JLJAIJUI OAl 1004 Nebraska National Bank , Of Omnhv Kofc. aid up Cnpltnl , - - $350,000 ( or btuslney April 27 , 15M , Mlh tbc Mgrat. capital o ( any txink In Ncbruka. DIUECTOUS : IB. JOUNSOX , PrMUent.of Stculo , Johnson ft [ Co. TOUZAUX , Vtc I'tMUciit , of C , , B A Q n. 11. , Moiton. y. MOUSE , cf W. V. Morse A Oc. notix 8. OOM.I.VS , oi a. n. ft J. a. Coiiinn. M. WOOUVORTll , Councilor vhl Attorney. t-Uw. IKS. KEEU , ol llj K > n tlcttl A Co. . W. YATE3 , Cnaliior , Iito CasMot of tha Mis ! Jlanl : of Omahu , tnd connntM vlth I ( he active matiMrraient cf th.it Bank etnco It * I onrankAtion In ifXU. lOou.naiots reecho cpccl.M Attention nd chat Jjea low cut ototalnnhlo lie acr ol * vhero. | p IKTTKKST allowed on tlmo dcutxlts upon favor- J bla terms and upon accountof banks and batik. . FOIBIOH KtrnANOK , GoTornmontt'ond * , Mid { County and City EkciirUlcvi lioneht and iiold. B It iapn > tmrrilt t yenerM twnUnj business T r n U detail * , vil In the treatment of custom fall Tltlpurimo thj inatt liberal folk ) cot-nUtoia fvtthtafa banting FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL , pedal Dlfpatcli to Tim UK * . NKW YOUR , December 22. Moaoy-5S ior : cent ; closed offered nt 5 per _ cent. Prime Morcantllo Paper G@S per rout. Sterling Exchange Pinn ; Bankers' bills , $1.81 } demand , Si.KiJ. Dry goodi imports for tbo week , ? 2,030 , . 000. Governments were irregular. Throughout the forouoou the stock mar ket was extremely dull , the total amount of shares sold up to noon being less than during the same tlmo yeatcrday. The most active stock WHS Western Union ; the weakest stocks were New York Cou- tral , Michigan Central , Canada Southern , liate Shore , Now Jersey Central and Heading. Immediately after noon there wan n alight recovery , but soon the market was stagnant , active operations being practically abandoned in anticipation of the holidays. During the last hour the market , though very dull , wai stronger , and on same stocks the highest prices of the day wore made. Outside of the gen eral list the following specialties advanced , viz : Chattanooga li per cent to 5GJ and Columbus & Toledo 1 per cent to 07. The general market closed stroug nnd with a much bettor feeling than for several duya past. QOVEESME.VTH. Yitoterdajr. To.Js.j- . S's 1034 103J 1031 4i'r. Coupons 118 u : t 1203 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' PociB : K of isbV. . . . . . . . ! ! ! . 128 128 BONDS. Central Pacific firsts 110 110 Erie seconds l'0 UGJ IirhighVilke3barro 101 1004 Ltuuitilnnn consols 08J OSJ Missouri O'u 114 112 St. Joseph ll'Jj . lull Bt , Paul & Sioux City ursla. 112 Tennessee G'B 4i lulli do now 44 J i Teias & Paci6o li\nd grants. . B8j do li. G. div. . . . 84 82i Union Pacific 1st mortgage..HGj do laud grants. . . 110 do sinking fund.l l8\ 117 Virginia G'a 50 _ 33J uu consolaG's Gl do deferred 12J HTOOKB. Adams Express 134 134 Allegheny Central i L1I1 } IH5J Alton & Terns Haute 45 45 do pfd. . . . Si ) S3 American Express 'JL Jl Burl. , Cedar Itapids & North. 81 81 Canada Southern 09 G ! ) Ool. , Gin. & Ind. Central. . . . 10 $ 103 ? Central P-veino S0 : SGg Chesapeake & Ohio 23 23M do Ittpfd. . . 31 M do 2d pid. . . 25 21 Chicago & Alton 131 do pfd 133 131 Chi. , Burl. & Quinsy 12 * } 123 Chi. , St. L. & New Orleaus. . 7l ! b'O ( Jin. , S.iud. & Cleveland. . . . 4UJ 40J Clcve. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 82 824 Delaware or Hudson canal..103 103 Del. , Lack. & Western 130 Denver & Kio Grande W IK ; Kria 3'J au do pfd y j 87' ? Kaat Tennessee l 'Jn JOU4 do preferred 117 117 * Fort Wayne & Chicago 1334 133J Hannibal 6c tit , J oseph J. 15 M5 do pfd. . . 78 78 Harlem 'IJ J lli ! Houston & TCXCB Central. . . . 78 7S Illinois Central 1 Ind. , Bloom. & Weatern U 31 Kansas < fe Texas I i 833 Lake Erie & Western 3- 31 Lake Shore & Michigan So..H7i 117 Louisville & Nashville r l Iiouiav. , New Alb. & Chicago CO do Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 10 10 do do 2d pfd fij * Mcmphia& Charleston 45 41 Michigan Control 103 102A Minneapolis It St. Louis. . . . 2 i 284 ldo pfd. 074 Mlwiouri Pacific 102j 102J Mobile & 0hio 118 118 Manhattan Beach 12i 122 MoriU& Ksaex 00 fiUJ New Jersey Central 72 ; 71 } Naahvillo & Chattanooga 60 4'J/ Northern Pacific , 45 ; } do pfd o. > Northwestern l8j ! ' 138 do pfd 155 155J New York Central 19Z ! ! 123 * Ohio Central Ijj'f 132 Ohio & Missiesippi 33 $ 32 * do pfd 'J4 Oil Ontario ft Western - > l 28 Oregon Transcontinental II831,1 | Pacific Mall 43 Panama 107 107 Peoria , Decatur & Kvanav. . . UDf 231 Pittaburg * Cleveland 13U 13'J Pullman Palace Car 124 J 124 KearHntj J5' ' ? Hock laland 128J 1284 Bt. Louia & Sun 1'ran SIde 33 do pfd. . . . nij 53 do 1st pfd Ui OS flt , Poul& Milwauktt. 1" " ? 107S do pfd..1214 Bt. Paul , Minn. * Manitoba 143J 142 St. Paul & Oannha G3i 53 dj pfd. 1144 114 Texas & Pacific 40J 40 Union Pacifio lOHi 103 Utiitoil Statea Kxpteea Ut Gi Wnbaah , St. L. U Pacific. . . . 3U 35 | do pfd. nit 55 , Wells , Fargo & Co. Express.130 ISC Western Union Telegraph. . . 81 81 i Caribou IV 1 : Central Arizona jj iI i I Kxcebior 1 Homcstaka 17 'I1 Little PitUburg 1 Ontario , S5\ Quicksilver i do pfd U 40 nobinaon , 1 1 SilverOliff i South Pacific U 0 Standard U ? 0 ButroOffered. Offered. . Interest. JAsked. IIEr. Dividend. FOREIGN FINANCE. 8p dal DIcipaUhoj to TIIK lilt LOHDOK , LO.NDOK , December 22. ConJohj , money , 10) 13.1G ; Conioh , account , 100 15-10 , Central , 1 IP } : Now York cntMl , 1 3.M ; 1'rle101 ; Heading , I 2SJ PAUM , I'jnu , Dojouiber 22. llente , 7Mr , T-Ofl. PRODt7OIi3 & PROVISIONS. Dltpitchaa to Tin Dit. OHIfAnO. J.Wo , IVcetnlm 22 11 < ur f . . common In Uioire tprfhi ! wh Mt , S "K ! * i f > 0 ; common to fancy Mtnne oU , 4 00 5 ' 0 ; intauto , 0 MJiT'OOj winter wheats , I 50& " > Mj ) miilem IlHnoU , 4 f > 0@"i tO ; Cmmdft , \ fi@5 to. V/he.it Mmtck dull , wsaV and liner ; rrguUr UJj for Ofoemner , Hie -'mm- - r > ; ' .IJj fjr IVjruiry ; fei'jft'.iOJs for ALij ; X i , 2 i oil winter O iigtUjf. ; Mo. 2Chte RO ( "iitinc , Hlja. C > rn Ac'.lv'e , but wo.k in ! Invri'r ; ( grfilii tur cA h ; 4UJ- ; for January ; 41U r 1'oiuMiHry ; iio f < r Muy. Oiti Irrrk-uUr ; WS3 fir euV 3 i fnr Deufmhtr ; R5Jjfor .liuuiryj J > 5j : for FcD- iu rj ; SOJu for Mm. ItjB Sfjdyl ; "iSc. Barley Stc.wly ; fOe Flax BPod Stoinly ; 1 ir > J(3il ( 10. ' 'Jressed Ito ili.rktt easier ; $0 " .i © ( H ) . Buller-Htenily , with n fitr demand ; creamery , 2u'glOo ; dairy , I'2ra3io. KKK Market , easier ; 27@28a. Pork UusettUd , but generally lower ; 17 OJ bid for cieh ; 17 12 } bid for Jann. ary ; 17 S74@17 3J for lebruary ; 17 40 ® 17 42 for March , Ij r > l Knit demand , luk * t lower rates ; 10H71@10HO for on-li ; 10 32J@10 35 for I. uu ry ; 10 42 } @ 1045Jur February ; 10 62J @ 10 53 tor May. Bulk Meats Steady ; Miouldcrs , G 60 ; ihort rlbi , 0 00 ; nhort clear , U 25. Whleky StJudy ; 110. CALL BoAliIVheat Irregulars Tl a 'or Junuuy'J/io ; for Febnury ; USjc for May. 0 < irn Irregular ; 4iljo for Jamury ; 4'Jc [ or IVbruary ; 523sforMny. O its Irregular ; 33Ja for .lanu&ry ; 35io 'or ' Kebiuiry ; 3fijc fur May. Pork Irregular , but nut much changed , Lird Stronger , but not much hlglier , M W TOItK. NEwYor.s. December 22-Flour Woalc ; supcrfmo utato and western , 3 30@3 75 : common to good extra , 3 80 (34 ( 40 ; geode , o choice , 4 50@ " CO ; white wheat ox- ; raG25@72extra ; Ohio , 3 85 ( 0 76 ; St. [ jouis , 3 8o@7 00 ; M innoaota patent process - cess , 6I > 5@740. Wheat Cash , very firm ; options , opened t(2J3 ( ! lower , but otterwarda recovered from ; hu decline , closing strong ; Mo. 2 gprhu lomlnal ; No. SJiprinp , 09jungradod ; Bering , L03 ; ungraded red , ? 7c@112'i8teamerNo , 3 rod , t)8cNo. ) ; 3 red , 105S@105J ; steamer No. 2 red , 1 05J@1 OH ; f o. 2 rod , 1 08 @l OUl for cortllicates , 1 10i@l 10J delivered ; ungraded white , 91cdl ( 1H ; No. 1 white , 1,000 bu told nt 1 10 ; No. 2 red for December , 50,030 bu sold at 1 OS @ 1 09 , cloMiiR at 1 Oil ; No. 2 red for January , 210Or.O bu sold at 1 OSJ@1 ODJ , closing at 1 U)2 ) ; No. 2 rod for February , 3J0.030 bu Bold ut 1 llj ® ! HJ , closing at 1 1H ; No. 2 red for March , 141,000 bu oold at 1 13j@l 13J , closing at 113J ; No. 2 for May , 88.COO ou sold at 14@1 m , clo'lng nt 1 J4J | . Coru UnnottleJ , but4 ( < 51j5 lowertin- ; rraded. 5S71'c ; No. 3 , 5Scite.auier ; ! , GJ@ i3.l = ; No 2 , 7070g ; ; No. 2 white , 07c ; \n. 2 for January , ( iiiJIt'pliG'.i ' , doling nt "go ; do forFobruirv , C4iGiieJcloBiucr ( at ; do for Mny , U2g@b' e , eluding n Oata Finn ; mixed \sestetu , 41@4Sc ; white wjstcrn , 4" < g52 } E Jt y Quiet , but tirmj COc. Eg8 ( Western freah , dull 'tad lower ; o. o.1'ori Market dull ncd wnsottled ; now uifHi,18fl7i@lS7fi. Ueef Quiet and unchanged. Cat Meats Dull nnd nominal ; long clear middles , y 7o@ J 874. Lard Kiun ; prime steum , 106.1@10iC7J , Butter In good demand and firm ; 18a ( ) 45c. 45c.Cheeae Cheeae Quiet , but firm ; western flat , G@13e. ST. LODIS. ST. LODIS , Dacembor 22. Flour Dull and unchanged. Wheat Dull and lower ; No. 2 red fall , Jlg@9c for cash ; y.J@'J03 for January ; 97 ( 'J7io for February ; 101i@lO.gj fur May ; No. 3 red fall , Ul'ia bid. Corn Lower ; 43jj@l4j { for cash ; 44J@ 44Jo for January ; 454 ( < § 4S c for Pebruary ; J83@4SJe for May. OaU Lower ; 35i@3) o for canh ; 34g@ HZo for Jnnuury ] Kujo for 1'cbruaiy ; SoJifiJ ' o for May. Kyo-Quietj57c. JJirley Steady ; prime to fancyGO@83c , Uuttor Ste .1y ; creamery , 33@lUc ; dary ! 2S@31e ; Whiiky-Stoady ; 1 U. PoikQuiet ; 1700 for cash ; 17 23 for I'a iruary. , Inrd-Stoidy ; 10 29. ISulk Meatti and Bacon Market dull ; only a small job trade. AFTKUNOO.V UOAIID Wheat Qulot ; } r j for January ; 'J7Jc for February ; 1 012 or May. Corn Slow and easy ; 4 Ho for January ; 453s forFubruary ; 48JJJ for May. Oats Lower Hlg for Jamiary ; 35Jo .or ' February ; 33 3 for May. IUNSAS our. 1CANSAS CITV , Docoubor 22 Wheat- Lower and weak ; No. 2 red , 77@77ia for cisli ; 78o bid for January ; 8t'c bid tor Feb ruary. Corn Lower ; 3G@3Gi'o for cash ; SCgo Tor January ; SSo for February ; 40o for May. Oata Very Blow ; 32c bid for cash. Butter ana egg ) unchanged. MBHOHANDISH. Spocltl Dispatcher to Tin liui. NEW YOBK. NKW YOBK , December 22. Coffee Market firm ; Klu Cargoe4 quoted at ( i@ SJo. SJo.Sugar Quiet ; fair to good refining luoled at 77jc. ( M olasEeo Market < iuict but firm ; New Orleans , -10(2 ( C.Oa. Kice Demand fair and mniket firm ; domeutic , f \7 ; Kangoon , C@.rijo. Petroleum Firmer ; ( Tnited , 828c ; crude , 71@7go ; refined , 71@7fie. Tallow-Firm ; Ho. Jlostn Steady : 1 70@l 80. Turpentine Firm ; 51J@52e. LONDON. LONDON , December 22. Snlrita Tur- pentine-3Vs'Jd@38M. Linseed Oil-21s@21 lOd. Sjiirita Petrolcum-7i@8d ; refined , CJ@ Cjd. [ LIVE STOUK Epechl L-fopitchM to THE Bite. CHICAGO. OaiuAQu , December 22. The Droven1 Journal rep Tin UH follows ; IIiiRK Weak , dull and 10s lower ; rnlxcl , 5 55G ( , 10 ; hcavy.5 V ( % < j 10 ; llfilit , 5 45 ® f ir > ; MI , 3tO@52j ; waiket closed weak. Cattle Active , firmer and a shade Jilrf cr ; quality fait ; no extra cattle hern ; quotation ) ; cholco to extra , < ! " 0@ ( ! G5 ; go d to choice , fi 20@G 10 ; cummon to fair , I 30@510 ; butohera' , 2 30 ® 120 ; ttocUera aud fcederit steady and firm at 3 00@1 3 ; , Sheep Supply of all Idndu executive ; poor stock au utnulnling ; dull at 15@25a lower ; common to fair , 2 30@3 2S ; medium to good , Si fiO@4 03 ; choice to extra , 4 SO © 4 7C , UT , LOUIS , BT. Louis , December 22. Cattl Quality poor ; mixed butcher * , 3 50@3 75 ; cliolca cowa , 4 00o ( > 4 73 ; afew | native steers of 1.3CO poucdd void at 4 00(5)175 ( ) ; u car load of coaat Texans , averaging 1,100 pounds , gold at 4 50. Sheep Steady and firm ; fair to good muttons , 3 50&H 25 : clioico to fancy , 4 60 @SOO ; lamba , 3000125. Hogs Market active ; light , 5 CO@D 85 ; packing , 5 VO@G 25 ; butcliers' to extra , fi 10 < S/J 35 , HEW YOBK. NEW YOHK , December 22. The Drorew Journal bureau reports : 1309V&1 Dull nd A fraction lower for 'Mr ' to prime tecr. ; common and medium tr dei Riirco and | hrm ; common tocrjr Choice tcer. < told at 600u700 Ivowo'ght ; n culosil of Chri tnia < i atecn nld at t 2 * > ; oit > otteM took 200 fat uteors " 00@G10 , The cugo of frrtb meat on .h City of Berlin will bo mid hero. Shetp-Very dull -it 4 C0ti ( 50 per cwl , 'or ' bolu > h p and lambs Swine- None for ilc nitre hcroto-d.\y ; nominally steady at 0 I0tf6 ( 15. KANSAS CITT. KANSAS CITT , December 22. The Live Stork Indicator rcpoita : Cattle Steady ; native teer of 1,2CO to l.rCO poun.'s ( old nt I 30@5 00 ; flock- CM ud feoddrc , 3 504 10 ; cow * , 2 80 ( < 9 ? CO. CO.Hngii Firm and higher , ranging at 5 7 < i © G 25. Sheep Quiet ; nattvM from 100 to 130 pounds cola at 3 00 ® 1 CO. TSAPt'lO. I peel 11 Dlipttcbcs to Tim him. TLOUIl AND OKAIN3. CitlOACio , December 22. HecctpU anil shipments of ( lour and irnin for the past 21 tioura ha > o boon ns followa : Kccolnt * . Ship'U. Flour bbls S2000 27000 Wheat bushels 80,0 0 20,000 Corn " WI.OOO 1SG.OOO Oats " 104.8UO C3.000 Uyo " 7,000 2,800 Barley- " 32.000 16,000 NEW Yens , December 22. Receipts and nhtpuient * of Hour nud grain for the peat 21- hours have been as follows : Receipts Shp'tr. Flour bbla 25,060 4l'.3 Wheat-buahols 41,000 41.0JO Corn " ll.i.OOO 51,000 Oats " 13.550 IIOO ST. Louis , December -Kocoliits and shipments of flour aud grain for tlio past 24 hours have been as follows : Receipts. Shtp'ts. Flour bbl U.OOO 7,000 Wheat bunhbl 61,000 2,000 , Corn " fil.OOO 5. ,000 Oats- " 45,000 Rye " V.OCO 2.000 BarleyI" U.OOO KANSAS Cirr , December 2. . Receipts iml shipmonta of grain for tlio past 24 lours ha\o been as follows : Roo'ti. Ship'ta. Wheat , busheli ! 25,000 . 14,000 Corn " 47,000 34,000 LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , December 22 , Receipts nd shipments of live stock for the past 24 lours have boon aa follows : Reo'ta. Shipm'tn. Hogs 35,000 3,300 Oottlo 5500 2.800 Sheep 1,500 1,500 NKW.YOBK , December 22. Receipts and ihipments of live stock for the past 24 lours have been as follows : Uec'ta. Ship'ti. [ oca 5,2(0 . . . . 'attic ' 1,550 Sheep 3,200 ! ) GO ' [ Jeo'f , quarters -t3,100 Mutton ' , carcasses * 1,280 'Including to-morrow. ST. Louis , December 22. Rocoipta and ihipinenta of live stock for the past 21 have been as follows : Rfic'ta. Sblpm'tii. Hogs 3,700 250 Cattle . ' 450 . . . . Sheep 850 HO KANSAS Cur , December 22. Rcceipta ind shipmcuta of live stock for the past 24 lours hare boon as follows : Rec'ta. Shlpm'ts. Hogs 5,500 . . . . Cattle 300 Sheep f. 3J5 OMAHA MAKKETS. Wholesale Prlooe. OririoE or THB OMAIIA BRK , 1 Friday Evening , December 22. ) The only chances reported in the market - ket to-day are aa follows : Wheat No. 2 declined Ic. Local Grain Doallnga. WHEAT.-Cash No. 2 , 74c ; cash No , 3. 58ic ; rejected , 44ic. UARLEiT. Cash No. 2 , GGo ; No. 3 , 37c. 37c.BYE BYE Caah , 44o. NEW COKN-39C. OAT8-35C. SEEDS-Flax seed 9Gs per bn ; Red lover , choice now , 80' 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new , 37 00 ; white cbver , new , 814 00 ; Alfalfa clover , new , $12 50 ; nlsiko , now , $13 00. Timothy - othy , good , DOW , $2. 00 , blue grots , oztra clean , 51 CO ; blna nraus , clean , 01 25 ; orchard grasa ? 2 59 ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , 0c ; millet , German , 8100 to 8125 ; Hungarian 80c ; Onago orange , 1 to 6 bushels , y 00 ; oiago oraugo , 10 bunhcla or over , $ -1 50 ; honey locust , per lb. , 25c ; per lOOlbc.,82500. Produce and Provlilont. POTATOES 50s per bushel , ONIONS-30@50o per buohel. BUTTEK Choice country , 20@25o. EGUS-SOo. HONEY-Califoraia. per b , 2t. APPLES Per barrel , * 2 75@3 25. OYSTUnS-Wooth'd audPlatt'a Bfllect oyster ? , 40oi Standard , 30 ; mediume , 25 , GRAPES-California , SI 60@2 25. FLORIDA ORANGES-SG 50. LEMONS- D54 50 per box. BEANS Domestio Gorronn 2 Ofl@2 50 per hiishnl : Navy per bushel , 2 75@3 00. OniCKENS-12@13o per lb. TURKEYS-lGJo per pound. Grocers' List. CANNED GOODS Oyatere , 2 lb ( Field's ) , per cose , C4 00 ; do 1 lb ( Fleld'a ) , per case , 2 75 ; clo 2 K > ( Standard ) , per caoo , 210 ; otrawborrioii , 2 Ib , per case , 2 50 , rospberrlcB , 2 lb , per case , B 30. Dam- eons , 2 lb , per case , 2 45. Bartlett pearu per case , 2 GO. Whortleberries per case , 275. Eh'g plums,2 lb porcwie,2 90 ; do 3 lb , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per caHO.230 ; dopio , 6 ll > , per dozen. 2 30. FLOUR Jobbing price * , Jack Frost St. Louis winter ) $3flO nor 100 Iba. : To. poka Patent KansaH , 83,85 ; Minnofiaha , filiancBotn Patent , $3.70 ; Shawnee Fancy winter , 03.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter , $3.00 ; Triumph spring , best , 82.80 ; Chris- liana Huparlative. 8.50 ; bran , per ton , 314.00 ; chopped feed , 828.00. COFFJU. IUo , lair , lloj Rio. good 12c ; jiriina to choice , 12 to ISo : Old gov't Java ; 2GiUiio,2 ) Mocha , 28c ; Arbucklo's , ISo * OUEES3 Ifnll Cream , Ucj Part Bklrn. lOio. BUGAlta-Powdflrod , lOJo ; Cut loaf , yc ; Granulated , 9ic ; Contoctioner'u A , Ojfc ; Standard Eitru O , 8Jc ; Extra O , 8c ; medium yellow , J7io ; dark ytllow , SYRUP-Standard Com. , 37c , bbla. ; Standard do , 44 iallon ; kepn , 81 90 ; Stan dard do , 4 gallou kogu , $1 70 , AlKATa Hams , lOc ; breakfast bacon , none ; clear uido bicou , none ; dry salt bacon , lOJc ; BhouldctB , lljo ; derco lard , 12c. 12c.FISH FISH No. 1 mackcrol , half brls , 0 7.'g o. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mackerel - erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits , 85c ! No. 1 white fish , half brla , G 00 ; No. 1 ePIOES.-Pcpper , 20 ; Alkplce , 20o ; Clovoa , SSo ; Nutmoija , 81 00 ; Catsw , 21cj Mace tl 00 , LYE American , 3 81 ! ; Greenwich , 3 40 : Western , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 OOj Iiowia' lye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 276. 1'EKD Jobbing prlcoe , Chop food 81.W per 100 Iba , ; chop corn , 8L40 ; bran , 70c per 100 Iba. MEATS-Hams per lb , , IfJc ; B Bacon per Ib. , 15c ; clear side bacon per Ib , , lie ; dry salt tides peril ) . , OJc : dry ualt ehoul- dersperlb. , 7c ; bacon thouldera per lb , , tjo ; tierce lard per lb. , 12c , LARD-OmaliaRefminlngCo. : TJercea , 112c ; 40 end 50-lb cam , 12c ; 20.1b cans , lliio ; 10-lb pails , screw top. 12jJo ; 5-lb 12jc ; 3-lb do , 12So. IIOMINY-New , 8 60 per bbl , SODA In lb paper * , 83 per case ; keg todu , 2Jc. NEW PICKIiRS Atcdlulm , In borroln. S700 ; do in half bbl , 4 OOjtrcallr , in bblm 903 do , in half bbls. f 00 , ' Rhttl-ins , In bll , 11 03 ; do , In half bhlf , G 00. STAUO1I. Ponrl , 4Jc ; MIlur Glow 5e ; OOTP Starch , SJc ) Eiccl.tiorUloM , 7o : Corn , 7ic. TEAS .Uunpowder , good , 4r @ .5 ; 00'a75a ; ImpcrM , | owl , 40@"t'c ! > ; Cb-lr G075c ; Young Hyson , t-ood , 3fl ) 'Oe ; choice , ( V > c@l 0.1 ; Japau Nat Leaf , 35o ; Japan , choice , 60 ( 75o : Ooluiif , 55g ! ) j Oolcnp , cho.oo , 40a05j llo > > . M ® Iftj ; choice , I'nffllbc. ROPE SUM , I innh and la-v" , lOJc ; 3 inch , lit ; iincli , 11)C. ) | WOOUKNWAUK Two hnop p IU , 75 ; three hoop palls , a 03. TuV , No. 1,860 ; Plonoor w hbwrdn. 1 P.- Double Crv7u2 JjYoll ) bucket * , 860. liKAD Bar , SI C5 , VINEGAR Pure rpplo ostrs , ICc : pnro npplc , ISc ; Pruvint : uuro nm > b , llo. ! PALT. Drny Io.d3. per bbl , 1 1' . ' ; Ash- Wn , In ao k.U & 0 ; bbh d fry f > o , * > f , s W SOAPS Kltk'n Savon Imperial , 345 ; Kirk's Kfttlnit , S OOjlClrlt1 * standard. S 75 ; Klrk'i wblto lluasUn. 52. : kick1 * Kutoeo , U 15 Kirk's Pralrla Queen , (100 ( cakct ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia dot. , POTASH 1'onntylvanlo c.-vrtu , - \ care , In CMC , S 35 ; Babbitt' * Boll , 2 doz. In ca-io , 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In CMP , 1 10. , PEANUTS RoMtud , oholco , iod Xeu. ncssco , lOc per lb : fauay whltf , ICJo | 'or lb ; raT whits VlrRiula raw , 10o ; roactcd , OANDLES-Boxos , 40 Ibt.lCs , 15Jc ; 6 > , U > Jc : bdtH .10 11)8. , 16 oz. , GE , IFijjn. (11 OK l > nuUlan prime to choice , 71 © 7io : fair , 0 < c7c ; Patma , 7c. MATUlllib Per caddlo , . 95o | round , cascJ , 88 10 ; equRTO , coins , to 40 , Dry Qoodi. BROWN OOTTONS-AtUutio A , 8&c & ; Appleton XX , 7c : Atlanta A , 80 ; Boott FF , Bic ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 71o ; Chitlonnutfo A. CJcj Uroat Falls E , 8Jc ; Hooslor , CJo ; llonest Width , 8Jo. In dian Head A , 8Jc ; Indian StnndardA , 33c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , oc ; Lnwrcnco' IjL , 7c ; Mystlo River , 74c : Pequot A , 8Jo ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utlci : 0. file ; Wachus * ott B , 7Jc : do A , 81o } do K 48 , lajoj Wai- cott BB , 8ho. FINE BROWN COTTONS-Allondalo 4-4 ; 7Joj Alligator 8-4 , 805 Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ; Atlantic LL , GJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington 0 4-4 , CJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , Oieo Indian Orchard AA 0-8. 8ic ; Laconia O 39 , 8jo ; Lchlgh E 4-1 , flic * Lonsdale 4-4. lOo ; Poppcroll N 80 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7ic ; do ll SO , 7Jo ; do E 39 , 8Jc } Pocaaset C 4-1 , 7 c ; Wnmsutta-1-4 180 BLEACHED COTTONS Andronoog irln L 4-4 , Otc ; Blacks tone A A Imperial 8Sc ? do do half bleached 4-4 , Oo ; Cabot 4-4,8 } ; Fidelity 4-4 , 9ic ; Vrult of the Loom , 10 ; do can.brio4.4,13odoWntcrTwist,10ioGroat ; ; Folio Q , lOJo ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c : Lonsdale , lOo ; do cninbrlo 37 , 12Jo ; Now York Milla. 12Jc ; Poquot A,10o ; Pcpporol N G Twills , 121c : Pooahontas 4-1 , OJo ) Pocassot 4-4 , 81o ; Utica , lie ; Wftnuutta O X X , 12ic. DUCKS Oolorod ) Albany K brown. 80 ; do O. drab , Uc ; do XA etrines and plaids , 12c ; do XXX brown and drab , itripoa nnd plaids , 12icj Ariiugton fancy , lOo ; Brunswick brown , 8o ; Chariot fancy 12Jo ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River broivu , extra heavy , HJc ; Iiulianu < V brown IHnNeoonset A broxvis. 15c TlOKiiNUa Ajnnsfceag A U A 82 We ; do XX blue 82 , ISJo ; Arrowanoa , O c ; Claremont B 15. Ifilc ; CnucBtoga oz tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , lljo Lowioton A 0 , 15c ; isHunohaha 4-4 , SOc ; Omega super extra 4-1. 28o ; Pearl River S2 , lOJo ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetuckot S lOJo ; do SS 12c ; Yooinau'a blue 29 , Op DENIMS. Amoakcak , bluenud bronn lOJc ; Andover DD blue , 15ic ; ArlingX blue Scotch , ISic ; Concord OOO , blue nw brown , 121o ; do AAA , do do 13J ; doXXto blue nnd brown , _ . . . . CAMBRICS Bnruord , 5Jo ; Kddystono lining , 24 inch doublet face , flic ; Garner A glazed , PJc ; Manhattan glove finish , 5o No\\qK > rt do Cc ; do glazed , 52o ; Pequot deCo Co : Lockwood kid huich Co , CORSET JEANS Amory , 80 : Andros coggin Battoen 8Jc ; ClarondcQ , OifojConoa oSga satteens , 71c ; Hallowcl , , 8c ; Indl | | Orchard 7c ; NarrAganiiottlmprovodo Pepperill sattoon 04n ; Roekport , 7Jo , PRINTS Aliens , GJo : American , GJo ; Arnold , 7c ; Bonvick , 4c ; Cocheco , 7c ; Coneatoga. G c ; Dunkirk , > ; Dunnoll , 617c | ; Eddyutono. 7o ; Gloucester , Ce ; Harmony , 5&c ; ICnlckorbocIror , GJo ; Mor rl oo D. 7c ; Myntic , Rio ; Spramios , Go ; Southbridgo , Co ; do , Glngbama , 7o ; Marl. bore , BJc ; Orleuttl 6 0. GINGHAMS Ani' > akB6g. 121e ; Amoe- kcag droca OJs Arjryie , lOJo ; Atlantic , Oo ; Cumberland , 74o ; Highland , 7ic ; Kenilworth , BJc ; Pfuu kott , lOJc ; Sus OCX. 80. COTTONADES Abbervillo ISJa Agate , 20c ; American , lie ; Artislan , 20o ; Cairo D and T , I3je ; Clarion D nnd T , 17io ; Deccau Co.ctripon DandT , IGo ; Keystone - stone , ISJc ; Nantucket , lOc ; Nonpareil , 3Cc ; Ocean D and T , ISjo ; Royal , 10J i Sussex , 12o ; Tioga , 12Ap ; Wnchusott ehlrt- In ? jhecka. 12jc ; do , Nnnkin , 124c ; York , plaiu Nnukin. I'-'ic ; dochocks , stripes and fancy , 12)c ; do , 8 oz , 20c , SHEETINGS AndroocomrfnlO-4,2710 ! do 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C 42 , lie , Fiuit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Now York millsOS , 85o ; do 78 , SOc ; do 5S. 22Je , Pombrjke 10-4 , , 25o ; Pequot 1C-4. 28c , do 71 , 19o do 49 , lOc ; Popperell [ 1)0 ) , 29c ; do 07. 21cdo ; S7 , 18c ; UWca OB , 3Jo ( ; do 58 , 22io ; do 48.17o. PlnU Oils end Vrnlthe OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 13o ; 150 * headlight , per g lloti , 15c ; 175 * hoadlieht , per gallon , 20c ; linseed , raw , per ( ration , 3 ; Unseed , bolleil , per gallon , 5Gc ; lard , winter atr'd , per qal , Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , SSo ; No. 2 , 7Cc ; castor , XXX. per gallon , 1 20 ; No. 3 , 115 ; aweel , per gallon. H5o ; sperm , W , B. , per gallon- 1 05 ; fish , SV. B. , per gallon , GOc ; neatafoot , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5o ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , 30s ; summer , Ific , gojden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No , 2'SO ; sperm , olgnal , ] > or gallon , 80o ; tur. poutlno , per gallon , 05o ; napth , 74 , per gallon , ISo ; Gi' , 17c PAINTS IN Oil. Whlto load , Omaha P. P. . Gioj white lead , St. Louis , pure , 02c ; Marseilles groan , 1 to 5 lb cunt , 20o French zinc , giaon real , 12o ; French r.ino , rod Beal , lie ; French zlcc , In varnlfib russt , 20c : French rlnce , in oil aaat 15o ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12a ; raw nnd burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , w | refined lampblack. 12o ; coach black nnd i"ory block , IGc ; drop black , ICc ; Prussian blue , 80o ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrvrao green , L. M. & D , , 14oblind ; nnd ehutter Kreen , L , M. & D. , Me ; Paris Rreon , 18c ; Indian red , 15c : Venetian red. 'Jo ; Tuscan dre , 22c ; American Vcrmlliod , I.&P , , 18o ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0. & D 0 , , 18cj yellow ochre , tie ; golden ochre , 11 ; patent dryer , 8c ; proining colors : light or.k , dark oat. walnut , thoutuut and tuih ICo. Dry D lnU Whlto lead , C'c ; l-'rcnch ilnc. lOct Parlti whlteing 24c ; whiting gildon , IJc ; vthitlng conn , Ijo ; Jainnblftol : German * to\vn. lie ; If iiiphlack , oriJinary , lOc ; Pros. slan blue , 55c ; ultr&mariuo , lac ; vamiyke brown , lie ; umbar , burnt , 4 : ; umber , raw 4cslouna ; , burn t , 4c ; sleuur. , raw , 4o Paris green genuine , > c ; I'uria green com1 20o ; chrome grocu , N. Y. ' 20c ; chroin green K , , 12c ; vermllllon , Eng , , 70c ; ver million , America , 18c ; Indian red , lOo roiio pink , 14u ; Venetian road , Coknsoio 2jo ; Venetian red Am , , Jc ; rod load , 7c chromo yellow , ( jenuiuu , "Oo hromo yel low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle 3o ; ocnre French , 2c ; ochre , American , 2o Winter's mlnorjJ. 2c ; lohigb browu. 24c spanieh brown , 2t ; Prince's mineral 8c , VARNISHES Barrela per gallon. Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , extra , 01 40 ; each , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Dainar , extra , 81 76 ; _ opan , 70c ; aa. phaltum , extra , 85c : shellac V3 COl hart oil finish , 81 80. Heavy Hardware List , Iron , rates , $3 10 ; plow steel , special cast , 7o ; crucible , 80 ; special or Uerman.Gc east tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , set 2 25@3 00 ; bubs , per sot , 1 25 ; felloes , saww dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles each , 76o ; sfiuare nuts , per lb , 7@llc wwhers. per lb. 8@18c : rivets , per lb , He o ll chain , per Ib , G@12o ; malleable , 80 Iron wedges , 60 ; crowbars , 60 ; harrov twth , 4oj boneahoos , per keg , 5 00 ; spriui rl l. 7@J < c : Bnwlon's horjwiocn , 6SO ; Burden's mnloshoes , G 50 SHOT. Shot , 81.65 ; Buck nhot , 32,10 , ' . ) rieulol Powrier , kcg , 80.4ri : .1o , , h l : * pr. $3.48 ; di. , quarter knes , SI.88 ; _ . nir , kocxi 88 85) ) i'usft , tier 100 fest COo , UAUBKIVIKKtn car lots , 7 fi'l per 00 ; In Iwa than car lota , 7 75 nof 100 , llfttt * . 10 to efli7 , 42.i ( Hlci < rut * , etc. ' .trven butcher n hldr > , G ( < ? ,7jc cured 7f@Bc ; hides , prccu Bait , i > .vrt curtM " { elided , rj < , ; dry flint , sound , 13i'l-c ! ; drr all aud kip , UMllcj dry salt hides , Humid , OOftllc ; erocn emf , Ht , 8 tolSita. , ll ( 12cj Knvju coif , \vt , tinilur 8 lie , pet rrin , 50c | Teen polta , 50@8l 25 ; grccu Imnli nklns , : i 2oUO ; ditm. od hidc.i , two-tbltd rate , out ecorovl and ono pnib , cl.a"od two- Unit ritto , ) brnudcd hide * 13 per oout. of ! I'ocn ikin , No. 1 , 4fic ; Mo. 2 , SOc ; No. 1 20.J No1 , lOc. Mlnlt , No. 1 , 33s ( No. 3 f a ; iN'o. ti , IB. ) ; No. 4 , iV . Vex , No.1V , 'Qy ' No. 2 , . > e. SlcunlNo. . 1 , bJno ) ijic ; li'-I ulrijtc , 4CMi nariotr ttip a iroa.1 stilpti , lOc ' 1 Vvllnvr "c. Le. tner Oak tolc , SSo to 4Vc : hemlock sole , 2Sc to Be ; hemlock kip. EOo to 100 ; runner , MO to 80c ; hemlock cr.lf , 85o to 1 SO ; hem- ock upper , 23o to 2Gc | oak upper , 2lo ; alligator. 4 00 to B 50 ; calf kid , 82S5c ; Grelfcnkld , 2 60 to a 75 ; oak kip , 80s to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 80 ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 5C ; Ft ouch calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; tun. otts. 6 50 to 7 60 : linings , G 00 to 10 50 ; opplnga , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 80a .0 85o ; pebble 0 , D. Morocco , 85o ; slmon ; i ffl to 3 00. HARNKSS-No 1 star oak , 42c ; No ale lo , Site ; N. 1 Ohio oak , 3Sc ; No. 2 do , S5o ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 87c : No , 2 do Sic. Hories nd Mules. Tiio market is brisk and all grades art ) filling vrrll at r iltht ! ; advance lu in Icon. I'ho demand for good horrce'exceodi lha upply cousideraoly. 1'rlcc.i rnnga ni Icl- owst Fiuo itnglo driven , 0150. toSOO.l Kxtra iraft homes , $175. to 'ATi , ; Common draft torsos , $100 , to ICO. ; Kxtra farm horses , 1110. to 125. ; Common to good farm homes ' 90. to 8100. ) Extra plugn , 8GO. to 7C. | Common iilunn , 820. to 810. MULES. 15 to l&i hands ( extra ) , 125. olSO. ; 14J to 15 hands , $100. to 140.1 .4 to 14J hauds , 876. to 100. ) 134 to 14 lands , 800 , to 75. Lumber. WHOUtUAL * . Wo quote Itunbor , latn and shingles on : can at Omaha at the following prlcoti JOIHT AND SOANTHNC4-1G ft. and under , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50. TIMBERS 1C ft. and under. 822 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ll. , 82350 ; SC ft , 823 50j 22 ft. , 82G GO ; 21 ft. S2G 60. FENDING No. 1 , 4 and G in. , 821 00 ; No. 2. 822 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ocmmon boards ) . $20 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00. LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per oua- Oe ; Oomout , bbl , 82 25 IOWA plaster , bbl , 82 60. Hair per bu. 40o , Tarred 'flit 100 Ibs. 83 60. Straw board , 83 50. COAIt Cumberland blacksmith , 012 ; tforriu Kuu Blosaburg , 812 ; 'NVhitobroast ump , $5 60 ; Whltobron.it nut , $ E 50 ; Iowa utnp , 5 50 ; lown nut C5 50 ; Hook Spring C8 ; Anlhtnolto , 810 5n@ll 00. RU S AND 01IEM1UA L3 , Carbolic , bOo ; Aotd , Tnrtario , GOc ; Jopabia , per lb , 70c ; Uark , Saunfms , per b , lit ; CnlouiuL per lb , 7oc ; Cinchoiildia , ar ox , C115 ; Chluroform , par lb. 100 ; Jovor'a powder ? , per Ib , 3110 ; Epaon : hlto , per lb , 343 ; CJIycuviuu , purr , po bl , ISc ; Load , Acetate , per lb , 22c Oil , Castor , No , 1 , per KB ! , PI 20 ; Oil , Qvilor , No. 3 , per gal , $110 , Oil , ) live , per iral. 31 5U ; Oil , Origanum , 50 ; Opium , J4 75 ; Uulnfco P. & W. & R. & B. , tot at , 2 Uj ; Potugaium , lodido , par lb rl 75 ; Salaciti , par oz , lOc ; Sulphate p Morphine , t-mr < ji , 83 85 ; Sulpnur flour ; > or lb , 4o ; blrvolmlnc. ccr ot , lil < s5. 4 Liquors. ALCOHOL 187 proof. 3 25 per wiao . ; allen ; extra Cnllforula umrito , 187 proof , L per proof gallon ; tripla relined eplrits 187 proof , 1 28 per proof ttallon ; re-distilled wbiikieti , 1 001 60 ; fine blended , 1 50 © 3 50 ; Kentucky bourbonn , 200@700 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 l)0ii)7 ) 00. BRANDIES Imported , S 001000 ; domoatio 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 503 00 ; domestic , 1 40@3 00. RUMS Imported , 4 50(8)0 ( ) 00 ; Now England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 ! > 0@8 60 PEACH AND APPLE liRANDY- 1 76@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per coco , 2800SJ Oj ALanrlna , o'aua , 1200 $ ; 1C 00. OLARETS 'or cnno , 4 5001G 00 WINES Rb uo wine , per case , 0 OOQ 00 ; O&tavlia , per OMO. 4 00@7 00. Olsara end I ob ccci. CIGARS. Secda , 815.00 ; ( JonncsUcut , 525.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havana , $50.00 ; Cloarllnvaim , 37C.09. TOBACCO PLUG. Galdon Rule , 24 lb , GOc ; Our Rope , first quailly , 62s ; Star , pounds , 22 lt > , butlcGOc ; Homo Shoo , pounds , 21 lb , tlmtti , 6Bc ; Gill Edge , pounds , 21 lb , bulta , 00 ; Army and Navy , pounds , 55a ; Bullion , pounds , 69c ; Ldrll. tard'a Climax , pounde , bOc. FINE OUU ln mib. Herd to VcM 76o ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc , Favorite , G5o ; Rocky Mountain , GOc ; Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foil Cntllnii O. S. , G lb boxes , par lb 680 ; Lori- Ulard's Tleor , OOo ; Diamond Grown , GCo. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 33c. Granulated Blockwolhi Durham , 10 oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz , 4Go ; Konl of North Carolina , 10 oz , 4G ; Seal of Nobrnn- ka , 1G oz , 3c ; Lane Jack. 4 or , linen bags porlb , 81.85 ; Mnrburgs' Pack 2 oz , tin oil , 65o ; Dor ; Tall C6c. Wool. Merino unwM cd , light , 14@lBo ; her.vy.c , @ 1316c ; medium unwashed , Kght , 18@)20 ) washed , choicx ) , ? 2c ; fair , 3Uo ; tub-ding ; aud w. , 23c ; hurry ? blaokond oottoi wool 2@Go les * _ _ _ P/l ! T B vo money and ordorsMtdlroot from J/iL I us , ship iirouiptly by rail at th cmc'dt ixmslblo coeh prlcoto all western points TVI.iil BALT.'COEanlnawOlty.llhoi 0110 dlmo gat a packogo of Diamond Dyon nt the drugKlat'a. They color anything the olmpleat aud uioet donirublo ooor ) . NOREASE CAPITAL. aso ; Those dcslrlnz to roiko money small anil medium Investment ! In fraln , iirorlalona and itock ijiecult lees , can do to by operatingon am plan. From ll y 1.1681 , to I ho pro WHEAT "o" ' J&tui on Imcaiinonli ol f 10,01 " to 1,000 , cwih proflts have b D roillzod and paid to Invettori uniountlnjtoBovoril llmco tLcorlg Ictl InvcDtmont. I'rollla | mU let o o\cry \ manth , btlll luavln/ the orlK'nM ' Investment rnilnni ; mono ) or paynblu on deiniml , f.t Untto ry circular ! and ttatomcnts cf fund \veuit frto Wo want raiiiocbtbli asento. who wll rrpart oucrops mid Ititroduco tlio ] > lun. L'.bor ' i com- tnlmilnim paid. Adilrcaa 'riiKUMlNU ft HEUUIAl ! , Ociu- tnliblon kerclnutir , Uor Illoclc , Chlcar-o. 111. SIDKWALK KOTIOI3. Notice Is licrcljj RhinUithu owner or owners of the folio * lie ilu.irlbml iirojicrt ) , bltuato.in the tit ) of Onmlia , county of Il3 | { la , nnd ilnto n ( Niljratl.J , tola > fcliloualUs In ( rene of and adjoining - joining Min , 'Mitiiln WUen ( IB ) ihju from le- ctmbor 2l > tli , A. i. 18i' ' , ittld s'duw.ilka to lie tonutructod In * ccorilaniu w.th pluin and uiicclll- iiitloimon IUo In thootliuoof tlio Jloard of I'lilillu Works , ui.d In o in pi unto uitli Ilia fallu lngri olii loj ud i > ttd by tliu nt ) council ol ' ealiUlt , lo-wlt ; * Ia ! It r.solu llby ilia City Council of tlio City ot Oinalm , Tluta tldunalk I'c , w.thln fifteen duja from tld * datu tonitructtd and laid to the iicrmancnt Kradolniuld city , In front of itud odjuliiluif the folio * Ing described prcmUosii. \ . LoU ciio ( I ) and ilxht (8) ) , wet iMuoflCtli trto , In bloik , twenty ( VUfnt ) wide. Lot four (4) ( ) cMt tide of loth ttrot , in block 70 , Ucntj ( iWf tt lao. . . . Huch Bldcwalk * ti be conitruitrd of two Inch pln plank and to bo In width us abe o upoclflud , and. tlie ri siicUlt o ownir or ow ncru o ( tlio above dt crib dpr iiil i. ara hircby rulrud | to ton- . J. U . J . r. tr Clerk. JAMISICKKIUUTON. Chalnnan lloardof I'ubllc Work * City of Omalia. , tuialjo , D . IS , ISIS. d tlmr , Irl. at. OIVT A COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS. Eoastora juid Grinders of CoffesD and Spices , Manufacturers of IMPERIAL BAKING POWDER Clark's Double Extracts of BLUEING , INKS , ETC 11. 0. OLAHK & CO. , ProprlotorB , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-10IJ Dnuplnn Street , Orrmhfi , E 1108 and 1110 Harney Ft. , OMAHA , NEB. TO Growers of Live Stock and Others : WK oALL YOUU ATTJ2NTION TO OUR . /NI 1 / * 1 1 1 Ground Oil Cake. It is the best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound la equal to three ponn-'a of corn. ( Stock fed with Ground Oil Cnko in the fall nnd winter - tor , instead of running down , will incronso in weight nnd bo in good mnrkot- able condition in the spring. Dairymen asroll as ethers who use it can tes tify to its merits. Try it nud judge for yourselves. Frico 920 > 00 per ton ; no charge for Hacks. Address o4.ood.mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , No > . L. C. HUNTINGTON & SOJST , DEALERS IN HIDES , FURS , WOOL , PELTS & TALLOW 204 North Sixteenth St. , - - OMAHA , NEB. 1006 Farnam St. , Omaha. HIMEBAUGH , MEREIAM & CO , , Proprietors , Wholesale Dealers in Mills Supplied With Olioios Variotioa of Milling Wlioat , , Wcotcrn Trad < > Supplied with Onta and Corn at Lowcot Qaotationa , with prompt olilpmuntB. Write for prlccn. g . Hellman & Go. WHOLESALE HIERS 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. OMAHA , NEB. NEB.MILLS. MILLS. MANUFACTUREI18 OIT Carpenter's Materials. Jit V ALSO SASH , OOORSo BL1HDS , STAIBS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. Kint-cluia facilltloo for the Mrvnufacturo of all liiodea of Mouldings , Palntlos and nmtcbiupr a HjKJcialty. Orders ( rum tlia country will be promptly executed. l coumiunlcationi to A. MOYKU , ESTABLISHED IN 1808. D. H. McDANELD & CO. , . HIDES , TALLOW , GREASE , PELTS ' , 204 North ICth St. , Maaonlo Block. Mnin Houno , 40 , 48 and D2 D U. born avenue , Chicago , llofor by permiaalon to Hide and i -v Leather National Bank , Chicago , v