3 DAILY BEE TWELFTH YEAH. OMAHA. NEB SATURDAY MORNING DECEMBER 23 1882 157 MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. An ? Interesting Collection of Events hi the Lyrio and Mimic World , A Oharmiup Reception of a Or > ica , o Vocalist by Omaha Artists. QlqnntoAnn At General .Notes- Durnbnm'a Mustcalo. "Music is a higher revelation than aclonco nnd philosophy. " So wrotu the master Bedthovon , nnd no one realized that fact moro truly than himself , nnd wo believe that those present nt the informal reception tendered Mins Ida L. Barlow , formerly of Ohlcaao at the residence of Mr. Levitt Burnharn on north Twenty- second street , on Thursday evening , by the Presbyterian1 and Congrega tional choirs , several members of the Oniahn Glee club nnd u few friends will endorse our quotation and jagrco that the programme presouiod on that occasion lorcibly exemplified the truth therein stated. Delightful and ex- quiflito vocal nnd inBtranumt.il selec tions vrero rendered by Mrs. Henry Futabronk , Mrs. Wilbur , Mrs. Shor- rill nnd Mrs. Day , the Alisaoa Birlo w , Maul and Wilson , nnd Messrs. J. L. Smith , \V. B.N ilkina , Cralle , Jack son and Snow. It was a unique nnd withal so excel lent a parlor concert ns has not been hoard here for Rome time. Of the participants It is unnecessary to say anything ; they nro vocalists and voff f ' formers of established roputatioujn this vicinity , with the exception 'of Miss Barlow , the guest of the even ing , who succeeds Miss Minnie Maul iti the Presbyterian choir. Miss Bur- low , a pupil of Madame Kempton'r , is well known to a few of our citizens by whom nbo has boon frequently heard in Chicago , where she onjoya an enviable reputation as n finished mid popular songstress. Her singing on Thursday evening convinced all present tbut this reputation la well merited. Wo can conscientiously en dorse nil the good things that have been said of her. With commnnding TJres < inoe she possesses a , sweet voice of good quality nnd compass , sinus with excelloDt taste , evincing thorough cul tivation. % In bright crispuoaa , delic.ito blond in voice , m emphasis nnd cltnrneis the selections which aha sang ox quiftitcly were models. As an inatruutor in vocal music , she cornea to us with the best of rc-coni- mendution , and as an ncquisition to Omaha society and its musical word , ft- " . - - - . corrft WA.ont'jp f eeling assured , that sue will meet with tucoees in onrcity. . Mrs. Levitt Burnham though taken by storm by tha .asaemby was equal to the emer gency , and during the evening ushered the participants into the dining room wheru a repast consisting of delicacies that would tempt an epicure wore spread , and to which nil did justice in rtifreftlilng the inner man. Among the number present were Judge BftVUftP , Mrs. Butler , Mr. and MM. Lsvitt Burnham , Mrs. Bartou , Mr. Day , Will Morris , Mrs. Wilkinr , Kev. A.F. Sherriil , Mr. Woodbngc und others. In conclusion wo thaut Mr. Frank Smith , maotor of ceremonies monies , nud his able aanistauta fp : their truly delightful music , and Mr nnd Mrs. Luvitt Burnham ( or thel generous hospitality. i Loavltt'a Glgantean minstrola ap peared at Boyd's opera house laot oven iug , to a house only ordinarily fair. This was largely owing to the mono. . expended In tickets for the Nilsso concert of January 2nd , for otherwu nny minstrel show , especially Loavitt Gicanteasia , who are known hero i among the best on the road wonl .have blind the house from pit todomi The entertainment was of a high o and unbounded satiHfactio < der gave Ao all present. Kisalnpr on the Stage. Stage kisses have from time out mind given rise to rancb diecuusio tad now and then to more sorio . consequences. Still , they have ua rule , been regarded as n naoessa evil or advautago of theatrical lfp | , the cueo mighc be , nnd ? u6h.J , husband or sweetheart of this or th not have be lovely actress may alto-ether ploasud t the freedom wi which ehe was embraced by her mo the ladies the lover on the boards , oaken have never been known to ma public complaint , indeed , ono v worthy and respectable person wl by wildJy imaginative agenta and mi ucers it sometimes called n pri donna , owes much of her notano and. conowjnontly , ranch of her BUCC and fortune , to the freely adv tlsed allegation thajt her kua all st&ee kleses , is the most natui fascinating , attractive , and pleasing look upon. But this is an ago progrew , and there is an intimat th t oven aUgo kisses muni bo formed. At last there appears a ' man and an attress who deckr.es t they must luvva their limit ; that it were , they most bo delivered omtly , in order , and without un Jiagering. The name of the refer need not bo mentioned. It is c nctusary to tell her story. She enetsed until recently in bi. L Snd played H leading P rt in drams known ai "Paiilon's Sla In it the principal actor , a very gpectable mm nam jd Slovens , fo ItneeoiiBrv to kiss her , and hiMll forTnumberof Buc = 8 lvo evening to ba known m the V , kiss is the sort of salutation JTig- nold , when parforming in thnt phy , uiod to give the lady who plnycd the part of thn French prince. Hu approached her from , behind , took her lace with both hands under thr chin , turned her mouth toward him aud kissed it over her shoulder. In the play of 'Passion's blftvo' , Sir. Stevens , oa the occasion of the first performance , kissed mo in this way. Afterward I tried to so hold itiy head that ho would kita my chin , but as I could not always succeed in this. I hare given up my engagement aud left the cimptny. 1 am not n prude , but I do not think anyone but n hut- bund , mi cngiged lover or n gnardlan should ki the way Mr. Stevens kilted me in the play. " _ Thenu sentiments are admirable , with the potsiblo exception cf the privilege givou to guardian ? , Ai to the propriety of abolishing the Uenry V. kiss from the "ataRO bus- incus , " however , there can bo no sort of doubt. Lyric titars , Signer Brignoll ( and , by the way. ho pronouncet it Brin yo-ly , with the accent on the first nyllablc ) , ha * been making a concert tour with Fnny Louise Kellogtr , and the papnrs com plain that ho puts in moat of his time getting drunk. Thin tasy or may not bo true , os it would bin pretty hard thing for ono not well acquainted with Brignoli to determine accurately when he was drunk or when sober. Brig- nnli has always boon notorious for brutal ciccentricltioB , and yet , with nil his foibles , ho has n warm , generous heart , nnd his fidelity to those whom ho likes is ono of his beat traits. Btignoll must now bo ever sixty years of age ; our , fathers and mothorn fell in love with his silvery voice long ago when they were young. The spectacle of the old man the hero of mny a lyric triumph now traveling about thu country with an inferior company , in the hope ot earn ing enough money to lido himself over from this to next season , is a sad one. Brignoll will not admit , how ever , that ho has lost any of his vocal power nnd ho cannot realise that the oublic go to hoar him in the same spirit of curiosity that wo cce .in old soldier shoulder his crutch and show how fluids are won. lie is a great admirer of Emma Abboti'a Arltno. "Emma can not sing Luit , " suya ho , "hat you should hoar her slop L Glrln Bohe mian by zj ntars , sir ! oho is za only Arline in ze world ! " Cjnley , the dead basso , had the same estimate of his own potrora that Brignoli seems tn huve of hio , 4lTfaey talk to me. " Couley used to Bay , "about thomothod of thid man and that mail and how charmingly such or euch a ono haa been schooled , but when they want n voice they como to Conloy ! I don't care a penny tor methods I have the organ ! " Aud DO ho had. Geaeral Note- _ Mjjt Ander oE remains jmuthor week _ Kata Clailon Trill appear on Chrutmsj. night at the Fifth.Avenue Thoatr" . Mra. Lsngtry playa two wseks in Phila delphia ; on January lit in Brooklyn. Lawrence Barrett devotes the present week to the Windsor Theatre , New York. Lotta i' playing t the Grand opera house in New YorK in "The Uttle Detec tive. tive.Mme. . Modjenka enter * on the econd week ot her engagement at Booth'd Thea tre to-moi row. Mr nnd Mrn. Florence will reappear In Now York , at the Ciwnd opera houao , on New Year ii night. JH I'ho new Casino will certainly bo opened ou the 30th inet. bv the McCiull ( Jrr \ * Compinv , with Strau * 'n opera , "Ttu " Queen's Lice Handkerchief , The choralBoclotlea of Lowell andSalcai MafH. , have determinotl upon n joint pro tluction of " 1'be Redemption , " under Mr /erranu , ono performance to be given it L-iwcll and ono in .Salem. Nileson will ba in Denver three daya She arrived from San 3r.inolsou Frida ] evening nnd remain" until the next Tue day evening. On Christmas day utie wil attend service ut * . Johu'd cathedral. The 1'hilharinonic Society of San L'rnr Cisco is liaviuj ; a euccesaful Histion. A the third concert Beethoven's Ilixhth Kyir phony. Brjhina'u liungarlan Daucea un the "Lohengrin Vorspiel , " were on th programme UreitkopI t Htrte ] , in Leinzlg , hus just Issued the fifth volume of JUm'n con plete literary works , and the tilth volun of La Mara'fl Muiiksllnche Studien-Kopf "Die L'rauen im Tonleben der Uegei I wnrt. " Mr. Maurice Strakonch will KVO thn farewell concerts by Miss Thurahv ; of Cbickerlne Hall on the evenlngu ni Jnu - ary 1th , 8th acd llth , and two S&turdi 03 afternoon concerts Janunry ( ith and ltt ! After tho'O performances Miss Thural will return to Knrope , ry his provincial to I'd win Booth ended as of Great Britain at ] iirmlngbam , It I ho . i gan on ) September ] ] , nn < t the traeill lav' ' ban visited Shttlleld , Yorn , geafbor en Harrowgate , Nowcwtle , Dandre . . . , Abi . . " " ' ---i. tr..ll 1 „ - - - Hnll ith deen , lilasfow , lUInbnrgh , , ck Dublin , Manchester , Liverpool nnd liln ckm inKham , Mr. Booth goes to London , m The followlntf oporaa were given , ko Vienn * during the uecntid half of Octobi jry "Faune. " LohcnKrin."Walkuro , " "Si 10 nambuU , " Queen of Hheba , " "Alpf " " "Violett tu hutte , " "MelBtnrslnRer , tuma " ' " "Maiki ma "MephlRtopheleg , , 'Mlgnon , ball , " "I'antalon , " "Huguenots , " "Aid ty , and "Taming of the Bnrew. " OSS There are In Kurone 1,457 tl' tres , i orof tributed an follows ; Italy 31 ? , Franca 3 of Germany 101 , GreU Britain 150 , Sp al , ICO , Austria and Hungary 1112 , KUBB ! * lit" Helglutn St. Holland 1 ! ' . ' , bwiiterland Portugal 1C , Sweden 10 , Denmark Norway 8 , liroecoI , 1'utkey C , Huma IsiBervki. wo- Tba Keinlt of Carelonsuen. hat as Siwoinl DlfpjUlt to TIIK BIX. do- BuinoEi'OKT , December Ii2. A i duo senior tram on the Now York & 1 inor Haven road ran into a awlth en mly dertiling the smoker and the i and smashing botl wia passenger cir , 9Ui the locomotives. Several piusoiv the were badly injured , Carolatei ve. " was the cauno of the collision. re- uud A. Holldny Calebration- tn T'i > " " (1 ffi PUpttcb ( (1s Mass. Daaember 2 > s in PLYMOUTH , , atrl Forefather's day is a general hpl f'le.1 hero uud w s asherod in by a dis ] of b ullar of fl z , salutes and ringing this The Plymouth baad , the Stan losal guards tnd the OoUinuwood i the CS. A. E , marched to Pilgrim ] enry where the inritfid gut-its wore reoei The march wai then resumed to the rook on which the pilgrims landed , whern n volley WAS fired by the mili tary escort , nnd thoio present sang the hymn , "Amrrio1 * . " Thence the pro cession marched to the church of the first pariah , which was filled to over flowing by the people. Imltotlnc OiUoinli. Sp ftal Dispatch to Tni Bit. NKW YORK , December 22. The grand jury to-day made a pronoutniont against the street cleaning bureau. It is insisted thnt the streets be thor oughly cleaned during the existence of thoprepont tluwbiitoro ten nnd snow again make cleaning impossible. A JUnnloror HuriR. Spnlal Plswtch | to Tmtllm. NKW OULKANS , December 22. The TimoR-Ddinocrat Starksvillo ( Miaa. ) spcciil says : F. L. Jones , who mur dered ThoniM J. Jones on the 3i of July laat , was hanged nt Ltmlsvillo , Mississippi , in the jail yard this after noon. Only a few persons wore al lowed to witness the execution. Reception of Train Robbori ? . Upoclnl Dlnuiitch to Tin Un. ST. Louis , December 22. Seven men attempted to rob the west-bound train on the Toxna Pacifio about sixty miles west of Dallas , shortly After midnight night before last , but they were "ben ton off by the guard of the state rangero on the train. It is thought ono or moro of the robbers were wounded , na blood was found on the ground at the point of attack. Tbo Rim in Boer. Spedtl Dlp toh to Till Hun. CHICAGO , December 22. The saloon hoopers in the heart of the city at a mooting to-night , decided to call a mass mooting of all saloon keepers of the with a view of making a fight in case Ibo western brewers' association inslots on raising the price of beer $1 per bar roll after January 1st , iu ac cordance with its recent decision. Dostrnotivti Storm * Spcctal DtHpatch to Tim HEX. NEW ORLEANS , Dacombsr 22. The Timea-Democrat's Opelousaa special aayn : A severe wind nnd rain storm provailcd Monday and Tuesday. The old citizens pronouuco it the heaviest tloluge of rain since the last inland storm in 1855 Bridges wore swept nway in every part of the parish , some otibma blown down nud travel seri ously Interrupted. Mutiny of Mexican Soldlon- Sperlal Uispitch to Tun Unit. MATAMOKAS , Mox. , Dscomber 92 Forty soldiers of infantry nt Tampico mutinied. After n deepsrato fight with the gnard they escaped , Capt. Burgas was killed , und one lieutenant and several soldiers were wounded. The troops puraufcd the doeortora and captured about half , who will ba shot. A liond Dinner- Special Dispatch to Tux HBK. . . _ AlUltuAUM > w 0 Bishop Howe of the unmber , sat down to-night to the dinner of the Now Eugiand society. Governor Hoyt nnd Ganoral Sherman made speeches. Excursion Crnin Ditched. Special Uigpatch toTIm UitK. MOUNT VEUXON , O. , Dacombar 22 An excursion train with three hun dred passengers was dituhad by an open switch iu the yards of the Clove- laud , Mt. V rnon & Columbus road. A number pauaorigers / were badly bruised , bufnono uoriooe'y injured. JuuuruoU Talks- Special Ilhi > alhto Tim Urn. WABHI TON , Dacembor 22. Tngor- soil nddr/aaod / the jury iu the stai route ctai to-day. /Tbo / Kind Wo Lllic-l The uydicino wo most like ia that wliicli doeB itHvork / < iuick and well , /lunlod Jtlowl Utters me the ijuickoft kind uf i euro fo1 dynpepula uud liver and klilocj alTecUok . . . SENSA tON : A iiiroly Occurrence in a Karnaa ,0 / Street HUop. ( Jiito a largo crowd was agsetnblt ' marko' ' in front of Snydor's moat abjut noon to-day nud it was oviion ee thit something unusual had occtrrod atu A'BKK ' reporter happening to bJ ncn b * and perceiving the concoarso t made with all possible haste t tno centre of attractlcn. Elbowing hi u r fay through the gaping multitude , th loan loportor , with some dillicnlty , BUI o , feodod in elfoctinc an entrance , whc H1' - , | io discovered that the cause of all th ui- commotion was an oxtraordinarl nt fine stock of droiiawl beef , mutto Oa taking a mo ii- veal arid pork. ID' careful survey of the promises ho o sn- " served that Mr. Snyder had also la en- , iu a mognilbent supply of turkeys. On making inquiries the reporl loainod that a great part of the t llvOT ceased animals had been ed OT , the now celebrated II , Daniels , uln 44 , Cottage Grove Farm , and It must 20 , confessed that they presented an ; spectacle , The beef i 10 , petite-giving nla especially fine , und attracted m than ordinary attention. The v and mutton wna also very oicelU and was much admired by all were present. Mr , Snyder while c : scious of the fact that ho has the fit na iov ntcck of meat in Omaha , has novorl inlno ! to give ine > lesa made np his first Omaha Mentis the benefit , and th i of fore will Boll at aa reasonable pi taking into considera ai possible , era [ ness the superb quality of the article fercd. Iluburman'a stock of diamonds jewelry was never so complete as i and ho finds lila trade much la iday than over , Remember the place , pUy nor Thirteenth and Douglas atr I opposite the Millatd hotel. UlOll > ast , 1)3 your shopping at Imll , ived. GhrMraas gifts , Guild & Mcli THE NATIOKAl CAPITAL. Senator YanWyok's ' Bill Com- pollin ? EailroiflBtD Take Oat Patents Esportofl to tlio Senate , The Oommitteo Hndoroo the Monsuro no of Great Impor to the Weat. The Wood Winders Expoot to Rate Well In OonpreaB in the 'Matter of Taxos. A Vigorous Movement of Ohin Toward the'Goal of Oivll Seryioa lit form. The HortRe DUonnea the Armjr Bill Important AmoDitmcutm Offer tl. Hod Cloud Struts Mnjostlcally About the Capita ) , and tofueoa to bo Pumped. . CAPITA ! * NOTES- SpecUl Dlipnteboi to Till 1 > TA.VINQ KA1LHOAD LANDS. WASHINGTON , Daoombor 22. Sen ator Van Wyok to-day reported to the senate hio bill , agreed by the com mittee on publio lands , which proposes to compel railroad companies to pay taxes ou lands granted by the govern ment. It piovidos that lands for which the companies are entitled to patonta ou payment of the expense of surveying , and yet refuse to take pat ents , shall within ono yonr after the tiruo the company's become entitled to patonte , bo forfeited to the United States and made part of the publio domain. The Union , Central and Kansas Pacific are said to bo the com panion principally effected by this measure , the amount of landa involved approKim ting 15,000,000 acres , lo cated in Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Nevada and Califor nia. KEI > CLOUD i his interpreter arrived to-dny. Attempts were made to get interviews with the famous chief to-night. Ilia response aud salutation , "How" was all the reporters were able to draw from him. AMCUIOAN ECONOMISTS. A meeting waa hold last night at which the association , cf American economists w s organized. The object is the gathering of faotn and statistics bearing upon the industry , commerce and finance and wide diBseuiiaailpn of ington next month , when the possible effects of pending twill and internal revenue legislation upon the material interests of the country will bo con sidered. CONGRESSIONAL. 8pocl l DI P tcb to Turn BE.VATK PBOCIKDINOH. ' WASHINGTON , .Tecombor flL'SL The senate adopted the following : Resolved , Thattfc is the BOIIBO of the senate that whenever the internal revenue tax out acco , snuff or cigars is reduced or Amoved unices with umplo proviotf notice of the tirno wnen flo nct is to bo i given , propo onuto rebate of Uses paid on stooi < o h&nd should ho alloirod. At 2 p. 4tho civil nervico bill came up asnGtmhod business. Sena tor Shernif * g vo notco that as soon as the bit was out d the way ho would HJ-VO to proceed with the whisk * JiH- Ssfttpr Vim Wyck novod to amend action S il , Uio bill BI as to require Absolutely apportionment of ollices 4mong the nUM nn territories on the basia of _ P'-.ulaton. ' The civil service of thw gov enl hJ 8Ud | honest , faithful * , . was effiolont. tto ( ' only objection madoV It Wfto , 'n ro. t spect to the method f ? poiltmont k and removal und tin D , , ffc t , fc method unchanged w to du-b l , ' of ollico. Thw amndmenC r make U fair to all an would H f senatoru nnd roprosemtlvos from ha „ prcBsuro of which thri complain , jn as the law diitributU " > o appoint- 18 mouts to West Pointjmong congros- o .innal distriola saves lem from im- portunity on the aul bt. m The question was < Senator Hoar , ia amendment to Sonat Allison's sub ! „ stituto for the first itlon , to strik y out the words "fix ! the term c office of the comm : pnors. " Sena Allison said --M * * * tor n > - - - $ ? $ . commuuictttiou comhding this bl to his favor and sta that "hones competition and pr Itionn as a con ter dltion of entrancu Jio service , am for logitJ to cause only lo- dlsmli-sal ui. R r-r , " "y by are the chief proviti i of the bill , of aud ho called upo ho senator ii bo charceof the bill idloton ) to so up. whether ho thoughho of the ohie vas merits of his bill \ that it woul ere prevent removals ejt for ' cauao. eal Senator PondloUW the bill Im mt , posed no Huiitatioun the onstitu ? ho tional power of thpsidont in thi onrespect. . io t Senator Hoar ainod that bill did not interfdtU tbo W statue , of any offij oreBtUutional power t . i tq " " o. s ff removo.but by . tion Jf to dlsmfc-W M to give their nlaoBS to r * . tended toward oocurity aro- Senator AllUhe ? the , nnd Fendleton bill gfpnlwl by Us advocates here' * " P'onda for IOW , dismissal for o"1 " } smssa o , rger Senator l".wl ° J , the newer cor- removal * eue. TlioBe 3 ote , Svto blWded who * . for life tenure- ' " ° " W'lng thai , as nono/ut nt mon bo nPP ° 'atod , , , as no ono coe removed for inle , tjv purpose of giu place to an- other , removal would not bo mndo except copt tor good cause. Senator Morgan preferred the com- mirtloncrs providoa for iu the bill should bo removable by the president only with the consent of the senate. Senator Hoar withdrew his amend ment and the iiucsllon was taken on Senator Drown's ' amendment making the term of the first cammlaiilouoM ono , two and throe yoara respectively and that of their successors tlx yo r ; lost yes 23 , nnyos 27. Senator Saulsbury offered an nuiond- inent which was adopted requiring the comtniselouors to perform vhoir duties impartially and without politicil bias. On motion of Sonalor I'lumb the salaries ol the oinnmlislonora wore re duced from $ -JuDO to $3,500. Senator Logan uavo notice ho wnld move to make it $1,000. Senator Mnhono addressed the senate - ate in a prepared speech. Ho thought the direct accountability of publio otll- cors to the people the safest guarantee of proper discharge of their duties , and bollevod the honorable condition of political parties would over servo t ftdmulato to anch poiformancoof du ties and afford the moans of correcting abuses. If thcuo existed , nxccutivo heads were responsible , and reform could not bo offiiolcd by interposing an irresponsible agency like this commission. Turning from the bill ho proceeded to reply to certain refer ences to himself which ho found in The Ilocord of the first week of the present scsnion. Senator Brown offered an amendment - ment to Allison's amendment provid- tug that it should contain nothing to prevent the president from removing the commissioners , or either of them , whenever ho thought the publio in terest would bo promoted by such ac tion. Lost ayes 17 , nays 27. Senator Alllsou'd amendment was then rejected ayes 22 , nays 23. Senator Voorhoos moved to ad journ. 'Lost ' ayca 19 , naya 30. Senator Drown offered an amend ment conGning competitive examina tions to persons outside the depart ments , but withdrew it and accepted as a substitute Senator 1'ngh's nmoud- ir.ont providing examinations shall bo open to all nud that immediately , after the passage of thioict | those now in office shall bo divided into three classes first , thoeo whose places can bo filled at once by others ( under competitive examination ? ) without injury to the service : second , those who can bo sub jected to the examination nix months ufter the pa&sago of the act , and third , those wlio can bo subjected to exam ination In twelve months. Senator Pugh explained aud advocated this amendment. Senntoru L3gan and Jonns opposed it. After noino diRoueslon , Senator Pu h modified it BO KB not to apply to noliUorn nud othrtra mentioned in sec tion 1,704 , revised statutes. Senator Voorhoos , on bahalf of the Hcnatora opposed to the bill , proponed an agroomfcnt that it should bo taken row ar 0 d'cldck. Senator Tondloton was willing to agree to this , if unanimous consent could bo obtained. Senator Edmunds objected , pre ferring to sit the bill out to-night. Senator Van Wyck offered a resolu tion , which wan agreed to , for investi gation and report , by the committee en publio lnds , ns to whether pay ments should bo made upon contracts made under the deposit pjatcnt for surveys before such surveys had boon Inspected by the ollicora created for that purpose by the act of the lust session. The committee is given power to o < md for ptrsons and papers. Senator Voorhocs then renewed his in ition to adjourn. Agood to ayes 21 , imynSl. HOUfii : I'HOCKKDINOH. Thn IIOBBS reswlvod to moot at 11 n. in. daring the nosaion after January o J. J.A A number of patltiono were present * od for on olloffniioo of rebate in the case of the repeal of the tobacco tax , and urging prompt action in the mat- tor. tor.A A motion to adjourn from tomorrow row till Wednesday was carried. Tin house then wont into a committee o : the whole , Mr. Townsend iu the chair on rho army appointment bill. The provision ot the bill providln that hormvfter all ollicura now on th retired list , or who may hereafter IK rotirod'lrorn nctivo service , oxoopt in the caao of the general of the army shall bo borne on the rolla of thi army , and shall receive pay now pro lv * i by Jnw as oMho rank thoy-aotu ally Yi in ' . - the nlmy ut the rise i ° Tor , „ . . , - -UVIVU nr e ' PkwpaybywMonorii , I B " v detailed to staff duty , n , did noUhipkthut a low grade oflicVr , byroastnpf being B0iocMtod to fc duty , .WM bo allowed IncreaYod pay , and bUnnood the cao of Llout ? l % . "ftj ant. had gaddljnly Thu amendment booomo was agreed - o to 31. Mr. ButtoMirth notlco gayb that howould.agkwote upon'it in the llOUSf- " I provisions : in the - Y onncy occurred oflJco of ) , pamsJter-Kuneral the assistant payin etar-iionorar , deputy paymajtor-general , or paymaster in the army , by deat | , dismissal , resig nation , retirement or other the same shall not in filled by cause , appoint- ' - ra'out or otherwise ; knd whenever the foroo in the pay dtnartmont shall not be Hullioitnit for Ui\ \ duo payment of troupe , the eocrclarypf war ia author ized und required , to detail , under mcli rogulationB as fu may prescribe , in oflicor ' or ollioorsjn ( be quarter- nnstpr's dopirtmont Ho supply the Icficioiioy ; and , when\all \ paymastora lave died , boon diainin d , resigned or moil ratlrod , as Jiercir.bcfoio stated , ho payment of the urmy shall be rholly traiuferrod to thy ijutrtormaa- ' - cr'a departmout under such regula- tion as the secretary of war may pro scribe. Whenever , however , a vacan cy oo2iua tn the otlloo vt paynnvstor RCtioral , the duties of that olllco shall devolve on the next oflioor in rank in the pty dep&rtinont. " Ho advocated hla nmondmont , stating that for an army of 17,050 men , there was G5 pay- niaitpri , and fit paymastersnlorks. It waa well known that , during the war , there were scarcely a volunteer pay master who did not pay aa many men aa were now in the whole army. Pending action on the amendment Mr. Hewitt ( M. Y. ) gave nctico of an amendment which ho wonld offer to the house , regulating the compensa tion of Pacific railroad companies for army transportation , providing that if nny company shall deem the com pensation allowed it not fair and rca- eonablo It may bring suit iu the court of claims Against the United States to Hccnro such further sum aa shall bo required to provide n fair and reason * nblo compensation. It shall have the right to appeal to the United Statoa supreme court , and both courts shall give iU caao precedence over all other business. Mr. Dunn ( Ark , ) gave notlca of an nmondtnoiit directing the secretary of war to fix the rales which shall bo allowed , not to exceed , however , the ratea paid to other companies. The question recurring on Mr. Rrown'a amendment , the vote stood 17 to 4 , and Mr. Upson raised the point of "no quorum. " Mr. Anderson ( Kan , ) obtained leave to have printed a proposed amendment to the army appropriation bill provid ing that the compensation of the Pa- Icifio railroads for army transportation shall bo two cents per ruilo for passen gers and one cent per ton per mile fur freight. There were twenty-eight leaves of absence granted , making a total of 131 members absent ou leave , and then the houeo adjourned. The common undontandlng is that no business will bo transacted to-mor row. THE OLD WORLD. GENERAL ? OREICN NEWS. Special ll r tch < to TIIK Unit. UUSSIA AND TllK VATICAN. BKULIN , Dnoombor 22. The Gor- mania etaton that the basis of understanding - standing between lluasia nud the Vati can are as follows : Uo-ostablish- mont of a Russian embassy at the Vatican ; amuoaty to the Polish bish ops ; reinstatement of the archbishop of Wari-aw ; now bishops to bo ap pointed nftor understanding between llueoia and the vaticin j 'nppolntmoiiln to important livings iu Rncnia to. be submitted to the Russian tfovornmenti Mio states of llussia to exorcise cer tain right of Bupervieiou over the Homlnariea , and certain Catholics hav ( liberty to return to the church. OUOWNINO OETHWAYO , , December 22. started for Zulnlaud. It consists o mounted infantry , IIISMAHCK'S COMING HI-KEOH. HEULIN , December 22. Bismarck will himself answer the question in regard < gard to the political situation on the reassembling of the roiohatag. IKON WOllKH 11UHNEI ) . Sr. PETEHHUUUO , December U2. Several iron work ootabllahraontn on the Neva burnud to-day. Tliroo atcamora on the stocks were nloo de stroyed. IN , December 22. The signs of distress among the small farmers and laborers are becoming mare viaiblo in some of the districts The govern ment is being pressed to establish relief - lief works. A nia Pini : . LONDON , December 22. Two ware- honaca and ono vessel laden with petroleum were buruod at Exotor. AN Ol'ULENf Ol'KUATOH , ntiiAL , December 22. W. 0. Anderson , a telegraph operator here , by the will of un undo in Scotland comes into the possoasionof $700,000 , A W8T11KHS1NO AND 1'ATAt ACCIDENT. DOUTMUND , Docornbor22. Twenty- live persons were killed by the felling of the oajjo in the IJardonbnrg mine on Wednusdry. The cage fell a dis tance of eighteen hundred foot. Till ! ANOUY IIOMANS. Boui : , Docorabor 22. The oxocu- lion of Ovcrdank at Trieste , causes n great excitement , hero where ho was.a student in the school of engineers. Ono hundred young mnn made it do- monstrntion in front of thu Austrian embassy last night , crying ' 'Long live Trieste , " and "Down with Austria , " The military dispersed the crowd. DECIDED TO VUOHEODTK. LONDON , December 22. The gov ernment lias dooidod to prosecute % , the member of parliament fnr Oavan , tor his recent apecoh at Waterford - terford , In which ho denounced E rl Spencer , the lord lieutenant of Ire land , as a blooduhUtty English peor. UUhTED UUOKKIW. QUHUOW , December 22. The fail , uro is announced of IlalforHieln & Jlarmona , iron brokers hero , The liabilities are ' 55,000. IIUHNINO OIL IN KNOLAND. ExisTKit , Dacombor 22.An oxplc- oion occurred at the Thomas petro leum stores in this city , this morning , causing a great tire which has already destroyed several business buildings and the adjoining houses. Flaming oil ran swiftly along the canal setting fire to the shipping , Ono brig was anchored in the canal and was entirely comumod. The lire is still burning Horcoly. Over 00,000 gallons of blaz ing oil ran into the river Kxol , lighting - ing up the shore on both sides. There Is moro of the ehlpping threatened. Builuoiy Fnllmon Ipuclol DUpatch to Tiu lit * . BIKMINUIIAM ' , Ojnn. , Daoambor 22 , Haeaott'n paper box factory aid ' lallcck's hardware fautory wtro > urnod thi uioruJng. Lvai S100- K)0 ) , , , - SPECIAL OIIDINANOK JNO. 330. Kor le ylnir A iH-H ] l tax for the conttnictlon ml in lftl ref pc croon DmItlctNo.fi. lo It onlidmxl by the City Council cf the city of Omnha. HrcTiox 1. Tluitthr Kr\cral twin set O | > | K > slt * o the following ikcrillxHl prrm un , to-wit : Murj U llurkf , lot ft , Mock 70 , J-J0.2C. lotd " " . , 1MO. Ill , " Da * 1,1 II. Ilo uin , ni totC , U < xk7l , J. O. AilniiK , > i lot rllook 71 , 1 7.73. John ! , cni , lotO , Mock 71 , 131 d ) . John MutUph , lot 7 , Mobk 71 , * X > 20. J. 1' . Hu ton , < i U < Icct lot U , likik 71 , V'.CO. V. M. UllUpmiRh , w GO lc t o ( e 88 feet Icfft , lock 71 , t'JU.VO. John it. Hution , w 41 Ictt Iot8 , Mock 71 , 10.13. DIM. Itnnke' , n 114 fort tot f , Mock 72 , $10.52 , IVttr forbfi , R 111 fc-ct lotO , Mock 72 , $ J7.D9. ( j A. Gllinorc , 111 tcit 1 .17 , Mock 72 , 7.tC. II. II. OililliiK , 1 114 foci lnteMo < .K 72 , J2.U2. ( I 0 , Moiiiicll.lii fi , l.lixk 73 , (11.70. llrU-cra J Uvf oy , lot (1. ( Mock 7.1 , eil.Tt' . ' Kunl.-c D. I'jitcc , v\ \ lot 7 , MOCK 73 , 421.1 ( i. UuM II. I kw in vi , 1 lot 7 , Mock ; : i , JI7.73. Uiinlall A. llr n , I.IH , Mock 73 , * U. 11. 1MI.1 U. Iliu-kli ) , lot. . , Mock 74 , 48. VJ. AupmtS. Wright , clotO \ , MOCK 74 , W1.C3. tha . A. Wright , * Hot C. block 71 , W1.I& Joanna C. WrU'ht. lot" , bk 74 , ftai.13. II. IU ami J. II. FoUom , lotd , l > k 74 , * J7.8D. A , J. 1'oiii.lcloiiotfi \ , bk 75 , JII.7U. " lotGbk7r.J2.92. " Iot7bk 7A , * J2.W. " loth , lik 75. Kttifi. 8. N , ranuiklcf , lot r. , bk 7(1 ( , lM.l ! ) . " lot It , bk ' { ' , , * I5.59 , H. It. Ilrown , lot 7 , bk 7B , $ J/.WI. " U 8 , lik 70 , N1.03. A. J. llfttwoom , lotfi , bk 77 , m.tp. " lotO , bk77 , Vionu. " w 31 feet lot 7 , bk 77 , H.2l ) . Xwonlc Temple , com. 10 cor. lot 8 , then n 120 Irtt , u tiflft , > 1AI f'i null o M It to b < v. , In 7 anil i , bk77 , Slll.cn. (1. II , Colllnt , lifwco , lot S , lik 78 , 113.01' . M. II tltllllnc , ' otll , bk 7i < , jJ7.lt ) . Jennie ConMtiiir , lot 7 , bk 7rt , lloubcn IUw.1 , lut 8 , bk 7i > , hira Mlllanl , lot G , bk 7U , $ . . " lot , bk 7U , 8i3.UL " lot 7 , bk7Dl3.itl. AniwtM. ( I. McUiriulck , lot 8 , bk 7l > , J1I3.0- Cunlco I ) . 1'atUf , ej lota 0 tml tl , bk K ) , BO.M. Harriet K. 'Cluion , H J loU 5 and C , Mi W ) , ! KUl . llary T. Warren , lot 7 , bk 80 , 832.02. Harriet II ( lulon , lot D , bk W , < M,20. ( ) . II. Colllnt , lot Ibk8.le3.1.7 ( . Q. II. A J. B. Collln * , lot r , bk 83 , ( SO.rti. llux Me } cr , oil U 3 anil 4 , bk ttt , 870 WA .S 11 II ClirU , i tots .1 ami 4. bk Kl , 410.32 I Jiinw A. Uofluian , I it I , bk HI , & .169. " lot i ! . bk 84 , S3fl 73. Henry W. Yutrt , lot 3 , hk 81 , WS 5 > . 41 loU , bk 84 , S815I. K. A. Schncliler , lot I , bk M , 7002. " o 1 lot S , bk 8.1 , * > j 1C. . nntt ) Church , w i lot X , bk M , 417 73. " Iov3 , bkR3 , 76trj. " Iol4bk W , > 8 ! ) 05. Vlellnda Amlrnon , lot 1 , hk W , f ! > ! ) } . I J. K. lih , IctJioo , o 1 lot , bk 8f , 25 XI. U U and J It l Uoill , w I lot 2 , bk KO , 'J7 H ! . II M llltchrock , loU .1 nnd 4. bk SO , 5 8i.\ Itotucll Suiltli , o M ft lot 1 , bk S7 , 919 tn. U It IKlwnx , w 10 ft lot 1 nnd let 2 , bk 67 , C.1 31. Anna M U JlcCormlck , 'ot 3.bk 87 , $00 70. l.orouro n Crounao , lot 4 , hk t" , WJ VJ. V H Hellenic , lot 1 , hk 88 , 7fi C9. \itoinl Wrhstcr. lot -J. bk 89 , 943 W. Jotin Ii Jacob * , lot U , bk W , iJ5J CU. " Iol4 , bk 88 , $101 : ! . ' . .Ininol 0 Cluiinmti , lot 1 , bk Ml , 913 C9. lot'.1 , bk 89 , 50 UO. , lnroh Wllklns , lot S , bk Hll , J M. ffillco ! ItcnilK , M \ lot 4 , bk 89 , 3I.U.O. huniiv 1) I'uttce , K i 1 t I , bk 89 , $11 7f. Murk Andiraon , lot I , bk ! HI , * l > M. Ch . II. llrow.i , lot 2 , bk tKl , $30 39. Kivd L clloue , lot 3 , hk W , SiT ; ; i9. " n DO H lot 4 , bkU' . SI' C9. M Cmiimlnp ) , n : iu ft lot 4 , hk ! K ) , jyi 7 ! ' . lien H Wood , n OU ( t IA 1 , bk t > l , ' ! 7 . Anna Wilxon , n 51 lot 1 , bk HI , $1H 09. M Cumins , ii ] lot 2 , h 01 , S1H I" I. H jtllil.1 . . aid , w i lot V. b ! l , S 2 7 ! ) . W W Harris , lo. II , Ii 111 , SJ7 IM. * Karah llcrimtcln , 8 ( lot I , h 01 , 922 711. Htute Dank of Ncbnuku , n J lot 4 , h | i | , ? 50 39. nuon , u i lot ) , bur , S.78H. Jiu Colttr , u 1 of w i lo ; 1 , b ! ) ' , $1 1 : uj. Hlliaccth Ktilttl1 lot 1 , b IU , 13 93. Luclnda Monutl ut al. I 1 2 , I ) W , * 22 79. , ( leo Carillnpr , lot 3 , l > OJ , C.10 II9. Itebeciu K mlall , lo ) 4 , b OJ , 143 OC. . * . . , MI1BUII , lOfc , . -r lli'lnjrltieco.tsiid cirwnnc , nppra\cd by tlio City Council , for runntnicilan and material of ncncraln fiont of nml adjolnl gmM promises A. K. Hod In by , purmwiiru of a eontr.tot I'litcruJ into by tha city of Omaha , ultli A. It. Ilool , bo and Uioeaino tire liurcliy ri | < octhcly lo\leil and axNctisodatftiliiiituaci it s.iid lots , imrts of lair , and pri'inifiuj , piyahlu to the U it ) Trr.isurcr wlihln fifty ( to ) from tlili ditu. HrCKiON 1 ! TliUonllimncu Blmll Like effect and ba In forcu from nnd afttr Ita | aiaago. I'WWXI l IHC. Mil , IW-i Attcit : J. J. I.C ! . JKURIT , City Clorlr. CIIAS. KAUniANN , 1'rcs of City Council pie tun. Appro nil Eve. lltli W2. W2.J. J. B. llOYD.Mayor Tlicnu laic lire duo ami payaMo to City Tretui- . .rcr en or litforu Jnninry 'JU'li lit'J , , after whlcli datr a ponuliv of tun percent will be nddid , tcui'tliorwl h Intinft at the rate of one per mil per month , pliable In ml fimr. TUUMAN IIUCK , ' "Uiftt Tnamiixr. SPECIAL OHDINANOE . ' 132. For levying a opeclul tax for thu vonfitructlon and inatorlil of tiuucii In ncucr illntrlct No. 7. 11 t unlklitcd liy tbo city Udiiau 1 of the city of Omaha. HKO. i. I a' suinn s t orucmto In tbo follow- In ? dofcliili'd proml < oilo-wlt. 11 A , LH Itllil. CHI f tot lot 1 bV 71 , $2J.CW. AliuuVl'Koli , W47 foot la * . 1 IU71 , fMr ) . liuo WOr.ii , lot 2 hk 71 , 61071. llaryilojaii , 1 tahk7l , ! i.I' . JIary Moran , nhalf lot-l bk 71 6.M.3I. Cliull Allain hfnliflot4 block 7I , 'J 11 , John Jiiluluon , H SUlvtt lot 4 bk 71. * I9. II John Johnaoii , M ! HJ fuct bt 1 bk 71 ! , 37.1)0. ) L'Slll-.Ti huto IMwatiln , H .4 fvvt of M 111 foot lot 1 Lk hlzaluth Hongcn , ii 111 fcut lot U bk 72 , 622.1X1 Cal'li ) I ) , Nihultz , n III fcollot 8block 72 , fJ3.au JatiiMT. . IManil ! . > . . half - - - - - , n | oU block 72. Jll M.5 . u ItOh'cra , 3 } feet of n 92 feet lut 4 bk 7 : . ' , li In l > . Schiilt7.c. L.-Jfect offn lllfoctlot-l . * IOK : II I. K J H Knlnoni , lot I h < c rj , fM 13. ltleurd Klmball , lot 2 bk 73 , W'U ) . Mnuiid rouirn , u ] lot 3 and M i lot ahk 73 , \V Ktxnner , n 00 fee t lot 4 bk 73. $30 41. Cm ( duo K Hecil , n 30 feet lot I Lk 7. ) , Vll ! 02. .lout f Kiihn , n half lot lh 74 , $ 'UU9. Jolmini rtrlRht. nliall n half lot 1 hk 74$12 ! 55 Knurl * Illuhtlcld. H nr lot lot 1 In 74 , $12 53 , Johatna Wilf | t , o ) u f lot 2 hk 74 , VI2 03. , ham ieMiduiei-k- ha f 111 2 bk 74 , $ IW 83. JolmJ. .Moncll , lot ; ) , hk H,1Jim. l'roi lleid. lot III 74,85521 , H A TV or. U-iure , lot I , b 75 , S40 17. Mar rit Hunt , lot 2 h 75 , VJ1 3H. J 1110 J Dort , lot a h 75 , V3UI8. KlmtptptlxtChnnh ' , lot , 4 h 75 , 9125 r > C. Catbirlno I'renzer , lot 1 , h 70 , $55 21. Janui A Helmut , lot 2 b 7015 80 ihir.fi. Itixllik. lot tt h7U , $ I2G9 , H .V formal lot I b M , i2 73. St. " A " l > llaluoruha " , n 108 fmt lot I b 77 , 0 17. except ! Ki feet o and w by 12 fcit n and B , lot' ' b7T , $ UJ 77. Haioilc Tunplo , v 12 feet by UK foot of lot 1 aud 1.7781 57. IComrvgutlon of Uiael , o two third * Iota b 77 , t > 11 . , Koplla Uhnmn , w one-llilrd lot U , b 77 , tt ! 00 , hoifiU U'liliull , lot 4 b 7GU2 < , Thimni Mur.ny , imwe , 'ot b "H , f 15 { U. Flrt M. II. Cliuri.Ii , lot 2 M 7f , XM 22. Kllllcu I ) , I'uttcc , lot 3 Ii 78 , 7 75. K t Chandler lot 4 b 76 , $70 31. Caollno tl IJiilMfer. lot 1 b 79 , $112 lit. C.iDllnii .M LJuliucr. lot 2 h 79 , W7OI. Junux K llojd , lot H h 79 , $10 17. Illamire , lot I h 79 , 73 3J. iilln : > o Kotnl * , ' . lot I h 89 , $ M 21 , KjHliuxut lot 2 b 81 , $ W73. Funk Murphy , lot 3 b KO , 7 OU. F > Ilk .Murphy , lot I h K ) , t27 Bi. Ilhtftlineniurd ujpenni , upjirovcd by thu Caunili tcr the coatteucloi bfltowtrln Irontnf nd ndjfljjtrif e H picm- ItJ by Mc.dur.rk i nd HoMard 11 pununnct of & cmtifit unprud lotobv thoCI'/il Uuialio with > SUAtcck ftcd llow nl , bo a til tlio vtiud ar ) lureby reipcctltoly il a-d ! asiem'd egjinut ach of tald loin , puts ul let' , anil vreiain'N , iiyitU tj the City Troumrti ilblu Bltydayij TOin Hill doto. B u a. Thi * oidlciiKo until t ku ctlictand jo in for e from and a ter Ul ptuu jo. l'a cHl Dec. 6th 1W1 ! . ( HA" , KAUFMAN I'r.K'deLt. of the City Council pratOa. , Attm : J. J. L orjfcwitrr , City Clerk Approved Dec. Oth 1S32.J J , 1X110YD , Jla\or. Thew tax 8 ere cluoandayabl | ; ti Lily f tas. irt > r nd lll becoiui Ucnnout ] | Jaqtuiry'JJib HtiJ. niter wblcli da'o , a ifuHv of tea p r cant ailboaJdtJ , tcuulur niinluUtoiUt tbo nt > I out per ccut per mouti | i yabl la 'H ic . TKUUv.VfcUCK. ll5nt > . City Trcnurtr.