this < If\ iiiro eo mnii ) I inl th < aid hu cm afford them aud I hope Ills gluaei lll bo lntro < llucd anil ex tiiisi\ci ) IIHH ! hero , K. " . F. JAJ1IHON , . Pastor KU tIlai > tl tt'tiinn. Ouuu , Xeb. . Itvcfinlur 12 , IfoJ , I > nf. ll.SuinitN : Dear Sir I ha e now unit tlu K'nicsuth ililijc" furnlsh'd mu for ore vuik and can truly nay ihnt I hau'dcrlttd mora lomfort In that bhort spate of HUH than In jtarn preUoui. Almotl from my earliest reroihtt ons 1 hate suffered from in Inability 10 wo dUtlmtl ) ttrn liun Uo o li ) , Mjmellnua f lleil to knott cr rir- oirnlzv m ) moil Intimate frlendi , allot vhlch was aconktanttionrcdof inert mutlon to me. I trleil remedlri and t'ianso ot dlffirrnt kinds with hut ury little henitl. and until I con ilAHY IIOSAHD , V'W ) Diratur Street. ARTIFICIAL EYES ALWAYS ON HAND. OFFICE HOUIcS : 9 a. m. to 7 p. rn. Prof. Samuels does' not attnud tc business outside of hi i rooms , and line no one connected vrith him , HABKKESS , OHCUTT & 00. , Broadway , and Fourth Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa mnr-2-Sm Headquarters For the Cele brated Weber Pianos , TJ Toys and Fancy Goods Wholesale and Retail. Address , I O J. MUELLER , O IE COUNCIL BLUFFS , F. F. Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff -and fillow Sreets , Council Bluffs. B. HAGG & CO. G I8Ef BOTTLED BEEK , MADE FIIOJ1 11JE ARTESIAN WELL WATEH. ALSO AOENIS FOR TUE Ordcra flllfd In any part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly uttcn JH to. JOSEPH KEITER , MAKES THE FINEST SUITS IN TEE LATEST STYLES , At the Lowent Possible 1'riws. NO. 310. UPPER BROADWAY. That never require crlmplnj. at lire. J. J. OOO.'B H lr atore , t prices ne er beferc touch-d by ny other ha r dealer. Also a full , line ot eu Itches , ttc. t i , really reduced prices. AUogotf Uver and colored neta. Waves made from Indus' cnn h ! r. 1)3 not fall to CallPbetow Icwhern. All Koods wmrantml M itfptettu H. - S1KS. J. J. GOOB . Oounfll Blngg. Inwn MORGAN , KELLER & GO , ? ? P"M 'A The finest quality and largest Block weat of Chicago of wooden and metalic case" Call * attended to at all hours. Wo defy competition in quality of goods or prices Our-Mr. Morgan has ReryeJ as undertaker for forty j ears and thorouphly undewtamli Ms business. WAKEROOMS , 3-10 AND 357 BROADWAY. UnWlsterinB In nil its br.inchej promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and larobrcqulni. Telegraphic - graphic cnd mail ordera fillpd without dolnv. " " " " CONRAD KMSa Council Bluffs , - Iowa. r and malt In any nuanUty'lo suit purchasers. Deer J8.00 p < r barrel. Prltatofamlilojenp. with email hek' < at JI.CIO nacb. drli\cred Irennf charge to any part of Ilia city. P PETERSON & LARSON , WholeoUo Dealer in nnd SOLE AGENT FOH Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company's Celebrated 1WTT . j W 1 TTITFI1 IR 5 Jig No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffa , Iowa. ' Orders from the country elicited City crdera to famillca and dealera dfliveri'd free. DUQUETTE , GUI BEET & CO. , (3ucco ( 60rs to EKU & DUQULTTK ) , 16 niul IS Pcarl-st. , Council Blufl's , Ta JACOB APPEL NO. 529 S Main fitreet. Counoil Bluffs. Out coii tantllncrL > iilnK trailts nutfclttit proof of onrwiuaru ikalint ; nnd atleiitlcu to c oinerg. liofd Her a'm iDii t and. I'roinptii ddhtryif S. M. CllOOKK , Pres. N. B. EASTON , Secy. J , 0. HorrMAN , Vies Pros. N. B. MOOKE , Counsolor. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK INSURANCE GO. [ Incorporated under the Lawa of Iowa , ] Insurance at Jlclual Cost , Inanrinc LIVE STOCK Against Leas by .COIDKNT , THEFT Oil DEATH , Or Any Unknown or Contingent T'lwnnfVIinfnwoti . Experienced nfenta ; wanted. Correspondence solicited from ull parts of Iowa. OFFICE : 1011 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. la. dccS-dtf J , F , KIJIBALL. GEO. 11. CHAMP , KIMBALL ( Succciaort to J. F , & J. V , Cas& < ! y. ) Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers , Voho ho only complete eft of obstiics book to all city lotg anil Itcdi In I'ttUWtttaml county , Titlei f lamlrtd ind abstricH furnished en tbcrt r otlco. IJonty to Ictn en clly irul dn pioitirty , hort Dd lnn tlinc , In uuuto null tbo torros.tr , ItenUttk louibt uil kold OUct tlo old tUo j oi'i > ojlle co ut home-